Computation of Developing Turbulent Flow Through A Straight Asymmetric Diffuser With Moderate Adverse Pressure Gradient
Computation of Developing Turbulent Flow Through A Straight Asymmetric Diffuser With Moderate Adverse Pressure Gradient
Computation of Developing Turbulent Flow Through A Straight Asymmetric Diffuser With Moderate Adverse Pressure Gradient
Keywords: Moderate adverse pressure gradient; Asymmetric diffuser; Turbulent developing flow;
Computational fluid dynamics; RANS models.
Furthermore, the presence of an APG could computations of Obi diffuser flow. They used three
significantly affect the distributions of turbulence different mesh sizes and different modeling
quantities. Rai (1986) conducted experiments in a approaches to examine the influence of the mesh
wind tunnel for three arbitrary adverse pressure resolution and four subgrid models, namely: no
gradient flows. The experimental observations model (implicit LES), the standard Smagorinsky
clearly indicate that wall-wakes in adverse pressure model, the dynamic Smagorinsky model and the
gradient can be adequately described by the two- dynamic localization model. The mesh refinement
layer model proposed. study demonstrated improvement in the predictions.
Among the subgrid strategies examined, the
Direct numerical simulation (DNS) has been dynamic Smagorinsky model performed the best.
employed by Lee and Sung (2008) to investigate the Iaccarino (2001) used three commercial CFD codes,
effects of an adverse pressure gradient on a namely: CFX, Fluent, and Star-CD, and two
turbulent boundary layer. Their numerical results
showed that the mean flow quantities are greatly turbulence models (the low-Re k and
the v f ) for the numerical simulation of Obi
affected by an APG, and the coherent structures in
the outer layer of the APG flows were more diffuser. The numerical results showed that
activated than those in the zero pressure gradient the v2 f model produces more accurate results
flows. This was attributed to increased turbulence
intensities, shear stresses and pressure fluctuations than the low-Re k model when comparisons
in the APG systems. More recently, Inouea et al. were made with the experimental data and LES
(2013) reported large eddy simulation (LES) of a predictions. The k calculations do not show any
turbulent boundary layer at high Reynolds number recirculation region, while the v2 f model
subject to an adverse pressure gradient. The
reproduces the length of the separation bubble
stretched-vortex model (Chung and Pullin, 2009)
within 6 percent of the measured value. More
was used for the subgrid-scale modeling. The
recently, El-Behery and Hamed (2011) employed
results showed self-similarity in the velocity
the commercial code Fluent to examine the
statistics over a wide range of Reynolds numbers. It
capabilities of several turbulence models in
was concluded that the boundary layers under
prediction of turbulent flow in the planar
adverse pressure gradient are far from an
asymmetric diffuser of Obi diffuser. The
equilibrium state.
comparisons showed that the results of the
Among numerous applications of adverse pressure v2 f turbulence model agree best with the
gradient flows, diffusers are one of the most experimental data while the RSM model was shown
commonly used flow devices in the industry, to give unexpected poor results.
especially in hydraulic machines. Therefore,
investigation of turbulent flow through diffusers has Cherry et al. (2008 and 2009) performed
been an important research topic for fluid experiments to measure the mean velocity field in
mechanics researchers. In the following, some of two separate 3D asymmetric diffusers using the
the investigations related to turbulent flow through magnetic resonance velocimetry method. The
diffusers will be reviewed. measured flow fields in both diffusers showed 3D
boundary layer separation but the structure of the
Obi et al. (1993) performed laser Doppler separation bubble exhibited a high degree of
anemometry (LDA) measurements in an sensitivity to the diffuser geometrical dimensions.
asymmetric diffuser with an expansion ratio of 4.7, In their experiment, a fully-developed flow
a single deflection of 10o and a turbulent fully condition was established at the diffuser entry
developed inlet condition. Buice and Eaton (1996) which is suitable for the turbulence modeling
argued that the experimental data from Obi et al. validation proposes. Similar to Obi diffuser, the
(1993) had several deficiencies when comparing Cherry diffuser has been used as a benchmark for
with their numerical results. The most noticeable the investigation of performance of turbulence
problem was that the experimental data of Obi et al. models and numerical approaches in recent years. A
(1993) did not appear to satisfy the mass direct numerical simulation of turbulent flow in the
conservation. Hence, they performed new detailed Cherry diffuser (Cherry et al., 2008) was conducted
measurements in the reproduction of the Obi by Ohlsson et al. (2010) with a massively parallel
experiments using hot-wire and pulsed-wire high-order spectral element method and their results
measurements. The experimental works by Obi et were in good agreement with the experimental data.
al. (1993) and Buice and Eaton (1996) have Jakirlić et al. (2010) applied LES and a zonal
received much attention because of the fully- hybrid LES/RANS scheme to predict the turbulent
developed inlet condition, presence of flow flow through the 3D diffuser investigated by Cherry
separation and flow development downstream of et al. (2008). Both modeling strategies gave
the reattachment point. For example, Kaltenback et acceptable results for the time-averaged quantities.
al. (1999) conducted a numerical investigation on Jeyapaul (2011) also performed numerical
Obi diffuser using LES. They showed that a simulations on Cherry diffuser using RANS
detailed representation of the inflow velocity field models. The results showed that the linear eddy-
is critical for accurate prediction of the flow inside viscosity models fail to predict separation on the
the diffuser. They also found that the sub-grid scale correct wall of the 3D diffuser. However, the
model plays a major role for prediction of both explicit algebraic RSM (EARSM) is able to predict
mean momentum and turbulent kinetic energy. separation accurately. The EARSM predicted
Schlüter et al. (2005) also conducted LES
S. Salehi et al. / JAFM, Vol. 10, No. 4, pp. 1029-1043, 2017.
quantitatively the mean flow field, however the 2.102 m straight rectangular duct with a rectangular
Reynolds stresses were incorrect and the wall cross section of 0.1×0.15 m2 is used upstream the
pressure was under predicted. diffuser. The flow is still developing at the end of
the straight duct as found in hydropower systems.
Cervantes and Engström (2008) experimentally The hydraulic diameter of the straight duct
investigated the turbulent flow inside an
asymmetric diffuser with a moderate adverse calculated by 4 Aduct / p is Dh 0.12 m. Hence, the
pressure gradient using LDA technique. The duct length is 17.5 Dh . The Reynolds number based
diffuser has a diverging upper wall, designed to on the bulk velocity and duct hydraulic diameter is
yield an approximately constant adverse pressure
2 104 (flow rate of 2.47 103 m3/s). A contraction
gradient, which opens up from an angle of 2.5 at
(9:1) precedes the duct. In addition, the flow is
the beginning to 7.5 at the end. The diffuser is a tripped at the exit of the contraction by 2 mm
generic model of the rectangular diffuser found at plates, extruding 9.2 mm from the walls,
the end of most hydropower turbines of the Francis corresponding to about 18% of the duct height and
and Kaplan types with an elbow draft tube. The 12% of the duct width. The tripping was necessary
elbow draft tube is found immediately after the to achieve repeatable conditions in the test section,
runner and, as shown in Fig. 1, composed of a as also found by Durst et al. (1998). Following the
conical diffuser, an elbow and a straight rectangular duct is an asymmetric diffuser with a diverging
diffuser. Although the Reynolds number was small upper wall designed to yield an approximately
compared to full-scale turbines, the flow is still constant adverse pressure gradient. The main part of
fully turbulent and the large viscous length-scale this experimental setup, from the duct inlet to the
allows detailed measurements in the boundary layer diffuser outlet, is numerically modeled here. Fig
up to y 1 . They carried out measurements in 3(a) shows a 3D view of the geometry. In addition,
steady regime and three different pulsating regimes Fig. 3(b) represents a 2D schematic of the diffuser
based on the dimensionless frequency with the variation of the diffuser angle. The diffuser
opens up to a cross section of 0.15 × 0.15 m2 at the
( / u )
namely: quasi-steady
outlet (x= 2.772 m). The diffuser angle increases
( 0.005 ), relaxation ( 0.005 0.02 ) and from 2.5 at the beginning to 7.5 at x= 2.772 m.
quasi-laminar ( 0.02 0.04 ). This test case The flow field inside the diffuser has been
provides accurate experimental data for validating investigated at three stations, namely: x=2.082 m,
CFD calculations with focus on adverse pressure 2.357 m and 2.632 m. As shown in Fig 3. (b), the
gradient effects and non-trivial boundary first station is 20 mm before the start of the diffuser
conditions: both important for hydropower and the second and third stations are at about 40%
simulations. and 80% of the diffuser length downstream,
S. Salehi et al. / JAFM, Vol. 10, No. 4, pp. 1029-1043, 2017.
where and are fluid density and kinematic The damping functions f and f 2 are given by:
viscosity and uiu j represents the Reynolds stress
f exp 3.4 / (1 0.02Rt )2
3.2 Turbulence Modeling Equations f 2 1 0.3exp( Rt 2 )
The turbulence models employed for computations
where Rt k / is the local turbulent Reynolds
are the low-Re k model (proposed by Launder
and Sharma, 1974), the SST k model (Menter, number.
1994), the v2 f model (Durbin, 1995) and a The term E is first introduced by Jones and Launder
variant of Reynolds stress model (Gibson and (1972) and is expressed as:
Launder, 1978). 2
3.3.1 Low-Re k Model E 2 t (10)
x j xk
In this turbulence model, the unknown Reynolds
stresses are obtained from the Boussinesq Table 1 Empirical constant of linear k model
c c 1 c 2 k
Ui U j 2
uiu j t ( ) kij (3) 0.09 1.44 1.92 1.0 1.3
x j x j 3
x j x j x j
The homogeneous dissipation rate of turbulent 1 k
kinetic energy, , is obtained by solving the 2(1 F1 ) 2
x j x j
following equation:
The blending function F1 is defined by:
S. Salehi et al. / JAFM, Vol. 10, No. 4, pp. 1029-1043, 2017.
Helmholtz type. The Boussinesq approximation is
k 500 4 2 k still used for the evaluation of the Reynolds
F1 tanh min max * , 2 ,
2 (14)
y y CDk y stresses. The eddy viscosity t is given by:
1 k t c v2T (17)
where CDk max 2 2 ,1010 and
x j x j
where the turbulent time-scale T and the turbulent
y is the distance to the nearest wall. length-scale L are obtained from the following
The blending function F1 is zero away from
surfaces ( k model) and switches to one inside T max ,6 (18)
the boundary layer ( k model). The S term in
the turbulent viscosity expression is the invariant
k 3/ 2 3/ 4
strain rate and the second blending function F2 is L cL max , c 1/ 4
defined by: (19)
2 k 500
The v 2 transport equation is expressed as:
F2 tanh max * , 2 (15)
y y
(U j v 2 ) t kf v 2 (20)
x j x j v2 x j k
The production term has a limiter to prevent the
build-up of unrealistic high turbulence energy in the
stagnation regions: An elliptic equation is solved for the relaxation
function f:
Pk min Pk ,10 * k (16)
2 f 1 v2 2 P
L2 f c1 1 c2 k (21)
All constants are computed by a blend from the x j
T k 3
corresponding constants of the k and the k
model via 1F1 2 1 F1 .The constants of the The coefficients of v2 f turbulence model are
SST model are given in Table 2. given in Table 3.
* 0.09
1 3/40 c 2 1.9
2 0.0828 c1 1.4
1 5/9 c2 0.3
2 0.44 cL 0.3
c 70
3.3.3 v f Model
S. Salehi et al. / JAFM, Vol. 10, No. 4, pp. 1029-1043, 2017.
ij ,1 C1 uiuj ij k (25) Fig. 4. The location of available experimental
k 3 data at section x=100 mm.
ij ,2 C2 Pij Cij ij P C (26) Table 4 Coefficients of RSM model
C 0.09
3 3 C k 3/2
ij ,w C1 uk um nk nmij uiuk n j nk uj uk ni nk l
k 2 2 d C1
1 2.58 AA20.25 1 exp 0.0067 Ret
3 3 Ck 3/2
C2 km,2 nk nmij ik ,2 n j nk jk ,2 ni nk l
2 2 d C2 0.75 A
C1 2 / 3C1 1.67
The Pij and Cij terms are production and convection
C2 max 2 / 3 C2 1 / 6 / C2 ,0
terms respectively (defined in equation (22)); also
P 1 / 2 Pkk and C 1 / 2 Ckk . The model A 1 9 / 8 A2 A3
coefficients are given in Table 4. Ret and aij are
A2 aik aki
turbulent Reynolds number and Reynolds-stress
anisotropy tensor, respectively. A3 aik akj a ji
4.1 Solver
All equations are discretized using finite-volume
methodology on a collocated grid system. The open A code was developed to evaluate the inlet
source C++ CFD code OpenFOAM (2011) was boundary condition using a 3D surface fit on the
used to perform the computations. The second order experimental data with a polynomial interpolation
upwind differencing scheme was employed for scheme. Then, a moving average filter is applied on
discretization of the convective terms in all the interpolated data. The streamwise velocity is
transport equations. Gradient and Laplacian terms scaled by a factor to match the experimental flow
S. Salehi et al. / JAFM, Vol. 10, No. 4, pp. 1029-1043, 2017.
rate after integration. Finally, the velocity profiles (I) and turbulent length-scale ( l ). Turbulent
are calculated on the cell centers at the inlet of the intensity is the ratio of velocity fluctuations to the
computational grid and are imposed as inlet mean velocity (U0). Therefore, assuming an
boundary condition. The 3D surfaces obtained for isotropic field, the turbulent kinetic energy is
both the streamwise and normal velocity obtained by:
components after smoothing are presented in Fig. 5. 3
The spanwise component is obtained using the k ( IU 0 )2 (28)
continuity equation assuming a negligible
streamwise variation of u-velocity ( u / x 0 ),
with respect to v / y and w / z because of the
duct length. The experimental data for the
streamwise velocity are not entirely symmetric.
This may be induced by uncertainty in the
contraction geometry and inflow condition.
Fig. 5. 3D surfaces fitted to the experimental
data. (a) streamwise and (b) normal velocity
S. Salehi et al. / JAFM, Vol. 10, No. 4, pp. 1029-1043, 2017.
(a) (b)
(c) (d)
Fig.7. Results of the grid study; development of (a) mean streamwise velocity and (b) its fluctuations
along the duct and diffuser centerline. Streamwise (c) velocity and (d) fluctuations profiles at (c) section
x=2082 mm.
S. Salehi et al. / JAFM, Vol. 10, No. 4, pp. 1029-1043, 2017.
the variation of streamwise velocity and its flow accelerates immediately and the shear layers
fluctuation along a vertical line placed on the induced by the tripping produce fast growing
symmetry plane at section x=2082 mm. It can be boundary layers.
noted from these four figures that although grid
refinement slightly affects the velocity field inside Figure 9 shows the mean streamwise velocity
the diffuser, it has more noticeable effects on the (normalized with U0 Q / Aduct ) along the centerline
mean and fluctuating velocity in the developing in the straight duct and the diffuser. In both the
region (straight duct). The results obtained on numerical and the experimental results, the
Grid 3 with 1.4106 nodes are almost grid streamwise velocity starts with an overshoot
independent and a finer mesh would not give very induced by the tripping and the sudden decrement
different results. Thus, the subsequent of flow area. After the trip, velocity decreases, but
computational results are obtained using Grid 3. the rate of velocity decrease reduces along the
Figs. 8(a) and 8(b) show the chosen grid in centerline due to the boundary layer growth. From
symmetry plane and inside the diffuser. x=1500 mm to the start of the diffuser, the velocity
gradient becomes smaller, but flow does not show
clear signs of reaching the fully-developed
Table 5 Specifications of grids produced for the
condition. As the flow enters the diffuser, the
grid study
velocity drops rapidly due to the cross-sectional
Grid No. nx ny nz Distance from area increase. It is seen that all turbulence models
wall have successfully predicted the general variation of
Grid 1 156 45 68 y O(1) the streamwise velocity along the centerline. There
are significant differences between the results of
Grid 2 213 52 78 y O(1) these models. The SST k model largely
overpredicts the centerline streamwise velocity due
Grid 3 265 60 90 y O(1) to an overestimation of the boundary layer
thickness. It is observed that the results of low-Re
Grid 4 390 80 120 y O(1)
k and RSM turbulence models are closest to the
experimental data both inside the straight duct and
the diffuser.
Fig. 8. Main grid used for the computations. Fig. 9. Development of the streamwise velocity
Cells distribution on (a) Symmetry plane and (b) along centerline.
S. Salehi et al. / JAFM, Vol. 10, No. 4, pp. 1029-1043, 2017.
k SST k
v2 f RSM
Fig. 11. Vectors of secondary flow (right) and Contours of streamwise velocity (left) in section
x=2082 m.
The distribution of pressure coefficient, defined by: vectors in all numerical results seem to have
upward directions, which is obviously due to the
p patm geometry (the lower wall of diffuser is fixed, while
Cp (30)
1 the upper wall is diverging). In addition, the RSM
U 02
2 model has predicted two rotating vortices
(generated by normal Reynolds stress anisotropy).
along the centreline of the upper wall is illustrated in To understand the structure of these secondary
Fig. 10. The pressure rises to a peak value and then flows it is best to first look at such turbulence
decreases due to the viscous-losses. As the flow driven secondary flows generated in the upstream
enters the diffuser, the pressure starts to increase straight duct. As shown in Fig. 12, with the RSM
again. It is observed that the numerical and computations, two counter-rotating vortices are
experimental results of pressure coefficient observed in each corner at the section x=1500 mm
distributions show the same trend. As mentioned that force the flow to move from the center of the
earlier, the diffuser was designed to yield an duct to the corner and then back to the center. By
approximately constant adverse pressure gradient, moving in the streamwise direction, it is seen that
which is confirmed by the linear variation of the the upper vortices become weaker in section
pressure in the numerical and experimental results. x=2632 mm due to the geometry (diverging upper
In addition, as expected the inviscid theory (which wall). The lower vortex is also merged to the main
the diffuser is designed based on) over-estimates the upward secondary flow forcing the fluid core
pressure coefficient along the diffuser upper wall. displacement to the upward direction in a vortical
Figure 11 shows the predicted secondary flows and pattern. The streamwise velocity contours in Fig. 13
the streamwise velocity contours using different indicate flatter velocity profiles for k and
turbulence models at section x=2082 mm, (i.e. 20 v2 f models.
mm before the start of diffuser). As expected only
the RSM model is able to predict fairly strong
secondary flow patterns. Using alternative vorticity
form of the Reynolds-averaged Navier-Stokes
equations, one can show that the secondary flows
are generated by the axial mean vorticity, which
becomes non-zero in a straight duct or pipe only if
there are differences between cross-stream normal
Reynolds stress ( v2 w2 ) or Coriolis forces arising
from a spanwise rotation (Speziale et al. 1992).
Therefore, the linear eddy viscosity turbulence
models, based on the Boussinesq hypothesis, are
not able to predict secondary flows in a straight Fig. 12. Vectors of secondary flow (right) and
non-circular duct. Consequently, the results Contours of streamwise velocity (left) in section
presented in Fig. 11 are reasonable. Secondary flow x=1500 m predicted by RSM model.
S. Salehi et al. / JAFM, Vol. 10, No. 4, pp. 1029-1043, 2017.
k SST k
v2 f RSM
Fig. 13. Vectors of secondary flow (right pictures) and Contours of streamwise velocity (left pictures) in
section x=2632 m.
S. Salehi et al. / JAFM, Vol. 10, No. 4, pp. 1029-1043, 2017.
x=2082 mm
x=2082 mm
x=2357 mm
x=2357 mm
x=2632 mm
Fig. 16. Normal velocity along vertical direction
x=2632 mm inside the diffuser.
Fig. 14. Streamwise velocity along a vertical
direction inside the diffuser.
Figure 17 shows comparisons for the streamwise
normal Reynolds stress ( u 2 ) in the diffuser. The
comparisons show that the eddy-viscosity based
turbulence models, as expected, significantly under-
estimate the turbulent normal levels. On the other
hand, the RSM model is able to produce accurate
predictions for this quantity. The comparison of
results in the three sections reveals that the
streamwise normal Reynolds stress develops an
outer plateau in the presence of an adverse pressure
gradient. The intensity of this plateau increases in
the streamwise direction. This property of a
turbulent boundary layer flow subjected to an
adverse pressure gradient is more obvious in a
Fig. 15. “Law of the wall” plots of RSM model. semi-log plot as shown in Fig. 18.
S. Salehi et al. / JAFM, Vol. 10, No. 4, pp. 1029-1043, 2017.
x=2082 mm
x=2082 mm
x=2357 mm
x=2357 mm
x=2632 mm
S. Salehi et al. / JAFM, Vol. 10, No. 4, pp. 1029-1043, 2017.
x=2357 mm
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