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Shared Reading Lesson Plan Template

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Shared Reading Lesson Plan Template

Title: Danny And the Blue Cloud

Author: James M. Foley
Illustrator: Shirley Ng-Benitez
Suggested Grade Level:
Preservice Teacher’s Name:

Planning This story is about a little bear who is always under a “blue cloud”. He doesn’t
1. Read the entire book before the feel like going outside to play with his friends. Then one day Barnaby the
lesson and provide a brief rabbit teaches Danny how to dance. Danny then teaches the rest of the forest
summary. animals to dance and his cloud ends up becoming a rainbow.
2. What are the book’s The book is a animal fantasy book because the animals in the story are acting
characteristics? (Describe like humans and talking. Shirley Ng-Benitez, uses certain colors throughout the
characteristics such as genre, book to illustrate the meaning behind certain aspects of the story.
illustrations, text features, any
important elements, etc.)
3. What background knowledge/ The students should have a basic understanding of emotions and how people
topics/ concepts will students look while experiencing them.
need to comprehend the text?
4. What are some important Grand, Instructor, “defunkified”
vocabulary words the students
might not know? (1-3)
5. What*could* this book be used This book could be used to educate the concepts of problem solving,
to teach? (List at 3-4 ideas.) inference, visualization, different types of connection.
Objectives 2nd
1. Decide on a grade level & look
up the TEKS for that grade level
on https://www.teksguide.org/
2. Search for TEKS that are
relevant for the book and topic. ELA.2.6.E make connections to personal experiences, ideas in other texts, and
Decide on 1-2 TEKS to focus on. society;
Narrow your focus to a skill that
can be modeled and taught in a
short lesson.
Before Reading: Prepare What do you think when I say self? (Let kids share) Yes those are all great
1. Build background knowledge answers. Self is another word for “me”. In this book while we are reading
related to your book. What do think in your head some times that you have felt the same feelings as Danny.
you think of when I say _______? (Give out small mirrors)
Discuss, show items and/or Hey friends why do you think I am passing out mirrors?
pictures to build relevant Desired Answer- Because we can see ourselves in them like the book.
background knowledge. Make That is exactly right so while we are reading and we here something that also
this part exciting and get their is about us lets hold up our mirrors.
attention. (Scripted)
2. Introduce at least 2-3 important “Before we read, there are a couple words that I think would help you
vocabulary words. What words understand the book better. The first word is ‘blue’. When we hear the color
will you introduce? What blue in our story it means sad. So in our story when we hear the word blue I
network of related words could want us all to make a sad face. Can you show me a sad face? The other word is
you also teach? (Scripted) heavy. In the story the word heavy doesn’t mean he is carrying something it
means that he feels down. When we hear the word heavy we are going to
pretend that we have a backpack full of rocks and its pulling us down. Finally
what do we think of when I say connection? When I think of connections I think
of rope. I think of rope because we can tie things together with ropes. So
when ever I say ‘connection’ I want you to pretend to tie two ropes together.”
3. State your objective/purpose for “Good readers can connect to their books and connect their life to their
reading the book (related to books. As I read try and listen to something that has happened to you that
TEKS above) in kid friendly relates to our story. I want you to try and visualize the event that happened to
terms. “Today friends, we are you. Who was with you? What were you doing? How were you feeling?”
going to….. As I read, I want you
to…” (Scripted)
During Reading: Guide I will model this skill by holding up my mirror when we get to the part of the
1. Modeling (I do): Read with story about Danny not wanting to go outside and play. “ I remember when I
expression and change your was young and sometimes my friends would me to come outside and play but I
voice to match the characters. felt heavy and blue like Danny and didn’t want to go outside.” Stop at page
As you read, model the skill that with mom. “Also another way I am like Danny is that my mom would comfort
you are focusing on at least two me and try and make me feel better when I was feeling sad.”
times near the beginning of the
book. Do NOT involve students.
2. Guided Practice (We do): As To make sure they are grasping and understanding the topic I will stop after
you continue to read the book, the “Feel Good Rules” page and ask the question, “does anyone have a time
invite the students to “share” when their friend made them feel better? Tell someone next to you about that
the reading with you and experience.” Have them share to each other then call on one set of kids to
practice the skill that you share to check for understanding. Then I will ask “Dancing made Danny
modeled for them at least two happier. What is an activity that makes you happier?” Allow them to talk and
times. (We do together). On the select group to share.
what pages will you stop to
practice the new skill and what
questions will you ask your
students? (Scripted)
3. Feedback: During guided Correct: “That is a great example of something that makes you happy when
practice, what feedback will you you are sad. I love the way you also related that to Danny and our story. Good
give if the students answer readers can make connections to their books.”
correctly? What feedback will
you give if the students answer Incorrect: “That is a nice story and I love how you and your mom go to the
incorrectly? (Scripted) movies every Friday, but make sure you can make a connection to our story.”
4. At the end of the book, review “We just read an amazing book about a little bear named Danny. We practiced
the new skill related to the TEKS connecting ourselves to the story. We shared stories from our lives and talked
and remind students what they about how they were like what happened to Danny.”
learned. (Scripted)
After Reading: Extend To help students solidify their knowledge of text-to-self connections I will have
them look at their own reading books and write in their language arts journal
Independent Practice (You do): what happened in the book as well as what happened in their own lives that
What would be a good follow-up or relates.
extension activity related to the
book AND your objectives (TEKS)? In addition to this later in the week I will be introducing text-text connections
How could you give your students an so for my advanced students I will have them look for other books that remind
opportunity to apply their new skill them of our shared reading.
in the context of authentic reading
or writing.
(Note: You will not do this activity in
READ 3321 class, but you may do
this activity in your field

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