Executive Summary: Municipality of Sta. Monica
Executive Summary: Municipality of Sta. Monica
Executive Summary: Municipality of Sta. Monica
A. Introduction
1. The Municipality of Sta. Monica was created under House Bill No. 7233 Republic
Act No. 4998 on September 9, 1967. It is composed of eleven barangays with a
vision-mission to continue discharge the functions of promoting health and safety,
improving morals, maintaining peace and order and such other functions, which
will be carried out through the support of its municipal officials and employees
responsible in delivering the basic, social economic, legislative and administrative
services to the community.
2. The audit was conducted in accordance with applicable legal and regulatory
requirements, and the Philippine Public Sector Standards on Auditing. Those
standards require that we plan and perform the audit to obtain a reasonable basis
for our conclusions.
3. The audit covered the accounts and operations of the municipal government for
the year 2016 and was aimed at ascertaining the propriety of financial transactions
management’s compliance to prescribed rules and regulations and the fairness of
the presentation of the financial statements.
B. Financial Highlights
C. Audit Opinion
Property, plant and equipment (PPE) which are stated in the statement of
financial position at a carrying amount of Php 56,405,536.90 as of December 31,
2016 could not be validated because of the absence of updated inventory reports,
lapsing schedule and other pertinent information on the items comprising the
PPE accounts. We were unable to obtain sufficient appropriate audit evidence
about the carrying amount of the properties by other alternative procedures
because of the inadequacy of the accounting records. Consequently, we were
unable to determine whether any adjustment to the reported amount was
For the above-mentioned audit observation which have caused the issuance of a
qualified opinion, we recommend that the Management:
2. Failure of the Local School Board to appropriate budget for Special Education
Fund (SEF) for Calendar Year 2016 wherein disbursements of Php 146,493.00
were made for CY 2016 violated Section 4 (1) of Presidential Decree No.
1445. Moreover, the expenses totaling Php 84,493.00 were not among those
explicitly authorized violated Section 272 of Republic Act (RA) 7160 and
Joint Circular No. 01 series of 1998 of DECS, DBM and DILG.
3. Special Education Fund was not fully utilized in accordance with the
provision of Section 1 of Republic Act No. 5447 dated September 25, 1968
and Letter of Instruction (LOI) No. 1462 dated May 31, 1985. Thus, the
deficiency of school buildings/classrooms and instruction materials which
could improve the quality education in the local public schools have not been
properly addressed by the Local School Board.
8. Failure of the Municipal Treasurer to update and balance daily all financial
transactions in the Cashbooks is contrary to Sections 26, 27 and 28 of the
NGAS Manual for LGUs, Volume II and Section 63 (D) of the Local Treasury
Operations Manual (LTOM). Moreover, there were no cashbooks maintained
by the Liquidating Officer and Collectors contrary to Section 63 (B and C) of
LTOM. Thus, we could not determine and establish whether all cash receipts,
remittances/deposits, cash advances/ disbursements and adjusting entries are
properly and correctly recorded in the said Cashbooks.
10. Project Procurement Management Plan (PPMP) and Annual Procurement Plan
(APP) were not prepared and maintained by the Agency for their different
programs, activities, and projects (PAPs) as required under Section 7, Rule II
of the Revised Implementing Rules and Regulations (IRR) of R.A. No. 9184.
Out of the 20 audit recommendations embodied in the 2015 Annual Audit Report,
4 were implemented, 3 were partially implemented, 13 were not implemented.
Moreover, out of 9 audit recommendations embodied in the CY 2014 Annual Audit
Report, 6 were fully implemented and 3 were not implemented.