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Reactive Power Real Power

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(12) United States Patent

(10) Patent N0.2

Katargin et a].

US 8,363,426 B2

(45) Date of Patent:




Inventors: Rudolf Klavdievich Katargin, Moscow


Jan. 29, 2013

References Cited



3,936,727 A


(RU), Alexander Yevgemevlch

4,541,041 A *

9/1985 Park et a1. ..................... .. 363/41

Soldatov, Surrey (CA)

4,680,531 A

7/1987 Rey

5,003,452 A *


Sireul et a1. ................... .. 363/61




Subject to any disclaimer, the term ofthis

5,430,341 A *

patent is extended or adjusted under 35

(21) Appl. No.: 13/240,807


Eohn et a1~ ~~

. . . . . . . ..


.. 310/32321


~~~~ ~~~25305/A6/9321g

.................. ..

6,919,712 B1

7/2005 Kitamure

7,180,248 B2 *


Kuennen et a1. ............ .. 315/224

* cited by examiner

Primary Examiner * Rajnikant Patel




Prior Publication Data

Us 2012/0086413 A1
Apr 12 2012

sep' 22 2011

(74) Attorney, Agent, or Firm * Nadya Reingand

An apparatus and method for utilizing reactive poWer in elec
tric poWer generating facilities. The primary energy source is
a reactive poWer provided by a source of high-frequency,
high-voltage electromagnetic oscillations. As a device, the
Reactive Current Transformer consists of a high-voltage,

Related US, Application Data

(60) Provisional application No. 61/404,833, ?led on Oct.

12, 2010, provisional application No. 61/511,606,
?led on ]u1_ 26s 2011_

high-frequency electromagnetic generator, preferably Tesla

Resonant Transformer and of inductive receiving coils, elec
tromagnetically coupled in the absence of a ferromagnetic
core, adjusted in resonance With this electromagnetic genera
tor and mounted in any required quantity, close to it. Energy,

(51) Int. Cl.

emitted by the electromagnetic generator, is being transferred

H02M 3/335


to inductive coils. Reactive current induced in the inductive



.. ... ...

7/1995 Summer


USC' 1549) by 0 days'


coils can be collected from them and converted to a standard

U..S. Cl. ...... ...... ....................... .. 363/17, 378/112

Fleld 0f Classl?catlon Search -------- -- 323/208*211,

AC V01tage for further use by any Convenient Way preferably

With a help of additional inductive transforming Windings,

323/205; 3636646, 16*17, 56-05, 59, 132,

mountedtogetherandelectromagnetically coupledWiththese

363/133; 324/67, 207, 226, 236, 326, 327,

324/239; 378/65, 69, 111, 119
See application ?le for complete search history.

inductive C0115,
15 Claims, 4 Drawing Sheets

mum: FM"

@220 v 11:16?



US. Patent

Jan. 29, 2013

Sheet 1 of4



US 8,363,426 B2

US. Patent

Jan. 29, 2013

Sheet 2 of4

US 8,363,426 B2

US. Patent

Jan. 29, 2013

Sheet 3 of4



US 8,363,426 B2

US. Patent

Jan. 29, 2013

Sheet 4 of4

FIG. 6

US 8,363,426 B2

US 8,363,426 B2


tubular sparking gap TD 3 immersed in a Water. A tubular

sparking gap Was covered by a coil being fed With a direct


current (not shoWn on the scheme). A small ?reball discharge

appeared at arch ignition in the gap, and poWerful electro
magnetic oscillations With about 30 MHZ frequency occurred

This patent application claims priority to Us. Provisional

Application No. 61/404,833 ?led Oct. 12, 2010 and Us.
Provisional Application No. 61/511,606 ?led Jul. 26, 2011.

in the device. A strong reactive current arose in the trans

former-condenser contour. The resistance R 2 served for limi
tation of this reactive current. As the key SW 1 Was sWitched
on load LR 6, the given contour became a source of a current


itself and simultaneously made a self-supporting system for a

signi?cant period of time. But this design Was limited in its

The invention relates to an ecologically clean electric

constant generating ability by applied transformer With its

poWer generation, speci?cally to the methods and technology

of utiliZing reactive poWer component of electric energy and

iron core.

A Tesla air-core resonant type transformer invented by

Nicola Tesla around 1891, shoWn schematically in FIG. 2, is
effective, reliable and cost effective generator of high-voltage
and high-frequency electromagnetic oscillations, Which can
be successfully used for exciting the system With a reactive

converting it into an active poWer With an output alternating

current (AC) of a given frequency and voltage magnitudes.

The most recent economy trend in terms of poWer genera

tion is directed toWards reneWable energy sources, saving the

environment and capable of insuring a certain extent of
energy independence for its consumers. One of the most
signi?cant, perspective and still unrealiZed sources is the
reactive poWer. Technology of reactive poWer conversion into
a useful energy that may be conveniently used by industrial


A Tesla coil type transformer (Tesla transformer) consists

of a driving generator, a primary driving oscillating resonant

circuit (primary coil) 7 and a secondary exciting oscillating

resonant circuit (secondary coil) 8. The driving generator is

phenomenon. Huge resources are being Wasted to Withstand

the reactive poWer in poWer lines today. Signi?cant efforts are
being made as Well to control and compensate the reactive
poWer in poWer transmission and distribution systems consist
of generating facilities, nets and consumers.
The level of the reactive poWer problem could be illustrated
on an example of yesteryears three-phase devices. Up to three
poWer stations Were being used to supply merely ten enter
prises those days. A sudden surge of poWer, increased stan
dard 380 V voltage to 450-600 Volts, forcing electric
machines to exceed their ability, Which caused overloading of


Typical Tesla transformer spark gap type driving generator



Another end of the secondary coil Winding Wire is grounded.




The objective of the present invention is utiliZing a reactive

poWer as the primary energy With its conversion into an active

active electric poWer, but arising from a resonance of induc

tance together With electric capacitance in the poWer netWork

system, and is alWays directed back from consumers to their

from generators. It causes netWorks overheating and huge

additional quantities of fuel Wasting for its compensation.

Under the assumption of a great majority of engineers,
reactive poWer is scooped from a magnetic ?eld of the Earth

and electric potential of its atmosphere.

Tesla transformer can have a spark gap, a transistor or a

vacuum tube driving generator type.

It appears the reactive poWer has the same nature, as an

poWer station generators i.e. contrary to a Working current

comprises a high-voltage supplying transformer 9. The out

put of supplying transformer is recti?ed by a full Wave bridge
10. Tesla transformer primary coil 7, a spark gap 11 and a
high-voltage capacitor 12 are connected in series. The pri
mary coil 7 is loosely electromagnetically coupled With the
secondary coil 8, in the absence of a ferromagnetic core
through mutual inductance. A discharge needle 13 is con
nected to the end of the secondary coil Winding Wire and is
mounted on its top for a discharge corona creation purpose.

generating facilities on poWer stations and as a result, Were

disconnected from an overstrain or just Were destroyed. It Was

an action of mighty reactive poWer.

intended for producing electric current oscillations to make

the emitting secondary coil 8 to emit the electromagnetic

and commercial facilities hasnt existed until noW. This neW

technology Will let to utiliZe the reactive poWer as a primary

energy source and to convert it into a standard AC voltage for
its farther use by different consumers.
Reactive poWer is considered to be an extremely negative



Nikola Tesla Was possibly the ?rst Who utiliZed reactive

poWer in its useful purposes. It rotated an electromotor of his

poWer With an output alternating current (AC) of a given

frequency and voltage magnitudes for further use in common
electric distribution grids and to provide a design for a Reac
tive Current Transformer utiliZing this reactive poWer.
The basic principle underlying the transformer is the fol
loWing. A source of electromagnetic radiation (SEMR) emit
ting an exciting oscillations of poWer. In the preferred
embodiment the SEMR is the Tesla coil type transformer. A
receiving inductive coil is positioned close to the SEMR at a
distance range of 5 to 400 inches it receives a coil induced
poWer in vicinity of said SEMR. This poWer induces an

famous electro mobile, but principal schemes of this unit do

induced alternating current (AC) in this inductive coil. The

not exist and We can only make assumptions

There is another example of a reactive poWer usage in

transformer has also a collector that is able to collect the coil

practice. Dr. Vachaev (Russia) conducted his researches from

induced poWer from the receiving inductive coil and convert

its oWn induced AC into the output With the given frequency

1960-70. He tested a Water deep cleaning and treatment

device With extraction of various substances from Water sus

and voltage magnitude. In the preferred embodiment the col

lector has inductive Windings mounted together With the


receiving inductive coil and electromagnetically coupled

pension. His device had an extremely simple design. 220 Volt

Was applied to the scheme as indicated in FIG. 1. The current

travelled through additional resistance R 2 to transformer TR

5 connected With a capacity C 4 (180-200 uF) and farther to a


With it. The receiving inductive coil may be grounded.

It is important to tune the receiving inductive coils to be in
resonance With an emitting antenna of the SEMR and loosely

US 8,363,426 B2

coupled With it. In one embodiment an additional feedback

current oscillations. The driving generator produces current

oscillations to make the emitting oscillatory circuit to emit the

loop With an automatic frequency control circuit is provided

to keep them in resonance.

EM radiation, Which excites a poWer induction in the induc

In the preferred embodiment the transformer further

includes additional inductive coils that surround the SEMR.

tive coils electromagnetically loosely coupled With this

The number of inductive coils must be su?icient to achieve

nant system, consists of a driving generator and an oscillatory

source of EM radiation. Reactive poWer arising in this reso

the required magnitude of the system output, since all coils

contour, can not return to the generator in a full quantity

contribute to the system output.

Another object of the present invention is a method for
producing an electrical current via inductively transforming a

because of lack of a strong electromagnetic coupling betWeen

this oscillatory contour and the generator (coupling coeffi
cient k0.48), instead, reactive poWer becomes available for

reactive poWer into an active poWer With an output alternating

its utiliZing. Energy being induced in the receiving inductive

current (AC) of a given frequency and voltage magnitudes.

The method include emitting of electromagnetic (EM) radia

coils can be collected from them and converted into an output

alternating current of a given frequency and voltage magni

tudes for its further use.

tion, positioning inductive coils close to the source of EM

radiation, tuning a resonance of said inductive coils and the

As shoWn in FIG. 6 experimental results demonstrating

discharge corona on the top of the receiving coil (on the left).
The receiving coil is placed in vicinity of the Tesla coil type
transformer, Which also has discharge corona (on the right).

source of EM radiation to resonate at the same frequency,

receiving a coil induced poWer by said inductive coils in

vicinity of said source of EM radiation and producing an
induced alternating current, Which is collected from said
inductive coils and converted to the AC output With the given

That is a visible indicator of energy, being transferred to the


An apparatus utiliZing reactive poWer component of elec

frequency and voltage magnitudes.

tric energy, based on the above mentioned phenomenon, is

named a Reactive Current Transformer (RCT). It consists of
a source of high-frequency, high-voltage electromagnetic


The subject matter that is regarded as the invention may be


best understood by reference to the folloWing description

taken in conjunction With the accompanying draWing ?gures

in Which:
FIG. 1 shoWs a principle circuit chart of Dr. Vachevs
device for Water deep cleaning and treatment of a prior art;
FIG. 2 shoWs a typical Tesla coil type transformer sche


radiation (SEMR), preferably a Tesla coil type Transformer

(Tesla transformer) of FIG. 2, intended for exciting the sys
tem With oscillating poWer, receiving inductive coils (receiv
ing coils), intended for receiving the induced energy and
producing an induced alternating current (AC), a collector
intended for collecting of coil induced energy from these
receiving coils and converting the inducedAC into the output

With the given frequency and voltage magnitudes.

matic With a spark gap driving generator of a prior art;

For this purpose, the receiving coils should be loosely

electromagnetically coupled in the absence of a ferromag

FIG. 3 shoWs a Reactive Current Transformer principal

scheme of the present invention With four inductive receiving

coils, mounted together With transforming coils;

receiving coil.


netic core With their SEMR, tuned to resonate at the same

frequency With it, mounted close to the SEMR in any required

quantity (depending on a desirable capacity of the RCT),

FIG. 4 shoWs a Reactive Current transformer mounting

scheme of the present invention.

FIG. 5 shoWs an automatic frequency control diagram for

taking necessary precautions against a possibility of high

the driving generator outputting AC frequency being tuned to

voltage breakdoWn from the SEMR loaded parts.

a changing resonance in the exciting oscillating resonant


FIG. 6 shoWs experimental results demonstrating dis

charge corona on the top of the receiving coil (on the left). The
receiving coil is placed in vicinity of the Tesla coil type
transformer, Which also has discharge corona (on the right).


High-voltage and high-frequency AC being induced in

these inductive receiving coils, must be collected from them
and then converted to a standard AC voltage With industrial
frequency, as it is impossible for consumers to use a high




voltage, high-frequency current (up to Million volts and Hertz

pulses), being formed on the receiving coils.
Additional inductive transforming Windings With a proper
number of Wire turns (transforming coils) mounted inside
each receiving coil and electromagnetically coupled With
them, serve for this purpose.

We have discovered a phenomenon. The phenomenon and

design built on its basis consists in that: energy emitted by a
source of electromagnetic (EM) radiation excites a poWer
induction in inductive coils placed close enough to this source


The coil induced AC being collected from the receiving

coils and adjusted to a standard AC voltage magnitude With
the help of transforming coils, can be then adjusted to a

standard industrial AC frequency magnitude by any method,

of EM radiation, loosely electromagnetically coupled and

as is knoWn in the art.

of energy, being induced in each inductive coil, depends only

One embodiment of the RCT of the present invention,

indicated schematically in FIG. 3 and FIG. 4, comprises an

on a distance betWeen this coil and the source of EM radia

Exciting, Receiving and Transforming parts.

tuned to resonate at the same frequency With it. The capacity


tion, under the constant AC voltage and frequency output

The RCT Exciting part is a source of electromagnetic

magnitudes. The quantity of inductive coils, being mounted

radiation (SEMR) of any design and type but the preferred

around the source of EM radiation has no any in?uence on the 60 source is a Tesla transformer.

The SEMR consists of an emitting oscillating resonant

effect of poWer induction in them and can be any possible.

Energy transfer process is in a square-laW dependence on
this source of EM radiation voltage output level and in a direct

current oscillations to make the EORC to emit the electro

dependence on its output frequency.

magnetic (EM) radiation.

As far as inductive coils are inductances and the Earth

performs as a natural electric capacitance, together they per

form as oscillatory contour regarding to a generator of electric

circuit (EORC) and a driving generator producing electric


The RCT Receiving part consists of receiving inductive

coils (receiving coils) 14 Which have the same design and
parameters as the Tesla transformer exciting secondary coil 8.

US 8,363,426 B2

Receiving inductive coils are loosely electromagnetically
coupled in the absence of a ferromagnetic core With the emit

neW Reactive Current Transformer from the knoWn Tesla

transformer or any knoWn method of electric poWer genera

ter of EM radiation, inductive coupling coe?icient k0.48.


FIG. 6 shoWs the experimental results demonstrating the

generation of induced electrical current in the inductive coil

Receiving inductive coils are tuned to resonate at the same

frequency With the the emitter of EM radiation.

The RCT can be additionally supplied With an automatic

(left) placed in vicinity of an emitting coil (right) of Tesla

frequency control (AFC) to automatically keep the Tesla

tuned to a changing resonance in the secondary coil as is

While embodiment of the present invention has been
described above, it should be understood that it has been

indicated schematically in FIG. 5. The AFC circuit is not

presented by Way of example only, and not limitation. Thus,

applied in the preferred embodiment.

For illustration of the Working principles of the present

the breadth and scope of the present invention should not be

transformer driving generator outputting AC frequency being

limited by the above-described exemplary embodiment, but

should be de?ned only in accordance With the folloWing
claims and their equivalents.
The previous description of the preferred embodiment is

invention it Will be regarded the RCT in the embodiment With

four receiving coils, as is indicated schematically in FIG. 3
and FIG. 4, though it could be as many receiving coils, as

required on practice and the quantity of receiving coils being

provided to enable any person skilled in the art to make or use

used in a unit is determined by a desired capacity of the


the present invention. While the invention has been particu

larly shoWn and described With reference to preferred
embodiment thereof, it Will be understood by those skilled in
the art that various changes in form and details may be made
therein Without departing from the spirit and scope of the
What is claimed is:


tive poWer component of electric energy and converting it into

system only.
The receiving coils in the preferred embodiment are
executed by enamel insulated copper Wire (AWG 20, 1000
turns) reeled up on an isolating pipe (7 inches in diameter and
40 inches tall). A discharge needle 18 is connected to one end
of the receiving coils Winding Wire and is mounted on its top
for a discharge corona creation purpose. Another end of the

receiving coils Winding Wire is grounded.

The emitter of electromagnetic radiation output capacity in
our example is 1.5 kW, its output voltage is 200 kV, emitted
current frequency is 200 kHZ, a distance betWeen emitting
antenna and the receiving coils 14 is 40 inches. Every receiv
ing coil receives about 0.3 kW of induced energy under these
conditions. Together they produce about 1.2 kW of induced
If the receiving coils are being placed farther, saying on a
distance of 10 feet from the emitting secondary coil of a
Working Tesla transformer, the coronas on their discharge
needles 18 almost go out and capacity of induced energy in
each receiving coil falls doWn to several Watts.
The RCT Transforming part consists of a collector of any

kind, intended for collecting the coil induced energy from the
receiving coils and converting this energy into an AC With
given voltage magnitude. It is convenient on practice to use
additional inductive Windings, named transforming coils 15

1. A Reactive Current Transformer (RCT) utiliZing a reac

an active poWer With an output alternating current (AC) of a

given frequency and voltage magnitudes, comprising:


Coil), positioned close to the emitting oscillating reso

nant circuit (EORC) of said SEMR at a range of 5 to 400

inches, taking necessary precautions against a possibil



a collector intended for collecting the coil induced poWer

from said Receiving Inductive Coil and converting a
collector induced AC into the output AC With the given

frequency and voltage magnitude.

2. The RCT of claim 1, Wherein at least the ?rst Receiving

Transforming coils should be electromagnetically coupled

Inductive Coil is loosely electromagnetically coupled in the


tion of high-voltage, high-frequency AC, being collected

from the receiving coils, to a standard voltage magnitude.
This high-frequency AC obtained from the transforming

ity of high-voltage breakdoWn from the SEMR loaded

parts; the Receiving Inductive Coils intended to receive
a coil induced poWer excited by oscillating electromag
netic ?eld and to produce an induced alternating current

(AC); and

for this purpose.

With their receiving coils and mounted inside them, as is

indicated schematically in FIG. 4. A proper number of Wire
turns in the transforming coil Winding provide a transforma

a source of electromagnetic radiation (SEMR) for emitting

an exciting oscillations of poWer;
at least a ?rst receiving inductive coil (Receiving Inductive


absence of a ferromagnetic core With the EORC of the SEMR,

With a coupling coe?icient k<0.48.
3. The RCT of claim 2, Wherein at least the ?rst Receiving
Inductive Coil is tuned to resonate at the same frequency With
the SEMR.

4. The RCT of claim 3, Wherein the Receiving Inductive

coils can be then adjusted to a standard industrial frequency

50/60 HZ AC voltage, for its further utiliZing in a common

Coil is grounded.

electric distribution grid. It is convenient on practice to rectify

collected high-frequency alternating current (AC) to a direct
current (DC) With a help of diodes 17, sWitched in series and
balanced by capacitors 16. Then this DC should be inverted
back to an AC With a given frequency magnitude, With a help

additional inductive Winding, mounted together With each

said Receiving Inductive Coil and electromagnetically
coupled With it, intended for collecting the coil induced
poWer from said Receiving Inductive Coil and transforming
the induced AC voltage into the output AC With the given

5. The RCT of claim 4, Wherein the collector comprises an


voltage magnitude.

of a standard inverter.

The suggested method of producing an electrical current

via inductively transforming a reactive poWer into an active
poWer With an output alternating current of a given frequency

and voltage magnitudes and its embodiment comprising a

combination of inductive receiving coils, mounted in any
required quantity, together With transforming coils, close to a
source of EM radiation, loosely electromagnetically coupled
and adjusted in resonance With their SEMR is the subject of
the present invention and the main point, Which differs this

6. The RCT of claim 5, further comprising additional


Receiving Inductive Coils, as many as required to get a nec

essary output capacity of the system, loosely electromagneti

cally coupled With the EORC of said SEMR in the absence of
a ferromagnetic core and tuned to resonate at the same fre

quency With the EORC of said SEMR, performing the func

tion as the ?rst Receiving Inductive Coil; each Receiving
Inductive Coil supplied With the collector intended for col
lecting the coil induced poWer from said Receiving Inductive

US 8,363,426 B2

receiving a coil induced poWer, excited by oscillating

Coil and transforming the induced AC voltage to a necessary

AC voltage outputting magnitude, all the Receiving Inductive

electromagnetic ?eld generated by said SEMR and

Coils contributing to the RCT output.

7. The RCT of claim 6, further comprising an automatic

producing an induced alternating current, Which is

frequency control to automatically keep the EORC outputting

collected from said Receiving Inductive Coils With a


frequency being tuned in a resonance With the Receiving

Inductive Coil.

help of additional Windings mounted together With

each said Receiving Inductive Coil;
converting the coil induced poWer to the AC output With

the given frequency and voltage magnitudes.

8. The RCT of claim 7, Wherein the SEMR is being fed by

9. The RCT of claim 8, further comprising a poWer feeding
circuit from the system output back to the SEMR input to

11. The method of claim 10, Wherein the Receiving Induc

tive Coils are grounded in order to get additional electric
capacitance, essential for the Receiving Inductive Coils to

produce a feedback source of electric poWer, intended for

perform as an oscillatory contour regarding to the SEMR.

self-feeding the RCT With electric poWer.

10. A method for producing an electrical current, said

12. The method of claim 10, Wherein collecting is per

formed by an additional inductive Winding, mounted together
With each said receiving inductive coil and electromagneti
cally coupled With it, intended for collecting the coil induced
poWer from said receiving inductive coil and transforming the
induced AC voltage to a necessary AC voltage outputting

initial electric poWer from a battery or an outer electric net.

method comprising:
inductively transforming a reactive poWer into an active
poWer With an output alternating current (AC) of a given

frequency and voltage magnitudes, Wherein the trans

forming is performed by
loosely electromagnetically coupling Receiving Induc


13. The method of claim 10, Wherein SEMR is fed by initial

tive Coils With a source of electromagnetic radiation

(SEMR) in the absence of a ferromagnetic core With a

electric poWer from a battery or an outer electric net.

coupling coe?icient k<0.48;

tionally fed by the system output back to said SEMR input to

14. The method of claim 10, Wherein the SEMR is addi

positioning said Receiving Inductive Coils close to said

SEMR at a range of 5 to 400 inches, taking necessary

precautions against a possibility of high-voltage

breakdoWn from the SEMR loaded parts;
tuning a resonance of said Receiving Inductive Coils and
the SEMR to resonate at the same frequency;

produce a feedback source of electric poWer, intended for


self-feeding the RCT.

15. The method of claim 10, Wherein SEMR is a Tesla Coil

type transformer.

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