Article - Yoga For Women PDF
Article - Yoga For Women PDF
Article - Yoga For Women PDF
by Emma Balnaves
Amenorrhea – absence of
Dysmenorrhea – painful menstruation
Uterine hemorrhage, tumors,
fibroids & ovarian cysts.
*Please note the advice on asanas given for Hatha Yoga is practiced to cultivate and
these three stages is general information.
strengthen the woman’s reproductive
Each person is different and therefore if there Menstruation starts at about 12 years
are specific difficulties and ailments one system. This is her seat of power in the
needs to follow the guidance of a qualified body and when the energy here is kept and ends between 45 and 55 years.
teacher. in a healthy state, the woman’s health When the menstruation appears
has equilibrium. between 12-20 years it is normal. When
it appears as early at 9 or 10 years
The utilisation of different asanas helps and as late as 28 years it should be
to make space in the body allowing a considered abnormal. In most cases
free passage for the prana (life force) to the proper age is 13 – 20 years as the
exist. organs are matured by this time.
The most important thing for a There are various types of menstrual
woman to look after is her Blood, fluid; each type of menstrual secretion
as every month it is lost during takes 24 hours to fully manifest.
menstruation. If the blood is not
maintained in good health then all A number of diseases connected
kinds of diseases will come about. with menstruation respond well
When the blood becomes weak it when treated with the yogasana. The
causes the respiration to decline, bones treatment varies according to each
to loose density and the agni (fire) to woman’s symptoms.
deplete, which depletes the life force
(prana) . Once the agni (fire) becomes
weak women are susceptible to all
Yoga for
by Emma Balnaves
Supta Padmasana or Supta When there is headache (pressure in the Premenstrual &
Swastikasana releases the groin, ears, eyes or sinuses) use a bandage
cleanses the ovaries and eases heat. to blind fold the head, eyes and ears
Both are also good to relieve cramps. to release the pressure and perform One or two days before the cycle
the asanas according to your body’s starts all asanas which put pressure
All of the above asanas should be needs at that time. Use the guidance on the abdomen should be stopped ie:
done with the use of a pillow or on recommended asanas and breathing mayurasana etc. no uddiyana bandha
bolster either in the back (in the mentioned above regarding low blood should be done. Once the red bleeding
case of supta) Or front (in case of pressure, cramps etc. stops on the 4th or 5th day and if it is
forward bending) of the body. only light spotting a mild practice can
Headaches come sometimes before be done and then one should finish
When there is cramping only supine or after the menstruation due to Pitta with the menstrual poses listed above.
poses such as supta virasana, supta aggravation caused by heat not being
mandukasana, supta baddha konasana, pulled down and staying too much in
supta padmasana should be done. For the head. It is important to look at one’s
women with low blood pressure it is diet and daily activities to avoid too
important to increase the inhalation much heat during, before or just after
during the cycle, as exhalation is the cycle. It is very common for women
naturally longer due to the apana vayu in their late 30’s and early 40’s for this
activity of expelling the blood. So to occur due to the hormonal changes
only supine poses should be done to at this time and an increase in one’s
increase the inhale and maintain the internal fire.
health of the blood during this time.
*Note – intercourse and strong physical
activities should not be done during
menstruation as it will cause problems
later on in life with the bones.
Yoga for
by Emma Balnaves
During pregnancy most things can
be done except any asanas that put
pressure on the abdomen. After the
fifth month the practice needs to be
adapted for the woman to create more
space for the child growing in the
womb. No uddiyana bandha should be
done during pregnancy or while breast-
Pregnancy Care
Daily oil massage (leave oil on the
body for 30-40 minutes, then wash off
in bath or shower). Avoid scented oil.
It is best to use light body oil such as
jojoba or almond oil.
The care of the breasts is very
important as the breasts and nipples are
connected to the ovaries. Any problems
in the breasts will also directly affect
the ovaries and vice-versa. Daily oil
massage before showering is helpful for
lumpy or swollen breasts.
Shadow Yoga – Natanaga Zhander
(Shandor Remete)
Yoga Makaranda – Sri TK
Salutations to the Teacher and the
Eternal One –
Sri TK Krishnamacharya
Damara Tantra – translated by Ram
Kumar Rai
Sophie Howarth