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Mebs6008 1415 01-Fluid01

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MEBS6008 Environmental Services II


Dr. Sam C. M. Hui
Department of Mechanical Engineering
The University of Hong Kong
E-mail: cmhui@hku.hk
Jan 2015

• MEBS6008 Environmental Services II

• Educational Objectives:
• To introduce students to the important systems and
applications of environmental services for more
detailed study.
• To enable students to design appropriate heating,
ventilating, air-conditioning and refrigerating
(HVAC&R) systems and evaluate their
characteristics and performance.

• MEBS6008 Environmental Services II

• Learning Outcomes:
• To describe the basic principles and characteristics
of HVAC systems and components.
• To develop skills for design of HVAC&R systems
and evaluation of their characteristics and
• Assessment: 80% Examination (2 hours), 20%
Continuous Assessment

• Two related courses:

• MEBS6006 Environmental services I
• Basic principles of HVACR
• Practical design skills
• MEBS6008 Environmental services II
• System characteristics and operation
• Analysis and design strategies

• Study topics of MEBS6008:

• Fluid Network Analysis
• Fans and Pumps
• Space Air Diffusion Dr. Sam C. M. Hui
• Heat Rejection & Sea Water Cooling
• Thermal Storage Systems
• Heat Pumps & Heat Recovery Systems
• Noise & Vibration Control
Dr. Benjamin
P. L. Ho

• Recommended references:
• ASHRAE, 2013. ASHRAE Fundamentals Handbook 2013,
SI edition, American Society of Heating, Refrigerating,
and Air-Conditioning Engineers, Atlanta, GA. [ASHRAE
catalog via Techstreet]
• ASHRAE, 2014. ASHRAE Refrigeration Handbook 2014,
SI edition, American Society of Heating, Refrigerating,
and Air-Conditioning Engineers, Atlanta, GA. [ASHRAE
catalog via Techstreet]
• Wang, S. K., 2001. Handbook of Air Conditioning and
Refrigeration, 2nd ed., McGraw-Hill, New York. [697.93
W24 h]
MEBS6008 Environmental Services II

Fluid Network Analysis I

Dr. Sam C. M. Hui
Department of Mechanical Engineering
The University of Hong Kong
E-mail: cmhui@hku.hk
Jan 2015

• Fluid Properties

• Fluid Dynamics

• Basic Flow Processes

• Flow Analysis
Fluid Properties

• HVAC (heating, ventilation & air-

conditioning) processes
• Often involve FLUID flows (e.g. air and water)
• Understanding of fluid mechanics is important
• Fluid Mechanics – study of fluids at rest, in
motion, and the effects of fluids on boundaries
• Fluid statics
• Momentum and energy analyses
• Viscous effects and pressure forces
Fluid cannot resist shear.
Containing walls are needed.
Fluid Properties

• Under shear stress

• A solid deforms only a finite amount
• A fluid moves and deforms continuously
• Liquids and gases
• Molecular actions
• Degree of compressibility
• Two important properties
• Pressure (static): p1 – p2 = -ρg (h1 – h2)
• Velocity (kinematic)
Fluid Properties

• Fluid motion
• Ideal-fluid model: no resistance to shearing
• Flow analysis is well developed
• Real model: effects of viscous action
• Fluids in HVAC applications
• Most of them are “Newtonian”*
• Deformation is directly proportional to the shearing
stress (Newtonian Law of Viscosity)
• Viscosity does influence turbulence

* See also http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Newtonian_fluid

Fluid Properties

• Common fluid properties

• Density (ρ): mass per unit volume
• Density of water = 998 kg/m3
• Density of air = 1.20 kg/m3
• Viscosity: resistance of fluid layers to shear
• F / A = μ (V / Y)
• F = tangential force
• A = area of the plate
• V = velocity
• Y = separation distance
• μ = absolute viscosity or dynamic viscosity
Velocity profiles and gradients in shear flows

(Source: ASHRAE Fundamentals Handbook 2001)

Fluid Properties

• Viscosity in complex flows

• F/A = τ = shearing stress
• V/Y = lateral velocity gradient
• Therefore, τ = μ (dV / dY)
• Absolute viscosity (μ)
• Depends on temperature
• μ of water = 1.0 mN.s/m2
• μ of air = 18 μN.s/m2
Fluid Properties

• Kinematic viscosity (ν): ratio of absolute

viscosity to density
• ν=μ/ρ
• ν of water = 1.00 mm2/s
• ν of air = 16 mm2/s
Fluid Dynamics

• Physical laws for homogenous, constant-

property, incompressible fluids
• Continuity: conservation of matter
• ∫(density x velocity) dA = constant
• For constant cross-sectional area,
• Mass flow rate = ρ V A = constant
• When flow is incompressible, ρ is constant, then
• Volume flow rate = V A = constant
Fluid Dynamics

• Pressure variation across flow

• Variation across streamlines involves fluid rotation
• Lateral pressure variation across streamlines is given by:
• ¶ æp ö n2 r = radius of curvature of streamline
• çç + gz ÷÷ = z = elevation
¶r è r ø r
• This equation explains
• Pressure difference between the inside & outside walls of a bend
and near other regions of section change
• That pressure variation is hydrostatic (p + ρ g z) = constant
Fluid Dynamics

• Bernoulli equation *
• Basic tool for fluid flow analysis
• Apply first law of thermodynamics
• ΔE = Work done (W) + Heat absorbed (Q)
• Fluid energy is composed of kinetic, potential and internal
(u) energies. Per unit mass of fluid, the energy change is:
æ v2 ö æ pö
Dçç + gz + u ÷÷ = EM - Dçç ÷÷ + Q
è2 ø èrø

Fluid energy External work Pressure/flow work

* See also http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bernoulli's_principle
Fluid Dynamics

• Bernoulli equation (cont’d)

• Rearrange the equation,
æ v2 pö
Dçç + gz + ÷÷ + Du = EM - Q
è2 rø 2
p v Energy per
• Bernoulli constant = p = + + gz
r 2 volume flow
• Alternative forms:
rv 2
Energy per mass flow p+ + rgz = rp
p v2 p
For liquid flow (or head) + +z=
rg 2 g g
Fluid Dynamics

• Many pipe/duct systems can be considered as

“one-dimensional flow”
• Use Bernoulli equation to analyse velocity and pressure
• For steady flow, irrotational, incompressible flow,
p v2
+ + z = constant
rg 2 g Total head

Pressure Velocity Potential

head head head
(kinetic) (elevation)
Fluid Dynamics

• If the section-average velocity (V) is used, the

kinetic energy term of the Bernoulli constant
(v2/2) is expressed as (αV 2/2),
• where α = kinetic energy factor (ratio of true
kinetic energy of the velocity profile to that of the
mean flow velocity)
• For laminar flow in a wide rectangular channel, α
= 1.54; for a pipe, α = 2.0
Fluid Dynamics

• Assume Q = 0, Bernoulli equation can be used

to determine the change in energy between two
stations External work Change
æp ö æp ö of
V2 V2
çç + a + gz ÷÷ + EM = çç + a + gz ÷÷ + E L internal
èr 2 ø1 èr 2 ø2 energy,
• Or, dividing by g,
æ p V2 ö æ p V2 ö
çç +a + z ÷÷ + H M = çç +a + z ÷÷ + H L
è rg 2g ø1 è rg 2g ø2
Fluid Dynamics

• Laminar flow
• For steady, fully developed laminar flow in a parallel-
walled conduit, the shear stress τ varies linearly with
distance y from the centerline
• For a wide rectangular channel, t = æç y ö÷t = m dv
• τw = wall shear stress = b (dp/ds) èbø dy
• 2b = wall spacing
• s = flow direction
• Because velocity = 0 at the wall (y = b), the integrated
result is: æ b 2 - y 2 ö dp Poiseuille-flow parabolic
v = çç ÷÷
è 2m øds velocity profile
Fluid Dynamics

• Laminar flow (cont’d)

• Average velocity V = 2/3 of max. velocity (at y = 0)
• Longitudinal pressure drop in terms of conduit
flow velocity is: dp æ 3mV ö
= -ç 2 ÷
ds è b ø
• For axisymmetric conduit (pipe) of radius R, the
parabolic velocity profile can be derived. The
average velocity V = ½ of max. velocity, and
pressure drop is: dp æ 8mV ö
= -ç 2 ÷
ds è R ø
Fluid Dynamics

• Turbulence
• Random fluctuations of flow (velocity & pressure)
• Without any order or periodicity
• Can be quantified by statistical factors
• “Strength of turbulence” is characterized by the root-mean-square
of the instantaneous velocity variation about the mean velocity
• Effect of turbulence
• Cause the fluid to diffuse momentum, heat and mass very rapidly
across the flow
Velocity fluctuation at point in turbulent flow

(Source: ASHRAE Fundamentals Handbook 2001)

Fluid Dynamics

• Reynolds number (Re): dimensionless, gives

the relative ratio of inertial to viscous forces
• Re = V L / ν = ρV L / μ
• V = velocity of fluid
• L = characteristics length (For pipes, L = diameter)
• ν = kinematic viscosity
• ρ = density of fluid
• μ = absolute viscosity
• Laminar flow if Re < 2000; fully turbulence if Re > 10000
• Transition state if 2000 < Re < 10000
Fluid Flow Visualisation

• Video presentation
• Fluid Flow [video, 24 min.], show how a fluid
flows over a solid body
• Boundary layer, Vorticity, Drag, Unsteady forces,
Wave motions
• YouTube:
• Slow flow past cylinder - experimental (0:30), http://youtu.be/gbDscDSUAg4
• Slightly faster flow past cylinder - experimental (0:12),
• Flow past cylinder: Karman vortex Street - experimental (0:10),
• Experimental flow separation (0:37), http://youtu.be/Vjk9Ux2COx0
Basic Flow Processes

• Wall friction
• At the boundary of real-fluid flow, the relative
tangential velocity at fluid surface is zero
• High shear stress near the wall boundary
• Slowing down of adjacent fluid layers
• Velocity profiles near a wall
• Laminar and turbulent flow differ significantly
• Pipe factor = ratio of average to max. (centreline)
Velocity profiles of flow in pipes

(Source: ASHRAE Fundamentals Handbook 2001)

Pipe factor for flow in conduits

(Source: ASHRAE Fundamentals Handbook 2001)

Source: Computer Aided Learning In Fluid Dynamics
Basic Flow Processes

• Boundary layer
• Encompasses all viscous or turbulent actions
• Causing velocity to increase rapidly from zero to that of
outer flow edge
• Generally laminar near the start of their formation,
but may become turbulent downstream
• For conduit flows, pipe diameter is small
compared with distances in flow direction
• Layers from walls will meet at the centreline
Flow in conduit entrance region

(Source: ASHRAE Fundamentals Handbook 2001)

Basic Flow Processes

• In some boundary-layer flows, pressure

gradient effects can be severe and may even
lead to “separation” (fluid may backflow near
the wall)
• Flow separation is due to frictional velocity
reduction near the wall (difficult to predict)
• Dynamic separation (dynamic growth of boundary)
• Geometric separation (e.g. pass over a sharp corner
or sharp entrance or sudden expansion)
Boundary layer flows to separation

(Source: ASHRAE Fundamentals Handbook 2001)

Geometric separation, flow development and loss in
flow through orifice
(Source: ASHRAE Fundamentals Handbook 2001)
Examples of geometric separation in flows in conduits

(Source: ASHRAE Fundamentals Handbook 2001)

Basic Flow Processes

• Flow separation in diffuser

• To expand a flow efficiently, the device shall be
designed with gradual contours, a diffuser, or a
rounded entrance
• To control separation
• May use splitters to divide the diffuser into smaller
divisions less likely to have separations
• May bleed some low-velocity fluid near the wall
Separation in flows in diffuser

(Source: ASHRAE Fundamentals Handbook 2001)

Basic Flow Processes

• Cavitation*
• Liquid flow with gas- or vapour-filled pockets can
occur if the absolute pressure is reduced to vapour
pressure or less
• Collapse noise of many small bubbles
• More bubbles appear & may join to form large cavities
• May modify flow pattern & alter device performance
• Frequent collapse of cavities on or near solid boundaries
may result in damage through cavitational erosion or
excessive vibration
* See also http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cavitation
(Source: ASHRAE Fundamentals Handbook 2001)
(Source: ASHRAE Fundamentals Handbook 2001)
Basic Flow Processes

• Methods to avoid cavitation*

• 1. Operate the device at high enough pressure
• 2. Change the flow
• 3. Device is built to withstand the cavitation
effects (e.g. by surface coating)
• 4. Design surface contours to delay the advent of

* Video: Cavitation Demo.mp4 (5:56) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZlrFMmGs_NI

Flow Analysis

• Aims
• To correlate pressure changes with flow rates and
nature of the conduit
• To evaluate flow rate and specify pump/fan for a
conduit piping system
• Generalised Bernoulli Equation
æ p V2 ö æ p V2 ö
çç +a + z ÷÷ + H M = çç +a + z ÷÷ + H L
è rg 2g ø1 è rg 2g ø2
Flow Analysis

• Worked Example:
• Specify the fan to produce an isothermal airflow of
200 L/s through the ducting system. Accounting
for intake and fitting losses, the equivalent conduit
lengths are 18 and 50 m and the flow is isothermal.
The pressure at the inlet (station 1) and following
the discharge (station 4), where the velocity is zero,
are the same. Friction losses HL are evaluated as
7.5 m of air between stations 1 and 2, and 72.3 m
between stations 3 and 4.
Worked Example

Kinetic energy factor:

α = 1.06 at fan inlet
α = 1.03 at fan outlet
(Source: ASHRAE Fundamentals Handbook 2001)
Flow Analysis

• Apply Bernoulli equation to stations 1 & 4

• The pressure terms are the same; velocity is zero
• (p/ρg)+0+0.61+HM = (p/ρg)+0+3+(7.5+72.3)
• Therefore, HM = 82.2 m of air = required fan
• Alternatively, HM can be determined from
stations 2 & 3, but some more steps are needed,
as shown in the followings
Flow Analysis

• Calculate the kinetic terms at fan inlet/outlet:

• A2 = π(D/2)2 = π(0.25/2)2 = 0.0491 m2
• V2 = Q / A2 = 0.2 / 0.0491 = 4.07 m/s
• For fan inlet, V22/2g = (4.07)2 / 2(9.8) = 0.846 m
• Similarly for fan outlet, V32/2g = 2.07 m
• Apply Bernoulli to stations 1 & 2 and 3 & 4
• (p1/ρg)+0+0.61+0=(p2/ρg)+(1.06x0.846)+0+7.5
• (p3/ρg)+(1.03x2.07)+0+0=(p4/ρg)+0+3+72.3
Flow Analysis

• Therefore,
• (p2/ρg)-(p1/ρg) = -7.8 m of air
• (p3/ρg)-(p4/ρg) = 73.2 m of air
• Apply Bernoulli to stations 2 & 3 and knowing
p1 = p4 = zero gauge, therefore,
• HM = 73.2 + (1.03x2.07) – [-7.8 + (1.06x0.846)] =
75.3 – (-6.9) = 82.2 m of air
Flow Analysis

• Conduit friction
• Frictional shear at bounding walls
• Flow energy is converted into heat (fluid internal
energy), unrecoverable (a loss)
• This loss can be evaluated by Darcy-Weishbach
æLö V ö
æ 2
(H L ) f = f ç ÷çç ÷÷
• L = length of conduit è D øè 2 g ø
• D = diameter
• f = friction factor (for turbulent flow, f = 0.01 to 0.05)
Flow Analysis

• For fully-developed laminar flow in a pipe,

L æ 8mV ö 32 LnV 64 æ L ö V ö
æ 2
(H L ) f = ç 2 ÷= = ç ÷çç ÷÷
rg è R ø D g2
VD /n è D øè 2 g ø
• Where Re = VD/ν and f = 64 / Re
• Friction factor varies inversely with Re
• With turbulent flow, friction loss depends also
on nature of conduit wall surface
Flow Analysis

• For smooth conduit walls, empirically,

• f = 0.3164 / Re0.25 for Re < 105
• f = 0.0032 + 0.221/ Re0.237 for 105 < Re < 3 x 106
• f also depends on wall roughness ε and cannot
studied using a “Moody chart”
• For high Re and ε, friction factor is independent of
Re in a fully-rough flow regime, then
• 1/√f = 1.14 + 2 log (D/ε)
(Source: ASHRAE Fundamentals Handbook 2005)
Flow Analysis

• Between smooth tubes and fully-rough regime,

friction factor can be represented by
Colebrook’s natural roughness function:
1 é 9.3 ù
= 1.14 + 2 log( D / e ) - 2 log ê1 + ú
f êë Re(e / D) f úû
• Transition region: 2000 < Re < 10000
• For smooth wall,
• Laminar: Re < 2000, f = 64/Re
• If Re > 10000, the empirical equations are used
Flow Analysis

• For rough walls, Moody chart and Colebrook

function are used to assess friction factor in
turbulent flow
• The roughness height will be evaluated from
the conduit surface (found from Table)
• For rectangular air duct, the circular equivalent
can be calculated using Deq = 4A / Pw
• A = flow area; Pw = wetted perimeter of cross
e = roughness

Further Reading

• ASHRAE, 2013. ASHRAE Handbook Fundamentals

2013, Chp. 3 - Fluid Flow, American Society of
Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning
Engineers Inc., Atlanta, GA. [ASHRAE catalog via
Techstreet] [ebook via Knovel]

• Web Links:
• CIVE1400: Fluid Mechanics [University of Leeds]
• http://www.efm.leeds.ac.uk/CIVE/CIVE1400/course.html
• Fundamentals of Fluid Mechanics
• https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL7FF084F8C414D602

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