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International Journal of Engineering and Techniques - Volume 3 Issue 6, 2017



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1(Department Of Mech, Asst.Professor, Vignan Institute Of Technology And Science
Hyderabad, naren2088@gmail.com)
2 (Department Of Mech, Asst. Professor, St Mary's Group Of Institutions, Hyderabad, muralimohan014@gmail.com)
3(Department Of Mech, Asst. Professor, St Mary's Group Of Institutions, Hyderabad, , srikanth.duvvala@gmail.com)

A pressure vessel typically consists of large cylindrical and / or spherical containers with nozzles through which the
reactants flow in and out. . While plain cylindrical or spherical containers can be analyzed for internal pressure using thin/
thick cylinder formulae, the ones with nozzles are difficult to analyze. This is in view of complicated stress concentrations
that arise at the interface of the nozzle and pressure vessel junction. The calculations have become complicated because of
forces that arise at the free end of the nozzle. The forces include those of piping, wind forces, earth quake forces in addition
to the internal pressure. In spite of these, strict adherence to safety codes is to be followed. ASME, Section VIII specifies the
stress limits to be adhered to. One of the criterions is the stress intensity, which is not possible to compute by simple
analytical procedures. FEM can be used for computing the deformation and stress at the nozzle-vessel junction in the
structure and also at all other points on the pressure vessel But, precise estimation of stress intensity is not possible with
these elements for a structure with nozzles. A method is developed for a precise structured modeling and for estimating the
stress intensities at the junction of nozzles and pressure vessels the presence of a ring significantly increases both the
turbulence intensity and mean velocity at the exit, and requires a much higher inlet pressure to move the fluid through the
nozzle. On the other hand, cutting a groove near the exit or extending the nozzle has little effect on the exit flow
Keywords — Nozzel, FEM, ASME.

INTRODUCTION rapidly before a contraction with a smaller inlet

Nozzles are widely used in connection with many curvature due to the milder increase in wall
different engineering applications, mainly to pressure coefficient. Thus, the nozzle can
generate jets and sprays. In most laboratory studies experience a larger change in pressure before the
dealing with jets, the emphasis has been on adverse pressure gradient becomes severe enough
designing nozzles which create a uniform flow with to cause flow separation, permitting a shorter
low turbulence intensity at the nozzle exit. On the contraction length. carried out experiments in air on
other hand, in mixing applications, higher nozzles with different contraction shapes. They
turbulence intensity at the exit may be more found that the mean velocity and the turbulence
desirable. The nozzle exit flow serves as the initial intensity do not vary across 90% of the exit plane
condition for the downstream flow. In most and are independent of the contraction shape, while
instances, flow non-uniformity and turbulence the velocity and turbulence intensities at the exit
originate within the nozzle, but the nozzle plane in the boundary layer region close to the wall
contraction is generally designed to attenuate and are distinct
minimize these effects To assess the importance of
controlling separation of flow inside the nozzle,
performed calculations on incompressible flow
through nozzles with different inlet curvatures. He
concluded that the boundary layer grows less

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International Journal of Engineering and Techniques - Volume 3 Issue 6, 2017
2.0Literature review:
Li, C., & Li, Y. Z. (2011)The entrainment behavior
and performance of gas–liquid ejectors
computational fluid dynamics (CFD) model and the
corresponding algorithm are developed and
validation experiment has been carried out over a
wide range of operation conditions for ejector with
different configurations. Good agreement has been
achieved between the predicted values from CFD
Figure: rocket nozzle simulation and the actual data by experimental
Functions of the contraction shape. Investigated the measurement. The flow patterns that occur within
effect of initial condition on a round free jet. They the primary nozzle region are analyzed on the basis
found that the jet issuing from a contraction nozzle of one-dimensional isentropic compressible flow
developed faster than that issuing from a straight theory.
pipe, and attributed this to the differences in both Payri, R., Ruiz, S., Gimeno, J., &Martí-Aldaraví,
the near and far field turbulent structures in these P. (2015).Capable of calculating liquid and/or gas
flows. Although they did not consider the internal problems has been developed, verified and
flow within the nozzle, their work clearly illustrates validated. Compressible solvers in Computational
the significance of the initial condition and Fluid Dynamics use both mass flux and volumetric
therefore the importance of characterizing the flow fluxes through the cell surface to calculate
exiting the nozzle. derivative terms. These fluxes depend on density
Governing equation: and velocity fields, therefore the stability of the
A multifluid model based on the Eulerian–Eulerian solver is affected by "how" and "where" density and
approach, as used by other similar works was used velocity are calculated or updated. In addition to
in this work to describe the fluid flow across the verification and validation, this paper deals with
nozzle. This model was assumed to be capable to how different flux updates-equations sequences
describe the simple shear flow in the 2D domain. In change the computational solution, reaching the
addition, the 2D domain was sufficient to describe conclusion that for mono-phase solvers no extra-
the flow in the nozzle because it is symmetric in the updates should be used in order to minimize
radial direction. Because the mass transfer between computational cost, but for multi-phase solvers with
the two phases was not considered in the current high density gradients an extra-update should be
work, the continuity equation for the system is implemented to improve the stability of the solver
expressed as Verification of a new CFD compressible segregated
and multi-phase solver with different flux updates-
equations sequences.
S. SambhuPrasad , G. Satish , G.Panduranga
(2015)the computational fluid dynamics analysis of
flow in sudden enlargement and contraction pipes.
In the current work, the formation of bubble nuclei
This project describes an analytical approach to
was assumed to have an insignificant effect on the
describe the areas where Pipes (used for flow) are
hydrodynamics in the computational domain.
mostly susceptible to damage. In this project we
Therefore, the source term that accounts for bubble
discussed to know the pressure values and velocity
nuclei was not included in Equations (1) and (2).
values at sudden contraction and sudden
The calculation for bubble nuclei formation and
enlargement of pipes. The software used for this
distribution was performed by using Population
purpose are GAMBIT and FLUENT. The 2D model
Balance Model based on Classical Nucleation
of the both the pipes are made by GAMBIT and
analysis is to be carried out by FLUENTFrom the
above analysis, it is observed that the flow is

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International Journal of Engineering and Techniques - Volume 3 Issue 6, 2017
severely disrupted if there are contour changes NUMERICAL MODELING:
occurring in the downstream flow in the pipe. The governing equations for the flow of water in
Sudden enlargement creates more severe formation the nozzle are the incompressible Navier-Stokes
of flow eddies than sudden contraction. Also, the equations
losses are more at the point where the enlargement
in the pipe begins.
Lahiouel Y., Haddad A., Khezzar(2003),the
models are first generated using the data and then
are meshed and then various velocity and pressure
contours are to be drawn and graphs to analyze the whereui, p, ρ and ν denote the velocity, pressure,
flow through the pipes. Various graphs indicating density and kinematic viscosity of water,
the variation of velocity, pressure and temperature respectively, and i = 1, 2, 3. In RANS simulations,
along the stream length of the pipes are given. like those in the current study, averaging of the
Comparisons were made with the sharp corners and nonlinear terms in the Navies-Stokes equations
smooth corners for the pipeIn the sudden results in additional unknown quantities, referred to
contraction, vena contract’s are formed at the point as the Reynolds stresses.Reynolds stresses, several
of contraction and this point is the most susceptible different turbulence models have been tested and
point for pipe damage. So, to increase the life of the compared using the commercial These turbulence
pipe in cases of sudden contraction the pipes must models include the SpalartAllmaras one-equation
be designed in view of the above observations model, the k–ε standard, realizable and
making the corners more rounds so as to minimize renormalized group (RNG) models, k–ω standard
the losses in the pipes. and SST models and the Reynolds Stress Model
Shukla, P., Mandal, R. K., &Ojha,(2001).A (RSM) (Wilcox, 1994). Most RANS turbulence
mathematical model, based on classical theory of models can accurately predict the mean flow
heterogeneous nucleation and volume separation of quantities and therefore the simpler k - ε standard
nucleates among droplets size distribution, is model is often adequate for industrial applications.
described to predict undercooling of droplets. However, one cannot assume that the one- or two-
Newtonian heat flow condition coupled with equation RANS models are appropriate for the flow
velocity dependent heat transfer coefficient is used in contraction nozzles with high curvature. The
to obtain cooling rate before and after nucleation of computational domain consists of the interior
droplets. The results indicate that temperature region of the nozzle, as described above. The inner
profile of droplets in the spray during surface of the nozzle is considered to be a no-slip
resccalescence, segregated and eutectic boundary. A uniform velocity of 0.18 m/s with a
solidification regimes is dependent on their size and low level of turbulence is applied at the inlet for all
related undercooling. The interface temperature four nozzles. Since the simulation is intended to
during solidification of undercooled droplets model flow through a submerged nozzle, with the
rapidly approaches the liquidus temperature of the water entering a tank after exiting the nozzle, a
alloy with a subsequent decrease in solid–liquid constant pressure outlet condition is applied at the
interface velocity. A comparison in cooling rates of exit. Based on the height of the fluid above the exit
atomized powder particles estimated from of the nozzle, the exit pressure is taken to be about
secondary dendrite arm spacing me 3 kPa
3.0 High temperature materials and their Validation and verification of numerical model:
requirement Before proceeding to simulate the flow in the four
Recent developments in nuclear power, jet aircrafts, nozzles described above, it is important to validate
ballistic missiles and rocketry have increased the the numerical model and verify the accuracy of the
demand for materials that have good corrosion simulations. Since the cubic equation nozzle of is
resistance, strength characteristics and particularly, similar to our baseline nozzle, we use the
creep resistance at high temperatures.

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International Journal of Engineering and Techniques - Volume 3 Issue 6, 2017
experimental results for their nozzle, obtained from found to depend on the pressure at a specific
hot-wire anemometry, to validate out numerical position. Therefore, the hydrodynamics profile in
model. Their cubic equation nozzle has an inlet the nozzle is important to determine the bubble
diameter of 254 mm, exit diameter of 76.2 mm, nucleation rate. For comparison, two additional
length from tangential point of preconstruction to parameters were introduced in the current work.
post-contraction of 152 mm, a straight exit section First, a dimensionless parameter, namely, pressure
of 19.5 mm and a total length of 209.6 mm. The coefficient, Cp, was introduced. This parameter has
Reynolds number in their experiments was 140,000 been widely used in cavitating flow analysis to
based on the jet exit velocity (27.4 m/s) and nozzle determine the pressure profile across the nozzle
exit diameter, and the fluid medium was air. The with regards to the inlet flow velocity.
validation has been carried out by comparing the 4.0 results and discussions:
mean and fluctuating quantities obtained using The CFD simulation coupled with the improved
different mesh sizes and topologies and different CNT was used to simulate the case of cavitating
turbulence models against their data. nozzle flow based on the conditions discussed by
Wang and BrennenThe hydrodynamic profiles of
the simulated results in the present investigation
were compared with the results obtained from
Wang and for the case without dissolved air. The
comparisons in flow velocity and pressure
coefficient along the axis of the nozzle are plotted
in Figure 2 and Figure 3, respectively. Based on the
figures, the results from the current work exhibit
Figure: Modeling view of nozzle good agreement with the results obtained from
Material properties: Wang and with the highest fluid flow velocity at the
In order to withstand high pressure and throat of the nozzle recorded as 14 m/s, while the
temperatures, its strength is acquired by the lowest
composition of these materials like Carbon, Nickel, CFD analysis:
Sulphur, Manganese, Titanium, Silicon and Using the approach of coupling CFD and bubble
Molybdenum etc. It increases the strength and nucleation theory in the 2D computational domain,
toughness of the steel. Nickel contributes great the distribution of various parameters, including the
strength and hardness with high elastic limit, good bubble nucleation rate, pressure, and number of
ductility and good resistance to corrosion. An alloy bubble nuclei, can be estimated both in the axial
containing 25% of Nickel possesses maximum direction and the radial direction. The bubble
toughness and offers greater resistance to rusting, to nucleation rate is strongly dependent on the
rust in Corrosion and burning high temperature. It pressure drop across the nozzle, whereby the
has zero coefficient of expansion. hydrodynamics information can be obtained
MECHANICAL PROPERTIES through the CFD approach. In this section, the
Tensile Strength, yield : 750 N/mm2 distribution of pressure and velocity, the number of
Modulus of elasticity : 1.85e5 N/mm2 molecules required to form a critical cluster, and the
Poisson’s Ratio : 0.3 bubble nucleation rate are presented.
Elongation: 18% Velocity and pressure:
Ultimate tensile Strength : 965 N/mm2 The contour plots of the velocity distribution for
The domain could be computed. The number of water flowing across the nozzle are shown in Figure
molecules is a very important parameter that greatly 5. Based on Figure 5, the water flows in at a
affects the work of formation of the critical cluster velocity of 10 m/s and the speed increases at the
and, consequently, the bubble nucleation rate. The throat of the nozzle to nearly 14 m/s due to the
equation for the calculation of the number of constriction. Subsequently, the speed of the water
molecules required to form a critical cluster was flow gradually reduces again to approximately 10

ISSN: 2395-1303 http://www.ijetjournal.org Page 558

International Journal of Engineering and Techniques - Volume 3 Issue 6, 2017
m/s. The increase and decrease of velocity of the
water was predicted based on the laws of mass and
momentum conservation, with the assumption of an
incompressible fluid flow. (a)shows the contour
plot of the pressure distribution in the nozzle. Based
on the law of momentum conservation because
there was no external force applied to the fluid flow
and because of the difference in height, theincrease
of velocity in fluid flow must be compensated by a
pressure drop. As a consequence of the increase of
the velocity of the water flowed across the nozzle,
the pressure of the water at the throat of the nozzle Figure:displacement of nozzle assembly applying thrust for
has dropped to nearly −46 kPa in the current work, load
that is, as if the nozzle was being stretched Table :Mass Flow Rate
Boundary Conditions: mass flow rate kg/s
Velocity inlet was taken for the nozzle inlet and the Default-Interior 79557.105
value of velocity inlet was taken as 2m/sec. Initial
Inlet 79856.001
gauge pressure was taken as 101325 Pascal.
Outlet 79854.269
Temperature was taken as 500K.The solution is set
Wall 0
as listed below. The under relaxation factor was set
as givenPressure-0.3 Density-1 Body forces-1
Momentum-0.7 Conclusions:
Although most turbulence closure models
reasonably predict the mean quantities for the flow
through a nozzle, the Reynolds Stress Model shows
significant improvement over the standard one-
equation and two-equation models for the
prediction of the turbulent flow parameters. Mesh
topology also plays a major role in determining the
accuracy of the results when compared to
experimental data. From the above analysis, it is
Figure:contour plot across the nozzle observed that the flow is severely disrupted if there
are contour changes occurring in the downstream
flow in the pipe. Sudden enlargement creates more
severe formation of flow eddies than sudden
contraction. Also, the losses are more at the point
where the enlargement in the pipe beginsIn the
sudden contraction, vena contracts are formed at the
point of contraction and this point is the most
susceptible point for pipe damage. So, to increase
the life of the pipe in cases of sudden contraction
Figure:displacement of cone for load
the pipes must be designed in view of the above
From the Resultant displacement contour maximum
observations making the corners more rounds so as
displacement is 0.0903 mm. Maximum
to minimize the losses in the pipes.
displacements in the Nozzle cone is due to,
component is assembled at the free end of Nozzle.
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