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Career Counseling For Young People With Physical Disabilities: An Introduction To Thresholds

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1995 ERIC Digest EDO-CG-95-49

Career Counseling For Young People With Physical

Disabilities: An Introduction To Thresholds
M. Jamieson & J. Paterson

Overview tivities in a manner or within the range considered nor-

For a number of years, studies have reported that mal for a person (World Health Organization, 1980). The
people with disabilities have lower work force participa- severity of the restriction produces observable perfor-
tion rates than the general public (Siegel, Robert, Waxman, mance difficulties, which may be augmented by aids,
& Gaylord-Ross, 1992). Since work is highly valued in appliances, and/or another person. Thresholds is intended
our society, scholars have been interested in determining for qualified facilitators working with 15-18 year old ado-
why this is so. They have suggested that one factor is a lescents with physical disabilities, who have just begun
lack of transitional, vocational programs for young people exploring who they are and how they fit into the world
with disabilities and experts have recommended creat- of work. This program provides an initial step to career
ing programs based on the unique characteristics and exploration— it is not a job search.
needs of the target population. Thresholds is one such Thresholds: The Program
program, developed to meet the transitional and voca-
tional needs of young people with physical disabilities. Thresholds has three parts: In Part A, participants re-
flect on their interests, capabilities, and values, and then
Discussion practice communicating these personal characteristics to
Before leaving high school and entering the world of others. In addition, they examine ways in which people
work or other post-secondary settings, young people with with disabilities have successfully bridged the gap be-
physical disabilities must master a number of career de- tween school and career. In Part B, young people explore
velopmental tasks in relation to their disabilities. Practi- the world of work. They formulate questions to investi-
tioners and researchers have suggested that many aspects gate specific careers, determine if these careers meet their
of Super’s “life-career rainbow” are applicable to young personal needs and directions, test their questions in a
people with disabilities (Hershenson & Szymanski, 1992). mock interview, refine them, and try them out in a for-
Super (1990) has combined situational and personal de- mal interview. In Part C, participants examine barriers
terminants with life-roles and life-stages to explain ca- to career success. They identify their own barriers and
reer development across the life-span. During the school- contemplate strategies to overcome them. They also con-
to-work transition, most young people have entered sider ways in which other people with disabilities have
Super’s exploration stage, which fosters the exploration confronted career barriers. Finally, they revise their per-
of personal characteristics and career opportunities. As sonal plans for addressing barriers and formalize action
career opportunities and realities are clarified, young plans to achieve their career goals.
people make tentative career selections, test them through Thresholds includes 12 sessions of 80 minutes each and
fantasy, discussions, and/or work experiences, and con- consists of group and individual activities. The facilita-
sider them as possible life-roles. tor, who may be a teacher, career counselor, occupational
Many potential barriers exist for young people with therapist, or social worker, leads the participants through
disabilities (Karge, Patton, & de la Garza, 1992; Marlett, the activities. The program is detailed in a facilitator’s
1987; Roessler, Brolin, & Johnson, 1992). For example, guide and a participant’s handbook (grade 7 reading
these young people may not obtain the same amount or level).
variety of pre-vocational work experiences; they may lack Facilitator Characteristics
training in basic skills such as job search, job maintenance,
mobility/transportation, and self-advocacy skills; schools In order to implement Thresholds successfully, facili-
and other career counseling agencies may lack special- tators require a number of attributes. Consider the fol-
ized personnel; society may have lower performance ex- lowing points:
pectations for them. Unless vocational programs incor- · People with disabilities often face barriers that nega-
porate activities that examine the concept of disability, tively affect their self-concept, self-esteem, and self-
and the accompanying barriers, they will not prepare efficacy. Recognizing the true potential of persons
people with disabilities to enter and succeed in the work with disabilities and appreciating the possible ef-
world. fects of frequent, negative experiences can help to
Thresholds minimize the impact.
Thresholds (Jamieson, Paterson, Krupa, MacEachen, · Counselor attitudes can influence their clients. Ex-
& Topping, 1993) is designed to enhance career develop- amining personal and professional attitudes to-
ment for young people with physical disabilities. Physi- wards disability and persons with disabilities could
cal disability is defined as a restriction to perform com- benefit facilitators.
munication, personal care, locomotor and/or bodily ac-
· Over the last two or three decades, persons with dis- References
abilities have challenged society’s perceptions of them. Hershenson, D., & Szymanski, E. (1992). Career development
The challenges have encouraged members of society to of people with disabilities. In R. Parker & E. Szymanski
change their attitudes and expectations. Facilitators (Eds.), Rehabilitation counselling: Basics and beyond (2nd
should be aware of this history and be sensitive to the ed., pp. 273-303). Austin, TX: Pro-Ed.
need for further social action.
Jamieson, M., Paterson, J., Krupa, T., MacEachen, E. & Top-
· Participation of people with disabilities in the labor force ping, A. (1993). Thresholds: Enhancing the career develop-
is low. Therefore, knowledge both of the realities of the ment strategies of young people with physical disabilities.
world of work and the factors that influence young Ottawa, ON: Canadian Guidance and Counselling Foun-
people with physical disabilities is important. dation.
Field Testing Karge, B. D., Patton, P. L., & de la Garza, B. (1992). Transition
Thresholds was based on a needs assessment and was field services for youth with mild disabilities: Do they exist,
tested in two urban settings. In the first field test, a social are they needed? Career Development for Exceptional Indi-
worker and a vocational counselor guided three males and viduals, 15(1), 47-68.
five females (ages 14-18) through the program. In the second Marlett, N. J. (1987). Disabled youth in transition: Implica-
test, two career counselors worked with 10 males (ages 15- tions for social action approaches for rehabilitation coun-
18). Pretest-posttest differences in the first setting showed a sellors. In H. Day & R. Brown (Eds.), NATCON 14: Voca-
significant improvement in vocational decision-making abili- tional counselling in rehabilitation (pp. 353-367). Ottawa,
ties. In the second setting, significant improvements in voca- ON: Employment and Immigration Canada.
tional decision-making abilities and self-appraisal skills were
also observed. Participants in the first test had a poor under- Roessler, R. T., Brolin, D. E., & Johnson, J. M. (1992). Barriers
standing of career decision-making strategies, but a good to the implementation of career education for special
understanding of who they were prior to entering the pro- education. Journal of Career Development, 18, 271-282.
gram. In the second setting, participants had limited under- Siegel, S., Robert, M., Waxman, M., & Gaylord-Ross, R. (1992).
standings in both areas. Therefore, the initial characteristics A follow-along study of participants in a longitudinal
of the participants seemed critical in determining whether or transition program for youths with mild disabilities. Ex-
not notable improvement would occur. ceptional Children, 58, 346-356.
Conclusion Super D. (1990). A life-span approach to career development.
Thresholds is a transitional, vocational program for young In D. Brown & L. Brooks (Eds.), Career choice and develop-
people with physical disabilities which facilitates self-under- ment (2nd ed., pp. 197-261). San Francisco, CA: Jossey-
standing, career understanding, decision-making, and self- Bass Publishers.
advocacy. Its focus is on young people who have just begun World Health Organization (1980). International classification
exploring the world of work and their future in it. Field tests of impairments, disability, and handicap. Geneva, Switzer-
confirm its value as a career development program. Thresh- land: Author.
olds, together with other vocational programs, should help
young people with physical disabilities develop the attitudes,
knowledge, and skills necessary to participate successfully Margaret Jamieson, is an associate professor in the School of Reha-
in the work force. bilitation Therapy, Faculty of Medicine, Queen’s University,
Kingston, Ontario, Canada, K7L 3N6.
John Paterson, is a Master’s Candidate in the School of Rehabilita-
tion Therapy.

ERIC Digests are in the public domain and may be freely reproduced and disseminated. This publication was funded by the U.S.
Department of Education, Of fice of Educational Research and Improvement, Contract No. RR93002004. Opinions expressed in this report do
not necessarily reflect the positions of the U.S. Department of Education, OERI, or ERIC/CASS.

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