This study examined how assigning seats impacts student grades in a 6th grade math class. Two classes were selected - a control group that sat wherever they wanted and an experimental group with assigned seats. Both groups had a similar distribution of academic levels. The study collected assessment scores from both groups over five tests and compared the average scores to see if assigned seating increased or decreased grades. Previous research found that assigned seating can improve learning by increasing teacher-student interactions, but the optimal arrangement depends on the task. The study aimed to help teachers decide whether to implement assigned seating.
This study examined how assigning seats impacts student grades in a 6th grade math class. Two classes were selected - a control group that sat wherever they wanted and an experimental group with assigned seats. Both groups had a similar distribution of academic levels. The study collected assessment scores from both groups over five tests and compared the average scores to see if assigned seating increased or decreased grades. Previous research found that assigned seating can improve learning by increasing teacher-student interactions, but the optimal arrangement depends on the task. The study aimed to help teachers decide whether to implement assigned seating.
This study examined how assigning seats impacts student grades in a 6th grade math class. Two classes were selected - a control group that sat wherever they wanted and an experimental group with assigned seats. Both groups had a similar distribution of academic levels. The study collected assessment scores from both groups over five tests and compared the average scores to see if assigned seating increased or decreased grades. Previous research found that assigned seating can improve learning by increasing teacher-student interactions, but the optimal arrangement depends on the task. The study aimed to help teachers decide whether to implement assigned seating.
This study examined how assigning seats impacts student grades in a 6th grade math class. Two classes were selected - a control group that sat wherever they wanted and an experimental group with assigned seats. Both groups had a similar distribution of academic levels. The study collected assessment scores from both groups over five tests and compared the average scores to see if assigned seating increased or decreased grades. Previous research found that assigned seating can improve learning by increasing teacher-student interactions, but the optimal arrangement depends on the task. The study aimed to help teachers decide whether to implement assigned seating.
Introduction / Rationale Research Topic Literature Review
Introduction / Rationale v The purpose of this study was to How are students’ grades impacted v “Seating arrangements in rows identify how students’ grades are may be chosen to improve impacted when assigned seating when assigned seating is information dissemination, is implemented into a implemented into a mathematics- whereas an arrangement in mathematics-learning learning environment? small groups may be chosen to environment. The study will focus promote student interactions.” on whether or not students’ (Gremmen, Van Den Berg, achievement is increased when a Research Design Segers, & Cillessen, p. 753) teacher implements an assigned seating chart in their classroom. v For this study, two classes of sixth grade v According to Roy (2012), with mathematics students were selected. the changing needs of our v After two semesters of students, there cannot be one implementing both of the v The control group, those who sat wherever they ideal arrangement for a single strategies, student achievement would like in class, consisted of 20 students. Of classroom. was compared between the two these 20 students, academically speaking, 7 are classes. This study can assist above level, 10 are on level, and 3 are below v “A student’s location in the teachers when making decisions level. classroom is related to the about assigned seating number of questions received arrangements in their v The experimental group, those who have from the teacher; this may classrooms. assigned seats implemented by the teacher, influence the student’s consisted of 20 students. Of these 20 students, opportunity to respond and thus academically speaking, 7 are above level, 9 are learn.” (Wannarka & Ruhl, p. 89) on level, and 4 are below level. v “Results indicate that teachers v Academic data of both groups was collected should let the nature of the task using five different assessments. dictate seating arrangements.” (Wannarka & Ruhl, p. 89) v The assessment averages between the five assessments was compared to find an increase or decrease in scores.