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Research Lecturer,
Satellite Venture Business Lab.

H. Tsukamoto
Department of Biological Functions
and Engineering,
Graduate School of Life Science
and Systems Engineering
Kyushu Institute of Technology
Kitakyushu-shi, 804-8550, Japan

Numerical Study of Pressure

Fluctuations Caused by
Impeller-Diffuser Interaction
in a Diffuser Pump Stage
Two-dimensional and three-dimensional, unsteady state Reynolds-averaged NavierStokes (RANS) equations with standard k- turbulence models were solved within an
entire stage of a diffuser pump to investigate pressure fluctuations due to the interaction
between impeller and diffuser vanes. A complete solution of transient flows due to the
interaction between components in the whole pump without approximating the blade
count ratio of impeller to diffuser was obtained by employing an Arbitrary Sliding Mesh.
The unsteady numerical results were compared with experimental data and values calculated by the singularity method. As a result of the present study, the Navier-Stokes code
with the k- model is found to be capable of predicting pressure fluctuations in the
diffuser. Furthermore, extensive numerical studies identified sources contributing to the
pressure fluctuations in the diffuser, and helped to understand the mechanism of impellerdiffuser interactions in the diffuser pump. DOI: 10.1115/1.1385835

In a diffuser pump, the centrifugal impeller interferes with its
successive diffuser vanes and produces pressure fluctuations
downstream of the impeller. In the case of a small radial gap
between the impeller and diffuser vanes, the magnitude of these
pressure fluctuations may become as large as the total pressure
rise across the pump Arndt et al., 1,2; and Tsukamoto et al.
3. These fluctuations not only generate noise and vibration that
cause unacceptable levels of stress and reduce component life due
to fatigue, but also introduce unfavorable characteristics of pump
performance even at or near the design point. Therefore, there is a
need to understand the sources of unsteadiness i.e., potential and
wake interactions to control the pressure fluctuations and to improve the overall pump performance and reliability.
Dring et al. 4 indicated two distinct mechanisms of rotorstator interaction: i wake interactions and ii potential interactions. Potential interactions are presently fully understood as potential flow effects induced by inviscid interaction due to the
relative motion between rotor blades and stator vanes. Wake interaction is far more complicated than potential interaction. It
originates from the impingement and convection of wakes shed
from the impeller passages and moving through the successive
diffuser passages. Rotor-stator interactions have been studied extensively in axial-type gas turbomachines Gallus et al., 5;
Fleeter et al., 6; Rai, 7; Giles et al., 8; Lewis et al., 9; Rao
et al., 10; Sharma et al., 11; Ho et al., 12; Valkov et al., 13;
Arnone et al., 14; Chung et al., 15. However, only a few studies have focused on impeller-diffuser interaction in hydraulic machines, especially in centrifugal pumps. Some experimental contributions to wake interactions in pumps may be attributed to the
extensive PIV measurements by Dong et al. 16, and Akin et al.
17, and hot wire measurement by Ubaldi et al. 18. However, it
is difficult to understand the flow phenomena due to impellerdiffuser interaction from only experimental studies because of the
complicated flow structures in centrifugal pumps. A 2-D unsteady
flow calculation was presented by Fortes-Patella et al. 19, who
Contributed by the Fluids Engineering Division for publication in the JOURNAL
OF FLUIDS ENGINEERING. Manuscript received by the Bioengineering Division October 21, 1998; revised manuscript received April 12, 2001. Associate Editor:
B. Schiavello.

466 Vol. 123, SEPTEMBER 2001

studied the interaction between the impeller and volute in a volute

pump. They used over-lapping mesh and phase-lagged periodic boundary conditions. Bert et al. 20 carried out an unsteady flow calculation in a centrifugal pump using a finite element method. Schulz et al. 21 did calculations of steady/
unsteady 3D viscous flow in hydrodynamic torque converters. Qin
and Tsukamoto 22 calculated an unsteady flow caused by
impeller-diffuser interaction in a diffuser pump with singularity
method. Ruprecht et al. 23 performed a numerical modeling of
unsteady flow in a francis turbine. All these works contributed to
the understanding of impeller-diffuser interaction in pumps, however, we have not reached the stage in which the unsteady flow
due to the impeller-diffuser interaction can be predicted with sufficient accuracy.
Following the recent theoretical works by Qin and Tsukamoto
22, the present study uses RANS code to calculate the pressure
fluctuations downstream of the diffuser pump impeller. Full
Navier-Stokes equations with k- turbulence model were solved
within a diffuser pump stage and the results were compared with
experimental data to validate the CFD calculations. The results
were also compared with values predicted by the singularity
method to differentiate the potential interaction contribution from
unsteady pressures. These comparisons lead to identify the contributions to pressure fluctuation resulting from various sources potential and wake-diffuser interactions, and will enhance our understanding of the mechanism of impeller-diffuser interaction in
diffuser pumps.

Description of the Model and Computational Method

Pump Model and Experimental Data. The test pump was a
single-stage diffuser pump with five impeller blades, eight diffuser vanes, and volute casing as shown in Fig. 1(a). A detailed
description of the pump is given by Tsukamoto et al. 3. Measured unsteady pressure in the vaned diffuser passage was compared with values calculated by the singularity method Qin and
Tsukamoto, 22. Specifications of the essential components are
summarized in Table 1.
A comprehensive survey of instantaneous pressure within the
diffuser passages was made by Tsukamoto et al. 3. The unsteady
pressures were measured by semi-conductor-type pressure transducers, which were installed directly on the pressure taps to pre-

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The subscript of the radial traverse position represents the passage

ID e.g. (r 5 ) c means that the static pressure tap is on the r 5 line in
the passage C). The blade-to-blade distributions of unsteady pressure were identified by a phase shift of the measured data. The
coordinates of the static pressure taps were formed by the cross of
five radial grid lines and five stream-wise grid lines in a blade-toblade passage as shown in Fig. 1(c).
Mathematical Method, CFD Code. In this study, unsteady
incompressible Reynolds-averaged Navier-Stokes equations were
employed to execute the time-accurate calculations associated
with true transient impeller-diffuser interaction in a diffuser
pump. The present CFD code is a commercial software package
STAR-CD 24. One application of this code to turbomachinery
flows can be found from Schachenmann et al. 25. The pressurebased, fully conservative, finite volume method is used in the
code. The turbulent viscosity was calculated using the standard
k- model. An implicit first-order scheme was used for the timedependent term. To avoid excessive numerical dissipation, a thirdorder accurate interpolation scheme QUICK was used for the
discretization of the convection terms and central difference
scheme was used for diffusion terms. The discrete governing
equations were solved with the PISO Pressure Implicit Split Operation algorithm.

Fig. 1 Schematics of test diffuser pump. a Test diffuser

pump; b pressure measurement stations for test vaned diffuser; c shifted static pressure tap position in blade-to-blade

vent the decrease of natural frequency in the pressure measurement systems. Figures 1(b) and 1(c) illustrate the unsteady
pressure measurement stations on the shroud casing side of the
diffuser in the test pump. Because of the limited space in the
measuring sections the pressure taps for tangential traverse were
located only at one radial location in each passage of the diffuser.

Computational Domain and Grid Topology. The number

of blade passages is usually limited in computational domains to
reduce the computer memory and running time for unsteady rotorstator interaction analysis. Obviously, this sort of treatment incurs
difficulties not only in modifying the blade configurations for the
match of the count ratio of rotor to stator, but also in specifying
the boundary condition for single component calculations. Since
there is no common factor available between the present impeller
blades and diffuser vanes, numerical calculations were made for
the whole stage of pump from impeller inlet to volute casing
outlet. At the first step of study, the pump model was simplified
down to 2-D flow to reduce the computational cost and memory
requirements and to make the calculation possible on an EWS
Engineering Work Station. Then 3-D pump model was performed using the same CFD code to determine the differences
between 2D and 3D calculations.
As shown in Fig. 2, the Hexahedron mesh was generated by
ICEM-CFD and the multi-block computational domain was comprised of three sub-domains: impeller, diffuser and volute casing.
The grids were arranged carefully within the small gap 4 mm
between impeller and diffuser. The total number of cells was
41,800 for the 2-D pump model and 338,460 for the 3-D pump
model with higher density of cells in the diffuser region where
more detailed flow structure was desired. The finer grids of 61,480
cells were used to check the grid-independence of numerical results in the 2-D flow model. Grid-independent results for 3-D
calculations were not pursued due to limitations of our computer
resources. A special technique called Arbitrary Sliding Mesh was
used in the present transient solution to accommodate the relative
motion between the impeller and stationary parts of diffuser vanes

Table 1 Specifications of test pump

Number of blades Z i 5
Inlet diameter D 1 132 mm
Outlet diameter D 2 250 mm
Outlet width b 2 41.6 mm
Blade inlet angle 1 20.4 deg
Blade outlet angle 2 22.5 deg
Design point:

Journal of Fluids Engineering


Volute casing

Number of vanes Z d 8
Volute width b v 76.9 mm
Inlet diameter D 3 258 mm
Base circle diameter478.8 mm
Outlet diameter D 4 325 mm
Inlet and outlet width
b 3 b 4 45.8 mm
Blade inlet angle 3 16.97 deg
Blade outlet angle 4 15.44 deg
Flow rate Q 0 6.21 m3/min. ( 0 Q 0 / D 2 b 2 U 2 0.117)
Total head rise H29.2 m ( 0 gH/U 22 0.393)
Rotational speed N2066 rpm

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Fig. 2 Computational grid. a 2-D computational grid 41,800 cells; b 3-D computational grid 338,460 csells

and volute casing. This allowed portions of mesh in the rotary part
of the impeller to slide in small incremental moments relative to
those of the stationary part during transient simulations.
Boundary Conditions. Since the computational domain incorporated the entire stage of the diffuser pump, the boundary
conditions were easily specified at the inlet and outlet of the
pump. Corresponding to the specified flow rate, a steady uniform
radial velocity for 2-D calculations or axial inflow velocity distribution for 3-D calculations was given at the inlet boundary and
the inlet boundary was located as far from the impeller blades
leading edge, as possible. The outlet boundary was imposed at the
end port of the volute casing, and simple extrapolation boundary
conditions were employed. Further changes in locations of inlet
and outlet boundaries did not show differences in predicted static
pressure fluctuations. Nonslip wall boundary conditions were
specified for the impeller blades surface, diffuser vanes surface
and volute casing wall. The so-called wall functions were employed within the sub-layer adjacent to all the surfaces. Also, the
boundary values of turbulence energy and turbulence dissipation
rate were carefully set to make the solution stable and accurate.
Zero gradients of k and are specified at the outlet, while the
following relationships are selected for k and at inlet,
k 1 0.005 U 21 V 21 W 21 and 1 k 1.5
1 /0.01D 2
where U 1 , V 1 , and W 1 are inlet mean velocity components, and
D 2 the outlet diameter of the pump impeller. Variations in these
parameters showed little effect on the pressure fluctuation in the
diffuser. The sliding interface between the impeller and diffuser
was treated as an additional fluid zonal boundary in transient calculations with sliding meshes, and was updated implicitly after the
interior of computational domain has been updated.
Convergence Judgment and Numerical Error Control. All
the computations were performed on a computer VT-Alpha
500AXP 500 MHz Alpha processor, 512 MB RAM. The time
step, which is related to rotational speed and angular displacement
of the impeller between two successive computations, was set to
468 Vol. 123, SEPTEMBER 2001

1.0104 290 time steps per revolution. The combination of

mesh density and time step was chosen such that the maximum
cell Courant number defined as C V t/x, where V is the
estimated local velocity, and x, the corresponding local mesh
dimension was less than 50. This was found to be necessary for
time accuracy and numerical stability. Normally, correctors between 5 and 8 are necessary within each time step for the PISO
algorithm to reduce the residual below an acceptable value. 5-6
revolutions of the impeller are necessary to get the convergence to
a periodic unsteady solution. Figure 3 shows the time histories of
velocity and static pressure near the leading edge suction side of
diffuser vanes during the first five revolutions of impeller. The
final numerical results for the comparisons with experimental data
in this paper were extracted from the sixth revolution of the impeller. To determine the sensitivity of numerical results to the
magnitude of the time step, the results at 290 and 580 time steps
per revolution were compared. As shown in Fig. 4, the magnitude
of the time step has no significant effect on the pressure fluctuation. The sensitivity of the model to grid size was checked by
performing the calculations for the 2-D model on two grid systems, one with 41,800 cells and the other with 61,480 cells, as
shown in Fig. 5. The numerical results showed that accurate computations are expected from 290 time steps per revolution and
61,480 grids in the present unsteady calculation. Furthermore,
various spatial difference schemes, such as, the first-order UD
Upwind Differencing, the second-order LUD Linear Upwind
Differencing and the third-order QUICK Quadratic Upstream
Interpolation of Convective Kinematics as well as a multidimensional second-order MARS Monotone Advection and Reconstruction Scheme were tested at the mesh density of 61,480 cells.
The differences in the results were negligible. The numerical tests
based on two grid systems and different convective flux formulations indicated that the well-known numerical diffusion a form of
numerical truncation error and numerical dispersion a kind of
numerical instability diminished to maximum extent. Moreover,
the influences of boundary locations and boundary specifications
were reduced to their respective minimums. Therefore, for the
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Fig. 5 Effect of grid density on pressure fluctuation at station

r 1 , c 1 for rated condition

Calculations by Singularity Method. Qin and Tsukamoto

22 calculated pressure fluctuations downstream of the present
test diffuser using singularity method. In their 2D, inviscid, and
incompressible flow analysis, they chose three kinds of vortices
for the fundamental analysis on impeller-diffuser interaction:
steady bound vortices on the impeller, unsteady bound vortices on
the diffuser vanes and free vortices shed from the diffuser vane
trailing edge. The present CFD results were compared with the
unsteady static pressures calculated by singularity method.

Results and Discussion

Fig. 3 Convergence history of time accurate computation during five rotations. a velocity fluctuation; b pressure fluctuation

present 2-D calculations, the numerical deviations from the experimental data can be attributed to physical modeling errors: 1
2-D and 3-D difference; 2 difference between CFD pump modeling and real pump modeling; 3 pump geometry deviation; and
4 turbulence models. While for the present 3-D simulations, the
discretization error due to inadequate grid resolution is a major

Fig. 4 Effect of time step on pressure fluctuation at station

r 1 , c 1 for rated condition

Journal of Fluids Engineering

Unsteady Pressure in Diffuser Vane Passage. Figure 6 indicates the time histories of the unsteady part of the instantaneous
pressure coefficient on a representative pressure tap (r 1 ,c 1 ) D positioned close to the diffuser vane leading edge on the suction side
see Fig. 1(b). The relative position between impeller I-1 and
diffuser vane D-1 at t * 0.0 is shown in Fig. 1(c). The wave
form of unsteady pressure predicted by CFD shows better agreement with the experimental one than a wave form calculated by
the singularity method which is comprised of only low frequency
components. The poor waveform predicted by the singularity
method was due to exclusion of the blade thickness and viscous
wake-diffuser interaction from the calculation. As shown in Fig.
7, the incorporation of the wake vortices from the impeller passages into the singularity method with some assumptions can improve, to some degree, the unsteady static pressure in terms of the
fluctuation wave form Qin 26. The valley of instantaneous

Fig. 6 Time histories of unsteady pressure at r 1 , c 1 ; Experimental Uncertainty in 7.1 percent

SEPTEMBER 2001, Vol. 123 469

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Fig. 7 Unsteady pressure at r 1 , c 1 predicted by Singularity method accounting for the viscous effects

pressure modeled by CFD is lower than observed in the experimental data or predicted by the singularity method but follows the
general pattern.
Figure 8 shows the blade-to-blade distributions of the peak-topeak values of unsteady pressure coefficient in the test diffuser
shown in Fig. 1(c). As compared to the results from the singularity method and the experimental data, the present CFD approach
is capable of predicting global trends in the pressure variations,
which are found to be larger on the suction side of diffuser vane
than on the pressure side at a given radius, and that unsteady
pressure decreases with increasing radius. The absolute magnitude
of the unsteady pressure coefficient from CFD simulation with the
two-equation model is larger than the experimental value. At the
current stage, nevertheless, the general features of the pressure
variations can be captured with the Navier-Stokes Solver. The
results obtained are in agreement with the available experimental
data in spite of the deviation in the magnitude of pressure fluctuations. Figure 9 shows both the measured and the CFD predicted
unsteady pressures in frequency domain at the location of
(r 1 ,c 1 ) D in the diffuser Fig. 1(b)). The frequencies are extracted
from the time domain with an external FFT program. The present
simulations demonstrate that the pressure in the diffuser passage
fluctuates with the impeller blade passing frequency Z i N and its
high harmonics, which cannot be accounted for in the singularity
method without viscous wake interactions. In conclusion, the
present whole stage calculations can predict frequency components of unsteady static pressures well, and provide fair approximations of pressure amplitudes.
Contour of Instantaneous Static Pressure 2-D CFD Results. Figure 10(a) and (b) shows the contour of instantaneous
static pressure in the stage of the test pump at two instants corresponding to P1 and P3 in Fig. 11 that indicates four pressure
peaks occurring at the pressure tap (r 1 ,c 3 ) D within one pitch
angular displacement of the impeller. At t * 0, when impeller
blade I-1 approaches closest to the leading edge of the diffuser
vanes D-1, static pressure at (r 1 ,c 3 ) D reaches the highest peak P1.
This pressure peak is due to potential interactions between impeller blades and diffuser vanes as indicated by the potential flow
analysis Qin and Tsukamoto, 22. When the trailing edge of the
impeller blade I-1 is passing by the pressure tap (r 1 ,c 3 ) D , the
pressure at (r 1 ,c 3 ) D is responding to another peak P3. This is
attributed by the wake interference from impeller blade I-1 as
described later.
Contour of Turbulent Kinetic Energy 2-D CFD Results.
Figure 12(a) and (b) shows the CFD calculated contour of turbulent kinetic energy in the stage of the studied pump at two
instants. The impeller wake with high level turbulent kinetic en470 Vol. 123, SEPTEMBER 2001

Fig. 8 Contour map of magnitude of p - p of pressure fluctuation in vaned diffuser passage at rated condition; experimental uncertainty in p - p 7.1 percent. a Measured; b calculated by singularity method; c CFD predicted

ergy moves out of the impeller discharge e.g., I-1 in Fig. 12(a),
and is chopped by diffuser vane when it approaches the leading
edge of the diffuser vanes. Then the wakes decay gradually in the
diffuser passage becoming insignificant after passing through the
diffuser passage, as can be seen in Fig. 12. The pressure peak P2
in Fig. 11 happens at the moment when the viscous wake shed
from blade I-1 passes by the location (r 1 ,c 3 ) D , as shown in Fig.

Fig. 9 Pressure fluctuation at r 1 , c 1 in frequency domain

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Fig. 10 2-D CFD predicted static pressure at two instants. a t * 0.0; b t * 0.41378

12(b). In other words, the viscous wake shed from impeller passage can be interpreted as a kind of phantom blade causing
additional impeller-diffuser interactions.
Vorticity Contours 2-D CFD Results. Figures 13(a) and
(b) show the present CFD predicted contour of vorticity in the
stage of the test pump at two different instants. The wakes shed
from the impeller blade trailing edge traverse with the main flow

Fig. 11 Unsteady pressure at position r 1 , c 3 for rated


from the impeller and are chopped into segments by diffuser

vanes. Then the wake segments are sheared and stretched within
the diffuser passage, and continue migrating while decaying
gradually. From Fig. 13(a) and (b), it might be deduced that the
pressure peaks, P3 and P4, shown in Fig. 11 are possibly produced
by the passing of wakes shed from the trailing edge of impeller
blade I-1. In addition to the outstanding pressure peaks occurring
at the monitored location (r 1 ,c 3 ) D , a series of small increases in
pressure are introduced by wake stretching and decaying. Consequently, this wake interaction generates fluctuations in the velocity and static pressure in the diffuser passage. Whereas the detailed viscous wake-diffuser interactions can be detected with the
present CFD model, the present singularity method cannot explain
the interaction and migration of the wakes downstream of impeller passages, thus the frequency components calculated by the
singularity analysis cannot cover wide frequency ranges, even
though the present singularity method can identify the potential
interaction in pumps.
Comparison Between 2-D and 3-D Calculations. Figure 14
presents a comparison between 2-D and 3-D calculations on the
static pressure fluctuation at stations (r 1 ,c 1 ) D , (r 1 ,c 3 ) D ,
(r 2 ,c 3 ) A and (r 3 ,c 3 ) G . The wave form is improved by the 3-D
computation, especially between the two pressure peaks. It seems
that the sampling time of 0.0002 second for the measurements
may be too long to be able to capture the detail fluctuations of
pressure as predicted by CFD calculations. Generally, the agree-

Fig. 12 2-D CFD predicted turbulent kinetic energy at two instants. a t * 0.0; b t * 0.13788

Journal of Fluids Engineering

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Fig. 13 2-D CFD predicted contour of vorticity at two instants. a t * 0.41378; b t * 0.72418

ment between CFD and experimentation becomes worse at higher

radii, especially at position (r 2 ,c 3 ) A in the diffuser passage A,
which is oriented to the tongue of the volute. This is because the
complicated interaction processes at the rear part of the diffuser or
near the tongue area cannot be captured accurately by the present
calculation. Using the present CFD studies on the test pump, the
unsteady effects can be categorized as potential interactions that
propagate downstream and upstream, and wake effects that convect downstream. At the rear part of the diffuser, both of these
effects become very complicated, and hence the real physics of
the interaction processes becomes more difficult to model with the
current RANS CFD solver.

Figure 15 presents the contours of relative velocity magnitude

at the discharge of the test pump impeller from the unsteady 3-D
calculation at two instants, and indicates a small, time-dependent
region with the well-known jet-wake structure near the shroud
suction corner at the outlet of the centrifugal impeller. This flow
structure cannot be predicted by the 2-D calculation due to its
failure to capture the secondary flow motion in the impeller. The
slight discrepancy between 2-D and 3-D calculations shown in
Fig. 14 may come from such flow structure differences. Surprisingly, 3-D calculations did not present as satisfactory results as
expected. This can be explained in that the present impellerdiffuser interactions are dominated by potential interaction and

Fig. 14 Comparisons between 2-D and 3-D calculations. a r 1 , c 1 ; b r 1 , c 3 ; c r 2 , c 3 ; d r 3 , c 3

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Fig. 15 Contours of relative velocity at the impeller discharge based on

unsteady 3-D calculation. a t * 0.0; b t * 0.7758

1 Sources contributing to the pressure fluctuations in the diffuser passage of the present diffuser pump stage have been captured with a 2-D RANS solver: potential interactions cause the
highest peak of pressure in the diffuser; viscous wakes shed from
the impeller interfere with the successive diffuser vanes and result
in the presence of additional high pressure peaks.
2 The frequency components of the pressure fluctuations in the
diffuser passage are comprised mainly of the impeller blade passing frequency Z i N and its higher harmonics of 2Z i N and 3Z i N.
This indicates that the impeller-diffuser interaction is caused
chiefly by potential interaction and wake impingement with the
diffuser vanes.
3 The jet-wake flow structure at impeller discharge affects
the wake-diffuser interaction, but it is relatively small compared
with stronger viscous wake interactions in the present pump.
Further work is being focused on the numerical solutions on
real pump models including the leakage flow, which is believed to
be important factors for impeller-diffuser simulations in pumps.

Fig. 16 Static pressure contour at the impeller discharge
based on unsteady 3-D calculation. a t * 0.0; b t * 0.7758

hence the wake effects are relatively small. The time-dependent

static pressure distribution from hub to shroud based on the unsteady 3-D calculation at two instants as shown in Fig. 16, does
not indicate marked distortion and follows a trend toward 2-D

A 2-D and 3-D unsteady incompressible Reynolds-averaged
Navier-Stokes equations with two equation turbulence models
was computed for the whole stage of a diffuser pump without
approximating the count ratios of rotor to stator. The calculated
results provided insights toward a better understanding of complicated unsteady rotor-stator interaction phenomena in a diffuser
pump. As a result of the comparison of the CFD predictions with
singularity calculations and experimental data, the following conclusions are derived:
Journal of Fluids Engineering

The work in this paper is a portion of the special program of

SBVL Satellite Venture Business Laboratory at Kyushu Institute
of Technology. This study was supported by the Japanese Ministry of Education, Science and Culture under a grant-in-aid for
Scientific Research, No. 09450081; This support is gratefully acknowledged. The authors thanks extended also to Messrs. M.
Uno, Y. Narimatsu for their useful suggestions and help in this


symbol of pressure traverse line

turbulence energy
rotational speed
pressure side
total pressure at pump suction port
instantaneous static pressurep

time average p
unsteady component of p
relative pressurepPs
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p- p

suction side
period of one revolution of impeller
time required to traverse one pitch of impeller blade
non-dimensional timet/T i
x-, y- and z- velocities in Cartesian coordinates
peripheral speed of impeller
number of blades
non-dimensional unsteady pressurep
* / U 22 /2
peak-to-peak magnitude of
dissipation rate of turbulence energy
instantaneous pressure coefficient(pPs )/( U 22 /2)
vorticity v / x u/ y

1, 2
3, 4

individual diffuser passage shown in Fig. 1(b)

impeller inlet and outlet
diffuser vane inlet and outlet

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