Pallisa: When is a candidate by New drug to stop Behind UIA boss Uganda: The sleeping
another name not the same? bleeding after birth sacking saga giant of COMESA
Issue No. 528 July 06 - 12, 2018 Ushs 5,000,Kshs 200, RwF 1,500, SDP 8
Cover story
Uganda railway project runs into more trouble
Chinese contractor faces boot
4 The Week
Social media tax starts to bite,
some run to VPN Tanzania’s illiberal tilt:
Magufuli came to office with
a reform-oriented agenda,
9 The Last Word
but today he is just another
In defence of social media tax: African strongman
Why taxing mobile money and social
media is a politically revolutionary act 33 Health
that may help improve our democracy
New drug for bleeding after
birth: Study done in Uganda
16 Analysis offers hope
The Pallisa Woman MP candidate case:
When is a candidate by another name
not the same candidate?
35 Arts & Culture
23 Business Indulgence at Close exhibition:
An exploration and challenge on
Behind UIA saga: Selfish interests threaten stereotypes of sexuality
the country’s investment agency
STRATEGY & EDITORIAL DIRECTOR: Andrew M. Mwenda WRITERS:Ronald Musoke, Flavia Nassaka, Ian Katusiime,
MANAGING EDITOR: Joseph Were Agnes Nantaba, Julius Businge.
PUBLISHER: Independent Publications Limited, Plot 82/84, Kanjokya Street, P. O. Box 3304, Kampala, Uganda
Tel: +256-312-637-391/ 2/ 3/ 4 | Fax: +256-312-637-396 E-mail: | | Website:
President Museveni
receives a special
recognition from
Haji Basajabalaba,
(R) and Prof
Ssebuwufu, (2L) as
Woman member
of parliament for
Bukedea district, “A police officer will not affect an arrest
Among Anita unless a formal complaint has been
Annet (2R) looks
on during the
made. All arrests must be done with the
18th graduation full authorisation of the unit supervisors
ceremony or commanders.”IGP Okoth Ochola on new
at Kampala arresting guidelines
University on June
Minister of Finance
Matia Kasaija, (R)
and the Ambassador
of China to Uganda
Zheng Zhuqiang at
the signing of Uganda
Customs Systems
modernization project “This work is going to be mainly
and Uganda roads and done by the UPDF. Police guards
Railway Polytechnic that were guarding MPs were
Project at Ministry of
Finance in on June running away because they
27. INDEPENDENT/ consider guarding MPs to be a risky
JIMMY SIYA business. That the circumstances
under which they work endanger
their lives.”MP Kaps Fungaroo
10 58 100
Years Uganda Years of Families facing eviction
National Roads independence from the banks of
Authority is marking Somalia is marking River Nile in Kayunga
ince government introduced a tax impossible to evade and expensive to avoid. tional credit market.
on mobile money and social media, It is collected electronically, making it easy Before 2012, government used domestic
there has been deafening opposition and cheap to administer. Mobile phone borrowing for monetary policy i.e. to
to it from every quarter of Ugandan companies become collection agents for the control money supply. After the aid cuts,
public opinion. Yet for economic and po- state, which can easily monitor the activi- government began borrowing from the
litical reasons this is the most revolutionary ties on their network. There is, therefore, domestic market for fiscal purposes i.e. to
tax decision this government has ever no need to hire more staff and build more finance the budget. This has led domestic
made. What is even more intriguing is that elaborate infrastructure for tax collection. debt to rise to Shs12.5 trillion in 2018 with
those making the loudest noise against it Secondly you can only avoid this tax by interest payments costing Shs1.9 trillion
are equally that section of our society which not consuming the service. Its demand is this financial year. Yet the very Ugandans
actually pays the least taxes. inelastic because alternatives cost many denouncing government for imposing this
Ugandan elites are always demanding times more. If you decline to use mobile tax have been the same people denouncing
that the state delivers a large basket of money to send money to your mother in it for increasing debt.
public goods and services – healthcare, edu- Katakwi in order avoid this tax, the cost Secondly, domestic borrowing crowded
cation, clean water, electricity, good roads, of taking it in person is much higher. The the private sector out of the financial mar-
railways, security, etc. to all citizens for free inconvenience of looking for a person who kets. This discouraged private investment
or very cheaply. Whence does the state get lives near your mother, to take it there for leading to the sluggish growth of the last
revenues to perform these functions other you is too much, not to mention the risk of it five years – from an average of 7.2% in the
than by taxation? Even if/when it borrows being stolen. 20 years between 1993 and 2012 to 4.1% in
to pay for these services, it has to generate The use of social media for texting and the last five years. Indeed by increasing the
revenue from taxes to pay back its creditors. voice calls has reduced government rev- return on treasury bonds, interest rates for
The ratio of tax revenues to the Gross enues from Short Message Services (SMS) private firms skyrocketed causing many
Domestic Product (GDP) in Uganda is and voice calls. This tax is, therefore, one companies to default on their loans and
very low, at 14%. Why? First because the way to compensate for this. If anyone uses some to go under.
state’s tax administration infrastructure social media to earn money, surely they There are many problems – both eco-
is very thin on the ground. Secondly, the should pay a tax on their income. And I nomic and administrative – with the new
state has a very limited economic map don’t see a problem with government using tax. But regardless of the weaknesses, I
of the population to collect taxes from it. this tax to penalise those who use social think it is good. Its biggest inefficiency
Thirdly a huge part of economic activity is media for lugambo and to hurl insults at (charging senders and recipients of mobile
informal, making it difficult to tax. Fourthly, others. money and asking people on social media
many economic activities in this country The great advantage of this tax is that is to pay the tax directly instead of deducting
are tax-exempt. Fifth, the government has spreads the net widely thereby bringing it from their airtime) is actually its greatest
always been afraid of the political backlash many more Ugandans into the tax ambit. advantage – from a political point of view.
from taxing its people and this explains its About 236,000 individuals with businesses Because many Ugandans are being taxed
predilection to borrowing. Indeed given are registered to pay taxes in Uganda. Yet directly, they are now feeling the pinch. It is
the hullabaloo over this tax, I am afraid our only 24,600 actually pay taxes and a min- very likely that (holding many factors con-
government may panic and withdraw it. iscule 4,150 pay 80% of it. The people who stant) they will now become more vigilant
It is true our government lacks a plan do not want to pay taxes are also the same in holding government to account to serve
for broadening the tax base. This has led people who vehemently oppose govern- them than they have ever done.
tax policy to always seek to extract the last ment borrowing and yet always demand For far too long, the government of
penny out of a few existing and compliant more and better public goods and services Uganda had avoided making citizens pay
taxpayers instead of bringing more people from the state. for the public goods and services they
and activities under the tax bracket. The For far too long, the government of demand and get by relying on aid. This dis-
better strategy should be to increase pro- Uganda has been reluctant to tax the vast articulated the state from citizens and made
ductivity so that more taxes are collected majority of its citizens for fear of a political donors the most important influence on
from increased output. And quite impor- backlash, like the one we are seeing today. public policy. Now that the state is seeking
tantly, government has no strategy for cre- Hence for many years it relied heavily to rely on citizens for revenue, the oppor-
ating incentives to attract people from the on the generosity of its Western benefac- tunity for engaging them in public policy
informal to the formal economy so that it tors through foreign aid. However, when making and implementation has a chance
can tax them. Uganda passed the Anti-homosexuality Act to improve. This may contribute to consoli-
But be that as it may, the tax on receiving in 2012, most aid was cut. Rather than cut dating our democracy.
and sending mobile money and on social spending and/or increase taxes, government
media is good because it makes very many went borrowing on the domestic market
people pay direct taxes. The new tax is and also turned to China on the interna-
East African leaders at the ground-breaking ceremony for the SGR at the Commonwealth Resort Munyonyo in Kampala in 2014.
he Independent has learnt with papers reporting to the President, Inflated costs?
that Museveni is once again mentioning my name”. Kabatsi said The Independent has learnt that in an
negotiating directly with the Kankunda is the one who got her in trouble. attempt to get on top of the situation,
contractor; China Harbour “She has always wanted me out and I Museveni on February 15 wrote to the
Engineering Company can assure you this brings in the Sembabule Minister of Works and Transport, Monica
(CHEC), after he fired the politics. She is a Hon. Sam Kutesa lady. Azuba, noting that after enquiring from
previous head of the SGR project, Kasingye He has people he has sponsored to really multiple technical sources, he had found
Kyamugambi. harass me in State House and my work here several possible weaknesses in the current
Kyamugambi’s crime, according to has not been easy,” Kabatsi was quoted in SGR plan and concept.
sources, is that he defended the $ 1.95 Daily Monitor interview in 2012. He directed her to form a committee
billion price CHEC has quoted for the Kutesa’s close associates are once again to investigate it and involve Dr. Badru
273km line between Kampala and Malaba being mentioned among those who want Kiggundu; the engineer who previously
that Museveni does not like. CHEC out and the Turkish Yapi in. headed the Electoral Commission, and
Some insiders claim that Kyamugambi’s It will be recalled that Kutesa’s son-in- later investigated construction anomalies
firing is the climax of intense lobbying by a law, Albert Muganga was behind another at Karuma and Isimba dams, to investigate
competing firm—Yapi Merkezi Insaat VE company; China Civil Engineering Con- the deal.
Sanayi—which secured a similar contract struction Corporation (CCECC), which lost The Kiggundu’s committee issued a
in Tanzania and has managed to win the the SGR deal to CHEC. The losers even took damning report in May, which appears to
support of some within the walls of his the government to court but later apolo- have sealed Kyamugambi’s fate. According
office, aides at State House and officials at gised to President Museveni. to Kigundu, CHEC tender is inflated by
the Works Ministry. Some insiders are basing on this to con- over $600 million.
The main objective appears to get clude that powerful forces were against Following this report, Museveni at a State
CHEC’s contract cancelled. Given that Kyamugambi. They say powerful forces House meeting ordered that Kyamugambi
Kyamugambi was opposed to this, have blocked documents supporting the is fired and replaced with Perez Wamburu,
he became a target of the anti-CHEC CHEC case from reaching Museveni and who has been the chief civil engineer in the
campaign. created fake emails in Kyamugambi’s name Ministry of works.
Trouble for Kyamugambi is that some of and sent them out to potential suppliers Interestingly, Wamburu was part of
his staff who appeared to support CHEC’s showing that he was soliciting bribes. The another team, which Azuba had set up ear-
competitor are more influential at State SGR office was forced to run adverts noting lier on Museveni’s orders on the same issue.
House. One of these is Miriam Kankunda, that this was a fake email. Wamburu and team had travelled to Kenya
a former Senior Private Secretary, who was But their main plot has been a campaign investigated and concluded that the CHEC
now working as Kyamugambi’s assistant in mounted to show that the CHEC contract contract was okay.
charge of Finance. was inflated. All this while, some officials The team was led by Prof Edward Rugu-
This is the same Kankunda whom, at the Works Ministry, aides at State House mayo and included former Uganda Rail-
when Joy Kabatsi, the former Head of and even some staff at SGR have been ways Corporation managing director Daudi
Legal department at State House was fired reporting to Museveni that Kyamugambi is Murungi, Makerere University’s engineer-
in 2012, said “was busy moving around a stumbling block to the SGR. ing don, Umar Bagambadde.
he people of Pallisa District were
scheduled to go to the polls on June
MP candidate case
28 to elect their Woman MP. But
the Electoral Commission quashed
it when it annulled the FDC candidate,
Catherine Achola Osupelem’s nomination
and declared Faith Alupo of the NRM un-
Justice Simon Byabakama Mugenyi, the When is a candidate by another
EC chairperson said in a statement that
the EC had disqualified Achola from the name not the same candidate?
race because the names on her nomination
papers did not match those on her academic
papers. but three pulled out. The question is why
While Achola’s academic documents bear the EC waited two weeks after the nomi-
the name “Achola Catherine,” she appears nations, with just nine days to the polls to
as “Achola Catherine Osupelem” on the annul Achola’s candidature?
voter’s register, the EC said. Crispin Kaheru, the Coordinator of the
The events moved swiftly. Charles Citizens Coalition for Electoral Democracy
Rebero, the Pallisa District Returing Officer, in Uganda (CCEDU), an alliance which
declared Alupo winner on Tuesday June 19 brings together over 800 civil society organi-
and three days later, on Friday June 22, she zations that monitor elections in the country
was sworn in as the new Pallisa Woman MP says he is not sure the EC has ever quashed
in the Speaker’s Chambers in Parliament. To the candidature of a nominee as it has done
compare, Paul Mwiru of FDC won the Jinja in Pallisa to nullify Achola.
Municipality East MP seat on March 15, he “If you look at the technical grounds
was sworn-in two weeks later, on March 27. upon which the EC used to nullify the FDC
The Pallisa District Woman MP seat fell candidate’s nomination, they seem very
vacant following the former Woman MP, weak and not backed up by precedent,” he
Agnes Ameede’s decision to shift to the told The Independent on July 02.
newly created Butebo District which has Kaheru said in late 2017, a similar case
been carved out of Pallisa. The nullification was brought before Court by the contes-
of Achola and the abrupt end to the Pallisa tants in the Buikwe election, but the Court
by-election has left many questions. of Appeal ruled that a change or tweak in
The EC had on June 05 declared Achola name cannot cause someone’s nullification
duly nominated after she, supposedly met from an electoral process for as long as they
all requirements; including that she must be can show that they followed formal proce-
a registered voter in the constituency. Ini- dures to either remove or add a name.
tially the race had attracted five contestants Another case was in the Kibanda North
The programme stemmed from taken part in international missions in
uban medical missions abroad Cuba’s foreign policy objectives of anti- 107 countries. Kenya is the latest. The
are perhaps one of the most colonialism and humanitarianism in the first 50 specialists arrived in the country
significant legacies of the 1960s. It became one way in which Cuba recently, with 50 more to follow. All are
1959 Cuban Revolution. The could avoid the isolation intended by the expected to work in underserved rural
programme involves Cuban doctors trade embargo imposed by the U.S. and areas.
offering health care services in host its expulsion from the Organisation of But their arrival has been met with a
countries, often in impoverished rural American States (OAS). storm of protest. Some Kenyan health
faculties in Ghana, Guinea-Bissau, The
Gambia and Haiti between 1963 and
2004. And they showed tremendous
humanitarian spirit during the Haitian
Cuban doctors Earthquake in 2010, the Ebola outbreak
have taken part of 2014, and even offered the U.S.
assistance in the aftermath of Hurricane
in international Katrina. The offer was rejected.
missions in The argument that Kenya should
invest in its own citizens rather than
sign a multi-million dollar deal with
the Cuban government is a fair one and
countries should be addressed. But I do not believe
that it is simply a question of one or the
Studying medicine is costly and
Kenya leaves a lot to be desired. But requires training for between six to
I would also argue that the services seven years. This excludes specialisation.
being provided by Cuban doctors are But what happens in the interim to
invaluable and the reasons for not sick, impoverished individuals in rural
wanting them in Kenya are not justified. communities while doctors are being
trained? Cuban doctors should be seen
The national benefit is paramount as a temporary reinforcement offering
The current fears of the Kenyan a level of service every Kenyan should
medical fraternity are understandable. demand.
But their fears may be based on
misinformation. Prior consultations Why Cuban doctors?
between Kenyan government officials Is a Cuban doctor better than a Kenyan
and the medical fraternity would have one? No. But Cuban doctors have
gone a long way to allaying these. specific expertise in dealing with tropical
Nevertheless, I believe that Kenyan diseases such as malaria. This remains a
doctors should focus on the national major problem in Kenya even though it
benefits of the programme. Cuban was eradicated in Cuba more than three
doctors are sent to rural, under-served decades ago.
areas – areas that local doctors often It’s also important to keep some
refuse to work in. In these communities, perspective when it comes to the numbers.
the mere presence of a doctor can make Foreign physicians make up below 10% of
a tremendous difference in health all doctors in Kenya. There are 939 foreign
outcomes. doctors in the country’s register – but the
In addition, the Cuban doctors being majority (358) is from the U.S. Only 100 are
sent to Kenya are highly specialised in from Cuba. This is a tiny number.
areas such as oncology and nephrology; The presence of these foreign doctors
areas of medicine which are in demand should be seen as a benefit to the country’s
the world over. Their presence can only health care service. It offers the opportunity
improve access to specialised medical for Kenyan physicians to learn from the
care while reducing congestion in Cubans’ experiences working in a universal
referral hospitals. health care system with emphasis on
preventative medicine. They could also
Cuba’s healthcare missions learn from their integrated community
Despite a level of economic stagnation, medicine approach, how they have
professionals have strongly opposed Cuba has managed to maintain a managed to eradicate various diseases as
their arrival on the grounds that they will universal health care system viewed well as policies and guidelines in place in
be taking away local jobs. as a model for other countries. Current Cuba that could be implemented in Kenya.
My understanding of the work data shows the doctor to patient ratio in Cuban physicians will also be able to
of Cuban doctors has been greatly Cuba is well above the United Nation’s learn from their Kenyan counterparts how
influenced by the fact that I spent target of 1:1000, at 7.5:1000 in 2014. By their system operates, difficulties and
seven years studying medicine in comparison, Kenya has a ratio of 0.204 challenges of working as a physician in
Cuba, one of thousands of students doctors per 1000 patients. Kenya as well as the cultural norms that
from all over the globe who have had Cuban trained doctors have been Cuban physicians would have to consider
the opportunity to study medicine on praised the world over for the level when offering services to Kenyans.
the island. The experience gave me a of service and compassion they offer. Ultimately, the Kenyan health care
keen understanding of how the Cuban There are numerous examples of work system and its people will reap the rewards
health system works. It also helped me that they’ve done. For example, Cuban of the presence of Cuban doctors.
understand what lies behind the medical doctors were sent to South Africa during
missions programme. a brain-drain in the post-apartheid era as Rich Warner is a PhD Candidate, Anglia
I accept that the way the programme white medical doctors left that country Ruskin University
is implemented in countries like in droves.
The CEO says that the Fund is peo-
CEO BDF Innocent bulindi ple-centered, with a vision of extend
services to majority of Rwandans,
few years ago, COMEKA, a coop- groups to access support, including funding mainly youth, women and people with
erative of furniture makers, want- and training. Later, government set up a disabilities. To achive this goal, it has
ed to buy modern equipment to workshop for the group; and it is this facil- set up branches in all the 30 districts of
expand their business, but no bank ity that they wanted to equip with modern Rwanda, and also partners with SAC-
was willing to fund them because they did machinery to improve operations and the COs to reach business operators and
not have collateral, according to Daniel Du- quality of their furniture. The official says innovative people at the grassroots in
shimimana, who heads the cooperative. The BDF intervention has facilitated the coop- both urban areas and villages. BDF also
cooperative, which is made up of former erative to make quality furniture, which has offers beneficiaries advisory services
unemployed youth, had almost hit a dead improved their earnings. and trains others in new skills like use
end when they were advised to approach “As we celebrate 24th anniversary of of ICT.
Business Development Fund (BDF) for sup- our country’s liberation, we are proud Currently, BDF provides collateral and
port. The advice proved to be vital and was to say that we have been liberated funds through 508 financial institutions
the turning point for the Kamembe Sector, from demanding, but unproductive jobs. including SACCOs.
Rusizi District-based cooperative because Presently, our furniture is highly-sought Broadly, BDF is disadvantaged Rwan-
BDF agreed to buy six modern machines after in Rusizi and beyond,” he notes. dans a lifeline, which has enabled thou-
worth Rwf43 million for the group’s carpen- He adds that members of the cooperative sands to turn ideas into successful busi-
try workshop, Dushimimana adds. have also acquired news skills, enabling nesses that benefit founders, communities
He explains that they had formed the them to produce furniture that is very com- and contribute to the development of the
cooperative following government pro- petitive on the market. country and its goal to become a self-reliant
grammes, urging Rwandans to work in middle-income economy.
hen Noelina
graduated from
college about
three years ago, looking for a
job was not part of her plans.
The enterprising young
woman instead partnered
with a friend, Juliet Ingabire,
and they pooled funds and
started an agro-processing
venture making biscuits
and dough nuts from sweet
potatoes. The firm, Dusabe
Enterprises Limited based
in Rutarake Nyagatare
district, also vends roasted
groundnuts. The agro-
processing venture sells most
of the biscuits in Kigali and
Nyagatare supermarkets and
retail shops. However, the
initial stages of the business
were not a walk in the park
as Dusabe and Ingabire
struggled to raise funds
to stay afloat. Dusabe says
they used to hire processing
equipment, which always
ate into their earnings and
threatened the start-up’s
survival. During that time,
the start-up used to make
about 300 packets weekly
worth Rwf150,000. Today,
the firm produces over 700
packets of biscuits and dough
nuts, raking in more than
Rwf300,000 per week.
“The increase in
production capacity and
earnings was only possible
after we secured funding
worth Rwf11 million from
Business Development Fund
(BDF) to inject into the start-
up. The money enabled us
to buy our own processing
equipment that boosted
output,” says Dusabe. “We
Niyongira, from Work Company exhibiting the firm’s products at the 13th Kigali Agrishow. BDF funding
enabled the firm to increase its range of products. By Stephen Nuwagira.
Dusabe urges young people
particularly graduate not to sit back
waiting for white collar jobs when they
complete their studies. “It is important
that young graduates and other youth
use the skills and knowledge they
acquired from school to create their own
jobs and employ other youth. Besides,
it’s more rewarding to be your own
boss; you earn your own money and
you don’t have to depend on anyone,”
she explains. She, however, advises
young entrepreneurs especially women
to embrace best business practices, like
bookkeeping, planning and proper
money management if they are to thrive
and grow.
“We have been able to stay afloat
and expand our business because of
money disciple and BDF support that
enabled us to buy our own processing
equipment,” she says. Dusabe is one of the beneficiaries of BDF funding. By Stephen Nuwagira
Other beneficiaries
Work Company Limited, a beverages more land to grow bezella and passion
maker in Nyakabuye, Rusizi district, fruits, which will help us to become 700
was able to expand product range self-sustaining in the long-run in packets
and improve production processes terms of raw materials.” “Generally, of biscuits
after acquiring a Rwf10 million loan the loan has helped us to improve and dough
from BDF. The start-up now produces our production capacity and, will nuts 300
whisky, wine and two brands of support our growth going forward,” packets weekly
juice; one from passion fruits and explains Niyongira. The start-up now worth
another from bezella flowers. Barisme makes over 40 crates of the two brands Rwf
Niyongira, a marketing officer Work of juice compared to about seven Rwf
Company, says the firm used the money previously. Work Company Limited
to expand and increase their product was one of the agro-businesses that per week
offerings. “We also bought better participated in this year’s agrishow
equipment to process juice and acquired that run from June 26-July 03.
Rwanda to host
agenda with several concrete
outcomes in terms of knowl-
edge sharing, the announce-
ment of new political commit-
Speaking at the launch event
frica’s agricultural sec- in Kigali, Mr. Strive Masiy-
tor and food systems iwa, the Chairman and CEO
must rapidly and sus- of Econet Wireless, as well as
tainable transform to Chair of the AGRF Partners’
deliver incomes, food security, Group, reinforced the com-
nutrition, and wider economic ments by President Kagame,
opportunities if the continent is noting that, “Business and
to achieve middle income status progress as usual is not enough
by 2050. for our aspirations as a conti-
Experience and evidence nent; we must do more and do
shows that achieving food secu- it more successfully. By scaling
rity targets and huge returns on the right policies, programs,
agribusiness requires leaders and investments, governments
that are visionary, accountable and partners in the African
and that integrate efforts by agricultural landscape can now
Farmers occupy a place of honor for Silverback Coffee of
diverse stakeholders including Rwanda. Silverback Coffee of Rwanda transform the lives of millions
farmers, local and global private of smallholder farmers and put
sector, civil society, investors, quee moment for both Rwanda most important and impactful a good number of countries on
and development partners. The and the continent to further forum for African agriculture. the path to a sustainable agri-
leadership must also be pre- advance inclusive agricultural It pulls together stakeholders cultural transformation, with
pared for regular and rigorous transformation at the heart of in the agricultural landscape to significant impacts on farmers’
progress assessments. the continent’s broader eco- take practical actions and share food security, nutrition and
This call was made on nomic transformation agenda lessons that will move African improving their bottom line
May 07, 2018 at the official and Agenda 2063. agriculture forward. and incomes.”
announcement of Rwanda as “Agriculture is the economic In just the past two years, “Given our theme and focus
this year’s host of the annual mainstay of the majority of the Forum has seen major on the importance of evidence-
2018 African Green Revolution households in Rwanda and continental commitments on based leadership in driving
Forum (AGRF 2018) to be held makes a significant contribution agriculture. The AGRF 2016 in progress, we could not ask for
later in the year, 3-7 September. to our country’s economy. The Kenya, for example, resulted in a better host for the AGRF 2018
The unveiling event was held sector accounts for approxi- commitments of more than US than the Government of Rwan-
at the state-of-the art Kigali mately 30 per cent of the GDP $30 billion dollars to support da. With inspirational leader-
Convention Centre where the and employs about 69 per cent the continent with investments ship that measures and tracks
September Forum will be con- of the labor force. It will be to increase production, income, the progress we all want to see,
vened. key in propelling our country and employment for small- we can chart and advance the
Rwanda was selected to host to middle income status by holder farmers and local Afri- journey to Africa’s future and
the Forum due, in large part, 2030 and high-income status can agriculture businesses over prosperity. We look forward to
to its leadership role in agricul- by 2050,” said H.E. President the next ten years. The 2017 working together to ensure this
ture, both at home and across Kagame. edition in Cote d’Ivoire, on the is a transformative moment for
the continent. For example, in “We are delighted to host other hand, saw close to US $6.5 Rwanda and the continent,”
January 2018, at the AU Sum- this year’s AGRF to learn from billion worth of business deals said Mr. Masiyiwa.
mit, the country was recognized compelling evidence across the in palm oil, pulses, potato, and The 2018 Forum will attract
by the African Union Com- continent for further action. rice by the private sector. close to 2,000 delegates from
mission as the top performing Rwanda is ready to share les- The 2018 Forum will look at across the continent and the
nation on the continent in the sons with other countries as how Africa can meet its devel- world. These will include high-
pursuit of agricultural goals well as gain new insights from opment goals by tapping into level dignitaries, including cur-
and targets. its neighbors. We must continue the full potential of its small- rent and former Heads of State
Organized under the to do even better at under- holder farmers and the agri- and Government; Agriculture
leadership of H.E. President standing new advances and business sector. This is because and Finance Ministers; eminent
Paul Kagame and the theme deploying new solutions that for all the signs of progress in leaders of global develop-
of “Lead. Measure. Grow: will enable us all to tap into the recent years, the continent still ment institutions; top industry
Enabling new pathways to turn full potential of our continent, needs to move from food short- captains from the national,
smallholders into sustainable increase value addition, create age to surplus, drive beneficial regional, and global private
agribusinesses”, the AGRF 2018 employment for our youth and continental trade, and create sector; and lead representatives
will build on the momentum in nurture viable agribusinesses,” millions of jobs and opportuni- of farmer organizations and key
Africa’s agricultural transfor- added President Kagame. ties, particularly for women non-governmental implement-
mation in recent years. It will Now in its 7th edition, the and youth. ing partners.
also ensure that this is a mar- AGRF is considered the world’s The Forum will advance this
Over 1 500
100,000 jobs
electrification created
poles permanent, casual
contributed to the and indirect
national grid employees
1.6 million
high quality
were provided to
2000 outgrower-farmers
to plant over
Projects implemented in our community 1200 hectares
development programs in Nyanza, of new forests
Nyamagabe and Nyamasheke districts
We are dedicated to providing our customers with high quality kiln-dried timber products including structural
timber, large beams, plus finishing timbers such as tongue and groove, overlay and various mouldings.
Saharan Africa expansion strategy. also find customers here,” he said.
fter months of waiting, the first “Our goal is to play a leading role in the Kagame used the opportunity and chal-
batch of Volkswagen cars as- emerging automotive industry in Africa as lenged Africans to change mindsets towards
sembled in Kigali, rolled off the we pursue a rapid and flexible expansion embracing use of new products.
assembly line, opening a new strategy over the coming years,” he said at “Africa does not need to be a dumping
chapter in Rwanda’s automotive industry the launch on June 27. ground for second-hand cars or second-
and economy. Schäfer said that the plant will hand anything. In the long run, you
The Volkswagen Mobility Solutions plant locally assemble models, like VW end up paying a higher price anyway.
based in Kigali Special Economic Zone Polo, VW Passat, VW Tiguan, VW Ama- If you pay a high price for second hand,
in Gasabo district unveiled its first cars at rok and VW Teramont. why not pay for something new. Africa
an event presided over by President Paul “As demand increases, we will move and Rwanda deserve better and this is
Kagame, and local automobile industry to phase two, where we will increase the one way of showing we can afford it,”
dealers touted the development as a great capacity up to 10,000 cars, with the of man- Kagame noted.
move that will help cut costs importing new ufacturing stage coming later on,” he said.
cars. There are about 300,000 cars in Rwanda More taxes, jobs expected
“It takes us long periods to import cars as of last year, serving a population of 12 Commenting about the launch, Vinay
from Japan or Europe; shipping costs and million people, according to RDB, but most Gorajia, the Akagera Business Group
import taxes are also many. So, we are opti- of the vehicles on the roads are second-hand general manager, said more people will
mistic that the new plant will bring tangible imports from Japan and Europe. now access new vehicles.
benefits for the car business in Rwanda,” “I don’t think that it will impact mar-
said Jean Luc Mugabo, the commercial Boosting economy ket growth, but it will promote a shift
director of RwandaMotor, the official dealer Speaking at the launch, Kagame said the from buying used cars to new vehicles,”
for Suzuki and Sinotruk in Rwanda. plant strengthens Rwanda’s economic trans- he said. Akagera is the distributor of
The $20 million plant is projected to formation journey. “This facility undoubt- Toyota vehicles in Rwanda.
assemble 1,000 cars per year during the edly represents a new chapter, in Rwanda’s For the taxman, starting of operations at
first phase, and according to Volkswagen’s journey of economic transformation. There the plant means more taxes will come into
South Africa chief executive officer, Thomas are also positive implications for Africa gen- the national coffers.
Schäfer, the launch of the plant in Rwanda erally. Not only can global brands assemble “One, it will boost employment and
will also create new employment
opportunities. Up to 1,000 jobs on the kids and their studies,” he said in an inter-
he ban on possession of cellphones by view with The Independent .
will be created in the first phase primary and secondary school students
of the project. announced by the Ministry of Education
in mid-June has provoked mixed reaction
Some school head teachers back the move
Residents Groupe Scholaire Kagugu Catholique head
with some teachers and parents saying it was long teacher, Jean Baptiste Habanabashaka, supports
According to Jean Claude overdue. the decision but notes that if use of cellphones is
Nzabonimpa, a Kigali resident, Others, however, argue that mobile phones well-controlled but not outlawed, it could support
it may take longer for most support studies as research tools and their use students in their studies.
Rwandans to afford the locally- should be regulated but not outlawed. “A cellphone is like a computer, it should be
assembled cars. But he is opti- Rwanda’s Minister of Education, Dr Eugène used at school only when conducting research.
mistic that people will support Mutimura said no student from nursery to high Before the ban, we used to keep mobile tele-
the plant. He requested the gov- school would be allowed to possess a cellphone at phones of our students because the school has
ernment and Volkswagen to sell school as a way to avoid disturbance in studies. internet, but we would allow the learners to use
the vehicles at prices affordable He says school inspections indicated that use the devices for research purposes,” he suggests.
to Rwandans, adding that this of cellphones had been causing disruptions dur- “So, it is not fair for the ministry to completely
will encourage more residents ing classes and affecting student concentration on ban phones in schools; they should consider
to buy the vehicles. “This is a big studies. allowing students to use them
milestone that every Rwandan Lycée de Kigali head for research purpose. There is no
should be proud of, own, and teacher, Martin Masabo, is a problem with that, particularly
support,” he added. strong supporter of the ban in cases where schools have no
on phones in schools. He says computers,” says Habanab-
Car sharing services there is no reason why stu- ashaka.
Rwanda Volkswagen Inte- dents should take phones to
grated Mobility Solutions chief schools seemingly to use them No research constraints
executive officer, Michaella for research because govern- However, Minister Mutimura
Rugwizangoga said the firm ment has provided computers is confident that the ban will not
will start car sharing services, to schools. affect such efforts, saying pri-
initially with a corporate car “Therefore, such claims mary and secondary schools are
sharing scheme, targeting are baseless since students equipped with computers.
institutions, corporates and can access computers, right “Currently, a total of 950 or
non-government organisa- from primary school level to three quarters of the primary
secondary schools, to do their schools in the country, have com-
tions. “We will start with
research,” he says. He adds puters. In fact, each school has
40 vehicles for the car shar-
that in a case a student wants over 100 computers. About 670
ing service, and we look to
to communicate with their secondary schools have comput-
increase this to 140 cars in
family, the school management facilitate them, ers. In total, 67,000 computers were distributed to
future. Later, this will be fol-
noting that some schools also have public cell- schools for students, while ICT teachers have their
lowed by ride-hailing with phones installed at their premises.
initial fleet of 150 vehicles,” own computers,” he explains. Munyakazi notes
Masabo wants even more sustainable interven- that schools with no computers have “other ICT
she said. Next year, the firm tions to improve students’ concentration on stud-
will roll out the car sharing materials” they use to teach the subject.
ies, adding that it needs strong collaboration by all
service to general public, with the stakeholders - government, schools, parents
vehicles at different stations Parents speak out
and the general public – to ensure students are not Esperance Kabanyana, a parent from Kicukiro
for self-drive. This will be fol- disrupted to focus on their studies.
lowed by hire services and District, says students do not need ‘luxuries’ to
Some supporters of the ban argue that posses- study.
peer-to-peer car sharing ser- sion of cellphones has given rise to undesirable
vice, the official added. “This is a good decision because, currently,
habits in schools, leading some children to be students are spending most of their time in unpro-
lured into drug abuse or premarital sex, which ductive discussions on social media networks like
Price per brand affects their studies and lives. WhatsApp and Facebook. Imagine a student chat-
The Volkswagen’s cheaper The Education ministry had announced the ban ting during lessons.This affects their concentration
local assembled car model over two years back but it was not fully enforced and performance,” she argues.
is VW Polo which is $23,881 by some schools, which allowed students to use For Jean Bosco Nsanzamahoro, as internet has
(over Rwf20.7 million). For the gadgets for research purposes, according to not reached all corners of the country; phones
VW Passat is $37,674 (about the State Minister for Primary and Secondary could be permitted but with stringent measures to
Rwf32.7 million), VW Tiguan Education, Dr Isaac Munyakazi. regulate their use at school.
is $37,719 or equivalent of He says that it is necessary to ban the devices “My son uses the phone to research on his
Rwf32.8 million); VW Amarok in schools, adding that students can access them classwork, and it has helped him to learn many
costs $44,559 or about Rwf38.7 at home. things, which has improved his performance,”
million, and the VW Teramont “However, parents and guardians should also he says. He says for cases where students misuse
model is at $48,156 (about always ensure that the children are using mobile phones, schools should regulate them.
Rwf41.8 million). phones only for research purposes. If such mea-
ootprint Africa Business Solutions,
a South African-based mineral
processing company, has
expressed interest in working
with artisanal and small scale miners in
This could be a game changer in a
mining sector that has managed on
40% mineral recovery so far due to
dependence on artisanal, small operators
who lack skills and use of rudimentary
The Rwanda Miners Association (RMA)
Executive Secretary, Frank Butera, says
Footprint is looking to develop some
of the abandoned mines that were left
behind during colonial times.
Until now, these mines have been
the target of individuals who work
them illegally and with risk of collapse,
according to Butera.
“So, we are hopeful that the South
Africans will develop these mining sites
when they finally start operations in
Rwanda,” he said in an interview with
The Independent.
Rwanda has many abandoned mines
scattered across the country; some of
which could be profitably redeveloped.
Officials from Footprint Africa,
including a mining engineer and
Top SA miner
eyes Rwanda
processing expert, were recently in the
country, held discussions with RMA and
also visited some of the abandoned mines
in Gakenke district.
Butera says they took samples from the
abandoned sites to SA for testing to help Footprint Africa Business Solutions
them to determine the type of minerals
and equipment that would be required.
Butera says the South Africans were
to support artisanal operators
looking to work with artisans on how
they can improve the current low
recovery rate by providing the small employs a lot of people. expand their operations.
miners with equipment, like rigs and The mining sector brought in US$373 “Modern mining equipment requires a
washing tables, which can help reduce million (Rwf324.5 billion) in export lot of money that artisanal miners cannot
losses. revenue last fiscal year, according to afford, so we continue using rudimentary
They also want to improve the grade of figures from Rwanda Mines, Petroleum tools which hurts recovery rates and
mineral ore and add value to the minerals. and Gas Board. They show that Rwanda output,” he said, “The government
They propose to form a consortium shipped out 7,000 tonnes of minerals should find ways to equip and train us to
to work with end users, like tech firms, during 2017. improve their operations.”
that buy the minerals and process them The Rwanda Mining Board is looking to Nzambonimpa says the group and
further. increase export revenues to over US$600 other cooperatives of artisanal miners sell
“If the deal finally pushes through, it million this financial year. their minerals to big firm that can process
will be good news for artisanal miners Rwanda, which is the world’s leading and export them.
who make up 80% of the sector,” Butera producer of tantalum, also exports tin, Butera said bankers are reluctant to
says. tungsten, and gold, among others. lend to the sector and do not accept
He added that the challenge of small concessions as collateral, arguing that
vanes (columns containing minerals in the Small miners call for support miners do not know how much reserves
earth crust) in Rwanda discourages big Issa Nzambonimpa, the president of they have in their exploration areas.
investors, leaving the field open for small Dusuzume Imirimo, a cooperative of “Conducting exploration activities
scale operators and artisans. artisanal miners in Gakenke district, is too expensive, so the government
He said the association is hopeful that if says if Footprint Africa sets up offices should undertake geological studies,
artisanal miners are supported and given in Rwanda and provides them support; and then give out contracts depending
the right equipment, this would greatly it will help improve their earnings and on the size and estimated amount of the
spur the sector’s production. The sector livelihoods. He says that small players do resources,” he said.
is important to the economy because it not access working capital to develop or
The Rwanda Development Board and the Rwanda Flying Club on June 25 unveiled paramotoring expeditions in Rwanda. Courtesy photo.
By Stephen Nuwagira
iversifying product offerings is
crucial to attract more visitors,
comes to Rwanda
drive growth of the tourism sector
and boost earnings, says Ariella
Kageruka, the director general of the Rwan-
da Chamber of Tourism. She was comment-
ing on the new paramotoring adventure
for tourists that the Rwanda Development
Board (RDB) introduced last week.
Rwanda Development Board once
Kageruka said the new product will
expand what Rwanda has to offer as a desti- again expands offer to tourists
nation. “It will complement other products
and mechanisms put in place by the gov- Africa,” the official said at the launch. age activities targeting the local tourists;
ernment and stakeholders to increase the Rwandans or expats, with the aim to further
length of stay by tourists in Rwanda,” she Paramotoring explained increase the revenues from the domestic
said. Paramotoring is the second product Paramotoring is a form of paragliding market. She added; “The private sector
that RDB is launching this June. Earlier it where the pilot wears a motor on their back will continue to take advantage of various
launched the mountain biking and cycle (a paramotor) which provides enough reforms by the government aimed at further
tourism which includes 11 different trails thrust to take off using an adapted paraglid- fostering the growth of the tourism industry
across the country with a combined dis- er or paramotor wing. It can be launched to increase revenues generated from leisure
tance of 760km. She thanked RDB and its in still air and on level ground, without or business tourist arrivals.” This will enable
partners for introducing the new product assistance. tourism and related businesses to flourish
and said interest in adventure tourism was and in the end contribute the socio-econom-
growing steadily across the Africa and Exploring untapped opportunities ic growth of the country, according to tour-
around the world, generally. Meanwhile, Kageruka said the pri- ism chamber chief.
RDB in partnership with the Rwanda vate sector, RDB and other partners Kageruka urged Rwandans and other
Flying Club and the Rwanda Civil Aviation were exploring the untapped opportuni- residents to visit the country’s various tour-
Authority introduced paramotoring, also ties in various tourism destinations in ist sites, saying that efforts are place to cater
known as powered paragliding, on June 25 Rwanda, such as in the Kivu Belt region for all market segments, noting that there
in the Southern Province city of Huye. and heritage corridor (for cultural and is “easy and affordable access to tourism
It will be officially launched in six months nature tourism, among others), which attractions countrywide”. Tourism infra-
and visitors will be able to enjoy paramotor- can be developed and exploited further structure has been rehabilitated, while new
ing in four sites - Huye, Rubavu, Karongi through public-private partnerships. roads were built, and the reintroduction of
and Nyungwe National Park, according to This way, the country can be able to various animal species in Akagera National
the Chief Tourism Officer at RBD, Belise increase average length of stay in the coun- Park gives the local tourists the opportunity
Kariza. Kariza said the activity targets try by international tourists and, hence to do a day-trip for game drive to see the
“adventurers seeking memorable and sus- boost earnings and create new jobs besides “Big Five” without having to travel out of
tainable tourism experiences in Africa”. attracting more local tourists. The Kivu the country, she added. “Our members are
“We are happy to be soon introducing Belt connects Rwanda’s Western Province continuously designing packages for group
paramotoring, our new tourism experience. to regional countries such as DR Congo, travels to visit the country and it is bearing
We will be the only country in East Africa Burundi, Tanzania and Uganda. fruit,” according to Kageruka.
offering such an experience, which will Rwanda targeted to generate US$444 mil- Therefore, the introduction of paramotor-
enable visitors to enjoy the vibrancy and lion from tourism in 2017, up from US$404 ing will further support efforts geared at
beauty of our country in a fresh way. Visit million in 2016. Kageruka said domestic attracting more visitors both local and for-
Rwanda and discover just why our country tourism was growing steadily, adding eigners and hence spur sector growth and
is the new adventure tourism mecca of that the private sector continues to pack- revenues, she added.
his siblings that these travels were “business months at a time. Unfortunately for the
ack Karuletwa opened Silverback Cof- trips,” but the reality was that members of Karuletwas, many extended family mem-
fee of Rwanda about a year ago with a the Hutu tribe were hunting his father, who bers weren’t so lucky. He lost many of his
distinct mission: to enable the poorest could have quickly been captured or killed aunts, uncles, and cousins to the genocide.
Rwandan coffee farmers to become at any point, even after the family fled to Karuletwa somberly recalls, “Some refused
participants in the global economy. Built gain distance from danger. to leave, and some didn’t have the ability to
on the eastern edge of Downtown LA’s in- In hindsight, Karuletwa pieced together leave.”
dustrial district — in a complex best known the truth: “They thought my dad had a When the turmoil and destruction ended
for fashion designers, garment makers, and successful business. They thought he must after 100 days, the estimated death toll
models — Karuletwa’s coffee bar keeps the be supporting the rebel movement. If you reached 800,000 people. Survivors found
pretty people caffeinated while its proceeds were successful and doing business outside bodies and skeletons amid the mayhem.
proudly benefit his birthplace. Given his your own country, they were suspicious. “My mom and dad went back [to Rwanda]
harrowing family history, it seems like a The suspicion then led to him always on the literally the day that President Kagame took
miracle that the company exists. run.” His father ran a small trucking com- over,” Karuletwa recalls. “They were there
Talking to Karuletwa, 40, today, it’s hard pany called Transit Cargo Masters — ship- for two or three days to help [with the clean
to envision what his family’s been through: ping produce and anything else he could up]. Even then, there were still pockets of
to picture the genocide they survived. At a carry — and then started a farming business gunfire and shooting and fighting.”
towering seven-feet-tall, the former basket- in Uganda in 1986. “Today I have a cousin who lives with
ball player has a shaved head and a large Thanks to valuable connections, his father my mom (in Rwanda),” Karuletwa says.
smile. His friendly demeanor shines out- became aware of Rwanda’s growing danger “Once in a while, she’ll just burst out
ward, seeming to touch all paths he crosses. early, while the menace was still building screaming, ‘They’re coming!’ She’ll just start
When he starts to tell the story of his momentum. In the late 1970s, he moved running and telling everybody, ‘You’ve got
past, another side emerges. Karuletwa was the family from Rwanda, toggling between to hide, you’ve got to hide! They’re here.
16 years old when the massive Rwandan Uganda and Kenya. Jack’s father found the They’re here! They’re knocking on the door!’
genocide of 1994 occurred. He remembers family safe places to live, but he personally She breaks out in sweats and just loses it.”
the period leading up to it when his father remained a moving target, adopting aliases Tragically, PTSD persists for far too many
was “always either coming or going in the
By Ian Katusiime The board accused her of abuse of office, talked about a new organogram at UIA that
insubordination, corruption and closure of would even nearly double its staff numbers
n the afternoon of Friday a UIA office at Namanve without autho- to boost the country’s investment potential.
June 29, a rare scene visited rization. At the time of her suspension, However, the restructuring has now been
the head office of the Ugan- Kaguhangire had kicked off a restructuring reversed and every employee told to go
da Investment Authority exercise in April where every employee of about their work normally.
(UIA) at Twed Plaza in Na- UIA from the directors to the least ranking Basir Ejir, formerly director Small and
kasero, Kampala. staff like receptionists would re-apply for Medium Enterprises, was installed as the
What started as a planned handover their jobs. acting executive director.
of the interdicted Executive Director This restructuring was approved by the However, tension remains within the
Jolly Kaguhangire, to a new administra- board and the line ministry- of Finance. agency, according to sources. Insiders say
tor turned into an ugly scene and a public However it caused disgruntlement among Kaguhangire came up with a restructuring
relations disaster for the country’s invest- UIA staff, majority of whom had already plan to shove out directors she did not want
ment agency. By close of business that day, expressed their dissatisfaction with her to work with.
images of a handyman prying open the management style since she came to office She had a troubled working relationship
office of the executive director were making slightly a year ago. with Hamza Galiwango, the director Land
rounds on social media after Kaguhangire Kaguhangire was accused of hiring a Division, and Joseph Kiggundu, director
failed to turn up for the handover, in an Personal Assistant, a cleaner, and a tea girl, One Stop Centre. The latter directorate was
office battle that is likely to last longer than outside the scope of her mandate. Accord- to be brought under the complete manage-
earlier anticipated. ing to sources at UIA, these positions were ment of UIA after years of liaising with
This was the direct opposite of what previously non-existent but she personally Ministry of Finance and Uganda Registra-
Emely Kugonza, the Board Chairman of hired them and paid them over and above tion Services Bureau.
UIA had told The Independent on June 29 what they should be earning. She was also The two directors Galiwango and Kig-
about the impending smooth handover. accused of hiring a lead vehicle and spend- gundu, however, passed the interviews
“I spoke to her (Kaguhangire) and she ing excessively on travel. after they re-applied for their jobs, as per
committed that she will hand over today at the restructuring, to the dismay of Kagu-
3pm,” Kugonza said with an assured tone. Botched restructuring hangire, sources say. When this happened,
At 3pm, board members were walking When Kugonza, Kaguhangire and anoth- sources told The Independent, she accused
in one by one into the UIA offices and they er board member, Fred opolot, addressed the Board of corruption.
could be seen huddled in deliberations in the press at the UIA offices on Aril 10, they Kaguhangire’s relationship with Gali-
the glass-walled boardroom as they waited were trying to quell a media storm that wango is said to have been so bitter that at
for Kaguhangire to make her way. had erupted over the restructuring a week one point, she caused the arrest of Galiwan-
However this never happened, and before. go by operatives of Chieftaincy of Military
Kaguhangire is now considering a court At the time, the board chairman and Intelligence (CMI), spending three days in
injunction to stop her interdiction by the the executive director cut a perfect picture police custody.
board. of executives working in sync when they When The Independent talked to Galiwan-
Uganda a sleeping
By Julius Businge
ne of the key objectives of
competition policy is to promote
giant in COMESA
consumer welfare by encouraging
healthy competition among
businesses in the Common Market for
Eastern and Southern Africa (COMESA).
This is through establishing a legal
framework that aims to prevent restrictive
business practices and other restrictions
Country faulted for delaying to formulate
that deter the efficient operation of the
market, thereby enhancing the welfare of
competition law to facilitate fair trade
consumers in that relevant market. competition, protecting consumers and
But Uganda alongside Eritrea and Libya small scale enterprises.
of the 19 COMESA member states is yet to “The competition law and authority are
enact one or come up with a competition very essential for the development of any
law despite the increasing mergers and country,”Mangeni said.
acquisitions. Based on this, top executives For instance, he said when Uganda had
at the COMESA Secretariat have labeled Celtel as the only telecom service provider;
Uganda as a ‘sleeping giant.’ mobile phones, airtime, service fee and
George Lipimile, the director general calling rates were very high.
and chief executive officer of the Lusaka But when the market received South
based COMESA Competition Commission African-based MTN and later on other
(CCC) told business journalists at the private players, prices fell by more than
5th regional sensitisation workshop held half, he argued.
in Nairobi, Kenya from June 25-26 that Mangeni said the quality of service and
without a competitive market, economies innovations improves when competition is
cannot produce positive results that would monitored by an authority and law like it
yield the popular talk about economic is done in most COMESA member states.
growth and social transformation. Uganda started working on the
“These are issues we can’t avoid,” he Competition Bill in 2004 but it is yet to be
said, “they are here with us. Uganda is a passed into law.
sleeping giant in that area,” he said. But in a rejoinder, Julius Onen, the
Francis Mangeni, a Ugandan working permanent secretary of the Ministry of
as the director for trade customs and Trade told The Independent on July 02 that
monetary affairs at the COMESA they had made amendments to the bill and
secretariat, told The Independent on the sent it back to Cabinet for approval.
sidelines of the workshop that Uganda One key amendment in the bill, he said,
has to speed up the process of forming the was about creation of a unit in the ministry
competition law and have an authority in to manage competition related matters
place to be able to promote efficiency, fair George-Lipimile instead of creating an authority.
Development in Uganda? the processor to even benefit
have a policy that all of us Product more.
have equal size of brains Development
and therefore when one of the German How are the organisations
comes up with a product, based involved in all these initia-
he or she is empowered to RELOAD tives going to benefit?
follow up that product all The organization’s main
through with or without our (Reduction of goal is to empower young
support. Also expect the Post-Harvest graduates and SMEs.
developer of the product to Losses Already, some of our gradu-
walk the talk. I prefer people & Value ates have their products that
to perform most of the duties Addition) they need to market so that
freely. Above all, I encourage they continue producing
project in
my team to communicate and selling them and thus
on how they are progressing Uganda. She grow their businesses. What
with their projects so that we spoke to Isaac else would these graduates
are all in the know. Khisa about need if their products are
the state of well branded, packaged and
Briefly describe the Reduc- agricultural sold in supermarkets? The
tion of Post-harvest and only thing left with us is to
Value Addition (RELOAD)
value addition. replicate this to more youth,
project? farmers and SMEs. We have
RELOAD is an inter and cultural engineering. Working university exhibitions seeking so far nurtured 20 SMEs and
trans-disciplinary African- Ger- with Makerere University opinions of the prospective looking forward to nurturing
man Research Network in Departments namely: Forestry, customers with regard to tastes and empowering more in the
Uganda, Kenya, and Ethiopia Environmental and Geographi- and preferences. We are also near future.
to address reduction of Post- cal Sciences, Food Science & planning to go to primary and
Harvest Losses and enhancing Technology, Agricultural Engi- secondary schools to ensure What is your assessment of
value addition. The selected neering we have come up with that the products developed value addition for agricultural
East African countries are each over 30 value-added agricul- suits all their preferences ahead products in East Africa?
characterized by specific domi- tural products from fruits and of certification. Post-Harvest Losses (PHL)
nating commodity: Uganda vegetables.We have, among destroy between 20-80% of
(fruits and vegetable, Kenya others, pineapple: wine, dried Why did you choose fruits & East Africa’s food production
(meat and milk), and Ethiopia snacks, pumpkin soup, banana vegetables over other agricul- thus heavily contributing to
(cereals and tubers). It involves yoghurt, moringa: tea, oil, tural products? the devastating nutritional
working with universities – the powder, amaranth nutritious The choice of vegetables over situation, wastage of resources
generators of knowledge and bar, Soups: spinach-gnut, buga- other agricultural products and rural poverty. PHL occur
skills – and Small and Medium mix, fruit-veg, sweet potato was based on the fact that once during harvest, drying, stor-
Enterprises across the region. porridge, Mushroom: wine, they are ready, they must be age, transportation, processing,
In Uganda, we are working cake, beverage and banana: harvested. The same applies retail and consumer level. For
with Makerere University and enhanced ketchup, porridge, to fruits. Our aim was there- milk, meat and a number of
the Mbarara University of Sci- soup, Mango ketchup, beetroot fore to show that value can be vegetables and fruits, roots and
ence and Technology looking healthy drink. We are currently added to these products and tubers, insufficient cooling and
at how to reduce post-harvest working with SMEs in this come up with new products unhygienic handling are the
losses. We are doing all this to product development, certifica- such as juice, wine, ketchup, main causes. However, there’s
prolong product shelf-life and tion and eventual commercial- soups, whose value is high. We now a slight reduction.
therefore increased earnings to ization. also wanted to demonstrate
farmers and SMEs. that vegetables can be dried Where do you see these inno-
What progress have you made and packaged. We wanted to vations in the next few years?
What are some of the tangible in commercializing these demonstrate that there’s no Our plan is to produce and
results of this project? products? harm to dry vegetables using market our products, with a
The project has sponsored Now that we have devel- the tunnel drier for concentra- plan to open up a stall in Kam-
a number of students to pur- oped products that we believe tion and preservation of the pala. We also plan to empower
sue PhD and Masters degrees are commercially viable, we are products and its nutrients to be people in developing various
related to value addition in carrying out a number of activi- cooked later. This is different products for local and interna-
agricultural products and agri- ties including community and when you dry the products tional markets.
pharmacy partnership
FCU Bank in partnership with
NTV Uganda and Price Wa- uel distributor, Vivo Energy has
terhouse Coopers (PwC) has partnered with GoodLife Pharmacy
launched the second season of to offer health related services across
their savings and investment club challenge the country. The partnership will
dubbed ‘Battle for Cash’- a nationwide enable GoodLife Pharmacy to have its stores
campaign aimed at instilling an investment set up within the existing Vivo Energy ser-
culture in Uganda. In the second season, vice stations for easy access to the popula-
Shs100m has been staked for the most inno- tion.
vative investment clubs in Uganda. In 2017, This comes at a time Vivo is refurbishing
dfcu held a six-month long campaign where some of its fuel stations so they not only sell
its teams went around the country carrying fuels and lubricants but also offer services
out financial literacy workshops. “Why and including shops, quick service restaurants
NTV Uganda MD Johnson Omolo, dfcu Bank Chief
how to save, where to invest” were part of of Business and ED William Sekabembe and Adam bank ATMs, tyre centres and car wash facili-
what was covered in the campaign. As a Sengooba, Associate Director PwC at the launch. ties.
result, 200 clubs applied but only 20 were The first pharmacy outlet was opened
selected to take part in a competition where Battle for Cash Season. “Financial inclusion officially at Vivo fuel station in Namirembe,
Geneber Outspan Organic Farmers emerged is a major agenda of dfcu Bank. We have Kampala on June 27. Gilbert Assi, Vivo’s
winners and bagged Shs25million. William been taking the lead on this since 2007 managing director, said the partnership is
Sekabembe, Chief of Business and Execu- when we introduced the savings and in- part of their business strategy aimed at offer-
tive Director officially launched season II of vestment clubs.” ing a one-stop centre for fuel and pharma-
ceutical services.
Liquid telecom hosts ICT gurus
Airtel, Kwese offer
ver 100 information technology including cloud solutions to run business.
World Cup games experts converged at Hotel Afri- Nannono also said they are offering what
can, BMK building for a regular she called ‘sky for business’ which facilitates
networking session facilitated by hosting of online bigger meetings of over
information and telecommunication firm, 2000 using high speed data network. “We
Liquid telecom. The networking session, are sensitising our clients on this solution so
which is held every after two months under they can understand it and have as many
their umbrella association – the ICT Asso- clients as possible using it,” she said. James
ciation of Uganda – give chance to partici- Saaka, the executive director for National
pants to discuss contemporary issues in the Information Technology Authority Uganda
ICT sector that can be used in making poli- (NITA-U), said they are looking forward
cy by government. Liquid telecom’s Barbra to having more partnerships with private
Nannono, who is the company’s sales and sector ICT players in ensuring that all Ugan-
Airtel Managing Director, V.G Somasekhar. marketing manager in Uganda urged play- dans get access to the internet so they go
ers to utilise the company’s internet services about their business faster and effectively.
xecutives at Kwesé iflix and acti-
Airtel Ugan- vate a Kwesé iflix
da have video data bundle, Aviation
described Airtel customers
their partnership need to dial *284*3# Fastjet is on the brink as cash runs out
with Kwesé iflix as and select the pack
one aimed at giv- of their choice. ow-cost African of not being able to con-
ing their customers The app offers airline Fastjet, tinue trading as a going
more services away users live coverage which operates concern”.
from main telecom of all the matches 13 routes in Mo- “Whilst initial dis-
services. playing in Russia, zambique, South Africa, cussions with certain
The two are part- according to the Tanzania and Zimbabwe, shareholders have been
nering and enabling Airtel Uganda Man- has warned it could go positive, discussions
customers to down- aging Director V.G. bust unless new funding are ongoing and there
load an app on Somasekhar. is secured. can be no guarantee of a
their mobile phones Kwesé iflix CEO, The airline, which successful outcome,” it
dubbed ‘Kweseiflix’ Mayur Patel, said began operating in 2012 and was once added. Fastjet now has merely $3.3million
so they are able to the Kwesé iflix app majority owned by easyJet founder Sir Ste- in cash, of which $1.75m is held in Zimba-
watch the World offers customers the lios Haji-Ioannou, said it remains “in active bwe and is not easily accessible. The carrier
Cup soccer games best in sports and discussions with its major shareholders carried 535,363 passengers last year at an
currently ongoing entertainment, any- regarding a potential equity fundraising”. average load factor of 71 percent, up from
in Russia. time and anywhere. However, if the talks are unsuccessful 54 percent in 2016.
To subscribe for Fastjet admitted that “the group is at risk
Byarugaba said similar
ganda’s National projects are being put up
Social Security Fund and planned for other towns
hopes to boost its including Mbarara, Gulu and
income following the Mbale.
unveiling of its new property “We are slowly moving out
in Jinja, Eastern Uganda. of Kampala so that the whole
The Shs3.5bn Jinja City of Uganda can benefit from the
House located in the city fund,” he said.
centre on plot 2-4 Lubas Patrick Byabakama
Road, is a 4-storely mixed-use Kaberenge, the Fund’s board
complex with a total up space chairman, commended the
of 1,500 square meters. It is contractors – Complant Trade
Sarah Kiyingi-Kaweesa,the founder of Bio jigsaw Ltd displays hair targeting corporate companies and Engineering Limited – and
braids produced from banana fiber at her home in Buziga on Mutesa seeking prime office space and the Architects, Dimensions
1 road. Sarah has choosen to produce organic hair that has no side retail shops. Architects Uganda Limited,
effects to the users. INDEPENDENT/JIMMY SIYA NSSF’s Managing Director, for delivering the high quality
Richard Byarugaba, said on facility within the 2 –year set
June 28 that the building, first timeline.
of its kind to be constructed Rebecca Kadaga, the
outside of Kampala city is speaker of Parliament, who
under their real estate business presided over the official
segment which accounts for opening of the building, said
6% of its total assets. Parliament would speed up
Apart from real estate, the the process of amending the
Fund, which is worth about 1985 NSSF Act under the
Shs9.5trillion, has 77% of its pension reforms to cater for
cash invested in fixed income among other things mid-term
assets and the other, 17% in access of funds by the sick and
equities. disabled members.
“We think Jinja must take its
rightful place as the next city
uring a recent phone call with a ran a story about tax evasion by local for Magufuli to reverse course. But at the
Tanzanian journalist and human mining companies. The article named moment, an atmosphere of impunity is
rights activist whom I know well, former Tanzanian presidents Benjamin emboldening those intent on silencing
many of my questions were met Mkapa and Jakaya Kikwete, which the human rights defenders, journalists, and
with uncharacteristic silence. My friend is government claimed was a violation of opposition leaders. In April, efforts to
bold, plucky, and usually talkative. But on the Media Services Act of 2016. organise anti-government protests were
this occasion, politics was too dangerous Then, in January, five prominent televi- met with official threats and intimida-
for her to discuss. With Tanzania’s jour- sion stations were fined for airing a state- tion. One police official even warned that
nalists being threatened, assaulted, and ment by the Legal and Human Rights anyone who ignored the government’s
kidnapped, our conversation remained con- Center regarding possible rights viola- ban on demonstrating would be “beaten
fined to the mundane. tions during local elections last year. like stray dogs.”
Tanzania, one of Africa’s most stable Having muzzled traditional news Such threats come amid a surge in
democracies is sliding toward authori- organisations, the state then set its political violence. In September 2017,
tarianism. For months, President John sights on online media. In March, the for example, Tundu Lissu, an outspoken
Magufuli has been targeting his political Tanzania Communications Regulatory government critic, was shot during a
opponents, attacking journalists, and Authority began requiring bloggers and failed assassination attempt. Two months
closing news outlets. While his moves digital publishers to register with the later, Azory Gwanda, a freelance jour-
have drawn international criticism, government and pay a $920 license fee. nalist who wrote several news stories
Magufuli continues his assault on free The Electronic and Postal Communica- about the murders of local officials and
speech and political rights. Tanzanians tions (Online Content) Regulations also police officers, was abducted and is still
are being silenced like never before, and require Internet cafes to install surveil- missing. And in February, machete-
the world should be very worried. lance cameras, and bloggers to report wielding assailants murdered opposition
Until recently, Tanzanians believed on-site visitors and other operational politician Godfrey Luena outside his
their country was headed in the opposite details. Anyone who posts content that is home.
direction. After taking office in late 2015, deemed to “cause annoyance, threatens Why are Magufuli and his supporters
Magufuli introduced a reform-oriented harm or evil, encourages or incites so intent on stifling dissent? Some ana-
agenda that earned him high praise. crimes,” or jeopardises “national security lysts believe the president is attempting
Among his initiatives was a campaign to or public health and safety” can have to cement power for the ruling Chama
redirect public spending to fight cholera, their costly license revoked. Cha Mapinduzi party. Others argue
and a payroll audit to identify “ghost Tanzania’s High Court has issued a that Magufuli’s anti-corruption drive
workers” – non-existent government temporary injunction blocking the new pushed CCM elites into the arms of the
employees who drain some $2 million regulations; nonetheless, the govern- opposition, and that his political survival
from the budget every month. The pri- ment is still getting its way. For example, depends on removing the threat they
vate sector was not spared with mining after the influential online whistleblower now pose.
companies being accused of under site Jamii Forums stopped publishing in Whatever the reason, there is no excuse
paying their taxes. In fact, Magufuli’s mid-June because it was in violation of for government-sanctioned attacks on
anti-corruption efforts were so popular the rules, other bloggers voluntarily fol- freedom of expression, association, and
that many Tanzanians viewed their presi- lowed suit. assembly. Two years ago, Magufuli –
dent as the epitome of morality; on social Media outlets are not the only victims who is known as “The Bulldozer” – came
media, the hashtag #WhatWouldMagu- of Magufuli’s crackdown; civil-society to office vowing to end graft and curb
fuliDo went viral. organisations are also being targeted. For wasteful government spending. As noble
But today, that hashtag has become example, in late 2017, the government as these goals are, they will be over-
a parody. In banning protests, closing began what it called an NGO “verifica- shadowed if he continues his campaign
media organisations, and cracking down tion” exercise, ostensibly to update the against those who entrusted him with
on his critics, Magufuli has shown Tanza- federal database of non-governmental their hopes.
nians, who have never had a strongman organisations, but more likely aimed
leader, that he intends to follow in the at curtailing the number of groups Teldah Mawarire is an advocacy and
footsteps of the many the region has operating beyond government control. campaigns officer with CIVICUS, a global
known. Registration was so costly and time- civil society alliance.
Magufuli’s assault on press freedom consuming that many organisations were Copyright: Project Syndicate, 2018.
has been particularly troubling. In June forced to choose between closing and
2017, authorities ordered the popular operating illegally.
Swahili language newspaper Mawio to African governments have joined
cease publication for two years, after it dozens of civil-society groups in calling
he construction industry is contractors do not have capacity. personnel that are being prepared for
getting much attention by This is the word that is being used by consultancy and contractual work;
the government of Uganda responsible offices on each and every we have many institutions involved.
and other governments in fora to justify failure to award work to These include Makerere University
East Africa; especially Tanzania and the local consultants and contractors. Kampala, Uganda Christian University
Rwanda. To the majority, the context in which Mukono, Kyambogo University
In the transport sector that comprises the famous word capacity is taken, it is Kampala, Kampala International
of water, roads, rail, and air; roads are in terms of luck of sufficient resources; University, and Ndejje University.
the most pronounced. funds, equipment and personnel. At These award degrees in Engineering
Because of this, a lot of funds the surface of it; it sounds logical to and more than 1000 young engineers
are being allocated to this sector. assume that local consultants and are graduating locally every year.
In Uganda more than 30% of the contractors lack resources. But when Training institutions for technicians
national budget has been allotted to you think deeper about it; you realise include Bushenyi , Kicwamba, Elgon,
the roads; signifying the importance that it is illogical. Nobody is born with and Lira technical institutes to
the government attaches to their capacity to do something; capacity is mention a few. This, therefore, dispels
construction. built, nurtured, and protected. the myth that there is no capacity in
Roads are divided into majorly In terms of work, how do you terms of personnel.
four types; National, District, Urban therefore build, nurture and protect To ensure that any contractor
and Community Access roads. The the capacity of local consultants and performs a project well, give them
national roads are managed by contractors? This is the question that the work and pay them promptly.
Uganda National Roads Authority I believe should be occupying most This will ensure that the contractor’s
(UNRA), Districts roads by district of our minds; especially some officers bankers have trust in him/her. When
local governments, urban roads by who are so obsessed with the word this happens, the issue of lack of
municipal or town councils, and capacity. capacity in terms of equipment and
Community Access roads by Sub- Give the locals work constantly and inadequate funds will be laid to rest.
county local councils. you will get a difference in terms of Any kind of work; be it walking,
Of the four types of roads, 80% of operations and the word capacity will starts with taking the first step.
the axle load is on the National roads. be history. Similarly, for any kind of construction
As such national roads take the lions To date, in terms of local technical works; there are preliminary
share on the allotted funds. Also most works that can be executed. For the
of the attention in the transport sector determined contractors, who actually
is given to them. comprise the majority, payment of
Various projects are on-going and are the Interim Payment Certificates
being implemented at the same time.
Many more are planned and are at In Uganda more promptly will improve their capacity
different stages in project management
cycle, including feasibility study stage,
than 30% of the Let us, therefore, give our local
consultants and contractors work
design, and so on. national budget constantly; pay them promptly and the
By Dominic Muwanguzi Dirty Laundry” by Jenny
Nijenhuis communicated a
hat art opens up message of eroticism and
conversations more.
on traditionally The exhibition according
forbidden topics to Violet Nantume, one
is nothing new. of three curators of the
It dates back event, was largely inspired
to the stone-age; which by previous activities,
had art that questioned the including an exhibit on the
social and political terrain theme of `Eroticism and
of the day. It did the same Intimacy: Faces, Places and
in the authoritarian era Paths’ that was organised
of monarchs. In recent in Kampala in 2016 by
liberal years, this practice herself and colleagues. The
has been further reignited exhibition’s prospect was
with the mounting of “to bring the taboo subject
exhibitions tackling critical of intimacy and sexual
and sensitive topics like desire to the forefront
sexuality and gender. as a means to highlight
One was held recently the place of sexual rights
in Johannesburg, South and personal liberties in
Africa under the theme women’s day forum”.
“Close”. Featured artists Secondly, it borders on the
from the continent were conversation of academics
asked to create artworks and feminists like Dr. Sylvia
that conveyed the message Tamale and Ife Amadiaume
of proximity. The artists, who opened conversation
including Uganda’s Henry about bodies, gender,
Mzili Mujunga and Abe and sexualities in Kenya,
Stacey Gillian produced Nairobi.
paintings and installations, In tackling such subjects,
respectively that are self- art continues to play a
reflective of indulgence crucial role in opening a lid
- which became the subject on conversations that many
matter to the multi- think are restricted. It is an
disciplinary exhibit. undertaking that requires
Indulgence weaved knowledge, research, and
multiple reflections on innovative as witnessed
sexualities, genders, and considered un-African, many African communities in the `Close’ exhibit. It
desires. It explored their un-natural, and against while confronting the is the only way to fully
fluidities, contestation and culture. In this context of traditional stereotypes on engage audiences with an
evolutions. The artwork reflection and questioning, the subject. authentic narrative. It also
on display sought to Mzili’s nude and sometimes An installation of provides an opportunity of
deconstruct and raise erotic series of painting underwear, woven together introspection for the artists,
deeper questions about that portray the subjects into a long tapestry that curators, and public about
femaleness, desire, and half- dressed in under- dangled from the ceiling how humanity reacts to
pleasure; performance of wear or starkly nude and and provided a multi- cultural stereotypes in this
masculinities; shame and Abe Stacey’s installation of coloured canopy of fabrics age of global culture?
sexuality. vagina sculptures served to the empty metallic bed The exhibition `Close’E
Here, Indulgence plays to the audience as a staple that lay beneath, aptly opened on May 24 to June
with and reflects upon the dietary (Enyasa) stimulated added to the narrative of 24 at the Johannesburg Art
dynamisms and fluidities in conversation on the taboo indulgence. The underwear Gallery and featured artists
our societies that are often topic of sex and sexuality in in the artwork titled “SA from East and South Africa.
Rat chews London gets very first vegan Oktoberfest Indian man worships
Shs74m worth Vegans have traditionally Fest Camden in London. Veg- Trump as God
of Rupees in ATM been a bit left out at your stan-
dard Oktoberfest – not being
ans will be able to take sweet
sips of plant-based Bavarian
An Indian man has been
able to partake in the bratwurst beers and local vegan craft ales,
Employees at a bank in Tin- worshipping US President
and never really knowing if as well as vegan wines, mulled
sukia, India, have a good reason Donald Trump, the 45th
their beer has fish guts in or wines and hot and cold cock-
to be cheesed off after at least President of America, for
not. Luckily this year, Camden tails. They will also get vegan
one rat got into an ATM and over the past three years.
is opening its edgy tatted arms bratwurst (finally!) with all the
ate $19,000 (Approx. Shs 74 According to Indian
to a fully plant-based version, trimmings, as well as a whole
million) worth of rupees. The media, 31 years old
called Vegtoberfest, which will host of Bavarian-themed vegan
incident was discovered when Bussa Krishna hails from
be the UK’s first ever fully veg- wood-fired pizza.
technicians arrived to fix the Telengana near the capital
an Oktoberfest on October 06 at
bank’s cash machine, according of Hyderabad, was inspired
to The Associated Press. Inside by Donald Trump’s ‘Make
the ATM was one dead rat amid America Great’ election
a bunch of Indian currency in campaign. He prays to
500-rupee and 2,000-rupee bills Trump several times a
that had been chewed to shreds. day. He has also started
Police Superintendent Mugdha a Facebook page to share
Jyoti Mahantato told reporters his love of Trump with
the rat had entered the ATM the world. Bussa regularly
through a small hole for cables. posts pictures and videos
of himself worshiping at
Apple to produce smash resistant phone Britain’s man with a shrine to the president.
Meanwhile, Krishna said
Most of us have experienced could protect smartphones most crimes! people in his village called
the sinking feeling which as they plummet towards the Britain’s most convicted man him mad and suggested he
comes when a phone slips merciless floor. is back in prison after committing visit a psychologist.
out your hand and smashes Apple plans to use motion his 668th offence in a criminal
into the ground. Now Apple sensors to detect movement career spanning 48 years. Patrick
has revealed the latest devel- and proximity detectors to spot Ryan, 62, has run up a staggering
opment in its war to stop us a ‘potential impact surface’. 469 convictions for a total of 668
from wrecking our expensive The clever technology will then offences, costing UK taxpayers a
gadgets. It has just applied to rotate smartphones as they staggering £3 million (Approx.
patent ‘drop countermeasures plummet so tougher parts of Shs15 billion) to take to court. His
for electronic devices’ which the gadget take the blow. criminal record runs to 100 pages
and is so long a police force once
put a note on it warning workers
not to print it out as it would waste
too much paper. In the latest case,
he exposed himself to a bus-load
of appalled passengers, groped
one and urinated. He was jailed
for another 18 months. He has
been in an out of custody since the
age of 14 and had spent 23 years
behind bars before the age of 50.
and Makerere College School, and later
dward Francis Babu, one of moved to Nairobi to the East African
Uganda’s leading politicians often Engineering School under East African
has the tag `captain’ mention with Airways. Towards the end of the course, an
his name but he is not a soldier. It opportunity to recruit pilots came up and
comes from his professional piloting days. Babu was among the five chosen to study
Although out of elective politics now, he in Britain at Oxford Air Training School
held several ministerial positions. He is also in 1970 for two years. Upon return to East
an entrepreneur with several businesses to Africa, Babu started work as a captain or
his name. But from all his trades, Babu talks co-pilot. He later returned to Oxford for
most about his piloting days. “Being a pilot a post-graduate qualification in flying
provided an opportunity to travel the world and upon completion, graduated as a full
and work in different countries,” he says. captain. He then had to look for flying
And that taught him something important; hours and more training.
that as most journey’s in life are; “no flight “I started flying within the region to
is the same and learning is on the job not the Entebbe, Dar es salaam, Lilongwe, Kinsha-
book”. sa, Lusaka, Khartoum and Cairo,” he says.
He started his flying journey in 1972 until But his day would soon turn to dusk
about 1989. Flying started with his receiv- as, around the same time, the East African
ing the British Commercial Flying license community was being unbundled. But
and instrument rating from the Oxford Air Babu did not sink with the ship. He crossed
Training School in 1972. to Nigeria Airways until 1984 when he
But the journey started in Kiwumu vil- switched to Saudi Arabian Airways. In 1984
lage Kammengo Sub County in present he married Olive and together they had
day Mpigi district where Babu was born as three children; including a set of twins. He
an only child. His father Joseph Duet Babu says, “Unfortunately, marriage didn’t work
passed on when he was in primary four and out well and we separated”. He returned to
his memories of childhood include being Uganda in 1986 and worked with several
segregated based on race. companies in what he calls “flying adhoc”.
“My mother was very possessive having He also managed to set up a home and raise
been born in a family of mixed heri- a family in the upmarket Nakasero area of
tage,” he says, “There was some Kampala city.
sort of stigma but we even- In 1989, residents of Nakasero voted
tually managed to live him to be the chairman of their LC1. But
with it.” the same afternoon, he was moved up to
He went be chairman LC2. His political career was
to Aggrey sparked. He rose through the ranks to city
Memorial councilor and member of the Constituent
School, Assembly in 1993/4 where he was one of
those who made the 1995 Constitution.
In 1994 during a ministerial reshuffle,
Babu was appointed Minister of State for
Education in charge of General Duties. He
married Margret Zziwa Nantongo; who
would go on to be the speaker of the East
African Legislative Assembly and long-
time Woman MP for Kampala District.
They have two children. In 1998 he was
transferred to the Ministry of Energy and
later Ministry of Works. He also served
as regional NRM chairman for Kampala
Region. He has since retired from elective
politics. “I might not stand for elective office
but I am still a politician,” he says.
Babu is also an entrepreneur with a Mas-
ter’s degree in Entrepreneurship studies
from the University of Stirling which he
got in 2005.
don’t know about you? with foreigners. We are not happy because children are of being your blood brother
ome people say that nationalistic, tend to get other blessings; especially the fact or sister, not somebody to
I don’t give up on an people to decide for us. The that I was born an only child. gossip with.
issue and usually stay way we do things including I like the families that we
on the right side. They the writing is western and have. Who are your favorite
also say that I am too honest, this is very unfortunate. writers?
like straight forward debate, Which talent would you It doesn’t matter who
and respect other people’s What does being powerful most like to have? writes but the content. But
views. mean to you? Some of my friends say I like Andrew Mwenda
Not having poverty of the that I am a good orator. because over the years, he has
What is your idea of perfect brain and this has nothing to written very good opinions
happiness? do with the riches or wealth. Where would you most like and he does a lot of research.
I have done a lot for myself Somebody should be able to to live?
and my country. I came from connect brain power with his Uganda is one of the Which historical figure do
a humble background, went or her riches and successes. most beautiful countries on you most identify with?
to school, and came out as a this continent. It has very Nelson Mandela; I liked
senior pilot. I have beautiful On what occasion do you beautiful people who make his humility, acceptance and
children and grandchildren. lie? up the country and not the conclusion. After being put in
There is no better happiness. People who tell lies want to politicians. jail for 27 years, he concluded
get a mileage but I run a strict it with magnanimity. He
What is the trait you most regime of my life. What is your most treasured was a nationalist, wanted
deplore in yourself? possession? everything for South Africa
I think I am too honest and What do you most dislike I treasure my village home and not for himself. After the
some people don’t like it; about your appearance? because the children know struggle, he chose to retire.
especially those in politics. I am a very happy person where they come from. I also He was also a good time
Sometimes I feel I should with who and what I am. treasure my children because keeper who would arrive for
keep quiet but my character they will continue my lineage an appointment five minutes
doesn’t allow it. Which living person do you regardless of their faults. earlier.
most despise?
What is the trait you most I despise people who What do you regard as the Who are your heroes in real
deplore in others? change horses in midstream. lowest depth of misery? life?
Lying and stabbing others My father passed on when Chesley Sullenberger landed
in the back annoys me. What is the quality you most I was very young in primary the plane in the Hudson River
like in a woman? four so my mother took on on January 15, 2009 and saved
Which living person do you Ability to recognise that the sole responsibility of all the 155 people aboard,
most admire? she is a pillar of everything; raising me. I wouldn’t want Mwalimu Julius Nyerere was
Patrick Loch Otieno including marriage. any woman to go through very honest, saintly and loved
Lumumba is a professor the same. Unfortunately Tanzania not position, and
in Kenya who gives What is the quality you most when I returned to Uganda, President Yoweri Museveni
interesting political analysis. like in a man? she passed on but I wish she because he has managed to
I also admire John Nagenda Patience and the had lived a little bit longer to hold this country together for
because he is a very willingness to give and take. enjoy the fruits of her sweat. 32 years and he has become
interesting writer of reality. responsible for its failures
Which words or phrases do What is your favorite and successes.
What is your greatest you most overuse? occupation?
extravagance? I speak Standard English I have leanrt something What is your greatest regret?
I read a lot. and hate to use bombastic from all my occupations. As God has been very kind to
words. a pilot, no flight is the same, me.
What is the greatest thing learn from the job and not the
you have ever done? What or who is the greatest book. How would you like to die?
Flying was one but also love of your life? Peaceful with my family
my contribution towards I love my people equally. What do you most value in around; not a traumatic death.
this country indicates that your friends?
I am not interested in just When and where were you Friendship in Africa is What is your motto?
the politics because my happiest? slightly different and I think Think positively all the
patriotism is to this country. When I became a pilot in it has a lot to do with culture. time.
Britain in 1972, I was very It’s more of lukewarm
What do you consider the happy. When I had my first friendship which to me is
most overrated virtue? child, Cedric, the twins and not friendship. A friend if
ach World Cup year, African football wiser ways to manage the loot that lucrative sponsorships. Take U.S. soccer
teams arrive with renewed hopes comes from the game? for example - it qualified for the 2014
of making remarkable progress and tournament and received US$49.7 mil-
breaking the vise grip that Europe Big bucks lion in sponsorships, television, licensing
and South America have had on this qua- There is seriously good money in the and royalties, according to their football
drennial tournament for nearly 100 years. World Cup – and we’re not even talking federation’s tax form filing for 2015.
Each time that hope invariably implodes. rights and sponsorships.
That surely has to leave African teams with FIFA pays each team that make it to the Options
some critical questions. World Cup US$9.5million – US$8million One of the ways in which teams can
The biggest is whether African teams for taking part in the group stage and make better use of the money that gets
– at the 2018 World Cup finals in Russia US$1.5 million for tournament costs. invested in national teams is by spending
they were Egypt, Morocco, Tunisia, FIFA’s distribution of funds is based less. An easy way to cut costs would be
Nigeria and Senegal – are getting the on how far each of the 32 teams is able for countries to decide to hire local man-
best bang for the bucks they invest in to go in the tournament. Thus, by going agers and coaches since they cost quite a
their teams and coaches attending the further a team returns with more money. bit less than expatriates.
competition. Some football fans may Just by progressing to the second round There’s a strong case to be made for
see football as recreational, while some of 16 teams brings in an additional US$4 this. Several local ones have done as well
politicians use it as a tool for national million from FIFA. Getting into the quar- as the expatriates. Take the example of
building. But football is without question terfinals brings a further US$4 million to Nigeria. Four years ago at the World Cup
a business: the players are professionals, each team, while the third placed team tournament in Brazil, Nigeria’s Stephen
the coaches are paid a king’s ransom, gets US$24 million and the fourth US$22 Keshi was paid less than his expatriate
and governments and umbrella body, million. counterparts but took the Nigerian team
FIFA, dole out huge sums to support fed- The winner of the 2018 World Cup final to the second phase. It was a feat only
erations and their teams. gets US$38 million, with the runners-up a few expatriate Nigerian coaches have
Taking part in the world cup involves paid US$28 million. This is up from 2014 been able to achieve with the country’s
both spending money, as well as earning when winners Germany received US$35 team.
money. Teams spend millions of dollars million and beaten finalists, Argentina, But there’s also a case to be made in
preparing for the month-long tourna- got USD$25 million. investing big, particularly if a country
ment. The funds go to paying coaches, On top of this teams can land seriously decides that it wants to make it past
many of whom are the highest paid the first round of the tournament. If the
professionals in the countries they serve. money that’s being spent on managers,
For example, a top government official in in particular, isn’t getting them through
Egypt earns an estimated annual salary
of US$ 28,294 while Egypt’s current
A top government to the second round, why keep them?
Why not go for the very best managers
football manager Hector Cuper gets a official in and perhaps pay them a bit more. In
reported US$1.7 million annually. Egypt
didn’t make it past the group stage in Egypt earns addition, extra money can be put into
creating a better working environment to
Russia. an estimated increase the probability of going beyond
annual salary of
Players also earn well. In some teams the first phase.
foreign based players – for example a Governments and football associations
Senegalese who plays for a European US$ 28,294 while should go back to their spreadsheets
club – can earn more. And they’re and do some serious recalculating in
camped in five star hotels and their pro- Egypt’s current preparation for the next World Cup in
gramme is supported by huge budgets.
In the case of Nigeria, the annual budget
football manager Qatar in 2022. Serious investment might
ultimately be the path to a better payout
is US$16.2 million. This is not a candy Hector Cuper and it may provide additional money to
budget by any means.
On top of this, FIFA pays countries that
gets a reported spend on sport development.
The recent spate of early World Cup
qualify handsomely. And the longer they US$1.7 million exits might just signal that the best time
stay in the tournament, the more they
get. annually to reevaluate the investment is now.