Soo Bahk Do Member Manual 2009
Soo Bahk Do Member Manual 2009
Soo Bahk Do Member Manual 2009
H.C. Hwang,
Kwan Jang Nim
Boldness has
genius, power and
magic in it.”
opportunities to
help others seldom
come, but small
ones surround us
Sally Koch
This Member Manual Belongs to:
Name: ________________________________________
Instructor’s Name:_______________________________
Gain a deeper understanding of the Founder’s lifetime achievements through these publications:
“History of The Moo Duk Kwan” and the “Moo Do Chul Hak”
Welcome! ............................................................................................................ 1
What is the U.S. Soo Bahk Do Moo Duk Kwan Federation? ......................... 3
Why is the U.S. Federation Not-For-Profit? ............................................. 3
A Brief History of Soo Bahk Do and the Federation ................................ 6
U.S Federation Concept of Unity.............................................................. 7
Your Federation’s Structure...................................................................... 8
The Federation’s Core Organizational Functions ..................................... 9
Mission 2000........................................................................................... 11
About Your Federation Membership............................................................. 12
The Value of Individual Federation Membership ................................... 12
Benefits of Federation Membership........................................................ 13
What Do Members Say About Federation Membership? ....................... 15
U.S. Federation Membership Code of Conduct ...................................... 19
A Word to All Members ......................................................................... 20
A Word to the Parents and Guardians of Children.............................. 21
A Word to Adults................................................................................ 22
Member Resources........................................................................................... 23
Online Resources .................................................................................... 23
Member Service Issues ........................................................................... 23
Member Recognition .............................................................................. 23
Scholarships ............................................................................................ 23
Sponsorships ........................................................................................... 23
Matching Funds ...................................................................................... 24
How to Contact Your Federation Officials ............................................. 25
Opportunities of Federation Membership ..................................................... 28
Authentic Legitimate Rank Certification ................................................ 29
Do Jang Ownership opportunities........................................................... 29
International Goodwill Opportunities ..................................................... 31
Vision Objectives.............................................................................................. 33
“A Living Art; Living the Art” ............................................................... 33
National Vision Tour Committee............................................................ 35
Formation and Purpose of the NPVT Committee ............................... 35
Role and Responsibilities of the NPVT Committee............................ 35
Your Personal Training Experience............................................................... 38
“There Is Only One Moo Duk Kwan” .................................................... 38
The Five Moo Do Values........................................................................ 40
The Eight Key Concepts ......................................................................... 47
Ten Articles on Mental Faith and Training............................................. 49
5 Requirements & 11 Points of Emphasis on Mental Training............... 50
5 Requirements & 10 Points of Emphasis on Physical Training ............ 50
Guidelines for Training ................................................................................... 52
Uniform................................................................................................... 53
Gup belt and uniform requirements: ................................................... 53
U.S. Soo Bahk Do Moo Duk Kwan Federation, Inc.®
(888) SOO-BAHK Fax (973) 467-5716
Dan belt and uniform requirements..................................................... 54
The Flags ................................................................................................ 55
The Moo Duk Kwan Flag (Kwan Gi) ................................................. 55
The colors of the Kwan Gi.................................................................. 56
Hyung (Forms) Training Discipline........................................................ 56
Courtesy and Etiquette............................................................................ 57
General Situations in the Do Jang:...................................................... 57
Entering an Instructor’s office ............................................................ 58
Communication by letter..................................................................... 59
Communication by phone ................................................................... 60
At a social event (restaurant) .............................................................. 60
Korean Terminology........................................................................................ 61
Courtesy And Etiquette........................................................................... 61
General Terminology .............................................................................. 61
Basic Stance (Ki Cho Jaseh) ................................................................... 62
Commands In Training ........................................................................... 63
Commands In Starting And Ending Class .............................................. 63
Numbers (Bon) ....................................................................................... 64
Other Terms ............................................................................................ 64
Hand Techniques (Soo Gi)...................................................................... 65
Foot Techniques (Jok Gi)........................................................................ 67
Sparring (Dae Ryun) ............................................................................... 68
Anatomy ................................................................................................. 68
Tournament Terminology ....................................................................... 69
Soo Bahk Do® Moo Duk Kwan® Technical Curriculum ............................. 72
Soo Bahk Do® Moo Duk Kwan® Curriculum Overview ...................... 73
Instructor Certification Timelines........................................................... 74
General Information for Test Candidates................................................ 74
Test Eligibility ........................................................................................ 74
Vision Participation ................................................................................ 76
Tiny Tots Achievement & Belt Striping ................................................. 77
9th Gup Promotion Requirements........................................................... 83
8th Gup Promotion Requirements........................................................... 85
7th Gup Promotion Requirements........................................................... 87
6th Gup Promotion Requirements........................................................... 89
5th Gup Promotion Requirements........................................................... 91
4th Gup Promotion Requirements........................................................... 93
3rd Gup Promotion Requirements........................................................... 95
2nd Gup Promotion Requirements .......................................................... 97
1st Gup Promotion Requirements ........................................................... 99
Cho Dan Promotion Requirements ....................................................... 101
Ee Dan Promotion Requirements.......................................................... 103
Sam Dan Promotion Requirements....................................................... 105
Sa Dan Promotion Requirements.......................................................... 107
O Dan Promotion Requirements ........................................................... 109
U.S. Soo Bahk Do Moo Duk Kwan Federation, Inc.®
(888) SOO-BAHK Fax (973) 467-5716
Yuk Dan Promotion Requirements ....................................................... 111
Chil Dan Promotion Requirements ....................................................... 113
Congratulations on becoming a member of
Our art is deeply connected with the values of History, Tradition,
Philosophy, Discipline & Respect, and Technique, which we call “the 5
Moo Do values.” We have been promoting these values since the Moo
Duk Kwan was created by our founder in 1945 and there after, many
adding their contributions to its rich history. We are glad to have you
You will have many opportunities to better understand, embody and
help strengthen the 5 Moo Do values in your classes, in Federation
opportunities with fellow members. From these experiences, your
identity as a Moo Duk Kwan practitioner will grow and your Moo Do
example will naturally and positively impact those around you in your
community. As a result of your personal actions, we envision these
in Action.” The PVT Committee in your do jang can provide you with
trained and educated Kyo Sa and Sa Bom who will guide your study
Instructors, future instructors, Studioowners, future studio owners and
Federation Officials. I trust you will find useful and educational
information and resources in it that will help support you in all your
the Federation that will provide you with unlimited opportunities and
U.S. Soo Bahk Do Moo Duk Kwan Federation, Inc.®
(888) SOO-BAHK Fax (973) 467-5716
Soo Bahk Do Student Member Manual
Prior to 1974 there were many Americans holding degrees and teaching and
promoting without standardization, regulation, communication, or leadership.
The Grandmaster decided that a United States organization must be established
to unify and standardize the art.
As a result of this decision, the United States Soo Bahk Do Moo Duk Kwan
Federation was formed in 1975, guided by an elected and appointed Board of
Directors, and originally operated by volunteer members. The Federation is
devoted to the growth and continuation of Soo Bahk Do® in the United States
and to the maintenance of the standards of excellence set by Grandmaster
Hwang Kee.
It is of testimony to the Grandmaster and his teachings that he commands such
respect and devoted effort from so many mature, intelligent, independent
individuals, and Charter Members who worked to create the Federation and
those who were elected to the Board of Directors. There are certain qualities that
characterize the Grandmaster, the members of the Board, and Soo Bahk Do®
practitioners in general— openness, personal closeness, independence, rock-
hard determination, maturity, and unshakable solidarity. These qualities bind us
together as kinsmen. This, more than anything else, assures future generations
that they will inherit the way of Soo Bahk Do Moo Duk Kwan.
Mission 2000
By Founder Hwang Kee
Mission 2000 is a statement of goals or ends that comprises a vision of the
global impact of Soo Bahk Do Moo Duk Kwan by the Founder Hwang Kee.
It includes six objectives, ends or outcome statements or policies delivered to
U.S. Federation members in 1989.
Moo Do
“stop spear”~ “prevent, avoid conflict” “way”
9. Transfer between Studios. If you move, the Federation will locate the
nearest member studio for you. If you are an active member in good
standing, your new studio will recognize your current rank.
10. Standardized of Techniques. The Technical Advisory Committee, through
regional clinics, books, and films, standardizes the practice of Soo Bahk
Do® so that training will be consistent throughout the country.
11. The Right to Hold Office and Vote. Any member of the Federation 18
years and older, regardless of rank, can serve as a Board member in the
Federation. Dan members have the right to vote in Federation elections and
charter revisions.
12. The Right to Be Heard. As a member, you have the right to be heard and
to petition Federation Officials concerning policies and problems. This can
be done by following the communication guidelines listed in this manual
and on the wiki.
13. The Backing of the Federation. As a member in good standing, if your
credentials should ever be questioned, the Federation will back you with its
full authority and cooperation.
14. Legitimacy. As a member, you will belong to an organization that
maintains the highest standards and that will not compromise itself, you, or
the art of Soo Bahk Do®.
15. Access to the Kwan Jang Nim. The Kwan Jang Nim can always be
contacted through the Federation’s Officials.
16. Growth and Sharing. By attending the various functions, you will meet
other members of the Federation, share your knowledge with them and vice
versa, and develop friendships and relationships with fellow practitioners all
over the United States and internationally.
17. Charter and Authority of the Founder and Kwan Jang Nim. The
Federation is the only organization in the United States chartered by and
acting under the authority of Founder of Soo Bahk Do Moo Duk Kwan®,
Hwang Kee, and H.C. Hwang, Kwan Jang Nim. No other Moo Duk Kwan
organization in the United States will be recognized by the Founder or his
18. Recommended Reading. As a Federation member you have access to the
minds and support of Kwan Jang Nim and all your fellow members in many
ways including their personal recommendations about valuable reading
materials. You can access their recommendations and also submit your
favorite reading selections in accordance with the guidelines published on
the wiki.
You may think that your actions or your membership contribution - by itself - is
unimportant or that perhaps that it isn’t so vital to meeting the enormous
challenge of realizing Mission 2000, but remember... the power of your
individual actions and your membership is multiplied many hundreds of times
when combined with thousands of other members like you who care deeply
about Soo Bahk Do® Moo Duk Kwan® training and who understand its power to
improve the world we live in.
So, your membership in the U.S. Federation, although modest by itself, has
enormous power and is an important voice of support for the preservation of the
Soo Bahk Do® Moo Duk Kwan® martial art system and Moo Do values.
As a result of the global growth of Soo Bahk Do Moo Duk Kwan and the U.S.
Federation’s role in worldwide activities, it is also more important than ever that
you understand how your Federation works in relation to the World Moo Duk
Being knowledgeable about your Federation will also enable you to express the
most informed opinions to your elected Board Director and/or make informed
decisions when asked to vote on important Federation matters.
The more you understand about, believe in, and advocate for the art and your
Federation, the more enjoyable and rewarding your experience will be as an
active member and the more effective your contributions can be toward the
long-term preservation of Soo Bahk Do Moo Duk Kwan.
U.S. Federation
Membership Code of Conduct
Charter Article 1 Section 3
1. Soo Bahk Do® is a classical martial art and not a sport. It is not a game to be
played solely for the sake of winning, but rather a physical and intellectual
activity designed to foster physical, mental, and spiritual health.
2. As a classical martial art, Soo Bahk Do® aims to develop and express the
individual’s true self, not the false self of aggrandizement.
3. As its major focus is on interior development, competition by groups or
individuals is of minor usefulness in realizing individual potential.
4. Every practitioner of Soo Bahk Do® must do his utmost to retain the purity
of this art and not debase it in any way.
5. Man is at his best in helping others - at his worst in bettering others.
6. Every member shall: seek truth; work at developing his highest moral
character; strive for humility; love his country; sacrifice himself for justice;
contribute, by example, to the acceptance of Soo Bahk Do® as the most
genuine of the martial arts; develop his endurance; and value confidence
and peace of mind.
The teenage years can be confusing, frustrating, and fraught with negative peer
pressure. The positive circle of friends and role models that teens will find
among fellow students in their instructor’s certified do jang and nationwide
among fellow Federation’s members will help them through these treacherous
years by providing a firm base of positive relationships and activities supported
by a sound philosophy. The principles of Soo Bahk Do Moo Duk Kwan can help
them make good decisions and take positive actions during these very difficult
and confusing years.
Parents who want to share more time with their children and have more in
common with them often find that joining their child in Soo Bahk Do Moo Duk
Kwan training provides them with a healthy activity that enhances their own life
in ways they may not have imagined
A Word to Adults
Adults of all ages will find that Soo Bahk Do Moo Duk Kwan training in a
certified do jang and Federation membership provides many enjoyable regional
and national activities that can foster personal growth and enjoyment plus
international travel opportunities.
The Federation often supports international activities as part of its Mission 2000
initiative and as a member you have the opportunity to participate in a variety of
such events.
Soo Bahk Do is a well-rounded and healthy addition to any lifestyle that
provides superior self defense training and lots of exciting new opportunities.
Member Resources
Online Resources
Federation web site:
Federation wiki web site:
Federation Headquarters:
Federation store:
Federation membership portal:
Federation certified studio list:
Soo Bahk Do Mall:
President’s Vision Tour:
Member Services
Any member experiencing anything less than excellent service and positive
experiences as a Federation member is encouraged to communicate the issue of
concern to the appropriate Federation representative as outlined on the wiki.
Learn how you can nominate fellow members, non members, community
officials, do jang owners, community business owners, educational institutions,
and any others whom you feel deserve special recognition for their support of
Soo Bahk Do Moo Duk Kwan.
Learn how you can contribute to the Board’s Scholarship Fund.
Learn how you can contribute to support fellow members who are experiencing
short-term financial challenges and will benefit from your additional support.
Your Federation’s Board of Directors recognize that anyone can suffer hard
times and they provide means of extending some support to you when you
notify us of your need. Please contact Headquarters or your elected Board
Director for assistance.
Matching Funds
Learn more about the Matching Funds program established by the Board of
Directors for the purpose of encouraging and supporting creative and innovative
studio, PVT and member advocacy efforts for Soo Bahk Do Moo Duk Kwan
that are focused on its growth and long-term preservation.
Board of Directors
Should you have questions about Federation programs, business policies, etc, or
have an idea to submit, a suggestion or anything that you feel might strengthen
or improve the Federation and better support the membership of the Federation
or achievement of its chartered purposes, post your questions, suggestions,
recommendations, proposals, etc. on the wiki under the appropriate topic.
Wiki posts come to the immediate attention of all Federation Officials and other
wiki users.
You may also communicate directly with your Elected Board Director.
Chairman of the Board of Directors
U. S. Soo Bahk Do Moo Duk Kwan Federation, Inc.
P.O. Box 154, Springfield, New Jersey 07081
x Voice: 973-467-3971
x Fax: 973-467-5716
x Toll free: 1-888-SOO-BAHK
x Email:
Regional Examiners
Regional Examiners are appointed by the TAC Chair to supervise and execute
Regional Dan Shim Sa and other TAC activities in accordance with TAC and
Board (Federation) guidelines. The volunteer Regional Examiners assist the
TAC in coordinating Studio and Instructor Certifications, and providing regional
members with technical training through special seminars.
Regional Administrators are typically selected by Regional members, Regional
Examiners, regional seniors or some other process to provide business and
administrative support to Regional Examiners and Regional Testing Boards in
the performance of their duties.
The World Moo Duk Kwan periodically issues invitations to U.S. Federation
members to participate in various international events, activities and
Members of all ranks are invited to explore international training opportunities
unless a particular activity is published as rank specific or limited to specific
invitees. (i.e. World Moo Duk Kwan Symposium, etc.)
Members are requested to observe World Moo Duk Kwan international
Visitation Protocol when making plans to travel or train internationally.
World Moo Duk Kwan international events are posted for member awareness on
the calendar at and
U.S. Federation members are encouraged to exhibit full support of Mission 2000
directives with special attention to improving human relations at home and
The U.S. Federation extends substantial Goodwill support to the World Moo
Duk Kwan in the spirit of Mission 2000 and in accordance with the Charter &
Bylaws and Board Governance Polices.
Vision Objectives
“A Living Art; Living the Art”
By H.C. Hwang, Kwan Jang Nim
We have clearly identified our Five Moo Do values: History, Tradition,
Philosophy, Discipline/Respect, and Technique, as being the foundation of our
I am proud of being a Moo Duk Kwan Jeh Ja and am grateful to our founder,
Hwang Kee Kwan Jang Nim for the cultural inheritance that he left for us all. In
order for us to honor, protect, and preserve the gift we have received, we must
seek to polish it to its highest shine for all to see and take every possible action
to ensure its longevity. I believe these goals will be achieved naturally as we
strengthen the Five Moo Do values (our inheritance) within each one of us, in
our thoughts and our actions.
We, as Moo Duk Kwan practitioners, have a tremendous opportunity to
influence our communities and our society in many positive ways as we further
embrace and practice the Five Moo Do values in our behaviors. Such unique
behavior will certainly attract the attention of our communities and as they
increasingly recognize us, the doors of Moo Duk Kwan do jang will be opened
wider than ever to their communities. Your do jang must be highly visible as a
“Successful Moo Do Do Jang” in your communities.
The Moo Duk Kwan needs your active participation.
As we continue to strengthen ourselves based on the 5 Moo Do elements, we
can measure our progress toward creating a “Successful Moo Do Do Jang” and
assuring the long-term preservation of Soo Bahk Do Moo Duk Kwan in two
important ways:
1. By sharing our success stories about how our application of the 5 Moo Do
values in our actions positively impacted others in our community.
Inspirational success stories help reinforce our self-awareness of the many
opportunities each of us have to improve our behaviors based on the values.
2. By increasing student enrollment in do jang through the successful
application of the concepts conveyed in the Vision Tour. Increased
membership in the do jang provides measurable evidence of our success at
connecting our values with our communities. Increased membership in the
Federation confirms our success at connecting more people in our society
with the values.
6. Shall advocate, uphold and support the concepts expressed in, and
employ the following reference documents as guidance in formulating
and shaping NPVT Committee strategies, plans and activities:
6.1. The President’s Vision by H.C. Hwang
6.2. The Five Moo Do Values by H.C. Hwang (16 Pages)
6.3. World Moo Duk Kwan Vision Participation Activities
6.4. Creating and Maintaining Successful Moo Do Do jang
6.5. Vision Objective Statements from the President
7. Shall advocate and promote member and public awareness of the
President’s Vision and its inherent concepts.
8. Shall maintain a national database of active and registered local PVT
Committees, their individual members and their ongoing activities.
9. Shall acquire, develop, compile and provide educational information and
training opportunities for Federation members that support achievement
of the President’s Vision Objectives.
10. Shall identify, report on, showcase, promote and otherwise share with
Federation members and the public the activities and vision results being
11. Shall identify and recruit members and/or outside resources that can
support achievement of the President’s Vision Objectives.
12. Shall assure the Kwan Jang Nim and the Executive Administrator are
continually apprised of the NPVT Committee’s strategies, goals,
objectives and future and current activities.
13. Shall assure that the NPVT Committee’s strategies, goals, objective and
activities are planned and executed in concert with those of the TAC and
Board of Directors.
14. Shall report quarterly to the Kwan Jang Nim and the Executive
Administrator the specific outcomes attributable to, and achieved as a
result of, the NPVT Committee’s existence and activities.
You can learn more about the NPVT and meet the current committee members
on the wiki. The NPVT is supported by the Board of Directors and supports and
currently sponsors several different initiatives intended to achieve specific
Vision Objectives.
x Encouraging formation of local PVT Committees in studios
x Showcasing local PVT Committee activities
x Encouraging PVT And ME awareness
x Encouraging Random Acts of Moo Do participation
x Reviewing applications for Board Matching Funds and approving awards
for qualified PVT Activities
Kwan Jang Nim H.C. Hwang has expressed his vision for every member to
take personal ownership of the preservation of our art by fully embodying the
five Moo Do values in all our actions, thus strengthening ourselves as
practitioners and ultimately strengthening the foundation of our art. He has
also expressed a desire for members to actively introduce people in our local
communities to our art through our personal example and any other means we
can conceive.
The future of the Soo Bahk Do® Moo Duk Kwan® is in our capable member
hands because only through our initiatives will future generations have an
opportunity to learn our art and develop skills that will benefit them in their
everyday lives just as we have benefited.
Certainly there are many creative activities that you could initiate in support
of the Kwan Jang Nim’s Vision and you are invited to do so and share them
and the results you achieve with the NPVT.
You are not limited to specific activities; rather some are merely suggested as
starting points to help get you going. In fact, by the time you are working on
published activities in your studio or community more new activities may
already be published by the NPVT as they are gathered from the creative
minds of members like yourself who breathe life into the President’s Vision.
Be sure to work with your instructor and your PVT Committee members and
fellow students, as you may discover exciting opportunities for all of you to
work together on joint activities to grow your studio and our art. The NPVT
Committee looks forward to hearing about your successful activities.
Real leaders will surely surpass every goal set forth by the NPVT because it is
impossible to hold back one who would be a leader. Are you such a
practitioner? Visit the wiki to find out:
History will help strengthen our respect. We will become better learners and
students as a result. “Loyalty” (Choong) is one of the most important words in
the Moo Do world.
Regretfully, loyalty is often motivated by a Loyalty, commitment: the
desire for a position, power, or money. However, act of binding yourself
this type of insincere loyalty will not last when (intellectually or
the position, power, or money situation changes. emotionally) to a course of
action; a prime virtue,
Individuals who have failed in their loyalty often
unswerving in allegiance,
seek to hide their past. and implies a faithfulness
If loyalty is established based upon History, then that is steadfast in the face
loyalty will never change because the History of any temptation to
renounce, desert, or betray.
upon which it is built will never change.
Consider some additional behaviors that we can
initiate to put our History into our actions.
We can be a good example (human story) by upholding our loyalty as
demonstrated through our behavior even during difficult situations.
People learn from and appreciate our example (story).
We can be loyal to a principle rather than to that which is convenient or
We can honor techniques that were built upon a true historical
History strengthens Tradition, Philosophy, Discipline/Respect, and
Do my behaviors reflect my history? Do my actions demonstrate and
honor my history?
Once upon a time as students were receiving instruction from a teacher and were
enlightened from the instruction of their teacher, their overwhelming happiness
may have motivated them to lower their body in order to look up to their teacher
in respect for, and appreciation of, their teacher. This could have been the birth
of the bowing tradition. Since that time, students’ desire to celebrate and
remember the spirit of learning, respect and appreciation have been preserved
through the tradition of bowing to
the teacher. The bow has become a
tradition to show the spirit of joy,
respect and appreciation. The
bowing tradition carries on this
Can you imagine if they did not
share the bow after that? There
would be no spirit of respect and
appreciation. There is no life of
learning if there is no spirit.
Perhaps you recall a particular moment (playing cards or sharing a particular
brand of drink etc.,) when you established a friendship with someone. You may
recreate that special moment of the birth of your friendship from time to time as
a tradition to celebrate the spirit of the moment when your friendship was first
born. Your friendship will be strengthened, healthy and full of spirit when you
keep that tradition in your meetings. However, your friendship may suffer or
diminish should you neglect the tradition.
Our traditions strengthen our spirits and create a positive influence and
connection with the other four Moo Do values.
Consider these two families and the traditions in their lives. The Smith family
celebrated a holiday by decorating their house and selecting costumes and candy
as they prepared weeks beforehand in the spirit of the holiday.
The children were having a joyful experience during this time and were filled
with excitement and hope about the coming festivities. The Smith family
members and their neighbors became closer and their relationship was
strengthened through these traditions which had a very positive effect upon
human relationships.
The Tom family was too busy and tired to prepare for the holiday and chose to
just watch Television instead of observing the traditions of the holiday because
doing so would require work. Their home and family members showed no
holiday spirits and the children had no reason to be excited or filled with
anticipation and excitement.
but we also become the foundation of the art’s future creativity. Through this
process, both History and Philosophy will be strengthened.
When we perform a traditional ceremony during our training (bowing with Sa
Bom Nim or partner) and we connect with the meaning and spirit of our bow,
then our Moo Do Spirit (Moo Do Chung Shin) becomes fuller and will guide our
training to the fullest. Tradition is strengthened.
When we connect Discipline/Respect to our training, then our techniques and
attitudes become more effective and enjoyable. We can seek to enjoy the
application of Discipline and Respect in our training and both will be
strengthened as a result.
Moo Do
“stop spear”~ “prevent, avoid conflict” “way”
U.S. Soo Bahk Do Moo Duk Kwan Federation, Inc.® 46
(888) SOO-BAHK Fax (973) 467-5716
The Eight Key Concepts Soo Bahk Do Student Member Manual
YONG GI Courage
IN NEH Endurance
One of the aspects of the Mission 2000 agenda for the U.S. Federation is that we
should strive to be a “Moo Do organization”. As a Moo Duk Kwan Dan member
or instructor, one way to contribute to achieving this goal is to take action so that
our Moo Duk Kwan philosophy connects with students. This implies that our
instruction has to connect with Moo Duk Kwan philosophy as effectively as
This article discusses the incorporation of the philosophy of the Eight Key
Concepts into Moo Duk Kwan instruction. The motivation for this article stems
from reviewing and meditating on the many Cho Dan Shim Sa essays submitted
over the years by Il Gup who were candidates for Cho Dan. Although
individuals expressed it in variety of different personal ways, almost 100% of
the Cho Dan candidates discuss Moo Duk Kwan philosophy in their essay. In
fact, from reading these essays it was clear that the Moo Duk Kwan philosophy
for them was the strongest source of motivation for continuing their training.
Invariably they relate their experience and the value of their training in some
way to Moo Duk Kwan philosophy -- especially the “Eight Key Concepts”
and/or the “Ten Articles of Faith on Mental Training” in their Cho Dan essays.
The Cho Dan candidates discuss how the Moo Duk Kwan philosophy has
influenced their lives for the better, and how it has provided them with a strong
sense of dedication -- a strong positive influence that contributed very much to
their continued Soo Bahk Do training. It is a pleasure to see that our
membership puts the value of philosophy in a high place in their study of Soo
Bahk Do Moo Duk Kwan.
Since the Eight Key Concepts have provided such a profound impact and
motivation to practitioners who have achieved Cho Dan level, then perhaps for
those that do not reach Cho Dan level -- they may not have been sufficiently
exposed to the 8 Key Concepts. Perhaps the motivation and value of the Eight
Key Concepts may not have been introduced and/or reinforced as effectively as
they could have been.
If we, in our role as instructors, could improve on how we introduce the Eight
Key Concepts – making sure every single individual student member receives a
proper introduction to the Key Concepts at the appropriate stage of their
training. Then reinforce it as a regular part of their instruction. If we can
accomplish this, then we could help provide a much more positive influence on
Yu Gup Ja. This impact would not only have immediate benefits for the
students, but would also be a lasting influence throughout their future Moo Do
For instructors, this is not an easy task. As instructors, we need to discipline
ourselves to focus on instruction of the Eight Key Concepts and take advantage
of opportunities to reinforce them. If we are effective, then we will stay better
connected with our students and they would not miss the experience and value
of the education provided by the Key Concepts.
Download all eight chapters about how to effectively instruct the Eight Key
Concepts on the wiki:
Posters available
online, designed by
Sa Bom Nim
Josh Duncan.
1. Reverence for Nature
2. Physical Control (Ki-Aup)
3. Courtesy
4. Modesty
5. Thankfulness
6. Self-Sacrifice
7. Courage
8. Chastity
9. Strength inside and Mildness outside
10. Endurance
11. Reading Ability
1. Vocal Exhalation for thoracic strength (Ki Hap)
2. Focus of Sight
3. Continuous balance during movement
4. Flexibility of the body
5. Correct muscle tone for maximum power
6. High and low speed technique
7. Exactness of technique
8. Adjustment for proper distance
9. Proper breathing for endurance
10. Conditioning of hands and feet
Approach your Soo Bahk Do® training with an open mind. Remember that the
goals and purpose of this martial art are not the same as of a sport. Note these 10
specific attributes that characterize Soo Bahk Do®:
1. It is natural and reasonable to practice a martial art.
2. It is non-restrictive and expresses freedom of movement.
3. It combines civil and military arts that are both strong and submissive.
4. It is good practice for mental and physical well being.
5. It is good for self-defense and improvement of personal health.
6. You can practice as an individual or as a member of a group.
7. You can practice anywhere.
8. Anyone can learn with a little effort and faith, regardless if they are man,
woman, elderly, or young.
9. You can practice whether you have a partner or not.
10. You don’t need any instruments or special equipment to practice with.
When we train in Soo Bahk Do®, we do not face a “game” or contest, but
physical, mental, and spiritual interaction between ourselves and our art. As
such, the benefit that one gains from this practice is immediate and enduring.
Whether we meet an outside challenge or face our own weaknesses, we build
our character on a strong foundation of discipline, replacing the temporary
situation of victory or defeat with the lasting benefits of greater self-esteem and
The Kwan Jang Nim reminds us, through his teaching, that we must not forget
our place in the world. Soo Bahk Do® practitioners must to harmonize their
existence within nature and human society. Note the 5 requirements and 11
Points of Emphasis on Mental Training.
The uniform or training suit is properly called Do Bok. This is a composite
word, combining Do “way of life” with Bok “apparel” or “clothing.” Since the
Do Bok is what you wear when you practice your “Do” or way, its care and
meaning are very important.
Similarities can be found between the current Do Bok and ancient Korean
traditional clothing. Today, we maintain the white color to show purity,
reverence for life, and commitment to avoiding bloodshed and violence.
Action and thought are inseparable. Also, the outside appearance and inside
attitude are closely linked. When you look your best, you usually feel good, too.
Keeping this in mind, always appear in class with your uniform clean and
pressed, in good repair, and with the proper trim for your rank. Your Instructor
or seniors will help instruct you in the proper care and wearing of your Do Bok.
2nd Dan Midnight Blue Belt with White uniform with midnight
Two white stripes blue trim on
x All white stripes on Dan rank belts are to be on the left end of the belt
approximately 2" from the tip of the belt.
x Stripes are to be 1/2" wide and 1/2" apart.
x Dan lapel trim shall cover the lapel binding (approximately 1 3/4 ").
x Dan members shall have trimmed uniform jackets, which include lapel,
sleeve cuffs, and all around the bottom border.
The Flags
On the wall of your Do Jang (studio), you will see three flags.
The one on the left is the American flag.
On the right is the Korean flag, to represent the heritage of our martial art.
In the center is the Moo Duk Kwan flag, Kwan Gi, which symbolizes the
goals and ideals central to our training.
Meaning “hand”. It is
also “Soo” from Soo BAHK
Bahk Do® to indicate its Meaning to “strike”
Meaning martial or military. It is a composite of “stop” and “sword” or “fighting”.
This symbol represents the idea that the central purpose of Soo Bahk Do® is to stop
fighting between people and to resolve conflicts within ourselves.
Our traditional colors are originally just four. However, orange was officially
added in 1975, under the Grandmaster’s approval, as an extra step between
white and green belts.
x Receiving Instruction: At any time, before, after, or during class, when the
instructor or any senior member offers personal correction of instruction to
a junior member, the junior member must stand at attention (if possible). At
the completion of the instruction, the junior member must bow and repeat
“Thank you, Sir/Ma’am.” This shows appreciation and respect. A junior
member should refrain from correcting a senior member in the do jang.
x Closing ceremonies: At the end of the class, after the closing ceremonies,
all class members should bow to their instructor.
x How to ask a question: During the class when you have a question, raise
your hand. When the instructor recognizes you, stand at attention, bow, and
then ask your question. After the answer has been received, you should bow
and then say, “Thank you, Sir/Ma’am.”
x How to be excused: During the class when you need to be excused (to go
to the restroom or due to illness), you should raise your hand to gain
recognition from the instructor. After getting permission from the instructor,
bow and act accordingly. When you are able to rejoin the class, stand at
attention on the outskirts of the room until recognized by the instructor.
Once recognized by the instructor, you may bow and rejoin the class.
x How to end class: When a junior ends class, he/she should pay respect to
the highest ranking senior member. In situations where there is more than
one senior member, the class should bow to the highest ranking member
Entering an Instructor’s office
1. Never walk into your instructor’s office unannounced. Always knock first
at the door and wait for instructions.
2. Upon seeing the instructor, the student bows from the attention position.
3. The student stands until recognized by the instructor (if asked to be
seated, student may sit). Then the student begins the conversation.
4. The student remains standing at attention during the conversation unless
otherwise instructed by the instructor.
5. It is the instructor’s responsibility to show respect to his/her student by
extending the courtesy to him/her to be seated before the conversation
6. When the conversation is concluded, the student thanks the instructor and
walks backward (not showing his/her back to the instructor) until he/she
reaches the door. The student bows before exiting.
x Students should not sit at the instructor’s desk at any time, whether in the
presence or absence of the instructor.
Communication by phone
x Continuation of class manners and discipline should be extended when
talking over the phone to your instructor.
x Student should use “Sir” or “Ma’am” during the phone conversation.
At a social event (restaurant)
1. The student should be in the restaurant earlier than the expected arrival of
the instructor.
2. When the instructor arrives, all students should rise and greet the
instructor with a bow.
3. The instructor should be seated first and the students should begin to be
seated generally rotating from the left side of the instructor to the right
according to seniority. Seniors sit down first and others follow. If already
seated, the student should rise and remain standing until all his/her
seniors are seated.
4. Placement of seating is flexible. However, it is usual for the seniors to be
placed next to the instructor. (This is not a rigid rule.)
5. When the food is served, the student should wait until the instructor starts
to eat first and then the student may begin.
x Students should not smoke or drink alcohol while the instructor is present,
unless the instructor gives prior permission.
x If a student has the opportunity to be in the presence of the Grandmaster,
proper attire must be worn (Suit and tie for men. Dress, suit, or appropriate
pant outfit for women).
Kahm Sa Ham Ni Da
Thank You
Korean Terminology
Hello ...........................................................An’nyong Ha Sip Ni Ka
Thank You ...................................................... Kahm Sa Ham Ni Da
You’re Welcome................................................. Chun Mhan Eh Yo
Go in peace (Good Bye) ..........................An’nyong Hi Kye Sip Sio
Name of the art we study ............................................Soo Bahk Do
Hand ..........................................................................................Soo
Strike ........................................................................................Bahk
Way ............................................................................................. Do
Name of the Organization or style .......................... Moo Duk Kwan
Martial (prevent, avoid, conflict) ...............................................Moo
Virtue ......................................................................................... Duk
School ......................................................................................Kwan
Term of respect ......................................................................... Nim
(Similar to ‘Sir,’ ‘Ma'am,’ or ‘Honorable’)
Grandmaster, head of Moo Duk Kwan® ................. Kwan Jang Nim
Certified Instructor (4th Dan and up)........................... Sa Bom Nim
(Reserved for Certified Instructors)
Certified Instructor (2nd Dan and higher)..................... Kyo Sa Nim
(Reserved for Certified Instructors)
Senior member ............................................................Sun Bae Nim
Junior member ..................................................................... Hu Bae
Degree........................................................................................ Dan
(Holder of midnight blue belt)
Grade ........................................................................................ Gup
(Holder of color belt under midnight blue)
Senior Dan holder (4th Dan and up) ............................... Ko Dan Ja
Dan holder (1st Dan through 3rd Dan) ........................... Yu Dan Ja
Dan number .......................................................................Dan Bon
Gup holder ...................................................................... Yu Gup Ja
Student member .............................................................Kwan Won
Beginner ...........................................................................Cho Bo Ja
Training hall (studio) .......................................................... Do Jang
Training suit (uniform) ........................................................Do Bok
Belt ............................................................................................Dee
National flag ........................................................................ Kuk Gi
Attention ........................................................................... Cha Ryut
Bow ................................................................................Kyung Reh
(Reh is pronounced “Nyeh”)
Ready .............................................................................. Jhoon Bee
Begin....................................................................................... Si Jak
Return ..................................................................................... Ba Ro
Relax (rest) ................................................................................Shio
Turn ...........................................................................................Tora
Turn to rear .................................................................. Dwi Ro Tora
Ready for kicking ..........................................Bal Cha Gi Jhoon Bee
Count ................................................................................Ku Ryung
By the count............................................ Ku Ryung Eh Mat Cho So
Without count .......................................................Ku Ryung Up Shi
Intermediate position .......................................... Choong Gan Jaseh
Again or repeat ..........................................................................Dasi
Movement.................................................................................... Jin
Forward movement.............................................................Chun Jin
Sideways movement ........................................................ Wheng Jin
(Wheng is pronounced “Hweng”)
Backward movement ..............................................................Hu Jin
Movement with opposite hand and foot forward ..................Yuk Jin
One .......................... Ha Na First ................................. Il
Two ........................... Dool Second............................. E
Three ............................ Set Third........................... Sam
Four ............................. Net Fourth ............................ Sa
Five......................... Da Sot Fifth.................................O
Six ........................ Yuh Sot Sixth ............................Yuk
Seven ....................... Il Gop Seventh........................Chil
Eight ..................... Yo Dull Eighth ......................... Pahl
Nine .....................Ah Hope Ninth .............................Gu
Ten............................. Yohl Tenth ............................ Sip
Twenty ......................E Sip
Thirty.................... Sam Sip
Forty........................ Sa Sip
Fifty.......................... O Sip
Sixty ..................... Yuk Sip
Seventy................. Chil Sip
Eighty ................... Pahl Sip
Ninety..................... Gu Sip
One Hundred ............. Baek
Moo Do
“stop spear”~ “prevent, avoid conflict” “way”
Fist ..................................................................................... Chu Mok
Waist....................................................................................... Hu Ri
Leg...........................................................................................Da Ri
Elbow................................................................................. Pal Koop
Knee................................................................................. Moo Roop
Chin .......................................................................................... Tuck
Forehead .................................................................................. Eema
Groin..................................................................................Ko Whan
Abdomen ............................................................................. Dan Jun
Arm............................................................................................ Pahl
Between mouth and nose ................................................. In Choong
Hand ......................................................................... Soo (Chinese)
Sohn (Korean)
Foot............................................................................. Jok (Chinese)
Bahl (Korean)
Start of the match (begin) ....................................................... Si Jak
Temporary stop.................................................................... Gu Man
Resume match..................................................................... Kay Sok
When the match has been stopped without the proclamation of the referee
My Terminology:
Target *Minimum
Certification Study Kit Certification Requirements
Jo Kyo 90 days Minimum age: 13 year old red belt
Kyo Sa 1 year Proof of previous Jo Kyo certification
Effective 01/01/2010 - Proof of Jo Kyo
Sa Bom 2 years
and Kyo Sa certification
Test Eligibility
A certified instructor evaluates many aspects of a student‘s training for
consideration of rank promotion or instructor certification. For example, overall
performance, attendance, behavior, maturity, leadership characteristics, etc.
Students must be Federation members in good standing and membership time
equals or exceeds training time.
Prior to recommending a student for rank promotion or instructor certification,
the instructor will determine if the student meets or exceeds:
Minimum training time requirement
Minimum age requirement, if specified
Instructor’s expectations
TAC technical performance expectations
TAC academic performance expectations
Kwan Jang Nim’s Vision Participation expectations
Vision Participation
By World Moo Duk Kwan
To offer very young students a special curriculum
suited to their age and to provide very young students
with a special variable term Federation membership
opportunity that lasts until age 6 or the student applies
for 9th Gup rank certification. To encourage student
growth and personal development through a program
of achievement incentives, progress markers and
special activities that adhere to the principles of Soo
Bahk Do® Moo Duk Kwan. ®
Facilitate the child’s inclusion in a regular Soo Bahk Do training program
upon completion of the Tiny Tot program.
Develop character by increasing the child’s self-esteem in a positive
learning environment providing Moo Duk Kwan philosophy.
Provide flexibility in the requirements concerning their achievement
procedures within the Tiny Tot program.
Teaching Aids and Activities: Considering the very short attention span of
small children, it is important to have continuous activities that relate to the
curriculum. These are some teaching aids and activities that may be considered:
“Sa Bom or Kyo Sa Nim says” (similar to “Simon Says” game) to improve
the child’s concentration, basic hand/kicking techniques and terminology.
Create obstacle courses using varied equipment to develop agility and coordination.
Use pads for practicing kicking, punching, and blocking.
Coloring books and work books with connect the dot/word games.
The Eight Key Concepts are an excellent aid to help young children in
their development to be the future Moo Duk Kwan practitioners as well
as respected citizens in our society.
Special Notes
x Utilizing too many games and prizes as a tool for children’s motivation can
be unhealthy in Soo Bahk Do Moo Duk Kwan practice.
x During the process of achieving Tiny Tot’s belt stripes, it is very important
for instructors to congratulate children for their achievement in discipline,
rather than the belt stripe itself.
9) Student graduates from the Tiny Tot Program with a blue stripe on a
new white belt
Demonstration of their understanding of Chung Jik.
Ki Cho Hyung Il Bu.
Kap Kwon Kong Kyuk / Tuel Oh Choong Dan Kong Kyuk combination.
Suggested Teaching Methods:
o Back fist with front hand and reverse punch with back hand. (Using
front hand and back hand rather than right hand and left hand.)
Lining Up. Suggested Teaching Methods:
o Use a stop watch to time how fast the children can get back into line
and see if they beat their best time (with safety awareness).
o Tell them they have three seconds to return to a straight line and
count them out loudly.
o Tape a line on the floor and have them stand on it.
Terminology: Yong Gi, Chung Shin Tong Il, In Neh, Chung Jik, and
name of the Art we study.
Instructional Guide Textbooks and DVDs are available for each color belt
through your Certified Studio, Headquarters and online
9th Gup
Promotion Requirements
General Requirements
The following are minimum requirements to be eligible for promotion:
x Age requirements: No minimum age
x Proof of current federation membership
x Federation ID Card
x Membership time must equal or exceed required training time
x Must be of sound moral character
Expectations of Performance
Candidate should be able to demonstrate the following:
x Proper stance and Shi Sun
x Proper placement of elbows in intermediate and completion position for
hand techniques
x Proper placement of knee in chamber position for kicking techniques
x Proper striking of the weapon in hand and foot techniques
x Proper protocol within the studio (do jang)
9th Gup
Demonstration of Ability
x Forms (Hyung)
8th Gup
Promotion Requirements
General Requirements
The following are minimum requirements to be eligible for promotion:
x Age requirements: No minimum age
x Proof of current federation membership
x Federation ID Card
x Membership time must equal or exceed required training time
x Must be of sound moral character
Expectations of Performance
Candidate should be able to demonstrate the following:
x Proper stance and Shi Sun
x Proper placement of elbows in intermediate and completion position for
hand techniques
x Proper placement of knee in chamber position for kicking techniques
x Proper striking of the weapon in hand and foot techniques
x Proper protocol within the studio (do jang )
8th Gup
Demonstration of Ability
x Forms (Hyung)
Gi Cho Hyung Il Bu
Gi Cho Hyung E Bu
7th Gup
Promotion Requirements
General Requirements
The following are minimum requirements to be eligible for promotion:
x Age requirements: No minimum age
x Proof of current federation membership
x Federation ID Card
x Membership time must equal or exceed required training time
x Must be of sound moral character
Expectations of Performance
Candidate should be able to demonstrate the following:
x Proper stance and Shi Sun
x Proper placement of elbows in intermediate and completion position for
hand techniques
x Proper placement of knee in chamber position for kicking techniques
x Proper striking of the weapon in hand and foot techniques
x Proper protocol within the studio (do jang)
7th Gup
Demonstration of Ability
x Forms (Hyung)
Gi Cho Hyung Sam Bu
6th Gup
Promotion Requirements
General Requirements
The following are minimum requirements to be eligible for promotion:
x Age requirements: No minimum age
x Proof of current federation membership
x Federation ID Card
x Membership time must equal or exceed required training time
x Must be of sound moral character
Expectations of Performance
Candidate should be able to demonstrate the following:
x Proper Ki Hap, spirit, Shi Sun, and Moo Do Jaseh
x Proper focus of weapon to target
x Proper respect to senior and junior members
x Proper weapon discipline
x Proper process of ‘chain of command’ in hand/foot basics
x Proper demonstration of speed control (Wan Gup)
6th Gup
Demonstration of Ability
x Forms (Hyung)
Pyong Ahn Cho Dan
5th Gup
Promotion Requirements
General Requirements
The following are minimum requirements to be eligible for promotion:
x Age requirements: No minimum age
x Proof of current federation membership
x Federation ID Card
x Membership time must equal or exceed required training time
x Must be of sound moral character
Expectations of Performance
Candidate should be able to demonstrate the following:
x Proper Ki Hap, spirit, and Moo Do Jaseh
x Proper focus (Shi Sun)
x Proper respect to senior and junior members
x Proper weapon discipline
x Proper process of ‘chain of command’ in hand/foot basics
x Proper demonstration of speed control (Wan Gup)
5th Gup
Demonstration of Ability
x Forms (Hyung)
Chil Sung E Ro Hyung
4th Gup
Promotion Requirements
General Requirements
The following are minimum requirements to be eligible for promotion:
x Age requirements: No minimum age
x Proof of current federation membership
x Federation ID Card
x Membership time must equal or exceed required training time
x Must be of sound moral character
Expectations of Performance
Candidate should be able to demonstrate the following:
x Proper Moo Do Jaseh
x Proper focus of weapon to target
x Proper respect to senior and junior members
x Proper weapon discipline
x Proper process of ‘chain of command’ in hand/foot basics
x Proper demonstration of 8 Key Concepts
4th Gup
Demonstration of Ability
x Basic Movements (Ki Cho Bup)
Hand Techniques (Soo Gi)
High Knife Hand Block Sang Dan Soo Do Mahk Kee
High Two Hand Block Sang Dan Ssang Soo Mahk Kee
x Forms (Hyung)
Chil Sung E Ro
Chil Sung Il Ro
3rd Gup
Promotion Requirements
General Requirements
The following are minimum requirements to be eligible for promotion:
x Age requirements: No minimum age
x Proof of current federation membership
x Federation ID Card
x Membership time must equal or exceed required training time
x Must be of sound moral character
Expectations of Performance
Candidate should be able to demonstrate the following:
x Proper Moo Do Jaseh
x Proper Shi Sun
x Demonstrate 8 Key Concepts
3rd Gup
Demonstration of Ability
x Basic Movements (Ki Cho Bup)
Hand Techniques (Soo Gi)
Double Back Fist Attack Jang Kap Kwon Kong Kyuk
x Forms (Hyung)
Chil Sung Il Ro
2nd Gup
Promotion Requirements
General Requirements
The following are minimum requirements to be eligible for promotion:
x Age requirements: No minimum age
x Proof of current federation membership
x Federation ID Card
x Membership time must equal or exceed required training time
x Must be of sound moral character
Expectations of Performance
Candidate should be able to demonstrate the following:
x Distance control
x Demonstration of proper intent during physical demonstration
x Proper acceleration of movement to maximum force
x Demonstration of proper ceremony during Il Soo Sik and Ho Shin Sul
2nd Gup
Demonstration of Ability
x Basic Movements (Ki Cho Bup)
Hand Techniques (Soo Gi)
Ground Block with Knife Cheh Ha Dan Soo Do Mahk Kee
Hammer Fist Strike Kwon Do Kong Kyuk
Foot Techniques (Jok Gi)
Back Spinning Heel Kick Dwi Huri Gi
Jump Back Kick Ee Dan Dwi Cha Gi
Jumping Spinning Axe Kick Ee Dan Dwi Ahneso Pahkuro Cha Gi
Hand and foot combinations using all known techniques, including
jump kicks
x Forms (Hyung)
Chil Sung Sam Ro Hyung
1st Gup
Promotion Requirements
General Requirements
The following are minimum requirements to be eligible for promotion:
x Age requirements: No minimum age
x Proof of current federation membership
x Federation ID Card
x Membership time must equal or exceed required training time
x Must be of sound moral character
Expectations of Performance
Candidate should be able to demonstrate the following:
x Distance control
x Demonstration of proper intent during physical demonstration
x Proper acceleration of movement to maximum force
x Demonstration of proper ceremony during Il Soo Sik and Ho Shin Sul
1st Gup
Demonstration of Ability
x Basic Movements (Ki Cho Bup)
Hand Techniques (Soo Gi)
Double Back Fist Strike Jang Kap Kwon Kong Kyuk
x Forms (Hyung)
Adults: Do Moon
Children: Chil Sung Sam Ro Hyung
Cho Dan
Promotion Requirements
General Requirements
The following are minimum requirements to be eligible for promotion:
x Age requirements: No minimum age
x Proof of current federation membership
x Federation ID Card
x Membership time must equal or exceed required training time
x Must be of sound moral character
Expectations of Performance
Candidate should be able to demonstrate the following:
x Distance control
x Demonstration of proper intent during physical demonstration
x Proper acceleration of movement to maximum force
x Demonstration of proper ceremony during Il Soo Sik and Ho Shin Sul
Cho Dan
Demonstration of Ability
x Basic Movements (Ki Cho Bup)
Al lower belt techniques and requirements
Hand and foot combinations using all known techniques
x Forms (Hyung)
Chil Sung Il Ro Hyung
Chil Sung Sam Ro Hyung
Du Mun Hyung (Adults only)
x One-Step Sparring (Il Soo Sik)
Adults: All (Il Bon to Sip Pahl Bon)
Children: Il Bon to Gu Bon (odd numbers only)
x Self-Defense (Ho Shin Sul)
x Side Wrist Grips
x Rear Wrist Grips
x All lower belt requirements
Children: Il Bon & E Bon of the following sets
x Cross Hand Wrist Grips x Two on One Wrist Grips
x Same Side Wrist Grips x Two on Two Wrist Grips
E Dan
Promotion Requirements
General Requirements
The following are minimum requirements to be eligible for promotion:
x Age requirements: No minimum age
x Proof of current federation membership
x Federation ID Card
x Membership time must equal or exceed required training time
x Must be of sound moral character
Expectations of Performance
Candidate should be able to demonstrate the following:
x Proper Moo Do Jaseh
x Connection of 8 Key Concepts
x Demonstrate Shim Kong, Nae Kong, and Weh Kong
x Demonstration of Shin Chook in movement
E Dan
Demonstration of Ability
x Basic Movements (Ki Cho Bup)
All lower belt techniques and requirements
Soo Bahk Do Gi Cho (Il Bon Techniques)
Hand and foot combinations using all known techniques
x Forms (Hyung)
Joong Jul
Jin Do
Chil Sung Sam Ro
Pyong Ahn E Dan
x One-Step Sparring (Il Soo Sik)
Adults: Sam Soo Sik Deh Ryun
Children: Il Bon - Ship Chil Bon (odd numbers only)
x Self-Defense (Ho Shin Sul)
x Lower Sleeve Grips
x Knife (Dhando) Defense
x All Wrist Grips including Back and Side Wrist Grips
x Knife (Dhando) Defense
x Free Sparring (Ja Yu Deh Ryun)
Free Sparring
x Breaking (Kyok Pa)
Ee Dan Ssang Bal Cha Gi (Double Jump Front Split Kick) or
Yeon Soo Kyok Pa with one Soo Gi technique and one Jok Gi
x In Neh
Ahp Bal Ahp Cha Nut Gi (lead leg) performed in Hu Gul Jaseh - Thirty
(30) seconds of continuous kicking with focus on power, speed, and
extension for the maximum effectiveness of each kick. Goal: 40 kicks
per leg.
Note: Kyok Pa & In Neh can be adjusted subsequent to discussion with
Regional Examiner(s) based on age and/or health considerations.
Sam Dan
Promotion Requirements
General Requirements
The following are minimum requirements to be eligible for promotion:
x Age requirements: No minimum age
x Proof of current federation membership
x Federation ID Card
x Membership time must equal or exceed required training time
x Must be of sound moral character
Expectations of Performance
Candidate should be able to demonstrate the following:
x Proper Moo Do Jaseh
x Connection of 8 Key Concepts
x Demonstrate Shim Kong, Nae Kong, and Weh Kong
x Demonstration of proper line of technique combined with maximization
of acceleration and speed
Sam Dan
Demonstration of Ability
x Basic Movements (Ki Cho Bup)
All lower belt techniques and requirements
Soo Bahk Do Gi Cho (E Bon Techniques)
Hand and foot combinations using all known techniques
x Forms (Hyung)
Po Wol
Chil Sung Sa Ro
Ro Hai
Pyong Ahn Sam Dan
x In Neh
Ahp Cha Nut Gi (hopping), alternating each leg for thirty seconds of
continous kicking. Goal: 50 kicks with proper completion of each kick.
Sa Dan
Promotion Requirements
General Requirements
The following are minimum requirements to be eligible for promotion:
x Minimum age requirements: 21 years old
x Proof of current federation membership
x Federation ID Card
x Membership time must equal or exceed required training time
x Must be of sound moral character
Expectations of Performance
Candidate should be able to demonstrate the following:
x Proper Moo Do Jaseh
x Connection of 8 Key Concepts
x Understanding and application in practice of Shim Kong, Nae Kong, and
Weh Kong
x Demonstration of breath initiating Shin Chook connected with proper
“chain of command”
Sa Dan
Demonstration of Ability
x Basic Movements (Ki Cho Bup)
All lower belt techniques and requirements
Hand and foot combinations using all known techniques
x Forms (Hyung)
Chil Sung O Ro
Yang Pyun
Sip Soo
Kong Song Kun
Pyong Ahn Sa Dan
O Dan
Promotion Requirements
General Requirements
The following are minimum requirements to be eligible for promotion:
x Minimum age requirements: 26 years old
x Proof of current federation membership
x Federation ID Card
x Membership time must equal or exceed required training time
x Must be of sound moral character
Expectations of Performance
Candidate should be able to:
x Demonstrate proper connection of Neh Gung, Weh Gung, and Shim
x A personal and/or group demonstration of Moo Duk Kwan maturity and
O Dan
Demonstration of Ability
x Basic Movements (Ki Cho Bup)
All lower belt techniques and requirements
Hand and foot combinations using all known techniques
x Forms (Hyung)
Chil Sung Yuk Ro
Sal Chu
Sei Shan
Wang Shu
Pyong Ahn O Dan
x Demonstration
Personal or group demonstration of Moo Duk Kwan maturity and
Yuk Dan
Promotion Requirements
General Requirements
The following are minimum requirements to be eligible for promotion:
x Minimum age requirements: 32 years old
x Proof of current federation membership
x Federation ID Card
x Membership time must equal or exceed required training time
x Must be of sound moral character
Expectations of Performance
Candidate should be able to:
x Visible leadership through Shim Gong, Neh Gong, and Weh Gong during
Ko Dan Ja Shim Sa
x Visible modeling and understanding of the Five Moo Do Values during
Ko Dan Ja Shim Sa
x A personal and/or group demonstration of Moo Duk Kwan maturity and
Yuk Dan
Demonstration of Ability
x Basic Movements (Ki Cho Bup)
All lower belt techniques and requirements
x Forms (Hyung)
Chil Sung Chil Ro
Choong Ro
Jin On
O Ship Sa Bo
Naihanji Cho Dan
x Demonstration
Personal or group demonstration of Moo Duk Kwan maturity and
Chil Dan
Promotion Requirements
General Requirements
The following are minimum requirements to be eligible for promotion:
x Minimum age requirements: 39 years old
x Proof of current federation membership
x Federation ID Card
x Membership time must equal or exceed required training time
x Must be of sound moral character
Expectations of Performance
Candidate should be able to:
x Demonstrate proper connection of Neh Gung, Weh Gung, and Shim
x Provide documented history of regional support on permanent member
record and regional leadership activities
Moo Do
“stop spear”~ “prevent, avoid conflict” “way”
Chil Dan
Demonstration of Ability
Pre-requisites for Participation:
Seven (7) years active training since Yuk Dan promotion
Participation in five (5) National Events (Moo Do Festival, etc.)
Participation in one (1) International Event (KDJ SS; Symposium;
MDK Anniversary, etc.) held outside of your native country
Member in good standing of and contribution to the World Moo Duk
Sound moral character
Demonstrable development of at least three (3) Sa-Bom level students
Desired Outcomes:
It is desired that the successful Chil Dan candidate is able to better
understand, model and share the more profound benefits of Soo Bahk
Do Moo Duk Kwan training.
Successful Chil Dan candidates become true models of the Five Moo
Do values in their thoughts, words, and actions.
Successful Chil Dan candidates provide a foundation for the future of
the Moo Duk Kwan in their respective countries that is solid and
dependable for the Kwan Jang Nim.
As Founder Hwang Kee struggled to make his imagined dream into reality,
conditions in Korea became even worse when the Korean War began in 1950.
Now, what possible chance could he have for success in a war torn country
where survival was the only daily priority for all? None it would seem, yet
within seven years this imaginative martial artist's school had become the most
successful, well known, and respected in all of Korea. He had simply refused to
allow other people's perception of reality to affect his. He refused to let his
dream be tarnished, even though no one else could perceive the reality he
imagined. His Moo Duk Kwan [9] flourished and its identity became recognized
world wide, thus paving the path for you to become a Moo Duk Kwan Dan
Today, you have arrived as a Dan member in the Moo Duk Kwan because of
your individual efforts and a support system for your personal development that
began with the Founder. You are a Dan member because of your personal
instructor’s tireless support of your training and your do jang owner’s
entrepreneurial business acumen and determination to sustain a home for
dedicated students like you to train in. You have also been supported by the
efforts of every senior member who conceived of a home in the United States
for all Moo Duk Kwan practitioners[10] and by every fellow member[11] who
came before you and who helped sustain the U.S. Federation[12] since its
Now today, the Dan rank and Dan Bon[13] that you earned connects you
directly to the heart of the art, to the Moo Duk Kwan’s rich history, its Moo Do
Values, and to Founder Hwang Kee's undefeatable Moo Duk Kwan warrior
spirit. You must now carry on the living art of Soo Bahk Do Moo Duk Kwan, its
history, its values, and spirit through your personal actions and examples to
others throughout your life.
As a Dan member, you have many opportunities for continued personal rank
advancement as well as a number of other rewarding and challenging personal
growth and leadership opportunities awaiting you. For example,
Becoming a more visible public example and advocate for Soo Bahk Do
Moo Duk Kwan, for your instructor and for your do jang (NPVT –PVT)
Becoming a certified instructor
Becoming a Ko Dan Ja ranked practitioner
Becoming a certified do jang owner jangOwnership
Becoming an international goodwill emissary traveling and training
worldwide in the spirit of Mission 2000
Seizing these exciting opportunities may require you to face and overcome
extreme hardships and/or negative influences in your life that would otherwise
hold you back. Just as the Founder, your own instructor, and your do jang owner
had to do so that you could have the opportunity to become the Moo Duk Kwan
Dan member you are today.
Think about the positive impact your training
has had on your life and then think about all “Individual participation is
the factors that have made your training the Key Energy necessary to
possible. If Founder Hwang Kee had not strengthen our foundation.”
chosen to share his knowledge and skill with H.C. Hwang
the public as an instructor operating a do jang
for students to train in, you would not be a Dan Member today. If your instructor
and do jang owner had not chosen to share his/her knowledge and skill with the
public as an instructor operating a do jang for students to train in, you would not
be a Dan Member today. The foundation you walk upon today has been created
by the lifetimes of service of others.
"What we have done for ourselves alone dies with us; What we
have done for others and the world remains and is immortal."
Albert Pike
You are probably already thinking ahead and working toward your next Dan
rank certification; however, for you to reach that goal you will require the
continued support of your instructor, your do jang owner, your Federation and
most importantly, you must initiate the necessary individual member actions.
As a Dan rank practitioner
advancing in rank, your personal
potential becomes greater and
greater with each level of
achievement and as you join
increasingly dedicated groups of
member practitioners.
“The energy stored within a
physical system is called
potential energy because it
has the potential to be
converted into other forms
of energy, such as kinetic
(action) energy, and to do
work in the process.”
Your potential energy as a member and practitioner is stored within you in the
form of “impending actions” just waiting to be initiated in your training, your
life, and the lives of others.
As you release your personal potential energy through your individual actions,
they become a reflection of your expression of your intent, your training and
your purpose in life and in the living art of Soo Bahk Do Moo Duk Kwan.
Your fellow Federation members, your instructor, your do jang owner, and your
Federation are here to help you realize your personal potential to the highest
possible degree
“People are at their best when helping others and at their worst when
bettering others.”
Federation Membership Code of Conduct
What actions can you now take to more fully express yourself as a Dan
member while also helping to assure that future generations of
practitioners have the same opportunities for personal growth and
development that you have had?
What actions can you take today in support of the next generation of
practitioners while pursuing your own personal rank advancement?
What actions can you take to clearly distinguish yourself as a leader?
Through your dedication and training, you have become part of the Moo Duk
Kwan’s legacy and part of your instructor’s living legacy. Now the question is
what personal legacy will you leave behind in the world and in the Moo Duk
Kwan other than your personal rank advancement?
As a Dan Member, how might you now help repay the efforts of all those before
you who paved the way for your journey here today?
Will you choose to give back to the art as it has given to you or will you
only aspire to achieve your next rank?
Will you actively support the achievement of the Kwan Jang Nim’s
Vision Objectives and the 1000-year preservation of the living art of Soo
Bahk Do Moo Duk Kwan?
Motivated Dan members interested in contributing support toward the
preservation of Soo Bahk Do Moo Duk Kwan can choose to pursue any of the
rewarding opportunities previously mentioned. For example, you might strive to
apply your individual energy and creativity to becoming an even stronger public
advocate for the living art of Soo Bahk Do Moo Duk Kwan just as the Kwan
Jang Nim’s Vision message urges every member to do.
“We are the present and the future of the Moo Duk Kwan. It is dependant
upon us and our actions. Now is a very important time in the Moo Duk
Kwan's history for the present members to strengthen relationships with
each other and solidify a worldwide structure that will ensure the future
longevity of out art into the next century. The foundation of the Moo Duk
Kwan home must be strong enough to carry our art into the future for our
next generations, even in my absence.
The future of our art cannot remain dependent upon a single person, rather
it depends upon every practitioner willingly carrying the Moo Duk Kwan
into the future by moving in harmony with one another.
Our art’s foundation and life blood is new beginners, Gup members, Dan
members, Ko Dan Ja members and their families. All are art of our
Current members can move toward the goal of ‘Strengthening our
Foundation’ through your active participation. Individual participation is
the Key Energy necessary to strengthen our foundation.”
H.C. Hwang, Kwan Jang Nim
Your actions as an individual member serve as powerful examples for your
fellow members and for the general public. Your advocacy of Soo Bahk Do
Moo Duk Kwan can help increase public visibility of the benefits and
opportunities that our art, your instructor and your do jang have available for
those who have not yet explored training.
You also have an opportunity to help assure that our art and its values are passed
effectively from instructor to student by becoming one of the very few members
who become Certified Instructors and then help create the next generation of
Soo Bahk Do Moo Duk Kwan practitioners.
You also have the opportunity to join an even more select group of members
who become entrepreneurs and do jang owners for whom public advocacy of
our art is an everyday action in their life. Do Jang owners undertake all the
challenges required to assure that instructors have locations, facilities and
opportunities to attract new students and to teach them in an environment
suitable for learning Soo Bahk Do Moo Duk Kwan as intended by the Founder.
“Set the Example: Members shall conduct themselves at all times as an example
of what a proper martial artist should be. The very fact that you study Soo Bahk
Do Moo Duk Kwan makes you an example of the state of the art. It is a
responsibility that members shall bear seriously and proudly.”
Federation Membership Code of Conduct
Do Jang owners provide today’s and tomorrow’s students with the opportunity
to someday join the ranks of Moo Duk Kwan Dan members just as you have
done. Less than 1/20th of 1% of all members in the Federation’s history have
ever become Do Jang Owners. Only the top 2% of current members typically
become this caliber of leader and advocate for the living art of Soo Bahk Do
Moo Duk Kwan. Will YOU become one of this exclusive minority of
exceptional practitioner leaders?
Individuals who possess the
desire, traits and characteristics
for becoming Do Jang Owners
are needed and members
possessing these attributes are
encouraged to become the
caliber of leader that our art
needs for its survival and long-
term preservation. Should you
be one of this extremely
dedicated group of members
who wishes to explore the path of Do Jang Ownership somewhere in your future
please advise your instructor and your Federation leaders now so that they are
aware of your leadership aspirations. When they know your life goals for the
future they can better support you in achieving them.
Certainly every student regardless of their leadership aspirations or traits are
contributing to our living art through their personal training and other
contributions in this moment, yet the future of our art’s survival is in the hands
of only a very small and very dedicated group of Do Jang Owners. It is this
small army of warriors who contribute the most time, energy, and determination
to creating the future of our living art by teaching it to students like you. Do
Jang Owners are faced with, and must continually overcome, many
entrepreneurial challenges unrelated to our art as they seek to attract, inspire,
motivate, teach, train and lead a do jang of practitioners. The scarcity of such
high achievers, like the scarcity of diamonds, is testament to their extreme value
to the future of our living art.
And among the very few who have what it takes to become an instructor and a
Do Jang Owner, personal dreams and individual life goals compel some to teach
a little on a part-time basis, others to teach a bit more, and still others to dedicate
every waking hour of every day to advocating Soo Bahk Do Moo Duk Kwan to
the public and teaching Soo Bahk Do Moo Duk Kwan to students as their
primary profession and their livelihood. Members interested in learning more
about the rewards and opportunities of do jang ownership are invited to discuss
your interest with your personal instructor and explore the wiki for additional
information. JangOwnership
3. Among many Moo Duk Kwan alumni throughout the world, regardless of
their present affiliation, they still publicize their Moo Duk Kwan Dan Bon
received from the Founder Hwang Kee as they attempt to enhance their
credibility and establish the origin of their Moo Do identity. These realities
are examples of the profound impact that the Moo Duk Kwan Dan Bon has
had on the Martial arts community worldwide.
We have the opportunity to protect and preserve this unique and proud tradition
by continuing to practice the same values that originated the Dan Bon system.
Our tradition has not been lost. All Dan Bon holders stem from the same roots.
We can each trace our origin as Dan's directly back to Founder Hwang Kee and
our Dan Bon confirms that fact.
To be loyal, to maintain one's connection to the source of one's Moo Do identity,
that is the essence of the Moo Duk Kwan. Those who forfeit their connection
lose the compass of their martial art journey and their Shim Gong is lost.
Disconnected, they travel down a very different path and it is one which will
never lead them to understand the true nature of their relationship in “The Art
and I.”
Whatever your child’s life goals, your investment in them and their Soo Bahk
Do training may provide previously unavailable opportunities for them to
achieve their goals while enjoying the reward and satisfaction of helping others
achieve theirs.
Your child’s personal instructor and studio owner can provide you with details
about any special development programs, studio leadership programs, advanced
training programs and regional/national Federation training opportunities, etc.
that may be available for your Dan member child to help them continue their
personal growth, development and rank advancement.
Your child has already secured their place in the Moo Duk Kwan’s future
history and their place as a leader in the U.S. Federation. With your continued
support, they can continue to access all the benefits available to them through
the community of Soo Bahk Do Moo Duk Kwan practitioners which is the U.S.
Members who become Certified Studio Owners ultimately impact the greatest
number of lives, make the greatest difference in our society and make the
greatest personal investment and contribution to the long-term preservation of
Soo Bahk Do Moo Duk Kwan.
Studio Owner members establish, provide and sustain facilities for students to
train in, they actively educate the public about our art, they seek to attract new
students to train in our art and they support all their students in furthering their
personal rank advancement and personal growth.
When you choose this path your voice is heard by the public, by new students
and by fellow members.
Qualified members with a desire to teach Soo Bahk Do Moo Duk Kwan in the
future may have opportunities to enroll in Studio Owner training programs or
seminars designed to prepare you to operate a “Successful Moo Do Do Jang” of
whatever size and type that fits your desire and lifestyle. For example:
Recreation center or club studio ownership requires the requisite
experience and entrepreneurial knowledge for this type operation
(minimal investment, low risk, lower growth opportunity)
Mid-size or part-time studio ownership requires the requisite
experience and entrepreneurial knowledge for this type operation
(medium investment, medium risk, medium growth opportunity)
Professional, full-time studio ownership requires the requisite
experience and entrepreneurial knowledge for this type operation
(maximum investment, maximum risk, maximum growth opportunity)
Specialized “Continuing Education” seminars and training opportunities are
available to members interested in studio ownership and for existing studio
owners seeking to expand the success opportunities available for their Moo Do
Do Jang.
Studio Certification provides members and the general public with an assurance
that qualified studio locations are operated by, or overseen by, Certified
Instructors who assure that the Soo Bahk Do Moo Duk Kwan instruction
available there is of the highest possible quality.
Members with Instructor or Studio Owner aspirations have access to advanced
member training paths in the Federation that provide highly specialized
education, support, backing and mentoring for the select few members who
choose to pursue these personal life goals. If you are one of these special
members whose life goals include either of these aspirations, please initiate a
discussion with your instructor or studio owner.
The rewards of do jang ownership can enhance and exceed the rewards of
personal training and personal rank advancement alone. Explore them.
10. Once you become a Certified Kyo Sa or Sa Bom Instructor you may
conduct tests and recommend students for rank promotion up to the rank of
1st Gup. In special circumstances, the T.A.C. may make exceptions and
recognize rank requests submitted from Dan members or studios with
pending certifications.
11. You have the right to vote in matters brought before the Board concerning
the operation of the Federation.
12. You will be included in Dan mailings so that you receive information of
special importance to Dan members.
Certified Do Jang Owners are included in exclusive mailings
13. You have opportunities to be a judge/referee during Soo Bahk Do Moo Duk
Kwan tournaments held locally, regionally, nationally, and internationally.
Certification Maintenance
Certification is a credential granted by an external organization or company
confirming that an individual has specific skills in a certain area.
Certifications are typically time limited and expire due to the constantly
evolving nature of skills required in today’s world. Certifications, driver’s
licenses, etc can be extended, renewed and maintained in good standing when
the holder completes the maintenance or renewal requirements as specified by
the certifying organization.
The Moo Duk Kwan philosophy of continual growth, development, and
improvement is clearly evident in the Moo Duk Kwan rank system and in
keeping with that philosophy and the dynamic and evolving nature of our living
art and modern society, Certified Instructors and Certified Do Jang Owners can
best lead the way for the long term preservation of Soo Bahk Do Moo Duk
Kwan by continually refining and updating instructor skills and entrepreneurial
acumen to be as effective as possible in our fast paced and constantly changing
The U.S. Soo Bahk Do Moo Duk Kwan Federation supports continuing
education and advancement for all members with advance expectations for
Certified Instructors and Do Jang Owners because of their crucial role in the
preservation of our living art.
9. Once the specific location has been established and the studio owner's and
head instructor's relationships with the students at the location have been
defined, then a formal “Application for Studio Certification” (included in
Studio Certification Kit) must be completed and returned to Headquarters.
Read it carefully, as obtaining Studio Certification entails accepting serious
responsibilities to the individuals you instruct as well as to the Kwan Jang
Nim, the art and your Federation.
10. You will be required to have certain items displayed and available at your
do jang as well as to demonstrate satisfactory understanding and etiquette to
the Regional Examiner who performs a visitation before certification is
issued. These specific requirements related to completing the Studio
Certification process will be furnished to you with your Studio Certification
11. You may be required to address certain deficient areas before a specified
deadline and certification will be held until the requirements are satisfied.
During the time your certification is pending, you will be instructed to remit
certification fees and other paperwork as required. Once full certification is
issued, Gup rank certification fees no longer have to be remitted with rank
promotion requests.
For more information on Studio Certification, visit the wiki at:
Obtain a copy of “History of the Moo Duk Kwan” to gain a much deeper
understanding of the Moo Duk Kwan’s rich history. Available through
your Certified Studio, Headquarters, or online
The World Moo Duk Kwan seeks to entrust only the most highly
qualified and capable individuals and organizations with achieving
these crucial objectives and recognizes that organizations ultimately
reflect the qualities of the individuals comprising their leadership and
registered student practitioners.
Providing authorization and support for the most qualified and capable
individuals and organizations is critical to the World Moo Duk Kwan’s
Mission since those selected shall ultimately be entrusted with the very
life-blood and future preservation of Soo Bahk Do Moo Duk Kwan.
Success of the art must be ensured beyond any individual’s lifetime and
no individual or organization can be allowed to hinder or serve as an
excuse for not achieving this objective.
The World Moo Duk Kwan recognizes that with all things of great
value, from time to time there may be unscrupulous individuals or
organizations who seek to undermine or wrongfully seize that which
has great value, claim it as their own, copy and distribute it without
authorization, or otherwise counterfeit it and disrespectfully disregard
the common goal and purpose of our art.
The mission of the World Moo Duk Kwan includes initiating and
supporting reasonable and prudent actions by authorized organizations
or entities to ensure prevention of, or prompt cessation of, any such
occurrences within their designated territory in order to preserve the
purity of the art of Soo Bahk Do Moo Duk Kwan, to protect its unique
public identity and to prevent debasement of the art and/or
misrepresentation of affiliation by unauthorized parties.
Only organizations with officially documented structure that is
recognized within their respective country will be entrusted with the
preservation of the art of Soo Bahk Do Moo Duk Kwan and be
provided the opportunity to become duly authorized to publicly
promote its growth through instruction and other authorized means.
Organizations and/or entities meeting the World Moo Duk Kwan’s
guidelines may be extended an opportunity to become duly licensed
affiliates and/or Trustee Organizations and/or entities.
Only these authorized affiliates and/or Trustee Organizations and/or
entities shall receive the full backing and support of the World Moo
Duk Kwan and be ensured of ongoing direct access to the intellectual
property and content comprising the Soo Bahk Do Moo Duk Kwan
martial art system.
The list of members who contributed significant time and energy in compiling
and editing this manual for publication is lengthy and if anyone’s contribution
has been overlooked, please accept our apology.
Those we are aware of who contributed content for this manual, expended time
and energy reviewing it and compiling this project into publishable format
include, but is not limited to the following: