Statement of Purpose
Statement of Purpose
Statement of Purpose
I am very interested to join in the team of Professor Hyung Jong Jin of the Department of
Bioscience and Biotechnology of The University of Suwon. He is performing innovative
research on Biotechnology. His group is dedicated to reveal the mechanism of action
antibiotic resistance by bacterial proteins (Erm). I hope to learn much more knowledge in
this research area to renovate my existing concepts and the conventional mode of
thinking. After completing higher education from The University of Suwon, I wish to
continue my research in any research institute and university in Korea or in Bangladesh. I
would welcome the opportunity to discuss the possibility of becoming a part of a research
team. I believe that this has been of great benefit to me. Since I have earned both
theoretical and practical knowledge in the field of Biological sciences, I am able to carry
out study and research based studies, extensively. Thus, I will engage myself in the
pursuit of a career in Biological sciences research.