Toto Na Daw
Toto Na Daw
Toto Na Daw
The Department of Health’s ultimate vision and mission is the health for all Filipinos by ensuring
accessibility and quality of the health care to improve the quality of life for all Filipinos especially the
poor. This is a consonance to the right of every individual to realize his birthright of health and longevity
(Reyala et al, 2000).
At the municipal level the health development structure include personnel who are graduates of
an accredited school of their respective professions, passed the board examination and probably secured
their license to practice and perform their respective tasks considering the do’s and don’ts or laws
covered by their profession. This Health Care Providers are intended to bridge the gap between DOH
services and communities. It is important to remember that this bridge spans not only different beliefs and
experiences but also different social organizations (Kahssay, 1998).
Our Health Care Providers include medical practitioners, Public health nurses, sanitary
inspectors, and the midwives. The said practitioners which are one who are also accountable in guiding
the community about managing their health regardless of culture, is thought to play an important role in
uplifting the health care delivery system for the people in the community. They reflect on the needs of the
people and help them to look after its health.
There may be variation of the tasks of the Health care Personnel, but in general, they serve as
planners, managers or supervisors, coordinator of services, health educators, and detect deviation from
health of individuals, families, and groups of the community through contact or visit with them.
Furthermore, they also motivates changes in health behavior of individuals, family, groups, and
community including lifestyle in order to promote and maintain health, and serve as a good example or
model of healthful living to the public community.
There are two levels of Primary Health Care workers that have been identified. First is the Village
or Barangay Health Workers (V/BHWs) which refers to the trained community health workers or health
auxiliary volunteer or a traditional birth attendant or healer. The other one are the intermediate level
health workers which composed of general medical practitioners or their assistants, Public Health Nurse,
Rural sanitary Inspectors and the Midwives (Reyala et al, 2000) who will be the focus of this study.
Midwives refer to people who, having been regularly admitted to a midwifery educational
program that is duly recognized in the country in which it is located, has successfully completed the
prescribed course of studies in midwifery and has acquired the requisite qualifications to be registered
and/or legally licensed to practice midwifery. The educational program may be an apprenticeship, a
formal university or a combination.
The Midwives have an important task in health counseling and education, not only for woman,
but also within the family and community. This work should involve antenatal education and preparation
for parenthood and may extend to women’s health, sexual or reproductive health and childcare.
The midwife is also considered as the front liners of the health care team. They are the one who
are in contact with the people in the community where in they assessing needs and problems to be
addressed to the right agencies of the government who can help them regarding their concerns. Based on
their job description, they are the one who gives care to the whole community because they renders direct
care to the normal pregnant women during pregnancy until the end of puerperium as well as to normal
labor infant.
The quality of services received by the community people also greatly depends on the effectiveness of the
midwives in rendering them. The researchers are concerned whether the people of selected Barangay of
Bambang Nueva Vizcaya are really acquiring the services they deserve to receive from midwives and so
this research of the effectiveness of midwives in delivering primary health care services will be
Statement of the Problem
This study aims to assess the level of effectiveness of midwives in selected barangays of
Bambang, Nueva Vizcaya in delivering primary health services.
1. What is the profile of midwives of selected barangays of Bambang, Nueva Vizcaya in terms of
the following?
a. Age
b. Civil status
c. Monthly income
d. Length of residency
e. Length of service as midwives
f. Trainings/seminars attended
2. What is the level of effectiveness of midwives in rendering primary health care services to the
community people as evaluated by?
B. The midwives
3. Is there a significant relationship between the midwives perception of the level of effectiveness in
delivering primary health care services and their selected profile variables?
a. Age
b. Civil status
c. Length of residency
d. Length of service as midwives
e. Trainings/seminars attended
4. Is there a significant difference in the evaluation of midwives and the evaluation of the
community residents in terms of effectiveness of the former in delivering primary health care
Statement of Hypotheses
2. There is no significant difference in the evaluation of midwives and the evaluation of the
community residents in terms of effectiveness of the former in delivering primary health care
The result of this study, assessing the level of effectiveness of midwives in ten selected barangays
in Bambang, Nueva Vizcaya in rendering primary health care services will benefit the following:
a. The Municipal and Local Health Board: Through this study, the Municipal and Local Health Board
will be able to determine which among the profiles studied positively affects the level of effectiveness of
the midwives in rendering primary health care services to the community. This would help them evaluate
and screen out all volunteers? Who among them would be the most qualified and most capable to function
more effectively.
b. The DOH Health Manpower Development and Training Service (HMDTS): The HMDTS which is
the lead DOH office responsible for the development, coordinating and monitoring of midwives would be
able to determine which training courses are need to improve the level of effectiveness of the midwives in
their functioning especially in areas wherein their evaluation is not effective or moderately effective.
c. Community people: The result of this study will be of value to community people because should
their be positive actions with regards to inadequacy of midwives in performing their functions. It would
somehow guarantee them to acquire the quality of services they deserve to receive from health workers,
particularly from the midwives.
d. Future researchers: This research may become a spring board for the conceptualization of other
related research studies.
This research mainly focuses on the level of effectiveness of midwives in selected barangays of
Bambang, Nueva Vizcaya in delivering primary health services. The 5 urban barangays are the following:
Banggot, Buag, Homstead, Calaocan, and Makati. The 5 rural barangays are the following: Salinas, Barat,
San Antonio, Aliaga and Almaguer South The respondents are the residents of the said barangays.
There is no attempt to study and include the reasons to the level of effectiveness of midwives in
selected barangays of Bambang, Nueva Vizcaya in delivering primary health services. It is limited during
sy 2009-2010.
Definition of Terms
Midwives - are autonomous practitioners who are specialists in low-risk pregnancy, childbirth, and the
postpartum stage. They generally strive to help women to have a healthy pregnancy and natural birth
experience. Midwives are trained to recognize and deal with deviations from the norm. Obstetricians’, in
contrast, are specialists in illness related to childbearing and in surgery. The two professions can be
complementary, but often are at odds because obstetricians are taught to “actively manage” labor, while
midwives are taught not to intervene unless necessary.
Primary Health Care - as defined by the World Health Organization, is essential health care made
universally accessible to individuals and families in the community by means acceptable to them, through
their full participation and at a cost that the community and country can afford at every stage. Its goal is
health for all Filipinos and health in the hands of the people by the year 2020 and its mission is to
strengthen the health care system by increasing opportunities and supporting the conditions wherein
people will manage their own health care.
Conceptual Framework
The effectiveness of midwives in rendering primary health care services depends upon their age,
civil status, monthly income, length of service as midwives and number of trainings or seminars attended.
Correlative Variables
Civil status
Length of residency
Length of service as midwife
Trainings/seminar attended
Today’s health care consumers have greater knowledge about their health than in previous years
and they are increasingly influencing health care delivery. The trend is toward an integrated health care
system—one that is community based. The shift from institutional to community based care brings
changes in the roles and responsibilities of health care providers (Kozier, 2004).
At the municipal level the health development structure include personnel who are graduates of
an accredited school of their respective professions, passed the board examination and probably secured
their license to practice and perform their respective tasks considering the do’s and don’ts or laws
covered by their profession. This Health Care Providers are intended to bridge the gap between DOH
services and communities. It is important to remember that this bridge spans not only different beliefs and
experiences but also different social organizations (Kahssay, 1998).
Our Health Care Providers include medical practitioners, Public health nurses, sanitary
inspectors, and the midwives. The said practitioners which are one who are also accountable in guiding
the community about managing their health regardless of culture, is thought to play an important role in
uplifting the health care delivery system for the people in the community. They reflect on the needs of the
people and help them to look after its health.
There may be variation of the tasks of the Health care Personnel, but in general, they serve as
planners, managers or supervisors, coordinator of services, health educators, and detects deviation from
health of individuals, families, and groups of the community through contact or visit with them.
Furthermore, they also motivates changes in health behavior of individuals, family, groups, and
community including lifestyle in order to promote and maintain health, and serve as a good example or
model of healthful living to the public community.
There are two levels of Primary Health Care workers that have been identified. First is the Village
or Barangay Health Workers (V/BHWs) which refers to the trained community health workers or health
auxiliary volunteer or a traditional birth attendant or healer. The other one are the intermediate level
health workers which composed of general medical practitioners or their assistants, Public Health Nurse,
Rural sanitary Inspectors and the Midwives (Reyala et al, 2000) who will be the focus of this study.
Midwives refer to people who, having been regularly admitted to a midwifery educational
program that is duly recognized in the country in which it is located, has successfully completed the
prescribed course of studies in midwifery and has acquired the requisite qualifications to be registered
and/or legally licensed to practice midwifery. The educational program may be an apprenticeship, a
formal university or a combination.
postpartum period, to conduct births on the midwife’s own responsibility and to provide care for the
infant. This care includes preventive measures, promotion of normal birth, the detection of complications
in mother and child and accessing of medical or other appropriate assistance and the carrying out of
emergency measures.
The Midwives have an important task in health counseling and education, not only for woman,
but also within the family and community. This work should involve antenatal education and preparation
for parenthood and may extend to women’s health, sexual or reproductive health and childcare.
The quality of services received by the community people also greatly depends on the
effectiveness of the midwives in rendering them. The researchers are concerned whether the people of
selected Barangay of Bambang Nueva Vizcaya are really acquiring the services they deserve to receive
from midwives and so this research of the effectiveness of midwives in delivering primary health care
services will be conducted.
The Midwives
Midwifery is a health care profession in which providers give prenatal care to expecting mothers,
attend the birth of the infant, and provide postpartum care to the mother and her infant. A practitioner of
midwifery is known as a midwife, a term used in reference to both women and men. In the United States,
nurse-midwives are advance practice nurses (nurse practitioners). In addition to giving care to women in
connection with pregnancy and birth, they also provide primary care to women, well-women care
(gynecological annual exams), family planning, and menopause care.
Midwives refer women to obstetricians when a pregnant woman requires care beyond the
midwives area of expertise. In many jurisdictions, these professions work together to provide care to
childbearing women. In others, only the midwife is available to provide care. Midwives are trained to
handle certain situations that are considered abnormal, including breech births and posterior position,
using non invasive techniques. (
“A midwife as a person who, having been regularly admitted to a midwifery educational program
that is duly recognized in the country in which it is located, has successfully completed the prescribed
course of studies in midwifery and has acquired the requisite qualifications to be registered and/or legally
licensed to midwifery. The educational program may be an apprenticeship, a formal university program,
or a combination. The midwife is recognized as a responsible and accountable professional who works in
partnership with women to give the necessary support, care and advice during pregnancy, labor and the
postpartum period, to conducts births on the midwives own responsibility and to provide care for the
infant. This care includes preventive measures, the promotion of formal birth, the detection of
complications in mother and child, accessing of medical or other appropriate assistance and the carrying
out of emergency measures. The midwife has an important task in health counseling an education, not
only for the woman, but also within the family and community. This work should involve antenatal
education and preparation for parenthood and may extend to women’s health, sexual or reproductive
health and childcare. A midwife may practice in any setting including in the home, the community,
hospitals, clinics or health units. (International Confederation of Midwives).
Midwifery. The word brings to mind a pregnant women in a softly lit room, laboring with intent,
touched and tended by gentle women who are experienced and wise in the ways of labor and birth. One
role of midwives is to protect the sanctity of birth and to honor and cherish women both as they strive to
bring forth new life and throughout their lives.
Functions of Midwife
The main function of a midwife is to provide support and care to women during labor and
delivery. However, midwives today don’t just attend births—they offer many types of gynecologic care.
Midwives can:
Midwives have a different philosophy than doctors—they want the women they work with to
make their own decisions about the birthing experience. Women have reported that they are more
satisfied about their ability to make decisions when they are assisted by a midwife a opposed to
an obstetrician. Although midwives are trained to provide medical assistance when necessary,
they prefer to avoid interventions, such as forceps and C-sections delivery.
Section 11. Examination required- all applicants for registration to the practice of midwifery in the
Philippines shall be required to undergo an examination as required for in this Act.
Section 12. Scope for Examinations- the scope of examinations for the practice of midwifery shall consist
of the following:
(a) Infant care and feeding; Chan Robles virtual law library
(b) Obstetrical anatomy and physiology
(c) Principles of bacteriology as applied to midwifery practice
(d) Obstetrics; Chan Robles
(e) Midwifery procedures
(f) Domiciliary midwifery
(g) Community hygiene and first aid
(h) Nutrition
(i) Ethics of midwifery practice
(j) Primary health care
(k) Professional growth and development
(l) Family planning and
(m) Other subject within the Board may deem necessary for addition or inclusion
from time to time.
Section 13. Prerequisite and qualifications of applicants for examination- in order to be admitted to the
midwifery examinations, an applicant shall, at the time of filing of his/her application thereof, establish to
the satisfaction to the board that he/she:
(a) Is in good health and good moral character, and Chan Robles virtual law library
(b) Isa graduate of midwifery in a government recognized and duly accredited
At the time of the issuance of a certificate of registration, the applicant shall be a citizen of the
Philippines and at least eighteen years of age. (
FINANCIAL INCENTIVES: Physicians have a financial incentive to recommend
cesareans since they will reap the financial rewards of performing the surgery. Since
midwives do not receive any compensation from surgery, they may be more likely to
look out for the best interest of the patient.
ATTITUDE TOWARD CHILDBIRTH: The midwifery model of care views birth as a
natural process and gives the mother more input toward shaping the birth experience. The
physician’s medial approach “..highlights the risk of childbirth, viewing the event as
inherently medical, even pathological, requiring hospital admission and technological
intervention.” (http//
1. Efficient
Plans with the people, organizes, conducts, directs health education activities according
to the needs of the community.
Knowledgeable about everything relevant to his practice; has the necessary skills
expected of him/her.
2. Good listener
Hear what being said and what’s behind the words.
Always available for the participant to voice out their sentiments and needs.
3. Keen observer
Keep an eye on the proceedings, process and participant’s behavior.
4. Systematic
Knows how to put in sequence or logical order the parts of the session.
5. Creative/Resourceful
Uses available resources.
6. Analytical/critical thinker
Decides on what has been analyzed.
7. Tactful
Brings about issues in smooth subtle manner.
Does not embarrass but gives constructive criticism.
8. Knowledgeable
Able to impart relevant, updated and sufficient input.
9. Open
Invites ideas, suggestions, and criticism.
Involves people in decision making.
Accepts need for joint planning and decision relative to health care in particular situation;
not resistant to change.
10. Sense of humor
Knows how to place a touch of humor to keep audience alive.
11. Change agent
Involves participants actively in assuming the responsibility for his own learning.
12. Coordinator
Brings into consonance of harmony the community’s health care activities.
13. Objective
Unbiased and fair in decision making.
14. Flexible
Able to cope in different situations.
These traits and qualities that should be possess by health workers could help them perform better
and more effectively in their functions in the community. (
Primary Health Care characterized by partnership and empowerment of the people shall
permeate as the core strategy in the effective provision of essential health services that are community
based, accessible, acceptable and sustainable, at a cost, which the community and the government can
afford. It is a strategy, which focuses responsibility of health on the individual, his family and the
community. It includes the full participation and active involvement of the community towards the
development of self-reliant people, capable of achieving an acceptable level of health and well being. It
also recognizes the inter relationships between health and the overall political, socio-cultural and
economic development of society (Reyala,2000).
The elements of primary health care are the following: environmental sanitation; control of
communicable diseases; immunization; health education; maternal and child health and family planning;
adequate food and proper nutrition; provision of medical care and emergency treatment; treatment of
locally endemic diseases; and provision of essential drugs (Reyala,2000).
To achieve the goal of Primary Health Care which is health for all Filipinos and health in the
hands of the people by the year 2020, the following strategies were set: reorientation and reorganization
of the national health Care system with the establishment of functional support mechanism in support
of the mandate of devolution under the Local Government Code of 1991; effective preparation and
enabling process for health action at all levels; mobilization of the people to know their communities
and identifying their basic health needs with the end in view of providing appropriate solutions leading
to self-reliance and self determination; development and utilization of appropriate technology focusing
on local indigenous resources available in and acceptable by the community; organization of the
communities arising from their expressed needs which they have to decide to address and that this is
continually evolving in pursuit of their own development ; increase opportunities for community
participation in local level planning, management, monitoring and evaluation within the context of
regional and national objectives; development of intra-sectoral linkages with other government and
private agencies so that programs of the health sectoral is closely linked with those of other socio-
economic sectors at the national, intermediate and community levels; emphasizing partnership so that the
health workers and the community leaders/members view each other as a partners rather than merely
providers and receiver of health care respectively. The frame work for meeting the goal of primary health
care is organizational strategy, which calls for active and continuing partnership among the communities,
private and government agencies in health development ( Reyala, 2000).
Different categories of health personnel must learn to work together, since the different categories
are trained separately; they are not always prepared to work effectively in health care teams. To do so,
health workers need training in working with each other care providers. The teamwork approach will lay
the foundation for increase solidarity and respect among health care workers. They will realize that they
are interdependent but they share responsibilities and need to act frequently.
Primary health care services exist to improve the health of individuals and communication;
participation of these individuals and communities in their own health care is essential in improving
health outcomes (Kahssay,1998).
Community Organizing Participatory Research (COPAR)
COPAR is an important tool for community development and people empowerment as this helps
the community workers to generate community participation in development activities. It prepares
people/clients to eventually take over the management of a development program s in the future. It also
maximizes community participation and involvement; community resources are mobilized for community
COPAR is based on the principles that people, especially the most oppressed, exploited and
deprived sectors are open to change, have the capacity to change and are able to bring about change. It
should be based on the interest of the poorest sectors of society and should lead to a self-reliant
community and society.
It involves a progressive cycle of action-reflection action which begins with small, local and
concrete issues identified by the people and the evaluation and the reflection of and on the action taken by
them. It places emphasis on learning that emerges from concrete action and which enriches succeeding
action. It is participatory and mass-based because it is primarily directed towards and biased in favor of
the poor, the powerless and oppressed. It is also group-centered and not leader-oriented. Leaders are
identified, emerge and are tested through action rather than appointed or selected by some external force
or entity ( -participatory-researh-copar/ ).
The COPAR process has four phases. First is the pre-entry phase which is the initial phase of the
organizing process where the community/organizer looks for the communities to serve/help. It is
considered the simplest phase in terms of actual outputs, activities and strategies and time spent for it.
Activities include designing a plan for community development including all its activities and strategies
for care development, designing criteria for the selection of site and actually selecting the site for
community care.
The second phase is the entry phase sometimes called the social preparation phase as to the
activities done here includes the sensitization of the people on the critical events in their life, innovating
them to share their dreams and ideas on how to manage their concerns and eventually mobilizing them to
take collective action on these. This phase signals the actual entry of the community work/organizer into
the community. She /He must be guided by the following guidelines however.
1. Recognizes the role of authorities by paying them visits to inform them of their presence and
2. The appearance, speech, behavior and lifestyle should be in keeping with those of the community
residents without disregard or their being role models.
3. Avoid raising the consciousness of the community residents; adopt a low-key profile.
The third phase is the organization building phase which entails the formation of more formal
structures and the inclusion of more formal procedures of planning, implementation and evaluating
community-wide activities. It is at this phase where the organized leaders or groups are being given
training (formal, informal, OJT) to develop their skills and in managing their own concerns/programs.
The fourth phase is the sustenance and strengthening phase which occurs when the community
organization has already been established and the community members are already actively participating
in community-wide undertakings. At this point, the different communities setup in the organization
building phase are already expected to be functioning by way of planning, implementing and evaluating
their own programs with the overall guidance from the community –wide organization. Strategies used
may include education and training; networking and linkaging; conduct of mobilization on health and
development concerns; implementing of livelihood projects; and developing secondary leaders
Research Design
This research made use of descriptive comparative-correlational design. It is non-experimental in
nature because it did not involve manipulation of an independent variable or control rather; its focus is to
describe and to measure the independent and dependent variables. It is correlation because it intended to
show the profile of the midwives respondents and how their selected profiles affect their level of
effectiveness in rendering primary health care services. It also tried to describe and compare the
perception of the two groups regarding the effectiveness of the midwives in carrying out their primary
functions in the community.
Research Locale
The study was conducted to 10, 5 urban and 5 rural, selected barangay of Bambang Nueva
Vizcaya.. The 5 urban barangays are the following: Banggot, Buag, Homstead, Calaocan, and Macate.
The 5 rural barangays are the following: San Antonio North, San Antonio South, Almaguer North,
Almaguer South and Sto. Domingo. The selected barangay were very accessible for the researchers
because of the availability of transportation.
Respondents of the Study
The subject of the research was the midwives of Bambang Nueva Vizcaya. The respondents were
the midwives and the community people residing in the same Barangays.
Data Gathering Tool
A survey questionnaire was used to gather data essential to the study. The said tool was used
because it can be applied to many populations and it can focus on wide range of topics.
The questionnaire consisted of three -pages wherein the functions of midwives were identified
and were translated to tagalong to be easily understood by the community respondents and were asked to
check their answers on the space provided as to how they perceive the performance of midwives in
rendering primary health care services. Rating scale was provided as very effective (4), effective (3),
moderately effective (2) and not effective (1). The same questionnaire was given to all respondents from
both groups.
Another questionnaires were given to the midwives to elicit information about their personal
profile such as their age, civil status, educational attainment, monthly income, duration of their services as
midwives, length of residency in their barangay and the number of seminars and trainings they have
Survey questionnaires that were administered face to face were used to obtain information
regarding the topic undertaken.
Treatment of Data
The perceived levels of effectiveness of midwife in rendering primary health care were classified
into the following:
Table 1
2.50-3.49 3 Effective
Statistical Tool
The t-test and ANOVA with LSD will be used to compare level of effectiveness of midwife in
delivering primary health care services and their selected profile variables. Significant level is set at 0.05.
Table 2. Frequency and Percent Distribution of the Midwives According to Age
Table 2 shows the frequency and percent distribution of the Midwives according to
age. It can be seen that most of the midwives are from ages 51 -55. It can also be
noted that only 2 midwives belongs to the extreme age range of 36-40 and 56-60
which means that only few midwives are very young and very old, most midwives
are in late adulthood stage.
Table 3 shows that all of the respondent midwives are married. This implies that a great number
of midwives divide their time and responsibility in dealing with their families and in dealing with
their job as health workers. Their responsibility as married person could pose a bearing in their
effectiveness as midwives. The result, however, needs to be tested if there is a correlation
between the result and their level of effectiveness as midwives.
Years of Service Frequency Percent
< 15 2 18.18
15-20 4 36.36
21-25 3 27.27
26-30 1 9.09
31-35 1 9.09
Table 4 shows the frequency and percent distribution of midwives according to the length of
service . most of the midwives has serve for 15- 20 years with a percentage of 36.36%. one
midwife has serve for service for 31-35 years. Two midwives has serve for less that 15 years.
Evaluated by Residents
Std. Description of
A. Coordinator of Service N Mean Deviation Mean
Valid N (listwise)
Table 5 shows the effectiveness of midwives in rendering primary health care as evaluated by the
community residents in the area of functioning as a coordinator of health services. It can be seen
that the community residents evaluated the midwives as effective in the role as a coordinator of
health. In their role as coordinator of service, they are effective in participating in determining
health needs of individual, families, and the community; assisting in planning and organizing the
Clinic in his/ her Barangay health station; preparing monthly schedule of activities in
coordination with the Physician, Nurse, Sanitary Inspector, and other Health.
Std. Description
N Mean Deviation
Table 6 shows the effectiveness of midwives in rendering primary health care as evaluated by the
community residents in the area of functioning as a. all of the functions related to their role as is
evaluated as effective meaning they do this job often.
Table 7. Level of Effectiveness on Midwives as Evaluated by the Community Residents as
Health Care Provider
Heath Care Provider N Mean Deviation
Table 7 shows the effectiveness of midwives in rendering primary health care as evaluated by the
community residents in the area of functioning as a heath care provider. Based from the table the
midwives are effective in obtaining clinical history and administering emergency and therapeutic
measures based in the standing orders while they are moderately effective in performing simple
routine physical and lab exam. This implies that some instruments for simple laboratory
examinations are lacking in the community therefore the midwives neither can nor perform this
task at the most effective level. Overall evaluation on this area shows that they are effective as
health care provider.
As a Health Monitor N Mean Deviation
Table 8 shows the effectiveness of midwives in rendering primary health care as evaluated by the
community residents in the area of functioning as health monitor agent. As a health monitor
agent the residents evaluated the midwives as effective in their conduct of duty such as
conducting home visit , case findings on TB, AIDS, malaria, and dengue.
As a Community Organizer N Mean Deviation
Table 9 shows the effectiveness of midwives in rendering primary health care as evaluated by the
community residents in the area of functioning as a community organizer. In their function as a
community organizer, they are effective in identifying individuals and groups in the community
who can participate in the delivery of health care, organizing individuals and groups to support
activities in relation to the delivery of health services within the catchment area, and facilitating
community health development projects.
As an Educator N Mean Deviation
19. Requests and distributes Effective
information education
communication or IEC materials to
other government and non 200 2.35 .990
government units like schools,
civic and church organizations
within the catchment area.
Total Moderately
200 2.3750 .91573
Table 10 shows the effectiveness of midwives in rendering primary health care as evaluated by
the community residents in the area of functioning as an educator. In the overall evaluation as an
educator, they are moderately effective. This implies that community residents can’t appreciate
much the effort of the midwives in educating them.
As a Manager/ Supervisor N Mean Deviation
Table 11 shows the effectiveness of midwives in rendering primary health care as evaluated by
the community residents in the area of functioning as a manger/ supervisor. As a manager/
supervisor they are effective in guiding volunteer health workers and or trainees assigned to
barangay health station, Accomplishing required records and forms for activities undertaken,
Preparing and submitting reports of activities and needs for supplies and other logistic
requirements of the barangay health workers. In general as a manager/ supervisor, they are
effective as evaluated by the residents.
Std. Description
Role of Midwives N Mean Deviation
F. Educator Moderately
200 2.3750 .91573
Table 12 shows the overall level of effectiveness of midwives in the seven areas of functioning
as a coordinator of health, health care provider, health monitor agent, community organizer, an
educator, and as a manager/ supervisor. The result shows that the community residents evaluated
their midwives as effective in overall. They are effective in performing functions as a
coordinator of health, health care provider, health monitor agent, community organizer, and as a
manager/ supervisor while they are moderately effective as an educator.
N Mean Deviation
bearing women during pregnancy
until the end of puerperium as well
as to the normal newborn infants.
2. Gives tetanus toxoid 11 4.00 .000 Very Effective
3. Refers to the Physician and/or Very Effective
Nurse and appropriate agencies
pregnant and post- partum women 11 3.82 .405
and newborn infants with
suspected abnormalities and
4. Registers births and do prenatal 11 3.82 .603 Very Effective
5. Promotes breastfeeding. 11 3.91 .302 Very Effective
Valid N (listwise) 11
Valid N (listwise) 11
Valid N (listwise) 11
Community Organizer Std.
N Mean
Valid N (listwise) 11
Educator Std.
N Mean
Valid N (listwise) 11
Valid N (listwise) 11
Table 13 shows the effectiveness of midwives in the seven areas of functioning; as coordinator
of health services, community organizer, health care provider, health monitor, health educator,
and supervisor/ manager, as evaluated by the midwives themselves. The table reveals that the
midwives evaluated their performance as very effective in all aspect of functioning. This will
possibly imply that they do most of the job related to their role as midwives which satisfy their
definition of very effective. The self-evaluation reveals that midwives are satisfied in their
performance and that they evaluated themselves as very effective. This could also possibly mean
that they uplift they effectiveness though more researches should be done to prove it so.
Mean Description
Category N Mean Differen t df sig
Table shows the comparison of midwives’ and community residents’ evaluation. It can be seen
that the midwives evaluated themselves as very effective in rendering their functions as
coordinator of health, health monitor agent, community organizer, educator and as a supervisor/
manager. On the other hand the community residents evaluated them to be effective in their
conduct of functions stated above. There is a difference between the evaluation from the two
respondents. The significant difference between the perception of the two respondents implies
that efforts of the midwives which for them is very effective are perceived by the community
residents as effective. This implies that midwives need more practice and trainings i the conduct
of their duty to satisfy the perception of residents as to being very effective. The research serves
as a reflection for the midwives to improve and to have a better performance although there
could be factors that lead them not to meet the expectations of the community residents.
Table 15. Relationship between Midwives’ Effectiveness and their Profile Variables
Age LS Trainings HT
N 11 11 11 11
N 11 11 11 11
Sig. (2-tailed) .919 .557 .740 .322
N 11 11 11 11
N 11 11 11 11
N 11 11 11 11
N 11 11 11 11
N 11 11 11 11
N 11 11 11 11
Table 15 shows the relationship between midwives’ effectiveness and their selected profile
variable. It can be derive from the table that age, length of service and trainings attended have no
significant relationship on the effectiveness of the midwives in delivering health care. This
implies that neither older midwife nor younger midwife performs better. Length of service
doesn’t also poses an effect on the effectiveness.