Ranjan N
Ranjan N
Ranjan N
2.1. General
order to weigh, measure and qualify the validity and the quantum of things. It is
inevitable in all walks of life to measure, test and validate each and every activity
to find out the nature and reliability of a person and the public as a whole. As it is
important to have a testing on all the aspects in real life, language teaching and
learning process also includes its role in the testing process. Language testing is
as important as language teaching itself. In order to find out the nature and state
of the students'proficiency, tests are to be conducted and the results are the only
source, which provide valuable ideas, and suggestions that are considered for
teaching process.
Language teaching began several centuries ago. The innovative ideas and
methods adopted in the process provide valuable guidance and good models for
process on the whole, appropriate language test batteries become inevitable and
such tests show a clear picture of the effectiveness and usefulness of the
tested by reliable test batteries and empirically viewed with the test scores
arrived from the learners responses, that particular teaching method would not
researches on the English language teaching provide valuable suggestions for
Carroll (1981: 66) says, “In designing our testing surveys, we will need to specify
types and disciplines, and to device workable instruments to measure how far
applications can meet those demands”. The demands and the testing process
do not end with merely providing the test scores, it has to do more than that by
providing valuable suggestions in order to meet out the desired needs by means
language learning system. Apart from this, it is the duty of the testers to make
the language course developers get knowledge about the reliability and
usefulness of the learning tools, which they have constructed for the purpose of
attention to the ideas and suggestions of the persons conducting language test.
2.2.1. Measurement
visual representations. Non-numerical categories or rankings making use of
letter grades (a, b, c,etc) or labels (excellent, good, average) are used to qualify
reading comprehension.
must be done according to explicit rules and procedures. That is, the, ‘blind’ of
2.2.4. Test
designed to elicit certain behavior from which one can make inferences about
individual’s behavior.
The most common use of language tests and educational tests in general is to
pinpoint strengths and weakness in the learnt abilities of the students. We may
discover through testing that a given student has excellent pronunciation and
fluency in the oral production in the language, but he or she may have a low level
for the students. Suggestions based on the suitable approaches for vocabulary
correct decision in any given situation is a function not only of the ability of the
decision maker, but also of the quality of the information upon which the decision
is based.
2.2.6. Evaluation
Tests do not always follow evaluation procedures and in many cases the purpose
of the tests is specific and they do not necessarily include the evaluation
procedures. Mostly tests are conducted and made use for pedagogical and
recruitment purposes. In classroom, the tests play a major role in motivating the
students to review the materials that has been taught or to know the quantum of
happenings of the world are identified, perceived and realized. It is the only
activity that controls and provides valid judgments and conclusions about each
and every activity of the day-to-day events. Test is a part in the process of
evaluation but not the whole of it. An evaluation process may be complete when
the tests are rightly interpreted with pros and cons of it. Evaluation related to
statement about the proficiency of the students. Language skills are developed
performance of the learner during the course or at the end of the course.
learners’ performance. Language tests are the measuring tools to assess the
learners’ achievements and therefore, they are administered to the learners and
measure the learners’ knowledge of the language that is being learnt or his
competence both grammatical and communicative; the result of the test shows
measurement and that in itself does not have much meaning. But the inference
or the conclusion that can be drawn from the measurement is more crucial and
terms measurement and evaluation though carry distinctly different meanings
instructional program.
The above four steps are basically the same in the evaluation of instructions,
broad variety of tools or instruments such as, tests, rating scales, inventories,
series of files might be centrally maintained for classes of all teachers and
folders might be organized according to lesson number, day or week of the
instruction, class, sections, skill, area, etc. Teachers or teacher assistants might
test. (a procedure to determine two groups by means of the test results). By this
the same instruments for both groups. T-test score means standard deviations
are computed separately for each group. A t-value is computed and examined
as an indication of the significance of the difference between the means for the
two groups.
Evaluations in the context of language teaching may be divided into two main
2. Terminal evaluation
2.8.1. Ongoing evaluation
Ongoing evaluation is meant for getting the feedback regularly after the
completion of every step during its process viz. planning, preparation, production
and application. This would enable the program to improve at various stages at
that time of the program itself. This type of evaluation is more helpful to modify
the program and it is used to know whether the program is a success or a failure.
There is no other possibility in the result other than the above said two.
This type of evaluation would not be used for any improvement of the program.
In general, evaluation has been further classified into four categories: They are:
a. Formative evaluation
b. Summative evaluation
d. Extensive evaluation
the case of an instructional program and from one stage to the other. It does not
39 Summative evaluation
the periodic evaluation that has been made and in addition to a total evaluation of
the program: process or product made and the conclusions are arrived at
keeping in view the outcome of the periodic evaluation in addition to the final
Evaluating a program can also be made taking into account only some aspects
and the evaluator can also give a judgment based on the few aspects chosen for
evaluation. But it will be subjective and impressionistic and not a realistic one.
Extensive evaluation involves the analysis of a program in its entire main and sub
aspects. The evaluator has to rate and weigh each of them individually and
consolidate the total rating based on which he makes his value judgment. This is
For the task of evaluating the procedures or methods, materials and media etc.,
constant feedback about the effectiveness of the methods, materials and media.
Language testing means the testing of the four language skills namely listening,
speaking, reading and writing. Language testing will not be fulfilled unless it
includes the tests of all the four skills, since all these skills have one-to-one
relationship and though the modes of reception, production and quality differ.
So, in order to test a learner’s proficiency, the test batteries related to all the four
skills of language become important. Test batteries can be developed to test one
skill through another and it is evident that all the four skills are interrelated both in
active and passive manner. During the phase of production, the active skills are
supported by the passive skills and the passive skills are supported by productive
Munby (1978: 126) says language is devisable into four skills of reading, writing,
listening and speaking. The skills are, in turn, devisable into finer language skills
(or functions) such as ‘understanding conceptual meaning’ with its related micro
skills such as ‘quantity and amount’, ‘comparison and degree’. Language skills
things and facts viewed to be qualified and quantified by means of the skills a
person possesses and language skills that help him to measure its value, quality,
The present curriculum method, which is followed in India, does not follow the
testing methods, which are meant for testing of four language skills. Either any
System), (Caroline Claphan, 1996; p.1) or any one of the standard language
testing system has been followed in India. In India,English occupies the position
their mother tongue since they belong to different states. Even in one state
uniform type of testing system is not followed. No testing tools or testing devices
are adopted and followed uniformly. Language teachers are the test developers
and they develop the batteries according to the needs. It is found from the
types of tests are conducted to test the language ability of the second language
learners) The present research is related to the Graduate level second language
2. Grammar
3. Precise writing
4. Sentence patterns
5. Letter writing
6. Prose
7. Poetry
8. Hints developing
9. Phonetics
11. Conversation
15. Grammar related exercises (word, sentences and passage levels)
All such above-mentioned types of teaching items are included in the syllabus.
These items are taught in classroom and the students were tested through the
writing skills.
through the four skills. Can the present curriculum provide a base for the
development of all the four skills in graduate level? The answer to this question
is highly negative because the syllabus is designed with a view to develop the
second language. The chances for the development of the oral communicative
syllabus has been included in the graduate level second language teaching
categories are taught. The syntactic and semantic studies are not included. This
may lead the second language learners to total confusion while using the
5. Incomplete sentences.
The present researcher has found out errors in the above types of language use.
adverb, adjective and nouns. The probable reason for the error is due to the
The present day syllabus does not advocate any scientific strategy to test the
obtain the feedback from the learners. Since no testing parameter has been
given in the syllabus or material, each one involved in the task of imparting
English resorts to go for devising indigenous test device for evaluation, which in
turn does not extract the real feed-back from the learners.
Importance must be given to the selection of the test and its appropriateness to
Grant Henning (1987,p: 9) says that in order to develop an appropriate test, the
v. Developmental sample,
vi. Availability of equivalent or equated forms
Testing the learners is as important as teaching learners. When the learners are
testers should consider many things before they conduct test to the learners. The
i. When to test?
The present study has to do with the learning of the second language learners
belonging to the undergraduate course. The present curriculum does not provide
language curriculum or paper after second year of the graduation studies except
This study concentrates on the second year under graduate students who are in
the final stage of their language learning process in the academic domain. They
have been selected as informants for the test. This test was conducted during
conducted during these selected months by the college authorities. Hence the
researcher selected these two months to conduct test for the present study.
2.15. Methodology adopted in the language tests
In order to find out the language proficiency and fluency of the second language
learners especially the graduate students, and to know how they use the
language for both academic and non academic application purpose, a specially
designed testing system related to the testing of all the four language skills was
developed and the same was issued to the learners from various colleges for
testing. The methodology adopted for the preparation of questionnaires had not
strictly followed any of the standard test items. The researcher made models and
materials, which are suitable and reliable in testing the informants. The testing
The questionnaire framed for testing writing skill was mainly based on the testing
1. Vocabulary
2. Spelling
3. Grammar
4. Expression
5. Fluency and
6. Style.
In order to test the above, seven questions based on general topics in which the
graduate students are familiar were given, and the informants were asked to
write on any of the five questions. The questionnaire is given in the appendix.
A writing comprehension has also been included in the writing test. In the writing
1. Word
2. Sentence and
3. Passage
Finally one question related to the translation of text from on form to another form
was included. The students were given a conversation to convert into a passage
form. The conversion skill has been tested through this exercise.
Responses obtained for all these above types of questions were analyzed both
quantitatively and qualitatively and a detailed comment has been given for each
In order to test the reading skill questions were prepared giving importance to
decision types. Questions were framed in three types of sub skills namely
recognition, inference and reorganization. The aim of the reading test was to find
out the reading ability of the students. So only objective type questions were
selected and no writing based answers were included in the reading test
On the whole 20 test items were included in the questionnaire. For reading
comprehension three long and, small passages and one advertisement column
were also selected for the questionnaire. All the test items are commented with
the probable reasons for the errors and the correct answers along with the
remedial measures to develop the reading skills are given with corresponding
Listening test was conducted with the view to test the students’ listening
A questionnaire was designed for the same, which included the tests of
1. Identification of words
This test was conducted with the help of the audio tape recorder.
Test materials
2. Five individual sentences (previously recorded and given for testing the
3. One passage having four sentences (given for testing retention and recall
All the listening materials were previously recorded by the students of same
standard and the same was played for listening. Questions were printed in
2.15.4. Speaking test
The aim of speaking test was to identify the level and quality of production of
the same the students were asked to speak on a topic of their interest and no
restrictions were laid on it. Each student was given five minutes to speak and
language. So a number of selected words, having all the sounds in English were
selected and given for loud reading. The reading voice was recorded and the