The National Academies Press: Tracking Radiation Exposure From Medical Diagnostic Procedures: Workshop Report
The National Academies Press: Tracking Radiation Exposure From Medical Diagnostic Procedures: Workshop Report
The National Academies Press: Tracking Radiation Exposure From Medical Diagnostic Procedures: Workshop Report
86 pages | 6 x 9 | HARDBACK
ISBN 978-0-309-38472-8 | DOI 10.17226/13416
GET THIS BOOK Committee on Tracking Radiation Doses from Medical Diagnostic Procedures;
Nuclear and Radiation Studies Board; Division on Earth and Life Studies;
National Research Council
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THE NATIONAL ACADEMIES PRESS 500 Fifth Street, N.W. Washington, DC 20001
NOTICE: The project that is the subject of this report was approved by the Govern-
ing Board of the National Research Council, whose members are drawn from the
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ing, and the Institute of Medicine. The members of the committee responsible for
the report were chosen for their special competences and with regard for appropri-
ate balance.
Cover: Image titled “Drop in the Bucket,” courtesy of Dr. Aaron Sodickson (Brigham
and Women’s Hospital). Drops signify the exposure of patients who undergo medi-
cal imaging exams that utilize ionizing radiation; exposure may vary by amount and
frequency. The workshop explores how tracking radiation exposure from medical
diagnostic procedures can improve health care.
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OURANIA KOSTI, Study Director, Nuclear and Radiation Studies Board
TONI GREENLEAF, Administrative and Financial Associate
SHAUNTEÉ WHETSTONE, Senior Program Assistant
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his report has been reviewed in draft form by individuals chosen
for their diverse perspectives and technical expertise, in accordance
with procedures approved by the Report Review Committee of the
National Research Council. The purpose of this independent review is to
provide candid and critical comments that will assist the National Research
Council in making its published report as sound as possible and will ensure
that this report meets institutional standards for objectivity, evidence, and
responsiveness to the study charge. The review comments and draft manu-
script remain confidential to protect the integrity of the deliberative process.
We thank the following individuals for their participation in the review of
this report:
2.1 Trends in Diagnostic Imaging, 5
2.2 Potential Health Risks from Diagnostic Imaging, 7
2.3 Appropriateness of Diagnostic Imaging, 10
2.4 Reduction in Radiation Doses, 11
2.5 Recent Progress in Radiation Safety in Medicine, 13
3.1 Opening Comments, 17
3.2 Population Utilization of Imaging, 20
3.3 National and International Efforts in Dose Tracking, 27
3.4 From Dose Indices to Dose Estimates, 30
3.5 From Dose to Risk Estimates, 33
3.6 Why Track Doses?, 38
3.7 Lessons Learned from Pediatrics, 49
3.8 Some Possible Next Steps Suggested at the Workshop, 51
A Project Statement of Task 59
B Workshop Agenda 61
C Committee and Staff Biographical Sketches 65
D Workshop Speakers Biographical Sketches 71
his report provides a summary of the presentations and discussions
that took place during the December 8-9, 2011, workshop titled
“Tracking Radiation Exposures from Medical Diagnostic Proce-
dures.” The workshop was organized by the Nuclear and Radiation Studies
Board of the National Academy of Sciences and sponsored by the Cen-
ters for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the U.S. Food and Drug
Administration (FDA), and the U.S. Department of Health and Human
Services. This workshop report was authored by a six-member committee
of experts appointed by the National Academy of Sciences. To respond to
its statement of task (see Appendix A), the workshop committee brought
together public health regulators, physicians, manufacturers, researchers,
and patients to explore “why,” “what,” and “how” to track exposure from
medical diagnostic procedures and possible next steps. The committee is
responsible for the overall quality and accuracy of the report as a record
of what transpired at the workshop, but the points discussed do not repre-
sent a consensus of the workshop participants or the authoring committee;
instead, they represent views expressed by individual participants during
the workshop.
The growing use of medical diagnostic procedures is correlated with
tremendous and undeniable benefits in the care of most patients. However,
it is accompanied by growing concerns about the risks associated with
diagnostic computed tomography (CT) and other procedures that utilize
ionizing radiation. A number of initiatives in radiation safety in medicine
have taken place in the United States and internationally, each serving dif-
ferent purposes. Their ultimate goals are to provide higher quality clinical
management of the patient and to ensure that reasonable steps are taken
to keep the exposures as low as possible without compromising diagnostic
Workshop participants discussed four goals of tracking radiation expo-
sure from medical diagnostic procedures: justification, optimization, indi-
vidual risk assessment, and research purposes. Many workshop participants
emphasized that a primary motivator for tracking exposures was to imple-
ment and maintain dose reduction strategies through optimization and
justification with the ultimate goal of improving care. These participants
reiterated that such strategies ought to be adopted by all facilities that per-
form diagnostic imaging, including hospitals and imaging centers, as well as
free-standing private physician, dental, and chiropractor practices. Several
workshop participants also noted that although it would be desirable to
have a national registry that tracks radiation exposures from medical diag-
nostic procedures, such a national effort is not likely to be implemented in
the near future for many reasons including the following: lack of sharing of
medical information across different health care facilities, lack of a unique
patient identifier and integrated medical records, non-automated dose infor-
mation collection processes, and data protection and patient privacy issues.
It is hoped that this workshop report will be a valuable testimony to the
questions other groups will have to face, and the consensus they will have
to achieve, if radiation exposure tracking is to become a reality institution-
ally or nationally in the future.
his report provides a summary of the presentations and discussions
that took place during the December 8-9, 2011, workshop titled
“Tracking Radiation Exposures from Medical Diagnostic Proce-
dures.” The workshop was organized by the Nuclear and Radiation Stud-
ies Board of the National Academy of Sciences and was sponsored by the
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the U.S. Food and Drug
Administration (FDA), and the U.S. Department of Health and Human Ser-
vices. To respond to its statement of task (see Appendix A), the workshop
committee brought together public health regulators, physicians, manufac-
turers, researchers, and patients to explore “why,” “what,” and “how” to
track exposure from medical diagnostic procedures and possible next steps.
This six-member committee of experts appointed by the National Academy
of Sciences prepared the workshop agenda (see Appendix B) and produced
this workshop report. (Biographical sketches of the committee members
are provided in Appendix C.) The committee met twice over the course of
the study: in August 2011 to plan the workshop and in December 2011 to
hold the workshop and finalize the workshop report.
This report does not contain findings, conclusions, or recommenda-
tions, and it does not represent a consensus of the workshop committee
members or workshop participants. Although the workshop committee
is responsible for the content of this report, any views contained in the
report are not necessarily those of the committee or the National Academy
of Sciences.
his chapter contains background factual information, much of which
was distilled from remarks made by workshop committee members
and workshop presenters.
ages depending on how many medical imaging procedures that use ionizing radiation they
undergo. As discussed in Section 2.2, a number of individuals undergo multiple imaging exams
in their lifetime. Others may not undergo any. Therefore, their exposure would be higher or
lower than the estimated average.
4 There is near-universal agreement that epidemiologic studies have demonstrated that radia-
tion doses above 100 mSv are associated with increased risk of developing cancer. However,
scientific debate on the potential cancer risks exists at low doses (< 100 mSv).
5 The average effective dose for a typical chest CT exam is 7 mSv and for a chest x-ray 0.1
mSv; an x-ray of the shoulder is around 0.01 mSv; the average effective dose for most nuclear
medicine procedures varies between 0.3 and 20 mSv (Mettler et al., 2008).
6 See also:
atic patient), it is apparent that the likely benefit to the patient is greater
than the risk, although the imaging exam should be optimized to the low-
est dose that provides acceptable diagnostic information (ICRP, 2008).
Special care is needed, however, for evaluating nonsymptomatic screening
protocols, such as for CT lung screening, where the estimated annual risk
from low-dose protocols is ~1.8 percent (upper limit is 5 percent) (Brenner,
2004) and the estimated benefit (measured as reduction in mortality from
lung cancer) among current or former heavy smokers is ~20 percent (NLST
Research Team et al., 2011). Because large numbers of individuals receive
radiation doses from medical imaging, whether for screening or diagnostic
purposes, the possibility exists that even small potential risks per individual
attributed to these exams could translate into many cases of cancer.
Not surprisingly, because CT is used to not only diagnose disease but
also follow the course of therapy and complications, a number of individu-
als have multiple CT scans in their lifetime. Wiest et al. (2002) reported
that in 2001 approximately 30 percent of their patients had more than three
CT exams in their medical histories, 7 percent had more than five, and 4
percent had more than nine. The percentages of repeated exams were higher
in a more recent study at one institution (33 percent of patients had 5 or
more lifetime CT exams and 5 percent had between 22 and 132) (Sodickson
et al., 2009). The patients who underwent large amounts of recurrent imag-
ing in the study generally had substantial underlying disease such as cancer
diagnosis (Sodickson et al., 2009). Irrespective of the presence or severity
of underlying disease, multiple CT scans of a patient can result in absorbed
doses that have been empirically shown to increase the risk of cancer. This
may be one of the reasons why for tracking radiation exposure from medi-
cal diagnostic procedures, CT scanning has received the majority of interest.
In contrast to the stochastic effects following radiation (e.g., develop-
ment of cancer and some cardiovascular diseases), accidental exposure
to very high levels of radiation can cause acute effects such as skin red-
dening, skin necrosis, hair loss, and severe tissue damage. These acute
effects are known as “deterministic” or “non- stochastic” radiation effects.
The problem of skin reactions following fluoroscopy were reported and
summarized by Shope (1996). Recently, several unfortunate and highly
publicized radiation overexposure events have been reported, especially
involving CT exams. In 2009 officials of the Cedars-Sinai Medical Center
in California notified the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) of acci-
dental overexposure of about 200 patients undergoing brain-perfusion CT
examination, resulting in hair loss and skin redness. The FDA identified
additional patients who received overexposures at other hospitals7 and
has subsequently issued advisory warnings to initiate preventive actions
7 See:
8 See:
9 The effective dose from a typical CT exam is estimated to be about 8 mSv. This dose is
comparable to the lowest doses of 5 to 20 mSv received by some of the Japanese atomic-
bombing survivors.
2009). Fifty-seven million CT scans were used for the calculation of the
potential future cancers. A second study showed that the lifetime cancer
risk estimates for standard cardiac scans varied widely depending on age
and gender, from 1 in about 3,000 for an 80-year-old man to 1 in about
140 for a 20-year-old woman (Einstein et al., 2007).
The risk estimates in the projection models used in the above-mentioned
studies deal with particularly challenging problems related to uncertainty
from various sources, in terms of both the dose for a given examination and
the cancer risk per unit dose in the estimations. Moreover, the magnitude
of cumulative individual doses from single or multiple procedures has not
been fully characterized because of limited medical recording and the lack
of sharing of medical information across different health care facilities.
10 Radiation dose is optimized when imaging is performed with as low as possible amount
of radiation required to provide adequate image quality for diagnosis or intervention.
11 The Alliance for Radiation Safety in Pediatric Imaging is an organization of more than
60 national and international professional societies and agencies with the goal of promoting
radiation safety for children.
12 CTDI describes the amount of radiation that machines emit during one scan; that is, CTDI
14 The joint statement was endorsed by the World Health Organization, FDA, the European
Society of Radiology, the International Organization for Medical Physics, the International
Society of Radiographers and Radiological Technologists, and the Board of Directors of the
Conference of Radiation Control Program Directors. See:
sure can be tracked by patients via personal electronic health record plat-
forms such as Google Health and Microsoft HealthVault.
15 Florida, New York, and Texas are also considering similar legislation (Schmidt, 2012).
16 AAPM is a member society concerned with the topics of medical physics, radiation oncol-
ogy, and imaging physics with a primary goal of identifying and implementing improvements
in patient safety for the medical use of radiation in imaging and radiation therapy.
17 See: 1250/sb_1237_bill_20100929_
Workshop Summary
or increased readability, the chapter is organized by theme rather than
chronologically based on the workshop agenda (see Appendix B). An
integrated summary of the presentations and discussions are reported
in this chapter. This summary should not be construed as reflecting consen-
sus or endorsement by the workshop committee members (see Appendix C
for committee roster), the invited workshop presenters (see Appendix D)
and other participants, or the National Academy of Sciences.
• Justification
• Optimization
• Individual risk assessment
• Research purposes
refer to information on frequency and type of imaging exam or body part irradiated, which
would be needed for all tracking purposes.
SOURCE: Presentation by Don Miller (acting chief, Diagnostic Devices Branch, Division of
Mammography Quality and Radiation Programs, Center for Devices and Radiological Health,
and x-ray therapy. Film packs were sent to clinical sites to capture beam
size and dosimetry (USPHS, 1973); separate film packs were used for each
modality. Because dosimetry was an important endpoint for these surveys,
the Bureau of Radiological Health developed models to compute patient
exposure based on reported x-ray technique, collimation, and film packet
measurement. Doses were computed using phantoms; exposure ratios and
scatter were measured for dose calculations.
Dr. Spelic then discussed the Breast Exposure Nationwide Trends
(BENT) project that begun in the late 1970s. It was a joint effort by the
FDA and the National Cancer Institute (NCI) to study the current practice
of mammography with the aid of state radiological programs. Among
the survey findings was a broad variability of patient exposures ranging
from 2.2 mGy to 140.0 mGy. Direct exposure film provided the highest
exposures, while screen film the lowest. The Dental Exposure Normaliza-
tion Technique (DENT) program followed a similar pattern to the BENT
The Radiation Experience Data (RED) study was conducted in 1980 by
the FDA’s Center for Devices and Radiological Health (CDRH) to estimate
numbers and types of diagnostic imaging procedures performed in hospitals
in the United States; no dosimetry data were collected. Data were collected
on all types of imaging procedures including CT, ultrasound, and nuclear
medicine from 81 sites, which is a small population compared to the XES
surveys. Among the findings was that 130.2 million x-ray procedures were
performed annually in short-stay hospitals, a 59 percent increase from the
number of procedures performed in 1970 (81.7 million). There were 2.2 mil-
lion CT exams performed, and 73 percent of these exams were of the head.1
Dr. Spelic also discussed the current FDA program. The Nationwide
Evaluation of X-ray Trends (NEXT) program was conceived in the early
1970s to address the lack of a program to collect comprehensive popula-
tion exposure data representing the state of practice in diagnostic x-ray
imaging. A committee of federal and state radiation control representatives
was formed to develop such a program, and within a few years NEXT
was annually collecting data on 12 commonly performed diagnostic x-ray
exams. State radiation control personnel conducted site visits to randomly
identify clinical facilities and captured data regarding patient exposure,
clinical technique factors, and exam workloads. By the early 1980s, NEXT
abandoned the annual collection of data for multiple exams in favor of
focusing on a single procedure. The surveys became more comprehensive,
and patient-equivalent phantoms were developed to invoke radiation out-
put representative of a typical patient. Film processing quality and the
integrity of the darkroom were evaluated.
2 See:
3 For example, an analysis of CT survey data from 2005 has not been completed because
of insufficient resources.
complex data via dose registries and to focus on surveys of exams and
modalities that are presently outside the scope of current efforts to auto-
mate dose data collection.
have increased the workload of potential respondents who now have less
time to participate in surveys. Additional challenges include an increasing
number of providers to survey; a larger number of entities who survey the
health care community (for example many manufacturers now survey their
customers); facilities that do not allow their employees to participate in
surveys; and the almost inevitable routing of calls to voice mail. Regardless
of survey method, a trade-off exists between the level of detail requested
and the response rate achieved.
Workshop committee member Fred Mettler (New Mexico VA Health
Care System) acknowledged IMV’s great contribution as a source of infor-
mation on the utilization of medical diagnostic procedures for the NCRP
report 160 (NCRP, 2009).
and against the Dose Index Registry. The indices are expected to become
less variable and more aligned with the benchmarks. Dr. Morin suggested
that each facility should task a qualified “safety committee” with reviewing
the report and evaluating whether the facility’s dose indices are too high or
too low compared to the ACR benchmarks. The committee could be com-
prised of diagnostic radiologists, physicists, technologists, and diagnostic
imaging experts. Participation of imaging experts was deemed essential by
many workshop participants who stressed that monitoring the dose indices
detached from image quality does not provide the required overall quality
It is not surprising that “when somebody is watching, behavior
changes,” Dr. Morin said. Using the Advanced Cardiovascular Imaging
Consortium in Michigan as an example, he stated that voluntary, collab-
orative quality improvement programs have proven to be successful in the
past. The consortium achieved a marked reduction in estimated radiation
doses following implementation of a radiation dose-reduction program,
with no impairment of image quality. The one-year program used educa-
tional intervention to disseminate to participating sites the best-practice
recommendations for radiation dose reduction followed by a two-month
monitoring stage (Raff et al., 2009).
At the time the workshop took place, about 300 facilities were in the
process of participating in the ACR Dose Index Registry and more than
100 had initiated data submission.4 These facilities are of different types
(academic, community hospital, multi-specialty clinic, freestanding center)
and are distributed around the country. Data from more than 350,000 CT
exams were recorded.
Drs. Morin and Chatfield described several challenges associated with
the Dose Index Registry, which reflect general outstanding issues in the
radiology community. For example, in the early pilot phase of the registry,
naming conventions were largely inconsistent. Even if they used the same
machine, different facilities may have named the procedure referred to as
“CT head” differently. The issue also existed within a facility if differ-
ent machines or different software were used. Now all exam names are
standardized and mapped to RadLex5 terms. As a result, procedures can
be grouped into standard categories. However, even though the names are
standardized, the protocols between facilities may differ. Therefore, what
4 The number of institutions participating in the ACR Dose Index Registry increased to 400
between the times the workshop took place and the report was completed (communication
with Rick Morin, chair, ACR Dose Index Registry).
5 RadLex is the lexicon for uniform indexing of radiology terminology implemented by the
6 ABAA is a standard contract for the purpose of providing services involving the use of
protected health information.
7 These parameters have been discussed as few of the many reasons of increased diagnostic
electronically report machine settings from various imaging procedures. DICOM is managed
by the Medical Imaging and Technology Alliance, a division of NEMA.
file of the VA radiology information system. The dose parameters from 150
VA hospitals will be transmitted to a national data warehouse.9 The sum of
doses will be displayed at order entry and may be released to the patient as
a dose summary, although there are outstanding issues with acquisition of
historical data and data from exams performed outside the VA hospitals.
There are no plans to calculate organ-based doses.
Dr. Anderson described further efforts within the VA to minimize the
radiation dose received by patients. A protocol optimization guide was
written to reduce CT dose while maintaining image quality. The protocol
explains the factors that control radiation dose, states the diagnostic refer-
ence levels, and provides alerts and notifications. After testing the guide
at several facilities, the VA has made protocol optimization mandatory.
The VA is considering having privileges for physicians who operate fluoro-
scopes. An on-line course and test was posted on the employee education
website, and successful completion of the test can be tracked. For fluoros-
copy, peak skin dose in excess of 3 Gy must be documented in the record,
while peak skin dose in excess of 5 Gy must be reported to the radiation
safety officer (RSO).10 Cumulative dose in excess of 15 Gy, or permanent
patient injury, is a sentinel event.
Moreover, CT patients are given an educational brochure, which
explains that there is small increase in cancer risk associated with the pro-
cedure. Consent is obtained for fluoroscopic studies that might exceed 3
Gy peak skin dose as well as CT studies that might exceed 3 Gy CTDIvol to
advise patients of the deterministic complications of epilation or erythema
in advance; however, in practice, “in the case of CT we do not ever expect
this threshold to be met,” Dr. Anderson said.
9 A place for data both internal and external to an organization to be stored together for
effect of multiple procedures; the handbook states that studies done on the same day should
be summed (personal communication with Ourania Kosti, May 3, 2012).
Los Angeles) were invited to discuss the current status of estimating patient
doses from dose indices and to provide their perspectives on what to track.
Because it is not possible to directly measure absorption of radiation
in body tissues, patient dose is calculated from measurements of the energy
that is incident on the patient. If these measurements are directly used to
reflect patient dose, then they may lead to misleading information, both
experts emphasized. This is because the absorbed dose to the patient is
affected by factors related to the radiation source as well as the patient
(size, morphology, composition, and anatomic region), which can vary
widely across patient populations (McCollough et al., 2011).
the exposed patient region, the size of the exposed individual, and the
patient demographics such as age and gender (Huda and He, 2011).
Dr. Brink was invited to provide a physician’s perspective on the suit-
able dose metric for tracking purposes. He argued that effective dose is an
imperfect metric for this purpose, even though it has been used as the driver
for risk estimation from medical imaging for many years. Many medical
imaging decisions would benefit from a focus on organ dose rather than
effective dose, he said.
For example, a study conducted to evaluate the relative radiation risk
of CT versus nuclear medicine evaluation for suspected parathyroid ade-
noma showed effective doses that were nearly equivalent between the two
tests. However, analysis of mean organ dose and risk showed that the thy-
roid was the most radiosensitive organ affected by the CT scan, while the
colon was the most radio sensitive organ affected by the nuclear medicine
study (Mahajan et al., 2011). When analyzed by age and gender, it became
apparent that women under the age of 30 have a relatively high risk of
thyroid cancer from the CT scan as compared to the risk of colon cancer
from the nuclear medicine exam. Over age 30, the risk of colon cancer from
the nuclear medicine exam was significantly greater than the risk of thyroid
cancer from the CT scan, in both men and women.
without contrast, and e) multiple scans, the key organ doses of relevance
for CT are 5-100 mSv for a single series of CTs, and 5-250 mSv lifetime.
For organ doses corresponding to higher dose exams, some current
knowledge comes from direct evidence in other exposed populations, Dr.
Brenner said. From the atomic-bombing survivor data, there is some evi-
dence of a small but statistically significant increase in cancer risk in the
5-125 mSv range (and higher) for cancer mortality (Preston et al., 2003)
and in the 5-150 mSv range (and higher) for cancer incidence (Preston et
al., 2007). Other supportive evidence of a statistically significant increase
in cancer risk at the lower end of these dose ranges come from studies of
childhood cancers after in utero exposure (mean dose ~6 mGy) (Doll and
Wakeford, 1997) and of 400,000 nuclear workers (mean dose ~19 mGy)
(Cardis et al., 2007), although the results of the nuclear worker studies are
still under evaluation.12
According to Dr. Brenner, the challenge is to predict the biological
impact of exposure to doses less than 1 mGy. For the region below which
epidemiologic evidence is robust, the assumption of linearity is used. One
of the issues associated with extrapolating data from the atomic-bombing
survivors to medical diagnostic patients is that one involves whole body
exposure while the other exposures to only certain organs. However, evi-
dence exists that within the limits of an epidemiologic study, organ-specific
dose-dependent risks are roughly independent of whether the exposure is
whole body or partial body. Another issue with extrapolations is that the
exposures from the atomic bomb were acute while the exposures in medi-
cal diagnostic procedures are fractionated. However, current knowledge
is that the effects of fractionation are not as big as initially thought, and
therefore the dose and dose-rate effectiveness factor (DDREF) that is used
to extrapolate risk per unit dose from high doses of acute exposure to risk
per unit dose at low doses and low dose rate is now considered to be 1.5-
2.0 (NRC, 2006; ICRP, 2007b).13 In Dr. Brenner’s view, one can state with
relative confidence that the risks associated with exposure to radiation from
medical diagnostic procedures are considered to be small but non-zero; but,
the uncertainties may be three-fold in either direction, thus potentially lead-
ing to over- or under-estimation of the risk.
The cancer risks are age-dependent with those exposed in childhood
12 A major problem of the nuclear workers’ study, known as the 15-country study, is the
fact that the results were driven by the contribution of only one country, Canada (Ashmore et
al., 2010). The Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission (CNSC) requested a reexamination of
the Canadian portion of the data for their quality and validity. The resulting report confirmed
that there is no increased cancer risk among the Canadian nuclear power plant workers for
the time period examined (CNSC, 2011).
13 For example, a DDREF of 1.5 to 2.0 suggests that the risk associated with an acute dose
14 Studycohort includes individuals under 22 years of age at first CT who received CT scans
during 1985-2002 in the United Kingdom. Information on the types and dates of CT scans
was collected from the radiology departments in approximately 100 hospitals, and patients
were linked with the national health service central registry to obtain cancer registrations and
death information. At the time this workshop report was published, results from the study
had been submitted for publication.
15 Study cohort includes individuals under 18 years of age who received CT scans during
1985-2005 in Ontario. Information is collected from the Ontario health insurance plan and
Hospital for Sick Children.
16 Study cohort includes individuals under 18 years who received CT scans during 1985-
2005. Information is collected from Maccabi Health Care and a large pediatric medical center
in Israel.
Dr. Brenner noted that the studies are large, but the expected numbers
of cancer cases are still relatively small because the follow-up will only be
through childhood and early adulthood. Therefore, power may be sufficient
to identify an increased risk of cancers that occur earlier in life such as
leukemia, thyroid, and brain cancers. Larger and longer studies are needed
to assess most of the possible risk, especially of those adulthood cancers
with longer latency periods. After the individual studies are completed, a
planned pooled analysis will be performed to increase statistical power. In a
later discussion, Dr. Brenner expressed that he does not think that over the
next few years there will be dramatic increases in knowledge regarding the
cancer risks from low-dose radiation exposures or more precise estimates
of the potential risks, even after the results from the epidemiologic studies
of pediatric CT scans become available.
Information is collected from several centers in France, covering almost all regions.
19 Study cohort includes children and adults who received CT scans at the Department of
but recent meta-analysis by the Health Protection Agency has shown that
the heterogeneity is diminished (but not eliminated) if allowance is made
for confounding by endpoints and dose fractionation effects. A significantly
elevated overall excess relative risk of 0.09 per Gy was estimated in that
Regarding the age and time patterns of the radiation-related non-cancer
diseases risk, the atomic-bombing survivor data suggest that the non-cancer
patterns are similar to those for radiation-related risk of solid cancer,
with age at exposure or attained age modifying the temporal pattern and
risk persisting throughout the lifespan. However, the patterns cannot be
characterized with precision because of the low radiation-related risk for
non-cancer and the high and varying baselines rate over the long follow-
up time. The excess digestive disease risk observed may be unique to this
population, likely involving an interaction of radiation with hepatitis C
virus infections, and may not be directly extrapolated to other populations
(Sharp, 2003). Reasons for the increased respiratory disease risk need to
be clarified. Among other non-cancer conditions, cataract needs special
attention because of the latest evidence of an increased risk of not only
posterior lenticular opacity (known to be radiogenic) but also more com-
mon types of cataract at dose levels much lower than until now considered
to be a threshold.
3.6.1 Justification
Many workshop participants suggested that the greatest change in
reducing radiation exposure may come from ensuring that the exams
ordered are clinically justified. This could be achieved by informing the
physician on whether the exam he/she is about to order has been performed
previously or elsewhere and can be used for current clinical decisions (see
discussion on justification in Section 3.1) and by providing the physician
that orders the exam with evidence-based decision support systems that
could inform his/her decision at the point of care.
The benefits versus risks associated with medical imaging procedures
are more often discussed with emphasis on the fact that the risks are often
unknown. Dr. Michael Lauer (director, Division of Cardiovascular Sci-
ences, National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute [NHLBI]) stated that the
clinical benefits of imaging procedures currently are also not always clear.
Collecting good quality data through randomized clinical trials that involve
tracking patient exposures and doses would help to inform the decision
support systems and justify (or not) a procedure based on whether it would
improve overall health. These systems may lead to a cultural shift, he said,
such that fewer imaging tests are performed and only when supported by
evidence from high-quality randomized trials or as part of ongoing trials.
Dr. Lauer provided two scenarios that lead to increased imaging today
with no apparent improvement in health. First, as imaging techniques
become more sensitive, cardiologists and other physicians are diagnosing
diseases that they previously could not and the threshold of defining disease
is getting lower. That gives the impression to the clinicians but also to the
patients and the public that the prevalence of disease, or the prevalence of
severe disease is increasing. As “awareness” of a disease increases, more
testing is performed to detect it.
Second, with intense and improved imaging, clinicians now diagnose
early disease or less severe forms of disease with the assumption that this
translates to improved patient outcome. Patients probably respond well
when treated for their mild disease, giving the impression and statistical
artifact that the imaging saved their lives, which, in turn, leads to more
imaging. In reality, little was done to improve health.
In Dr. Lauer’s view, only by taking a step back and insisting on large-
scale high-quality randomized clinical trials can the true value of new imag-
ing tests be determined. He noted that these randomized trials could answer
many critical clinical questions within a relatively short time, but should
continue indefinitely to enable long-term follow-up. Because uncertainties
regarding the magnitude of harm will possibly continue, an accurate under-
standing of the magnitude of benefit is a moral imperative, and Dr. Lauer
suggested national discussions for randomized clinical trials.
A successful story and relevant example is the NCI-funded National
Lung Screening Trial, which showed that helical-CT can be life-saving for
early detection of lung cancer among heavy smokers (Aberle et al., 2011).
However, not all trials have the expected outcome; for example, a recent
trial of myocardial perfusion imaging in patients with diabetes showed no
improvement in the outcome despite an accurate prediction of the events
(Young et al., 2009). At the time of this writing, the NHLBI is funding a
large-scale trial of CT angiography in patients with suspected coronary
Interventional CT
Dr. Thornton (vice chair for quality, safety, and performance improve-
ment, Department of Radiology, Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center
[MSKCC]) emphasized during his presentation that comparable efforts are
needed for interventional CT use, which has several unique characteristics.
Instead of scanning through entire body cavities, the interventionalist typi-
cally limits the scan range to the anatomic territory, determined from prior
diagnostic imaging, where the target lesion is located. This ability to limit
the scan range is one component of the interventionalist’s dose reduction
efforts. The work of a CT-guided procedure entails repetitive scanning of
the target anatomic territory in order to plan the needle trajectory from
the skin surface, to display the course of the needle as it is introduced and
iteratively corrected, to document arrival at the target, to record the result
of interventions (biopsy, ablation, drain insertion) at the target, and finally
to document the anatomic outcomes following intervention. Thus, at vari-
ous points during a CT-guided procedure, “noisier” lower dose images may
be adequate to accomplish the task of image guidance; in other instances,
the intent of imaging may require higher dose images similar in quality to
CT scans used for diagnostic purposes.
In this context, management of radiation dose during CT-guided proce-
dures is a dynamic, real-time process that requires the interest and knowl-
edge of both the radiologic technologist and physician, Dr. Thornton said.
Important issues for tracking the radiation dose related to CT-guided inter-
vention include reporting a summary exam dose metric (currently, DLP is
clinically available in real time) and its components (i.e., contributions from
helical scans, CT-fluoroscopy—and increasingly in multi-modality environ-
ments, any additional components attributable to traditional fluoroscopy
and PET imaging).
Uniformity in the terminology may be essential to the ability to orga-
nize and retrieve information, and unless the information is stored using
standard terms in a structured format, it will not be possible to evaluate
the progress. Some workshop participants suggested that using RadLex is
a suitable way to unify language in radiology.
It was noted that vendors are too often expected to optimize proto-
cols, making them universal rather than vendor specific and using common
A member of the audience asked Dr. Huda for his opinion as to whether
patients should be given their dose periodically. In response, Dr. Huda
rephrased the question to “Do I—as a patient—want to know my cumula-
tive risk?” and categorically responded, “No! What an individual needs to
know is whether he or she will benefit from the exam that is about to be
Dr. Mettler added that focusing on either dose or risks may become a
problem in the future if patients refuse to have or physicians refuse to give
an exam that the patient needs because of anxiety over the risks rather than
appreciation of the benefits. Although for stochastic effects such as cancer
risk dose tracking for individual risk assessment may not be needed, for
deterministic effects, it may be good to know when those limits have been
Although not arguing with the points made, Dr. Brink reminded the
workshop participants that if the medical community does not monitor
individual doses responsibly and with control, then somebody else will
provide (in fact, already has started to provide) cumulative dose and risk
to the patient, potentially in a poor and inconsistent manner. The question
remains, however, about what one does with the tracked information. Dr.
Brink’s statement that the medical community should take the lead in track-
ing individual doses was supported by others.
gency room setting many exams border on being screening exams, and the
yield is low. For example, the positive rate for a study to rule out dissection
in a patient with chest or back pain is only 2 percent; however, the impor-
tance of making a life-or-death diagnosis in these few patients is critical.
He also emphasized that justification of an exam is often a grey area, and
the right thing to do is not always obvious.
Although past exposures might be part of the decision-making process
for ordering the next exam, there is no threshold above which you cut off
some patient from further imaging, Dr. Sodickson clarified.
Dr. Berrington de González noted that the United States could possibly
make use of the justification systems that are in place in other countries
such as the United Kingdom, where CT use is seven-fold lower than in the
United States. All requests for diagnostic imaging procedures that involve
ionizing radiation have to be approved by a radiologist, and the process
requires justification of the need for the test.22
22 Royal
College of Radiology—A guide to justification for clinical radiologists. See: http://
the patient. Ms. Darien noted that cancer survivors would be primarily
concerned with not being able to get the tests they perceive they need if a
tracking system for radiation dose were in place.
Using similar logic, an open source toolkit, PARSE (Perl Automation for
Radiopharmaceutical Selection and Extraction), was created to extract
exam- and patient-specific dosimetry from the medical records of patients,
which contain unstructured text including the administered activity and
the radiopharmaceutical name (Ikuta et al., 2012). Both methods proved
satisfactory validation yields in data retrieval (97-99 percent) and anatomic
assignment precision (94-99 percent) and may prove to be promising tools
for estimating patient-specific radiation dose and cumulative risk.
3.6.4 Research
The gaps in current knowledge and the need to explore and refine
models of biological effects at low doses were demonstrated by the presen-
tations of Drs. Brenner and Mabuchi. Dr. McNitt-Gray argued that as the
natural experiment of the effects of medical imaging procedures that use
radiation is happening, it would be wise to collect good dosimetry data.
This effort could answer the epidemiologists’ questions and improve current
knowledge of the biological effects of low-level radiation without the need
to extrapolate from other population sources, which introduces uncertainty
into measurement and interpretation.
Dr. Berrington de González responded to this idea by saying that,
although using a tracking system would be beneficial for epidemiologic
studies, capturing the study end point, such as cancer occurrence or death
from cancer, and linking it with the exposure information is necessary
for an epidemiologic investigation. In the absence of a centralized cancer
registry in the United States that could provide the cancer ascertainment
information, this is a difficult task.
Dr. Lauer added that attempting to find the potential association of
imaging and cancer risks is important, but other risks not related to cancer
also need to be tracked to assess the appropriateness of an imaging exam.
All medical procedures contain an element of danger, and a potential to
discover incidental findings that require subsequent medical evaluations.
These evaluations may not only not improve outcomes but are likely to
induce harm (Lauer, 2009).
with the ACR Dose Index Registry. Early results from this pediatric registry
demonstrate that the body CT dose indices at six pediatric institutions are
below those reported in the European community (personal communica-
tion, Dr. Marilyn Goske, Cincinnati, Ohio).
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Appendixes A
Appendix B
Workshop Agenda
Chair: Barbara McNeil, Harvard Medical School
Vice-Chair: Hedvig Hricak, Memorial Sloan Kettering
11:50 pm 2.2: Patient Dose: What to record and track and the role of
organ dose
Michael McNitt-Gray—University of California, Los
10:25 am Discussion
Appendix C
Barbara J. McNeil, M.D., Ph.D. (IOM) is the Ridley Watts Professor and
was the founding head of the Department of Health Care Policy at Harvard
Medical School (HMS) in 1988. She was one of the first women professors
in the quad at HMS. She is also a professor of radiology at Harvard Medi-
cal School and at Brigham and Women’s Hospital (BWH). She continues to
practice nuclear medicine one day a week at BWH. She was interim dean
of Harvard Medical School during summer 2007. Dr. McNeil received her
A.B. degree from Emmanuel College, her M.D. degree from Harvard Medi-
cal School, and her Ph.D. degree from Harvard University. She is a member
of the Institute of Medicine of the National Academy of Sciences and the
American Academy of Arts and Sciences. Dr. McNeil is also a member of
the Blue Cross Technology Evaluation Commission; she formerly chaired
the Medicare Evidence Development Coverage Advisory Committee (Med-
CAC), and she is now a member of that committee. She currently chairs the
Science Board of the FDA. She serves as an advisor for several other federal
and private organizations. Dr. McNeil formerly served on the Publications
Committee of the New England Journal of Medicine as well as on the
Prospective Payment Assessment Commission. Dr. McNeil’s original career
involved research in decision analysis and cost-effective analysis. More
recently, her work has focused on quality of care and technology assess-
ment. Her research involves relationships with payers, providers, and the
federal government. Her largest ongoing study compares quality of care in
the VA system with that in the private setting for patients with cancer. For
several years she coordinated several large studies comparing the value of
alternative imaging modalities for patients with cancer.
Fred A. Mettler, Jr., M.D., M.P.H., is professor emeritus and former chair of
the Department of Radiology at the University of New Mexico, School of
Rania Kosti, Ph.D., joined the staff of the Nuclear and Radiation Studies
Board in January 2011. Prior to her current appointment, Dr. Kosti was
a post-doctoral fellow at the Lombardi Comprehensive Cancer Center at
Georgetown University Hospital in Washington, D.C., where she conducted
research on biomarker development for early cancer detection using case-
control epidemiologic study designs. She focused primarily on prostate,
breast, and liver cancers and trying to identify those individuals who are at
high risk of developing malignancies. She contributed on hypotheses gen-
eration, study design, data analysis, and management of clinical databases
and biospecimen repositories. Dr. Kosti also trained at the National Cancer
Appendix D
Workshop Speakers
Biographical Sketches
Richard Mather, Ph.D., has worked in medical imaging for more than 17
years including formal training at University of California, Los Angeles, in
the biomedical physics graduate program. He received his Ph.D. in 1997. At
Toshiba, Dr. Mather has been integrally involved in research projects that
validate Toshiba’s CT products in the medical community.
Charles W. Miller, Ph.D., joined the Centers for Disease Control and Pre-
vention in January 1992. He is currently chief of the Radiation Studies
Branch, Division of Environmental Hazards and Health Effects, National
Center for Environmental Health. In this position, he develops goals and
objectives that integrate organization and environmental public health pro-
grams on the potential effects of exposure to radiation and radiation-related
health research, including providing leadership for the agency’s radiological
emergency response and consequence management efforts. Dr. Miller is a
member of the NCRP, and he is a fellow of the Health Physics Society. Dr.
Miller holds a B.S. in physics/math from Ball State University, a M.S. in
meteorology from the University of Michigan, and a Ph.D. in bionucleonics
(health physics) from Purdue University.
Gail Prochaska has been with IMV since 1987 during which time she has
worked with vendors and professional societies to develop and use market
data and census databases to capture procedures, consumables, and equip-
ment for multiple diagnostic imaging modalities and radiation therapy.
Prior to IMV, Ms. Prochaska held marketing, sales, and management posi-
tions at Amersham (now GE). She has a B.S. in biology from the University
of Illinois at Champaign-Urbana.
Madan M. Rehani, Ph.D., has been working at IAEA, Vienna, Austria for
the past 10 years and manages radiation protection of patients projects
in more than 60 countries. He is responsible for initiating and directing
patient radiation exposure tracking project at IAEA. Prior to joining IAEA
he was professor and head at the Medical Physics Unit at the All India
Institute of Medical Sciences, New Delhi. He has chaired three task groups
of the ICRP, which led to Annals of ICRP.
Ashok Shah, M.B.A., is the general manager of IMV Ltd. and has more
than 30 years’ experience in the health care and scientific products markets.
Prior to IMV, Mr. Shah held positions with IMS Health, Fisher Scientific,
and Becton Dickinson & Co. He has an M.B.A. from McGill University,
Montreal, and a B.S. in microbiology.
Dominic Siewko is the radiation safety officer for Philips Healthcare and
has been in this role for two years. He previously worked for GE Healthcare
for the past 10 years in a health physicist position supporting radiopharma-
ceutical manufacturing. He currently manages the radiation/product safety
and radiation regulatory program for all nuclear and x-ray imaging modali-
ties globally for Philips and is based out of Andover, Massachusetts. He is
active in the Medical Imaging and Technology Alliance, Society of Nuclear
Medicine, and Health Physics Society, and is certified by the American
Board of Health Physics.
David C. Spelic, Ph.D., is a physicist with the FDA’s Center for Devices and
Radiological Health. He joined the agency in 1994, and he is involved in
public health activities regarding medical x-ray based imaging. He also has
primary responsibility for the Nationwide Evaluation of X-ray Trends sur-
vey program, a cooperative effort with the Conference of Radiation Control
Program Directors and state-level radiation control offices to character-
ize patient radiation doses from selected medical x-ray examinations per-
formed in the United States.