EDUC 2220-Educational Technology Lesson Plan More Than, Less Than, Equal To
EDUC 2220-Educational Technology Lesson Plan More Than, Less Than, Equal To
EDUC 2220-Educational Technology Lesson Plan More Than, Less Than, Equal To
Jazmin Stone
1st Grade, Mathematics
1. Use properties of addition to add whole numbers and to create and use increasingly
3. Students develop, discuss, and use efficient, accurate, and generalizable methods to add
4. Understanding the order of the counting numbers and their relative magnitudes.
Lesson Summary:
The objective for this lesson is to have students practice counting and comparing numbers. The
lesson will consist of the students identifying whether two numbers are greater than, less than or
Estimated Duration:
Introduction to the lesson will take 30 minutes. During this time, I will have students volunteer to
define what comparison is. Once the students discuss what comparing is I will then transition into
showing the students examples of picture on the SMART board to compare. (a big dog and a
small) The students will volunteer to come up to the board to pick which one is bigger than or
smaller than. I’ll explain to the students that this is how they can compare numbers. The classroom
participation response will take 30 minutes which will include the students using the SMART board
clickers to solve the PowerPoint problems on the board together. 45 minutes will be used to have
the students break off into pairs of two to work on worksheet that consist of more than, less than,
Commentary: My approach to this lesson is to first make sure the students have a clear
understanding of what it means to compare. There will be almost 30 minutes of reviewing what it
means to compare numbers and the symbols used to compare numbers. I anticipate the students
not remembering which symbol stands for greater than, and which symbol stands for less than. My
solution to this challenge is to make up creative ways for the children to remember by pretending
that each symbol is an alligator mouth. Where ever the alligator mouth is facing open means it is
Instructional Procedures:
Introduction: As a class we will review some counting methods and discuss place values. The
introduction to the lesson will take 30 minutes. During this time, I will have students volunteer to
define what the word compare means. I will then write the terms greater than, less than, and equal
I will ask the students to try and define what each of these terms mean. After some students share
what they think it is, I will write the meaning for each on the SMART board. Once the students
discuss what comparing is as well as defining the symbols I will then transition into showing the
students examples of how to compare. The examples will be slides with pictures on the SMART
board to compare different things such as a big dog and a small. The students will volunteer to
come up to the board to pick which symbol will solve the compassion. I’ll explain to the students
that this is how they can compare numbers. I will transition into the classroom participation
response which will take 30 minutes. This will include the students using the SMART board
response clickers to solve the slide problems on the board together. The slides are just like the
examples except I will be replacing the pictures of objects with numbers. After this I will transition
into partnership lesson. 45 minutes will be used to have the students break off into pairs of two to
work on worksheet that consist of more than, less than, equal to problems.
The pre-assessment will happen during the introduction. This will be done while introducing what
the word compare means I will be assessing how well the students respond to defining what
comparing is. I also will be utilizing the SMART Board response clickers with the students to get
their responses to the slides with the comparing examples to see how well they adapt. There also
will be time during the examples where the students will have to count the different examples
this will allow me to know how well the entire class is understanding the topic. This will
To regulate if my students understood the lesson, they will turn in their worksheets they did with
their partners. When the students turn in the worksheet I will go over the problems that were
incorrect and review why it’s wrong and what the right answer is. Later in the day I will provide
another worksheet that students should feel more confident enough to do by themselves. This
worksheet will also be evaluated, and I will go over the problems that were incorrect and review
Scoring Guidelines:
The students will be graded 15 points for the worksheet not for pass/fail but for the attempt.
There will also be 10 points for class participation though the entire process. I will be
scoring the participation on how the students stayed focused, remained positive, and did
to give students a visual understanding. I’ll be sure to work with students one on one if needed to
This is a website for mathematical games from grades pre-k to fifth grade. The link above is a
comparing number values educational game for students to practice more than, less than, and
equal skills. The students will have to count the number of dots in each set and then place the
correct symbol complete the report. Once the student gets five in-a-row correct they can play a fun
bonus game where the students can race a car to collect coins.
children home with a take home flyer encouraging the parents to allow their students to explore a
few math-based online games that will help the greater than, less than, equal to concept be more
Interdisciplinary Connections
The lesson plan can be associated with many things. Students will have the concept of comparing
not only numbers but many things in their everyday lives. Mathematics can be applied to almost
anything. These impressions are the substance to understanding fractions, measurements and
inequalities in pre-algebra for the future. The perceptions the students would be learning in this
lesson is the substance to much greater perceptions that they will learn in the future which they
can use in even more things.
For students More Than, Less Than, Equal To worksheet (one pair of students)
SMART board response clicker
Key Vocabulary
greater than
less than
equal to
Additional Notes