UNT Lesson Plan Template: Talk Tools For Each Individual Student
UNT Lesson Plan Template: Talk Tools For Each Individual Student
UNT Lesson Plan Template: Talk Tools For Each Individual Student
Subject area(s): Unit Topic/Theme: Lesson Title: Readers Learn about Characters by
Language Arts Learning about Noticing Their Relationships
Relevant TEKS: Relevant ELPS: Relevant TX CCRS: ll. Reading A. Use effective
1.9 B: Describe characters in a Cross-curricular reading strategies to determine a written work’s
story and the reasons for their second language purpose and intended audience.
actions or feelings. acquisition essential
Fig 19. D: Make inferences knowledge and skills.
about text using textual 4. (C) develop basic
evidence to support sight vocabulary,
understanding. derive meaning of
environmental print,
and comprehend
English vocabulary
and language
structures used
routinely in written
classroom materials;
Students will be seated around the room in individual reading spots.
The teacher will be walking around prompting students about characters they are reading about.
“Hands on top” Student response “Everybody stop”
“If you can hear my voice clap once, if you can hear my voice clap twice.”
Raise quiet hand, students will respond by raising their quiet hand and being silent.
Technology Integration
Diversity and Equity (Accommodations, Modifications, Adaptations)
Simplified vocabulary.
Frequent reminders for activity and expected behavior.
Assigned seats separated on carpet and in front to keep from getting distracted.
Engagement (5 MIN)
Students will be seated in their assigned seats on the carpet.
Read learning targets to students.
“ How many of you have seen Toy Story?”
“When I watched that movie I learned so much about Woody. But he isn’t the only character, right?
There is also Andy, Rex, Mr. Potato and Buzz Lightyear. When you watched Toy Story you didn’t just
meet one character but you met lots of characters. And by getting to know Woody’s friends, we got to
know him even better by learning about their relationships.”
“What about Frozen? When we met Princess Anna, we got to know her by meeting who?” Wait for
students to respond with Elsa and or Olaf.
“See, to get to know the star of the story, it’s important to zoom in (Hold hands around eyes to act like
looking through binoculars) and pay attention to the other characters as well.”
Exploration (8 MIN)
“Today, we are going to learn that as readers, we don’t just get to know the main character or star of
the story but we also get to know all the other characters too. And when we learn about all of the
characters, we get to know the main character or star even better.”
Add the strategy sticky note to our strategy chart.
Display the book Mr. putter and Tabby Drop the Ball on the ELMO
“As we read the next chapter in our book, be sure and zoom in to learn about the other characters we
meet. Learning about all of the characters allows us to learn even more about our main character or
star of the story.”
Read Chapter 2 to the students. (Invite students to read along with you) Stop periodically to remind
the students we are looking to learn about all of the characters and their relationship with the main
character. Doing this helps us learn even more about our main character. Point out new characters
that we meet in this chapter.
Stop after meeting Ms. Teaberry and have students discuss with their shoulder partner what they have
learned about this new character.
Remind students that by meeting Ms. Teaberry, we are learning even more about our main character
Mr. Putter.
Explanation (10 MIN)
“Know that we just went through chapter 2 and zoomed in and learned about our other characters
and their relationships. You are going to do the same thing but independently. You will pick one book
to read or reread and think about ALL of the characters you met and what you learned about the.”
Call students in groups to go get their book box and go to their independent reading spot.
Set timer for 7 minutes.
Remind students what they should be doing. “You have 10 minutes to read with your partner while
meeting all of the characters in your story. Talk about what you learned about these characters.”
The teacher will be walking around the room asking students “Why are your character relationships
important?” “What did you learn about your characters and their relationship?”
Give students 5 and 2 minute warning.
When the alarm goes off, call students in groups to go put their book boxes on their desks and return
to the carpet.
Elaboration (12 MIN)
“Know that we just practiced learning about all the characters in a story and their relationships, we are
going to learn how we can draw inferences or guess or what else the characters might say or think in
the story.”
Introduce the “Talk Tool” on the ELMO.
“Let’s practice together using the “Talk Tool” together.” Turn to the 3 rd chapter in Mr. Putter and
Tabby Drop the Ball.
After reading the first page, hold the “Talk Tool” over the illustration. “Let’s make the characters talk
more. What can we infer the character might also say? What can we guess she might also say?”
Call on a student who raised their hand to answer what they think she might also say.
Continue reading, stopping two more times to infer what the character might also think or say.
“You are going to know get your own “Talk Tool” to use while reading with your partner. You are
going to practice inferring or guessing what the characters might say or think in your story. Just as if
you were to write a book, you would get to decide what the characters say or think.”
Evaluation (10 MIN)
Call students in pairs to come get the “Talk Tool” and go back to their reading spots with their book
boxes to infer what the characters in one of their books may say or think.
Depending on time left, set timer for at least 7 min.
The teacher will walk around and evaluate the students based on their responses using their “Talk
Warn students how much time is left periodically.
The teacher will observe students as they use the “Talk Tool” and prompt students to think deeper
about the inferences they are making.
When timer goes off, have students place their talk tool in their book box. Call groups to put book
boxes away and return to seat.
Remind students we learned that as readers we learn about all characters and their relationships. We
also make inferences about characters as we read.
Reflections and Documentation/Evidence of Lesson Effectiveness