OUMH1203 English For Written Communication: Name: Matriks Number: I/C Number: Telefon: Tutor Name
OUMH1203 English For Written Communication: Name: Matriks Number: I/C Number: Telefon: Tutor Name
OUMH1203 English For Written Communication: Name: Matriks Number: I/C Number: Telefon: Tutor Name
Internet users seem to have become part of the daily activities of the human being who lived
during the ICT now. Internet developed with usability essentially, the partnership makes the
internet is rapidly becoming human needs of today who want quickness in communication.
The results of this facility up some of the problems seen by the public as internet cons. This
matter is given serious attention so that they see the need to eliminate fair use of internet
usage. Things should be viewed as a whole, because the disadvantages of the Internet
depends on us as consumers, and we are determining the pros and cons.
Internet has helped the business world. Employers can advertise services or goods in
cyberspace and get returns from them. For example, RTM-Net gain of 90,000 customers,
while Utusan Malaysia Online lured half a million users. Through it, the global market can be
reached directly. Banking, stock transactions, publishing, and advertising is also conducted
through the Internet. Sale and purchase transactions can be carried out simultaneously by
leveraging a valid credit card number. International investment can thrive.
In our view the Internet provides an enormous contribution in the field of education. Now
there is the concept of the virtual university for example UNITAR that provides Internet
account for its students. Now that the students not only use the Internet to share information
and research but also take courses without having to step foot into the classroom and even
take questions assignments, quizzes and an exam through the Internet. Newsgroups allow
teachers and students to ask something, get advice and review the information. Video
conferencing technology allows students in a classroom to collaborate on a project.
Technology plays an important role in human life. Nowadays information technology not
only involves computer literacy but it is also used in the communication process and the
process of resolving the task. It serves as a medium to deliver information in the field of
business. In addition to being an important component in business, harmonious relationship
between technology and the business must be established. Should technology be ignored,
business competitiveness will be lost at either the local or global. In addition, the
development of technology will grow rapidly and not vice versa.
Technological advances in the last few decades has greatly increased the competitiveness of
businesses and economies worldwide. Most companies already use the software, the
computer and the Internet to expand their business from local market to global and national
markets. The technology also requires to remain flexible and to adjust their operations and in
line with the advancing technology.
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Aptitudes these countries choose to study abroad at bachelor's degree level or even to a
higher level is increasingly becoming a trend nowadays. Often spoken of the students in
Malaysia had the opportunity to study abroad in bribes by scattering high praise and
expectations were mounting that say they will be the future generation of leaders and actively
and directly involved in driving the country's economy in the years to come. This is because,
they have their own reasons and purposes that encourage to continue their studies abroad.
This is because, the weather and different languages are spoken in the language of origin
which is used when it is in their own country. The students use the international language to
interact with each other from different nations and cultures. Indirectly, everyday
communication students can train and improve skills.
If viewed from the angle of national development, he said that the graduates who study
abroad can be a positive impact on the human capital of quality education of our countries, a
lot of experience can contribute a broad exposure in mastering foreign languages. From a
social and economic students, the students had to deal with the culture shock of foreign
countries. However, there is also the foreign cultures that have made many good example
models. Further studies abroad require high cost but can hold high office upon returning to
From the development of the country, the students proved that not only intellectuals but also
to bring the experience from abroad and absorbed to build a positive change will enable our
countries sit low and stand tall on a par with developed countries to another. The result is that
the country is not so far advanced developing but emerging so as not to miss in the days of
upheaval that saw the birth of the world intellect- intellectuals who sought to change the
image of a nation.
As a country rich in culture, the Indonesian people on average have a culture that is very
strong with happy community groups, and usually it is quite inconvenient when we are
abroad. If you learn to Europe or America where the population is very individualistic maybe
this is excruciating. Not to mention, we should be able to adjust to the norms and ethics are of
course very different from the norm and our ethics. For those who learn, of course, should
have a new habit that writing and reading, especially with the English language or the
language of the country concerned. As we know, some of the people we are not familiar with
the culture of writing and reading.
For those who already have a family, it should be considered, including those who are new to
get married and have a desire to bring your husband or wife or desire give birth abroad. If
you want to bring your family, you also need to think about the education of children, health
insurance and regulation in the country about bringing the family to learn. Associated with
scholarships available today, there are few that can support a family there are also only pay
for the grantee, then you also need to consider the costs that may come out if you bring the
What is more important, for students who want to leave their country is in the culture,
religion, and society of the country they want to go. Because through it they will be able to
learn science and culture also good that can be used as a guide in the development of the
society, as a developing country and the developed countries. With people who are
knowledgeable, but not influenced by foreign culture that is not good.
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Globalization is a process to put the world under the same unit without being restricted by
borders and geographical position of a country. Through this process, the world will finally
have a border with room air and the sky was a country wide open to be penetrated by a
variety of information transmitted through various intermediate communication media like
internet, electronic media, and cyber technology.
This enables the development of the relationship between a country with other countries and
human relation can be done in a short period. This is evidenced by the claim (Rosenau, 1980)
a master's degree in international relations. He said the technology has actually eliminate
geography and social distance through the power of the carrier jet, computers, satellites and
various range of types other innovations that are now mobilizing individuals or groups of
people, ideas, and goods crossing the boundaries of space and time rapidly, Viewport to him,
the technology also nourish the dependencies between local communities, national societies
and the international community with an unprecedented impressively experienced before.
Thus a brief description of understanding of globalization and its effects. To deepen the
understanding of this read also the notion of globalization, according to experts.
While the western intellectual defines globalization as a process of wide-paced life and
infinity encompasses all aspects of life such as political, social, and economic that can be felt
by the whole of humanity in this world. This means that everything belongs together in the
concept of a borderless world. Globalization also refers to the transfer of value, especially
ways of thinking and acting style from one world region to other world regions. Globalization
given broad sense, this is an indisputable fact. The fact that globalization has existed before
the term globalization introduction. The phenomenon of globalization can be analogized as
the wave that swept the world.
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James N. Rosenau. (1980). The Scientific Study of Foreign Policy. Michigan: University of
The Environmental Quality Act 1974 contains provisions that aim to prevent, remove, control
pollution and improve the quality of the environment and of aspects that are often associated
with the environment of pollution that leads to the purpose of any changes directly and
indirectly on the physical properties, heat and chemicals including biological effects on the
environment including pollution of water, air, noise, land and sea and for this problem, a
variety of causes have been identified that contribute to environmental pollution. Among the
causes that have been identified that lead to environmental pollution problems is the problem
of the attitude of individuals and organizations that are not responsible. It is unclear as there
is no civic consciousness in them to protect the environment because for some individuals,
they will simply throw rubbish everywhere, regardless of environmental conditions and may
they feel it is trivial when throwing a piece of tissue or scraps on the edge way. Whereas, if
contemplated if there are a hundred people who behave in such a highway is definitely going
to be dirty and filled with garbage (Bonotto, 2011).
In addition, the government should enforce laws related aspects of environmental hygiene. It
is highly significant as a measure protecting our environment. If we look at today, how many
factories have been built by the government to comply with the hygiene standards that have
been set? Only a few factories that comply with hygiene standards. In most cases, factory
emissions and the disposal of toxic waste into the river or into the sea openly continue
without control. Attitude is like a sugar manufacturer in the bush, let go shoot each for
causing water pollution. It also led to the extinction of aquatic life because of toxic waste
from factories to reduce the percentage of oxygen in the water. The implications of this
action, the law should be tightened again by the authorities in order to reduce environmental
pollution. If this is not checked, people will experience a shortage of clean water and a source
of protein. Not only that, the majority of people will get the disease known as kwashiorkor, a
protein deficiency (Braden, 2013).
Not only that, in a recycling program that is being billed by the government should be
considered as capable of enhancing awareness of environmental care. As a responsible
society, we should open the eyes of the government response. Waste materials can be
reprocessed for use again and we can classify materials that are not necessary to the recycling
bins that have been provided. For example, waste can be processed into fertilizer nutrients to
avoid wastage and newspapers can also be used as tissue. The situation is said to be "drinking
water while diving." In this way, natural resources such as trees that are used for the raw
materials to meet the basic human needs can be reduced. In addition, countries can also save
costs for human needs thus can keep the environment clean. Strictly speaking, the recycling
program is one way to tackle environmental pollution.
Conclusion, many steps that can be practiced to overcome the problem of environmental
pollution. Therefore, like bamboos with riverbanks attitude among Malaysians with
government is needed and would be more meaningful so that the results will satisfy everyone.
It is emphasized that cleanliness is half of faith.
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Bonotto DM (2011) The physical and chemical characteristic of some ground and surface
water in Sao Paulo State, Brazil. pp. 1-41.
Braden JB (2013) Agricultural sources of water pollution. Earth Systems and Environmental
Science 3, 81-85
5. Global warming is one of the most serious issues that the world is facing today.
What are the causes of global warming and what measures can governments and
individuals take to tackle the issue?
Global warming associated with increasing global temperature of the earth temperature has
increased two degrees and levels vary by continent and certain areas. The study found that the
Arctic region is fast becoming hot compared to other areas. Climate change usually occurs in
the last 10,000 years, but now climate change in the next 100 years only, a distance of only 2
generations. The earth's temperature has increased since year-90s. The study found that
climate Extreme heat in France, warmer climate in the region and Siberia melting
"permafrost (permanently frozen soil layer in the region cold), especially in the Arctic region.
Scientists predict overall sea ice in the Arctic will melt in summer 2099. Ice Cover Greenland
and West Antarctica will melt. Sea levels will rise about 7 meters dramatically. Increased
levels of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere continuously since last five decades has led to
global warming. This phenomenon has been increasing temperature global surface of 0.6oC
(IPCC 2001) and its effects have led to changes in extreme weather conditions, particularly
rainfall and storm patterns. In the report The same also been shown to increase global
precipitation by 2% in the 20th century.
2. Transport
Motor vehicles is currently the main transport for the people facilitate their movement on this
earth. The use of vehicles that use oil as a primary fuel to propel the vehicle engine oil
specially unleaded been many releases of carbon dioxide and carbon monoxide gas (Zainab,
3. Burning Forests
Forest burning massive and pervasive to clear forests for agricultural activities, settlements or
so have contributed to global warming. Forest fires have caused the balance of oxygen and
carbon dioxide balance. Excess carbon dioxide occurring and treat global warming. The
smoke that is released into the air from burning forests also contain a lot of carbon dioxide
1. Replanting of trees and greenery
Planting greenery is intended to enhance the production of gas a clean gas in the air. Planting
can be done by all levels of society. The school can hold a mini-gardens in schools to
enlighten the students on the importance of green plants in the ecosystem.
2. Recycle
Recycling programs be enhanced with a variety of ideas that more exciting. Through
recycling programs, people will realize the importance of the mineral earth. In this way
generations can experience the treasures of the earth like that enjoyed by us. Informal
education is also to educate the public the types of goods that are necessary and can be
Responsibility for preserving the health of the Earth is the role of the world's population and
should not depend on governments or organizations - NGOs soon as the saying goes together
we stand, divided we fall. We care about and love the earth so that the generations will dating
can enjoy the beauty of this Earth.
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IPCC (2001) Climate change 2001: The scientific basis. WMO/UNEP Intergovernmental
Panel on Climate Change, Third Assessment Report, VI
Zainab Siraj (1980) Heat Island and its application to the ability of air pollution in Johor
Bahru. Scientific training Bachelor of Arts, Department of Geography, National
University of Malaysia (Unpublished).