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R. A. Winje, P. J. Reardon
National Accelerator Laboratory':'

E. R. Schoop, W. A. Manahan
Transrex Division, Gulton Industries, Inc.

Abstract power supplies with nexible arrangements for

output currents and voltages. In order to
At the National Accelerator Laboratory conserve power we also decided that the supplies
excitation of magnets in the beam lines external should be programmable and capable of following
to the accelerator requires power supplies with uni -directional cur rent reference pulses similar
widely varying output ratings and a stable to the main ring pulse but with a faster rise
behavior in non -Laboratory environments. The time and the same stability requirements on the
problem was solved by the design of a single nat top as they have in the dc mode of operation.
power supply with nine different dc power
arrangements using the same primary ac Another factor which was taken into
connection. This paper contains a description consideration in the preparation of the initial
of this twelve phase 500 kW power supply in request for proposals to build these power
which the four internal 100 V, 1250 A half- supplies was that we wanted to limit the types
wave units can be interconnected in different of power supplies to be employed in the experi-
ways. This is followed by a description of the mental areas for improved interchangeability,
components of the power circuit, the design of ease of maintenance, and fewer spare parts.
the regulator and the control system. To some extent, our earlier deciSion to use
main ring type quadrupole and dipole magnets
The paper concludes with a description and external proton beam quadrupole and dipole
of the mechanical arrangement of the power magnets for the bulk of the beam transport
supply and a report of the performance obtained. needs aided us in this and we could dictate the
current and voltage limitations for subsequent
Introduction magnets which were designed at National
Accelerator Laboratory; but the problem of
Unlike the earlier proton accelerator powering magnets brought to us by user groups
facilities where the external proton beam lines would still be with us.
and secondary particle beam lines were
generally f?et up in large environmentally Our request for proposals for the initial
controlled experimental halls, the experimental requirement of high current power supplies was
area facilities at the National Accelerator prepared so that prospective suppliers would
Laboratory mostly consist of long beam line quote on two types of power supplies: 500 kW
enclo,sures with small service buildings spaced with 5000 A and 350 kW with 5000 A each with
far apart (Fig. O. The power supplies provid- full current transformer taps at 1000/0, 700/0,
ing excitation current for conventional room and 40% to cor respond to the power settings we
temperature magnets for these beam lines are reqUired due to the various load impedances.
housed both in the enclosures and in the service The specifications for the power supplies were
buildings; in some cases, under severe based on using a six-phase rectifier system.
environmental conditions. These environmental We planned to order approximately 20 each of
conditions plus the need for power supply the two types of power supplies or 40 of the
regulation of the order of 100 ppm establishes larger type if the costs were comparable; with
the requirement for well regulated power options for additional quantities if awarded by
supplies. a certain time.

In addition to stability, the fact that the When the proposals were analyzed, it
primary beam momentum will be varied irom became clear that for a production run of about
50 GeV to 500 GeV with multiple momentum 40 units, the cost for the 500 kW power supply
ranges of the secondary beams at each of the with different voltage settings compared
primary beam settings caused us to consider favorably with the cost of twenty 350 kW supplies

':-Operated by Universities Research Association, Inc.

under contract with the United States Atomic Energy Commission

and twenty 500 kW supplies. The Transrex Description
Division of Gulton Industries was awarded the
contract and proceeded to design a prototype The power supply is a 500 kW twelve
six phase 500 kW supply. The tap settings were phase unit with a unique arrangement of secon-
changed to 1000/0, 50%, and 25% to obtain a better dary connections, whereby the dc output of the
balance over the range of loads to be employed. power supply is able to provide a wide range of
voltages and currents. The output character-
Subsequent to the award, it was recog- istics of the power supply are shown in Table I.
nized at National Accelerator Laboratory that
in the future, when upwards of 100 of these Rather than using the conventional wind-
large power supplies were likely to be in service ing technique in the primary in which taps are
simultaneously, the power factor of the six added at discreet points along the winding, the
phase power supplies would in all likelihood be power supply has a quadrifilar wound primary.
low enough to require power factor correction. This allows the primary to be reconnected to
The problem was discussed with Transrex and change the basic power rating of the power
the system was changed to a 12 phase system supply. The electrical equivalent to 25%, 50%
after the completion of one supply with a six and 100% full current, non-load changing taps
phase system. Later on, as the requirements are available.
for the Proton Laboratory beam layouts became
clearer, there was pressure to change the The rectification of the ac power and the
earlier decision on limiting the types of supplies control of the resultant dc power is done by
in the experimental area and to allow two more phase control of thyristors in a 12 phase, half-
types to be purchased; one to be approximately wave double star connection located on the
a 2000 A, 150 V supply and the second to be a secondary side of the power transformers.
1200 A, 400 V supply. It was at this time that Full current rated free wheeling diodes across
we came up with the idea that whereby inter- the power supply output are included.
connecting the four 100 V, 1250 A half-wave
units, on our already existing 12 phase, 500 kW Stability of the output current is obtained
supply, we could make a series parallel by a self contained current and voltage regulator
connection to obtain 200 V, 2500 A, and in a shown in a simplified block diagram in Fig. 2.
total series connection, we could obtain 400 V The regulator is designed to be stable over a
and 1250 A. Since we planned to retain the load resistance range from two milliohms to
primary taps, we now would have what we were 1000 milliohms and time constants ranging from
looking for all along - - a very stable, program- 1/2 to 3 seconds. It was anticipated that the
mabIe power supply with flexible enough voltage output current would be stable to better than
and current arrangements to meet all of our 0.01% long term in the presence +5%, -7o/r line
experimental area requirements from 1000 A voltage changes and a 10% change in load
to 5000 A and 25 V to 400 V. The proposed resistance.
changes were discussed with Transrex and the
final detailed design of the new system was made The power supply is complete with its
by them. The development of this flexible power own interlock chain with protective devices
supply has been mutually accomplished by installed to detect abnormal conditions, which,
National Accelerator Laboratory and Transrex when activated will shut down the power supply.
and has worked out very satisfactorily in the
Proton Laboratory beam transport area and in Output
the Neutrino Laboratory. Additional supplies
have been installed in the Meson Laboratory and The basic power rating of the power
in the Proton Laboratory. They will all be in supply was determined by considering the types
service by the end of this year. We are now and distribution of the magnet loads. Cur rents
considering the addition of reversing switches approaching 5000 A for some of the bending
and filters; although, as far as the latter is magnets and quadrupole magnets used in the
concerned, our experience to date indicates experimental area of the Laboratory are
that external filtering will not be required in required during a 500 GeV operation. Likewise,
most cases. The cost of the power supply some magnets in the high impedance range were
described in this paper is approximately $35 also contemplated for use in the experimental
per kW. area. For' these magnets, currents approaching
1200 A are required for maximum excitation.
Typically up to five magnets can be series
connected to one power supply. In cases where
more than five magnets are required to be series

TABLE 1. Output Characteristics

Maximum dc Maximum
Secondary Voltage Available Minimum & Maximum
Connections (100% Connection) Output Current Maximum Load':' Available Power
(volts) (amperes) (milliohms) Primary Connection
25% 50% 100%
Parallel 100 5000 2. 5 - 20 125 250 500

Series -
Parallel 200 2500 10 80 125 250 500

Series 400 1250 40 - 320 125 250 500

':'The minimum value of the range was determined by considering that the maximum output current
may be drawn to 50% of the rated output voltage on each primary connection.

connected, up to three power supplies can be amplifiers can be done without incurring large
added to achieve the higher voltage. In this phase shifts at the primary voltage frequency.
mode of operation only one supply is current Additional benefits arise because the overall
regulated while the others are voltage regulated. conversion efficiency is improved. In many
In those cases where two or more power supplies cases the higher conversion frequency has also
need to be parallel connected to increase the eliminated the need for filtering of the output
total available current, an external current of the power supply.
sensor and regulator amplifier would need to be
provided. Then, the power supplies would be Our choice was then the twelve phase
operated as voltage regulated units. The open (720 Hz) conversion frequency over the more
loop gain of the voltage amplifier is high enough conventional six phase (360 Hz). In some power
to insure stability and equal loading of the power supply designs. this decision could have resulted
supplies. in twice as many thyristors as the six phase
design; however, in our case the same number
The ratings of all the components of the resulted due to the basic 5000 A output current
power circuits meet the NEMA standards for requirement.
overload conditions; that is, 120% for two hours.
Also, the power supply may be pulsed to 7000 A Input Power
on a 50% duty cycle.
The input to the power supply is the
Conversion Frequency utility standard 460 V. 3 phase. 60 Hz power.
This is fed to the internal circuitry through a
The choice of the conversion frequency 1000 A molded case. air insulated circuit breaker
was made by considering the overall effects of with a 35,000 A interrupting capacity.
many of these power supplies operating simul-
taneously on our primary ac distribution system. Power Conversion
At the Laboratory, the primary power to the
equipment areas is fed by buried 13.8 kV. Circuit
3 phase feeders to strategically located. outdoor
type unit· substations of the 1500/1900 kVA. In the original stages of design it was
480 V. 3 phase class. Several power supplies tempting to consider obtaining the 720 Hz output
are connected to a single' unit substation. thus ripple by utilizing only one rectifier transformer
raising the possibility of power supply inter- with four zig-zag secondary Windings displaced
actions. or cross talk. The severity of this by 15 0 • Careful study of the mechanical inter-
problem can be reduced. although probably not connections required showed that it would be
eliminated. by operating at a high conversion more economical to utilize two transformers
frequency. This improvement occurs because with identical secondaries but with their
the input line currents contain less harmonic primaries shifted by 30 0 • Therefore. the
currents at the higher conversion frequencies. primaries were designed to be delta in one
Therefore. selective filtering of the ac transformer and wye in the other. In addition
synchronizing voltages for the thyristors gating to the 720 Hz output ripple. it had been decided

to provide four separate and distinct 100 V Firing circuits located in the electronics
sections l each one with a capability of 1250 A. assembly transmit the 24 V peak triggering
It became evident that the best rectifier circuit pulses on coaxial cable to the gate firing circuits.
to obtain these outputs was a six phase star with The firing circuits employ a linear ramp which
interphase transformers (Fig. 3). One half of is compared to the control input signal to trigger
each secondary would then provide the required a monostable multivibrator to produce the firing
100 V at 1250 A. pulse. The ramp is gated on-and-off by a phase
related 50 V ac line signaL The high amplitude
The four separated 100 V power sections of this line signal, plus some filtering ensures

are then added in a series connection l keeping a noise free 180 degree ramp. The ramp has

the two interphase transformers in the circuit l a peak amplitude of 10 to 12 V so the input
to achieve 400 V at 1250 A. Paralleling the two control signal range must be zero to 11 V.
secondary halves of each power transformer This high amplitude improves tolerance to
and adding them in series gives an output of signal harmonics as well as noise.
200 V at 2500 A. Likewise paralleling both
power transformer sections through the third Free Wheeling Diodes
interphase transformer gives an output of 100 V
at 5000 A. The freewheeling diodes were originally
selected to carry 5000 A continuous dc with a
The primary winding of the two power 25% temperature safety margin. This reqUired
transformers are wound as four separate, but using three PSI-HD2500 diodes in parallel.
paralle1 1 windings. Thus l through a convenient- The reconnectable secondary configuration used
ly located tap board the four primary windings
one freewheeling diode in each of the four half-
can be connected either in series l series- wave star sections so the diode might have been
parallel l or all in parallel to obtain the 250/0, changed to a HD2000 but use of the HD2500

50%1 and the 100% connections. This provides continued in the production run. This provides
the flexibility to properly match the power a derated continuous current capability of

required by the load to the rating of the power 6400 A.

supply, thereby minimizing the installation
costs. The basic power rating of the power Power Transformers
supply is 500 kW when all the primary windings
are connected in paralleL It can be changed to The nominal rating of each transformer
250 kW in a series-parallel connection or to is 350 kVA; however, this rating is misleading
125 kW when all the windings are series inasmuch as the transformer should include
connected. other sources of unusable kVA, mainly low line,
stray losses and tertiary currents. Of these
Thyristors elements the most difficult to reconcile with the
overall design is the stray loss element. It is
The thyristors were selected to provide a function of not only load conditions but also
a 25% junction temperature margin and 200% conductor size and shape. By careful selection
rated-to-applied inverse voltage rating. Cooling of conductor, stray losses can be reduced
water was available at 113 0 F, maximum l with considerably. On the other hand, a poor choice
flow up to 8 gpm at differential pressures to can result in losses that are, in magnitude,
150 psig maximum. The PSI H1400 (1400 A
l even as high as the normal conductor I 2 R losses.
rms) provided a single device with adequate Another important aspect is the 180 Hz current
ratings to meet all the requirements. component. To reduce this current l a tertiary
winding is required in the wye primarYI doub1e-
This large area thyristor (48 mm diam- wye secondary transformer.
eter) requires hard firing of the gate to maxim-
ize its dII dt rating. A gate firing circuit using To obtain outputs of 25%1 50%, and 100%
capacitor discharge provides about 20 V open of full voltage it was decided to quadrifilar

circuit 2 A short circuit with a rise time of

l wind the primaries of the transformers. That
O. 15 microsecond. This peak gate pulse decays iS I each primary is wound with four insulated
to 400 mA in 50 microseconds and continues for conductors. These conductors can be connected
a total width of about 1 millisecond. The gate in series l series -parallel, or parallel to obtain
circuit electronics was located close to the the desired outputs. The advantages of this
thyristors and includes the resistance- method of winding over the inclusion of discreet
capacitance dV / dt networks l transient voltage taps on the windings far outweigh the disadvan-
suppressors, and the output isolated pulse tages. Among the benefits is the fact that the
transformer. absolute value of the leakage impedance remains

constant at any tap. Another advantage is that voltage which supplies ac power to the power
because the winding is symmetrical, all the supply also is characterized by both fast and
windings carry the same current for a given long term changes. At the Laboratory, 5%
load current regardless of the tap. Still another changes are not uncommon. The line voltage
advantage, tap changing is done in the primary can be seen to dip by about O. 5% just due to the
where currents are lower and no overwinding is operation of the accelerator alone.
necessary. The only major disadvantage of
this arrangement is caused by the fact that under Although most of the copper conductors
certain connections the voltage gradient between in the magnets are water cooled, they still
turns can be very high and thus extreme care exhibit a change in resistance due to the change
is required in the design and construction of the in temperature. This change can be as much
primary windings. as 10 to 15%.

The water cooled secondary windings A necessary feature in phased controlled

are wound over the electrostatic shields. These rectifier systems to which inductive loads are
secondary windings are wound bifilar (two in connected is a two loop regulator. The inner
hand) and insulated from each other. Each loop is a voltage regulator in which the raw
winding represents one half (line to neutral) of output voltage of the power supply is stabilized
one three phase system. To obtain as much primarily against fast line voltage changes.
benefit from the water cooling as possible, The voltage loop is generally characterized by
primary and secondary are tightly coupled and, a modest open loop gain and a large bandwidth.
therefore, the leakage reactance is low. The outer loop in the power supplies has the
output current as the controlled parameter.
Interphase Transformers The function of this loop is to regulate the
output against load changes which generally
There are two 180 Hz, 1250 A and one occur slowly. Therefore, the current loop is
360 Hz, 2500 A transformers. All of them are characterized by a high open loop gain, but
water cooled. Because there is a full thyristor with a restricted bandwidth.
phase back requirement and also because the
rectifier transformer leakage reactance is low, The regulator design parameters are
the 180 Hz units are designed to support a shown in Table II below.
voltage time integral of about 300 V msec. The
360 Hz unit is designed for about 70 V msec. TABLE II. Regulator Design Parameters
Additional important considerations in the
design of interphase transformers are stray
losses, audible noise and dc unbalance. Audible Voltage loop
noise is reduced by careful arrangement of core open loop gain 50 dB
clamping devices and proper selection of core closed loop bandwidth 10 Hz
material and shape. The unbalance effects of closed loop gain
the dc component of the current are minimized parallel connection 20 dB
by the inclusion of an air gap in the magnetic series and series- 40 dB
path. This gap is designed for approximately parallel connection
20% unbalanc e.
Current loop
Regulators open loop gain 80 dB
unity gain closed loop 5 Hz
Design bandwidth
closed loop gain o dB
The output current of power supplies
used in particle physics applications must have
excellent stability in both the short term and Loop Stabilization
long term. As a design objective, a stability
of O. 01% of full output was chosen. This A first order control system is desirable
figure is achievable in phase controlled systems in both the current and voltage regulators. This
providing that the regulator design is carefully type of control system is characterized by an
done. open loop response that has a -6 dB I octave roll
off. The overshoot in the response of the system
The power supplies are generally is therefore minimized when the input undergoes
operated in buildings where the ambient step changes. This feature is reqUired when
temperature may change by 40 0 C. The line the power supply is to be programmed. It is

necessary to adjust the frequency response of This assures a first order, stable system
the current regulator to match the various throughout the system bandwidth. The loop
magnet resistances and time constants to achieve gain, which always exceeds 10, 000 (80 dB),
the desired response. provides a gain bandwidth of 5 Hz.

Voltage Loop Total system regulation and stability of

better than + 0.01% in an ambient environment
A detailed block diagram of the regulator specified fr-;m 15 to 55 0 C is achieved by use of
system is shown in Fig. 4. By means of the an oven. The oven contains the precision
switch at the input of the voltage regulator it is current amplifier and the active references as
possible to operate the power supply as a voltage well as additional regulators for the amplifier
regulated or current regulated system or to and an active filter with notches at 240 Hz and
operate from an external analog signal. 720 Hz for operation into resistive loads or
very low time constant magnets.
The voltage regulation mode loop remains
closed as an inner loop when the system is Reference Voltage Supply
operated in the current mode. This feature
provides fast correction for such disturbances The precision reference supply provides
as line transients. In addition, the inner voltage 10 V de to a 1000 ohm externally connected
loop provides a constant gain over the entire potentiometer. Therefore, the reference was
control range. made short circuit proof by using a type 723':'
monolithic voltage regulator. The 723 is used
Series operation of the power supplies with a precision reference diode to improve its
with grounded controls requires either isolated stability.
detection of output voltage or a high common
mode rejection (CMR) circuit. The CMR ap- Measurements of overall system warmup
proach chosen uses a Type 741 operational and temperature stability indicate a two-sigma
amplifier with both null and CMR adjustments. temperature coefficient of -0. 00 lo/al °c for 90%
This circuit provides 0 - 10 V de for either the of the power supplies. Part of this negative
100, 200, or 400 V de outputs. coefficient is probably due to component aging
and should be halved after about 200 hours of
Because no power filters are used in the operating time. The oven regUlates the steady
supply, the voltage loop requires a filter for the state operating temperature to less than + O. 2 0 C,
720 Hz and higher frequency noise. The active so the system temperature stability is approxi-
filter employed provides typically 50 dB mately :t. 0.0002%.
attenuation of the 720 Hz ripple. The phase
contribution of this filter at 60 Hz is only -60 0 T ransductor
typically. This small phase shift allows the
voltage loop to be closed with a corner frequency The transductor used to measure the
(-3dB) in excess of 10 Hz. This provides a output current is a unique patented Transrex
response time to correct line disturbances of design that employs a seven core sensing head.
about 20 milliseconds. The loop gain of the Two sets of three cores respond to load current
voltage loop provides regulation of better in a differential manner and a feedback Winding
than:!:.O.l%. maintains a constant ampere-turn operating
condition with a very high gain amplifier. The
Current Loop feedback current is an exact ratio of Winding
turns, and this current of about 1 A at full
The current loop uses a type 725':' output current is read with an array of precision
operational amplifier for very low noise and resistors.
temperature coefficients but very high gain.
A two stage, resistor gain control is used to The differential connection of the sense
simplify gain changing and minimize parameter head eliminates the need of pre regulating the
changes seen by the operational amplifier. The input ac power to the head. The seventh core
basic lagging corner frequency (0.00045 Hz) of in the head provides direct high frequency
the current loop is set by feedback on this response to load current changes. The charac-
amplifier with a 20 megohm resistor and 18 teristics of the transductor are listed in Table III.
microfarads capacitor. Its first order gain
roll off ("integrating") continues until a leading ':' Fairchild Semiconductor, Mountain View,
corner frequency is reached that matches the California.
magnet load time constant lag frequency (Fig. 5).

TABLE III. Transductor Characteristics be performed. These functions include ON-OFF
control and monitoring, fault monitoring and
reset, and output current and voltage control and
Sensitivity 500 A/V monitoring.
line voltage 5 ppm/% change The power supply output is controlled by
tempe rature 1 ppm/oC means of a reference voltage which is applied to
Frequency Response 1000 Hz the input of either the current loop or voltage
(N ominal, - 3 dB) loop amplifier. The output of the internal
precision reference voltage supply is applied
to the power supply input by means of a
Control System potentiometer driven by a pulse controlled
stepping motor. The stepping motor and the
Power Control multi -turn potentiometer were chosen to provide
a resolution of at least 100 ppm. Application
The power supply contactor is energized of 5 V, 50 microsecond pulses to the cw
by means of a relay-based interlock and control (increase) or ccw (decrease) inputs of the motor
system. All fault signals are connected into logic are reqUired for operation of the motor
the control chain through auxilliary contacts of driven potentiometer.
the sealed-in relays of the protective devices.
The power supply may also be pro-
The ON-OFF control and the reset grammed either by means of a remotely located
functions can either be operated locally or waveform generator or an optional ramp and
through a set of remotely located relay contacts. flat -top generator which may be added to the
Local monitoring of the status of the interlock power supply. In either case, the rate of
chain and fault indicators is provided. change in the output is generally dependent
upon the time constant of the load and the
Protection available output voltage; and to a lesser degree,
the speed of response of the power supply.
The power supply is completely self
protected against ac overloads and current Mechanical
unbalance, dc overloads and over temperature.
The power thyristors and free wheeling diodes The components of the power supply are
are protected against over temperature by housed in a steel frame, free-standing structure
means of bi -metallic thermostats placed on designed for indoor use. Steel panels with front
each device. In addition each power thyristor door accessibility cover the unit giving drip
is protected by a Carbone-Ferraz 1250 A fuse. proof construction (Fig. 6). The dimensions of
The operation of any of the protective devices the power supply are 122 em x 122 cm x 183 em
will cause the interruption of the gate pulses high (48 in. x 48 in. x 72 in. high) and the
to the thyristor as well as the opening of the weight is 2700 kg (5900 lb). All power connec-
primary ac contactor. Provisions are also tions (ac and de) are made at the top. Water
included for remote load fault sensing. supply and return connections are also made
at the top.
Ground faults are detected by means of
a current sensitive trigger fuse. Upon acti- All the electronics for the power supply,
vat ion, the firing circuit input is shorted and with the exception of the transductor electronics,
the primary contactor is de-energized. The are mounted in a NIMBIN assembly which is
load is protected from. excessive instantaneous located on the front of the power supply.
currents by a 200 ohm. current limiting resistor. (NIM: AEC Standard TID-20893, Nuclear
Instrumentation Module) The heavy duty
The control of the protective devices are components such as the main circuit breaker
included in sealed -in fault indication and control and contactor are mounted on an insulated
relays. The operation of the protective device panel board located about 36 em (14 in) behind
will remain indicated until the operator, through the front door.
the control system, resets the power supply.
The two main power transformers are
Computer Control located in the lower half of the power supply.
Primary connection changing is done from the
In addition to the local control a limited front. Each power transformer assembly also
number of remotely controlled operations can contains its own double wye interphase trans-

former. The combining interphase transformer operating on the 1000/0 primary connection. The
for the delta -wye unit is located on the left side load was a 95 milliohm water cooled resistor.
of the power supply, immediately behind the The results of this analysis, presented in
panel board. Table IV, demonstrate the benefit of operating
at the higher conversion frequency. The total
The secondary series-parallel connec- harmonic content was about 4. 4%. It would be
tions are made with water cooled links. The expected that with an inductive load the harmonic
links are accessible through the side panels. currents would be smaller.
About 8 links are required to be moved in
changing from one connection to another. Expe- TABLE IV
rienced technicians can change the connections Harmonic Analysis of the Input Line Current
in about one hour.
Harmonic Frequency Harmonic Current
The thyristors and free wheeling diodes Number Hz (% of fundamental)
are located at the rear of the power supply
(Fig. 7). There are four separate assemblies, 1 60 100.0
one for each half-wave star section. Each 11 660 3.7
assembly is complete with its own free wheeling 13 780 1.5
diode. The bus-bar from the power transformer 23 1380 1.0
secondary is connected to the thyristor heat 25 1500 0.5
sink through the current limiting fuse. 35 2100 0.5

The transductor head and its electronics

are located at the top of the power supply. The stability of the output current with
Access to the transductor is through hinged the regulator in the current mode was measured.
panels on the top and side of the power supply. A Leeds and Northrup precision shunt, traceable
to the National Bureau of Standards, was used
Cooling to measure the current. The total change in
current from a cold start was 600 ppm while
All major heat dissipating elements are the long term stability was 20 ppm. The
cooled by a three branch water system. Water measured short term stability was 40 ppm.
enters and leaves the power supply through
connections made on the top of the unit. The The output current ripple is dependent
thyristors, freewheeling diodes and all the upon the time constant of the load and the
magnetics are water cooled. A total flow of amplitude of the ripple voltage from the power
4 -1/2 gpm at a pressure drop of les s than supply. The ripple cur rent was measured on a
55 psig for ambient temperatures to 40 0 C is power supply connected to a series arrangement
required. For ambients to 55 0 C, 5-1/2 gpm of two National Accelerator Laboratory Type
flow with a 100 psig pressure drop is required. B2 magnets and one Type B 1 magnet. The power
supply was connected as a 100 V, 5000 A unit
Conclusion and the ripple current was measured at about
45% of the maximum output voltage which was
A total of 85 500 kW power supplies are the worst case. The time constant of the load
on order, 45 of which are of the type described was about one second. The ripple current
in this paper. About 25 of the 45 units have been measured at 60 Hz was 0.011% of the average
received and about 20 of these are now in routine value (1830 A) and was 0.003% at 720 Hz.
operation, using various connections, in the
Neutrino, Meson and Proton area beam lines The operation of the power supply in the
and in other parts of the external beam transport pulsed, current regulated mode was demonstra-
system. ted and the results shown in Fig. 8. In this
test a power supply was operated with the
In addition to the standard factory tests secondary in a parallel connection and the
which were made at the time the equipment was primary in the 100% connection. The load for
delivered, some additional tests have been made the power supply consisted of three series
both at the Laboratory and at the manufacturing connected type B2 bending magnets. The
facility of Transrex. connected load resistance was 25 milliohm and
the inductance was 24 mH, giving a time
The harmonic content of the input line constant of 0.96 sec. From the current pulse
current was measured on a power supply with shown in Fig. 8, the initial rate of rise of the
a series-parallel connected secondary and current is 3300 AI sec which gives an inductive

voltage of 79 V. The maximum resistive Acknowledgements
component voltage was 34 V. Because the
power supply was voltage limited to 100 V the The authors wish to express their
current pulse becomes rounded after O. 3 sec. appreciation to Mr. Jan Ryk, National
Within the limits of the bandwidth of the current Accelerator Laboratory, for providing the
regulator and the available output voltage, the stability and ripple current data and to
output current settled to the basic steady-state Mr. Eugene Woods for providing assistance
stability, characteristic of the power supply in in obtaining the pUlsed operation data.
about one second.






LAB 'c'
(E\ IA)

;. 1
(E·21) V B~BLE

1--1000' -----t

Fig. 1. Neutrino beam line. Many of the power supplies described are in the service buildings and
equipment enclosures located along these beam lines. Similar conditions exist for the
Meson beam line (to the left of the Neutrino beam line) and for the Proton beam line (to the
right of the Neutrino beam line).


Fig. 2. Simplified Block Diagram

Fig. 3. Power Circuit. The thyristors shown

are PSI Type H1400 and the diodes are
PSI Type HD2500.


.. _ _ MINIMUM




db +--!~V~0~LT~.:.~.~
CLOSED LOOP ••~.~U~L.~T~0~.!....~
RESPONK ....::::;:s::;:======:::::=- 1



.001 .01 0.1 1..0 10 tOO
Fig. 4. Regulator System block diagram.

Fig. 6. Power Supply - Front View, external Fig. 7. Power Supply - Rear View, internal

Fig. 8. Output Current Pulse.

Horizontal - 1 sec / em
Vertical - 250 A/em


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