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Jntuk: Academic Regulations Course Structure AND Detailed Syllabus

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KAKINADA - 533 003, Andhra Pradesh, India
Master of Business Administration 1


KAKINADA(Established by Andhra Pradesh Act No.30 of 2008)
Kakinada – 533 003, Andhra Pradesh (India)


(Effective for the students admitted into first year from the
academic year 2013-2014)
The MBA Degree of the Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University
Kakinada shall be conferred on candidates who are admitted to the program
and fulfill all the requirements for the award of the Degree:
Admission to the above programme shall be made subject to the
eligibility, qualifications and specialization prescribed by the University
from time to time. Admissions shall be made on the basis of merit rank
obtained by the qualifying candidate at ICET examination or at an
Entrance Test conducted by the university subject to reservations
prescribed by the university from time to time.


2.1 A Student shall be declared eligible for the award of MBA degree,

if he pursues a course of study and completes it successfully

for not less than two academic years and not more than four
academic years.
2.2 A Student, who fails to fulfill all the academic requirements for
the award of the degree within FOUR academic years from the
year of their admission, shall forfeit his/her seat in MBA course.

3.1 A candidate shall be deemed to have eligibility to write end
semester examinations if he has put in a minimum of 75% of
attendance in aggregate of all the subjects.
3.2 Condonation of shortage of attendance up to 10% i.e. 65% and
above and below 75% may be given by the College Academic
3.3 Condonation of shortage attendance shall be granted only on
genuine and valid reasons on representation by the candidate
2 2013-14
with supporting evidence.
3.4 Shortage of attendance below 65% shall in no case be
3.5 A candidate shall not be promoted to the next semester unless
he fulfills the attendance requirements of the previous semester.

The performance of the candidate in each semester shall be evaluated
subject-wise, with a maximum of 100 marks for practicals, on the basis of the
Internal Evaluation and End Examination
4.1.1 For the theory subjects 60 marks shall be awarded based on the
performance in the End Examination. Remaining 40 Internal
marks are divided in Two Mid Examinations and taking average
for awarding the Internal Marks.
4.1.2 Remaining 40 marks shall be awarded based on Internal
Examination. Two Internal Examinations of 40 marks each will
be conducted in semester and taking average for awarding the
Internal Marks. The Internal Examination will have two
i) First 20 marks is Mid examination with duration of 120

minutes. The student has to answer four questions out of

four questions.
ii) Remaining 20 marks is allotted for Mini Report (10marks for
preparation of Report and 10 marks for presentation in the
class room) in the respective subject.
4.2 For practical subjects, 60 marks shall be awarded based on the
performance in the End Semester Examinations, 40 marks shall
be awarded based on the day-to-day performance as Internal
4.3 A candidate shall be deemed to have secured the minimum
academic requirements in a subject if he secures a minimum of
40% of marks in the End Examination and a minimum aggregate
of 50% of the total marks in the End Semester Examination and
Internal Evaluation taken together.
4.4 A Candidate shall be given one chance to re-register for each
subject provided the internal marks secured by a candidate are
Master of Business Administration 3
less than 50% and he has failed in the end examination. In such
case candidate must re-register for the subject(s) and secure
required minimum attendance. Attendance in the re-registered
subject(s) has to be calculated separately to become eligible to
write the end examination in the re-registered subject(s).
The attendance of re-registered subject(s) shall be calculated
separately to decided upon the eligibility for writing the end examination in
those subject(s).In the event of taking another chance, the internal marks
and end examination marks obtained in the previous attempt are nullified.
At a given time a candidate is permitted to re-register for a maximum of two
subject(s) in addition to the subjects of a regular semester.
4.5 A Candidate shall be allowed to submit the project report only
after fulfilling the attendance requirements of all the semesters.
4.6 The viva-voce examination shall be conducted after completion
of the fourth semester end examinations.
4.7 Laboratory examination for MBA course must be conducted
with two Examiners, one of them being Laboratory Class Teacher
and second examiner shall be other than Class Teacher.



5.1 A Project Review Committee (PRC) of the college is to be

constituted with Principal/Director as chairperson, heads of
the departments, which are offering PG courses, and two other
senior faculty members of the department offering MBA.
5.2 Registration of Project work: A Candidate is permitted to register
for the project work after satisfying the attendance requirement
of all the courses (theory and practical courses) up to II semester.
5.3 Every candidate shall work on projects approved by the PRC
of the College.
5.4 A student has to undergo practical training for a period of 6
weeks in a Corporate Enterprise after the Second Semester/
Summer vacations In training period, the candidates should
work on a specific problem related to the elective subject. At
the end of practical training, the student should submit a
certificate obtained from the organization.
The student should prepare a Project Report under the supervision of
4 2013-14
a guide from the faculty of management of the concerned college. However,
the students who prepare Project Report in the area of systems can also
work under the guidance of Faculty member from Computer Science
5.5 Three copies of Project dissertation certified by the Project
supervisor shall be submitted to the College/School
5.6 The project report shall be adjudicated by one examiner selected
by the University.
The College will submit a 5-member panel who are eminent in that field
of study.
5.7 The viva-voce examination of the project report shall be
conducted by a board consisting of the External examiner, the
Head of the Department and Supervisor. The Candidate should
have to secure Grade A/Grade B/Grade C in Project viva-voce.
Head of the Department shall coordinate and make arrangements for
the conduct of viva-voce examination.
5.8 If the candidate fails to secure Grade A/Grade B/Grade C in
project viva-voce, the candidate will retake the viva-voce
examination after three months. If he fails to get Grade A/Grade
B/Grade C at the second viva-voce examination, he will not be

eligible for the award of the degree, unless the candidate is

asked to revise and resubmit. If the candidate fails to secure
Grade A/Grade B/Grade C again, the project shall be summarily
Grade A: Excellent, Grade B: Good, Grade C: Satisfactory,
Grade D: Unsatisfactory


A candidate shall be eligible for the award of MBA degree if he satisfies
the minimum academic requirements in every subject and in his project
thesis/dissertation and viva-voce.

First class with Distinction: 70% or more

First class below 70% but not less than 60%
Second class below 60% but not less than 50%
Master of Business Administration 5
If the candidate has not paid any dues to the university or if any case
of indiscipline is pending against him, the result of the candidate will be
withheld. The issue of degree is liable to be withheld in such cases.


Candidates who have discontinued or have been detained for want of
attendance or who have failed after having undergone the course are eligible
for admission to the same or equivalent subjects as and when subjects are
offered, subject to 4.4.

9.1 The academic regulations should be read as a whole for purpose
of any interpretation.
9.2 In case of any doubt of ambiguity in the interpretation of the
above rules, the decision of the Vice-Chancellor is final.
9.3 The University may change or amend the academic regulations
and syllabus at any time and the changes and amendments
made shall be applicable to all the students with effect from the
date notified by the University.

9.4 Wherever the word he, him or his occur, it will also include she,
her and hers.
9.5 There shall be no transfers within the constituent colleges of
Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University Kakinada.
6 2013-14
Nature of Malpractices/ Punishment
Improper conduct
If the candidate:
1. (a) Possesses or keeps accessible Expulsion from the examination hall
in examination hall, any paper, and cancellation of the
note book, programmable performance in that subject only.
calculators, Cell phones, pager,
palm computers or any other
form of material concerned
with or related to the subject
of the examination (theory or
practical) in which he is
appearing but has not made
use of (material shall include
any marks on the body of the
candidate which can be used

as an aid in the subject of the

(b) Gives assistance or guidance Expulsion from the examination hall
or receives it from any other and cancellation of the
candidate orally or by any performance in that subject only of
other body language methods all the candidates involved. In case
or communicates through cell of an outsider, he will be handed
phones with any candidate or over to the police and a case is
persons in or outside the exam registered against him.
hall in respect of any matter.
2. Has copied in the examination Expulsion from the examination hall
hall from any paper, book, and cancellation of the
programmable calculators, performance in that subject and all
palm computers or any other other subjects the candidate has
form of material relevant to the already appeared including
subject of the examination practical examinations and project
Master of Business Administration 7
(theory or practical) in which work and shall not be permitted to
the candidate is appearing. appear for the remaining
examinations of the subjects of that
Semester/year. The Hall Ticket of
the candidate is to be cancelled
and sent to the University.
3. Impersonates any other The candidate who has
candidate in connection with impersonated shall be expelled from
the examination. examination hall. The candidate is
also debarred and forfeits the seat.
The performance of the original
candidate who has been
impersonated, shall be cancelled in
all the subjects of the examination
(including practicals and project
work) already appeared and shall

not be allowed to appear for

examinations of the remaining
subjects of that semester/year. The

candidate is also debarred for two

consecutive semesters from class
work and all University
examinations. The continuation of
the course by the candidate is
subject to the academic regulations
in connection with forfeiture of
seat. If the imposter is an outsider,
he will be handed over to the police
and a case is registered against him.
4. Smuggles in the Answer book Expulsion from the examination hall
or additional sheet or takes out and cancellation of performance in
or arranges to send out the that subject and all the other
question paper during the subjects the candidate has already
examination or answer book or appeared including practical
additional sheet, during or after examinations and project work and
8 2013-14
the examination. shall not be permitted for the
remaining examinations of the
subjects of that semester/year. The
candidate is also debarred for two
consecutive semesters from class
work and all University
examinations. The continuation of
the course by the candidate is
subject to the academic regulations
in connection with forfeiture of seat.
5. Uses objectionable, abusive or Cancellation of the performance in
offensive language in the that subject.
answer paper or in letters to the
examiners or writes to the
examiner requesting him to
award pass marks.
6. Refuses to obey the orders of In case of students of the college,
the Chief Superintendent/ they shall be expelled from
Assistant – Superintendent / examination halls and cancellation of

any officer on duty or their performance in that subject and

misbehaves or creates all other subjects the candidate(s)
disturbance of any kind in and has (have) already appeared and
around the examination hall or shall not be permitted to appear for
organizes a walk out or the remaining examinations of the
instigates others to walk out, subjects of that semester/year. The
or threatens the officer-in candidates also are debarred and
charge or any person on duty forfeit their seats. In case of
in or outside the examination outsiders, they will be handed over
hall of any injury to his person to the police and a police case is
or to any of his relations registered against them.
whether by words, either
spoken or written or by signs
or by visible representation,
assaults the officer-in-charge,
or any person on duty in or
Master of Business Administration 9
outside the examination hall or
any of his relations, or
indulges in any other act of
misconduct or mischief which
result in damage to or
destruction of property in the
examination hall or any part of
the College campus or
engages in any other act which
in the opinion of the officer on
duty amounts to use of unfair
means or misconduct or has
the tendency to disrupt the
orderly conduct of the
Leaves the exam hall taking Expulsion from the examination hall
away answer script or and cancellation of performance in
intentionally tears of the script that subject and all the other
or any part thereof inside or subjects the candidate has already
outside the examination hall. appeared including practical
examinations and project work and

shall not be permitted for the

remaining examinations of the
subjects of that semester/year. The
candidate is also debarred for two
consecutive semesters from class
work and all University
examinations. The continuation of
the course by the candidate is
subject to the academic regulations
in connection with forfeiture of seat.
8. Possess any lethal weapon or Expulsion from the examination hall
firearm in the examination hall. and cancellation of the performance
in that subject and all other subjects
the candidate has already appeared
including practical examinations
and project work and shall not be
permitted for the remaining
10 2013-14
examinations of the subjects of that
semester/year. The candidate is
also debarred and forfeits the seat.
9. If student of the college, who Student of the colleges expulsion
is not a candidate for the from the examination hall and
particular examination or any cancellation of the performance in
person not connected with the that subject and all other subjects
college indulges in any the candidate has already appeared
malpractice or improper including practical examinations
conduct mentioned in clause 6 and project work and shall not be
to 8. permitted for the remaining
examinations of the subjects of that
semester/year. The candidate is also
debarred and forfeits the seat.
Person(s) who do not belong to the
K College will be handed over to police
and, a police case will be registered
against them.
10. Comes in a drunken condition Expulsion from the examination hall
to the examination hall. and cancellation of the
performance in that subject and all

other subjects the candidate has

already appeared including
practical examinations and project
work and shall not be permitted for
the remaining examinations of the
subjects of that semester/year.
11. Copying detected on the basis Cancellation of the performance in
of internal evidence, such as, that subject and all other subjects
during valuation or during the candidate has appeared
special scrutiny. including practical examinations
and project work of that semester/
year examinations.
12. If any malpractice is detected
which is not covered in the
above clauses 1 to 11 shall be
to award suitable punishment.
Master of Business Administration 11
Malpractices identified by squad or special invigilators
1. Punishments to the candidates as per the above guidelines.
2. Punishment for institutions : (if the squad reports that the college is
also involved in encouraging malpractices)
(i) A show cause notice shall be issued to the college.
(ii) Impose a suitable fine on the college.
(iii) Shifting the examination centre from the college to another
college for a specific period of not less than one year.

12 2013-14


KAKINADA-533003, Andhra Pradesh (India)
For Constituent Colleges and Affiliated Colleges of JNTUK

Prohibition of ragging in educational institutions Act 26 of 1997
Salient Features
 Ragging within or outside any educational institution is prohibited.
 Ragging means doing an act which causes or is likely to cause Insult
or Annoyance of Fear or Apprehension or Threat or Intimidation or
outrage of modesty or Injury to a student
Imprisonment upto Fine Upto

Embarrassing and 6 Months + Rs. 1,000/-

Assaulting or
Using Criminal 1 Year + Rs. 2,000/-
force or Criminal
restraining or 2 Years + Rs. 5,000/-
confining or
causing hurt
Causing grievous
hurt, kidnapping
or Abducts or rape 5 Years + Rs.10,000/-
or committing
unnatural offence
Causing death or
10 Months + Rs. 50,000/-
abetting suicide

In Case of Emergency CALL TOLL FREE NO. : 1800 - 425 - 1288

Master of Business Administration 13


KAKINADA-533003, Andhra Pradesh (India)
For Constituent Colleges and Affiliated Colleges of JNTUK

1. Ragging is prohibited as per Act 26 of A.P. Legislative Assembly,
2. Ragging entails heavy fines and/or imprisonment.
3. Ragging invokes suspension and dismissal from the College.

4. Outsiders are prohibited from entering the College and Hostel without
5. Girl students must be in their hostel rooms by 7.00 p.m.
6. All the students must carry their Identity Card and show them when
7. The Principal and the Wardens may visit the Hostels and inspect the
rooms any time.

Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University Kakinada

For Constituent Colleges and Affiliated Colleges of JNTUK

In Case of Emergency CALL TOLL FREE NO. : 1800 - 425 - 1288

14 2013-14

Course Structure MBA (Regular) 2013-2014

(Effective for the students admitted into first year from the academic year
Subject Title Marks Credits
1 Management Theory & Organization Behavior 100 3
2 Managerial Economics 100 3
3 Accounting for Managers 100 3
4 Managerial Communication & Soft Skills 100 3
5 Business Environment 100 3
6 Quantitative Analysis for Business Decision 100 3
7 IT – LAB K 100 2

Subject Title Marks Credits
1 Financial Management 100 3
2 Human Resource Management 100 3
3 Marketing Management 100 3

4 Production and Operations Management 100 3

5 Business Research Methods 100 3
6 Business Ethics and Corporate Governance 100 3
7 Mini Project+Seminar on Mini Project 50+50 2+2

Subject Title Marks Credits
1 Strategic Management 100 3
2 Legal Aspects of Business 100 3
3 Retail Management 100 3
4 Elective –I 100 3
5 Elective –II 100 3
6 Elective –I 100 3
7 Elective –II 100 3
Master of Business Administration 15
Subject Title Marks Credits
1 Logistic and Supply Chain Management 100 3
2 Entrepreneurship Development 100 3
3 Elective –III 100 3
4 Elective –IV 100 3
5 Elective –III 100 3
6 Elective – IV 100 3
7 Major Project & Comprehensive Viva Grade 8
Total Marks / Credits 2700 90
Dual Electives:
The elective papers will be offered in the areas of Marketing, Finance,
Human Resource Management (HRM), and Systems. The students should
choose any Two of the following elective areas in the beginning of the third
semester of MBA. Specialization will be offered subject to a minimum of 20
Marketing (Elective-I)
I. Product Management
II. Promotion and Distribution Management
III. Services Marketing

IV. Consumer Behavior

Finance (Elective-II)
I. Investment Management
II. Banking and Insurance
III. International Financial Management
IV. Financial Risk Management
HRM (Elective-III)
I. Compensation and Performance Management
II. Management of Industrial Relations
III. Global Human Resource Management
IV. Management of Change and Development
Systems (Elective-IV)
I. E-Business
II. Enterprise Resource Planning
III. Information Systems Audit & Control
IV Software Project Management
16 2013-14

I–I L P Credits
4 - 3
UNIT -1.
Nature of Management– definitions, scope and importance - managerial
roles and functions–development of management thought - approaches to
management - Managing for competitive advantage - the Challenges of
Management - Corporate Social responsibility. Planning: Nature and
principles of planning - The Planning Process-MBO. Decision-making: role-
significance- process-decision tree analysis – tools and techniques. Co-
Nature of organizing - principles – organization levels – types - and span of
management- Organizational design and structure, approaches–delegation
of authority - centralization and decentralization of authority – responsive

organization. Controlling- Nature and importance – process – feedback

system – Requirement for effective control – control techniques.

Organizational behavior: Nature and scope – linkages with other social
sciences - Individual perspective – Perception and process- Values,
Attitudes- Learning and learning theories– Personality, types and models –
Johari window – Transitional analysis-Approach to Organizational behavior
- models of organizational behavior - Organizational culture and development.

Motivation – theories - Leadership – approaches to leadership – leadership
behavior and styles – leadership skills – leadership in cross-cultural
environment – women and corporate leadership –Group dynamics – group
formation and development -conflict management and negation skills.
Master of Business Administration 17
Organizational culture and effectiveness: Definition – creating organizational
culture- approaches to organizational culture – learning of organizational
culture – measurement of organizational culture – organizational
effectiveness – nature and importance.
Relevant cases have to be discussed in each unit and in examination case is
compulsory from any unit.
1. William, Tripathy: “MGMT (including instructor recourses)”,
Cengage Learning, New
Delhi, 2013
2 Dr.P.Subba Rao and Prof. N.Sambasiva Rao:”Management and
Organizational Behaviour - (Text and Cases)”, Himalaya
Publishing House, Mumbai
3 Griffin, Moorhead: “Managing Organisational Behaviour”,
Cengage Learning, New Delhi.2013.
4 Jerald Greenberg and Robert A Baron: “Behavior in
Organizations”, PHI Learning Private Limited, New Delhi, 2009.
5 Mullins, Laurie: “Management and Organisational Behaviour”,
Pearson Education, New Delhi, 2013

6 Jennifer M.George and Gareth R. Jones: “Understanding and

Managing Organizational Behavior”, Pearson Education, New
Delhi, 2009.
7 Meenakshi Gupta: “Principles of Management”, PHI Private
Limited, New Delhi, 2009.
8 J S Chandan: “Management Theory and Practice”, Vikas
Publishing House Limited, 2009
9 Anil Bhat, Arya Kumar: “Management”, Oxford University, New
Delhi, 2008.
10 Jai B.P.Sinha: “Culture and Organizational Behavior”, Sage
Publication India Private Limited, New Delhi, 2008.
11 K.Aswathappa: “Organizational Behavior-Text, Cases and
Games”, Himalaya Publishing House, New Delhi, 2008,
12 Gupta R S, Sharma B D Bhalla N S: “Principles and Practice of
Management”, Kalyani Publications, Hyderabad, 2008.
13 PareekUdai: “Understanding Organizational Behavior”, Oxford
University Press, New Delhi, 2007.
18 2013-14

I–I L P Credits
4 - 3
Introduction to Managerial Economics: Definition, Nature and Scope,
Relationship with other areas in Economics, The role of managerial
economist. Concept of opportunity cost, Incremental concept, time
Perfective, Discounting Principle , Risk & uncertainty.

Demand Analysis: Elasticity of demand, types and significance of Elasticity
of Demand - Measurement of price Elasticity of Demand – Need for Demand
forecasting, forecasting techniques, Law of Supply, Elasticity of Supply.
Production Analysis: Production function, Marginal Rate of Technical
Substitution, Production function with one/two variables, Cobb-Douglas
Production Function, Returns to Scale and Laws of returns.

Cost theory and estimation: Cost concepts, determinants of cost, cost –
output relationship in the short run and long run – Modern development in
cost theory – Saucer shaped short – run Average cost curves – Average
total cost curve – Cost - Volume – Profit analysis

Market Structure and Pricing practices: Features and Types of different
Markets – Price- Output determination in Perfect competition, Monopoly,
Monopolistic competition and Oligopoly both in the long run and short
run. Pricing methods in practice – Bain’s limit pricing theory - Managerial
Theories of a firm – Marris & Williams Models.

Relevant cases have to be discussed in each unit and in examination case is

compulsory from any unit.
Master of Business Administration 19
1. Paul, Koushil: “Managerial Economics”, Cengage Learning, New
2. Siddiqui S A,Siddiqui A S: “Managerial Economics”, and
Financial Analysis”, New Age International Publishers, New
Delhi, 2008.
3. Vanita Agarwal: “Managerial Economics”, Pearson, New Delhi,
4. Dominick Salvatore: “Managerial Economics”, Oxford
University Press, New Delhi,2010.
5. D.L. Ahuja: “Managerial Economics”, S. Chand & Company
ltd,New Delhi-55.
6. O’Sullivan, Sheffrin, Perez “Micro Economics: Principles,
Applications and Tools”, Pearson Education.
7. Mithani D M: ‘’Managerial Economics”, Himalaya Publishing
House, Mumbai, 2008.
8. Dwivedi D N: ‘’Managerial Economics”, Vikas Publishing House

Private Limited, New Delhi, 2009.

9. S.B. Srivastava: “Engineering and Managerial Economics”,
SCITECH Publication, New Delhi.
10. Atmanand: “Managerial Economics”, Excel Publications. New
Delhi, 2012.
11. Varshney, R.L and Maheswari, K L: ‘’Managerial Economics”,
Sultan Chand and Sons, New Delhi, 2002.
12. Narayanan Nadar E, Vijayan S: ‘’Managerial Economics”, PHI
Private Limited, New Delhi,2009.
13. Hirscgey: “Managerial Economics”, Cengage Learning, New
Delhi, 2013.
14. P.N.Chopra: “Managerial Economics”, Kalyani Publications,
New Delhi, 2011
20 2013-14

I–I L P Credits
4 - 3
(a) Accenting process: Definition of accounting. Accounting Cycle.
Classification of accounts, accounting equation – static and dynamic nature
of accounting. Users of accounting information. Books of original entry,
ledger, trial balance, Terminal accounts. Accounting Concepts and
conventions and their implications on the data generation.
(b) Measuring Business income: Distinction between capital and revenue:
Matching revenue and Expenditure; The role of accounting policies like
Depreciation and inventory valuation on reported income and related
accounting standards (AS). K
Understanding Terminal accounts: a) preparation and presentation of income
statement; Balance Sheet
b) Accounting standards–their rationale and growing importance in global
accounting environment, IAS-IFRS-US GAAP; Human resource accounting

concept and importance – Valuation of human resources. Preparation and

presentation of final accounts of companies. Guidelines for disclosure.
C) Taxation and tax planning; corporate tax rates and tax structure;

Financial Analysis: The scope and purpose of financial analysis; financial
statement analysis. a)Ratio analysis – liquidity, activity, structural, coverage
and profitability ratios; predictive power of ratio analysis; Inflation and
financial analysis; applications of financial analysis; Related AS.
b) Funds flow analysis; concepts of funds; ascertaining funds from
operations ; Sources of funds: Uses of funds; Preparation and analysis of
funds flow statement and cash flow statement. Related AS.

Cost accounting concepts; role of cost accounting information in planning
and control; interfaces of cost accounting; financial accounting and
Master of Business Administration 21
managerial accounting; Cost concepts. Determination of product cost.
Preparation of cost sheet under different cost heads

Cost behavior and Decision making; methods for determining fixed and
variable costs; CVP analysis and decision making break even analysis- key
factor distribution & analysis; Optimization of product mix, make or buy
Capacity utilization, plant shutdown, CVP under conditions of uncertainty-
sensitivity analysis, Standard costing, Definition of Standard Costing,
Purpose of standards, Types of standards, standard setting. Zero based
budgeting: concept , importance and relevance.
Relevant cases have to be discussed in each unit and in examination case is
compulsory from any unit.
1. Vijaya Kumar.P, Ravindra P.S., Kiran Kumar V: “Accounting
for Managers”, Himalaya Publishing House, New Delhi, 2013
2. Shankarnarayana, Ramanath: “Finanacial Accounting for
Management”, Cengage Learning, New Delhi.

3. Ramachandran N, RamKumar Kakani: Financial Accounting

for Management”, McGraw Hill – 2013.
4. Maheshwari, Maheashwari and Maheshwari, “Financial
Accounting”, Vikas publishing House, New Delhi,2013
5. Amberish Gupta:”Financial Accounting for Management”,
Pearson Education, 2012.
6. Paresh Shah: “Financial accounting for management”,
Oxford University press, New Delhi, 2013.
7. Dr. Jawahar Lal: “Accounting for management”, Himalaya
Publishing house, NewDelhi, 2012.
8. Asish K. Bhattacharyya: “Essentials of Financial
Accounting”, PHI Learning, New Delhi, 2012.
9. Dr. V.R.Palanivelu: “Accounting for Management”. University
Science Press, New Delhi, 2009.
10. Ashok Banerjee: “Financial Accounting”, a managerial
Emphasis, Excel books, New Delhi, 2012.
22 2013-14

I–I L P Credits
4 - 3
Role of Communication in Business – Objective of Communication – The
Process of Human Communication – Media of Communication, Written
Communication - Oral Communication - Visual Communication, Audio Visual
Communication – Silence-Developing Listening Skills – Improving Non-
verbal communication skills – Cross Cultural Communication – problems
and challenges.

Managing Organization Communication – formal and Informal
Communication - Intrapersonal Communication – Models for Inter Personal
Communication - Exchange Theory.
Managing Motivation to Influence Interpersonal Communication- Inter-
Personal communication – Role of Emotion in Inter Personal Communication

– Communication Styles – Barriers to Communication – Gateways to Effective

Interpersonal Communication.

Business Writing Skills- Significance of Business Correspondence,
Essentials of Effective Business Correspondence, Business Letter and Forms,
Meeting, Telephone Communication – Use of Technology in Business
Communication. Report Writing – Meaning and Significance: Structure of
Reports - Negative, Persuasive and Special Reporting: Informal Report –
Proposals. Formal Reports.

Presentation skills – techniques of presentation – types of presentation –
Conferencing and formats – interview – formal and informal – interview
– Communication etiquettes.
Master of Business Administration 23
Relevant cases have to be discussed in each unit and in examination case is
compulsory from any unit.

1. Mallika Nawal: “Business Communication”, Cengage Learning,
New Delhi, 2012.
2. Kuberudu B and Srinivasa Krishna K: “Business Communication
and Soft Skills”, Excel Books, 2008.
3. Meenakshi Rama: “Business Communication”, Oxford University
Press, New Delhi
4. C.S.G. Krishnamacharyulu and Dr. Lalitha Ramakrishnan, Business
Communication, Himalaya Publishing House, Mumbai
5. Paul Turner: “Organisational Communication”, JAICO Publishing
House, New Delhi.
6. SathyaSwaroopDebasish, Bhagaban Das” “Business
Communication”, PHI Private Limited, New Delhi, 2009.
7. R.K.Madhukar: “Business Communication”, Vikas Publishing

House, New Delhi, 2012.

8. Kelly M Quintanilla, Shawn T.Wahl:”Business and Professional
Communication”, SAGE, New Delhi, 2012.
9. Sangita Mehta, NeetyKaushish: “Business Communication”,
University Science Press, New Delhi, 2010.
10. Anjali Ghanekar: “Business Communication Skills”, Everest
Publishing House, New Delhi, 202011
24 2013-14

I–I L P Credits
4 - 3
Business Environment: Importance at national and international level –
problems and challenges – factors both internal and external influencing
business environment. Industrial policies since independence and their
significance – regulatory and promotional framework - Five-year plans and
their importance.

Structure of Indian economy – Nature and significance – Economic systems
– structure of Indian industry – Economic reforms in various sectors –
nature – challenges – social justice – Disinvestment mechanism – problems
and procedures – Sickness in Indian industry, competition Act 2002.

Fiscal Policy: nature and significance – public revenues – expenditure-

debt, development activities allocation of funds – critical analysis of the

recent fiscal policy of Government of India.Balance of Payments: Nature –
structure – major components – causes for disequilibrium in balance of
payments – correction measures.

India’s Trade Policy: Nature – Magnitude and direction of Indian international
trade – problems – bilateral and multilateral trade agreements. International
business environment: Nature – significance– challenges and mechanisms.
WTO: Agreements in the Uruguay round including TRIPS, TRIMS and
GATS – disputes settlement mechanism – dumping and antidumping

Legal Frame: special features of the SICA (special provisions) 1985, BIFR,
Consumer protection act 1986, Environmental laws (pertaining to the control
Master of Business Administration 25
and prevention of Air and Water pollution) and the Essential Commodities
Act 1955.
Relevant cases have to be discussed in each unit and in examination case is
compulsory from any unit.

1. Shaikh Saleem: “Business Environment”, Pearsons, New Delhi,
2. Veena Keshav Pailwar: “Economic Environment of Business”,
PHI Learning, New Delhi, 2012
3. Rosy Joshi, Sangam Kapoor: “Business Environment”, Kalyani
Publishers, New Delhi, 2011.
4. Aswathappa K: “Essentials of Business Environment”,
Himalaya Publishing House, New Delhi, 2011.
5. Vivek Mittal: “Business Environment Text and Cases”, Excel
Books New Delhi, 2011.
6. Sundaram and Black: “International Business Environment
Text and Cases”, PHI Private Limited, New Delhi.

7. Avid W Conklin: “Cases in Environment of Business”, Sage

Publication India Private Ltd, New Delhi.
8. Raj Kumar: “International Business Environment”, Excel
Publication, New Delhi, 2012.
9. Palle Krishna Rao: “WTO-Text and Cases”, Excel Publication,
New Delhi.
10. Government of India, Latest Economic Survey Report.
26 2013-14

I–I L P Credits
4 - 3
Basic Mathematical & Statistical Techniques: Linear, Quadratic, Logarithmic
and Exponential Functions- Permutations and Combinations – Matrices -
Elementary operations of matrices. Measures of Central Tendency –
Measures of Dispersion –Simple Correlation and
Regression Analysis
Concept of Probability- Probability Rules – Joint and Marginal Probability
– Baye’s
Theorem- Probability Distributions- Binomial, Poisson, Normal and
Exponential Probability
Introduction to Decision Theory: Steps involved in Decision Making,
different environments in which decisions are made, Criteria for Decision
Making, Decision making under uncertainty, Decision making under

conditions of Risk-Utility as a decision criterion, Decision trees, Graphic

displays of the decision making process, Decision making with an active

Linear Programming: Formation of mathematical modeling, Graphical method,
the Simplex Method; Justification, interpretation of Significance of All
Elements In the Simplex Tableau, Artificial variable techniques: Big M method,
Two phase method.

Transportation, Assignment Models & Game theory: Definition and
application of the transportation model, solution of the transportation
problem, the Assignment Model, Traveling Salesman Problem. Game Theory:
Introduction – Two Person Zero-Sum Games, Pure Strategies, Games with
Saddle Point, Mixed strategies, Rules of Dominance, Solution Methods of
Games without Saddle point – Algebraic, matrix and arithmetic methods.
Master of Business Administration 27
P.E.R.T. & C.P.M. and Replacement Model: Drawing networks – identifying
critical path – probability of completing the project within given time- project
crashing – optimum cost and optimum duration. Replacement models
comprising single replacement and group replacement
Relevant cases have to be discussed in each unit and in examination case is
compulsory from any unit.

1. N.D.Vohra: “Quantitative Techniques in Management”, Tata-
McGraw Hill Private Limited, New Delhi, 2011.
2. J. K. Sharma, “Operations Research: Theory and Applications”,
Macmillan Gupta S.P: “Statistical Methods”, S. Chand and Sons,
New Delhi,
3. Anand Sharma: “Quantitative Techniques for Business decision
Making”, Himalaya Publishers, New Delhi,2012;
4. D P Apte: “Operation Research and Quantitative Techniques”,
Excel Publication, New Delhi, 2013
5. Hamdy, A.Taha: “Operations Research: An Introduction”,
Prentice-Hall of India, New Delhi 2003.

6. Anderson: “Quantitative Methods for Business”, Cengage

Learning, New Delhi 2013
7. Sancheti, Dc & VK Kapoor, “Business Mathematics”, S Chand
and Sons, New Delhi
8. R.B.Khanna: “Quantitative Techniques for Managerial Decision”,
PHI Learning, New Delhi, 2012.
9 Keller, G, “Statistics for Management”, 2009, 1st Ed, Cengage
10 Amir D. Aczel and Jayavel Sounderpandian, “Complete Business
Statistics”, TMH,
11 C.R.Kothari: “Quantitative Techniques”, Vikas Publishing House,
New Delhi, 2010
12 L.C.Jhamb: “Cases and Problems in Quantitative Techniques”,
Everest Publishing House, New Delhi,
28 2013-14

I–I L P Credits
- 6 3
Introduction of various software used for business and their significance in
the current business environments. Introduction of software MS Office,

Financial modeling like present value of cash flows, valuations, financial
ratio analysis, forecasting, trend analysis of data, random input generations

Statistics for management - correlation and regression analysis data
presentation techniques. Spread sheet showing the monthly payments with
changing interest rate over a period of loan. (Using excel)


Data Collection and analyzing techniques - chats, flow diagrams TQM


Preparation and presentations of mini projects assigned for course work of
first semester.

1. Shelly, Cashman: “Microsoft copies 2007”, Cengage Learning,
New Delhi. 2012
Master of Business Administration 29

I – II L P Credits
4 - 3
The Finance function: Nature and Scope. Evolution of finance function –
The new role in the contemporary scenario - Goals of finance function –
Firm’s mission and objectives. maximizing vs. satisfying (School); Profit vs.
Wealth Vs. Welfare: the agency relationship and costs – The new debate on
maximizing – vs.- satisfying. Major decision of financial manager. Risk-
return trade off.

Financing Decision: Sources of finance - a brief survey of financial
instruments. Concept and financial effects of leverage. The capital structure
decision in practice: EBIT – EPS analysis. Cost of Capital: The concept –
Average vs. Marginal Cost of Capital. Measurement of Cost of Capital –
Component Costs and weighted Average Cost.


(a) The Investment Decision: Investment decision process- Concept of time

value of money. Techniques of time value of money. Developing Cash Flow
Data. Using Evaluation Techniques-Traditional and DCF methods. The NPV
vs. IRR Debate. Approaches for reconciliation. Capital budgeting decision
under conditions of risk and uncertainty: Measurement of Risk – Risk
adjusted Discount Rate, Certainty Equivalents and Beta coefficients,
Probability tree approach – Sensitivity analysis ( a brief discussion of
concepts and their numerical applications only).
(b) Dividend Decision: Major forms of dividends- Cash and Bonus shares.
The theoretical backdrop-Dividends and valuation: Major theories centered
on the works of Gordon walter and Lintner – Dividend policies of Indian

Working Capital Management: Concepts and characteristics of working
capital. Factors determining the working capital. Estimating working capital
30 2013-14
requirements. Working capital policy. Management of current assets – Cash,
Receivables and Inventory.

Mergers and acquisitions: Merger vs. acquisition, types of mergers, mergers
and acquisition trends in India. Tender offer and hostile takeover. Leveraged
buy-outs. Financial management in Government companies: Scope of
finance function in PSU. Social responsibility of PSUs, Performance and
zero base budgeting in PSUs.

Relevant cases have to be discussed in each unit and in examination case is

compulsory from any unit.

1. P.Vijaya Kumar, P.S.Ravindra, V. Kirankumar ”Financial
Management”, Himalaya Publishing House, New Delhi,2013.
2. Rajiv Srivastava, Anil Misra: “Financial Management”, Oxford
University Press, New Delhi,2012
3. Brigham,E.F: “Financial Management Theory and Practice”,
Cengae Learning, New Delhi, 2013

4. Prasanna Chandra: “Financial Management Theory and Practice”,

Tata McGrawHill 2011.
5. I.M. Pandey: “Financial Management”, Vikas Publishers, New
Delhi, 2013.
6. RM Srivastava, Financial Management, Himalaya Publishing
house, 4th edition.
7. Khan and Jain: Financial Management, Tata McGraw Hill, New
8. Pradip Kumar Sinha: “Financial Management”, Excel Books, New
Delhi, 2009.
9. A.P.Rao: “Fundamentals of Financial Management”. Everest
Publishing House, New Delhi.
10. Vyuptakesh Sharan: “Fundamentals Financial Management”,
Pearson, New Delhi, 2012.
11. Shashi K.Gupta: “Financial Services”, Kalyani Publishers, New
Delhi, 2012.
Master of Business Administration 31

I – II L P Credits
4 - 3
HRM: Significance - Definition and Functions – evolution of HRM- Principles
- Ethical Aspects of HRM- - HR policies, Strategies to increase firm
performance - Role and position of HR department –aligning HR strategy
with organisational strategy - HRM at global perspective- challenges –
cross-cultural problems – emerging trends in HRM.

Investment perspectives of HRM: HR Planning –demand and supply
forecasting - Recruitment and Selection- sources of recruitment - Tests and
Interview Techniques - Training and Development – methods and
techniques– training evaluation - retention - Job Analysis – job description
and specifications. Management development - HRD concepts – mechanisms
– career planning and counseling.

Performance Evaluation: importance – methods – traditional and modern
methods – Latest trends in performance appraisal - Career Development
and Counseling- Compensation, Concepts and Principles- Influencing
Factors- Current Trends in Compensation- Methods of Payments -
compensation mechanisms at international level.

Wage and Salary Administration: Concept- Wage Structure- Wage and Salary
Policies- Legal Frame Work- Determinants of Payment of Wages- Wage
Differentials - Job design and Evaluation- - Incentive Payment Systems.
Welfare management: Nature and concepts – statutory and non-statutory
welfare measures – incentive mechanisms

Managing Industrial Relations- Trade Unions-Employee Participation
32 2013-14
Schemes-Collective Bargaining–Grievances and disputes resolution
mechanisms. –Safety at work – nature and importance – work hazards –
safety mechanisms - Managing work place stress. HR accounting and
auditing: Nature and significance –problems – HR audit - process – HRIS -
Relevant cases have to be discussed in each unit and in examination case is
compulsory from any unit.

1. K Aswathappa: “Human Resource and Personnel Management”,
Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi, 2013
2. N.Sambasiva Rao and Dr. Nirmal Kumar: “Human Resource
Management and Industrial Relations”, Himalaya Publishing
House, Mumbai
3. Mathis, Jackson,Tripathy:”Human Resource Management:
Asouth-Asin Perspective”, Cengage Learning, New Delhi, 2013
4. Subba Rao P: “Personnel and Human Resource Management-
Text and Cases”, Himalaya Publications, Mumbai, 2013.
5. Madhurima Lall, Sakina Qasim Zasidi: “Human Resource

Management”, Excel Books, New Delhi, 2010

6. Muller_Camen. Croucher and Leigh: “Human Resource
Management- A Case Study Approach”, JAICO Publishing, Delhi.
7. S.Seetharaman, B.Venkateswara Prased: “Human Resource
Management”, SCITECH Publication (India) Limited, Hyderabad,
8. Gary Dessler, BijuVrkkey: “Human Resource Management”,
Pearson Education, New Delhi, 2011
9. Uday Kumar Haldar: “Human Resource Development”, Oxford
University Press,New Delhi, 2012.
10. Narendar Singh:”Human Resource Management”, Universities
Press (India) Private Limited, Hyderabad, 2011.
11. B.B.Mahapatro:”Human Resource Management”, New Age
International Publishers, New Delhi, 2011
12. R.S.Dwivedi: “Human Relations and Organisational Behaviour”,
MacMillan Business Books, New Delhi, 2013.
Master of Business Administration 33

I – II L P Credits
4 - 3
Introduction to Marketing: Needs, Wants, Demands, Products, Exchange,
Transactions, Market, Marketing, Production Concept, Product Concept,
Sales Concept, Marketing Concept, Societal Marketing Concept, Indian
Marketing Environment. Marketing Intelligence system, marketing decision

Market Segmentation and Targeting: Identification of Market Segments, -
Consumer and Institutional/corporate Clientele - Segmenting Consumer
Markets, Segmentation Basis, Selecting Target Markets, Segmentation and
Targeting as a Basis for Strategy Formulation. Developing and
Communicating a Positioning Strategy.


Pricing Strategy: Objectives of Pricing, Methods of Pricing, Selecting the

final price, Adopting price, initiating the price cuts, imitating price increases,
Responding to Competitor’s price changes.

Marketing Communication: the communication process , Communication
mix, Managing advertising sales promotion , Public relations and Direct
Marketing. Sales force Objectives, Sales force structure and size, Sales
force Compensation.

Marketing Organization and Control: Evolution of Marketing Department,
Organizing the Marketing Department, Marketing Implementation, Control
of Marketing Performance, Annual Plan Control, Profitability Control,
Efficiency Control, Strategic Control.
34 2013-14
Relevant cases have to be discussed in each unit and in examination case is
compulsory from any unit.

1. Lamb, Hair, Sharma: “MKTG” Cengage Learning , New Delhi,

2. Phillip Kotler: “Marketing Management “, Pearson

Publishers, New Delhi, 2013.

3. Rajan Sexena: “Marketing Management”, Tata McGraw Hill,

New Delhi, 2012.

4. R.Srinivasan: “Case Studies in Marketing”, PHI Learning,

New Delhi, 2012
5. Tapan K Pand: “Marketing Management”, Excel Books,
New Delhi, 2012

6. Paul Baines, Chris Fill, Kelly Page Adapted by Sinha K:

“Marketing”, Oxford University Press, Chenni, 2013.

7. Arun Kumar, Meenakshi N: “Marketing Management”,

Vikas Publishing House, New Delhi, 2012.

8. Sontakki C.N.: “Marketing Management”. Kalyani

Publishers, New Delhi, 2012..

9. Kenneth E, Clow, Donald Baack: “Cases in Marketing”,

SAGE ,New Delhi, 2012.

10. Dilip M, Sarwate: “Indian Cases in Marketing

Management”, Everest Publishing House, New Delhi,
Master of Business Administration 35

I – II L P Credits
4 - 3
Introduction: Overview & Definition of production and operations
management. Nature and Scope of Production and Operations Management-
Historical Evolution –Role & responsibilities of the production manager.
Types of manufacturing processes and Product Design.

Production Planning and Control: Stages in PPC – Gantt – PPC in Mass,
Batch, and Job Order Manufacturing- Aggregate planning and Master
Scheduling, MRP, CRP. Maintenance management & Industrial Safety. Plant
Location & Layout Planning- Factors influencing location - types of layouts.
Capacity Planning – Optimal Production Strategies: Scheduling and
Sequencing of Operations. Work Design: Method Study and Work
Measurement - Work Sampling.

Managing of Work Environment –Automation —Technology Management
- Waste Management. Quality Assurance and Quality Circles – Statistical
Quality Control –Control Charts for Variables- Average, Range and Control
charts for Attributes. Acceptance Sampling Plans. Purchase functions and
Procedure - Inventory control – Types of Inventory– Safety stock –
Inventory Control Systems –JIT, VMI.

Basic concepts of quality, dimensions of quality, Juran’s quality trilogy,
Deming’s 14 principles, Quality improvement and cost reduction, ISO 9000-
2000 clauses & coverage. Six Sigma, Productivity –factors affecting
productivity, measurement & improvements in productivity - new product
development and design - stages & techniques. Total Productive
Maintenance (TPM).
36 2013-14
Stores Management: Objectives of Stores Management – Requirements for
efficient. Management of Stores – safety stock Inventory Control - Different
Systems of Inventory Control, Costs & Types of Inventory. – ABC, VED
and FNSD analyses. Value Analysis– importance in cost reduction –
concepts and procedures.

Relevant cases have to be discussed in each unit and in examination case is

compulsory from any unit.

1. Panner Selvem: “Production and Operation Management”, Prentice
Hall of India, NewDelhi, 2012.
2. K.Aswathappa, K. Shridhara: “Production & Operation
Management”, Himalaya Publishing House, New Delhi, 2012
3. Ajay K Garg: “Production and Operation Management”, TMH,
New Delhi,2012
4. Deepak Kumar Battacharya: “Production & Operation
Management”, University Press, New Delhi, 2012

5. AlanMuhlemann, JohnOakland,jasti Katyayani: “Production and

Operation Management”, Pearson, New Delhi,2013
6. Gagan Deep & Mandeep : “Production and operations
Management”, Kalyani publishers, New Delhi, 2010
7. Upendra Kachru: “Production and Operations Management”, Excel
Books, New Delhi, 2013.
8. L.C. Jhamb: “Production and Operations Management”, Everest
Publishing House, New Delhi, 2013.
9. Kaushal: “Case Studies solutions in Production and Operations
Management”, MacMillan, New Delhi, 2012.
10. P.Ram Murthy: “Production and Operations Management”, New
Age International Publishers, New Delhi, 2009.
Master of Business Administration 37

I – II L P Credits
4 - 3
Introduction : Nature and Importance of research, The role of business
research, aims of social research, research process, pure research vs. applied
research, qualitative research vs quantitative research, exploratory research,
descriptive research and experimental research, ethical issues in business
research. Research Process – Types of Research –Defining Research
Problem – Formulation of Hypothesis – Testing of Hypothesis.

Data Base: Discussion on primary data and secondary data, tools and
techniques of collecting data. Methods of collecting data. Sampling design
and sampling procedures. Random Vs. Non-random sampling techniques,
determination of sample size and an appropriate sampling design. Designing
of Questionnaire –Measurement and Scaling – Nominal Scale – Ordinal
Scale – Interval Scale – Ratio Scale – Guttman Scale – Likert Scale – Schematic
Differential Scale.

Survey Research and data analysis: media used to communicate with
respondents, personal interviews, telephone interviews, self-administered
questionnaires, selection of an appropriate survey research design, the
nature of field work, principles of good interviews and field work
management. Editing – Coding – Classification of Data – Tables and Graphic
Presentation –Preparation and Presentation of Research Report.

Statistical Inference & quality control: Tests of Hypothesis, Introduction to
Null hypothesis vs alternative hypothesis, parametric vs. non-parametric
tests, procedure for testing of hypothesis, tests of significance for small
samples, application, t-test, Chi Square test. Statistical Quality Control
Upper quality charts p charts LCL UCL, BAR CHARTS. Attribute charts
and industrial applications.
38 2013-14
Multivariate Analysis: Nature of multivariate analysis, classifying
multivariate techniques, analysis of dependence, analysis of
interdependence. Bivariate analysis-tests of differences-t test for comparing
two means and z-test for comparing two proportions and ANOVA for complex
experimental designs.
Relevant cases have to be discussed in each unit and in examination case is
compulsory from any unit.

1. Navdeep and Guptha : “Statistical Techniques & Research
Methodology”, Kalyani Publishers
2. Willam G.Zikmund, Adhkari: “Business Research Methods”,
Cengage Learning, New Delhi, 2013.
3. S.Shajahan: “Research Methods for management”, JAICO
Publishing House, New Delhi, 2009.
4. UWE FLICK: “Introducing Research Methodology”, SAGE, New

5. Cooper R.Donald and Schindler S. Pamela: “Business Research

Methods”, 9/e, Tata MCGraw Hill, New Delhi.
6. M.V.Kulkarni: “Research Methodology” , Everest Publishing
House, New Delhi, 2010.
7. Sachdeva: “Business Research Methods”, Himalaya Publishing
House, Mumbai, 2011
8. Ranjit Kumar: “Research Methodology”, Pearson,New Delhi,2012
9. Deepak Chawla , Neena Sondhi: “Research Methodology, Concepts
and Cases” Vikas Publishing House, New Delhi, 2011.
10. Alan Bryman, Emma Bell: “Business Research Methods”, Oxford
University Press, New Delhi, 2011.
Master of Business Administration 39

I – II L P Credits
4 - 3
Importance of Business Ethics: Values and Ethics- Business Ethics and
Law – Ethics in Work Place – Ethical Decision Making- Theories of Business
Ethics – Management and Ethics- Indian Ethical Traditions

Impact of Globalization on Indian business ethics. Reasons for Unethical
Practices among Indian companies – Development of Indian Capital Markets
– Various studies on Ethical Attitudes of Managers Major Indian Scams

Ethics in Marketing, HRM and Finance: Product safety and Pricing-Ethical

responsibility in Product- Advertising and Target Marketing Ethics of sales,
advertising and product placement and Consumer Autonomy.Ethics in HRM

& Finance – HR related ethical issues - Institutional Culture – Frauds in

Banks - Measures against Bank Frauds – Frauds in Insurance sector

Corporate Governance: An overview – Theory and Practice of Governance-
Indian model of Governance- Good Corporate Governance – Land marks in
emergence of Governance OECB Principles – Sarbanes-Oxley Act 2002-
SEBI Initiatives

Corporate Governance Indian Scenario: Role of Government in Ensuring
Corporate Governance – Governance issues relating to Board of Directors
– Duties and responsibilities of Auditors – Governance under limited
competition – Role of Media – Corporate Governance in Developing and
Transiting Economies.
40 2013-14
Relevant cases have to be discussed in each unit and in examination case
is compulsory from any unit.

1. S.K.Mandal: “Ethics in Business and Corporate Governance”,
TMH, New Delhi, 2012.

2. Marianne M Jennings: “Cases in Business Ethics”, Cengage

Learning, New Delhi, 2012.

3. S.Prabhakaran: “Business Ethics and Corporate Governance”,

Excel Books, New Delhi, 2011.

4. N.Balasubramanyam: “A Case Book on Corporate Governance

and Stewardship”, TMH., New Delhi, 2011.
5. A.C.Fernando: “Business Ethics and Corporate Governance”,
Pearson Publishers, New Delhi, 2013.

6. H.C.Mruthyunjaya: “Business Ethics and Value Systems”,

PHI Learning, New Delhi, 2013.

7. U.C Mathur: “Corporate Governance Business Ethics; Text


and Cases”, MacMillon, New Delhi, 2012.

8. Bob Tricker: “Corporate Governance”, Oxford University

Press, New Delhi, 2010.

9. Sisir Mazumder: “Values and Ethics in Profession”, Everest

Publishing House, New Delhi, 2013.
Master of Business Administration 41

I – III L P Credits
4 - 3
Introduction: Concepts in Strategic Management, Strategic Management
as a process –Developing a strategic vision, Mission, Objectives, Policies
– Factors that shape a company’s strategy – Crafting a strategy - Industry
and Competitive Analysis

Environmental Scanning and leadership: Methods. SWOT Analysis –
Strategies and competitive advantages in diversified companies and its
evaluation. Strategic Analysis and Choice: Tools and techniques- Strategic
Leadership: Leadership and Style – Key Strategic Leadership Actions -
Developing Human Capital and Social Capital – Balanced Scorecard.
Strategy Formulation : Strategy Framework For Analyzing Competition,
Porter’s Value Chain Analysis, Competitive Advantage of a Firm, Exit and

Entry Barriers - Formulation of strategy at corporate, business and functional

levels. Types of Strategies – Tailoring strategy to fit specific industry –
restructuring and diversification strategies – different methods Turnaround
strategy and diversification strategies.

Strategy Implementation : Strategy and Structure, Leadership, culture
connection - Strategies for competing in Globalizing markets and internet
economy – Organizational Values and Their Impact on Strategy – Resource
Allocation – Planning systems for implementation.

Strategy Evaluation and control – Establishing strategic controls -
Measuring performance – appropriate measures- Role of the strategist –
using qualitative and quantitative benchmarking to evaluate performance -
strategic information systems – problems in measuring performance –
Strategic surveillance -strategic audit
42 2013-14
Relevant cases have to be discussed in each unit and in examination case is
compulsory from any unit.

1 . Vijaya Kumar P,. Hitt A : Strategic Management, Cengage
learning, New Delhi,2010
2. John A PearceII, Amita Mital: “Strategic Management”, TMH,
New Delhi, 2012.
3. Sanjay Mohapatra: “Cases Studies in Strategic Management”,
Pearson, New Delhi,2012
4. Adrian Haberberg&Alison: Strategic Management, Oxford
University Press, New Delhi, 2010
5. P.Subba Rao: “Business Policy and Strategic Management”
Text and Cases, Himalaya Publishing House, New Delhi, 2011
6. Appa Rao, Parvatheshwar Rao, Shiva Rama Krishna: “Strategic

Management and Business Policy”, Excel Books, New Delhi,

7 Edward Freeman R: “Strategic Management”, Cambridge

University Press,New Delhi, 2011.

8. U.C.Mathur: “Strategic Management”, MacMillan Pulishers,
New Delhi, 2010
9. R.Srinivasan: Strategic Management, PHI Learning, New Delhi,
10. Nag A: “Strategic Management”, Vikas Publishing House, New
Delhi, 2011.
11. S.K.Sarangi:”Modern Strategic Management”, Everest
Publishing House,New Delhi, 2010.
Master of Business Administration 43

I – III L P Credits
4 - 3


Importance of Commercial Law: The Indian Contracts Act, 1872 – Nature of
the Act and Classification of Contracts – Essentials of a Valid Contract –
Offer and Acceptance – Capacity – Consideration –Free Consent –Legality
of Object –Performance of a Contract – Discharge of a Contract – Breach of
a Contract and Remedies.

Sales of Goods Act: Distinction between Sales and Agreement to Sell –
Conditions and Warranties – Performance of Contract of Sale –Transfer of
Ownership – Rights of an Unpaid Seller. Consumer Protection Act, 1986:
Consumer Right –Machinery for Redressal of Consumer Grievances.-
Information Technology Act 2000.


Contract of Agency: Kinds of Agents –Creation of Agency- Duties and

Rights of Principal and Agents- Principal’s Liability for the Acts of the
Agent-Liability of Agent –Termination of Agency. Negotiable Instruments
Act, 1881- Kinds of a Negotiable Instruments and endorsement- Presentation
and discharge of Negotiable Instrument.

Indian Partnership Act, 1932: Meaning and Essentials of Partnership-
Registration – Tests of Partnership-Duties and Rights of Partners –
Dissolution of Partnership.

Company Act 1956-Nature and Types of Companies – Formation –
Memorandum of Association-Articles of Association –Kinds of Shares –
Duties of Directors-Winding up.
44 2013-14
Relevant cases have to be discussed in each unit and in examination case is
compulsory from any unit.

1. Ravindra Kumar: “Legal Aspects of Business”, Cengage
Learning, New Delhi, 2011
2. Kuchhal M C, Deepa Prakash: “Business Legislation for
Management”, Vikas Publishing House, New Delhi, 2012
3. Pathak: “Legal Aspects of Business”, Tata McGraw Hill, New
Delhi, 2010
4. S.N.Maheshwari, S.K.Maheshwari: “A Manual of Business
Laws”, Himalaya Publishing House, 2013.
5. P.K.Padhi: “Legal Aspects of Business”, PHI Learnings, New
Delhi, 2013
6. S.S Gulshan: “Business Law”, Excel Books, New Delhi, 2012
7. Daniel Albuquerque: “Legal Aspects of Business”, Oxford
University Press, New Delhi, 2013

8. S.S.Gulshan, G.K.Kapoor: “Business Law Including Company

Law”, New-Age Publishers, New Delhi, 2011
9. Tejpal Sheth: “Business Law”, Pearson, New Delhi, 2012.
10. N.M.Vechalekar: “Business Law”, Everest Publishing House,
New Delhi, 2011.
Master of Business Administration 45

I – III L P Credits
4 - 3

Basic concept of retailing – retail development – types and functions of
retailers – multi channel retailing – organized retailing in India – special
characteristics of retailing
services retailing- legislation for retailing in India.

Retail strategy: market strategy – retail format and target market – building
sustainable competitive advantage – growth strategies – strategic retail
planning process.

Retail location – types, location opportunities – selection of location and
Site analysis - financial strategy – strategic profit model – setting and

measuring performance objectives.

Store layout and design, store operations and inventory management-
merchandise planning and control, buying merchandise – developing
assortment plan.

Retail pricing strategy, category management, customer services – retail
branding- International retailing – promotional strategies – advertising,
sales promotion, store atmosphere.

Relevant cases have to be discussed in each unit and in examination case is

compulsory from any unit.
46 2013-14
1. Sheikh and Kaneez Fatima, “Retail Management”, Himalaya
Publishing House, Mumbai, 2012

2. A.J. Lamba:”The Art of Retailing”, Tata McGraw Hill Education

Pvt. Ltd. New Delhi.2011

3. Sivakumar, A, “Retail Marketing”, Excel Books, New Delhi, 2007

4. Swapna Pradhan, “Retail management”, Tata McGraw Hill

Education Pvt. Ltd. New Delhi, 2012

5. Berman Barry, Joel R. Evans and Mini Mathur, “Retail

Management-A Strategic Approach”, Pearson Education, New
Delhi, 2011. K
6. Chetan Bajaj RajnishTuli, Nidhivarma Srivastava:”Retail
Management”, Oxford University Press, New Delhi, 2012.
7. Gibson G Vedamani, “Retail Management”, Jaico Publishing
House, New Delhi.

8. Dunne: “Introduction to Retailing”, Cengage Learning, New


Delhi, 2013
Master of Business Administration 47

I – III L P Credits
4 - 3
Compensation: concept and definition – objectives and dimensions of
compensation program – factors influencing compensation – aligning
compensation strategy with business strategy – concept of reward - non-
financial compensation system - Managing Compensation: Designing a
compensation system – internal and external equity– pay determinants -
frame work of compensation policy - influence of pay on employee attitude
and behavior - the new trends in compensation management at national and
international level.
Wage concepts and theories: minimum wages, fair wages, living wages –
money and real wages – wage theories – wage incentives - classification of
incentives, incentive systems, wage incentives in India, recommendations

of the National Commission on Labor – fringe benefits - wage differentials

– linking wage with productivity. Executive compensation – trends – welfare
measures – statutory and non-statutory.

Wage and Salary administration: Nature and importance – job analysis –
methods - job evaluation - wage determination process – methods of wage
fixation – wage structure - multi-dimensional approach – wage problems –
wage surveys – wage administration –economic objectives of wage policy
– legal frame work – The payment of Wages Act 1936, The Minimum Wages
Act 1948 and other similar act and amendments – institutional mechanism
for wage determination

Performance Management: Importance - methods- process- Definition,
concepts and scope – Goal Setting- Linkages to Strategic Planning-
Competency mapping- Performance Management System: objectives –
48 2013-14
Functions- Performance Management Cycle- Competency based
Performance Management Systems- Reward based Performance
Management Systems- Electronic Performance Management Systems-
Performance Management Tools: Importance- Traditions and Modern
Techniques- Balanced Score Card- 360 Degree Performance Apprising- Merit
Rating- MBO- BARS

Unit 6: Appraising for Recognition & Reward: Purpose of Appraising –
Methods of appraisal – appraisal system design – Implementing the appraisal
system –Organizational effectiveness - Performance management skills –
Building and leading High performing teams – Performance Monitoring and
Counseling: Introduction- Supervision- Objectives and Principles of
Monitoring- Monitoring Process- Periodic reviews- Problem solving- Role
efficiency- Coaching- Counseling and Monitoring- Performance Audit.
Relevant cases have to be discussed in each unit and in examination case is
compulsory from any unit.

1. T.V.Rao: “Performance Management Appraisal Systems”, Sage
Publications, 2008

2. A.M.Sarma, N.Sambasiva Rao: “Compensation and

Performance management”, Himalaya Publishing House,
3. Dewakar Goel:”Performance Appraisal and Compensation
Management”, PHI Learning, New Delhi, 2012
4. B.D.Singh: “Performance Management Systems” Excel Books,
New Delhi,2010
5 A.S. Kholi: “Performance Management”, Oxford University
Press, New Delhi,2012
6 Prem Chadha: “Performance Management”, Macmillan India,
New Delhi, 2008.
7. Bagchi: “Performance Management”, Cengage Learning, New
Delhi, 2012.
8. Topomoy DEB: “Compensation Management”, Excel Books,
New Delhi, 2009
9. George T Milkovich, JerryM Newman, C.S.Venkatratnam:
“Compensation”, TMH, New Delhi, 2013
Master of Business Administration 49

I – III L P Credits
4 - 3
Industrial Relations Management – Concept- Evaluation –Background of
industrial Relations in India- Influencing factors of IR in enterprise and the
consequences. Economic, Social and Political environments- Employment
Structure –Social Partnership-Wider approaches to industrial relations-
Labour Market.

Trade Unions- introduction-Definition and objectives-growth of Trade
Unions in India-trade Unions Act , 1926 and Legal framework-Union
recognition-Union Problems-Employees Association-introduction
,Objective Membership, Financial Status.

Quality of Work Life: Workers’ Participation in Management - Worker’s

Participation in India, shop floor, Plant Level, Board Level- Workers’ Welfare
in Indian scenario- Collective bargaining concepts & Characteristics –
Promoting peace.Wage and Salary administration: Nature & Significance of
wage, salary administration, essentials- Minimum wage- Fair wage, Real
wage, Incentives & fringe benefits. Issues and Constraints in Wage
Determination in India.

Social Security: introduction and types –Social Security in India, Health
and Occupational safety programs- Salient features of Workmen
Compensation Act and Employees’ State Insurance Act relating to social
security – Workers’ education objectives -Rewarding.

Employee Grievances – Causes of Grievances –Conciliation, Arbitration
and Adjudication procedural aspects for Settlement of Grievances –Standing
50 2013-14
Orders- Code Discipline. Industrial Disputes: Meaning, nature and scope
of industrial disputes - Cases and Consequences of Industrial Disputes –
Prevention and Settlement of industrial disputes in India.

Relevant cases have to be discussed in each unit and in examination case is

compulsory from any unit.

1. C.S Venkataratnam: “Industrial Relations”, Oxford University
Press, New Delhi, 2011
2. Sinha: “Industrial Relations, Trade Unions and Labour
Legislation”, Pearson Education, New Delhi, 2013
3. Mamoria: “Dynamics of Industrial Relations”, Himalaya
Publishing House, New Delhi, 2010
4. B.D.Singh: “Industrial Relations” Excel Books, New Delhi,
5. Arun Monappa: “Industrial Relations”, TMH, New Delhi. 2012
6. Prof. N.Sambasiva Rao and Dr. Nirmal Kumar: “Human

Resource Management and Industrial Relations”, Himalaya

Publishing House, Mumbai
7. Ratna Sen: “Industrial Relations”, MacMillon Publishers, New
Delhi, 2011
8. S.C.Srivatava: “Industrial Relations and Labour Laws”, Vikas
Publishing House, New Delhi, 2013.
9. R.Sivarethinamohan: “Industrial Relations and Labour
Welfare”, PHI Learning, New Delhi, 2010.
10. Amandeep Kaur: “Industrial Relations”, Kalyani Publishers,
New. Delhi,2010.
Master of Business Administration 51

I – III L P Credits
4 - 3
Basic concept of Product- Product planning – Defining Market strategies
for leaders, challengers, Followers. Product life Cycle and market evaluation
– product differentiation and deletions. Product Portfolio Analysis

New Product Development: Categories of New Product – New product
Development - New Product Launch – product modification – pricing
decision – customer and competitor analysis – product forecasting and
financial analysis

Concept of Branding: Traits of Successful Brands – Brand Positioning –
Anatomy of Brand – Leveraging Brands, Brand equity, Brand extension

and Brand Building. Model for Global Brand Building

Marketing Organisation: Market Testing – Launch Management – Marketing
Metrics – Public policy Issues – Product liability- Environmental needs –
Sale methods- Brand Repositioning - Channel Management – Customer
Relationship Management

Packaging: Introduction – Advantages and Importance of Packaging -
Packaging design – Consumer protection. Product Piracy, Worthy Products
- Personal ethics and Residual Issues - Packaging trends in India.

Relevant cases have to be discussed in each unit and in examination case is

compulsory from any unit.
52 2013-14
1. K.S.Chandrasekar: Product Management-Text, Applications and
Cases, Himalaya Publishing House, New Delhi.
2. Donald R. Lehmann, Russell S.Winer: Product Management, TaTa
McGraw-Hill, New Delhi.
3. S.A. Chunawalla: Product Management, Himalaya Publishing
House, New Delhi.
4. Merle Crawford, Anthony Di Benedetto, New Product
Management, TaTa McGraw-Hill, New Delhi.
5. Ramanuj Majumdar: “Product Management in India”, PHI Learning,
New Delhi.

Master of Business Administration 53

I – III L P Credits
- - 3
Sales Promotion: Definition, role, types, consumer sales promotion, dealer
display contests, discounts, bonus offers, retail merchandising techniques.
Publicity: Public relations campaign, use of press, radio and TV, opinion
building, customer service and community service.

Advertising: Changing concept, role of advertising in a developing economy,
a critical appraisal, types of advertisement for consumer, industrial,
institutional, retail, trade and professional, advertisement in marketing mix.
Pre-testing, post testing, experimental designs

Organizing for Advertising: Advertising department , objectives and

functions - Role of advertisement agencies, skills and service, client agency

relationship.Public Relations, Publicity and corporate advertising. Publicity,
power of publicity, control and dissemination of publicity, advantages and

Advertisement budgets: Types, determining optimal expenditure, decision
models, sales response and decay, communication, Ad media: media
selection, optimizing approaches, scheduling, research- Sources of themes:
Adapting presentation to medium campaign, USP, brand image, positioning,
purchase proposition and creative interpretation, insertions, contract.

Contours of Distribution Management – Wholesaling – Retail theories and
Formats – Physical Distribution Management – Transportation and Traffic
Management – Warehousing and Storage.
54 2013-14
Relevant cases have to be discussed in each unit and in examination case is
compulsory from any unit.

1. Krishna K Havaldar, Vasant M Cavale: “Sales and Distribution
Managment”, TMH, 2011.
2. S.L.Gupta: “Sales and Distribution Management”, Excel Books,
New Delhi, 2010
3. S.A.Chunawalla: “Advertising, Sales and Promotion
Management”, Himalaya Pubishing House, New Delhi,2012
4. Richard R. Still,Edward W. Cundiff, Norman A. P. Govoni: “Sales
Management”, Pearson New Delhi, 2013
5 George E Belch, Michael A Belch, Keyoor Purani: “Advertising
and Promotion: An IntegratedMarketing Communication
Perspective”, TMH, New Delhi,2012
6 A.S.Gupta: “Advertising and Sales Promotion”, Everest Publishing
House, New Delhi, 2010

7 Tapan K.Panda, Sunil Sahadev: “Sales and Distribution

Management”, Oxford University Press, New Delhi, 2010
8 Pingali Venugopal: “Sales and Distribution Management “, SAGE
Publication, New Delhi,2012
Master of Business Administration 55

I – III L P Credits
4 - 3
Investments: Definition of investment, Investment Decision Process;
Sources of investment information; Real investment vs. financial investment,
Investment vs. Speculation; Factors to be considered in investment decision:
Liquidity, Return, Risk, Maturity, Safety, Tax and Inflation. The concept and
measurement of realized return and expected return. Ex-ante and ex-post
returns. Measurement of risk-range. Risk-return trade-off. Risk premium
and risk aversion. Approaches to investment analysis-Fundamental and
Technical Analysis; Efficient Market Hypothesis.
Fixed Income Securities - Analysis, Valuation and Management Features
and types of debt instruments, Bond indenture, factors affecting bond yield.

Bond yield measurement-Current yield, holding period return, YTM, AYTM

and YTC. Bond valuation: Capitalization of income method, Bond-price
theorems, Valuation of compulsorily/optionally convertible bonds, Valuation
of deep discount bonds. Bond duration, Macaulay’s duration and modified
Macaulay’s duration. Bond immunization, active and passive bond portfolio
management strategies.

Common Stocks - Analysis and Valuation: Basic Features of Common Stock,
Approaches to valuation–Balance sheet model, dividend capitalization
models; earnings capitalization models; Price-Earnings multiplier approach
and capital asset pricing model, Free Cash flow model, relative valuation
using comparables-P/E,P/BV, P/S; Security Market Indexes, their uses;
computational procedure of Sensex and Nifty.
56 2013-14
Portfolio Theory: Concept of portfolio. Portfolio return and risk. Harry
Markowitz’s Portfolio theory, construction of minimum risk portfolio, the
single-index model. Capital market theory: Introduction of risk-free asset,
Capital Market Line (CML), Security Market line (SML). Capital asset pricing
model (CAPM): over-pricing and under-pricing securities. Arbitrage pricing
theory (APT): The Law of one price, two factor arbitrage pricing, Equilibrium
risk-return relations. A synthesis of CAPM and APT.

Mutual Funds and Portfolio Evaluation: Mutual funds: genesis, features,
types and schemes. NAVs, costs, loads and return of mutual funds, Problems
and prospects in India, Regulation of mutual funds and investor’s protection
in India. Performance measures- Sharpe’s reward to variability index,
Treynor’s reward to volatility index, Jensen’s differential index, Fama’s
decomposition of returns.

Relevant cases have to be discussed in each unit and in examination case is

compulsory from any unit.

1. Alexander. G.J, Sharpe. W.F and Bailey. J.V, “Fundamentals of
Investments”, PHI,
2. Reilly, Brown: “Analysis of Investments and Management of
Portfolios”, Cengage Learning, New Delhi, 2013
3. Prasanna Chandra, “Investment Analysis and Portfolio
Management”, TMH, New Delhi, 2013
4. Charles.P.Jones, “Investments: Analysis and Management”, John
Wiley &Sons, Inc. 9th Ed.
5. Francis. J.C. & Taylor, R.W., “Theory and Problems of
Investments”. Schaum’s Outline Series, TMH, New Delhi,
6. Preeti Singh, “Investment Management”, Himalaya Publishing
House. New Delhi.
Master of Business Administration 57
7. Peter L. Bernstein and Aswath Damodaran, “Investment
Management”, Wiley Frontiers in Finance.
8. Shashi and Rosy: “Security Analysis and Portfolio Management
Investment Management”, Kalyani Publishers, New Delhi 3rd
9. Dhanesh Khatri, “Investment Management and Security
Analysis;Text and Cases”, Macmillan Publishers. New Delhi, 2011
10. Sudhindra Bhat, “Security Analysis and Portfolio Management”,
Excel Books.32
11. Punithavathy Pandian, “Security Analysis and Portfolio
Management”, Vikas Publishing House, New Delhi.
12. V.K.Bhalla: “Fundamentals of Investment Management”,
S.Chand, New Delhi, 2013
58 2013-14

I – III L P Credits
4 - 3
Introduction to Banking: Introduction to Indian Financial System - Meaning
of a Bank and Customer- Bank and customer Relationship - Role of
commercial banks in Economic Development - Evolution of Banking in India
– origin, nationalization, reforms and Financial Inclusion in India - Financial
statements of banks with special focus on Indian banks - Financial statement
analysis of banks: CAMEL Approach, Key Performance indicators- Sources
of Bank Funds. K
Uses of Bank Funds: Features of Bank Credit - types of lending - assessment
of credit worthiness of a prospective borrower - management of credit
process - different types of loans and their features - Loan Pricing: The
basic model, pricing fixed & floating rate loans, cost-benefit loan pricing,

Customer Profitability Analysis - Non Performing Assets: - gross and net

concept of NPAs, causes, implications & recovery of NPAs.

Regulation and Innovations in Banking System: Regulation of Bank Capital:
The need to regulate Bank Capital - Concept of Economic Model - Concept
of Regulatory Capital, Basel Accords I,II and III.
Banking Innovations:-Core Banking Solution - Retail Banking - Products &
Services: Nature, Scope, Future and Strategies - Plastic Money - National
Electronic Funds Transfer - ATM - Mobile Phone Banking - Net Banking-
Banc-assurance. Changing role of Banks as Financial Intermediaries.
Customer service quality in Indian banking industry.

Introduction to Insurance: Insurance as a Risk Management Tool- Principles
of Insurance - Characteristics of Insurance contract - Functions of Insurers:
Master of Business Administration 59
Production, Underwriting, Rate Making, Managing Claims and Losses,
Investment & Financing, Accounting & Record Keeping and other
miscellaneous functions - Types of Insurers- Concept of Reinsurance, uses
and advantages - Marketing channels: Agents & brokers –professionalism,
remuneration, responsibilities, classification, criteria for appointment and
capital adequacy norms for broker - an overview of IRDA.

Life Insurance and General Insurance: The concept of Life Insurance - types
of Life Insurance contracts - Tax treatment of Life Insurance- Life Insurance
Products- Classification of Life Insurance - The Actuarial Science- Provisions
of Life Insurance contracts - Special Life Insurance forms - Health and
General insurance–Overview, Types, Third Party Administrators- Micro
Insurance in India
Relevant cases have to be discussed in each unit and in examination case is
compulsory from any unit.

1. Vijayakumar P., Srinivasa Subbarao P., Himalaya Publication,

New Delhi.
2. Peter.S.Rose & Sylvia. C. Hudgins: “Bank Management &
Financial Services”, Tata McGraw Hill New Delhi, 2010,
3. James S. Trieschmann, Robert E. Hoyt & David. W. Sommer
B:”Risk Management & Insurance”, Cengage Learning, New
4. Reddy K S and Rao R N: “Banking & Insurance”, Paramount
Publishing House 2013.
5. Vasant Desai: “Banks & Institutional Management”, Himalaya
Publishing House 2010.
6. R.K.Sharma, Shashi and Jagwant: “Banking and Insurance”, ,
Kalyani Publishers, 16th edition.
7. Emmett J. Vaughan & Therese M. Vaughan: “Fundamentals of
Risk & Insurance”, Wiley, India Edition.
60 2013-14
8. H. Narayanan: “Indian Insurance – A Profile”, Jaico Publishing
House, New Delhi.
9. Harold. D. Skipper & W. Jean Kwon: “ Risk Management &
Insurance, Perspectives in a Global Economy”, Blackwell
Publishing New Delhi.

10. S. Aruna Jatesan, T.R. Viswanathan: “ Risk Management &

Insurance”, MacMillan New Delhi.

11. Mark. S.Dorfman: “Introduction to Risk Management &

Insurance”, Prentice-Hall of India Private Limited

12. NIA: “Life Insurance Principles and Practices”, Cengage

Learning, New Delhi,2013.

13. Neelam C.Gulati: “Banking and Insurance: Principles and

Practice”, Excel Books, New Delhi 2011.
Master of Business Administration 61

I – III L P Credits
4 - 3
Introduction to e-Business: Transitioning to the Web – E-Business and E-
Commerce overview History of Internet and World Wide Web – Web
development Internet and World Wide Web Resources. A Framework for
understanding E-Business.

E-Business Models: Storefront Models, Auction Model, Portal Model and
Dynamic-Pricing Models. B2B E-Commerce and EDI. Understanding Online
Communication and Behavior. Creating the Marketing Mix – Organizational
and Managerial Issues. Implementation and Control of the E-Business Plan.

Building an E-Business: Design and Development and Management – E-
Business Solutions - Online Monetary Transactions. e-Wallets – Digital

Currency and Alternate Consumer Payment Options .Smart Cards, e-Billing

developing payment standards.

Internet Marketing: Branding, Promotions, E-Business Advertising – E-
Customer Relationship Management – Tracking and Analyzing data,
Personalization – Contact Centers Complete e-CRM Solutions

Legal and Ethical Issues: Privacy and confidentiality on the Internet Other
Legal areas like Defamation IPR and Patents, Trade mark Unsolicited
Commercial e-Mail (Spam) Online Contracts and User Agreements. Cyber
Crime – Internet Taxation Issues

Relevant cases have to be discussed in each unit and in examination case is

compulsory from any unit.
62 2013-14
1. Hanson: “E-Commerce and Internet Marketing”, Cengage
Learning, New Delhi, 2013
2. Harvey M. Deitel, Paul J. Deitel, Kate Steinbuhler: e-Business
and e-Commerce for Managers, Pearson Publication.
3. David Whiteley: E-Commerce- Strategy technologies and
Applications, Tata Mac-Graw Hill, New Delhi, 2000.
4. C.S.V.Murthy: E-Commerce–Concepts, Models & Strategies,
Himalaya Publishing house, Mumbai, 2003.
5 Kamalesh K Bajaj & Debjani Nag: E-Commerce, the Cutting
Edge of Business- Tata McGraw- Hill, New Delhi, 2002.
6. Bharat Bhaskar: Electronic Commerce,Tata Mc-Graw-Hill, New
Delhi, 2003.
7. Schneider: “E.Commerce- Strategy, Technology and
Implementation” Cengage
8. Christopher Westland J, Theodore H K Clark: “Global Electonic
Commerce”, Universitites Press, Hyderabad, 2006.
Master of Business Administration 63

I – III L P Credits
4 - 3
Introduction to ERP: Overview of ERP – Introduction and Evaluation –
advanced ERP-SCM and CRM systems and related technologies - ERP life
cycle ERP implementation Life cycle-SDLC and ERP life cycle.

ERP Implementation: reasons for ERP failure . pre – implementation Tasks –
Implementation methodologies – Process definition – Dealing with employee
resistance Training and Education – Project management and monitoring
Success and failure factors of an ERP implementation.
Post ERP implementation: Change Management – post implementation review,
support, maintenance and security of ERP. Different business modules of

an ERP package. ERP market place and market place dynamics

ERP System Options and Selection Methods: Optimal Means of Developing
an ERP,
Measurement of Project Impact, IT Selection and Project Approval, ERP
proposal Evaluation, Project Evaluation Techniques, Testing.

ERP present and future: Turbo charge the ERP system- EAI - ERP. Internet
and WWW- Future Directions and trends in ERP - Future Directions in ERP:
New Markets, New Technologies, Faster Implementation Methodologies,
New Business Segments, Trends in Security.

Relevant cases have to be discussed in each unit and in examination case is

compulsory from any unit.
64 2013-14
1. Singla: “Enterprise Resource Planning”, Cengage Learning, New
Delhi, 2013
2. Alexleon: “Enterprise Resource Planning”, TMH, New Delhi, 2011
3. Mahadeo Jaiswal, Ganesh Vanapalli: “Enterprise Resource
Planning”, MacMillon, New Delhi, 2013
4. N.Venkateswaran: “Enterprise Resource Planning”, SCITECH
Publiscation, NewDelhi, 2009
5. S.Kesharwani, SBodduluri, M Ashok Kumar: “Enterprise Resource
Planning”, Paramount Publishing House, New Delhi, 2012

Master of Business Administration 65

I – IV L P Credits
4 - 3


Logistics and Competitive strategy: Competitive advantage – Gaining
Competitive advantage through logistics-Integrated supply chains–
Competitive performance - Models in Logistics Management - Logistics to
Supply Chain Management – Focus areas in Supply Chain Management.-
Customer service and retention- Basic service capability Value added

Measuring logistics costs and performance: The concept of Total Cost
analysis – Principles of logistics costing – Logistics and the bottom-line –
Impact of Logistics on shareholder value - customer profitability analysis –
direct product profitability – cost drivers and activity-based costing.


Logistics and Supply chain relationships: Benchmarking the logistics

process and SCM operations –Mapping the supply chain processes –
Supplier and distributor benchmarking –setting benchmarking priorities –
identifying logistics performance indicators –Channel structure – Economics
of distribution –channel relationships –logistics service alliances.

Sourcing, Transporting and Pricing Products: sourcing decisions and
transportation in supply chain – infrastructure suppliers of transport services
– transportation economics and pricing – documentation - pricing and
revenue management Lack of coordination and Bullwhip Effect - Impact of
lack of coordination. - CRM –Internal supply chain management - .

Managing global Logistics and global Supply Chains: Logistics in a global
economy – views of global logistics- global operating levels – interlinked
66 2013-14
global economy – The global supply chains -Global supply chain business
processes –Global strategy –Global purchasing – Global logistics – Channels
in Global logistics –Global alliances –Issues and Challenges in Global supply
chain Management
Relevant cases have to be discussed in each unit and in examination case is
compulsory from any unit.

1. Donald J.Bowersox and David J.Closs: “Logistical Management”
The Integrated Supply Chain Process, TMH, 2011.
2. Edward J Bradi, John J Coyle: “ A Logistics Approch to Supply
Chain Management, Cengage Learning, New Delhi, 2012.
3. D.K.Agrawal: “Distribution and Logistics Management”,
MacMillan Publishers, 2011
4. Sunil Chopra and Peter Meindl: “Supply chain Management:
Strategy, Planning and Operation”, Pearson Education, New Delhi
5. Rahul V Altekar: Supply Chain Management, PHI Learning Ltd,

New Delhi, 2009

6. R.P.Mohanthy: Supply Chain Management, Biztantra, New Delhi,
7. Deepak P, Miiind M.Oka: “Supply Chain Management” Everest
Publishing House, NewDelhi, 10.S K Battacharya: “Logistics
Management”, S.Chand New Delhi, 2013.
8. Manish Bansal, Babita Singla: “Retail and Supply Chain
Management “, Kalyani Publishers, NewDelhi, 2012.
Master of Business Administration 67

I – IV L P Credits
4 - 3
Entrepreneurship: Importance and growth - Characteristics and Qualities
of Entrepreneur- Role of Entrepreneurship, Ethics and Social
Responsibilities. Women Entrepreneurship: Role & Importance, Problems
of Women Entrepreneurs – corporate entrepreneurship – mobility of
entrepreneur – entrepreneurial motivation.

Training: Designing Appropriate Training Programme to inculcate
Entrepreneurial Spirit - Training for New and Existing Entrepreneurs,
Feedback and Performance of Trainees. Creativity and Entrepreneurship:
Sources and Methods of Ideas Planning and Development of Programmes
E-business Ventures; New Venture Management – Emerging Trends.


Planning and Evaluation of Projects: Growth of Firm – Project identification

and selection - Factors inducing growth- - Project Feasibility Study - Post
Planning of Project-Project Planning and Control.

Small and Micro Enterprises: Importance, definitions – policies and their
support to MSMEs - growth and growth strategies – sickness in small
business and remedies – small entrepreneurs in international business.

Institutional support to entrepreneur and MSMEs: Role of Government -
Role of IDBI, NIESBUD, SISI, DIC - Financial Institutions-Commercial Banks,
Entrepreneurial Development Institutes, Universities and other Educational
Institutions offering Entrepreneurial Development Programme.
Relevant cases have to be discussed in each unit and in examination case is
compulsory from any unit.
68 2013-14
1. Arya Kumar: “Entrepreneurship”, Pearson, Publishing House,
New Delhi, 2012.
2. VSP Rao, Kuratko: “Entrepreneurship’, Cengage Learning, New
3. K.Ramachandran: “Entrepreneurship Development”, TMH, New
Delhi, 2012
4. B.Janakiram, M Rizwana: “Entrepreneurship Development” Excel
Books, New Delhi, 2011
5. Rajeev Roy: “Entrepreneurship”, Oxford University Press, New
6. P.C.Shejwalkar: “Entrepreneurship Development”, Everest
Publishing House, New Delhi, 2011
7. Manjunatha, Amit Kumar Goudar: “Management and
Entrepreneurship” University Science Press, New Delhi, 2011
8. Eric A Morse, Ronald K Mitchell: “Cases in Entrepreneurship”,
SAGE Publiccation, New Delhi, 2011
Master of Business Administration 69

I – IV L P Credits
4 - 3
Introduction- A Global HR Perspective in New Economy-Challenges of
Globalization -Implications of Managing People and Leveraging Human
Resource- - Conflicts - Strategic role of International HRM – Global HR
Planning – Staffing policy – Training and development – performance
appraisal –International Labour relations – Industrial democracy – Talent
crunch – Indian MNCs and Challenges - Legal content of Global HRM.

Managing International Assignments: Significance – Selection methods -
Positioning Expatriate – Repatriate – factors of consideration - Strategies -
International assignments for women - Problems.


Cross Culture Management: Importance – Concepts and issues – theories-

considerations - Problems – Skill building methods – Cross Culture
Communication and Negotiation – Cross Culture Teams.

Compensation Management: Importance – Concepts- Trends - Issues –
Methods – Factors of Consideration – Models – incentive methods – global
compensation implications on Indian systems - Performance Management.

Globalization Strategic Advantages through HRD: Measures for creating
global HRD Climate – Strategic Frame Work of HRD and Challenges -
Globalization and Quality of Working Life and Productivity – Challenges in
Creation of New Jobs through Globalization- HR interventions in Y2K- New
Corporate Culture
70 2013-14
Relevant cases have to be discussed in each unit and in examination case is
compulsory from any unit.

1. Peter Dowling: “International Human Resource Management”,
Cengage Leanring, 2012

2. Subba Rao P: “International Human Resource Management”,

Himalaya Publishing House, Hyderabad, 2011

3. NilanjanSen Gupta: “International Human Resource

Management Text and cases” Excel Books, New Delhi.

4. Tony Edwards :”International Human Resource Management”,

Pearson Education, New Delhi, 2012
5. Aswathappa K, Sadhana Dash: “International Human Resource
Management, TMH, New Delhi,

6. Charles M Vance: “Managing a Global Work Force”, PHI

Learning, New Delhi, 2009

7. Monir H Tayeb: “International Human Resource Management”,

Oxford Universities Press, Hyderabad, 2012.

8. S.C.Gupta: “International Human Resource Management Text

and Cases”, MacMillion,New Delhi, 2012

9. Dave Ulrich, JonYounger: “Global HR”, TMH, New Delhi, 2013

Master of Business Administration 71

I – IV L P Credits
4 - 3

Basics of Change Management: Meaning, nature and Types of Change –
change programmes – change levers – change as transformation – change
as turnaround – value based change.

Mapping change: The role of diagramming in system investigation – A
review of basic flow diagramming techniques –systems relationships –
systems diagramming and mapping, influence charts, multiple cause
diagrams- a multidisciplinary approach -Systems approach to change:
systems autonomy and behavior – the intervention strategy model – cases
in intervention – total project management model (TPMM). Learning
organization: The relevance of a learning organization – kindling learning

processes in organizations- strategies to build a learning organization

Organization Development (OD): Meaning, Nature and scope of OD -
Dynamics of planned change – Person-focused and role-focused OD
interventions –Planning OD Strategy – OD interventions in Indian
Organizations – Challenges to OD practiceners.

Negotiated change: Change in the labour-management relations in the post-
liberalized India – a review of the response of collective bargaining strategy
to the challenges of Globalization and the restructuring of enterprises in
India - Changes in the legal frame work of collective bargaining, negotiated
flexibility, productivity bargaining, improved work relations, public sector
bargaining and social security.
72 2013-14
Team Building: Nature and Importance of Teams – Team Vs Groups – Types
of teams – Characteristics of Virtual teams – Team building life cycle – role
of managers as linking pins- team building skills – Perspectives on
effectiveness of Team working - Virtual teams: High performance teams –
self managing teams – Building team relationships – empowered teams –
leadership on teams – Managing cross –cultural diversity in teams – Group
think as a decision making process – effective decision making techniques
for teams and groups – role of change consultant-– contemporary issues in
managing teams.

Relevant cases have to be discussed in each unit and in examination case is

compulsory from any unit. K
1. Vijayakumar P., Ravikanth B., Ratna Madhuri, Himalaya Publication,

New Delhi.
2. Cummings: “Theory of Organisation Development and Change”,
Cengage Learning, New Delhi, 2013.

3. Robert A Paton: Change Management, Sage Publications, New

Delhi, 2011.
4. NilanjanSengupta: Managing Changing Organisations, PHI
Learning, New Delhi, 2009
5. Adrian Thornhill: Managing Change, Pearson Education, New
Delhi, 2012.
6. Radha R Sharma: Change Management, TMH, New Delhi, 2012
7. R.L.Nandeshwar R L, Balakrishna Jayasimha: “Change and
Knowledge Management”, Excel Books, New Delhi, 2011.
8. Deepak Kumar Bhattacharyya: “Organisational Change and
Development”, Oxford University Press, New Delhi, 2011.
9. Mark Hughes: “Managing Change”, University Press, New Delhi,
Master of Business Administration 73

I – IV L P Credits
4 - 3
Understanding services marketing: Introduction, services in the modern
economy, Classification of services, marketing services Vs. Physical
services, services as a system Creating value in a competitive market-
Positioning a service in the market, value addition to the service product,
planning and branding service products, new service development.

Customer Relationship Marketing: Relationship Marketing, the nature of
service consumption, understanding customer needs and expectations,
Strategic responses to the intangibility of service performances.

Services market segmentations: The process of market segmentation,

selecting the appropriate customer portfolio, creating and maintaining valued

relations, customer loyalty.

Pricing strategies for services: Service pricing, establishing monetary pricing
objectives, foundations of pricing objectives, pricing and demand, putting
service pricing strategies into practice.

Service promotion: The role of marketing communication. Implication for
communication strategies, setting communication objectives, marketing
communication mix. Planning and managing service delivery- Creating
delivery systems in price, cyberspace and time. The physical evidence of
the service space. The role of intermediaries, Marketing plans for services:
The marketing planning process.
74 2013-14
Relevant cases have to be discussed in each unit and in examination case is
compulsory from any unit.

1. Rajendra Nargundkar: Services Marketing, TMH, New Delhi 2011.

2. Christian Gronroos: Service Management and Marketing, Wiley

India, New Delhi,2010

3. Ram Mohan Rao, K: “Services Marketing”, Pearson Education,

New Delhi, 2013.

4. GovindApte: Services Marketing, Oxford University Press, New

Delhi, 2010

5. S.M. Jha: “Services Marketing”, Himalaya Publishing House, 2011

6. Nimith Chowdhary: “Marketing of Services”, MacMillan Publishers,
New Delhi, 2009

7. John E.G.Bateson, K.Douglas Hoffman: “Services Marketing”,

Cengage Learning, New Delhi, 2012

8. C.Bhattacharjee: “Services Marketing”, Excel Books, New Delhi,

Master of Business Administration 75

I – IV L P Credits
4 - 3
Introduction to Consumer Behaviour- Understanding consumers and market
segments. Evolution of consumer behaviour, consumer analysis and
business strategy. Models of Buyer Behavior, Howard Model, Howard-
Sheth Model, EKB Model, Webster and Wind Model and Sheth Industrial
Buyer Behaviour Model.

Psychological Foundations of Consumer Behavior: Consumer Motivation,
Perception, Personality and Behavior, Learning and Behavior Modification,
Information Processing, Memory Organization and Function, Attitude
Formation and Attitude Change. Social and Cultural Environment Economic,
Demographic, Cross Cultural and Socio–Cultural Influences, Social
Stratification, Reference Groups and Family, Personal influence.

Communication and Consumer Behaviour :– Components of
communications process, designing persuasive communication and
Diffusion of Innovations. Consumer Decision Processes Highand Low
Involvement, Pre-purchase Processes, Post Purchase processes,
Consumption and evaluation, Brand Loyalty and Repeat Purchase

Consumerism: The roots of consumerism, consumer safety, consumer
information, environmental concerns, consumer privacy, legislative
responses to consumerism and marketer responses to consumer issues.

Consumer Protection: Consumer Protection Act 1986, Central consumer
protection council, state consumer protection councils, consumer disputes
76 2013-14
redressal agencies, consumer disputes redressal forum, National Consumer
Disputes redressal Commission.
Relevant cases have to be discussed in each unit and in examination case is
compulsory from any unit.

1. Ramneek Kapoor, Nnamdi O Madichie: “Consumer Behaviour
Text and Cases”, TMH, New Delhi, 2012.
2. Ramanuj Majumdar: “Consumer Behavior insight from Indian
Market”, PHI Learning, New Delhi, 2011.
3. M.S.Raju: “Consumer Behavior Concepts, applications and
Cases”, Vikas Publishing House, New Delhi, 2013.
4. David L Loudon and Albert J Della Bitta, Consumer Behaviour,
4/e, TMH, New Delhi, 2002.
5. Schiffman, L.G and Kanuk L.LConsumer Behaviour, 8/e, Pearson
Education, New Delhi, 2003.
6. Roger D. Black Well et al, Consumer Behaviour, 9/e Cengage,
New Delhi, 2012.
Master of Business Administration 77

I – IV L P Credits
4 - 3
International Financial System: Evolution of international financial system:
Bretton woods system, floating exchange rate; currency board, sterilized
and unsterilized intervention; international financial markets-Eurocurrency
market, international bond market, international equity market, international
money market; global financial institutions–IMF, Bank for International
Settlements; international banking-euro bank. International financial
instruments–euro CP, Eurobonds, foreign bonds, global bonds, euro equity,
Foreign Exchange Market and International Parity Relationships:
Participants in foreign exchange market, structure of foreign exchange market
in India; quotes in spot market and forward market, triangular arbitrage;
nominal effective exchange rate (NEER), real effective exchange rate (REER);

currency derivatives–forwards, futures, forward rate agreement, options,

swaps; Foreign Exchange Management Act ; BOP, BOP trends in India;
current account deficit, capital account convertibility, Tara pore Committee
Report; Parity Conditions- Purchasing Power Parity, Interest Rate Parity,
International Fisher Effect, Unbiased Forward Rate Theory. International
debt crises and currency crises-Asian currency crisis, Greek debt crisis.

Multinational Corporate Decisions in Global Markets: Foreign direct
investment (FDI) and motives, FDI theories-theory of comparative
advantage, OLI paradigm of FDI in India, modes of foreign investment–
licensing, management contracts, joint venture, Greenfield investment,
acquisition, strategic alliance, evaluation of overseas investment proposal
using APV; Financial goals of MNC, financial performance measurement,
international cash management, multinational capital structure decision,
cost of capital , international portfolio diversification- rationale, barriers,
home country bias, project financing
78 2013-14
Risk Management in Multinational Corporations: Types of risk-currency
risk, transaction exposure, translation exposure, accounting standard for
translation exposure in India, economic exposure and assessment; interest
rate risk, country risk assessment–political risk, financial risk; risk
management through hedging-natural hedges, hedges with currency
derivatives–forward market hedge, options market hedge, money market
hedge, hedging recurrent exposure through swaps, hedging contingent
exposure, hedging through invoice currency.

International Tax Environment: Types of tax–income tax, withholding tax,
value added tax, Tobin tax; taxation methods–worldwide approach, territorial
approach; tax havens, offshore financial centers, re invoicing centre; Tax
treaties-Double taxation Avoidance agreement, multilateral tax treaties;
foreign tax credit, tax neutrality tax equity, taxes and the location of foreign
operations, tax implications of dividend remittance by overseas affiliate,
taxes and organizational form–controlled foreign corporation; Taxation of
foreign source income in India; Transfer pricing (TP) and tax planning–TP
methods, TP rules in India

Relevant cases have to be discussed in each unit and in examination case is

compulsory from any unit.

1. Eun C.S., Resnick B.G: “International Financial Management”, Tata
McGraw Hill Education Pvt. New Delhi 2010
2. Ephraim Clark: “International Financial Management”, Cengage
Learning. 2010
3. Sharan V., “International Financial Management”, PHI Learnings,
New Delhi, 2012.
4. V.A.Avadhani: “International Financial Management” Himalaya
Publication, 2013
5. P.K.Jain, Surendra S Yadav, Peyrard: International Financial
Mangement”, MacMillon, 2013
Master of Business Administration 79
6. Madhu Vij: “International Financial Management”, Excel Books,
New Delhi, 2011
7. G.Shailaja: “International Finance”, University Press, New Delhi,
8. Michael Melvin, Stefan C.Norrbin: “International Money and
Finance”, Elsevier, New Delhi, 2013
9. Shashi K Gupta, Praneet Rangi: “International Financial
Management”, Kalyani Publishers, New Delhi, 2013.

80 2013-14

I – IV L P Credits
4 - 3
Introduction to Risk Management: Concept, nature and scope of risk.
Possible risk events and risk indicators. Risk Management Process: pre-
requisites and fundamentals misconceptions of risk. Types of risk: Product
market risk and capital market risk. An integrated approach to corporate risk
management and methods. Comprehensive view of Risk in Financial
Institutions. Risk reporting process–internal and external.

Measurement and Management of Risk: Value at risk (VaR): The concept,
computation, stresses testing, back testing. Cash flow at risk (CaR): VaR
and CaR to make investment decisions. Managing risk when risk is measured
by VaR or CaR. Non-Insurance methods of Risk management vs. Risk
avoidance, Loss Control, Risk retention and Risk transfer. Asset-Liability
Management (ALM) evolution and RBI guidelines. Capital adequacy ratio

Management of interest rate risk, liquidity risk, credit risk and exchange rate

Techniques and Tools of Risk Management: The concept and importance
of Derivatives and types of Derivatives. The role of Derivative securities to
manage risk and to exploit opportunities to enhance returns. Players in the
stock/ derivative market: Individuals, speculators, hedgers, arbitrageurs
and other participants in Derivatives Market.
Forward contracts: Definition, features and pay-off profile of Forward
contract, Valuation of forward contracts. Forward Contracts to manage
Commodity price risk, Interest rate risk and exchange rate risk- limitations of
Forward contract. Futures contracts: Definition of future contracts. clearing
house, margin requirements, marking to the market. valuation of futures
contracts. Risk management with Futures contracts–the hedge ratio and
the portfolio approach to a risk–minimizing hedge.
Master of Business Administration 81
Techniques and Tools of Risk Management: SWAPS; Definition, types of
swaps. Interest rate swaps, Currency swaps. Mechanics of Interest rate
swaps .Using Interest rate Swaps to lower borrowing costs, hedge against
risk of rising and falling interest rates. Valuation of interest rate Swaps.
Pricing of Interest rate swaps at origination and valuing of Interest rate
swaps after origination. Currency Swaps: Types of Currency Swaps.
Valuation of currency swaps. Using Currency Swaps to lower borrowing
costs in foreign country, to hedge against risk of a decline in Revenue, to
hedge against risk of an increase in Cost, to hedge against risk of a decline
in the value of an asset, to hedge against risk of a rise in the value of a
liability. Pricing of currency swap at origination and valuing of currency
swap after origination.

Techniques and Tools of Risk Management: Options; Definition of an
option. Types of options: call option, put option, American option and
European option. Options in the money, at the money and out of the money.
Option premium, intrinsic value and time value of options. Pricing of call
and put options at expiration and before expiration. Options on stock indices

and currencies. The Binominal option pricing model (BOPM): assumptions

- single and two period models

Relevant cases have to be discussed in each unit and in examination case is

compulsory from any unit.

1. Vijayakumar P., Naidu.BVR, Venkateswarlu.Ch., Himalaya
Publication, New Delhi.
2. Dun and Bradstreet: “Financial Risk Management”, TMH, Delhi.
3. Paul Hopkins, Kogan Page: “Fundamentals of Risk Management”,
Institute of Risk Management. 2010,
4. Jayanth Rama Varma: “Derivatives and Risk Management”, TMH,
82 2013-14
5. Rajiv Srivastava:”Derivatives Valuation and Risk Management”,
Oxford University Press.2012
6. Jean-Philippe Bouchaud and Mark Potters: “Theory of Financial
Risk and Derivative Pricing”, Cambridge press 2013
7. John C. Hull & Sankarshan Basu, “Options, Futures and Other
Derivatives”,Pearson Education.
8. Taxmann: “Theory and Practice of Treasury and Risk
Management in Banks”, Indian Institute of Banking and Finance,
March 2006,
9. Vivek, P.N.Asthana: “Financial Risk Management”,
HimalayaPublishing House,2012
10. DonM Chance, RobertBrooks: “An Introduction to Derivates
and Risk Management”, Cengage Learnings, 2013.
11. Dr. Vidyadhar Bhate: “Risk Management” Everest Publishing
House, New Delhi, 2009
12. Dhanesh Kumar Khatri: “Derivatives and Risk Management”
Master of Business Administration 83

I – IV L P Credits
4 - 3
Conventional Software Management- Principles modern software
management- Life cycle Phases –Artifacts of the Process – Model Based
Software Architectures –Project organization and responsibilities.
Traditional Project Management - Scoping the Project – Process Automation.

Estimating Duration, Resource Requirements and Cost - Constructing and
Analyzing the Project Network Diagram - Finalizing the Schedule and Cost
Based on Resource Availability - Organizing and Conducting the Joint Project
Planning Session- Case Studies.

Recruiting Organizing and Managing the Project Team - Monitoring and

Controlling Progress - Closing out the Projects - Critical Chain Project

Management. Introduction to the Adaptive Project Framework - Version
Scope - Cycle Plan - Cycle Build - Client Checkpoint - Post-Version Review
- Variations to APF.

Model Based Software Architectures: Management Perspective and
Technical Perspective. Software process Work flows – Checkpoints of the
Process. Organizational Considerations - Project Portfolio Management -
Project Support Office Process Control and Process Instrumentation

Modern Project Profile: Continuous Integration – Early Risk Resolution –
Evolutionary Requirements. Top ten Software Management Principles –
Best Practices – Culture Shifts and Denouement.
84 2013-14
Relevant cases have to be discussed in each unit and in examination case is
compulsory from any unit.

1. Walker Royce: “Software Project Mangment”, Pearson, New Delhi,
2. Mahapatra: “Software Project Management”, Cengage Learning,
New Delhi
3. Bob Hughes, Mike Cotterell: Software and Project Management,
TMH, New Delhi.
4. Maylor : Project Management, Pearson Education.

Master of Business Administration 85

I – IV L P Credits
4 - 3

Overview of Information System Auditing: Effect of Computers on Internal

Controls, Effects of Computers on Auditing, Foundations of information
Systems Auditing, Conducting an Information Systems Audit.


The Management Control Framework-I: Introduction, Evaluation the

Planning Function, Leading Function and Controlling Function, Systems
Development - Management Controls, Approaches to Auditing Systems
Development , Normative Models of the Systems Development Process,
Evaluating the Major phases in the Systems Development Process,
Programming Management Controls, Data Resource Management Controls.


The Management Control Framework-II: Security Management Controls,

Operations Management Controls Quality assurance Management Controls-
Case Studies.


Evidence Collection: Audit Software, Code Review, Test Data, and Code
Comparison, Concurrent Auditing techniques, Interviews, Questionnaires,
and Control Flowcharts. Performance Management tools- Case Studies.


Evidence Evaluation: Evaluating Asset Safeguarding and Data Integrity,

Evaluating System Effectiveness, Evaluating System Efficiency. Information
Systems Audit and Management: Managing the Information Systems Audit
86 2013-14
Relevant cases have to be discussed in each unit and in examination case is
compulsory from any unit.


1. Ron Weber: “Information Systems Control and Audit”, Pearson

Education, 2013.

2. D P Dube: Information System Audit and Assurance, TMH, New

Delhi, 2008.


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