Internal Flow
Internal Flow
Internal Flow
Vaver is the average velocity, D is the characteristic length, and is the fluid
Internal flow: Reynolds number
• For high Reynolds number, the flow fluctuates and becomes
• For low Reynolds number, the viscous forces dampens the flow
fluctuations and the flow becomes laminar.
• The Reynolds number at which the flow changes from laminar to
turbulent is called critical Reynolds number, Recr . For internal flow
in a circular tube, Recr =2300.
• For flow through non-circular pipes, Re is calculated based on the
hydraulic diameter (Dh), Re= Vav Dh/
• The hydraulic diameter is defined as Dh= 4 Ac /P, where, Ac is the
cross-section area and P is the wetted perimeter.
Re < 2300 laminar
2300 <Re< 4000 Transition
Re> 4000 Turbulent
Internal flow: entrance region
• When a fluid enters a circular pipes, a velocity boundary layer develops besides
the pipe wall. The thickness of the boundary layer increases in the flow direction
until it reaches the pipe center and fills the entire section. The velocity profile at
this point becomes fully developed and the distance from the pipe entrance to
the point at which the velocity profile becomes fully developed is called
Hydrodynamic entrance region.
Internal flow: entrance region
For laminar flow, the length of the hydrodynamic entrance region depends on Re
For turbulent flow, the length of the hydrodynamic entrance region is,
The pipes used in practice are usually several times the length of the entrance
region, and thus the flow through pipes is often assumed to be fully developed for
the entire length of the pipe. This assumption gives good results for long pipes and
poor results for short ones.
Internal flow: laminar flow in pipes (Re <2300)
• Consider a steady flow in a circular pipe and assume that the flow
is laminar and fully developed, then the velocity in the pipe will
be a function or r only (u=u(r)).
• Apply momentum equation in x direction on a ring-
shaped differential volume element of radius r,
thickness dr, and length dx oriented coaxially with the
pipe (as shown).
Rate of x-momentum out- rate of x-momentum in = Fx
Internal flow: laminar flow in pipes (Re <2300)
• Dividing the previous equation by 2 dr dx yields
• To get the values of C1 and C2, apply the boundary conditions at the center
(du/dr)r=0 =0 and at the wall u(R) = 0, where R is pipe radius. This will give,
𝑅2 𝑑𝑝
C1 =0 and 𝐶2 = −
4𝜇 𝑑𝑥
• This will give
• This equation shows that the velocity profile in fully developed laminar flow in a
pipe is parabolic with a maximum at the centerline and a minimum (zero) at the
pipe wall.
Internal flow: laminar flow in pipes
• The average velocity can be determined from the velocity distribution
∆𝑃 𝑅 2 ∆𝑃𝜋 𝐷4
The volume flow rate 𝑉ሶ = 𝐴𝑐 𝑉𝑎𝑣𝑔 = 𝜋𝑅 2 =
𝐿 8𝜇 128 𝜇 𝐿
ሶ ሶ 2 128 𝜇 𝐿
The pumping power = 𝑉 ∆𝑃 = 𝑉
• Therefore, for specified volume flow rate the pumping power is
proportional to L and inversely proportional to D4.
Internal flow: laminar flow in pipes
• The energy equation for a flow in a pipe takes the form
• This shows that P1-P2 will equal ghL if: 1- the pipe is horizontal
(z1=z2), 2- there is no turbine work, 3- there is pump, 4- if the cross
section of the pipe is constant (V1= V2) and 1 = 2
Internal flow: laminar flow in pipes
• Effect of gravity
The gravity does not affect the flow in horizontal pipes. However,
it has a significant effect on both the velocity and the flow rate in
uphill or downhill pipes.
The average velocity and the volume flow rate can be calculated
Internal flow: laminar flow in noncircular tube
• Consider the fully developed flow of glycerin at 40 oC ( = 1252 kg/m3 and =
0.3073 kg/m.s ) through a 70-m-long, 4-cm-diameter, horizontal, circular pipe. If
the flow velocity at the centerline is measured to be 6 m/s, determine the
velocity profile and the pressure difference across this 70-m-long section of the
pipe, and the useful pumping power required to maintain this flow. For the same
useful pumping power input, determine the percent increase of the flow rate if
the pipe is inclined 15o downward and the percent decrease if it is inclined 15o
upward. The pump is located outside this pipe section.
For horizontal pipe
Turbulent flow in pipes
• Most flows encountered in real applications are turbulent
(Re> 2300)
• Turbulent flow is characterized by disorderly and rapid
fluctuations of swirling regions, called eddies. These eddies
provide an additional mechanism for momentum transfer.
• The velocity profile of fully developed turbulent flow is fuller
than that of laminar flow
• So, turbulent flow is associated with higher friction factor
compared to laminar flow
• Turbulent flow is not fully understood, so we rely on
experimental or empirical correlations to determine friction
coefficient for various situations
Turbulent flow in pipes: Moody chart
• The friction factor f in fully
developed turbulent flow
depends on Reynolds number
and relative roughness (/D),
which is the mean height of tube
roughness to the tube diameter.
• Experimental measurements of f
as a function of Re and (/D) are
presented graphically in what is
called Moody Chart. Moody chart
Turbulent flow in pipes: The functional form of the data presented in
Moody chart
• The functional form of the data presented in Moody chart is
presented in a relation known as Colebrook equation:
2- Determining the flow rate when the pipe length and diameter are known for
specified pressure drop
In this case, we can not find Re because the flow rate is unknow. So, solution should
be performed iteratively.
3- Determining the pipe diameter when the pipe length and flow rate are known
for specified pressure drop
Also in this case, the solution should be performed iteratively.
Types of fluid flow problems
• To avoid the tedious iterative solution that is required in the second
and third case, Swamee and Jain proposed the following explicit
relations that are accurate to within 2% of the moody chart:
• Heated air at 1 atm and 35 oC (=1.145 kg/m3 and =1.895x 10-5 kg/m·s) is
to be transported in a 300 m long and 0.267 m in diameter. Determine the
mass flow rate in the duct if the head loss in the duct is not to exceed 20 m.
The equation for V as a function of f is
The new flow rate can also be determined directly from the second Swamee–Jain formula to be
Minor losses valve
• The losses that occur in piping components such as fittings, valves, bends,
elbows, tees, inlets, exits, expansions, and contractions are called minor
losses. The minor losses are usually expressed in terms of the loss
coefficient KL. The head loss for a component is determined from
• When all the loss coefficients are available, the total head loss in a piping
system is
• If the entire pipe system has constant diameter, the total head loss
reduces to
• Head loss between two junctions must be the same for all paths between the
two junctions. This is because pressure is a point function and it cannot have
two values at a specified point. This is requiring that the algebraic sum of head
losses in a loop (for all loops) be equal to zero. (A head loss is taken to be
positive for flow in the clockwise direction and negative for flow in the
counterclockwise direction.)
• So, the analysis of piping networks is similar to the analysis of electric circuits
using Kirchhoff’s laws with flow rate corresponding to current and pressure
corresponding to electric potential.
Piping systems with pumps and turbines