Blended Learning Lesson Plan Lesson Title: Hungry Gators Objectives
Blended Learning Lesson Plan Lesson Title: Hungry Gators Objectives
Blended Learning Lesson Plan Lesson Title: Hungry Gators Objectives
Students will be able to assess the value of two numbers and determine which value is
Students will be able to apply >, =, or < symbol to construct a true equation.
State Standards:
2.NSBT.4 Compare two numbers with up to three digits using words and symbols (i.e., >,
=, or <).
2.NSBT.8 Determine the number that is 10 or 100 more or less than a given number
through 1,000 and explain the reasoning verbally and in writing.
This lesson is a second grade Mathematics lesson about greater than, less than & equal to
symbols. I am teaching this lesson because it is important for student to comprehend the value of
every number. This skill is critical as students will need this knowledge as a future skill for what
else is to be taught. Before this lesson, the students learned about numbers from 1- 100 so that
they will be able to understand the value when reading numbers. This means students will be
coming to this lesson prepared with previous knowledge on how to determine the greater
number. After this lesson, the students will learn how to comprehend word problems and
scenarios. In order to prepare the students for this, the students will learn how to apply >, =, and
< symbols. This will especially be helpful in the next lesson because they will already have
learned skills to use when trying to read or understand future problems. Overall, this was and
will be crucial in the students understanding of what they are reading.
Students will be divided into small groups of three. The small groups of three will consist of
high, average, and low achieving students be based from how well they did in the previous
lessons quiz to see how well each student understood the material. On each quiz I included a few
questions testing whether or not they have any prior knowledge to this coming up lesson. The
reasoning of those questions are to serve as an “pretest” for students to get a rough understanding
of what my students already know and what topics I need to touch more on. This helped me
focus more on specific points that will be in the best interest for my students understanding. For
my lesson, students will complete a quiz at the end of each class day. This assignment will
consist of questions about the material we previously reviewed to make sure students get a clear
understanding of the lesson. I will gather this data to assign future groupings by looking at what
students get correct and need more help on. This is helpful to the students because they cannot
only help one another but also reach out to new classmates.
I will begin the lesson by welcoming everybody into class and directing them all
into their assigned seats. Once everyone is in their seats, I will then make sure the
class is silent and paying attention then ask the students how they are doing. I will
then direct the up to the smartboard and begin to explain to the class what we are
going to discussing today by giving them brief run through on what the meaning
of greater than, less than and equal to mean. I will then continue to open YouTube
and play the video “The Greater Than Less Than Song” for the class. Once I have
done so I will ask the class if they know why we use these symbols. After giving
students a chance to participate I will then explain to them why this song is
important to remember than go ahead and jump right into the Teacher Directed
portion of the lesson.
In this section of the lesson I will go ahead and start discussing what we have
previously learned. This being able to count from 1 – 100. When we have done a
quick review from our last lesson. I will be going straight into what each symbol
is and the meaning behind each one. Once done so I will proceed to open the
interactive PowerPoint I have made to go with this lesson and allow students to
each individually come up and participate on one of the many activities.
In this section of the lesson students will be paired into small groups of three
based on the previous lesson quiz grade to match each student with different
partners. Once students have been placed into proper small groups each student
will get their own Gator Worksheet and complete it together as a team. Students
will discuss why they believe each of their answers are right and turn in one final
Gator Worksheet with the group’s answers on it. This will teach students to be
Cooperative with one another. I will then collect each groups Gator Worksheet
and allow the students to keep their own Gator Worksheet in their math folder.
During this portion of the lesson students will individually one by one grab their
iPads from the charging station and take a seat at their desk. Once everyone has
grabbed their iPads students will open the “Comparing Numbers” app that has
been downloaded. Students will get to play interactive game like activities that are
fun and educational. They will get to apply what they have just learned in the
Teacher Directed portion of the lesson to put their knowledge to the test.
At the end of my lesson all of the students will log onto Google Classroom on
their iPads and take a quiz I have prepared for them based on the lesson we just
learned. This not only is a way of feedback for how I taught that day but also a
way that I can see what students need more help. After they have completed the
quiz for that day, they will quietly return their iPad back to the charging station
and take a seat back at their desk. Once everyone has finished their quiz and
returned their iPads, I will give a final closing to the lesson.
The Greater Than Less Than Song is a free video via YouTube. This video briefly
explains what each symbol looks like and the meaning behind >, =, & <. It is set up in a
fun sing along song so that it is more likely to get stuck in students head so that they
remember it.
The app “Comparing Numbers” is a free app that is almost in a game format to help
students further understand their knowledge on Greater than, less than, and equal to
problems. This app is especially great because the way the graphics are set up it feels
more like a fun game than a quiz. This is important because it motivates students to do
well aa well as have fun instead of stress about a quiz or test. This all helps the student
excel in the topic.
Most teachers have used ad or heard of Google Classroom. It is a free service for schools
and small groups. Google classroom makes it easy for educators to connect and track
students’ progress while inside as well as outside of school. I will create quizzes for
students to complete at the end of each class period to track their progress. Google
classroom helps make test taking easy, and paperless. Google classroom helps me as an
educator regulate which students need more help