Inside the 2017 private When preeclampsia Why price of Blockchain & cryptocurrency:
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Issue No. 525 June 15 - 21, 2018 Ushs 5,000,Kshs 200, RwF 1,500, SDP 8
Independent Publications Limited, Plot 82/84, Kanjokya Street, P. O. Box 3304, Kampala, Uganda Tel: +256-312-637-391/ 2/ 3/ 4 Fax: +256-312-637-396
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Cover story
Abiriga killing hits Museveni very hard
Why murder is seen as intended to hit him and NRM
4 The Week
300 MUK students to defend
selves over malpractices Local solutions for global
problems: Local leaders
continue to inspire public
9 The Last Word confidence where national
governments are failing
Uganda’s crime outrage:
How to renew our nation’s security
architecture to cope with the new 33 Health
challenges of murder and kidnapping
When preeclampsia strikes
in pregnancy: Disease that’s
16 Analysis impossible to predict or
prevent is piling pressure
Trump and Kim summit: Each
on maternity wards
got a win but who got more?
STRATEGY & EDITORIAL DIRECTOR: Andrew M. Mwenda WRITERS:Ronald Musoke, Flavia Nassaka, Ian Katusiime,
MANAGING EDITOR: Joseph Were Agnes Nantaba, Julius Businge.
PUBLISHER: Independent Publications Limited, Plot 82/84, Kanjokya Street, P. O. Box 3304, Kampala, Uganda
Tel: +256-312-637-391/ 2/ 3/ 4 | Fax: +256-312-637-396 E-mail: | | Website:
President Museveni
shakes hands with
Peter West, (L)
the British High
Commissioner to
Uganda during a
meeting at Entebbe
State House on June
7. Peter assured the “If we are going to continue being killed
President that the UK
is willing to help in by idiots and cowards, then we are not
the development of serious people”Francis Mwijukye, Buhweju
the Industrial Park at County MP on President Museveni’s statement
Namanve. that Abiriga’s killers are idiots
delivering the
State of the
Nation Address
on June 6.
Are you a Graphics designer?
We are looking for someone creative and up to date
Ethiopian PM Abiy Ahmed being decorated by President Museveni.
with the latest trends in design tools.
Uganda honours Ethiopian Prime Send CV to:
Minister with highest medal E-mail:
The Prime Minister of Ethi- upon his assumption of office Tel: +256-312-637-391/ 2/ 3/ 4
opia paid Dr. Abiy Ahmed as Prime Minister following
Ali paid a two-day State his election by Parliament in
Visit to Uganda from June April 2018. The two leaders
8-9 and was honored with held talks at State House,
the Most Excellent Order of Entebbe and reviewed bilat-
the Pearl of Africa medal on eral, regional and interna-
Heroes Day. The medal is the tional issues of mutual inter-
highest accolade given to a est. The two also discussed
head of state in Uganda. The opportunities for trade and
only other African leader to investment and the need to
be conferred this honor is work on road transport link-
Equatorial Guinea president, ing North-eastern Uganda to
Teodoro Obiang Mbasogo. Southern Ethiopia, through
President Yoweri Museveni Northern Kenya.
congratulated Ahmed Ali
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he cold bloodied murder of Arua that town because the countryside was not his claims are often only a small part of the
Municipality Member of Parlia- safe. I also remember motor vehicles travel- truths.
ment, Ibrahim Abiriga, has reignited ling to Northern Uganda could only do it The recent spate of kidnappings and
the debate on security in Uganda. twice a week in a heavily defended convoy killings shows three major lapses of the
Throughout last year, it was alleged that – in both cases because the state had lost Museveni administration: one is the col-
the security situation in the country had control of territory. lapse of the Local Council (LC) system as
deteriorated because then Inspector General For many years, cattle wrestling by Kari- a civic institution for ensuring community
of Police, Kale Kayihura, had privileged mojong had destroyed normal life in Teso security; the other is the increasing erosion
clamping down on opposition activism over and parts of Lango. The Allied Democratic of the prestige and authority of the police
criminal policing. He was also accused of Forces would set bombs in restaurants (I see Ugandans beating police officers on
working with criminals. His removal, it was around Kampala killing tens of people. In duty – and recently the new IGP advised
argued and later celebrated, would end kid- Kabarole, Bundibugyo and Kasese districts, people to do more of this); the third is the
nappings and murders. ADF would raid villages and kill tens of erosion of the relationship between security
It is three months now since Kayihura left people. In 1998 it burned to death 80 stu- services and citizens in providing security.
office. However, the security situation is dents in their dormitories and abducted 100 Museveni has talked of the need to equip
getting worse. Some may say it is still too others at Kichwamba Technical College. police with technical capacity to monitor
early to judge. However, our politicians, Gone is this kind of highly organised and crime like putting cameras on streets;
elements in security (who were fighting large scale threat to national security that installing equipment on all cars to monitor
Kayihura), journalists, civil society activists, characterised Uganda from 1971 to 2005. their movements, improving the forensic
pundits and social media noisemakers have The recent insecurity consists of isolated capabilities of the police etc. These ideas
largely been mute. Of course most of these criminal gangs that are killing and kidnap- are good but expensive to implement and
people do not really care about security. For ping people on a very small scale. That maintain. Besides, the dust in Kampala will
many of them these security problems offer Ugandans are outraged at these develop- most likely block the cameras. The lack of
an opportunity to score political points and ments only shows how far the country has street lighting means the cameras will not
thereby win the affection of the hordes. come. Compared to the past, these are mere see the killers in the dark. Also, there is the
Uganda has a problem of crime in large pin pricks. likely risk that these cameras will be stolen
part because the country is undergoing Of course this is not to diminish the pain or vandalised as happens to streetlights.
rapid structural change. Our urban areas, of those who have lost loved ones. Rather Therefore, the president is suggesting an
especially Kampala, are growing rapidly. it is to emphasise the fact that the current investment that is likely to be both expen-
Many who were born in this city or have outcry is a sign that the state has achieved sive and ineffective.
migrated into it are doing well. But when effective monopoly on the exercise of vio- Sadly Museveni expressed reservations
they compare themselves with the affluent, lence. Ugandans have gotten used to a very about taking a tough stance on crime with
they feel left behind. This creates social frus- secure political order. So any disturbance of high handed crackdown on criminals. This
tration and they turn to crime to make quick their peace is intolerable. The recent outrage is being naïve. Combating crime requires
gains. Cities create anonymity, which facili- shows how far the goal posts of security a firm hand, one that is not constrained by
tates crime. However, urban poverty/crime have shifted. many checks and balances. Criminals need
is a sign’s of a city’s growth and vitality. However, the situation in Kampala and to get a sense of the evil that gets visited on
The recent outrage at murders and kid- the surrounding areas is not as bad as is those who threaten security. This demands
napping is, ironically, evidence that the presented by the high priests of our politics. an extremely harsh and even arbitrary
state in Uganda has greatly improved I walk alone at night around this city and response where – I must add – many inno-
citizen security. There was a time (1971- it is always busy with patrons drinking cent people will get hurt.
1986) when crime was orchestrated by state at their favourite clubs, people in Kikubo The first step is reestablishing security is
security agencies. They would kidnap and doing brisk business, streets filled with popular vigilance i.e. people taking care of
kill people in broad daylight. Between 1986 traffic. Criminals are only able to operate in security in their communities working in
and 2005, insecurity was orchestrated by dark and isolated neighborhoods. Yet our concert with police and other security agen-
non-state actors: myriads of our citizens elites want to pontificate as if these recent cies. For this to work we need to reinvigo-
were being routinely killed by rebels and crimes are a sign of the end of the world. rate the LC system by renewing its mandate
cattle wrestlers. Millions lived in internally The claim that the country’s security has and giving it a sense of purpose and agency.
displaced camps in Northern Uganda, espe- fallen apart, a claim that President Yoweri This will be critical in both stopping and/
cially Acholi region, and in Bundibugyo Museveni reinforces with his reckless or investigating murders and kidnappings
and Kaseese in Western Uganda. speeches, is actually a gross exaggeration of and deliver better results at low cost than
Joseph Kony’s Lord’s Resistance Army the problem. Museveni may have his own Museveni’s proposed cameras.
was abducting children daily. I remember reasons for undermining the credibility of
kids in Gulu would, every evening, walk his government with his reckless speeches
from their homes to sleep on the streets of that reinforce the opposition message. But
By Haggai Matsiko deal with them and the sense of insecurity Policed by mismanaged and very poorly
they have created, and a day before Heroes paid security organisation,” Besigye
f all the murders of high profile Day—when Museveni’s government tweeted on June 11.
public figures had political remembers those who made sacrifices All this analysis pointing to political
motivations, none of them has during the 1981-86 war that brought him motivations is emerging only after Abiriga’s
been linked to politics as much as into power. murder, although the fallen legislator is not
the brutal murder of former Arua Apart from Museveni, Security Minister, the first high profile Ugandan to be gunned
Municipality legislator, Rtd. Col. Gen. Elly Tumwiine has described the down in this fashion.
Ibrahim Abiriga and his brother, Saidi murder as part of previous attempts Part of the reason is Abiriga’s highly
Kongo. intended to “disrupt government” and the visible support for the ruling party and the
At least, that appears to be a common whole country. timing of his murder.
thread emerging from analysis from Uganda People’s Defence Forces (UPDF) The legislator and his brother were
President Yoweri Museveni, security chiefs Chief of Defence Forces (CDF), Gen. David gunned down as they drove to the former’s
and even ordinary observers. Muhoozi has also said that in the murders, home on June 8 at about 6pm, near Energo
“It is possible that he was killed because we are reading a pattern of aiming “to fuel station in Kirinnyabigo, Kawanda, in
he was a strong NRM supporter,” President instill fear, cause anxiety in the public and Wakiso district. Eyewitnesses said gunmen
Museveni said while at the scene of the disaffection against government”. riding on motorcycles sprayed Abiriga’s
murder on June.9, “It is possible they A security expert, who works closely vehicle with bullets before vanishing.
thought by killing him, they would hurt with government has also told The Abiriga was wearing what had become
NRM. Investigations will proceed but there Independent on condition of anonymity his signature colour, yellow and driving a
is a likelihood it could have been about his because of the sensitivity of the matter that Volkswagen Beetle, also yellow in colour—
support for NRM.” what Uganda is facing today transcends the colour of the ruling party—National
President Museveni hates to show security. Resistance Movement (NRM).
emotion when confronted by a situation like “This is a political question, which can Both members of the opposition and
this because apparently he never wants to only be resolved politically,” the official ruling party agree that Abiriga was one of
come off as weak. But insiders say Abiriga’s told The Independent, “No amount of the biggest symbols of the ruling party—
murder appears to have hit him hard. “He security preparedness can prevent this. owing to his undying confessions of his
was enraged’, a source close to State House There is fatigue and despair and some of love for it, defence of party positions and
told The Independent, “The murder is being the disgruntled people do not see an end to dressing code, which was always yellow
seen as having been intended to hit him and Museveni. Some it appears are choosing to from the shoes, suits, and caps amongst
the party.” resort to these sorts of things.” others.
Observers say even the timing of his Opposition leader, Kizza Besigye has said “Everything on me has to at least have
murder was a political statement. He was that the escalating insecurity in Uganda yellow if it is not fully yellow,” Abiriga once
killed two days after President Museveni follows longstanding political, economic said, “The plate I use, the cups, my bed
made the State of the Nation address, in and social crises. is yellow, house and everything must be
which he commented about previous “Pent up anger and frustration, especially yellow.”
murders and laid out a plan on how to among young people is a time bomb.
President Museveni hands Abiriga a pair of sandals on the budget reading day in 2017. NET/PHOTO
ADF a scapegoat? The ADF criminals in Congo will answer system without the LCI structure?”
In the absence of evidence Abiriga was for the killings of our people even when Another expert, a former intelligence
killed for his political views, however, this they are hiding in Congo. Their only safety operative in the Chieftaincy of Military
remains speculation especially because is for them to voluntarily surrender and Intelligence (CMI), who also spoke to The
previous murders of other high profile seek for amnesty. I salute our brothers, the Independent on condition of anonymity,
officials have been executed in similar Tanzanians, for arresting and handing over said that while President Museveni is
fashion pointing to a possibility, the to us Jamil Mukulu. He is now facing the keen to invest in street cameras, the most
assailants who executed them, also killed Courts of Law.” important aspect is the people.
Abiriga, observers say. A security expert, however, told The “These elements are easy to defeat as we
Two days before Abiriga was murdered, Independent on condition of anonymity demonstrated in the late 90’s,” the former
President Museveni while giving the State that this (Abiriga) murder and the ones CMI agent told The Independent, “the
of the Nation Address said that some of before it, defy the understanding of problem is that our security people are not
the terrorists of the Allied Defence Forces extremist groups. amongst the people. We need to go back to
(ADF) as well as other criminal elements, “Once extremist groups hit a target,” the the people, which is where we started and
seeing that they could not survive in the expert said, “they claim it because that is how we defeated these elements like ADF.”
rural areas, have infiltrated the towns what gives them satisfaction. But even if we Abiriga’s murder comes when concerns
where Museveni says his government had are to take the explanation of ADF, it would over a sense of rising insecurity has become
not fully focused in terms of developing be a reflection of total failure on the part a major part of public debate. A May 21
intelligence capacity. of security agencies. This is an enemy you police report, noted that there had been
“As a consequence,” he said, “we had have been fighting for over 20 years. Why over 80 cases of kidnap between March and
7 Sheiks assassinated as well as Major haven’t you defeated them?” May.
Kiggundu, Joan Kagezi, AIGP Kaweesi and The expert added: “The ADF explanation Although the report covered the whole
Susan Magara, of recent. These killings is a scapegoat intended to offer some sort country, most of the cases were in central
seem to have been linked with ADF.” of explanation that can play into the global Uganda and in or near the capital, Kampala.
Other killings, he added, like the women discourse on terrorism” Of the 80, at least 60 turned out to be false
killed in the Entebbe - Wakiso areas, as well He added that the current security crisis alarms and self-kidnaps. Of the 20 serious
as the killings in the Masaka area on New exposes the broken relationship between cases, eight resulted in death. That is about
Year’s Eve, were by local criminals using the state and citizens. three deaths every month. In comparison,
pangas. “People do not trust the state,” the expert over three years, from 2015 to 2018, police
“Urban terrorism and crime will be added, “To understand this, you need to had recorded 48 cases of kidnap.
defeated just as we defeated the rural ask yourself, how many people are willing But in January and February, Police
terrorists,” Museveni said, “On the to report cases where they do not have a recorded 28 kidnappings, compared with 24
kidnappers and killers of Susan Magara, direct benefit?” in the whole of 2017 and three in 2014.
2 were killed at Usaafi Mosque as they Yet, the official added, the biggest The spate of kidnaps appeared to get out
were trying to fight the Police and 8 were element that provides support for the of hand following the case of Suzan Magara,
arrested. Regarding the killings of Joan security system to work is the people. the 28-year old daughter of a prominent
Kagezi, Moslem Sheikhs, AIGP Kaweesi “How does the security system function businessman whose body was later found
and Major Kiggundu, 90 persons have been in situation where you do not have the at Kajjansi in Wakiso District after she had
arrested and are now facing trial and those trust of the people?” the security expert gone missing on Feb. 07. Her captors had
not yet arrested are still being hunted. wondered, “How do you run a security kept her family and security agencies in a
Abiriga murder
Why kill and chill assassins are political not security issue
By Joseph Were seen as a mark of what may be going wrong vanish. They never publicly claim responsi-
with Museveni’s politics. For now, however, bility or explain motive like forces seeking
ol. Ibrahim Abiriga, the MP whose it is proving to be a crucial juncture for political capital out of the deaths. Sowing
June 8 shooting has shaken the Museveni. terror and mayhem appears motive enough.
country, was 30 years old when Political assassinations are nothing new But Abiriga’s slaying is different and
President Yoweri Museveni came to under Museveni. But they have been unique likely to feel personal for Museveni. Abiriga
power in 1986. He had already served over in as much as the publicly known ones have had complained of being targeted before,
10 years in the armies of Idi Amin and the been assumed to be committed by non-state including an attempt to burn him inside
Uganda National Rescue Front (UNRF) and actors, including the alleged mother of all his house in his hometown of Arua. But the
survived. He was a hardened fighter with a perpetrators; the Allied Democratic Forces threat increased soon after he became the
jolly unpretentious veneer. (ADF) rebels who are Muslim aligned and point of focus when the ruling party moved
He was to live another 32 years with have been operating for decades from the to amend the constitution to remove the
Museveni as president. Over this period, lawless eastern DR Congo. age-limit so that Museveni could run again
he swung from being a commander of a They have also not been typical. Usually, for president. As threats against their lives
rebel army fighting Museveni in West Nile it is either assassins targeting the head of mounted from opponents of Museveni,
from the bushes of South Sudan and the DR state or the state targeting political oppo- Abiriga and several ruling MPs either got
Congo, to a close ally working with him. nents. In Uganda, the assassins have so far personal guns or got extra security details
In his last days, Abiriga who always targeted only minor technocrats and clerics, from the government. In Abiriga’s case, it all
stepped out in yellow outfits, drove a yel- business people, and mid-rung security proved futile.
low car, and lived in a yellow house, had types, and now MPs. Assassins, who eyewitnesses say were
become the symbol of devotion to the ruling Abiriga’s slaying comes after a long line four, hooded and riding two motorbikes,
party and self-proclaimed loyalty to Musev- of unresolved cases of assassinations of killed Abiriga as he returned home in
eni. His slaying is being seen as the assas- prominent people; including the Assistant Kawanda, a laid back leafy neighbourhood,
sination of an ordinary man and an unfortu- Inspector General of Police, Felix Kaweesi in just outside Kampala. The first volleys of
nate price to pay for one’s devotion. March 2017 and a top government prosecu- the hail of bullets punctured the tyres of
At another level, Abiriga’s public life mir- tor, Joan Kagezi in 2015, former rebel army his new model yellow VW Beetle, killed
rors the transitions in Museveni politics; commander Maj. Mohammad Kigundu in his brother cum bodyguard, and possi-
from the early years of inclusiveness and 2016 and a slew of Muslim clerics before bly injured Abiriga who was driving. He
compromise with foes military and politi- that, and recently kidnappings. In most of attempted to make a quick gateway but
cal, to the recent trend of exclusiveness and the killings, the assassins pounce, kill, and hit something as the tiny car veered off the
confrontation. His slaying might one day be
Manager of Pakuba Lodge in Murchison
brahim Abiriga gained prominence in Falls National Park.
2017 as the ruling party, NRM, moved When his hero was toppled in 1979,
to amend the constitution to remove the Abiriga fled to Sudan and collaborated
presidential age limit to allow President with other ex-soldiers of Amin plotting a
Yoweri Museveni to run again. In a colour- comeback. On returning from exile in 1980,
ful way, he became the face of the age limit he worked as an intelligence officer with the
movement campaigning for the amend- West Nile-based Uganda National Rescue
ment everywhere he went as he branded Front (UNRF) which was fighting the sec-
himself in yellow outfits, the NRM party ond government of Milton Obote.
colour, from head to toe. In 1985, Abiriga was part of the UNRF
Be it in parliament or at functions like the that was integrated in the Uganda National
State of the Nation Address which was his Liberation Army (UNLA) after the takeover
last public event or even visiting friends, of Gen. Tito Okello Lutwa. He stayed in
yellow was his signature colour; his suits, the integrated army when the National
caps, shoes, socks, and not forgetting his Resistance Army (NRA) under Museveni
famous Volkswagen Beetle. In a profile captured power in 1986, and served in dif-
done by The Independent last year, he said: ferent positions.
“Everything on me has to at least have Abiriga began his military career as a staff
yellow if it is not fully yellow. The plate I sergeant in Amin’s army and rose through
use, the cups, my bed is yellow, house and the ranks to become a Colonel.
everything must be yellow.”
To Abiriga, yellow was like a fetish, Entry into politics
he added, “I have just returned from DR In 2006, Abiriga contested for the parlia-
Congo where I landed on very good yellow Like his son, Abdullah was a staunch sup-
porter of Museveni. mentary seat of Madi-Okollo but lost. It is
undergarments, so I was forced to buy all from here that Museveni appointed him
the 20 left in the shop.” Abiriga was born at a time of severe
hunger when people survived on simsim RDC for Arua in 2007. As RDC, he was an
His self-proclaimed adoration for Musev- active political mobiliser for NRM and some
eni also made him stand out among NRM and groundnut paste mixed with water.
The name Abiriga, in fact, means hunger. of his actions against the opposition were
MPs. Museveni too seemed charmed by deemed unlawful.
Abiriga’s obsession with him. During the As a toddler, Abiriga was like no other and
this, it is believed, shaped his life in strange However, he also used his position to
budget reading last year, Museveni gifted boost the Arua community such as lobbying
Abiriga a pair of Ugandan-made sandals. ways. “I was told that I never suckled my
mother’s breast because I rejected it com- for donor-aided farming projects, acquiring
The sandals were not yellow and he vowed wheelchairs for the disabled, and sewing
to paint them in his beloved colour! pletely so it was just poured out,” he told
The Independent in August 2017. machines for women among others.
Known as the yellow man, Abiriga was In 2014, he was appointed RDC for
a jovial character who smiled and joked In the interview, Abiriga said he had 30
wives and sired as many children but they Yumbe but he worked there briefly and
with all regardless of political affiliation. In then joined parliament representing Arua
Kawanda where he lived while on duty, a all died. He was told by relatives and elders
that his failure to breastfeed as a baby could Municipality. Not long after joining parlia-
few kilometers outside Kampala, he was ment, he became recognisable not just for
a darling of the children in the neigbour- be the reason for the misfortune. He how-
ever remarried later and is survived by a his outfits but his proclaimed loyalty to
hood whom he often spoilt with sweets and Museveni and the NRM party. There was
money. wife and ten children.
speculation that he was set for a ministerial
Abiriga, the Arua Municipality MP, was
shot dead on the evening of June 8 with his
Joining the army appointment.
He attended Rhino Camp primary school Ruth Nankabirwa, Government Chief
brother, Buga Saidi Kongo also his body- Whip, says Abiriga was a committed cadre.
and sat for his PLE exams in 1967. He went
guard, as he drove home. He had served “Abiriga was a committed person who
to Kabalega SS in Masindi but while there,
two years in parliament but he had been in believed in whatever he did. He joined
his father persuaded him to follow in his
politics for a long time, after he became a parliament to sit there and do business. He
footsteps by joining the army. In 1971, he
soldier at the age of 15. He worked as Resi- was one of those who attended without me
joined the Uganda Army under then-presi-
dent District Commissioner (RDC) in Arua having to look for him. He did not need my
dent Idi Amin. Abiriga regarded the former
for 5 years and in Yumbe for 2 years. After phone call to remind him to attend parlia-
president as one of his life’s heroes.
7 years as RDC, he contested for the Arua ment.”
He underwent military training for nine
Municipality seat and won. Nankabirwa says Abiriga applied the
months and was deployed in the Secret
Ibrahim Abiriga was born on June 5, 1956 same discipline when attending the NRM
Service at Makindye Military Police in
in Anyafiyo, Arua. His father, Yusuf Abdul- caucus. “He would go by whatever decision
Kampala. He continued with his studies
lah, was a soldier under the King’s African the caucus has taken.”
and completed his O-level education at
Rifles (KAR) and fought in World War II.
Kampala Grammar Secondary School in
By Stephen Nuwagira
generation in Africa
munity of Central
Africa States (EC-
CAS) have pledged to develop
big power plants and improve
infrastructure for cross-border
power supply and trade.
Already US$10 billion has
been pledged by partners in
Central African states moot plans
Europe for renewable energy
projects in Africa, according
for cross-border power pooling
to Ambassador Seyni Nafo, There are already joint
the interim director of Africa power projects being devel-
Renewable Energy Initiative oped across the region, includ-
independent delivery unit. ing the Rwanda-Burundi and
He said 50 priority renewable Tanzania plant in Rusumo,
energy projects to benefit have Angola-Chad, Equatorial
been identified and member Guinea-Cameroon and Central
states are working together to African Republic, and Rusizi
raise funding for these projects III by Rwanda-Burundi and
through green bonds or public- DR Congo that will serve the
private partnerships. three countries.
This was part of the discus- According to Jean Claude
sion at the recent Ordinary Ses- Ebwelle, from ENEO, the main
sion of the Council of Ministers power supplier in Cameroon,
for the Central African Power such projects are important to
Pool (PEAC) held in Kigali, increase access to affordable
Rwanda, between June 05 and power and support Africa’s
07. development and industrial-
The event was part of the ization.
annual meeting of statutory “We are trying to undertake
bodies of PEAC member states projects where we can share
and attracted heads of energy distribution networks and
bodies, experts and policy-mak- engage in cross-border power
ers from the 11 PEAC member trade. We are currently doing
countries. sayni nafo
studies with Equatorial Guinea
Member states of ECCAS and Central African Republic
competitive prices. home use; especially in rural
include Angola, Burundi, Cam- to see how we can implement
The region’s energy policy areas and for industry.
eroon, Central African Repub- cross-border power project,”
strategy indicates that they aim They are also working
lic, Republic of Congo, Gabon, Ebwelle said on the sidelines of
to strengthen generation infra- together, through PEAC to
Equatorial Guinea, DR Congo, the conference.
structure and facilitate cross- ensure that the energy will be
Rwanda, Sao Tomé, and Chad. Meanwhile, Seyni Nafo
border power trade through affordable when it is available.
Djono Ahaba Gotran, the stressed that PEAC states need
development of grid intercon-
president of the Council of to address the challenges the
Ministers, said ECCAS targets
nections. High potential sector faces and exploit the
“Collaboration between Central Africa’s hydro-
stepping up efforts to increase region’s various renewable
governments in the region to power potential is estimated
power generation to meet energy sources if they are to
develop the power sector gives at 150,000MW, equivalent to
growing demand. spur generation.
an opportunity to raise afford- 58% of the African continent’s
The host minister, Rwanda’s He said renewable energy
able resources, both financial potential, Gatete says. But the
Infrastructure Minister, Ambas- development is still being
and human resources, to devel- ratio between hydropower
sador Claver Gatete, told the held back by several factors;
op a vibrant energy sector,” generation and technically
gathering on June 07 that access including lack supportive
Gatete said. feasible hydropower potential
to power is a key catalyst for legal frameworks in member
The ECCAS region has some is still as low as 3% in Central
economic growth but govern- states, low capacity among
of the lowest levels of electrifi- Africa.
ments fail to provide electricity stakeholders such as regulators
cation in the world with access The region has huge reserves
for every home and industry and energy developers,
estimated by the International of renewable energy resources;
because of the high investment and poor infrastructure.
Renewable Energy Agency hydro, solar, wind energy,
required in generation, trans- “Renewable energy requires
(IRENA) to be only 25%. This geothermal, as well as non-
mission and distribution of good grids but there are non-
means most people in the renewables like thermal, peat
electricity. He said these push existent or poor in the region
region do not have access to and coal, which are technically
up tariffs. which leads to huge power
electricity. and financially viable.
Gatete said the PEAC, which losses,” he said, “Africa loses
To ensure greater access, The member states want
is the bloc’s specialised agency up to 20-30% of generated
ECCAS member states are to exploit all these sources of
for power pooling, member electricity due to poor and old
investing more in power gen- energy in partnership with the
states want to develop a reliable distribution lines.”
eration to improve access for private sector.
regional electricity supply, at
have readily available alternatives. the ban.
wanda’s proposed ban on single The targeted items include plastic straws,
use plastic materials was long over- cups, plates, and cutlery. Later, polyethyl- More needs to be done
due, according to several experts ene terephthalate (PET) bottles mostly used However, Gakwavu says more efforts
who have spoken to The Indepen- by beverages firms would be outlawed as are required to achieve these goals, calling
dent. alternatives come onto the market, the min- for strengthening of public awareness cam-
“Do we need straws to drink soda or milk ister said. paigns to educate Rwandans about the ben-
or other non-degradable plastics, especially Biruta, like Gakwavu, said attitudes need efits of safeguarding the environment and
when we lack the capacity to collect and to change on the use of plastics. proper waste disposal. He says there is still
recycle all of them? I don’t think so,” says “We need every Rwandan to play their rampant careless dumping of garbage.
John R. Gakwavu, executive secretary of part,” he said, “It’s about changing our “Though we have dustbins in Kigali with
the Rwanda Environmental Conservation habits and choosing sustainable alternatives parts clearly marked “recyclable” and “non-
Organisation (RECOR). that won’t cost the earth. Together, we can recyclable”, people don’t respect that which
In an interview with The Independent, he beat plastic pollution and protect our health is a big problem. And separating waste at
said spending hard currency on importa- and the health of generations to come.” source is essential in waste handling,” he
tion of plastic materials, including straws, Rwanda banned use of of plastic bags says. Many people still throw garbage care-
plates and cups, is double loss because these and specific types of packaging in 2008 lessly on the sidewalks, giving more work
products hurt the environment, the econo- as part of its vision of being a green and to city cleaners.
my and people’s health. climate resilient nation by 2050 as per the So the city authorities and government
“It is important, therefore, that citizens country’s Green Growth and Climate Resil- need to create more awareness if these facili-
reflect on this and change at the individual ience Strategy. ties are to be used effectively, Gakwavu
level to influence others to embrace alter- The country applies the principle of adds.
natives like paper drinking cups. Besides, “reduce, recycle, and reuse” through
Rwanda is a small country with limited recycling of plastic bags collected across Lessons from Sweden
land, and we must protect it jealously for the country, underlining its green growth He says Rwandans can take a lesson from
posterity,” he said. agenda. Sweden where alternative solutions like
He said enforcement of proper waste dis- Biruta said plastic waste was blocking paper cups and plates are used everywhere;
posal also needs strengthening and pointed country’s drains and waterways and pollut- and there is also citizen consciousness about
at how Ndumba landfill in Gasabo District ing farmland, rivers and lakes. proper waste disposal, according to type –
has tonnes and tonnes of waste because “the “This fact is what influenced efforts to go organic, paper, and other waste like metal
country still has very low capacity to recycle beyond plastic bags alone and end plastic or plastics.
garbage; especially plastics”. waste in all forms. As a nation, Rwanda is However, the environment ministry
He was commenting on the announce- uniquely placed to take our environmental acknowledges that some alternatives to
ment by government that it is working on protection efforts to the next level and end plastics are still expensive or not readily
regulation to ban single use plastics during the use of disposable single use plastics,” he available. They say the price will go
this year’s World Environment Day on June said, “Many nations and regions around the down as more investments come in and
5 in Kigali. The global the theme for the day world are already implementing restrictions demand grows.
was, “Beat Plastic Pollution”. on disposable plastics.” The ban on plastics has supported the
During the event, Minister of Environ- The East African Community Legislative tourism sector as people from around
ment Vincent Biruta revealed that the Assembly has passed a law prohibiting the the world come to learn from Rwanda’s
ministry was revising the law on plastics to use and sale of plastic bags and member green initiatives.
By Alex Awiti
Rwanda offers
ith an estimated median age of
hope on corruption
about 17 years, East Africa is
one of the youngest regions in
the world. By comparison, the
median is about 40 in Europe, 38 in North
America and 29 in Asia. According to recent
national census data for Kenya, Tanzania,
Rwanda and Uganda, about 80% of the
population is below 35 years.
Survey of young people in east Africa
The identities, norms, and values of this
majority generation provide important
shows their values mirror those of adults
clues for understanding the future; the
world’s collective moral and ethical char-
A study commissioned by the East
Africa Institute of the Aga Khan University,
between 2014 and 2015 interviewed 7,000
young people aged between 18 to 35-year-
old in Kenya, Uganda, Tanzania and Rwan-
da. The object was to understand how they
thought about themselves and what values
and attitudes they held.
About 40% of the respondents saw them-
selves first and foremost as young people
while 34% saw themselves first as citizens of
their countries. Only 11% identified them-
selves by their faith first and 6% identified
as members of their family first. Only 3.5%
reported their tribe or ethnicity as the first
dimension of their identity.
Identifying as young people is consistent
with policy and legal categorisations that
establish them as a socially distinct catego-
ry. This distinct identity enhances a sense
of esprit de corps and a sense of belonging.
This in turn confers a sense of social entitle-
ment as well as shared grievance. Young people are the mirror image of the adult world around them. Shutterstock
The findings suggest that young people’s
identities, values, norms and attitudes are of ethnic identity. Tanzania’s ruling party How society affects attitudes
shaped by their families, their communities elite has consistently supported the ethos
and by wider society. Our findings are con- of Ujamaa - equitable economic production The view of young Rwandans is clearly
sistent with previous work by sociologists and distribution of public resources to drive affected by what they experience on a
and behavioural and moral economists. social cohesion and economic progress. day to day basis. For example, there were
Young people are the mirror image of the About 80% of the young people involved reports of policemen accused of corruption
adult world around them. This means that in the survey valued faith first. About half being fired in 2017 while reports of civil-
if any countries want to change the attitudes valued work and family first while 37% ians accused of bribing policemen being
and values of young people they need to valued wealth first and a quarter freedom arrested are not uncommon. In addition, the
start with the adults – from the family to first. Ombudsman regularly publishes the list of
community to the national level. But about 60% admired those who used individuals convicted of corruption related
get-rich-quick schemes. And more than offences.
Country differences half believed it did not matter how one It is possible, therefore, that young Rwan-
While the study revealed numerous par- makes money while 53% said they would dans engage in a cost benefit analysis. This
allels, there were also striking differences. do anything to get money. The survey could inform the ultimate decision about
In Kenya for example, the proportion of found 37% would take or give a bribe and taking or giving a bribe or a belief that there
young people who identified by ethnicity 35% believed there is nothing wrong with was something wrong with corruption.
was 4% between ages 18 and 20. But the corruption. Rwanda’s example offers hope. It
number nearly doubled to 7.8% between An outliner was Rwanda where most demonstrates the importance strong
the ages of 21 and 35. The converse was true said they would not take or give a bribe leadership and an unequivocal commit-
in Tanzania where ethnicity as a dimension and were unambiguous about the fact that ment to integrity and public account-
of identity had remained relatively stable corruption was wrong. ability in shaping the attitudes and
(2.3% and 2.9%) from between the ages of From the survey results it is clear that perceptions of youth.
21 and 35 years. corruption has been normalised in Kenya, Alex Awiti is the Director, East
This can be partly explained by the fact Tanzania and Uganda. Bribery is viewed African Institute, Ecosystems Ecologist
that since independence Tanzania, unlike simply as “eating” and is not seen as an and sustainable development, The Aga
Kenya, has focused on reducing the issue ethical aberration. Khan University.
Kazora (right) explaining the grain packaging process at EAX warehouse in Bugesera district. By Stephen Nuwagira.
Africa Exchange (EAX); a Kigali-based Unfortunately, quality is not always a
rain dealers, big buyers, and other regional commodity exchange that deals in priority for farmers.
sector stakeholders are getting soya, maize, and beans using a NASDAQ- As a result, according to experts, about
together to work on right interven- powered platform. 30% of agricultural produce in Rwanda is
tions to improve quality through EAX taps international and institutional lost along the value chain due to poor post-
better post-harvest handling and storage. buyers and connects farmers to the East harvest handling methods.
Quality is the key in determining grain African Community (EAC) market of 168 Kazora said it is important for farmers to
prices, according to Herman Kazora, the million people and beyond. The firm has 11 understand the importance of proper post-
ivil Society Organisations in Rwan- According to the judicial spokesperson,
da have welcomed a move by the Harrison Mutabazi, the court will also help
government to set up a Court of to fast-truck cases hearing which usually
Appeal. were many in the Supreme Court. “The first
Rwanda Civil Society Platform president interest is to fast-truck hearing processes,”
Jean Léonard Sekanyange says setting up he said.
the court is a good move as it will give According to the new law, the cases tried
Rwandans seeking justice another opportu- by the Court of Appeal are not appealable.
nity to access it. The law says that the Supreme Court
“Possibly, at the first instance, you might will remain with jurisdiction to review a
not have enough evidence to support your judgement rendered at last instance and
case, but in the Appeal Court, you can have to review judgments whose legality of
it and get good justice,” he says. impaired by injustice.
Rwanda has moved to create the Court of Minister of Justice, Johnston Busingye The Court of Appeal will seat in the City
Appeal mainly to ease the number of cases The Supreme Court will now primarily of Kigali.
that end up in the Supreme Court. hear cases from the ombudsman office and At the same time, Rwanda has also
The new court will hear cases on appeal those requiring constitutional interpreta- reduced the number of primary courts from
by disputants from the High Court, the tion. Sekanyange said the newly established 60 to 41.
Commercial High Court, and Military High court is a welcome development that will The new appellant court also has jurisdic-
court. give people, who are not satisfied with tion to hear second level appeal cases tried
Until now, appeal cases from this court judgement of lower courts, an opportunity by the High Court, the Commercial High
have ended up in the Supreme Court and to seek redress. Court and Military High Court, if such
created an undesirable clogging of the court “It is a good move giving Rwandans cases have an impact on national security
process and delay in rendering justice. opportunity to access justice,” he said. among others.
According to available information, the Sekanyange says that the Supreme Court It was established under the Organic Law
Supreme Court has a backlog of about 1000 has had many responsibilities and the no. 002/2018.OL of 04/04/2018.
cases. Appeal Court will reduce the amount of
Different girls,
same goals
How Rwandan girls with
disabilities are fighting
sexism at school
Rwanda needs to push its pledge to remove all obstacles against women’s development. Flickr/Adam Cohn
By Evariste Karangwa & Jeannette Bayisenge tactics. In doing so, they challenge domi- port us. That is why it is difficult for me…I
nation and stereotypes and affirm their can play by their rules until I am in charge
ince the 1994 genocide against Tutsi, capacity for leadership in a male-dominated and can change the rules…I am going to
Rwanda has made considerable setting. The girls use two distinct resistance be a scientist…When I am in power, boys
progress towards gender equality, strategies: assertive resistance and subver- will not be able to treat me or any other girl
now ranking fifth in the world on sive resistance. with disabilities in a bad way. I will use my
the Global Gender Gap Index. power…”
It pursued sociopolitical reforms that Assertive Resistance Peace’s short-term compliance – being
favour disadvantaged groups. For example, This includes challenging boys, pursuing polite, kind, calm and amenable – can be
constitutional reforms now mean women and holding prominent school leadership interpreted as a survival strategy in a male-
and people with disabilities are guaranteed roles and advocating for the recruitment of dominated society given that acting other-
membership in the national parliament. more female teachers and support staff. wise might be seen as subversive in a male-
Other initiatives include giving disadvan- For instance Ruth, a 20-year-old 11th dominated society such as Rwanda.
taged young people access to nine years free grader, asserts: “I know that boys and girls Jeanette, a 23 year-old grade 11 student,
education under and the “Nine Year-Basic with disabilities have to struggle in our justifies this restrained resistance on a dif-
Education” programme. society, but we are not in the same position ferent note. She says that: “one has to know
Despite these steps towards inclusion, in school…I’m not afraid to challenge boys what her goal is to win the battle…I want
girls with disabilities, who already grapple in class. I know I am as smart – and may be power for the future…when I can really get
with social structures that put them at a more. I want us to have a better life, a bet- boys to change their ways….”
disadvantage, continue to struggle against ter time in school…it’s hard enough being Unified policy approaches
male domination in schools. a girl in Rwanda, and even harder to be a
As described by Joy, a student at one poor girl with disabilities…” While the paper points to a significant
school: “Boys seem to openly dominate in Rene, an 18 year-old in grade 10, empha- disconnect between Rwanda’s international
all class discussions and responses… (It’s sises the importance of more equitable gen- reputation for gender equality and lived
common to see them) ridicule girls who der relations among people with disabilities. realities on the ground, the girls’ experi-
make simple mistakes…They use (sayings) She posits that: “Girls with disabilities can ences provide valuable insights into com-
such as “she is a girl after all” or, when she do even better and contribute even more pounded inequalities.
is assertive in her responses, “she is a man”. to our country if we are enabled to excel Their experiences call for a proactive
But the girls are fighting back. We dis- in school and not feel pitied or put down national strategy that involves multiple
covered this in research that we did that because we are girls with disabilities.” sectors, namely; education, labour and
involved 51 in-depth interviews with politics. The strategy must be specific to
disabled Rwandan pupils and community Subversive Resistance girls with disabilities in schools and ensure
stakeholders. Those who practice assertive resistance that they are properly represented in public
We investigated how disadvantaged girls openly criticise sexism in the school. Sub- and private sectors. This is key to making
with disabilities resist and challenge male versive resistance, on the other hand, is Rwanda’s pledge – to remove all obstacles
domination in Rwanda’s oldest and largest more subtle. In this strategy the girls allow against women’s development – a more
public school, Gatagara School. The school for periods of prejudice, with the view of substantive reality.
caters for students with disabilities. Initially eventually reversing it.
starting as a rehabilitation centre in 1962 For example 25 year-old Peace, who rec- Evariste Karangwa is the Dean, School of
and opening its doors to children with vari- ognises the influence of patriarchy in pre- Inclusive & Special Needs Education, University
ous disabilities in 1973. scribing “good girl” behaviour, argues that: of Rwanda, and Jeannette Bayisenge is a
Our research shows that girls resist male “There are more boys with disabilities here Lecturer, Center for Gender Studies and School
domination by either directly and assert- at Gatagara than girls with disabilities…we of Social, Political and Administrative Sciences,
ively confronting it, or by using more subtle don’t have many female teachers to sup- University of Rwanda
ccess to information
and public confidence
in the media has risen
in Rwanda, according
to the views of journalists and
government officials. The only
problem appears to be around
the inability of journalist to do
thorough investigative report-
It is a point the Minister of
Justice, Johnston Busingye,
noted when he addressed par-
ticipants in a training of media
practitioners on reporting about
judicial matters last week in
Busingye said journalists
need to act impose checks and
balances on any country’s gov-
ernance by “revealing the hid-
den facts”.
The media, he said, is
expected to keep powers that
be in check and advocating for
the voiceless given its watchdog
role. This responsibility can
Media access
only be accomplished with ease
access to information by the case five years ago.
media. “Access to information is
“A good journalist works in improving, but there are some
to information
the interests of the general pub- challenges when it comes
lic, not for anyone else. There- to investigative reporting.
fore, appropriate reporting is Therefore, media houses need
critical and a must. Though you to support report reporters in
are free to access any informa- this area because investigation
tion from government, that skills are vital if media is to play
does not give you the right to its watchdog role,” he said.
use it any way you want,” the Peacemaker
minister said. Mbungiramihigo, the Media
Chriophas Barore, the acting High Council executive
president of the Rwanda Media
Commission, said access to
But challenges persist secretary, said growth of
investigative journalism is
information has tremendously being hampered by lack of
increased with more journalists easily accessing information. attached to the information in funds in media houses; a
able to get information from “For instance, if a journalist is the pre-trial investigation of situation he said also affects
government agencies. having a problem reporting on court cases,” he said, “How- media performance. The official
Rwanda implemented the the land laws in Rwanda they ever when the case is in court, added that there were isolated
access to information legislation can just visit the ministry web- the information is open to the cases of mistreatment of
in 2013 and Barore attributed sites and access all legislation public.” reporters by sources.
the increase to sanctioning of pertaining to land,” he added. He faulted judicial sector According to Aissa Kizza, a
civil servants who deny media However, Jean Pierre reporters for making their own female journalist at Royal FM
information. Habarurema, the national judgments about cases. in Kigali, some sources do
The Rwandan constitution prosecutor at Rwanda National “There have been cases not respect female reporters,
provides for this right and even Prosecution Authority, advised where the right to be presumed adding that the perception of
goes ahead to state that free- the media practitioners that innocent has been violated by the Rwandans is still negative
dom of the press and expres- reporting on judicial matters journalists wrongly referring to as far as female journalists are
sion is guaranteed by the state, requires a different approach. a suspect in a case as a ‘convict’ concerned.
Articles 65 and 66 of the media He said access to information before they are sentenced,” he “Some still want to sleep
law state that when a journal- on judicial matters is differ- said. with female journalists in
ist has a press card, he must be ent compared to other fields Gonzaga Muganwa, the exec- return for services they seek
facilitated to access Information. “because of its unique nature”. utive secretary Association of or information. This has
As part of the process, all “Investigation is entirely the Journalists in Rwanda, said kept away would be young
government institutions are secret and journalists are some- public confidence has risen, eas- reporters, creating a gender
obliged to have institutional times not given information ing access to vital information gap in the media industry,”
websites, where journalists can because of the ethical principles by reporters, which was not the she said.
President Donald Trump and North Korea’s leader Kim Jong Un sign documents as U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo and the North Korean leader’s
sister Kim Yo Jong look on at a signing ceremony at the Capella Hotel on Sentosa island in Singapore on June 12, 2018./ Saul Loeb—AFP/Getty Images
on-one meeting that lasted more than half with South Korea, which Trump called
hen Kim Jong Un walked out an hour. “provocative” and expensive “war games,”
to shake hands with President It was a historic meeting during which arguing it would save the U.S. a lot of
Donald Trump — the first time the two leaders did their best to set aside 60 money not to have to fly bombers to South
a North Korean leader has met years of dark history and distrust as well as Korea from Guam for the drills.
face to face with an American president — their own jabs at each other. The U.S. also spent taxpayer money craft-
he did not wear the ubiquitous red pin with But it is just that history of brinksman- ing what amounted to a propaganda movie
the portraits of his father and grandfather ship and betrayal that makes the next steps extolling North Korea’s possible future. In
seen on his chest in countless propaganda in negotiations so crucial and progress so a slick, highly produced film made by the
stills. improbable. Kim has long seen his nuclear White House to show movie-obsessed Kim
The small gesture spoke to a big opening, weapons program as a deterrent to the kind Jong Un during their meeting, a booming
a signal that Kim may be willing to break of military intervention that toppled Sad- voiceover says, “the past doesn’t have to be
with the bellicose records of his father and dam Hussein, while the Trump Administra- the future” as images of the lights turning
grandfather and the first several years of his tion, like its predecessors, has insisted that on in darkened North Korea and gleaming
own time in power. is the one thing that it would have to give skyscrapers in Pyongyang flip by.
For his part, Trump set aside his past up in order to join the world community as
taunts and insults and launched a pitch for a peer.
how prosperous North Korea could be if it On Tuesday morning, it was clear that Trump said he is “not concerned at all”
changes course, going as far as showing a the only progress toward denuclearization that Kim could use the film the White
U.S.-produced movie to Kim with a vision was rhetorical. The main achievement of the House made to show North Korea as an
of his country as a wealthy, developed state. summit was the summit itself — a propa- equal power to the U.S.
He also played the role of gracious host ganda win for Kim at home, and something “I’ll do whatever it takes to make the
— and perhaps older brother — holding that Trump would cast as a win for himself world a safer place,” he said in response to a
Kim’s handshake for 13 seconds, briefly as well. The biggest concession from the question from TIME.
touching Kim’s arm, then gesturing for the final agreement came on the American side: That the summit happened at all was a
a significant adoption barrier to bitcoin is bitcoins is described as “mining”, but
hen the bitcoin was first the lack of usability. the only similarity between this and
introduced eight years Since the inception of cryptocurrency, mining for gold or valuable gems, is that
ago, it promised to change developers and researchers have been both processes are very, very difficult
payments. People would be using metaphors to explain bitcoin in to achieve. Finally, bitcoins are called
able to transact directly with each other, a clear effort to help people feel more “coins”, even though they are entirely
without needing to place their trust in comfortable with the technology. digital.
banks – but that promise still hasn’t A secure application for holding Using metaphors to refer to these
materialised and adoption of bitcoins is bitcoins is dubbed a “cryptowallet”, the technologies helps people feel more
low. trading platforms where people can buy familiar with the technology. But there is
We were first told in 2009 that many and sell bitcoins are called “exchanges”, also a downside: people expect that the
transactions would be verifiable and and in several locations around the technology can be used as regular money.
validated by the bitcoin protocol. world, ATMs have emerged for bitcoin- One could easily believe that, in fact,
Blockchain and
Why accountants of the future will need to speak the
digital currencies language if they want your money
By Anwar Halari The Australian Securities Exchange is decision making. Blockchain technology
also considering the use of blockchain tech- will also make it easier for accountants to
f you haven’t already heard of Bitcoin, nology to replace the current clearing and measure the accuracy of data. Meaning that
you either haven’t been paying atten- settlement system of share trading. And the technology should effectively cut down
tion or you’re a time traveller who just even the Bank of England is planning its on fraud and make accounting errors disap-
touched down in 2018. Because by now, own Bitcoin-style virtual currency. pear.
most of us will have heard of Bitcoin and Major governments around the world
some of us have even jumped on the band- have acknowledged and further legitimised The new accountants
wagon, investing in cryptocurrencies. the use of Bitcoins as payment vehicles. In A report by the World Economic Forum
But despite its popularity, many people fact, more and more major companies are suggests that 10% of global GDP will be
still don’t understand the technology that accepting Bitcoins – Microsoft, Virgin Galac- stored on blockchain-related technology by
underlines it: blockchain. In very simple tic and Subway to name a few. It seems 2025. This implies that the way transactions
terms, blockchain technology is an open certain then that blockchain technology has are recorded and communicated will com-
access shared ledger that keeps a record a wide appeal. And although it may be a pletely transform between now and then.
of all the transactions between parties and rocky road ahead, with countries such as It is easy to see then, why accountants of
allows all users to agree on its contents. India and China banning or restricting the the future will need to educate themselves
New information is added in blocks linked use of cryptocurrencies, crypto is here to about Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies if
to the previous blocks, resulting in a chain stay. they are to account for transactions denomi-
of blocks being built. nated in it. The profession will evolve and
This ledger is verified by “miners” to Wider implications adapt massively over the coming years.
make sure it’s true – and so creating an A recent report from the Institute of Char- And in fact, auditors have already started
audit trail. Past records can be viewed tered Accountants in England and Wales auditing transactions in the blockchain.
but not altered without the consent of the on blockchain, claims it is fundamentally Universities around the world have
majority. And it is this technology that is an accounting technology. In its simplest already begun offering blockchain-related
behind cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin – of definitions, accounting is a process of courses. Even the professional accountancy
the value of which rose almost 1400% in the keeping records, and this is precisely what bodies now feature blockchain technology
past year, but has at times, also fallen mas- blockchain offers in a more “modern” and in their qualification syllabus.
sively too. “foolproof” way. As once the records are But of course while all this might sound a
agreed upon and validated, the records bit futuristic to some readers, the evolution
Crypto is here to stay are bundled into blocks that are virtually of money is something that has been going
It can certainly be anticipated that this impossible to change, making the technolo- on for centuries. From a barter system to
evolutionary technology is set to spark a gy tamper-proof. Essentially, as the business gold bars, metal coins to paper money, to
huge revolution in the business world. It’s world adopts the use of accounting systems plastic cards. All we are looking at now, is
already being trialled at governmental level, that use blockchain technology, accountants simply the next cycle in evolution – from
from the Sweden Land Registry, to the Big will spend less time doing the mundane electronic money to cryptocurrencies.
Four accountancy firm such as E&Y – who tasks of bookkeeping and reconciliations,
accept Bitcoin as payment for its consul- and will instead focus their energy and time Anwar Halari is a lecturer in Accounting and
tancy services. on the interpretation of information and Finance, The Open University
rice attracts US$345 or 75% of the value of lished in The Daily Monitor, the farmers said
he price of rice, which had dropped import whichever is higher as a tax irrespec- they are alarmed by the “ongoing dilution
by around 30% last year, has spiked tive of the type of rice-husked, milled, pro- of the East African Common External Tariff
again owing to low off-season pro- cessed or packed ready for distribution. policies and the shift towards increasing
duction and increased import costs, “Since the re-instatement of taxes… importation of rice”.
according to millers and traders. importing brown rice for processing locally The publication was in response to
In the past three months, the commod- has become uneconomical. We are now reports that Rice Millers Council Uganda
ity’s price has increased by more than 33% simply waiting for our rice in Northern had met President Yoweri Museveni asking
to Shs4, 500 per kilogram – meaning con- Uganda to mature and start milling again,” for a reduction in import duty on brown
sumers have to pay more. Adito said. rice from US$345 per tonne to around
This is the same price that the commodity FOL Group, with a capacity to process at US$150.
traded at in April last year prior to govern- 300 tonnes of rice per day, acquired 14,000 The statement was signed by RAU
ment intervention. acres of land sometime back in Nwoya Chairman, John Daniel, the coordinator for
Phillip Idro, the managing director of district, with 1,000 acres already under rice Northern Chapter, Andrew Bongomin Okot
Upland Rice Millers Company Limited, cultivation. and the Chapter Coordinator for Eastern
who also doubles as the chairperson of Uganda, Ahmed Naleba.
Rice Millers Council of Uganda, told The Amidst all this, is data from the Agricul-
Independent in an interview that the surge ture Ministry that show rice production in
in the price of the household commodity the country standing at 237,000 metric tones
is attributed to low off-season production per year – which is lower than consumption
early in the year leading to rice scarcity. – at 444,468 metric tones. The supply deficit
“At the moment, it is off-season and there is filled up with imports mainly from Paki-
is no rice to mill,” he said. “We expect some stan and Tanzania. This means that Uganda
of the crop to start maturing next month alone faces a shortage of 207, 468 metric
and this could drive the price downwards.” tonnes of rice per annum.
Idro, who claims to have more than Surprisingly, for business reasons, some
30,000 rice out growers, however, said, the dealers re-export the commodity to the
current commodity price could have been neighboring markets especially South
even higher had it not been for the imports Sudan and the eastern Democratic Republic
from Tanzania that boosted supply. of Congo – which could partly be respon-
However, he could not state the amount sible for price hikes.
of rice imported into the country.
Geoffrey Adito, the director for technical Is the future bright?
services and development at FOL Group, Government officials are planning to
the company behind the production of On the other hand, sources at the SWT boost production in partnership with farm-
Kingdom Rice, said the current surge in Tanners, the company behind the Pakistan ers to at least 680,000metric tonnes of rice by
price is as a result of high cost of imports SWT Rice, said weakening of the shilling 2020 valued at US$376million.
and scarcity of locally produced rice to mill. against US dollar has also contributed to the Going forward, players are suggesting
“As I talk now, we have not been process- surge in rice prices countrywide. good ideas. Idro said there is need for the
ing rice in the last two months because of Data from Bank of Uganda shows the local farmers to increase output and thus,
scarcity,” he said. shilling has since December last year lost its minimize shortage by among other things
He said the company has also failed to value against the US dollar by approx.6.5% increasing the acreage on which rice would
import unprocessed rice, commonly known to Shs3, 820. grow.
as brown rice, into the country to mill as a This development comes amidst several The Rice Association confirmed that most
result of the government’s decision to re- demands that rice farmers have put before of the 670 small scale rice millers and a few
instate import taxes on the commodity. government. In the recent weeks, farmers medium and large scale millers in the coun-
The government had in April last year and dealers under their umbrella organisa- try remain idle during the off-season. But
waived taxes on import of brown rice to tion Rice Association of Uganda cried out the group thinks this scenario can be dealt
increase supply and make the commodity to government to rethink a policy that is with accordingly.
affordable to buy and consume. This was encouraging more imports of the commod- Part of the solutions farmers suggests
after the price per kilo had risen by 30% ity – which they say is pushing them out of include millers investing in storage facili-
starting January. business. ties to be able to operate during off-season
Last year, the surge in the price was period.
attributed to the prolonged drought that Need for import subsidy The other is offering attractive price so
led to food shortage in different parts of the Farmers and other dealers in this trade that farmers are motivated to grow and
country. appear to be pushing for different interests. supply more to millers.
government agencies – Uganda Bureau current prices during the 2016 survey of
racking private sector performance of Statistics, Bank of Uganda (the fund- Shs7.1trillion, equivalent to about 8.9% of
requires that entities get organised ing agency of the survey) and the Uganda GDP.
through joining associations. This is Investment Authority– aimed at compiling In addition, the samples’ contribution
to enable themlobby for government Uganda’s balance of payments, interna- to fixed capital formation during 2016 was
support to improve on their performance. tional investment position and other related estimated at about Shs14.1trillion represent-
This was the key message from Gideon key macroeconomic factors to guide policy ing 68.4% of total fixed capital formation and
Badagawa, the Executive Director, Private moves. 80.4% of private fixed capital formation.
Sector Foundation Uganda (PSFU) during A total of 860 questionnaires were admin- On employment, the findings indicated
the release of the Private Sector Investment istered during the survey from which 746 that total employment by the enterprises
Survey 2017 on June 01, at Imperial Royale enterprises responded, representing a that responded grew by 3% from 100,127
Hotel in Kampala. response rate of 86.7%. The highest share employees during 2015 to 103,108 employees
“Let us know where you are and what of respondent enterprises (21%) were in during 2016.
you are doing,” Badagawa said. “Let’s be wholesale and retail activities, followed by There was also an increase in com-
organised and be able to be helped.” manufacturing (20.8%), finance and insur- pensation of employees of 14.7% from
The 2017 survey that captured data for ance (9.9%), construction (9.2%), informa- Shs3.1trillion in 2015 to Shs3.5trillion during
the previous year (2016) was the sixth in tion communication and technology (6.4%) 2016. Profitability of enterprises surveyed
he holds as CEO? are meant to improve the way
have 18 years of banking Executive it does the regulation. The
experience. I have previ- central bank should assist
ously worked in the hos- Officer of bankers by ensuring the regu-
pitality industry and fast Opportunity lations don’t bring in costs. For
food management. I believe instance, in the past which is
results are achieved by the
Bank Uganda changing now, it would want
right people who are led very Limited, a tier each bank to have its own
well and held accountable by II financial sophisticated data room which
measuring their performance was costly. Going forward,
and rewarding their success. institution. He the bank should allow mecha-
I also believe in punishing spoke to The nisms of platform sharing like
or trying to remedy non- Independent’s they have done with agency
performers. I also believe in banking.
leading from the front and Julius
management by both walking Businge What are the reasons behind
the business and by statistics. about their your expansion and rebrand-
ing drive in remote towns of
Generally speaking, what is operations Uganda?
your assessment of the bank- and sector We are growing and
ing sector at the moment? also building our capacity.
There are many players in
prospects. Rebranding is being done to
the market and each is trying increase customer confidence
to find its own niche, and that is relationship based on trust. financial players like SACCOs in our brand. Our profits almost
is fine.The cake is huge. There The community or groups that in Uganda? doubled in 2017 as compared
may be some consolidation we lend are self-regulating and We look at them as partners to 2016 performance because of
in the future but I am sure the thus help us in reducing indebt- and not competitors. They our good working relationship
customers are getting what edness. We are active when might encroach on our areas with our customers and ventur-
they want. It is good that the monitoring loans. somehow but I think telecoms ing in new areas of revenue.
central bank has allowed ban- are preparing many people
cassurance to rollout which we What is triggering your move who are financially excluded to What are the top four sectors
believe will benefit the custom- from Tier II to a tier Ifinancial join banking. We have to work that you consider profitable for
ers and the economy. The sector institution amidst reportsthat with them synergistically. investors to sink in their cash
has somewhat suffered because some banks are struggling to as we speak, and why?
of a slow growing economy. survive? You are recording good per- One cannot go wrong with
The agriculture sector which is This is customer driven. formance with small and me- agriculture especially when
one of our key sectors of lend- Our customers especially dium clients – who form your they use irrigation even at
ing has been struggling because SMEs keep asking for different largest customer base – yet small scale. Education is highly
of bad weather and changes in products like current accounts, they are feared for not living sought after and therefore a
prices. foreign currency and other longer…what magic is behind great area of investment fol-
trade finance services. As Tier your business strategy? lowed by services especially
Non-performing loans have II institution we are not able to Our largest customer base is hospitality and then retail trad-
been problematic in recent offer these directly; we have to group clients, which one may ing.
years for banks; how are you depend on another institution term as micro enterprises. The
managing them at Opportu- and that takes a lot of time. The same customers are growing Where do you envision your
nity Bank? good thing is we are operating rapidly and becoming SMEs. performance as a bank in the
NPLs have been growing at above the required capital and We advise them on how to coming few years?
industry level largely because are currently around Shs28bil- manage their finances to ensure We are on a major growth
of not monitoring the loans lion. they grow and don’t close shop. path to serve more customers
closely and also diversion of and mainstream them. We see
funds. At Opportunity Bank How is Opportunity Bank What would be your policy growth in youth and female
we do progress disbursement working towards beating com- recommendations for the cen- customer base and we believe
which help us in detecting petition coming from mobile tral bank to tackle current sec- this is highly sustainable.
misuse of funds. Our model telecom and other non-bank tor challenges?
collect 100% of the equivalent of the plastics
they put out through their business by 2030. enya’s na-
“We are committed to an initiative that tional car-
we call world without waste,” he said, on rier, Kenya
behalf of the managing director said. Airways,
Currently, the company does collect has unveiled three
about 34% of the plastics it puts out through non-stop flights to
their soda and water business. Cape Town South
Malac (2R) engaging Coca-Cola staff
Plastic Recycling Industries is collecting Africa.
about 10 tons of plastic daily, ridding the The new flights
xecutives at Coca-Cola Beverages Af- environment of close to 400 tons of plastic to the country’s for the growing
rica’s subsidiary – Plastic Recycling per month. second-most popu- number of our cus-
Industries – are thinking big in terms US Ambassador to Uganda, Deborah lous urban city, tomers who travel
of collecting plastic waste and put- Malac commended the company for clean- will depart Nairobi between Nairobi
ting it into other use. Joining the rest of the ing up the environment through the new every Wednesday, and Cape Town,”
world to mark the World Environment Day business model. Friday and Sunday said Vincent Coste
on June 05, Peter Obong, the company’s at 3:30pm. (Pictured), KQ’s
The airline said Chief Commercial
the new flights is in Officer.
Tanzanian billionaires buys stake in Equity Bank line with its strategy “In addition to
enhancing Africa
to assert its pres-
anzanian billionaires Aunali and The duo has invested more than ence and expand integration, this
Sajjad Rajabali have bought seven Kshs1.5 billion in NSE-listed firms over connectivity across new route will be
million shares of Equity Group the past two years, taking significant Africa and open up beneficial to the
worth Sh344 million, expanding stakes in companies such as Co-op Bank, opportunities for tourism industry
their investment in Nairobi Securities The Rajabalis are now ranked tourism, trade and as it establishes
Exchange-listed firms, Kenya’s Business seventh in Equity’s list of top individual investment. vital links with our
Daily reported. investors with a 0.19% stake. Equity “We are indeed global network.”
Their purchase of the bank’s stock is Group has operations in across the east very proud to Currently, the
disclosed in the lender’s May regulatory African region including the Democratic increase our fre- airline operates
filing of its ownership structure. Republic of Congo. quencies to South seven weekly flights
Africa to cater to Cape Town
banking csr
FCU bank top executives are plan-
ning to make the lender one of the
most loved and best performing
financial institutions through in-
vestments in digital systems and working
towards transforming it to officer several
unique products to its customers, accord-
ing to Elly Karuhanga, the bank’s chairman
Board of Directors.
Speaking at the 53rd annual general meet-
ing at Sheraton Hotel in Kampala on June
07, Karuhanga said they plan to improve Airtel staff with rising star players
the internal banking platforms, offer agent
banking solutions, cut operational costs, irtel Uganda’s Rising Stars Initia- This year, V.G. Somasekhar, the compa-
strengthen retail banking solutions, improve tive – a tournament that gives ny’s managing director said in Kampala on
customer value proposition and offer finan- talented boys and girls under the June 7 that the matches will be played in the
cial services to the oil and gas sector in the age of 17 years an opportunity to eight FUFA regions with Fort Portal hosting
next three years. showcase their abilities in hope of securing a the finals on August 27.
“We want to become the market leader,” sports career, is back. The matches will be closely watched and
he said amidst cheers from shareholders. It is the 7th season of the tournament. The followed by FUFA selected scouts whose
In 2017, the bank increased its net profit by tournament that started in 2011 has identi- role will be to identify the next Ugandan
136% to Shs106bn prompting its manage- fied many celebrated stars such as Farouk superstars. The winning teams at national
ment to recommend Shs6.8 as dividend per Miya, Muhammed Shaban and many others finals will each bag Shs5million among
share. The bank has 67 branches and 100 who have gone on to play professional foot- other individual team accolades.
ATMs countrywide. ball for local and international football clubs.
inspected works in
ivil works on the the tunnels at Karuma
600MW Karuma Construction site including
Hydropower the surge chamber, an area
Dam are at 80% where pressure of water is
completion, according levelled during the process
to Proscovia Njuki, the of electricity generation.
Chairperson of the Board The board also toured
of Directors of Uganda the employers’ camp where
Electricity Generation construction is underway
Company Limited for offices, labs, residential
(UEGCL), which is houses, canteen, and a
responsible for overseeing services and facilities
works on the dam. centre.
Abrarah Babirye, (L) a spare parts dealer in Kibuye, receives a dummy air Njuki, who was speaking The government hopes
ticket from Total Uganda Lubricants & Specialties Manager, Hosea Nkojo to journalists during the to use the extra electricity
in the concluded Buy, Verify and Win lubricants campaign. board’s quarterly visits from Karuma and the
of inspection of works at 183MW Isimba on the
the dam on June 07, said downstream of River Nile
“UEGCL looks forward to drive the electricity
to the timely completion prices downwards to stir
of this project taking into growth of the industrial
account the elements of sector.
quality, cost and time. Currently, Uganda
In this regard, we are is ranked second in
in full preparation for terms of high electricity
the commencement prices across the East
of Operations and African Community
Maintenance of the plant. (EAC) countries, with
We are here as the board the exception of Burundi.
to assess progress on the Karuma Hydropower Dam
ground,” she added. is expected to be launched
During the tour, the in December.
Ricvky Rapa Thomson, (R) co-founder Safe Boda and Eunice Among brief the
press during their launch of 50% less promo on June 1. INDEPENDENT/JIMMY SIYA
n June 8, leaders from the irrespective of national agendas. Mayor Rahm Emanuel noted last
largest advanced economies Small and mid-sized cities are also month, this has been positive for many
gathered for the annual G7 raising their international profiles. By cities, allowing them to become testing
summit to discuss the most investing in “smart” and “resilient” grounds for the future of mobility,
pressing challenges the world faces. urban planning, governments from work, housing, energy, education, and
Most of the items on the agenda – Bordeaux in France to Curitiba health.
from climate change to inequality in Brazil are strengthening their “Twenty years from now,” Emanuel
– resonate particularly strongly brand identities and luring talent, told fellow mayors in New York City,
for people living in urban areas, investment, and businesses from we will see “an inflection point where
who comprise 54% of the world’s around the world. the nation-state is in decline, and the
population. And yet, municipal The American-Canadian author and city-state à la Singapore is driving the
governments were not be represented urban activist Jane Jacobs famously cultural and economic activity.”
in any official capacity during the observed that cities are the true Of course, not all cities have the
G7 meetings. This is a mistake; if the engines of national prosperity. Cities same resources, influence, or needs
world’s biggest problems are to be power growth through innovation, as Chicago or Singapore. But any
solved, cities must become part of the trade, and exchange. And city services city leader nowadays can appreciate
conversation. are often more visible to citizens than the importance of standing on
Historically, cities have played a federal aid; consider, for example, the frontlines of change. Inspired
marginal role in global debates. In who responds during a traffic accident by this solidarity, and connected
the United States, for example, early or a natural disaster. through international networks
cities were rife with corruption and To be sure, today’s cities face like Metropolis, C40 Cities, and 100
factionalism; local politics was messy many challenges. As urban areas Resilient Cities, municipal leaders
enough. But today’s urban centers are have grown, leaders have been everywhere are forging partnerships
economically stronger and politically forced to change how they plan. to create united urban agendas.
bolder. Twenty-first-century cities’ Amid tightening budgets, city At nearly every turn, on just
determination to act in their own governments are moving away from about every major issue, national
interests became clear in late 2017, overly bureaucratic systems toward governments are failing to deliver
when more than 50 US mayors those that encourage greater levels solutions, while city leaders continue
pledged to meet the commitments of of entrepreneurship. But, as Chicago to inspire public confidence.
the 2015 Paris climate agreement – According to a 2017 survey by the
directly challenging President Donald Centre for Political Research at
Trump’s withdrawal from the deal. Sciences Po, 64% of French adults
Last week, leaders from Montreal The American- believe their local mayor is working
and 10,000 other cities around the
world delivered a similar message to
Canadian harder than the executive branch to
solve everyday problems. No doubt
the G7. They presented a declaration author and many other urbanites feel the same
that included a diverse collection of
municipal views on the summit’s urban activist way.
This is an opportune time for city
key themes, and urged national Jane Jacobs leaders to become global players.
governments to collaborate more When gatherings like the G7 summit
closely with their local counterparts. famously are convened to discuss the world’s
These demands, and the manner in
which they are being made, was a first
observed that most difficult challenges, the people
closest to those challenges, who are
for a G7 meeting. The goal is to make cities are the likely to have the most valuable
this the norm.
Still, even without a seat at the
true engines insights concerning how to overcome
them, should be in the room.
table, many of the world’s megacities of national
– powered by strong human capital,
competitive markets, and widespread
prosperity Sébastien Turbot is Executive Director
of the NewCities Foundation.
appeal – are already working to build
a more progressive, inclusive, and Copyright: Project Syndicate, 2018.
sustainable future. From Buenos Aires
to Tokyo, city leaders are making
their concerns known globally – often
When preeclampsia
Dr. Nakimuli, “We wanted to save the
mothers. They can only start improving
when we remove them.”
She says some of the mothers could not
strikes in pregnancy
keep the pregnancy to full term because of
preeclampsia, a poorly understood disorder
that affects pregnant women. Since more
and more mothers are getting the complica-
tion, pre-eclampsia cases have been allotted
Disease that’s impossible to predict or a nine bed ward at the facility. But because
of the numbers, some mothers are moni-
tored in the general ward and others in a
prevent is piling pressure on maternity wards non-functional operating theatre that has
now been turned in a ward.
Caught unaware
By Flavia Nassaka tubes running into their little noses. Every
two babies share an incubator and on the Many mothers hit by pre-eclampsia are
evel Four is the busiest floor at day of my visit, about 80 babies were being caught unaware and only wake up on a
the Gynecology and Obstetrics monitored. Up to 100 premature babies are hospital bed. Just like 20-year old Marion
facility at Kawempe Hospital sometimes monitored in this area, accord- Nakirijja.
which is a branch of Mulago ing to Dr. Annette Nakimuli who heads the When we met, she had been on admis-
National Referral Hospital, facility. sion for three days having been rushed
North West of Kampala city. The mothers – one after another – are to the hospital unconscious. Speaking
People dart up and down the stairs to allowed into the guarded room to check with frequent stammers, she says she was
and from the treatment area while more on their tiny babies. Some were delivered surprised to end up in hospital and uncon-
lounge in the waiting area whose only seat at as young as seven months into preg- scious because she had been for antenatal
is the terrazzo floor. nancy. The queue also has a few men – at her local facility in Komamboga along
The Centre of activity is the nursery of the three- among about twenty women. Some Gayaza Road that week. She says being a
Neonatal Intensive Care Unit; a secluded women are pallid, with swollen feet and second time mother, she never anticipated
room where premature babies are nursed. faces, and most have Lesu wrappers tied up any complications. But she started experi-
Visitors enter barefoot after washing hands their chests – the telltale signs of new sickly encing constant palpitations, nausea, and
with a liquid disinfectant. Almost every mothers. All wait anxiously for their turn to headaches before she collapsed.
baby has a pistol-like needle plastered on get in. The situation looks desperate. Experts say pre-eclampsia is strange and
their tiny wrist while a few others have “We had to remove those babies,” says can only be detected by diagnosing persis-
By Dominic Muwanguzi main attraction is of course, the world Commission in Kampala, BBC African
renowned Rwenzori Founders – famed for Footballer of the Year trophy and Fadaika
hen in Kasese, the offering residences to world-class sculptors Na BBC award presented annually to the
rustic little town of like Ann Christopher and Jon Buck; both best young African entrepreneur. Some of
past copper mining multi-award winners and Fellows of the their works are on permanent show and
glory that lies 375 Km Royal society of British Sculptors. Local many are for sale.
from Kampala city, in talent includes Isaac Okwir whose specialty Notably, there’s Christopher’s sculpture
western Uganda, make are local totem figures and Peter Oloya `The Shape of Time’ in the lineal format that
sure to visit Rwenzori Founders Art Centre. of the famed Crowned Crane that sits at is emblematic of her other artworks; Isaac
You won’t regret it. Located just eleven Buckingham Palace, England and its edition Okwir’s `Lango Mama’, in distinct style,
kilometres north of the town, the place’s that graces the entrance of the British High that connotes the cultural heritage of the
an accident scene
ties involved, as well as witnesses (names,
addresses, contact numbers, vehicle regis-
tration numbers). If you’re too injured to do
so, you may ask a traffic or police officer to
do so on your behalf. It’s also a good idea
to take down the officer’s name, and record
By Motoring Guru Rule two: Stop and stay at the scene
the relevant accident report number.
ule One: Don’t admit liability Stop your vehicle and if possible, park
It says that on your insurance safely on the side. Use your hazard lights Rule six: Record details of the accident
or the reflective triangle. If not available
sticker: “Don’t admit liability”. So
use any possible means, including
straight away
be smart. Stay calm and say what As soon as possible, make notes of factors
is absolutely necessary only. A seemingly foliage or tree branches to warn other
like traffic flow and weather at the time of
innocent comment may be used against you motorists of the accident. Use common
the accident. Take photographs if you can.
if it gets recorded in police statement. sense. Ensure you are safe, especially
It can also help to sketch the scene, showing
Also don’t offer any payment that could at odd hour or in hostile environments.
the positions of all vehicles immediately
be construed as a bribe. Most insurers Remember, failure to stop at the scene of
after the accident in relation to a clear fixed
prohibit statements of admission, offer, an accident is criminal. Also, you want
point, such as a traffic light, pole or other
promise, payment or indemnity, accord- the police to get your side of the story
permanent fixture. Later, measurements can
ing to several experts. Don’t agree to settle when they arrive.
be taken in relation to the fixed point if it’s
anything unless you absolutely sure that the necessary to reconstruct the accident.
can resolved at that level. Rule Three: Help in medical
emergencies if you can. Rule Seven: Don’t take anything
Things to avoid saying include: This can be tricky because if you are
intoxicating “to calm down”
I will pay for the damages. not knowledgeable, you might do more
I’m sure my insurance will take care The police at the scene or station may
harm than good. So assess the injuries
of it. want you to undergo a medical examina-
suffered and only help if it safe for you
I didn’t see you. tion, so unless a medical doctor has said you
and the victim. Give first aid if you can.
I was on the phone must take some kind of narcotic or intoxi-
cant, don’t do so.
I don’t need medical help. I’m fine Rule Four: Report the accident
All these could be used against you later, Legally, you’re required to call the
either in court or with the insurance firm police if anyone has been hurt or killed,
Rule Eight: Get a copy of the police
as admissions of fault. Remember personal if an offence has been committed or if a report
injury insurance claims arising from a car state vehicle or property has been dam- A police report is one of the most criti-
accident depends on the extent to which each aged. In these situations, you need to cal pieces of evidence for determining
driver is found to be at fault for causing the stay on site until a police officer has dis- liability in the event of a car accident.
accident. If you are found to have been exclu- missed you. Always ask the police for a full copy of
sively negligent, you may be held fully liable. the report that’s filed.
ol Ibrahim Abiriga is the MP for Arua
Municipality who is popularly known
diehard supporter of President Yoweri
campaigning to lifting of the constitutional age
He is also a jovial MP who can meet and
mingle with anyone regardless of style and
'$H(H$H%'$"##)!.H.!!$,H$*)/)(H'##H Masindi
from suits, shirts, shoes, hat, socks and recently and join
*#''"#)(< the military
C+'.)#H$#H"H(H)$H)H!()H+H.!-‐‑ despite objection
!$,HH)H(H#$)H*!!.H.!!$,<HH%!)H H*(=H)H from his uncle and pro-‐‑
cups, my bed is yellow, house and everything )()(H'$"H"<
"*()HH.!!$,=DH'H(.(< C'H,(H#$H$2!H''*)"#)H
“I have just returned from DR Congo where then and since he had been a soldier, he
I landed on very good yellow undergarments maintained that my destination was also in
($H H,(H$'H)$H*.H!!H)H53H!)H#H)H )H'".=DH'H(.(<
($%=DHH(.(< #H4;94=H'H$#H)H'".H*)H
(H.!!$,H().!H)(H"H#$)<H*'#H)H applied to continue with school under the
"%!H'#H department of education at Grammar Sec-‐‑
Hotel, President Museveni gifted him with a ondary School where he reveals to have
%'H$H##F"H(#!(H$'H#HCH $"%!)H'#'.H+!<H)'H##H
(%!#H!(!)$'D<HHH%'(#)HH'-‐‑ months of training, Abiriga was deployed
ried the sandals, together with shirts, hats and in the Secret Service at Makindye Military
shoes that are made in Uganda to promote the $!H#H
*.H#H*!H#H?@H"%#<H #H5334=H'(#)H*(+#H%%$#)H
Unfortunately the sandals are not yellow and 'H(HH$'H'*<HH!H)H$H
'H(.(HH,!!H/-H))HGH.H%#)#H)"H $'H45H.'(H*#)!HH,(H)'#(''H)$H
.!!$,< *"H#H)H("H%$()$#H#H5347<HH,H
Abiriga says his love for Museveni is a months into the position, Abiriga resigned
response to a calling by his father Yusuf Abdal-‐‑ )$H$#H!)+H%$!)(H#H$"H#H<
lah (RIP), a former soldier under the King’s HC)H)(H=H H#H)$H(($)H,)H
@H,$H$*)H#H$'!H'H younger people to share in the fresh views
<HH'H(.(=HC.H)'H,(HHH%'$%$-‐‑ and even when I had set out to run for only
nent of President Museveni and he urged us one term, I have reconsidered a second one
D< $"H5354=DHH(.(<H'H(H)H'H#H
He says he also adores Museveni because (*'++#H!()H($#H$H(H)'H,$HH67H
!H !'#<HH(.(HH,(H$'#H)HH)"H,#H
'$#H$'H!$(H)$H48H.'(H#$,<H#H"-‐‑ *#'H,(H)H)(H()H#H(H#"<
'H57=H5335=H)H$+'#"#)H$H#H#H C'H"#(H*#'=DHH(.(=HC*'#H
Uganda National Rescue Front II (UNRF II) that time, people survived on sim-‐‑sim and
signed a historical peace agreement that has '$*##*)(H%()H"-H,)H,)'<D
remained a milestone in ensuring the security Abiriga says he had over 30 wives and sired
!H'$#<H over 30 children in his early years but they all
H.!!$,H!(!)$'H(H!($HH($!'<HHH <HH(.(H$#!.H$H #$,(H,.H).HH
/'()H('+H#H)H'".H$H)#F##H but, he adds, the elders and relatives blamed
'(#)H H"#HH)H)H'# H$H)1H the deaths on Abiriga’s failure to breastfeed
Sergeant until he was promoted to the rank (HH.<HC H,(H)$!H))H H#+'H(* !H".H
H#H/#!!.H$!$#!H#H mother’s breast because I rejected it completely
#$,H<HH(H)'H%*(H"H)$H'$%H ($H)H,(H*()H%$*'H$*)=DHH(.(<H$.=H-‐‑
out of school in senior three at Kabalega SS in 'H(.(HH(H$#H,H#H43H!'#<
42 Aug
15-‐ -24
21,, 2017
know about you? !155$ 5 5 division among the people can access education in
am a social person seconded by an opposition of Uganda such as Kizza Uganda under the NRM
who associates with 15 Besigye and Amama #!51
everybody regardless '15
5!5*!5 What is your greatest Where would you most
5155&5#55 extravagance? What is the quality you like to live?
the supreme and true God, Some time back, people most like in a man? I want to live here in
Allah who created all of were abusing me for not He should be able to Uganda being the pearl of
" 1555"!&55 owning a decent house unite others and provide 35!5 5 5&55
to one wife even when while others claimed I !5!5!5 155 #5&515
the Quran allows me to "5&5)5!5 5 should also be humble and
marry up to four because I in a toilet so I decided "15 What is your most
may not be able to satisfy !5 #5!1555 treasured possession?
!5 %"&5" !55 constructing a bigger What is the quality you My new house under
!5"5"( 5!155 house and when it’s ready, most like in a woman? !"!15
don’t want to commit a sin I will send out the photos Submissive to the
$555#155 to everyone to let them husband just as the Quran What do you regard as the
know that it was just a !"! 15 lowest depth of misery?
What is your idea of +55!15 Being a refugee without
perfect happiness? What or who is the 5"!&5!5515
Sparing time to What is your current state greatest love of your life?
communicate to of mind? Even my children and What is your favorite
35!5! 55 I am stress free and just wife come after President occupation?
spend praying !535 &5$5 Museveni who has united At the moment, its being
during the night that we have taken a break 55" 15 a politician but at one
( 555 5!5!55!15 time, it was serving in the
and beautiful When and where were &15
&15 What do you consider the you happiest?
most overrated virtue? 5,0/,5$555 What do you most value
What is your Many Ugandans think !5&35!5!5#5 in your friends?
greatest fear? and believe that President on my own and managing Its character that bonds
Only God Museveni has ruled for $5( 1555 " 5!!15
but as for so long and yet he is a to pay all the dowry for
things like #5 !5&515
5 my wives and school fees
bullets or 4!5)5!5" !5" 5 for my siblings thereby you most identify with?
even the most 5"!15 relieving the burden from Former Uganda
scaring animal &5!15 president, Field Marshall
like the lion, I What does being Idi Amin Dada was a
5 155 powerful mean to you? Which talent would you straight forward person
Power comes with the most like to have? and wasn’t sacred of
What is the ability to capture power As a professional &!155"5
trait you most from outside and organise soldier, I am a man of Mohammed Abu Minyar
deplore in everything and everyone many talents but at this (5 5!55
yourself? to make them serve under age, I just want to practice and Bishop Angelo
I am a social &"1 ! 15 Tarantino of the Comboni
person who can Missionaries and the
freely associate On what occasion do you What do you consider ( !5 55"5
with anyone but lie? your greatest 355"!5 !55
some think it’s not Only that which is achievement? !5 55
!5 5
1 $5&5!5"35
5$5$5 5 and is remembered for
‘when you are caught in from Uganda to Sudan introducing education in
Which living the middle of saving a and Congo under !5155
person do you most 415 President Idi Amin
admire? 255#$5!5(!5 Who are your heroes in
!5 What do you most dislike and bring back my people real life?
Museveni is Prime about your appearance? 155$ 55-.55 Bishop Angelo Tarantino,
Minister Ruhakana 54!5)5!5 "!5 Commander under Idi Amin Dada and
""155 55!5 4 5!15 UNLF and seeing that "5(155
mingle with all people in $5 " "&5 +5
Uganda which is why he Which living person do back home is a great
was voted and approved you most despise? #!155 5&5
June 1518 -‐ 242018
- 21, , 2017 4337
Global comment
By Roselyn Mugo
Africa’s future farmers
New report shows that mastering digital skills is
important if young people are to work on farms
frica is in the midst of a youth garden into a vertical farm to increase farm technologies should travel to the
employment crisis. By 2035, its output. Today, she runs her own places where young people gather, to
some 350 million new jobs will business designing, fabricating, provide hands-on, audience-specific
be needed, and agriculture, and installing similar structures training. If the newest farm gadgets
the continent’s biggest industry, could for a variety of customers. Another and tools are marketed only on social
provide the bulk of them. But at the interviewee created a mobile app to media, as is often the case, uptake in
moment, young Africans are shunning help farmers connect with local seed rural areas will remain weak.
life on the farm for work in the city. and fertiliser suppliers. Next, young people need access
If Africa’s employment gap is to be Unfortunately, these types of youth- to financial products and services
closed, agribusinesses must find ways driven innovations rarely receive to help them turn their ideas into
to recruit younger hands. the necessary political or financial marketable businesses. And, finally,
This challenge was the focus of backing to make them viable and countries must find ways to involve
my research as part of the Youth scalable. Despite having great ideas, their youth in early stages of the
Think Tank, a youth-led research most young agricultural innovators technology-development pipeline. As
initiative in partnership with Restless do not feel supported in their efforts. the experience of the Kenyan gardener
Development Uganda and the Young people can help solve Africa’s illustrates, young people are often the
Mastercard Foundation. In a recent unemployment challenges, but those best judges of what will deliver long-
report, we examined the experiences closest to the problem have yet to be term, practical results.
of young African agriculturalists made part of the solution. Last year, I had the privilege of
in seven countries. And what we Our research suggests several presenting these findings at the
discovered is that the best way to entice strategies to achieve this outcome. For Global Youth Economic Opportunities
young people back to the farm is by starters, young people need places to Summit in Washington, DC. I spoke
improving access to and engagement engage with like-minded innovators. about the role young people play in
with emerging technologies. Recognising this, policymakers and the Africa’s economy, and the importance
Many of the young people with private sector should work together of soliciting their views on the future
whom we spoke said that their biggest to create incubation centers and of African agriculture. It was an
obstacle to a career in farming is ideation hubs to help young people important first step in bringing young
learning the digital and technical build, discuss, and access farm-related peoples’ ideas to the table.
skills necessary to succeed in today’s technologies. But much work remains to be done.
agricultural market. With technologies Moreover, those who promote new According to the Food and Agriculture
like cloud computing, soil sensors, and Organisation of the United Nations,
weather drones changing how food is the average age of an African farmer
produced, packaged, and distributed, today is about 60, while 60% of the
digital literacy is as important as arable
land and high-quality seeds. It stands
According to population is under the age of 24. To
breathe new life into Africa’s farms, the
to reason, then, that if more young the Food and entire industry must innovate. And, as
people could master digital skills, more
would find work in the field.
Agriculture our research shows, the best way to do
that is by working much more closely
To understand how important Organisation of with those who have the most to gain
technology is to the young African
farmer, consider competition for land.
the United Nations, from progress.