Mao reveals what New HIV drug a Rethinking ban on Café Javas
is killing DP game changer? importing used cars delights Nairobi
Issue No. 520 May 11 - 17, 2018 Ushs 5,000,Kshs 200, RwF 1,500, SDP 8
Museveni hand in
Amongi scandal
Property grabbing minister
handling bigger deals for President
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The Independent magazine
Independent Publications Limited, Plot 82/84, Kanjokya Street, P. O. Box 3304, Kampala, Uganda
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Cover story
Museveni’s hand in Amongi lands saga
Tainted minister handling big deals for President
4 The Week
UN board assesses body’s
work in Uganda Weaning African leaders
off power: Democracy
from below could be the
9 The Last Word antidote to addiction to
power by leaders who
Africa’s need for messiahs : Inside refuse to leave office
our belief that the salvation of our
nations will come from the actions 34 Health
of one great man New HIV drug a game
changer?: TLD to be available
16 Analysis in July but experts warn of
sustainability of supply and lack
Mao reveals what is killing DP: But will big of sensitization
youth wing revival meeting save it?
STRATEGY & EDITORIAL DIRECTOR: Andrew M. Mwenda WRITERS:Ronald Musoke, Flavia Nassaka, Ian Katusiime,
MANAGING EDITOR: Joseph Were Agnes Nantaba, Julius Businge.
PUBLISHER: Independent Publications Limited, Plot 82/84, Kanjokya Street, P. O. Box 3304, Kampala, Uganda
Tel: +256-312-637-391/ 2/ 3/ 4 | Fax: +256-312-637-396 E-mail: | | Website:
Frank Tumwebaze,
Minister for Information
Technology and
cutting the tape during
the commissioning
of the 3G affordable
broadband connectivity
to two communities “I wanted to bring Cuban doctors
of Bufundi in Rubanda because ours behaved very badly and
and Kibuku in Ntoroko. unprofessionally. They started striking,
incited other doctors and left our
patients to die.”President Museveni
President Museveni,
after meeting members
of the Inter-Religious
Council of Uganda, at
State House Entebbe
on May 3. Museveni “They [EC] just go and extract
commended Kampala
Archbishop Rev. Dr. information from NIRA so we asked
Cyprian Kizito Lwanga them whether they are following the
for establishing the law or not because there are people who
Wekembe group in
Luwero District under a
register for citizenship and they are not
model of a SACCO. interested in elections at all.” Semujju
Nganda, FDC spokesperson after the party
held talks with EC
Danish Ambassador to
Uganda Mogens Pedersen,
(R) with the executive
director Uganda Media
Centre Ofwono Opondo, (M)
and the Chairperson Uganda
Human Rights Commission
Medi Kaggwa during the “Nobody who failed will ever force
World Press Freedom Day
at Railway Grounds on May himself or herself onto any graduation
3. INDEPENDENT/JIMMY SIYA list of LDC. Even courts of law will
never prompt us to compromise our
standards.”Justice Stella Arach-Amoko, Law
Development Centre (LDC) management
committee Chairperson
7 14 117
Children killed by Pharmacies closed by National Uganda’s position on the
strange illness in Malaba, Drug Authority for operating World Press Freedom Index
Tororo district without 2018 licenses 2018 after dropping 5 places
Cholera hits
Shortly after the Ministry of
Health announced to launch a
vaccination drive in cholera hit
areas of Hoima, four new cases
of the disease were reported in
Kalerwe, a low end Kampala
neighborhood and were rushed
to China - Uganda Friendship
hospital Naguru. Three more
patients from the neighboring
Mpigi district were also being
treated at the hospital.
Dr. Henry Mwebesa, the Ag.
Director General of Health Ser-
vices at the Ministry of Health
told journalists that while the
patients are currently all at a
small isolation center at Naguru,
the Ministry has set up two big-
ger isolation centers at Mulago
considering that in the rainy Pope Francis during his visit to Uganda Martyrs Shrine Namugongo in 2015.
season such illnesses are bound
to break out if people don’t take
precaution like washing hands
Shs700million needed for Martyrs day celebrations
before handling food, drinking As June 03 when Uganda comprises of the Dioceses of He however said although
boiled water and washing hands marks Martyrs day fast Jinja, Moroto, Soroti, Kotido, there’s a 48 hour rule, the sus-
after visiting the toilet. approaches, the church is in a and Tororo districts. pects have not yet been taken
Warning that the disease can drive to rise about 720million Captives freed in USAFI to court because the demands
kill in less than a day, Mwebesa needed to organize the event. raid found very sick, others of the investigations were
urged the public to immediately Revealing this, Archbishop defiled – Police such that it could not happen
report to a health facility in case Emmanuel Obbo, of the Tororo Police Deputy Spokesperson so. The arrests were made on
an individual presents with Catholic Archdiocese which is Patrick Onyango revealed April 28 as security operatives
severe diarrhea, vomiting and heaidn this year’s celebrations on May 07 that some of the pursued suspects in the kidnap
stomach pains. at the Catholic Martyrs Shrine captives rescued during a and murder of late Susan Mag-
However, the three patients in Namugongo said they are joint raid by security forces ara. Now, the investigations
from Mpigi are all from the same organizing a fundraising din- on USAFI mosque have been have gone beyond that case
family whereas those of Kalerwe ner on May 17 to raise money found to be very sick. to include cases of defilement,
are from different families. No for the event. The Archdiocese “Seven girls were found to human trafficking, sexual vio-
other case had been registered in has also organized a walk of be at various stages of preg- lence and kidnap with intent
Kampala by press time but else- faith from Munyonyo Matia nancy. Sadly, eleven of the to demand ransom among
where in the country, Amudat, Mulumba Catholic Church on girls of age bracket 13 to 15 others.
Hoima and Kyegegwa districts May 12 which will be followed years have complained and it 154 people were rescued
are suffering an on-going out- by a 9 day Novena prayer has been confirmed that they from captivity where 28 are
break and the Ministry is consid- at the Namugongo Martyrs were defiled by some of the women, 63 girls and 63 boys
ering vaccination in those areas Shrine beginning on May 29. suspects”, he said some were including three Burundian
The Archdiocese of Tororo already receiving treatment. nationals.
IMF’s Ating Ego, Kasekende,
Muhakanizi, Kizza in race
Follow us on Twitter @!/ugandatalks
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Letters are
Uganda healthcare good
welcome ! Refer to: “Inside Uganda’s
healthcare tears” (The Indepen-
would have paid Shs50,000 in a
private facility. And the whole
Uganda? I think it’s promising
and, secondly, with the freedom
The Editor welcomes short and dent April 27). I went to Mengo medication cost me Shs15,000 of speech and social media; it’s
concise letters from our esteemed Hospital in Kampala for a (About 3 U.S. dollars). I guess easy to expose a medical officer
readers on topical issues. Please minor eye treatment and was so if I went to Mulago National who is always not on duty.
send them to:
The Editor, The Independent impressed with their services. Referral Hospital, it would have
Publications Ltd, Can you imagine the consul- cost even less. So what does this Tina
P.O Box 3304, tation fee was just Shs5000. I say about the health facilities in
Plot 82/84 Kanjokya St,
Speaking for poor Ugandans on health
Refer to: “Inside Uganda’s and self-interested adult elites?” speaking on behalf of the poor
healthcare tears” (The Indepen- So who does Mwenda speak Ugandan child, or on behalf of
Museveni’s seven dent April 27). “Who will speak
for the children of Uganda,
for when he states: “The prob-
lems of the healthcare sector
the ignorant and self-interested
adult elite Ugandan?
year term demand especially from poor families, in Uganda are not the fault of
Refer to: “Museveni when public debate on health anyone”, when in fact Uganda Rajab Kakyama
wants seven year term” policy is dominated by ignorant has office bearers? Is Mwenda
(The Independent April
27). Once critical of leaders
who overstay in power,
Ending Uganda’s healthcare tears Proposed landlords,
today President Yoweri
Museveni leads the club Refer to: “Inside Uganda’s tenants Bill wrong
on the continent Africa healthcare tears” (The Inde-
showing his true greed pendent April 27). The funda- Refer to: “Rent law:
for power, hypocrisy, mental problem with Africa’s Good intentions, bad
double standards, political and Uganda’s health care – like incentives for property
deception, manipulation, with all other so called ‘social market” (The Independent
and arrogance. services’ has to be an insuf- April 27). Do these
This is a new breed of ficient supply of scientific and cabinet ministers own
African dictators who have consequent technological minds any properties in this
lost the clear line between within its human resource. All country? Why would they
multiparty politics and health problems giving us head- seem to only favour the
monarchy. Museveni talks aches and debates today have sans) is needed to understand tenants as if landlords are
of ideological bankruptcy a direct root in science. When the work of the first set and not supposed to benefit
in African politics yet he Mwenda and others before him consequently – using avail- from their sweat? There
has failed to implement his talk of primary healthcare, they able human and non-human is really nothing much
own NRM party mission are really referring to tackling resources – design, construct, one can do if they cannot
and vision in his 32 years in causes of disease. Understand and operate – where necessary) build their own houses.
power; including their own what, how, where and when systems either to destroy or to Once not happy with one
initial 10 Point Program. these diseases are caused and distort the linkages. You could landlord, move on to the
What does he need the time developed – then you will, with get rare individuals serving in next with hope of forging
for? Systematic Corruption, a bit of creativity and innova- both sets. The ‘good for nothing’ relationship. Otherwise
nepotism, tribalism? We tion – be able to either eliminate politicians claiming to allocate as the landlords and
already know his legacy of them or disrupt their progres- resources, the the ‘informed’ tenants Bill is, it will deter
failed ideological political sion within whatever available and ‘half baked’ economists, people from constructing
experiments. The late U.S. non-human resources. But to do pundits (the Mwenda likes) residential and commercial
President Abraham Lincoln so systematically, first we need and ‘semi-literate’ journalists/ properties for fear of
once said that nearly all men a set of nature-inclined inquisi- commentators (most others) all marginalization. This will
can stand adversity, but if tive/curious people (scientists) come later in importance of put- keep the housing deficit as
you want to test a man’s to establish or even unequivo- ting our health care right. high as eight million as it
character, give him power. cally confirm the critical linkag- stands now.
es. Then a second set (engineers/ Dr. Eng. Kant Ateenyi – Cape
Sam technologists/technicians/arti- Town Charles Muhigirwa
f you follow discussions on politics in vidual and collective responsibility to our centred on individual and collective respon-
Uganda, or Africa generally, one factor countries. sibility. We, especially the elite, have abdi-
is given as the cause of the slow rate I think the major constraint in Africa is cated our responsibility to be agents of the
of development – poor leadership. I inadequate human capital and a misguided change we want. Instead we have become
used to hold this view but outgrew it in ideology of the state as nanny. Look at passive spectators in our affairs. This has
large part because I recognised that African North and South Korea. The north has a led us to always crave for leaders who can
leaders are propelled to power by the social GDP of $17 billion and a per capita income be messiahs to save us from our problems.
dynamics of our societies. It follows that of $665, the south $1.4 trillion and $27,600 In many ways I find Museveni better than
what they do with power reflects more on respectively. The south produces such great his critics. When he felt Uganda had a crisis
who we are as a people than who they are global brands with cutting edge technology of leadership, he did not sit and complain
as individuals. like Samsung, Hyundai, Kia and LG. In in pamphlets. He took political initiative
The blame-the-leadership argument spite of its poverty, the north performs to gain power and change the country.
remains powerful in large part because it cutting-edge technological feats like putting His critics sit in air-conditioned offices and
has its roots in the secular religion called satellites in space, manufacturing inter- hang out in fancy nightclubs to lament
development. This faith sees humankind on continental ballistic missiles and nuclear how he has destroyed the country. But if
a continuous linear path of infinite progress. weapons. the man is incompetent in managing the
I suspect this is a carryover from the Chris- What we are seeing embedded in the state, surely we who are more competent,
tian belief in universal salvation. But while social tissue of Korean society is high levels more educated, more skilled, more exposed
Christianity promises salvation after death, of human capital i.e. mastery of techno- should have the competence to easily kick
secular faith in development promises uni- logical innovation regardless of income. him out. You cannot claim to be the best
versal prosperity on earth. The Enlighten- Give North Korea market institutions and it sprinter when you cannot even qualify for
ment arose to topple religious utopias but would catch up with the south in 20 years. the Olympics.
created secular ones. The economies of Zambia, Uganda, Ghana, So we ask for mutually contradictory
In ancient Greece, people believed forces Malawi and Kenya have not performed things: we want a leader who can transform
beyond human control (fate) shaped their any serious technological feats in spite of our nation for us in one big stroke. Yet if
destiny. You find this in Homer’s `The Iliad’ possessing free market institutions because any leader was to achieve such a feat, she/
and `The Odyssey’ and in the plays of the they have low levels of human capital. he would need to act without restraints on
great Greek dramatists like Aeschylus, Those who believe in leadership as the his/her power i.e. be a benevolent tyrant. At
Sophocles, and Euripides. Plato thought source of innovation would argue we lack a the same time we want such a leader to be
contemplation was the highest form of president to set the innovation ball rolling. democratic, subject to checks and balances.
human activity. The aim of life was not to Nonsense. That is why we cheer Barak Obama when
change the world but to see it rightly. But Look at Africa’s most successful story, he says Africa does not need strong leaders
the new secular faiths seek to change the Botswana. It is hailed for having had great but strong institutions. But strong institu-
world NOW hence the many social frustra- and visionary leadership. I am an admirer tions mean a leader has little he can do as
tions and conflicts of our time. of the Botswana story. But other than man- an individual. This is the core problem of us
This is why whenever we face a problem aging her diamond riches well and sus- African elites, ideological confusion.
we look for a villain to blame even when the taining a multi party system of government, Listening to Ugandan (and African) elites,
cause is not a person but a combination of I can hardly find anything great it has done. one is overwhelmed by the sheer volume
factors. President Yoweri Museveni attrib- It has not produced any international brand of helplessness and powerlessness even on
uted Uganda’s problems to the personality like Samsung. I am not even sure they have matters of direct personal responsibility.
and management competences of Milton manufactured a pin yet. Therefore, to ignore It is as if we have no agency to shape the
Obote and Idi Amin. His critics today do the human capital and believe in the Christian destiny of our countries – we surrendered
same – seeing the problems of Uganda as principle of “seek ye first a good leader and that to the mythical great leader. Every
caused by Museveni, period. Why? the rest will be added onto you” may make aspect of our lives is supposed to depend on
Social issues are complex. British econo- a good political slogan but it has little ana- leaders. This belief in leaders as saviours is
mist John Keynes suggested that ordinary lytical value. detrimental to active citizenship. We need
people handle complexity through narra- a vision that believes that our destiny can
tives i.e. readily digestible theories-in-min- In the 1990s Museveni argued passionately only be shaped by the anonymous actions
iature. Narratives spread easily and become that the problem of Africa was of leaders of hundreds of millions of active, living,
public goods. But they can also stray far who do not want to leave power. After 32 thinking, and functioning citizens; not a
away from reality. One such stray is the years, he is today one of those leaders who single leader.
claim that development of a country comes is clearly not leaving power. But Museveni
from the state, especially its president. This was wrong. I believe one of the major
has created a mentality that absolves indi- problems of Africa is a failure of citizenship
Museveni hand in
Amongi scandal
Property grabbing minister
handling bigger deals for President
By Haggai Matsiko
The drama that played out on May 8 when Betty Amongi, the Minister for Lands, Housing and Urban
Development, appeared before the Land Inquiry sitting in Kampala left one question: What would
President Yoweri Museveni do about it?
At the centre of Amongi’s appearance, the second before the commission, were allegations of high
corruption and property grabbing against the minister.
But the appearance also revealed emotive issues of security of property, misuse of power, and lack of
integrity in public officials.
The commission is inquiring into the effectiveness of the laws, policies and processes of land acquisition,
land administration, land management and land registration in Uganda.
ustice Catherine But Amongi calmly informed him in the trash bin and issued criminal
Bamugemereire chairs the that, in fact, she did not move a finger summons for her to appear, warning
inquiry, whose other members to acquire them. The deal was easily that she would be arrested if she did
include; Robert Ssebunnya, the clinched by her worker, one Henry not.
Senior Presidential Advisor on Mubiru. On the day she appeared, the Daily
Buganda Matters, Mary Oduka Some of those watching the drama Monitor newspaper led with a bold
Ochan, a development expert, Joyce and know her intimately were not headline: “Museveni to Amongi; go face
Gunze Habaasa, a land Consultant, surprised. Amongi is known to be a land probe”.
Rose Nakayi, an advocate, Fredrick tough person. The Land ministry that Amongi heads
Ruhindi, a former Attorney General, And this time, she possibly appeared is very sensitive. But it has also proved
George Bagonza Tinkamanyire former confident because she is perceived to be a place of hot deals.
LCV Chairperson, Hoima district, Ebert to have President Museveni’s ear The minister Amongi replaced, Daudi
Isaiah Busobozi Byenkya, a lawyer, on property and land matters in the Migereko, was also accused of influence
Olive Kazaarwe Mukwaya, a judicial country. peddling. Migereko’s company, Intraco
officer, Douglas Singiza and John Bosco Amongi has been Museveni’s points- Uganda Ltd and some of his family
Rujagaata Suuza. person in the controversial acquisition members were accused of acquiring
Unlike some witnesses who of 7,000 hectares of land in Amuru land in Munyonyo, and high end areas
perspired, cried, and fawned before the District in northern Uganda for setting on the edges of Kampala city where the
commission, Amongi’s make-up, chili up a sugar plantation and factory in new Entebbe-Kampala Express highway
red-lipstick, and neatly bobbed hair a government joint venture with the was designed to pass in order to get
remained unruffled. dollar billionaire Madhvani family. compensation from government.
Instead, it was the commissioners The project requires 40,000 hectares. It is this kind of mess Amongi was
turn to appear paralysed when she A day before Amongi appeared before supposed to clean up. Ironically, she
calmly denied any wrong doing, citing the Bamugemereire Commission, the now appears right at the heart of the
memory loss of events, ignorance of Parliamentary Budget Committee had problem.
procedure, and lacunas in the law. approved Shs12 billion to compensate According to Yusuf Nsibambi, the
Some of the commissioners and some of the project-affected people. Kampala District Land Board chairman,
many observers of her performance Another sugar factory in the same area; Amongi has also been at the centre of
questioned where she got all the Atiak Sugar factory, of individuals a fight over Plot 10 Nakasero Road,
confidence when it appeared she was fronted by President Museveni was set which houses Faze 2 Restaurant and is
implicated in very serious crimes. to get Shs21billion from the Operation currently a subject of a court case.
Kololo, where Amongi is said to have Wealth Creation. In this case, Kuldip Singh Dhami, the
grabbed property, is among the areas Amongi attempted to play the registered owner of the property, has
with the most expensive property rates Museveni card to avoid appearing sued Kampala District Land Board, the
in Kampala, often valued in dollars before the commission, insiders say. Departed Asians Property Custodian
because shillings cannot apply. Apparently, she lobbied cabinet Board (DAPCB) and the Commissioner
So when former Attorney General and had convinced Prime Minister Land Registration in the Ministry
Fredrick Ruhindi heard that Amongi Ruhakana Rugunda to block the inquiry of Lands over attempts to grab his
had in two days got hold of three summons. She then informed the property.
prime properties in Kololo and another Commission that she could not appear The DAPCB was established to take
in equally prime industrial area, he because her answers would require her care of properties belonging to Asians
wondered how that could be possible. to reveal government secrets, including who were expelled by former President
“Perhaps some of us live on another instructions from Museveni. Idi Amin.
planet,” Ruhindi said. But Bumugemereire threw her letter Part of its job has been to ensure
Betty Amongi (R) and her lawyer appearing before the inquiry
the Asians who return to the country land in question was being managed Evidence before the inquiry
take back their properties. The board under the DACPB. indicated that between 2016 and 2017,
would also manage those that are not Amongi demanded that KDLB the Lands Minister directed Albert
repossessed by the original owners. reverses the decision to renew the Jethro Mugumya, the Uganda Land
President Museveni’s government lease within two weeks, by November Commission (ULC) Undersecretary
later made the decision that after 15, 2017 in order to enable her report to make urgent payment of land
1994, the properties that had not been back to the Departed Asians Custodian compensation of hundreds of millions
repossessed by the original owners Property Board. of shillings to some nine people.
would be sold off and the board wound Amongi also claimed that Cabinet The land inquiry heard that Amongi
up. had picked interest in the matter contravened public service protocol
When in 1994, the DAPCB tried and made directives about the when she directed Mugumya, the
to take over Kuldip’s property, he management of the departed Asians accounting officer instead of the ULC
proved to them that he had never properties. chairman to effect the payments.
departed the country. As such, the In Kudilp’s absence, officials at the Apart from Amongi, several officials
board never managed his property. Lands Ministry held a public hearing at the Lands Ministry, have over time
Indeed, in a letter dated June 8, and made a decision to cancel his new been implicated in corruption charges.
1994, the then acting secretary of lease. In August 2016, President Museveni
DAPDCB, confirms that Kuldip Nsibambi would later learn about even ordered Amongi to deal with the
Singh Dhami did not leave Uganda the plot to take over the land after officials in the Land Registry who are
during the 1972 exodus, and being summoned by the police to involved in fraud, corruption, abuse of
therefore his property is not subject explain his board’s decision to grant a office and forgery at the Ministry.
to the provisions of the Expropriated fresh lease to Kuldip. Sarah Kulata, the then commissioner
Properties Act 1982. To fight the grab, Edward for land registration, who also headed
“We have therefore withdrawn Sekabanja, Kuldip’s lawyer, filed a the department of land management
it from the list of properties to be court case on behalf of Kuldip. and administration and John Moses
sold,” the letter reads in part, “Any In his affidavit, Kuldip notes that Magala, a senior government valuer,
inconveniences caused to you and since December 2017, he received who was accused of inflating land
your client is regretted.” reports from his tenant, the manager compensation value for Kampala-
With his lease on the property of Faze 2, Restaurant that various Entebbe Expressway by billions of
nearing its end in 2019, Kuldip persons were visiting the property shillings, were named.
approached Kampala District Land and inquiring about its ownership as Interestingly, Kulata had previously
Board (KDLB) and offered to give up they had information that it was up been interdicted by the IGG only to
the remaining period on the lease in for sale. be returned to office by former Lands
exchange for a fresh lease of 49 years. Sekabanja told The Independent Minister, Daudi Migereko.
KDLB granted him the 49-year lease. that the case was still before court. Yet the IGG had wrote to Lands
In 2012, Kuldip entered an Sekabanja was also slated to supply Ministry authorities noting that she had
agreement with KDLB effecting the the commission with more evidence. established that between 2011-2013, 44
lease for the 49 years. Away from the land grabbing complaints alleging fraud, corruption,
However, in a letter dated October accusations, the commission heard abuse of office, forgery and negligence
30, 2017, Lands Minister Amongi, that Amongi has been irregularly against Land Registrars were lodged in
noted that the KDLB dealt with Kuldip directing officials at the Land Ministry Kulata’s office.
in error. Apparently, she noted, the to make vast compensation payments. When Migereko was tainted,
Where graduating
with flying colours is
no ticket to a job
By Stephen Nuwagira the fair set out to puzzle the attendees with But even for those who were confident
different messages, some of them appearing the recruiters would be competing for their
inding direction after graduation contradictory or conflicting. signature because they graduated among
can be complex, confusing, and The job fair is a great place for finding the top five students in their class, the fair
frustrating. That is what some young a job, according to KESC Manager, Aloys could have been daunting.
graduates discovered recently when Niyonsaba. Up to 297 got jobs through Hardest hit were those who, years after
they attended `Job Net’; the annual Kigali recruiters they met at the fair last year, 130 graduation, have still not landed their
Employment Service Centre (KESC) job fair after the fair in 2016, and 128 in 2015. dream job; which is not unusual. After all
in the Rwandan capital. Up to 1,254 people have gotten jobs about 21 per cent of Rwandan youth are
It was as if the speakers and experts at through the centre, according to KESC. jobless, while the national unemployment
strategy to promote job-creation through at self-employment as an alternative. He
amascene Tuyisenge is a gradu- self-employment. says entrepreneurship will easily provide
ate teacher. But he had failed to “Instead of young people waiting for jobs for the enterprise owners and those
get a job – until he enrolled at government or corporate jobs that they they employ. He also wants KESC to target
Kigali Employment Service Centre might never get, we equip them with skills higher enroll of young people to increase its
(KESC), a government entrepreneurship to start their own enterprises and employ reach and impact.
training facility in the Rwandan capital. other Rwandans,” he says. Aline Umutoni, the KESC job counselor,
Today, Tuyisenge runs his own business The youth are also supported to secure says the centre is encouraging unemployed
and talks excitedly about how KESC turned loans from banks and microfinance institu- graduates and interested corporates to
his life around. tions (MFIs) under the Business Develop- exploit the immense potential in vocational
“The training helped me to discover my ment Fund (BDF) to kick-start or expand training courses.
potential and now I am my own boss,” he their enterprises. Umutoni says that the centre has already
says, “I earn good money every day.” mentored and supported young graduates
He describes his business which he start- Worrying statistics interested in the fashion and design sector
ed with Rwf100,000 (Approx. U.S$100) and It’s an urgent mission as the unemploy- to do tailoring courses, while others have
has been growing step-by-step. ment statistics in Rwanda are not good. joined have trained in catering, welding,
Tuyisenge’s story is similar to many that The national unemployment rate is 16.7 per motor vehicle mechanics, and air condition-
Alloys Niyonsaba, the KESC manager, cent. In Kigali, the most urbanised part of ing and refrigeration skills. They also help
hears often. “It is important to train job- the country, it is 18.1 per cent. Among the job-seekers to get opportunities, especially
seekers, especially fresh graduates and youth, who are the biggest demographic, in the areas in which they are passionate
other young people, to equip them with unemployment is 21 per cent. about, but are not qualified in.
the requisite expertise to be able to start up The unemployment figures are matched “For instance, if you like to cook at home
their own enterprises and employ other with equally worrying poverty numbers. when your family has visitors, then why not
Rwandans,” he says.The government set up The government’s plan is to ensure that try it out as a vocation since you are pas-
KESC as part of interventions to create over Rwandans attain a high standard of living sionate about it. The drive to impress visi-
200,000 off-farm jobs. in a mid-income economy with an aver- tors with your cooking shows your hidden
Niyonsaba’s job is to train fresh graduates age income per person of about US$1,264 interest; explore and turn it into a big busi-
and other city residents in various trades; (Approx. Rwf 1 million) per year. ness venture,” Umutoni advises.
including entrepreneurship and business
Jane Goodall Institute, are partnering with
asooha central forest reserve in Ka- the communities around forest reserves to
songoire Parish in Masindi District, equip them with tips of co-existing with the
in the Bunyoro region of western chimps. The Jane Goodall Institute is cham-
Uganda is chimpanzee country. pioning the conservation of chimpanzees in
The large apes are terrorising residents. the Bunyoro sub-region.
They eat their crops, attack children and Robert Atugonza, the Natural Resources
women, and make life hard for humans. and Livelihood Officer at the Jane Goodall
Many residents have horror stories Institute, recently told a group of journal-
involving the chimps. They tell stories of ists that the aim is to reduce the conflict
how they have wrestled a chimpanzee and between ape and man in this region.
survived. But some end tragically. Atugonza says the institute supports the
Mariam Mirungi, 14, tells the story of communities to venture into new ways to
how she fought a chimpanzee. She was only earn a living away from further encroaching
four at the time and was home alone when on the remaining forests. The organisation
the chimpanzee pounced. She was lucky supports income generating activities such
to live but the ape bit her and left her with as piggery, goat rearing, and apiculture.
permanent memory loss. Unlike most of her “We have supported these communi-
peers who go to school, she has not gone to ties with money generating activities to
school. reduces their over dependency on natural
Issa Isingoma Mugurusi belongs to forests where they collect fire wood, har-
another group – of indirect sufferers of vest timber for money and collect water
chimp attacks. Mugurusi’s daughter had for domestic use,” Atugonza said, “That is
gone to her garden on the forest edge. She how the conflicts have been escalating.” he
placed the seven-month-old baby under a added.
shed as she started working. Unknown to Jane Goodall Institute has also partnered
her, a chimpanzee in a nearby thicket was with other organisations to drill a borehole
watching, and monitoring her movements. price for the encroachers like Kinyara sugar
Works who cleared the 40 sq km Rwebitela in one village to prevent locals from collect-
It jumped from its hideout, grabbed the ing water in the woodlands to avoid clashes
baby, and dashed into the bush. forest reserve for sugar cane farming,” he
says. with the chimpanzees.
Mugurusi, 76, says her daughter had no
chance of rescuing the baby on her own. She “The forest used to host chimps, they
raised an alarm that attracted neighbours in could sleep and also get their food there but Time for eco- philanthropy
now chimps are on the constant search for Such conflicts are well described in a
nearby gardens. Armed with sticks, clubs book by Craig Packer; a professor of ecol-
and pangas, they mounted a search but the new places to stay.”
Ugandan conservationists estimate that ogy, evolution and behaviour at the Univer-
chimp climbed a tree with the baby. When sity of Minnesota and Director of the Lion
the noise intensified, the chimp dropped the Uganda has about 5000 chimpanzee in the
wild, mainly in western Uganda. The pri- Research Centre—an affiliate of Oxford
baby. Mugurusi says his grandchild died University’s Wild CRU. Packer who has
instantly. mary threats to chimpanzees in recent years
have been; habitat destruction (deforesta- written about the growing human-wildlife
The baby’s body was taken to the nearby conflict in a paper: `The Conservation
Masindi Hospital for a postmortem to tion), logging, hunting and disease.
All these are blamed on the rapid human Conundrum in Africa: Why can’t Wildlife
confirm cause of death and evidence to Pay its Way?’ says the conflicts are likely
seek justice from the national conservation population growth. Conservationists fear
this could destroy tourism activities that to worsen as Africa’s human population
agency—the Uganda Wildlife Authority. grows.
But Mugurusi says they did not receive directly depend on wild ape populations
like gorilla, baboons and chimpanzee. Packer says across Africa, the largest
much help. mammals have suffered catastrophic popu-
“They simply said we had disturbed the But it appears all is not lost.
lation declines over the past 50-100 years
chimpanzees and that the penalty for killing and this has been mainly caused by the
a chimpanzee ranges between 10 to 15 years Jane Goodall intervenes assumption that wildlife must pay its own
in prison, so we had to give up,” Mugurusi The chimpanzee attacks in Kasooha
sound familiar across much of equatorial way.
recalls. The incident happened 10 years ago He says although wildlife conservation-
in 2009 but Mugurusi recalls it like it hap- Africa where the primates once roamed
freely in their millions. ists have traditionally sought to maintain
pened yesterday. healthy co-existence between humans and
Today conservation figures put the num-
big mammals using money from tourism, it
Chimpanzees on the loose ber of chimpanzees in what is known as the
has not worked so far.
Baguma Moses, who neighbours Mugu- chimpanzee belt at about 300,000. The belt
stretches from southern Senegal through Packer says among the recent successes
rusi, blames the chimpanzee behaviour he has reviewed none has relied on the
towards them to Kinyara Sugar Works, central Africa to western Tanzania.
Conservationists are aware of the conflict profit motive but on a combination of eco-
which he says, destroyed a forest that was philanthropy, enlightened land tenure poli-
home to most of the chimps. and have been devising means of win-win
co-existence between the apes and humans. cies and traditional values.
“As communities we are paying the
DP President General Norbert Mao (M) after being re-elected at the party’s delegates conference in 2015. COURTESY PHOTO
Mao’s latest ploy to reinvent himself, if not sent with several members who decamped.
ganda’s oldest party, the Demo- the party. The 51-year old has been the head Several of them, like the Vice President
cratic Party is organising a revival of the party for eight years, since 2010. He for Buganda region, Betty Nambooze and
meeting for its youth wing, the was re-elected in 2015 and he might not find Kampala Lord Mayor Erias Lukwago want
Uganda Young Democrats (UYD) it easy to avoid another election, possibly in Mao out. To out-fox them, Mao is clearly
on May 23 in Kampala. 2020. To stay on top, he has fought and won attempting to forge new alliances. But the
Tadeo Kawuki, UYD Deputy Head of many internal battles that have left the party UYD which he is courting has a legacy of
Publicity says they are dusting off and battered and made low hanging fruits of radicalism and opposition to the main-
combing through the archives of members its leaders for the ruling party of President stream DP and Mao could find himself
to ensure that as many as possible attend. Yoweri Museveni to pick. holding a tiger by the tail.
The target is to get more than 1000 members Soon after the last national elections, As Kawuki told The Independent recently,
to attend. in June 2016, Museveni plucked Florence the UYD leaders admire Mao’s ability to
The UYD is also already organising sev- Nakiwala Kiyingi who was one of the lead- hold the party together in tough times, but
eral mobilisation meetings; including one ing young women of DP and had stood for they also have their own objectives for the
they held on May 1 in Nansana. As a main the coveted Kampala Woman MP position upcoming meeting.
attraction, the party has invited Nelson in the elections. Museveni made her minis- Kawuki, who doubles as chairman of
Chamisa, the president of Movement for ter of state for Youth and Children Affairs. UYD in Mityana district, says UYD has
Democratic Change (MDC), the leading Less than a year later, Museveni plucked developed a Strategic Plan for 2018-2020
opposition party in Zimbabwe, as guest then-DP national chairman, Muhammad that aims at consolidating the party’s
speaker. Baswari Kezaala, and appointed him achievements and solving some of its prob-
Below the frenzy, however, is an unstated ambassador without posting. lems.
Rethinking ban on
importing used cars
Gov’t could lose nearly Shs200bn annually; thousands of jobs at risk
By Julius Businge firm, Kiira Motors Corporation (KMC). to cleaner and safer used vehicle imports;
Plans were that this year, about 305 vehicles ensure used vehicles contribute to better
upporters of a ban on import are assembled and put on the market. But road safety, reduced emissions, and provide
of cars older than eight years the progress towards realisation of this tar- cost savings.
would be much happier if get is far from reality. The report also calls for compilation
the current law, The Traffic Speaking to The Independent in an inter- and availability of data on used vehicles,
and Road Safety Act, 1998, is view, Onesmus Mugyenyi, the deputy exec- harmonisation of policies at regional and
amended. utive director at Advocates Coalition for sub-regional level in addition to addressing
But opponents, however, say it will deny Development and Environment (ACODE), the illegal practices in the export of used
majority of the population the ability to own said the government should not rush the vehicles and awareness raising on use of
cars for various purposes. Bill, but should instead conduct research on safer cars by the people.
At the centre of this are economists, who the actual impact of used cars on the envi- According to the report, six nations
think that government needs to carefully ronment. account for 81.1% of Japanese used vehicle
analyse the pros and cons prior to imple- “In terms of vehicles contribution to trade. Kenya is the major market followed
menting the proposed plan. greenhouse emissions, cars are insignificant by South Africa, Tanzania, Uganda, Zambia
Prof. Augustus Nuwagaba, an economist compared to factories,” Mugyenyi said add- and Mozambique. Uganda imports about
and the executive director of Reev Consult ing, “They [government] need to look at the 50, 000 used cars per year. Out of the 50, 000
told The Independent that government’s biggest contributors like burning of charcoal units, only 10% were manufactured in 2011
proposed move to ban the import of used and decomposing of biomass.” and later – the target models of government
cars should be backed by local production A report by The United Nations Envi- under the proposed amendments.
of vehicles at an affordable price to bridge ronment Programme (UNEP) released on Similarly, research conducted by The
the gap. March 13, 2018, tiled ‘Africa Vehicle Used Independent shows that most countries
“Ideally the policy move is good,” he Report’ generally portrays used vehicles as especially in the European Union still use
said. “But it is a complicated one that has to one of the contributors of air pollution. vehicles of varied manufacturing dates.
be implemented in tandem with transform- Although it does not give specifics on the However, they restrict their movement to
ing the economy through local industries.” matter, it says countries should not only specific locations.
Last year, the government had planned to look at restricting imports but also shift For instance, starting July 2016, drivers
start car assembling through its established
he news of Café Javas’ entry into
Nairobi, East Africa’s largest capi-
tal was greeted with elation by its
Ugandan patrons. Social media was
inundated with messages of good wishes
for the fast food chain that has been in
Uganda for over eight years.
Having virtually conquered the Kampala
restaurant market with seven outlets, plus
one in Entebbe, Café Javas has ventured
out in Nairobi, located on Koinange Street.
The fast food chain is branded as CJ’s in the
heart of the city.
Café Javas renowned for its dedicated
service to customers plans to cash in on the
bustling business environment in Nairobi
with the possibility of opening up more
outlets in the city.
Sources from Nairobi say the restaurant
is currently very popular among the city’s Inside Cafe Javas in Nairobi
elite who flock the place for meetings, catch-
ing up and its ambience and attractive décor tomers as they sample your products; the
are said to be a bonus.
Doing business in Kenya
Sitati Wasilwa, a Kenyan economist says challenge is maintaining the clientele,” she
Café Javas is part of the Mandela Group says.
any business venturing out in Kenya espe-
of Companies which also includes City
cially the consumer business needs to take
Tyres, City Oil, City Lubes, City World, Sav-
note of certain things. Good customer care
ers, and Mandela Auto Spares. Café Javas has stood out for its customer
“Economically, Nairobi’s middle class
Mandela Group is run by Omar Man- care in Uganda’s crowded restaurant arena.
population is on the increase, for not only
dela, an aggressive businessman who has Dressed in cream tops and chocolate brown
basic commodities but also luxurious or
cut a niche for himself as someone who will aprons, waitresses always usher in custom-
semi-luxurious commodities,” he told The
stop at nothing to maximize an opportunity. ers saying ‘You are welcome’ amid a host
Those familiar with him say he is striking at of other enticing services offered. A few of
Wasilwa explained that there is a grow-
the right time for his restaurant business. the chain’s customers attest to its unique
ing habit among Nairobi’s middle class on
Ramathan Ggoobi, a lecturer of business services.
spending on consumption based on influ-
studies at Makerere University Business Kavuthi Serunkuma, CEO of Kampala
ence by friends or close associates.
School (MUBS) says Ugandan businesses Food Network (a grouping of food lovers)
“This can be termed as the keeping up
have something to learn from Café Javas. and who has been to Café Javas on a num-
with the joneses effect.” However he added
“We need to get as many Café Javas as ber of occasions speaks on why she thinks
that Café Javas has to stoke up on tradition-
possible. When you look at the competitive- the restaurant will have a fair chance at its
al food to strike a balance.
ness they have built, it has really developed new venture.
To compete favourably with the top
their service to make them compete both at “The customer care is very good and
notch restaurants in Nairobi such as Chick-
a regional and international level.” He says they do not discriminate and there is orga-
en Inn, Java House and American chains
Uganda’s biggest challenge is turning firms nization and order when you walk in. They
Hardee’s, Burger King, and Kentucky Fried
into competitive entities. “Businesses here have streamlined their operations,” she said.
Chicken (KFC), Wasilwa argues that the
should make themselves attractive to all Serunkuma also said the management of
new entrant has got to be as dynamic as
kinds of clientele not just the next door con- Café Javas has done a lot to retain and lure
possible. “Also there is a growing prefer-
sumer. Café Javas has built its clientele over more customers. “Their food is consistent,
ence for round the clock services implying
the years and now they are on demand in their portions are large and ambience is
that most Nairobians prefer restaurants that
the region. The next thing probably will be good.” She added that the restaurants are
can serve for many hours up to late night,”
for them to start selling franchises.” always clean.
he said, adding that Café Javas needs to
Ggoobi says most of these regional mar- Tony Katungi, another regular at the
mark out its identity and offer suitable after
kets are winnable and Ugandan firms just restaurant says the quality and quantity of
sales services to customers.
need to focus on competitiveness. “If South their food is consistent no matter the branch
Anita Nkirote, a journalist based in Nai-
African companies are here, why don’t we you are. “It is also conducive for the Mus-
robi said: “Kenyans love having coffee espe-
have Ugandan companies in South Africa? lim community because they do not serve
cially after work, most meetings are done in
We just need to invest in competitiveness.” pork and beer. Above all their customer care
restaurants and they are hot spots.”
“If you are new, you have so many cus- is very good.”
economy, specifically major inputs such investor sentiments on the USE which led
lay products maker, Uganda Clays as steel, fuel and lubricants and imported to a drop in share price from Shs60 in 2009
Limited (UCL), has recorded a spares. to Shs12 in June last year. However, it has
steady profit growth for the second The price of fuel, for instance, of slightly regained its value to Shs28.
year running citing increased premium petrol increased from an average The fortunes of UCL now lie majorly
marketing and the decision by the majority of US$486.5 per metric tonne in June 2017 on the financial muscle of its main
shareholder, National Social Security Fund, to US$644 per metric tonne on average as at shareholders, including the National
to stop collecting interest on the loans the end of January 2018 on the international Insurance Corporation with 17.86 %,
advanced. market, representing a 32.4% rise. Central Bank of Kenya Employee Pension
NSSF which owns 32.5% of UCL Similarly, the price of diesel has increased Fund, Bank of Uganda Staff Retirement
extended an Shs11 billion loan to the from US$424.81 per metric tonnes to US$ Plan, and NSSF.
company in 2010 to purchase machinery for 596 per metric tonnes during the same Others are Kenya Power and Lighting
increasing kiln output at Kamonkoli factory period under review. Company, Uganda Communications
and purchase spares for the Kajjansi factory. This comes at the time the company is Employees Contribution Plan, Kenya
The loan which attracted a 13-15% annual currently trying to intensify marketing Airways Staff Provident Fund, Uganda
interest has swollen to Shs23.2 billion campaigns to stir growth sales to maintain Development Bank, National Social
and become a strangle-hold on the ailing the growth in revenues amid tightening Security Fund Staff Investment Plan, Joseph
company. competition from other clay products and Ketrah Tukuratiire and minority
Considering UCL’s difficulties, NSSF makers and steel producers. shareholders.
decided to forego further interest on the Last year, the company opened up outlets Going forward, Inholo told The
loan and plans to convert its debts into in Arua, Lira, Gulu and Kabale, with a plan Independent earlier in an interview that
equity. to extend deep West and in the other areas. the company’s focus is to grow its profit
As a consequence, the company’s At the same time, the company plans to by double digit so as to give value to its
latest annual performance shows that consolidate its business in Kampala and shareholders.
the company recorded a 4.5 % growth in Wakiso which are synonymous with high “We are going to do innovations – we
revenue to Shs27.2billion in 2017, up from per capita income. want to go into other colored or glazed kind
Shs26billion in 2016 and Shs24.11billion in Listed on the Uganda Stock Exchange in of tiles, clay paver,” he said.
2015. 2000, UCL registered a persistent growth “We will embrace passion to excel in
The company’s net profit grew to in profits until 2009 when it registered everything that we will choose to do. We
Shs2.395 billion, up from Shs2.375billion a Shs707 million loss from a profit of will also do a lot of marketing, geographical
and Shs Shs1.207billion loss during the Shs2.15 billion in 2008. It blamed the shift expansions by opening up outlets which
same period under review. in performance on the effects of the global will be stocked adequately at all times,”
However, the company’s expenses grew financial crisis. Inholo revealed.
by 21.4% to Shs7.83bn in 2017, up from Its woes were worsened with the timing He said the company is also looking at
Shs6.45bn in 2016 and Shs 7.76billion in of the establishment of the second plant at setting up a builder’s academy that will
2015 due to increase in administration Kamonkoli, in eastern Uganda. The plant bring architects, property developers,
expenses. hiked the company’s operating expenses; engineers and people in the real estate
George Inholo, the managing director of especially for procurement of the heavy sector to help sharpen their knowledge
UCL said the slow growth in net profit and fuel used to dry the clay, at a time when the about the industry and our products.
the surge in overhead costs is attributed economy was slowing down dramatically.
agement style? chief custodian of the policies of
y philosophy has the organization.
essentially re- We interact easily and the
mained the same gap between the leadership and
over the years. the staff is narrow so they can
While the institution has ex- reach me easily and vice versa.
panded, the staff numbers we We have also built the systems
have are not where we want such that certain things can
to be. We are even doing a re- flow automatically even with-
evaluation of the staff numbers out my physical presence.
that we need to address the
challenge because the task is What is your assessment of the
bigger than we thought. Three status of money laundering in
years back, we didn’t have Uganda?
much studies like we do today When a law is enacted, it
and with our experience, we means a problem has been
now know the magnitude of identified and the law comes in
the problem. We have plans to address that particular mis-
to recruit 15 additional staff chief. In this case, it’s the crime
because we were provided with of money laundering and ter-
the funds in areas of operational rorism financing.
analysis, international relations, So the question then is that
inspections and compliance. ‘is it as big as we thought? And
My strength as a team leader in our view, it is actually worse
lies in team work and than we thought. We have done
lead by example. a national risk assessment of
For instance, the problem, presented in the
with re- report ‘Anti-money laundering/
gards to combating of terrorism risk
time assessment’ and the report was
man- approved by cabinet last year
age- and will be released to the pub-
lic in three weeks’ time.
From the national risk assess-
ment, we were able to track the
problem areas. For instance,
the main channel that launder-
ers use is the banking industry
although there are also other
money remittances like the
forex, non-regulated or under-
regulated businesses like the
real estate sector and this is a
global trend not unique to
Uganda. In Uganda, the
real estate is particularly
problematic because
up to 80 percent of
land is not titled,
it’s also possible to
acquire a property
enacted, it means a
tures. There are also short term solutions real estate is a high risk area because there
like enhancing training, legal gaps, which is no regulator, 80 percent of the land is not
we propose to be amended to meet both the
international and domestic requirements. problem has been titled and it is not compulsory to transfer
ownership in Uganda. The other challenge
Banks, for instance, should be more
vigilant in knowing their customers, train
identified and the is lack of capacity or low staff numbers,
lack of awareness for instance money
their front line staff on the possible signs of law comes in to that laundering is not one of the core crimes
particular mischief
suspicious transactions and increase bank’s where training is offered at Police Training
awareness on the means people use to laun- School so we propose to make money
der money. laundering one of the core crimes where
CID offers are trained.
FIA’s main objective is fighting money created. We went ahead to issue a notice The illegal operations of forex bureaus
laundering and financial fraud / crimes as informing accountable persons or reporting also pose a threat for instance there are 300
established by the Anti – Money Launder- entities that the law was in place and that licensed or legal forex bureaus but those
ing Act 2013. To what extent have your they have obligations to report large cash that are operating illegally are more and
realized this objective? transactions of Shs20million and above this stands as another way that people use
We have achieved 80 percent of our done over banks whether debit or credit. So to launder money. We have had engage-
objective in the first three years. Using a the banks were issued and they have been ments with Uganda Forex Bureaus and
marking scheme, as a new entity, the prior- compliant and that was dealt with. Money Remitters Association (UFBMRA) to
ity has been setting up an organization to find ways of improving their awareness of
exist with in-house settings and that has The bureaucracy involved in analyzing the law and passing on to its members.
been done. The core mandate of FIA is to CTRs and prosecution of money
receive suspicious transactions, analyze that laundering cases provides an avenue for What is your projection of FIA in the next
information, transform into intelligence and evasion by money launderers. What are few years?
disseminate to law enforcement which we your close-gap measures in this? Of the things we set out to do in the first
can ably do. We are now a self-accounting The law states that the reports come to three years, we have achieved 80 percent
vote and we are able to budget, plan and FIA, we analyze and disseminate them. but in terms of combatting money launder-
execute. However the key achievement was The problem has been that the process or ing, we are still at the infancy because with-
getting Uganda off the Financial Action system is manual but this shall cease to in three years, we cannot successfully have
Task Force (FATF) watch list since we cur- happen as we have acquired the goAML fought the crime. The future lies in making
rently possess the requisite legal and insti- system. The software is a solution that FIA effective and working very well with
tutional framework to fight money laun- automates Anti-Money Laundering sister organizations so that the intelligence
dering. The legal framework is in line with reporting requirements. It’s going to be we produce leads to successful investiga-
international standards as well being in operational in June and with it, analysis will tions, successful prosecution, and successful
good books with Eastern and Southern Africa be made faster. recovery of the illicit monies.
Anti-Money Laundering Group (ESAAMLG) and
where dam construction is taking place. Speak- he Nile Breweries Limited
ing at the commissioning of works event at the dream is Zero Injuries across its
school on May 3, officials said the project will operations. To achieve this, the
last three months. Wang Qiyuan, the deputy company has launched a Safety
project manager for CWE, said they are re- App called AB InBev SAFETY.
furbishing some classrooms and constructing The App, developed as a tool for risk
three new [classrooms]. One of the classrooms identification and mitigation to pre-
will be a multimedia hall fully furnished and vent injuries and recognise safe behav-
equipped with computers for pupils to use ior in order to create a positive safety
for information technology classes. “We hope culture, was launched during celebra-
Kadaga at the commissioning ceremony our efforts will be appreciated,” Wang, who tions to mark the World Safety Week.
said the project would cost around Shs 700mil-
“The App allows anyone to capture
lion, said. The Speaker of Parliament Rebecca risks and hazards anytime, recognize
hina International Water and Electri- Kadaga, who presided over as chief guest and
cal Corporation (CWE), the contractor safe behavior, take a picture of the
the Uganda Electricity Generation Company event and escalate those risks, hazards
of the 183MW Isimba Hydro power Limited Chief Executive Officer, Harrison Mu-
project is refurbishing old structures of and recognition to the right people
tikanga urged CWE to use local suppliers of ce- in real time. This ensures they are
Mbulamuti Primary School found in Kamuli ment, sand and labour for the project activities.
district a few kilometers away from the site dealt with in a timely manner,” said
Onapito Ekomoloit, the corporate af-
fairs director
NBL.“The data captured is connected
MTN Uganda subscribers grow 3% in Q1 2018 to our global platform for safety inci-
dent management Credit360. This will
allow us to understand relationships
TN Uganda tributed to an increase in with growth of 3.4% despite
from the data and become even more
recorded a 3.1% revenue for MTN Uganda. a 33.6% increase in billable
preventative with our risk and hazard
rise in subscrib- “Following a slower minutes.
management over time.”
ers to 10.8million prior quarter (4Q17), MTN Tariffs declined by 32.6%
in the first quarter ending Uganda experienced a posi- Y-o-Y. MTN Uganda report-
March 2018. tive first quarter with service ed net additions for the quar-
The increment in subscrib- revenue growth of 8%. ter of 149, 000,” the quarterly
ers for the first three months MoMo revenue increased by trading update reads.
ends two consecutive 21.8% to contribute 25% of MTN Group CEO, Rob
quarters of falling customer total revenue. Shutter, said there was over-
numbers. The improved Voice revenue growth in all strong growth in data and
NBL officials at the launch
subscriber figures also con- the period was more muted, Mobile Money revenue.
Board of Directors, Gerald
nother lucky winner,
Sendawula, said they are proud
Geofrey Madira from
to have supported the under-
Arua joined previous
privileged Ugandan students
winners in the ongo- from different local universities
ing Under The Crown Promo- countrywide.“I get emotional
tion dubbed ‘Samba Ne Coca- to see the business community
Cola’ promotion by winning display such a great sense of
Shs 10 million, the company giving back to the communities
said in a May 4 notice. “I am in which they operate,” he said.
so grateful,” Madira said upon Last year, 176 students were
receiving the cash. Last month, granted the award, highest
Coca-Cola partnered with Madhvani Foundation officials at the event. record of awardees compared
World Cup Official broadcaster to previous years.
Multichoice and global partner The Scholarship Sub Com-
Hisense to bring the World Cup he Madhvani Founda- The Initiative that was rein- mittee Chairman, Anthony
closer to consumers all across tion has announced the troduced in 2003 has so far Butele, urged the students to
Uganda through the ‘Samba Ne 2018-2019 Scholarship spend over Shs 6.5 bn support- apply for the scholarship, add-
Coca-Cola’ promotion. Since its award worth Shs700mil- ing over 2000 students pursuing ing that the application process
launch, lucky consumers across lion to support students intend- courses in among others Agri- is transparent and the beneficia-
the country have won millions ing to pursue both scientific and culture, Biology, Chemistry, ries are selected on merit.
in cash and other goodies. technical courses. Actuarial Science, Architecture,
solutions, engage more start-
he International Trade ups, and ultimately be one of
Centre, a joint coopera- the key drivers of the develop-
tion agency of United ment of the IT sector.
Nations Conference Amelia Kyambadde, Ugan-
on Trade and Development da’s Minister of Trade Industry
(UNCTAD) and World Trade and Cooperatives, said she wel-
Organisation charged with comes the ITC’s new initiative
the responsibility of develop- to support the local IT industry.
ment trade, has unveiled a new “We know Ugandan compa-
project aimed at increasing nies have the skills to compete
competitiveness of Uganda’s in international markets and
technology companies. NTF IV project will help some
Based in Geneva, Switzer- climb that last barrier and
land, ITC’S Trust Fund IV expand beyond our borders,”
MTN Uganda CEO (2nd L) Wim Vanhelleputte with Commonwealth medalists project seeks to strengthen
Stella Chesang, Solomon Mutai and Mercyline Chelangat during a luncheon she said.NTF IV is a continua-
competitiveness of micro, small tion of a long-running partner-
hosted for the athletes by MTN. IDEPENDENT/JIMMY SIYA and medium-sized enterprises ship between the Dutch Centre
(MSMEs) in the country’s for the Promotion of Imports
information technology (IT) from developing countries
and IT-enabled services (ITES) (CBI) and ITC. The project will
sectors through funding and run until June 2021, working at
skills enhancement. different levels of engagement
ITC Executive Director, with more than 100 MSMEs in
Arancha González said: Uganda, of which more than
Competitiveness is not an half comprise start-up compa-
option. It is a necessity if coun- nies. The NTF IV project will
tries are to seize opportunities also place a significant focus on
presented by trade and new gender and actively promote
technologies. With the NTF IV the participation of Ugandan
project we will open up a new women in tech – especially in
chapter in ITC’s support to leadership positions.
the development of exports of Currently, most women in
“Made in Uganda” IT and IT- the sector tend to hold lower-
enabled services. skilled jobs such as data entry
The managing director Vivo Energy Uganda Gilbert Assi handing over prizes to The NTF IV project is
Patrick Idringi at the launch of the Vivo energy 4th edition of Shell GAS Tokosa and image tagging.
designed to scale up compa-
food festival at Naguru on May 2. Assi said the festival will take place on June 17
ome African countries have re- Term limits amassing billions during their father’s
corded democratic victories in the Term limits regulate leadership succes- many terms.
past 12 months. Ethiopia has a new sion. They are meant to counteract leaders’ Without strong constitutional safeguards
leader whose ascent holds great temptation to overstay their welcome. This and a democratic culture to counter the
promise for change, despite the country’s helps to consolidate and legitimise demo- negative consequences of the “sins of
problematic 2015 election. Liberia and Sierra cratically elected leadership. incumbency” – as corruption associated
Leone have new leaders. Of course, they’re not enough. Regular with state power is often described by
But elsewhere on the continent, leaders transfer of power as seen in countries like South Africa’s governing party, the African
continue to disregard their countries’ own Mauritius, Ghana, Botswana and Zambia, National Congress – can be menacing. It
constitutions and laws governing presi- among others, cannot guarantee political breeds “Big Men, Little People”, to borrow a
dential tenure. The Democratic Republic of and socio-economic stability. Other ingredi- phrase from the title of a book by journalist
Congo’s Joseph Kabila has been in power ents such as accountable, legitimate leader- Alec Russel.
since 2001. He refuses to go even though he ship are critical.
was meant to step down in December 2016. But regular transfers of power give citi- Weaning leaders off power addiction
In Uganda, Yoweri Museveni has clung to zens hope that new policies, programmes Perceptive leaders know when to leave
power since 1986. Denis Sassou Nguesso and approaches will be adopted by the office, whether through resignation or
has ruled Congo for almost 30 years. new leadership. In turn, this could over- retirement. Botswana’s past and current
Their refusal to step down at the turn numerous political, social, economic presidents have established this practice
appointed time flies in the face of several impacts of uninterrupted strangleholds on despite the country’s continued one-party
governance blueprints adopted as African power in Africa. domination.
countries shifted away from liberation poli- The benefits of frequent power transfers With the emergence of a strong demo-
tics to the new post-independence struggle are evident in African countries that have cratic culture, South Africa has experienced
for democracy in the early 2000s. them, such as Senegal; Botswana and Mau- the opposite of such presidential power
The Organisation of African Unity was ritius. Incumbents are kept on their toes mongering. Two presidents were recalled
transformed into the African Union in because there’s a real chance they can be by their political party the ANC, albeit for
2001 with this shift in mind. The continent removed from power if they fail to govern different reasons. Thabo Mbeki readily
adopted progressive governance tools like properly. Term limits have recently become accepted his fate when he was told to pack
the African Peer Review Mechanism. This controversial and divisive. Some leaders up and go, although he was not accused
was spearheaded by former Nigerian Presi- have used dubious constitutional amend- of any specific wrong doing. Jacob Zuma
dent Olusegun Obasanjo and South Africa’s ments to extend their stay in power. Usu- remained defiant and only stepped aside
Thabo Mbeki as a tool for African countries ally, governing parties and their leaders when faced with the very real prospect of a
to review one another’s performance. almost exclusively pass such amendments vote of no-confidence.
Numerous African countries adopted and with minimal or no opposition participa- Ghana, Zambia, Namibia, Nigeria,
agreed to uphold the terms of the African tion. That’s what happened in Rwanda, Malawi and Tanzania are other African
Union Charter on Democracy, Elections and Uganda, Burundi and Congo Republic. states where regular transfer of power has
Governance. It came into force in 2012 and Similarly, despite constitutional provi- occurred. African voters are not blameless.
was designed to guard against undemo- sions and regular elections, countries such They habitually relax their vigilance on
cratic governance. as Angola, Togo, Cameroon and Equato- leaders and fail to hold them to account
These plans promised a great deal. They rial Guinea are virtually de facto one party after elections. This, coupled with winner-
were designed to usher in good governance, or one leader repressive states wherein take-all election systems, renders some
democracy and security. It was hoped resignation, retirement and term limits are African countries vulnerable to autocratic,
Africa’s image as a continent of ignorance, meaningless. despotic and non-accountable leaders who
poverty, disease, misrule and corruption Leaders have different reasons for would rather die in office than leave.
could be erased. refusing to leave office. In some countries, What, then, is the solution? It may be time
The rhetoric pointed in the right direction. the answer lies in a lack of succession for ordinary voters across the continent to
But not all African leaders were willing planning to transfer power. In others, begin to collaborate through non-govern-
to be swept by this wave of democratic leaders blatantly refuse to resign because mental organisations and other cross-border
reforms. Some are quite simply addicted to of their despotic and kleptocratic tenden- institutional mechanisms to share experi-
power, as shown by their reluctance – if not cies. They abuse their states’ minerals, ences and begin to enforce durable conti-
outright resistance – to leave at the end of oil and money with their families and nental democracy. Africa needs democracy
their legal terms. friends. Stepping aside would cost them from below.
Leaders continuing to overstay their wel- these “benefits”.
come undermine Africa’s attempts at over- For instance, the eventual departure of Kealeboga J Maphunye is Professor,
hauling its leadership and negate the noble Angola’s Eduardo Dos Santos from office Department of Political Sciences, University
intentions of the AU’s founders. after decades in power has left his family of South Africa (UNISA), University of South
exposed. His children stand accused of Africa
n March 27, eight columnists in Kenya. After an attempted coup in 1982, when it expired. The same thing happened
from the Nation Media Group many smaller newspapers were shut down to David Ndii, an economist and opposi-
resigned from the Nation news- by the state, and between 1988 and 1990, at tion-affiliated columnist for the Sunday
paper, citing a lack of editorial least 20 newspapers were forced to cease Nation.
independence. For Kenya’s largest daily, the publication permanently. But these dismissals pale in comparison
exodus of top talent was the latest blow to And yet, even during periods of govern- to a government-imposed blackout in
an already tarnished reputation. The news- ment repression, savvy journalists have early February. To prevent journalists
paper has suffered a series of embarrassing always found audiences for their dissenting from reporting on a political rally by then-
episodes in recent months, including high- views. During Kenya’s democracy move- opposition leader Raila Odinga, the Kenyan
profile firings, mass layoffs by the parent ment in the 1990s, one of the most influen- government forced three private television
company, and allegations of state meddling tial was Wahome Mutahi, a humorist who stations off the air for days, ignoring court
in the editorial process. skirted state control to parody the authori- orders to end the blockade. Journalists at
But the resignations were more than tarian president, Daniel Toroitich arap Moi. one station, Nation Television, huddled in
another repudiation of a once-vaunted insti- Mutahi eventually spent 15 months in the their offices as they coordinated with law-
tution; they were a reminder that the media infamous Nyayo House torture chambers as yers and sought to avoid arrest. When the
remain a powerful player in Kenya’s fledg- punishment for his writings. dust eventually settled, executives from all
ling democracy. When governments con- Kenyan media experienced a revival in three networks had resigned.
strain journalists – in Kenya or elsewhere the post-Moi era; by 2012, the country had Without courageous, pioneering journal-
– they do so at their own peril. 301 radio stations and 83 television stations, ists, Kenya’s pro-democracy movement
Like many African countries, Kenya has up from only three television networks in may never have succeeded. Activist colum-
a long tradition of what might be called the 1990s. But the growth in media outlets nists helped the public understand political
“activist journalism” – the dissemination of and liberalisation of the country’s politics decisions by making policy accessible. In
news and ideas to inspire political or social did not translate into more press freedom. Mutahi’s case, the use of his own family
action. The practice has its roots in anti- Instead, after a brief reprieve between suc- in his parodies was a device intended to
colonialism; when the Nation was founded cessful elections in 2002 and post-election demonstrate that petty domestic despotism
in 1960, it joined other pan-African publica- violence in 2007, journalists were targeted was no different from the political tyranny
tions like the New African and Drum to once more. orchestrated by an autocratic president.
oppose colonial rule. By giving Kenyans a Crackdowns have ranged from the severe Kenyans need similar means of reflection
platform to voice their dissent, the Nation – including detention, torture, and disap- today. And yet, just when the country’s
– led by its journalists – helped protesters pearances – to the subtle. For example, democratic institutions could most benefit
articulate the ideas, slogans, and catch- when the political cartoonist Godfrey from such a mirror, those who have histori-
phrases that animated their movements. For Mwampembwa, known as Gado, was cally held it up now believe they have no
many columnists, simply writing for these forced from his post at the Nation in 2016, alternative but to put it down.
magazines was an act of resistance. his bosses did not explicitly fire the news- For Kenya, the very public decline of
In the West, activist journalism carries a paper’s most popular contributor. Rather, the Nation has come at a high cost. But it
negative connotation, suggesting bias. But they simply refused to renew his contract has also demonstrated that press freedom
in Africa, this type of journalism has his- means much more than letting journalists
torically kept the media honest by forcing say what they want, when they want, and
owners to focus more on public good than
on profit. In Kenya, however, this model is
The media how they want. It also means holding media
owners accountable. A highly competitive
being eroded by the flow of public funds
into private media outlets in advertising
industry in Kenya electoral system framed by a compromised
media is more likely to fuel dissent than to
and through increasing repression. is more lucrative stem it, and Kenya’s democracy will suffer
The media industry in Kenya is more so long as the country’s stewards of public
lucrative than in most African countries, than in most enlightenment turn their backs on it.
which has led some to assume that Kenya’s
press is free. But, increasingly, the opposite African countries, Nanjala Nyabola is a writer, political
is true. Many media companies are depen-
dent on government advertising revenue,
which has led analyst, and author of the forthcoming
book Digital Democracy, Analogue Politics:
and, according to the Committee to Protect some to assume How the Internet Era is Transforming
Journalists, this spending is being used as Kenya.
leverage by the authorities to censor unfa- that Kenya’s
vourable coverage. This is one element of
the “state capture of the media” that the press is free Copyright: Project Syndicate, 2018.
n line with statutory requirements, all undercutting costs (by Shs17 billion) as Overall, the total banking profitability
banks are supposed to publish their opposed to increased income. increased to Shs770 billion in 2017
financial statements by the end of April The latter reduced mainly due to from Shs676 billion in 2016 but remains
of each year. The published banks’ interest income reduction attributed skewed towards the top 10.
results for 2017 are out and the total assets to declining interest rates consistent The struggle is real at the bottom,
increased by 18% reaching Shs26.6 trillion with the monetary stance (reduction of with loss making banks increasing to
in December 2017. This translates to 27% the Central Bank Rate over the last 12 six compared to four in 2016 and 2015.
of GDP, which suggests that Uganda’s months). The second largest bank by The banking sector cost to income ratio
banking sector remains shallow to leverage asset and profits is now DFCU bank fol- remained high at 73% in 2017 from the
financial deepening. lowing its takeover of Crane Bank and it 85% in 2016 but is still higher than the
For example, the share of banks assets had its net profits cross the Shs100 billion historical average.
to GDP in Uganda is the same as average mark for the first time ever. This is why most banks have broadly
of the private sector credit to GDP in Its net profits grew by 280% to Shs127 focused on balance sheet repairing;
the Sub Sahara Africa region. Arguably billion. Centenary bank which is the including taking cost cutting measures
too small to warrant any mention in the fourth largest by asset was the third most by reducing bank branches – remaining
April 2018 IMF Global Financial Stability profitable with Shs100 billion, however, concentrated in urban areas; particularly
Report. registering a reduction of Shs9 billion Kampala. As such, the share of non-
The limited asset base of the banks from 2016 profits. performing loans to total gross loans
in part explains why Uganda’s private Standard Chartered Bank the third reduced to slightly less than 6% from
sector credit as share of GDP is half the largest bank by asset has for the 2nd time over 10% in 2016.
SSA average. It is also constrained argu- in last six years seen its profits go less In a nutshell, the banking sector
ably by banks investing 20% of its assets than Shs100 billion and its convergence remains shallow, small, dominated by a
in government securities – with year to with Stanbic Bank has since been com- few banks, and with limited credit pen-
year growth commensurate to the asset promised. etration which suggests that the banks
growth of 18% to reach Shs5.4 trillion in are not the most optimal modality for
2017. financial inclusion.
Juxtaposed with private sector credit Mobile money by far as underlined in
growth of 6% in 2017, it implies that the the 2016 financial inclusion strategy is a
banks took a fairly risk neutral position
– inclining towards risk free government
The limited conduit for inclusion. The proportion of
Ugandans using mobile money is by far
securities. Although there is a potential asset base of greater than for any other financial ser-
of multiple applications, only one in two vices in Uganda, which is why arguably
of loan applications was approved in the banks in the 1% tax on mobile money transactions
2017. The backdrop is anecdotal to the
crowding out of the private sector. part explains will be regressive.
The total value of mobile money trans-
According to the asset composition
drawn from the published statements,
why Uganda’s actions for the financial ending June 2017
had reached Shs53 trillion (over 55% of
it can also be argued that the banking private sector GDP) from Shs38 trillion in 2016. Cogni-
sector remains oligopolistic in nature zant that nearly eight million people use
despite being composed of 24 banks. credit as of mobile money, Bank of Uganda as the
Only eight banks have an asset value of champion of financial inclusion ought to
more than Shs1 trillion, of which only share of GDP provide effective policy advisory in this
three made net profits in excess of Shs100
billion. These top 8 banks by asset
is half the SSA realm, in light of the recent reversal of
poverty, inequality, and other develop-
account for 77% of the total assets and average ment goals.
89% of profitability.
Stanbic bank (which bought Uganda Dr Enock Nyorekwa Twinoburyo, Economist
Commercial Bank for US$21.3 million based in Kigali
in 2002 and made the same money in
income the same year) remains the most
profitable bank – reaching Shs 200 bil-
lion for first time owing largely from
very year on May 3 – World Press family, and have enabled meaningful
Freedom Day – news producers dialogue across communities.
and consumers pause to reflect This Legal norms are also moving in the
on the state of global media. This right direction. Between 2011 and 2016,
year, as journalists and government of- commitment the number of countries with freedom
ficials gathered in Ghana for the event’s
25th observance, attention turned to the was deepened of information laws increased from 90 to
myriad pressures and challenges con-
fronting the profession worldwide, and
last month This commitment was deepened
last month when the European Union
how official and state-sponsored hostility when the adopted a new law to protect whistle-
toward the press is threatening democ- blowers from prosecution. In a state-
racy. European ment, authorities said they hoped the
But these concerns, though certainly
Union adopted
measure would be a boon to investiga-
valid, are not the entire story. Signs of tive journalists by protecting sources
journalistic resilience are also emerging.
So, rather than focusing exclusively
a new law who report violations of European law.
Where fewer legal protections are in
on the obstacles journalists around the to protect place, journalists are becoming more
world are facing, mark May 3 should creative. In the Philippines, where
have been marked by considering the whistle- independent news organisations have
many reasons for optimism. become targets of slander by politicians
For starters, while no media market blowers from and online trolls, reporters are turning
is immune to erosion of press freedom,
resistance is possible. Recent events
prosecution the tables with devastating effect. For
example, in a recent series of reports
in Europe are illustrative. In Slovakia, identifying people making threats
public outrage over the politically moti- against the media, the news website Rap-
vated double murder of an investigative pler uncovered a network of trolls tied
journalist, Ján Kuciak, and his fiancée, directly to government insiders.
Martina Kušnírová, forced Prime Min- Finally, journalists are working to
ister Robert Fico to resign, and has his trators have been brought to justice. improve the diversity of their own
successor, Peter Pellegrini, walking a And yet fresh glimmers of hope are industry. In the Democratic Republic of
public-relations tightrope. multiplying. Around the world, journal- Congo, for example, one media organisa-
Hungary, too, has experienced its own, ists and their supporters are fighting tion created a database with the contact
albeit tamer, version of journalistic push- back in encouraging ways. details of thousands of female experts
back. According to a recent study by the Consider online censorship. While gov- who are available for media commentary
European Journalism Center, despite ernments from China to Russia routinely and analysis. This simple exercise has led
deepening government control over block or filter access to the Internet, to a dramatic increase in the percentage
how the media operates, investigative half of the world’s population is now of female experts appearing in the press.
reporting remains active, and “abuses connected – a 20% increase in only five These are just a few of the bright spots
of the taxpayers’ money are regularly years. highlighted during this year’s observance
exposed.” In Sudan, journalists are using this con- of World Press Freedom Day. Every
To be sure, the media are under attack nectivity to save lives. Last year, when day, courageous men and women (and
like never before, and not only from the government refused to inform the sometimes even children) around the
fake news and polarising presidents. public about a devastating cholera out- world continue to brave the odds to
The slaying of nine journalists in Kabul break, journalists with Radio Dabanga, bring us the news. We all benefit from
on April 30, in back-to-back suicide working with doctors and nurses, used their dedication, and we all have an
bombings that killed at least 25 people, the WhatsApp messaging service to obligation to honor their successes, not
marked the deadliest day for journal- share information about prevention and just their sacrifices.
ists in Afghanistan since the fall of the treatment.
Taliban, and added to a grim global tally. Even in a violent and divided country Leon Willems is Director of Free Press
According to Reporters Without Borders, like Somalia, the Internet is being used Unlimited.
more than 1,000 journalists have been for good; increased streaming speeds
murdered around the world in the last 15 have kept members of the country’s siz- Copyright: Project Syndicate, 2018.
years, and only a handful of the perpe- able diaspora connected with friends and
By Flavia Nassaka Anthony Mutema, a Pharmacist calls guidelines in February and now
TLD a “game changer” in HIV treatment recommend TLD as the preferred adult
tarting in July, HIV/AIDs in Uganda. The drug comes in at the time first –line ARV regimen and that the
patients picking their Anti- when researchers are looking for solutions plan is to enroll everyone on the drug by
Retroviral (ARV) drug refills to help those who acquire a strain of HIV December. This means up to 85% of the
might notice a difference; they that is resistant to available drugs. about one million Ugandans currently on
might be given prescriptions Mutema explains that the drug is called treatment will have to shift.
of one pill a day instead of an intergrase inhibitor because it works to While the shift in treatment is usually
their usual three, four or six pills a day. maintain the viral load in one’s blood low not so good news for people living with
According to Ministry of Health at undetectable levels. the virus for fear of tough side effects,
plans, clients on first line HIV treatment “The viral load increases because, when Musinguzi says clinical trials done in the
will start being transferred to a new the virus enters the body, it’s integrated west have shown that treatment regimens
drug called TLD. It is a new fixed-dose into the DNA and keeps making other including dolutegravir work faster, have
combination of ARV drugs – tenofovir copies,” Mutema says, “This is what this fewer side effects, and demonstrate
disoproxil fumarate, lamivudine and drug works to prevent. It means that greater potency against drug resistance
dolutegravir. It belongs to so-called when someone takes it, only reservoirs of than standard HIV drugs used in the
intergrase inhibitors; drugs that help the virus will remain.” country and other poor countries in
patients not to develop resistance to Dr. Joshua Musinguzi, the Programme Africa.
medicine that has been seen in older Manager AIDS Control at the health Dolutegravir (DTG) is already being
treatments. ministry says they revised treatment used in developed countries such as the
man of NAAM while Nkutu was National
kbar Adoko Nekyon was Ugan- Chairman until his murder by President
da’s first minister of Information, Amin in 1973.”
Broadcasting, and Tourism in 1962, According to Nkutu, NAAM helped
drew up Uganda’s first National build an affirmative action network of
Development Plan, was first president of schools for the Islamic community in the
Federation of Uganda Football Associations areas of Butambala, Bombo, Jinja, Iganga,
(FUFA) in 1968, and was the first to pro- Mbale, Lango and West Nile.
claim to the world that his Democratic Party Nekyon was elected the first president
(DP) had won the 1980 elections. When that of Federation of Uganda Football Associa-
alleged victory was allegedly stolen by Ne- tions (FUFA) in 1968 after it changed its
kyon’s cousin, Milton Obote of the Uganda name from Uganda Football Associations
Peoples Congress (UPC) who was declared (UFA). The same year was also the first time
winner, some people followed then-leader a national football league was played. He
of the Uganda Patriotic Movement (UPM) is also credited for founding the National
to wage armed rebellion against the new Council of Sports. In September 2015, the
government. 91st FUFA ordinary general assembly rec-
Described as articulate, forthright, and ognised Nekyon for his achievements.
controversial, Nekyon was destined for a planning and community development. In
When Amin overthrew Obote in 1971,
political career by birth. He was the son of this capacity, he was instrumental in draw-
Nekyon went to exile in Kenya. By the time
a chief; Jekeri Akaki of the Lango clan. Born ing up the first National Development Plan.
Amin was overthrown in 1979, Nekyon had
on August 6, 1931 at Akokoro in present day However, it was also during this time when
developed serious differences with Obote
Apac district, his mother was Abisagiri Koli. Nekyon found himself in a fierce political
and he crossed to the Democratic Party
He went to Ibuje Primary School, Ngora storm. In February 1966, he was accused by
(DP) just in time before the December 1980
Secondary School, and Kings College Daudi Ochieng, an MP, of being part of a
elections. The two cousins were on differ-
Buddo. In 1955, he pursued a Bachelor’s cabal smuggling gold and ivory from DR
ent sides in what remains one of the most
degree in Economics at the University of Congo. He was accused alongside Prime
controversial elections in Uganda to date.
Kerala in India. He further enrolled for a Minister Obote, deputy army commander
Joseph Bbossa, former vice president of
Master’s degree in political science at the Idi Amin and another minister Felix Ona-
UPC recalls seeing Nekyon in an open roof
same university. He was one of the few sur- ma.
car in Kampala chanting ‘we have won’ as
viving Ugandans who worked in the colo- Nekyon denied the charges and Obote’s
results were filtering in that December 1980
nial service where he plied his trade as an government successfully quashed a pro-
with a big crowd following him. Thereafter
interpreter. This was is in the late 1950s and posed inquiry into the allegations.
chaos followed. The UPC under Obote was
at the time, his true calling was in the offing In May 1966, Nekyon got another cabi-
declared winner.
as independence movements started to gain net position as Minister of agriculture and
Nekyon remained a player in politics
clout in the country. He soon joined Uganda cooperatives. He, however, served briefly
under his new party DP. But Museveni
National Congress (UNC), the first political and resigned over disagreements with
fought and kicked out Obote in 1986. That
party, formed in 1952. Obote whom he thought was beginning to
year, Museveni appointed Nekyon General
Some historians say that being a cousin to develop autocratic tendencies. Obote had in
Manager of the national carrier, Uganda
Obote influenced Nekyon’s decision to join February ordered an attack on the Buganda
Airlines. A few years later, he was appoint-
Uganda People’s Congress (UPC) although Kabaka’s palace in Mengo, sparking the so-
ed minister for health and later minister for
others argue that it was out of his own called 1966 crisis which plunged the coun-
rehabilitation. He bounced back in active
ambition. Nekyon’s father and Obote’s were try into political turbulence when Obote
politics when he was elected as a Constitu-
brothers and their mothers were sisters. abolished the constitution.
ent Assembly (CA) delegate for Maruzi in
Apac district in 1994. The end of his tenure
Becoming Minister Love for faith in the CA marked the start of his retirement
In 1961, Nekyon was elected MP for Lan- Nekyon sought refuge in football and
from politics.
go South East and also joined the first post- faith. He had earlier converted from Chris-
Nekyon was at the peak of his political
independence cabinet in 1962 as Minister tianity to Islam. He was a devout Muslim
powers when he was a minister in the first
for Information and Tourism under Prime who spearheaded a number of develop-
Obote government and is also remembered
Minister Milton Obote. ment projects for the Islamic commu-
as an influential Muslim leader. He was
As Minister for information, he set up nity. Together with other Muslim leaders,
honored by parliament during the 50th
Uganda Television Services; now Uganda Nekyon founded National Association for
independence anniversary celebrations in
Broadcasting Corporation (UBC). He turned the Advancement of Muslims (NAAM).
2012 for his public service.
a colonial hospital into the premise for the “Sheikhs Abdulrazak Matovu, Obedi
Nekyon died on May 4 due to heart
television studios, where Pearl of Africa Kamulegeya and Hussein Rajab Kakooza
complications. The family suffered another
Hotel currently stands according to Edgar headed the religious wing of NAAM while
blow two days later when Nekyon’s
Muvunyi Tabaro, a former managing direc- Adoko Nekyon and Shaban Nkutu headed
daughter, Sarah Apio died of cancer at a
tor at UBC. the development arm.” Conrad Nkutu, a
hospital in the UK.
In 1964, he was appointed Minister for family friend of Nekyon wrote on Face-
What Clifford Kibuuka’s colourful hues The same impact can be seen in the
shanty abodes with dilapidated Mabaati
(corrugated) iron sheets on ramshackle
reveal about sound of the city abodes, reminiscent of city slums where low
income residents live. They might be seen as
an eye-sore and sign of the growing neglect
of the poor by the government. But in the
By Dominic Muwanguzi a new approach. This time the Kampala paintings, the settlements compete for equal
scenery the artist showcases includes road- space with posh or permanent structures
ibuuka Clifford has become side vendors of food-stuffs like vegetables in what could be a commentary on poor of
defined by his painting and rolex (a fast food roll of fried eggs and the city.
of Kampala settlements; Chapati). Is it a figurative representation of Kibuuka calls the exhibit `Sound
compacted together, and growing entrepreneurship and innovations of Colour #Kampala’ and paints the
with tiny glowing light in the city or a depiction of desperation landscapes as beautiful displays, but
illuminating them in the wrought by a “biting “economy? Or is it all his focus could be on the challenges
dark. The settlements- sometimes shanty about the growing population of youthful modernisation. Or is it merely a
in nature or boxy in form - capture the mouths to feed? documentation of historical architecture
mood of Kampala as energetic, vibrant, and The oil works are punctuated with before it is possibly razed and lost to pave
eerie. Social disparity looms large as the impasto and a careful contrast of colour way for new constructions?
haves and have-nots live side by side in this nuances that infuse the paintings with
densely populated city, which is the capital the energy of Kampala and Kibuuka’s The exhibition opened on April 28 at Umoja
of Uganda. painting of Gadhafi Mosque adds to the art gallery and will show throughout the
His ongoing show at Umoja Art Gallery, hidden messages. Captured in the aerial month of May.
adjacent Kobil petrol Station in Kamwokya, format, it not only celebrates the city’s
reverberates with this theme, although with monumental architecture, but also the
By Motoring Guru
mind which saw him emerge best candi- Mpanga of prominent lawyer and Buganda
saac Kimaze Semakadde was in April date in Masaka district in the 1996 Primary Kingdom Attorney General, David Mpan-
named the most outstanding public Leaving Exams although he came from ga.
interest litigation lawyer in Uganda by a lowly school; Bright Grammar Primary He currently works at Legal Brains Trust,
the Uganda Law Society. School. He says the school gave him a a project that he and colleagues founded
He describes public interest litigation as strong foundation for humanities by expos- while still students at Law Development
a special practice where an advocate sacri- ing him to extensive off the curriculum Centre. “I felt that it provided a meaningful
fices time, talent, resources, and energy that reading and exposure. alternative for practicing law,” he says, “I
they could have rented out for hire for com- His mentor and primary school head- had to interact with the law more deeply to
mercial purposes to societal transformation master was interviewed about his future participate in social empowerment.”
and the propagation of values. and appeared to predict it.
On several occasions, he has defended “In his view,” Semakadde recalls, “I
individuals in cases that are deemed mor- would either be a lawyer or journalist and I
ally unacceptable in society. guess he was right.”
He represented controversial feminist His PLE performance won him a bursary
academic Stella Nyanzi who was charged from Masaka Municipal Council to study at
with “cyber harassment” and “offensive St Mary’s College Kisubi (SMACK).
communication” after she took on Presi- At SMACK which has a strong tradition
dent Yoweri Museveni and his wife in a of sciences, Semakadde performed well in
Facebook post. sciences, but his inquisitive and anti-clock-
“It’s politically and socially risky but it’s wise thinking persisted. He questioned
what interests me as a societal obligation,” culture and traditions.
he says. At SMACK, Semakadde was again
He revels in David-Goliath public inter- among the top 10 students which earned
est litigation situations where he defends him government sponsorship to study
people whose views are considered unac- Bachelor of Laws at Makerere University
ceptable to those in power or the majority. in Kampala. He was voted President of
“Such moments are essential for legal Makerere University Law Society in second
practice because the client’s situation is year.
desperate and only a lawyer can turn it He says professors Joe
round,” he says. Oloka-Onyango and Sylvia
The values he pursues include democ- Tamale, both committed
racy, human rights, rule of law, fairness, public interest attor-
justice, progress, justice, equality, unity, and neys, were very instru-
freedom. mental in shaping his
His name is synonymous with the fight world views and post
for the realisation of a free press in Uganda. university experi-
He re-affirmed this on May 3, when Ugan- ence. Semakadde
da joined the rest of the world to mark the came out top of
25th celebration of World Press Freedom the graduating
day under the global theme ‘keeping Power class of 2008.
in Check: Media, Justice and The Rule of He took on
Law’. mentor-
He says he feels a duty to express sym- ship in the
pathy for media players whose right to Supreme
free press is continuously violated. But it is Court of
sometimes frustrating. Uganda
“I am disturbed by the constant threats and
to media independence from the state and
non-state actors including the private sector
and the inadequate response to threats by
traditional media workers and their sym-
pathisers,” he said. Semakadde describes
himself as “an anti-clockwise thinker” who
just can’t obey standing orders. He likes to
question society.
don’t know about you? dynamo and he contains Honesty and generosity
or lack of an so much power in his What do you regard
easier word, the diminutive body and What is the quality you as the lowest depth of
character ‘Spartan’ brain which he exercises most like in a man? misery?
defines me. As I with so much grace. He Honesty and generosity No one should be
try to understand myself is a child of privilege but subjected to cruel,
better, I am a legal rebel, he has the heart of a child When and where were inhuman, or degrading
an anti-clockwise thinker of poverty. He deprives you happiest? treatment unless the
and a clock builder not a himself daily of what I see My happiest moments extraordinary conditions
time teller. I live in such a so many people entitled are in childhood. I are part and parcel of the
unique world. to. It is also surprising survived an attack of struggle.
that he has the hunger cerebral malaria that
What is the trait you and the fire for social almost killed me in 1991 What is your favorite
most deplore in yourself? change in his teaching so returning to normal occupation?
I am an incredible and career. He is a good life and play normally as Being an advocate for
optimist; I see only the role model. a child was a new birth. social justice.
good things in people Brian Gilbert Baingana
which makes me a fool What is your greatest is one friend that I have Which historical figure
in the end sometimes. extravagance? been with for a very long do you most identify
I had always believed Social justice; I spend time, and four years ago I with?
that everybody can be a lot fighting people’s attended his wedding as Cuthbert Obwangor
changed or persuaded causes to create social guest of honour. It was a was an elder in Teso
until recently when change even outside law happy moment because who at a moment when
I discovered that not to include culture and it reunited me with the integrity was required
everybody is open to others. people that matter most from law makers during
persuasion. in my life and it cemented the times of Obote I,
What do you consider the our relationship. I am also exhibited it without
What is the trait you most overrated virtue? happy to have reached compromise or fear. I
most deplore in others? Our intelligence and this far. was introduced to his
I am against gifts of nature. At one heroism as a student of
materialistic people and time, we spent a lot of Which talent would you law, he exemplifies and
those that despise great money advertising about most like to have? embodies both the theory
ideas. our good attractions in I was always the and practical refinement
the ‘Gifted by Nature’ reluctant advocate of what is good and
Which living person campaign and yet we because I never saw truly aspirational about
do you most ourselves are enemies of myself there. And from democracy, integrity
admire? nature. that, I want to be a in leadership, and
In the legal promoter of talents. constitutionalism
profession, What does being
there is a powerful mean to you? Where would you most What is your greatest
shy lawyer Power without like to live? regret?
called authority is tyranny; so I have a favourite I should have fought for
Philip often times we abuse escape destination and love at the university but
power. Being powerful that is Pretoria. I find I concentrated on fighting
should come with it to be seductive and causes.
legal, social, and moral being a small town boy,
authority and it must be I relate easily with small How would you like to
exercised within realms. towns that are also die?
cosmopolitan. But Uganda As the tip of the spear
What do you most dislike will always be home. in a war.
about your appearance?
Not anything. What is your most What is your motto?
treasured possession? Always ahead.
What is the quality you My sympathy for social
ecent projections indicate that sev- Africa now needs to create more than 11 Manufacturing-led growth proved to
eral Sub-Saharan African countries million jobs in the formal economy every be an effective development model in East
will experience robust economic year. But as Nobel laureate economist Asia for three main reasons. First, manu-
growth over the next five years. By Joseph E. Stiglitz has warned, Africa can- facturing has higher productivity than agri-
2023, around one-third of the region’s econ- not replicate East Asia’s manufacturing-led culture, and it can absorb a large number of
omies will have grown at an average annual model, so the question is whether it can moderately skilled workers migrating out
rate of 5% or higher since 2000. leverage modern services to achieve eco- of the agriculture sector. Second, manufac-
And yet, as The Economist observed nomic development. turers benefit from technological transfers
last year, Africa’s development model According to Foresight Africa: Top Priori- from abroad, so their productivity rises in
“puzzles economists.” After all, only four of ties for 2018, a Brookings Institution report line with global trends. And third, the shift
the continent’s high-growth countries are previewing the results of Industries Without to manufacturing in East Asia was oriented
natural-resource dependent. Nor is overall Smokestacks, services exports from Africa toward exports, which allowed production
performance due primarily to industrialisa- grew more than six times faster than mer- to be scaled up.
tion, as traditional development models chandise exports between 1998 and 2015. In According to John Page, one of the edi-
would have predicted. What, then, explains Kenya, Rwanda, Senegal, and South Africa, tors of Industries Without Smokestacks,
the strong economic performance? the ICT sector is flourishing. In Rwanda, Africa’s growing service sectors share these
New research by the Brookings Institu- tourism is now the single largest export same characteristics. In addition to being
tion’s Africa Growth Initiative and the Unit- activity, accounting for about 30% of total tradable, they have higher productivity and
ed Nations University World Institute for exports. Ethiopia, Ghana, Kenya, and Sen- can absorb large numbers of moderately
Development Economics Research (UNU- egal are all integrated into global horticul- skilled workers. And like manufacturing,
WIDER) might hold the key to answering tural value chains, and Ethiopia has become they also benefit from technological change
that question. According to the forthcoming a leading player in global flower exports. and economies of scale and agglomeration.
book `Industries Without Smokestacks: As these smokestack-less industries have Moreover, Africa’s smokestack-less ser-
Industrialization in Africa Reconsidered’, grown, they have generated new patterns vice sectors have the added advantage of
there is evidence to suggest that Sub-Saha- of structural change that are distinct from being less vulnerable to automation. Not-
ran Africa is undergoing a more profound those of East Asia’s manufacturing-led withstanding automation’s many benefits, it
structural transformation than we think. transformation. But, if properly stewarded, presents challenges for countries where the
Africa owes this structural transforma- they could play the same role in Africa’s overriding priority is to create a sufficient
tion not to traditional industries, but to new development as manufacturing did in East number of formal-sector jobs.
developments in tradable services and agro- Asia. While economists have been increasingly
industries that resemble traditional indus- confident that Africa’s development model
trialisation. Aside from horticulture and will be different from that of East Asia, they
agro-business, these new industries include have been less certain about what shape it
information and communication technolo- will take. An industries-without-smoke-
gy-based services (ICT) and tourism.
This is a departure from the historical
Aside from stacks model offers one possible answer.
From a policy perspective, African lead-
norm. Traditionally, as Harvard University horticulture and ers should explore more ways to support
economist Dani Rodrik points out, econo- these industries’ growth, either through
mies that have sustained robust growth targeted reforms or by incorporating them
rates without relying on natural-resource
booms, “typically do so through export- these new into national industrialisation strategies and
broader development agendas. The devel-
oriented industrialisation.” But in Africa,
manufacturing as a share of total economic
industries include opment of industries without smokestacks
can occur alongside efforts to develop those
activity has stagnated at around 10%, with information and with smokestacks, thus offering a multifac-
economic activity moving from agriculture eted approach for Africa to achieve struc-
to services. And because the rate of produc- tural transformation.
tivity growth in services is only about half
that of manufacturing, the aggregate pro- technology-based Brahima Coulibaly, a senior fellow and
ductivity gains needed for sustained growth
have fallen relatively short.
services (ICT) and director of the Africa Growth Initiative at the
Brookings Institution, was chief economist
This process of premature deindustriali-
sation is not unique to Africa. But it is more
tourism and head of the emerging market and
developing economies group at the Board of
consequential for the continent, given the Governors of the US Federal Reserve System.
scale of its development challenges. Owing
to its young, rapidly growing labour force, Copyright: Project Syndicate, 2018.
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