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International Journal of Fluid Power

ISSN: 1439-9776 (Print) 2332-1180 (Online) Journal homepage: http://www.tandfonline.com/loi/tjfp20

Numerical and experimental investigation on

a conical poppet relief valve with flow force

Roberto Finesso & Massimo Rundo

To cite this article: Roberto Finesso & Massimo Rundo (2017): Numerical and experimental
investigation on a conical poppet relief valve with flow force compensation, International Journal of
Fluid Power, DOI: 10.1080/14399776.2017.1296740

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Published online: 08 Mar 2017.

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International Journal of Fluid Power, 2017

Numerical and experimental investigation on a conical poppet relief valve with

flow force compensation
Roberto Finesso  and Massimo Rundo 
Dipartimento Energia, Politecnico di Torino, Torino, Italy


Numerical and experimental investigations have been carried out in order to study the effect of Received 16 September 2015
the poppet geometry on the flow-pressure characteristic of a direct acting pressure relief valve, Accepted 15 February 2017
which is equipped with a flow deflector for flow force compensation. A dynamic 3D-CFD model KEYWORDS
was built in ANSYS Fluent™, which is capable of simulating the interaction between the fluid Relief valve; conical poppet;
flow and the poppet dynamics by means of mesh deformation and of a user-defined function flow forces; CFD
(UDF). This model was applied to predict the flow-pressure characteristics of the valve for
different spring preload settings and deflector geometries. The simulated curves were validated
using experimental data acquired at FPRL (Fluid Power Research Laboratory) at the Politecnico
di Torino, and an excellent agreement was found. The CFD model was then used to predict the
effect of geometric parameters of the poppet, such as the cone angle and the position of the
deflector. Finally, a 0D model has been developed in order to predict the flow forces; this model
requires very few calibration points using 3D-CFD simulations, and can easily be implemented
in lumped parameter simulation tools. It was found that this model leads to a satisfactory
prediction of the flow-pressure characteristic of the valve.

1. Introduction configurations and their characterization on a test rig;

numerical optimization is based, instead, on the gener-
Direct acting poppet-type pressure relief valves are
ation of several virtual models of the valve by means of
extensively adopted in fluid power systems, as they
are low-cost, dirt tolerant and robust components. The a Computer Aided Design (CAD) software, and on the
achievement of an optimal flow-pressure characteristic simulation of the fluid flow inside the valve, as well as of
for this type of valve requires an effective compensation the flow forces, by means of 3D-CFD codes.
of the effect of the flow forces acting on the poppet and The main advantage of the numerical optimization
of the spring stiffness, which is usually high. approach is related to the saving of the costs related to
Among the different solutions proposed in the past the manufacturing of the prototypal poppet geometries;
years, the adoption of a flow deflector integral with the however, this method needs to be validated over several
poppet (Domagala and Lisowski 2003, 2004) or of a rim operating conditions, in order to guarantee its self-con-
in the rear part of the poppet (Vaughan et al. 1991, 1992, sistency and a satisfactory accuracy in the results. Several
Andersen et al. 2003) has proved to be an effective solu- examples of 3D-CFD simulations of poppet valves can
tion to achieve an optimal valve characteristic. This solu- be found in the literature (Huguet 2003, 2004, Jalil et al.
tion in fact allows the jet outflowing from the metering 2015). 3D-CFD simulations have proved to be a reliable
edge to be deflected, so as to generate an opening force and effective method to determine the flow forces, also
that may balance both the flow force which tends to close for spool-type valves (Del Vescovo and Lippolis, 2003).
the poppet and the incremental closing force due to the The main focus of the present research is the develop-
high spring stiffness. ment, in ANSYS FluentTM, of a dynamic 3D-CFD model
The optimization of the geometry of the flow deflec- of a direct-acting poppet-type pressure relief valve, and
tor is of great importance in order to obtain an optimal the evaluation of the effect of the geometry of the flow
valve characteristic for different operating conditions. deflector and of the poppet on the flow-pressure char-
This optimization can be carried out either experimen- acteristic. The developed approach is capable of simu-
tally or numerically. The experimental approach would lating the interaction between the fluid flow inside the
require the manufacturing of different poppet geometry valve and the poppet dynamics, by means of the use of

CONTACT  Massimo Rundo  massimo.rundo@polito.it

© 2017 Informa UK Limited, trading as Taylor & Francis Group

a dynamic mesh and of a user-defined function (UDF). A detail of the valve cartridge in regulating conditions
The UDF is used to update the position of the poppet at is reported in Figure 2. Since the diameters of the poppet
each time instant, on the basis of the evaluation of the seat and of the damper are the same, when the valve is
forces acting on the poppet itself, including the contribu- closed, only the pressure acting of the right frontal sur-
tions of the spring and of the fluid; the latter contribution face of the damper generates the opening force Fact to
is evaluated taking into account the pressure field infor- oppose the spring force Fspr. In steady-state conditions
mation that derives from the CFD solution. The CFD such pressure coincides with the inlet pressure at the
mesh is then deformed at the new time instant, on the port P.
basis of the new position of the poppet that is evaluated In regulating conditions two additional forces arise:
by the UDF, and the flow and pressure field solutions the flow force Fjet due to the reduction of the pressure
are then solved by the CFD code. This method allows along the conical poppet just upstream the metering
a direct simulation of the flow-pressure characteristic edge and the force Fdef generated by the flow deflector.
of the valve to be obtained, for a given spring preload. Three different configurations of the flow deflec-
It is in fact sufficient to set the preload of the spring in tor were tested experimentally. In particular, in addi-
the UDF, as well as the initial poppet opening position, tion to the baseline geometry referred to as ‘Geometry
and to set the inlet flow rate; the dynamic simulation is A’, a spacer of 0.5  mm (Geometry B) and of 1.0  mm
then run, and the inlet valve pressure can be evaluated at (Geometry C) were added in order to investigate the
the end of the simulation when the poppet achieves the effect of the deflector depth on the flow-pressure char-
steady-state position. The flow-pressure characteristic acteristic. The geometrical parameters of the valve are
can thus be derived point by point, by setting different listed in Table 1.
inlet flow rates and different spring preloads. The CFD The hydraulic scheme of the test rig is reported in
simulations were carried out using the cavitation model Figure 3. The flow rate was generated by a 40  cc/rev
embedded in ANSYS Fluent, in order to avoid the occur- variable displacement pump equipped with absolute
rence of negative absolute pressure values (Gao et al. pressure limiter, which was set to 100  bar. The pump
2002, Bernad and Resiga 2012). An alternative approach was driven by a constant speed 15 kW electric motor.
to evaluate the flow-pressure characteristic of the valve A two-port flow control valve RQ2 was used to impose
is based on lumped-parameter modelling environments. the flow rate through the valve under test.
These tools are based on analytical models to evaluate
the forces acting on the poppet, but the force generated
by the flow deflector is not included. A correct estima-
tion of such contribution would require a large number
of steady-state 3D-CFD simulations to be carried out
(for different flow rate and poppet opening conditions),
in order to build a look-up table of the force which can
be implemented in the lumped-parameter modelling
tool. This procedure is however time consuming. For
this reason a customized 0D model has been developed
and implemented in the LMS Imagine.Lab AmesimTM
Figure 1. 3D section view of the valve.
environment in order to evaluate the forces acting on
the flow deflector. It will be shown that this model is
characterized by a very simple tuning, as it requires only
a few 3D-CFD simulations to be carried out.

2.  Valve geometry and experimental setup

The valve used as reference unit for the present study is a
conical poppet direct acting pressure relief valve shown
in Figure 1. The valve is provided with a damper con-
stituted by a cylinder connected through a rod to the
conical poppet. The left end of the adjustable spring is Figure 2. Detail of the cartridge.
in contact against the poppet through a washer, called
flow deflector, which deviates the flow coming from the Table 1. Main valve parameters.
metering edge. The spring chamber is drained to the T Quantity Value
port through a hole. In the figure the location of the Popped seat/damper diameters ds 8 mm
pressure transducers used for sensing the inlet and outlet Cone half angle α 19.2°
Deflector depth – baseline 1.5 mm
pressures in the experimental tests described hereinafter Spring stiffness 51 N/mm
are also shown. Max cracking pressure 75 bar

Figure 4. Photo of the test rig.

Figure 3. Hydraulic circuit according to ISO standard.

The flow rate was measured by a turbine flow meter

KEM-KUPPERS HM11 E with 6–60 L/min measuring
range. The pressure at the inlet of the valve under test
was sensed by a miniature absolute pressure transducer
(P1) GS XPM, with 0–100 barA range and ± 0.25% lin-
earity error. A similar transducer (P2) with 0–20 barA
range was used to measure the pressure at the valve out-
let. A water-oil heat exchanger was used to cool the fluid
at the end of each test by venting the piloted relief valve
PRV. The rig utilized an ISO VG 46 DTE25 oil stored in
a 100 L reservoir. A view of the test rig along with the
instrumentation is shown in Figure 4.
For each geometrical configuration, three flow-pres- Figure 5. Final computational mesh for the baseline geometry.
sure characteristics were acquired at the test rig, by set-
ting low (15 bar), medium (45 bar) and high (75 bar)
spring preload settings.

3.  Dynamic 3D-CFD model

3.1.  Model description
A dynamic 3D-CFD model of the valve was realized by
means of ANSYS Fluent, which is capable of simulating
the interaction between the fluid flow and the poppet.
The realization of the CAD model of the valve, as
well as the extraction of the fluid computational domain,
Figure 6. Detail in the metering edge and flow deflector zones.
were carried out in Solidworks™. The ANSYS meshing
tool was then used to generate the finite-volume tetra-
hedral mesh; a positive poppet opening position was the gap between the damper and the sleeve, as well as
set as the initial geometric configuration, in order to in the annular region around the flow deflector. A grid
avoid excessive mesh distortion with highly skewed cells independence study was carried out in order to find
during the initial poppet displacement. In particular, the best trade-off between computational requirements
initial openings of 0.2, 0.5 and 1.0 mm were set for low and accuracy. The final computational mesh is shown in
(Q ≤ 10 L/min), medium (10 < Q < 30 L/min) and high Figures 5 and 6, and includes a total number of about
(Q ≥ 30 L/min) flow rates, respectively, in order to speed 2 million cells.
up the achievement of the steady-state poppet position.
A mesh refinement was realized in the metering edge 3.2.  Model setup
zone, as well as in the fluid domain downstream from it,
in order to capture accurately the jet deflection induced 3.2.1.  Turbulence sub-model
by the flow deflector, as well as the high velocity and A RANS approach has been adopted for the 3D-CFD
pressure gradients. A refinement was also realized in analysis, using the standard formulation of the two

equation k – ε model to resolve the Reynolds stress 3.2.2.  Dynamic mesh and UDF
and close the equation set. The scalable wall-function A dynamic mesh was used to deal with the motion of
approach was adopted instead of the standard wall-func- the poppet; in particular, the surface of the poppet was
tion one (ANSYS FluentTM theory guide, 2011). defined as the moving zone with rigid body motion solu-
It is worthwhile recalling that the standard wall func- tion, while all the remaining inner surfaces of the valve
tion approach is based on the Lauder and Spalding results were set as stationary zones. The smoothing, layering
(Lauder et al. 1974), according to which the boundary and remeshing functions embedded in ANSYS Fluent
layer is divided into two sub-layers. The inner one is were used to prevent excessive mesh distortion and the
the viscous sub-layer (y* < 11.225), for which laminar occurrence of negative volumes of the cells during the
stress-strain relation occurs, so that y* = U*. The quan- poppet displacement. The remeshing was activated if
tities y* and U* are the dimensionless wall distance and the maximum cell skewness exceeded a threshold equal
dimensionless velocity respectively, defined as follows: to 0.9. A UDF was written in C code and compiled in
ANSYS Fluent, in order to calculate the axial rigid body
𝜌C𝜇1∕4 kp yp motion of the poppet. This function was used to cal-

y = (1)
𝜇 culate the net axial force acting on the poppet at each
time instant, taking into account the spring and the
fluid forces. In the UDF it is necessary to set the spring
stiffness, the initial spring preload, as well as the initial
Up C𝜇1∕4 kp poppet opening position and the surfaces of the poppet
U =∗
𝜏w ∕𝜌 on which the fluid force is calculated.

where kp is the turbulence kinetic energy at the near-wall 3.2.3.  Fluid type and cavitation sub-model
node P, C𝜇is an empirical constant equal to 0.09, yp is Preliminary simulations were carried out using a sin-
the distance from point P to the wall, μ is the dynamic gle-phase incompressible fluid; however, it was verified
viscosity of the fluid, ρ is the density of the fluid, Up is that negative values of the absolute pressure (up to about
the mean velocity at node P and τw the wall shear stress. −20 bar) occurred in some zones of the fluid domain (in
In the log-law sub-layer (y* > 11.225), logarithmic particular, near to sharp edges with high fluid velocity
dependence between dimensionless velocity and wall gradients, as well as in recirculation vortexes). Negative
unit occurs: absolute pressure values are unphysical, and may result
in a wrong estimation of the forces exerted by the fluid
1 ( ∗)
U∗ = ln Ey (3) on the poppet. Although it was verified that the influ-
ence of such negative pressure regions is little, for a more
where κ is the von Karman constant (equal to 0.4187) rigorous approach a two-phase mixture was chosen as
and E is an empirical constant, equal to 9.793. The log- working fluid, which is constituted by incompressible
arithmic law for mean velocity is known to be valid for liquid phase (DTE25 oil at 40  °C) and vapour phase,
30 < y* < 300. setting a constant vaporization pressure. The Schnerr
The standard wall function approach requires that the and Sauer cavitation sub-model (Schnerr et al. 2001)
first cell outside the walls is in the log-layer region (y* > embedded in ANSYS Fluent was used to estimate the
11.225). The scalable wall-function approach prevents expression of the net mass transfer from liquid to vapour.
from the deterioration of the results in case of highly Obviously in the real valve the gaseous phase will be also
refined grid (y* < 11.225), thus avoiding an erroneous constituted by separated air, however such aspect goes
modelling of the viscous sub-layer and buffer regions. beyond the scope of the present paper.
In particular, a limiter in the y* calculation is introduced
in Equation (3), so that: 3.2.4.  Boundary conditions, discretization schemes
and solution methods
ỹ ∗ = MAX y ∗ , ylimit

(4) For all simulations, a steady-state flow solution was pre-
( )
liminarily calculated and set as the initial condition for
where y*limit = 11.225. the time-dependent solution. The inlet mass flow rate
These wall functions produce consistent results for at port P and the outlet pressure at port T were set as
grids of arbitrary refinement. For grids which are coarser boundary conditions. The vapour mass fraction at the
than y* > 11.225, the scalable wall-function approach will inlet and outlet of the valve was set to zero.
provide identical results to the standard wall function The pressure-based coupled algorithm was used to
one. In the present investigation, it was found that the solve the momentum and pressure-based continuity
use of the standard wall function approach, instead of equations together, so as to speed-up convergence.
the scalable wall function one, leads to errors in the pre- The gradients were evaluated using the Green–Gauss
diction of the valve characteristic which can be of the node based method, which is usually recommended for
order of 6% with respect to the experimental data, if the tetrahedral meshes. The PRESTO! discretization scheme
near-wall mesh cell size is not appropriate. was used for the pressure equation, the QUICK one for

the momentum and volume fraction equations, and the 71

first-order upwind one for the turbulent kinetic energy
and turbulent dissipation rate equations. A relaxation 70

Inlet pressure (bar)

factor of 0.3 was set for the volume fraction equation
due to convergence issues in preliminary tests which 69
were carried out using higher values of that coefficient.
First order implicit formulation was used for the time 68
marching in the transient simulations.

3.3.  Model validation

3.3.1.  Grid independence study 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4
A grid independency study has been carried out in order Millions of cells
to find the optimal mesh configuration. (a)
In particular, the operating condition at 50 L/min and 425
high spring preload has been considered as the most
suitable one for this analysis, as it leads to the highest 415
flow velocity distributions and to the highest values of
the flow forces acting on the poppet and on the deflector. 405
Figure 7 reports the effect of the number of cells of the
grid on the calculated inlet pressure (Figure 7(a)) and on F (N) 395
the calculated net force acting on the poppet, including
the flow deflector (Figure 7(b)). The different mesh con- 385
figurations were built by keeping the ratio between the
dimension of the cells in the refinement zones constant. 375
It can be seen in the Figure 7 that a grid independent 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4
solution can be achieved using at least 2 million cells. Millions of cells
This has been considered as the optimal mesh configu- (b)
ration for all the simulations (the selected configuration
is highlighted with a red circle in the figure). The result- Figure 7. Effect of the number of cells on inlet pressure (a) and
ing computational time to simulate a single point of the net poppet force (b).
flow-pressure characteristic resulted to be of the order
of 3–4 h using 14 processes in parallel on an eight-core
HT Xeon processor at 3.4 GHz. Geometry A Predicted Experimental

3.3.2.  Comparison between the predicted and
experimental valve characteristics
Flow rate (L/min)

The dynamic 3D-CFD model has been validated by
carrying out a comparison between the experimental 30

flow-pressure characteristics of the valve and the pre-

dicted ones. Figures 8–10 show the experimental and the
simulated curves for three spring preload settings (low, 10
medium, high) and for the three considered geometrical
configurations of the flow deflector, i.e. geometry A, B 0
0 15 30 45 60 75 90
and C.
It can be observed that the agreement in general Pressure difference P-T (bar)
is very good. The deflector resulted to be effective for
the flow force compensation, especially for medium Figure 8. Predicted vs. experimental curves (geometry A).
and high spring settings (for which the characteristic
is vertical), while it is less effective for the low spring slope at high flow rates, and this is due to an excessive
setting. This is due to the fact that, at a given flow rate, flow force compensation. In general, a reduction in the
the poppet opening tends to reduce when the spring depth of the deflector leads to a decrease in the slope of
setting increases, so that the flow velocities in the meter- the flow-pressure characteristics, which can be observed
ing edge and the axial momentum variation induced especially for geometry C (see Figure 10).
by the deflector increase. It can be observed that for It will be shown in the next section that this is due to
geometry A (Figure 8) the flow-pressure characteristic a reduction in the variation of the flow axial momentum
for the high spring setting case tends to have a negative induced by the deflector.

Geometry B Predicted Experimental

Flow rate (L/min)





0 15 30 45 60 75 90
Pressure difference P-T (bar)

Figure 9. Predicted vs. experimental curves (geometry B).

High spring setting
Geometry C Predicted Experimental

Flow rate (L/min)





0 15 30 45 60 75 90
Low spring setting
Pressure difference P-T (bar)

Figure 11. Velocity fields at 50 L/min and geometry A.

Figure 10. Predicted vs. experimental curves (geometry C).

3.4.  Effects of spring setting

It was shown in the previous section that the deflector
is effective for flow force compensation, especially for
medium-high spring settings, while it is less effective at
low spring settings. This can be explained on the basis
of the results of the CFD simulations reported in Figures
11 and 12.
In particular Figure 11 reports, for the geometry A
configuration, the velocity fields on the mid-plane of the
valve which includes the axes of the inlet and outlet ports
at 50 L/min and for the high and low spring settings,
High Medium Low
while Figure 12 reports the related pressure fields for the
spring setting spring setting spring setting
low, medium and high spring settings. For the sake of
clarity only half poppet has been displayed, considered Figure 12.  Pressure fields at 50 L/min and geometry A in the
the symmetry of the geometry. Moreover, with reference zone in front of the deflector.
to the pressure fields (Figure 12), only the zone in front
of the deflector is shown.
In general, it can be observed in Figure 11 that a high spring setting, as a consequence of a decrease in the
flow deflection occurs; the estimated average angles of poppet opening position. Hence, also the velocity of the
the fluid outflowing from the deflector are of the order fluid which impacts the deflector tends to increase with
of 170° for the high and medium spring settings, and of the spring setting, and this determines a higher axial
the order of 155° for the low spring setting. momentum variation induced by the deflector, even
It can also be observed in Figure 11 that the flow though the inlet and outlet flow angles are of the same
velocity in the metering edge tends to increase with the order of magnitude for the three spring settings.

It can also be observed in Figure 11 that a recircula-

tion of the fluid occurs in the volume downstream from
the metering edge, especially for the high setting, and
this generates an additional opening force contribution
on the deflector. As a consequence, a higher pressure
distribution on the flow deflector occurs when the spring
setting increases, as can be seen in Figure 12, and this
determines a higher flow force exerted by the fluid on
the deflector. High spring setting Low spring setting
For the same conditions, Figure 13 reports the fields
of the vapour volume fraction. It can be observed that Figure 13.  Vapour volume fraction fields at 50 L/min and
vapour formation occurs around the edges of the poppet, Geometry A.
where the pressure tends to decrease to a great extent
due to the high velocity gradients, and in the middle of
the recirculation vortex. In general, the higher volume
fractions occur for high spring settings, due to the higher
flow velocities which determine higher pressure drops.

3.5.  Effects of deflector geometry

Figures 14 and 15 report the velocity fields at 50 L/min
for the configurations A and C of the flow deflector with
the high and low spring settings respectively.
It can be seen in the figures that, at both low and high Geometry A Geometry C
spring settings, a reduction in the depth of the deflector
leads to a decrease in the angle of the fluid outflowing Figure 14. Velocity fields at 50 L/min, geometries A and C, high
from the deflector; moreover, the recirculation of the spring setting.
fluid is also reduced to a great extent. Both effects con-
tribute to a reduction in the flow force compensation of
the flow deflector.

3.6.  Effect of the poppet cone angle

An investigation of the effect of the poppet cone angle
has been carried out. In particular, a variation of ± 5 deg
with respect to the baseline geometrical configuration
(i.e. 19.2°) has been analysed. The condition at 50 L/
min and high spring setting has been selected for the
comparison, as it leads to the highest flow forces act- Geometry A Geometry C
ing on the poppet and on the deflector, and is therefore
the most suitable one for the evaluation of the effects of Figure 15. Velocity fields at 50 L/min, geometries A and C, low
geometrical variations of the valve on the flow forces. spring setting.
The results of the simulations for this operating point
are visible in Figures 16 and 17, in terms of velocity and
pressure fields, respectively.
In order to better analyse the results, Table 2 reports
the effect of the poppet cone angle on the inlet pressure,
poppet opening position and the force Fdef acting on the
flow deflector.
First, it can be noted in Figure 16 that an increase in
the poppet cone angle leads to a different impact point
of the flow on the deflector.
It can be seen in Table 2 that an increase in the poppet
cone angle leads to a reduction in the poppet opening Cone angle 14.2° Cone angle 24.2°
position: this is a geometrical effect, and is due to the fact
that if the cone angle increases, a lower poppet opening Figure 16. Velocity fields, at 50 L/min, different poppet angles,
position is sufficient to achieve the same cross-sectional high spring setting.

Table 2. Effect of cone angle at 50 L/min and high setting.

Inlet pressure Poppet posi- Deflector
Cone angle (bar) tion (mm) force (N)
14.2° 72.5 1.29 205
19.2° (baseline) 69.8 1.02 195
24.2° 73.6 0.82 179

Cone angle 14.2° 19.2° 24.2°

Figure 17. Pressure fields, at 50 L/min, different poppet angles,

high spring setting.

area in the metering edge. This would lead to a benefit Figure 18.  Velocity fields, at 50 L/min, different deflector
in terms of the valve characteristic (i.e. to a reduction positions, high spring setting.
in the inlet pressure at equal flow rate), because a lower
spring compression is necessary to achieve the same
cross-sectional area. However, it can be seen in Table 2
that an increase in the poppet cone angle also leads to a
decrease in the flow force acting on the flow deflector,
which has instead a negative effect on the valve charac-
teristic. This can also be observed in Figure 17, where it
can be seen that lower pressure distributions occur on
the flow deflector at increasing cone angles, as a con-
sequence of a different angle of the flow impacting the
deflector and of the fluid outflowing from it.
As a result, the net effect of a variation in the poppet
cone angle on the valve characteristic depends on which
of the two effects is predominant. For the analysed con-
ditions, both a reduction and an increase in the poppet
cone angle of 5 deg lead to a detriment in the valve char-
acteristic (i.e. to an increase in the inlet pressure at fixed Baseline Distance +1.5 mm +3.0 mm
flow rate), so that the baseline geometrical configuration
Figure 19.  Pressure fields, at 50 L/min, different deflector
can be considered as the optimal one.
positions, high spring setting.

3.7.  Effect of deflector distance

In order to better analyse the results, Table 3 reports
An investigation of the effect of the deflector distance the effect of the deflector distance at 50 L/min on the
from the poppet seat has also been carried out. In par- inlet pressure, poppet opening position and flow force
ticular, variations of  +1.5  mm and of  +3.0  mm, with acting on the flow deflector.
respect to the baseline geometrical configuration, have It can be seen that an increase in the distance has
been analysed. As in the previous case, the condition little influence on the values of the inlet pressure and
at 50 L/min and high spring setting has been selected of the flow forces. This can also be clarified by analys-
for the comparison; the velocity and pressure fields are ing the velocity fields reported in Figure 18: although a
shown in Figures 18 and 19, respectively. spreading of the jet occurs when the distance of the flow

Table 3. Effect of deflector distance at and high setting.

Distance from Inlet pressure Poppet posi- Deflector force
poppet seat (bar) tion (mm) (N)
Baseline 69.8 1.02 195
+1.5 mm 69.0 1.02 200
+3.0 mm 69.9 1.02 190

deflector increases, and the angle of the fluid outflowing

from the deflector tends to decrease (both effects would
negatively affect the performance of the deflector), it can
be seen that a small recirculation zone of fluid arises in Figure 20. Pressure at 50 L/min, high setting, geometry A.
the central portion of the deflector (which is highlighted
by a red circle in the figure), which gives a positive con-
tribution on the fluid force acting on the deflector, as can
also be seen from the pressure fields in Figure 19. As a
result, the net flow force acting on the deflector is almost
independent on the position of the deflector.

4.  Lumped parameter model

4.1.  Model description
As just demonstrated, the presented CFD model is able
to predict with a good accuracy the steady-state charac-
teristic. However the 3D approach cannot be used in a
Figure 21. Control volume.
study of a whole system, where the pressure relief valve
represents only one of the numerous components. In
such a case, a lumped parameter model is the only valid the poppet and a fraction of the outgoing fluid is recir-
alternative. As a consequence a simplified analytical culated. In such case a second inlet flow area must be
expression for the forces Fjet and Fdef (see Figure 2) must considered with a fluid velocity v3 and an angle θ3.
be determined. At steady-state conditions, the flow force Hence the force on the flow deflector is:
Fjet can be evaluated using the well-known equation,
function of the flow rate Q and the fluid velocity v, which
( )
Fdef = 𝜌Q v1 cos 𝜃1 − v2 cos 𝜃2 + v3 cos 𝜃3 (6)
derives from the fluid axial momentum conservation:
The velocity v1 in the vena contracta can be written as
Fjet = 𝜌Qv cos 𝛼 (5)
function of the flow rate and of the flow area. Moreover
In this case the jet angle can be approximated with the the fluid jet enters the control volume with an angle
poppet half-angle α. The flow force calculated with that depends on the cone angle; in particular θ1 can
Equation (5) at 50 L/min and opening x of 1  mm is be assumed as the average between the half angle of
88.2 N, against a value obtained by the CFD model of the poppet α and the angle of the seat (0°). Therefore
85.1 N. Equation (6) can be rearranged as follows:
The latter value was calculated as the resultant along
the x axis of the pressure distribution acting on the 𝜌Q2 ( ( 𝛼 ) )
Fdef = cos − k21 cos 𝜃2 + k31 cos 𝜃3 (7)
dashed line in Figure 20. In particular the flow force is Cd A 2
the difference between two contributions: the term act-
ing on the surface of the dumper from the rod diameter where the coefficients k21 and k31 represent the ratio
dr up to the seat diameter ds, and the force due to the between the maximum fluid velocity in the sections 2
pressure acting on the cone from dr up to the diameter and 3 respectively and the velocity in the inlet section 1.
da identifying the minimum area. Finally the opening force Fact due to the inlet pressure
For the evaluation of the force on the flow deflector, it is simply expressed as:
is possible to apply the conservation of the fluid momen-
tum on the hatched volume in Figure 21. ds2 𝜋
Fact = p (8)
In fact the flow enters the control volume through 4 in
the restricted flow area and, as shown in the CFD sim-
ulations (see Figure 11), it leaves the flow deflector in A lumped parameter model of the valve was developed
correspondence of the outer edge with a velocity v2. If in the LMS Imagine.Lab AmesimTM environment. In
the angle θ2 is close to 180°, then the jet hits the seat of Figure 22 the model of the valve built with the Hydraulic

Pred.(with Fdef & recirc.) Pred.(no Fdef)
Pred.(with Fdef no recirc.) Experimental
15 bar 45 bar P4 P3 75 bar

Flow rate (L/min)


Figure 22. LMS Amesim model of the valve.

Pred.(with Fdef) Pred.(no Fdef)
Experimental 0
60 0 15 30 45 60 75 90 105
15 bar 45 bar P2 75 bar P1 Pressure difference P-T (bar)
Flow rate (L/min)

40 Figure 24. Predicted vs. experimental curves, Geometry A.


However the CFD simulations show that a fraction of the
flow rate is recirculated and the coefficient k31 is about
0 0.25. The angle θ3 is not easy to be determined, so a
0 15 30 45 60 75 90 105 120
value of 45° can be a good compromise. In this case P4
Pressure difference P-T (bar)
becomes the new final point and the force is 146 N with
Figure 23. Predicted vs. experimental curves, Geometry C.
an error of 8%. It should, however, be noted that such
value represents the maximum error, since for lower flow
rates or lower pressures the simulated curves are closer
Component Design library is reported (Amesim User’s to the experimental data.
Guide, 2015) and the customized component imple-
menting the expression (11) is highlighted.
5. Conclusion
A flow source is connected to the inlet port, while
the spring chamber is connected directly with the tank. In this paper two modelling approaches for assessing the
steady-state characteristic of a flow force compensated
pressure relief valve are presented. A 3D CFD model
4.2.  Model performance
with interaction between the pressure field and the pop-
The comparison between the experimental points and pet position has been developed in ANSYS Fluent. It has
the simulated characteristics is reported in Figure 23 been demonstrated that such model can be used as a
for three different pressure settings and Geometry C. fully predictive tool for the evaluation of the valve behav-
In such a case, based on the CFD simulations, the recir- iour, since it does not require any tuning on experimen-
culation is negligible and, accordingly, the term k31 has tal tests. It was verified that, in order to obtain physically
been set to 0. The simulations have been performed with consistent results, a cavitation model has to be adopted,
θ2 = 120° and k21 = 0.4; both values come from the CFD and particular attention must be paid to the choice of
simulation at 50 L/min and maximum pressure setting the correct wall function approach.
(see Figure 14). In the same figure the curves simulated Moreover a very good agreement between the pre-
without the force Fdef are also superimposed (no Fdef ), dicted and measured curves was found. The model was
allowing to appreciate the significant contribution of the also proved to be reliable in evaluating the effect of a
force induced by the deflector. In fact at the maximum geometrical modification of the flow deflector.
pressure setting and maximum flow rate, the deflector A significant outcome from the study is that the flow
allows to reduce the real regulated pressure from 103 bar force compensation is mainly affected by the depth of
(point P1) to 78.5 bar (point P2). In this operating point the deflector, while the cone angle and the deflector dis-
the force Fdef calculated with the Equation (7) is equal tance have a negligible effect. The lumped parameter
to 116 N. model requires a tuning on CFD data, however reason-
With the Geometry A (Figure 24), in the same oper- ably good results can be obtained with just one CFD
ating point the experimental final regulated pressure is steady-state simulation performed in the condition of
about 69 bar and the force Fdef can be estimated to be about maximum flow rate and maximum pressure setting.
159 N. If the recirculation is not taken into account (no Since the presented CFD model takes into account also
recirc.), the simulated deflector force is 132 N (point P3) the dynamics of the valve, it can reasonably be used to
with an error of 17%, using θ2 = 170°, based on Figure 11. investigate transient phenomena.

Nomenclature Massimo Rundo graduated in Mechanical

Engineering at the Politecnico di Torino in
Symbols 1996. After graduation he participated with
the Fluid Power Group of the Politecnico di
A  minimum flow area Torino, as a visiting researcher, to an exten-
Cd  discharge coefficient sive research project on lubrication pumps
Cμ  constant in Equations (1) and (2) for internal combustion engines. In 2005 he
da  diameter for minimum flow area joined the Faculty as Assistant Professor. He
dr  rod diameter is lecturer of Fluid Power courses from 2006. His research
activity is mainly focused on modelling, simulation and test-
ds  seat diameter ing of fluid power components, especially positive displace-
E  constant in Equation (3) ment pumps.
Fact  opening force
Fdef  force on the flow deflector
Fjet  flow force on the conical poppet ORCID
Fspr  spring force Roberto Finesso   http://orcid.org/0000-0002-9327-2237
k31  velocity ratio v3/v1 Massimo Rundo   http://orcid.org/0000-0001-6868-6174
k32  velocity ratio v3/v2
kp  turbulence kinetic energy
pin  inlet pressure
Q  volumetric flow rate Andersen, T.O., Hansen, M.R., Sørensen, H.L., 2003. Using
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yp  distance of point from the wall problems in design and control, Melbourne, Australia.
y*  dimensionless wall distance Ansys, Inc., 2011. Ansys FLUENT 14 theory guide.
α  poppet half angle Bernad, S.I. and Resiga, R.S., 2012. Numerical model for
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τw  wall shear stress Del Vescovo, G., Lippolis, A., 2003. CFD analysis of
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ρ  fluid density international conference on computational method in fluid
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PRESTO  PREssure STaggering Option
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QUICK       Quadratic Upwind Interpolation for Convective on computational method in fluid power technology,
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No potential conflict of interest was reported by the authors. relief minivalves. In: Proceedings of the 1st international
conference on computational method in fluid power
technology – SIM2003, Melbourne, Australia.
Notes on contributors Huguet, D., 2004. Dynamic mesh modelling of a direct
acting relief valve. In: Proceedings of the 3rd FPNI – PhD
Roberto Finesso graduated ‘magna cum symposium on fluid power, Terrassa, Spain.
laude’ in Mechanical Engineering at the Jalil, J., Ahmed, S., Xue, Y. and Ghadhband, S., 2015.
Politecnico di Torino in 2005. He took a Experimental and numerical investigation of fluid flow
PhD in Energy Engineering, section ‘Fluid of truncated conical poppet valve. International journal
Flow Machines’, at the Energy Department of fluid power, 16 (1), 25–34. doi:10.1080/14399776.20
at the Politecnico di Torino in 2009, and he 15.1017360.
has worked as post-doc fellow from 2009 to Launder, B.E. and Spalding, D.B., 1974. The numerical
2012. In 2012 he joined the Faculty as computation of turbulent flows. Computer methods in
Assistant Professor with a time-contract position. His applied mechanics and engineering, 3, 269–289.
research activities are mainly focused on CFD modelling of Schnerr, G.H., and Sauer, J., 2001. Physical and numerical
fluid power components, especially valves, and on combus- modeling of unsteady cavitation dynamics. In: Fourth
tion and emission formation modelling in internal combus- international conference on multiphase flow, New Orleans,
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Siemens PLM Software, 2015. LMS Imagine.Lab Amesim – Vaughan, N.D., Johnston, D.N., and Edge, K.A., 1992.
hydraulic component design library 14, user’s guide Numerical simulation of fluid flow in poppet valves.
Vaughan, N.D., Johnston, D.N., and Edge, K.A., 1991. Proceedings of the institution of mechanical engineers part
Experimental investigation of flow and force characteristics c journal of mechanical engineering science, 206 (2), 119–
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