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Design and Analysis of Grid Floor Slab: International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics No. 13 2017, 109-115

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International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics

Volume 116 No. 13 2017, 109-115

ISSN: 1311-8080 (printed version); ISSN: 1314-3395 (on-line version)
url: http://www.ijpam.eu
Special Issue


Anitha.K ,2R.J Rinu Isah
Assistant Professor Department of Civil Engineering,
BIST,Bharath Institute of Higher Education and Research
(BIHER), Bharath University, Chennai -600073.

Abstract: This paper deals with the influence of ➢ Resistance to fire

various parameters on the economical spacing of the A reinforced concrete flat slab also called as beamless
transverse beams in grid floor. The parameters slab , is a slab supported directly by columns without
considered in this study are span to depth ratio, spacing beams . a part of the slab bounded on each of the four
of transverse beams, thickness of web and thickness of sides by central line of column is called panel. The flat
flange. The magnitude of span to depth ratio considered slab is often thickened closed to supporting columns to
is 16 to 60. The spacing of transverse beams is varied provide adequate strength in shear and to reduce the
from 0.5m to 2.0 m. Thickness of slab and the rib are amount of negative reinforcement in the support
made constant and are equal to 0.1m and 0.15m regions . the thickened portion ie; the projection below
respectively. The bending moment, the shear force and the slab is called drop to drop panel ,in some cases the
the mid span deflection developed in grid floor beams sections of column at top , as it meets the floor slab or a
have been predicted by conventional and numerical drop panel is enlarged so as to increase primarily the
methods and the results are compared. The parametric parameter of the critical section for shear and hence,
study is carried out using the model proposed by increasing the grid floor technology[5-8]
ANSYS 12.0 software. The results of the study give an
insight to the range for the magnitude of the various 2. Details of Grid Floor System For The Analysis
parameters to be considered for the optimum
performance of grid floors. A typical grid floor system of standard dimensions
adopted in practice has been considered. A rectangular
Keywords: bending moments, deflection, grid , grid floor of size 9m x 12m with centre to centre
optimum , parameters , spacing spacing of ribs at 1.5m in both ways having simply
supported ends on two adjacent sides and fixed ends on
1. Introduction the other two sides have been assumed. The thickness
of the slab is assumed as 0.1m and the overall depth of
Grid floor system is a conventional method of the grid beam is assumed as 0.55m.The width of the
construction in which beams are spaced at a regular grid beam is assumed as 0.15m. The live load on the
intervals in perpendicular directions and monolithic floor is assumed as 1.5 kN/m2 as given in IS 875-part 2
with slab. They are generally employed for (1987). The grade of concrete M20 and steel of grade
architectural reasons for large rooms such as Fe 415 are assumed. The maximum bending moments
auditoriums ,theatre halls e.c.t; where column and free Mx and My developed at the centre of span, the
space is often the main requirement A waffle slab is a maximum torsional moments Mxy and Myx developed
type of building material that has two directional at the ends of the grid and the shearing forces Qx and
reinforcement on the outside of the material, giving it is Qy developed at the supports are predicted using the
the shape of the pockets on a waffle[1-4] models proposed by Rankine’s Grashoff method,
These type of reinforcement is a common on Timoshenko’s plate theory and ANSYS software. The
concrete, wood and metal construction .a waffle slab analysis using ANSYS is involved with
gives a substance significantly more structural stability meshing(repeating sentence). The loaded structure and
without using a lot of additional material .it makes a the predicted results obtained by the classical methods
waffle slab for large flat areas like foundations or are compared with the corresponding analytical results
floors. And the floor construction of a dwelling must obtained by the numerical method. The analytical
fulfill several criteria and the following design function results are given in Table 1. The results obtained by

must be taken into consideration Rankine Grashoff theory is not in good agreement with

The provision of a uniform , level surface the results obtained by numerical method. However the

Sufficient strength and stability analytical results predicted by the numerical model is in

Exclusion of dampness from inside of building good agreement with the analytical result[9-13].
Thermal insulation

International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics Special Issue

2.1 Grid Floor Slab lighting,the size of the beams running in perpendicular
directions and generally kept the same
The structure which is formed vertically to support its
load and other similar type of load. The slab must be
considerable and stable to bear the dead and its load. To
ensure stability,the floor needs sufficient vertical
supports to address the possible of limbering when it is
loaded by a big loads[14-16].

2.2 Functions Of Slabs

To prepare a plain surface

To support loads
Operate as a sound ,fire and heat insulator or

The space between the floor and ceiling can be
used and to placed building equipment and

2.3 Characteristics Of Slabs the grid plan dates from antiquity and originated in
multiple cultures some of the earilist pl and city build
● Much have long lasting endurance without any using grid plans by 2600BC MOHENJO-DARO and
improvement or repairing HARAPPO major or cities of the Indus valley
● Capable to with stand and resist on great fire for civilization ,were built with blocks divided by a grid of
certain period straight streets, running north-south and east-west .each
● Resistance to heat transmitting block was sub divided by small lanes.the cities and
● Sound proof monastaries of gandhase ,dating from the first
millennium BC to the 11th century AD ,also had grid
2.4 Failures Of Slabs base designs.
Islambad, the capital of Pakistan since 1959,was
➢ also founded on the grid plan of the near by rurned

It caused by the soil moisture below the floor
The moisture penetration from the underground to city of sirkap.the tradition of grid plans is continous in
chaina from 15th century BC onward in the traditional

the floor surface depends up on the soil features.
The buildings basements condition, weather it is urban planning of various chinese states.guidline put
plain or step into written from in the kaagongji during the spring and
Example:- typical one way beam grid and slab astomn period.three gates on each side of the parameter
system. The parking structure has columns on a lead into the nine main streets that crisscross the city
rectangular grid pattern the essential one way design of and define its grid pattern.And for its layout the city
a system can be seen by the relative lengths and should have the royal court situated in the south.
sections of the main beam, and the primary and The grid planning tradition in area continous
secondary beams under the slab. The rectangular shape through the beginning of the 20th century with
of un supported slab indicates one way slab action . Sapporo,jappen (est 1868),following a grid plan under
Typical waffle slab for parking structure ,with American infiuence.
columns on a 33.ff×27ff pattern the design uses 3ft The grid plan became popular with the start
square waffle , note the in filling of the square of the of the renaissance in northern Europe.in 1606 the newly
head of the column resist both shear and negative founded city of Mannheim in germany was the first
moments .waffle –slab roof,can seen Diego airport ,not renaissane city laid out on the grid plan. Latter came
heavily loaded or a roof structure,the slab system be the new town ealnburgh and almost the entire city of
extended into the overhang where the moments are Glasgow,and many pland communities and cities in
negative .note also the supporting columns with a buitin Australia,Canada and the united states such as new
point of zero moment at two third hight[17] York and adelaid
The borogue capital city of
2.5 Grid Floor Plan malta,Valletta,dating back to the 16th century was built
following a rigid grid plan of uniformly designed
The rectangular or square void formed in the ceiling is houses,dotted with places churches and squares.
advantageously utilized for conceded architechtural

International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics Special Issue

3. Grid Foundation ● Two-way flat slabs

● Drop caps, drop panels, transverse beams, steps
Grid fountains constitute a type of shallow foundation above and below the slab
intermediate between combined footings and rafts ● One-way pan joist (pan-formed beam) systems
,depicts the progression of possible from of shallow ● One-way skip joist (pan-formed beam) systems
foundations ,all for same configuration and loading ,but ● Two-way joist (pan-formed beam) systems
on different soil in other words ,they represent different ● Waffle slab
soil designs and for the same column data .among the
forms on the one end we have a system of independent 3.2 Features
footing possible under the best soil conditions (highest
allowable soil pressure) while on the other we have the This software is based on the time proven Equivalent
worst soil condition (in the terms of the allowable soil Frame Method (EFM) of analysis and features the
pressure) requiring raft to cover the entire building area following:
represents a soil condition where a system of combined ● Complete modeling and design of reinforced
footings for all the columns in the rows . concrete beam and floor systems
An Easy-to-use and learn software for the Design, ● Fast, intuitive tabular input for project models
Analysis, and Investigation of Reinforced (Non ● Investigation mode - analysis and capacity
prestressed) Concrete Beams, Beam Frames, Slabs and calculation of an existing floor
Floor Systems - a must have production tool in every ● Performs capacity/demand analysis for existing
structural engineering office. floor systems
ADAPT-RC is for the analysis and/or design of ● Calculates deflection based on user specified
reinforced concrete beams, slabs and floor systems. It is loading and reinforcement
based on a single story frame, featuring the Equivalent Advanced analysis options
Frame modeling of the ACI code as an option. In its ● Moment redistribution
design mode, the program determines the deflection ● Inclusion of lateral loads
and reinforcement for a user defined geometry, material ● Deflection calculation, including cracked section
and loading. In its analysis mode, for a given floor analysis
geometry, loading and reinforcement, the software Comprehensive design capabilities
determines the capacity of the floor and compares it ● Reinforcement check for strength and minimum
with the code stipulated demand. In both the design and code requirements
the analysis modes, the deflections are calculated using ● Beam shear and punching shear checks
cracked sections, with each span subdivided into 20 ● Integrated punching shear reinforcement design
segments. ADAPT-RC is easy to use, yet thorough and (studs or stirrups)
rigorous in its formulation. Its graphical display gives a Concise reporting
vivid account of moments, reinforcement and other ● Graphical display of moments, shears and
parameters. ADAPT-RC handles both prismatic and deflections for each load combination
non-prismatic spans, as well as supports with different ● Graphical and tabular display of location, length
boundary conditions. A solid model viewer allows the and amount of reinforcement required
user to examine the input structure for a visual check Two version options to meet your project and
on the accuracy of data entry. The primary application budget size
of the software is in building construction and parking ● Both versions contain same functionality, but vary
structures. in max number of spans allowed
● ADAPT-RC Standard: up to 5 interior spans and 2
● ADAPT-RC Plus: up to 20 interior spans and 2

3.3 Design Procedure

The basic design procedure of a two-way slab system

has five steps.
3.1 Applications 1. Determine moments at critical sections in each
direction, normally the negative moments at supports
● Simple and continuous beams and beam frames and positive moment near mid-span.
● Multiple beam cross-section: T, L and I-section 2. Distribute moments transverse at critical sections to
● One-way slabs column and middle-strip and if beams are used in the
● Two-way flat plates column strip, distribute column strip moments between
slab and beam.

International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics Special Issue

3. Determine the area of steel required in the slab at 4. Design And Analysis Procedure-Direct
Procedure Design
critical sections for column and middle strips. Method
4. Select reinforcing
ing bars for the slab and concentrate
bars near the column, if necessary. Operational Steps
5. Design beams if any, using procedures you learned
in CIVL 4135. Positive and Negative Distribution of 1. Determine whether the slab geometry and loading
Moments For interior spans, the total static moment is allow the use of the dire irect design method
apportioned between critical positive and negative 2.Select slab thickness to satisfy
tisfy deflection and shear
bending sections as (See ACI 318-02 02 Sect. 1) requirements. Such calculations require a knowledge of
As was shown, the critical section for negative the supporting beam or column dimensions A
bending moment is taken at the face of rectangular reasonable value of such a dimension of columns or
supports, or at the face of an equivalent square support beams would be 8 to 15% of the average of the long
and short span dimensions, namelymely (l1 +l2)/2. For shear
3.4 For the Case of End Span check, the critical section is at a distance d/2 from the
face of the'! support. If the thickness shown for
The apportionment of Mo among three critical sections deflection is not adequate to carry the shear, use one or
(interior negative, positive, and exterior negative) more of the following:
depends on 1. Flexural restraint provided for slab by (a) Increase the column dimension.
the exterior column or the exterior wall. 2. Presence or (b) Increase concrete strength.
absence of beams on the column lines. (c) Increase slab thickness.
ACI Two-Slabs Depth Limitation (d) Use special shear reinforcement.
• Serviceability of a floor system can be maintained (e) Use drop panels or column capitals to improve shear
through deflection control and crack control strength.
• Deflection is a function of the stiffness of the slab as a 3. Divide the structure into equivalent design frames
measure of its thickness, a minimum thickness has to bound by centerlines of panels on each side of a line of
be provided irrespective of the flexural thickness columns.
requirement. 4. Compute the total statical factored moment 2 2 0 8
• Table 9.5(c) of ACI gives the minimum thickness of M wll u
slabs without interior beams. 5. Select the distribution factors of the negative and
• Table 9.5(b) of ACI gives the maximum permissible positive moments to the exterior and interior columns
computed deflections to safeguard against plaster and spans and calculate the respective factored
cracking and to maintain aesthetic appearance. moments.
• Could determine deflection analytically and check 6. Distribute the factored equivalent frame moments
against limits. from step 4 to the column and mid middle strips.
• Or alternatively, deflection control can be achieved 7. Determine whether the trial slab thickness chosen is
indirectly to more or less arbitrary limitations on adequate for moment-shear
shear transfer in the case of flat
minimum slab thickness
ness developed from review of test plates at the interior
or column junction computing that
data and study of the observed deflections of actual portion of the moment transferred by shear and the
structures. properties of the critical shear section at distance d/2
This is given
en by ACI. For am greater than 0.2 but from column face.
not greater than 2.0, the thickness shall not be less than 8. Design the flexural reinforcement to resi resist the
[ ] 0.8 200,000 36 5 0.20 y n m f l h β a ⎛ ⎛ ⎛ ⎛ + ⎛ factored moments in step 6.
⎛ = + − Eq. 9-12 12 of ACI and not less than 5.0 inches. 9. Select the size and spacing of the reinforcement to
For am greater than 2.0, the thickness shall not be fulfill the requirements for crack control, bar
less than 0.8 200,000 36 9 y n f l h β ⎛ ⎛ ⎛ ⎛ + ⎛ ⎛ = development length.
+ Eq. 9-13
13 of ACI and not less than 3.5 inches. = Ratio Design of slabsThe
The design of slabs has to fulfil
of clear span in long directionn to clear span in short both Serviceability Limit States (SLS) andUltimate
direction β α m = Average value of α for all beams on Limit States (ULS) requirements (in this exact order!).
edges of panel. In addition, the thickness h must not be In general the height “h” of slabs is controlled by the
less than (ACI For slabs without beams or deflection limits (EC2 7.4). ). In the case of flat slabs,
drop panels 5 inches For slabs without beams but with punching frequently also governs.
drop panels 4 inches for 10% increase in minimum In EC2 the deemed-to-satisfy
satisfy rule for verifying
thickness requirements. SLS deflection is based on the limitation of elements’
“slenderness” by setting maximum “slenderness ratios”
(lef /d)) of the “effective span” lef (axis-to-axis
distance in the case of supporting beams, or centre-to-
centre distance of columns in the case of flat.

International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics Special Issue

The design of slabs has to fulfil both 4.3 Stiffness Method

Serviceability Limit States (SLS) and Ultimate Limit
States (ULS) requirements (in this exact order!). In This method is based on matrix formulation of the
general the height “h” of slabs is controlled by the stiffness of the structure and gives closed
deflection form solution by using this method the analysis can be
limits (EC2 7.4). In the case of flat slabs, punching done by considering rigid supports as well. Various
frequently also governs. application software’s are available to carry out
In EC2 the deemed-to-satisfy rule for verifying analysis by this method. In the present work while
SLS deflection is based on the limitation of elements’ analyzing grid floor frame by stiffness method, the
“slenderness” by setting maximum “slenderness ratios” simple supports are considered at closer distance so as
(lef /d) of the “effective span” lef (axis-to-axis to simulate the support conditions similar to Rankine-
distance in the case of supporting beams, or centre-to- Grashoff method and Plate theory[18].
centre distance of columns in the case of flat
The direct design method gives rules for the 5. Conclusion
determination of the total static design moment and its
distribution between negative and positive moment This project gives the result of amount of garbage
sections. The EFM defines an equivalent frame for use generated per day, types of vehicles used for collecting
in structural analysis to determine the negative and the waste, types of waste and their composition,
positive moments acting on the slab system. Both physical and chemical characteristics of the waste
methods use the same procedure to divide the moments generated. By analysing the waste generated per day,
so found between the middle strip and column strips of suggestion of possible treatment methods are given and
the slab and the beams. by using the waste collected from kitchen, one of the
The thickness of a floor slab must be determined treatment method, composting has been practiced.
early in design because the weight of the slab is an Compost allows the soil to retain more plant
important part of the dead load of the structure. The nutrients over a longer period. It supplies part of the 16
minimum thickness can be determined by many factors: essential elements needed by the plants and helps to
• Shear strength of beamless slabs (usually a controlling reduce the adverse effects of excessive alkalinity,
factor); slab must be thick enough to provide adequate acidity, are the excessive use of chemical fertilizers.
shear strength • Flexural moment requirement (less This method is proved as an innovative and
often a governing factor) • Fire resistance requirements successful method for practicing and hence suggested
• Deflection control (most common thickness as one of the effective methods for reducing the waste.
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