Prepositions Reflection
Prepositions Reflection
Prepositions Reflection
Prepositions Reflection
Prepositions Student teacher Aisha Ali Alowais
Nora Ong Sharjah International
MST School
Private School
A lesson is giving knowledge that you have received to the less knowledgeable
other, and building on that consistently. The standards I am addressing are those of a
preschool classroom, such as my MST, I have observed her and taught according to her
standards along with some of my own ideas. The lesson is for the KG2-F classroom, and it
takes place in their classroom. During the lesson I was trying to introduce prepositions and
what each of them represent. I wanted to ensure that by the end of the day the students will
be able to distinguish the difference of specifically on and in. But I know it takes time but
they still did well. The students listened to the where is it song and were engaged by the
lesson, I had them guessing with the song which they really enjoyed and I believe that my
strategy kept them engaged. They really like to participate which is why I believe they
responded that way, relating to their prior understanding of prepositions they are now
distinguishing the difference of each preposition. I feel that the idea I had of adding the “My
Room” unit to my ppt really engaged them further, as they were able to remember all the
objects from the “My Room” unit and implement them during this lesson. From the students’
perspective they were using their past knowledge and new information to construct an
answer. I met my teaching goals as the students were understanding the topic and the video
helped me with my classroom management. I might enhance the students’ learning by having
each student call out one thing that is for example “Next to the chair, or under the water
bottle”. My implications for my professional practice included scaffolding and engagement