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DBL 818861 04 LRG16-9 en

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Data Sheet 818861-04

Issue Date: 03/17

Conductivity Electrode
LRG 16-9

Description Technical data

The conductivity electrode LRG 16-9 together with the con- Service pressure
ductivity switch LRS 1-.. or conductivity controller LRR 1-.. is PN 40, max. 32 bar at 238 °C
designed for measuring and monitoring electrical conductivity Mechanical connection
in conductive fluids. Screwed G ½ A, ISO 228 (also available in NPT thread)
If used as conductivity limiter or continuous blowdown con-
troller in steam boilers, the conductivity electrode LRG 16-9 Cell constant
can be used with the following equipment: 0.5 cm-1
Conductivity switch LRS 1-7, LRS 1-50, Materials
LRG 16-9 Conductivity controller LRR 1-50, LRR 1-52 Screw-in body: 1.4571, X6CrNiMoTi17-12-2
Measuring electrode: 1.4571, X6CrNiMoTi17-12-2
Function Electrode rod insulation: PTFE
The conductivity electrode LRG 16-9 is used in combination Electrical connection
with the following equipment as conductivity limiter and M 12 sensor connector, 5 poles, A coded
continuous blowdown controller in steam boilers:
Conductivity switch LRS 1-7, LRS 1-50,
IP 65 to DIN EN 60529
Conductivity controller LRR 1-50, LRR 1-52.
Ambient temperature at terminal box
In addition the equipment can monitor conductivity in con-
Max. 80 °C
densate and feedwater systems and in cooling and cleaning
water. Weight
The conductivity electrode LRG 16-9 in conjunction with Approx. 0.3 kg
conductivity switch LRS 1-7 is also approved for feedwater Approvals
monitoring on board of seagoing vessels. TÜV type approvals acc. to VdTÜV Bulletin "Water Monitoring
The conductivity electrode works in conjunction with conduc- 100": Requirements made on water level monitoring equip-
LRG 16-9 with on-site socket end tivity switches or controllers and monitors the conductivity ment Type approval: TÜV · WÜL · XX-014, XX-017, XX-018.
for installation in pipes. in conductive fluids.
To measure the fluid temperature a resistance thermometer UL/cUL (CSA) Approval: UL 508 and CSA C22.2 No. 14-13,
Pt 100 is integrated in the electrode. Standards for Industrial Control Equipment. File E243189.
A short circuit or wire breakage in the conductivity electrode Marine applications: GL 60444-09 HH
will trigger an error message in the conductivity switch or
Important Notes
Directives and standards The conductivity electrode is designed for installation in
Pressure Equipment Directive 2014/68/EU pipes. The conductivity electrode is installed in a socket
The conductivity control and monitoring equipment LRG end, a measuring chamber or a mounting flange. Measuring
1.-.., LRS 1-5.., LRR 1-5.. meets the safety requirements chamber and mounting flange available as optional extra.
of the Pressure Equipment Directive (PED). The conductivity
Electrical connection
control & monitoring equipment is EC type approved accord-
The conductivity electrode LRG 16-9 is equipped with M 12
LRG 16-9 with measuring chamber for installation in pipes. ing to EN 12952/EN 12953. These Directives state, among
sensor plug-in connectors with 5 poles, A coded. For con-
other things, the requirements made on limiting systems
necting the electrode preconfigured control cable assemblies
and equipment for steam boiler plants and (pressurised)
hot-water installations. (with male and female connectors) of various lengths are
available as add-on equipment.
VdTÜV Bulletin "Water Monitoring 100" Note that the recommended control cable is not UV-
The conductivity electrode LRG 16-9 in conjunction with resistant and, if installed outdoors, must be protected
the following conductivity switches and controllers is type by a UV-resistant plastic tube or cable duct.
approved according to VdTÜV Bulletin "Water Level 100": If you do not use the prefabricated control cable assembly, use
LRS 1-7, LRS 1-50, LRR 1-50 and LRR 1-52. screened five-core control cable, e. g. LiYCY 5 x 0.5 mm2, for
Type approval: TÜV · WÜL · 09-014, 12-017, 12-018.The connecting the equipment. In addition, connect at the elec-
VdTÜV Bulletin "Water Monitoring 100" states the require- trode end a screened female connector to the control cable.
ments made on water monitoring equipment.
Max. cable length between conductivity electrode and switch
Approvals for Marine Applications or controller: 30 m, with conductivities from 1 to 10 μS/cm:
The conductivity electrode LRG 16-9 in conjunction with con- max. 10 m.
ductivity switch LRS 1-7 is approved for feedwater monitoring
on seagoing vessels. Make sure that connecting cables leading to the equip-
Germanischer Lloyd 60444-09 HH ment are segregated and run separately from power
ATEX (Atmosphère Explosible)
LRG 16-9 with mounting flange for sandwiching The equipment constitutes a simple item of electrical equip-
between flanges. ment as defined in DIN EN 50020 section 5.4. According to
the European Directive 2014/34/EU the equipment must be
equipped with approved Zener barriers if used in potentially
explosive areas. Applicable in Ex zones 1, 2 (1999/92/EC).
The equipment does not bear an Ex marking.
UL/cUL (CSA) Approval
The equipment meets the requirements of: UL 508 and CSA
C22.2 No. 14-13, Standards for Industrial Control Equipment.
File E243189
Conductivity Electrode
LRG 16-9

Order & Enquiry Specification Dimensions Pin assignment connector / socket

GESTRA Conductivity electrode type LRG 16-9 1 Control cable
PN 40, screwed ½ A, ISO 228, NPT Space required for servicing
 = 50 mm
Associated conductivity switch/controller
n Conductivity switch LRS 1-7, LRS 1-50
n Conductivity controller LRR 1-50, LRR 1-52
1 2
Accessories 5
GESTRA Measuring chamber, screwed ½ PN 40 4 3
GESTRA Mounting flange, DN ... PN 40 DIN EN 1092-01

~ 187
1 M 12 Sensor connector, 5 poles, A coded
5 1 2 4 3
27 mm A. F.
2 Electrode thread G ½ A, ISO 228
3 Measuring tube
4 Measuring surface G ½ A, ISO 228 2
5 Resistance thermometer Pt 100
6 Measuring electrode
7 Socket end to EN 10241, heavy design, screwed G ½ A
to ISO 228, length 16 mm, provided on site
∅18 4 Conductivity electrode
Fig. 2 6 Sensor plug-in connection
8 Conductivity electrode LRG 16-9
9 Socket end (not supplied) ∅ 26
0 Drain plug Connector / Assignment Colour of
LRG 16-9 socket individual
a Measuring chamber, G ½, PN 40, 1.4301 conductors
Fig. 1
b Mounting flange PN 40, DIN EN 1092-01 1 Measuring electrode brown BN
with female thread G ½
2 Resistance white WH
3 thermometer blue BU
4 Pt 100 black BK
5 Earth grey GY

Dimensions and examples of installation

16 a 48
R = 15 mm R 8
Made in Germany

G1/2 PN40

GESTRA AG · Münchener

LRG 16-9
2 bar 238°C T amb
G 1/2”

7 8
PN 40

0 t = 30

ÜL 8°C G 1/2

· M 14 amb
ch -01
ün /12

AG 9-0 T


GES V.W 23

TÜ ar


Fig. 3 Fig. 4
LRG 16-9 with on-site socket end for installation in pipes. LRG 16-9 with measuring chamber for installation in pipes.

8 9
GESTRA AG · Münchener
LRG 16-9
2 bar 238°C T amb
PN 40 G 1/2”

DN Flange diameter D Thickness of flange

15 95 32
b 20 105 32
25 115 32
40 150 32

Fig. 5
LRG 16-9 with mounting flange for sandwiching between flanges.
Conductivity Electrode
LRG 16-9

Important Notes Dimensions and examples of installation

 The conductivity electrode alone or together with the
measuring transducer ORGG 12/22 is mounted in a by- LRS 1-7
pass below the main line. This arrangement prevents gas
LRS 1-7

bubbles and flash steam from reaching the equipment.

Please see also data sheet for OR 52-5 / OR 52-6.
 A throttling point, e. g. a non-return valve (GESTRA type
RK 86) should be installed in the main line.
 To prevent air and dirt particles from getting into the by-
pass make sure that the bypass is below the main line. c
8 Conductivity electrode LRG 16-9
a Measuring chamber, G ½, PN 40, 1.4301
c Non-return valve d GESTRA AG · Münchener
2 bar 238°C T amb
8 d
d Ball valve G ½
G 1/2” PN 40
LRG 16-9

e Ball valve G 3/8
f Measuring sensor ORG 12 / 22 GESTRA
G1/2 PN4 0
1.430 1
Made in Germany

Fig. 6
Conductivity electrode LRG 16-9 with measuring chamber for installation in a bypass

ppm cal

sec 0


1 2


ORT 6 LRS 1-7

LRS 1-7

c 8 d
GESTRA AG · Münchener
2 bar 238°C T amb
PN 40 G 1/2”

LRG 16-9

G1/2 PN4 0

Made in Germany

Fig. 7
Conductivity electrode LRG 16-9 with measuring chamber for installation in a bypass together with the measur-
ing sensor ORG 12/22 of the oil & turbidity detector OR 52-5 / OR 52-6.

Supply in accordance with our general terms of business.

Münchener Straße 77, 28215 Bremen, Germany
Telefon +49 421 3503-0, Telefax +49 421 3503-393
E-mail info@de.gestra.com, Web www.gestra.de

818861-04/03-2017cm (808795-04) · GESTRA AG · Bremen · Printed in Germany

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