ASHRAE Testing-Adjusting-Balancing-HVAC-Systems PDF
ASHRAE Testing-Adjusting-Balancing-HVAC-Systems PDF
ASHRAE Testing-Adjusting-Balancing-HVAC-Systems PDF
January 9, 1997
The correction listed in this errata sheet applies to all copies of ANSUASHUE Standard 111-1988 with a blank outside back
cover (i.e., no printer’s symbol).
On page 64, Figure D-10, values in table column headed “Position Relative to Inner Wall,” in row for 5 points or traverse
lines, change the second value:
From: 0.238
To: 0.288
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ASHRAE Standard 111-1988
Practices for
Measurement, Testing,
Adjusting, and
Balancing of BuiIding
Heating, Vent ilation,
Air-Conditioning, and
Refrigeration Systems
Approved by the ASHRAE Standards Committee on Oc-
tober 17,1987,and by the ASHRAE Board of Directors on
February 4,1988.
Copyright ASHRAE Document provided by IHS Licensee=Aramco HQ/9980755100, 05/04/2004 23:32:06 MDT
Provided by IHS under license with ASHRAE Questions or comments about this message: please call the Document Policy Group
at 303-397-2295.
Sections Page
1. Purpose ................................................................. 2
2. Scope .................................................................... 2
3. Definitions & Symbols ...................................................... .2
4. Compliance ............................................................... 4
5. Instrumentation ............................................................ 5
6. BalancingStations ......................................................... 14
7. SystemEffect ............................................................. 17
8. AirMeasurements ......................................................... 22
9. HydronicMeasurernent ..................................................... 34
10. Air Testing, Adjusting and Balancing ......................................... .38
11. Hydronic Testing and Balancing ............................................. .44
12. RefrigeratingTesting ...................................................... .45
13. Reporting Procedures and Forms ............................................ .46
14. References ............................................................... 51
A ..............................................................
Bibliography 52
B Sample Specification .52
C SystemEffects ............................................................ 53
D AirMeasurements ......................................................... 53
E Pumps ................................................................... 62
Technical Committee 9.7 recommended a standard be writ- be obtained to satisfy a given set of design conditions within
ten for testing and balancing in order to unify procedures a reasonable set of limitations.
for the industry and to aid design engineers in writing a Testing, adjusting, and balancing are the means used
testing and balancing specification that would encompass to determine and monitor system performance and may be
the ramifications of HVAC system test and adjustment. utilized again and again well after the project is completed.
Field test results are considered essential to designers, Testing and balancing reports should be used:
manufacturers, and installers t,o better enable them to a. to assist personnel responsibile for the efficient
evaluate the results of their design, equipment perfor- operation of the HVAC systems,
mance, and installation techniques under actual operating b. as a record of existing conditions,
conditions. c. to compare periodic tests to original conditions for
To improve on the quality of field testing and report- determining deteriaration or reduced efficiency if any exist,
ing, instrumentation and testing techniques are considered d. for conditions when modifications or changes are
in this Standard. made in the HVAC system,
The Standard does cover causes that can affect a e. in energy conservation programs as existing condi-
system’s performance. tions for base energy level calculations,
It is the intent of this Standard to convey the message f. for procedures and reports that can be used to verify
“not all is perfect in HVAC systems”, so that one should not energy conservation results,
expect explicit perfection under the present “state of the g. for comparison of design versus actual field
art”. However, with good engineering practice, realistic performance.
ratings and craftsmanship installation, adequate results can
2.1.2 The Standard includes methods for determining
temperature, enthalpy, velocity flow rate, pressure, pressure MAIN ~ CARRIES TOTAL FLOW
differential, voltage, amperage, wattage, and power factor. SUBMAIN I CARRIES F L O W OF TWO OR M O R E B R A N C H E S PLUS R U N O U T S
2.2 This Standard establishes: SUBBRANCH - CARRIES FLOW OF T W O OR MORE R U N O U T S F R O M OR TO A B R A N C H
balancing station: an assembly to measure and control dry air: air that does not contain water vapor.
fluid flow. It is composed of a measuring device, a volume fan power: power input at the fan shaft, or the total of the
control device and recornmended lengths of straight duct- power input to the fan shaft and the power loss attributable
work or pipe into and out of the measurement location. to the power transmission device. j
balancer: a commonly used term for the person or firm jan static pressure: the difference between the fan total
that performs testing, adjusting and balancing work. pressure and the fan discharge velocity pressure.
In order to comply with this Standard, air a n d of a single tube, inclined (usually 10:l slope), thus enlarg-
hydronic testing and balancing shall be performed in accor- ing the reading. Alcohol or special oils are normally used
dance with Sections 10.0 and 11.0 of this Standard. in place of water. Such oils have a lower specific gravity than
4.4 Reporting of Results water, which serves to still further enlarge the reading.
In order to comply with this Standard, a final report Manometers using such fluids have scales calibrated in in-
shall be submitted to the specifying authority. This report ches of water (millimeters of Hg) corresponding to the
shall be structured in accordance with Section 13.0 of this pressure indicated on the oil of a known specific gravity.
Standard and shall include all applicable data prescribed by In use, the manometer must be carefully leveled and
this section. held in a rigid position, so that with no pressure being
registered, the end of the meniscus arc of the fluid exactly
5. Instrumentation bisects the center of the zero line.
5.1 Scope b. Recommended uses: Use with Pitot-static tube or
This section covers the instruments required or recom- static probe. Recheck level and zero reading during use.
mended to make the measurements called for in this c. Limitations: When air velocities are below 600
Standard. fpm (3.0 m/s), a micromanometer, hook gauge, or some
Included for each instrument will be a description, other more sensitive instrument should be used for accep-
recommended uses, limitations, accuracy to be expected in table accuracy.
the field, and calibration requirements. d. Calibration required: None. Clean fluid, zero ad-
5.2 General justment, and leveling are required.
This section will describe the minimum instruments 5.3.2 Manometer, Vertical-inclined
necessary for air balancing, necessary for hydronic bal- a. Description: The combination inclined/vertical
ancing and other air or hydronic instruments which are manometer is constructed of an inclined fluid column with
useful or necessary in special situations; respectively in 5.3, scale of 0 to 1.0 in. (25 mm) or 0 to 2.0 in. (50 mm) and is
5.4, and 5.5. Some instruments are required for both air and connected to a vertical fluid column with scales to 5 in. (125
hydronic balancing. mm) or 10 in. (250 mm). The scales behind the inclined and
For detailed instructions on the use, limitations ,and ve1 tical legs of the manometer read in inches (millimeters)
accuracy of the instruments under field conditions, see Sec- of water. The gage oil recommended by the manufacturer
tions 7 thru 11 on system effects, measurements, and testing shall be used.
and balancing. A bubble level is located at the top ofthe manometer
Great care should be taken to follow the manufac- for leveling the instrument, and the bottom has an ad-
turer’s instructions and the instructions herein regarding justable foot fulcrum base and an adjustable leveling screw.
safety in the use of these instruments for field measure- Also at the bottom is a horizontal fluid chamber with an
ments. adjustable leveling screw for making “zero reading” ad-
This Standard does not preclude the use of new in- justments. Models may have magnets included for attach- (
strumennts as they are developed and proven to be as ac- ment to duct walls in lieu of base support.
curate or more accurate than the instruments described b. Recommended Uses: Use with Pitot-static tube or
herein. static probe. Recheck level and zero reading during use.
useful means of measuring partial vacuum and pressure,
3. Be sure measurement is taken at least as long as both for air and hydronic systems. It is so universally used
response time. that both the inch of water and the inch of mercury have
d. Accuracy of Field Measurements: When proper- become accepted units of pressure measurements. In its
ly used, the instrument accuracy should be attainable in the simplest form, the manometer consists of a U-shaped glass
field. tube partially filled with liquid. A difference in height of
e. Calibration Required: Every 12 months-check the two fluid columns denotes a difference in pressure in the
with laboratory grade mercury thermometer or electric two legs.
characteristic tables before each use. b. Recommended Uses: Hydronics (with mercury or
5.4 Hydronic Measuring Instruments other high density fluids in instrument):
a. Contact Pyrometer, Thermocouple Type 1. Measuring pressure changes through coils ,heat
b. U-tube Manometer, 36 in. (900 mm) or Well-Type exchangers, and orifices.
Manometer, 18 in. (450 mm) (High Density Fluid) 2. Measuring pressure changes across water
c. Calibrated Test Gages-O to 30 psi (210 kPa) ,O to 60 circulators.
psi (420 kPa) ,O to 200 psi, compound-30 in. Hg (100 kPa) 3. Measuring gas pressures.
are usually 3.5 in. to 6 in. (90 mm to 150 mm) diameter with b. Electronic Tachometers (Stroboscope and Photo
bottom or back connections Many dials are available with
pressure, vacuum, or compound ranges. Instrument min- C. IJ-tube Manometer (Low Density Fluid)
imum accuracy shall be within 1% of full scale. d. Diaphragm Type Differential Pressure Gages
b. Recommended Uses: Primarily for checking e. Smoke Devices
pump pressures, coil, chiller, and condenser pressure drops f. Smoke Generators-Aspirating Tlrpe
and pressure drops across orifice plates, venturis, and other g. Sling Psychrometer
flow calibrated devices. h. Flow Measuring Hoods
c.Limitations: 1. Micromanometer (Hook Gage)
Pressure ranges shall be such that anticipated
1. j. Double Reverse Tube
working pressure range is in the middle two-thirds of the k. Clamp-on AC Power Meter (Wattmeter)
scale range, and the gage should not be exposed to pressures 1. Recording Instruments
greater than the maximum dial reading. Similarly, where
m. Humidity Measuring Devices
there is exposure to vacuum, use compound gage.
n. Barometer
2. Reduce or eliminate pressure pulsations by in- O. Electronic Digital Flow and Differential Pressure
stalling a snubber or needle valve in waterline. Meter
3. Eliminate vibration by avoiding mounting on 5.5.1 Revolution Counter (Odometer) and Timing
vibrating equipment or piping. Wall mounting preferred. Device
d. Accuracy of Field Measurement: Within one-half a. Description: The revolution counter is a small
of a scale division mark. hand-held counting device that is pressed to the center of
e. Calibration Required: Should be calibrated a rotating shaft for a timed period of 30 to 60 s. Reasonable
against a dead weight tester every 24 months. Check against accuracy can be obtained by using a good watch with a
a recently calibrated test gage on each project. sweep second hand or a digital watch where a stop watch
5.4.4 Pressure Gage, Differential is not available. This instrument cannot normally be reset
a. Description: The differential pressure gage is a to zero, so that shaft speed measured is the difference bet-
dual inlet, “GRADE A” dual Bourdon tube pressure gage ween the initial and final instrument readings divided by the
with a single indicating pointer on the dial face which in- time interval.
dicates the pressure differential existing between the two b. Recommended Uses: For determining shaft
measured pressures. It can be calibrated in psi (kPa) ,inches speed on any shaft having an accessible shaft end with a
(millimeters) wg or mercury. The required instrument test countersink.
accuracy minimum is +I 1070 of full scale. c. Limitations:
b. Recommended Uses : 1. Not to be used on shafts with flat ends without
1. This instrument when furnished in one of the the correct adaptor. (Slip and inaccurate readings are
lower differential pressure ranges, calibrated in inches inevitable.)
APPROX. Q.375 in. (95mm) O.D. NOTES:
0 For ilse in Dirty or Wet Gas Streams.
e The Double Reverse Tube Must be Cali-
brated and Used in the Same Orientation
as Used in its Calibration.
*Also Referred to as Impact Reverse Tube,
Combined Reverse Tube and Type S Tube
Pt = Reading A
Pv = CF x (Reading 6 )
Ps = Pt - Pv
Pt is the Total Pressure at a Point in a Gas Stream,
Pv is the Velocity Pressure at a Point in a Gas Stream,
Ps is the Static Pressure at a Point in a Gas Stream, and
CF is the Calibration Factor for the Double Reverse Tube.
of compatable valve by proportional balancing procedures. 6.2 General
Maximum working pressures can be up to 280 psig (1900 A balancing station is composed of a measuring
kPa). device, a balancing device, arid straight sections of duct or
(Air): ?his instrument is a harid-held (or belt worn) pipe.
device which measures differential pressure and gives a
digital read out directly in pressure or velocity. Some in-
struments are available with adaptors and probes to DIA 5 EOUIVALEN’I D I A M E l E R S
sensing probes regardless of size should be in the upstream 3. A single blade damper is sufficient up to a blade
straight section. area of 1.5 ft' (0.140 m2) or up to a length of 24 in. (0.61
m). Single blades used in a multiple blade damper, when
6.3.2 Recommended Uses. A balancing station should blades are not interconnected, have similar limitations.
be located in the main duct to measure the fan total airflow
and in other ducts to measure and adjust the distribution b. 0.3 to 2 in. wg (75 to 500 Pa). Multiple blade with
of the air. Other usefiil locations for measurement and ad- blade interconnecting linkages arranged for opposed blade
justment are outside air ducts and relief ducts expelling operation, integral perimeter frame with shaft bearings, ex-
return air to outdoors. See Fig. 4. tended drive shaft with operating handle and locking
6.3.3 Requirements
c. 2 to 4in. wg (500 to 1000 Pa). Venturi plug centered
a. Pressure drop required across a balancing device on a matching bellmouth opening with a locking device.
when in a throttling position will determine the type used.
d. 4 to 6 in. wg (1000 to 1500 Pa). Air valve with
b. A balancing station must have turbulent-free, multiple adjustable slot openings varied by mechanical
airflow at the traverse. Temperature, dust, moisture, or gas movement or pneumatic inflation of numerous separate
products may limit the use of a standard pitot tube and bellows.
other methods should be used which are not included in this
Standard. e. Above 6 in. wg (1500 Pa). A specially designed
device is required.
6.3.4 Accuracy. A balancing station should produce ac-
curacy of ~fr5% of the actual flow rate. 6.4.3 Damper types not recommended:
6.4 Air Balancing Devices (Fig. 4) a. Splitter dampers shall not be used as a balancing
device because they are relatively ineffective for raising
branch pressure by more than 0.2 in. wg (50 Pa) and can add
resistance and turbulence to duct airflow when in a full
open position.
b. Adjustable turning vanes with parallel blades
c. Combination damper and straightening grid with
operating wire coil adjusting rod through the center. These
are usually installed at the top end of a vertical duct drop
to a terminal. These are a special configuration of a split-
ter damper.
6.4.4 Noise. Terminal conditions which can affect noise
and distribution are as follows:
a. When dampers are installed as part of a n air ter-
minal device, they should be opposed blade or multiblade
A RUNOUT DUCT butterfly type and be used ONLY for trim balancing and
when throttled result in 0.1 in. wg (25 Pa) or less pressure
F RETURN AIR DUCT AT MIXING CHAMBER I N ADDITION TO AUTOMATIC CONTROL DAMPERS drop across the damper Pressure drops in excess of the
TYPICAL AIR BALANCING STATIONS ISTI b. The damper normally supplied with an air ter-
minal device should not be installed if an accessible air
Fig. 4 Typical air balancing device locations balancing device can be located in the terminal runout duct.
6.5 Hydronic Balancing Stations (Fig. is) d. Specifically designed hydronic balancing valves
shall be installed in the pipeline to achieve a balanced
6.5.1 Description distribution of the availilble total liquid flow.
a. A balancing station of the venturi type with e. The straight seaions shall be five ( 5 ) minimum to
pressure recovery provides the most accurate hydronic flow ten (IO) preferred diameters upstream and three (3) mini-
measurement when properly installed with recommended mum to five ( 5 ) preferred diameters downstream of the
unobstructed straight sections before and after the venturi measuring device. The required length depends on velocity,
b. Accurate temperature measurements can be made the fluid flow effects of the nearest obstruction and the
with a quality thermometer of the liquid type that has heat recommendations of the manufacturer. No control sensing
transfer fluia or paste in the thermometer well. probes, Iegardless of size, should be in the upstream straight
c. Principal types of liquid flow measurement section (Fig. 5).
devices are: 6.5.2. Recommended Locations of a hydronic bal-
I. Venturi-an in-line fitting with calibration ancing station (Fig. 6) are:
chart and pressure taps for differential pressure measure- a Pump discharge piping
ment. Pressure loss must be included in pump head.
b. Return branch piping circuits from a series of
2. Electronic-placed upon the external straight several terminal units, such as, reheat coils, radiation, fan
surface of piping with direct meter readout, coils, unit ventilators, unit heaters, cabinet heaters, induc-
3. Calibrated elbow probe-inserted via a pipe fit- tion unit coils.
ting at a 90-deg elbow. Contains pressure taps for differen- c. Air handling unit coils
tial pressure measurement. Threaded elbows have integral
pressure taps. A calibration chart is required. d. Chillers, convertors, cooling towers, boilers
4. Variable area meter-inserted via a companion e. Crossover pipe between supply and return primary
fitting. A ball in a vertical tapered tube directly reads flow loop mains. Secondary circuit supply and return pipes are f
on an integral scale.
5. Orifice plate-an in-line fitting installed bet- r i I I
ween flanges in a straight pipeline with calibration chart
and pressure taps for differential pressure measurement.
Pressure loss must be included in pump head. H
6. Calibrated balancing valve-an in-line fitting
installed in straight piping with pressure taps for differen-
tial pressure measurement.
7. Pitot tube-inserted via a cornpanion fitting
with calibration chart and pressure taps for velocity
pressure measurement. Averaging annular total pressure TAPS ,CHEMICAL FEEDER
ro H)
Fig. 5 Typical hydronic balancing station Fig. 6 'Typical hydronic balancing device locations
flows and pipe sizes. b. Inlet Elbows. A n elbow, or a 90” duct turn,
c. Ball valves have near linear characteristics, sen- located at the fan inlet will not allow the air to enter
sitivity and resistance to sediment plugging. uniformly and will result in uneven flow distribution at the
fan wheel.
d. Plug valves (or cocks) for general usage. Brass When a suitable length of duct is used (three to eight
plug in smaller sizes and iron plug lubricated in larger sizes. diameters long, depending on velocities) between the fan in-
e. Butterfly valves with gear operators for large main let and the elbow with turning vanes, the System Effect Fac-
pipelines. tor is not as great. This configuration improves the airflow
f. Globe type valves with disc type plugs should not into the fan inlet. Most fan manufacturers can furnish
be used for balancing since the throttling characteristics are design information for entry conditions.
very nonlinear. Also, the small aperture between plug and c. Obstructed Inlets. Inlet vanes, belt guards, in-
seat is subject to plugging with sediment. The reduced flow let dampers, structural members, columns, butterfly valves,
upsets the hydronic balance. Use globe valves only when blast gates, and pipes are examples of more common inlet
fitted with V-port plug or other modified nonstandard obstructions. All affect the performance rating of the fan
configuration. and the duct system.
g. Gate valves and diaphragm valves are suitable only Fan Discharge Conditions. Fans intended
for shutoff usage and should not be used for throttling pur- primarily for use with duct systems are tested with an outlet
poses. Throttling characteristics are acceptable, but seating duct, but this should be confirmed by the system designer.
surfaces deteriorate due to high velocity erosion which If information is not available, assume that the fans were
prevents 100% shutoff when needed in future. rated with only an outlet duct.
LIH RATIO o5 10 15 2
- 12 to24
Fig. 8 Proper installation of turnin,0 vanes Fig. 9 Four-elbow fitting loss coeffients
O 5 in. wg up to 0.5 125 Pa 2000 fpm Down 10 m/s Down Pos. or Neg.
1.0 in wg over OJ, 250 Pa 2500 fpm Down i7 5 m/s Down Pos. or Neg.
up to 1 o
2.0 in. wg over 1.0, 500 Pa 2500 íprn Down 12.5 m/s Dorm Pos. or Nez.
up to 2.0
3.0 in. wg over 2 0, 750 Pa 4000 fpm Down 20 rn/s Down Pos or Nec
up to 3.0
4.0 in. wg over .3 O, 1000 Pa 2000 fprn Up i0 m/s Up Pos
6.0 in. wg over 4 O, 1500 Pa 7000 fprn Up 10 m/s Up Pos
up ta 6.0
10.0 in. wg over 6.0, 2500 Pa 2000 fpm lip 10 m/s IJp Pos.
up to I O o
Now 4 hard conbersion IS used from L S units [ o SI uni15 Area Changes. Energy losses due to enlarge- be seen by noting the loss coefficients in Fig. 8. Refer to Ap-
ment of the airstream are high relative to losses due to con- pendix C for example.
traction. Typical fitting loss coefficients include static 7.3.3 Ductwork Construction
regain or loss and are in terms of “total pressure”.
In determining the proportions of a specific transi- All ductwork should be fabricated and installed in ac-
tional fitting, the total pressure loss is influenced far more cordance with the provisions of Chapter 1, “Duct Con-
by the airflow velocity than by the loss coefficient of a par- struction”, of the 1983 ASHRAE Equipment Handbook’
ticular geometry. The small losses associated with low and the following SMACNA Standards:
velocity applications may not justify the additional cost of “HVAC Duct Construction Standards-Metal & Flexible”,
fittings which have low loss coefficients. 1st Edition, 198j5 Extractors. Fitting loss coefficient data from “Fibrous Glass Duct Construction Standard”, 5th Edition.
the ASHRAEl” and SMACNA3tables show that a 45 en- 197g6
try branch from a rectangular main is a far more efficient Ali ductwork static pressure classification changes
fitting to use than a rectangular branch with an extractor.
should be indicated on the drawings. For clear interpreta-
Using a V,/V, ratio (branch common) of 1.0, the data in
tion of the requirements for ductwork and economical at-
Table 1 can be extracted from the tables for comparison.
tainment of performance objectives, it is essential that the
If a commonly-used plain round tap or rectangular tap
contract plans depict the portion of each duct system to be
is added to the comparison, one can see that the use of ex-
constructed for a particular static pressure classification
tractors should be limited, or eliminated, as they can create
(see Table 2). These static pressure rating changes should be
other airflow problems immediately downstream in the
shown by “flags” at each point where the duct static
main duct.
pressure classification changes, with the number of the Obstruction Avoidance. When there is a deep “flag” indicating the pressure class of the ductwork on each
beam or other obstruction surrounded by many types of side of the dividing line.
pipes and conduits (such as above a dropped ceiling), a fit- Special consideration must be given to the pressure
ting such as that found in Fig. 9 (taken from the SMACNA classes of ductwork used for some variable air volume
L,oss Coefficient Tables ) j can be used. Unfortunately, systems. It is possible for these supply duct systems to ex-
many of these fittings have been installed without turning perience the total fan pressure at the end of the most dis-
vanes. tant duct run under minimum airflow conditions. Under
This type of fitting, when installed without turning these conditions, the duct construction classification
vanes, can totally destroy the airflow in a duct system as can should remain the same throughout the supply duct system.
7.3.4 Duct Leakage If the average low pressure duct system is not sealed,
It is recommended that all ductwork be sealed in ac- it will be in Leakage Class 48. Therefore, larger duct sizes
cordance with the minimum seal classifications as listed in and extra fan power are required for the extravolume of air.
SMACNA "HVAC Duct Construction Standards, Metal & Unsealed duct can be expected to leak at or in excess
Flexible", 1st Edition, 1985,5 and "Fibrous Glass Duct of Leakage Class 48 (see Fig. 10 for Duct Leakage Classi-
Construction Standards", 5th Edition, 1979.6The sealing fication).
o f ducts, as described in detail in these construction
manuals, should result in a leakage rate selected by the 7.3.5 Duct System Devices & Balancing (Fig. 11) The
system designer or shown in Table 3. Leakage rates are designer should give special consideration to the balancing
achieved by following guidelines shown in Table 4. Leakage and adjusting process during the design so that it can be
testing procedures can be found in the SMACNA "HVAC balanced properly. Therefore, it is necessary that the balan-
Duct Leakage Test Manual", 1st Edition, 198.5.' Ductwork cing capability be designed into the system, and the follow-
sealed in accordance with the SMACNA manuals may not ing are some considerations to use:
require testing. If verification of performance in the field
is required, use the above referred procedures.
1 I
(4 ' minimum)
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Provided by IHS under license with ASHRAE Questions or comments about this message: please call the Document Policy Group
at 303-397-2295.
a. Diictwork to and from air-conditioning equip- b. Reduced boiler output can be caused by water side
ment should be designed so that stratified air will be mix- scale, fire side soot deposits, inefficient combustion due to
ed properly before entering branch ducts or equipment. clogged fuel passages and stack downdraft.
b. Splitter-type dampers offer little or no control of c. Unsteady water lines in gauge glasses (possibly
air volume in ducts and should be used as air diverters only. causing intermittent safety shutdown of the burner by the
c. Manually operated volume dampers should be in- water level control) can be caused b) priming due to grease
stalled in each branch supply, return, or exhaust duct or dirt in the boiler, erratic return of condensate (excessive
takeoff near the main duct. boiler pressure or low pump head), or the bottom of water
column being connected to a waterway carrying water at
d. Turning vanes should be used in all rectangular high velocity.
mitred elbows (return systems as well as supply and exhaust
systems-see Fig 7). 7.4.2 Chillers. Chiller performance is affected by the
e. Manual volume dampers should be provided in following:
runout duct takeoff to control the total air to the face a. A reduction in flow rate through either the con-
dampers of the registers or diffusers. The use of extractors denser or evaporator sections can cause short cycling and
is not recommended because of the turbulence created in possible mechanical damage.
the trunk duct which increases the system total pressure and b. Load-temperature shock of the chiller can occur
which could affect the performance of other takeoffs lo- due to “line size” control valves (which should have been
cated downstream. The use of register or diffuser dampers sized for the controlled flow rate) which allow large flows
to reduce high air volumes might introduce objectionable of liquid at seasonal changeover.
air noise levels.
c. Condenser water flow rates less than design or at
f. Single-blade volume dampers used immediately temperatures above design can cause high head and auto-
behind diffusers and grilles may prevent uniform airflow matic safety shutdown of the compressor.
across the outlet.
7.4.3 Cooling Towers and Air-Cooled Condensers
g. To minimize generated duct noises at volume
dampers, indicate damper locations at least two diameters Cooling tower capacities are adversely ef-
from a fitting and as far as possible from an outlet. fected by:
h. Avoid placing a return air opening directly in or a. A centrifugal fan running backwards (the fan
adjacent to the return air plenum. Lining of the duct behind motor will draw near full load amps).
the inlet normally will not reduce the transmitted noise to b. Sump outlet clogged with airborne debris.
acceptable levels.
c. Pipeline strainer dirty or with a strainer basket
i. Mixing boxes should have mixing sections to of too fine a mesh.
minimize air stratification.
d. Low net positive suction head (NPSH) on con-
j. Provide the necessary space around system com- denser water pump causing cavitation and reduced flow.
ponents to allow the technician to take proper readings.
Straight duct sections of 7.5 duct diameters from fan out- e. Propeller fan rotating in reverse (low airflow).
lets, elbows, or open duct ends are necessary for accurate f. Insufficient makeup water.
traverse readings. g. Obstructed air inlet.
k. Adequately sized access doors should be installed h“ Diverting valve piped to pump suction pipe in-
within normal working distance of all duct components, stead of to above sump. This can result in sump overflow
such as, volume dampers, fire dampers, pressure reducing and air suction at pump on startup.
valves, etc., that require adjustments. Air-cooled condenser capacities are adversely
1. Sensors located in inlet ducts to mixing boxes and
affected by:
VAV boxes should be in a straight duct 5 to 10 diameters
long. a. Low airflow from fans rotating in reverse.
m. Avoid locating diffusers on the bottom of main b. Dirty coils causing compressor high head
supply ducts or where the total pressure of the ducts exceed pressure and automatic shutdown.
the recommended diffuser pressure drop.
c. Dampers or damper controls inoperative.
7.4 Hydronic Systems
7.4.4 Pumps. The flow produced by a centrifugal pump
7.4.1 Boilers. Conditions that could affect boiler per- will be different from design when:
formance are:
a. Pump rotation is backwards
a. Flow switch size and settings are critical on instan-
taneous hot water boilers to shut down the gas burner b. Inlet piping conditions create high pressure losses
before, liquid flow rates decrease to the point where the (five diameters of straight pipe preferred).
water could turn to steam or where the tubes might overheat c. Net positive suction head (NPSH) is less than the
and distort. manufacturer’s stated requirements (cavitation may occur).
the AAV due to low pressure. below as well as the floor level above. With balance valves
d. Reduced or no heat transfer at heat exchangers in normal positions the pressure difference between supp-
due to air entrained at the high points of the piping systems ly and return mains is not sufficient to lift the weight of the
or apparatus. cold water leg. (Temporary closure of the balance valves on When the pressure regulator o n the most of the upper floor level terminals will initiate flow
automatic make-up water supply is set too low the through the terminals on the lower floor level.)
automatic air vents at the system?s highest elevations will Three-way bypass valves controlling flow can
not expel1air and may induce air into the system which cari short circuit or rob flow from other terminals in the system
cause circulation and cor rosion problems. especially when the bypass circuit pressure drop is less than The pressure relief valve will discharge fre- the coil circuit pressure drop. The three-way valve should
quently (with possible scalding effects on unwary persons) be provided with equal percentage flow characteristics on
when: the coil port and linear flow characteristics on the bypass
port. A balancing valve should be installed in the bypass
a. The expansion tank(s) is flooded (no air present piping.
and water expands with increased temperature) or the
tank(s) is too small. Flow meters particularly of the types reading
effective velocity head, can give erroneous low values when
b. The liquid flow switch on an instantaneous the total pressure ports are dirty, or high readings when the
boiler is not set properly to close the main gas valve when static pressure points are dirty.
a reduced liquid flow occurs. This causes some fluid to tuIn
to steam, an increased pressure, and the relief valve to open.
c. Relief valve@)has wrong setting. 8. AIR MEASUREMENTS Reduced liquid flow rates can occur when: 8.1 Scope
a. Strainers are dirty or the strainer mesh is too This section sets forth techniques for:
fine. a. ?Thefield measurement of air temperature, air densi-
b. The pump has a near flat curve and an abnor- ty, air pressure, air velocity, and motor input power.
mal restriction develops in the flow circuit. b. Calculating airflow rate, pressure differentials , fan
c. Entrained air or poor piping connections at the power, heat content, humidity and density.
pump inlet, reduces pump efficiency. c. Determining the influence of system effects on perfor-
d. Balancing valves are almost closed, dirt can mance characteristics.
obstruct the remaining opening. Balancing valves usually The minimum requirements of Section 5 , Instrumen-
should be sized smaller than line size to permit balancing tation, must be met or exceeded to comply with the criteria
near full open position. for measurement accuracy.
calculated based on the density being directly proportional pressures is required to determine air density, airflow rate,
to absolute pressure and inversely proportional t o absolute resistance to airflow of system components, fan perfor-
temperat Ure. mance, and to make certain system component adjust-
c. Example, the density at plane 1 (dens,) can be ments. In general, all measurements discussed are some var-
established based on the test determination of barometric iation of static pressures or velocity pressures in the system.
pressure (Pb),static pressure (P,,), dry-bulb (tdl)and wet- b. Experience must be used in selecting a pressure
bulb (t,,]) temperatules. The density at plane 2 can be measurement plane. Even the best location available in the
calculated knowing the static pIessure temperature (td7)at field must be evaluated for system effects that influence the
plane 2. accuracy of the measurement. An example is the measure-
The density at plane 2 (dens?) is calculated: ment of fan total pressure. Rarely, if ever, can the fan
pressure be measured in strict accordance with AMCA
specified methods. Therefore, experienced engineers are to
use this field measurement method as a guide only.
where: P,? is in inches of water 8.5.2 Instruments. Instruments used for air pressure
Pb is in inches of Hg measurements in general are the Pitot-static tube, side wall
In the example, P, is determined for the atmosphere pressure taps , and manometers of various types. Refer to
to which the measurements of P,, and P,. are referred. Section 5, Instrumentation, for details.
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should be determined as described in In general, Rearranging:
pressure taps should be used if it is necessary to measure
p,, = [Pl, - p,21 - PI,
static pressure in the imrnediate vicinity of the fan outlet.
since [P12- P,2] = P,, (outlet)
The static pressure at this location is difficult to measure ac-
curately with a Pitot-static tube due to the existance of tur- p,, = p,2 - Pl,
bulence. If the surface conditions or the velocities at the Thus, in taking field measurements where an inlet duct
duct walls are unsuited for the use of pressure taps, then a exists, care must be taken to measure the total pressure
Pitot-static tube must be used with extreme care, particular-
ly in aligning the nose of the tube with the lines of the IMPACT
j. The location of the static pressure measurement
plane upstream of the fan should not be less than 0.5
equivalent diameter from the fan inlet. Iri the event static
pressure measurements must be obtained in an inlet box,
the measurement plane should be located as indicated in
Appendix D, Fig. D-7. In the case of double inlet fans, static
pressure measurements must be made in both inlet boxes in
--`,````,```,``,,`,,,,````,``-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`--- Definitions
a. Fan Total Pressure (P,,) is the algebraic dif-
ference between the fan outlet total pressure (P,,) and the
fan inlet total ( P , , ) . It is the measure of the total
mechanical energy added to the air by the fan, and is
measured as illustrated in Fig. 13. VELOCITY PRESSURE = TOTAL PRESSURE - STATIC PRESSURE
and 8.5.6.
8.5.9 System Effects on Measurements. System effects inaccurate for measurements where the velocities are less
result from conditions that cause pressure measurement er- than 0.023 in. wg (5.5 Pa). This corresponds to a velocity of
rors. The poor selection of a measurement plane and ex- approximately 600 fpm (3 m/sec) for air of standard den-
cessive turbulance are the most common causes of field sity. This in not normally a restricting limitation in the use
measurement errors. of a Pitot-static tube and manometer in field tests, because
velocities encountered in field test situations are well in ex-
8.5.10 Accuracy cess of 600 fpm (3 m/sec). When velocities between 200 fpm
a. Field test measurement accuracy for air (1 m/sec) and 800 fpm (4 m/sec) are encountered in ducts,
pressures can range from 5% to 10% for ideal conditions. the following options can be considered with satisfactory
Much greater error can be expected when the available results:
measurement plane(s) involve irregular airflow patterns.
a. Use a special inclined manometer with expanded
b. Fan pressure measurement locations in the field scale or electronic manometer of comparable accuracy with
usually have less than ideal conditions. When locations a standard Pitot-static tube.
other than the fan inlet or outlet are used, pressure losses b. Use a state-of-the-art hot wire anemometer in-
in ducts, fittings, and other devices must be accounted. stead of the Pitot-static tube and manometer.
System effect factors for fan pressure losses must also be Location of Traverse Plane (Ref. 8). The
understood and accounted. qualifications for a Pitot traverse plane that is considered
8.6 Flow Rate suitable for the measurements used in determining flow rate
8.6.1 General. The recommendations in this systeni will are as follows:
apply to new and existing HVAC systems. It is assumed that a. The velocity distribution should be uniform
an HVAC system will contain airways (ducts) suitable for throughout the traverse plane. An ideal distribution would
flow measurement. Present research and state-of-art allow have 80 to 90% of the measurements greater than 10% of
only the traversing of ducts as a field method for fan or the maximum velocity. The worst distribution that could
system performance measurement with defined accuracy still be considered is when no less than 75% of the veloc-
(see Other methods of flow measurement are ity pressure measurements are greater than 10% of the max-
covered with the intent that they are useful for estimating imum velocity. See Appendix D, Fig. D-8. However, when
and proportioning flows within a system, but present less than ideal distribution is encountered, traverse points
f. The traverse plane should be located t o ly determined. Measurement should be made by probing
minimize the effects of leaks in the portion of the system for the inside duct dimensions, and special care should be
that is located between the traverse plane and the fan. used when measuring lined duct. It is important to note,
particularly in any case in which it is necessary to locate the
A location in a long, straight run of duct of uniform traverse plane in a converging or diverging airway, that the
cross section will usually provide acceptable conditions for traverse plane is located at the tip of the Pitot-static tube.
the Pitot traverse plane. In locating the tlaverse plane close The TraverseTo determine the velocity in the
to a fan, as is often done to minimize the effect of leakage,
traverse plane, a straight average of individual point
flow conditions upstream of the fan are usually more
velocities will give satisfactory results when point velocities
suitable. In some installations, more than one traverse plane
are determined by the following rule:
may be required in order to account for the total flow. Also
more than one traverse location per system may be used to a. The Log-Tchebycheff rule (IS0/3966)9 pro-
substantiate accuracy of the system performance vides the greatest accuracy because its location of traverse
points accounts for the effect of wall friction and the fall-
In any installation in which a field test is anticipated, off of velocity near the duct walls. For circular ducts the
particularly when the requirement for a field test is an item log-Tchebycheffand log-linear traverse methods are similar.
in the specifications, provision should be included in the LogTchebycheff is now recommended for rectangular ducts
system for a suitable traverse plane location. as well. It minimizes the positive error (measured greater
In any instance in which the fan is ducted on the outlet than actual) caused by not accounting for losses at the duct
side and the traverse plane is to be located downstream from wall. This error can occur when using the older method of
the fan, the traverse plane should be situated a sufficient equal sub-areas to traverse rectangular ducts. See Appen-
distance downstream from the fan to allow the flow to dif- dix D, Fig. D-8, Case A, and Fig. D-10A.
fuse to a more uniform velocity distribution and to allow b. Appendix D, Fig. D-lOA, shows the measuring
the conversion of velocity pressure to static pressure. The points for a rectangular duct traverse using the Log-
information presented in Appendix D provides guidance Tchebycheff rule. The minimum recommendation is 25
for the location of the traverse plane in these cases. See Figs. points. For a duct side less than 18 in. (450 mm), locate the
D-6 and D-7. The location of the traverse plane on the in- points at the center of equal areas not more than 6 in. (150
let side of the fan should be more than 0.5 equivalent mm) apart and use a minimurn of 2 points per side.
diameter from the fan inlet. In any case in which the traverse
plane must be located within an inlet box, the plane should For a duct side greater than 56 in. (1400 mm), the max-
be located a minimum of 12 in. downstream from the leav- imum distance between points is 8 in. (LOO mm).
ing edges of the damper blades and more t h a n 0.5 c. Appendix D, Fig. D-IOB, shows the measuring
equivalent diameter upstream fIom the edge of the inlet points for a circular duct traverse using the log linear rule
Since field-measured airflows are rarely steady and TACT= measured DB temperature of airstream, "C
uniform, accuracy can be improved by increasing the PaCT= absolute pressure of the airstream, kPa
number of measuring points.
When velocities at a traverse plane are fluctuating, the 8.6.3 Airflow Rate at Coils, After Dampers and After
manometer readings should be averaged on a time-weighted Conditions that Cause irregular Flow
basis. Two traverse readings in short succession will also TAB personnel are often faced with having to
help to average out velocity variations that occur with time.
measure airflow rates when no suitable ductwork exists for
If negative velocity pressure readings are encountered, they
Pitot traversing (i.e., coil banks of walk-in fan rooms, out-
are considered a measurement value of zero and calculated side air inlets with louvers or dampers, ceiling return
in the average velocity pressure.
plenums with buckframe dampers, etc.). The instrument Accuracy. Certification of airflow rates to usually chosen for these measurements is the rotating vane
specifications is the most difficult field measurement that anemometer. However, the validity of measurements made
the TAB engineer has to perform. Most TAB procedures re- in irregular airflows is doubtful. Measurements using
quire measurements in the ducts as the most accurate rotating vane anemometers under irregular airflow condi-
documentation of system performance. These measure- tions are severly limited in accuracy and the corrections
ments are at one plane; therefore proper analysis of losses necessary to account for these limitations are complex and
(duct leakage) must be considered. The duct traverse as well beyond field use. Field experience with these types of
outlined in this section is the only accepted method for field measurements shows that errors of 10% to 30% are com-
testing flow rate performance of fans by AMCA 210?and mon when compared to suitable duct traverses.
HEVAC Fan Application Guides. Research regarding the use of the rotating vane
Rigorous error analysis shows that flow rate deter- anemometer in turbulent airstreams, similar to those en-
minations by this method can range from 5% to 10070error. countered after dampers and coils, substantiates these field
Experience shows that qualified technicians can obtain res u It s.
measurements that range within 5% and 10% accuracy of Flow Rate Approximation by Temperature
actual flow under good field conditions. It can also be Ratio
determined by experienced technicians that suitable traverse Some components of system airflow are virtually im-
conditions do not always exist, and the measurement can possible to measure with an anemometer or Pitot tube. For
then exceed i 10% error. example, outside air measurements; these are affected by
When the design engineer deems it necessary to field lack of ductwork and unpredictable turbulence (Le., after
measure performance to a greater accuracy; installation of louvers). However, this component is important in most
orifice plates or venturi tubes in the ducts must be con- design or TAB work. Outside airflow rate can be determin-
sidered as part of the job. ed if the total supply volume is known from a duct traverse.
Note 1: The method involves temperature measurements of the out-
side air, the return air, and the supply air (mixed air), where:
A common pitfall that drastically effects measurement
error is ignoring changes when measuring nonstandard a* Ts = [(Qr X Tr) + (Qo x To)] /' Q,
conditions. This consideration is important when SCFM Q = airflow rate
must be used for performance criteria of equipment. Ex- b- Q, = Q, - Q,
ample: If 100°F air were measured at 5000 ft. altitude, there
is a 13% difference in actual cfm versus standard cfm, in ad- c. Assume: Q,, T,, T,, and To can be measured
dition to any measurement error. with accuracy.
The following relationships can be used for correcting d. Then: T, = C(Q, - Qo)/Q,I Tr + (Qo/Q,) To
measured airflows to SCFM. e. Solve for O70 (percent) outside air.
Note 2: f. T, Tr - (Qo/Q,) Tr + (Qo/Q,) To
(I-P Units) g* Qo/Q, (To - Tr)
= (T, - Tr)
SCFM = standard flow rate h. QJQ, x 100 = percent outside air
ACFM = actual flow rate = (measured airflow)
This equation can be further generalized and solved
such that any two volumetric components of a three-
component mixed air stream can be determined if the air
T,, =measured DB temperature of the airstream, O F
streams differ in temperature and the volume of one air
P,, = absolute pressure of the actual airstream, in. Hg stream can be measured.
--`,````,```,``,,`,,,,````,``-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`--- 29
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at 303-397-2295. Accuracy. Accuracy of the temperature designated area. For field measurements the true average
ratio method depends on the turbulence present to cause a velocity is obtained as the product of the application fac-
well mixed airstream resulting ir1 a more accurate tor and the average velocity by instrument. Designated
temperature determination. Accuracy also depends on the Area: (a) for air intake openings, the designated area is the
relative temperature differences between the streams to be core area, or the total area within a rectangle drawn through
mixed. Too low a difference w i l l magnify a small the outer edges of the outer openings; (b) for air discharge
temperature error and too large a difference will introduce or outlet openings, the designated area is the arithmetical
error due to the density difference (Le", temperature dif- average of the core area and the total free-open area at the
ference of 15 O to 50" acceptable). Overall, the accuracy of plane of the near face, as in Fig. D-I.
the flow rate being determined is dependent on the accuracy d. Application Factor: The application factor is
of the duct traverse, and the temperature measurements of the factor by which the average velocity by instrument is to
the three airstreams. Under good field conditions, the flow be multiplied to obtain the true average velocity.
rate determination of the unknown airstreams should be
within 10% of the actual condition. Equations:
8.6.4 Flow Rate at Intake and Discharge Openings and Average Velocity by Instrument x Application Factor =
V = 1.414, p,/d
P, = velocity pressure (Pa)
d = density(kg/m3)
(for Standard .4ir, d = 1.2 kg/mj)
A = area(m’)
8.7 Heat Content
8.7.1 General
a. This subsection presents method(c) for determin-
ing the heat content of an airstream.
b. The performance of system components that add WET BULB TEMPERATURE - .F
heat to or extract heat from the airstream can be determined
Fig. 16 Barometric enthalpy corrections
by calculating the difference in the heat content of the
airstream entering and leaving the component.
HZ9 = enthalpy of air obtained from psychrometric chart
c. The heat content of an airstream consists of sen- drawn for 29 92 in. Hg.
sible heat and latent heat. ‘Thesum of these two equals the f, = correction factor from Fig. 16.
total heat content of the airstream. 1. An alternate method for obtaining a corrected
8.7.2 Instruments value of enthalpy is to utilize two psychrometric charts,
each drawn for a different barometer, and interpolate to
a. Thermometers for measuring dry-bulb and wet-
bulb temperatures. determine the enthalpy for the test site barometer. The
ASHRAE psychrometric charts for sea level 29.92 in. Hg,
b. Psychrometric Chart(s). (101.33 kPa), 5000 ft (1524 m), and7500 ft (2286 m) eleva-
8.7.3 Data Required tion could be used in this manner.
ï h e heat content of the airstream, enthalpy, is usual-
ly expressed as Btu/lb of dry air. Heat content cannot be 8.8 Humidity
measured directly, but can be determined from the dry-bulb 8.8.1 General. The state of an air-water vapor mixture
is completely defined by specifying the pressure, tem- i
and wet-bulb temperatures ofthe airstream using a psych-
rometric chart. perature, and humidity.
8.7.4 Test Method Humidity refers to the amount of wate: vapor present
a. Obtain the dry-bulb and wet-bulb temperatures of in an air-water vapor mixture.
the airstream at the point where it is desired to determine The two principal measures of humidity are relative
the heat content. Find the intersection ofthe constant dry- humidity and humidity ratio.
bulb and wet-bulb lines for the temperatures measured, on 8.8.2 Definitions
the psychrometric chart. Determine the value o f t h e en-
thalpy line that passes through this intersection. The value a. Relative Humidity
of this enthalpy line is a measure of the heat content of the Relative humidity (rh) is the ratio of the vapor pressure
airstream in Btu/lb of dry air at the desired point. existing (pw) compared to the vapor pressure at saturation
(ps) for the same dry-bulb temperature (and is usually ex-
b. It should be noted that a psychrometric chart is pressed in “Yo”).
applicable for a given barometric pressure. If the baro- rh = pw/ps
metric pressure at the test site is appreciably different thari b. Humidity Ratio
that of the psychrometric chart being used, an appropriate
Humidity ratio (W) is the actual weight of water vapor
correction should be made to the enthalpy value obtained
existing (W,) per unit weight of dry air (W, ). Most
from the chart. The barometric correction can be deter-
psychrometric charts express this as pounds of water vapor
mined for any psychrometric chart drawn for 29.92 in. Hg
per pound of dry air or grains of water vapor per pound of
barometer using Fig. 16, Barometric Enthalpy Corrections.
dry air.
Ha = HZ992 + f‘,
8.8.3 Instruments
H a = enthalpy of air at test site barometer. a. Sling psychrometer
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system effects that cause changes as a result of adverse or k (Hg) OF = 1,00009
unexpected conditions. Refer to Section 7, System Effect. n = number of degrees emergent liquid column
9.2.3 Certain system characteristics can be measured by t b = temperatuie of bath
several alternate methods. Many times the system config- t, = temperature of stem
uration will not allow the most accurate method to be used. Thermometers calibrated for partial stem immersion
Alternate methods are presented in this section with a are more commonly used. They are used in conjunction
discussion of the expected accuracy with thermometer test wells designed to receive them. No
9.2.4 The accuracy that can be expected under field emergent stem correction is required for the partial stem im-
conditions for each of the performance characteristics al so mersion type.
is discussed. 9.3.4 Surface Measurements
9.3 Temperatures a. The surface of the pipe or conduit, where the
9.3.1 General measurements are to be made with a thermocouple device,
a. Temperatures of fluids, such as, water, oil, anti- must be clean and free of scale, rust, insulation, etc.
freeze solutions, heat-transfer fluids, etc., will be used to b. The surface temperature of the conduit is not
determine the intensity of the heat content, using either the equal to the fluid temperature so that a relative comparison
Fahrenheit (OF) scale [or the Celsius ( O C ) scale]. For HVAC is more reliable than an absolute reliance o n readin,os at a
work, the normal operating range is from 40°F ( 5 OC) to single point.
210°F (99OC), 350°F (176°C) maximum for steam. 9.3.5 Accuracy. Under reasonable conditions and with
b. The quantity or amount of heat in a fluid is properly calibrated equipment, the accuracy of field
measured in British Thermal Units (Btu) [or in kilojoules measurements should be within one-half of a scale division
(k.J)]. Heat flow is measured in Btu per hour (Btuh) [or mark.
watts (W)]. 9.4 Fluid Properties
c. Steam temperatures vary above 212°F (100°C) 9.4.1 Specific Gravit!
under pressure to below 212 O F (100°C) when in a partial a. Specijic gravity is "the ratio of the mass of a given
vacuum. volume of a substance to the mass of an equal volume of
9.3.2 instruments water usually at an equal 40 "F (4 OC)?
a. Temperature measurements of fluid shall be made b. The density of 68 "F (20 O C ) water at atmospheric
using the following instruments: pressure of 29.9 in. Hg (101 kPa) is 62.3 lb/ft3 (998.2
kg/m') standard conditions). Specific gravity under the
1. Mercury-filled glass thermometer same conditions is 1.0.
2. Dial thermometer with bimetallic helix coil
3. Thermocouple with millivoltmeter or poten- c. Speclfïc volume is the reciprocal of density and is
tiometer read-out device used to determine cubic feet of volume if the pounds of
4. Electric resistance thermometer weight are known. Water specific volume is 0.016 ft'/ib at
(0.001 m3/kg) standard conditions.
9.3.3 Fluid Immersion
9.4.2 Viscosity
a. Wells. Thermometer test wells installed at the
a. Viscosityis the property of a fluid to resist flow or
desired loctions permit accurate readings without removal
change of shape. The viscosity of some fluids can change
or loss of the system fluid. A good heat transfer fluid or
with a change in temperature. Several measurement
mastic should be used to ensure a good thermal contact bet-
methods are used for viscosity.
ween the thermometer and test well.
b. As viscosity increases, pump efficiency and
b. Radiation effects. When the temperatures of the
capacity are reduced while the pump horsepower and the
surrounding surfaces are substantially different from the
system friction loss are increased.
measured fluid, there is considerable radiation effect upon
the thermometer reading if left unprotected. Proper 9.4.3 Vapor Pressure
shielding or aspiration of the thermometer bulb and stem a. The vapor pressure of a fluid can limit the suction
can minimize these radiation effects. lift of a hydronic pump. Vapor pressure denotes the lowest
absolute pressure witnessed with a given liquid at a given
c. Emergent stem correction. The "complete stem
temperature. If the pressure in a pump system is not equal
immersion" calibrated thermometer must be used with the
to or greater than the vapor pressure of the liquid, the liquid
stem completely immersed in the fluid in which the
will flash into agas. It is for this same reason that pressure
temperature is to be measured. If complete immersion of
must be available on the suction side of the pump when
the thermometer stem is not possible or practical, then a
handling hot water or volatile liquids, such as gasoline.
correction must be made for the amount of emergent liquid
Without sufficient pressure, the liquid will flash into a gas
column. The correct equation is:
and become unpumpable.
Stem Correction = kn (tb - t,)
b, Many process applications use pressurized vessels
k (Hg), "C = 0.00016 on the suction side to overcome vapor pressure of some li-
a. The amount of heat being transferred in a system
shall be made using the following instruments: is directly dependent on the fluid flow rate, and although
1. U-tube manometer the flow rate can be determined with reasonable accuracy (
2. Dial type pressure gauge by indirect methods, it is more expedient to be able to take
3. Dial type differential pressure gauge flow Iate readings directly from the desired locations.
4. Electronic sensor with read-out device b. In hydIonic work, velocity usually is in terms of
9.5.3 Gauge/Absolute Pressure inches per second (ips) or feet per second (fps) [metres per
second (m/s)]. Volumeflow rates are in terms of gallons per
The pressure of most hydronic systems is measuied in
minute (gpm) [litres pe1 second (Vs) or cubic metres pe1 se-
terms of pounds per squareinch (psi) [kPa] or feet of water
cond (m3/s)].
(ft wg) [Pa]. This indicated pressure is known as the gage
pressure (psig) and the measuring device should indicate a 9.6.2 Using Instruments. Permanent flow measuring
zero reading when not connected. devices should be installed in the proper locations when the
system is being installed. (See 6.5 and 6.6.)
For HVAC work, atmospheric pressure can be as-
sumed to be 14.7 psi (101.3 kPa) at sea level even though 9.6.3 Using System Components. Any system compo-
barorriet1 ic conditions constantly change. Absolute pres- nent which is C, rated or which has an accurate cataloged
sure (psia) equals the gage pressure plus the 14.7 psi (101.3 flow-pressure drop relationship generally can be used as a
kPa) of atmospheric pressure. flow-indicating device.
9.5.4 Definitions The flow-pressure drop information may be presented
as only a single cataloged rating point which can be used
a. Staticheadis the pressuredue to the weight of the
to establish a C, rating for the system component. The C,
fluid above the point of measurement. In a closed system,
relationship then can be used to adapt any component for
the pump capacity is not affected as the static head is equal
use as a flow indicator.
on both sides of the pump.
PD = (Q/C,)’
b. Suction head is the height of fluid surface above
the centerline of the pump on the suction side. This value where:
usually is subtracted from the static head of the pump Q =Flow rate
discharge piping. PD = Pressure differential
c. Velocitypressure in a system at any point is exerted C, = Constant
in the direction of the flow only and is a measure of the b. Cataloged statements of flow and pressure drop
kinetic energy resulting from the flow of fluid. should be established by flow test for maximum accuracy.
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Unfortunately, however, many components are rated only Q = Heat flow (Btu/hr)
to a calculated pressure drop which may or may not con- At =Temperature diff. (OF)
form to reality. A P = Pressure diff. (psi)
c. The pump also can be used as an indicator of flow. C, = Valve constant (dimensionless)
Differential head readings across a pump can be correlated
whp = (gpm x H x Sp. Gr.) / 3960
with the pump curve to establish the pump flow rate. The
order of flow accuracy will be dependent upon: (1) accuracy bph = (gpm x H x Sp. GI.) / (3960 x E,, (decimal) = whp/E,,
of readout; (2) pump curve shape; (3) actual conformance E, = (whp x 100) / bhp (in percent)
of pump to its published curve; (4) pump operation without
cavitation; (5) air-free operation; and (6) velocity head
9.7 Pump Tests for the 7.75 in. (197-mm) impeller intersects the line of 190
ft (56R kPa) head at 170 gpm (10.7 L/s) (point D) , which
a. Field tests of an installed pump should include three is in excess of design flow. By slowly closing the discharge
phases or steps: balancing valve until reaching a pressure differential of 104
1. Check size of impeller. psi (716 kPa) (equal to design head of 240 ft) (73 m), the
2. With pressure gauge, measure actual pump head, pump will he regulated for design flow.
and determine gpm by use of head-capacity curve for the 9.8.3 Check of Brake Horsepower. Calculate what the
pump. brake horsepower should be, based on pump performance i
3. Measure motor voltage and amperes; calculate ac- data. Assuming the pump discharge valve to have been set
tual brake horsepower and compare with that indicated on to obtain design head and flow rate, proceed as follows:
the pump performance curve. Refer to pump performance curve, and at operating
b. Pressure gauges must be properly connected or they point, find efficiency of approximately 56%.
will give incorrect readings. If there are no pump gauge tap- Using equation:
pings, then the gauges must be connected to suction and Brake hp = (125 x 240) / (3960 x 0.56) = 13.5 hp
discharge pipes. Such connections should be placed as close
to the pump as possible and there must be no fittings be- (Using equation):
tween the pump and the gauge connections. Brake Power = (7.89 x 73) / (102 x 0.56) = 10.08 kW
c. There should always be a cock directly ahead of each 9.8.4 Actual Conditions. Next, read motor nameplate
gauge. This will not only permit removal of the gauge, but voltage, ampeIes, and horsepower Measure motor voltage
it is usually desirable to partially close the cock to dampen and amperage; correct and calculate horsepower. Actual
pulsations and so obtain a steadier and therefore more ac- amperage should not exceed motor nameplate amperes,
curate gauge reading. and if horsepowers as obtained by the two methods com-
d. The gauges should be mounted so they are both at pare favorably, it can be assumed that test data is sufficient-
the same level. If mounted on different levels, the readings ly accurate and that the pump is operating safely and
must be corrected for the head difference between the gauge satisfactorily. Also, check for some possible problems of
readings. It is, therefore, recommended that after taking a either excessive or of very low current draw.
set of readings, the gauges be interchanged and read again
for comparison with the first set of readings unless one 10. AIR TESTING, ADJUSTING AND BALANCING
gauge is a compound type. 10.1 Scope
e. An alternate method is to mount a pressure gauge on This section sets forth requirements for:
piping which connects the factory pressure test holes, usual- a. System Preparation and Obtaining Data
ly located in the suction and discharge flanges. A shut off
valve is located on each side of the gauge tee fitting. A por- Obtain all approved performance data and verify iri-
stallation and condition of all equipment and systems.
table hose assembly valved and with an added air bleed
valve at the gauge is a useful porable test assembly. b. System Testing and Adjusting
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I 1 i I I I I I I
25 50 75 1O0 125 150 175 200 225
(1.58) (3.16) (4.73) (6.31) (7.89) (9.47) (11.04) (12.62) (14.2) (15.78)
Fig. 18 Pump performance curve as typically furnished by pump manufacturers
Procedures to test equipment and systems perfor- d. Verify that fans are installed, rotating correctly,
mance, and adjust equipment. controlled to supply the required airflow rate, and that all
c. System Balancing installation, lubrication, and safety requirements have been
Procedures for various types of systems and equipment.
e. Check for clean filters.
10.2 General Requirements f. Fire, smoke, automatic, and volume control
The requirements set forth in this section shall apply dampers are operable, accessible, and are in an open or nor-
to both new and existing HVAC supply, return, and exhaust mal position.
systems. The requirements of Sections 5 , Instrumentation,
g. Controls are operable and calibrated.
and 8, Air Measurement, shall apply as a minimum to
system testing adjusting and balancing. h. Boxes are installed, operable, and accessible.
10.3.1 Prior to the air system testing, adjusting, and j. Access doors are installed and secured.
balancing obtain and verify the following: 10.3.2 A technician shall perform the following before
a. Obtain updatpd construction drawings, specifica- beginning air system testing, adjusting, and balancing:
tions, approved shop drawings, addenda, bulletins and a. Verify that all dampers are in an open position and
change orders related to air systems. all boxes or automatic air volume control devices are in an
b. Prepare field data forms to record testing and acceptable mode.
balancing process. b. Verify that all air terminal deflectors are in the
c. Obtain system leakage rate data where duct leak position indicated by the manufacturer when using A, fac-
testing is specified. tors to determine airflow rate.
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c. Verify that all automatic controls in the system are 2. Adjust the main volume control dampers to
set in the testing node. provide the required flow through each sub-main air duct.
b. Balancing Branch Air Ducts. Balance the airflow
10.4 System Testing and Adjusting
in each branch duct by the following procedure:
A technician shall perform the following tests and ad-
1. Beginning at the sub-main duct closest to the
justments before beginning the air system balancing.
fan, or with the highest percentage of required flow, per-
a. Record nameplate data on fan, motor, and air form a pitot tube velocity traverse of each branch on that
handling cabinet. Also record sizes of sheaves, belts, and sub-main duct run.
2. Proceeding from the branch with the highest
b. Test and record the fan RPM to confirm rated percentage of required flow, adjust the branch volume con-
speed. trol dampers to provide the required flow through each
c. Measure and record motor running amperes and branch duct.
voltages. 3. Proceed to the sub-main duct with the next
d. Set system in the minimum outdoor air mode, highest percentage of required flow, traverse, and adjust
then perform a pitot tube velocity traverse of main ducts each branch per previous steps 1 and 2.
and adjust fan speeds for total design supply and return 4. Continue until all branches are balanced.
airflow rates. Total design flow must include estimated duct
c. Balancing Air Terminal Flow Rates. After obtain-
leakage previously determined by procedures referred to in
ing the required airflow rates in sub-main and branch ducts,
7.3.4 plus 5% of system total to allow for balancing effects.
then balance each air terminal by the following procedure.
Minimum outdoor air quantities must be maintained dur-
ing all system modes. 1 . Beginning with the branch nearest the fan or
with the highest percentage of required flori, measure the
e. For special systems in 10.6 that use VAV or CV airflow at each termirial on the branch.
pressure independent boxes, proceed to test and balance all
of the boxes and their downstream terminals (see 10.5), be- 2 . Starting at the air terminal with the highest
ing sure the box inlet pressure is in the correct range. Box percentage of design flow and ending with the air terminal
adjustments must be done per manufacturers literature. having the lowest percentage of design flow, adjust the
The following steps f through i occur after all boxes and runout or terminal volume control damper to provide an
related terminals are balanced. airflow rate within 10% of design.
f. Measure and record the static pressure resistance Note: If balance without excess pressure has been at-
of the duct system and the static pressure drop across coils, tained, then at least one air terminal on each branch should
filters, etc., in the cabinet or out in the duct system. have the volume control damper full open. Branch dampers
may require readjustment.
g. Measure and record the pressures at fan suction
and discharge per the pressure rating required, either static 3 . Repeat steps 1 and 2 for the branch that has the
or total. next highest percentage of required airflow.
h. ?est the system i n the maximum outdoor air 4. Continue until all air terminals are balanced to
mode. If motor overloads or airflow rates are excessive, ad- within 10% of design.
just fan RPM to suit. d. Final Adjusting and Balancing
i. Measure and record outdoor, return, and supply 1. Upon completion of procedures obtain final
air temperatures with the system set at minimum outdoor measurements as follows:
air mode. a. Measure and record the final airflow rates at
10.5 System Balancing each air terminal. If it is necessary to adjust the airflow rate
through a terminal by 5% or less, in order to achieve the
Balance the air system by the procedure outlined in final setting within 10% of design, then it is not necessary
either 10.5.1 or 10.5.2. to adjust nearby terminals which have been final measured.
Note: It is not the purpose of this Standard to discuss Otherwise, nearby terminals should be remeasured and ad-
the merit of either procedure. justed accordingly if required.
10.5.1 Traverse Procedure. After the air system has b. Secure, mark, seal, and record the final set-
been prepared according to 10.3 and 10.4, balance by the ting position of all volume control dampers installed in sub-
.procedures set forth in the following subsections: main or branch ducts.
Note: When system characteristics prevent design flow c. Measure and record the final airflow rate at
rates, balance the system components to equal percentages velocity traverses in main, sub-main and branch ducts. Do
of design. not adjust related volume control dampers.
a. Balancing Sub-Main Air Ducts d. Measure and record the data required in 10.4
1. Perform a Pitot tube velocity traverse of each b, c, f, g, and i.
sub-main duct to determine flow rate through each. e. Reset all controls for normal operations.
branch on that main duct system is the same, always com- Traverse the main hot duct. If more than 10% of the rated
paring to the first branch which is not readjusted. fan airflow is measured in the hot duct then, during balan-
4. Beginning with the next sub-main duct, with the cing process, find and have hot valve leakage or crossed box
lowest measured-to-design flow next, repeat steps 1,2, and supplies corrected.
3 for each sub-main duct. b. If boxes have a variable volume featuïe, then ad-
c. Proportioning Airflow to Sub-Main Ducts just to full flow via thermostats so the sum total airflow rate
1. Make a Pitot tube traverse of all sub-main ducts of boxes equals the fan design flow rate diiring the balan-
to determine airflow through each. This shall be ac- cing procedures.
complished by the employment of techniques outlined in c. Test the inlet static pressure at several of the most
difficult to supply boxes and make system adjustments for
2. Adjust all sub-main dampers to proportion adequate pressure at the box inlet (CV or VAV) to provide
flow into each sub-main duct such that the ratio of the the required flow rate through the box and downstream
measured-to-design airflow is the same of each sub-main ductwork.
d. Adjust assembly motorized damper only as duction systems with variable primary airflow (excepting
recommended by the manufacturer” fan powered):
g. Reset all controls for normal operation. 10.8 Two Stage Balancing
When a building is constructed at one stage and out- Fan Powered Induction Units. Additional
procedures required for balancing fan powered induction fitted for tenant work at another stage, the original core
system shall be adjusted to design requirements by the same
units are:
procedures as specified in this Standard with the following
a. Verify that volume control damper or solid state differences:
speed control has been provided for adjusting the secon-
10.8.1 Air Systems - First Stage
dary fan mounted in the induction unit. Verify the correct
rotation of the secondary fan. With no primary air and the a. The installing contractor shall provide a balanc-
secondary fan operating, measure and adjust the flow rate ing device to control total fan airflow and also where the
to design. Check secondary fan motor load and set controls first stage ductwork terminates.
to prevent amperage overload. b. A technician shall adjust these balancing devices
b. With primary air now active, proceed to air so the static pressure and flow rate are in accordance with
balance VAV part of the induction units using the pro- present design requirements.
cedures in 10.4 and 10.6.2 for pressure independent VAV c. Record the airflow rate and static pressure before
systems. each balancing device.
c. When applicable set unit controls for a mixed 10.82 Air Systems - Second Stage
flow of primary and secondary fan air, then check down-
a. Where first stage ductwork terminates, adjust
stream duct branches for temperature stratification. Report
balancing device to design airflow as areas are finished. As
for correction. Recheck afterwards.
ductwork is added and resistance changes, devices can be
d. Reset all controls for normal operation. adjusted to offset this change in resistance.
10.6.4 Single Duct Bypass Assemblies (Boxes). Addi- b. As areas are completed, make a test at a previous
tional procedures required for balancing bypass boxes are: balanced station, adjust as required, and record final data.
a. Set the thermostats SO airflow through all the c. Outside air dampers shall be set as required.
boxes is discharging into the downstream ductwork supply-
ing air to the rooms, nct to the ceiling space. d. Return air and supply air volumes shall be set to
provide necessary building pressure(s).
b. Proceed to balance the system according to the
procedure selected under 10.5, Air System Balancing. e. Temperatures shall be measured and recorded for
return air, outside air, and mixed air.
c. At the conclusion of the air distribution balanc-
f. DB and WB temperatures shall be measured in air
ing and with all assemblies still set for 100% airflow to
room, measure and record the inlet static pressure at a box. flows both entering and leaving cooling coils, and DB air
Set the thermostat for design bypass airflow. Set the bypass temperatures entering and leaving heating coils.
outlet damper so the assembly inlet static pressure equals 10.9 Thermal Performance Verification
or slightly exceeds the inlet pressure when the airflow was After performing all previous procedures prescribed
100% to room. Reset the thermostat for 100% airflow to by 10.3 through 10.7 of this Standard, a technician shall set
room and proceed to the next assembly. the system to simulate design conditions. Measure and
d. Set the bypass damper on all assemblies in a similar record a complete set of DB and WB temperatures for air
manner. Record the inlet pressure for each assembly when entering and leaving coils and heat exchangers, air leaving
set for the design bypass airflow. terminal devices (diffusers), and air in conditioned rooms
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or spaces. If conditions cannot be simulated and this effects i. Check motor load. I f motor is overloaded throt-
verification it shall be docurnented in testing and balanc- tle main flow balancing device so motor nameplate rating
ing report. is not exceeded.
11. HYDRONIC TESTING AND BALANCING j. Check all air vents for positive pressure. A forceful
liquid flow should exit from all vents when manually
11.1 Scope operated.
11.1.1 This section sets forth standard procedures for
11.4 'Test and Balance Procedures
testing and balancing hydroriic systems which include:
water, thermal transfer fluids, steam and condensate. 11.4.1 Flow. Determine flow at pump by methods
described in Section 9 and also by the more accurate
11.1.2 Section 5 , Instrumentation, and Section 9,
readings at the main hydronic balancing station.
Hydronic Measurements, apply to this section.
a. I f flow is not within 5% of design, then consult
11.2 General Requirements
with client to arrange a change of impellar, approval to
The techniques set forth ir1 this section shall apply to throttle, or change of design flow rate.
both new and existing systems. Unless otherwise noted,
b. I f deficiency cannot be corrected, proceed to
Setting of supply air static pressure controller systems.
Other systems operating which affect Coil Data Test Data
System No. (List Design & Actual for each)
13.3 Form Titles and Entries L,ocation Airflow Rate
Coil Type Air Velocity
13.3.1 System Diagram. This form is to be used for a No. Rows/Fins Air Pressure Drop
schematic layout of air distribution systems, and hydronic Make/Model Out. Air DB/WB
systems. A single line system diagram is highly recommended Face Area Ret. Air DB/WB
to insure systematic and efficient procedures. Be sure to Tube Size Ent. Air DB/WB
show quantitites of outside air, return air and relief air, sizes Tube/Fin Material Lvg. Air DB/WB
and airflow rates for main ducts, sizes and airflow rates for Circuiting Air T D
all air terminal devices, all dampers, and other regulating Water Flow Rate
devices. All air terminals should be numbered before fill- Water Pressure Differential
ing out the Air Terminal Device Report. While diagrams are Ent. Water Temp.
suggested, the use of this form is not mandatory. Lvg. Water Temp.
13.3.2 Air Apparatus Test Report. The performance of Water TD
air handling apparatus with coils is to be reported on this Exp. Valve/Refrig.
form. Motor voltage and amperage for three-phase motors Refrig. Suct. Press.
should be reported for all three legs (Tl, T2, T3). If the Refrig. Suct. Temp.
design engineer did not specify a design quantity for any Inlet Steam Press.
item in the test data section, place an X in the space for the
design quantity and record the actual quantity. However, 13.3.4 Gas/Oil-Fired Heat Apparatus Test Report.
if the equipment manufacturer furnished ratings, enter Data for gas or oil-fired devices, such as unit heaters, duct
them in the design columns. furnaces, etc., will be recorded on this form. This report is
If motor ratings differ from design, provide an explanation not intended to be used in lieu of a factory startup equip-
at the bottom of the page. If there are split coils, record data ment report, but could be used as a supplement. All
for each airstream. available design data should be reported. The “HP/RPM,
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at 303-397-2295.
F.L. AMP9S.F. (Service Factor), Drive Data” information 13.3.7 Duct ïmverse Report (Rectangular). This form
could apply to the burner motor, burner fan motor, unit air is to be used as a worksheet for recording the results of a
fan motor, etc., depending on the application or equipment. Pitot tube traverse ir1 a rectangular duct. Make a grid
Therefore, designate the motor of the recorded data. representing the duct cross section with a box for each test
Unit Data Test Data point and its dirnensions from sides of duct. It is recom-
mended that the velocity pressures be recorded in one-half
System No. (List Design & Actual for each) of each box provided and converted to velocities in the other í
Location Airflow Rate half of box at a later tirne. The velocities shall be averaged.
Make/Type Ent./Lvg. Air Temperatures Do not average the velocity pressures.
Model No./Size Air Temperature Differential
Data Reported
Serial No. Entering/Leaving Air Press.
Type Fuel/Input Air Pressure Differential System/Unit No. Design Velocity
Output/Btuh Low Fire Input Location/Zone Design Flow Rate
Ignition Type High Fire Input Traverse Air Temp. Actual Average Velocity
Burner Control Manifold Pressure/CFH Duct Static Press. Actual Flow Rate
Volts/Phase/Hertz High Limit Setting Duct Size Barometric Pressure
H. P. / R PM Operating Set Point Duct Area
F.L. Amps/S.F. Voltage, Tí-T2, T2-T3, T3-Tl
Sheave Data Amps, Al, A2, A3 13.3.8 Duct Traverse Report (Round). Record the
Heating Valu:: of the Fuel results of a Pitot tube traverse in a round duct on this work
sheet type form. Make a circle representing the duct cross
section. Make columns with a number for each test point,
13.3.5 Electric CoiVDuct Heater Test Report. This its dimension from side of duct, and for velocity pressures
form is to be used for electric furnaces, or for electric coils
or velocities taken at points across two diameters at a right
installed in built-up units or in ducts. “Min. Air Vel? is the
angle to each other.
manufacturer’s recommended minimum airflow velocity.
Data Reported
Unit Data Test Data
System/Unit No. Design Velocity
System/Location kW
Locat ion/Zone Design Flow Rate
Coil No. Air Velocity
Traverse Air Temp. Actual Average Velocity
kW Airflow Rate
Duct Static Press. Actual Flow Rate
Stages Ent. Air Temp.
Duct Size Barometric Pressure
Volts/Phase/Hertz Lvg. Air Temp.
Duct Area
Amps Voltage, T1-TZ, T2-1’3, ‘13-TI
Airflow Rate Amps, Al, A2, A3 13.3.9 Duct Iraverse Report (Flat Oval). Record the
Face Area results of a Pitot tube traverse in a flat oval duct on this
Min. Air Velocity worksheet type form. Make a flat oval shape representing
the duct cross section. Make columns with a number for
13.3.6 Fan Test Report. This form is to be used with each test point, its dimension along the major and minor
supply, return, or exhaust fans. axis, and are for velocity pressures or velocities taken at
points across the two axis of the duct.
Fan Data Motor Data
Data Reported
System No. Make/Frame
Location H.P./RPM (w/Rad/s) System/Uriit No. Design Velocity
Make/Type Volt s/Phase/Hertz Location/Zone Design Flow Rate
Model No./Size F.L. Amps/S.F. Traverse Air Temp. Actual Average Velocity
Serial No. Sheave Make Duct Static Press. Actual Flow Rate
Arrangement/Class Sheave Size/Bore Duct Size Barometric Pressure
Sheave Make No. Belts/Make/Size Duct Area
Sheave Size/Bore Sheave Center Line Distance
13.3.10 Air Terminal Device Report. As this form can
& Adjustment
be used as both a worksheet and a final report form, techni-
Test Data cians are encouraged to record all readings on this test
(List Design & Actual for each) reprot form. However, it is n o t necessary to record
Airflow Rate preliminary velocity readings.
Total System Static Pressure If the final adjusted flow rate of any air terminal varies
Fan RPM by more than +. 10% from the design flow rate, a note
Discharge Static Pressure should be placed in the remarks column indicating the
Suction Static Pressure amount of variance. The “remarks” section at the bottom I
Voltage, TI-T2, T2-T3, T3-ïl of the sheet should be used to provide known or potential
Amps, Al, A2, A3 reasons for such deviation.
50 --`,````,```,``,,`,,,,````,``-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`---
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13.3.17 Pump Test Report. This report form may be us- 13.3.19 Instrument Calibration Report. This form is to
ed as a work sheet. The final data on each pump is also be used for recording the application and date of the most
recorded on this form. The actual impeller diameter entry recent calibration test or calibration for each instrument used
is that indicated by plotting the head curve based on a no in the testing, adjusting, and balancing work covered by the
flow head test o r by actual field measurement where repor t.
possible. Data Reported
Net positive suction head (NPSH) is important for
pumps in open circuits and for pumps handling fluids at
Serial No.
elevated temperatures. NPSH defines the required pressure
in excess of the liquid vapor pressure at the pump inlet.
Dates of use
Design Data Actual Test Data Date(s) of Calibration
Service/Location Pump Off P D 13.3.20 Component Failure Report. This form is in-
Make No Flow Head tended to provide sufficient information to determine cause
Model Number Act. Impeller Diam. of failure and provide feedback to the manufacturer,
Serial Number Full Open Head designer or installer. This form should be used as soon as
Water Flow Rate/Head Full Open Flow Rate a problem has occurred, and its inclusion in the final report
Req. NPSH Final Dischg. Press. would he at the judgement of the balancer. It should be
Pump RPM Final Suction Press. noted a n the report, if appropriate, that the analysis and
Impeller Diam. Final Head recommendations are not to be considered final or made
Motor Make/Frame Final Flow Rate by an expert on the sub,ject.
Motor HP/RPM (w/Rad/s) Voltage Tl-T2, T2-T3, T3-Tl Data Reported
This form o r the manufacturer’s form should be Gauges - Pressure Indicating Dial Tvpe - Elastic Element,
American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 345 East 47th Street,
substantially completed and verified by the manufacturer’s New York, NY 10017.
representatives and/or the installing contractor before the AMCAJ985. A M C A Standard 210-1985, Laboratory
HVAC distribution systems are balanced. Temperature Methods of Testing Fan.s,forRating, Air Movement and Control
and/or pressure readings of the boiler should be entered Association, 30 West University Drive, Arlington Heights, IL
during the TAB procedures. 60004.
SMACNA, 1981. SMACNA/HVAC Duct Systen?Design
A flue gas analysis normally is not in the scope of TAB Tables and Charts, Sheet Metal and Air-conditioning Contrac-
procedures, but data could be added in the “remarks” sec- tors’ National Association, 8224 Old Courthouse Road, Tysons
tion if available and required by the engineer/owner. Corner, Vienna, VA 22180.
ASHRAE, 1988. A S H R A E Handbook - 1988 Equip-
Unit Data Test Data nient, American Society of Heating, Refrigerating, and Air-
Location/Service (List Design & Actual for each) conditioning Engineers, Inc., 1791 Tullie Circle, NE, Atlanta, GA
Ma ke/Type Operating Press./Temp. SMACNA, 1985. SMACNA/HVAC Duct Construction
Model Nunber/Siz,e Ent./Lvg. Temp. Standards - Metal and Flexible, Sheet Metal and Air-
Serial Number No. Safety Valves/Size conditioning Contractors’ National Association, 8224 Old
FueMnput Safety Valve Settings Courthouse Road, Tysons Corner, Vienna, VA 22180.
No. of Passes High Limit Setting SMACNA, 1979. SMACNA Standard 1979-2, Fibrous
Glass Duct Construction Standards, Sheet Metal and Air-
Ignition Type Operating Contr. Setting Conditioning Contractors National Association, 8224 Old Court-
Burner Control High Fire Set Point house Road, Tysons Corner, Vienna, VA 22180.
Volts/Phase/Hertz Low Fire Set Point i SMACNA, 1965. S M A C N A / H V A C Air Duct Leak-
Voltage Tl-T2, T2-T3, T3-TI age Test Manual, Sheet Metal and Air-Conditioning Con-
Amps Al, A2, A3 tractors National Association, 8224 Old Courthause Road,
Tysons Corner, Vienna, VA 22180.
Draft Fan Volts/Amps HEVAC, 1981. HEVACFan Application Guide, Heating,
Manifold Press. Ventilating, and Air-conditioning ìvlaniifacturers Association,
Safety Controls-Check Ltd., Pheonix House, Middlesex, London TW159NL..
Copyright ASHRAE Document provided by IHS Licensee=Aramco HQ/9980755100, 05/04/2004 23:32:06 MDT
Provided by IHS under license with ASHRAE Questions or comments about this message: please call the Document Policy Group
at 303-397-2295.
ISO, 1977. IS0 Standard 3966-1977, Measurement ofFluid Wilson, A.C., 1981. Instriiinents and Proceduresfor Measuring
Flow in Closed Conduits - Velocity Area Method Using Pitot Air Flow by the Velocity TraverseMethod, London: McGraw-
Static ïïibes, International organization for Standardization, 1 rue Hill, Air Flow Developments, Ltd.
de Varembe, Case postale 56, CH-1211 Gerieve 20, Switzerland.
l o ASHRAE, 1983. A S H R A E Handbook - 1985 Futz- 'This Appendix is not part of the Standard but is included for in-
dametztals, American Society of Heating, Refrigerating, and Air- formation purposes only.
conditioning Engineers, inc. 1791 'TullieCircle, NE, Atlanta, GA APPENDIX B i
I' Hayes, F.C. and Stoecker, W.F:, 1966. The effect of the in-
let conditions on flow measurement of ceiling diffusers. ASHRAE The following sections are provided as a sample from which
Transactions, Vol. 72, Pt. 2, 1966. the user can derive a format for a specification pertaining to most
I?'Tuve, G.L. and Wright, D. K. , 1940. Air flow measure- testing and balancing projects.
ments at intake and discharge openings and grill es^ A S H R A E B.l SCHEDULING AND READINESS OF PROJECT
Journal Section of Heating, Piping, and Air-Conditioning,
B.1.1 Plans and specifications shall be reviewed prior to the
August, 1940.
installation or retrofit of any affected systems. A written report
'I Davies, L.E., Measurement of the flow of air through
shall be submitted indicating any deficiencies in the system that
registers and grilles, ASHRAE Transactions, Vol. 36, 1930; Vol.
would preclude the proper testing, adjusting, and balancing of
37, 1931; Vol. 39, 1933.
systems and equipnent to attain specified performance"The report
I4Hayes,FC. and Stoecker, W.F:, Velocity patterns at return-
should include proposed corrective modifications.
air inlets and their effect on flow measurement. A S H R A E Tran-
sactions, Vol. 71, Pt. 1, 1966. B.1.2 Access shall be provided to all work which will be con-
ACGIH, 1986. Industrial Ventilation, 19th Edition, cealed a n d which will require testing, balancing and future
American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists, maintenance.
6500 Glenway Avenue, Bldg. D-7, Cincinnati, OH. B.2 PROJECT OPERATIONAL STATUS INCLUDING
I6Jorgensen, Robert, 1983. Fan Engineering, 8th Edition, START-UP AND/OR READINESS FOR TESTING AID
Buffalo Forge Company, Buffalo, NY. BALANCING
Notification shall be made when the project is ready for the
This Appendix is not part of this Standard but is included for testing and balancing work. Project readiness shall include:
information purposes only. a. Systems are started and operating.
APPENDIX A 'o. Permanent electrical power wiring is complete.
BIBLIOGRAPHY c. Verify that ductwork is fabricated and installed as specified.
AABC, 1982. A A B C National Standardsfor Total System d. Ceilings are installed in critical areas where air pattern ad-
Balance, Associated Air Balance Council, 1318 K Street, NW, justment may be required. Access to balancing devices is provided.
Washington, DC.
ADC, 1977. A D C Est Codefor Grilles, Registers, and Diyfusers, e. All equipment and ductwork access doors are securely
Air Diffusion Council, 230 North Michigan Ave., Suite 1200, closed. i
Chicago, IL 60601. f . All balancing, smoke, and fire dampers are open.
ASHRAE, 1987. ASHRAE Handbook - 1987Systeins/AppIica- g. All isolation and balancing valves are open and control
tions, American Society of Heating, Refrigerating, and Air- valves are operational.
Conditioning Engineers, Inc. 1791 Tullie Circle, NE, Atlanta, h. System installation is complete Controls and instrumerita-
GA 30329. tion are installed and operational.
ASHRAE, 1986. A S H R A E Handbook - 1986 Refrigeration,
American Society o f Heating, Refrigerating, a n d Air- B.3 INSTRUMEN'IATION REQUIREMENTS
Conditioning Engineers, Inc. 1791 'Tullie Circle, NE, Atlanta, The minirrium instrumentation requirements for the testing,
GA 30329. adjusting and balancing shall be those which provide the most ac-
ASHRAE, 1986. ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 41.1-1986. "Standard curacy as prescribed in ASHRAE Standard 111-1988, Section 5.
Method for Temperature Measurement;' American Society of B.4 INSTALLED FLOW METERS AND MEASURING AND
Heating, Refrigerating, and Air-Conditioning Engineers, inc. BALANCING DEVICES
1791 Tullie Circle, NE, Atlanta, GA 30329.
MCAA, 1976. MCAA Start, Test, and Balance. Mechanical Con- Criteria for installed flow meters and measuring and balan-
tractors Association of America, 5410 Grosvenor Lane, Suite cing devices shall be as prescribed in ASHRAE Standard 111-1988,
120, Bethesda, MD. Section 6.
NEBB, 1984. NEBB Environmental System Technology, Na- B.5 AIR MEASUREMENTS
tional Environmental Balancing Bureau, 8224 Old Courthouse Criteria and accuracy requirements pertaining to air and
Road, Vienna, VA 22180. hydronic measurements shall be as prescribed in ASHRAE Stan-
NEBB, 1984. NEBB Procedural Standardsfor Testing,Adjusting, dard 111-1988, Sections 8 and 9.
Balancing of Environmental Sys.tetns, National Environmental
Balancing Bureau, 8224 Old Courthouse Road, Vienna, VA B.6 AIR AND HYDROLIC BALANCING
22180. Criteria and accuracy requirements pertaining to air and
SMACNA, 1982. SMACNA Retrofit of Building Energy Systems hydronic balancing shall be as prescribed in ASHRAE Standard
and Processes, Sheet Metal and Air-Conditioning Contractors' 111-1988, Sections 10 and 11.
National Association, 8224 Old Courthouse Road, Tysons
Corner, Vienna, VA 22180.. B.7 REFRIGERATION TESTING
SMACNA, 1983. SMACNA HVACSystetns Testing, Adjusting, Criteria and accuracy requirements pertaining to refrigera-
and Balancing, Sheet Metal and Air-Conditioning Contrac- tion testing shall be as described in ASHRAE Standard 111-1988,
tors' National Association, 8224 Old Courthouse Road, Section 12.
Tysons Corner, Vienna, VA 22180. i
Wilson, A.C., 1981. "Comments on ISO/DiS 5219, Air Distribu- B.8 REPORTING PROCEDURES AND FORMS
tion and Air Diffusion:' Laboratory Aerodynainics Testing and All testing and balancing data as described in Section13 shall
Rating o f A i r Erininal Devices, London: McGraw-Hill. be prepared and submitted on applicable forms. Unless otherwise
To Leakage bhp Ratio
I 0 To 1.00
-:- I (
5 To
7 15%
20 070
Therefore, if 1.5% leakage is allowed for unsealed ductwork,
about 50% could be added to the cost of energy to run the fan
D . l . l Example: Theconditions that exist at the inlet of a fan
Fig. C-1 Deficient duct system performance because of that is not ducted on the inlet side are t,, = 78 OF and t,,, = 62°F.
system effect Since the inlet of the fan is not ducted, P,, = 0 and P l (absolute
P , = P b + (P,,/13.6) = 28.15 - (8.75/13.6) = 27.51 in. Hg. At 150°F and at an absolute pressure within 10070of29.92 in.
Using Fig. D-4 obtain saturated vapor pressure, p,, of 1.561
in. Hg for the wet-bulb temperature of 93 "E At 1 8 0 O F arid at an absolute pressure within 4% of29.92 in. Hg.
Using the modified Apjohn equation for partial vapor D.3 PHASE CURRENT METHOD FOR ESTIMATING THE
P,, = P, - Pl [(hi, - t,,,)/27001 D.3.1 Example: 'The power output of three phase motors can
be estimated based on the relationship of motor current and motor
= 1.561 - 27.51 [(146" - 93")/2700]
power output. The riatureof this relationship is illustrated for a
= 1.021 in. H g number of motors, covering a wide range of horsepower ratings
d , is calculated by using perfect gas relationships: in the graph in Fig.. D-11. As indicated in the graph, the phase cur-
rent is not proportional to the motor power output over the motor
d , = 11.3257 ( P l - 0.378 p:,)] / (td, + 460") operating range. However, the error in assuming proportionality
= [1.3257 (27.51 - 0.378 X 1.021)J / (146" i-
460") for motor operation at or near the full load point is small. For ex-
ample, for motors of five horsepower and greater, operating at
d , = 0.0593 Ib,/ft'.
90% or more of full load amps (FLA), the error in assuming that
D.2 DETERMINATION OF' THE DENSI'T'Y OF AIR, the measured amps are proportional to motor power output will
SPECIAL CASES be less than 5070, and Equation A applied.
D.2.1 Example: Dry air is entering a fan inlet located at an Equation A:
elevation of 1,000 ft above sea level. The pressure and temperature - nameplate
at the inlet are P,, = -15 in. wg and tdl = 95°F. Barometric
pressure data, obtained from a nearby airport are 29.24 in. Hg at
Hmo - horsepower ( measured
amps measured volts
) ( nameplatevoitc )
sea level. Where H,, is the motor power output, FLA is the motor
nameplate value of full load amps, and measured amps arid
Using the data in Fig. D-2 the barometric pressure at 1000 ft measured volts are the averages of the measured phase values.
above sea level is:
Generally, for motors operating at less than 90% of full load
P, = 29.24 x 0.964 = 28.19 in. Hg. amps, the motor power output can be estimated by using the
The absolute pressure at the fan inlet is: average of the results of Equation A and Equation B.
P l = P, + (P,,/13.6) = 28.19 - (15í13.6) = 27.09in. Hg. Equation B:
Dry air at 29.92 in Hg. and 70°F has a density of 0.075 nameplate measured amps - NLA measured volts
1b,/ft3. H m = horsepower ( FLA - NLA ) ( nameplate volts )
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Provided by IHS under license with ASHRAE Questions or comments about this message: please call the Document Policy Group
at 303-397-2295.
ft GRAVITY in Hg 11 GRAVITY ¡ri Hg
O 1 O0 29 92 3000 O 896 26 82
1O0 0 996 29 81 320'3 o 890 26 62
200 o 993 29 70 3400 o 883 26 4 2
300 o 982 29 60 3600 o 877 26 23
400 O 986 29 49 3833 O 870 26 03
50,s 0 9Ei 29 38 4000 O 864 25 84
SOP o 979 29 28 4200 0.857 25 65
70C o 975 29 1 7 4400 o 851 25 46
800 O 971 29 07 4600 o 845 25 27
909 O 966 28 96 4800 o 838 25 O8
1O00 O 964 28 86 5000 O 832 24 90
1100 O 961 28 75 5200 O 826 24 71
1200 o 957 28 65 5400 o 820 24 52
1303 0.954 28 54 5600 O 814 24 34
1400 O 950 28 44 5800 O 807 24 16
Fig. D-2
28.5 29.0 29.5 30.0 30.5 31.O SION
30 07703 07839 07974 .O8110 .O8245 08380 ,00027 O00017
31 07687 07822 07957 08093 08228 08363 00027 .o00017
32 07671 07806 07940 08075 0821o 08345 "00027 O00017
33 07654 07789 07924 08058 .O8193 08327 ,00027 O00018
34 07638 07772 07907 0804 1 .O8175 .O8310 00027 O00018
35 07621 07756 07890 08024 08i58 08292 ,00027 O00018
36 07605 07739 "07873 08007 08141 08274 .O0027 O00018
37 07589 07723 07856 07990 08123 08257 .O0027 00001 9
38 07573 07706 07840 07973 08106 08239 "00027 000019
39 07557 07690 07823 "07956 .O8089 .o8222 .O0027 "O00019
40 07541 07674 07806 07939 .O8072 08205 .O0027 O00019
41 07525 07657 07790 07922 08055 08187 "00026 000020
42 07509 07641 07773 07905 08038 08170 .O0026 000020
43 07493 07625 07757 07889 08021 08153 .O0026 000020
44 07477 07609 07740 07872 .O8004 O81 35 ,00025 000020
45 07461 07592 07724 07855 07986 o8118 .O0026 000020
46 07445 07576 07707 07838 ,07970 08101 "00026 000021
47 07429 07560 07691 07822 07953 08084 00026 000021
48 074 13 07544 07674 07805 07936 08066 00026 000021
49 07397 07528 07658 07788 07919 08049 "00026 000022
50 07381 07512 07642 07772 07902 08032 "00026 000022
51 07366 07496 07625 07755 07885 .O8015 "00026 000022
52 07350 ,07479 07609 07739 07868 07998 .O0025 000023
53 07334 07464 07593 07722 07852 07981 00026 000023
54 07318 07447 07576 ,07706 07835 07964 .O0026 000023
55 07302 07431 07560 07689 .O7818 .O7947 ,00026 000024
56 07287 07415 07544 07673 ,07801 07930 ,00026 000024
57 07271 07399 07528 07656 "07784 07913 .O0026 OC0025
58 07255 07383 07512 07640 07768 07896 .O0026 000025
59 07240 07367 07495 07623 07751 ,07879 ,00026 000025
60 07224 07352 ,07479 07607 ,07734 07862 .O0026 000026
61 07208 07336 07463 "07590 07718 07845 ,00026 000026
62 07193 07320 07447 07574 "07701 07828 ,00026 000027
63 07177 .O7304 07430 07557 .O7684 0783 1 ,00026 000027
64 07161 07288 074 14 07541 ,07668 07794 ,00026 000028
Note Approx average decrease in density per O 1°F rise in dry-bulb temperature equals 000017
Fig. D-3
Pg. 1 of 2
Note Approx average decrease in density per O 1'F rise in dry-bulb temperature equals ,000017
Fig. D-3
Pg. 2 of 2
- - -
'F in Hg "F in Hg 'F in Hg 'F i n Hg 'F in Hg
- - 7 -
35 .2035 65 ,6222 95 1.660 125 3.954 155 8 557
36 -2118 66 .6442 96 1.71 2 126 4.063 156 8 767
37 .2203 67 .6669 97 1.765 127 4.1 74 157 8.981
38 2292 68 .69D3 98 1.819 128 4.289 158 9.200
39 ,2383 69 "7144 99 1875 129 4 406 159 9 424
40 2478 70 7392 1o0 1 932 130 4.525 160 9 652
41 "2576 71 .7648 1o1 1992 131 4.647 161 9 885
42 .2677 72 "7912 102 2.052 132 4 772 162 1 0 12
43 2782 73 "8183 103 2 114 133 4 900 163 10 36
44 2891 74 .ô462 104 2 178 134 5.031 164 10 61
45 .3004 75 ,8750 105 2 243 135 5 165 165 10 86
46 .3120 76 .go46 106 2 310 136 5.302 166 11 12
47 "3240 77 9352 7 07 2 379 137 5 442 167 11 38
48 "3364 78 .9666 108 2 449 138 5 585 168 11 65
49 .3493 79 .9989 1o9 2 521 139 5.732 169 11 92
50 ,3626 80 1 .O32 110 2 596 140 5 881 170 12 20
51 .3764 81 1 066 111 2 672 141 6 034 171 1 2 48
52 .3W6 82 l"102 112 2 749 142 6 190 172 12 77
53 "4052 83 1.138 113 2 829 143 6 350 173 13 07
54 .4203 84 1.1 75 7 14 2 911 144 6 513 174 1 3 37
55 4359 85 1.213 115 2 995 145 6 680 175 13 67
56 4520 86 1.253 116 3 081 146 6 850 176 13 98
57 "4686 87 1.293 117 3 169 147 7 024
I 177 14 30
58 4858 88 1.335 118 3 259 148 7.202 178 14 62
59 SO35 89 1.378 119 3 351 149 7.384 179 14 96
60 2521 8 90 1422 120 3 446 150 7.569 180 15 29
3 543
3 642
7.759 -
63 SO2 93 1S 6 1 123 3 744 153 8 150
64 .6009 94 1.610 124 3.848 154 8 351
- - -
1 A o b e r i Jorgensen, ed Fan Engineering. 7th ed R e p r i n i e d by Perrniss*oP
í B i J f f ä i 0 . N Y Buffalo Forge C o , 19701, P 8
Fig. D-4
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Provided by IHS under license with ASHRAE Questions or comments about this message: please call the Document Policy Group
at 303-397-2295.
- --
, fllllb T E.M P tt'llb '
F OF f
3 R Y AIF TOTAL DRY A I F Ibllb ibllb
DRY A I R 'gib Ibllt
-- --- - - --
o9134 10 95
DRY A l i
00020 46
- OF
C 08625
000110 I 08632
11 59
1 1 72
11 85
15 08340 000140 08354 1 1 99 00168 001 68 54 07620 000675 07687 1312 00884 0057:
20 0824 7 000176 08264 12 12 0021 3 0021 3 55 07600 000700 07670 13 15 00921 00913
21 08230 000185 08248 12 15 00225 00224 56 07582 000723 07654 13 19 00952 00943
22 0821 o 12 18 00235 00234 57 07562 000749 07637 1322 O0989 00980
23 08193 12 20 00246 00245 58 a7544 000775 07622 1325 01026 01016
I O8194
12 23
12 26
I 08159
12 29
12 32
12 34
12 37
12 40
0031 3
O009 16
01 130
O1 171
o1 25:
O 1 303
31 Oar343 000290 08072 12 43 00362 0036 1 66 07390 001012 07491 1353 01368 01349
32 08025 000303 08055 12 46 00378 00376 67 07369 001045 07473 1357 01417 0139'
33 08006 000315 08038 12 49 00393 00392 66 07350 O01O80 07458 1360 01468 01447
34 07989 000327 08022 12 51 00409 004 O8 69 07330 001115 07441 1364 01520 0149:
35 07970 000339( o8004 12 54 00426 00425 70 07310 001 152 07425 1368 01576 01551
36 07952 000353 07987 12 57 00444 00442 71 07290 O01 189 07409 1371 01630 01604
37 07933 OU0364 07969 12 60 00460 00458 72 07270 001229 07393 1375 01651 01662
38 0791 6 000380 07954 1¿ 63 00480 004 78 73 07250 O01268 07377 i 3 79 0174@ 01717
39 07897 000394 0793E 12 66 00499 00496 74 07229 001310 07360 1383 01812 O 1 780
40 07880 000409 07921 12 69 00519 00516 75 07208 O01352 07343 1387 01876 01841
41 07860 000425 07902 12 72 0054 1 00538 76 O7188 001395 07328 1391 O1941 o1 904
12 75
12 78
12 81
12 84
O? 144
0731 O
13 99
1 4 O8
I 02008
. _ . ~01968
02079 02ci3E
02150 021 06
02223 021 7 4
Fig. D-5
Pg. 1 of 2
60 --`,````,```,``,,`,,,,````,``-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`---
Copyright ASHRAE Document provided by IHS Licensee=Aramco HQ/9980755100, 05/04/2004 23:32:06 MDT
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at 303-397-2295.
F -- )Rï All
ir M I X T U
JRY A l l
I3Ilb toiin
OF Ib'lb It i t
- --- - -
--- -
Ib Ib OF
81 0708' 001625 07244 14 12 02301 02249 116 06186 004427 06629 16 16 07157 06678
82 07059 00168: 07227 14 16 02383 02325 117 061 54 004548 06609 16 24 0739: 0we2
83 07038 001 73: 0721 1 14 21 02462 02403 118 061 24 004669 06591 16 32 07625 07%:
84 0701 5 00: 785 O7193 14 26 02545 02462 119 06092 004794 06571 16 41 07869 0729E
85 06933 00184l 071 77 14 3@ 02631 02566 120 06060 004921 06552 16 50 08121 0751 1
86 06970 OO189E 07160 14 34 02723 02651 121 06027 IN5049 06532 16 58 08376 07725
87 06947 O01954 07 142 14 39 02613 02736 122 05995 005183 0651 3 16 68 08646 07955
88 06925 0320 14 07126 14 44 02908 O2826 123 05960 005319 Oô492 16 77 08925 081 5 r
89 069CZ 002072 07109 14 48 03032 02915 124 05927 005456 06473 16 87 09204 08428
90 06881) 002139 07094 14 53 03109 0301 5 125 05892 005598 06452 16 96 09532 08677
91 06855 002201 07075 14 58 0321 1 O31 11 130 O5713 006355 06349 17 49 11125 100lc:
92 06832 002267 07055
14 63 03318 0321 2 135 05524 007195 06244 18 10 13026 1 1 523
93 06809 002334 07042 14 69 03428 03314 140 0531 9 O08 128 06132 18 79 15280 13255
94 06785 002404 07025 14 73 03543 03422 145 051 30 0091 62 06016 19 60 17965 1523;
95 06760 002474 07007 14 79 03660 03531 150 04865 O1 0303 05895 20 55 21178 1747t
96 06736 002546 06991 14 84 03780 03642 155 04672 011547 05767 21 67 25C38 23322
97 O6711 .O02620 06973 14 90 03934 03757 160 04340 O1 2937 .O5634 23 03 29810 22952
98 06681 002692 06957 14 95 04025 .O3870 165 04048 014436 05492 24 69 35660 26285
99 06660 002770 06931 15 C 1 04159 03993 170 03734 016118 05346 26 77 43165 33?5:
1O0 06634 002853 06915 15 07 04300 04124 175 03398 O1 7926 .O5191 29 43 52750 3453:
1o1 0661 O O02937 06904 15 12 04443 04255 180 03035 O1 9905 05036 32 94 65583 39525
102 06583 00301 9 06885 15 18 04586 04385 185 02645 022062 04851 37 78 834 1 O 45425
103 06557 0031 O6 06868 15 25 04737 04523 190 02228 024393 06667 44 85 I owe 522':
104 06530 0031 93 06849 15 31 04890 04662 195 01779 026957 04475 56 20 I 5153 6024;
1o5 06504 003283 ,06832 15 37 05048 .O4806 200 01297 029730 04270 77 1 1 ? 2923 6966;
lo6 06477 003375 06814 15 44 0521 2 .o4953 205 00782 032715 O4 O64 127 9 I 1835 80502
107 06451 003470 06791 15 50 05379 051 05 21 o 00232 035942 03836 I5 493 93703
15 57
15 64
15 71
212 00000 037298, 03730
-- In+ 10001)
Fig. D-5
I-P Units
a. gpm,/gpm, = rpmz/rpml
ïable D-1 Application Factors For General Use of Rotating Vane Anemometers
3 in. to 6 in. 8 cm to 16 cm/Sizes-Velocity 400-1500
Any size or shape of rectangular intake more than *4in. (10 cm) wide and
up to 600 sq in. (3700 cm sq.) area with flange at least 2 in. (5 cm)
wide, either free-open or with grille with free opening 60% or more ofthe
core area: 0.85 Application Factor
Any size or shape of rectangular discharge opening more than *4in. (10
crn)wideandupto600sq.¡n" (1500cmsq.)area, withlength ofapproach
duct at least equal to twice the smaller side, and with free opening 70%
or more of the core area, no directional vanes: 1.03 Application Factor
Equation for Use:
application avg. velocity designated
True Volume, (Q)= factor x by instrument x area
Designated area for intakes = Core area
Designated area for discharge openings with anemometer = average between core area and free-open area at the plane of the near face.
Averace velocity by instrument is obtained from equal-time traverse of *4 in. (10 cm) squares, corrected for instrument calibration.
*The instrument diameter must not exceed the opening to be measured, i e , the 6 in (IS cm) instrument requires a rninimurn (6 in ) opening and traverse squares
- Pv MAX.
dr*r pv MAX.
Produce Sw/rl In Boxes)
’O --4F--rPVM
Fig. D-9 Typical velocity pressure distributions encountered i n velocity pressure measurement
planes in fan-system installations
700/3.6 1 o0 1 "00
600/3 i 1 "00 1 00
500/2 5 I "00 1 01
40012 0 1 "01 103
300/1.5 1 "03 i "06
mo/i o 1 07 1.10
r-O321 o-
O 765 D c
O 939 O e
5 O 074. 0.238. O 500. O 712 O 926 6 O 032. O 135. O 321. O 679, O 865. O 968
8 O 021, O 117. O 184. O 365. O 655. O 816 O 883. O 981
Fig. D-10 Position of alternative measuring points and traverse Fig. D-IOB Log linear rule for traverse points on 3 diameters
lines relative to side lengths for rectangular ducts of a circular duct
742 Y Fig. D-12 Drive loss relationships for belt driven fans
is usually expressed in pounds per square inch, (psi). Quite often
c. Curves “B” shows the horsepower to drive the pump, the suction lift is expressed in inches of vacuum o r inches of
with the lowest point at the shut-off. Curves “A” and “B” show (mercury).
the complete performance of the pump for the one speed only.
Pressure (psi) = [Head (Ft) x Specific Gravity] / 2.31
d. Efficiency curves “C” shows the amount of usable work Head (ft) = [Pressure (psi) x 2.311 / Specific Gravity
done by the pump in percentage of power delivered to the pump Vacuum (in. Hg”) = Dynamic suction lift (ft) x 0.883 x
shaft. Specific Gravity
e. Pumps can be designed so that the head-capacity curve E.1.5 Net Positive Suction Head (NPSH)
will rise, remain flat or fall, as it proceeds from the left; but in each
NPSN combines all of the factors limiting the suction side
case, the curve descends toward zero head at maximum capacity.
o f a punp; internal pump losses, static suction lift, friction losses,
f. Several curves, representing several pump speeds (Fig. vapor pressure and atmospheric conditions. It is important to dif-
E-2) or several impeller sizes, (Fig. E-I) may be shown on one ferentiate between Required NPSH and Available NPSH.
- I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I
I 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 160 170 180 190
-Ft/Sec. 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
-(m/s) (1.2) (1.5) (1.8) (2.1) (2.4) (2.7) (3.0) (3.4) (3.7) (4.0) (4.3) (4.6)
-Head-Ft 0.25 0.39 0.56 0.76 1.o 1.25 1.55 1.87 2.24 2.62 3.05 3.50
-(m) (0.08) (0.12) (0.17) (0.23) (0.30) (0.38) (0.47) (0.57) (0.68) (0.80) (0.92) (1.06)
b. Available NPSH (NPSHA) is a characteristic of the P, = Static elevation of the liquid above, or below the centerline
system. It can be calculated, or on a n existing installation, it can of the impeller, expressed in feet.
be determined by field test using vacuum and pressuregauges. By P, = Friction and velocity head loss in the piping, also express-
definition, it is the net positive suction head above the vapor ed in feet,
pressure available at the suction flange af the pump to maintain H,,p = Absolute vapor pressure of the fluid at the pumping
a liquid state. temperature, expressed in feet of fluid.
E.1.5.2 NPSH Equations b. Existing Installation-To measure the NPSH available
a. New installation-To calculate the NPSHA in a pro- in an existing installation, the preceeding equation can be used or
posed application, the following equation should be used: the following can be employed in which case it is not necessary to
Curves are guaranteed at indicated operating point only. Capacity head and efficiency guarantee
are based on shop test and when handling clear, cold, fresh water at a temperature of not over
85 degrees F, and not over 15 feet total dynamic suction lift.
I I l I I I I
90 -
80 -
x 60 -
u; 50 -
40 -
30 -
20 -
10 - I I I I I l I I I
400 800 1200 1600 2000 2400 2800 3200 3600 4 O
V:/2g = Velocity head at the point of measurement, Ps. I
h,, = Absolute vapor pressure, expressed in feet.
E.1.6 Pump Suction Limitations
E.1.6.1 Suction Lift
a. A pump, by creating a vacuum at the suction (impeller O
2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16
eye o n a centrifugal) utilizes atmospheric pressure (14.7 psi at sea FLOW - GALLONS PER MINUTE
level) to push the liquid into the pump. Because ofthis, the psi suc-
tion lift is limited theoretically to 339 ft of water maximum. Fig. E-3 Intersection of pump performance curve with system
b. The dynamic suction lift should be calculated carefully curve is operating point of pump
at the required capacity as even systems taking suction from a
source above the pump can cause trouble when friction losses are
too great. Always keep the pump as close to the liquid source as I SYSTEM
possible. Many pump performance curves will show the maximum POINT OF
practical dynamic suction lifts for a given pump or for given OPERATION
capacities from that same pump. W
E.1.6.2 Cavitation Q
a. Cavitation is a result of insufficient available net CAPACITY CURVE
positive suction head, causing low pressures that allow some of
the pumped liquid to flash into vapor and form bubbles. These
bubbles are carried with the liquid as it goes through the pump
where they collapse with a severe shock on the adjacent surface.
This cavitation accompanied by noises and vibration can result t- WITH PUMP OFF
in mechanical destruction of the pump in the form of pitting and
Fig. E-4 Shift in system curve with positive static suction head
on suction side of pump
b. Cavitation could occur because of things difficult to
correct, such as improper design of the system or improper selec-
tion of the pump for the particular system. However, cavitation Adding pump efficiency and using the water. Specific gravity
could also occur because o f partial suction line stoppage due to of 1.0:
things such as piping blockages or clogged strainers.
BrakeHP =
E.1.6.3 Vapor Pressure [gpm x head (ft wg) / [3960 x (pump efficiency)]
a. Vapor pressure denotes the lowest absolute pressure
found in a given liquid at a given temperature. If the pressure in c. Brake horsepower and efficiency are indicated by other
a pump system is not equal to or greater than the vapor pressure curves in Fig. E-l. Particularly note that horsepower is the least
of the liquid, the liquid will flash into a gas. at pump shut-off, and that it increases as capacity increases. The
importance here is that if the actual pressure loss in a piping system
b. Many process applications use pressurized vessels o n is less than the design head of the pump, the actual capacity will
the suction side to overcome vapor pressure of some liquids. The be greater than design capacity. This will result in the pump draw-
amount of pressure needed depends on the liquid and liquid ing a greater horsepower than it would if design conditions pre-
temperature. vailed. 'Thus, the need to check pump head and horsepower im-
E.2 Pump Performance mediately following initial startup, to assure that any increased
horsepower will not have overloaded the pump motor.
E.2.1 Pump Capacity
d. As shown by the pump curve, horsepower eventually
a. Pump capacity is expressed as the flow rate (usually in reaches a maximum value and then drops off, but the drop-off
gprn) which the pump can discharge against a given pressure or
point normally occurs in the area of maximum capacity, which is
head (it wg) The variation of capacity and head are shown by the beyond the most desirable operating range of a pump. Of some
performance curves shown in Fig.-1. The intersection of the importance is the fact that if the pump motor has a rating at least
capacity curves with the zero capacity line indicates shut-offhead. equal to the maximum horsepower, t h e motor can never be
b. In addition to capacity, it is important to know the power overloaded under any conditions of pump operation, no matter
required to drive the pump. One expression for the power is water how the system pressure drop may vary.
horsepower, which is the theoretical horsepower that would be re- e. The curves shown in Fig. E-1 show the performance of
quired if the p u m p was 100% efficient, and is given by t h e
one size pump casing, with five sizes or diameter impellers turn-
equation: ing at one specific speed. A number of curves may be shown on
Water H P = one sheet to indicate performance of a given casing-impeller com-
[gpm x head (ft wg) x specific gravity (fluid)] / 3960 bination operating at different speeds in Fig. E-2.
r i-
a n actual system curve, other points can be calculated and an ac-
tual system curve plotted, with results shown in Fig. 6.
e. In addition to increased power requirements, the shift of
actual operating point to increased gpm increases the net positive
s u c t i o n head required. This may result in cavitation a n d
ACTUAL SYSTEM mechanical damage to the pump. The balancing valve in the pump
wI discharge line often can be adjusted to satisfactorily ccrrect the
situation. Pressure drop imposed by such a valve, Fig. E-6 can shift
the operating point back to the design point. In case of extreme
FLOW - GPM overpiimping, it may be necessary to change to a smaller pump
Fig. E-6 Effect on pump performance of difference between impeller or, if feasible, to machine the existing impeller to a smaller
design and actual system curves diameter.
Copyright ASHRAE Document provided by IHS Licensee=Aramco HQ/9980755100, 05/04/2004 23:32:06 MDT
Provided by IHS under license with ASHRAE Questions or comments about this message: please call the Document Policy Group
at 303-397-2295.
PC 7/03
Copyright ASHRAE Document provided by IHS Licensee=Aramco HQ/9980755100, 05/04/2004 23:32:06 MDT
Provided by IHS under license with ASHRAE Questions or comments about this message: please call the Document Policy Group
at 303-397-2295.
January 9, 1997
The correction listed in this errata sheet applies to ail copies of ANSUASHRAE Standard 1111-1988
with a blank outside back cover (Le., no printer's symbol).
On page 64,Figure D-10, values in table column headed "Position Relative to Inner Wail," in row
for 5 points or traverse lines, change the second value:
From: 0.238
To: 0.288
Copyright ASHRAE Document provided by IHS Licensee=Aramco HQ/9980755100, 05/04/2004 23:32:06 MDT
Provided by IHS under license with ASHRAE Questions or comments about this message: please call the Document Policy Group
at 303-397-2295.