LDP 604 Part I
LDP 604 Part I
LDP 604 Part I
Systems, Programs and Projects – a definition
Differences between Process and Project Management
Project Management is industry independent – Project managers are not
PM as a strategic strength
The Project Management institute (PMI) and PMBOK
LDP 604 – Part I
Characteristics of a Project:
‘…a temporary endeavor undertaken to produce a unique product, service or result’
‘A project is a problem scheduled for solution’ (Dr. J. M. Juan)
‘ a problem with a required solution for a desired product, service or result’
A project
o Has a certain objective
o Has certain specs
o Has a budget
o Consumes resources – human and non-human
o Is multi-functional
Definition of a Project:
‘Project Management is application of knowledge, skills, tools and techniques to project
activities to achieve project requirements. Project management is accomplished through the
application and integration of the project management processes of initiating, planning,
executing, monitoring & controlling and closing’ – Project Management Book of Knowledge
o The five process groups as identified in the PMBOK Guide
Project Initiation
Selection of the best project given resource limits
Recognizing the benefits of the project
Preparation of the documents to sanction the project
Assigning of the project manager
Project Planning
Fundamentals of Project Management – Lewis, Page 2
LDP 604 – Part I
LDP 604 – Part I
LDP 604 – Part I
- Define mile-stones
- Identify the basis for performance measurement
PM is not new: Even the pyramids of Egypt utilized informal project management to coordinate
and plan the construction.
“If one of you decides to build a tower, will he not first sit down and calculate the outlay
to see if he has enough money to complete the project? He will do that for fear of laying
the foundation and then not being able to complete the work.’
Luke 14: 28 - 29
But only in the 20th Century did the title and discipline emerge.
1940’s – ‘Over the fence’ management: each manager performs his work and throws the ball
over the fence in the hope that someone will catch it.
Line manager assumes no responsibility for the project once the ball is out of his hands
Customer has no single reference point on the project
Post WWII – ‘Over the fence’ cannot deal with major cold war defense programs: aerospace
(bombers), naval (ships and submarines). Govt. pushed for a single point of contact – a PM –
that had total accountability for all project phases. Govt. also established life-cycle planning,
control models and appointed PM auditors to monitor Govt. spending. PM evolves slowly but is
restricted to aerospace, defense and construction.
1960 – 65 – Executives began searching for new management techniques and organizational
structures that could be quickly adapted to a changing environment particularly if:
The jobs are complex
LDP 604 – Part I
20th Century - Companies began to realize that implementing project management was a
necessity, not a choice.
21st century - Today’s executives are facing and will continue to face increasingly complex
challenges during the next decade.
What are some of the pressures that executives – particularly in profit making organizations –
face today?
High escalation factors for essential resources (manpower and raw materials),
compounded by increased union demands
Pressure from shareholders
Harsh financial cycles – inflation, recession, lack of borrowing power
Stiff competition
Consumer expectations
Rapid changes in Information and Communications Technology (ICT)
These challenges have always existed, but not to the degree that they are prevalent today.
How did executives deal with these challenges before?
Embarked on cost-reduction programs e.g. early retirement, layoffs
The problem with this is that at some point, the balance between the necessary levels of
manpower and required productivity becomes tricky, especially in the face of change and
Most executives agree that the solution to a majority of corporate problems involves obtaining
better control and use of existing corporate resources – looking internally rather than externally
for the solution. Project Management is one of the techniques used to achieve this internal
LDP 604 – Part I
- A system is ‘a group of elements, either human or nonhuman, that is organized and
arranged in such a way that the elements can act as a whole toward achieving some
common goal or objective’
- ‘Closed system’ – business firm is completely isolated from the environmental system
- ‘Open system’ – business firm reacts with the environment
- ‘Extended system’ – business system is significantly dependent on other systems
A system exists on a continuous bases
Systems thinking
The systems approach may be defined as a logical and disciplined process of problem
solving. The word process indicates an active ongoing system that is fed by input from its
Process Project
LDP 604 – Part I
Driving forces
1. Capital projects (especially in large manufacturing companies where scheduling, budgets
are sensitive). Is a significant portion of your budget related to delivering projects? Over
20%? How would it transform your organization to be able to receive 20 – 40& more
products or services for that same amount of money because you are more efficient at
delivering projects?
2. Customer expectations
3. Competitiveness: when (a) companies realize that they can outsource cheaper than
perform the work themselves and (b) when they are no longer competitive on price or
quality, or cannot increase their market share. Would your organization be more
LDP 604 – Part I
competitive if it could reduce the time space between initiation and completion of
4. Executive understanding – particularly in traditional structures
5. New product development – especially those that rely heavily on R&D (Pharmaceutical,
a. Is your ability to deliver new products to the marketplace part of your
competitive situation? What if you could consistently deliver a new project faster
or cheaper than your competitor? What if you can’t?
b. New product development for pharmaceutical companies and defense
contractors is extremely expensive. Further, the products are so complex that
without strong project management, the product development efforts fail.
c. Technology requires more specialized manpower. How do you ensure that you
make the best use of this valuable yet expensive resource?
d. As technology increases, the commitment of time and money appears to be
6. Maintaining efficiency and effectiveness – especially during periods of growth or
7. The nature of your industry –
a. Do you work for a service based firm that bids on projects (engineering, roofing,
information services etc.)? If so, you stand to either improve your ability to win
new work or perform the work at a higher profit.
b. Growth – are you in a growth industry? Growth if fueled by projects. Those who
deliver projects faster and more cost-effectively will leave the others behind.
The above forces identify the necessity for more effective planning, scheduling and control that
was in the best interest of the company.
The Project Management Institute is a professional organization for people who manage
projects. It was founded in 1969, employs 51-200 people and has a membership of over
285,000. In addition to providing a variety of member services, a major objective of PMI is to
advance project management as a profession. The fact that there is a professional association
just for PM shows that PM is not just a variant on General Management.
The institute aims to provide quality education, mentorship and guidance to its members,
clients, students and participants interested in quality project management.
LDP 604 – Part I
The KIPM College is part of the renowned Project Management Group Ltd - a training and
consultancy firm based in Nairobi Kenya. In partnership with 4CPM, and accredited
by University of Cambridge International Examinations (CIE), KIPM delivers and is the centre for
the post-graduate 'International Diploma in Project Management (IDPM) at Professional Level'
serving the Africa region.
Project Management Book Of Knowledge - The PMI has attempted to determine a minimum
body of knowledge that is needed by a project manager in order for him/her to be effective.
This is referred to the Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK) and contains 5
processes together with 9 general areas of knowledge.
A project life cycle represents the linear progression of a project. The standard project life cycle
The preliminary evaluation of an idea and risks
Impact on and availability of resources
Whether the project will be in-house or tendered out
‘Defining a problem determines how you will solve it’2
The phase begins when a project and a project manager are names in a project charter
and it is completed when the project rules are approved. Approving this written
document means that all interested parties agree on the project goals, approach and
cost-schedule-quality equilibrium.
‘Fundamentals of Project Management’ Page 12
SWI 10
LDP 604 – Part I
After the rules are approved, the PM begins building the project plan.
Remember ‘the people who must do the work should help plan it!’ Inexperienced
project managers often make the mistake of planning the project for the team. The PM
should always aim to facilitate planning.
o Firm identification of the resources required
o Establishment of realistic time lines
o Cost
o and Performance parameters
o Initial preparation of documentation (if the project will be based on competitive
Tactics and logistics
SWI 11