2009 Annual Report
2009 Annual Report
2009 Annual Report
Table of Contents
Pastors’ Reports
Lead Pastor ........................................................................... 1
Associate Pastor ................................................................... 2
Congregation Council Reports
President .............................................................................. 3
Treasurer .............................................................................. 4
Martin Luther Tower Board Report
President .............................................................................. 5
Staff Reports
Director of Music ................................................................. 6
Director of Church Administration & Operations ............... 6
Congregation Committee Reports
Discipling & Outreach Team ................................................ 7
Education Committee ‐ Adult Forum .................................. 7
Education Committee ‐ Senior High Youth Group .............. 8
Education Committee ‐ Sunday School ............................... 8
Endowment Committee ...................................................... 8
Hospitality Committee ......................................................... 9
Human Resources Committee ............................................ 9
Journeys in Faith Team ...................................................... 10
Mutual Ministry Committee .............................................. 11
Property Committee .......................................................... 11
Social Ministry Committee ................................................ 12
Stewardship Committee .................................................... 12
Worship Committee .......................................................... 13
Women of the ELCA (WELCA) ........................................... 14
Statistical Summary ....................................................... 15
Page 1
2009 Annual Report
As I begin my 13th year of ministry at St. Mark’s, I want to
Pastors’ Reports take time in my report to share with you how pleased and
proud I am with our church staff.
Lead Pastor Pr. Christian begins his 6th year as our Associate Pastor. His
REV. ELIZABETH EKDALE energy, passion and enthusiasm breathe new life into all of
our ministries. We trust and respect one another and I
Dear Friends in Christ: continue to learn from him and celebrate the gifts he offers.
Annual reports and annual meetings are a Jun Ranches, our Director of Operations and Administration,
snapshot of our ministry at St. Mark’s Lutheran has served us for five years. I have not worked with anyone
Church. Throughout the year a child learns she is more dedicated and faithful in this administrative position in
God’s beloved creation through our Sunday my 22 years of ordained ministry.
School ministry, a lonely senior is cared for with a
gourmet meal through our Senior Center, a young Ann Dayton has been our Administrative Coordinator for
man shares his struggle with alcohol by attending almost five years. Ann’s helpful attitude and cheerful heart
the numerous Alcoholics Anonymous meetings on combined with her passion for details ensure that our office
our Square, a confirmation student begins to runs smoothly.
inquire about the gifts God has given him to use in
the world, Interfaith religious leaders meet monthly to seek Cheryl Garcia has been our bookkeeper for five plus years.
mutual understanding about each other’s religions, a She is meticulous and precise – exactly what we want in a
homeless woman is given a Bible and nutritious snacks, and bookkeeper.
each and every week, we gather in sacred space to be fed by
Word and Sacrament. Duc Huynh has served us for over 20 years as our full‐time
custodian. Everyone knows Duc and loves him. We count on
On Wednesday evenings, our worship space is lit by candles him daily to keep our plant clean, repaired, and safe.
and the piano accompanies our hymns. On Sacred
Saturdays, we sit in a circle and are blessed with plenty of Stacy Cullison has been our pianist at the 9:00 a.m. service
space to meditate and pray in silence. On Sundays, our for almost two years. Along with Lin Cerles and Joleen
worship services are lively with lay leaders reading the Jessen, we are blessed with their talents of guitar, flute and
lessons, assisting in worship, serving communion, handing piano playing.
out bulletins, greetings worshippers, escorting young parents
with children to the nursery, singing the anthems. The Carl Storey has been with us for 5 plus years and is a familiar
coffee is always warm and delicious and the tables filled with face on Sunday mornings. He is our go‐to person every
home‐made treats for St. Mark’s third sacrament – our Sunday in patrolling the property, helping in the kitchen, and
coffee hour after each service. providing the watchful eye needed on the Square.
On Sunday morning there is something for everyone besides Elvira Markov and Johanna Najera have served in our
our worship services. Confirmation students study the Small nursery for almost six years and one plus years, respectively.
Catechism, Sunday School children learn the Bible stories, They are the cheerful and welcoming face our children have
adults wrestle with relevant issues of faith, Parents with come to know and love every Sunday morning.
Kidlettes support each other in the sacred vocation of
parenting, our choir practices with our new Director of In addition, we have building attendants and wedding
Music, Tim Zerlang, friends gather in Heritage Hall to share coordinators who are the welcoming face of St. Mark’s with
about their week, committees meet to plan ministries, the public. Their gifts of hospitality help to make us known
Lutherans Concerned members continue the important work as a gracious community.
of inclusivity in our church, and we host concerts and recitals
later in the day or even a wedding. Finally, we welcomed last fall Dr. Tim Zerlang as our Director
of Music. Tim’s enthusiasm and passion for music, liturgy,
St. Mark’s doors are open 365 days of the year to serve you, the choir, and organ are central to our lives as a people of
our community, our neighborhood, and the world. To faith. His collegial spirit, warmth and humor are appreciated
accomplish this, we need staff and volunteers with a fervent by all.
passion that what we do makes a difference in our world.
We need volunteers and staff who are willing to work above I work daily with our staff in supervising and supporting them
and beyond when the mission of the church requires more of in their areas of ministry. I also work alongside our Church
them. We need volunteers and staff who are dedicated to Council and Martin Luther Tower board and our numerous
the ministry of St. Mark’s in this urban setting – a setting ministry teams in the ongoing planning and discerning of
which brings its unique set of challenges and demands. You Christ’s ministries through St. Mark’s. I am deeply grateful
will read in our annual reports about our dedicated and for the dedication of Randy Schieber who has served as our
talented lay leaders and volunteers. Council President this year and completes his six years on the
church council. Randy’s attention to organization and his
steadfast presence have been a great gift to the entire
Page 2
congregation. Mark Hammitt, who serves as the Chairperson replenished fed by the Word and the Sacrament. One of the
of the Martin Luther Tower Board, ably tends to the vital great gifts serving at St. Mark’s is our strong worship emphasis
ministry of providing safe and comfortable housing for our and the strong lay leadership in worship.
seniors living in MLT. Thank you to all of our volunteers and
lay leaders who share their gifts in supporting the mission of St. I continued to oversee the 9 AM Service and worked closely
Mark’s. Our community of faith is the body of Christ in the with the 9 AM musicians in choosing and creating the liturgies
world. Everyone is important and needed as we proclaim as well as picking hymns. The 9 AM Service has a different
God’s redeeming mercy and forgiveness to the world. Thank “flavor” than the 11 AM Service. It is less formal, albeit
you to each one of you. thoroughly liturgical, and the song choices are often global and
contemporary. The primary accompaniment instrument is the
piano played by Stacy Cullison along with guitar and flute or
Associate Pastor other instrument. We make sure the organ
can be heard as well. With Tim being our new
REV. CHRISTIAN JENNERT music director we are weaving his gifts and
musical expertise into the service. The 9 AM
ELCA pastors carry out their ministry as they proclaim the Gospel.
They are called to a ministry of Word and Sacrament, to bring the
Service is very user‐friendly, welcoming to
witness of faith to the lives of God's people. Providing care and children and families, simple and fun. I see the
nurture of others and reaching out to a hurting world are essential 9 AM as a “Come as you are Service”. Were
expressions of this form of ministry. Pastors assist the church in especially those not familiar with more formal
transforming congregations into vibrant communities that reach liturgy or those new to the church find a
out to serve the world and share the good news of Jesus Christ. wonderful entry point.
Ordained ministers normally serve in congregations, and
sometimes in a team ministry with other ordained or lay rostered Another opportunity for those more
leaders. (“Ordained Ministry” from elca.org) interested in a smaller service or a more contemplative
spirituality are the Sacred Saturdays that we started this fall.
I am writing my 2009 Annual Report below a paragraph from Group Lectio Divina is the central focal point and a simple
the ELCA on “Ordained Ministry”. This shall serves as a sharing of Holy Communion. Richard Boyle has been
reminder what my ministry is focused on (Word and instrumental in creating a communal worship space in the
Sacrament) and centered in (the Gospel) for the sake of God’s chancel area. I hope that more Lutherans feel drawn to such
people in the church and the world. 2009 was a good and even meditative and quiet yet deep and rich worship practice.
‐keeled year from a previously difficult year with major staff
transitions. I feel the staff has been “completed” with Tim We had many additional worship opportunities, to name just
coming on board as St. Mark’s new Music Director. two: St. Mark’s hosted an Interfaith Service on Marriage
Equality in October (which made it into the local TV station)
2009 was my first year at St. Mark’s serving full‐time. I and an Ecumenical Service on World AIDS Day on December 1.
continue my ministry here with joy and gratitude as I am Both services drew in people who would normally not attend
concluding my fifth year as the Associate Pastor. I was so St. Mark’s. Those who visited mentioned the warmth and
delighted and surprised when the church council at our annual beauty of our sanctuary. I think we can be proud of the fact
council retreat at the Mercy Center in Burlingame that St. Mark’s worship space is held in high esteem by other
remembered and celebrated my 5th Ordination Anniversary in Christians and by people of other faith. May we continue the
February. witness of welcome and hospitality to all people as we reach
out in Christ’s spirit.
In my Annual Report I focus on 5 Ministry Areas and share
some of the highlights and emphases of my ministry of the Outreach & Catechumenate
past year. As part of our vision to move to a program‐size church, St.
Mark’s Outreach ministries are in the hands of wonderful and
Worship & Liturgy highly capable lay leaders. Both the Journeys and Faith and the
I lead 48 Sunday services as presider or preacher in 2009 (46 at Outreach Team are providing wonderful ministries to guests,
St. Mark's and 2 at St. Matthew's in San Francisco). The Sunday visitors and anyone wanting to become a member of St.
morning services are the lifeblood of my faith and my ministry Mark’s. St. Mark’s Journeys in Faith (Catechumenate) Team is
at St. Mark’s. In preaching and presiding I, too, get fed and
co‐chaired by Dale Loepp and Kyle Schiefelbein on Columbus, OH. The course introduced practices of
and the Discipling & Outreach Team chaired by contemplative prayer and worship, framed around the
Jan Charter. 2009 was the first year that we movements of the Christian liturgy. The class included
completed a full cycle of the catchechumenate attention to questions of worship leadership as well.
leading to two adult baptisms at the Easter Vigil.
The catechumenate is probably one of the best Ministry beyond the Congregation
assets in the initiation of new members. While the Part of my ministry is dedicated to the wider church, the
process is still new, it highlights those who want ecumenical and interfaith relationships we share. In 2009 I
to join St. Mark’s on their journey towards started serving as Nave Chaplain at Grace (Episcopal)
membership by baptism and affirmation of Cathedral. Once to twice a month I preach and preside at
baptism. I led Outreach Retreat on May 9. Both their noontime Eucharist. It’s a great privilege to serve in this
teams have done wonderful outreach and I enjoy working capacity at Grace.
with them in our efforts to welcome all who enter our doors.
I have been working on our synod’s Professional Leaders
St. Mark’s Senior Center Conference (PLC) Planning team since December 2008. The
The Senior Center has been well and alive in 2009. We PLC Team works with the bishop and his staff to plan,
continue to serve a monthly luncheon to MLT residents and coordinate and facilitate that annual Professional Leaders
St. Mark’s seniors. Thanks to Dean Atkinson, St. Mark’s Conference in Asilomar. Since April I have been the co‐chair
French Cordon bleu trained chef, with other wonderful of this team and enjoy the work with pastors from the synod
people from St. Mark’s (Donna and Marty Dindia in the first and synod staff. It’s a good leadership experience for me
part of the year and recently Geri Bailey and others) we offer outside St. Mark’s and sharing my gifts and time within our
a wholesome, three‐course menu. A speaker or some artistic synod and towards the benefit of other clergy and
presentation may round out the experience. We do not have professional leaders.
a guest scheduled for all the luncheons so that the seniors
can simply enjoy the fellowship. Among others we had for On occasion I am able to brush up on that rusty German and
speaker Ben Lewis from “engage as you age”, the Episcopal do pulpit supply for St. Matthew’s Lutheran Church here in
“Senior Center without Borders, a speaker on Fall Prevention SF. One of the few churches in the state and country that still
and others to just name a few. offers a weekly service in the German language it is a joy
every once in awhile to share resource in our SF Conference
Our monthly outings are an opportunity for MLT residents and use my native tongue.
and St. Mark’s seniors to leave their familiar surroundings for
a day and explore treasures of our city and the wider bay Outlook
area. From a Bay Cruise, to the annual trip to Barbara’s Fish I can impossible summarize all that happened in 2009 in this
Trap in Half Moon Bay, from Big Basin in the Santa Cruz report. Ministry never happens in a vacuum and always in
Mountains to a great Chinese Dumpling Restaurant in the context of God’s people. At St. Mark’s with its wonderful
Cupertino to our farthest trip yet, the famous Benbow Inn members, stellar lay leaders and great staff there is hardly a
Hotel in Benbow (southern Humboldt County). This shows dull moment. I enjoy my ministry and work here with all of
the variety of trips and outings that the Senior Center offers. you. We just heard the Paul’s words from 1 Corinthians 12—
My gratitude goes to Dean Atkinson and to MLT resident the image of the church of a body in which all members are
Robert Tiedemann for their support and care in this ministry. equally important—for the sake of the gospel. I like this
image and I am grateful for the part that I have in it—the
The Senior Center is certainly a great joy of my ministry here pastoral team, the administrative staff, our new Director of
and I treasure the pastoral connections and relationships I Music, the 9 AM Worship Team and the whole people.
have established especially with MLT residents who are
otherwise not connected with the church. It is a privilege to serve as Associate Pastor. I look forward to
2010 as we share in this ministry on the Square.
Christian Education
One of my passions is Christian education in the parish. In
Lent Pr Ekdale and I taught the Adult Forums on “Saints”. In
the summer a book study was offered on William P. Young’s Congregation Council Reports
popular book “The Shack”. In the fall I lead an adult forum on
“Privileging Difference” and “Global and Theological Issues of
HIV Prevention”. In the fall Pr. Ekdale and I co‐taught a class Congregation Council President
on Forgiveness in the Brockie Lounge at MLT to continue our RANDY SCHIEBER
presence at MLT and offer a class to MLT residents that
would be of interest to a broad audience. It has been a distinct privilege to serve on St. Mark’s Council
for the past 6 years and as president in 2009. Thanks to the
Under the topic of Christian Education I also want to share outstanding leadership of Pr. Ekdale and Pr. Jennert, the
about a class that I took as part of my own continuing spirit and competence of the church staff, the dedication and
education in 2009. I took “Living Worship: Practicing Prayer countless hours of our Parish Life Committee members and
in Liturgy and Life”, presented by Lisa E. Dahill former volunteers, and the broad participation of so many in the life
member of St. Mark’s and now professor at Trinity Seminary of our community, 2009 was a very good year for St. Mark’s.
Page 4
At the beginning of 2009, Council outlined specific goals for the Mark’s. I urge everyone to block the evening of Saturday,
year, and our progress was reviewed at every Council meeting. February 20 on your schedules, and to widely participate in the
Some key goals that we set at the beginning of the year and house meetings and other congregational events that will
met in 2009 are: follow later in the spring.
• New Worship Opportunities – In 2009, we clearly Thank you for the privilege of serving with you in this
established Wed evening as a regular time for worship wonderful faith community.
throughout the year. We also created Sacred Saturdays
and held several other worship services on festival days
and other special occasions. The quality and diversity of Congregation Council Treasurer
St. Mark’s worship opportunities continues to be at the
core of who we are.
• Spiritual Growth Opportunities – Opportunities for
spiritual growth abounded in 2009 through the continued 2009 Operating Results of
excellence of the Adult Forum and strong Sunday School St. Mark’s Lutheran Church (SMLC)
and youth programs. St. Mark’s 2009 revenues exceeded expenses by 3%, led by
• Active Parish Life – The level of activity at St. Mark’s is strong giving and building use income. Building use income
extraordinary. I urge you to read through all the Parish was notably strong as interest in rentals for office space,
Life Committee reports, and be prepared to discover a meetings and weddings remains high. Interest income from
new activity that will pique your interest and inspire your the Housing Fund remains low as yields for fixed, low‐risk
involvement. From Social Ministry, to Hospitality, to income investments are low as a result of the currently
Journeying in Faith, we are a restless and vibrant challenged economic environment. We completed an audit of
community. our 2008 results using Bunker & Company. We budget for
• Worship and Music – The hiring and new energy brought audits every two years and will complete the next audit in
by Tim Zerlang was a significant step forward for St. 2011 for 2010 results.
Mark’s, and we are continuing to benefit from his
presence. Expenses came in 3% over budget. Expense
• Operational – We ended a year that was extraordinarily lines that were $1000 or more over budget
challenging for many churches and other non‐profits with include:
a balanced budget. This is due to a strong commitment to • Repair and maintenance expenses
giving by so many St. Mark’s members, the important (pianos‐worship, boiler‐church property)
efforts of our Stewardship Committee, the outstanding • Musical & Worship Supply and Staff
management of our facilities and expenses by Jun Expenses
Ranches and the staff, and the commitment and skills of • Travel and Discretionary Business
our Treasurer Aron Bohlig. Expenses
In other goal areas, we did well, but I believe we need to 2009 Operating Results
continue to work. Worship attendance did not increase in of the Urban Life Center (the ULC)
2009 as we had hoped. Ensuring that all current members are ULC revenue came in 4% over budget while
active in worship and that visitors feel welcome and want to expenses exceeded budget by 3%. Expense
return must be a constant focus. We also need to continue to lines that were $1000 or more over budget
revitalize the leadership of our Parish Life activities with new include:
participation. Too much of the work of St. Mark’s still falls on • Maintenance & Utilities (roof repairs)
too few shoulders. Finally, we need to continue to ensure St. • General Business Expenses (current and
Mark’s is a safe, secure and welcoming environment for all past due Gough Street parking lot
members and visitors, through more focus and participation in property taxes)
our Ministry of Welcome and broad training and strict
adherence to our Safe Congregation policies. On a consolidated basis (SMLC + ULC) we
anticipate a net gain of about $100 for 2009.
Despite the challenges, the future of St. Mark’s is bright, and
now is the perfect time to begin looking at ways we can shape Plan to Reduce Debt
our future to what God is calling us to be. At 6 PM on In 2009 we repaid the note due to
Saturday, February 20, 2010, we will kick off a strategic Plant. We still have $1.25 million
planning process for St. Mark’s with a night celebrating our outstanding on our Thrivent
heritage. It will be an enjoyable evening that will serve as an loan. This year we will make
important reminder of the bedrock of tradition and legacy of principal and interest
transformation that has shaped what St. Mark’s is today, and payments totaling
provides us strength for the future. Following this event, there approximately $99,000 from
will be a series of house meetings where all members of the the proceeds of the Capital
congregation will be encouraged to share their visions for St. Campaign. We will reduce
the principal over time using the proceeds from The year was marked by the satisfactory resolution of two
the current (and potentially future) Capital financial matters: one having to do with MLT’s tax exempt
Campaign as well as through financing events status and the reclamation of excess property taxes paid to
related to MLT. the City and County of San Francisco; the other related to the
mechanics of our earlier transition to a tax credit property.
Trust Fund Each consumed a great deal of the board’s time, and we’re
We do not anticipate making contributions to happy to be moving forward without these burdens.
replenish the Trust Fund in 2010.
The resolution of the above matters allowed us to transfer
2010 Budgetary Assumptions additional funds to St. Mark’s, enabling St. Mark’s to pay the
Pledge amounts and expected revenues from balance due to Plant Construction for the church’s retrofit.
rental sources are anticipated to be 1% higher in 2010. That debt is now free and clear.
Overall ordinary expenses are expected to be roughly flat
(less than 1% change). Significant changes include: 2009 was the second full calendar year for our management
• Reduced expenses: discretionary, travel expenses, BAOC company, EAH, and we appreciatively recognize their
support, telephone (revised contract), and advertising smooth handling of MLT’s operations. We thank Ron Dirks,
(revised contract) Property Supervisor; Zuly Cruz, Property Manager; Jearold
• We are budgeting nearly $12,000 in contingency Loyola, Assistant Property Manager; John Hunter,
amounts Maintenance Supervisor; Cherry Calvin, Maintenance
Technician; and Richard Gallo, Resident Services Coordinator.
Staff Expenses
The security of the property surrounding the building was
In 2009 we had a 0% COLA. In 2010 the budget includes a
notably improved by the installation of new lights for the
3% COLA and changes to make us compliant with Synod
plaza, and a gate to restrict vehicular access to the parking
compensation guidelines.
Elevator Fund A Rent Assistance program was also kicked off, thanks in no
As part of the capital campaign we have established an small part to the initiative and planning of Scott Taylor. This
elevator fund. We anticipate performing the design work for program is designed to provide short term rent assistance to
the new elevator after we have visibility into when we could residents who experience a disruption in their income or a
afford the expected ~$415,000 total project expense. The large, unexpected expense (e.g., a medical issue). This
elevator project is one of the highest priority capital projects program relies on a fund that is fueled by tax‐deductible
we are considering after we have repaid our Thrivent debt. donations from friends, former residents, and St. Mark’s
parishioners. Please consider this when you contemplate
Thank you again to the congregation, Pastors, staff and your charitable giving this year. You can contact Scott Taylor,
Council of St. Mark’s for their faith and support. Once again I Zuly Cruz, or me if you would like to make a donation.
would like to recognize the hard work of Jun Ranches,
Director of Church Administration and Operations, and The Board also thanks the following:
Cheryl Garcia, St. Mark’s Bookkeeper.
Prs. Jennert and Ekdale, who, through their work in the
Senior Center, continue to enrich residents’ lives through
Martin Luther Tower (MLT) activities and field trips.
Board Report
Jun Ranches for his exceptional management and growth of
the Urban Life Center, and his work in support of MLT.
MLT Board President
MARK HAMMITT The law firm of Orrick, Herrington & Sutcliffe, which has
provided the Board with a very significant amount of pro
Martin Luther Tower (MLT) is a 121 unit, 13 story apartment bono legal services this year. In particular, the Board
building, located at 1001 Franklin Street, that provides recognizes the generosity and expertise of our own Jon
affordable, independent living for seniors. MLT was built in Ocker, along with Orrick attorneys Nikka Rapkin and George
the sixties as a mission of St. Mark’s, and St. Mark’s Yuhas.
continues that mission today in the form of activities,
pastoral care, and corporate oversight. Other services St. Mark’s members Dean Atkinson and Jan Charter for their
provided for MLT residents include an on‐site social worker 3 culinary and musical talents, and Jo Chadwick for her crisis
days per week; a weekly Bible study; laundry facilities; a management skills.
small computer lab; a lounge stocked with DVDs and games;
monthly luncheons and field trips; informational seminars; a The 2009 MLT Residents Association, especially Rose Priven,
weekly movement class; and, a guest suite. About 8% of President; Barbara Redfield, Vice President; Carol Snodgrass,
MLT’s residents are members of St. Mark’s. Secretary; and Barbara Crocker, Treasurer.
Page 6
The MLT Board of Trustees consists entirely of St. Mark’s As your Director of Music, I am thrilled to be able to use my
members, specifically: Mark Hammitt, President; Adrienne skill to support the song of this congregation, as every voice is
Nelson Brown, Vice President; Jon Moeller, Treasurer; Omer raised to sing our faith and God’s praise. I look forward to
Voss, Secretary; Pastor Elizabeth Ekdale, Barbara Bock, Brad continuing the excellent worship tradition of St. Mark’s and to
Hubert, Steven Krefting, Susan Munn, Jonathan Ocker, and adding to that tradition together.
Scott Taylor. Susan Munn, who has contributed so much to
MLT and St. Mark’s, will be leaving the board in March after
having served on it for sixteen years. The board thanks her Director of Church Administration
very much for her energetic and thoughtful service.
and Operations
St. Mark’s Staff Reports “Behind the Scenes Ministry.” That’s how I described my five
years at St. Mark’s to a friend. He had asked me why I still
work for “the Lutherans” and whether or not I plan to
Director of Music pursue ordination in the United Church of
DR. TIMOTHY ZERLANG Christ (a question my father likes to tuck
into everyday conversation every so often). I
Many thanks to Pastor Elizabeth and Pastor Christian, and to quickly replied that while I miss pounding the
all the members of the St. Mark’s community for the pulpit (to some extent) and haven’t ruled out
wonderful welcome I have enjoyed since becoming your ordained ministry (completely), I am quite
Director of Music September 1. I shall cherish the memory of happy serving God and the work of Christ
the Service of Installation on October 18 and the celebration from behind the curtain. For me, backstage at
which followed. I also wish to extend my thanks to your St. Mark’s is an ideal place to take part in all of
Interim Choir Director and Organist, David Auerbach as well, the action.
for I continue to enjoy the benefits of his good work here at St.
Mark’s. The beginning of 2009 unfolded with many
challenges. Doing ministry and maintaining our
Everyone involved in the music program here at St. Mark’s facilities in a struggling economy was difficult at
strives to produce music of the highest caliber for worship and times. A leaking roof and a broken boiler
other community events. Some of our activities this year have strained the limited resources of St. Mark’s and
included: the Urban Life Center (ULC). Thankfully,
continued interest in our rental facilities
• Weekly Choir rehearsals September‐June helped offset some of the costs related to
• Monthly Saturday Choir retreats September‐May these unanticipated expenses.
• Choral psalms and anthems at the 11 am Service
September‐July Throughout 2009, St. Mark’s Square met the
• Amahl and the Night Visitors needs of our community and city by
• Haydn Festival providing space for worship services, meetings,
− Little Organ Mass weddings, concerts, lectures and other special events.
− Chamber Music Concert People came to the Square from all over the
• Cantata ‐ Bach’s Nun komm der Heiden Heiland, with city and beyond. Some folks heard of us
orchestra through people who have been coming for
• Advent Lessons and Carols featuring Distler’s A Little years to meetings in the ULC. Some folks
Advent Music, with instruments found us through Google. Some folks
• Epiphany Lessons and Carols attended a workshop, a concert or a cousin’s
wedding. And some folks simply decided to
At the 9 am service Stacy Cullison, Joleen Jessen, and Lin Cerles stop while walking by the cute little red brick
continue to provide musical support. The children have been church. Whatever the reason, these folks
meeting with Susan Sall for music during their chapel time landed at St. Mark’s doorstep, in its inbox or on
before Sunday School. its voicemail. By answering the inquiries and
opening the doors, we reaped not only the
The Taylor and Boody organ is in excellent shape, with only obvious benefit of increased revenue, but also
minor (and expected) tuning issues with which to deal. I have that of growing recognition as a significant
presented the first of what I hope will be an ongoing series of presence of worship, music, mission and
recitals. Of the four stops which we have yet to obtain to ministry in San Francisco.
complete the organ, I eagerly await the two for which funds So with great enthusiasm, I “show off” St.
have been raised, and look forward to continuing the fund Mark’s to these folks. I talk about our
raising effort for the final two. pastors and how “they and the staff will
work with you to help ensure that your
wedding ceremony is both sacred and special.” I given not only a good sense of the work of the committees,
Planning a party? mention the 2005‐06 renovation and point out the but also an opportunity to answer the call to be a disciple by
Know someone gold leaf, blue ceilings and painted stars. I espouse joining them in their work.
getting married? Is how “our sanctuary is big enough to comfortably
your book club accommodate 400 people, but is still bright, warm, On May 9, we held an outreach “retreat,” drawing 14
looking for bigger cozy and inviting. I gush with praise: the space has participants, at which we talked about what people are
meeting space? great acoustics… RENT the movie was filmed here… looking for when they come to St. Mark’s, drawing from our
the Taylor and Boody organ is unique in the city… we own experiences. We also talked about how we currently
just hired a new Director of Music… and so on. I name welcome new people and attempted to think of evangelism
drop: San Francisco Night Ministry, the Interfaith and revival in positive ways.
Council, American Bach Soloists, the Jung Institute, etc.
Show your friends, I brag: Winter Shelter, Bernal Gateway, Senior Center, The committee has been exploring ways to get information
relatives and MLT, Nursery, parking lot. On and on I go… out about St. Mark's to the broader community, including
coworkers our space – making a brochure about St. Mark's available in the pew
bring them to church Do these lines come off a written script? Are they racks during weddings, concerts, and other events at the
or point them to the
carefully crafted selling points to grab the potential church. During the coming year, we would like to expand
website at
renter or wedding couple? Perhaps at one time they our outreach to include neighborhood populations such as
were. When we reopened the doors to our newly the residents of the Carillon Towers, who share the Square
retrofitted space two years ago, I remember with us. We welcome ideas from any member of the
memorizing a list of facts and figures and rehearsing a congregation. You don't have to be on the committee to
Their event will litany of what makes St. Mark’s unique. After all, I had give us your thoughts.
benefit from our to give a good sales pitch!
beautiful space and
spacious parking lot. Somehow, though, the pitch evolved into pride… the Education Committee
sale into sincere appreciation. Somewhere along the
St. Mark’s will
line, St. Mark’s grew on me, and *I* was sold. After Adult Forum
benefit from your
referral. five (sometimes long) years, the well‐rehearsed script SUZANNE SMITH
turned into the fond words of the backstage UCC guy
who finally realized how blessed The Adult Forum Planning Committee arranges for a variety
he is to be at St. Mark’s. of educational events on Sundays at 10:00 a.m. from
THANK YOU to the following people who September through June. We aim to create an environment
served as office volunteers in 2009: I am so grateful to work with the that presents adults with opportunities to grow in a vibrant
leadership of the church and relationship with God and God’s creation and to serve and
Geri Bailey Marge Jencks honored to serve such a caring witness as Christ’s disciples. We have presentations on
Jim Benson Jacque‐Lynn Randich faith community. I thank God for Scripture, theology and ethics, church activities, social
Earline Bryan Pam Ruh this blessing that is St. Mark’s. I ministries and other topics relevant to our life and times.
Eunice Childs Sig Sigafoos thank you for your trust in me as a
Delores Fletcher Suzanne Smith In 2009 our scriptural and theological studies focused on
steward of God’s resources in this
Linda Jackson Opening the Book of Faith. We learned a variety of ways to
church. And of course, I thank the
Special thanks to Pam Ruh, outgoing office staff ‐ Carl, Duc, Cheryl, Ann, Tim, use the new Lutheran Study Bible. We initiated small groups
volunteer who served for more than 10 Pr Christian and especially, Pr meeting at different times and places to study the Biblical
years, and Marge Jencks, who continues to Elizabeth – you helped make books of Acts and the General Letters of the New Testament.
coordinate our faithful team of volunteers. working at St. Mark’s these last The forum also focused on “Creation in Context” in Genesis
five years a joy! with Dale Loepp and Pastors Ekdale and Jennert introduced
us to Teresa of Avila, Julian of Norwich, Hildegard of Bingen
and St. John of the Cross as part of “Our Lenten Journey with
the Saints.” We had the opportunity to learn about “Luther
Congregation Committee Reports and the Small Catechism“ led by Pastor Ekdale,
“Understanding Fundamentalism” with Pastor Jennert and
“The ELCA Genetics Study” from Dr. Margaret McLean.
Discipling and Outreach Team
JAN CHARTER, CHAIRPERSON We met and heard from our Bishop Mark Holmerud about
the work of our Synod and were blessed to see and talk with
The Discipling and Outreach Team worked this year on those in ministry for us outside the U.S. We heard from
expanding its membership and now includes Dean Atkinson, Pastor Norma Castillo from our sister church, Cordero de
Bob Brouhard, Jan Charter, Erin Horne, Linda Jackson, Marge Dios, in El Salvador, Pr. John Rutsinditwarane from Rwanda
Jencks, and Pastor Jennert. We conceived of and promoted and Pastor Noel and Connie Ilagan from the Philippines.
the Parish Life Fair last Spring, the first such fair to be held at Discussion ranged far and wide over the ideas presented in
St. Mark's in a long time. All parish life committees an interview by Bill Moyers of Dr. Karen Armstrong on
participated with creative displays, and the congregation was “Compassion” and we learned and wrote letters to support
the continuing work of Bread for the World.
Page 8
Reports on activities from those in our own congregation new curriculum, and we supplement it with our own materials
included reports from the Sierra Pacific Synod Assembly and as well.
later from Churchwide Assembly. Returning from living in
Chile, Marisa Louie gave an exciting and thoughtful This summer we updated the Sunday School webpage and
presentation on “Chile and the Lutheran Church” and Pastor communicated more and more using e‐mail.
Jennert led us in thinking about “Privileging Difference – A
Framework for Understanding Racism & Heterosexism” from a We have a full calendar of events for the remainder of the
seminar at Churchwide Assembly. school year; all children are welcome.
Our series finished on the high note of hearing the choir sing
J.S. Bach’s cantata “Savior of the Nations, Come” after having Endowment Committee
been introduced to it by our enthusiastic and exciting new
Director of Music, Dr. Timothy Zerlang.
The Endowment Committee works alongside the Stewardship
We are looking forward to more interesting learning
Committee and has been focused on the development of
opportunities in 2010. If anyone has ideas for topics to be
policies and procedures for use by congregants that will
covered or is interested in presenting at a forum, please
simplify and standardize the giving of bequests and other
contact me or our pastors.
endowment gifts to St. Mark's. The Committee is developing a
program that will administer the funding of St. Mark's mission
and ministries with the investment income that these gifts will
Education Committee generate.
Senior High Youth Group
MARISA LOUIE In May, the Committee sponsored a presentation during
coffee hour to inform the congregation of the possibilities to
In 2009, our youth group was blessed by the presence and grow, sustain and endow future mission and ministry. We
ministry of church summer intern Whitney Wolfe, a visiting planted a lemon tree to symbolize this possibility and
college student from the University of South Carolina. With announced the name and theme of St. Mark's
Whitney’s guidance, we participated in fun local events – such Living Heritage: "Plant seeds of joy, grow gifts
as a church sleepover “lock‐in”! – and served at our of faith ‐‐ to benefit the future of St.
community at Welcome’s Saturday dinners. We continue to Mark's". Throughout the year, the Committee
meet for Sunday devotional “rap sessions.” A number of our has met several times to formulate vision and
youth and their families are leading this summer’s Learn N purpose of the fund and to start on the
Serve trip to Berlin, Germany, and we thank the congregation development of policies and procedures
for their support and prayer as we fundraise and prepare for necessary for the administration of the fund.
the two week journey.
In 2010 we plan another presentation to the
congregation to further inform, educate and
encourage the use of bequests and other ways
Education Committee that congregants can share their blessings
Sunday School through planned giving to benefit the future of
JENNY HART St. Mark's mission and ministry. In the
meantime, congregants who are interested in
The Sunday School at St. Mark’s is thriving. We have 3 veteran making a planned gift may contact a member
teachers, Gail Culp, Lisa Gray and Jenny Hart. This year of the Endowment Committee or the Pastors to
Children’s Chapel is led by Susan and Jeff Sall. We are very express their interest and to request additional
lucky that the Sunday School staff has not had any turnover in information.
the past 3 years.
Members of the Endowment Committee are
The average attendance so far this school year is: 13 children. Aron Bohlig, Greg Jahnke, Aaron Greig, Brad
Attendance is consistent with past years. Hubert, Marge Jencks, Margaret McLean,
We are continuing with the many activities we have Ostrem and
established at St. Mark’s: the Christmas Pageant, Stockings for Debra
the Homeless and Valentines for Seniors. Varian.
The big change this year has been switching to a new
curriculum, which is offered through Augsburg press, the
Lutheran publishers. As of this month, all classrooms are
teaching out of the same series. We are still adjusting to the
Page 9
2009 Annual Report
Hospitality Committee Human Resources Committee
Primary responsibilities of the Human Resources (HR)
2009 Hospitality Committee activities began Committee are to advise and assist the pastors on human
February 2nd with a dinner for the visiting St. Olaf resources issues and make recommendations to Church
Band. Approximately 100 people attended the Council.
In 2009 Marge Jencks, Marie Jose Baum and Marge Okuley
During the last week of February, Ash retired from the Human Resources Committee. We thank
Wednesday began the Lenten Season. During them for their years of service on the committee. Current
Lent, soup and salad dinners were served prior to the members are: Pr. Ekdale, Pr. Jennert, Matt Helland, a lawyer
Wednesday evening services. who represents employees in workplace disputes, Kurt
Putnam, also a lawyer, and Geri Bailey, a church council
April saw the culmination of the Lenten activities. The Easter member. Matt Helland is the HR Committee chair.
Vigil service was followed by a Hors D’oeuvres Buffet. The
traditional buffet‐style Pancake Breakfast was served on HR meetings are scheduled about every 3 or 4 months or as
Easter morning. needed to address employee issues, such as, staffing needs,
job descriptions, hiring, human resources policies, California
On April 25th, a pot luck dinner and service was held for St. employment laws, salary recommendations, cost‐of‐living
Mark’s Day. increases, and employee benefits.
Wednesday night services continued as did the dinners prior There are currently 4 full‐time and 7 part‐time employees of
to the services. There was a brief summer break. St. Mark’s: Lead Pastor, Associate Pastor, Director of Music,
9:00 AM Musician, Director of Church Administration and
On August 30th a Farewell Luncheon was held to say Operations, Administrative Assistant, Bookkeeper,
goodbye to David Auerbach. The luncheon was held after Supervisor of Buildings and Grounds, a security monitor, and
the 11:00 am service. There was good food and fellowship. two nursery attendants. In addition, a pool of volunteers
provides office support during the week, working designated
This year brought three memorial services. July 18th shifts and assisting office staff and pastors.
remembered Trudie Knight, September 11th remembered
Alma DeSpain and October 14th remembered Ken Hohl. Jun Ranches, Director of Church Administration and
Operations, has been at St. Mark’s for 5 years and is the key
A Welcome Luncheon for Tim Zerlang, St. Mark’s new manager of operations, administration, and financial
Director of Music, was held on October 18th. Again, it was a functions. He monitors, coordinates, or participates in many
fun afternoon of food, music and fellowship. functional activities of the church community, including
financial oversight, financial reports and statements,
November 3rd was the annual new member dinner. The fundraising, the capital campaign, the annual budget, space
meal and fellowship was enjoyed by all who attended. rentals, Web site design and trouble‐shooting, and online
donations. St. Mark’s has become a sought‐after venue for
The annual Thanksgiving Luncheon was held on November weddings, concerts and other special events. Jun handles
22nd. The luncheon occurred on Commitment Sunday and inquiries and bookings for group events and weddings as
as usual, the luncheon was very successful – a day of well as developing policies for such events. He also acts as
fellowship and good food. church office manager.
There was a pie reception following the Thanksgiving Eve Ann Dayton, Administrative Coordinator, gathers appropriate
service and, on December 1st, a dessert reception following information for and produces all worship bulletins and
the HIV/AIDS worship service. announcements, and designs and produces St. Mark’s
quarterly newsletter. She also creates banners, flyers, and
Coffee Hour continues each Sunday. All Coffee Hour Group brochures as well as assisting in updating the Web site. Ann
Chairs, Co‐Chairs and members are doing wonderful ministry works closely with Jun and assists him wherever necessary.
providing food for our St. Mark’s Sunday fellowship. Your
ministry is greatly appreciated. Cheryl Garcia, Bookkeeper, tracks and processes accounts
receivable and accounts payable, working closely with Jun
There is a need for additional Coffee Hour Chairs. As a and the church treasurer.
Coffee Hour Chairperson you are provided a wonderful
opportunity to work with your St. Mark’s friends, as well as Dr. Tim Zerlang was hired in September as the new Director
getting to know other members. If you are interested in of Music, taking over from David Auerbach, the interim
becoming a Coffee Hour Chairperson, please contact Geri music and choir director. Tim came to us from Grace
Bailey or Dean Atkinson. Lutheran Church in Palo Alto. He is also a Professor of Music
Page 10
at Stanford University. St. Mark’s can look forward to an to St. Mark’s: Charlene Loen and Aron Knickerbocker
outstanding music program. (Baptism); Erin Horne, Ralph Loen, Patrick Jackson, Mari
Tuominen, and Olivia Montoya, (Affirmation of Baptism).
Stacy Cullison serves as Musician for the 9:00 AM Sunday
worship service. On All Saints Day, we welcomed the following people upon
their Affirmation of Baptism: Cherrie Calvin, Joe Harmeyer,
Duc Huynh, Supervisor of Buildings and Grounds for St. Mark’s Mindy Harmeyer, Nate McDonald and Kacie Meyer.
Square, celebrated his 20th year at St. Mark’s and is known to
be able to “fix anything”. He also serves as weekday custodian. As in the past, Journeys in Faith sponsored a new member
dinner in fall, 2009. During 2009 the Journeys in Faith team
Carl Storey, on the custodial staff for several years, is now also explored new ways to expand our outreach to potential
responsible for security during Sunday mornings. new members. In October, we held a retreat day for those
joining the church during the fall cycle; in
Elvira Markov and Johanna Najera are the current primary December the team, along with some
Nursery Attendants. Journeys in Faith “alumni,” held an
Information Night for those interested in
Staff members received annual evaluations from his/her becoming members of St. Mark’s in the
supervisor, and received recognition and appreciation on Advent to Easter cycle. Based on feedback
behalf of the HR Committee in honor of Administrative from the team and participants, these two
Professionals Day. events were deemed very successful and will
continue to be offered for future groups.
Agenda items for the HR Committee during the past year
included: writing the job description for the new Director of Recently, our team has also taken on a more
Music, increasing Pr. Jennert’s time to 100%, establishing new visible role by being available on Sunday
summer office hours, reviewing ELCA salary and benefit mornings to greet those interested in learning
guidelines for clergy, and recommending cost‐of‐living more about St. Mark’s and to answer any
increases for staff. questions. We will continue to explore and test
out new ideas during 2010.
Journeys in Faith Team In July, two team members: Dean Atkinson
and Dale Loepp, attended a weekend retreat
DALE LOEPP sponsored by the Word and Sacrament Team
of the Sierra Pacific Synod for those involved
Journeys in Faith is a ministry of St. Mark’s Lutheran Church
in the process St. Mark’s uses for
that welcomes people who are considering becoming part of
incorporating new members—broadly
our faith community. We gather approximately weekly to
known as the “catechumenate” model. Being able to
consider our faith in light of Scripture, the guidance of the
share our experiences with pastors and
church within our Lutheran tradition, and through the process
other lay leaders in our Synod who
of sharing our faith experiences with each other. For those
utilize the same model for welcoming
people seeking Baptism, Journeys in Faith provides a setting
members was extremely inspiring and
for baptismal preparation. For those who are already
baptized, Journeys in Faith facilitates preparation for renewing
one’s baptismal covenant through Affirmation of Baptism
In conclusion, Journeys in Faith would not
(ELW 234‐237). Journeys in Faith is lead by a team of lay
exist without the support of the pastors and
people under the guidance and gracious support of Pastors
the gracious generosity of those who have
Ekdale and Jennert.
served or are serving as sponsors—to whom
we offer a great big THANK YOU!! Ultimately,
Currently, St. Mark’s offers the opportunity for adult Baptism/
the ministry of welcome and hospitality are
Affirmation of Baptism twice each year: 1) at the Easter Vigil
the responsibility of all the baptized and ALL
and 2) on the Sunday nearest All Saints Day in November. As a
ARE WELCOME to join us for a Journeys in Faith
result, Journeys in Faith structures its gatherings in two cycles
gathering. Stop by sometime and check us out.
lasting about 4‐5 months: the first cycle begins in Advent and
We’d love to have you experience first‐hand
meets through the Easter Season (Wednesday evenings); the
how the Holy Spirit continues to renew our
second begins in summer and meets through November—at a
faith community.
time convenient for those not able to meet on Wednesdays.
Our ministry also includes coordinating a series of public
The Journeys in Faith Team: Dean
prayers and blessings of those discerning membership during
Atkinson, Liv Beck, Bob Brouhard, Jan
our Sunday morning worship (for example, ELW 232‐233).
Charter, Dale Loepp, Kyle Schiefelbein, and
Suzanne Smith
During the Easter season we welcomed the following people
Mutual Ministry Committee • Adding new glass tops for the communion tables and
the large table in the Vestry
JOHN VARIAN • Installing additional sconces in the nave
• Relocating the choir music library to the Urban Life
The St. Mark’s Mutual Ministry Committee
concentrates on promoting and supporting
• Installing new shelving and a table for music storage and
healthy relationships between staff, pastors and
distribution at the balcony
parishioners with the goal of helping the church
• Constructing additional tack boards for the downstairs
to stay focused on mission and ministry.
hall and the balcony landing
• Installing new hardware at the Nursery doors in
A big thank you to Catherine Hurley who served
compliance with our Safe Congregation Policy (we will
as Chairperson of the Committee for most of the
complete this project in 2010)
year and after a 3 year commitment, rotated off the
• Sorting, cataloging, boxing and moving the Spreckles
committee this year: Her service was absolutely outstanding
Chandelier to the church storage room.
and we continue to try to build on the foundation she set.
• Creating a new Advent wreath that can be used for
many years
The continuing committee members are Charles Jacobs,
• Advising the Columbarium Committee on architectural
Shelly Taylor, Jo Chadwick, John Elford, Pastor Elizabeth,
and building code issues
Pastor Christian and John Varian, who became the
• Advising and assisting our staff with repairs and
Committee Facilitator when Catherine rotated off. We also
improvements to the boiler, electrical and audio
welcomed two new members this year, Marge Jencks and
Brian Richards.
• General patching, painting and cleaning of the church
The Mutual Ministry Committee supports the partnership
• Weeding, pruning and general maintenance of
between the pastors and parishioners in living out our
landscaped areas
baptismal calling. We scan the congregation for developing
trends, listen to the needs of members and provide
As Committee Chairperson, I would like to thank the many
recommendations to the pastors and Church Council to help
people who have volunteered their time, talents and
calibrate the mission of congregation at large.
resources toward these projects in 2009: Dean Atkinson,
Aron Bohlig, Bob Brouhard, Jerry Charter, Cal Culp, Gail Culp,
The Mutual Ministry held four regular meetings in 2009.
Barbara Engmann, Aron Knickerbocker, Steven Krefting,
More importantly during the Spring of 2009, the Committee
Philip Krikau, Marge Jencks, Martha Jin, Kathy Lautz, Ralph
led the effort to arrange several group meetings between
Loen, Art Michel, Tom Munn, Mary Ritter, Randy Schieber,
the Committee, the Pastors and parishioners of St. Marks
Elise Semonian, Mark Semonian, Sig Sigafoos, Gordon
who wanted to exchange views on certain congregational
Stevenson, and Tim Zerlang (apologies to anyone I’ve failed
events. Lastly, in December we had a joint meeting with the
to mention!).
Discipling and Outreach Committee to generate ideas to
enhance attendance.
Because the property is a valuable asset for so many groups,
we often collaborate with other individuals and St. Mark’s
We strive to continue in our mission to support church staff
committees to support their programs. Our work this year
and listen to the members of St. Mark’s on an on‐going basis.
with the Social Ministry Committee and Welcome (formerly
Please seek us out ‐ we’re here to listen and to represent you
known as The Welcome Ministry) contributed to a plan for a
in respect to our larger faith community.
new garden on the south side of the church building that was
approved and supported by the St. Mark’s Church Council
and the MLT Board. In addition to producing food, the
Property Committee Gardening for Community project, ready for implementation
GARY SCHILLING, CHAIRPERSON in 2010, is designed to promote cooperation and interaction
of community leaders, MLT residents and St. Mark’s
The Property Committee continues its important role of members. We would especially like to thank the core
maintaining and improving our facilities to support St. Mark’s Gardening Group for their leadership in planning this
mission. Our committed group of volunteers gathered on important project: Megan Buckingham, SMLC; Mary Ritter;
several Saturdays through the year to complete special SMLC Social Ministry Committee; Rose Priven, MLT Resident
projects and improve our building and grounds. Our 2009 Council President; Jonathan Ocker and Omer Voss, MLT
projects included: Board Members; Pastor Megan Rohrer and Case Garver,
Welcome; and Gary Schilling, SMLC Property Committee.
• Coordinating the installation of a new flat‐screen
monitor in Heritage Hall and working with our Finally, I would like to thank the church staff for their support
Audiovisual consultants to ensure that the screen is throughout the year. Jun Ranches and Duc Huynh, as always,
integrated with our AV system. were instrumental in coordinating and implementing repairs,
• Installing window shades in Heritage Hall, the Kitchen, maintaining our facilities and assisting our Committee. They,
Nursery, Vestry and Vestry/Sacristy Hall along with everyone involved in these projects, are helping
Page 12
to not only preserve our historic building but to make it a were able to help our own Victoria Krikau, who reported
better facility for our congregation and community. to us about her experiences at CLU.
• Knitters of St. Mark’s and their friends are knitting lap
robes and slippers for the residents of Central Gardens
Social Ministry Committee Nursing Home in San Francisco. We provide Sunday
worship for this community on the second Sunday of
• At Christmas time, we gave new socks, used clothing,
First, thanks to the congregation for the support of many
toiletries, cookies and candy to the
projects for the poor and needy in 2009.
people served by Cornell Corrections
Center, one of our neighbor agencies in
Social Ministry looks forward to many ways to minister to
the Tenderloin. Their clients are
those in need here in San Francisco, as well as throughout the
recently released prison inmates who
country and around the world in 2010.
are supported by Cornell as they
transition back into the community.
• For the last three weeks, we at St. Mark’s have again
• We continue our support of Habitat for
hosted 60 men at the Interfaith Homeless Shelter. Thanks
Humanity as they build houses for
to the many of you who provided breakfasts and suppers
those in need in San Francisco.
as well as monetary support. We have again given scarves
• We promote and drink Fair Trade
which were “Knit for the Streets” by members and friends
coffee at our Coffee Hour, and sell
of St. Mark’s. Our 60 guests will have colorful scarves
Fair Trade coffee and chocolate
around their necks this winter!
through the year. It is good to
• We continue to advocate with Bread for the World for the
promote products which are farmed
poor. St. Mark’s hosted an educational event in March
and marketed justly. And they are
with California Bread staffer David Gist. Many St. Mark’s
delicious too!
members wrote to their Congressional representatives
• Our plans for a community garden
this year as legislation supporting the global poor was
project are coming to fruition. Social
considered in the U.S. Congress.
Ministry is working with the Property
• We continue our supportive relationships with our sister
committee and with the membership
parish, Cordero de Dios in El Salvador. 5% of the current
of Martin Luther Tower, and with the
Forward in Faith Capital Campaign has been designated to
Garden Project of San Francisco
go to our shared ministry with Cordero de Dios. We met
Welcome to create a community
and hosted Pr. Norma Castillo from Cordero de Dios this
garden which will provide food, a safe
spring. In November, our own Pr. Elizabeth Ekdale and
community space and, and a
Joleen Jessen attended a Sister Parish Event in El Salvador
welcoming place for all, including the
and got to see faith in action as the El Salvador Lutheran
marginalized. Watch the area on St.
Church served the survivors of flooding in their
Mark’s Square just south of the
community. Watch for information about our Sister Parish
kitchen and Nursery – things are going
to begin to grow!
• We continue our support of Pr. Arden Strasser and his
family in Zambia, and Pr. Noel Ilagan and Connie with the
Thanks to all who help with this work!
Lutheran Church in the Philippines, and of the Rwanda
Lutheran Project of the Lutheran Church of Rwanda. This
spring and summer Pr. Norma Castillo, Pr. John
Rutsindintwarane and his wife Robin Strickler, and Pr. Stewardship Committee
Arden Strasser visited St. Mark’s. This fall we welcomed ROGER OSTREM, CHAIRPERSON
Pr. Noel and Connie and daughter Esther Ilagan to learn
and share about with their work with the Lutheran During the past year the Stewardship
Church in the Philippines. We give and receive much from Committee focused on
our relationships with places all over the world! conducting St. Mark’s annual
• Locally, we continue to support our Lutheran Social fall pledge drive. Our
Services partners at Bernal Gateway. In December, St. stewardship campaign theme,
Mark’s members and Lutheran Social Services co‐hosted a Forward in Faith… Nourished
Christmas party 60 children. by Living Bread, was chosen to
• Our 2009 Lenten Boxes offering totaled over $900 and be an expression of
was split and sent to the Rwanda School Project and to thanksgiving, an act of faith and
the San Francisco Food Bank. Watch for information an opportunity to support and
about the 2010 designation. ensure the ongoing missions
• We continue our support of higher education at California and ministry of St. Mark’s
Lutheran University at Thousand Oaks, and in doing so Lutheran Church. Our
campaign theme was based on John 6:35 ‐ Jesus Worship Committee
said to them, I am the Bread of Life. Whoever
comes to me will never be hungry and whoever
believes in me will never be thirsty.
In 2009, the St. Mark's Worship Committee met regularly to
plan for our corporate worship in three basic areas:
The events that occurred at St. Mark’s during
• Themes for the seasons of the church
the fall season of stewardship included:
• Special services
• Other issues as they arise
• October 18, Kickoff Sunday: An
introduction of the fall campaign was made to
The committee membership is small but stable. Our current
the congregation.
meeting schedule is the second Sunday of every other
• November 1: The Stewardship Committee
month. We meet in the vestry for about an hour. We have
gave congregation members a symbolic gift of bread as
divided the church year into six planning sections, and we
they entered the church for Sunday services. The gift of
plan about six months in advance. This means, yes, that we
bread was intended to be a reflection of the campaign
are thinking about Advent in June.
theme of Living Bread. A temple talk was made by a
congregation member.
Each committee member has a copy of Sundays and
• November 8, Invitation to Prayer Sunday: Pledge
Seasons, the ELCA worship planning book. We use this to
packets were distributed to the congregation. A second
select which sections of the service are to be included in
temple talk was given.
which services and seasons. Do we include corporate
• November 15: Pr. Noel Ilagan, a visiting pastor from the
confession and forgiveness every Sunday? If not, when do
Philippines, was invited to preach. A third temple talk
we include it and why? If we included everything every
was presented.
Sunday, we'd have trouble finishing by 1:00 pm. So we make
• November 22, Commitment Sunday: The congregation
the trade‐offs, not only to keep the service a reasonable
was invited to present their pledges at the altar during
length, but to provide freshness and variety within the
the Sunday service. A special Thanksgiving dinner,
liturgical structure we follow.
accompanied by live music, was hosted by the
Stewardship Committee.
Special services other than Sunday mornings received
attention in our committee. The pastors and church council
As of January 21, 2010 the total amount pledged for 2010 is
are committed to the idea that St. Marks is primarily a
similar to the total pledged in 2009 ‐ $332,093 in 2009 vs.
worshiping church, and that we would like to provide more
$335,026 this year. Although the dollar amount is similar,
worship opportunities. We have committed ourselves as a
last year 59% of households made pledges and this year only
church to the Wednesday evening services, for instance.
51% of households have made pledges. A total of 20
There are many other opportunities for special services
households that pledged $35,920 in 2009 have not pledged
commemorating various saints and events in church history,
in 2010. On a more positive note, 19 households that did not
and it is tempting to have a special service for each one. We
pledge in 2009 have pledged a total of $22,120 for 2010.
worked on fitting in a reasonable number of special services
as evenly spaced as possible throughout the year, without
The building fund continues right on track with $172,256
being burdensome on the clergy or the congregants.
pledged for 2010. Most of the 2010 pledges are a
continuation of three year pledges made by congregation
Dr. Tim Zerlang has been an invaluable addition to the
members during the Capital Campaign that started one year
committee since arriving at St, Mark's. Complementing our
thematic discussions, we can take advantage of Tim's wide
knowledge of church music to fit the themes we develop.
Although the fall pledge campaign has ended, the
Stewardship Committee remains actively involved in
Kyle Schiefelbein is our liturgical expert member of the
attempting to increase the volume of pledges.
committee. He attends the weekly pastoral worship planning
meetings and functions as an effective liaison for the
The Stewardship Committee consists of Greg Jahnke, Dale
Worship Committee.
Loepp, Paul Cruce, Mary Birkel and Roger Ostrem. The
Committee would like to thank everyone who contributed to
While he does not serve on the committee, Richard Boyle
the fall campaign with both their financial and emotional
deserves special thanks for his long and faithful service as St.
support. We are truly nourished by Living Bread.
Mark’s Sacristan and Altar Guild.
Our membership consists of: Kathy Lautz, Chairperson, Kyle
Schiefelbein, Sacristan, Ed Chitty, Sharon Reinbott, Paul
Cruce, Pr. Christian Jennert, Pr. Elizabeth Ekdale, alternate,
and Dr. Tim Zerlang, Director of Music
If what the worship committee does sounds interesting to
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you, you are welcome to join us, as we are always looking for attended the Sierra Pacific Synod ‐ WELCA convention. It was
more participants. You may wish to attend a meeting on a trial held on November 13‐14, 2009 at Peace Lutheran Church in
basis, if you like. And please bring any matters of interest Grass Valley, CA. The title of the convention was “Get
about worship that you may have to the attention of any of Grounded” and the keynote speaker was Marva Dawn.
the committee members listed above. Business of the Women of the ELCA was conducted and
Nadine Robinson was voted to be an alternate delegate for the
triennial conference in Spokane, WA in July, 2011.
Women of the ELCA (WELCA)
GERI BAILEY AND NADINE ROBINSON “Star of Light” was the theme for the WELCA Christmas
CO‐PRESIDENTS Gathering. It was a festive and joyful event. Suzanne and
Marlo planned the program. The program included readings
In 2009, The Women of the ELCA of St. Mark’s and St. Paulus about stars, musical performances by Jan Charter and Pr.
continued their monthly meetings. The meetings are held on Christian and Tim Zerlang on piano and clarinet. Jan gave a
the 2nd Tuesday of each month. It is a time of Bible study, history of each of the carols she performed. A reading and
prayer, singing and friendship. Our Bible study began in dramatization of the journey of the Magi was also part of the
January with the books of Daniel and Esther. Jan Charter program. The luncheon was planned and prepared by Dean
continued to lead us in song during our meetings. Her Atkinson.
generosity of time and talent is very much appreciated. In
2009 we began our knitting ministry with lap robes for Central The women of St. Mark’s and St. Paulus meet from 11:00 am
Gardens residents and prayer shawls for those who are ill or to 1:00 pm the second Tuesday of each month. The meeting is
need comfort. held in the Fireside Room in St. Mark’s Urban Life Center.
Please bring a sandwich or salad for lunch; dessert and coffee
In February, after sending our financial contribution to the are provided. Please join us for prayer, Bible study, fellowship
Sierra Pacific Synod, we also contributed to other and fun. If you would like more information please contact
organizations. It was decided that our benevolence gifts for Nadine Robinson or Geri Bailey.
2009 be given to the following groups, each receiving $100:
• Maya Works
• Kerry’s Kids
• Cordero de Dios Lutheran Church
(sister congregation to St. Mark’s)
• Living Waters Lutheran Church
(sister congregation to St. Paulus)
• Rwanda School Project
• Safe House
Our “WELCA Celebrates Summer” Luncheon was held in July at
Eliza’s Restaurant where we experienced wonderful Chinese
dishes. This luncheon is an annual event.
After our August summer break, we resumed WELCA activities
in September. September begins the new Bible study year.
The September 2009 through May 2010 Bible study is Paul’s
letters to the Romans.
In November, we had our election of officers. The officers are :
Nadine Robinson and Geri Bailey, Co‐Presidents, Pam Ruh,
Secretary, Suzanne Smith, Treasurer and Marlo Tellschow,
Also in November, Nadine Robinson and Suzanne Smith
Statistical Summary
St. Mark’s Lutheran Church
1111 O’Farrell Street
San Francisco, CA 94109
(415) 928‐7770
(415) 928‐8534 fax
A “Reconciling in Christ” Congregation