Shock Waves Seminar
Shock Waves Seminar
Shock Waves Seminar
Presented by
Shishir Damani (111115091)
Sheik Suhel Ahamad(111115089)
Why does a balloon go pop
when it bursts?
A shock wave is an extremely thin region, typically on the order of 10-5 cm,
across which the flow properties can change drastically
The shock wave is an almost explosive compression process, where the
pressure increases almost discontinuously across the wave
• Formed due to coalescence of various small pressure pulses
• When an object is moving in a flow field the object sends out
disturbances which propagate at the speed of sound and adjusts the
remaining flow field accordingly
• If v>a then the disturbances travel back and shock in gas
dynamics terminology
• Found experimentally spontaneous change v and p thin region
• Later analysis only possibility is when M>1
• Thin region Shock Wave
SHOCK • P, ρ, T and s across the
WAVE? • Po, M, v
• Physically, the flow across a
shock wave is adiabatic
❖Moving shock
❖Detonation Wave
TYPES OF ❖Bow (Detached) shock
SHOCK ❖Attached shock
WAVES ❖Normal Shock
❖Expansion Wave
❖Other types
• Shock wave propagating into a stationary
• Gas ahead of shock @ v=0 (in the laboratory
frame) and gas behind the shock @ M>1
• Shock propagates with a wave front which is
MOVING normal to flow direction
• Generated by the interaction of two bodies of
SHOCK gas at different pressure, with a shock wave
propagating into the lower pressure gas and an
expansion wave propagating into the higher
pressure gas
• Examples: Balloon bursting, Shock tube, shock
wave from explosion
• Shock supported by a trailing exothermic
• Wave travelling through a highly combustible
or chemically unstable medium, such as an
oxygen-methane mixture or a high explosive
DETONATION • Chemical reaction of the medium occurs
following the shock wave, and the chemical
WAVE energy of the reaction drives the wave forward
• Behaves differently as driven by chemical
reaction occurring behind the shock wave front
• Example: Shock wave is created by high
explosives such as TNT (which has a detonation
velocity of 6,900 m/s)
• Curved and form a small distance in front of the
• Stand at 90 degrees to the oncoming flow and then
curve around the body
BOW • Shock distance = f(body shape, temperature)
• Such a shock occurs when the maximum deflection
(DETACHED) angle is exceeded. A detached shock is commonly
seen on blunt bodies, but may also be seen on sharp
SHOCK bodies at low Mach numbers
• drag in a vehicle traveling at a supersonic speed
• Examples: Space return vehicles (Apollo, Space
shuttle), bullets, the boundary (Bow shock) of
a magnetosphere
• Attached to the tip of sharp bodies moving
at supersonic speeds
• Examples: Supersonic wedges and cones
ATTACHED with small apex angles
SHOCK • Smaller shock angles M
• Special case where the shock wave is at 90°
to the oncoming flow (Normal shock)
• Preferable in engineering
applications when compared to
normal shocks
• Combination of
oblique shock waves > single normal
• Design of supersonic aircraft engine
intakes or supersonic inlets
• Perpendicular to the flow direction
• Normal shock occurs in front of a
supersonic object if the flow is turned by a
NORMAL large amount and the shock cannot remain
SHOCK attached to the body
• Generated by shock tubes to simulate the
high heating environment of spacecraft re-
• @ M>1 when the flow encounters a convex
• ∞ number of Mach waves, diverging from a
sharp corner
• ++ to become a shock wave if sufficient
EXPANSION Mach waves are present at any location
WAVES • Such a shock wave is called a Mach
stem or Mach front
• Associated with wave drag
• Expansion waves (series of Mach waves)are
• Shock waves can also occur in rapid flows of dense granular
materials down inclined channels or slopes
• Flow through chute with obstruction - impact leads to a
sudden change in the flow regime from a fast
moving supercritical thin layer to a stagnant thick heap
• Analogous to some hydraulic and aerodynamic situations
OTHER associated with flow regime changes from supercritical to
subcritical flows
SHOCKS • Supernovae shock waves or blast waves travelling through
the interstellar medium
• Bow shock caused by the Earth's magnetic field colliding
with the solar wind and shock waves caused
by galaxies colliding with each other
• Another interesting type of shock in astrophysics is the quasi-
steady reverse shock or termination shock that terminates the
ultra relativistic wind from young pulsars
• Also known as shock collar or shock egg
• Visible cloud of condensed water which
can sometimes form around an object
VAPOUR moving at high speed through moist air
CONE • When the localized air pressure around the
object drops, so does the air temperature. If
the temperature drops below the saturation
temperature a cloud forms
• Instrument used to replicate and direct blast
waves at a sensor or a model in order to
simulate actual explosions and their effects,
usually on a smaller scale
• A shock wave inside a shock tube may be
generated by a small explosion (blast-
driven) or by the build up of high pressures
which cause diaphragm(s) to burst and a
SHOCK shock wave to propagate down the shock
TUBE tube (compressed-gas driven)
• Radial shockwave has direct and indirect effects on
various structures (cells and hence tissues)
throughout the body
• Extracorporeal shockwave lithotripsy:
Under water shockwaves are focused for non
invasive disintegration of human calculi.
• Disintegration of kidney stones
• Orthopedic diseases
• Treatment of tendons and ligaments
• Dosage as intensity: mj/
• Uses shock waves generated by its
own supersonic flight to generate lift
• "planing" boats reduce drag by
"surfing" on their own bow wake
• Wake is not generated until supersonic
COMPRESSION speeds are reached
LIFT • Aircraft designed carefully
• In addition the angle of the shock
waves varies greatly with speed,
making it even more difficult to design
a craft that gains significant lift over a
wide range of speeds
• Shape used
• When at an angle of attack relative to the
SUPERSONIC supersonic flow stream lines. The sharp edges
prevent the formation of a detached bow shock
AIRCRAFT in front of the airfoil as it moves through the air
WINGS • Subsonic leading edges have rounded leading
edges to reduce flow separation over a wide
range of angle of attack
• This forms a bow shock in supersonic flow
• In aeronautics, wave drag is a component of the aerodynamic drag on
aircraft wings and fuselage, propeller blade tips and projectiles moving
at transonic and supersonic speeds, due to the presence of shock waves
• Sudden and dramatic increase in drag as the vehicle increases speed to
the Critical Mach number
• objects @ M >1 weak disturbance
• Visual process that is used to photograph
the flow of fluids of varying density
• Used in aeronautical engineering to
photograph the flow of air around objects
• It reveals shock waves due to air density
SCHLIEREN gradient and the accompanying change in
refractive index
F-15B at Mach 1.38 and 44,000ft
• It is the combination of Pitot tube and
TUBE Prandtl tube design
• For Supersonic flow new phenomenon of
shock waves formed in the upstream of the
nose of Pitot- static tube which decelerated
non isentropically flow to subsonic after
shock waves and brings zero velocity
isentropically near the stagnation point.
Pitot Tube in Supersonic Flow
• Loss of total pressure
• Lift for wave-rider configuration, as the
oblique shock wave at lower surface of the
vehicle can produce high pressure to generate
SHOCK • Wave drag of high-speed vehicle which is
INFLUENCES harmful to vehicle performance
• Inducing severe pressure load and heat flux
• Interacting with other structures, such as
boundary layers, to produce new flow
structures such as flow separation, transition,
• Modern Compressible flow by J.D Anderson
• Introduction to Flight by J.D Anderson
• Nasa website
BIBLIOGRAPHY • Album Fluid Motion by Van Dyke for pictures
• World Wide Web
• Applet developed by Virginia Tech Aerospace
and Ocean Engineering Department