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Adv Photoshop Doc. 9.

74 Ver 1



Photoshop is the industry-standard software for image-editing, providing a

range of powerful tools. Instructions in these notes cover version CS, but will
broadly apply to versions 5.0 - 7.0 in addition.

This document is recommended for advanced users, or those who have

already completed document 9.73 – Image Editing with Photoshop CS.

If you are not attending a ITS workshop, you will need to have the course “IT
Skills” added to your WebCT login – please contact ITS reception.


1 Login to WebCT .............................................................................. 2

2 Drawing tools ................................................................................. 3
3 Retouching tools ............................................................................. 6
4 Using Burn to minimise shadows ......................................................10
5 Recolour a photograph....................................................................11
6 Retouch a photograph ....................................................................14
7 Tools and Shortcuts........................................................................16

About this Document

Will need to be typed or chosen from
Words in bold
a menu or window
Small capitals – e.g. ALT Indicate keys that you press
Press KEY1 + KEY2 Press both keys together
Press KEY1, KEY2 Press each key consecutively
Are guidelines on how to perform a
Bulleted lists
Show menu commands – in this case,
Choose Insert - Picture choose the option Picture from the
Insert menu at the top of the screen

Doc. 9.74 Ver 1 Adv Photoshop

1 Login to WebCT
Objectives To login to WebCT

Comments Use your ITS username and password

Activity 1.1 Login to WebCT

In following this document, you should leave Internet Explorer –

logged into WebCT – and Photoshop open, and switch between
the two using the icons at the bottom of the screen.

• Open Internet Explorer – the easiest access is provided by the

icon to the right of the Start button

• If Internet Explorer opens at the ITS home page, you will see
a link to WebCT at the bottom of the page

• Either follow that link, or type webct.bbk.ac.uk directly into

the address bar

• Use your ITS username and password to login

Activity 1.2 Open IT Skills

• Click on the link to the course materials for “IT Skills”

• Click on Software Guides

Figure 1-1
• Click on Photoshop

Within this area are two links to image databases; Photoshop#1

and Photoshop#2. You will be prompted as to which to use.

Adv Photoshop Doc. 9.74 Ver 1

2 Drawing tools
Objectives To draw shapes within Photoshop

Activity 2.1 Brush and Pencil

There are several ways of adding shapes to your images within


Most simply, you may use the Brush or Pencil tool to draw a line
onto your canvas.

Figure 2-1
With both of these tools, you may change the brush size using
the options bar below the menus.
Activity 2.2 Rectangle, Ellipse

Further down the toolbar is the rectangle tool, which hides

several other shapes.

Select a shape and click and drag to add that shape.

Figure 2-2
All of these shapes have further options you may set – note
particularly those on the drop down menu shown in Figure 2-3,
allowing you to constrain the shape to a circle, square etc.

Figure 2-3

The colour of these shapes should also be set on the option bar,
as shown below

Doc. 9.74 Ver 1 Adv Photoshop

Figure 2-4
These icons allow for
special effects; try
them and see

Activity 2.3 Controlling the size of the line

You may have noticed, however, that when using the tools
above, there is no option to change how thick the line is. To
draw an unfilled shape and set the size of the line, you should
use one of the marquee tools.

• Create a new, blank canvas by choosing File – New

• Set the width to 15cm and height to 10cm

Figure 2-5
• Add a new layer, using the layers window

Note: It is not always necessary to add a new layer when

drawing a new shape, but is good practice, as it allows you to
move that shape independently, set blending options and so on.

• Use the rectangular marquee tool to draw a shape onto

the new layer

• Choose Edit – Stroke

Type a number to set the
weight of the line

Click to change the

colour of the line

Figure 2-6

Adv Photoshop Doc. 9.74 Ver 1

Activity 2.4 Cartoon Style

This tool may be used to add a quick cartoon effect to a picture.

• Open the image frog.jpg from your n: drive (if you need to
download it, it is in WebCT, under IT Skills – Software Guides
– Photoshop – Sample Images – Photoshop #1)

• Take a duplicate of the image

• Use the magic wand – with tolerance set to 120 – to select

the frog

• Hold the SHIFT key and click once on the frog’s eye to add that
to the selection

• Choose Edit – Stroke

• Set the width to 4 and choose a fairly dark colour

Figure 2-7
• Click OK

The frog is still selected, and may be copied and pasted onto
another image.

Doc. 9.74 Ver 1 Adv Photoshop

3 Retouching tools
Objectives To use Photoshop’s retouching tools

Method Use the Blur, Sharpen and Retouch tools

Comments Remember always to make a new snapshot before using

retouching tools; partly so that you can revert if you make
changes you do not want to keep, and partly to allow a quick
“before” and “after” comparison.

Activity 3.1 All three tools are accessible from the icon shown in Figure 3-1 –
click and hold to see the options.

• Use the shortcut, R, to change to the last-used tool

• Use SHIFT+R to cycle between the three

All are fairly self-explanatory in their effects.

- Blurs the area where you draw

- Increases the contrast of individual pixels
- Mimics dragging a finger through wet paint
Figure 3-1

Each tool has, at the top of the screen, a mode and strength
setting, as shown in Figure 3-2 and Figure 3-3 respectively

Figure 3-3

Determines how strongly an

effect is applied
Figure 3-2
Activity 3.2 The Sharpen Tool

The sharpen tool needs the most care of the three, as it is

possible to make a complete mess very quickly. It is used to
increase colour contrast in the areas on which you paint it.

• If necessary, save a copy of frog.jpg from Photoshop #1 into

your n:\my pictures folder

• Open your copy of frog.jpg

Adv Photoshop Doc. 9.74 Ver 1

• Duplicate the image (Image – duplicate on the menus)

• Choose the Sharpen Tool from the toolbar

• From the options at the top of the screen, choose a strength

of 11% and a large brush size, as in Figure 3-4

• Paint over the frog’s head to sharpen the eye

• The change is slight, but the history panel will allow you to
see what has been done

Figure 3-4

If you want, try painting over the image with a higher pressure
setting to see how damaging the sharpen tool can be – use the
history panel to reverse any changes you don’t want
Activity 3.3 Sharpen Filter

You may not need to use the sharpen tool, as there are filters
available to serve a similar function.

• Open frog.jpg
• Take a duplicate of the image (Image – Duplicate)
• Select the magic wand
• Change the tolerance to 75
• Holding down the SHIFT key, click into the main portion of the
eye a few times, till most of it is selected

• Use the Sharpen Filter by choosing Filter – Sharpen – Sharpen

Doc. 9.74 Ver 1 Adv Photoshop

Activity 3.4 The Blur Tool

The blur tool is most useful for covering up small blemishes,

wrinkles etc on faces. Usage takes practice more than
instruction, but to see the effect.

• In WebCT, open the full size version of redeye.jpg (click on

the View Image link) from Photoshop #1 and save a copy to
your n: drive
• Open the file redeye.jpg
• Take a copy and close the original
• Select the magic wand tool
• Change the tolerance (on the options panel) to 50
• Click once on the forehead of the left-hand person
• Hold down the SHIFT key and click just to the left of the
selected area

You should now have most of the face selected, which protects
the hairline

• Zoom in closer to the image – roll the mouse wheel down or

use one of the techniques we have already covered
• Select the blur tool, as in Figure 3-1
• Change the strength (if necessary) to 50%
• Paint over the forehead – you may paint over the hairline with
impunity, as it is outside the selected area
• Note that the more you cover an area, the greater the effect
• Zoom out again to see the effect – a little over the top,
perhaps, but effective

The blur tool needs care in use, but applied sparingly it can be
very useful in giving the required effect.

Activity 3.5 The Smudge Tool

The smudge tool is similar in effect to the blur tool, but allows
you to “smudge” paint from one area to another. Its effects are
often even more obvious than the blur tool, so usage needs still
more care.

• Choose one of the marquee tools and click once, anywhere on

the image to deselect the area first chosen
• Zoom in to the person in the middle at about 150%. He has a
couple of blemishes just below his mouth that we will remove
• Choose the smudge tool
• Change the pressure (if necessary) to 50%

Adv Photoshop Doc. 9.74 Ver 1

• Click just to the side of one of the blemishes and paint over it

Again, a quick and effective way of touching up a photograph,

but be careful not to overdo it.

Activity 3.6 The Sponge Tool

The sponge tool saturates or desaturates the pixels wherever you

paint. Saturation intensifies colours, desaturation dulls them –
ultimately turning them grey.
In its desaturation mode, it can be used to remove red-eye.

Figure 3-5
• Open the image redeye.jpg
• Choose Image – Duplicate
• Close the original

• Select the sponge tool

• Check that the mode is set to Desaturate, and the brush size
is small – 3 or 1 – as in Figure 3-6

Figure 3-6

• Use the zoom tool or mouse wheel to magnify the pupils –

remember that holding down SPACE turns the cursor
temporarily into the hand tool, allowing you to change which
part of the picture is displayed
• Click accurately on the pupil until the desired level of red eye
fix has been achieved.

Doc. 9.74 Ver 1 Adv Photoshop

4 Using Burn to minimise shadows

Objectives To use Photoshop’s retouching tools

Method Use dodge and burn

Activity 4.1 Burn

• In WebCT, click on the Sample Images link, as shown in

Figure 4-1, to go back to the list of image databases

Figure 4-1
• Click on Photoshop #2
• Open the full size version of girl.jpg and save a copy to your
n: drive
• In Photoshop, open the file you have just saved

• Select the Burn tool

Figure 4-2
• Use the toolbar to select a large brush size (c.20)

• Change the exposure to a low number – around 7%

• Use sweeps of the mouse to draw carefully over the bright

areas on her nose and cheeks

Note that each click of the mouse applies the effect again – so
two short sweeps have double the intensity of one long one.

If you overdo it, you may correct the effect. Try some or all of
the following;

• Use the history panel to undo your changes

• Use the history brush, varying the opacity to erase only some
of your edit
• Use the dodge tool to lighten the area

Adv Photoshop Doc. 9.74 Ver 1

5 Recolour a photograph

Objectives To recolour a washed-out photo

Method Use curve and sponge

Activity 5.1 The Curve Function

• In WebCT, click on the Sample Images link

• Click on Photoshop #2
• Open the full size version of of boys.jpg and save a copy to
your N: drive

The photo is washed out. Photoshop’s curve function allows you

to adjust the tonal range of a photograph or other image,
adjusting highlights, shadows and midtones.

• Choose Image – Adjustments – Curves (CTRL + M)




Figure 5-1

• Click and drag the middle box down and to the right a little –
just enough to make the line curve a little. You should see
the picture darken

Doc. 9.74 Ver 1 Adv Photoshop

It is possible to click anywhere

onto the curve to make
adjustments. We will make the
darker tones a little darker as well

• Click onto the curve near the

bottom left
• Click and drag it down and
right to make a J curve similar
to that on the right
• Click OK

Figure 5-2

The picture is already brightened up considerably. We can use

the sponge tool to enhance the colour of the jacket on the right
of the picture.

• Select the sponge tool

Figure 5-3
• Use the toolbar to choose a large brush (between 20 and 30)
• Set the mode to saturate
• Change the pressure to 40%

Figure 5-4
• Paint over the coat on the right hand side – remember to
avoid repeated clicks of the mouse; use a sweeping motion

The denim we can leave faded, but you could use the same tool
– possibly with a smaller brush size – on the badges on the
denim jacket.

When finished, use the History panel to create a new snapshot

(the middle icon). You may then switch between the original and
new snapshots to see the difference.

Adv Photoshop Doc. 9.74 Ver 1

Activity 5.2 Whilst there is a certain satisfaction – and fine control – in

adjusting a photo in this way, you may achieve something similar
more quickly by using Photoshop’s levels command.

• Open the original boys.jpg again

• Right-click in the title and choose Duplicate to take a copy
• Close the original
• Choose Image – Adjustments – Auto levels

That may give just the effect you want – you may still use other
tools to correct colours etc. For more control over this effect,
use the layers panel

• Click on the snapshot of the original picture in the history

panel to reverse the changes made above

• In the layers panel, drag the background layer onto the new
layer icon (to the left of the dustbin) to duplicate it (or right-
click and choose duplicate layer)

• Use the drop-down to set the blend mode to soft light

Figure 5-5
• Use the opacity setting to reduce the effect
• Repeat the above to increase the effect

Figure 5-6

Note that this method, changing the blend mode to Screen, will
also work for under exposed (too dark) photographs
In Photoshop CS, you may also use Image – Adjustments –
Shadow/Highlight – use the sliders to alter the severity of the

Doc. 9.74 Ver 1 Adv Photoshop

6 Retouch a photograph
Objectives To use Photoshop’s retouching tools to whiten teeth and
“improve” a face…
Method Use clone, blur, dodge and burn

Activity 6.1 Whiten Teeth

• In WebCT, open the full size version of smile.jpg and save a

copy on your N: drive
• In Photoshop, open the image you have just saved
• Right-click in the title bar and choose duplicate to take a copy
• Close the original photograph

There are various things to “correct” here. First, the teeth

• Use the lasso tool to draw round the teeth – Remember

that you hold
the aim is to protect the lips and gums SHIFT to add to
a selection, ALT
• Select the dodge tool to subtract
from it

• Use the toolbar to set the range to midtones and the exposure
to c. 20%

Figure 6-1
• Paint over the teeth to whiten them!

Activity 6.2 Next, we will remove the shadows from under her eyes

• Select the clone stamp tool

• Hold down ALT and click just under a shadow to select the
source to clone from
• Set the mode to lighten and the opacity to c. 35%

Figure 6-2
• Click and drag over the shadow to blend it away

Be careful of the eye on the left, as the lashes are indistinct and
easily removed

• Select the blur tool

Adv Photoshop Doc. 9.74 Ver 1

Figure 6-3
• Set the mode to lighten, with a heavy pressure, to remove the
few dark spots from her face and, if necessary, further to
blend in the effect achieved with the clone stamp

Activity 6.3 Finally, we can remove the white fleck from her hair and darken
her temple.

• Use the clone stamp – in normal mode, with a small brush

size - to clone hair and paint it over the white fleck

• Use the burn tool with a low exposure (<10%) and the range
set to midtones to darken the glare on her temple a little

Doc. 9.74 Ver 1 Adv Photoshop

7 Tools and Shortcuts

Comments For Reference

Activity 7.1

M Marquee Move V
L Lasso Magic Wand W
C Crop
J Airbrush Paintbrush B
S Clone History brush Y
E Eraser
R Blur/Smooth Dodge/Burn O
Type T
Rectangle U
Eyedropper I
H Hand tool Zoom Z
Switch colours X

D Default
Full screen mode

Figure 7-1

Photoshop’s retouching tools – more exercises


Cosmetic Retouching

Animation with Imageready


Correcting Colour and Tone


Range of Tutorials


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