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MSE: Introduction to Materials

Chapter 1 - Introduction Chapter 1 - Introduction

Science & Engineering
Course Objective... • Material science- investigates the relationship • What is materials science?
Introduce fundamental concepts in Materials between structure and properties of materials. • Why should we know about it?
Science • Material engineering – designing or engineering
You will learn about: the structure based on the predetermined
correlation of structure of material. • Materials drive our society
• material structure – Stone Age
• how structure dictates properties – Bronze Age
• Materials drive our society
• how processing can change structure – Iron Age
– Stone Age
This course will help you to: – Bronze Age – Now?
• use materials properly – Iron Age • Silicon Age?
• realize new design opportunities • Polymer Age?
– Now
with materials • Silicon Age
• Polymer Age
Chapter 1 - 1 Chapter 1 - 3
Chapter 1 - 5

Example – Develop New Types of

LECTURES Chapter 1 - Introduction
Lecturer: Alvin A. Talampas
• What is materials science? • Commodity plastics – large volume ca. $0.50 / lb
Time: 1120H – 1250H • Why should we know about it?
Ex. Polyethylene
Location: V101 etc.
• Materials drive our society
Activities: – Stone Age • Engineering Resins – small volume > $1.00 / lb
• Discussion with ppt presentation – Bronze Age Ex. Polycarbonate
• Announce homework – Iron Age Polysulfone
– Now etc.
• Silicon Age
Can polypropylene be “upgraded” to properties (and price) near
• Polymer Age those of engineering resins?

Chapter 1 - 4 Chapter 1 - 6
Chapter 1 - 2
Example – Hip Implant Example – Hip Implant Structure, Processing, & Properties
• With age or certain illnesses joints deteriorate. • Properties depend on structure
ex: hardness vs structure of steel
Particularly those with large loads (such as hip).

Hardness (BHN)
30 mm
500 (c)
Data obtained from Figs. 10.30(a)
400 (b) and 10.32 with 4 wt% C composition,
(a) and from Fig. 11.14 and associated
4 mm discussion, Callister 7e.
300 Micrographs adapted from (a) Fig.
10.19; (b) Fig. 9.30;(c) Fig. 10.33;
30 mm
30 mm and (d) Fig. 10.21, Callister 7e.
0.01 0.1 1 10 100 1000
Cooling Rate (ºC/s)

Adapted from Fig. 22.26, Callister 7e. Chapter 1 - 9

• Processing can change structure
Adapted from Fig. 22.25, Callister 7e.
Chapter 1 - 7 ex: structure vs cooling rate of steel
Chapter 1 - 11

Example – Hip Implant Hip Implant Types of Materials

• Metals:
• Key problems to overcome
– Strong, ductile
– fixation agent to hold Ball – high thermal & electrical conductivity
• Requirements acetabular cup – opaque, reflective.
– mechanical – cup lubrication material
• Polymers/plastics: Covalent bonding  sharing of e’s
strength (many – femoral stem – fixing agent
Acetabular – Soft, ductile, low strength, low density
cycles) (“glue”) – thermal & electrical insulators
Cup and Liner
– must avoid any debris in cup – Optically translucent or transparent.
– good lubricity
– biocompatibility • Ceramics: ionic bonding (refractory) – compounds of metallic
Femoral & non-metallic elements (oxides, carbides, nitrides, sulfides)
Stem – Brittle, glassy, elastic
– non-conducting (insulators)
Adapted from chapter-opening photograph,
Chapter 22, Callister 7e.
Adapted from Fig. 22.24, Callister 7e.

Chapter 1 - 8 Chapter 1 - 10 Chapter 1 - 12

The Materials Selection Process THERMAL OPTICAL
• Space Shuttle Tiles: • Thermal Conductivity
--Silica fiber insulation of Copper: • Transmittance:
1. Pick Application Determine required Properties offers low heat conduction. --It decreases when --Aluminum oxide may be transparent, translucent, or
Properties: mechanical, electrical, thermal, Adapted from chapter- you add zinc! opaque depending on the material structure.
opening photograph,
magnetic, optical, deteriorative. Chapter 19, Callister 7e.
polycrystal: polycrystal:
(Courtesy of Lockheed 400

Thermal Conductivity
Missiles and Space single crystal low porosity high porosity
Company, Inc.)
2. Properties Identify candidate Material(s)

Material: structure, composition. 200

3. Material Identify required Processing 0
0 10 20 30 40
Processing: changes structure and overall shape Composition (wt% Zinc)
ex: casting, sintering, vapor deposition, doping Adapted from Adapted from Fig. 19.4, Callister 7e. Adapted from Fig. 1.2,
Callister 7e.
Fig. 19.4W, Callister (Fig. 19.4 is adapted from Metals Handbook:
forming, joining, annealing. 6e. (Courtesy of Properties and Selection: Nonferrous alloys and (Specimen preparation,
P.A. Lessing; photo by S.
Lockheed Aerospace Pure Metals, Vol. 2, 9th ed., H. Baker,
Ceramics Systems, (Managing Editor), American Society for Metals, Tanner.)
Sunnyvale, CA) 1979, p. 315.)
(Note: "W" denotes fig.
is on CD-ROM.)
Chapter 1 - 13 100mm Chapter 1 - 15 Chapter 1 - 17


• Electrical Resistivity of Copper: • Magnetic Storage: • Magnetic Permeability • Stress & Saltwater... • Heat treatment: slows
--Recording medium vs. Composition: --causes cracks! crack speed in salt water!
6 Adapted from Fig. 18.8, Callister 7e.
is magnetized by --Adding 3 atomic % Si

crack speed (m/s)

(Fig. 18.8 adapted from: J.O. Linde,
10-8 “as-is”
5 Ann Physik 5, 219 (1932); and
C.A. Wert and R.M. Thomson,
recording head. makes Fe a better “held at
Resistivity, r

Physics of Solids, 2nd edition, 160ºC for 1 hr

recording medium!
(10-8 Ohm-m)

4 McGraw-Hill Company, New York,

before testing”
10-10 Alloy 7178 tested in
saturated aqueous NaCl

solution at 23ºC
increasing load
2 Fe Adapted from Fig. 11.20(b), R.W. Hertzberg, "Deformation and
Fracture Mechanics of Engineering Materials" (4th ed.), p. 505, John
Adapted from chapter-opening photograph, Wiley and Sons, 1996. (Original source: Markus O. Speidel, Brown
1 Chapter 17, Callister 7e. Boveri Co.)
(from Marine Corrosion, Causes, and
4 mm
0 Prevention, John Wiley and Sons, Inc., 1975.)
-200 -100 0 T (°C) Magnetic Field
7150-T651 Al "alloy"
Adapted from C.R. Barrett, W.D. Nix, and
• Adding “impurity” atoms to Cu increases resistivity. Fig. 20.23, Callister 7e.
(Fig. 20.23 is from J.U. Lemke, MRS Bulletin,
A.S. Tetelman, The Principles of
Engineering Materials, Fig. 1-7(a), p. 9,
• Deforming Cu increases resistivity. Vol. XV, No. 3, p. 31, 1990.) 1973. Electronically reproduced
by permission of Pearson Education, Inc., Adapted from Fig. 11.26,
Upper Saddle River, New Jersey. Callister 7e. (Fig. 11.26 provided courtesy of G.H.
Chapter 1 - 14 Narayanan and A.G. Miller, Boeing Commercial
Chapter 1 - 16 Airplane Company.) Chapter 1 - 18
Course Goals:
• Use the right material for the job.

• Understand the relation between properties,

structure, and processing.

• Recognize new design opportunities offered

by materials selection.

Chapter 1 - 19

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