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Adapaleno - Clindamicina Gel HPLC

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44 Khatri et al.

, 2014

Original Article

The Thai Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences
38 (1), January - March 2014: 1-56

A new RP-HPLC method for estimation of clindamycin

and adapalene in gel formulation: development and
validation consideration
Rohit. H. Khatri1 , Rashmin. B. Patel1 and Mrunali R. Patel2
Department of Quality Assurance, A. R. College of Pharmacy & G. H. Patel institute of Pharmacy, Vallabh Vidyanagar
388 120, Gujarat, India
Department of Pharmaceutics and Pharmaceutical Technology, Indukaka Ipcowala College of Pharmacy, New Vallabh
Vidyanagar – 388 121, Gujarat, India

This paper describes a validated high-performance liquid chromatographic (HPLC) method for simultaneous
estimation of clindamycin (CLI) and adapalene (ADA) in pure powder and gel formulation. The HPLC separation was
achieved on a Luna C18 (2) (250 × 4.6 mm i.d., 5 µm particle size) using acetonitrile : phosphate buffer pH 3.0 (60:40,
v/v) as a mobile phase delivered at a flow rate of 1.0 ml/min. The calibration curve showed good linear relationship with
r2 = 0.9997 for clindamycin and r2 = 0.9994 for adapalene in concentration range of 100-500 µg/ml and 10-50 µg/ml,
respectively. LOD and LOQ were found to be 5.39 and 16.32 µg/ml for clindamycin and 0.89 and 2.72 µg/ml for
adapalene, respectively. Assays of clindamycin found to 99.76 ± 0.65 % and adapalene found to 99.58 ± 0.73 %.
Clindamycin undergoes thermal degradation but adapalene was found stable in this condition. The method was validated
as per ICH guideline (Q2 R1). The method was successfully applied for routine analysis of clindamycin and adapalene in
pure powder and gel formulation.

Key Words: Adapalene, Clindamycin, Gel formulation, RP-HPLC, Validation.

Introduction Clindamycin inhibits bacterial protein synthesis by

binding to bacterial 50S ribosomal subunits. It may be
Clindamycin (CLI), chemically ((2S,4R)-N-{2-chloro- bacteriostatic or bactericidal depending on the organism
1- [ ( 2R , 3R , 4S , 5R , 6R ) – 3 , 4 , 5 – trihydroxy – 6 - and drug concentration [1]. Adapalene (ADA), chemically
(methylsulfanyl) oxan – 2 – yl ] propyl } - 1 – methyl – 4 - (6-[3-(adamantan-1-yl)-4-methoxyphenyl] naphthalene-2-
propylpyrrolidine-2 carboxamide) is a semisynthetic carboxylic acid) is a topical retinoid primarily used in the
lincosamide antibiotic that has largely replaced lincomycin treatment of acne and is also used (off-label) to treat
due to an improved side effect profile. keratosis pilaris as well as other skin conditions. It is
currently marketed by Galderma under the trade names
Differin  in some countries, and Adaferin  in India [1-2].
Correspondence to: Rashmin. B. Patel, Department of Quality
Both CLI and ADA are official in pharmacopoeia.
Assurance, A. R. College of Pharmacy & G. H. Patel institute of
Pharmacy, Vallabh Vidyanagar 388 120, Gujarat, India. Combination of CLI and ADA has been shown to be
Tel.: 02692230788, e-mail: rbp.arcp@gmail.com effective in the management of acne [3]. A literature
survey revealed that high-performance liquid
Academic Editor: Vipaporn Panapisal chromatography (HPLC) for determination of CLI in

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Khatri et al., 2014 45

tablet [4], plasma [5, 6], topical formulation [7] and the prepared solution was transferred into a 10 ml
capsule [8]. Further, the residual determination of CLI volumetric flask and make up to volume with mobile phase
along with tretinoin on surface of manufacturing to obtain a final solution containing 10 µg/ml of ADA.
equipment using HPLC method was reported [9]. A few
HPLC methods for estimation of ADA in transdermal Preparation of mixed standard solutions. Series of
formulation [10] and gel [11-14] were reported. In view of solutions were prepared by transferring and mixing 1 ml,
the fact that no analytical method is available for the 2 ml, 3 ml, 4 ml and 5 ml of stock solution A and stock
quantitative analysis of ADA and CLI in combined gel solution B, respectively, in a separate 10 ml volumetric
formulation, the authors were motivated to develop a new flask and volume was made up to the mark using mobile
HPLC method for the estimation of ADA and CLI in pure phase to give mixed standard solutions.
powder and combined gel formulation.
The present study describes the development and Sample preparation for determination of CLI and ADA in
validation of a RP-HPLC method for the simultaneous gel formulation. One gm of gel equivalent to 10 mg CLI
quantitative estimation of ADA and CLI in pure powder and 1 mg ADA was transferred to a 100 ml volumetric
and a marketed gel formulation. The developed method flask and dissolved in 30 ml tetrahydrofuran. The flask
was successfully applied for the routine analysis of ADA was sonicated for 10 min and the final volume was made
and CLI in the gel formulation. up to the mark with mobile phase to give a solution
containing 100 µg/ml of CLI and 10 µg/ml of ADA.
Materials and Methods
Method validation
Materials. The pure CLI and ADA were obtained from Specificity: Placebo was prepared from commonly
Apex laboratory (Hyderabad, India). HPLC grade used formulation excipients (i.e., propylene glycol-7.0 gm,
acetonitrile, water, tetrahydrafuran and disodium hydrogen hydroxyethylcellulose-0.2 gm, ethanol-1.8 gm) and was
phosphate were purchased from E. Merck Ltd. (Mumbai, spiked into a preweighed quantity of drugs (100 mg CLI
India). and 10 mg ADA). One gm content (mixture of placebo and
drugs) equivalent to 10 mg CLI and 1 mg ADA was
Apparatus. The method was developed using a Shimadzu transferred to a 100 ml volumetric flask and dissolved in
LC-2010HT instrument equipped with SPD 20A detector, 30 ml tetrahydrofuran. The flask was sonicated for 10 min
isocratic pump system, auto injector, and Luna C-18(2) and the final volume was made up to the mark with mobile
(phenomenex) column (250 × 4.6 mm id, 5µ particle size). phase (sonicated for further 5 mins) to give a solution
containing 100 µg/ml CLI and 10 µg/ml ADA.
Chromatographic condition. The mobile phase consisted Linearity: Calibration curves were constructed by
of acetonitrile and phasphate buffer pH 3.0 (60:40, v/v) plotting peak area vs. concentrations of CLI and ADA and
was pumped at a flow rate of 1.0 ml/min. The mobile regression equations were calculated. The calibration
phase was filtered through a 0.45 µm nylon membrane and curves were plotted over five different concentrations of
degassed before use. The elution was monitored at 210 nm, CLI (100, 200, 300, 400, and 500 µg/ml) and ADA (10, 20,
and the sample injection loop volume was 20 µL. Standard 30, 40, and 50 µg/ml).
and sample solutions were filtered through a 0.45 μm Precision: Precision (repeatability) of the instruments
nylon membrane prior to HPLC injection. was checked by repeatedly injecting (n = 6) the mixed
standard solution of CLI (200 µg/ml) and ADA (20 µg/ml)
Preparation of a clindamycin standard stock solution. A for the HPLC method. The interday and intraday precisions
100 mg of clindamycin was weighed and transferred to a (reproducibility) of proposed methods were determined by
100 ml volumetric flask and dissolved with 75 ml mobile analyzing mixed standard solutions of CLI (100, 200, 300,
phase. The flask was sonicated for 10 min and the final µg/ml) and ADA (10, 20, 30 µg/ml) at 3 different
volume was made up to the mark with mobile phase to concentrations.
give 1000 µg/ml of CLI (Stock solution A). One ml of the Limit of detection (LOD) and limit of quantitation
stock solution A was transferred into a 10 ml volumetric (LOQ) : LOD and LOQ were calculated according to the
flask and diluted upto the mark using mobile phase to give following equations: LOD= 3.3 × σ/S and LOQ = 10 × σ/S;
100 µg/ml of CLI. where σ the standard deviation of the response and the y -
intercept of the regression line; S = slope of the regression
Preparation of an adapalene standard stock solution. A 10 line.
mg of adapalene was weighed and transferred to a 100 ml Accuracy: The accuracy of the method was
volumetric flask and dissolved in 30 ml of tetrahydrofuran. determined by calculating recovery of CLI and ADA by
The flask was sonicated for 10 min and the final volume the standard addition method. Known amounts of the
was made up to mark with mobile phase to give a solution standard solutions of CLI (80, 100 and 120 μg/ml) and
containing 100 µg/ml ADA (Stock solution B). One ml of ADA (8, 10 and 12 μg/ml) were added to the prequantified

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46 Khatri et al., 2014

Figure 1 A chromatogram of a standard solution containing 100 μg/ml of Clindamycine and 10 μg/ml of Adapalene.

sample solution (100 μg/ml CLI and 10 μg/ml ADA) of gel Results and Discussion
dosage form. The amounts of CLI and ADA were
estimated by applying values of peak area to the regression HPLC method development and optimization. To obtain
equations of each calibration curve, respectively. the best chromatographic conditions, the mobile phase was
Robustness: Robustness of the method was studied by optimized to provide sufficient selectivity and sensitivity in
changing the flow rate, composition of organic phase and a short separation time. Phosphate buffer resulted in high
pH of mobile phase, and column oven temperature using sensitivity compared with ammonium acetate buffer and
the solution containing 100 µg/ml CLI and 10 µg/ml ADA phosphoric acid solution. The use of acetonitrile resulted in
as the test solution. better sensitivity and short analysis time, improving the
Solution Stability: Stability of the sample solution peak symmetry. Luna C-18(2) analytical column was
containing 100 µg/ml CLI and 10 µg/ml ADA was studied evaluated and selected, as it provided the best
at ambient temperature for 24 h. chromatographic performance and acceptable peak
System suitability test: The system suitability test was characteristics, including tailing factor, number of
carried out to evaluate the resolution and reproducibility of theoretical plates and acceptable resolution of CLI and
the system for the analysis to be performed, using five ADA, confirming the capability of the proposed method.
replicate injections of the mixed standard solution For selection of the best wavelength of detection, a PDA
containing 100 µg/ml CLI and 10 µg/ml ADA. The detector was used.
measured parameters were retention time, theoretical A satisfactory separation with good peak symmetry and
plates, tailing factor and peak purity. steady baseline was achieved with Luna C-18(2) column

Table 1 Regression analysis of calibration graphs for clindamycine and adapalene for proposed HPLC method

Parameter CLI ADA

Concentration range 100-500 µg/mL 10-50 µg/mL
Slope 5488.99 21042.73
Residual SD 12198.96 7822.74
intercept 41379.56 203995.40
SD of the intercept 5721.82 3669.19
Correlation coefficient 0.9997 0.9994
LOD 5.39 µg/mL 0.89 µg/mL
LOQ 16.32 µg/mL 2.72 µg/mL

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Table 2 Summary of validated parameters of the proposed RP-HPLC method for clindamycine and adapalene

Parameter CLI ADA

Accuracy, % 99.6-100.1 99.3-100.1

Repeatability(RSD, %, n=6) 0.054 0.109
Precision (RSD, %)
Interday (n=3) 0.19-0.82 0.29-0.69
Intraday (n=3) 0.21-0.25 0.31-0.77
Specificity Specific Specific
Solvent suitability Suitable Suitable

and acetonitrile-phosphate buffer pH 3.0 (60 : 40, v/v) as assessed by analyzing two gel formulations on 3 different
mobile phase at flow rate of 1.0 ml/min. The quantitations days (interday); the RSD values obtained for CLI and
of CLI and ADA were achieved at 210 nm. ADA were 0.19 - 0.82 % and 0.29 - 0.69 %, respectively.
The optimized conditions of the HPLC method were The between-analysts precision was determined by
validated for the analysis of CLI and ADA in gel calculating the RSD for the analysis of two samples of the
formulations and application for QC. Figure 1 shows a pharmaceutical formulation by three analysts; the values
typical chromatogram obtained by the proposed HPLC were found to be 0.21 - 0.25 % for CLI and 0.31 - 0.77 %
method, demonstrating the resolution of the symmetrical for ADA, respectively. The RSD for intermediate precision
peak corresponding to CLI and ADA. The retention times was found to be <2 %, which could be concluded that the
were observed for CLI (3.03 ± 0.01 min) and ADA proposed method is reproducible. The recoveries from the
(4.92 ± 0.01 min) which allows a fast determination of accuracy study were obtained in a range of 99.6 to 100.1 %
both drugs, and is suitable for QC laboratories. for CLI and 99.3 and 100.1 % for ADA (Table 2). Nearly
100 % recovery indicates that the proposed HPLC method
Method validation. In present study, the ability of the is accurate. The LOD and LOQ for CLI and ADA were
method to separate the drug from each other and the non- found to be 5.39 and 16.32 µg/ml and 0.89 and 2.72 µg/ml,
interference of the excipients indicates the specificity of respectively (Table 1).
the method. Values of peak purity index were 0.9999 for Results and the experimental range of the evaluated
both drugs. These results indicated that the proposed variables in the robustness assessment are given in Table 3,
method is specific, and can be applied for stability studies together with the optimized values. There were no
and QC analysis of CLI and ADA in pharmaceutical significant changes in the chromatographic pattern when
products. The linearity data described in the present study the modifications were made in the experimental
demonstrated acceptable linearity for CLI and ADA over conditions, thus could be represented the robustness.
the range of 80 to 120 % of the target concentration, Solvent suitability study was carried out to establish the
respectively. Linear correlation was obtained between peak stability of the sample in an analytical solution (diluent)
areas and concentrations of CLI and ADA in the range of over a period of time during a routine analysis. The
100 - 500 µg/ml and 10 - 50 µg/ml, respectively. Data of stability of sample solutions was tested at intervals of 12
regression analysis were summarized in (Table 1). The hours, 24 hours, and up to 48 hours. The method was found
obtained RSD values from the precision study were to be rugged as there was no change in the areas of CLI
0.054 % for CLI and 0.109 % for ADA, respectively. and ADA. Results of this solvent suitability study showed
The RSD values for the repeatability study was found non-significant change (< 2 %) relative to freshly prepared
to be <1 %, which could be concluded that the proposed samples. The RSD values calculated in the system
method is repeatable. The intermediate precision was suitability test for the studied parameters were within the

Table 3 System suitability test parameters for clindamycine and adapalene for the proposed HPLC method

Parameter CLI ± %RSD(n=6) ADA ± %RSD(n=6)

Retention time (min.) 3.03 ± 0.01 4.92 ± 0.01
Tailing factor 1.62 ± 0.01 1.69 ± 0.02
Theoretical plate No. 3278 ± 0.32 2843 ± 0.20
Peak purity 0.9999 0.9999
Resolution - 4.90 ± 0.03

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48 Khatri et al., 2014

Table 4 Chromatographic conditions and range investigated during robustness study for proposed RP-HPLC method

Variables Range CLI % RSD % ADA % RSD % Optimized

Flow rate (ml/min) 0.8 99.25 0.26 99.17 0.28 1.0
1.0 99.94 0.13 99.89 0.11
1.2 99.66 0.20 99.55 0.21
pH of Mobile phase 2.8 99.67 0.29 99.39 0.38 3.0
3.0 99.92 0.14 100.1 0.17
3.2 99.40 0.31 99.51 0.29
Temperature (°C) 28 99.65 0.27 99.46 0.28 30
30 99.89 0.13 99.94 0.12
Table 5 Chromatographic conditions
32 and range investigated0.32
99.52 during robustness
99.61 study for proposed
0.24 RP-HPLC method
Percentage of
Parameter 50
CLI ± SD (n99.41
= 5), % 0.32 ADA ±99.51
SD (n = 5), % 0.31 60
Acetonitrile in
Marketed Gel formulation 60
99.76 ± 0.6599.97 0.14 99.92
99.58 ± 0.73 0.19
Mobile Phase
70 99.64 0.26 99.47 0.43

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