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Lunar Wireless Power Transfer Feasibility Study: March 2008

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Lunar Wireless Power Transfer

Feasibility Study

March 2008

Prof. Zoya Popovic, University of Colorado, Boulder

David R. Beckett, Scott R. Anderson, Diana Mann, Stuart Walker, Independent Consultants
Sheldon Fried, Ph.D., National Security Technologies, LLC

Abstract – This study examines the feasibility of a multi-kilowatt wireless radio frequency (RF)
power system to transfer power between lunar base facilities. Initial analyses, show that wireless
power transfer (WPT) systems can be more efficient and less expensive than traditional wired
approaches for certain lunar and terrestrial applications. The study includes evaluations of the
fundamental limitations of lunar WPT systems, the interrelationships of possible operational
parameters, and a baseline design approach for a notionial system that could be used in the near
future to power remote facilities at a lunar base. Our notional system includes state-of-the-art
photovoltaics (PVs), high-efficiency microwave transmitters, low-mass large-aperture high-power
transmit antennas, high-efficiency large-area rectenna receiving arrays, and reconfigurable DC
combining circuitry.

I. Summary
NASA has embarked on a bold mission to return to the moon and establish a permanent
presence. A moon base will require a vast amount of resources that can be extracted from various
locations. A key question is how to deliver power to facilities (load stations) distributed on the
lunar service, possibly in places where there is little sunlight. Initially, the load stations are
planned to be 0.5 to 2km away from mountain-tops where photovoltaic generation stations can
be placed. Each site is expected to require 10kW of power to operate.
Traditional power transfer methods for this type of off-site extraction mission would utilize
cables, estimated to have a mass of about 7,500kg for five load stations. These transmission lines
must traverse large distances, are sensitive to temperature, will be expensive to transport from
Earth to the moon, may be a safety hazard for lunar operations, are susceptible to solar flare
induced transient effects, have large diameters due to high voltages and power levels, have a
large mass, and are difficult to manage due to residual cable stresses.
In addition, once the cables are set up, they would be difficult to move in the event that a
different facility needs to be powered. Since multi-kilowatt power requirements are envisioned
for these work sites, new methods of power transfer must be explored.
For comparison purposes, a top-level system design for a traditional transmission line approach
was developed. A transmission voltage of 480 V was selected based upon minimum cable sizes
and voltage ranges available directly from series/parallel combined solar cells. Higher voltages
are possible but conversion losses, insulation requirements, and other inefficiencies become
driving factors. For five 10 kW load stations located 2 km away from two generation stations, the
following power transmission link system parameters are calculated and compared to
corresponding parameters for a traditional transmission line approach (Table 1).

Table 1. Traditional transmission line system parameters compared to WPT system parameters.
Power System Transmission WPT
Elements Line System
Transmission Line 480 Volts N/A User voltage less losses will be down
Voltage converted to 120 V
Transmission Line 80 Volts N/A Stranded AL Cable with connection
Voltage Drop losses at nominal 20 degrees C
Temperature Related 33 Volts N/A Lunar Temp = 121 degrees C
Voltage Drop
Current between Load 21 Amps N/A
and Generation
System mass 7500 kg 4200 kg Four generation stations with three
500 kg (IC) 50 kg (SA) load stations each, No. 2 Duplex
(Plus and Return) cables, Added
25% for packaging and deployment
hardware. Additional 500Kg for
cable interconnecting (IC) hardware.
Voltage Down 500 kg 500 kg Mass Est., five Load Stations
Power Transfer Tower N/A 400 kg Mass Est., Four generation stations
Est. $100K per tower
Power Transfer ~60 % ~45 %
Power Transmission 2,400 W 5,500 W 38.8 m2 (33 kg ) of additional solar
Loss array (SA) area required for WPT
system, Additional cost = $3.9M
Power Transfer $50 K $13 M Estimated costs for four generation
System Cost $5 M $4 M (SA) stations with three load stations
$0.5 K ( PT $50 K Commercial Cable Cost
Towers) $5 M Space qualified cable
Launch Costs $850 M $520 M $100 K / kg – To Moons Surface
Total Cost $860 M $540 M

One of the leading new technologies is wireless power transfer (WPT) or power beaming.
Directed WPT was first proposed by Nickola Tesla (U.S. patent No. 685,954, Nov. 1901)[1]. In

1961, Bill Brown published an article on WPT using microwaves, and in 1964 demonstrated the
capability by powering a tethered subscale helicopter for 10 hours [2].
“Key to this flight was the "rectenna" which was invented to absorb the microwave
beam and simultaneously convert it to DC power.” [2]
While several documented studies have explored WPT applicability for space-to-ground or
space-to-space power transmission systems, there have been very few papers published on lunar
and terrestrial applications. One commercial company (PowerCast LLC) is in the process of
developing a rectenna concept to power low wattage consumer goods, such as hand held devices.
This type of system has limited range and can only transfer milliwatts of energy. The Defense
Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) has also funded an effort to harvest power using
a rectenna placed in the side lobes of a transmitting antenna. Several additional WPT background
references not directly cited in the text are included at the end of this report.
It is important to note that several near-field wireless powering schemes exist, but are not
applicable to this mission and are therefore not discussed. These include inductive powering and
the more recent “resonant” power transfer being researched by an MIT group, which is a weakly
coupled transformer requiring short range.
For the purposes of this study, we consider far-field high-frequency radio-wave powering
systems which incorporate highly-directional antennas for beaming, high-efficiency
transmitters, and high-efficiency receiving rectifiers.


Wireless Power System Requirements

The four key parameters identified for the wireless power transfer system design of interest are:
• Power must be beamed from four solar power generation stations to five fixed load
• Power received at each facility must be at least 10 kW;
• Load stations must receive power from minimum of two generation stations;
• Distance between transmitters and receiver ranges from 0.5 km to 2 km.

The beaming frequency, transmit and receive apertures sizes, and overall architecture are
parameters varied in this study to show trends and the potential optimization.

This study considers the following system aspects of a wireless beaming system with respect to
the specifications given above:

1. Top level system architecture – this includes a discussion of the distribution of power
from 4 solar power generation stations to 5 load stations, as well as a high-level system
block diagram.
2. Solar power generation – overviews the state of the art in PV arrays and discusses
requirements in terms of size and mass for the required 50kW of received power at the
five sites.

3. Power management and distribution – describes how the output of the PV arrays is
managed and distributed to microwave transmitters.
4. System grounding on the lunar surface – electrostatic and other means are discussed.
5. Energy storage – describes alternatives and strategies for storage at the transmitter and
site ends.
6. RF wireless power transmission – consists of a discussion of choice of frequency,
transmitter technology, transmit aperture for given distance, towers for line-of-sight
transmission, rectenna array size and DC reconfiguration. This is the central part of the
study, but it cannot be considered properly without the other parts of the system.
7. System considerations including potential harm to astronauts and thermal issues are
outlined for future more detailed study.
8. Mass and cost of the system is estimated. This is a very rough estimate since there is
significant new work, and detailed analyses and design have not been performed.


The overall architecture for the lunar Wireless Power Transfer (WPT) system is shown in Figure
1.1. Four transmission towers power a total of five load stations, such that each facility may be
powered by at least two towers, and each tower can power up to three facilities. Each tower can
send power in up to three directions using three separate microwave transmitting antennas. Each
arrow represents a directional microwave beam.

Transmission Tower 2 Transmission Tower 3

Transmission Tower 1 Transmission Tower 4

Facility 2 Facility 3

Facility 1 Facility 4

Facility 5

Figure 1.1. Top-level diagram of the notional lunar Wireless Power Transfer (WPT) system provides 10
kW to multiple load stations at distances between 0.5 and 2.0 km. Each arrow represents a directional
microwave beam. The length of the arrow is an indicator of the aperture size of that particular transmit
antenna – the larger the beaming distance, the larger the aperture for a given beaming efficiency.
The distances between the transmitters and rectenna arrays are between 0.5 and 2km, meaning
that the farthest facility will be four times further with sixteen times more power attenuation than
the closest facility (assuming identical aperture sizes). The farthest facility, #5, is powered by

four beams in this scenario, which enables all transmitters to have the same total output power,
per Table 1. Alternatively, Transmitters 1 and 4 could produce more power than Transmitters 2
and 3, eliminating the beams shown in dashed lines in Figure 1.1. The numbers corresponding to
this scenario are shown in parentheses in Table 1. The last row in the table includes beaming
efficiencies, which are discussed in more detail in Section II. A modular transmitter approach
would be advantageous since it allows tailoring of the transmitter size to the expected load

Table 1. Transmitter power levels contained in different beams for two scenarios shown in Figure 1.1. In
one case, all transmitters produce equal total power levels, each with three beams. In the second case,
Transmitters 1 and 4 have three beams and produce more power than Transmitters 2 and 3, each with 2
beams (shown in parenthesis). For optimal efficiency, all apertures would be of different sizes.
Transmitter Transmitter Transmitter Transmitter Total
1 2 3 4 power
Facility 1 5kW 5kW 10kW
Facility 2 5kW 5kW 10kW
Facility 3 5kW 5kW 10kW
Facility 4 5kW 5kW 10kW
Facility 5 2.5kW (5kW) 2.5kW (0) 2.5kW (0) 2.5kW (5kW) 10kW
Total η1 12.5kW η2 12.5kW η3 12.5kW η4 12.5kW η 50kW
power (η’1 15kW) (η’2 10kW) (η’3 10kW) (η’4 15kW)

The most relevant parameter for comparing WPT with a traditional cable power transmission
system is the overall efficiency and mass, with cost following. Figure 1.2 shows an overall
system block diagram, with the relevant efficiency budget given for the box with dashed lines,
which shows the portion of the system most appropriate to compare to a traditional power
transfer system.

The total WPT efficiency for a single channel can be defined as

PDC ,in
η = η T ⋅ PCE ⋅η Beam ⋅ η Re ct ⋅ η PM =
PDC ,out

Table 2 describes the efficiencies that can be separated out and characterized separately.

PV control Microwave
128V DC Transmitter Rectifier
Photovoltaic Power
Transmitter Rectenna
Array Management Beaming
Supply Power
Energy Distribution Management
Storage η = (ηT)(PCE)(ηBeam)(ηRect)(ηPM) 28V DC
Power Circuit and
Energy Storage

Figure 1.2. Overall power transfer system block diagram for a single powering beam (powering channel).
The dashed shaded block outlines the portion of the wireless power beaming system that should be
compared to traditional power transmission lines.

Table 2. Efficiency budget.

Efficiency Description Max Demonstrated
PRF ,antenna Total microwave transmitter DC-RF conversion 70-80% power and
ηT = efficiency, where PRF,Out is the RF power delivered frequency dependent
PDC ,in
to the transmitting antenna. [3,4]
Power-combining efficiency of the transmitter (no 80-90%, combiner-
single RF source provides the required multiple kW) type dependent [5]
PRF ,Trans Beaming efficiency between the transmit and receive About 80% for far-
η Beam = apertures, including the free-space propagation loss field (see next section)
PRF ,Re c
PDC ,Re ctified Rectification efficiency of the rectenna, where the 80% [6]
η Re ct = input is the received RF power at the aperture, and
PRF ,Re c the output the non-regulated DC power
PDC ,out Rectenna power management efficiency required to 85-90% dependent on
η PM = produce given fixed output voltage rectenna number and
PDC ,Re ctified power [7]

The third column shows best reported results for efficiencies, which are not at consistent
frequencies, power levels, etc. Thus, these numbers show an upper limit on the overall efficiency
of WPT of around 45%. A relevant comparison needs to take into account grounding, mass,
cost/ease of deployment and reconfigurability, in addition to the efficiency (loss). The WPT
approach has the potential to have advantages in terms of grounding, reconfigurability, mass and

The envisioned lunar WPT system consists of several wireless powering channels, each one
depicted in some detail schematically in Figure 1.3. A channel consists of an advanced solar
arrays, power system based on the International Space Station (ISS) architecture (energy storage,
Sequential Shunt Unit (SSU) & Battery Charge/Discharge Units (BCDU), Main Bus Switching
Unit (MBSU), Remote Power Distribution Assemblies (RPDAs), Secondary Power Distribution
Assemblies (SPDAs)), solar array control, power management and distribution (PMAD), high
efficiency RF transmitters, high-directivity transmit antennas, and large-area rectenna arrays with
associated DC combining and regulation. The system architecture also addresses the need for a
transmission tower structure, grounding, energy storage, static dissipation, and thermal
The blocks shaded in blue in Figure 1.3 are directly related to the wireless power beaming
system. Some of the components in the dashed boxes containing the RF transmitters and
rectennas would need to be specifically designed for WPT. Some subsystems would likely be the
same no matter what power distribution method were to be chosen, including cables.

As shown in Figure 1.3, the solar power generation and power management and storage will not
differ significantly between a WPT system and other power transmission systems. Nevertheless,
it is important to briefly overview some possibilities and challenges in these areas, as well as the
issue of grounding.
The solar power photovoltaic (PV) generation facility is one of the most mature technologies
employed in the WPT system. A typical photovoltaic system has planar solar arrays for power
generation and chemical batteries to store excess solar array energy during periods of sunlight
and provide power during periods when the load station is in shadow. It is expected that the
batteries will only provide survival power during eclipse.
For a future lunar power system, one should consider using a new technology known as a
Stretched Lens Arrays (SLA). This solar array technology uses a Fresnel lens and high efficiency
multi-junction cells to provide superior PV performance. The Fresnel lens (concentrates the Sun,
8 to 1), is light weight, scalable with a capacity of 100’s of kW’s, provides outstanding radiation
resistance, has a built in passive thermal management (radiator), has a high specific power (~300
W/kg) and can operate at high voltages (300 – 600 V). A single SLA is shown in Figure 1.4.

Figure 1.3. Block diagram of WPT channel. Several such channels power a single remote facility. The
top figure shows the transmitter system block diagram, starting from solar array to a transmitter antenna
or array. The bottom figure shows the receiver, starting from a rectenna array with reconfigurable DC
summing, to the remote site loads.

Figure 1.4. Single cell stretched lens array enables low
mass high efficiency power [8].

For a lunar power generation station, Entech, ATK

and NASA (Glenn Research Center) have developed
a modular 2.5 m X 5 m 4 kW SLA square rigger
(SLASR) array as shown in Figure 1.5. This modular
SLASR is highly compactable and is expected to be
easily mass produced. Future SLA concepts are
expected to have specific power levels in excess of
1000 W/kg.

Figure 1.5. Single Cell Stretched Lens Array enables

low mass high efficiency power generation [9].

The power management and distribution

(PMAD) system for WPT is very similar to the
ISS PMAD System. Since the ISS PMAD system
is modular, much of the hardware can be used “as
is” with little or no modification for the lunar
WPT system. A single PMAD channel or “set” of
ISS PMAD hardware can supply the required fault
protection, redundancy, and power for one lunar
load station exceeding 10kW. A multiple set of
modular ISS PMAD channels can supply the
required fault protection, redundancy and power
for one lunar solar power generation station
exceeding 80KW. The main modifications that
would be required to a baseline ISS PMAD
channel are as follows:
- New concentrator solar arrays will be used
instead of conventional planar solar arrays
- New technology Lithium Ion batteries will be used instead of conventional Nickel
Hydrogen batteries
- Software modification to support new technology Li Ion batteries and new concentrator
Solar Arrays will be required in the form of current and voltage regulation set points and
battery charging algorithms.
- The Solar Array “Sequential Shunt Unit” (SSU) would require modification for load
current and number of channels in order to adapt to the new concentrator solar arrays

- The “Battery Charge/Discharge Unit” (BCDU) would require modification to support the
new Li Ion Batteries.
- The DC Switching Unit (DCSU) would require modification for fault protection software
and potentially hardware modifications as well.
- Quantities of Main Bus Switching Units, DC-DC Converters and Remote Power
Controller Modules will be fewer than the ISS requires.
- Modification of hardware to replace obsolete components will also be required in some

Grounding - The lunar environment presents difficult problems in the grounding of electrical
systems. Since the lunar regolith is in general a good insulator, terrestrial concepts such as single
point grounds connected to simple buried rods are not viable on the moon. Additionally, the
surface of the moon is highly charged due to interaction with the local plasma environment and
solar radiation-induced photoemission of electrons. Such surface static charging is periodic over
both short and long timescales. During the lunar day, the surface typically charges positively,
while at night the surface charges negatively. Due to orbital variations, the moon has periods of
time where interaction with the geomagnetic plasma sheet of the earth creates an enhanced
charging environment. During these cycles, which peak approximately every 18 years, the lunar
surface becomes even more charged. It is believed that the static potential of the lunar surface
may vary daily between +10 and -600 volts [10] and possibly to several kilovolts [11].
Lunar surface charging is not fully understood and has only been observed indirectly. During the
Apollo and Surveyor missions a glowing haze was observed above the limb of the moon which is
believed to have been caused by charged dust particles lofted high above the surface [10]. Note
however that the Apollo and Surveyor missions occurred during a low point in the 18-year cycle,
so these effects are likely to be more pronounced during a cycle peak. The next cycle peak is
expected between 2012 and 2019 [11].
Grounding can be defined as the electrical connection of the primary reference of the electrical
device to a large enough conductive mass such that charges transferred to the mass do not result
in a significant increase in the overall charge of the mass. Thus the reference maintains a charge
that is stable during the operation of the device. Such a stable reference is useful for reducing
electrical noise, and preventing a build-up of charge that could cause arcing to other areas or
present a danger to operators or other systems.
Note that power beaming has significant grounding advantages when compared to transmission
via cables. Since there is no physical connection between the transmitting station and the
receiving station, different ground potentials for each will not be an issue. For cables, variations
in static charging environments between the two sites (due for example to being in shade and
sun) could cause large return currents to flow. This can drive the need for additional circuitry to
handle such currents and also result in stations becoming highly charged with respect to their
local environment if the capability of the ground is limited.
Various approaches to lunar grounding have been proposed, some of which could properly be
characterized as charge management rather than traditional grounding. Each of the approaches
described below will require further study to determine which are truly viable:
- Use of grounding rods with the injection of conductive materials into the lunar regolith.

- Use of ion/electron guns to expel positively or negatively charged ions.
- Ion Proportional Surface Emission Cathode (MIT) [12, 13].
- Field Effect Emitters (Space Systems/Loral) [14].


The main sub-system for a single wireless powering channel are discussed here, with references
to state-of-the art results. Section II presents more detailed discussion of the WPT channel.
Microwave Transmitter – The transmitter takes DC input and converts it to a radiated RF
output. It consists of a DC-RF conversion oscillator, which is typically low-power and followed
by a gain stage and finally a power amplifier (PA). The following considerations are relevant in
this case:
- Since the DC input is 128V, some DC-DC conversion is needed to supply the required
voltage needed for microwave devices (typically 8 to 48V range). This DC-DC
conversion circuitry can be very efficient (98% is relatively easy to demonstrate).
- The main contributor to the loss is the Power Added Efficiency (PAE) of the output stage
PA. A number of new wide bandgap semiconductor technologies are showing excellent
efficiencies and power levels in the lower microwave range (commercially available) as
well as in R&D labs (e.g. Northrop Grumman Space Technologies) [15].
- Both the device and circuit are important for the efficiency budget, and since no linearity
or noise requirements exist in this case, a ultra-high efficiency saturated switched-mode
PA will give the best efficiency [16].
- Power combining will be necessary, and there are several options at the circuit level or
upon radiation.
Transmitter Antenna – The size of the antenna is determined by several factors: beaming
efficiency for a given range, transmitted power per unit area, ease of fabrication and deployment,
etc. For optimal efficiency with a large aperture, spatial power combining is a good choice, e.g.
[5, 17]. Power combining efficiencies of great than 80% have been demonstrated in spatial
combiners [18, 19]. An array of narrowband planar printed antennas, e.g. patches, is a good
candidate for this approach. In the next section some possible power levels and array sizes are
given at several frequencies. Ultimately, they will be driven by transistor technology and $/watt
of power.
Figure 1.6. ATK’s FAST Mast enables rapid
deployment of the RF transmission tower [21].

Beaming – the beaming efficiency can be high

for line-of-sight links. On the lunar surface, line
of sight for a 2-km range requires towers for the
transmitters. We also envision towers for the
rectenna receivers in order to provide safety of
personnel at the load stations. As an example,
ATK’s Folding Articulated Square Truss
(FAST) Mast technology, installed on the
International Space Station in2006, allows for compact stowage length less than eight feet when

fully retracted and more than 115 feet when fully deployed [20]. The FAST shown in Figure 1.6
is attractive not only for its ISS heritage, but also because it utilizes the following [22]:
- A motor driven, internally-threaded canister shell to extrude the boom
- Stowed and transitioning portions of boom are fully contained within canister
- Near full stiffness and strength throughout deployment
- Large deployment push force capability
- Remotely retractable and deployable
- No rotation during deployment
- Typical applications include solar array deployment

Rectification – The transmitted power density is focused on an array of rectennas in the far field
of the transmitter. An integrated antenna and rectifier is usually referred to as a rectenna, as
shown in Figure 1.7a. Rectification of microwave signals for supplying dc power by high power
beaming has been researched for several decades, and a good review of earlier work is given in
[23]. In power beaming, the antennas have well-defined polarization, and high rectification
efficiency is enabled by single-frequency high microwave power densities incident on an array
of antennas and rectifying circuits. Applications for this type of power transfer have been
proposed for helicopter powering, solar-powered satellite-to-ground power transmission, inter-
satellite power transmission including utility power satellites, mechanical actuators for space-
based telescopes, small dc motor driving and short range wireless power transfer (see references
at the end of the reference list). Linear, dual-linear and circular polarization of the receiving
antennas were used for demonstrations of efficiencies ranging from around 85-90% at lower
microwave frequencies to around 60% at X-band and around 40% at Ka-band.
For most rectennas and arrays reported to date, the antenna is matched to the diode around one
frequency at a well-defined polarization and assuming relatively high incident power levels. For
example, the rectenna shown in Figure 1.7b is linearly-polarized and designed to operate at
5.8GHz with an incident power of 50mW corresponding to an incident power density of around
3.2mW/cm2, assuming a dipole effective area of λ2/8. In this case, the incident wave carries
enough power to turn on the diode and rectification efficiency can be very high (>80%).

LPF Management
Circuit DC output
Receiving Rectifying
antenna device

(a) (b)
Figure 1.7. (a) Schematic of a rectenna and associated power management circuit. The incident wave is
received by the antenna, coupled to the rectifying device, and the low-pass filter (LPF) ensures that no RF
is input to the power management circuit. A controller provides input to the power management circuit,
which enables storage of the received energy over time, and delivery of DC power at the level and time
when it is needed. (b) An example of a dipole rectenna for 5.8GHz narrowband operation [24].

Figure 1.8. Measured power flux from
parabolic transmitter at receiving rectenna. The
power exhibits radial symmetry, with peak
power flux occurring in the center (details can
be found in reference [25]).

For the proposed beaming study, the following needs to be considered:

- The rectenna arrays will be very large, planar and deployable.
- The beam from each transmitter will non-uniformly illuminate the rectenna array
aperture. An example of a measured beam specifically used in wireless power transfer is
shown in Figure 1.8 [25]. The exact beam pattern would off course depend on transmitter
antenna design.
- This implies that not all rectennas will be receiving the same power, and thus might not
be operating at optimal efficiency. A solution is to design the rectenna to be modular, i.e.
that a subarray of rectennas is connected to a local powering circuit which presents an
optimal load at the particular power level that the rectenna elements are receiving on
average. Details are given in Section II and Appendix B.
- The powering beam needs to be maximally absorbed by the rectenna aperture, implying
direct integration of antenna elements with rectifying elements. The rectenna in Figure
1.7(b), for example, does not meet this requirement as the filtering and matching circuit
takes up too much real-estate at the expense of absorbing area. The design of the
integrated rectenna element requires a specific procedure which is not well established in
the field, although a good methodology for low power is described in [27]. The procedure
involves a load-pull measurement that provides an empirical nonlinear device model. The
diode impedance can then be determined for a given power, and the antenna impedance
designed to directly match this optimal diode impedance.
- When several transmitters are beaming power to a rectenna aperture, the combined
incident field will change as compared to that of a single transmitter case. The differences
among elements will be even larger, and thus the modular approach is essential if
efficiency is to be optimized.


Some additional system considerations are summarized in the Table 3 below.

Table 3. System level considerations for the lunar WPT system.
System Level Considerations
Astronaut Considerations • Safety issues for astronauts walking through the beams
• Uncontrolled pointing of the RF transmitter
• Human capabilities analysis and plan
• Antenna side lobe and reflected power safety issues
Transmission Tower • Deployment in 0.6g
• Testing in 1g
System Design • Packaging for launch /storage
• Transportation to final location on lunar surface
• Deployment at landing site – Automatic vs. manual
• Assembly Process (Cable management)
• Antenna alignment / point away approach
• Grounding of the various system elements
• Voltage regulation approach
RF WPT Operations • RF Transmitter / Rectenna Pointing
• Assembly Process
• Maintenance
System Efficiency • Best common voltage for the system
• Load shedding and management approach
Thermal Control System • Array and transmitter thermal management
• Electronics thermal management
Other • Dust mitigation in the presence of large static fields
• Power harvesting of the side lobes
• Energy storage sizing and selected battery technology
• RF and sub-RF EMI mitigation
• Control of the system via WiFi or other means


In this section, some estimates are given for the transmitter and transmitting antenna efficiencies,
beaming efficiency and receiving rectenna efficiency, assuming a single powering channel.
Beaming efficiency is discussed first, since this consideration determines the relationship
between the transmitting and receiving aperture sizes for a given frequency (wavelength), then
range (beaming distance).


Assuming a beaming frequency f at which the free-space wavelength is λ, the required beam
diameter d for a power beaming range R can be determined using the antenna theorem
A / D = λ2 / 4π , where A is the effective area of the antenna and D the directivity. Assuming a
100% aperture efficiency, the half-power beam-width of a symmetrical-beam antenna can be
calculated approximately to be, in degrees from D ≈ 32,000 / θ 2 . For different power beaming
ranges, the aperture size can now be estimated using
tan θ −3dB = d / R ⇒ 2d = aperture.

The following simple estimate can be used for beaming efficiency and determining the required
aperture size. If the transmit and receive antennas are in each other’s far field, one can define
(from the Friis formula) a beaming efficiency as
PRF ,Trans ATrans ARe c
η Beam = = ,
PRF ,Re c λ2 R 2
where the effective areas of the antennas are assumed to be equal to their geometric areas for this
estimate. The distance R needs to be in the far field for this to be valid. For a distance (range) of
2km, assuming 2GHz, 5GHz and 10GHz beaming frequencies, and a 80% beaming efficiency,
Table 4 shows possible resulting aperture sizes. (For more details on the derivation, see
Appendix A.)
These specific frequencies were chosen as examples in order to illustrate scaling: from a
beaming standpoint, the higher frequencies (smaller wavelengths) are clearly better. However,
the transmitters and rectennas are less efficient at the higher frequencies. In fact, at X-band the
best rectenna efficiencies were about 60% and it would be difficult to get more than 60%
efficiency from a power amplifier with a few watts at this frequency.
The following is noted for the calculations in Table 4:
- For each frequency, the beaming efficiency is set to 80%, i.e. AT AR = 0.8λ2 ⋅ (2km) 2
- The first row for each of the three frequencies is the case of equal transmitting and
rectenna (receiving) apertures;
- The estimate the number of antenna elements, assuming both apertures are arrays, an
element spacing of one half of a free space wavelength is assumed both at transmitter and
rectenna apertures;
- The directivity is calculated from A / D = λ2 / 4π assuming that the effective area of the
transmitting antenna is equal to its geometric area;
- The far field condition FF~4A/λ is calculated w.r.t. the transmitting aperture, since the
rectenna elements have individual detectors, and RF-wise they are not in an array (only
the DC adds);
- The far field condition is not met for all cases when apertures are of equal size. This
implies that the estimates used here are not valid (Fresnel zone equations should be used);
- The half-power beamwidths are calculated from D ≈ 32,000 / θ 2 , which is an assumption.
A more precise beamwidth can be calculated once the transmitting antenna architecture is
- Based on the 2-km range and the half-power beamwidth, the spot size of the transmitting
beam on the rectenna surface is calculated. A system design would have an increased
rectenna size, in order to capture as much power as possible of the beam, thus increasing
the beaming efficiency. Note also that the beam power density across the rectenna
aperture will vary according to a sinc2 function.

Table 4. For an 80% beaming efficiency, and three beaming frequencies, several transmit and receive
apertures can be considered. The borderline far field at the 5GHz frequency is the baseline configuration
used for mass and cost estimates provided in Section III.
HPBW Receive Spot
Frequency/ aperture
AT AR and aperture size
Wavelength No. of el. N
Far Field No. elements N
Directivity D
2GHz / 15cm 72,000 m4 16m x 16m 0.48° 16m x 16m d=17m
Not in far N=106 x 106 FF~14km! N=106 x 106
field at all D=51dB
Borderline 10m x 10m 0.77° 27m x 27m d=27m
far field N=133 x 133 FF~2.7km N=360 x 360
5m x 5m 1.59° 54m x 54m d=55m
N= 67 x 67 FF~670m N=720 x 720
5GHz / 6 cm 11,520m4 10m x 10m 0.32° 10m x 10m d=11m
Not in far N=333 x 333 FF~3.5km N=333 x 333
field D=55dB
Borderline 5m x 5m 0.63° 21m x 21m d=22m
far field N= 150 x 150 FF~1.7km N=700 x 700
3m x 3m 1° 36m x 36m d=36m
N=100 x 100 FF~600m N=1200 x 1200
10GHz / 3cm 2,880 m4 7.3m x 7.3m 0.23° 7.3m x 7.3m d=8m
Not in far N=485 x 485 FF~7.1km N=485 x 485
field at all D=58dB
3m x 3m 0.51° 18m x 18m d=18m
N=200 x 200 FF~1.2km N=1200 x 1200


The main considerations in the transmitter are power amplifier device technology, efficiency and
cost; power amplifier circuit architecture and efficiency; and power combining efficiencies, as
discussed below.
Power devices for high-power microwave sources can be either tubes, solid-state or solid-state
driven traveling wave tubes (TWTs). The mass, reliability, efficiency and continuous

improvements in solid-state device technologies, along with considerations in Table 2, points to
the use of transistor amplifiers in active antenna arrays.
Standard transistors with tens to hundreds of watts of output power at lower microwave
frequencies are LDMOS (cell-phone base stations) or GaAs FETs (tens of watts at X-band in
class AB). The LDMOS devices cannot operate efficiently above about 2GHz, while GaAs FETs
are expensive and limited in power. On the other hand, wide-bandgap semiconductors such as
GaN and SiC have better intrinsic material properties than standard Si LDMOS transistors, i.e.
larger energy gap (support higher internal electric fields before breakdown), lower relative
permittivity (lower capacitive loading), higher thermal conductivity (higher heat handling), and
higher critical electric fields (higher RF power) [27]. High voltage operation and high power
density with low parasitic reactance translate into robust devices that can withstand high-stress
conditions typically associated with switched-mode operation. For example, in ultra-efficient
Class–E mode, the peak voltage across the device can be more than 3.56 times higher than the
supply voltage. The supply voltage must then be limited by this factor (VDSS/3.56 were VDSS
is the absolute maximum drain-to-source voltage). Therefore, devices with high breakdown
voltage are ideal for efficient modes of operation.
A brief overview of some available devices is given in Table 5, although it should be noted that
the cost quoted here is for small quantities.

Table 5. Comparison of transistor power levels, frequencies, voltages, and costs.

Manufacturer(s) Power Levels Frequency Voltage Cost
Freescale, Agera,
30, 60, 100W, <2GHz in high
LDMOS Ericson and many 28V $1.8/W
200W eff. mode
GaN on Si 25W, 50W, 28V and
Nitronex To about 4GHz $5/W
HEMT 100W 48V
GaN on SiC Eudyna, RFMD, 10W, 30W, To about
28-48V $7/W
HEMT TriQuint, Cree 60W, 100W 3.5GHz
SiC MESFET Cree 60W Claim to 8GHz 28V-48V $9.5/W
TriQuint, NEC 6-10W Up to X-band 10V $15.2/W

A number of other defense contractor companies produce GaN devices at higher frequencies
(there is a successful DARPA Wide-bandgap program). For example, BAE Systems has
broadband GaN devices with around 10W up to 20GHz, while Northrop Grumman Space
Technologies (formerly TRW) have produced GaN on SiC devices with close to 20W as high as
30GHz. TriQuint also produces GaN on Si targeting X-band. These are still in the development
stage, but improvements have been happening very fast. GaN may not be space qualified yet, but
Northrop Grumman will certainly have that focus. GaAs is still an option, with higher cost per
watt of power. The remainder of the transmitters consist of VCOs (low-cost components from,
e.g MiniCircuits), and some gain and driver stages. These only contribute to the efficiency
minimally, since they are low power, and their cost is low compared to the power amplifier.

Power Amplifiers
The highest efficiency power amplifiers demonstrated to date operate in switched mode (classes
E, D etc.). These are highly saturated nonlinear amplifiers with high additive phase noise. For
powering applications, linearity and noise are not relevant, and the high efficiency of class E and
tolerances to small differences in circuit parasitic parameters give this mode an advantage, e.g.
[19]. In class E operation, the transistor is either on or off, with a minimal amount of time during
a period where the product of voltage and current through the device is non-zero. Unlike in class
C, the maximum output power of the device only needs to be sacrificed by 0.5dB or so.
The disadvantage of class-E mode of operation for this particular application is that the high
efficiency is achieved at the expense of operating at about 3 to 5 times below the specified
device maximal frequency of operation. For example, a device that is normally operated in class
AB mode at 2GHz will perform well in high-efficiency switched mode anywhere between 0.5
and 1 GHz. With current device trends, it is likely that 5GHz will be an appropriate frequency
for high efficiency with tens of watts per device in a few years, and 10GHz is not out of the
Mass: Northrop Grumman Space Technologies has produced 3-D stacked power amplifiers
which are only a few tens of grams in mass (Dr. Dwight Streit, Vice President, personal
communication, February 2008). This is achieved with a new packaging technology, and similar
approaches can be adapted to the power beaming transmitters.

Antennas and Active Arrays With Spatial Power Combining

Given the numbers in Table 4, a high-level transmitter and antenna design is now discussed.
- Consider the middle frequency of Table 2 (5GHz) with 150x150 elements (a 5-meter
square aperture) at a half-wavelength spacing for the array elements.
- For a single powering beam that delivers 5kW of power to a facility, and accounting for
80% beaming efficiency and 80% rectification efficiency, the transmitted power needs to
be about 7.8kW.
- If every array element contained a high-efficiency amplifier, this would imply only
350mW per element.
- This is however not a practical approach, since it would require feeding 150x150
- We thus consider an array of modules. Assuming one can implement a low-loss 1:16
divider (as in [19]), the transmit array antenna would consist of 1400 modules.
- Each module will then need to radiate 5.6W of power. This is a very reasonable task, but
still implies a large number of feeds. A more extensive trade study, including the type of
antenna element, how it would be deployed, etc., is required. Table 6 provides a few
estimates in terms of subarray size, number and power, for a total of 150 x 150 elements
at 5GHz, assuming a beaming efficiency of 80% and a rectifier efficiency of 80%, with
5kW of power per beam. This assumes a 100% power combining efficiency for the
modules in the array.

Table 6. Estimates of sub-array quantities and transmitted power.
Number Of Number Of Elements Power Transmitted Per
Subarrays Per Subarray Subarray
350 64 22 W (28 W)
175 128 45 W (56 W)
130 170 60 W (75 W)

The power from each module from the table above is radiated and combined with the radiated
power from the other modules via spatial power combining. It has been shown, e.g. [5], that
power combining efficiency degrades with the number of stages for circuit combiners and
remains roughly constant for spatial combiners, with combining efficiencies demonstrated in the
80% range. This implies that the power levels in the above table need to be increased to the
numbers in parentheses.


In a load station’s power receiving array, the number of elements can be very large, since there is
no RF combining network that can introduce loss. Instead, the rectified DC is combined. The
modular approach for this design would be as follows:
- Assume an aperture size for the rectenna. For example, take a 20m x 20m rectenna
aperture (Table 2, 5GHz, middle case).
- Knowing that 5kW (times the rectification efficiency) of power is incident over the
aperture, the resulting incident power density assuming uniform illumination (which is
not the case, but gives an average value) is calculated. In this case, it will be on the order
of 5mW/cm2.
- Calculate the power density per rectenna array element. In the given example, the
5mW/cm2 power density results in about 45mW per array element assuming half-
wavelength spacing.
- This amount of power is sufficiently high to drive a rectifier diode operating point into a
region of high rectification efficiency. This will off course depend on the antenna element
in the rectenna, choice of rectifying device (most likely zero-bias Schottky diode),
impedance match and DC load.
- Now assume an array with element spacing of half wavelength (λ/2 period), implying
narrowband beaming.
- Find number of elements in a module of that size (in the example here, it is 700 x 700
- Next, assume illumination profile of main beam (varies between modules, assume
constant per module). This can be obtained by simulation or measurement and is
- For V=28V nominal output voltage, assuming 0.5-0.7V per element based on previous
work, find how many elements are needed in a subarray of each module (maybe no sub-
arrays are needed, but rather parallel connections to boost the power).

Rectenna Element
An example patch rectenna with two rectifiers (one for each linear polarization) in the unlicenced
ISM band around 2.4GHz is shown in Figure 2.1. The rectenna is a 19mm x 19mm square patch,
with a 6cm x 6cm square ground plane on a Rogers Duroid 6010 substrate (εr=10.2,
thickness=50mil) chosen to reduce the antenna size. A Schottky diode is connected at each of the
two centers of the two orthogonally-polarized patch radiating edges. A via isolated from the
patch ground plane terminates each diode to RF/DC ground, and the DC output is taken from the
RF short in the center of the patch. This rectenna operates with incident power levels as low as
10μW/cm2 and is capable of powering a low-power wireless sensor, but very similar planar
antennas with different diodes can be designed for higher power levels (e.g. [28]).


Incident Power
DC Power Rectified (mW)

Density (μW/cm2)
2 94.6
1.5 150.9


0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000
Load Resistance (Ω)
(a) (b)
Figure 2.1. (a) Measured rectified DC power as a function of the DC load for different incident power
levels. A photograph of dual-polarized 2.4-GHz patch rectenna is shown in the inset. (b) A broadband
rectenna array on a flexible substrate (no ground plane, bidirectional).

Remaining design issues are:

- type of substrate that is best for this application;
- type of metallization for the antenna;
- most appropriate way to attach diodes;
- is a ground plane needed on the back of the substrate, or would a reflector that is
separated from the array by a half-wavelength vacuum layer be appropriate? This would
imply that we do not need to work with patch antennas, but can use dipoles etc.
- how do we design the DC collection lines so that they do not couple to the RF. A patch
antenna is a good choice, since the RF voltage null can be used for the DC.

Rectenna Modules
The rectenna arrays at the load stations will necessarily have large areas (per Table 4, e.g.). The
diodes in individual rectenna elements can rectify only a limited amount of power and also
produce a small voltage, so series/parallel combinations of many elements must inevitably be
made. For V=28V nominal output voltage, assuming 0.5-0.7V per element based on previous
work, about 56 elements need to be combined in series to produce the required voltage, which

implies over 8000 modules of this size for the entire rectenna array. With this requirement come
several issues of electrical element interconnection within the array.
Distributed power management is designed and integrated at the subarray level to create
integrated power modules that cover a range of power (e.g. 10-50W). The power management
circuitry achieves two primary functions:
(1) peak power tracking of the rectenna subarray by matching the input impedance of the
converter cell to the rectenna subarray low frequency output impedance and
(2) charge control for battery protection and long life charging.
The first function of impedance matching is required to achieve high overall system efficiency in
the presence of wide variations in incident power density over the entire receiver aperture. A
single power converter and management unit is used for both functions to achieve maximum
system efficiency and to avoid the need to passively dissipate excess energy from the rectenna
subarray in the case of battery overcharge. As a battery overcharge condition is approached,
charge control is achieved by forcing a mismatch between the rectenna output and converter
input impedance, causing the received input power to decrease to match the battery
requirements. This removes the need for shunt dissipation elements and associated thermal
dissipation considerations.
A trade-off study needs to be performed to determine the optimal series-parallel configuration
and physical layout for each sub-array and the converter topology for maximum system
efficiency. A brief outline of such a study is given in Appendix B.


The overall WPT system efficiency is given by
PDC ,in
η = η T ⋅ PCE ⋅η Beam ⋅ η Re ct ⋅ η PM = ,
PDC ,out
where the individual efficiencies were discussed above. The expected efficiency budget is given
in the Table 7.
The study so far has focused on a single wireless powering channel, i.e. beam. Referring to
Figure 1.1, there will be multiple (at least 2) beams powering a single facility. The remaining
study that needs to be performed is the effect of multiple transmitted beams incident on the same
receiving rectenna aperture. There has been limited work on effect of simultaneous beams
incident on rectenna arrays, with two beams at two different power levels and frequencies [26].
The results show that in each of 10,000 random trials, the efficiency increased, while the beam
angles, frequencies and powers were varied. The increase was more pronounced for lower
incident power levels. This implies that the overall rectification efficiency at the rectenna
aperture in the presented case will increase with multiple beams, since the modules that are not
capturing the peak power density of the beam with increase in efficiency.
It is interested to note that the rectenna array images the incident beam power profile. When
elements are a half wavelength apart, the sampling of the incident beam is according to Nyquist

and the beam profile can be recovered fully. This direct mapping of the incident beam at the
rectenna aperture has the potential to simplify dramatically the beam pointing of the transmitter.

Table 7. Expected efficiency budget for the lunar WPT system. Details used for the conclusions can be
found in Tables 1-6 above.
Discussion of upper and lower Max
Efficiency Trades
bounds expected
PRF ,antenna - upper bound is for lower 75–80% - efficiency higher at lower
ηT = microwave frequencies where the frequencies, but arrays very
PDC ,in size increases large
- currently over 85% is achievable - cost lower at lower
below 1GHz, but above 5GHz to get frequencies at expense of size
that same efficiency will require
improvements in device technology
- depends on array architecture 80–90% - high efficiency implies large
PCE -for upper bound, which is number of elements, and the
achievable for narrowband case, all trade will be in the size of the
elements need to be designed for module vs. number of
relatively broader bandwidth modules
PRF ,Trans - for upper bound, it is borderline far 75–85% - large range requires large
η Beam = field condition. This means that the for far- apertures
PRF ,Re c incident field on rectenna aperture field - large rectenna aperture that
might differ from far-field captures most of the beam
approximation. power for high efficiency
- imaging beam pattern in situ can implies larger mass and cost
help achieve possibly higher
beaming efficiencies where near
field conditions might exist.
PDC ,Re ctified - rectifiers need to all be in large- 75–80% - dense element packing gives
η Re ct = signal mode for upper bound. higher efficiency at expense
PRF ,Re c of complexity and cost.
- for upper bound (optimal diodes
and dense element packing), direct
antenna-diode integration is needed.
PDC ,out - upper bound has been shown for 85–95% - reconfigurable parallel-
η PM = lower power levels, and it should be series combining can
PDC ,Re ctified possible to get higher efficiencies optimize in-situ efficiency, at
for higher power levels expense of complexity.
- high efficiency will require high- - higher power at module
quality component selection, which level gives better module
will increase the cost and might efficiency, but possibly lower
increase the mass. overall array efficiency due to
increased size of subarray
η (total) - difficult to predict upper and lower 30–45% - all of the above with
bounds without further experimental additional parameters that
and theoretical study require more study


The cost and mass of a traditional cable-based system and a wireless powering system are
estimated using the 5-GHz beaming architecture for the case of a 5m x 5m transmitter aperture
and a 20m x 20m receiving rectenna aperture (Table 2 in Section I). A 480-V transmission line
cable system was used for comparison since it is optimal in terms of loss. More details of the
analysis are shown in Appendix D, and a summary is shown below in Table 8.

The loss of the cable is increased due to temperature variations, as detailed in Appendix D. The
mass of the cable is calculated for the case of bare cable. In reality, the cable comes with one
line insulated with a thin PVC type insulation. The best solution might be to trench the cables, in
order to suffer less voltage drop due to temperature changes, as well as enable operation at 220V.
The associated loss is corresponds to an efficiency of ~60% (supporting details in Appendix C).

The lunar surface is composed of lunar regolith which has been shown to be a very good
insulator, similar to exceptionally dry micron-fine silica sand. With a transmission line system,
the source and the load are electrically connected and a return path to the source must be
provided or current will not flow. The lunar surface is an insulator and will provide such a path.
Conventional terrestrial transmission line systems ground at multiple locations, but do not use
"Earth ground" for a current return path. Return lines are used exclusively for a current return
path. In a WPT system, the source and the load are not electrically connected and rely on their
respective "local" grounds.

Table 8. Summary of estimated mass and cost comparison between a conventional cable-based power
transfer system and a wireless transfer power system.

Mass Launch
System Cost Cost
(kg) Efficiency
Traditional Transmission Line 7500 5.05 M 800 M 60%
- Four Transmission Stations (Transmission Array) 4193 17 M 513 M 45%
- Five Load Facilities (Rectenna Arrays)


A conventional transmission line architecture was developed so a comparison could be made

between a lunar WPT system and a conventional transmission line system.
The identified advantages of a WPT system for this application are:
- reconfigurability (if the loads stations need to move, or stop operation, the antenna beam on the
transmitter can be reconfigured to point in a different direction);
- overall mass is smaller by more than a factor of 2;
- there is no electrical connection between the transmitter and load in WPT, enabling local

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Additional References Related to Wireless Power Transfer
[1-1] N. Shinohara and H. Matsumoto, “Experimental study of large rectenna array for microwave energy
transmission,” IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques, vol. 46, no. 3, pp. 261–267,
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Aug. 1996.
[3-1] T. Yoo and K. Chang, “Theoretical and experimental development of 10 and 35 GHz rectennas,”
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[4-1] L.W. Epp, A.R. Khan, H.K. Smith, and R.P Smith, “A compact dualpolarized 8.51-GHz rectenna
for high-voltage (50 V) actuator applications,” IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques,
vol. 48, no. 1, pp. 111–120, Jan. 2000.
[5-1] Y. Fujino, T. Ito, M. Fujita, N. Kaya, H. Matsumoto, K. Kawabata, H. Sawada, and T. Onodera, “A
driving test of a small DC motor with a rectenna array,” IEICE Trans. Commun., vol. E77-B, no. 4, pp.
526–528, Apr. 1994.
[6-1] W.C. Brown, “An experimental low power density rectenna,” IEEE MTT-S International
Microwave Symposium Digest, pp. 197–200, 1991.
[7-1] J.O McSpadden, R.M. Dickinson, L. Fan, and Kai Chang, “Design and experiments of a high-
conversion-efficiency 5.8-GHz rectenna,” IEEE MTT-S International Microwave Symposium Digest, vol.
2, pp. 1161–1164, 1998.
[8-1] J.O. McSpadden and K. Chang, “A dual polarized circular patch rectifying antenna at 2.45 GHz for
microwave power conversion and detection,” IEEE MTT-S International Microwave Symposium Digest,
pp. 1749–1752, 1994.
[9-1] B. Strassner and K. Chang, “A circularly polarized rectifying antenna array for wireless microwave
power transmission with over 78% efficiency,” IEEE MTT-S International Microwave Symposium Digest,
pp.1535–1538, 2002.
[10-1] J.A Hagerty and Z. Popovic, “An experimental and theoretical characterization of a broadband
arbitrarily-polarized rectenna array,” IEEE MTT-S International Microwave Symposium Digest, vol. 3,
pp. 1855–1858, 2001.
[11-1] J. C. Lin, “Radio frequency exposure and safety associated with base stations used for personal
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[12-1] J.C.Lin, “Space solar-power stations, wireless power transmissions, and biological implications,”
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[13-1] Retrieved from Global Security.org
(http://www.globalsecurity.org/wmd/facility/doe_nts_schooner.htm) on 2008-01-28
[14-1] Retrieved from www.osti.gov (http://www.osti.gov/opennet/reports/plowshar.pdf) on 2008-01-28
[15-1] Retrieved from http://antwrp.gsfc.nasa.gov/apod/ap070623.html on 2008-01-28

This manuscript has been authored by National Security Technologies, LLC, under Contract No. DE-AC52-
06NA25946 with the U.S. Department of Energy. The United States Government retains and the publisher, by
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For a given aperture size Ai assuming a beaming frequency f at which the free-space
wavelength is λ, the required beam size d for a power beaming range Rij can be determined
using the antenna theorem Ai / Di = λ2 / 4π , where Ai is the effective area of the antenna of
transmitter i and Di the directivity. Assuming a 100% aperture efficiency, the half-power
beamwidth of a symmetrical-beam antenna can be calculated approximately to be, in degrees
from Di=32,000/θ^2. For different power beaming ranges, the aperture size can now be
estimated using tan θ −3dB = di / Rij ⇒ 2di = aperture.

The following simple estimate can be used for beaming efficiency and determining the required
aperture size. If the transmit and receive antennas are in each other’s far field, one can define
PRj Ai A j
(from the Friis formula) a beaming efficiency as η ij = = 2 2 where the effective areas of
Pi λ Rij
the antennas are assumed to be equal to their geometric areas for this estimate. The distance Rij
needs to be in the far field, and can be measured in terms of the free-space wavelength, Rij = κλ
(where κ is a multiplier and usually a number larger than 1000) which results in the following
expression for the required aperture sizes as a function of desired beaming efficiency:
Ai A j = κ ij2 λ4η ij .

For the scenario from Figure 1.1, a more general beaming efficiency can be derived as follows.
First, each of the 5 stations receives the following power assuming all 4 PV-powered transmitters
are delivering some power to it:
4 A j Ai A j Ai 4
PRj = ∑ PTi = ∑κ where j=1 to 5.
i =1 λ R
2 2
ij λ 4
i =1

From here the beaming efficiency can be written as:

PRj Ai A j
η ij = = , where the transmitted power is scaled by a unit-less number which
i =1
Ti /κ 2

describes the range measured in electrical distance (number of wavelengths). Alternatively, for a
given beaming efficiency between any transmitter i and receiver j, the aperture sizes are
estimated from:
A j Ai = λ4η ij . In the lunar surface beaming scenario, PRj=10kW, and Rij is constrained between
0.5km and 2km. The other parameters are allowed to vary and the results are plotted in Figure
A1 below. In these two sample figures, the rectenna efficiency is fixed to 50% and 70%,
respectively. The best reported rectenna efficiencies are around 80% (but the measurement
method is not specified, so it is not clear what the number means). In the lab at CU, we have
demonstrated on the order of 70-75% efficiency at low power levels, while 50% is more
common for non-optimally matched rectifiers and antennas.

Figure A1. Example plot of product of transmit and receive apertures, in square meters, for 3 frequencies
and 2 ranges (R=D=0.5 and 2km). The graph shows how the size varies as a function of beaming
efficiency. Such plots were used for data summarized in Table 2.

A trade-off study needs to be performed to determine the optimal series-parallel configuration
and physical layout for each sub-array and the converter topology for maximum system
efficiency. A brief outline of such a study is given below.
We first require good understanding of the DC characteristics of the rectenna, as well as the
results of constructing series/parallel combinations of rectenna elements. Similar problems have
already been addressed in the field of photovoltaic cells, where many enabling technologies have
matured enough to allow for progressively lower cost and higher efficiency photovoltaic power
solutions to be installed in commercial facilities, as well as residential houses. As such, much
research has been recently done to investigate optimal ways of harnessing and converting energy
produced by solar arrays arranged in parallel/series combinations into a usable form in non-ideal
environments. The goal of this part of the study is to expand our understanding of power
interfaces to rectenna elements and arrays. This requires developing a more advanced and precise
DC model than those used for previous research. In addition, modern power electronics and
conversion techniques can be applied to the problem of rectenna arrays operating in non-uniform
radiation flux conditions.
The rectenna arrays at the remote sites will necessarily have large areas (per Table 1, e.g.). The
diodes in individual rectenna elements can rectify only a limited amount of power and also
produce a small voltage, so series/parallel combinations of many elements must inevitably be
made. With this requirement come several issues of electrical element interconnection within the
Figure B1 illustrates the basic constraints when connecting power-generating elements (either
PV cells or rectennas) in series and parallel. A series connection will produce a higher output
voltage and is needed so that the array can be more easily interfaced to an external load or power
storage element. Consequently, all of the array elements must operate at the same load current. A
parallel connection is needed in order to combine the current from several individual elements or
strings and forces all of the elements to operate at the same voltage.
Figure B1. Series and
parallel rectenna
connection topologies. A
series connection forces
all elements to operate at
the same current, while a
parallel connection forces
the same voltage.

Theoretically, this setup should generate n-times as much power as each individual element by
itself if all of the elements operate under the exact same conditions in both cases. In actual real-
life applications, however, this scenario is highly unlikely. Process variations in the manufacture
and components of either PV cells or rectennas can lead to variations in efficiency, output

voltage and current. Moreover, it is likely that the incident power might be significantly different
between elements (see Figure B1 above).
If the elements in the array being exposed to the radiation as the one in Figure 1.8 are connected
randomly in series and parallel, it is likely that elements in a string will be exposed to
significantly different amounts of radiation and will thus be forced to operate at a non-optimal
operating point. This phenomenon is illustrated in Figure B2.
Figure B2(a) shows a family of I-V curves for PV cells operating at different solar flux densities.
If all the elements are forced to operate at a certain string current, IS, then two of the three
elements will actual consume power instead of producing it. Specifically, the element with the
highest incident power will operate at some optimal point, while the two elements with the lower
incident powers will simply consume power because they are operating far away from their
optimal region. A similar situation is illustrated in Figure B2(b) for several rectenna elements in
series. Again, we see that only one element operates at the optimal point, while the rest either
produce very little power, or even consume it.
The PV series connection problem has been studied extensively and several methods exist to
prevent cells from operating in the power-consuming region. Namely, “backplane” diodes can be
installed in parallel with several cells such that they become forward-biased and effectively
remove cells that consume power from a string. With regards to rectenna arrays, these issues
have been partially addressed in several papers based on ground-based microwave transmission
experiments. These papers focused on the power that can be obtained when array elements
operating at different power levels are connected in parallel and series vs. individual elements
with optimal loading. All of these papers used a highly simplified DC model of the rectenna. In
order to effectively design and predict the behavior of rectenna arrays, an accurate “four
quadrant” model is needed which can describe the I-V characteristics of the rectenna both in
power-generating mode, as well as other operating points where the rectenna might experience
negative terminal voltages or currents during high-mismatch scenarios in series or parallel

Figure B2. Comparison

between solar panel (right) and
rectenna (left) IV curves and
series-connected operating

While the above study is a good start, there are still many opportunities for investigating ways
for obtaining more power from the array, potentially employing similar methods to those used in
PV arrays, such as backplane diodes to disconnect the elements which are consuming power.
Also, the effect of series/parallel granularity – that is, how small or large the strings should be –
has not been investigated. Finally, the effect of interfacing to the cells with intelligent power
converters capable of either emulating the optimal load resistance or rearranging rectenna
elements for maximum power extraction, as shown in Figure B3 has not been considered at all.

The maturity of this research is relatively low compared to PV cells, however, so we need to
investigate in more detail to what degree the series-connection problem exists in rectenna arrays
and if similar techniques can be used to alleviate it. In order to accomplish this task, the DC
characteristics of the rectenna must be understood.
Some previous work in has been done in developing a
DC rectenna model for understanding basic ways of
interfacing to the rectenna. A basic AC model
consists of an AC source, an antenna series resistance,
and a diode modeled as a frequency-dependent
resistor in series with a capacitor. The AC signal is
rectified with a diode and low-pass filtered on the
output with another capacitor. This model is
illustrated in Figure B4.

Figure B3. Rectenna elements interfaced

to load through power converters.



(a) (b)

Figure B4. Simplified rectenna AC equivalent model (a) and (b) Rectenna DC equivalent model .

Rectenna IV Curves
5 75

I [mA]

0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5
V [V]

(a) (b)
Figure B5. (a) Rectenna IV curves with basic DC model. (b) Experimental rectenna IV curves for
varying incident power.
The model in Figure B4(a) is generally transformed to that of Figure B4(b) to obtain a DC
model. The AC source is transformed into a DC source that is proportional to the rectenna
incident power. The antenna resistance and effects of the diode are lumped into a series
resistance as shown. The DC model is generally used in various research papers as the basis for
predicting what happens when rectennas are combined into arrays. Of course, this model gives
the following equation relating the rectenna output current and voltage:
V = Vj + Rj ⋅ I
where Vj and Rj are the diode junction voltage and resistance. Thus, the IV curves are as shown
in Figure B5(a). The model seems to reasonably predict the rectenna characteristics for positive
voltage and current, provided the correct values for Vj and Rj can be found. Figure B5(b) shows
experimental rectenna load curves for the first quadrant of the I-V plane. The model reasonably
predicts the observed curves for the first quadrant. Thus, this simple model is referred to as the
“single-quadrant model”.
As mentioned above, this model is used in a wide array of papers for predicting the
characteristics of rectenna arrays. However, this model is only reasonably accurate for rectenna
arrays composed of very similar rectennas operating at similar incident power levels – in other
words, when all of the rectennas in the array are producing some net power and working in the
first quadrant of the I-V plane. Of course, this is not the most general scenario, and many
environments can exist which would cause partial shadowing of the array and cause some of the
rectenna elements to operate out of the first quadrant. Even in radiation patterns produced by
typical transmitters as shown earlier, it is possible to have elements operate out of the first
quadrant. More studies need to be performed in order to precisely define the modular nature of
the receiving rectenna arrays, but this short discussion points to the right direction for best

In terms of power management at the sub-array level, a buck-boost derived topology is a likely
candidate, with four operating modes: (1) buck (step-down) mode with impedance matching
when the maximum power point results in a sub-array output voltage greater than 28V, (2) boost
(step-up) mode with impedance matching when the maximum power point results in a subarray
output voltage less than 28V, (3) pass-through mode for a direct connection from rectenna
subarray to the battery when the maximum power point is within an acceptable tolerance of 28V
and (4) charge control mode when battery charge limitations force operation away from the
maximum power point. The power management circuit at the sub-array level efficiently
accommodates a 5:1 range of power variations across the array and as function of transmitter-
receiver separation and pointing accuracy.
Power monitoring functions can also be built into each power module, allowing performance
data on the power transfer system to be logged. Additionally, an advantage of collecting the data
at the module level is the inherent ability to detect the power beam center. This information
could be used to for pointing control of the receiver or transmitter satellites or receive or transmit
To summarize, the advantages of distributed integrated harvesting modules are:
- higher overall power transfer efficiency
- graceful degradation
- approach allows for a scaled demo.


Below are given more details for power transmission cables which were used for the efficiency
and cost comparison.
National Electric Code (NEC)/Crofts American Electricians Handbook
34.5KV 40miles main line to 4 substations 10 MW
12.5 KV – step down to
7.2KV – step down to
4.16KV – step down to
120, 220, or 480V
10KW/480V = 21Amps
No.2 conductor is rated at 120A
Cables are aluminum stranded
Dry type transformers are smaller and lighter – 480V to 120V
Distance between Generation Station and Load Station is 2km one way.
Cables must go there and back = 4km or 13,123ft
Voltage drop of No.2 cable at 250DegF (121deg.C) 13,123ft is 80V.
(Temp Coef. of resistance for Al is 0.403% per Deg.C) nec
Al cable No. 2 is .26ohms/1Kft per NEC
No. 2 Duplex (Plus and Return) cable will be assumed for this application
480VDC will be assumed for this application
Load/substation requires 10KW at 480V = 21A
De-rated cable for 20A application is a 100A cable
No. 2 cable (AWG 2) is rated at 120A per NEC
According to VOLTAGE DROP Vs CABLE SIZE graph #55 of the NEC
No.2 cable will drop 45V over 7500ft at 20A. or 90V over 15000ft at 20A assumes 20C.
No. 2 cable weighs 62.3lbs/1000ft (28.3Kg/1Kft)per table 119 NEC.
No.2 cable at 4Km or 13,123ft = 371Kg for one 10KW load station
Total Mass of Transmission Lines for 1Generation Station to 3 load stations = 1,113Kg
Four Generation Stations with three load stations each = 4,452 Kg total wire mass. Add
25% for connecting/retention hardware = 5,565Kg. Add another 25% for packaging and
deployment hardware = 7,000Kg Total cable system mass.
A step down transformer will be required at the load station to go from 400V to 120V or 28V.
Estimated Mass – 10KW, Converter = 100Kg each. Need 5 converters for a total 500Kg.

Total Launched Mass of Conventional Transmission Line System = 7,500kg
Preliminary Calculation For Cable Efficiency (Loss)
- Vdrop = Iload X Rcable
- Iload = 21A
- Rcable = 0.26ohms/1000ft, for 13,123ft = 3.41Ohms
- Vdrop = 21A X 3.41Ohms = 72V
- Vdrop = 72V Cable Drop
- Add 10% for Interconnections = 79.2V, round up to 80V.
- 20degC is the baseline.
- Lunar surface temp is 121degC
- This gives a 101deg C differential
- No.2 Al cable has a resistive temp. coeffient. of 0.403%per deg C.
- 101degC * .403% = 40.7%
- Voltage drop will be increased by 40.7% over the 20degC baseline
- Therefore:
- 80Vdrop X 1.407 = 112.56V round up to 113Vdrop
- 113V Total Voltage Drop between Solar Gen. Station and Load Station at 21 Amps and
- 480V – 113V = 367Vdc at the Load Station.
- 367Vdc will be down converted to 120Vdc for user loads.


Description Quantity Per Unit COST Total COST

EDU Per Unit Total (kg)

Mass Category / Power Category CBE (kg)

Transmitters and Rectennas 4193.04 TOTAL COST $ 12,693,627
Transmitting Antenna Emitters (5m x 5m planar array) 1 612.32 $ 70,082 $ 1,258,333 $ 5,033,331

Antenna Elements 16666 0.01 166.66 14 233324

VCOs (voltage controlled oscillators) 16666 0.00 16.67 12 199992

Several Gain Blocks 50000 0.00 100.00 2 100000

Driver Amp 16666 0.00 33.33 10 166660

GaN device 16666 0.01 166.66 13 208325

Feed Line to N elements (64) 1 0.00 0.00 10 10

Harness 1 4.00 4.00 22 22

Bias Distribution Network 1 0.00 0 0

FITS 5 0.75 125.00 70000 350000

Rectenna Elements (Load Facility = 21m x 21m) 1 348.75 72481 1532059 7660296
Antenna Elements 1260 0.01 12.60 14 17640

Schottky diodes 1260 0.00 1.26 0 252

Power Management Circuit 21 0.05 1.05 2000 42000
Converters 21 0.05 1.05 50 1050
Microcontroller 21 0.05 1.05 35 735
Harness 1 0.99 0.99 382 382
Bias Distribution Network 1 0.00 0 0
FITS 21 0.75 330.75 70000 1470000
Transmitting Mast 1
Transmitting Mast - 20 m Tall 4 100.00 400.00 100000 400000 400000


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