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Republic of the Philippines

Province of Pangasinan



ORDINANCE NO. 2015-0___



Be it ordained by the Sangguniang Panlungsod, that:




Section 1A.01. Title. This Ordinance shall be known as the “Code of

General Ordinances of 2015 of the City of Alaminos, Province of

Section 1A.02. Scope. This covers all ordinances enacted by the

Sangguniang Panlungsod and those of the former Sangguniang Bayan, this


Section 1B.01. Words and Phrases. Words and phrases embodied in

this code not herein specifically defined shall have the same meaning as
found in legal dictionaries as well as in existing laws.

Section 1B.02. Construction of Codal Provisions. In construing the

provisions of this code, the following rules of construction shall be observed
unless inconsistent with the manifest intent of the provisions of this code, or
when applied would lead to absurd or highly improbable results:

a. General Rule. All words and phrases shall be construed and

understood according to the common and approved usage of the
English language; but technical words and phrases and such other
words in this Code which may have acquired a peculiar or
appropriate meaning shall be construed and understood according
to such technical, peculiar or appropriate meaning.

Republic of the Philippines
Province of Pangasinan



b. Gender and Number. Every word importing the masculine, gender

as well as the words “he/she”, “his/her” and “him/her” shall extend
to both male and female. Every word importing the singular number
shall extend and apply to several persons or things as well; and
every word, importing the plural number shall extend and apply
also to one person or thing.
c. Computation of Time. The time within which an act is to be done
as provided in this Code, or in any rule or regulation issued
pursuant to the provisions thereof, when expressed in days shall be
computed by excluding the first day and including the last day,
except when the last day falls on a Sunday or holiday, in which case
the same shall be excluded from the computations and the next
business day shall be considered the last day.
d. Person. The word “person” shall extend and apply to individuals or
to natural and juridical persons such as firms, corporations or
voluntary associations unless plainly inapplicable.
e. Tenses. The use of any verb in the present tense shall also apply to
the future whenever applicable. The words “shall have been” refer to
both past and future tenses. The use of the word “shall” in this Code
means that the act being required to be done is mandatory, whereas
when the word “may” is used, it means permissive.
f. References. All references as to “Chapters”, “Articles”, or “Sections”
are to Chapters, Articles or Sections in this Code, unless otherwise
g. Conflicting provisions of Chapters or Articles. If the provisions of
different chapters or Articles conflict or contravene each other, the
provisions of each chapter or Article shall prevail as to all specific
matters and questions involved therein.
h. Conflicting provisions of Sections. If the provisions of different
sections in the same chapter conflict with each other, the provision
of the section that is last, in point of sequence shall prevail.

Section 1B.03. Amendment and Integration of Additional

Provisions. Any amendment on this Code may be introduced to the Chapter,
Article or Section concerned. All ordinances and provisions thereof enacted
subsequent to the date of effectivity of this Code shall be complied in such a
way as to bear the corresponding Chapter, Article or Section to which such
ordinance or provision pertains. Such new provisions shall be integrated into
the corresponding Chapter, Article or Section whenever a new printing or
reproduction of this Code is undertaken upon authori zation of the

Section 1B.04. Existing Rights. No right accrued, action or proceeding

commenced before the effectivity of this Code shall be adversely affected by

Republic of the Philippines
Province of Pangasinan



any provisions hereof. All proceedings or actions to be taken thereafter shall

conform to the provisions of this Code whenever possible.

Section 1B.05. Reference Code. Whenever reference is made to any

portion of this Code, such reference shall apply to all amendments and
additional portions now or may hereafter be introduced.

Section 1B.06. Effect of Headings. The Chapter, Article and Section

heading do not in any manner affect the scope, meaning or intent of the
provisions contained in this Code.

Section 1B.07. Relation to Prior Ordinances. The provisions of this

Code which are subsequently the same as that of the previous or existing
ordinances particularly when dealing with the same subject matter shall be
construed as “restatements” and not as new enactments.

Republic of the Philippines
Province of Pangasinan






Section 2A.01. Cityhood Day of Alaminos. Congress enacted Republic

Act 9025, known as an “Act converting the Municipality of Alaminos into
a Component City”. It was signed into law on February 8, 2001 and, ratified
by the people of Alaminos through a plebiscite held on March 28, 2001.

Through Ordinance No.14-2001, the Sangguniang Panlungsod adopted

the 28th day of March 2001 and every year thereafter as the “Cityhood Day
of Alaminos, Pangasinan.”


Section 2B.01. Seat of Government. The seat of the City Government

of Alaminos is Barangay Poblacion. The City Hall Building is located at
Quezon Avenue, corner of GP, Garcia Street; the Legislative Building on the
South; and the Saint Joseph Cathedral on the west.


Section 2C.01. The Vision of the City is:

Republic of the Philippines
Province of Pangasinan






Republic of the Philippines
Province of Pangasinan



Section 2D.01. The Official Seal of the City of Alaminos. The Official
seal of the City of Alaminos is designed to reflect significant features,
historical landmarks and God-given nature of the city. The quality traits,
values, dreams and aspirations of its inhabitants are reflected in the seal
itself. Simple as it is, yet, it narrates and portrays how the endearing
qualities of the people led towards the emergence of a tiny settlement into a
leading City in Western Pangasinan. The seal comprises the following:

a. The Outer-Most Lines - the Outer-Most lines is made up of Abaca

and formed a rope-like or twine line that binds the seal. The Seal is
in a Circular form and, as a circle, any part of its circumference is
equidistance from the center. It reflects that within this City, in
which such lines bind for, there is equality being enjoyed by the
b. The Circular Space - Immediately within the outer-most line is a
circular parallel twine. The Republic of the Philippines is written on
the upper part of the space and the City of Alaminos is written on
the lower portion purposely to identify directly the name of the city.
c. The Thirty-nine Golden Stars - the 39 golden stars of the same
sizes and in equal distance from one another forming a circle
represents the Thirty- Nine Barangays that comprised the City.
d. The symbol of the New Society - its inclusion in the seal is not
incidental. It reveals that the birth of such seal happened during the
emergence of the new society after the civil war.
e. The Lighthouse - the Lighthouse is a bulky post-like figure
perpendicularly stands in a firm manner. It protects its rays in all
directions. It serves as an eye- opener for those who are in the sea of
darkness and relieves its people from the bondage of poverty.
f. The Wheel - moving its axis wheel denotes action and progress.
Alaminos is the center and prime mover of trade and commerce in
western Pangasinan.
g. The Shell - showcases bountiful agricultural products. It
supplements the wheel so that Alaminos abounds not only
agricultural products but it had also been producing virtuous and
witty individuals.
h. The Hundred Islands - it was developed by the Alaminians under
the able- leadership of the late Dr. Gonzalo Montemayor during the
incumbency of the late President Manuel L Quezon. A monument
depicting Quezons’ support to Alaminos had been erected at the
island and a particular island known as “Quezon Island” was named
after him.
i. The Two Hand-like figures - uplifting all figures around the seal
are two hand-like figures which denote unity, cooperation and

Republic of the Philippines
Province of Pangasinan



strength as the dictum in Labor law posits, “In unity, there is

j. The Laurels - Originated by the Greeks, Laurel leave is a sign of
success, honor and dignity; Indeed, Alaminos had been producing
and still producing successful sons and daughters in almost all
fields of endeavor; thus, making Alaminos a recipient of laurels.
k. The Colors - dominantly, Gold, Green, Red and Blue are the colors
used in framing the seal. The designer believed that Gold like laurel
is also a sign of success; the Green symbolizes life, enthusiasm and
happiness; Red symbolizes love; and Blue represents vastness,
infinity, maturity and blessings.


Section 2E.01. The City Hymn. The City of Alaminos adopted the
Pangasinan Hymn “LUYAG KO TAN YAMAN” as its hymn, rendered with the
following lyrics:


Sekder ka dan dayew mi

Pangasinan ya pinabli
Deen mo tan iyaliguwas
Piugagep ko lawas

Diad pusok Pangasinan

Agka nalingwanan
Luyag ko ya niyanakan
Peteg taken yaman

Matuwan aliguas mo natay anengneng la

Pasimbaloy ginmapo la
Say pankakasakey natay nalilikna
Lapud panamablid sika

Say dayat mo napnoy dakep tan say yaman

Sekder na kapalandeyan

Republic of the Philippines
Province of Pangasinan



Kareenan tan santing mo Pangasinan

Pablien tan lawas bantayan

Lawas takan intanduro Pangasinan

Aroen ka tan bayuboan
Panangampupom ya walan abangonan
Ikikinom kod siopa man
Pangasinan luyag mi tan yaman




Section 3A.01. The City Mayor and His Powers, Duties and
Functions. The City Mayor, as the Chief Executive of this city government,
shall exercise such powers and perform such duties and functions as
provided for under Republic Act No. 7160, otherwise known as the Local
Government Code of 1991, and other laws.

For efficient, effective and economical governance the purpose of which

is the general welfare of this city and its inhabitants, the City Mayor shall:

Republic of the Philippines
Province of Pangasinan



1. Exercise general supervision and control over all programs, projects,

services and activities of this city government, and in this
connection, shall:

a. Determine the guidelines of city policies and be responsible to

the Sangguniang Panlungsod for the program of the government;
b. Direct formulation of th e city development plan, with the
assistance of the city development council, and upon approval
thereof by the Sangguniang Panlungsod, implement the same;
c. Present the program of government and propose policies and
projects for the consideration of the Sangguniang Panlungsod at
the opening of the regular session of the Sangguniang
Panlungsod every calendar year and as often as may be deemed
necessary as the general welfare of the inhabitants and the needs
of this city government may require;
d. Initiate and propose legislative measures to the Sangguniang
Panlungsod and, as often as may be deemed necessary, provide
such information and data needed or requested by said
Sanggunian in the performance of its legislative functions;
e. Appoint all officials and employees whose salaries and wages are
wholly or mainly paid out of city funds and whose appointments
are not otherwise provided for in the Local Government Code of
1991, as well as those he may be authorized by law to appoint;
f. Represent this city in all its business transactions and sign on
its behalf all bonds, contracts, obligations, and such other
documents upon all authori ty of the Sangguniang Panlungsod or
pursuant to law or ordinance;
g. Carry out such emergency measures as may be necessary during
and in the aftermath of man-made and natural disasters and
h. Determine the time, manner and place of payment of salaries or
wages of the city officials and employees, in accordance with law
or ordinance,
i. Allocate and assign office space to the city officials and
employees who, by law or ordinance, are entitled to such space
in the city hall and other buildings owned or leased by the city
j. Ensure that all executive officials and employees of this city
faithfully discharge their duties and functions as provided by law
and this Code and cause to be instituted administrative or
judicial proceedings against any official or employee of this city
who may have committed an offense in the performance of his
official duties;
k. Examine the books, records and other documents of all offices,
officials, agents or employees if this city and, in aid of his

Republic of the Philippines
Province of Pangasinan



executive powers and authority, require all national officials and

employees stationed in or assigned to this city to make available
to him such books, records and other documents in their
custody, except those classified by law as confidential;
l. Furnish copies of executive orders issued by him to the Office of
the Provincial Governor within seventy two (72) hours after the
m. Visit component barangays of this city at least once every six (6)
months to deepen his understanding of problems and conditions,
listen and give appropriate counsel to local officials and
inhabitants of general laws and ordinances which especially
concern them and otherwise conduct visits and inspections to
ensure that the governance of this city will improve the quality of
life of the inhabitants;
n. Act on leave applications of officials and employees appointed by
him and the commutation of the monetary value of their leave
credits in accordance with law;
o. Authorize official trips of city officials and employees outside of
this city for a period not exceeding thirty (30) days;
p. Call upon any national official or employee stationed in or
assigned to this city to advise him on matters affecting the city
and to make recommendations thereon; coordinate with said
official or employee in the formulation and implementation of
plans, programs and projects; and when appropriate, initiate an
administrative or judicial action against a national government
official or employee who may have committed an offense in the
performance of his official duties while stationed in or assigned
to this city;
q. Authorize payment for medical care, necessary transportation,
subsistence, hospital or medical fees of city officials and
employees who are injured while in the performance of their
official duties and functions, subject to the availability of funds;
r. Solemnize marriages, any provision of law to the contrary
s. Conduct an annual Palarong Panlungsod, which shall feature
traditional sports and discipline included in national and
international games; and
t. Submit to the Provincial Governor an annual report containing a
summary of all matters pertinent to the management,
administration and development of this city and all information
and data relative to its political, social and economic conditions;
and supplemental reports when unexpected events and
situations arise at any time during the year, particularly when
man-made or natural disasters or calamities affect the general
welfare of this city.

Republic of the Philippines
Province of Pangasinan



2. Enforce all laws and ordinances relative to the governance of this

city and in the exercise of the appropriate corporate powers provided
for by law and the Local Government Code of 1991, implement all
approved policies, programs, projects, services and activities of this
city and, in addition, shall:

a. Ensure that the acts of the city’s component barangays and of its
officials and employees are within the scope of their prescribed
powers, duties and functions;
b. Call conventions, conferences, seminar or meetings of any
elective and appointive officials of this city, including provincial
and national officials and employees stationed in or assigned to
this city at such time and place and on such subject he may
deem important for the promotion of the general welfare of this
city and its inhabitants,
c. Issue such Executive Orders for the faithful and appropriate
enforcement and execution of laws and ordinances;
d. Be entitled to carry the necessary firearms within his territorial
jurisdiction after the procurement of necessary permit or license
from duly constituted authorities;
e. Act as the deputized representative of the National Police
Commission, formulate the peace and order plan of this city and,
upon its approval, implement the same; and as such, exercise
general and operational control and supervision over the local
police forces in this city in accordance with Republic Act No.
6975; and
f. Call upon the appropriate law enforcement agencies to suppress
disorder, riot, lawless violence, rebellion or sedition or apprehend
violators of the law when public interest so requires and the city
police forces are inadequate to cope with the situation or the

3. Initiate and maximize the generation of resources and revenues and

apply the same to the implementation of development plans,
program objectives and priorities provided for under Section 18 of
the Local Government Code of 1991, particularly those resources
and revenues programmed for agro-industrial development and
countrywide growth and progress and, relative thereto, shall:

a. Require each head of an office or department to prepare and

submit an estimate of appropriations for the suing calendar year,
in accordance with the provisions of the Local Government Code
of 1991;

Republic of the Philippines
Province of Pangasinan



b. Prepare and submit to the Sangguniang Panlungsod for approval

the executive and supplemental budgets of this city for the
ensuing calendar year in the manner provided for by law and the
Local Government Code of 1991;
c. Ensure that all taxes and other revenues of this city are
collected, and that city funds are applied to the payment of
expenses and settlement of obligations of this city, in accordance
with law or ordinance;
d. Issue licenses and permits and suspend or revoke the same for
any violation of the conditions upon which said licenses or
permits had been issued, pursuant to law or ordinance;
e. Issue permits, without need of approval therefore from any
national agency, for the holding of activities for any charitable or
welfare purpose, excluding prohibited games of chance or shows
contrary to law, public policy and public morals;
f. Require owners of illegally constructed houses, buildings or other
structures to obtain the necessary permit, subject to such fines
and penalties as may be imposed by law or ordinance, or to make
necessary changes in the construction of the same when said
construction violates any law or ordinance , or to order the
demolition or removal of said house, building or structure within
the period prescribed by law or ordinance;
g. Adopt adequate measures to safeguard and conserve land,
mineral, marine, forest and other resources of this city;
h. Provide efficient and effective property and supply management
in this city, and protect the funds, credits, rights and other
properties of the city; and
i. Institute or cause to be instituted administrative or judicial
proceedings for violation of ordinances in the collection of taxes,
fees or charges, and for the recovery of funds and property; and
cause this city to be defended against all suits to ensure that its
interests, resources and rights shall be adequately protected.

4. Ensure the delivery of basic services and the provision of adequate

facilities as provided for under Section 17 of the Local Government
Code of 1991 and, in addition thereto, shall:

a. Ensure that the construction and repair of roads and highways

funded by the national government shall be, as far as
practicable, carried out in a spatially contiguous manner and in
coordination with the construction and repair of the roads and
bridges of this city and of this province, and
b. Coordinate the implementation of technical services, including
public works and infrastructure programs, rendered by national
and provincial offices and

Republic of the Philippines
Province of Pangasinan



5. Exercise such other powers and perform such other duties and
functions as may be prescribed by law or ordinance.


Section 3B.01. The City Vice Mayor and his Powers, Duties, and
Functions. The City Vice Mayor shall exercise such powers and perform
such duties and functions as provided for by Republic Act no. 7160 and
other laws.

For efficient , effective and economical governance the purpose of which

is the general welfare of this city and its inhabitants , the City Vice mayor

1. Be the presiding Officer of this city’s Sangguniang Panlungsod and

sign all warrants drawn on the city treasury for all the expenditures
appropriated for the operation of the Sangguniang Panlungsod.
2. Subject to Civil Service Law, Rules and Regulation, appoint all
officials and employees of this Sangguniang Panlungsod, except
those manner of appointment is specifically provided for in the
Local Government Code of 1991.
3. Assume the office of the City Vice Mayor for the unexpired term of
the latter in the event of permanent vacancy as provided for in the
Local Government Code of 1991.
4. Expire the powers and perform the duties and functions of the City
Mayor in the cases of the temporary vacancy as provided for in the
Local Government Code of 1991; and
5. Exercise such other powers and perform such other duties and
functions as may be prescribed by law or ordinance.


Section 3C.01. Powers, Duties and Functions of the Sangguniang

Panlungsod. The Sangguniang Panlungsod, as the legislative body of the city,
shall enact ordinances, approve resolutions and appropriate funds for the
general welfare of this city and its inhabitants pursuant to Section 16 of the
Local Government Code of 1991and, in the proper exercise of the corporate
powers of this city, shall:

Republic of the Philippines
Province of Pangasinan



1. Approve ordinances and pass resolutions necessary for an efficient

and effective city governance and, in this connection, shall:

a. Review all ordinances approve by the Sangguniang Barangay and

Excutive Orders issued by the Punong Barangay to determine
whether these are within the scope of their prescribed powers;
b. Maintain peace and order by enacting measures to prevent and
suppress lawlessness, disorder, riot, violence or sedition and
impose penalties for the violation of said ordinances.
c. Approve ordinances imposing a fine not exceeding Five Thousand
Pesos (5,000.00) or an imprisonment for a period not exceeding
one (1) year, or both, in the discretion of the court, for the
violation of a city ordinance;
d. Adopt measures to protect the inhabitants of this city from the
harmful effects of man-made or natural disasters and calamities,
and to provide relief services and assistance for victims during
and in the aftermath of said disasters or clamaities and their
return to productive livelihood following said events;
e. Enact ordinances to prevent, suppress and impose appropriate
penalties for habitual drunkenness in public places, vagrancy,
mendicancy, prostitution, establishment and maintenance of
houses of ill repute, gambling and other prohibited games of
chance, fraudulent devices and ways to obtain money or
property, drug addiction, maintenance of drug dens, drug
pushing, juvenile delinquency, the printing, distribution or
exhibition of obscene or pornographic materials or publications
and such other activities inimical to the welfare and morals of
the inhabitants of this city;
f. Protect the environment and, to this end, set aside at least ten
percent (10%) of the city’s development funds for the purpose of
maintaining enhancing the ecological balance of this city; and
impose appropriate penalties for acts which endanger the
environment, such as dynamite fishing and other forms of
destructive fishing, illegal logging and smuggling of logs,
smuggling of natural resources products and of endangered
species of flora and fauna, slash and burn farming, and such
other activities which result in pollution, acceleration of
eutrophication of rivers and lakes or of ecological imbalance;
g. Subject to the provision of the Local Government Code of 1991
and pertinent laws, determine the powers and duties of officials
and employees of this city;
h. Determine the positions and the salaries, wages, allowances and
other emoluments and benefits of officials and employees paid
wholly or mainly from city funds and provide for expenditures

Republic of the Philippines
Province of Pangasinan



necessary for the proper conduct of programs, projects, services,

and activities of this city;
i. Authorize the payment of compensation to a qualified person not
in the government service who fills up a temporary vacancy or
grant honorarium to any qualified official or employee designated
to fill a temporary vacancy in a concurrent capacity, at the rate
authorized by law;
j. Provide a mechanism and the appropriate funds to ensure the
safety and protection of all city government property, public
documents or records such as those relating to property
inventory, land ownership, records of births, marriages, deaths,
assessments, taxation, accounts, business permits and such
other records and documents of public interest in the offices and
departments of this city government;
k. When the finances of this city allow, provide for additional
allowances and other benefits to judges, prosecutors, public
elementary and high school teachers, and other national
government officials stationed in or assigned to this city;
l. Provide legal assistance to city and barangay officials, including
the members of the City Police who, in the performance of their
official duties or on the occasion thereof, have to initiate judicial
proceedings or defend themselves against legal actions. The
Sangguniang Panlungsod may authorize the City Mayor to
engage the services of private counsel for this purpose; and
m. Provide for group insurance of additional insurance coverage for
barangay officials, including members of Barangay Tanod
brigades and other service units, with public or private insurance
companies, when the finances of this city government allow said

2. Generate and maximize the use of resources and revenues for the
development plans, program objectives and priorities of this city,
with particular attention to agro-industrial development and city-
wide growth and progress and, relative thereto, shall:

a. Approve the annual and supplemental budgets of this city

government and appropriate funds for specific programs,
projects, services and activities of this city, or for other purposes
not contrary to law in order to promote the general welfare of this
city and its inhabitants;
b. Subject to the provisions of Book II of the Local Government
Code of 1991 and upon the majority vote of all the members of
the Sangguniang Panlungsod, enact ordinances levying taxes,
fees and charges, prescribing the rates thereof for general and

Republic of the Philippines
Province of Pangasinan



specific purposes, and granting tax exemptions, incentives or

c. Subject to the provisions of Book II of the Local Government
Code of 1991 and upon the majority vote of all the members of
the Sangguniang Panlungsod, authorize the City Mayor to
negotiate and contract loans and other forms of indebtedness;
d. Subject to the provisions of Book II of the Local Government
Code of 1991 and applicable laws and upon the majority vote of
all the members of the Sangguniang Panlungsod, enact
ordinances authorizing the floating of bonds or other
instruments of indebtedness, for the prupose of raising funds to
finance development projects;
e. Appropriate funds for the construction and maintenance or the
rental of buildings for the use of hits city and, upon the majority
vote of all the members of the Sangguniang Panlungsod,
authorize the City Mayor to lease to private parties such public
buildings held in a proprietary capacity, subject to existing laws,
rules and regulations;
f. Prescribe reasonable limits and restrains osn the use of property
within the jurisdiction of this city;
g. Adopt a Comprehensive Land Use Plan for this city: Provided,
That the formulation, adoption or modification of said plan shall
be in coordination with the approved Prvoincial Comprehensive
Land Use Plan;
h. Reclassify lands within the jurisdiction of this city, subject to the
pertinent provisions of the Local Government code of 1991;
i. Enact integrated Zoning Ordinances in consonance with the
approved Comprehensive Land Use Plan, subject to existing laws,
rules and regulations; establish fire limits or zones, particularly
in populous centers; and regulate the construction, repair or
modification of buildings within said fire limits or zones in
accordance with the provisions of the Fire Code;
j. Subject to national law, process and approve subdivision plans
for residential, commercial, or industrial purposes and other
development purposes, and collect processing fees and other
charges, the proceeds of which shall accrue entirely to this city:
Provided, however, that where approval by a national agency or
office is required, said approval shall not be withheld for more
than thirty (30) days from receipt of the application. Failure to
act on the application within the period stated above shall be
deemed as approved thereof;
k. Subject to the provisions of Book II of the Local Government
Code of 1991, grant the exclusive privilege of constructing fish
corrals or fish pens or the taking or catching of bangus fry,

Republic of the Philippines
Province of Pangasinan



prawn fry or kawag-kawag or fry of any species of fish within the

city waters;
l. With the occurrence of at least two thirds (2/3) of all the
members of the Sangguniang Panlungsod, grant tax exemptions,
incentives or reliefs to the entities engaged in community growth-
inducing industries, subject to the provisions of the Local
Government Code of 1991;
m. Grant loans or provide grants to other local government units or
to national, provincial and city charitable, benevolent or
educational institutions operated and maintained within this
n. Regulate the numbering of residential, commercial and other
buildings; and regulate the inspection, weighing and measuring
of articles of commerce.

3. Subject to the provisions of Book II of the Local Government Code,

enact ordinances granting franchises and authorizing the issuance
of permits or licenses upon such conditions and for such purposes
intended to promote the general welfare of the inhabitants of the
city and, pursuant to this legislative authority, shall:

a. Fix and impose reasonable fees and charges for all services
rendered by this city government to private persons or entities;
b. Regulate or fix license fees for any business or practice of
profession within the city and the conditions under which the
license for said business or practice of profession may be revoked
and enact ordinances levying taxes thereon;
c. Provide for and set the terms and conditions under which public
utilities owned by this city shall be operated by the city
government, and prescribe the conditions under which the same
may be leased to private persons or entities, preferably
d. Regulate the display of and fix the license fees for signs,
signboards, or billboards at the place or places where the
profession or business advertised thereby is, in whole or in part,
e. Any law to the contrary notwithstanding, authorize and license
the establishment, operation and maintenance of cockpits and
regulate cockfighting and commercial breeding of gamecocks:
Provided, that existing rights should not be prejudiced;
f. Subject to the guidelines prescribed by the Department of
Transportation and Communications, regulate the operation of
tricycles and grant franchise for the operation thereof within the
territorial jurisdiction of this city; and

Republic of the Philippines
Province of Pangasinan



g. Upon approval by a majority vote of all the members of the

Sangguniang Panlungsod, grant a franchise to any person,
partnership, corporation, or cooperative to do business within
this city; establish, construct, operate and maintain markets or
slaughterhouses; or undertake such other activities within this
city as may be allowed by existing laws: Provided, that
cooperatives shall be given preference in the grant of such a

4. Regulate activities relative to the use of land, buildings and

structures within this city in order to promote the general welfare
and, for said purpose, shall:

a. Declare, prevent or abate any nuisance;

b. Require that buildings and the premises thereof and any land
within this city be kept and maintained in a sanitary condition;
impose penalties for any violation thereof, or upon failure to
comply with said requirement, have the work done at the
expense of the owner, administrator or tenant concerned; or
require the filling up of any land or premises to a grade
necessary for proper sanitation;
c. Regulate the disposal of clinical and other wastes from hospitals,
clinics and other similar establishments;
d. Regulate the establishment, operation and maintenance of cafes,
restaurants, beerhouse, hotels, motels, inns, pension houses,
lodging houses and other similar establishments, including
tourist guides and transports;
e. Regulate the sale, giving away or dispensing of any intoxicating
malt, vino, or mixed or fermented liquors any retail outlet;
f. Regulate the establishment and provide for the inspection of
steam boilers or any heating device in buildings and the storage
of inflammable and highly combustible materials within this city;
g. Regulate the establishment, operation and maintenance of any
entertainment or amusement facilities, including theatrical
performances, circuses, billiards, pools, public dancing schools,
public dance halls, sauna baths, massage parlors and other
places of entertainment or amusement; regulate such other
events or activities for amusement or entertainment, particularly
those which tend to disturb the community or annoy the
inhabitants, or require the suspension or suppression of the
same; or prohibit certain forms of amusement or entertainment
in order to protect the social and moral welfare of the
h. Provide for the impounding of stray animals, regulate the keeping
of animals in homes or as part of a business, and the slaughter,

Republic of the Philippines
Province of Pangasinan



sale or disposition of the same; and adopt measures to prevent

and penalize cruelty to animals and;
i. Regulate the establishment, operation, and maintenance of
funeral parlors and the burial or cremation of the dead, subject
to existing laws, rules and regulations.

5. Approve ordinances which shall ensure the efficient and effective

delivery of the basic series and facilities as provided for in the Local
Government Code of 1991 and, in addition to said services and
facilities, shall:

a. Provide for the establishment, maintenance, protection and

conservation of communal forest and watersheds, tree parks,
greenbelts, mangroves, and other similar forest development
b. Establish markets, slaughterhouses or animal corrals and
authorize the operation thereof by the city government; and
regulate the construction and operation of private markets,
talipapas or other similar buildings and structures;
c. Regulate the preparation and sale of meat poultry, fish,
vegetables, fruits, fresh dairy products and other foodstuffs for
public consumption; or require the filling up of any land or
premises to a grade necessary for proper sanitation;
d. Regulate the use of streets, avenues, alleys, sidewalks, bridges,
parks and other public places and approve the construction,
improvement, repair and maintenance of the same; establish bus
and vehicle stops and terminals or regulate the use of the same
by privately-owned vehicles which serve the public; regulate
garages and the operation of conveyances for hire; designate
stands to be occupied by public vehicles when not in use;
regulate the putting up of sings, signposts, awnings and awning
posts on the streets; and provide for the lighting, cleaning and
sprinkling of streets and public places;
e. Regulate traffic on all streets and bridges; prohibit the putting up
of encroachments or obstacles thereon and, when necessary in
the interest of public welfare, authorize the removal of
encroachments and illegal constructions in public places;
f. Subject to exisiting laws, provide fro the establishment,
operation, maintenance and repair of an efficient waterworks
system to supply water for the inhabitants and to purify the
source of the water supply; regulate the construction,
maintenance, repair and use of hydrants, pumps, cisterns and
reservoirs; protect the purity and quantity of the water supply of
this city and, for this purpose, extend the coverage of appropriate
ordinances over all territory within the drainage area of said

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Province of Pangasinan



water supply and within one hundred (100) meters of the

reservoir, conduit, canal, aqueduct pumping station or
watershed used in connection with the water service; and
regulate the consumption, use or wastage of water and fix and
collect charges thereof;
g. Regulate the drilling and excavation of the ground for the laying
of water, gas, sewer, and other pipes and the construction, repair
and maintenance of public drains, sewers, cesspools, tunnels
and similar structures; regulate the placing of poles and the use
of crosswalks, curbs and gutters; adopt measures to ensure
public safety against open canals, manholes, live wires, and
other similar hazards to life and property; and regulate the
construction and use of private water closets, privies and other
similar structures in buildings and homes;
h. Regulate the placing, stringing, attaching, installing, repair and
construction of electric, telegraph and telephone wires, conduits,
meters and other apparatus; and provide for the correction,
condemnation or removal of the same when found to be
dangerous, defective or otherwise hazardous to the welfare of the
i. Subject to the availability of funds and to existing laws, rules and
regulations, establish and provide for the operation of vocation
and technical schools and similar post-secondary institutions
and, with the approval of the Department of Education, and
subject to existing law on tuition fees, fix and collect reasonable
tuition fees and other school charges in educational institutions
supported by the city government;
j. Establish a scholarship fund for the poor but deserving students
in schools located within its jurisdiction or for students residing
within this city;
k. Approve measures and adopt quarantine regulations to prevent
the introduction and spread of diseases;
l. Provide for an efficient and effective system of solid waste and
garbage collection and disposal and prohibit littering and the
placing or throwing of garbage, refuse and other filth wastes;
m. Provide for the care of disabled persons, paupers, the aged, the
sick, persons of unsound mind, abandoned minors, juvenile
delinquents, drug dependents, abused children and other needy
and disadvantaged persons, particularly children and the youth
below eighteen (18) years of age; and subject to the availability of
funds, establish and provide for the operation of centers and
facilities for the said needy and disadvantaged persons;
n. Establish and provide for the maintenance and improvement of
jails and detention centers, institute a sound jail management

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Province of Pangasinan



program, and appropriate funds for the subsistence of detainees

and convicted prisoners in this city;
o. Establish a city council whose purpose is the promotion of culture
and arts, coordinate with government agencies and non-
governmental organizations and subject to the availability of funds,
appropriate funds for the support and development of the same;
p. Establish a city council for the elderly that will formulate policies
and adopt measures mutually beneficial to the elderly and to the
community; provide incentives for non-governmental agencies and
entities and, subject to the availability of funds, appropriate funds
to support programs and projects for the benefit of the elderly.
6. Exercise such other powers and perform such other duties and
functions as may be prescribed by law or ordinance.


Section 3D.01 The Secretary to the Sangguniang Panlungsod. There

shall be a Secretary to the Sangguniang Panlungsod who shall be a career
official with the rank and salary equal to a head of a department or office.

No person shall be appointed Secretary to the Sangguniang

Panlungsod unless he/she is a citizen of the Philippines, a resident of the
City of Alaminos, of good moral character, a holder of a college degree
preferably in law, commerce or public administration from a college or
university, and a first grade civil service eligible or its equivalent.

The Secretary to the Sangguniang Panlungsod shall take charge of the

Office of the Secretary to the Sangguniang Panlungsod, and shall:

a. Attend meetings of the Sangguniang Panlungsod and keep a

Journal of its proceedings;
b. Keep the seal of this city and affix the same with his/her signature
to all ordinances, resolutions and other official acts of the
Sangguniang Panlungsod and present the same to the Presiding
Officer for his signature;
c. Forward to the City Mayor, for approval, copies of ordinances
enacted by the Sangguniang Panlungsod and duly certified by the
Presiding Officer, in the manner provided in Section 54 under Book
I of the Local Government Code of 1991;
d. Forward to the Sangguniang Panlungsod copies of duly approved
ordinances, in the manner provided in Section 56 and 57 under
Book I of the Local Government Code of 1991;

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Province of Pangasinan



e. Furnish, upon request of any interested party, certified copies of

records of public character in his/her custody, upon payment to the
City Treasure of such fees as may be prescribed by ordinance;
f. Record in a book kept for the purpose, all ordinances enacted and
resolutions adopted by the Sangguniang Panlungsod, with the dates
of passage and publication thereof;
g. Keep his/her office and all non-confidential records therein open to
the public during the usual business hours;
h. Translate into the dialect used by the majority of the inhabitants all
ordinances and resolutions immediately after their approval, and
cause the publication of the same together with the original version
in the manner provided under the Local Government Code of 1991;
i. Take custody of the city archives and, where applicable, the city
library and annually account for the same; and
j. Exercise such other powers and perform such other duties and
functions as may be prescribed by law or ordinance relative to
his/her position.

Section 3D.02 The City Treasurer. The City Treasure shall be

appointed by the Secretary of Finance from a list of at LEAST three ranking,
eligible recommendees of the City Mayor, subject to Civil Service law, rules
and regulations.

The City Treasurer shall be under the administrative supervision of the

City Mayor, to whom he shall report regularly on the tax collection efforts in
the city.

No person shall be appointed as City Treasurer unless he is a citizen of

the Philippines, a resident of this city, of good moral character, a holder of a
college degree in Commerce, Public Administration or Law from a recognized
college or university, and a holder of a first grade civil service eligibility or its
equivalent. He must have acquired experience in treasury or accounting
service for at least five (5) years.

The City Treasure shall take charge of the City Treasury Office, perform
the duties provided for under Book II of the Local Government Code of 1991,
and shall:

a. Advice the City Mayor, the Sangguniang Panlungsod and other city
government and national officials concerned regarding the
disposition of the city government funds and on such other matters
relative to public finance;
b. Take custody of and exercise proper management of the funds of
this city;

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Province of Pangasinan



c. Take charge of the disbursement of all city government funds and

such other funds the custody of which may be entrusted to him by
law or other competent authority;
d. Inspect private commercial and industrial establishments within the
jurisdiction of this city in relation to the implementation of its tax
ordinances, pursuant to the provisions under Book II of the Local
Government Code;
e. Maintain and update the tax information system of this city; and
f. Exercise such other powers and perform such other duties and
functions as may be prescribed by law or ordinance.

Section 3D.03. The City Assessor. No person shall be appointed City

Assessor unless he is a citizen of the Philippines, a resident of this city, of
good moral character, a holder of a college degree preferably in Civil or
Mechanical Engineering, Commerce or any other related course from a
recognized college or university, and a holder of a first grade civil service
eligibility or its equilvalent. He must have acquired experience in real
property assessment work or in any related field for at least five (5) years.

The City Assessor shall take charge of the City Assessor’s Office,
perform the duties provided for under Book II of the Local Government Code
of 1991 and shall:
a. Ensure that all laws and policies governing the appraisal and
assessment of real properties for taxation purposes are properly
b. Initiate, review and recommend changes in policies and objectives,
plans and programs, techniques, procedures and practices in the
valuation and assessment of real properties for taxation purposes;
c. Establish a systematic method of real property assessment;
d. Install and maintain a real property identification and accounting
e. Prepare, install and maintain a system of tax mapping, showing
graphically all properties subject to assessment and gather all data
concerning the same;
f. Conduct frequent physical surveys to verify and determine whether
all real properties within this city are properly listed in the
assessment rolls;
g. Exercise the functions of appraisal and assessment primarily for
taxation purposes of all real properties in this city;
h. Prepare a schedule of the fair market value for the different classes
of real properties, in accordance with the provisions of the Local
Government Code of 1991;
i. Issue, upon request of any interested party, certified copies of
assessment records of real properties and all other records relative

Republic of the Philippines
Province of Pangasinan



to is assessment, upon payment of a service charge or free to the

City Treasurer;
j. Submit every semester a report of all assessments, as well as
cancellations and modification of assessments to the City Mayor
and the Sangguniang Panlungsod of this city; and
k. Exercise such other powers and perform such other duties and
functions as may be prescribed by law or ordinance.

Section 3D.04. The City Accountant. No person shall be appointed

City Accountant unless he is a citizen of the Philippines, a resident of this
city, of good moral character and a certified public accountant. He must have
acquired experience in the treasury or accounting service for at least five (5)
years immediately preceding the date of his appointment.

The City Accountant shall take charge of both the accounting and
internal audit services of this city and shall:

a. Install and maintain an internal audit system in this city;

b. Prepare and submit financial statements to the City Mayor and to
the Sangguniang Panlungsod;
c. Apprise the City Mayor and the Sangguniang Panlungsod on the
financial condition and operations of this city;
d. Certify to the availability of budgetary allotment to which
expenditures and obligation may be properly charged;
e. Review supporting documents before preparation of vouchers to
determine completeness of the requirements;
f. Prepare statements of cash advances, liquidations, salaries,
allowances, reimbursements and remittances pertaining to this city;
g. Prepare statements of journal vouchers and liquidation of the same
and other adjustments related thereto;
h. Post individual disbursements to the subsidiary ledger and index
i. Maintain individual ledgers for officials and employees of this city
pertaining to payrolls and deductions;
j. Record and post in index cards details of purchased furniture,
fixtures and equipment, including disposal thereof, if any;
k. Account for all issued request for obligations and maintain and keep
all records and reports related thereto;
l. Prepare journals and the analysis of obligations and maintain and
keep all records and reports related thereto; and
m. Exercise such other powers and perform such other duties and
functions as may be provided by law or ordinance.

Section 3D.05 The City Budget Officer. No person shall be appointed

City Budget Officer unless he is a citizen of the Philippines, a resident of this

Republic of the Philippines
Province of Pangasinan



city, of good moral character, a holder of a college degree preferably in

Accounting, Economics, Public Administration, or any related course from a
recognized college or university, and a holder of a first grade civil service
eligibility or its equivalent. He must have acquired experience in government
budgeting or in any related field for at least five (5) years immediately
preceding the date of his appointment.

The City Budget Officer shall take charge of the City Budget Office and
a. Prepare forms, orders and circulars embodying instructions on
budgetary and appropriation matters for the signature of the City
b. Review and consolidate the budget proposals of different
departments and offices of this city;
c. Assist the City Mayor in the preparation of the budget and during
budget hearings;
d. Study and evaluate budgetary implications of proposed legislation
and submit comments and recommendation thereon;
e. Submit periodic budgetary reports to the Department of Budget and
f. Coordinate with the City Treasurer, City Accountant and the City
Planning and Development Coordinator for the purpose of
g. Assist the Sangguniang Panlungsod in reviewing the approved
budgets of the barangays of this city;
h. Coordinate with the City Planning and Development Coordinator in
the formulation of the City Development Plan; and
i. Exercise such other powers and perform such other duties and
functions as may be prescribed by law or ordinance.
Section 3D.06. The City Planning and Development Coordinator. No
person shall be appointed City Planning and Development Coordinator unless
he is a citizen of the Philippines, a resident of this city, of good moral
character, a holder of a college degree preferably in Urban Planning,
Development Studies, Economics, Public Administration or any related
course from a recognized college or university, and a holder of a first grade
civil service eligibility or its equivalent. He must have acquired experience in
development planning or in any related field for at least five (5) years
immediately preceding the date of his appointment.

The City Planning and Development Coordinator shall take charge of

the City Planning and Development Office and shall:

a. Formulate integrated economic, social, physical and other

development plans and policies for consideration of the City
Development Council;

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Province of Pangasinan



b. Conduct continuing studies, researches and training programs

necessary to evolve plans and programs for implementation;
c. Integrate and coordinate all sectoral plans and studies undertaken
by the different functional groups or agencies;
d. Monitor and evaluate the implementation of the different
development programs, projects and activities in this city in
accordance with the approved City Development Plan;
e. Prepare comprehensive plans and other development planning
documents for the consideration of the City Development Council;
f. Analyze the income and expenditure patterns and formulate and
recommend fiscal plans and policies for consideration of the finance
committee of this city;
g. Promote people participation in development planning within this
h. Exercise supervision and control over the secretariat of the City
Development Council; and
i. Exercise such other powers and perform such other functions and
duties as may be prescribed by law or ordinance.

Section 3D.07. The City Engineer. No person shall be appointed City

Engineer unless he is a citizen of the Philippines, a resident of this city, of
good moral character, and a licensed Civil Engineer. He must have acquired
experience in the practice of his profession for at least five (5) years
immediately preceding the date of his appointment.

The City Engineer shall also act as the City Building Official. He shall
take charge of the City Engineering Office and shall:

a. Initiate, review and recommend changes in policies and objectives,

plans and programs, techniques, procedures and practices in
infrastructure development and public works, in general, of this
b. Advice the City Mayor on infrastructure, public works, and other
engineering matters;
c. Administer, coordinate, supervise, and control the construction,
maintenance, improvement and repair of roads, bridges and other
engineering and public works projects of this city;
d. Provide engineering series to this city, including investigation and
survey, engineering designs, feasibility studies and project
management; and
e. Exercise such other powers and perform such other duties and
functions as may be prescribed by law or ordinance.

Section 3D.08. The City Health Officer. No person shall be appointed

City Health Officer unless he is a citizen of the Philippines, a resident of this

Republic of the Philippines
Province of Pangasinan



city, of good moral character and a licensed medical practitioner. He must

have acquired experience in the practice of his profession for at least five (5)
uears immediately preceding the date of his appointment.

The City Health Officer shall take charge of the City Health Office and

a. Take charge of the City Office on Health Services, supervise the

personnel and staff of said office, formulate program
implementation guidelines and rules and regulations for the
operation of the said office for the approval of the City Mayor in
order to assist him in the efficient, effective and economical
implementation of health services program geared towards the
implementation of health-related projects and activities;
b. Formulate measures for the consideration of the Sangguniang
Panlungsod and provide technical assistance and support to the
City Mayor in carrying out activities to ensure the delivery of basic
services and provision of adequate facilities relative to health
c. Develop plans and strategies and, upon approval thereof by the City
Mayor, implement the same, particularly those which have to do
with health programs and projects which the City Mayor is
empowered to implement and which the Sangguniang Panlungsod is
empowered to provide for under this Article;
d. In addition to the foregoing duties and functions, the City Health
Officer shall:

 Formulate and implement policies, plans, programs and projects

to promote the health of the people in this city;
 Advise the City Mayor and the Sangguniang Panlungsod on
matters pertaining to health;
 Execute and enforce all laws, ordinances and regulations relating
to public health;
 Recommend to the Sangguniang Panlungsod, through the City
Health Board, the passage of such ordinances as he may deem
necessary for the preservation of public health;
 Recommend the prosecution of any violation of sanitary laws,
ordinances or regulations;
 Direct the sanitary inspection of all business establishments
selling food items or providing accommodations such as hotels,
motels, lodging houses, pension houses and the like, in
accordance with the Sanitation Code of the Philippines;
 Conduct health information campaign and render health
intelligence services;

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Province of Pangasinan



 Be in the frontline of the delivery of health services, particularly

during and in the aftermath of the man-made and natural
disasters and calamities; and

e. Exercise such other powers and perform such other duties and
functions as may be prescribed by law or ordinance.

Section 3D.09. The City Civil Registrar. No person shall be appointed

City Civil Registrar unless he is a citizen of the Philippines, a resident of the
city, of good moral character, a holder of a college degree from a recognized
college or university and a holder of a first grade civil service eligibility or its
equivalent. He must have acquired experience in civil registry work for at
least five (5) years immediately preceding the date of his appointment.

The City Civil Registrar shall take charge of the Office of the Civil
Registry and shall:

a. Develop plans and strategies and, upon approval thereof by the

City, Mayor, implement the same, particularly those which have to
do with civil registry programs and projects which the City Mayor is
empowered to implement and which the Sangguniang Panlungsod is
empowered to provide for;
b. In addition to the foregoing duties and functions, the City Civil
Registrar shall:

 Accept all registrable documents and judicial decrees affecting

the civil status of persons;
 File, keep and preserve in a secure place the books required by
 Transcribe and enter immediately upon receipt all registrable
documents and judicial decrees affecting the civil status of
persons in the appropriate civil registry books;
 Transmit to the Office of the Civil Registrar-General, within the
prescribed period, duplicate copies of registered documents
required by law;
 Issue certified transcripts or copies of any certificate or registered
documents upon payment of the prescribed fees to the City
 Receive applications for the issuance of a marriage license and,
after determining that the requirements and supporting
certificates and publication thereof for the prescribed period have
been complied with, issue the license upon payment of the
authorized fee to the City Treasurer;

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Province of Pangasinan



 Coordinate with the National Statistics Office in conducting

educational campaigns for vital registration and assist in the
preparation of demographic and other statistics for this city; and

c. Exercise such other powers and perform such other duties and
functions as may be prescribed by law or ordinance.

Section 3D. 10. The City Administrator. No person shall be appointed

City Administrator unless he is a citizen of the Philippines, a resident of this
city, of good moral character, a holder of a college degree preferably in Public
Administration, Law or any other related course from a recognized college or
university, and a holder of a first grade civil service eligibility or its
equivalent. He must have acquired experience in management and
administration work for at least five (5) years immediately preceding the date
of appointment.

The term of City Administrator is coterminous with that of his

appointing authority.

The City Administrator shall take charge of the Office of the

Administrator and shall:

a. Develop plans and strategies and, upon approval thereof by the City
Mayor, implement the same particularly those which have to do
with the management and administration-related programs and
projects which the City Mayor is empowered to implement and
which the Sangguniang Panlungsod is empowered to provide for
under the law;
b. In addition to the foregoing duties and functions, the City
Administrator shall:

 Assist in the coordination of the work of all the officials of this

city, under the supervision, direction and control of the City
Mayor, and for this purpose, he may convene the chief’s offices
and other officials of this city;
 Establish and maintain a sound personnel program for this city
designed to promote career development and uphold the merit
principle in the city government service; and
 Conduct a continuing organizational development of this city
with the end in view of instituting effective administrative

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Province of Pangasinan



c. Be in the frontline of the delivery of administrative support services,

particularly those related to the situations during and in the
aftermath of man-made and natural disasters and calamities;
d. Recommend to the Sangguniang Panlungsod and advise the City
Mayor on all matters relative to the management and administration
of this city; and
e. Exercise such other powers and perform such other duties and
functions as may be prescribed by law or ordinance.

Section 3D.11. The City Legal Officer. No person shall be appointed

City Legal Officer unless he is a citizen of the Philippines, a resident of this
city, of good moral character and a member of the Philippine Bar. He must
have practiced his profession for at least five (5) years immediately preceding
the date of his appointment.

The term of the City Legal Counsel of the city, shall take charge of the
Office of the Legal Services and shall:

a. Formulate measures for the consideration of the Sangguniang

Panlungsod and provide legal assistance and support to the City
Mayor in carrying out the delivery of basic services and provisions of
adequate facilities as provided for in the Local Government Code of
b. Develop plans and strategies and, upon approval thereof by the City
Mayor, implement the same, particularly those which have to do
with programs and projects related to legal services which the City
Mayor is empowered to implement and which the Sangguniang
Panlungsod is empowered to provide for in the Local Government
Code of 1991;
c. In addition to the foregoing duties and functions, the City Legal
Officer shall:

 Represent this city in all civic actions and special proceedings

wherein this city or any official thereof, in his official capacity, is
a party; Provided, That, in actions or proceedings where this city
is a party adverse to the provincial government or to another
component city or municipality, a special legal officer may be
employed to represent his city;
 When required by the City Mayor or Sangguniang Panlungsod,
drat ordinances, contracts, bonds, leases and their instruments,
involving any interest of this city, and provide comments and
recommendations on any instrument already drawn;
 Render his opinion in writing on any question of law when
requested to do so by the City Mayor or the Sangguniang

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Province of Pangasinan



 Investigate or cause to be investigated any city official or

employee for administrative neglect or misconduct in office, and
recommend appropriate action to the City Mayor or Sangguniang
Panlungsod, as the case may be;
 Investigate or cause to be investigated any person, firm or
corporation holding any franchise or exercising any public
privilege for failure to comply with any term or condition in the
grant of such franchise or privilege and recommend appropriate
action to the City Mayor or the Sangguniang Panlungsod, as the
case may be;
 When directed by the City Mayor or Sangguniang Panlungsod,
initiate and prosecute in the interest of this city and any civil
action on any bond, lease or other contract upon any breach or
violation thereof; and
 Review and submit recommendations on ordinances approved
and executive orders issued by the barangays.

d. Recommend measures to the Sangguniang Panlungsod and advise

the City Mayor on all matters related to upholding the rule of law;
e. Be in the frontline of protecting human rights and prosecuting any
violation thereof, particularly those which occur during and in the
aftermath of man-made or natural disaster or calamities; and
f. Exercise such other powers and perform such other duties and
functions as may be prescribed by law or ordinance.

Section 3D.12. The City Social Welfare and Development Officer. No

person shall be appointed City Social Welfare and Development Officer unless
he is a citizen of the Philippines, a resident of this city, of good moral
character, a duly licensed social worker or a holder of a college degree
preferably in sociology or any other related course from a recognized college
or university, and a holder of a first grade civil service eligibility or its
equivalent. He must have acquired experience in the practice of social work
for at least five (6) years immediately preceding the date of his appointment.

The City Social Welfare and Development Officer shall take charge of
the office on social welfare and development services and shall:

a. Formulate measures for the approval of the Sangguniang

Panlungsod and provide technical assistance and support to the
City Mayor in carrying out measure to ensure the delivery of basic
services and provision of adequate facilities relative to social welfare
and development services;
b. Develop plans and strategies and upon approval thereof by the City
Mayor, implement the same, particularly those which have to do
with social welfare programs and projects which the City Mayor is

Republic of the Philippines
Province of Pangasinan



empowered to implement and which the Sangguniang Panlungsod is

empowered to provide for under the Local Government Code of
c. In addition to the foregoing duties, the City Social Welfare and
Development shall:

 Identify the basic needs of the need, the disadvantaged and the
impoverished and develop and implement appropriate measure
to alleviate their problems and improve their living conditions;
 Provide relief and appropriate crisis intervention for victims of
abuse and exploitation and recommend appropriate measures to
deter further abuse and exploitation;
 Assist the City Mayor in implementing the barangay level
program for the total development and protection of children up
to six (6) years of age;
 Facilitate the implementation of welfare programs for the
disabled, elderly, and victims of drug addiction, the rehabilitation
of prisoners and parolees, the prevention of juvenile delinquency
and such other activities which would eliminate or minimize the
ill-effects of poverty;
 Initiate and support youth welfare programs that will enhance
the role of the youth in nation building; and
 Coordinate with government agencies and non-governmental
organizations which have for their purpose the promotion and
the protection of all needy, disadvantaged, underprivileged or
impoverished groups or individuals, particularly those identified
to be vulnerable and high-risk to exploitation, abuse and neglect.

d. Be in the frontline of service delivery, particularly those which have

to do with immediate relief during and assistance in the aftermath
of man-made and natural disasters and calamities;
e. Recommend to the Sangguniang Panlungsod and advise the City
Mayor on all other matters related to social welfare and development
services which will improve the livelihood and living conditions of
the inhabitants and
f. Exercise such other powers and perform such other duties and
functions as may be prescribed by law or ordinance.

Section 3D.13. The City Veterinarian. No person shall be appointed

City Veterinarian unless he is a citizen of the Philippines, a resident of this
city, of good moral character and a licensed doctor of veterinary medicine. He
must have practiced his profession for at least three (3) years immediately
preceding the date of his appointment.

Republic of the Philippines
Province of Pangasinan



The City Veterinarian shall take charge of the Office for Veterinary
Services and shall:
a. Formulate measures for the consideration of the Sangguniang
Panlungsod and provide technical assistance and support to the
City Mayor in carrying out measures to ensure the delivery of basic
services and provision of adequate facilities;
b. Develop plans and strategies and, upon approval by the City Mayor,
implement the same, particularly those which have to do with
veterinary-related activities which the City Mayor is empowered to
implement and which the Sangguniang Panlungsod is empowered to
provide for under the Local Government Code of 1991;
c. In addition to the foregoing duties and functions, the City
Veterinarian shall:

 Advise the City Mayor on all matters pertaining to the slaughter

of animals for human consumption and the regulation of
 Regulate the keeping of domestic animals;
 Regulate and inspect poultry, milk and dairy products for public
 Enforce all laws and regulations for the prevention of cruelty to
animals; and
 Take the necessary measures to eradicate, prevent or cure all
forms of animal diseases.

d. Be in the frontline of veterinary-related activities, such as the

outbreak of highly contagious and deadly diseases and in situations
resulting in the depletion of animals for work and human
consumption, particularly those arising from and in the aftermath of
man-made and natural calamities and disasters;
e. Recommend to the Sangguniang Panlungsod and advise the City
Mayor on all matters relative to veterinary services which will
increase the number and improve the quality of livestock, poultry
and other domestic animals used for work or human consumption;
f. Exercise such other powers and perform such other duties and
functions as may be presented by law or ordinance.

Section 3D.14. The City General Services Officer. No person shall be

appointed City General Services Officer unless he is a citizen of the
Philippines, a resident of this city, of good moral character, a holder of a
college degree on Public Administration, Business Administration or
Management from a recognized college or university, and a holder of a first
grade civil service eligibility or its equivalent. He must have acquired

Republic of the Philippines
Province of Pangasinan



experience in general services, including management of supply, property,

solid waste disposal and general sanitation for at least five (5) years
immediately preceding the date of his appointment.

The City General Services Officer shall take charge of the Office on
General Services and shall:

a. Formulate measures for the consideration of the Sangguniang

Panlungsod and provide technical assistance and support to the
City Mayor in carrying out measures to ensure the delivery of basic
services and provision of adequate facilities which require general
services expertise and technical support services;
b. Develop plans and strategies and, upon approval thereof of the City
Mayor, implement the same, particularly those which have to do
with the general services supportive of the welfare of the inhabitants
of this city which the City Mayor is empowered to implement and
which the Sangguniang Panlungsod is empowered to provide for
under the Local Government Code of 1991;
c. In addition to the foregoing duties and functions, the City General
Services Officer shall:

 Take custody of and be accountable for all properties, real or

personal, owned by this city and those granted to it in the form
of donation, reparation, assistance and counterpart of joint
 With the approval of the City Mayor, assign building or land
space to local officials or other public officials who, by law, are
entitled to such space;
 Recommend to the City Mayor reasonable rental rates of private
properties which may be leased for the official use of this city;
 Maintain and supervise janitorial, security, landscaping and
other related services in all city government public buildings and
other real properties, whether owned or leased by this city;
 Collate and disseminate information regarding prices, shipping
and offices and departments of the city government; and
 Perform all other functions pertaining to supply and property
management heretofore performed by the City Treasurer; and
enforce policies on records creation, maintenance and disposal.

d. Be in the frontline of general services related to activities, such as

the possible or imminent destruction or damage to records,
supplies, properties, and structures and the orderly and sanitary

Republic of the Philippines
Province of Pangasinan



clearing up of waste materials or debris, particularly during and in

the aftermath of man-made and natural calamities and disasters;
e. Recommend the Sangguniang Panlungsod and advise the City
Mayor on all matters relative to general services; and
f. Exercise such other powers and perform such other duties and
functions as may be prescribed by law or ordinance.


Section 3E.01. The City Agriculturist. No person shall be appointed

City Agriculturist unless he is a citizen of the Philippines, a resident of this
city, of good moral character, a holder of a college degree in Agriculture of
any related course from a recognized college or university, and a holder of a
first grade civil service eligibility or its equivalent. He must have practiced his
profession in agriculture or acquired experience in a related field for at least
five (5) years immediately preceding the date of his appointment.

The City Agriculturist shall take charge of the Office for Agricultural
Services and shall:

a. Formulate measures for the approval of the Sangguniang

Panlungsod and provide technical assistance and support to the
City Mayor in carrying out measures to ensure the delivery of basic
services and provision of adequate facilities relative to agricultural
b. Develop plans and strategies and , upon approval thereof by the
City Mayor, implement the same, particularly those which have to
do with agricultural programs and projects which the City Mayor is
empowered to implement and which the Sangguniang Panlungsod is
empowered to provide for under the Local Government Code of
c. In addition to the foregoing duties and functions, the City
Agriculturist shall:

 Establish, maintain protect and preserve communal forests,

watersheds, tree parks, mangroves, greenbelts, commercial
forests, and similar forest projects like industrial tree farms
and agro-forestry projects;
 Manage and maintain seed banks and produce seedlings for
forests and tree parks;
 Provide extension services to beneficiaries of forest
development projects and render assistance for natural

Republic of the Philippines
Province of Pangasinan



resources-related conservation and utilization activities

consistent with ecological balance;
 Promote the small-scale mining and ulitization of mineral
resources, particularly mining of gold; and
 Coordinate with government agencies and non-governmental
organizations in the implementation of measures to prevent
and control land, air and water pollution with the assistance
of the Department of Environment and Natural Resources.

d. Be in the front line of the delivery of services concerning the

environment and natural resources, particularly in the renewal and
rehabilitation of the environment during and in the aftermath of
man-made and natural calamities and disasters;
e. Recommend to the Sangguniang Panlungsod and advise the City
Mayor on all matters relative to the protection, conservation,
maximum utilization, application of appropriate technology and
other matters related to the environment and natural resources;

Section 3E.03. The City Architect. No person shall be appointed City

Architect unless he is a citizen of the Philippines, a resident of this city, of
good moral character and a duly licensed architect. He must have practiced
his profession for at least five (5) years immediately preceding the date of his

The City Architect shall take charge of the Office on Architectural

Planning and Design and shall:

a. Formulate measures for the consideration of the Sangguniang

Panlungsod and provide technical assistance and support to the
City Mayor in carrying out measures to ensure the delivery of basic
services and provision of adequate facilities relative to architectural
planning and design;
b. Develop plans and strategies and, upon approval thereof by the City
Mayor, implement the same, particularly those which have to do
with architectural planning and design programs and projects
which the City Mayor is empowered to implement and which the
Sangguniang Panlungsod is empowered to provide for under the
Local Government Code of 1991;
c. In addition to the foregoing duties and functions, the City Architect

 Prepare and recommend for consideration of the Sangguniang

Panlungsod the architectural plan and design for this city or a
part thereof, including the renewal of slums and blighted areas,

Republic of the Philippines
Province of Pangasinan



land reclamation activities, the greening of land, and appropriate

planning of marine and foreshore areas;
 Review and recommend for appropriate action of the
Sangguniang Panlungsod or the City Mayor the architectural
plans and design submitted by government and non-government
entities or individuals, particularly those for undeveloped and
underdeveloped and poorly-designed areas; and
 Coordinate with government and non-government entities and
individuals involved in the aesthetics and the maximum
utilization of land water within the jurisdiction of this city,
compatible with environmental integrity and ecological balance.

d. Be in the frontline of the delivery of services involving architectural

planning and design, particularly those related to the redesigning
of spatial distribution of basic facilities and physical structures
during and in the aftermath of man-made and natural calamities
and disasters;
e. Recommend to the Sangguniang Panlungsod and advise the City
Mayor on all matters relative to architectural planning and design
as it relates to the total socio-economic of this city; and
f. Exercise such other powers and perform such other duties and
functions as may be prescribed by law or ordinance.

Section 3E.04. The City Information Officer. No person shall be

appointed City Information Officer unless he is a citizen of the Philippines, a
resident of this city, of good moral character, a holder of a college degree,
preferably in Journalism, Mass Communication or any related course from a
recognized college or university, and a holder of a first grade civil service
eligibility or its equivalent. He must have experience in writing articles and
research papers, or in writing for print, television or broadcast media of at
least three (3) years immediately preceding the date of his appointment.
The term of the City Information Officer is co-terminous with that of his
appointing authority.

The City Information Officer shall take charge of the Office on Public
Information and shall:

a. Formulate measures for the consideration of the Sangguniang

Panlungsod and provide technical assistance and support to the
City Mayor in providing the information and research data required
for the delivery of basic services and provision of adequate facilities
so that the public becomes aware of said services and may fully
avail of the same;
b. Develop plans and strategies and, upon approval thereof by the
City Mayor, implement the same, particularly those which have to

Republic of the Philippines
Province of Pangasinan



do with public information and research data to support programs

and projects which the City Mayor is empowered to implement and
which the Sangguniang Panlungsod is empowered to provide for
under the Local Government Code of 1991;
c. In addition to the foregoing duties and functions, the City
Information Officer shall:

 Provide relevant, adequate and timely information to this city

and its residents;
 Furnish information and data on the city to government agencies
or offices as may be required by law or ordinance; and non-
governmental organizations to be furnished to said agencies and
organizations; and
 Maintain effective liaison with the various sectors of the
community on matters and issues that affect the livelihood and
the quality of life of the inhabitants and encourage support for
programs of the city and national government.

d. Be on the frontline in providing information during and in the

aftermath of man-made and natural calamities and disasters, with
special attention to the victims thereof, to help minimize injuries
and casualties during and after the emergency, and to accelerate
relief and rehabilitation;
e. Recommend to the Sangguniang Panlungsod and advise the City
Mayor on all matters relative to public information and research
data as it relates to the total socio-economic development of this
city; and
f. Exercise such other powers and perform such other duties and
functions as may be prescribed by law or ordinance.

Section 3E.05. The City Cooperative Officer. No person shall be

appointed City Cooperative Officer unless he is a citizen of the Philippines, a
resident of this city, of good moral character, a holder of a college degree,
preferably in Business Administration with special training in cooperatives or
any related course from a recognized college or university, and a holder of a
first grade civil service eligibility or its equivalent. He must have experience
in cooperatives organization and management of at least five (5) years
immediately preceding the date of his appointment.
The City Cooperative Officer shall take charge of the office for the
development of cooperatives and shall:

a. Formulate measures for the consideration of the Sangguniang

Panlungsod and provide technical assistance and support to the
City Mayor in carrying out measures to ensure the delivery of basic

Republic of the Philippines
Province of Pangasinan



services and provision of facilities through the development of

cooperatives, and in providing access to such services and facilities;
b. Develop plans and strategies and, upon approval thereof by the City
Mayor, implement the same, particularly those which have to do
with the integration of cooperatives principles and methods in
programs and projects which the City Mayor is empowered to
implement and which the Sangguniang Panlungsod is empowered to
provide for under the Local Government Code of 1991;
c. In addition to the foregoing duties and functions, the City
Cooperatives Officer shall:

 Assist in the organization of cooperatives;

 Provide technical and other forms of assistance to existing
cooperatives to enhance the viability as an economic enterprise
and social organization; and
 Assist cooperatives in establishing linkages with government
agencies and non-government organizations involved in the
promotion and integration of the concept of cooperatives in the
livelihood of the people and other community activities.

d. Be in the frontline of cooperatives organization, rehabilitation or

viability enhancement, particularly during and in the aftermath of
man-made and natural calamities and disasters, to aid in their
survival and, if necessary, subsequent rehabilitation;
e. Recommend to the Sangguniang Panlungsod, and advise the City
Mayor on all matters relative to cooperatives development and
viability enhancement which will improve the livelihood and quality
of life of the inhabitants; and
f. Exercise such other powers and perform such other duties and
functions as may be prescribed by law or ordinance.

Section 3E.06. The City Population Officer. No person shall be

appointed City Population Officer unless he is a citizen of the Philippines, a
resident of this city, of good moral character, a holder of a college degree with
specialized training in population development from a recognized college or
university, and a holder of a first grade civil service eligibility or its
equivalent. He must have experience in the implementation of programs on
population development or responsible parenthood for at least five (5) years
immediately preceding the date of his appointment.

The City Population Officer shall take charge of the Office on

Population Development and shall:

a. Formulate measures for the consideration of the Sangguniang

Panlungsod and provide technical assistance and support to the

Republic of the Philippines
Province of Pangasinan



City Mayor in carrying out measures to ensure the delivery of basic

services and provision of adequate facilities relative to the
integration of the population development principles and in
providing access to said services and facilities;
b. Develop plans and strategies and, upon approval thereof by the City
Mayor implement the same, particularly those which have to do
with the integration of population development principles and
methods in programs and projects which the City Mayor is
empowered to implement and which the Sangguniang Panlungsod is
empowered to provide for under the Local Government Code of
c. In addition to the foregoing duties and functions, the City
Population Officer shall:
 Assist the City Mayor in the implementation of the
constitutional provisions relative to population development
and the promotion of responsible parenthood;
 Establish and maintain an updated data bank for program
operations, development planning and an educational
program to ensure the peoples’ participation in and
understanding of population development; and
 Implement appropriate training programs responsive to the
cultural heritage of the inhabitants.
d. Exercise such other power and perform such other duties and
functions as may be prescribed by law or ordinance.

Section 3E.07. The City Human Resources Management Officer. No

person shall be appointed City Human Resource Management Officer unless
he is a citizen of the Philippines, a resident of this city, of good moral
character, a holder of a Master’s Degree from a recognized college or
university, and a holder of Career Service Professional Level Eligibility. He
must have practiced his profession or acquired experience for at least four (4)
years, including a twenty four (24) hours training, in management and
supervision or in a related field.

The City Human Resource Management Officer shall be:

a. Responsible for the development of plans and strategies on

personnel management and, upon the approval of the City Mayor,
implement the same;
b. Responsible for the establishment and maintenance of a sound
program for the city government personnel, designed to promote
career development and uphold the merit principle; and
c. Responsible for assisting the City Mayor in all matters pertinent to
human resources and development and other personal matters.

Republic of the Philippines
Province of Pangasinan







Republic of the Philippines
Province of Pangasinan



Section 4A.01. Offices. The City Government of Alaminos shall be

composed of the following offices:

a. City Mayor’s Office

b. City Vice Mayor’s Office
c. Office of the Sangguniang Panlungsod/Secretariat
d. Administrator’s Office
e. Treasurer’s Office
f. Budget Office
g. Accounting Office
h. Planning and Development Office
i. Assessor’s Office
j. General Services Office
k. City Civil Registry Office
l. City Engineering Office
m. City Social Welfare Development Office
n. City Agriculture Office
o. City Cooperative Office
p. City Information Office
q. Human Resource Management Office
r. City Tourism Office
s. City Library
t. City Legal Office
u. City Health Office
v. City Veterinary Office
w. Public Order and Safety Office


Section 4A.02. Officials and Employees – the following are the officials
and employee of the City Government of Alaminos, Pangasinan:


1. City Mayor (1)

1. 4

1. 2

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Province of Pangasinan



1. Contractual/Casuals (4)
2. Job Order (18)

1. 2

1. Technical (2)
2. Casual (3)
3. Job Order (16)

1. Admin (3)
2. Casual (1)
3. Job Order (1)

1. Technical (4)
2. Admin (2)
3. Job Order (1)

1. Technical (2)
2. Admin (1)
3. Job Order (2)

1. Market Supervisor (1)
2. Permanent (5)


1. City Vice Mayor (1)

1. 4

1. Casual (8)
2. Job Order (56)

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Province of Pangasinan




1. Members, Sangguniang Panlungsod (10)
2. ABC President as Ex-Officio Member (1)
3. President, SK Federation as Ex-Officio Member (Vacant) (1)
4. Secretary to the Sangguniang Panlungsod (1)

1. 18

1. Contractual/Casual (12)
2. Job Orders (14)

1. City Government Administrator (1)

1. 1

1. 2

2. 4


1. City Government Department Head (1)
2. City Government Assistant Department Head I (1)

1. 20

1. Job Order (9)
2. Casual (1)


1. City Government Department Head I (1)
2. City Government Department Head I (1)

1. 5

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Province of Pangasinan



1. Contractual/Casual (2)
2. Job Order (1)


1. City Government Department Head (1)
2. City Government Assistant Department Head (1)

1. 12

1. Contractual/Casual
2. Job Order (2)


1. City Government Department Head (1)

1. 5

1. 3

1. Contractual / Casual (2)
2. Job Order (2)


1. City Government Department Head (1)
2. Assistant City Assessor (1)

1. 7

1. 2

1. Job Order (1)
2. Casual (1)
1. City Government Department Head I (1)
2. Assistant City GSO (1)

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Province of Pangasinan



1. 27

1. Contractual / Casual (1)
2. Job Orders (138)

1. 6


1. City Government Department Head I (1)

1. 7

1. Contractual / Casual (1)
2. Job Order (4)


1. City Government Department Head I (1)
2. Assistant City Engineer (1)

1. 24

1. 5

1. 2


1. City Government Department Head I (1)

1. 9

1. Contractual / Casual (1)
2. Job Order (1)

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Province of Pangasinan




1. City Government Department Head I (1)

1. 19

1. Contractual / Casual (2)
2. Job Order (40)


1. City Government Department Head I (1)
2. City Government Assistant Department Head I (1)

1. 6

1. Casual (3)
2. Job Order (6)
3. Metro Aide I (1)


1. City Government Department Head I (1)

1. 3

1. Casual (2)
2. Job Order (1)


1. City Government Department Head I (1)

1. 2

1. Job Order (94)
2. Casual (4)

1. 4

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Province of Pangasinan




1. Librarian V (1)

1. 4

2. Job Order (2)



1. 1


1. City Government Department Head I (1)

1. 24

1. 4

1. Casual (1)
2. Job Order (5)


1. City Government Department Head I (1)

1. 9

1. Casual (1)
2. Job Order (5)


1. City Government Department Head I (1)

1. 3

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Province of Pangasinan



1. 1

1. Casual (1)
2. Job Order (2)
1. POSO Chief (1)

1. 1

1. Job Order (47)


Section 4A.03. Limitation On Appointments – No person shall be

appointed in the career service of the City of Alaminos, Pangasinan if he is
related within the fourth civil degree of consanguinity or affinity to the
appointing or recommending authority.

Section 4A.04. Public Notice of Vacancy – Whenever the City Mayor

or the City Vice-Mayor decides to fill a vacant career position, there shall be
posted notices of the vacancy in at least three (3) conspicuous public places
in the city for a period of not less than fifteen (15) days.

Section 4A.05. Salary Adjustment/Increase – Adjustments/increases

in the salary of the city officials and employees of the City Government in
accordance with executive orders, memorandum circulars and other
issuances are deemed incorporated.

Republic of the Philippines
Province of Pangasinan






Section 5A.01. Policy. It is the policy of this city government to

promote a high standard of ethics in public service.

All public officials and employees of this city shall at all times be
accountable to the people and shall discharge their duties with utmost
responsibility, integrity, competence and loyalty; act with patriotism and
justice; lead modest lives and uphold public interest over personal interest.

Section 5A.02. Definitions. As used in this Chapter:

“Acceptance of any gift” includes the act of accepting, directly or

indirectly, a gift from a person other than a member of his family or relative,
even on the occasion of a family celebration or national festivity like
Christmas, if the value of the gift is neither nominal nor significant, or the
gift is given in anticipation of, or in exchange for, a favor.

“Conflict of Interest” arises when a public official or employee is a

member of a board, an officer, or a substantial stockholder of a private
corporation or owner or has a substantial interest in a business, and the
interest such corporation or business, or his rights or duties therein, may be
opposed to or affected by the faithful performance of official duty.

Republic of the Philippines
Province of Pangasinan



“Divestment” is the transfer of title or disposal of interest in property

by voluntarily, completely and actually depriving or dispossessing oneself of
his right or title to it in favor of a person other than his spouse and relatives.

“Gift” refers to a thing or a right disposed of gratuitously, or any act of

literality, in favor of another who accepts it, and shall include a simulated
sale or an ostensibly onerous disposition thereof. It shall not include an
unsolicited gift of normal or insignificant value not given in anticipation of, or
in exchange for, a favor from a public official or employee.

“Government” includes the national government, the local

governments, and all other instruments, agencies or branches of the
Republic of the Philippines, including government-owned or controlled
corporations and their subsidiaries.

“Loan” covers both simple loand and “commodatum” as well as

guarantees, financing arrangements or accommodations intended to ensure
its approval.

“Person” includes natural and juridical persons unless the context

indicates otherwise.

“Public Officials” include elective and appointive officials and

employees in the government service, whether permanent or temporary, in
the career or non-career service, including military and police personnel, and
whether or not they receive compensation, regardless of amount.

“Relatives” refer to any and all persons related to a public official or

employee within the fourth civil degree of consanguinity or affinity.


Section 5A.03. Standard of Personal Conduct. Every public official

and employee of this city shall observe the following standards of personal
conduct in the discharge and execution of their official duties:

a. Commitment to Public Interest. Local officials and employees shall

always uphold the public interest over and above personal interest.
Personal interest should not hinder the performance of their duties. All
government resources and powers of their respective offices must be
employed and used efficiently, effectively, honestly and economically,
particularly to avoid wastage in public funds and revenues.

Republic of the Philippines
Province of Pangasinan



b. Professionalism. Local officials and employees shall perform and

discharge their duties with utmost dedication and the highest degree of
excellence, professionalism, intelligence and skill. They shall endeavor
to discourage wrong perception of their roles as dispensers or peddlers
of undue patronage.

c. Justness and Sincerity. Local officials and employees shall remain

true to the people at all times. They should give everybody the same
quality service regardless of social status. They must act with justness
and sincerity and shall not discriminate against anyone, especially the
poor and the underprivileged. They shall at all times respect the rights
of others and shall refrain from doing acts contrary to law, good
morals, good customs, public policy, public order, public safety and
public interest. They shall not dispense or extend undue favors on
account of their offices to their relatives, whether by consanguinity or
affinity, except with respect to appointments of such relatives to
positions considered strictly confidential or as members of their
personal staff whose terms are coterminous with theirs.

d. Political Neutrality. Local officials and employees shall provide service

to everyone without discrimination and regardless of political affiliation
or preference.

e. Responsiveness to the Public. Local officials and employees shall

extend prompt, courteous and adequate service to the public. Unless
otherwise provided by law or when required by the public interest,
public officials and employees shall provide information on their
policies and procedures in clear and understandable language, ensure
openness of information, public and understandable language, ensure
openness of information, public consultations and hearings and,
whenever appropriate, encourage suggestions, simplify and systematize
policy, rules and procedures, avoid red tape and develop an
understanding and appreciation of the socio-economic conditions
prevailing in the country, especially in the depressed rural and urban

f. Nationalism and Patriotism. Local officials and employees shall at all

times be loyal to the Republic and to the Filipino people, promote the
use of locally-produced goods, resources and technology and encourage
appreciation and pride of country and people. They shall endeavor to
maintain and defend Philippine sovereignty against foreign intrusion.

g. Commitment to Democracy. Local officials and employees shall

commit themselves to the democratic way of life and values, maintain
the principle of public accountability, and manifest by deeds the

Republic of the Philippines
Province of Pangasinan



supremacy of civilian authority over the military. They shall at all times
uphold the Constitution and put loyalty to country above loyalty to
persons or party.

h. Simple Living. Local officials and employees, including their families,

shall lead modest lives appropriate to their positions and income. They
shall not indulge in extravagant or ostentatious display of wealth in
any form.



Section 5A.04. Duties, Responsibilities and Obligations. In the

performance of their duties, all public officials and employees of this city are
under the obligation to:

a. Act Promptly on Letters and Requests. All local officials and

employees shall, within fifteen (15) working days from receipt thereof,
respond to letters, telegrams or other means of communications sent
by the public. The reply must contain the action taken on the request.

b. Submit Annual Performance Reports. All heads or other responsible

officers of local shall, within forty-five (45) working days from the end of
the year, render a performance report of their respective offices to the
City Mayor. Such report shall be open and available to the public
within regular office hours.

c. Process Documents and Papers Expeditiously. All official papers and

documents must be processed and completed within a reasonable time
from the preparation therof and must contain, as far as practicable,
not more than three (3) signatories therein. In the absence of duly
authorized signatories, the official next-in-rank or officer-in-charge
shall sign for and in their behalf.

d. Act Immediately on the Public ‘s Personal Transactions. All local

officials and employees must attend to anyone who wants to avail of
the services of their offices and must, at all times, act promptly and

Republic of the Philippines
Province of Pangasinan



e. Make Documents Accessible to the Public. All public documents

must be made accessible to and readily available for inspection by the
public within reasonable working hours.


Section 5A.05. Prohibited Acts and Transactions. In addition to acts

and omissions of public officials and employees now prescribed in the
Constitution and existing laws, the following shall constitute prohibited acts
and transaction of any local official and employee and are hereby declared to
be unlawful:

a. Financial and Material Interest. Public officials and employees shall

not, directly or indirectly, have any financial or material interest in any
transaction requiring the approval of their office.

b. Outside Employment and Other Activities Related Thereto. Local

officials and employees during their incumbency shall not:

i. Own, control, manage or accept employment as officer, employee,

consultant, counsel, broker, agent, trustee or nominee in any
private enterprise regulated, supervised or licensed by their office
unless expressly allowed by law;

ii. Engage in the practice of their profession unless authorized by the

Constitution or law, provided that such practice will not conflict or
tend to conflict with their official functions; or

iii. Recommend any person to any position in a private enterprise

which has a regular or pending official transaction with their office.

These prohibitions shall continue to apply for a period of one (1) year
after resignation, retirement or separation from public office, except in
the case of Section 4D. 01 (b) (ii) above, but the professional concerned
cannot practice his profession in connection with any matter before the
office he used to be with, in which case the one-year prohibition shall
likewise apply.

c. Disclosure or Misuse of Confidential Information. Local officials

and employees shall not use or divulge confidential or classified
information officially known to them by reason of their office and not
made available to the public either to:
i. Further their private interests;
ii. Give undue advantage to anyone; or

Republic of the Philippines
Province of Pangasinan



iii. Prejudice the public interest.

d. Solicitation or Acceptance of Gifts. Local officials and employees
shall not solicit or accept, directly or indirectly, any gift, gratuity, favor,
entertainment, loan or anything of monetary value from any person in the
course of their official duties or in connection with any operation being
regulated by, or any transaction which may be affected by the functions of
their office.

As to gifts from foreign government, the following are allowed:

i. The acceptance by a local official or employee of a gift of nominal

value tendered and received as a souvenir or mark of courtesy;
ii. The acceptance by a local official or employee of a gift in the nature
of a scholarship or fellowship grant or medical treatment; or
iii. The acceptance by a local official or employee of travel grants or
expenses for travel taking place entirely place entirely outside the
Philippines (such as allowances, transportation, food and lodging) of
more than nominal value if such acceptance is appropriate or
consistent with the interest of the Philippines, and permitted by the
head of office to which he belongs.

Section 5A.06. Statements and Disclosures. Local officials and

employees have an obligation to accomplish and submit declarations under
oath of, and the public has the right to know their assets, liabilities, net
worth and financial and business interest including those of their spouses
and of unmarried children below eighteen (18) years of age living in their

Section 5A.07. Statement of Assets, Liabilities and Net Worth and

Financial Disclosure. All local officials and employees, except those who
serve in an honorary capacity, laborers and casual or temporary workers,
shall file under oath their “Statement of Assets, Liabilities and Net Wowrth”
and a “Disclosure of Business Interests and Financial Connections” and
those of their spouses and unmarried children below eighteen (18) years of
age living in their households.

The two documents shall contain information on the following:

a. Real property, its improvement, acquisition costs, assessed value

and current fair market value;
b. Personal property and acquisition cost;
c. All other assets such as investments, cash on hand or in banks,
stocks, bonds, and the like;

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Province of Pangasinan



d. Liabilities, and
e. All business interests and financial connections.

The documents must be filed:

a. Within thirty (30) days after assumption of office;

b. On or before April 30 of every year thereafter; and
c. Within thirty (30) after separation from the service.

All public officials and employees required under this Article to file the
abovementioned documents shall also execute, within thirty (30) days from
the date of their assumption of office, the necessary authority in favor of the
Ombudsman to obtain from all appropriate government agencies, including
the Bureau of Internal Revenue, documents that may their assets, liabilities,
net worth and also their business, interests and financial connections in
previous years, including, if possible, the year when they first assumed any
office in the government.

Husband and wife who are both public officials or employees may file
the required statements jointly or separately.

The “Statements of Asset, Liabilities and Net Worth” and the

“Disclosure of Business Interests and Financial Connections” of the local
officials and employees of this city shall be filed with the Deputy Ombudsman
in Region III.

Section 5A.08. Identification and Disclosure of Relatives. It shall be

the duty of every local official or employee to identity and disclose, to the best
of his knowledge and information, his relatives in the government in the
form, manner and frequency prescribed by the Civil Service Commission.

Section 5A.09. Accessibility of Documents.

a. Any and all statements filed under this Chapter shall be made available
for inspection at reasonable hours.

b. Such statements shall be made available for copying or reproduction

after ten (10) working days from the time they are filed as required by

c. Any person requesting a copy of a statement shall be required to pay a

reasonable fee to cover the cost of reproduction and mailing of such
statement, as well as the cost of certification.

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d. Any statement filed under this Chapter shall be available to the public
for a period of ten (10) years after receipt of the statement. After such
period, the statement may be destroyed unless needed in an on-going

Section 5A.10. Other Prohibited Acts. It shall be unlawful for any

person to obtain or use any statement filed under this Chapter for:

a. Any purpose contrary to morals or public policy; or

b. Any commercial purpose other than by news and communications
media for dissemination to the general public.


Section 5A.11. Divestment. A local official or employee shall avoid

conflict of interest at all times. When a conflict of interest arises, he shall
resign from his position in any private business enterprise within thirty (30)
days from his assumption of office or divest himself of his shareholdings or
interest within sixty (60) days from such assumption. The same rule shall
apply where the local official or employee is a partner in partnership.

This requirement of divestment shall not apply to those who serve the
government in an honorary capacity or to laborers and casual or temporary


Section 5A.12. Fines, Suspension or Removal; or Imprisonment. In

prescribing penalties for offenders, the following rules and regulations shall
be observed:

a. Any local official or employee regardless of whether or not he holds

office or employment in a casual, temporary hold-over, permanent
or regular capacity, committing any violation of this Chapter shall
be punished with a fine of not exceeding the equivalent of six (6)
months salary or suspension not exceeding one (1) year, or removal
depending on the gravity of the offense after due notice and hearing
by the appropriate body or agency.

If the violation is punishable by a heavier penalty under existing

law, he shall be prosecuted under that law.

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b. Violation of Article D, E, and F, of this Chapter shall be prosecuted

and penalized under the provisions of Republic Act. No. 6713.

c. Any violation hereof proven in a proper administrative proceeding

shall be sufficient cause for removal or dismissal of a local official or
employee, even if no criminal prosecution is instituted against him.

d. Private individuals who participate in conspiracy as co-principals,

accomplices or accessories, with local officials or employees, in
violation of this Chapter, shall be subject to the same penal abilities
as the local officials and employees and shall be tried jointly with




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Province of Pangasinan




Section 6A.01. The Sangguniang Panlungsod of this City shall be

composed of the City Vice Mayor as its Presiding Officer, the regular
members, the President of the City Chapter of the Liga ng mga Barangay and
the President of the Panlungsod Pederasyon ng mga Sangguniang Kabataan
as Ex-Officio Member.


Section 6A.02. The powers, duties and functions of this Sanggunian

shall be provided for under ART. 99, Rule XVII of the Rules and Regulations
Implementing the Local Government Code of 1991.


Section 6A.03. Disclosure of Financial Interest. Every member of

this Sanggunian shall make a full disclosure of his/her financial and
business interests as required of him / her under ART. 104, Rule xvii, of the
rules and regulations implementing the Local Government Code of 1991.

Section 6A.04. Mandatory Attendance in Sessions. Every member

shall attend all the sessions of the Sanggunian unless he/she is prevented
from doing so, by reason of sickness or other unavoidable circumstances
provided that, as a general rule, previous notice thereto shall be sent to the
members thru the presiding officer or the secr2Qetary.

Section 6A.05. Vote on any Question. As a general rule, every

member is required to vote on every question or proposed measure being
voted upon by the Sanggunian. Abstentions may only be allowed if it can be
shown that the member concerned has a pecuniary interest either directly or
indirectly on the matter being acted upon by the body.
Section 6A.06.

a. Every member shall observe the following rules of decorum

1. Formal reference to the Presiding Officer

2. Formal reference to another member
3. Relevance of statement to the issue
4. Refraining from personalities
5. Coursing remarks and question to the chair
6. Speaking against own motion is not allowed

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7. Observance of time limit

8. Civility in the conduct of members
9. No monopoly of discussion or debate
10. Member may change vote
11. Recognition first before speaking
12. No motion is adjourn if someone has the floor
13. Motion of a reporting committee needs no second
14. Impartiality of the chair
15. Exercise of right has a limit


1. Any member of this Sanggunian who fails to attend a

regular/special session without prior notice will be
automatically deducted one (1) day from his leave credits.
2. Any member who makes absences without justifiable cause for
four (4) consecutive sessions shall be suspended for thirty (30)

c. ATTIRE – All members of this Sanggunian are required to wear

the prescribed uniform every Regular session, except during out
of town sessions. Thus, the following prescribed uniforms:

1. 1st Monday of each month- long sleeve crème

2. 2nd Monday – green short sleeves
3. 3rd Monday – long sleeves light blue
4. 4th Monday – white short sleeves
5. 5th Monday – (if there’s a 5th Monday) t-shirt with collar navy


Section 6A.07. Concurrent Presiding Officer. The City Vice Mayor

shall be the Presiding Officer of this Sanggunian, as such shall have the
following rights and duties:

a. To prescribe over the session of the Sanggunian

b. To exact from all the members present during the session proper
conduct/deportment and decorum
c. To enforce the internal rules and procedure of the Sanggunian

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Province of Pangasinan



d. To maintain order during sessions and render a ruling and question

of order , subject to appeal by the member, subject to appeal by the
member concerned to the body for final decision
e. To sign all legislative documents, papers or checks requiring his
f. To declare recess during session anytime anytime he deems it
necessary provided that the duration of the recess is less than 15
g. To declares the session adjourned to another date, time and place in
cases of extreme emergencies, serious and uncontrollable
h. To make brief remarks , comments or clarificatory questions on any
measure pending deliberation by the body provided that he shall not
express himself either for or against the said measure or question
i. To vote but only to break the tie. Hence, he cannot vote in order to
create a tie
j. To relinquish the chair to the presiding pro tempore or in the latter’s
absence, to any member of the Sanggunian who shall act as
Temporary Presiding officer in order to participate in the
deliberation of the body.


Section 6A.08. The Presiding Officer Pro- Tempore. Is a member

having obtained the highest number of votes in the just concluded election.
He shall temporarily exercise all the powers, duties and functions of the
Presiding Officer whenever the latter is absent during sessions of the

Section 6A.09. Election of Temporary Presiding Officer. In the event

of the inability of the regular Presiding Officer and the Presiding Officer Pro-
Tempore to preside over the Sanggunian session, the members present
thereby constituting a quorum shall elect from among themselves a “
Temporary presiding Officer”.

Section 6A.10. Certification. The Presiding Officer Pro-Tempore or

Temporary Presiding officer as the case maybe, shall certify within ten (10)
days from the passage of ordinance enacted or resolution adopted by the
Sanggunian in the session over which he temporarily presided;

Section 6A.11. No voting Right. While presiding, the Presiding Officer,

Pro-Tempore or the Temporary Presiding Officer, as the case maybe, shall
have no right to vote even if there is a tie.

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Province of Pangasinan



Section 6A.12. Relinguishment of Chair. The Presiding Officer Pro-

Tempore or the Temporary Presiding Officer may, on his discretion,
relinquish the chair temporarily to any member of the Sanggunian if he
would like to go down the floor and participate in the deliberation on his
capacity as a regular member.


The Majority floor Leader shall be responsible for the introduction of

any business before the council for the deliberation and shall enjoy the
privileges necessary to ensure the smooth disposal of the various items in the
agenda or any matter that maybe properly brought about before the body.

He shall read, or cause to be read, all the proposed resolutions,

ordinances, motion, materials, petitions and other documents which are
reported to the council or when required by the council or its presiding


There shall be a Minority Floor Leader who shall come from the
political party or group consisting/constituting the minority in the council.
The minority floor leader shall perform such functions and duties as may be,
from time to time, be entrusted to him by the council.


Section 6A.13. Regular Session. The Sangguniang Panlungsod shall

hold weekly regular sessions, every Monday of each week, 9:00 o’clock A.M.
at the SP Session Hall, Legislative Building.

Section 6A.14. Calling of Special Session. Special Sessions may be

called by either the City Mayor or by majority of the members of the
Sanggunian, in any other place or time to be agreed upon by the Presiding
Officer and the Sangguniang Panlungsod members.

Section 6A.15. Notice of Sessions. A written notice to the Sanggunian

Members stating the date, time and purpose of the special session shall be
served personally or left with a member of his household at his usual place or
residence at least twenty- four (24) hours before the special session is held.
Section 6A.16. Matters in Special Sessions. Unless otherwise agreed
upon by two-thirds (2/3) vote of the members present, there being a quorum,
no other matter may be considered at a special session except those stated in
the notice.

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Province of Pangasinan



Section 6A.17. Public Sessions. All sessions shall be open to the

public, unless a closed door session is ordered by an affirmative vote of a
majority of the members present, there being a quorum, in the public interest
or for reasons of security, decency or morality.

Section 6A.18. Out of Town Session. There shall be at least one (1) out
of town session per quarter, or even more if needs arise.

Section 6A.19. No Two- Session Rule. No two (2) sessions whether

regular or special shall be held in a single day.


Section 6A.20. Presence of Quorum. A majority of the member of the

Sanggunian who have been elected and qualified shall constitute a quorum to
transact official business, (elected regular: qualified Ex- Officio)

Section 6A.21. Membership to constitute a Quorum. In computing

the presence of the quorum the term Majority shall be based on the actual
membership or incumbents in the Sanggunian which shall exclude the

1. A member who is abroad or on official leave of absence

2. A deceased member
3. A member who has resigned
4. A member who has been suspended or expelled or removed

Section 6A.22. Recess in the absence of Quorum. In the absence of a

quorum at the scheduled time, the Presiding Officer may declare a recess of
not more than twenty (20) minutes, and wait for the other members to come.
If there is still no quorum despite of waiting for twenty minutes, the Presiding
Officer may, motu propio, or upon proper motion from the floor duly
seconded by the body, then declare the session adjourned for lack of quorum.


Section 6A. 23. Sequence in the Calendar of Business. The Order of

Business of this Sanggunian shall be as follows:
a. Call to order
b. Invocation
c. Singing of the Philippine National Anthem
d. Roll Call

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Province of Pangasinan



e. Reading and consideration of the minutes of the previous session

f. Announcements if any
g. Reading and referral of proposed measures, ordinances, resolutions,
petitions, letters and other communications
h. Privilege/ question hours (optional)
i. Committee reports
j. Calendar of business
- Unfinished business
- Business of the day
- Unassigned business
k. Adjournment

Section 6A.24. Date/time and place of Filing of Measures. All

proposed ordinances , resolutions, written motions, letters and
communications and the like, that requires for legislative action and which
maybe properly included in the order of business, shall be submitted to the
office of the SP Secretariat on or before noon on every Thursday of each week.
However, should it be later, the same maybe accepted but such will be
calendared for the next session day.

Section 6A.25. Deviation from usual Order of Business. Deviation

from the prescribed Order of Business may be done only in the following

a. When the Sanggunian decided to suspend the rules thru an

“assumed motion” by the chair or thru a motion to suspend the
rules by a member. In any case, the decision to suspend the rules
shall require a unanimous vote, or at least a two–thirds (2/3) vote of
the members present.
b. When the measure to be acted upon by the Sanggunian is “certified
by the Local Chief Executive as urgent” it shall have priority over all
items of business, and shall be considered without need of
suspending the rules or even if it is not included in the calendar of

Section 6A.26. Committee Reports. All committee reports in all

measures referred to the proper committees shall be in writing

Section 6A.27. Priority Reports. In rendering committee reports,

priority shall be given to Regular Committees to be followed by special

Section 6A.28. Rendition of Committee Reports. As a general rule,

Committee reports shall be rendered by its chairman, unless he dissents
with the majority decisions. In his absence the Vice Chairman shall take his

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place. If neither of them is present, any committee member concurring with

the report and duly designated by the said committee shall render the report.
Section 6A.29. Actions on Committee Reports. If the reporting
committee recommends a favorable action on the measure referred to it or if
the reporting committee recommends the proposed measure for appropriate
action by the Sanggunian, the Committee on Rules shall calendar it for
“second reading”. If the reporting committee’s recommendation is unfavorable
the proposed measure shall be condired laid on the table. If the reporting
committee’s recommendation is for the Sanggunian not to take any action
and the recommendation has been adopted by the body, the proposed
measure remains shelved in the committee. If the reporting committee’s
recommendation is for the Sanggunian to the proposed measu6re away and
that recommendation has been adopted then it is “filed away” which means
that the proposal will be filled in the archive of the Sanggunian.

Section 6A.30. Preparation of the Calendar of Business. The

Calendar of Business shall be prepared by the Committee on Rules and a
copy thereof shall be furnished to every member of this Sanggunian one
working day before the date of the regular session. The Presiding Officer shall
cause the Office of the Secretary to the Sanggunian to necessary
administrative support or secretarial services to the committee on Rules and
other Standing or Special Committees.

Section 6A.31. Contents. The Calendar of Business shall contain the


a. Unfinished Business – refers to proposal or measures that have

been left unacted upon,
Postponed or left unfinished during the previous session.
b. Business of the Day – refers to a list of items that have been
reported out by committee and are ready for deliberation on “second
reading” as determined by the committee on Rules, also includes
items for the body’s decision on third and final reading.
c. Unassigned Business- refers to pending matters or measures
including new ones arising during the deliberation but not yet
assigned or referred to any committee for appropriate action.


Section 6A.32. Legislative Rules. This Sanggunian shall observe the

following rules in the enactment of ordinances and adoption of resolutions
including other matters requiring actions.

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a. Legislative actions of the general and permanent character shall be

enacted in the form of ordinance, while those which are of
temporary character shall be passed in the form of resolutions.
b. Proposed ordinances and resolutions shall be in the writing and
shall contain an assigned number, a title or caption, and enacting
or ordaining clause, and the date of proposed effectively. In
addition, every proposed ordinance shall be accompanied by a brief
explanatory note containing the justification for its approval. It shall
be signed by the authors and submitted to the secretary to the
Sanggunian who shall report the same to the Sanggunian at its next
c. A resolution shall be enacted in the same manner prescribed for an
ordinance, except that it need not go through a third reading for its
final consideration unless decided otherwise by a majority of all the
Sanggunian members.
d. No ordinance or resolution shall be considered for second reading in
any regular session unless it has been reported out by the proper
committee to which it was referred or certified as urgent by the local
chief executive.
e. Any legislative matter duly certified by the chief executive as urgent
whether or not it is included in the Calendar of Business may be
presented and considered by the body at the same session without
the need of suspending the rules.
f. The Secretary to the Sanggunian shall prepared copy of the
proposed ordinance or resolution on the form it was passed on
second reading and shall distribute to each Sanggunian Members a
copy thereof except that a measure certified by the local chief
executive concerned as urgent may be submitted for final voting
immediately after debate or amendment during the second reading.
g. No ordinance or resolution passed by the Sanggunian in a Regular
or Special Session duly called for the purpose shall be valid unless
approved by a majority of the members present .
h. Upon presentation of all ordinances and resolutions directing the
payment of money or creating a liability and at the request of any
member in a resolution or motion, the Sanggunian shall record the
eyes and nays. Each approved ordinance or resolution shall be
stamped with the seal of the Sanggunian and recorded in a book
kept for the purpose.

Section 6A.33. Power of Local Chief Executive on Ordinances. The

approval of ordinance and exercise of VETO POWER by the Local Chief
Executive shall be governed by the following rules:

a. Every ordinancde enacted by the Sanggunian shall be presented to

the mayor for the approval. If he approves the same, he shall affix

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Province of Pangasinan



his signature on each and every page thereof, otherwise, he shall

veto it and return the same with the objections to the Sanggunian.
The Sanggunian may override the same veto by a two-third (2/3)
vote of all its members thereby making the ordinance or resolution
effective for all legal intents and purposes.
b. The veto shall be communicated by the Mayor to the Sanggunian
within ten (10) days from receipt thereof. Otherwise the ordinance
shall be deemed approved as if he had signed it.
c. The Mayor may veto an ordinance of the Sanggunian on the ground
that it is “ultra vires” or prejudicial to the public welfare, stating
his reason thereof/ therefore in writing.
d. The Mayor shall have the power to veto any particular item of an
appropriation ordinance, an ordinance or resolution adopting a local
development plan and public investment program or an ordinance
directing the payment of money or creating liability. In such a case,
the veto shall not affect the items which are not objected to. The
vetoed items shall not take effect unless the Sanggunian overrides
the veto. The appropriation ordinance of the previous year
corresponding to those vetoed if any shall be deemed reenacted.
e. The Mayor may veto an ordinance or resolution only once. The
Sanggunian may override the said veto by two-third (2/3) vote of all
its members thereby making the ordinance or resolution effective
even without the approval of the chief executive.

Section 6A.34. Stages of local enactments. The Sanggunian shall

follow “three reading principle” before the ordinance is finally enacted.

a. First reading - At this stage, the majority floor leader shall read the
number of the proposed draft ordinance, its title, the name of the
author or the name of the members introducing it. Thereafter, the
Presiding Officer shall refer it to the appropriate committee. At this
stage no debate shall be allowed.

b. Second reading - At this stage, any proposed ordinance that has

already been reported out by the concerned committee and has been
calendared by the committee on rules for the second reading maybe
sponsored by the reporting Committee Chairman, or his Vice
Chairman or any committee Member designated for that purpose.

After the sponsorship speech has been delivered, the proposed

ordinance shall be subjected to the following:
- Period of debate
- Period of amendment
- Approval of second reading

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c. Third (final) reading – At this stage, the Secretary shall read the
proposed ordinance, title, and the name of its sponsor or co-
sponsor. If any. Immediately thereafter, the Presiding Officer shall
put the proposed ordinance to a vote and shall then formally
announce the result thereof and directs the Secretary to enter it in
the record.

Section 6A.35. Method of voting – the Sanggunian shall adopt either

one of the following methods of voting:

- By voice ( viva voice)

- By raising of hand
- By rising (standing)
- By ballot
- By nominal voting (roll call vote)

Section 6A.36. Putting a question to a vote. The Presiding Officer

shall rise whenever he is pitting a question to a vote. In taking a vote, the
Presiding Officer shall take first the affirmative and then the negative vote.
While still standing, the Presiding Officer shall announce the result thereof.


Section 6A.37. Voting on the Question. Whenever a nominal voting

(roll call voting) is being applied, the Secretary shall call the roll of members
either in alphabetical order, by ranks or by representative districts. As each
name is called the member shall announce his vote by stating “YES” or “NO”
as the case maybe and may explain his vote but not to exceed three (3)

Section 6A.38. Voting restrictions. No member can vote, or be allowed

to vote , on any measure in which he or any of his relatives within the third
degree of consanguinity or affinity has a direct or indirect pecuniary interest.

Section 6A.39. Change of Vote. A member may change his vote but
only when the result of the voting has not been announced.

Section 6A.40. Vote of late Comer. A member who comes late during
the session but who happens to arrive while voting is in progress shall be
allowed to vote, provided the result of the voting has not yet been announced
by the Chair.

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Province of Pangasinan



Section 6A.41. Allowable Motions during Voting. Except for a motion

pertaining to a question of quorum, no other motion shall be entertained by
the Chair while voting is in progress.

Section 6A.42. The Vote. A tie vote resulting from a vote taken on any
motion, measure or proposal shall be construed to mean that the particular
motion, measure or proposal is defeated, unless the Chair decides to break it.
When a motion to appeal from the decision of the Chair is put to a vote and it
resulted in a tie, the same is considered to sustain the decision of the Chair.

Section 6A.43. Breaking a Tie. In case of a tie, the Presiding Officer is

allowed to cast his vote if he so desires. He is, however, precluded under
existing laws to cast his vote in order to create a tie.
Section 6A.44. Majority Vote of all the Members. As provided for
under R.A. 7160 and its Implementing Rules and Regulations, a majority vote
of all the members of the Sanggunian is required in the following:

a. Any ordinance or resolution authorizing or directing the payment of

money or creating a liability.
b. Enactment of ordinances levying taxes, fees or changes prescribing
the rates thereof for general and specific purposes and granting tax
exemption incentives or reliefs.
c. Adoption of resolutions authorizing the Mayor to negotiate or
Contract Loans and other form of indebtedness.
d. Enactment of ordinance authorizing the floating of bonds or other
instruments or indebtedness for the purpose of raising funds to
finance development projects.
e. Adoption of resolution authorizing the Mayor to lease to private
parties such buildings held in proprietary capacity subject to
existing laws and regulations.
f. Enactment of ordinance granting a franchise to any person,
partnership, corporation or cooperative to establish, construct,
operate and maintain ferries, wharves, markets or slaughterhouse,
or such other similar activities within the city as maybe allowed by
applicable laws. Provided, that cooperatives shall be given
preference in the grant of such franchise.
g. Adoption of resolution concurring with the appointments issued by
the Mayor to heads of departments and offices as required under
R.A. 7160.

Section 6A.45. Vote Required. Majority of the member present

(thereby constituting a quorum) except as provided in the preceding section
all other legislative matters or measures shall require only a “majority vote” of

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Province of Pangasinan



the members present therein having a “quorum” for its passage, adoption or

Section 6A.46. Plurality Vote. A decision of this Sanggunian thru a

“plurality vote” shall be valid only and enforceable if it is the result of an
election of its officers or members of committees. No legislative proposal or
measure of whatever nature shall be passed, adopted or enacted by the
sanggunian thru a mere plurality vote.

Section 6A.47. Other Voting Required. Percentage vote shall be

construed to mean as a “proportion” of a certain whole and shall be applied
in the following:

a. A two-thirds (2/3) vote of all the members of this Sanggunian shall

be required in overriding the veto of the Local Chief Executive for
any ordinance/resolution effective for all intents and purposes.
b. Unless otherwise concurred in by two-thirds (2/3) vote of the
Sanggunian members present, there being a quorum, no other
matters may be considered at a Special Session except those stated
in the Agenda.
c. The penalty of suspension or expulsion that maybe imposed or
meted out by the Sanggunian to an erring member shall require the
concurrence of at least two-thirds (2/3) vote of all the Sanggunian
d. With the concurrence of at least two-thirds (2/3) vote of all the
members this Sanggunian may grant tax exemptions, incentives or
reliefs to entities engaged in community growth inducing industries.
e. At least two-thirds (2/3) affirmative vote of the members present,
there being a quorum shall be required for the adoption of the
following motions:

1. motion to suspend rules

2. motion to expunge/delete
3. motion to extend or limit debates
4. motion to call for the previous question

f. At least a two-thirds (2/3) negative vote of the members present,

there being a quorum, shall be required to sustain the “motion to
object the consideration of a question”

Section 6A.48. Abstentions. No member of the Sanggunian shall

abstain from voting, except as provided under Section 2, Rule X of this
Internal Rules of Procedures.

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Province of Pangasinan



Section 6A.49. Simple Majority. This vote shall prevail on other

measures, motions or propositions provided there is a quorum which means
one-half plus one (one-half + 1) of the total vote cast by the members present
there being a quorum.


Section 6A.50. Obtention of the Floor First. No member shall speak

before this Sanggunian without first “obtaining the floor” and after
obtaining the floor, shall address all his remarks to the Chair. He shall
conduct himself with proper decorum by confining his remarks or arguments
to the question under debate and avoiding personalities.

Section 6A.51. Limit of Speech. No member rendering a committee

report or delivering the sponsorship speech shall speak for more than thirty
(30) minutes unless allowed by a majority of the members present.

Section 6A.52. Five-Minute Rule. During the period of amendments,

every member shall observe the so-called “five-minute rule”, remarks, or
argumentation by any member on its propose amendments shall not exceed
five (5) minutes.
Section 6A.53. Assumed Motion. The member rendering a committee
report or delivering the sponsorship speech of a proposed measure may move
to open or close the debate within the thirty-minute period allowed to him. If
he fails to exercise his option, the Chair may use the “assumed motion” to
open or close the debate. Any member may formally move for it. After a
member has rendered a committee report or has finished his sponsorship
speech of a proposed measure it shall be considered open to debate.

Section 6A.54. Point of Order. While having a floor, a member may be

interrupted in his speech or talk by the Presiding Officer to state a point of
order, to respond to question from the floor, to clarify something related to
the issue being discussed or to make certain remarks within his privilege.

Section 6A.55. Authority to Interrupt. The speaker may also be

interrupted by another member if the latter desires to ask questions thru his
privilege to interpolate and by posing the following motions:

- Point of Order
- Point of Information
- Point of Parliamentary Inquiry
- Call for Orders of the Day
- Divide the Assembly
- Raise or Question of Privilege

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Province of Pangasinan



- Reconsider
- Appeal from the Decision of the Chair

Section 6A.56. Abtention of permission from the Chair. All questions

addressed to the speakers or the member having the floor must always be
coursed thru the Presiding Officer.

Section 6A.57. Ethics on Session. While the period of debate is in

progress no member shall roam around the session hall or leave the premises
without the permission of the Chair.

Section 6A.58. A motion to close the debate. It is in order if three (3)

members have already spoken in the affirmative side and two (2) in the
negative side, or only one (1) member has spoken to close the period of
debate. The Chair motupropio may use the “assumed motion” in order to
close the period of debate.

Section 6A.59. No Interruption Rule. Whenever the Presiding Officer

is addressing the Sanggunian, no member shall leave his seat nor interrupt
the former in his talk.

Section 6A.60. Scenario after debate. After the period of debate has
been closed, the period of amendment shall immediately follow.


Section 6A.61. Creation of Committees. The following rules shall be

observed in the creation of committees:

a. A Regular or Standing Committee maybe created or reorganized by a

majority vote of all the members of the Sanggunian.
b. The Presiding Officer may recommend the creation or reorganization
of any regular or standing committee. The Sanggunian shall act on
his recommendation with debate and vote on it immediately.
c. Special or AD HOC Committee maybe created upon initiative of the
Chair or any member subject to the affirmative votes of a majority of
the members present, there being a quorum.

Section 6A.62. Composition. Every regular committee may be created

and shall be composed of five (5) including the Chairman and Vice Chairman.

Section 6A.63. Committee Hearings and Public Hearings. No tax

ordinance or revenue measure shall be enacted by this Sanggunian in the
absence of a public hearing duly conducted by the committee concerned.

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Province of Pangasinan



Section 6A.64. Committee Meetings. As a general rule, a committee

meeting shall be attended only by committee members unless a majority of
the members thereof decides to allow other persons to be present specially
invited resource persons or consultants.

Section 6A.65. Invitation. Appearance of Head of Departments/Offices

in Committee Meetings, the following rules shall be observed in requesting for
the appearance of heads of departments or offices:

a. Official invitation or request by any committee for the appearance of

any head of department or office, whether local or national, shall be
coursed thru the Presiding Officer. The Presiding Officer shall then
endorse it to the Local Chief Executive, in the case of local officials
and/or employees and directly to the local head of national offices in
this locality.
b. The invitation or request shall specify the reasons for such
appearance or the assistance needed, as the case may be.

Section 6A.66. Regular Standing Committee. This Sanggunian,

hereby creates the following regular standing committees with its



Chairperson : Hon. Joseph T. Bacay

Vice Chairperson : Hon. Fatima Ann S. Isla

Members : Hon. Perlito V. Rabago

Hon. Rufina J. Gabriel

Hon. Oscar A. Boling



Republic of the Philippines
Province of Pangasinan



Chairperson : Hon. Jan Marionne R. Fontelera

Vice Chairperson : Hon. Rufina J. Gabriel

Members : Hon. Margielou Orange D. Humilde

Hon. Joseph T. Bacay

Hon. Oscar A. Boling



Chairperson : Hon. Rufina J. Gabriel

Vice Chairperson : Hon. Fatima Ann S. Isla

Members : Hon. Jan Marionne R. Fontelera

Hon. Joseph T. Bacay

Hon. Oscar A. Boling


Chairperson : Hon. Perlito V. Rabago

Vice Chairperson : Hon. Joseph T. Bacay

Members : Hon. Fatima Ann S. Isla

Hon. Rany S. De Leon

Hon. Oscar A. Boling



Chairperson : Hon. Margielou Orange D. Humilde

Vice Chairperson : Hon. Joseph T. Bacay

Members : Hon. Rufina J. Gabriel

Hon. Jose Antonio Miguel Y. Perez

Hon. Oscar A. Boling

Republic of the Philippines
Province of Pangasinan




Chairperson : Hon. Jose Antonio Miguel Y. Perez

Vice Chairperson : Hon. Rany S. De Leon

Members : Hon. Jan Marionne R. Fontelera

Hon. Joseph T. Bacay

Hon. Oscar A. Boling



Chairperson : Hon. Rany S. De Leon

Vice Chairperson : Hon. Jan Marionne R. Fontelera

Members : Hon.PerlitoV. Rabago

Hon. Joseph T. Bacay

Hon. Oscar A. Boling



Chairperson : Hon. Fatima Ann S. Isla

Vice Chairperson : Hon. Margielou Orange G. Humilde

Members : Hon. Rufina J. Gabriel

Hon. Joseph T. Bacay

Hon. Oscar A. Boling


Chairperson : Hon. MoriahDiorella V. Ranoy, SKFP

Vice Chairperson : Hon. Jose Antonio Miguel Y. Perez

Members : Hon. Jan Marionne R. Fontelera

Hon. Joseph T. Bacay

Hon. Oscar A. Boling

Republic of the Philippines
Province of Pangasinan




Chairperson : Hon. Emerlina B. Ravarra, LBP

Vice Chairperson : Hon. Perlito V. Rabago

Members : Hon. Rany S. De Leon

Hon. Joseph T. Bacay

Hon. Oscar A. Boling

Section 6A.67. Special Committees. Special committees shall, from

time to time, be created by the Council for special purposes which shall cease
to exist as soon as the council shall receive its report. Special committees
shall be independent from the standing committees but the procedure thereof
shall be determined by the same rules governing regular committees.

Section 6A.68. Regular Standing Districts. The Sanggunian hereby

creates five (5) regular districts as follows:

a. CLUSTER A – Baleyadaan, Cayucay, Inerangan, Mona,

Pangapisan, Polo and San Jose (Councilor Fatima Ann
S. Isla, and Councilor Rufina J. Gabriel)

b. CLUSTER B– Bued, Pandan, Pocal-pocal, Sabangan, Telbang and

Victoria (Councilor Joseph T. Bacay and Councilor
Margielou Orange D. Humilde)

c. CLUSTER C– Amangbangan, Balayang, Bisocol, Dulacac, Landoc,

Maawi, San Roque, San Antonio, Sta. Maria and Tawin-
tawin(Councilor Orlando R. Go and Councilor Oscar
A. Boling)

d. CLUSTER D– Alos, Amandiego, Balangobong, Bolaney, Cabatuan,

Macatiw, Linmansangan, Quibuar, San Vicente and
Tangcarang(Councilor Jose Antonio Miguel Y. Perez
and Councilor Jan Marionne R. Fontelera)

e. CLUSTER E –Poblacion, Palamis, Pogo, Tanaytay, Lucap and

Magsaysay (Councilor Rany S. De Leon and Councilor
Perlito V. Rabago)

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Province of Pangasinan



On the other hand, the Liga ng mga Barangay President and the SK
President are both assigned at-large considering that they are representing
their respective sectors in the entire city.


Section 6A.69. Submission of Committee Reports. Every committee

to which a particular measure is referred by the Presiding Officer shall
submit its report in writing to the Sanggunian, thru the Secretary, after
finishing its task.

Section 6A.70. Contents of Committee Reports. The committee

report shall contain the following information:

a. Name of the reporting committee

b. Brief statement of the subject matter referred to it and the action
taken thereon, including information gathered during the conduct of
committee hearings/meetings and other relevant information’s
c. Findings or conclusion
d. Recommendations (preferably in the form of resolution)

Section 6A.71. Recommitting a Measure. When the Sanggunian is

not satisfied with the report of a particular committee on a measure referred
to it, the same may be recommitted or returned to the committee for further

Section 6A.72. Calendaring a Measure for Second Reading. After a

committee has submitted its report and its recommendation is favorable for
the enactment of a related ordinance, a draft copy of the proposed ordinance
shall be furnished the Committee on Rules and Laws which shall calendar for
second reading. Before the said proposal ordinance is sponsored on the floor,
a copy thereof shall be furnished every Sanggunian Member by the
Committee Chairman concerned.


Section 6A.73. Record and Proceedings. The Sanggunian shall keep a

Journal and Record of its proceedings.

Section 6A.74. Reading and Consideration of the Journal. The

journal of the previous session shall be submitted by the Secretary to the
Sanggunian during its succeeding regular session. All Sanggunian members
shall be furnished copy of the Journal at least 24 hours before every session.

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Province of Pangasinan



The Sanggunian shall first determine if there are corrections to be made on

the journal and act on it accordingly before the same is adopted by the body
and become its property. Consideration of the journal shall be dispensed with
if the members were already furnished a copy thereof beforehand. The
journal submitted by the Secretary shall be acted upon by the members

Section 6A.75. Contents of the Journal. The journal shall contain the
following information:

a. Place, date and time of the session

b. Whether it is special or regular
c. Names of the members present therein and those who were absent
d. Action taken on the journal of the previous session including the
corrections, if any, names of those who adopted or approved the
journal under consideration and those who did not.
e. Text of every measure (resolution or ordinance) adopted or enacted
f. Brief resume of the minority opinion, if any
g. The ayes and nayes or no votes on every question (measure) and if
voting is done thru nominal voting or roll call vote the names of
those who voted on either side
h. All motion presented or proposed, whether lost or carried, except
those withdrawn
i. Full text of the veto message of the LCE, if any
j. Behavioral or physical actions of the members of the body
k. Time of the adjournment…………..

Section 6A.76. Signing of the Journal. The original copy of the journal
shall be signed by the members who adopted or approved it at the
appropriate space therein. The Presiding Officer at that particular session
and the Secretary shall also sign or affix their signature on it.

Section 6A. 77. Excerpts. Excerpts to be taken out of the journal shall
be certified and attested to as correct by the Presiding Officer and the
Secretary on that particular session, respectively.


Section 6A.78. No second is needed. All motion relating to a

committee report, if presented or proposed by the reporting Committee
Chairman or reporting Committee Member needs no second.

Section 6A.79. If someone “has the floor” whether or not he is

speaking, a “motion to adjourn” shall be ruled “out of order”.

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Province of Pangasinan



Section 6A.80. All “privilege motions” may be proposed even if there is

a pending motion or questions before the body.

Section 6A.81. The following motions can be presented even if someone

has the floor:

a. Appeal from the decision of the Chair.

b. Call for orders of the day.
c. Divide the assembly, body or house
d. Divide the question
e. Object to the consideration of a quorum
f. Point of order
g. Point of information
h. Point of Parliamentary Inquiry
i. Reconsider
j. Reconsider and have entered on the journal
k. Raise a question of privilege

Section 6A.82. The following motions require a second:

a. Adjourn
b. Adopt a report or resolution, except when proposed by the
reporting Committee Chairman or Member.
c. Amend
d. Appeal from the decision of the Chair
e. Commit or refer to a committee
f. Expunge (to strike)
g. Extend or limit the time of debate
h. Fix the time to adjourn
i. Lay on the table
j. Postpone definitely/indefinitely
k. Call for the previous question
l. Recess
m. Reconsider
n. Reconsider and have entered on the journal
o. Rescind or repeal
p. Suspend the rules
q. Take from the table
r. All main motions

Section 6A. 83. When a motion to amend may be withdrawn. A

motion to amend (amendment of the 1 st degree) and a motion to amend an

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Province of Pangasinan



amendment (amendment to the 2nd degree) maybe withdrawn but only before
a decision is made thereon.
Section 6A.84. A motion to amend is in order only up to the second
degree. Thus, a motion “to amend an amendment to an amendment” is
out of order.

Section 6A.85. Withdrawal of motion. A motion can be withdrawn

only when it is not yet being discussed or debated upon by the body.
Otherwise, any request to withdraw it shall require 2/3 a vote and if there is
an objection raised for its withdrawal, a majority vote of the member present.


Section 6A.86. Vote requires for Suspension. Any part of this

“Internal Rules of Procedure” except those prescribed by existing laws, maybe
suspended at any particular session by two-thirds (2/3) vote of the members
present therein.

Section 6A.87. Notice required. This “Internal Rules of Procedure”

maybe amended at any session by two-thirds (2/3) vote of all the members of
this Sanggunian provided that prior notice of such proposed amendment is
given to all the members and provided further that no provision herein which
is based on or prescribed by existing laws shall be amended.


Section 6A.88. Other Source of Authority. The rules, procedures and

parliamentary practices of the Philippine Congress and books dealing on this
subject shall serve as supplementary authorities of this Sanggunian but only
insofar as they are not incompatible with the rules and procedures adopted

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Province of Pangasinan









Section 7A.01. Basis of Authority. - These rules and procedures are

prescribed pursuant to Sections 60 to 69 of Republic Act 7160, otherwise
known as the Local Government Code of 1991 and such other laws that may
be applicable thereof.

Section 7A.02. Coverage. - These rules and procedures shall apply to

administrative cases filed against elected barangay officials of Alaminos City,
Pangasinan. It shall cover rules and procedures in the investigation of cases,
preventive suspension, hearing of the cases, disposition thereof, rights of
parties, appeal and enforcement of disciplinary action.

Section 7A.03. Investigating Authority. - The Sangguniang

Panlungsod in the exercise of its quasi-judicial function, is hereby designated
the investigating authority. For this purpose, it may request the assistance of
the Department of Interior and Local Government, line agencies of the
national government and all other offices concerned.

Section 7A.04. Definition of Terms. - For this purpose, the following

terms shall be defined as follows:

Republic of the Philippines
Province of Pangasinan



a. Administrative - the term connotes to administration, especially

management, as by managing, conducting, directing or
superintending the execution, application, or conduct of persons or
things. It does not entail an opportunity to be heard the production
and weighing of evidence, and a decision or resolution thereon.

b. Complaint – The original or initial pleading by which an action is

commenced under this rules of procedures.

c. Answer – It is the pleading in which a defending party sets forth his


d. Abuse of Authority – The excessive use of power or authority

unbefitting of public officials. Acts committed in excess of one’s
power or authority as conferred on him by law or outside of one’s
duties and functions.

e. Culpable Violation of the Constitution – A deliberate or willful,

not unintentional violation of the constitution.

f. Dishonesty – The concealment or distortion of truth in a matter or

fact relevant to one’s office or connected with the performance of his

g. Oppression – An act of cruelty, severity, unlawful exaction,

domination or excessive use of authority.

h. Misconduct in Office – means maladministration or willful,

intentional neglect and failure to discharge the duties of the office.

i. Gross Negligence – When a breach of duty is flagrant and palpable.

j. Dereliction of Duty – Means deliberate, conscious or willful neglect

of duty, such as desertion from or abandonment of public office.

k. Disloyalty to the Republic of the Philippines – An act

announcing or seeking to remove allegiance from the Republic of the
Philippines, such as rebellion or insurrection.

l. Expulsion – The ousting of an individual from membership in an

official organization.

m. Moral Turpitude – Acts of baneness, vileness, or depravity in the

private and social duties which a man owes to his fellowmen or to
the society in general, contrary to the accepted and customarily
rules of right and duty, or conduct contrary to justice, honesty, or
good morals.

Republic of the Philippines
Province of Pangasinan



n. Neglect of Duty – The omission or refusal, without sufficient

excuse, to perform an act or duty, which it was the officer’s legal
obligation to perform, the disregard of some duty imposed by law.

o. Preventive Suspension – An administrative action that may be

imposed at any time after the issues are joined, when the evidence
of guilt is strong, and given the gravity of the offense, there is great
probability that the continuance in office of the respondent could
influence the witnesses or pose a threat to the safety and integrity of
the records and evidence.
p. Subpoena – A process directed to a person requiring him to attend
and to testify at the hearing or the trial of an action, or at any
investigation conducted under the laws of the Philippines, or for the
taking of his deposition.

q. Subpoena Duces Tecum – A process directed to a person requiring

him to bring with him any books, documents or other things under
his control and testify in the proceedings regarding those
documents. In order to entitle a party to the issuance of a subpoena
duces tecum, it must appear, by clear and unequivocal proof that
the book or document sought to be produced contains evidence
relevant and material to the issue before the Sangguniang
Panlungsod and that the precise book, paper or document
containing such evidence has been so designated that it may be


Section 7A.05. Grounds. - An elective barangay official may be

disciplined, censured, reprimanded, suspended or removed from office after
due notice and hearing on any of the following grounds:

a. Disloyalty to the Republic of the Philippines;

b. Culpable Violation of the Constitution;

c. Dishonesty, Oppression, Misconduct in Office, Gross Negligence, or

Dereliction of Duty;

d. Commission of any offenses involving Moral Turpitude or an offense

punishable by at least prison mayor which is from six (6) years and
one day to twelve (12) years imprisonment;

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Province of Pangasinan



e. Abuse of Authority;

f. Unauthorized absence for fifteen (15) consecutive working days;

g. Application for or acquisition of foreign citizenship or residence

status of an immigration of another country; and

h. Such other grounds as may be provided R.A 6713; R.A 3019;

Administrative Code of 1987; Revised Penal Code; and all other
applicable general and special laws.

Section 7A.06. Removal by Order of Court. - An elective barangay

official may be removed from office on the grounds enumerated above by
order of the proper Court.


Section 7A.07. How Initiated. - An administrative complaint may be

initiated by any private individual, barangay official or any resident of a
barangay where an erring official being complained of discharges his duties,
by filing a verified complaint. It may also be initiated moto propio by the office
of the City Mayor.

Section 7A.08. Form of Complaint. - A verified/sworn complaint,

accompanied by affidavits of witnesses or evidences in support of the charge,
shall be addressed to the Presiding Officer. Such complaint shall be drawn in
clear and simple language, concise in form and in methodical manner as to
apprise the respondent of the nature of the charge against him and to enable
him to prepare his defense. The party filing the complaint shall be called the
“Complainant”, while the official against whom the complaint is filed shall be
called the “Respondent”.

Section 7A.09. Where filed. - The Complaint may be filed personally in

fifteen (15) copies to the office of the Sangguniang Panlungsod Secretariat.
The Secretary shall authenticate all the pertinent documents submitted and
cause their entry in the official record book in his office and indicate on the
Complaint the time, date and hour of filing and affixing therein the particular
case number. The Secretary shall immediately transmit all the documents
including the Complaint to the SP Presiding Officer.


Section 7A.10. Notice. - Within 7 days after the complaint is filed, the
Sanggunian concerned, thru the Presiding Officer, shall require the
respondent to submit his verified answer within fifteen (15) days from receipt
thereof, either by personal service or registered mail. In case there are more

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than one respondent, each shall be furnished a copy of the complaint with all
the attachments thereof.

Section 7A.11. Form of Answer. - A verified answer shall be filed in

fifteen (15) copies to the Office of SP Secretariat, accompanied by affidavits of
witnesses or evidences if any, copy furnished the complainant/s. The same
shall be addressed to the Presiding Officer. The Secretary shall likewise
authenticate all the pertinent documents presented by the Respondent and
shall enter there on the official record book the time, date and hour of filing
and shall transmit a copy thereof to the Presiding Officer for his appropriate

Section 7A.12. Failure to Answer. - Unreasonable failure of the

respondent to file his verified answer within fifteen (15) days from receipt of
the complaint against him shall be considered a waiver of his right to present
evidence/s in his behalf. Thereupon, the Sanggunian shall proceed to receive
the complainant’s evidence and render judgment granting him such relief as
the complaint and the facts proven may warrant.

Section 7A.13. Commencement. - Within seven (7) days from receipt of

the answer, the City Vice Mayor shall call the parties for the exploration of a
possible amicable settlement.
The SP shall exhaust all possible avenues for a compromise or arbitration. If
a single meeting is inadequate to come up with amicable settlement, another
last and final date, mutually agreed by the parties, may be set.

Section 7A.14. In case when no settlement is reached. - In case of

failure to arrive at amicable settlement, the case will be referred to the SP
Committee on Laws, Rules and Procedures for administrative investigation.


Section 7A.15. Power to Suspend/Grounds. - Preventive suspension

may be imposed by the City Mayor at any time after the issues are joined,
that is, where the evidence of guilt is strong and given the gravity of the
offense, there is a great probability that the continuance in office of the
respondent could influence the witnesses or pose a threat to the safety and
integrity of the records and other evidence.

Section 7A.16. Right of Respondent to Oppose Order of Suspension.

- A respondent must be furnished a copy of the preventive suspension. The
respondent may, if he desires, submit an opposition within seven (7) days
upon receipt of the order to the committee which will determine the merits of
the opposition to the order of suspension.

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Province of Pangasinan



Section 7A.17. Limitation. - No investigation shall be held within

ninety (90) days immediately prior to any local elections and no preventive
suspension shall be imposed within the same period. If the preventive
suspension has been imposed prior to the ninety (90) days period
immediately preceding a local election, it shall be deemed automatically lifted
upon the start of said period.

Section 7A.18. Duration. - Any single preventive suspension of elective

barangay officials shall not extend beyond sixty (60) days; provided that, in
the event that several administrative cases are filed against an elective
barangay official, he cannot be preventively suspended for more than ninety
(90) days within a single year on the same ground or grounds existing and
known at the time of the first suspension.
Section 7A.19. Automatic Reinstatement. - Upon expiration of the
preventive suspension, the suspended official shall be deemed reinstated in
the office without prejudice to the continuation of the proceedings against
him, which shall be terminated within one hundred twenty (120) days from
the time he was formally notified of the case against him. However, if the
delay of the proceedings of the case is due to his fault, or request, other than
the appeal duly filed, the duration of such delay shall not be counted in
computing the time of the termination of the case.
Section 7A.20. Salary of Respondent Pending Suspension. - The
respondent, who is preventively suspended from office, shall receive no salary
or compensation during such suspension, but upon subsequent exoneration
and reinstatement, he shall be paid his full salary or compensation including
such emoluments accruing during such suspension.


Section 7A.21. Committee to Conduct Hearing/Investigation. - The

Committee on Rules and Laws is hereby empowered by this Sanggunian to
conduct the investigation or hearing of administrative case filed before this
body against erring barangay officials.

Section 7A.22. Who shall Preside Over Committee

Hearing/Investigation. - The committee shall be presided by its
Chairperson, in his absence, the Vice-Chairperson, and in the absence of the
Chairperson and Vice- Chairperson, any member of said committee who shall
be chosen among the remaining members.

Section 7A.23. Composition/Quorum of the Committee to Conduct

Investigation and make Recommendations. - The Committee on Rules and
Laws shall be composed of five (5) members including its Chairperson and
Vice-Chairperson. A majority of the members shall be required to conduct the

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Province of Pangasinan



hearing/investigation of an administrative case filed before it. Concurrence of

the majority of the members of the committee shall be required before its
recommendation may be acted upon by the Sanggunian .

Section 7A.24. Right of a Party to Counsel. - The committee shall

apprise the parties of their right to counsel before the start of the hearing.
However, either party may opt to prosecute or defend his/her case without a

Section 7A.25. Venue of Hearings. - The hearings shall be held at all

time at the Session Hall of the Sangguniang Panlungsod. However, in the
interest of justice and upon majority vote, the Sanggunian may conduct
ocular inspection to verify locations subject of controversy. Unless there is
due designation, all hearings of the quasi-judicial body shall be presided by
the Chairman of the Committee on Rules and Laws.

Section 7A.26. Power to Take Testimony or Receive Evidence. - The

Committee is hereby authorized to take testimonies or received evidences
relevant to the administrative proceedings. This authority shall include the
power to administer oaths, issue summons or notices to all parties, witnesses
and require the production of documents by subpoena duces tecum,
pursuant to book, Chapter 9, Section 37 of Admin. Code of 1987.

Anyone who, without lawful excuse, fails to appear upon summon

issued under authority of the preceding paragraph or who, appearing before
the SP investigating body, exercising the power therein defined, refuses to
take an oath, give testimony or produce documents for inspection, shall be
subject to discipline as in the case of contempt of court and, upon application
by the investigatory authority, shall be dealt with by the judge of the proper
court of competent jurisdiction in the manner provided for under the book
VII, Chapter 3, Section 13, in relation to Chapter 1, Section 2 (1) of Admin
Code of 1987.

Section 7A.27. Submission of Position Paper. - Before the termination

of the investigation/hearing, the committee may require both parties to
submit their respective position papers , to guide the committee to arrive at a
sound decision.

Section 7A.28. Termination of Investigation. - The investigation of

the case shall be terminated by the investigating authority within ninety (90)
days from the start thereof.


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Province of Pangasinan



Section 7A.29. Rules of Evidence in Administrative Disciplinary


a) The investigating authority may admit and give probative value to

evidence commonly accepted by reasonably prudent man in the
conduct of their affairs.

b) No evidence shall be admissible other than the original itself, but if

the original copy is lost or destroyed or in the possession of the
adverse party, copies or excerpts of the original can be admitted as
evidence. If the original is in the custody of a public officer, a
certified copy thereof may be accepted.

c) Evidence may be admitted when it is relevant to the issue and it

must be competent.

d) The investigating authority may take notice of judicially cognizable

facts and of generally technical or scientific facts within its
specialized knowledge. The parties shall be notified and provided an
opportunity to contest the facts so noticed.

Section 7A.30. Markings. Documentary evidences presented by the

complainant/s which are “exhibits” shall be in a numerical sequence, and
those presented by respondent shall be marked as “annex” by alphabetical



Section 7A.31. Transmission of Records . - After the adoption of a

decision/resolution of the case, the investigating authority shall within fifteen
days (15) forward to the Office of the City Mayor its finding and
recommendation/s together with the following:

a) The Sangguniang Panlungsod decision in the form of resolution;

b) The complete records with each page consecutively numbered and

initialed by the custodian of the records;

c) A summary of the proceedings thereon from the filing of the

complaint to the transmittal of the records in chronological order
indicating the action taken on the incidents involved; and

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Province of Pangasinan



d) A list of pleading, motions, manifestations, annexes, exhibits and

other papers or documents filed by the contending parties, as well
as the corresponding orders or resolution.

Section 7A.32. Nature of Records in Administrative Cases. - Records

in administrative cases are classified as confidential in nature and any
information as to the charges, accusation, or facts adduced may not be
released, and such records may not be available, except when so requested by
the proper authorities, and upon formal written request by the parties in
interest or their authorized representatives of the “need to know” basis,
pursuant Memorandum Circular no. 78 as amended by Memo Circular No.
196, prescribing rules governing security of classified matter in government


Section 7A.33. Forms of Decision. - Decisions of this Sanggunian shall

be expressed in the form of a resolution expressing in a brief statement the
facts, issues and the reason of its decision.

Section 7A.34. Rendition of Decision. - Within thirty (30) days after

resting the case, the SP shall render a decision in writing clearly and
distinctly the facts and reasons for such decision, to be furnished the
respondent and all interested parties. Such decision shall be forwarded to the
City Mayor who shall be responsible in enforcing the same pursuant to
section 31 hereof.

Section 7A.35. Vote required rendering Decisions. - The Sanggunian

in a regular session, and by a majority vote of all the members present, there
being a quorum, shall render its decision in an administrative case submitted
by the committee before the body for final disposition. The Sanggunian may
adopt the recommendation of the committee as its own decision or dissent on
it. In the latter case, those who dissented shall register their dissention on
Section 7A.37. Execution Pending Appeal. - An appeal shall not
prevent a decision from becoming final or executory. The respondent shall be
considered as having been placed under preventive suspension during the
pendency of an appeal. In the event the appeal results in exoneration, the
respondent shall be paid his salary and other emoluments accruing during
pendency of the appeal.


Section 7A.38. Penalties - A respondent found guilty of any of the

grounds enumerated in Section 6 hereof may be meted the penalty of
censure, reprimand, discipline or suspension depending on the evidence

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Province of Pangasinan



presented and the aggravating and mitigating circumstances that may be

considered by the investigating authority.


Section 7A.39. Administrative Appeal. - Decisions of the Sangguniang

Panlungsod of Alaminos City in administrative cases may within thirty (30)
days from receipt thereof, be appealed to the Sangguniang Panlalawigan.


Section 7A.40. Supplementary Provision – Pertinent provisions of the

Local Government Code of 1991 (RA 7160), its implementing rules and
regulations and the Rules of Court shall be supplementary to these rules.

Section 7A.41. Repealing Cause. - All ordinance, rules and regulation

in conflict with or inconsistent with any provisions of this ordinance is hereby
repealed, superseded or modified accordingly.

Section 7A.42. Effectivity. - These rules shall take effect immediately

upon adoption of the Sannguniang Panlungsod of the City of Alaminos,




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Province of Pangasinan



Section 8A.01. Scope of Coverage - To provide support to efficient
peace and order services by making use of modern technology within the
territorial jurisdiction of the City of Alaminos, it is hereby mandated that
business establishments that are commercial, industrial, educational,
medical or dental in nature whose annual gross sales and receipts based on
their latest audited financial statements or latest assessment by the City
Treasurer exceeds Five Hundred Thousand Pesos (Php500,000.00) shall be
required to install CCTVs within the vicinity of their business establishments.

Section 8A.02. General Policy

a. The CCTV shall be maintained in proper working condition at all times

and shall be in continuous operation 24 hours a day, seven days a
week and shall meet the minimum technical specifications set by this

b. Business establishments that are engaged in services requiring privacy

mechanisms should limit the installation of CCTVs to public and
common areas, such as walkways, stairways, lobbies, reception areas,
waiting lounge, pools and parking areas.

c. All establishments covered by this Article shall be required to install a

minimum of four (4) CCTV cameras/channels to afford full coverage of
strategic locations. However, for business establishment whose area of
business activity is less than four by four square meters (4x4 sq. m), a
minimum of two (2) CCTV cameras is required, provided that such
business activity is located within a mall or a bigger establishment. The
following strategic locations are hereby recommended:

1. From the interior of the establishment:

(i) All entrances/exits;
(ii) The center of business activity in the establishment
(including the tellers, cashiers, cash registrars, sales
counters, or areas leading to the vault/safe) according to
the nature of business/operations of the establishment;
2. From the exterior of the establishment (when the
establishment is not located inside a mall or building which
has its own exterior cameras):

(i) All entrances/exits;

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(ii) From the entrances/exits, a clear view of the area to and

from the street(s) abutting the establishment, including
frontage thereof taking into particular consideration the
clarity of shots in relation to the angles thereof;
(iii) Parking lots and drive-through lanes (when applicable).

Section 8A.03. Minimum technical specifications - CCTV system to

be installed shall meet the following minimum specifications:

 Minimum 600 TVL camera resolution;
 Must be able to capture video footages at 0.1 Lux illumination;
 Should have auto-iris (either fixed or vari-focal);
 Should have Infrared LEDs enough to reach a distance of at least
20 meters for clear recording at 0 Lux (for areas where there is
no continued sufficient lighting);
 Must have at least 70 degrees Lens Angle; and
 The Outdoor Camera must be vandal-proof or IP 66
Weatherproof Casing

 Minimum of four (4) camera input;
 Minimum of 640 x 480 video resolution;
 30 frames per second (FPS) recording per camera;
 Should have Hard Disk Drive/s enough to store video recording
for all camerasfor at least one (1) month;
 Must have Time Stamping Feature; and
 Must have an interface for storage back-up.

 At least four (4) cameras covering the areas of transaction and
risk, provided that, at least one camera must be facing the street
from the entrance (when applicable), with the actual number of
cameras to depend on the size of the establishment and nature of
business, as determined by the enforcing
authority/implementing agency;
 Should have centralized power supply for the DVR and cameras;
 Should have appropriate Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS) to
provide standard and reasonable back-up power to the video
recorder and its cameras.

Section 8A.04. Installation Guide - The following Installation Guide is

hereby recommended:

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Province of Pangasinan



 Cameras must be installed at strategic and secured location with

maximum area of coverage;
 Cameras must be installed/mounted at a suitable height which
allows for features of a person to be discernible;
 The Video Recorder must be mounted on a secured/concealed
location to protect the video footages from theft and/or deliberate
 Whenever possible, a back-up file stored in the DVD disk (on-site or
remotely)shall be recorded for archiving purposes; and
 Whenever possible, a dummy CCTV camera shall be installed in a
conspicuous area in order to deter possible criminal acts and to
protect the camera and the video.
 The Joint Inspection Team shall verify, determine and monitor
proper functioning of the CCTV system.

Section 8A.05. Preservation of Video recordings – Owner(s) of

business establishments shall preserve the camera recording for a minimum
period of at least thirty (30) days. Upon the expiration of the period, the
recordings may be deleted or overwritten, unless its preservation is required
by a court order. The owner(s) shall not be held liable for the deletion or
overwriting of recorded footage(s).

Owners shall ensure the accuracy of the time-keeping in conjunction

with what has been recorded.

Section 8A.06. Joint Inspection Team - There shall be created a

CCTV Joint Inspection Team, consisting of the representatives from Public
Order and Safety Office (POSO), the Management Information Section (MIS)
and the Business Permit and Licensing Office (BPLO).

Section 8A.07. Functions of the Joint Inspection Team – The CCTV

Joint Inspection Team shall:

a. Be responsible for the verification, determination and monitoring of

the relevant establishments' compliance with the directives of this
b. Specify when compulsory inspection of the installed CCTVs must be
conducted before the necessary clearance or certification may be
c. Conduct inspections during reasonable business hours to determine
continuous compliance with the provisions of this ordinance for
post-issuance or renewal of business permit or license by the BPLO
d. Seek the advice and assistance of the Local Chief of Police or his
duly authorized representative as the need arise.

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Province of Pangasinan



Section 8A.08. Local Government participation in the installation

of CCTV - The City Government of Alaminos shall allocate Two Million Pesos
(PhP2,000,000.00) or ten percent (10%) of the annual budget of the
Infrastructure Development Program, specifically the Wireless Internet
Governance System (WINGS) Project, for the installation of CCTV systems
along major thoroughfares of the city and areas of risk, i.e. intersections,
alleys and the like. This fund shall also be used for technical training of MIS
staff and/or members of the CCTV Inspection Team in the installation,
handling and monitoring of CCTV systems.

Should business establishments require the expertise/assistance in

the proper maintenance of their CCTV systems, the MIS should make their
technicians available for this purpose.

Section 8A.09. Access to recordings - If crime has been committed or

the operator, employee, or owner of the establishment has reason to believe
that a crime has been committed and has been recorded by the CCTV, the
operator, employee, or owner of the establishment shall immediately contact
the nearest police station, and shall provide access to the pertinent
recordings to the police and other investigators.

The operator, employee or owner of the business establishment shall

also make available the camera recordings to the law enforcement authorities
engaged in criminal investigation, provided that the assigned officer,
investigator or person in authority shows a duly written order or subpoena
issued to that effect by any Court or body with competent jurisdiction or an
official written request from the City Mayor or the Chief of Police. The
captured video footage or images may be used at any time to satisfy the
written order or subpoena.

Section 8A.10. Prohibition - The viewing of recorded/captured video

footage or images shall be made with due respect to the privacy of
individuals.These shall only be used for investigation purposes related to the
commission of a crime. It shall be unlawful for any person to allow
unauthorized or unofficial public use or public viewing or even broadcasting
of any saved video recording from a CCTV. The same shall not, in any
manner, be used to infringe on the privacy of individuals. Those found in
violation thereof shall be prosecuted under applicable laws.

This prohibition shall also take into consideration the intellectual

property, brand reputation, existing bank secrecy laws, and safety of the
establishments and the individuals whose images may be captured in the
subject footage, ensuring that the footage be used exclusively for
investigation and prosecution purposes.

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Province of Pangasinan



Section 8A.11. Penalties - Establishment (s) covered by this found

violating any provision of thereof shall be penalized through the revocation of
its business permit and/or permit to operate.
Section 8A.12. Appeal Process - Establishment found to be in violation
of this article by the CCTV Joint Inspection Team may appeal the findings
thereof to the Office of the City Mayor within five (5) working days from being
notified therein, furnishing a copy of the appeal to the CCTV Joint Inspection
Team prior to the filing thereof with the Office of the City Mayor.

Within five (5) working days from receipt of the copy of the appeal, the
CCTV Joint Inspection Team shall submit its answer to the Office of the
Mayor, furnishing the business establishment a copy of the same on even
date. Should the CCTV Joint Inspection Team fail to file its answer to the
appeal within the given period, it shall be deemed to have opposed the appeal
on all its material points.

The Office of the City Mayor shall decide on the matter within five (5)
working days from receipt of the answer of the CCTV Joint Inspection Team
or from the day the period of filing thereof had lapsed, giving due notice to
the parties involved. The decision of the City Mayor shall be final, and no
motion for reconsideration shall be entertained thereafter, subject to such
remedial measures as may be then available under the laws or Rules of

Section 8A.13. Compliance - Business establishments covered by this

article shall have until the end of the current year from the effectivity of this
article within which to comply with the directives hereof. During this period,
the Joint Inspection Team shall issue a certificate of compliance once the
requirements of this Code have been complied with. Such certification will
then form part of the requirements for new application or renewal of Mayor’s
Permit to operate business in the next succeeding years. A rule of “No CCTV,
No Mayor’s Permit” shall be enforced thereafter.

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Province of Pangasinan






Section 8B.01. Title and Governing Principles:


“An Act Strengthening The Philippine Disaster Risk Reduction And
Management Framework And Institutionalizing The National Disaster
Risk Reduction And Management Plan” AND INSTITUTIONALIZING

b. It shall be the governing principle of the city during disaster that

“while it is the duty of the State to ensure the safety and well-being
of its citizens, it shall be the reciprocal duty of every citizen to obey all
laws and orders of the duly constituted government designed for their
safety and well-being.”

Section 8B.02. Legal Basis

This Ordinance is in accordance with Sec. 16 and 17 of RA 7160 and

suppletory to the mandates of the following statutes and respective IRRs:

a. PD 1098, Rule 1040, Occupational Safety and Health Service

Standards, PD 1185, PD 1566; and

b. RA 10121- Philippine Disaster Risk Reduction Management Act of

2010, and others

Section 8B.03. City Policies on Disaster Risk Reduction and


It is the policy of the City in Disaster Risk Reduction and Management:

a. To take all positive action to reduce the vulnerability of its

inhabitants to any disasterthat may strike;

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Province of Pangasinan



b. To establish institutional capabilities for protecting citizens from

adverse effects of disasters;

c. To respond effectively to actual occurence of disasters and other

risks; and

d. To provide for recovery in the aftermath of any damage or other

debilitating influence on the normal pattern of life in the
Section 8B.04. Definition of Terms.

For purposes of this ordinance the following shall refer to:

a. Calamity - a state of extreme distress or misfortune produced by

some adverse circumstances or event or any misfortune or cause
or loss or misery caused by natural forces.

b. Disaster - a serious disruption of the functioning of a community or

a society involving widespread human, material, economic or
environmental losses and impacts, which exceeds the ability of the
affected community or society to cope using its own resources. The
result of the combination of: the exposure to a hazard; the
conditions of the vulnerability that are present; and insufficient
capacity or measures to reduce or cope with the potential negative
consequences. Disaster impacts may include loss of life, injury,
disease and other negative effects on human, physical, mental and
social well-being, together with damage to property, destruction of
assets, loss of services, social and economic disruption and
environmental degradation.

c. Disaster Risk - the potential disaster losses in lives, health status,

livelihood, assets and services, which occur to a particular
community or a society over some specified future time period.

d. Early Warning System - the predetermined set of capacities

needed to generate and disseminate timely and meaningful warning
information from monitoring, detection, dissemination community
response to enable individuals, communities and organizations
threatened by a hazard to prepare and to act appropriately and in
sufficient time to reduce the possibility of harm or loss. A people-
centered early warning system necessarily comprises four (4) key
elements: knowledge of the risk; monitoring, analysis and
forecasting of the hazards; communication or dissemination of
alerts and warnings; and local capabilities to respond to the
warnings received. The expression “end-to-end warning system” is

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also used to emphasize that warning systems need to span all steps
from hazard detection to community response.

e. Emergency - unforeseen or sudden occurrence, especially danger,

demanding immediate action.

f. Force Evacuation - an order from competent authority to forcibly

evacuate residents of a barangay to an appropriate evacuation
destination to protect their lives during the onslaught of disaster.

g. Hazard - a dangerous phenomenon due to a substance, human

activity or condition that may cause loss of life, injury or other
health impacts, property damage, loss of livelihood and services,
social and economic disruption, or environmental damage.
h. Mitigation - structural and non-structural measures undertaken to
limit the adverse impact of natural hazards, environmental
degradation, and technological hazards and to ensure the ability of
at-risk communities to address vulnerabilities and aimed at
minimizing the impact of disasters. Such as, but are not limited to,
hazard-resistant construction and engineering works, the
formulation and implementation of plans, program, project and
activities, awareness raising, knowledge management, policies of
land-use and resource management, as well as the enforcement of
comprehensive land-use planning, building and safety standards,
and legislation.

i. Pre-emptive Evacuation - an order from competent authority to

legally evacuate resident of a barangay to an appropriate evacuation
destination to forestall their exposure to an imminent disaster.

j. Preparedness - pre-disaster actions and measures being

undertaken within the context of disaster risk reduction and
management and are based on sound risk analysis as well as pre-
disaster activities to avert or minimize loss of life and property such
as, but not limited to, community organizing, training, planning,
equipping, stockpiling, hazard mapping, insuring of assets, and
public information and education initiatives. This also includes the
development/enhancement of an overall preparedness strategy,
policy, institutional structure, warning and forecasting capabilities,
and plans that define measures geared to help at–risk
communities safeguard their lives and assets by being alert to
hazard and taking appropriate action in the face of an imminent
threat or an actual disaster.

k. Protocol – a set of standardized procedures governing the

communication and operation of the different organized groups

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Province of Pangasinan



or teams to effectively deliver the needed information, resources and

services in the event of disaster.

l. Rehabilitation - measures that ensure the ability of affected

communities/areas to restore their normal level of functioning by
rebuilding livelihood and damaged infrastructure and increasing the
communities’ organizational capacity.

m. Response – any concerted effort by two (2) or more agencies, public

or private, to provide assistance or intervention during or
immediately after a disaster to meet the life preservation and basic
subsistence needs of those people affected and in the restoration of
essential public activities and facilities.

n. Risk – the combinations of the probability of an event and its

negative consequences.
o. Vulnerability – susceptibility of a community, system or asset to
the damaging effects of a hazard. Vulnerability may arise from
various physical, social, economic, and environmental factors such
as poor design and construction of buildings, inadequate protection
of assets, lack of public information and awareness, limited official
recognition of risks and preparedness measures, and disregard for
wise environmental management.

Section 8B.05. City Disaster Risk Reduction and Management


a. The City Disaster Coordinating Council is hereby recognized as the

City Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Council or CDRRMC
chaired by City Mayor and composed of the following member:

1. City Planning and Development Officer;

2. City Social Welfare and Development Officer;
3. City Health Officer;
4. City Agricultural Officer;
5. Head of the Gender and Development Office;
6. City Engineer;
7. City Budget Officer;
8. City Environment and Natural Resources Officer;
9. City Schools Division Superintendent;
10. The highest-ranking officer of the Armed Forces of the
Philippines (AFP) assigned in the area;
11. City Chief of Police (COP) of the Philippine National Police;
12. City Fire Marshall of the Bureau of Fire Protection (BFP);
13. President of Liga ng mga Barangay;

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Province of Pangasinan



14. The representative from the Philippine National Red Cross

15. SP Chairperson on Peace and Order and Environment;
16. City Local Government Operations Officer of DILG;
17. Head of the Philippine Coast Guard assigned in the area;
18. At least four (4) accredited CSOs or NGOs; and
19. At least one (1) private sector representative.

b. The CDRRMC shall have the following powers, duties and functions:

1. Formulate, monitor and evaluate the implementation of the City

Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Plans (CDRRMPs)
and regularly review and ensure the plan consistent with other
national and provincial planning programs;
2. Ensure the integration of disaster risk reduction and climate
change adoptation into local development plans, programs and
budgets as a strategy in sustainable development and poverty
reduction; and
3. Recommend the implementation of forced or pre-emptive
evacuation of local residents at risk, if necessary.
c. Meeting, Quorum, Presiding Officer and Secretariat:

1. The regular meeting of the CDRRMC shall be held once every

three (3) months or oftener on dates and place determined by
the council. The majority of all the members of the CDRRMC
shall constitutea quorum in order to transact business and
conduct meetings.
2. The Chairman or the majority of all its members may call for a
special meeting as may be deem necessary. The CDRRMC shall
promulgate its internal rules to govern the conduct of its
3. The Chairman shall be the Presiding Officer while the
CDRRMO, referred to in Sec.6 of this Ordinance, shall serve as
the Secretariat.

Section 8B.06. City Disaster Risk Reduction and Management


a. There is hereby created a City Disaster Risk Reduction and

Management Office (CDRRMO) under the control and supervision of
the Office of the Mayor and a Barangay Risk Reduction and
Management Committee (BDRRMC) in every barangay to be headed
by the Punong Barangay.

b. The CDRRMO shall be managed by a Disaster Risk Reduction and

Management Officer (DRRMO) who shall be a Head of Office assisted

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Province of Pangasinan



by three (3) staff responsible for: (1) administration and training; (2)
research and planning; and (3) operations and warning. Thus, the
following positions are hereby created, to wit: (1) Civil Defense Officer
IV, Salary Grade 22; (2) Community Affairs Officer II, Salary Grade
15; and (3) Community Affairs Officer I, Salary Grade 11; (4)
Community Affairs Officer I, Salary Grade 11;

1. The budgetary source, compensation and hiring procedure for

the CDRRMO shall conform to the rules and policies of the CSC
and DBM, among others.
2. The CDRRMO shall have the following qualifications:

(i) Must be a citizen of the Republic of the Philippines;

(ii) Must be a resident of the LGU;
(iii) Must be a civil service eligible (professional or its equivalent);
(iv) Preferably with civil defense/DRM experience

c. The CDRRMO or BDRRMCs, in coordination with concerned

national agencies and instrumentalities, shall perform the following
duties and functions:

1. Design, program, and coordinate disaster risk reduction and

management activities consistent with the National Council`s
standards and guidelines;
2. Facilitate and support risk assessments and contingency
planning activities at the local level;
3. Consolidate local disaster risk information which includes
natural hazards, vulnerabilities, and climate change risks, and
maintain a local risk map;
4. Organize and conduct training, orientation, and knowledge
management activities on disaster risk reduction and
management at the local level;
5. Operate a multi-hazard early warning system, linked to risk
reduction to provide accurate and timely advice to national or
local emergency response organizations and to the general
public, through diverse mass media, particularly radio, landline
communications, and technologies for communication within
rural communities;
6. Formulate and implement a comprehensive and integrated City
Disaster Risk Reduction Management Program (CDRRMP) in
accordance with the national, regional and provincial
framework, and policies on disaster risk reduction in close
coordination with the City Development Council (CDC);
7. Prepare and submit to the local Sanggunian through the
CDRRMC and CDC the annual CDRRMO Plan and Budget, the
proposed programming of the City Disaster Risk Reduction

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Province of Pangasinan



Management Fund (CDRRMF), other dedicated disaster risk

reduction and management resources and other regular
funding source/s and budgetary support of the
8. Conduct continuous disaster monitoring and mobilize
intrumentalities and entities of the LGUs, CSOs, private groups
and organized volunteers, to utilize their facilities and
resources for the protection and preservation of life and
properties during emergencies in accordance with the
existing policies and procedures;
9. Identify, assess and manage the hazards, vulnerabilities and
risks that may occur in their locality;
10. Disseminate information and raise public awareness about
those hazards, vulnerablities and risks, their nature, effects,
early warning signs and counter measures;
11. Identify and implement cost-effective risk reduction
12. Maintain a database of human resource, equipment,
directories, and location of critical infrastructures and their
capabilities such as hospitals and evacuation centers;
13. Develop, strengthen and operationalize mechanisms for
partnership or networking with the private sector, CSOs, and
volunteer groups;
14. Take all necessary steps on a continuing basis to maintain,
provide or arrange the provision of, or to otherwise make
available, suitably-trained and competent personnel for
effective civil defense and disaster risk reduction and
management in its area;
15. Organize, train equip and supervise the local emergency
response teams and the Accredited Community Disaster
Volunteers (ACDVs), ensuring that humanitarian aid workers
are equipped with basic skills to assist mothers to breastfeed;
16. Respond to and manage the adverse effects of emergencies and
carry out recovery activities in the affected area, ensuring that
there is an efficient mechanism for immediate delivery of food,
shelter and medical supplies for women and children, endeavor
to create a special place where internally-displaced mothers can
find help with breastfeeding, feed and care for their babies and
give support to each other;
17. Within its area, promote and raise public awareness of and
compliance with this Ordinance and RA 10121 and legislative
provisions relevant to the purpose of this Ordinance and
18. Serve as the secretariat and executive arm of the CDRRMC;

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Province of Pangasinan



19. Coordinate other disaster risk reduction and management

20. Establish linkage/network with other LGUs for disaster risk
reduction and emergency response purposes;
21. Recommend through the CDRRMC the enactment of ordinances
consistent with the requirements of this Ordinance and RA
22. Implement policies, approved plans and programs of the
CDRRMC consistent with the policies and guidelines laid down
in this Ordinance and RA 10121;
23. Establish a City Disaster Risk Reduction and Management
Operations Center;
24. Prepare and submit, through the CDRRMC and the CDC, the
report on the utilization of the CDRRMF and other dedicated
disaster risk reduction and management resources to the local
Commission on Audit (COA), copy furnished the regional
director of the OCD and the Local Government Operations
Officer of the DILG; and
25. Act on other matters authorized by the CDRRMC.

d. The BDRRMCs shall be a regular committee of the existing Barangay

Development Council and shall be subject thereto. The Punong
Barangay shall facilitate and ensure the participation of at least two
CSO representatives from existing and active community-based
people’s organizations representing the most vulnerable and
marginalized groups in the barangay.

e. The funds for the operation and management of the CDRRMO

amounting to One Million Eight Hundred Ninety Five Thousand
Eight Hundred Forty Two Pesos is duly appropriated under the 2014
Annual Budget of the City of Alaminos, Pangasinan.

Section 8B.07. Disaster Operations Center.

a. There is hereby created a Disaster Operations Center or OpCen

under the control and supervision of the City Mayor and
management of the DRRMO. It shall serve as the nerve or command
center for coordination of all units and service sectors and other
agencies of the government as well as NGO’s and private sectors at
the onset, during and or the post disaster activities.

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Province of Pangasinan



b. The OpCen shall be activated on the onset of a disaster by the City

Mayor or DRRMO as Emergency Operations Center or EOC to serve
as the nerve center for:

1. Disaster and alert monitoring;

2. Multi-agency operational coordination;
3. Response resource mobilization;
4. Information management; and
5. Program coordination for operations capability upgrade.

c. As a matter of protocol and as may be required by the CDRRMCC

through the DRRMO, pre-designated personnel from CDRRMCC
member offices or agencies shall render duty (24/7) at the EOC.

d. The operational procedures of the OpCen shall be set forth in the

manual to be formulated under Section 12 of this Ordinance.

Section 8B.08. Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Plans and


a. The Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Plans and Programs

(DRRMPP for brevity) shall complement the mandates of RA 10121
otherwise known as the “Philippine Disaster Risk Reduction
Management Act 2010” to authorize a program for pre-disaster
mitigation; to provide for the direction and coordination of disaster
preparations, response, and recovery; to streamline the
administration of disaster relief; to appropriate and/or control the
city costs of disaster assistance and for other purposes.

b. The DRRMPP shall provide a blue print for the city’s prevention,
mitigation, preparedness, and response protocols in the event of a
disaster to minimize the destructive effects of disasters within the
c. The DRMPP shall be formulated with assistance from the DRRMO
by the CDRRMC and in close coordination with the City
Development Council (CDC) to ensure the integration of the
DRRMPP into the city development plans and budgets.

d. The CDRRMC shall, in close coordination with the DRRMO, update

any existing disaster management or risk mitigation plan of the city,
outline the current disaster management system and structure that
it is in place including any propose enhanced system and/or
structure in the future and define the responsibilities of individual
members, sectors and units at each level of the structure.

e. The CDRRMC shall identify the list of disaster programs and

projects from the duly approved BDRRMP of every barangays to be

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Province of Pangasinan



integrated in the DRRMPP with preference to those disaster-prone

barangays that can be highly affected in the event of disaster.

f. The updated and comprehensive DRRMPP should provide for the

coordination of disaster planning, preparedness, response and
recovery by different service sectors and specify the disaster
management roles and responsibilities of each service sector
including the national government agencies, non-government
organizations and private sector.

g. The DRRMPP shall be reviewed annually as to its relevance,

comprehensiveness and effectiveness.

Section 8B.09. Declaration and termination of State of Calamity.

The declaration and lifting of the state of calamity may be issued by the
Sangguniang Panlungsod upon recommendation of the CDRRMC, based on
the results of the damage assessment and needs analysis pursuant to Sec.
16 of RA 10121.

Section 8B.10. Mandatory Early Warning System.

a. In coordination with PAGASA and other line agencies, the CDRRMC

shall institutionalize an Early Warning System (EWS) that shall be
people-centered that comprises four (4) key elements: knowledge of
the risks; monitoring, analysis and forecasting of the hazards;
communication or dissemination of alerts and warnings; and local
capabilities to respond to the warnings received.

b. The warning to be provided by the EWS shall be timely warning so

as to provide the community enough lead-time for responding,
reliable so that those responsible for responding to the warning
will feel confident taking action, and simple so as to be understood.

Section 8B.11. Mandatory inspection of Local Government

infrastracture projects and Public Buildings.

a. The CDRRMC shall require the Office of the City Engineer (OCE) to
conduct a mandatory inspection every year of LGU lifelines as well
as all local government infrastructure projects and public buildings
relative to their strength, rigidity and resistance to wind and seismic
loadings. The OCE, in coordination with the DRRMO, shall
formulate the mechanics and procedures in the conduct of the
public infrastructure audit or inspection in accordance with the
mandates of the National Building Code and other relevant laws and

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Province of Pangasinan



directives to be integrated in the Manual as referred in Sec. 12 of

this Ordinance.

b. In the event external expertise is required, the CDRRMC is

encouraged to communicate with the nearest DPWH.

Section 8B.12. Manual on Disaster Risk Reduction and


a. The CDRRMC, with the assistance of the DRRMO, shall formulate a

Manual on Disaster Risk Reduction and Management or Manual for
brevity within a period of six (6) months immediately after the
approval of this Ordinance.

b. The Manual shall prescribe the different protocols in the operation,

coordination and management of the different service sectors in the
event of disaster. It shall also focus on the procedures and
strategies at the onset, during and immediately after the disaster to
ensure that lives and properties are protected and saved.

c. The Manual shall be reviewed every three (3) years after its adoption
by the Sanggunian to evaluate its relevance and effectiveness.

Section 8B.13. Public Education and community preparedness.

a. The city government shall undertake, but not limited to the

following activities to alert the community to local hazards and
provide information on preparedness and risk reduction strategies
in order to protect lives and properties:

1. Provide an area within its jurisdiction where hazards maps and

contingency plans for major hazards are prominently displayed;
2. Disseminate information through internet and printed materials
such as newsletter, brochures and pamphlets;
3. Conduct public awareness programs or activities advising the
community about local characteristics of potential hazards and
possible impacts such as fora, symposium among others;
4. Provide public education on how individuals can prepare
themselves for disaster events;
5. Have an information dissemination plan; and
6. Allow and encourage public access to the protocols and
strategies embodied in the Manual.

b. A DRRM Training Center shall cater to trainings of public and

private individuals and organizations in disaster risk reduction and

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Province of Pangasinan



management, including emergency response, search and rescue

operations, and capacity-building programs, among others. Suitable
location for the establishment of the Center shall be determined by
the CDRRMC in consultation with the CDC and other concerned

c. All secondary and tertiary schools, including the National Service

Training Program (NSTP), whether private or public, including
formal and non-formal, technical-vocational, indigenous learning,
and out-of-school youth courses and programs, under the
supervision of either DepEd, CHED or TESDA, in coordination with
the OCD, the National Youth Commission (NYC), the DOST, the
DENR, the DILG-BFP, the DOH, the DS and other relevant agencies,
shall integrate disaster risk reduction and management education
in the school curricula pursuant to Section 14 of RA 10121.

d. The BDRRMCs and the SK councils shall encourage community,

specifically the youth participation in disaster risk reduction and
management activities, such as organizing quick response groups,
particularly in identified disaster-prone areas, as well as the
inclusion of disaster risk reduction and management programs as
part of the SK programs and projects.

Section 8B.14. Local Disaster Mitigation Policies.

a. It shall be the policy of the City to prohibit activities that may

hasten or aggravate the impact of disaster such as, but not limited
to, the following:

1. Littering, throwing, dumping of waste matters in public places

such as roads, sidewalks, canals, esteros or parks and
establishment or causing or permitting the same;
2. The open burning of agricultural wastes such as rice straws and
solid waste;
3. Squatting in any high risk areas;
4. Construction of any establishment in high risk areas;
5. Open dumping, burying of biodegradable or non-biodegradable
materials in flood prone areas

b. Violations of these provisions are subject to fines, penalties or

imprisonment as may be provided by the Revised Penal Code, RA
9003 and other existing laws.

Section 8B.15. Evacuation.

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Province of Pangasinan



a. It shall be the responsibility of the city to establish, maintain and

manage evacuation centers in strategic, accessible but safe places.
The standards and guidelines to establish, maintain and manage
evacuation centers shall be set forth in the Manual to be formulated
under Section 12 of this Ordinance.

b. In the event that an Emergency Evacuation Center shall be needed

to lessen the risk of transporting evacuees, the City Mayor or
Punong Barangay is empowered to convert any private vacant lot
or building for this purpose in case the owner refuses to allow the
use only for the duration of the evacuation.

c. Forced Evacuation shall be enforced upon orders of the following

competent authorities:

1. President of the Philippines or any Cabinet Secretaries upon

order by the President or any legitimate National or Regional
2. Chairman of the Provincial Governor/City Mayor upon
recommendation of the Provincial/City Disaster Risk Reduction
Management Council (CDRRMC).;
3. Punong Barangay being the Chairman of the BDRRMC upon
recommendation of the BDRRMC and after assessment of the
situation, there is a need to undertake the pre-emptive or forced
evacuation to ensure the safety of the residents against imminent
danger in the event of a disaster provided that the Punong
Barangay shall immediately inform the CDRRMC Chairman
through fastest means.
4. The City Mayor and/or Punong Barangay or their authorized
representative acting upon their direct order shall not be
liable during the enforcement of forced evacuation. Provided,
however, that no use of excessive force and bad faith to forcibly
evacuate affected residents to a safer ground, pick-up points
and/or appropriate evacuation destination.
5. The City Mayor and/or Punong Barangay may order any person
who has the capacity and capability to assist in the
implementation of forced evacuation provided that it will not
endanger the life of said person. Any person who refuses to
assist, upon order of competent authority, shall be arrested or
charged for violation of the Revised Penal Code if the refusal
resulted to the death and serious injury of the person in danger
intended to be assisted.

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Province of Pangasinan



Section 8B.16. Non-Compliance to forced evacuation

Any person who willfully and deliberately disregard or opposes the

order of forced evacuation issued by the City Mayor or Punong Barangay or
competent authorities shall release the latter from any liability for the
former’s injury or death attributed to his disobedience. During evacuation,
priority shall be given to those persons or residents who willfully comply with
the order of forced evacuation.

Section 8B.17. City Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Fund

a. Annually, the City shall set aside not less than five percent (5%) of
the estimated revenue from regular sources as the City Disaster
Risk Reduction and Management Fund (CDRRMF) to support
disaster risk management activities such as, but not limited to, pre-
disaster preparedness programs including training, purchasing life-
saving rescue equipment, supplies and medicines, for post-disaster
activities, and for the payment of premiums on calamity insurance
and construction of evacuation centers.

The CDRRMC shall monitor and evaluate the use and disbursement of
the CDRRMF based on the CDRRMPP incorporated in the local development
plans and annual work and financial plan. Upon the recommendation of the
DRRMO and approval of the Saggunian, the CDRRMC may transfer the said
fund to support disaster risk reduction work of other LDRRMCs which are
declared under state of calamity.

b. Of the amount appropriated for CDRRMF, thirty percent (30%) shall

be allocated as Quick Response Fund (QRF) or stand-by fund for
relief and recovery programs in order that the living conditions of
people in communities or areas stricken by disasters, calamities,
epidemics, or complex emergencies, may be normalized as quickly
as possible.

c. Unexpended CDRRMF shall accrue to a special trust fund solely for

the purpose of supporting disaster risk reduction and management
activities of the CDRRMC within the next five (5) years. Any such
amount still not fully utilized after five (5) years shall revert back to
the general fund and will be available for other social services to be
identified and prioritized by the CDC.

Section 8B.18. Prohibited Acts.

a. Any person, group or corporation who commits any of following

prohibited acts provided under section 19 of RA 10121 shall be held

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Province of Pangasinan



liable and be subjected to the penalties as prescribed in Section 20

of the said Act:

1. Dereliction of duties which leads to destruction, loss of lives,

critical damage of facilities and misuse of funds;
2. Preventing the entry and distribution of relief goods in disaster-
stricken areas, including appropriate technology, tools,
equipment, accessories, disaster teams/experts;
3. Buying, for consumption or resale, from disaster relief agencies
any relief goods, equipment or other aid commodities which are
intended for distribution to disaster affected commodities;
4. Buying, for consumption or resale, from the recipient disaster
affected persons any relief goods, equipment or other aid
commodities received by them;
5. Selling of relief goods, equipment or other aid commodities
which are intended for distribution to disaster victims;
6. Forcibly seizing relief goods, equipment or other aid
commodities intended for or consigned to a specific group of
victims or relief agency;
7. Diverting or misdelivery of relief goods, equipment or other aid
commodities to persons other than the rightful recipient or
8. Accepting, possessing, using or disposing relief goods,
equipment or other aid commodities not intended for nor
consigned to him/her;
9. Misrepresenting the source of relief goods, equipment or other
aid commodities by;

i. Either covering, replacing or defacing the labels of the

containers to make it appear that the goods, equipment or
other aid commodities came from or another agency or

ii. Repacking the goods, equipment or other aid commodities

into containers with different markings to make it appear
that the goods come from another agency or persons or was
released upon the instance of a particular agency or persons;
iii. Making false verbal claim that the goods, equipment or
other aid commodity in its untampered original containers
actually came from another agency or person or was released
upon the instance of a particular agency or persons;

10. Substituting or replacing relief goods, equipment or other aid

commodities with the same items or inferior/cheaper

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Province of Pangasinan



11. Illegal solicitations by person or organizations representing

others as defined in the standards and guidelines set by the
12. Deliberate use of false or inflated data in support of the
request for funding, relief goods, equipment or other aid
commodities for emergency assistance or livelihood project;
13. Tampering with or stealing hazard monitoring and disaster
preparedness equipment and paraphernalia.

b. In addition to the enumerated prohibited acts under Paragraph (a)

of this Section, it shall be unlawful for any person to willfully
obstruct, hinder or delay any emergency services or loot the
dwellings, properties and livestock of evacuees.

c. Any individual who commits any of the prohibited acts provided for
in this section shall upon conviction be liable to:

1. First offense - Administrative Fine of One Thousand Pesos

(Php 1,000.00)
2. Second offense - Administrative Fine of Two Thousand Pesos
(Php 2,000.00)
3. Third offense - Administrative Fine of Five Thousand Pesos

Or imprisonment for a period not exceeding one (1) year; or both

fine and imprisonment at the discretion of the court.

Section 8B.19. Mandatory Review

It shall be mandatory for the Sangguniang Panlungsod to review this

Ordinance five (5) years after its approval, in order to evaluate its relevance
and propose any appropriate changes.

Section 8B.20. Miscellaneous Provisions

a. The city government shall immediately establish and maintain

contact with the PDRRMC, the Philippine Red Cross, and other
pertinent agencies during a disaster.

b. The city government shall provide a temporary site for the city
government offices whenever a disaster destroys city government
facilities and infrastructures in order to continue government

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Province of Pangasinan



c. The city government shall establish inter-local cooperation with

adjacent local governments in the event of the occurrence of a

d. The city government shall coordinate and work with the BDRRMC in
the organization of zones where a cluster of barangays may be
grouped together for better coordination of disaster response.

e. Upon the declaration of a state of calamity in the City, the City Price
Coordinating Council shall be automatically activated to prevent
overpricing/profiteering and hoarding of prime commodities,
medicines and petroleum products.


Section 8C.01. Definition of Terms:

1. Nuisance – is an act, omission, establishment, business, condition

of property or anything else which:

a. Injures or endangers the health and safety of others (old,

dilapidated buildings/chemicals fire hazards structures).
b. Annoys or offend the senses (excessive sounds from various
electronic machines & motor vehicles, billboard, signages, etc.).
c. Shocks, defies, or disregards decency, or morality (bold
d. Obstruct or interferes with the free passage of any public
highways, streets or any bodies of waters.
e. Hinders or impairs the use of property.

Nuisance includes but is not limited to the following:

Excessive sound of musical instrument (videoke) within

residential areas, uncovered deep excavation/manhole along
major thoroughfares/streets, structures constructed along rivers,
streets/highway that obstruct free passage, parked vehicle along
highway/ streets that obstruct free flow of traffic and half naked/
naked person/ scantily dressed woman/ women walking/
rooming in public places, and excessive sound of muffler
(tambutso) of motor vehicles.

2. Juridical Person – is an artificial being created by operation of law,

having the right of succession and the powers, attributes and
properties expressly authorized by law or incident to its existence
(Sec. 2, Corporation Code of the Philippines)

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Province of Pangasinan



Section 8C.02. Prohibited Act. It shall be unlawful for any person,

natural or juridical to create nuisance in the City of Alaminos.

Section 8C.03. Penalty. Any person natural or juridical,

manager/proprietor of business establishment/s found violating any of the
provision/s of this ordinance shall be fined as follows:

a. First Offense - fine of One Thousand Pesos (Php 1,000.00)

b. Second Offense - fine of Two Thousand Pesos (Php P2,000.00)
c. Third Offense - fine of Three Thousand Pesos (Php P3,000.00)

Provided, however that the City Mayor or his authorized representative

after proper investigation is hereby empowered to stop, padlock/close the
business establishment creating nuisance and suspend/cancel the business
permit of the same.


Section 8D.01. Definition of Terms – as used in this ordinance:

a. Emergency Hotline Numbers - shall refer to, but not limited to

the following: Patrol 117; PNP Hotlines, BFP Hotlines;
National/Regional/Local Disaster Coordinating Council Hotlines;
NBI Hotlines; Hospitals and such other government and/or
private hotlines whose entities provide quick response to
emergency situations as hereinafter defined;
b. Emergency Situations - shall refer to incidents of fire, flood,
earthquake, conflagration, civil disturbances, war, acts against
national security and similar public disorders, traffic accidents,
incidents that require immediate medical assistance and such
other incidents that involve the loss of life or property, and
reporting of the commission of a crime;
c. Prank Calls – shall refer to telephone calls or text messages
made or sent by any person to the emergency numbers as herein
defined, which do not involve a report of an emergency situation
or a request for emergency assistance, but are made solely for
the purpose of making fun of such hotline numbers; or sow
confusion among emergency responding units;
d. Service Providers – shall refer to both landline, mobile phone
and hand-held radio operators, including all forms of
telecommunication; equipment; and
e. Person – shall refer to any individual who makes a call to any
number designated as emergency hotline number.

Section 8D.02. Prohibited Acts – It shall be prohibited for any person to:

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Province of Pangasinan



a. Make a prank call/text message through any Service Provider to

any emergency number;
b. Make a call/text message to said emergency numbers for the
purpose of reporting a false emergency situation;
c. To call/text an emergency number and leave said line hanging
for the purpose of paralyzing the emergency line so called;
d. Making lewd calls or sending lewd text messages to emergency
numbers; and
e. Calling/texting said emergency numbers to mock, ridicule, insult
or otherwise hurt invectives at the phone operator, or otherwise,
utter derogatory remarks against any individuals other than said

Section 8D.03. Penalties – Upon conviction the offender shall suffer the
penalty of imprisonment, for a period not exceeding six (6) months or a fine
not exceeding Two Thousand Five Hundred Pesos (Php 2,500.00) or both at
the discretion of the court.


Section 8E.01. Lanes. There is hereby designated pedestrian

crossing/lanes in the following spots/areas:

1. Infront of:
 Lucap Elementary School
 Alaminos City National High School
 Alaminos Central School
 Inerangan Elementary School
 Pogo Elementary School
 Alos Elementary School
 San Vicente Elementary School
 Alos Health Center

2. Infront of Hospitals:
 Western Pangasinan District Hospital
 Alaminos Doctors’ Hospital

3. Along San Jose Drive in front or near:

 Mitzi’s Fast Food
 JM Supermarket
 Corner L. Rivera St. and San Jose Drive
 Register of Deeds (OPAG - Nursery Center – DENR)
 Corner of Drive in and Garcia Road
 Plaza Braganza and Plaza Marcelo Ochave

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Province of Pangasinan



4. Along Quezon Avenue East to West in front or near:

 Mormon Church
 Saint Joseph Cathedral
 Sison Auditorium
 Two entrances of the City Hall
 PASS College
 McDonalds
 Iglesia Ni Kristo
 Land Transportation Office
 Gemini Auto Supply – Apang’s
 Carillo/Farmacia Balingit
 Mercury Drug Store

5. Along Marcos Avenue from North to South in front or near:

 Baptist Church
 PBC Christian School Inc.
 Road Master Driving School
 Magic Store and HBC
 Fuji Films
 United Methodist Church

6. Pedestrian Lanes/Crossing shall be painted in all inter-section

streets in Poblacion.

Section 8E.02. Penalty. Any person/pedestrian natural or juridical

found crossing street outside the designated pedestrian crossing/lanes shall
be charged jaywalking offense and shall be fined P50.00 for every jaywalking

Section 8E.03. Citation. The apprehending office shall issue the

tickets/receipts/citation to the violator, remit the fine collected to the Office
of the Treasurer and the amount shall accrue to the General Fund of the City.

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Province of Pangasinan








Section 8F.02. Prohibited Acts:

a. It shall be unlawful for any person or entity, whether natural or

juridical within the territorial jurisdiction of the city from
using/reserving/encroaching a portion of the city roads, streets,
avenues, sidewalks, alleys and other public open spaces for
his/her/their exclusive use as parking space.

b. Any person or entity whether natural or juridical within the city

proper/commercial areas is/are prohibited to station, install,
erect, place, put-up his/her/their stores, stalls, business ads,
and the like encroaching portion of streets, avenues, alleys,
sidewalks and the like.

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Province of Pangasinan



c. It shall be unlawful for any person or entity to establish, erect,

put-up any type of business establishment, stalls, stores and the
like, nor extend his/her/their stores, stalls and the like
encroaching portion of the city roads, streets, avenues, alleys,
sidewalks and the like.

Section 8F.05. Compliance. Any person or entity affected by the

provision of this ordinance shall be given 3 months (October 1 to December
31, 2003) to comply with this Ordinance.

Section 8F.06. Penalty. Any person or entity found violating any

provision of this ordinance shall be penalized with a fine of Php 1,000.00 or
imprisonment of 5 days or both such fine and imprisonment upon the
discretion of the court.



Section 8G.01. Creation. There is hereby created an organization/body

known as Public Office for Safety and Order (POSO) whose operation shall be
on twenty-four (24) hour basis.

Section 8G.02. Composition. The POSO shall have the following



City Mayor - Chairman
SP Police Matter - Co-Chairman
CLGOO - Co-Chairman
Chief of Police - Co-Chairman


Legal Officer - Team Leader
CPDO - Member
SP Comm Laws - Member


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Province of Pangasinan



Administrator - Team Leader

4 Clerks - Members
Information Officer - Members

Executive Officer - Team Leader
PNP Representative - Member
General Services Rep. - Member
Bureau of Fire Protection Rep. - Member
Health and Sanitation Rep. - Member
Engineering Representative - Member
DSWD - Member
2 SP - Member
Market Representative - Member
FATODA Representative - Member
Civic Org. Representative - Member
Vendors Representative - Member
40 (Recruits) - Member

 The 40 recruits shall be group into four teams:

- Traffic
- Day & Night Patrol
- Information and Action Center
- Special Group
1. Inspection Team – Check, Violation of City Ordinance; no
permits, registration, etc.
2. Bantay Dagat/Kalikasan
3. Bantay Droga

Section 8G.03. Functions and Responsibilities. The Executive

Committee shall be the policy determining body and serve as the advisory
council to the Sangguniang Panlungsod.
The Legal Support Group shall assist the Executive Committee and the
Operation Group on all legal matters affecting the POSO and shall render
legal assistance and counseling to the public in general. It shall handle Local
Legislative Agenda of POSO.
The Administrative Support Group shall be responsible for all the
administrative operations and requirements of the POSO and shall be in the
forefront in manning the Information and Action Center.
The Operation Group shall be the implementing arm of POSO and run
the program of action and activities routinary or otherwise duly adopted by
the Executive committee.
The Office of the Executive committee shall be a full time job.

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Province of Pangasinan



Section 8G.04. Information and Action Center. The POSO shall have
Information and Action Center. It shall serve as one-stop public assistance
center and responsible in coordinating and/or referral of complaint/request
with concerned department or agency. It shall also serve as the coordinating
center relative to the implementation of various POSO programs and special
projects. It shall likewise be the data-center on matters affecting activities of

Section 8G.05. Manpower. The manpower requirement of the POSO

shall be composed of personnel already occupying plantilla and co-terminous
position. In the event that augmentation of staff personnel is necessary, the
chairman may assign, detail or transfer some employees from other city
government agency or department.
For any special project, the chairman may engage the services of
contractual employees or consultants.

Section 8G.06. Operational Requirements. There is hereby

appropriated out of any funds in the City Treasury not otherwise
appropriated, the sum of four million (P4M) pesos for the operation of the
POSO (office supplies, materials, equipment, fuel, capability building,
training/seminars, incentive, honorarium, repair and maintenance of
equipment). Thereafter, the necessary fund for the operation for POSO shall
be included regularly in the Annual Budget.

Section 8G.07. Meeting. The POSO shall meet at least once (1) a
month. The Chairman as the Executive Officer may call special meetings as
he may deem necessary.



Section 8H.01. Coverage. All tricycle drivers/operators who will be

found guilty of refusing to convey passenger/s to their respective destinations
within the jurisdiction of the City of Alaminos, Pangasinan are covered by
this ordinance.

Section 8H.02. Penalty. Any person who will be found guilty of

violating any of the provision of this ordinance shall, upon conviction be
punished/fine of the following:

1. First Offense - Fine of One Hundred Pesos

2. Second Offense - Fine of Two Hundred Pesos
3. Third Offense - Fine of Five Hundred Pesos or Cancellation of

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Province of Pangasinan





Section 8I.01. Definition. As used in this article:

a. Local Celebrations – includes festivals, fiestas, fairs, carnivals,

parties, professions, and similar assemblies.



Republic of the Philippines
Province of Pangasinan



Section 8I.02. Implementation - The enforcement agencies of the

Municipality are hereby directed to strictly implement EA7103 – Firecrackers
Law – regulating the sale, manufacture and distribution of firecrackers.

Section 8I.03. Prohibited Items. The following firecrackers and the

likes are banned within the jurisdiction of the City of Alaminos, Pangasinan:

a. Five star
b. Super lolo
c. Lolo thunder
d. Pill box
e. Pla pla
f. Og
g. Judas belt
h. Atomic bomb
i. Baby and lolo dynamite
j. Whistle bomb

Section 8I.04. Allowed items on local festivals. The following

firecrackers and pyrothechnic, and the likes are allowed during local festivals
and fiestas within the jurisdiction of the Municipality of Alaminos,

a. Watusi
b. Baby rocket
c. Pull strings
d. Proper trumpet
e. Bamboo cannon
f. Locis
g. Lebentador
h. Fountain
i. Crying cow



Section 8I.05. Availability of fire-fighting equipments. Fire trucks

and other fire-fighting equipment including local paramedics/fire brigade
teams must be on full alert status during celebrations.


Section 8I.06. Duty of City Health Officer.

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Province of Pangasinan



a. Assign medical stations in strategic places in the locality.

b. Field first aid teams personnel knowledgeable on the application

of cardiac-pulmonary resuscitation (CPR) and similar techniques
including the application first aid to take care of fractures and

c. Assign medical vehicles to transport accident victims from

accident site to designated medical stations, health clinics,
center or nearest hospitals.


Section 8I.07. Supervision.

a. The local sanitary inspector(s) shall supervise the makeshift/

temporary eating places, e.g. carinderia, turo-turo catering to the
people in the areas/locality;

b. Provide latrines/portable restrooms, including garabge and trash

receptacles in strategic places in the locality.

c. City Health Personnel are directed to supervise/spearhead the

cleaning/clearing of clogged drainage and sewers to prevent the
breeding of rodents and harmful insects such as mosquitoes,
cockroaches, etc.


Section 8I.08. Mobilization of PNP Personnel.

a. The PNP shall field crowd control personnel or marshall to avoid

the incident of panic and stampede during shows and

b. Assign police personnel to be on the lookout of criminal elements

such as pickpockets, drug pushers/users, egypes, etc.

Section 8I.10. Requirement in securing Permit. The Chief Executive

or his duly authorized representative shall require the festival organizer to
submit a detailed action plan for the local celebration before issuing the
required permit. Coordinate with the activities of all sectors involved in the
planning, preparation and conduct of local celebrations.

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Province of Pangasinan



Section 8I.11. Issuance of Permit. Any individual, group or

organization intending to hold any local celebration shall secure a permit
from the Office of the Mayor at least fifteen (15) days before actual conduct of
the affair. The request for issuance of a permit shall be accompanied by a
detailed plan for the celebration.

Section 8I.12. Responsibility of Police Station Commander.

a. He shall maintain peace and order in the locality.

b. He shall provide protection and ensure safety of all persons from
criminal elements.
c. He shall monitor movements of people and deploy police officers
where festivation are being held.
d. He shall oversee the smooth flow of traffic and people and
e. The Police Station Commander shall provide other emergency
safety measures to cope with any eventuality during local

Section 8I.13. Responsibilty of Organizers.

a. The organizers shall secure that all safety precautions as

contained in this code of safety are strictly observed in the
planning, preparation and actual conduct of local celebration.
b. The organizers shall designate marshals to guarantee safety and
orderliness during parades, procession and similar activities.
c. The Chairman of the celebration shall coordinate closely with
the Mayor or his duly authorized representative and the Police
Station Commander before and during the celebration.
d. The Organizer shall prepare a detailed action plan for the local
celebration to be submitted to the Office of the Mayor, copy
furnished the Police Station Commander and to other law
enforcement agencies of the municipality.

Section 8I.14. Penalty. Any individual, group of organization found

violating any provision of this code shall be fined by not less than Php 50.00
but not more than Php 1,000.00 or an imprisonment of not less than five (5)
days but not more than fifteen (15) days or both such fine and imprisonment
at the discretion of the court.


Republic of the Philippines
Province of Pangasinan







Section 9A.01. Schedule. The following schedule and their

corresponding ending business plate number shall be adopted:


First Working Day 1
Second Working Day 2
Third Working Day 3
Fourth Working Day 4
Fifth Working Day 5
Sixth Working Day 6
Seventh Working Day 7
Eighth Working Day 8
Ninth Working Day 9
Tenth Working Day 0

Section 9A.02. Business Tax Discount. As an incentive, all business

establishments that renew their business permit within their designated
schedules above-mentioned are entitled to a 2% business tax discount
subject to the following terms and conditions:

a. Payment of the tax due is within the specified schedule of

b. Business is not delinquent;
c. Business tax due for the year is paid in full.

Section 9A.03. Implementing Rules and Regulations. The City Mayor

jointly with Planning Office, Treasury Office and Legal Office shall promulgate
the Implementing Rules & Regulations for the smooth and proper
implementation of this Ordinance.


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Province of Pangasinan




Section 9B.01. Declaration of Policy

To enhance financial capability of the dynamic and peaceful City of

Alaminos and establish global standard for excellence towards a progressive
society under a strong community deserving of honor and dignity,
It is hereby declared the policy of the City to encourage new investment
or expansions/diversification in agri-business, eco-tourism, tourism,
warehouses, light manufacturing activities and other property development
such as establishments of private industrial state.
The City of Alaminos welcomes and encourages domestic and foreign
capital to establish enterprises that would utilize local labor and raw
materials available in the City.
Finally, to promote and enhance strong private sector collaboration
towards effective local development that shall make the City of Alaminos
achieved local autonomy.

Section 9B.02. The Alaminos City Investment Board- There is hereby

created the Alaminos City Investment Board (ACIB) to implement the
provisions of the Code.

Section 9B.03. Composition of the Board- The Board shall be

composed of the following:

CHAIRPERSON….……………..City Mayor
VICE- CHAIRPERSON………..City Vice- Mayor
Chairperson, SP Committee on Rules
Chairperson, SP Committee on Trade, Commerce and Industry
Chairperson, SP Committee on Finance, Ways and Means
Chairperson, SP Committee on Public Works and Highways
City Planning and Development Coordinator
City Legal Officer
Regional Director, Department of Trade and Industry, Region I
Regional Director, NEDA Region I
Regional Director, DOT Region I
Representative from Local Real Estate Developers
President, Alaminos Tourism Council
President Cooperative Federation of Alaminos City
General Manager of Alaminos Water District
General Manager of Pangasinan Electric Cooperative I
Chairperson, Western Pangasinan Chamber of Commerce

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Province of Pangasinan



President Hundred Islands Lions Club

President Hundred Islands Rotary Club
The membership of the Board may be increased by the Sangguniang
Panlungsod through the recommendation of the Board as it deems necessary
for effective implementation of the provisions of the Code. The Alaminos
Investment Promotion Center, a unit that shall be created and attached to
the City Planning and Development Office, shall serve as the Technical
Secretariat of the Board.

Section 9B.04. Meeting and Quorum of the Board - The Board shall
meet at least once every quarter or as often as may be necessary, on such a
day as it may fall. The presence of at least a majority of its members shall
constitute a quorum. The action of the Board is valid provided that there is a

Section 9B.05. Powers and Functions of the Board -The primary

function of the Board is to establish favorable and stable policies for
business that encourages and support investors in the operation of their
business activities consistent with the development plans of the City.
Pursuant to this, the Board shall be vested with the following powers:

a. To screen, review, evaluate, approve or disapprove

application/investment plans of prospective local/foreign
businessmen/entrepreneurs who would want to avail of the
incentives provided by this Code.
b. To closely monitor the performance of the approved local/foreign
investments for a period of at least five (5) years.
c. To recommend to the Mayor to enter into agreements/contracts
with other government agencies or private organizations, that will
provide any form of assistance and or cause to expedite
transactions and procedures in putting-up a business in
Alaminos City.
d. To conduct hearing on issues concerning possible violations
committed against any provisions of this Code and likewise,
invoke the proper sanctions/penalties such as but not limited to
reprimand, cancellation of license, withholding of benefits or
incentives to all violators of any of the terms and conditions
stipulated in this Code
e. To recommend and assist the Office of the Mayor and various
departments of the City Government in identifying areas as
suitable investment hubs.
f. To create technical working groups (TWGs), ad-hoc committees or
task force to handle specific tasks as may be required by the
Board such as but not limited to
research/investigation/paralegal works, promotions and public

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Province of Pangasinan



relations work, Quadra media campaign, propaganda and

g. To recommend to the Sangguniang Panlungsod, amendments,
revisions, or modifications to the existing Investment Code,
particularly incentives being given to investors.
h. To promulgate the Implementing Rules and Regulations in the
implementation of the Investment Code, subject to the approval
of the Sangguniang Panlungsod;
i. To commission an independent study group to conduct an
economic and technical research, for the purpose of identifying
priority investment areas and or activities to be promoted, as well
as appropriate incentive and support measures which should be
extended to attract investors into these areas and/or activities;
j. To adopt a short and medium–term investment promotion
program which shall specify the list of priority investment areas
and activities and corresponding incentives and support
measures to be used to attract targeted investors;
k. To designate the Alaminos City Investment Promotion Center
(ACIPC) that shall serve as the technical secretariat of the
Board for the implementation of the provision of this Code;
l. To propose and recommend the necessary appropriations to the
Alaminos City or Council or secure additional funding from
other sources in order to support the operations of the Alaminos
City Investment Promotion Center in the implementation of the
provisions of the Code;
m. To enlist the assistance of local government offices, national
agencies and private sector organizations, as may be necessary,
useful and incidental to the effective and efficient implementation
of this ordinance;
n. To establish trade and investment liaison offices in places to be
determined by the Board as may be necessary to promote the
City’s business climate; and
o. To perform such other powers and function as are necessary and
incidental to the exercise and performance of the aforesaid
Section 9B.06. Powers and Functions of the Chairman - The
Chairman of the Board shall have the following powers and duties:
a. To preside over the regular and special meetings of the Board;
b. To render annual reports to the Alaminos City Government and
such special reports as may be requested;
c. To recommend to the Board such policies and measures he may
deem necessary to carry out the objectives of the Code;

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Province of Pangasinan



d. To approve applications for the grant of fiscal incentives to

qualified applicants in accordance with policies set by the Board;
e. Generally, to exercise such other powers and perform such other
duties as may be authorized by the board, from time to time.
Section 9B.07. Powers and Functions of the Vice-Chairman - The
Vice- Chairman of the Board shall have the following powers and duties:
a. To preside over the regular and special meetings of the Board in
the absence of the Chairman; and
b. To perform other duties of the Chairman in the absence of the
latter, and such other duties as may be assigned to him by the

Section 9B.08. Definition Of Terms - For the purpose of these Rules

and Regulations:

a. Board - shall refer to the Alaminos City Investment Board created

under the Alaminos City Investment Code.
b. Capitalization - shall mean the total project cost.
c. Center - shall mean the Alaminos City Investment Promotion
Center, which is the unit that shall be created to act as the
technical secretariat of the Board in the implementation of this
d. City - shall mean the City of Alaminos covering all areas within its
territorial jurisdictions provided for by law and its charter.
e. Code - shall refer to the Alaminos City Investment Code of 2006.
f. Existing Establishments/Enterprises - refer to those
establishments/ enterprises whose places of operation or
production are presently located within the territorial jurisdiction of
the City of Alaminos.
g. Local Personnel/Worker - refers to those workers or personnel who
are residents of Alaminos City for at least six (6) months wherein
proof residency is the presentation of a Barangay Clearance from
the barangays where he/she resides.
h. New Investors/Enterprise - refers to those who intend to venture
into new project/s in the city with interests in establishing their
place of operation or production within the territorial jurisdiction of
Alaminos City.
i. Preferred/Priority Areas of Investment - refer to the economic
activities cited under Section 10 of this ordinance and those areas
which the Board may subsequently recommend and approve by the
Sangguniang Panlungsod.

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j. Project Study - refers to a Project Profile which present, among

others highlights of the financial and the socio-economic impact of
the project.
k. Registered Enterprise - refers to those enterprises/business
registered in accordance with the provision of the Code.

Section 9B.09. Preferred/Priority Investment Areas - Incentives shall

be provided to new and expanding enterprises in the following Preferred
Priority Investment areas, to wit:

1. Agri-business Sectors such as but not limited to:

a. Vacuum, Dehydrated and Spray-dried Fruit Processing;
b. Canned Specialty Vegetables;
c. Extruded Snack Food;
d. Cut flower Production, Silk Production, Organic Fertilizer
Production, Certified Seed Production, Corn/Feed Mill.
2. Tourism Facilities such as but not limited to:
a. Mid-range Business Hotels;
b. Beach and Mountain Resort;
c. Theme Parks, Restaurants and Marina

3. Transshipments Facilities such as but not limited to:

a. Port Infrastructure;
b. Common Bonded Warehouses

4. Miscellaneous Light Manufacturing Activities such as but not

limited to:
a. Garments;
b. Footwear;
c. Bulky House wares;
d. Toys

5. Property Development such as but not limited to;

a. Private Industrial Estates;
b. Commercial/Office Buildings;
c. Residential Area Development;
d. Convention Center Establishment

6. Branches of Foreign Banks

7. Telecommunications

8. Environmental Protection and Enhancement Projects

9. Establishment of Medical, Education, Training, and Sport Facilities

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10. Establishment of IT-outsourcing service facilities for medical

transcription, legal transcription, graphic designs, systems
development and other IT allied services

Section 9B.10. Determination of Additional Investment Area - The

Alaminos City Investment Promotion Center may recommend to the Board
additional investment areas for inclusion in the list of priority investment
areas, which upon due deliberation and approval, shall then be adopted for
implementation under the Alaminos City Investment Code.

Basis for inclusion of investment areas are:

1. It must generate high levels of employment.

2. It must feature a high degree of value-added.
3. It must be in consonance with the City’s plans and programs.
4. It must create linkages with local industries and/or foreign
5. It must not have deleterious effect on the environment.
Section 9B.11. Appropriate Incentives and Support Measures - The
Board, upon recommendation of the Center, shall identify additional
incentives and support measures which it shall be extended to would-be
investors, to promote priority investment areas and activities of the City.

Section 9B.12. Effectivity Of Appropriate Incentives and Support

Measures- The Center shall review the package of appropriate incentives and
support measures and the investment areas or activities, every two (2) years,
and it shall recommend to the Board to remove such incentives and support
measure when:

a. It deems that sufficient investment in the area or activity have

been attained and where continued extension of incentives or
support measures for the expansion of said areas or activities may
place the interest of the City and the public in adverse position.
b. Such area or activity in the City cannot attract investors within
reasonable time and cost, which may result in unfavorable business

Section 9B.13. Qualifications of a New Enterprise - A New Enterprise

which intends to avail of the incentives provided for in this Code, must meet
the following qualifications;

1. The new business enterprise must have complied with all the
requirements mandated under existing local and national laws and
the Constitution by and through presentation of certificates of
registration issued by either the Securities and Exchange

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Province of Pangasinan



Commission (SEC), Department of Trade and Industry (DTI), or

Cooperative Development Authority (CDA), and other national
government accrediting agencies, as the case may be;
2. The prospective investor’s place of operation or production must be
located within the territorial jurisdiction of Alaminos City;
3. The investment must be among the approved “preferred/priority
areas of investments”;
4. The investment must provide employment among bonafide residents
of Alaminos City under Section 9 (g) hereof;
5. The new enterprise must have a capitalization of

a. At least One Million Pesos ( P 1 million) but not more than Ten
(10) Million Pesos in case of a small-scale enterprise;
b. Over Ten (10) Million Pesos but not more than Forty (40) Million
Pesos in case of a medium-scale enterprise; and
c. More than Forty (40) Million Pesos, in case of a large scale

6. The new enterprise must provide direct employment of:

a. Not less than Ten (10) Person, in case of a small scale


b. At least Twenty (20) Persons, in case of a medium scale

c. At least One Hundred (100) persons in case of a large industry,
unless under exceptional cases as may be determined by the

Section 9B.14. Qualifications of an Existing Enterprise - Existing

enterprise which is expanding and or/ diversifying, and intends to avail of
the incentives under the Code must meet the following qualifications:

1. It must have complied with all the requirements mandated under

existing local and national laws and the Constitution, by and
through the presentation of certificates of registration issued by
either the SEC, DTI, or CDA and other national government
accrediting agencies, as the case may be;
2. The expansion or diversification must be among the approved
“preferred/priority areas of investments”;
3. The existing enterprise, whose place of operation or production is
already located within the territorial jurisdiction of the City, shall
undertake any of the following activities/projects:

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Province of Pangasinan



a. Relocate its principal office from other places in the Philippines

to Alaminos City;
b. Expand its existing production capacity or construct new
buildings and civil works for the installation of new machinery
and equipment or, improvements thereof which will result in an
increase in production capacity or for diversification projects;

4. That the expansion/diversification shall require additional

capitalization of:

a. At least One Million (P1 Million) but not more than Ten (P10)
Million Pesos, in case of a small-scale enterprise;
b. Over Ten (10) Million Pesos but not more than Forty (40) Million
Pesos, in case of a medium–scale enterprise; and
c. More than forty (P 40) Million Pesos, in case of a large –scale

5. That the expansion/diversification shall provide an additional labor

force(residents of the City) of:

a. Not less than Ten (10) Persons, in case of a small –scale

b. At least Twenty (20) Persons, in case of a medium scale industry;
c. At least One Hundred (100) Persons, in case of a large scale
industry unless under exceptional cases as may be determined
by the Board.
Section 9B.15. Application Requirements- Application must be filed
with the Center which shall be recorded in a registration book and the date
appearing therein and stamped on the application shall be considered the
date of official acceptance.

a. Venue for Filing Applications

All applications shall be filed to the Board through the Alaminos
City Investment Promotion Center.

b. Date of Official Acceptance

Applications shall be filed with the Board through the Alaminos
City Investment Promotion Center and recorded in a registration
book; and the date appearing therein and stamped on the
application shall be considered the date of official acceptance.

c. Processing time
Applications shall only be deemed officially accepted upon
submission of complete requirements to the Center.

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Province of Pangasinan



Application for incentives shall be acted by the Center within ten

(10) working days from the official acceptance thereof and by the
Chairman of the Board within an additional ten (10) working days. If
and when the application is not acted upon within the stated
period of a total of twenty (20) days, the application is deemed

d. Filing Fee

That the following non-refundable filing shall be paid as follows:

 Php 1,000.00 - for enterprise with a capitalization of at least one

Million Pesos (P 1-Million) up to Five Million Pesos (P 5-Million);
 Php 2, 500.00 - for enterprise with a capitalization of more than
Five Million Pesos (P 5-Million) up to Ten Million Pesos (P 10-
 Php 10,000.00 - for enterprise with a capitalization of more
than Ten Million Pesos (P 10 Million) up to Forty Million Pesos (P
40 Million);
 Php 25,000.00 - for enterprise with a capitalization of more than
Forty Million Pesos (P 40-Million) up to One Hundred Million
Pesos (P 100-Million);
 Php 50,000.00 - for enterprises with a capitalization of more
than (P 100- Million) up to One Hundred Million Pesos up to One
Billion Pesos (P 1- Billion); and
 Php 100,000.00 - for enterprise with a capitalization of more
than One Billion Pesos (P 1-Billion);

e. Required Documents For Registration

For Single Proprietorship

1. Three (3) copies of completed application form, the form of which

can be secured from the Center;
2. A copy of the project study of the proposed investment indicating
the financial and socio-economic impact of the project;
3. A certified true copy of its Certificate of Business Name
Registration from the Department of Trade and Industry.

For Partnership And Corporation

1. Three (3) copies of completed application form, the form of which

can be secured from the Center;

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2. A copy of the project study of the proposed investment indicating

the financial and socio- economic impact of the project;
3. A copy of the company’s Articles of Partnership/Incorporation
and BY-Laws as approved by the Securities and Exchange
4. Authority from the Board of Directors, as the case may be, to file
the application.

For Cooperatives

1. Three (3) copies of completed application form, the form of which

can be secured from the Center;
2. A copy of the project of the proposed investment indicating the
financial and socio-economic impact of the project;
3. A copy of the Certificate of Registration from the Cooperative
Development Authority;
4. Authority from the Board of Directors to file the application;
5. A certified true copy of its Certificate of Registration with SEC,
DTI, or CDA or the accrediting agencies, as the case may be.

Section 9B.16. Registration and Approval Procedures

a. Registration Procedure

1. Applications shall be submitted to the Center together with the

required documents;
2. The applicants pays the following non- refundable filling fee as
defined under Section 17 (d);
3. Once all required documents are submitted, the project will be
evaluated by the Center;
4. If found not qualified, the Center informs the applicants;
5. If found qualified, the Center forwards the application to the
Chairman of the Board for approval;
6. Once approved by the Chairman, the Center informs the
applicants in writing and delivers the Certificate of Registration;
7. The Center then informs all concerned agencies and entities of
such approval for their information, guidance, and appropriate

b. Certificate of Registration

A registered enterprise under the Code shall be issued a

Certificate of Registration with the signature of the Chairman of the
Board and/ or such other officer as the Board may empower and
designate for the purpose. The Certificate shall be on such form and

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Province of Pangasinan



style as the Board may determine and shall state, among other
matters, the following:

1. The name of the Registered Enterprise;

2. The preferred/priority area of investment in which the registered
enterprise will engage in;
3. The other terms and conditions to be observed by the registered
enterprise by virtue of its registration.

Section 9B.17. Rights and Privileges Guaranteed by the Alaminos

City Government - All enterprises registered under the Code are entitled to
the rights and guarantees provided by law and the Constitution, and as such,
the City Government thru the Board shall:

a. Provide concise and comprehensive information to prospective

investor on the economic priorities of the City Government,
including target investment areas and the general conditions
applicable to incoming direct private investments;
b. Communicate investment evaluation criteria and procedures
through various publications to enhance transparency in the
process of granting local government incentives;
c. Take the fullest possible account of the need of the investors for
stability growth and profit on their operations, in the formulation
and modification of policies and ordinances that effect investments;
d. Not interfere or modify arrangements with the investors after the
details the implementation of an investment project has been
approved and accepted, and the ownership and management
structure of the enterprise has been established unless the law
provides otherwise;
e. Avoid undue distortion of competition between or among
enterprises operating within its territorial jurisdiction , whether
domestic or foreign , without granting any Special exemptions or
incentives aimed at encouraging vestments in the identified targets
f. In accordance with the law and where no local personnel or
workers qualified or capable and available, allow the employment of
qualified foreign personnel where there is a necessary, for the
efficient operation of enterprise or technology transfer; and
g. Resolve all doubts concerning the benefits and incentives granted
under the ordinances enacted for the purpose of encouraging
investments, in favor of the investor.

Section 9B.18. Alaminos City Investment Promotion Center - There

shall be created an office known as the Alaminos City Investment Promotion

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Province of Pangasinan



Center, which shall be staffed by one (1) Economist IV, one (1) Economist III,
one (1) Economist II, one (1) Economist I, and one (1) Economic Researcher.

The Center shall be attached as a regular division in the Office of the

City Planning and Development Coordinator.

Section 9B.19. Powers and Duties of Alaminos City Investment

Promotion Center. The Center shall act as the Technical Secretariat of the
Board, and shall implement its policies and guidelines and shall specifically
perform the following duties:

a. Accept, process, and evaluate applications for registration for

availment of local incentives, and submit recommendations to the
Board for final action;
b. Provide the necessary support services to investors as
guaranteed under the Code;
c. Establish and maintain networking relations with other offices
and agencies whenever appropriate and necessary;
d. Collate, analyze and compile pertinent data and information, and
conduct studies concerning areas that have been or may be
declared as preferred/priority areas of investments” by the Board;
e. Recommend to the Board any modifications/amendments to
existing litigation and procedures on local investments;
f. Prepare agenda for meetings of the Board, and submit for the
latter’s consideration and approval of the policies and measures
which are deemed necessary to carry out the provisions of the Code;
g. Submit Annual Reports to the Board about the activities relative
to the implementation of the Code within sixty (60) days after close
or each calendar year; and
h. Perform such other functions that are necessary and incidental
for effective implementation of this Code.

Section 9B.20. Technical Functions of the Center - The Technical

and Support Services Staff shall have the corresponding functions:

1. Investor Assistance and Servicing - Assist prospective

Investors by providing assistance, among others;

a. One-stop documentation services (facilitating business

permits, licenses, incentive availment);
b. Investment Counseling; and
c. Brokering and Business matching

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Province of Pangasinan



2. Investment and Trade Promotion and Generation - Handle

promotional activities that will directly influence infusion of
investments and influx or trade and tourism, such as:

a. Trade and investment missions;

b. Investment for seminars;
c. Direct investment marketing;
d. Trade fairs and exhibits;
e. Investment briefings/orientation;
f. Setting –up of a showroom/exhibitional area; and
g. Promo collateral preparation and dissemination.

3. Information Managements and Development - In the area of

information and development shall:

a. Handle date generation, processing and packaging;

b. Handle data storage and retrieval;
c. Support direct investor servicing through operation of an on-
time information assistance desk;
d. Review existing incentives and prepare recommendation
and/or policy papers for its improvement; and
e. Prepare projects profiles, pre–investment studies, viability and
feasibility industry profiles and situationer.

Section 9B.21. Reporting - The City Planning and Development

Coordinator shall Report to the Board matters affecting plan, programs and
performance of the Center.

Section 9B.22. Incentives to Registered Enterprises - In addition to

the Incentives provided by the City Government and the National government
as well, an enterprise registered Under the Code shall be fully exempted from
the payment of:

1. Building Permit fees and other fees and charges;

2. Mayor’s permit fees, business sales taxes, other fees and charges
within three (3) years from the start of commercial operations;
3. Exemption from the basic real property tax due the City, excluding
the Barangay share for a period of two (2) years from the start of
commercial operations.

Section 9B.23. Appropriations - To defray the expenses for Personal

Services (P.S.), Monthly Operating and Overhead Expenses (MOOE) and
Capital/Equipment Outlay necessary for the implementation of the provision
of this Ordinance, funds shall be sourced-out thru the General Fund
and/from the 20% Annual Development Fund

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Section 9B.24. Visitorial Power of the Board or Center - The Board,

the Center, or any duly authorized member thereof, is hereby empowered and
authorized to conduct an ocular inspection of the premises of the registered
enterprise, including the records and their books during office hours, for
verification whether there is strict compliance with the provisions of the

Section 9B.25. Submission of Reports and other Documents - Every

registered enterprise shall, for each preferred/priority area of investments,
submit to the Board the following reports and/or documents within time
herein prescribed:

a. Amendments of Articles of Incorporation or By-Laws, Article of

Partnership of Cooperation, within thirty (30) calendar days from
the date of submission of the said date of submission of the
amendments with Securities and Exchange Commission or
Cooperative Development Authority;
b. Change of Directors within thirty (30) calendar days from the
c. Report on alien officers or employees within thirty (30) days
calendar days from the date of registration from the appointment
their aliens/replacement. Provided, that such aliens are registered
as such with the Bureau of Immigration and Deportation (BID) and
with the Department of Labor and Employment (DOLE);
d. Report on employment of the bonafide Alaminos City residents
within thirty (30) calendar days from the date of registration or from
the appointment their replacement;
e. Quarterly report on the enterprise’s business operations, including
in the production or gross sales receipts, within thirty (30) calendar
days from the end of each quarter;
f. Audited Annual Financial Statements, within thirty (30) calendar
days after its submission to the Bureau of Internal Revenue (BIR);
g. Report on total local incentives availed of under the Code.

Section 9B.26. Sanctions for Non- Submission of Reportorial

Requirements – For late submission of the reportorial requirements, every
registered enterprise shall for each preferred/priority of investment area of
investment, be fined in accordance with the following schedule:

a. 1st violation – Php 5.00 per day for every violation

b. 2 violation – Php 10.00 per day for every violation
c. 3rd and subsequent violations – Php20.00 per day violation

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Section 9B.27. Penal Clause – Any violation of the provisions of this

Code, existing laws, ordinances, rules and regulations, shall be ground for
the cancellation or revocation of the registration of the business and the
withdrawal of all the incentives granted under the Code.
The Certificate of Registration of Business Enterprise, as provided in
the Code and these Rules, may be cancelled or revoked due to the following:

a. Violation of the Provisions of the Code and these Rules;

b. Violation of existing local and national laws, ordinances, rules and
c. Failure to commence actual project development within one (1) year
from approval of registration.

Cancellation or revocation of the certificate of registration shall mean

the withdrawal of all the incentives granted under the Code; and all fees and
charges previously exempted shall become due and demandable.
Upon the recommendation of the Center, the Chairman of the Board
may cancel or revoke the Certificate of Registration of the concerned business
enterprise through a formal written notice to that effect, and shall become
effective on the 16th day from the receipt thereof.

Section 9B.28. Approval – The applicant adversely affected by any

decision may, within fifteen (15) days from the receipt of such decision,
appeal the same to the Board, whose decision shall be final and executory.

Section 9B.29. Implementing Rules and Regulations – The City

Mayor, upon the recommendation of the Board, shall formulate Implementing
Rules and Regulations necessary for the efficient and effective
implementation of any and all provisions of this Code.

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Section 9C.01. Definitions - As used in this Article:

a. Operators of Business Establishments – shall mean all business

operators required under existing laws & appropriate ordinances to
secure and/or renew proper City permits and licenses as a prior
condition to its operations within the territorial jurisdiction of the
city except those ambulant vendors.

b. Business Permit Registration Plate – as used in this ordinance

shall mean an embossed in plate similar to the registration plates
issued to motor vehicles showing that a particular business
operator is a legitimate and duly registered business operating
within the territorial jurisdiction of the city to be secured from
Business License and Permit Section.
c. Validating Stickers – as used in this ordinance shall mean a
legitimate sticker printed by the local government unit showing that
the Business Permit Registration Plate of a particular business
operator has been duly renewed for the ensuing fiscal year or every
so often as required by existing laws and appropriate ordinance.
Section 9C.02. Requiring Business Permit Registration Plate. All
operators of business establishment operating within the territorial
jurisdiction of the city except those ambulant or itinerant vendors are hereby
required to register and secure a Business Permit Registration Plate upon
payment of corresponding fees for the following year or so often from
Business License and Permit Section.
Section 9C.03. Lifetime of Business Permit Registration Plate. The
Business Permit Registration Plate which shall cost Two Hundred Pesos
(Php200.00) each shall be valid for a period of five (5) years from its issuance
unless altered, defaced or damaged in such a way that it shall become
illegible. One issued, such Business Permit Registration Plate shall be
validated for the ensuing year and every so often through the issuance of a

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printed validation sticker which shall cost Sixty Five Pesos (Php 65.00) each
affixed to such registration plate.
Section 9C.04. Display Of Business Permit Registration Plate. Upon
securing such Business Permit Registration Plate from Business License and
Permit Section, the business operator shall post and display the same in a
conspicuous location within his establishment to be readily seen or viewed by
government inspectors in order to facilitate the proper identification of any
unauthorized and/or non-registered business establishments which shall
enable the government to properly enforce applicable laws and appropriate
Section 9C.05. Notice in case of Increase. That in the event the cost
of production of the Business Permit Registration Plate shall increase the city
treasurer shall within fifteen (15) days from notice of such increase cause
thru the office of the mayor the immediate adoption of an ordinance providing
for such increase provided, however, he may continue collecting and
accepting business plate fee at the current/prevailing rate from the
applicant/s and the increment (increase) shall be collected upon approval of
the ordinance and issuance of the new plate. Provided, further, that the cost
of Business Permit Registration Plate shall remain the same until all plates
are disposed/sold.

Section 9C.06. Issuance of Guidelines. Upon its approval, the City

Mayor, with due recommendation from his Chief of the Business License and
Permit Section shall issue appropriate guidelines and implementing rules to
ensure the proper implementation of the provisions of this ordinance.

Section 9C.07. Penalty. Any person found violating any of the

provisions of this ordinance shall upon conviction, be punished by
imprisonment for a period not exceeding three (3) months, or fine not
exceeding Two Thousand Pesos (Php 2,000.00) or both at the discretion of the
Court. In the case of corporations, partnerships or associations its President,
General Manager or person-in-charge of such establishment liable therefore.

Republic of the Philippines
Province of Pangasinan






Section 9D.01. Amendment. Section 15 (4) of Ordinance No. 2006-11

is hereby amended by inserting provisions, now to read as follows:


Enterprise which intends to avail of the incentives provided for in
the Code must meet the following qualifications:

4. The investment must provide employment for at least seventy

per cent (70%) of its total manpower requirement among
bonafide residents of Alaminos City under Section 9 (g) hereof, as
well as the necessary skills training for its personnel;”

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Province of Pangasinan





Section 9E.01. Scope. This Article covers all public or private market
places, commercial establishment, wholesale or retail stores and similar
establishments in the City of Alaminos where foodstuffs like meat, poultry,
fish, vegetables, fruits, rice, palay including hardwares, millers and other are
being sold.

Section 9E.02. Sealing and Testing of Instruments of Weights and

Measures. All instruments for determining weights and measures in all
consumer and consumer related transactions shall be tested, calibrated and
sealed every six (6) months by the official sealer who shall be the City
Treasurer or his authorized representative upon payment of fees of twenty
five pesos (P25.00); Provided, that all instruments of weights and measures
shall continuously be inspected for compliance with the provisions of Chapter
II of R.A. 7394.

Section 9E.03. Fraudulent Practices Relative to Weights and

Measures. The following acts relating to weights and measures are

a. For any person other than the official sealer or his duly authorized
representative to place or attach an official tag, seal, sticker, mark,
stamp, brand or other characteristic sign being used to indicate that

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Province of Pangasinan



such instrument of weight and measures has been officially tested,

calibrated, sealed or inspected;
b. For any person to imitate any seal, mark, stamp, brand, tag or other
characteristic sign used to indicate such instrument weight and
measure has been officially tested, calibrated, sealed or inspected;
c. For any person other than the official sealer or his duly authorized
representative to alter in any way the certificate or receipt given by
the official sealer of his duly authorized representative as an
acknowledgement that the instrument for determining weights and
measure has been fully tested, calibrated, sealed or inspected;
d. For any person to make or knowingly sell any use false or
counterfeit seal, sticker, brand, stamp, tag, certificate or license or
any dye for printing or making the same or any characteristic sign
being used to indicate that such instrument of weight and measure
has been officially tested, calibrated, sealed or inspected;
e. For any person other than the official sealer or his duly authorized
representative to alter the written or printed figures, letters or
symbols on any official seal, sticker, receipt, stamp, tag, certificate
or license used or issued;
f. For any person to use or reuse any restored, altered, expired,
damaged stamp, tag, certificate or license for the purpose of making
it appear that the instrument of weights and measure has been
tested, calibrated, sealed or inspected;
g. For any person engaged in the buying and selling of consumer
products or of furnishing services the value of which is estimated by
weight and measure to process, use or maintain with intention to
use any scale, balance, weight or measure that has not been
renewed in due time;
h. For any person to knowingly alter any scale, balance, weight or
measure after it is officially sealed;
i. For any person to knowingly use any false scale, balance, weight or
measure whether sealed or not;
j. For any person to fraudulent give short weight or measure in the
making of a scale;
k. For any person, assuming to determine truly the weight or measure
of any article bought or sold by weight or measure, to fraudulently
misrepresent the weight or measure thereof; or
l. For any person to procure the commission of any such offense
above-mentioned by another. Instruments officially sealed at
previous time which have remain unaltered and accurate and the
seal or tag officially affixed thereto remains intact and in the same
position and condition in which it was placed by the official sealer or
his duly authorized representative shall, if presented for sealing, be
sealed promptly on demand by the official sealer or his authorized

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Province of Pangasinan



representative without penalty except a surcharge fixed under this


Section 9E.04. Timbangan ng Bayan

a. The City Government shall provide Timbangan ng Bayan in all

marketplaces where foodstuffs like meat, poultry, fish, vegetables,
fruits, palay, rice, including hardware, millers and others are being
sold in order for the buying public to determine, double-check, or
find out for themselves whether the weight or measure of what they
bought is accurate or not.
b. The Timbangan ng Bayan shall be installed at strategic places and
shall serve as the standard for weight or measure in the buying or
selling of foodstuffs in the marketplace which is based on the
primary standard of weight and measures provided by the
Department of Science and Technology.

Section 9E.05. Weighing Scales

a. The use of 10 kgs. Table top metric weighing scale for commercial
purposes in all marketplaces shall no longer be allowed after this
ordinance takes effect because it is highly prone to tampering,
alteration, malfunction, or fraud.
b. Only the 10 kgs. Suspended Metric weighing scale and the Digital
weighing scale shall be allowed to be used for commercial purposes
after this ordinance takes effect in order to ensure for the buying
public accuracy on the weights of food stuff and others that they
purchase in the marketplaces.
Section 9E.06. Date of expiration to be indicated in the seal - The
expiry date of the license of the instrument for weights and measures must
be indicated in the seal or attached to it.
Section 9E.07. Continuing Information Education - There shall be
continuing education information to instill consumer awareness against
deceptive, unfair and unconscionable sales acts and practices and to
facilitate sound choice and proper exercise of consumer’s rights.
Section 9E.08. Establishment of Consumer Desk Complaint - There
shall be established consumer desk complaint assigned at marketplaces for
purposes of receiving, investigating and responding to consumer complaints.
Section 9E.09. Surcharges - The instrument for weights which are not
sealed of if previously sealed, is not renewed or license has been expired or
fails to pay the corresponding fees within the prescribed period shall subject
the owner or user to a surcharge of five hundred percent (500%) of the
prescribed fees. The schedule sealing and calibration shall commence on
January 1 to 20 and from July 1 to 20 as the City Treasurer may determine.

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Province of Pangasinan



Section 9E.10. Confiscation of instruments fraudulently used - The

said instruments for weights and measurers used by the vendors who acted
fraudulently shall be confiscated in favor of the City Government.
Section 9E.11. Redemption of confiscated Instrument - The
confiscated instrument shall be subject for redemption upon payment of
three Hundred Fifty Pesos (P350.00) and those which is beyond repair shall
be destroyed by the City Treasurer which the same shall be turned over to
the City Solid Waste Management Office for its proper disposal.
Section 9E.12. Penalties
a. Any person who shall violate the provisions of this ordinance shall
upon conviction be penalized in the following manner:
1. First Offense – Penalty of fine of Five Hundred Pesos
2. Second Offense – Penalty of fine of Seven Hundred Fifty Pesos
3. Third Offense – Penalty of fine of One Thousand Pesos
(Php1,000.00) or cancellation of the license
or confiscation of the instruments for weights
or measure or an imprisonment of one (1)
months to six (6) months or both at the
discretion of the court.

Section 9E.13. Authority to Compromise - The City mayor upon the

recommendation of the City Treasurer’s Office or the City Market Supervisor
shall have the authority to compromise action under this ordinance at any
stage of the proceeding subject to the payment by the offender of the fines
herein imposed.




Section 9F.02. Definitions - As used in this Article:
a. Public Utility – is a person or business that regularly supplies to
the public essential commodity of service, such as transportation,
water, gas, electricity, telephone or wireless service, cable television
system (CATV), ice plant postal delivery service, subdivisions and
similar businesses. It is a devotion of private property by its owner
to such a use that the public generally has a right to demand that
use that the public generally has a right to demand that use or

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Province of Pangasinan



service so long as it is continued, conducted with reasonable

efficiency and under proper charges.
b. Business Enterprise – means trade or commercial activity regularly
engaged in as means of livelihood or with a view profit.
c. Franchise – is a right or privilege, affected with public interest,
which is conferred upon private persons or corporation, under such
terms and conditions as the government and its political
subdivisions may impose in the interest of public welfare, security
and safety.
d. Capital Investment – is the capital which a person employs in any
undertaking, or which he contributes to the capital of a partnership,
corporation, or any other judicial entity or association in a
particular taxing jurisdiction.
e. Gross Sales or Receipts – include the total amount of money or its
equivalent representing the contract price, compensation or service
fee, including the amount charged or material supplied with the
services and deposits pr advance payments actually or
constructively received during the taxable quarter for the services
performed or to be performed for another person excluding
discounts if determinable at the time of sales, sales return, excise
tax, and value-added tax (VAT).
f. Operator – includes the owner, manager, administrator, or any
other person who operates or is responsible for the operation of a
business, establishments or undertaking.
g. Persons – mean every natural or juridical being, susceptible or
rights and obligations or of being the subject of legal relations.
h. Services – means the duties, works or functions performed or
discharged by a government officer, or by a private person
contracted by the government as the case may be.
i. Tax – means an enforced contribution, usually, monetary in form,
levied by the law-making body on persons and property subject to
its jurisdiction for the precise purpose of supporting government
Section 9F.03. Rules of Construction – in construing the provisions of
this ordinance, the following rules of construction shall be observed unless
inconsistent with the manifest intent of the provisions:

a. GENERAL RULE – all words and phrases shall be construed and

understood according to the common and approved usage of the
language, but technical words and phrases and such other words in
this ordinance which may have acquired a peculiar or appropriate
meaning shall be construed and understood according to such
technical, peculiar or appropriate meaning.

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Province of Pangasinan



b. GENDER AND NUMBER – every word in the ordinance imparting

the masculine gender shall be extended to both a male and female,
every word imparting the plural number shall extend and be applied
to one person or thing as well.

c. REASONABLE TIME – in all cased where any act is required to be

done within a reasonable time, the same shall be deemed to mean
such time as may be necessary for the prompt performance of the

d. COMPUTATION OF TIME - The time within which it is to be done as

provided in this Ordinance or in any rule or regulation issued
pursuant to the provisions hereof, when expressed in days, shall be
computed by excluding the first day and including the last day,
except if the last day falls on a Sunday or Holiday, in which case
shall be excluded from the computation, and the day following shall
be considered the last day.

e. CONFLICTING PROVISIONS OF SECTIONS - If the provisions of the

different section in the same Chapter conflict with each other, the
provisions of the section, which is last in point of sequence, shall

Section 9F.04. Franchise Requirement – No person shall establish

and/or operate a public utility business enterprise within the territorial
jurisdiction of the City of Alaminos whether in one barangay or group of
barangays except the virtue of a franchise granted by the Congress of the
Philippines, an authorized franchising agency or by the Sangguniang
Panlungsod of the City of Alaminos.
Any public utility business enterprises enjoying exemption from the
payment of taxes by virtue of investment incentives as provided by law or
City Ordinance, in the absence of a franchise obtained by it from Congress or
from franchising agency, shall not be exempt from securing the city franchise
required under this ordinance to enable the City Government to define and
enforce its franchising regulatory powers for the welfare of the public.
This ordinance shall not apply to contractors and persons engaged in
the transportation of passengers or freight by hire, and common carriers by
air, land or water whose operations are regulated by the proper national
government agencies. It shall not also apply to public utilities established
and/or operated exclusively within the territorial limits of cities located
outside the City of Alaminos.

Section 9F.05. Obtention of Franchise – Any person intending to

establish and/or operate utility business or enterprise within a barangay or

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Province of Pangasinan



group of baragnays may apply for a City Franchise from the Sangguniang
Panlungsod by filing a letter of intent for that purpose, together with a
feasibility study detailing the technical and economic aspects of the public
utility intended to be established and proof of the application technical and
financial capability. Subject to such term and condition it may impose, and
after public hearing, the Sangguniang Panlungsod, may, by ordinance
approved by the City Government grant the franchise to the applicant.

Section 9F.06. Imposition Of Tax – There is hereby imposed a tax on

business enjoying franchise, except those covered under paragraph 3 of
section 4 hereof, at a rate of fifty percent (50%) of one percent (1%) of the
gross annual receipts, which shall include both cash sales and sales on
account realized during the preceding calendar year within the City.

Section 9F.07. Tax On Newly Started Business – In the case of a

newly started business, the tax shall be one-twentieth (1/20) of one percent
(1%) of the capital investment. In the succeeding calendar year, regardless of
when the business started to operate, the tax shall be based on the gross
receipts for the preceding calendar year, or any fraction thereof, as provided

The capital investment to be used as basis of the tax of a newly started

business as herein provided shall be determined in the following manner:

1. If the principal office of the business is within the territorial

jurisdiction of the City of Alaminos, the paid-up capital stated in the
articles of incorporation, in case of corporation, or in any similar
document in case of other types of business organizations or
enterprises, shall be considered as the capital investment;
2. Where there is a branch or sales office which commences business
operations during the same year as the principal office which is
located outside the City of Alaminos, paid-up capital referred to in
this section shall be reduced by the amount of the capital
investment for the said branch or sales office which shall be taxable
by the city of Alaminos.
3. Where the newly started business is a branch or sales office
commencing business operations at a year later than that of the
principal office, capital investment shall mean the total funds
invested in the branch or sales office.
Section 9F.08. Exceptions – This tax shall not be imposed on
contractors and persons engaged in the transportation of passengers or
freight by hire and common carriers by air or water.

Section 9F.09. Time of Payment – The tax imposed herein shall be

payable to the City Treasurer or to his duly authorized representatives within

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Province of Pangasinan



the first twenty (20) days of January following the end of the preceding
calendar ear. In the case of a newly started business, the owner or operator
of the business shall pay the corresponding tax prescribed in section 7 before
the business starts to operate.

Section 9F.10. Surcharge for late Payment – Failure to pay the tax
herein prescribed shall subject the taxpayer to a surcharge to twenty-five
percent (25%) of the amount of tax due plus penalty at the rate of two percent
(2%) per month on the unpaid amount of tax or a fraction thereof until the
delinquent tax shall be the total penalty on the unpaid tax or portion thereof
exceed thirty-six (36) months.

Section 9F.11. Accrual of Tax – the proceeds of the tax herein

prescribed shall accrue entirely to the general fund of the City of Alaminos.

Section 9F.12. Examination of Books of Accounts – for effective

enforcement and collection of the tax, fee and charge prescribed in this
ordinance, the City Treasure or through any of his deputies duly authorized
in writing, shall examine the books, accounts, and other pertinent records of
any person, partnership, corporation, or ascertain, assess, and collect the
correct amount of the tax, fee or charge. Such examination shall be made
during regular business hours, only once for every tax period, and shall be
made of record in the books of accountants of the taxpayer examined.
In case the examination herein authorized is made by a duly
authorized deputy of the City Treasurer, the written authority of the deputy
concerned shall specifically state the name, address and business of the
taxpayer whose books, accounts and pertinent records are to be examined,
the date and place of such examination and procedure to be followed in
conducting the same.
For this purpose and in pursuance to Section 171 of the Local
Government Code of 1991, Revenue District Officers of the Bureau of Internal
Revenue in the City of Alaminos shall make available his records of taxpayers
to the City Treasurer through his deputy or duly authorized representative.

Section 9F.13. Accounting of Collection – Unless otherwise provided

in this Ordinance and other existing laws and ordinances, all monies
collected by virtue of this ordinance shall be accounted for in accordance
with the provisions of laws, rules and regulations and credited to the General
Fund of the City of Alaminos.

Section 9F.14. Extent of the City Government’s Lien – Local taxes,

fees, charges and other revenues herein provided constitute a lien, superior
to all liens, charges or encumbrances in favor of any person, enforceable by
appropriate administrative or judicial action, not only upon any property

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Province of Pangasinan



used in business, occupation, practice of profession or calling or exercise of

privilege with respect to which the lien is imposed. The lien may be
extinguished upon full payment of delinquent local taxes, fees and charges
including related surcharges and penalties.

Section 9F.15. Civil Remedies – The civil remedies for the collection of
local taxes, fees or charges and related surcharges and penalties resulting
from delinquency shall be:

a. By administrative action thru distraint of goods, chattels or effects

and other personal property of whatever character including stocks
and other personal property; and
b. By judicial action, either of these remedies or all may be pursued
concurrently or simultaneously at the discretion of the Sangguniang
Panlungsod of the City of Alaminos.

Section 9F.16. Distraint of Personal Property – The remedy by

distraint shall proceed as provided and prescribed in section 175 and 184
and other pertinent sections of the Local Government Code of 1991.

Section 9F.17. Personal Property Exempt from Distraint – The

properties specified in section 185 of the Local Government Code of 1991
shall be those to be exempt from distraint, attachment or execution thereof
for delinquency in the payment of any city tax, fee or charge including related
surcharge and interest.

Section 9F.18. Period of Assessment and Collection.

a. The tax, surcharge and interest provided under Sections 6,7 and 10
of the ordinance shall be assessed within five (5) years from date
they become due. No action for the collection of such tax, shall be
instituted after the expiration of such period;
b. In case of fraud or intent to evade the payment of taxes, fees or
charges, the same may be assessed within ten (10) years from the
date of assessment by administrative or judicial action. No such
action shall be instituted after the expiration of said period;
c. The running of the periods of prescription provided in the preceding
paragraphs shall be suspended for the time during which:

1. The treasurer is legally prevented from making the assessment or

2. The taxpayer requests for a reinvestigation and executes a waiver
in writing which to assess or collect; and
3. The taxpayers is out in the otherwise cannot be located.

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Province of Pangasinan



Section 9F.19. Penalties for violation of Tax Ordinance – Any person

or persons who violates any of the provisions of this ordinance or the rules or
regulations promulgated by authority of this ordinance shall, upon
conviction, be furnished by a fine of not less than One Thousand Pesos (Php
1,000) nor more than Five Thousand Pesos (Php 5,000) or an imprisonment
of not less than one (1) month nor more than six (6) months or both, at the
discretion of the court; if the violation is committed by any judicial entry, the
President, General Manager or the individual entrusted with the
administration thereof at the time of the commission of the violation shall be
held responsible or liable thereof.
Punishment by a fine or imprisonment as herein provided for shall not
relieve the offender from the payment of the tax, fee or charge imposed under
this ordinance.

Section 9F.20. Separability Clause – If any person, any section or

provision of this ordinance shall be held to be unconstitutional or invalid by
competent authority, such judgment or action shall not affect or impair the
other sections or provisions hereof.

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Province of Pangasinan







Section 10A.01. Coverage - This Ordinance shall apply to all

residential houses; commercial establishments such as hotels, restaurants,
cinema houses, public and private markets, malls, department stores,
groceries, institutions like hospitals, schools, churches, public and private
offices, industrial establishments like factories, plants, rice mills and other
establishments of any kind; and agricultural areas.

Section 10A.02. Authority – This ordinance is enacted to supplement

the provisions of existing laws and ordinances related to ecological solid
waste management.

Section 10A.03. Purpose – This ordinance is enacted for the following


a. To guide, control and regulate the generation, storage, collection,

transportation and disposal of solid wastes within the city and
promote an orderly and sanitary system for the same, and adopt a
systematic, comprehensive and ecological solid waste management
b. To enhance the total environment of the locality through the
necessary control and mitigation of negative environmental impacts
of solid wastes;
c. To promote and protect the public and environment, health, safety,
peace and convenience and general welfare of the inhabitants of the

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Province of Pangasinan



d. Institutionalize public participation in the development and

implementation of the City’s integrated, comprehensive and
ecological waste management programs;
e. Ensure the proper segregation, collection, transport, storage,
treatment and disposal of solid waste through the formulation and
adoption of the best environmental practices in ecological waste
management excluding incineration;
f. Encourage greater private participation in solid waste management;
g. To minimize generation of solid waste possible resource
recovery/recycling and utilization by:

- Maximizing the use of goods and consumption of foods;

- Allocating fair inputs in the production of goods, foods and
- Encouraging the salvaging of possible “recoverable” from solid
wastes for re-use and/or recycling back to production process;
- Providing assistance and cooperation in the recycling of solid
wastes in disposal sites.

Section 10A.04. Goal – The primary goal of this ordinance is to

enhance ecological balance of the city through sustainable and integrated
waste management.

Section 10A.05. Objectives – The objectives of this Ordinance are the


a. To ensure round-the-clock cleanliness through orderly waste

b. To cease and desist from utilization of open garbage dumps
which serve as breeding places of insects causing diseases, foul
odors and harmful fumes; emit “greenhouse gases” which contribute
to global warming and thinning of the ozone layer; generate
“leachate” which pollute soil and water resources; and creates
unhealthy scavenging activities in the vicinity.
c. To eradicate unsightly, uncovered, unsegregated and overflowing
waste containers in streets, public places, and open spaces.
d. To support and encourage at home or backyard composting to
achieve volume reduction wastes collected.
e. To promote eco-friendly products and packaging materials to
reduce dependence and generation of problematic materials like
single-use plastic bags and containers.
f. To maximize and optimize sanitary resource recovery for feeds,
fuel, materials, energy, etc.

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Province of Pangasinan



g. To minimize pollution arising from harmful gases, smoke, and

particulates produced by needless burning/dumping; polluted
runoffs into water sources/supply; and hazardous substances.
h. To utilize environmentally sound methods that maximizes the
utilization of valuable resources and encourages resources
conservation and recovery.

Section 10A.06. Technical Terms – The technical terms used in this

ordinance shall be defined/referred as follows:

1. Agricultural Waste – refers to waste generated from planting or

harvesting of crops, trimming or pruning of plants and wastes or
run-off materials from farms or fields.
2. Biodegradable – please see “Solid Waste” definition
3. Biogas – is a gas composed largely of methane, carbon dioxide, and
hydrogen sulfide which has been produced by the biological
breakdown of organic matter (like human and animal wastes) in the
absence of oxygen and is commonly used as cooking gas
in agricultural communities.
4. Bulky Wastes – refers to waste materials, which cannot be
appropriately placed in separate containers because of either its
bulky size, shape or other physical attributes. These include large
worn-out or broken household, commercial, and industrial items
such as furniture, lamps, bookcases, filing cabinets, and other
similar items.
5. Collection - refer to the act of removing solid waste from the source
or from a communal storage point.
6. Compost – decayed organic material for use as soil conditioner or
7. Composting – biological degradation under controlled conditions;
the process of making biodegradable items such as food waste,
animal waste, waste, into compost by mixing them with soil, water,
biological additives/activators (optional) and air.
8. Department – refers to the Department of Environment and Natural
9. Disposal – refers to the discharge, deposit, dumping, spilling,
leaking or placing of any solid waste into or in any land.
10. Disposal Site – refers to a site where solid waste is finally
discharged and deposited.
11. Environmentally Acceptable – refers to the quality of being re-
usable, biodegradable or compostable, recyclable and not toxic or
hazardous to the environment.
12. Enzymes – a protein produced by cells, with substances to initiate
or accelerate chemical reactions in plants or animal matter, acting
like an organic catalyst.

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Province of Pangasinan



13. Fermentable – fruit peelings, spoiled or over-ripe fruits, juices e.g.

buko juice, etc. is made into vinegar, wine or “nata-de-coco”,
“nata-de-pena”, etc.
14. Fertilizer Materials – all compostables or biodegradable such as
garden wastes (leaves, twigs, weeds), animal waste (manure
carcasses), human waste (feces, urine, blood, all excrete, soiled
wipes, pads, diapers (remove plastic portions) etc., are made into
compost for organic gardening.
15. Food Material – include certain kinds of seeds, pulp, peelings,
that are made into pickles, “sweets” or candies, or snacks.
16. Generation- refers to the act or process of producing solid waste.
17. Generator – refers to a person, natural or juridical, who last uses
a material and makes it available for disposal or recycling.
18. Hazardous Waste – special types of waste containing the
chemical, biological, and radiological elements, which are harmful
to human health. This are not considered as solid wastes.
19. Incineration – the controlled process by which combustible
wastes are burned and changes into gasses and residues that
contains little or no combustible material.
20. Leachate – refers to the liquid produced when waste undergo
decomposition, and when water percolate through solid waste
undergoing decomposition. It is contaminated liquid that contains
dissolved and suspended materials.
21. Materials Recovery Facility (MRF) – includes a solid waste
transfer station or sorting station, drop-off center, a composting
facility, and a recycling facility.
22. Non-Biodegradable Wastes - please see “Solid Waste” definition
23. Open Dump – refers to a disposal area wherein the solid wastes
are indiscriminately thrown or disposed of without due planning
and consideration for environmental and health standards.
24. Receptacles – refers to individual containers used for the source
separation and the collection or recyclable materials or used or
waste materials through a process of making them suitable for
beneficial use and for other purposes, and includes any process by
which solid waste materials are transformed into new products in
such a manner that the original products may lose their identity,
and which may be used as raw materials for the production of
other goods or services: Provided, that the collection, segregation
and re-use of previously used packaging material shall be deemed
recycling under this Ordinance.
25. Recyclable Materials - please see “Solid Waste” definition
26. Resource Recovery – refers to the collection, extraction or
recovery of recyclable materials from the waste stream for the
purpose of recycling, generating energy or producing a product

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Province of Pangasinan



suitable for beneficial use: provided, that such resource recovery

facilities exclude incineration.
27. Re-Use – refers to the process of recovering materials intended for
the same or different purpose without the alteration of physical
and chemical characteristics.
28. Sanitary Landfill – refers to a waste disposal site designed,
constructed, operated and maintained in a manner that exerts
engineering control over significant potential environmental
impacts arising from the development and operation of the facility.
29. Schedule of Compliance – refers to an enforceable sequence of
actions or operations to be accomplished within a stipulated time
frame leading to compliance with a limitation, prohibition, or
standard set forth in this Ordinance or any rule or regulation
issued pursuant thereto.
30. Secretary – refers to the Secretary of the Department of
Environment and Natural Resources.
31. Segregation – refers to a solid waste management practice of
separating different materials found in solid waste in order to
promote recycling and re-use of resources and to reduce the
volume of waste for collection and disposal.
32. Segregation at source – refers to a solid waste management
practice of separating, at the point of origin, different materials
found in solid waste in order to promote recycling and re-use of
resources and to reduce the volume of waste for collection and
33. Solid Waste – refers to all discarded household, commercial
waste, non-hazardous institutional and industrial waste, street
sweepings, construction debris, agricultural waste, and other non-
hazardous/non-toxic solid waste. The types of solid wastes are
biodegradable and non-biodegradable (recyclable and residual
wastes) and special wastes:

1. Biodegradable/compostable-waste that will decompose under

natural conditions or microorganisms. Includes food wastes,
yard waste and trimmings, vegetable and fruit residues, fish
cleaning/processing wastes, chicken feathers and egg shells,
agricultural/garden wastes, wet papers and cartons, animal

2. Non-biodegradable/non-compostable.

2.1. Recyclables- any waste material retrieved from the waste

stream and free from contamination that can still be
converted into suitable beneficial use or for other
purposes. These includes but is not limited to dry paper

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and cartons/cardboard, tin cans, metals, bottles and

broken glass, rubber, textile trimmings, plastics
(Polyethylene Terephthalate/PETE,PET, High Density
Polyethylene/HDPE, Vinyl or Polyvinyl Chloride/PVC, Low
Density Polyethylene/LDPE, Polypropylene/PP,
Polystyrene/PS, High Impact Polystyrene/HIPS)

2.2. Residual Wastes – Wastes which cannot be used for other

purposes. . These includes but is not limited to ashes and
soot, dirt, tattered textiles, paper and other packaging
materials like cigarette packs, laminates and composite
materials, sando bags, thin plastic films, food wrappers,
used sanitary napkins, tissue papers and disposable
diapers, broken ceramic and other glazed materials,
tattered/contaminated styropor.

3. Special Wastes refers to household hazardous wastes such as

paints, thinners, household batteries, lead-acid batteries, spray
canisters and the like. These include wastes from residential
and commercial sources that comprise of bulky wastes,
consumer electronics, and white goods, yard wastes that are
collected separately, batteries, oil and tires. These wastes are
usually handled separately from other residential and
commercial wastes.

Unless specifically noted otherwise, the term “solid waste”

as used in this Ordinance shall not include:

1. Waste identified or listed as hazardous waste of a solid,

liquid, contained gaseous or semisolid form which may
cause or contribute to an increase in mortality or in serious
or incapacitating reversible illness, or acute/chronic effect
on the health of persons and other organisms.

2. Infectious waste from hospitals such as equipment,

instruments, utensils, and fomites of a disposable nature
especially from patients who are suspected to have or have
been diagnosed as having communicable diseases and must
therefore be isolated as required by public health agencies,
laboratory wastes such as pathological specimens (i.e., all
tissues, specimens of blood elements, excreta, and
secretions obtained from patients or laboratory animals),
and disposable fomites that may harbor or transmit
pathogenic organisms, and surgical operating room
pathologic specimens and disposable fomites attendant

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thereto, and similar disposable materials from outpatient

areas and emergency rooms.

3. Waste resulting from mining activities, including

contaminated soil and debris.

34. Solid Waste Management – refers to the systematic management

of solid wastes which provides for waste reduction at source;
segregation at source for recovery of reusables,
recyclables/recoverables and biodegradables/compostable;
segregated transportation, storage, transfer, processing, treatment
and disposal of solid wastes; and all other waste management
activities which do not harm the environment.
35. Solid Waste Management Facility – refers to any resource
recovery system or component thereof; any system, program, or
facility for resource conservation; any facility for the collection,
source separation, storage, transportation, transfer, processing,
treatment, or disposal of solid waste.
36. Source Reduction – refers to the reduction of solid waste before it
enters the solid waste stream by methods such as product design,
materials substitution, materials re-use and packaging
37. Source Separation – refers to the sorting of solid waste into some
or all of its component parts at the point of generation.
38. Special Waste – please see “Solid Waste” definition
39. Storage – refers to the interim containment of solid waste after
generation and prior to collection for ultimate recovery or disposal.
40. Transfer Station – refers to those facilities utilized to receive solid
wastes, temporarily store, separate, convert, or otherwise process
the materials in the solid wastes, or to transfer the solid wastes
directly from smaller to larger vehicles for transport. This term
does not include any of the following:

a. A facility whose principal function is to

receive, store, separate, convert, or otherwise process in
accordance with national minimum standards, manure.
b. The operations premise of a duly
licensed solid waste handling operation that receives, store,
transfers or otherwise processes wastes as an activity incidental
to the conduct of a refuse collection and disposal business.

41. Waste Diversions – refers to activities, which reduce or eliminate

the amount of solid waste sent to disposal facilities.
42. White Goods – refers to large worn-out or broken household,
commercial, and industrial appliances such as stoves,

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refrigerators, dishwashers, and clothes washers and dryers

collected separately. White goods are usually dismantled for the
recovery of specific materials (e.g. copper, aluminum, etc.); and
43. Yard Waste – refers to wood, small or chipped branches, leaves,
grass clippings, garden debris, vegetables residue that is
recognizable as part of a plant or vegetable and other materials
identified by the Board.

Section 10A.07. City Solid Waste Management Board – The City Solid
Waste Management Board (CSWMB) shall prepare, submit and implement a
plan for the safe and sanitary management of solid waste generated in areas
within the territorial jurisdiction of the City.

The City Solid Waste Management Board shall be composed of the City
Mayor as head with the following as members:

a. A representative of the Sangguniang Panlungsod, preferably

chairperson of the Committee on Environment, who will be
designated by the presiding officer;
b. President of the Association of Barangay Councils in the City;
c. Chairperson of the Sangguniang Kabataan Federation;
d. A representative from NGO’S whose principal purpose is to
promote recycling and the protection of air and water quality;
e. A representative from the recycling industry;
f. A representative of each concerned government agency
possessing relevant technical and marketing expertise as may be
determined by the Board;
g. A representative from different groups/sectors like academe,
Operators and Drivers Association, market, religious sector,
commercial establishments
h. A representative of the City Government’s Offices involve in
environment and planning

The City General Services Office (GSO) - environment and/or solid

waste section shall serve as the Secretariat of the CSWMB;
The City Solid Waste Management Board shall have the following
duties and responsibilities:
1. Develop the City Solid Waste
Management (SWM) Plan that shall ensure the long-term
management of solid waste, as well as integrate the various solid
waste management plans and strategies of the barangays in its area
of jurisdiction. In the development of the Solid Waste Management
Plan, it shall conduct consultations with the various sectors of the

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2. Adopt measures to promote

and ensure the viability and effective implementation of SWM
programs in its component barangays;
3. Monitor the implementation
of the City Solid Waste Management SWM Plan through its various
political subdivisions and in cooperation with the private sector and
the NGO’S;
4. Adopt specific revenue
generating measures to promote the viability of its SWM Plan;
5. Convene regular meetings
for purposes of planning and coordinating the implementation of the
SWM plans of the respective component barangays;
6. Oversee the implementation
of the City SWM Plan;
7. Review every two (2) years or
as the need arises the City SWM Plan for purposes of ensuring its
sustainability, viability, effectiveness and relevance in relation to
local and international developments in the field of solid waste
8. Develop the specific
mechanics and guidelines for the implementation of the City SWM
9. Recommend to appropriate
local government authorities specific measures or proposal for
franchise or build-operate-transfer agreements with duly recognized
institutions, pursuant to R.A. 6957, to provide either exclusive or
non-exclusive authority for the collection, transfer, storage,
processing, recycling or disposal of municipal solid waste. The
proposals shall take into consideration appropriate government
rules and regulations on contracts, franchises and build-operate-
transfer agreements;
10. Provide the necessary
logistical and operational support to the barangays in consonance
with the Local Government Code;
11. Recommend measures and
safeguards against pollution and for the preservation of the
natural ecosystem; and
12. Coordinate the efforts of its
component barangays in the implementation of the City SWM

It shall be the duty of the CSWMB to assist Barangay in their Solid

Waste Management, where the Barangay cannot financially or adequately
manage all waste segregation, sorting, recovery, recycling and composting.

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The City shall assist the Barangay either financially, technically or in

any manner deemed necessary in order to achieve the Waste Management
Program. Provided, that within 45 days of the effectivity of this ordinance, the
Liga ng mga Barangay shall assess and thereby determine, those Barangay
requiring assistance from the City, shall subsequently inform the CSWMB of
its findings.

The City Solid Waste Management Board may, from time to time, call
on any concerned agencies or sectors, as it may deem necessary.

Representatives from the NGO’s, recycling and manufacturing or

packaging industries shall be selected through a process designed by
themselves and shall be endorsed by the government agency representatives
of the Board.

Section 10A.08. Barangay Solid Waste Management Committee

The Barangay SWM Committee shall have the following functions and

a. Formulate solid waste management program consistent with

city plan;
b. Segregation and collection of biodegradable, compostable,
reusable wastes;
c. Establish materials recovery facility;
d. Allocate Barangay funds; look for sources of funds;
e. Organize core coordinators;
f. Submit monthly report to the city.


The Barangay SWM Committee shall be composed of the Barangay

Captain as chairman with the following as members:

a. One (1) Kagawad

b. SK Chairman
c. Presidents of Home Owners Association
d. Public/Private school principals or representative
e. One (1) Parents and Teachers Association president or
f. One (1) Religious organization representative
g. One (1) Business Community Representative
h. One (1) Environmental NGO representative
i. President of Market Vendors Association; One (1) representative
from junkshop owners’ association.

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Section 10A.09. Establishment of Multi-Purpose Environment

Cooperatives or Associations in Every Barangay - Multi-purpose
cooperatives and associations that shall undertake activities to promote the
implementation and/or directly undertake projects in compliance with the
provisions of this Ordinance shall be encouraged and promoted in every
Barangay. The CSWMB may request the CGSO, DENR and DTI, through their
appropriate bureaus for technical assistance and advisory guidance to any
interested Barangay including to set up the multi-purpose environmental
cooperatives or associations.

Section 10A.10. Implementation of the Ecological Solid Waste



It shall be the overall policy of the City to strictly implement the

provisions of the Implementing Rules and Regulations of this Ordinance. The
implementation of the ecological solid waste management shall
fundamentally take into account the management of waste in the following

a. Source reduction/minimization of wastes generated at source;

b. Resource recovery, the cycling and re-use of wastes at the
c. Efficient collection, proper transfer and transport of wastes by
city/barangay; and
d. Efficient management of residuals and of final disposal sites and/or
any other related environment-friendly technologies for the
conversion/processing or re-use of residuals.

Section 10A.11. Local Government Solid Waste Management Plans -

The city, through its local waste management boards, shall prepare its
respective 10 years solid waste management plans. Provided, that the waste
management plan shall be for the re-use, recycling and composting of wastes
generated within the jurisdictions: Provided, further, that the solid waste
management plan of the City shall ensure the efficient management of solid
waste generated within its jurisdiction. The plan shall place primary
emphasis on the implementation of all feasible re-use, recycling and
composting programs while identifying the amount of landfill and
transformation capacity that will be needed for solid waste which cannot be
re-used, recycled, or composted. The plan shall contain all the components
provided in this ordinance and timetable for the implementation of the solid
waste management program Provided, finally, that it shall be reviewed and
updated every two (2) years by the City Solid Waste Management Board.

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a. The City solid waste management plans shall be consistent with the
national framework and in accordance with the provisions of RA
9003 and of the policies set by the Commission.
Section 10A.12. Implementation Scheme - The City government
through the City General Services Office (CGSO)- environment and/or solid
waste section and CSWMB shall be primarily responsible for the
implementation/enforcement and monitoring of compliance on the ecological
solid waste management systems within the City.

Waste segregation and collection shall be conducted at the Barangay

level. It shall be stored at the Barangay/cluster of Barangays Materials
Recovery Facility (MRFs). Residual and special waste shall be collected from
the MRFs and shall properly be disposed of by the city.

Section 10A.12.A. Waste Segregation and Volume Reduction

at Source - Volume reduction at the source shall be the first priority of
the ecological SWM system. The City shall actively promote among its
constituencies the reduction and minimization of waste generated at
source; responsibility for sorting and segregation of biodegradable and
non biodegradable wastes shall be at the household level and all other



The following shall be the minimum requirements for segregation

and storage of solid waste pending collection:

a. There shall be a separate container/plastic bags for each type

of waste from all sources. For bulky waste, it will suffice that the
same be collected and placed in separate container/plastic bags and
in designated areas;
b. The solid container depending on its use shall be properly
marked or identified for on-site collection as “biodegradable” ,
“recyclable”’ or “special waste”, or any other classification as may be
determined by the CSWMB;

Section 10A.12.B. Establishing Mandatory Solid Waste

Diversion – The City SWM plan shall include an implementation
schedule which shows that within five (5) years after the effectivity of
this Ordinance; the City shall divert at least 25% of all solid waste from
waste disposal facilities through re-use, recycling, and composting

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activities and other resource recovery activities: Provided, that the

waste diversion goals shall be increased every three (3) years thereafter:
Provided, further, that nothing in this Section prohibits a City
Government and Barangay from implementing re-use, recycling, and
composting activities designed to exceed the goals.

Section 10A.12.C. Mandatory Segregation of Solid Wastes –

The City shall evaluate alternative roles for the public and private
sectors in providing collection services, type of collection system, or
combination of systems, that best meet their needs: Provided, that
segregation of wastes shall primarily be conducted at the source, to
include household, institutional, industrial, commercial and
agricultural sources: Provided, further, that waste shall be segregated
into the categories provided in this Ordinance.

For premises containing six (6) or more residential units;

hospitals; industries; educational institutions; markets and other large
scale commercial establishments, the CGSO and/or CSWMB shall
promulgate regulations requiring the owner or person in charge of such
premises to:

a. Provide for the residents a Materials Recovery Facility (MRF)

for temporary storage prior to collection by the Barangay/City
General Services Office (GSO) or private collector;
b. Notify all workers, employees, occupants and entities working
in the premises of the requirements of this Ordinance and the
regulations promulgated pursuant thereto; and
c. No scavenging or unauthorized collection in designated
segregation containers or areas shall be allowed.

Section 10A.13. Waste Generation and Storage - All waste generators

shall learn the kinds/classifications of solid wastes as defined in this

Section 10A.13.A. Residential Areas

a. The concerned resident shall ensure that the generated solid

waste shall be properly separated in three (3) enclosed
containers for “biodegradable”, “non-biodegradable” and
“special wastes”. The leftovers or kitchen refuse shall directly
be given to the animals as feeds or stored temporarily for
composting and/or biogas production.
b. Residents shall choose proper containers such as cans, sacks,
bags, bins, etc.; that will facilitate sanitary, efficient handling,

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storage, collection, transport or disposal at least cost. Food

waste shall be placed in covered cans or pails.
c. Public thoroughfares and grounds in front or in the vicinity of
residential houses shall be kept clean and tidy by the
owner/lessee of the house or building at all times.
d. Trees, shrubs and other vegetation within the vicinity of
residences shall be regularly cared for and maintained to
minimize generated wastes/yard wastes and unpleasant

Section 10A.13.B. Commercial Areas (including markets/


a. The storage containers for segregated commercial wastes shall

be communal or individual with cover depending on its
location for collection and transport process. A Materials
Recovery Facility (MRF) shall be constructed/established if
b. The enclosed communal receptacle possibly on wheels shall
be located along the collection route where the generated
wastes shall be brought and stored by the stall lessee.
c. The lobby and fronting sidewalks/immediate grounds of
commercial establishments shall be maintained clean and
presentable by the owner/operator/lessee of the
establishments (shops, stalls, stores, restaurants, eateries,
billiard halls, folk houses, beer gardens, discos, cocktail
lounges, dancing halls, cabarets, bistros, etc.).

Section 10A.13.C. Institutional/Industrial Areas

a. The head of any institutional/industrial firm shall ensure the

proper and hygienic storage of generated and segregated
wastes in receptacles/containers, which shall be situated
along collection routes. All industries and institutions are
encouraged to establish ecoshed/MRFs.

b. Hazardous wastes shall be stored safely in good, durable, and

duly covered receptacles, which should be located in a
secured and distant site, prior to final collection/disposal
subject to existing laws, rules and regulations. It should be
properly labeled as “hazardous waste”.

Section 10A.13.D. Agricultural Areas (Including farms for

livestock, poultry, etc.)

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Homogenous agricultural wastes (rice straws, corn cobs, leaves,

animal manure, etc.) shall be properly stockpiled/stored by the
concerned farmer.

Section 10A.14.Waste Processing and Resource Recovery

Section 10A.14.A. Residential Areas

a. Segregated recyclables shall be properly stored before

collection. These recyclables shall be collected separately and
brought to recycling centers, eco-centers or junk dealers.
b. Local waste managers shall be designated in every Barangay
by the CSWMB who shall oversee the collection of recyclables
and shall be responsible in coordinating with accredited
dealers or manufactures of recycled product.
c. Food and kitchen refuse shall be collected as fodder or feeds
for animals, those that are not suitable as fodder shall be
composted at source.
d. Residents shall not practice open burning of solid wastes and
adopt recycling, re-use, practicing the F’s scheme (feed,
fermentable, food and fuel). Fuel materials from households
waste consists of two kinds:

1. Firewood Material – consists of twigs, branches,

leaves, husks, shell, cobs, chaff, saw dust, wood shavings,
soiled papers, bagasse, stalks, etc.; and
2. Flammable Gas – produced by anaerobic
decomposition of all biomass or biodegradable materials in
biogas digester.

Section 10A.14.B. Commercial Areas

a. Segregation of wastes from commercial areas (shopping malls,

restaurants, commercial complexes, recreational centers, etc.)
shall be mandatory before issuance of or renewal of business
permits from the City Government.
b. Markets/agoras shall adopt a segregation scheme that will
facilitate the segregation of recyclables, biodegradables like
food/vegetables wastes, non-recyclables, etc.
c. Biodegradable wastes may be composted at the commercial
area’s MRF, if any, or may be collected for recovery at the
Barangay MRF. Food wastes from commercial centers (e.g.
food centers, restaurants, canteens, etc.) shall be collected as
fodder/animal feeds and shall not be disposed to sewers.
d. To encourage proper implementation, incentives in the form of
rebates may be provided to consumers who will adhere to the

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ordinance. Owners and operators may be given incentives like

discounts on hauling services by the City government when a
50% diversion rate is met.

Section 10A.14.C. Industrial/Institutional

a. All industrial and institutional establishments are mandated

to temporarily store their segregated wastes at the
MRFs/ecoshed prior to collection to avoid foul odors and
proliferation of flies.
b. Schools (both private and public) shall adopt appropriate
resource recovery and recycling strategies.

Section 10A.14.D. Agricultural Area (Including farms for

livestock, poultry, etc.)

a. Agricultural wastes (e.g. rice straws, corn, etc.) shall not be

burned but shall be stockpiled in a proper location
composted. Animal manure can also be composted or used for
biogas production.

Section 10A.15.Collection and Transportation of Solid Wastes

Section 10A.15.A Residential Areas

a. The concerned resident shall ensure that the solid wastes are
brought out in front of his gate/door and/or along the
collection route of the collection vehicle/cart, during the
collection period.
b. He/she shall report to the Barangay and/or to the City
General Services Office (GSO) or concerned official for any
uncollected solid waste within the vicinity of his/her
c. Garbage not segregated and place in approved container by
the City shall not be collected and shall be treated as disposed
of in violation of the anti-littering provision of this ordinance
and shall be penalized accordingly.
d. The specific date and hour of garbage collection in particular
location shall be scheduled and announced for strict
compliance by all concerned.

Section 10A.15.B. Commercial Areas

a. The owner/operator/lessee of any enterprise shall be

responsible for the timely positioning of stored solid wastes
during collection period which shall be made known in

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advance by the proper authorities which shall likewise assist

wherever necessary in the sanitary means of loading wastes
for collection purposes.
b. He/she shall remind the Environmental/Sanitation Unit of
the General Services Office in the collection of uncollected
solid wastes and other related matters.

Section 10A.15.C. Institutional/Industrial Areas

a. The head of any institutional/industrial establishment shall

assist the City Government in the orderly and sanitary way of
collecting and transporting its solid waste (if necessary) shall
be duly coordinated with the government agencies concerned
with such type of waste.

Section 10A.16.Disposal of Solid Wastes

Section 10A.16.A. Residential, Commercial and Institutional


a. Incineration or open burning of solid waste is hereby

prohibited. Residuals of solid wastes after resource recovery,
recycling and composting shall be disposed of by sanitary
land filling or to an alternative waste management facility.
b. Illegal dumping of solid waste along streets, alleys,
riverbanks, and in any public places shall be strictly

Section 10A.16.B. Industrial Wastes

a. Hazardous waste shall be buried only after getting the proper

assistance/guidance from concerned government agencies.

Other hazardous waste shall be disposed in accordance

with the laws, rules, regulations and guidelines of the
concerned government agencies like the Environment
Management Bureau of the Department of Environment and
Natural Resources (DENR-EMB), Department of Health (DOH),
Philippine National Research Institute (PNRI) and General
Services Office (GSO).


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Province of Pangasinan



Section 10A.17. Establishment of City Materials Recovery Facility –

There shall be established a Materials Recovery Facility (MRF) in every
Barangay or cluster of barangays. The facility shall be established in a
Barangay-owned or leased land or any suitable open space to be determined
by the Barangay through its Sanggunian.

For this purpose, the Barangay or cluster of Barangay shall allocate a

certain parcel of land for the MRF. The determination of site and actual
establishment of the facility shall likewise be subject to the guidelines and
criteria set by CGSO/CSWMB pursuant to this Ordinance. The MRF shall
receive biodegradable wastes for composting and mixed non-biodegradable
wastes for final segregation, re-use, and recycling. Provided, that each type of
mixed wastes is collected from the source and transported to the MRF in
separate containers.

The resulting residual wastes shall be transferred to a long-term

storage or conversion or disposal facility or sanitary landfill.

Section 10A.18. Guidelines for Establishment of Materials Recovery

– Materials recovery facilities shall be designed to receive, sort, process, and
store compostable and recyclable materials efficiently and in an
environmentally sound manner. The facility shall address the following

a. The building and/or land layout and equipment must be

designed to accommodate efficient and safe materials processing,
movement, and storage; and
b. The building must be designed to allow efficient and safe external
access and to accommodate internal flow.

Shall be established and operated within the jurisdiction of the City,

nor any practice or disposal of solid waste by any person, which
constitute the use of open dumps for solid waste, be allowed after the
effectivity of this ordinance.

Section 10A.19. Permit for Solid Waste Management Facility

Construction and Expansion – No person shall commence operation,
including site preparation and construction of a new solid waste management
facility or the expansion of an existing facility until said person obtains an
Environmental Compliance Certificate (ECC) from the Department of
Environment and Natural Resources pursuant to P.D. 1586 and other
permits and clearances from the City and from concerned agencies.


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Section 10A.20. Solid Waste Management Fund- There is hereby

created, as a special account in the City Treasury, a Solid Waste
Management Fund to be administered by the CSWMB. Such fund shall be
sourced from the following:

a. Fines and penalties imposed, proceeds permits and licenses issued

by the City under this Ordinance. Donations, endowments, grants
and contributions from domestic and foreign sources; and
b. Amounts specially appropriated for the Fund under the Annual
Budget of the city.

The Fund shall be used to finance the following:

1. Products, facilities, technologies and processes to enhance
proper solid waste management;
2. Awards and incentives;
3. Research programs;
4. Information, education, communication and monitoring

Section 10A.21. Establishment of Local SWM Fund - Barangay

councils may enact council resolutions/ordinances for the creation of a Local
Solid Waste Management Fund (also known as the Local Fund), pursuant to
the relevant provisions of RA 7160. The Local fund shall be derived from the
collection of fines. The ordinance may vest authority in the Local SWM Board
to administer the Local Fund as a special account of the Barangay, and to
develop pertinent guidelines on the management of the Local Fund.
In no case of clustered Barangays, a governing Memorandum of
agreement of the cluster may be created in addition to ordinance, stipulating
that the Local SWM Cluster Board shall administer the Local Fund.
Moreover, stipulating that the Local SWM Cluster Board shall develop
schemes to sustain the Local Fund including resource generating ventures
and placing appropriate monies as Trust.
The ordinance may stipulate that reporting on the status of the Local
Fund be transparent and that a report be issued annually, to the City Solid
Waste Management Board. The Local SWM Cluster Board may conduct the
same process of reporting. Further, the ordinance may include, however,
shall not be limited to the following provisions:

Section 10A.22. Sources and Use of the Local SWM Fund - Funds
that will constitute the Local SWM Fund can be sourced from the following:

a. Donations, endowments, grants and contributions from

domestic and foreign sources.
b. Allocation of fines collected.

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c. Fees collected from provision of solid waste services such as

collection, recycling, and transport among others.
d. Sub-contracting fees including management, transport and
others, as stipulated in the contract or Memorandum of Agreement
of SWM services, respectively.
e. City may allocate fund from the 20% Development Fund for
waste management.

The Local Fund may be used to support endeavors, which enhance

the implementation of this Ordinance. These may include activities/projects
on the following:

a. Products, facilities, technologies and processes to enhance

proper solid waste management.
b. Research activities.
c. Information, education, communication and monitoring
d. Capability building activities.

Section 10A.23. Solid Waste Management Fees. There is hereby

imposed fees in the amount sufficient to pay the cost of preparing, adopting
and implementing the Zero Waste Ordinance.

The fees shall be collected from every household owners/lessees,

commercial, industrial and institutional establishments located within the
area covered by the garbage collection area.

The fee imposed in this Ordinance shall be paid to the City Treasurer
or his/her authorized representative either monthly, quarterly or semi-
annually or annually. Schedule of payment/s shall be as follows:

> monthly basis - it shall be paid on or before 5 th day of every


> quarterly basis - it shall be paid within 1st five (5) days of
January, April, July and October;

> semi-annual basis - it shall be paid within 1st five (5) days of
January and 1st five (5) days of July;

> annually - it shall be paid within the first twenty (20)

days of January of every year.

A 10% discount shall be given to those who will pay on an annual basis
following the schedule of payment.

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Province of Pangasinan



The fees collected shall be used to pay the actual costs incurred
by the City Government(General Services Office) that are directly related to
the adoption and implementation of the City Solid Waste Management Plan,
the setting and collection of Local fees.


10% Actual
Waste Generators/Source Monthly Annually
discount Annual Dues

I Industrial and
Manufacturing Firm

A. Big industries such as metal 1,500.00 18,000.00 1,800.00 16,200.00

smelting plant, Bottling
company, food-processing
plant, etc.;

B. Medium scale, big scale 750.00 9,000.00 900.00 8,100.00

furniture manufacturers,
garment factory, concrete and
asphalt mixing plants, tire
recapping plant, LPG
recharging plants, etc.;

C. Small scale industries, rice, 350.00 4,200.00 420.00 3,780.00

corn, and feed mills,
manufacturers of bricks tiles,
ceramic pipe and other
concrete products, bihon,
miswa, noodles
manufacturing, etc.

II Institutions

A. Educational Institutions

1 Universities, Colleges, 400.00 4,800.00 480.00 4,320.00

vocational schools, tertiary
education only

Republic of the Philippines
Province of Pangasinan



2 Universities, Colleges, tertiary

education with:

a. High School, Elementary, 1,146.96 13,763.52 1,376.35 12,387.17

and Pre-Elementary

b. High School and 860.22 10,322.64 1,032.26 9,290.38


c. High School and Pre- 860.22 10,322.64 1,032.26 9,290.38


d. Elementary and Pre- 860.22 10,322.64 1,032.26 9,290.38


e. High School 860.22 10,322.64 1,032.26 9,290.38

f. Elementary 573.48 6,881.76 688.18 6,193.58

g. Pre-elementary/ Nursery 573.48 6,881.76 688.18 6,193.58


3 High Schools 286.74 3,440.88 344.09 3,096.79

4 Elementary, Kinder or 286.74 3,440.88 344.09 3,096.79

Nursery Schools

5 Physical Fitness Schools 286.74 3,440.88 344.09 3,096.79

B. Medical Institutions

1 Hospital 510.00 6,120.00 612.00 5,508.00

2 Medical Clinics with patient 400.00 4,800.00 480.00 4,320.00

confinement facilities, Lying-

3 Medical and Dental Clinic, X- 300.00 3,600.00 360.00 3,240.00

Ray, Ultrasound, CT Scan,
Laboratory Clinics

4 Drug Stores 129.00 1,548.00 154.80 1,393.20

5 Optometrist Shop 129.00 1,548.00 154.80 1,393.20

6 Animal/Veterinary Clinics 129.00 1,548.00 154.80 1,393.20

III. Commercial Establishments

1 Malls 15,000.00 180,000.00 18,000.00 162,000.00

2 Mart/Supermarket and the 12,000.00 144,000.00 14,400.00 129,600.00


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3 Public Market 15,000.00 180,000.00 18,000.00 162,000.00

4 Private Market

a. Not more than 50 stalls 10,000.00 120,000.00 12,000.00 108,000.00

b. With 51-100 stalls 12,000.00 144,000.00 14,400.00 129,600.00

c. With 101 stalls and up 15,000.00 180,000.00 18,000.00 162,000.00

5 Dry Goods/Grocery Store 200.00 2,400.00 240.00 2,160.00

6 Fast Food Stores

a. small/medium scale like 200.00 2,400.00 240.00 2,160.00

burger stands, mobile food
stores and the like

b. large scale like Mc 1,667.00 20,004.00 2,000.40 18,003.60

Donalds, Jollibee,
Chowking and the Like

7 Hotels, motels and the like

a. with restaurant and other 500.00 6,000.00 600.00 5,400.00

recreational amenities

b. without restaurant and 300.00 3,600.00 360.00 3,240.00

other recreational

8 Restaurants

a. small/medium scale 200.00 2,400.00 240.00 2,160.00

restaurants like
Carenderia and Eateries

b. large scale restaurants like 300.00 3,600.00 360.00 3,240.00

Eat's a Deal, Cindy's
Bakery and restaurant and
the Like

9 Gasoline and Service Station 114.00 1,368.00 136.80 1,231.20

10 Lumberyard and Hardware 114.00 1,368.00 136.80 1,231.20

11 Motor Vehicle Dealer 114.00 1,368.00 136.80 1,231.20

12 Appliance Dealer 114.00 1,368.00 136.80 1,231.20

13 Fish, Meat and Chicken 114.00 1,368.00 136.80 1,231.20


14 Vegetables and Fruits 114.00 1,368.00 136.80 1,231.20

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Province of Pangasinan




15 Glassware & Aluminum Store 114.00 1,368.00 136.80 1,231.20

16 Bakeries and Bakeshops 114.00 1,368.00 136.80 1,231.20

17 Shoe Store 114.00 1,368.00 136.80 1,231.20

18 Barber and Beauty Shops 114.00 1,368.00 136.80 1,231.20

19 Dress and Tailoring Shops 114.00 1,368.00 136.80 1,231.20

20 Flower Shop 114.00 1,368.00 136.80 1,231.20

21 Music and Record Shop 114.00 1,368.00 136.80 1,231.20

22 Copying Machines, Wood 114.00 1,368.00 136.80 1,231.20

Frames, and Photography

23 Pet Shop 114.00 1,368.00 136.80 1,231.20

24 LPG Stores 114.00 1,368.00 136.80 1,231.20

25 Auto Supply 114.00 1,368.00 136.80 1,231.20

26 Book Stores and School 114.00 1,368.00 136.80 1,231.20


Energy, Transport and

Communication Firm

27 Bus Companies with 300.00 3,600.00 360.00 3,240.00


28 Electric Companies 200.00 2,400.00 240.00 2,160.00

29 Telephone and 200.00 2,400.00 240.00 2,160.00


30 Water Service Companies 200.00 2,400.00 240.00 2,160.00

Wholesales and Dealers

31 Chicken Dealer with Chicken 500. 6,000.00 600.00 5,400.00

Dressing fauses 00

32 Coconut and Buko Dealer 200. 2,400.00 240.00 2,160.00

with Wholesale 00

33 Beer and Soft drinks Dealer 114.00 1,368.00 136.80 1,231.20

34 Meat Dealer 114.00 1,368.00 136.80 1,231.20

35 Fruit and Vegetable Dealer 120.00 1,440.00 144.00 1,296.00

Republic of the Philippines
Province of Pangasinan



Financial Firms

36 Banks 114.00 1,368.00 136.80 1,231.20

37 Financing, Lending and 114.00 1,368.00 136.80 1,231.20

Credit Loan

38 Pawnshop and Jewelry Shop 114.00 1,368.00 136.80 1,231.20

39 Insurance Companies/ 114.00 1,368.00 136.80 1,231.20


Communication Firm

40 TV and Radio Stations 114.00 1,368.00 136.80 1,231.20

Entertainment Firms

41 Cinemas 120.00 1,440.00 144.00 1,296.00

42 Cockpit Arenas 120.00 1,440.00 144.00 1,296.00

43 Night Clubs, Pub house, 120.00 1,440.00 144.00 1,296.00

Cabarets and Karaoke

44 Billiards and Pool Rooms 114.00 1,368.00 136.80 1,231.20

45 Video Game Shop 114.00 1,368.00 136.80 1,231.20

46 Computer Shop 114.00 1,368.00 136.80 1,231.20

47 Bowling Alley 114.00 1,368.00 136.80 1,231.20

48 Swimming Resort with 114.00 1,368.00 136.80 1,231.20

entrance fee


49 Accounting, Lawyers, Civil 114.00 1,368.00 136.80 1,231.20

State, Advertising


50 Nursery Orchids and Flower 114.00 1,368.00 136.80 1,231.20


51 Piggery, Poultry and other 114.00 1,368.00 136.80 1,231.20

Agricultural Farms

Repair Shops

52 Motor Vehicle Repair Shop 114.00 1,368.00 136.80 1,231.20

53 Battery and Electrical Shop 114.00 1,368.00 136.80 1,231.20

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Province of Pangasinan




54 Appliance Repair Shop 114.00 1,368.00 136.80 1,231.20

55 Machine Shop 114.00 1,368.00 136.80 1,231.20

56 Brake and Clutch Bonding 114.00 1,368.00 136.80 1,231.20


57 Vulcanizing Shop 114.00 1,368.00 136.80 1,231.20


58 Gravel and Sand 114.00 1,368.00 136.80 1,231.20

59 Iron and Metal Craft 114.00 1,368.00 136.80 1,231.20

60 Sash and Woodcraft 114.00 1,368.00 136.80 1,231.20

61 Coffin/Casket Maker 114.00 1,368.00 136.80 1,231.20

62 Memorial Park /Funeral 200.00 2,400.00 240.00 2,160.00


63 Parking Lot with Parking Fee 114.00 1,368.00 136.80 1,231.20

64 Furniture Stores 114.00 1,368.00 136.80 1,231.20

65 Junk shops 500.00 6,000.00 600.00 5,400.00

IV Household/s 38.50 462.00 46.20 415.80

Section 10A.24. Collection and Retention of Fines – the collection of

fines under Section 24 of this Ordinance may be conducted by the CSWM
Board. The collection shall be receipted and deposited under CSWM Fund.
The procedure of disbursement shall be defined by the Board.

Section 10A.25. Special Account – the CSWM Board shall establish

appropriate special accounts for the fines, fees, donations and other various
collected or generated under this Ordinance.


Republic of the Philippines
Province of Pangasinan



Section 10A.26. Prohibited Acts - The following Acts are prohibited:

1. Undertaking activities or operating, collecting or

transporting equipment in violation of sanitation operation and
other requirements or permits set forth in or established pursuant
to the Ordinance;
2. The open burning of solid waste;
3. Causing or permitting the collection of non-segregated
or unsorted waste
4. Squatting in open dumps and landfills;
5. Open dumping, burying of biodegradable or non-
biodegradable materials in flood prone areas;
6. Unauthorized removal of recyclable material intended
for collection by authorized persons;
7. The mixing of source-separated recyclable material with
other solid waste in any vehicle, box, container or receptacle used
in solid waste collection or disposal;
8. Establishment or operation of open dumps as enjoined
in the Ordinance, or closure of said dumps in violation of Sec. 6 of
the Ordinance;
9. The manufacture, distribution or use of non-
environmentally acceptable packaging materials;
10. Importation of consumer products packaged in non-
environmentally acceptable materials;
11. Importation of toxic wastes misrepresented as
“recyclable” or “with recyclable content”;
12. Transport and dumping in bulk of collected domestic,
industrial, commercial, institutional wastes in areas other than
centers of facilities prescribed under this Ordinance;
13. Site preparation, construction, expansion or operation
of waste management facilities without an Environmental
Compliance Certificate required pursuant to Presidential Decree
No. 1586 and the Ordinance not conforming with the Land Use
Plan of the LGU.

Section 10A.27. Specific Prohibition Against the use of Open Dumps

for Solid Waste - No open dumps shall be established and operated, nor any
practice or disposal of solid waste by any person, including LGU’s, which
constitutes the use of open dumps for solid waste, be allowed.

Section 10A.28. Littering - No person shall litter, throw, dump, place,

scatter waste, refuse or garbage, paper trash, plastic bags of any kind,
cigarette butts, empty cigarette packs, candy/bread wrapper, empty boxes,
packages, matchsticks, banana-que sticks, barbeque sticks and the like,
plastic cups, food packages, disposable diapers, etc., masticated chewing

Republic of the Philippines
Province of Pangasinan



gum, and the like; animal or human waste, in any streets, public building or
property, public market, inside public vehicles, parks, plazas – including
waterways, creeks, canals, brooks, gutter, esteros and riverbanks, not
otherwise designated as garbage dumping areas/trash cans/receptacles.

a. The apprehending officer (POSO) shall issue tickets/ receipts/

citation to violators of this Ordinance, remit the collection to the
Office of the Treasurer. The fines and penalties collected shall
accrue to the Solid Waste Management Fund of the City.

Section 10A.29. Fines and Penalties

a. Any person who violates Sec. 27, pars. (1) and (2)
shall, upon conviction, be punished with a fine of not less than
Three Hundred Pesos (Php300.00) but not more than One thousand
pesos (Php1,000.00) or imprisonment of not less than three (3) days
to not more than fifteen (15) days, or both such fine and
imprisonment at the discretion of the court;
b. Any person who violates Section. 27 par. (3) shall
be fined as follows:

1. 1st offense – Php 500.00 plus reparation for damages made

plus damages.
2. 2nd offense – Php 1,000.00 plus reparation for damages made
plus damages.
3. 3rd offense – Php 1,500.00, imprisonment of 3 days or both
such fine and imprisonment upon the discretion
of the court plus reparation for damages made
plus damages.

c. Any person who violates Sec. 27, pars. (4), (5), (6)
and (7) shall, upon conviction, be punished with a fine on not less
One thousand pesos (Php1,000.00) but not more than Three
thousand pesos (Php 3,000.00) or imprisonment of not less than
fifteen (15) days but not more than six (6) months, or both such fine
and imprisonment at the discretion of the court;
d. Any person who violates Sec. 27, pars. (8), (9), (10)
and (11) for the first time shall, upon conviction, pay a fine of Five
thousand pesos (Php5,000.00) plus an amount not less than five
percent (5%) but not more than ten percent (10%) of his net annual
income during the previous year.

The additional penalty of imprisonment of a minimum period of one

(1) year shall be imposed for second or subsequent violations of Sec.
39, paragraphs (9) and (10).

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Province of Pangasinan



e. Any persons who violates Sec. 27, pars (12) and

(13), shall, upon conviction be punished with a fine of not less than
Five thousand pesos (Php 5,000.00) or imprisonment of not less
than fifteen (15) days but not more than one (1) year, or both such
fine and imprisonment at the discretion of the court;
f. Any person who violates Sec. 28 shall, upon
conviction, be punished with a fine not more than Five thousand
pesos (Php 5,000.00) or imprisonment of not more than six (6)
months, or both such fine and imprisonment at the discretion of the
g. Any person who violates Sec. 29 shall be punished
with the fines and penalties stipulated in section 6 of Ordinance No.
2011-08 or the Anti-Littering Ordinance of the City of Alaminos.

If the offense is committed by a corporation, partnership, or other

juridical entity duly organized in accordance with law, the chief executive
officer, president, general manager, managing partner or such other officer-
in-charge shall be liable for the commission of the offense penalized under
this Ordinance.
If the offender is an alien, he shall after service of the sentence
prescribed above, be deported without further administrative proceedings.
The fine herein prescribed shall be increased by at least ten percent
(10%) every three (3) years to compensate for inflation and to maintain
different function of such fines.
For habitual violations, who are willfully violating any provision in this
ordinance shall upon conviction be punished by a fine of Php 3,000.00 or by
imprisonment of 15 days or both at the discretion of the court.


Section 10A.30. Citizens Suits - For purpose of enforcing the

provisions of this Ordinance or its implementing rules and regulations, any
citizen may file an appropriate civil, criminal or administrative action in the
proper courts/bodies against:

a. Any person who violates or fails to comply with the provisions of

this Ordinance or its implementing rules and regulations
b. The Department or other implementing agencies with respect to
orders, rules and regulations issued inconsistent with this
Ordinance; and/or
c. Any public officer who willfully or grossly neglects the
performance of an Ordinance specifically enjoined as a duty by this
Ordinance or its implementing rules and regulations; or abuse his

Republic of the Philippines
Province of Pangasinan



authority in the performance of his duty; or in any manner,

improperly performs his duties under this Ordinance or its
implementing rules and regulations; Provided, however, that no suit
can be filed until after thee (3) notices had been given to public
officer and the alleged violator concerned and no appropriate action
has been taken thereon.

The Court shall exempt such action from the payment of filing fees and
shall, likewise, upon prima facie showing of the non-enforcement or violation
complained of, exempt the plaintiff from the filing of an injunction bond for
the issuance of a preliminary injunction.
In the event that the citizen should prevail, the Court shall award
reasonable attorney’s fees, moral damages and litigation costs as appropriate.

Section 10A.31. Public Education and Information – The City

Government through the CSWMB/CGSO, City Information Office, Barangay
Solid Waste Management Committee (BSWMC), shall, in coordination with
Community Environment and Natural Resources Office (CENRO), DepEd,
TESDA, CHED, DILG and PIA, conduct a continuing education and
information campaign on solid waste management. Such education and
information program shall not be limited to the following;

a. Aim to develop public awareness of the ill effects of and

community-based solution to the solid waste problem;
b. Concentrate on activities which are feasible and which will
have the greatest impact on the solid waste problem of the country,
like resource conservation and recovery, recycling, segregation at
source, re-use, reduction and composting of solid waste; and
c. Encourage the general public, accredited NGO’s and
people’s organizations to publicly endorse and patronize
environmentally acceptable products and packaging materials.
Section 10A.32. Business and Industry Role – The City
Government/CSWMB shall encourage commercial and industrial
establishment, through appropriate incentives other than tax incentives, to
initiate, participate and invest in integrated ecological solid waste
management projects, to manufacture environment – friendly products, to
introduce, develop and adopt innovative processes that shall recycle and re-
use materials, conserve raw materials and energy, reduce waste, and prevent
pollution and to undertake community activities to promote and propagate
effective solid waste management practices.
Section 10A.33. Incentives – Rewards of monetary or otherwise shall
be given to individuals, private organizations and entities, including non-
government organizations that have undertaken outstanding and innovative

Republic of the Philippines
Province of Pangasinan



projects, technologies, processes and techniques or activities in the re-use,

recycling and reduction of wastes.
The incentives schemes shall be based on Chapter IV Section 45 of R.A.
9003 – The Philippine Ecological Solid Wastes Management Act of 2000.
Section 10A.34. Appropriations – For the initial operating expenses of
the CSWMB as well as the expenses of the General Services Office (GSO) to
carry out the mandate of this Ordinance, the amount of Two Million Pesos
(Php 2,000,0000.00) is hereby appropriated from any fund available.
Thereafter, it shall be incorporated in the City Treasury annually in the
Annual Budget of the City.


Section 10B.01. Coverage – it shall apply to all open and covered

public and private places such as but not limited to public market, alleys,
roads, parks, sidewalks, watercourses and buildings, 8offices, immediate
surroundings, establishments, rivers, canals or esteros, drainage and other
water outlets

Section 10B.02. Definitions:

For the purpose of this Article, the following terms, phrases, words and
their derivations shall have the meaning given herein:

a. Litter - is garbage, refuse, and rubbish and all other waste material
which, if thrown or deposited as herein prohibited, tends to create a
danger to public health, safety and welfare.
b. Domestic waste – are food residues, food preparation wastes and
spoilages, paper and other paper products, metals, plastic and
rubber, rugs and clothes, process residues, yard trimming and
c. Junk vehicles and appliances – are those abandoned vehicles and
metal products such as refrigerators, air conditioners, television,
d. Industrial wastes – are organic and inorganic residues, hazardous
and toxic materials and chemicals, metals and woods

Republic of the Philippines
Province of Pangasinan



e. Special Wastes – are bulky wastes, sewage residues, street

sweepings, pollution control residues, pathological/hospital wastes,
construction and demolition debris
f. Open public place – are roads, streets, sidewalks, easements,
parks including the Hundred Islands National Park (HINP) and other
open spaces, bridges, alleys, overpasses, rivers, creeks, canals,
drainage, esteros, waterways, and other bodies of water and outlets.
g. Covered public & private places – includes schools, colleges,
universities, museums, clinics, health centers, dispensaries,
laboratories, government or private offices, auditoriums/stadium/
gymnasium/session halls, churches, convention centers, theaters/
movie houses/ studios, bar, restaurants/ cocktail lounges/canteen/
kiosk, and other enclosed public eating places, dance halls/ disco
houses, day and night clubs, beer/pub houses, hotels, motels
department stores, markets/groceries, factories, places and other
covered places where people stay or gather for political, social,
education, religious, sports or entertainment purposes.
h. Immediate surroundings – refers to the frontage, including up to
the mid-span of the road, street, alley or avenue (excluding
highways and major thoroughfares) from the edge of the street
gutter, sidewalks of residential houses, dwelling units,
business/commercial establishments or offices whether private or
i. River, canals, drainage and other water outlets – refers to all
waterways and water outlets within the jurisdictional boundaries of
the City of Alaminos.
j. Street and Sidewalk obstructions – mean any form of waste
which is immovable and bulky in nature because of its size and
weight which may obstruct or impede the free flow of traffic and

Section 10B.03. Prohibitions.

1. Littering
a. No person shall litter, throw, dump, place, scatter waste, refuse
or garbage, (like paper trash, plastic bags of any kind, cigarette
butts, empty cigarette packs, candy/bread wrapper, empty
boxes, packages, matchsticks, banana-que sticks, barbeque
sticks, plastic cups, food packages, disposable diapers,

Republic of the Philippines
Province of Pangasinan



masticated chewing gum and the like) and domestic, industrial

and special wastes in any public places (open and covered public
places) and immediate surroundings, including vacant lots,
rivers, canals, drainage and other water ways (as defined in
Section 3 of this Ordinance) not otherwise designated as garbage
dumping areas/trash cans/receptacles.
b. No person shall urinate and defecate in public places.
c. The owners/residents, lessees or occupants of residential
houses/dwelling units, vacant lots; the owners, proprietors,
operators/ administrators of dormitories, condominiums,
commercial buildings and offices whether private or public
institutions like schools and churches are obliged everyday to
sweep, clean and to maintain the cleanliness of their respective
frontage and immediate surroundings, including the sidewalks
and street gutters fronting their premises as defined in Section 3
d. No person/entity shall bring out garbage on the property line of
residential and commercial establishments or any part of the
road. It shall be brought outside only upon arrival of the
authorized garbage hauling trucks in their respective localities.
e. It is unlawful for any person/entity to place, store, dump,
construction wastes or debris, junked or under repair vehicles,
dilapidated appliances and other immovable objects in any part
of the road, street or avenue or in any sidewalk which may
obstruct or impede the vehicular and pedestrian traffic.
f. It is unlawful for any person/s, private and public corporations,
advertising and promotions companies, movie producers,
professionals and service contractors to post, install, display any
kind or form of billboards, sign posters, streamers, professional
service advertisements and other visual clutters in any part of
the road, sidewalk, center island, posts, parks and open space
without permission/notice from the City Government or
concerned Barangay. Posting, installing or displaying in trees is
strictly prohibited.

2. Throwing litter from vehicles

a. No person, while a driver or passenger in any commercial and
transportation facilities or public utility vehicle, shall throw,
spill, scatter or deposit litter on any part of the road, street or

Republic of the Philippines
Province of Pangasinan



other public places within the city, or upon private property, on

their way to their destination.
b. The owners, operators, drivers and conductors of public utility
vehicles plying within the City are obliged to clean and maintain
the cleanliness of their respective vehicles at all times and to
provide a modest trash receptacles inside their vehicles.

3. Deposit of litter, mud or any foreign matter from moving

vehicles upon streets and other places
a. No person shall drive or move any truck or other vehicle within
the city unless such vehicle is so constructed or loaded as to
prevent any load, contents or litter being blown or deposited
upon any street, alley or other public place.

4. Sweeping accumulated litter into streets, waterways, creeks,

canals, gutters, brooks, esteros and riverbanks
a. No person shall sweep into or deposit in any gutter or other
public place within the city the accumulation of litter from any
building or lot or from any public or private sidewalk or driveway.

b. No person owning or occupying a place of business shall sweep

into or deposit in any gutter, street or any other public place
within the city the accumulation of liter from any building or lot
or from any public or private sidewalk or driveway. Persons
owning or occupying the places of business within the city shall
keep the sidewalk in front of their business premises free of

Section 10B.04. Enforcement - The implementation and enforcement

of this Ordinance shall be spearheaded by the Local Government Unit’s City
Health Office-Sanitation Section and City General Services Office-Solid Waste
Management Section in cooperation of the City Tourism Office, City
Agriculture Office-Coastal Resource Management Section, City Engineering
Office and Business Permit and Licensing Office and the Barangay Council.
The apprehending officer (Peace and Order and Safety Office and/or
Philippine National Police) shall issue tickets/receipts/citation to violators of
this Ordinance, remit the collection to the Office of the Treasurer. The fines
and penalties collected shall accrue to the General Fund of the City.

Republic of the Philippines
Province of Pangasinan



Section 10B.05. Fines and Penalties

1. Any person who violates paragraphs a, c and d, Section 1.1 of this

Ordinance be punished with a fine of Php 100.00 and shall pick-
up/clean their litter thrown and/or reparation for damages made
plus damages.

Failure to pay the administrative fine, the violator shall be

penalized, after conviction, by a fine of One Thousand Pesos
(Php1,000.00) or imprisonment of three (3) to seven(7) days of
arresto menor or both at the discretion of the court.

2. Any person who violates paragraphs b, e, and f, Section 1.1 of this

Ordinance be punished with a fine of Php 500.00 and shall pick-
up/clean the litter thrown and/or reparation for damages made
plus damages

Failure to pay the administrative fine, the violator shall be

penalized, after conviction, by a fine of One Thousand Pesos
(Php1,000.00) or imprisonment of three (3) to seven (7) days arresto
menor or both at the discretion of the court.

3. Any person who violates Section 1.2 of this Ordinance be punished

with a fine of Php 1,000.00 and/or reparation of damages, made
plus damages

Failure to pay the administrative fine, the violator shall be

penalized, after conviction, by a fine of One Thousand Pesos
(Php1,000.00) or imprisonment of three (3) to seven (7) days of
arresto menor or both at the discretion of the court.

4. Any person who violates Section 3 and 4 of this Ordinance be

punished with a fine of Php 1,500.00 for the 1 st offense and
Php2,000.00 for the succeeding offense.

Failure to pay administrative fine the owner/resident/lessee or

occupant of a residential house/ dwelling unit/ proprietor/
manager of any business/commercial establishments after
conviction, shall be penalized by a fine of Two Thousand Pesos (Php

Republic of the Philippines
Province of Pangasinan



2,000.00) or imprisonment of seven (7) days to one (1) month of

arresto mayor or both at the discretion of the court.

5. For illegally dumping of bulky waste, industrial wastes and others of

similar nature that requires hauling, the violator shall be liable to
pay an additional hauling fee of Three Hundred Pesos (Php 300.00)
per cubic meter in addition to the penalty provided in Section 6

Section 10B.06. Public Education and Information - The City

Information Office, City Solid Waste Management Board/City General
Services Office (CSWMB/CGSO), City Health Office (CHO), City Tourism
Office and City Agriculture Office, Barangay Solid Waste Management
Committee (BSWMC), POSO and PNP, Community Environment and Natural
Resources Office (CENRO) shall, in coordination with DepEd, TESDA, CHED,
DILG and PIA, conduct a continuing education and information campaign on
waste disposal. Such education and information program shall:

a. Aim to develop public awareness of the ill effects of and community-

based solution to the indiscriminate dumping of wastes;
b. Encourage the general public, accredited NGO’s and people’s
organizations to publicly endorse practices that promote ecological



Section 10C.01. Definition of Terms. As used in this Article:

a. Motor vehicle - shall mean any vehicle propelled by any power
other than muscular power using the public highways, but
excepting road rollers, trolley cars, street sweepers, sprinklers, lawn
mowers, bulldozers, graders, forklifts, amphibian trucks, and
cranes, if not used on public highways, vehicles which run only on
rails or tracks, and tractors, trailers and traction engines of all
kinds used exclusively for agricultural purposes.
b. Driver - shall mean a person seated in front of the steering wheel and it
is in control of a motor vehicle while it is in motion and duly registered
and issued a driver’s license by the Land Transportation Office;

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Province of Pangasinan



c. Owner - shall mean the actual legal owner of a motor vehicle, in

whose name such vehicle is duly registered with Land
Transportation Office.
Section 10C.02. Special Provisions. All motorboat owners/ operators/
boatmen ferrying tourists/passengers to the island or other tourist spot shall
always wear a uniform marked “ADVENTURE HUNDRED ISLANDS”.
All motorboat for Tourists shall have a permit from the Mayor’s office
and accredited with the City Tourism Office.
All motorboat owners/operators/boatmen shall likewise secure a
Mayor’s permit before ferrying tourist/passengers to any tourist spot in the
City of Alaminos.
Section 10C.03. Prohibited Acts. It shall be unlawful for all operators/
owners/drivers of any motorized vehicle including motorboats, pedaled
tricycle and pushcarts carrying/ferrying tourist/passenger and cargoes,
operating in the City of Alaminos not to install/provide waste receptacle with
cover inside their motor vehicle, pedaled tricycle and pushcarts.
Section 10C.04. Regulated Acts. All motorboat owners/ operators/
boatmen are hereby required to provide their passengers (head of the group)
with plastic Trash bag with which to put their waste/trash and bring it back
(by Boatmen/operator) to Lucap Wharf for proper disposition.
All motorboat owners/operators/boatmen shall see to it that all his
passengers have paid the corresponding entrance fee before leaving Lucap
Bay or any other designated jump off point.
All motorboat owners/operators/boatmen shall require anyone who
claims exemption from the payment of entrance fee to show a written
permit/request from the City Mayor/Administrator.
Section 10C.05. Penalty. Any person found guilty for violation of any
provision of this Ordinance shall after conviction be punished with a fine of
not less than Php 1,000.00 or imprisonment of not more than six (6) months
or both upon the discretion of the Court.


Section 10D.01. Title. This Article REQUIRES BUSINESS


Section 10D.02. Scope of Coverage - All business establishment/stall

owners within the following areas are covered by this ordinance: (pursuant to
the approved Map)

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Province of Pangasinan



1. Entire Poblacion Commercial Districts

2. Lucap Commercial Districts, particularly along East Boulevard; and
a kilometer stretch of the national highway from Princess Urduja
Wharf towards Poblacion.
3. Palamis Commercial Districts, particularly along Marcos Avenue
from corner M. Montemayor St. to Corner De Guzman Street.

Section 10D.03. Regulated and Prohibited Acts.

1. Observe cleanliness and sanitation by cleaning their respective
premises at the end of every business day.
2. Collect their garbage in a black plastic bag and keep them until the
appointed time that the garbage truck arrive to collect them.
3. Garbage will be collected daily from 6:00 A.M. up to the last trip of
collection in the afternoon so that everyone concerned should watch
and wait for the arrival of the garbage truck using an authorized bell
for easy recognition.
4. No garbage should be seen exposed to the public, therefore, after the
hauling of waste /garbage by the garbage truck.

Section 10D.04. Penalty - Any establishment /stall owner who violates

the above ordinance shall upon conviction by the court be fined as follows:

First Offense – Php 250.00

Second Offense – Php 500.00
Third Offense – Php 1,000.00

or an imprisonment of three (3) months but not exceeding six months ;

or both, such fine and imprisonment at the discretion of the court.

Section 10D.05. Repealing Clause – All other ordinances, laws, orders

or decrees inconsistent or in conflict with any other provisions of this
ordinances is deemed repealed or modified accordingly.





Section 10E.02. Coverage - This Article applies to all residential

houses; commercial establishments such as hotels, restaurants,

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Province of Pangasinan



cinemahouse, public markets, department stores, groceries; institutions like

hospitals, schools, churches, public and private offices; industrial
establishments like factories, plants and other establishments of any kind;
and agricultural areas.

Section 10E.03. Authority and Purpose/Goals - It is enacted to

supplement the provisions of existing laws and ordinances related to solid
waste management.

Section 10E.04. Purpose

a. To guide, control and regulate the generation, storage, collection,

transportation and disposal of solid wastes within the locality and
promote an orderly and sanity system for the same.
b. To enhance the total environment of the locality through the
necessary control and mitigation of negative environmental impacts
of solid waste.
c. To promote and protect the health, safety, peace and convenience
and general welfare of the inhabitants of the municipality.
d. To minimize generation of solid waste possible resource
recovery/recycling and utilization by:
- Maximizing the use of goods and consumption of foods;
- Allocating fair inputs in the production of goods, foods and
- Encouraging the salvaging of possible “recoverable” from solid
wastes for re-use and/or recycling back to production processes;
- Encouraging the recycling and resource recovery of wastes in
own backyard through composting and biogas production; and
- Providing assistance and cooperation in the recycling of solid
waste in disposal sites.

Section 10E.05. Goal - The primary goal of this ordinance is to

enhance ecological balance of the community through sustainable and
integrated waste management.

Section 10E.06. Objectives

a. To ensure round-the-clock cleanliness through orderly and waste

b. To cease and desist from utilization of open garbage dumps which
serve as breeding places of insects causing disease, foul odors and
harmful fumes; emit “greenhouse gases” which contribute to global
warming and thinning of the ozone layer, generate “leachate” which
pollute soil and water resources; and creates unhealthy scavenging
activities in the vicinity;

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Province of Pangasinan



c. To eradicate unsightly, uncovered and overflowing waste containers

in streets, public places, and open spaces’
d. To maximize and optimize sanitary resource recovery for feeds, fuel,
materials, energy, etc; and
e. To minimize pollution arising from harmful gases, smoke,
particulates produces by needless burning/dumping; polluted
runoffs into water sources/supply; and hazardous substances.

Section 10E.07. Definition of Terms - Technical terms used in this

Article shall be deemed as follows:

a. Biodegradable – any material that can be reduces into finer

particles (degraded or decomposed) by microbiological organisms or
enzymes (synanimous with compostable).
b. Biogas digester – are of two kinds: the poso-negro, Taiwan tyoe or
the above-ground portable Valderia model. Biogas is a mixture of
methane, carbon dioxide, and traces of inert gases produced by the
fermentation of animal manure organic maste in an airtight
digester chamber.
c. Compost – decayed organic material for use as soil conditions or
d. Composting – biological degradation under controlled conditions;
the process of making biodeegradables such as food waste, garden
waste, animal waste, human waste, into compost by mixing them
with soil, water, biological additives/activators (optional) and air.
e. Domestic Waste – is the refuse from households, as distinguished
from industrial waste, agricultural waste, hospital waste, etc, which
may be classified as biodegradable (compostable) or non-
biodegradable (non-compostable).
f. Enzymes – a protein produced by cells, with substances to initiate
or accelerate chemical reactions in plants or animal matter, acting
like an organic catalyst.
g. Factory returnable – all non-biodegradables, non-compostable such
as tin cans/metals, bottles/glass including broken pieces;
plastic/styro-foam/rubber/dry paper/dry cardboard/dry
cloth/fiber/leather/feather/hard shells/hard bones, etc which are
segregated in separate containers or placed in one sack (cans,
bottles, containers already rinsed) and are sold/given away to
h. Feed materials – all food waste, peelings, veggie trims, fish entrails,
fowl innards, spoiled fruits, leftovers, egg shells, rice/fish/meat
washings, etc. that should be collected and kept in covered
containers as hog/chicken/duck/pets/fish feeds.

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Province of Pangasinan



i. Fermentables – fruit peelings, spoiled or over-ripe fruits, juices e.g.

buko juice, etc. are made into vinegar, wine or “nata-de-coco”,
nata-de-pena”, etc.
j. Fertilizer materials –all compostables or biodegradable such as
garden waste, (leaves, twigs, weeds), animal waste (manure,
carcasses), human waste (feces, urine, blood, all excreta, soiled
wipes, pads, diapers (remove plastic portions) etc., are made into
compost for organic gardening.
k. Filling materials – if efforts are exerted to find, not only the
maximum but also the optimum use of waste, hardly any will be
left as filling materials. Such materials may be compacted, mixed
with rice chaff and “binders” and use for appropriate construction
l. Fine crafts – many of the non-biodegradables could be used as
materials for handicrafts, cottage industries, art works, toys and
other livelihood projects such as paper mache, paper basketry, tin
craft, metal craft, plastic twine or rope braids, feather crafts,
wooden crafts, even “lahar” craft. Styrofoam melted in small
amount of gasoline solvent provides cheap glue of “binder” for
many of the projects.
m. Food material – include certain kinds of seeds, pulp, peelings, that
are made into pickels, “sweets” or candies, or snacks.
n. Functional facilities/equipment – useful equipment/facilities
devised or created from discards, throwaways, junks, craps, e.g
chairs, table, doormats, play equipment from rubber tires, roofing
from milk cans, flower pots, “planter” from plastic bags, sacks,
containers, etc.
o. Green charcoal – another form of fuel or grass charcoal
manufactured from comfortable, organic, cellulite material with the
use of enzymes to breakdown the lignin of binding material, after
which is model and, dried than used in charcoal-fed stoves.
p. Hazardous waste – special types of waste containing the chemical,
biological, and radiological elements which are harmful to human
q. Incineration – the controlled process by which combustibles wastes
are burned changes into gasses and residues that contains little or
no combustible materials.
r. Landfill leachate – the downward seeping of water through the
landfill carrying with it the dissolved water-soluble contents of the
waste which may be collected by the underground drainage of
water system.
s. Putrescible – a substance that decomposes at a certain
temperature in contact with air and moisture: generally containing

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Province of Pangasinan



t. Recycling – the resuse, retrieval, recommission of element/matter

for any and all purposes necessary to healthful and productive
living: the process by which wastes materials are transformed into
new products in such a manner that the original products may loss
their identity.
u. Resource recovery – the extraction of materials or energy from
v. Solid Waste – this includes anything thrown away, such as
garbage, rubbish, trash, litter, junk and refuse from any source
(homes, businesses, farms, industries, or institutions); this is a
discarded material with insufficient liquid content to flow.
Examples are those non-liquid wastes resulting from the domestic,
commercial, agricultural and industrial, activities which can be
divided into several components under two broad categories;
- Bio-degradable-compostable-putrescible, there are four (4)
groups of waste under this category such as: (a) food (cooking)
waste/kitchen waste; peelings, leftovers, vegetables trims,
fis/fowl/meat/animal entrails/innards/cleanings, soft shells,
seeds, etc.; (b) agricultural (garden) waste: leaves/flowers, twigs,
branches, stems, roots, trimmings, weeds, seeds/inedible fruits,
etc.; (c) animal waste: manure/urine, carcasses, etc. and (d)
human waste; excreta, soiled pads, sanitary napkins, etc.
- Non-biodegrable-compostable-putrescible. There are ten (10)
groups wase under this category: (a) metals: tin cans, aluminum,
iron, lead, copper, silver, etc.; (b) glasses: bottles, cullets (broken
glass), sheets (shards), minors, bulbs, etc.; (c) plastics:
polyethyrene (bags), polypropylene (straws/jute
sacks/containers, polyurethane (foam, mattress), polystyrene
(Styrofoam), polyvinyl (tubes, pipes, linoleum), polyacelate (fiber,
cloth, rayon), etc.; (e) papers: dry papers, cardboards, etc.; (f) dry
processed fibers: cloth, twine, etc. (g) dry leathers: skin, feathers,
etc.; (h) hard shells; (i) bones; and (j) rocks.
w. Solid Waste Management – the purposeful, systematic control of
the generation, storage, collection, transport, separation,
processing, recycling, recovery, and final disposal of solid waste.
x. Sorting at source – the segregation or separation of waste at the
point of generation or at the very place where they are produced,
into biodegradable and non-biodegradable.
y. Recycling of domestic waste – the full utilization of domestic waste
into factory-returnables (around 50-60%), feed (about 20%),
fertilizer (about 30%), fuels, fine crafts, fermentables, etc. with
little left for filling material. (Proportions vary the kind of
community, the more affluent the more factory returnables). This
includes both man-devised and nature designed recycling

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Province of Pangasinan



z. Zero waste resource management system – is an ecological method

of handling waste that does not degrade the environment nor
pollute the air, water and soil, and facilities their sanitary retrieval,
re-use or recycling.

Section 10E.08. Waste Generation and Storage

a. Residents shall learn the two (2) kinds of wastes: biodegradable
or compostable and non-biodegradable/non-compostable. These
two kinds shall be stored and segregated at the site or place
where they are generated.
b. The concerned resident shall ensure the generated solid waste
shall be properly separated in three (3) enclosed containers for
recoverable, left-overs/compostables and others. The leftovers or
kitchen refuse shall either be directly given to the animals as
feeds or stored temporarily for composting and/or biogas
c. Residents shall choose proper containers such as cans, sacks,
bags, bins, etc, that will facilitate sanitary, efficient handling,
storage collection, transport or disposal at least cost. Food waste
shall be placed in covered cans or pails. Garden and human
waste in sacks, cans and bags, and the non-compostable in
sacks, bags or boxes.
d. Public thoroughfares and grounds in front or in the vicinity of
residential houses shall be kept clean and tidy by the
owner/leases of the house or/building at all times.
e. Trees, shrubs and other vegetation within the vicinity of
residence shall be regularly cared for and maintained to
minimize generated wastes yard waste and unpleasant sight.


a. The storage containers for segregated commercial wastes shall be
communal or individual with cover depending on its location for
collection and transport process.
b. The enclosed communal receptacle possibly on wheels shall be
located along the collection route where the generated wastes
shall be brought and stored by the stall lessee.
c. The lobby and fronting sidewalks/immediate grounds of
commercial establishments shall be maintained clean and
presentable by the owner/operator/lessee of the establishments
(shops, stalls, stores, restaurants, cateries, billiard halls, folk
houses, beer gardens, discos, cocktail lounges, dancing halls,
cabarets, bistros, etc.)

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Province of Pangasinan



d. The fronting sidewalks and immediate areas of stalls/open

spaces of markets shall be kept clean and orderly by the lesses of
said stall/space at all times.

a. The head of any institutional/industrial firm shall ensure the
proper and hygienic storage of generated and segregated wastes
in receptacles/containers which shall be situated along collection
b. Hazardous wastes shall be stored safely in good, durable, and
duly covered receptacles which should be located in a secured
and distant site prior to that collection/disposal.
c. The head of any institutional/industrial/firm/establishment
shall be stored, collected and transported, and disposed of in
accordance with applicable, laws, guidelines, rules and
regulations of the Environmental Management Bureau (EMB-
DENR), Department of Health (DOH) and Philippine Nuclear
Research and Institute (PNRI).



Homogenous agricultural wastes (rice straws, corn cobs, leaves,

animal manure, etc.) shall be properly stockpiled/stored by the
concerned farmer.

Section 10. Prohibited Act - No person shall litter or scatter solid

waste in streets, highways, sidewalks and other public areas (parks,
playgrounds, rivers, etc). Solid waste shall include among others, the
cigar/cigarette butts, boxes/packages, candy or bread wrappers, match
sticks, disposable diapers, food packages, etc.

Section 10E.10. Waste Processing and Resource Recovery


a. Segregated recyclables shall be properly stored before collection.

These recycles shall be collected separately and brought to
recycling centers, eco-centers or junk dealers.
b. Local waste managers shall be designated in every Barangay who
shall oversee the collection of recyclables and shall be
responsible in coordinating with accredited dealers or
manufacturers of recycled product.

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Province of Pangasinan



c. Food and kitchen refuse shall be collected as fodder or feeds for

animals. Those portions that is not suitable as fodder shall be
d. Residents shall avoid open burning and dumping and adopt
recycling, practicing the F’s scheme (feed, fermentables, food and
fuel). Fuel materials from households waste consists of two
kinds: (a) firewood material: consists of twigs, branches, leaves,
husks, shell, cobs, chaff, saw dust, wood shavings, soiled papers,
bagasse, stalks, etc; and (b) flammable gas-produced by
anaerobic decomposition of all biomass or biodegradable
materials in biogas digester.


a. Segregation of wastes from commercial areas (shopping malls,

restaurants, commercial complexes, recreational centers, etc.)
shall be mandatory before issuance of or renewal of business
b. Markets/agoras shall adopt a segregation scheme that will
facilitate the segregation of recyclables, food/vegetables wastes,
non-recyclables, etc.
c. Food wastes from commercial centers (e.g. food centers,
restaurants, canteens, etc.) shall be collected as fodder animal
feeds and shall not be disposed to sewers.

a. In industrial establishments, segregation of biodegradable and
non-biodegradable/non compostable wastes shall be performed
to avoid foul odors and proliferation of flies.
b. Schools (both private and public) shall adopt appropriate
resource recovery and recycling strategies.
c. Hazardous waste shall be incinerated only after getting proper
assistance/guidelines from concerned agencies.


a. Agricultural wastes (e.g. rice straws, corn, etc.) shall not be
burned but shall be stockpiled in a proper location composted.
Animal manure can also be composted or used for biogas

Section 10E.11. Collection and Transportation of Solid Wastes

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Province of Pangasinan



a. The concerned resident shall ensure that the solid waste are
brought out infront of his gate/door and/or along the collection
route of the collection vehicle/cart, during the collection period.
b. He/she shall report to the Office of the City/Municipal Health
Officer or concerned official for any uncollected solid waste
within the vicinity of his/her residence.
c. Garbage not segregated and place in approved container by the
local government shall not be collected and shall be treated as
disposed of in violation of the anti-littering provisions of this
ordinances and shall be penalized accordingly.
d. The specific date and hour of garbage collection in particular
location shall be scheduled and announced for strict compliance
by all concerned.

a. The owner/operator/lessee of any enterprise shall be responsible
for the timely positioning of stored solid wastes during collection
period which shall be made known in advance by the proper
authorities which shall likewise assist wherever necessary in the
sanitary means of loading waste for collection purposes.
b. He/she remind the Environmental Sanitation Unit of the Office of
the City Health Officer in the collection of uncollected solid
wastes and other related matters.

a. The head of any institutional/industrial establishment shall
assist the City/Municipal Government in the orderly and
sanitary way of collecting and transporting its solid waste.
b. The collection and transportation of any hazardous wastes (if
necessary shall be duly coordinated with the government
agencies concerned with such type of waste.

Section 10E.12. Disposal of Solid Wastes


a. Incineration or open burning of solid waste be prohibited.
Residuals of solid wastes after resource recovery, recycling and
composting shall be disposed of by sanitary landfilling.
b. Hospital wastes especially infectious wastes shall be incinerated
in separate compartment in the sanitary landfills.
c. Illegal dumping of solid waste along streets, alleys, rivers, river
banks and any in any public places shall be strictly prohibited.

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Province of Pangasinan



Section 10E.13. Industrial Waste

a. Hazardous waste shall be incinerated only after getting the proper
assisce/guidance from concerned government agencies.
b. Other hazardous waste shall be disposed in accordance with the
laws, rules, regulations and guidelines of the concerned national
agencies like Environmental Management Bureau (EMB-DENR),
Department of Health (DOH) and the Philippine Nuclear Research
Institute (PNRI).

Section 10E.14. Use Fees for Solid Waste Management Services

charged on annual fee/tax of One Thousand Pesos (Php 1,000.00) to
supplement other sources of revenues for the operation and
maintenance of the Solid Waste Management System of the
City/Municipality. Resident units located within the solid waste
collection services shall likewise pay an annual garbage fee of Five
Hundred Pesos (Php 500.00) payable in an earlier time within first
two (2) months of each year.

Section 10E.15. Penalty - Any individual, person or persons from the

operation and maintenance of an establishment/firm/facility, who violates
any of the provisions of this ordinance shall upon conviction, be punished by
a fine of not less than Php 500.00) or not more than One Thousand Pesos,
(Php 1,000.00) or by imprisonment of not less than six (6) days and not more
than ten (10) days or both at the discretion of the court, without prejudice to
the imposition of a higher penalty under any other law or degree such as
indicated in the second paragraph of Section 2 of PD 825 (Anti-Littering)
which states “If violator is a corporation, firm or other corporate entities, the
maximum penalty shall be imposed upon the president, manager, director or
persons responsible for its operations”.
For habitual violations, who are willfully violating any provisions in this
ordinance shall upon conviction be punished by a fine of not less than Two
Thousand Pesos (Php 2,000.00) or not more than Three Thousand Pesos
(Php3,000) or by imprisonment of not less than one (1) week and not more
than one (1) month or both at the discretion of the court.

Section 10E.16. Inspection Unit - The local government shall create

an inspection unit under the Environmental Sanitation Office with the
primary task of apprehending violators of anti-littering provisions, and of
persons who do not maintain garbage receptacles within their premises or
who allow littering therein. Violator shall be issued apprehension tickets by
the inspection unit.

Republic of the Philippines
Province of Pangasinan



Section 10E.24. Separability Provision - If any provisions of these

ordinances or the application of such provisions to any person or
circumstances is declared unconstitutional, the remaining provisions to other
persons or circumstances shall not be affected by such declaration.





Section 11A.01. Definition of Terms - Whenever any of the following

words or terms is used herein or in any rule or regulation issued under this
Code, it shall have the meaning given it in this section, as follows:

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Province of Pangasinan



a. Code - Code on Sanitation of the City of Alaminos.

b. Local Health Authority – the City Mayor who is responsible for the
implementation of a prescribed measure in the City Of Alaminos.
c. Health Officer - City Health Officer.
d. Inspector - a Sanitary Inspector.
e. Section - any section of this code unless the term refers to other
statutes which are necessarily mentioned.

Section 11A.02. Authority of the Local Health Authority - The City

Mayor shall administer health functions in the City and enforce the
provisions of this Code and the rules and regulations promulgated by the
Secretary of Health and the Sangguniang Panlungsod.

Section 11A.03. Functions of the City Health Officer - The City

Health Officer shall have the following powers and functions:

a. Undertake the promotion and preservation of the health of the

people and raise the health standards of individuals and
communities throughout the City;
b. Extend maximum health services to the people in rural areas and
provide medical care to those who cannot afford it by reason of
c. Develop, administer and coordinate various health activities and
services which shall include public health, preventive, curative and
rehabilitative programs, medical care, health and medical education
d. Upgrade the standards of medical practice, the quality of health
services and programs to assure the people of better health services;
e. Assist local health agencies in developing public health programs
including medical care, and promote medical and public health
f. Issue permits to establish and operate government and private
hospitals, clinics, dispensaries, schools of nursing, midwifery, and
other para-medical course, puriculture centers, clinical laboratories,
blood banks, food establishments and fun houses;
g. Recommend standard rates of fees for health, medical, laboratory,
and other public health services; and
h. Performs such other functions as may be provided by law.


Section 11A.04. Prescribed Standards and Procedures - Standards

for drinking water and their bacteriological and chemical examinations,
together with the evaluation of results, shall conform to the criteria set by the

Republic of the Philippines
Province of Pangasinan



National Drinking Water Standards. The treatment of water to render it safe

for drinking, and the disinfection of contaminated water sources together
with their distribution systems shall be in accordance with procedures
prescribed in this Code.

Section 11A.05. Jurisdiction of the Health Officer - The approval of

the City Health Officer or that of his duly authorized representative is
required in the following cases:

a. Sites of water sources before their construction;

b. Delivery of water to consumers from new or recently repaired water
c. Operation of a water system after an order of closure was issued by
the Department;
d. Plans and specifications of water systems of subdivisions and
projects prior to the construction of housing units thereat; and
e. Certification of potability of drinking water.

Section 11A.06. Types of Water Examination required - The following

examinations are required for drinking water:

a. Initial examination - The physical, chemical and bacteriological

examinations of water from newly constructed systems or sources
are required before they are operated and opened for public use.
Examination of water for possible radioactive contamination should
also be done initially.
b. Periodic examination - Water from existing sources is subject to
bacteriological examination as often as possible but the interval
shall not be longer than six months, while general systematic
chemical examination shall be conducted every twelve (12) months
or oftener. Examination of water sources shall be conducted yearly
for possible radioactive contamination.
Section 11A.07. Examining Laboratories and submission of water
samples - The examination of drinking water shall be performed only in
private or government laboratories duly accredited by the Department of
Health. It is the responsibility of operators of water systems to submit to
accredited laboratories water samples for examination in a manner and at
such intervals prescribed by the Department.

Section 11A.08. Other protective measure - To protect drinking water

from contamination, the following measures shall be observed:

a. Washing clothes or bathing within a radius of 25 meters from any

well or other source of drinking water is prohibited.
b. No artesian, deep or shallow well shall be constructed within 25
meters from any source of pollution.

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Province of Pangasinan



c. No radioactive sources or materials shall be stored within a radius

of 25 meters from any well or source of drinking water unless the
radioactive source is adequately and safely enclosed by proper
d. No person charged with the management of a public water supply
system shall permit any physical connection between its
distribution system and that of any other water supply, unless the
latter is regularly examined as to its quality by those in charge of
the public supply to which the connection is made and found to be
safe and potable.
e. The installation of booster pump to boost water direct from the
water distribution line of a water supply system, where low-water
pressure prevails is prohibited.


Section 11A.09. Scope - These rules and regulations shall apply to all
public and private water supply system project planned by any government
agency or instrumentality including government-owned or controlled
corporations, private organizations, firms, individuals or other entities.

Section 11A.10. Definition of Terms - As used in these Rules and

Regulations, the terms below shall be defined as follows:

1. Artesian Well – a well where water is confined under hydrostatic

pressure between two relatively impervious layers such as rock
2. Bored Well – a well constructed by manually drive augers into the
3. Cistern – a watertight tank used to store water.
4. Coliform Organisms – any rod-shaped, non-spore-forming, gram
negative bacteria capable of growth in the presence of bile salts, or
other surface-active agents with similar growth-inhibiting
properties which are cytochrome-oxidaze negative and able to
ferment lactose at either 35 oC or 37 oC with the production of
acid, gas and aldehyde within 24-48 hours.
5. Complete Treatment – a series or combination of water treatment
processes, which shall include coagulation, adsorption,
sedimentation, slow and rapid sand filtration, aeration and
6. Contamination – a general term referring to the introduction of
materials not normally found in water that make the water less
desirable or unfit for its intended use.
7. Deep Well – a well with depth greater than 20 meters constructed
in areas characterized by aquifers or water-bearing formations

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Province of Pangasinan



generally located at a depth of more than 20 meters below the

8. Department – the Department of Health.
9. Disinfections – water treatment processes designed to destroy
disease-causing organisms. The efficacy of disinfections is often
assessed by measuring the coliform group of indicator organism.
10. Doubtful source – water supply facility or source that is subject to
recontamination (e.g. open dug well, unimprovised spring, surface
11. Drilled Well – a well constructed by percussion or rotary drills.
12. Drinking Water – water intended for direct human consumption
or for use in food preparation.
13. Driven Well – a well constructed by driving an iron pipe with a
well point at lower end into the ground water bearing stratum.
14. Dug Well – a well normally circular or rectangular in shape, with
diameter ranging from 1. To 1.15 meters. After the well is dug, it
is necessary to put a lining made of permanent materials like
masonry, brickworks of reinforced concrete, which serve as
protection against surface or outside contamination. An open dug
well shall mean a well manually or mechanically to draw water by
use of bucket or any container attached to a rope.
15. Groundwater – that portion of the rainwater, which has
percolated into the earth to form underground deposits called
16. Level I (point source) – a protected well or a developed spring with
an outlet by without distribution system, generally adaptable for
rural areas where the houses are thinly scattered. A level I facility
normally serves around 15 households.
17. Level II (Communicable faucet system or stand posts) – a
system composed of a source, a reservoir, a piped distribution
network and communal faucets, generally suitable for rural and
urban fringe areas where houses are clustered densely to justify a
simple piped system. Usually, one faucet serves 4 to 6 household.
18. Level III (waterworks system or individual house connections)
– a system with a source, a reservoir, a piped distribution network
and household taps, generally suited for densely populated urban
19. City Health Authority – a government official or employee
responsible for the application of a prescribed health measure in a
local political subdivision. It is the provincial governor, city mayor,
as the case maybe.
20. City Health Officer – provincial, city health officer.
21. MPN (Most Probable Number) – a statistical method of
determining microbial populations. A multiple dilution tube
technique is utilized with a standard medium and observations are

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made for specific individual tube effects. Resultant coding is

translated by mathematical probability table into population
22. Pipe Lines – pipes used to transport water.
23. Polluted Water – water whose physical, chemical, bacteriological,
biological and radio-active properties have been altered due to the
presence of domestic sewage, industrial waste or other substances
in water that are possibly objectionable or harmful to human lives.
24. Potable Water/Safe Drinking Water – water that is free of
microorganisms or diseases – producing bacteria (Pathogens). In
addition, the water should not possess undesirable taste, odor,
color, levels of radioactivity, turbidily or chemicals and it should
pass the standards of the Philippine National Standard for
Drinking Water.
25. Public or Private Water Supply System – a government or
private owned system for the provision of potable water for human
consumption. The water system could either be of Level I (point
source), Level II (communal) or Level III (waterworks) type. The
system includes:

a. Any collection, treatment, storage and distribution facilities

under the control of the operator of such system and used
primarily in connection thereto; and
b. Any collection, pre-treatment, or storage facilities not under the
control of the operator of the system, which are used primarily
in connection with such system.

26. Reservoir – a pond, lake or basin, either natural or artificial,

designed for storage, regulation and control of water.
27. Sanitary Engineer – a person duly registered with the Board of
Examiners for sanitary Engineers ( R.A. 1364) and who heads the
sanitation division or section or units of the city health office or
employed with the Department of Health or its regional field health
28. Sanitary Seal – a mixture of cement and water placed in the
annular space of the well casing and drill hole to seal space and
about 3 meters deep to prevent the intrusion of water.
29. Sanitary Survey – an activity to inspect and investigate the
existing environment conditions around the water source, which
may affect the quality of the water.
30. Sanitation Inspector – a government official or personnel
employed by the national, provincial, city government, who
enforces sanitary rules, laws and regulation and implements
environmental sanitation activities under the supervision of the
city health officer/sanitary engineer.

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31. Secretary – the Secretary of Health.

32. Shallow Well – a well measured from the natural ground surface
with a depth of not more than 20 meters.
33. Springs – ground water seepage visible at the earth’s surface due
to hydrostatic gradient or head.
34. Surface Water – a mixture of surface run-off and groundwater.
Surface sources include rivers, lakes, streams, ponds and
impounding reservoirs.
35. Test Well – an excavation made to determine the quality and
quantity of water.
36. Water Hauler –any person, firm or company who transports,
stores, delivers and operated equipment used to transport of
deliver water for human consumption.
37. Water Supplier – any entity, government or private company,
responsible for source development, water abstraction, treatment
and distribution of water.
38. Well – a man made hole used for recovering ground water from the
water bearing strata by digging, boring, drilling or by any other
39. Well Driller – an individual, partnership, corporation, cooperative
and the like who undertake well drilling work or activities for the
purpose of extracting ground water.

Section 11A.11. Prescribed Standards and Procedures


Before water is used, distributed or sold for drinking, it
should pass the criteria on standard parameters and values for
bacteriological, physical, chemical, biological and radiological
quality set by the Philippine National Standards for Drinking


Treatment is necessary so as to render water supply
potable. The degree and manners of treatment will depend on
the quality of the raw water; however, the bacteriological quality
shall be used as the main criterion. No water supplier shall be
allowed to operate water system for public use unless necessary
treatment has been provided.


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Water from underground or surface sources subject to a

low degree of contamination, and having a MPN of coliform
organisms not exceeding 50 per 100 ml.


Water from underground or surface sources having a MPN
of coliform organisms 50 per 100 ml. To not more than 5,000
per 100 ml.


a. Disinfection of water supply facilities shall be required for

the following:
1. Newly constructed water supply facilities.
2. Water supply facility that has been repaired/improved.
3. All existing water facilities that exceeded the bacteriological
value set by the Philippine National Standards for Drinking
4. All water facilities that require continuous disinfection.
5. Drinking water collected from a doubtful source.

b. Disinfectant
Chlorine shall be used as main water disinfectant.
Other disinfectant shall be used provided that it has residual
effect to ensure disinfecting capacity in the distribution

c. Responsible Agencies/Persons for Disinfection

Water disinfection shall be the responsibility of the
following as shown on the table:

Type of Water Agencies/Persons Person

Supply Responsible for Responsible
Public Level I BWSA, Barangay Caretaker with
(wells, springs) Official and Local Sanitation Inspector
Health Agency (SI)
Water Supplier Waterworks
Levels II and III (e.g. Alaminos City Personnel
Water District
Private Wells Individual/Owner Private Owner with
SI technical

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c. Requirements for Chlorination of Level II and III Water


1. Appropriate chlorination equipment shall be installed to

ensure continuous and effective disinfection.
a. Chlorination equipment shall have a capacity of at least
50% greater than the highest expected dosage to be
applied at anytime to attain satisfactory operation.
b. Automatic proportioning of chlorine dosage to the rate
of flow of treated water shall be provided at all plants
where rate of flow varied more than 50% above or below
the average flow. Manual control is permissible when
rate of flow is relatively uniform or an attendant is
present to effect dosage adjustments.
c. Standby units shall be provided to ensure continuous
d. Solution of calcium hypochlorite shall be prepared in a
separate mixing tank, diluted and allowed to settle so
that only clear supernatant liquid is withdrawn from
the solution storage tank and to the chlorinator.
e. Devices and instruments for the determination of the
amount of daily chlorine dosage and chlorine residual
shall be provided.

2. Suitable gas mask or self-contained type breathing

apparatus and a small bottle of fresh ammonia solution to
test for chlorine leakage shall be provided and shall be
accessible outside the chlorination room.
3. Safety measures for gas chlorination equipment and
chlorine storage shall include a separate building or room
subject to the approval of the Department of Health.
4. Adequate floor level ventilation shall be provided for all
enclosures where chlorine is being fed or stored.
5. Free residual chlorine shall be maintained between 0.20 to
0.50 ppm until water reaches the consumer and the
farthest point in the distribution system.

f. Requirements for Complete Chlorination of Level Water

Supply Facility

1. A dose of 50-100 ppm chlorine solution shall be used in

disinfecting Level I water supply facility. (See Annex –
Chlorine Requirement to have 50-100 ppm dosage).

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2. The person who will conduct the chlorination shall observe

personal hygiene and must be free from communicable

3. Procedures to follow on disinfection:

a. Improved Dug Well
1. Scrub interior walls of the casing or lining and
splash with chlorine solution (50-100 ppm) to ensure
thorough contact of solution to the surface.
2. Wash the exterior surface of the pump cylinders and
drop pipe with chlorine solution as the assembly is
lowered into the well.
3. Return cover of the well and pour chlorine solution
through a manhole or pipe sleeve opening before
inserting the pump cylinder and drop pipe assembly.
After setting the pump, draw out water from the well
until strong odor of chlorine is noted.
4. After 12 hours, flush out well water by pumping
water to waste until the drawn water is free from
chlorine odors. Rinse the exterior surface and the
pump cylinder with potable water.

b. Drilled Driven and Bored Wells

1. Slowly pour chlorine solution into the well just
before installing the permanent pumping equipment.
Dilution of chlorine is facilitated by alternately
raising or lowering the water hose or pipeline.
2. Wash the exterior surface of the pump cylinder and
drop pipe with chlorine solution as the assembly is
lowered into the well.
3. After the pump has been set, operate the pump upon
the water is discharged.
4. Allow chlorine solution to remain in the well for 12
hours. For deep well, a special method maybe
employed as follows: Place the granulated calcium
hypochlorite in a cut short pipe capped of both ends.
Small holes are drilled at each cap or sides of the
pipe. One cap is fitted with an eye for cable
attachment. Disinfecting agent is diffused by
vertical movement of the cut short pipe.
5. After 12 hours, draw out well water. The pump is to
be operational when pumped water is free from
chlorine odor.

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c. Spring
1. Disinfection of spring intake box is similar to the
procedure used for improved dug wells.
2. If the flow cannot be controlled, continuous supply
of disinfectant shall be provided.

d. Cistern
1. The cistern clean shall be thoroughly cleaned by
using a stiff brush or broom to clean interior wells.
2. Drain and cover the cistern.
3. Fill the cistern with adequate potable water and add
50-100 ppm chlorine solution.
4. Pump water from the cistern and note the presence
of strong chlorine odor in the entire water
distribution system.
5. Retain the disinfectant in the cistern for 24 hours
then examine for residual chlorine and drain.
6. Flush the system with potable water to remove all
traces of chlorine.

e. Requirements for Household Container Disinfection

1. Procedure to follow

1.1. Prepare a stock solution by dissolving 1 level

teaspoon of powder Chlorine compounds (65%
to 75% available chlorine) to one liter of water.
This stock solution is effective only for one week.

1.2. Add two teaspoons of stock solution to 5 gallons

(20 liters) of water. Mix thoroughly and let it
stand for at least 30 minutes before using.

11.4. Standard Construction and Operating Procedures

a. Ground Water Source

11.4.A. Well

.A The location of well site shall conform with the following


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a. No well site shall be located within a distance of less

than 25 meter radius on flat areas from sewage
treatment plant, sewage wet well, sewage pumping
station, or a drainage ditch which contains
industrial waste discharges or wastes from sewage
treatment systems, sanitary landfill or land irrigated
by sewage treatment plant effluent, sanitary sewers,
septic tanks, cesspools, open jointed drain-fields,
animal feed lots or livestock in pastures, dump
grounds, especially in limestone areas. Storm and
sanitary sewers located within specified distances
shall be so constructed as to prevent leakage.
b. The drilling of water well within 50-meter distance
from a cemetery is prohibited.

.B During drilling operation, the following requirements

shall be observed:

a. The premises, materials, tools, and drilling

equipment shall be properly maintained to minimize
contamination of underground water.
b. Water used in drilling operation shall be potable.
c. Slush pit shall be constructed and maintained to
minimize contamination of the drilling mud.
d. Approved type of pit privy or toilet facilities for use
of drilling personnel shall be provided. These
facilities shall be located 25 meters from the well
being drilled. Upon completion of the constructed
well, toilet facilities if temporarily constructed shall
be removed in a satisfactory manner. No temporary
and permanent toilet facilities shall be maintained
within 25 meters from the well being constructed
unless they are of the sealed or leak proof types.

.C Casing materials used in the construction of public

wells shall conform with the American Standards for
Testing Materials (ASTM). The casing shall extend at
least to the depth of the shallowest water formation or
deeper if necessary to omit undesirable water bearing

.D The annular space between the casing and the drill hole
shall be sealed with neat cement grout to the minimum
depth of 3.0 meters for shallow wells and 10.0 m for
deep well.

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.E In all cases, provide a concrete apron at least 2 meters

square around the well head, sloped not less than 2% to
drain away excess water.

.F Provide vent with #16-mesh corrosion resistant screen,

face downward and elevated to minimize drawing of
contaminants into the well. Seal wellheads and pump
bases using gaskets, sealing compounds and proper
venting to prevent possible contamination to the well

.G A complete physical and chemical analysis of water

from a new well shall be conduced after 36 hours of
pumping out of water is done.
.H If the results show that the water is bacteriologically
positive (+), appropriate water treatment facilities shall
be provided otherwise the well shall be abandoned. The
well shall be disinfected in accordance with the
standard requirements set by these implementing rules
and regulations. Collect two water samples for two-
week interval for bacteriological analysis.

.I When contamination of a well water source has been

confirmed by laboratory test and the sources of
contamination is definitely known but cannot be
removed, the well must be condemned. The well
opening must be plugged or sealed with concrete or
other similar materials. If used for other purposes like
watering gardens and washing clothes a signboard
marked “Water Unfit For Drinking” shall be installed.

.J Pump site, rapid pump room location and pump


a. All completed well units shall be preferably protected

by fences, the gates provided with locks, or enclosed
to prevent possible contamination or damage of
facilities by trespassers.
b. The well site shall be properly graded to insure
proper ground maintenance and to draw off surface
water effectively from the well. In all cases, provide a
system that draws off water from the pump well,
leakage from packed gravel, and floor drainage, by
installing suitable drain pipes located at the edge of

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the concrete floor to prevent ponding around the well

head. This wastewater shall be properly disposed.
Drains shall not be directly connected to storm or
sanitary sewers.
c. In water supply installation at sub-ground level,
pump rooms and pump pits are prohibited. Pump
room floor shall be at least 60 cm. Above the highest
known flood level and/or adequately protected from
possible damage by floodwaters.

11.4.B. Spring

a. Intake box or enclosure must be watertight, made

of concrete, vitrified tile or other material extending
to the water bearing strata down to the bedrocks or
other impervious formations.
b. The intake box must be provided with watertight
cover, which extends over the top edge of the spring
box at least 50 mm.
c. A drainpipe with an exterior valve is to be placed
close to the spring box near the bottom. The pipe
shall extend horizontally so as to clear the normal
ground level at the point of discharge by at least
150 mm. The discharge end of the pipe shall be
screened to prevent the entrance of rodents or
d. The spring is to provide with screened overflow pipe
located slightly below the maximum water level
elevation. A drain apron is to be provided to
prevent soil erosion at the point of overflow
e. The supply outlet from the developed spring is to
be located about 150 mm above the drain outlet
and screened.
f. Manhole opening shall have a watertight curb with
edges projecting a minimum of 100 mm above the
level of the surrounding surface. The edges of the
manhole cover shall overlap the curb and project
downward a minimum of 50 mm.
g. Care shall be taken in casting openings to insure
watertight connection between the wall and the
h. A drainage ditch located at least 25 meters away on
the uphill side of the spring shall be constructed to

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prevent contamination and flooding of the water

i. The intake box shall be properly enclosed
preferably constructed of strong materials. The
height of the fence shall be at least 1 ½ meter high.
The enclosed area shall be maintained clean to
eliminate harborage and breeding of insects.
j. Washing and bathing within 25 meters radius of
the spring is prohibited.
k. Protection of the entire catchments area is a must.
No dwelling shall be constructed within the
catchments area and it shall be off-limits to people
and animal.
l. Collect water samples regularly as prescribed by
the Philippine National Standards for Drinking

11.5. Monitoring Scheme

The city health authority shall establish a Water
Surveillance Program thru the creation of Local Drinking Water
Quality Monitoring Committee to oversee the operation of the
water systems and the quality of water produced and distributed
by them and to monitor the implementation of the provisions of
these implementing rules and regulations.

a. Composition
The Local Drinking Water Quality Monitoring Committee
shall be composed of but not limited to representatives from:

I. Local Health Authority- Chairman

II. City Health Department
III. Water Districts/Private Water Suppliers
IV. Sangguniang Panlungsod
V. City Engineer’s Office
VI. Department of Environment and Natural Resources
Representative (CENRO)
VII. Non-Government Organizations and Professional
Groups Related to Health and
VIII. DOH Representative to the City Health Board

b. Functions of the Committee

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The Committee shall be responsible for:

I. Regular collection/analysis of water samples;

II. Evaluating laboratory results as to their compliance to
III. Conducting regular or immediate sanitary survey
during the existence of a potential cause of
IV. Instituting remedial measures to correct the deficiency
of the water system and;
V. Informing the public of the latest quality of the drinking
water in the locality.
VI. Performing other functions related to water quality

Section 11A.13. Approval and Permit - The approval of the City Health
Officer or that of his duly authorized is required under each of the following

a. Sites of Water Sources before their Construction

Any person, who intends to drill, construct, alter or repair
water supply system, shall secure a Drinking Water Site Clearance
from the City Health Authority prior to the start of the work. The
approval of the application shall be based on the recommendations
made by the city health officer after the conduct of the sanitary
survey. The sanitary survey report shall contain all pertinent
information concerning the water source and possible sources of
contamination. Major water supply projects particularly of surface
water sources that fall under the Environmental Impact Statement
System are exempted from site clearance requirements provided
and Environmental Health Impact Assessment has been
conducted as part of the Environmental Impact Assessment.
If the work on the individual water supply system failed to
commence within six (6) months from date of issuance, the site
clearance shall automatically expire.

b. Delivery of Water to Consumers from New or Recently

Repaired Water Systems
Permits to deliver water to consumers from new or recently
repaired water system shall be granted only if:

1. Final inspection by the city health officer proves that the water
supply was constructed in accordance with the submitted plans
and specifications.

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2. The disinfection of water supply system conformed to Section

3.3 – Water Disinfection of these rules and regulations.
3. Results of laboratory analysis proved that the water quality
meets the Philippine National Standards for Drinking Water.
4. The water supplier or the owner of the completed water supply
system shall notify the city health officer of the completed

c. Resumptions of the Operation of Water Supply System

1. In cases when water supply is found to be unsafe or unfit for
consumption, the operator of the system shall be ordered to:

a. Stop temporarily to make necessary corrections within a

specified period.
b. Provide substantial quantity and good quality of water to the
affected consumers during the correction period. Failure to
provide emergency water supply should be subject to fines
and penalties. A permission to re-operate from the city
health authority upon the recommendation of the city health
officer shall be given only when all defects have been
corrected and the water found safe for drinking and
domestic use.
d. Plans and Specification of Water Systems of Subdivision and
Projects prior to the construction of Housing Units thereat

1. To obtain approval for the construction of any water supply

system, the applicant shall submit the plans and specifications
of the proposed systems, and satisfy the standard requirements
of these implementing rules and regulations. Plans and
specifications shall be prepared by the registered civil/sanitary
engineer, the seal signature and registration number of the
engineer of the engineering firm shall be imprinted on each
sheet of the plan.
2. An Engineering report or feasibility study of the new system
shall be submitted with or prior to the submission of the plans
and specifications.

The report coverage shall include the following items:

2.1 Statement of the problem or problems.

2.2 Present and future areas to be served, with population
2.3 The source, quantity and quality of water.

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2.4 Present and estimated future maximum and minimum

water quantity demands.
2.5 Description of the proposed site and the immediate
surroundings of the waterworks units.
2.6 The type of water treatment, equipment and capacity of
2.7 Basic design data, pumping capacity, water storage, and
flexibility of system operation.
2.8 Adequacy of facilities concerning volume/quantity and
pressures in the whole system.
2.9 Cost estimate of the facilities and source of funds for the
2.10 Sustainability and maintenance.

3. For subdivision having groundwater source, report on the

estimated specific yield of the aquifer and other results of the
pumping tests shall be submitted together with the borehole
4. Two (2) sets of all plans and drawings shall be submitted
4.1 Indicate location of all facilities pertinent to the specific
4.2 If phase construction is anticipated, the overall plan shall
be presented, though a portion of the construction is
4.3 A plan of the subdivision or other housing projects to

e. Certification of the Potability of Drinking Water

No public water system shall be allowed to operate without a

Certificate of Potability issued by the Secretary of Health or his
duly authorized representative. This certificate is issued only after
the required examinations are performed and the quality of water
from the system meets the requirements of the Philippine National
Standard for Drinking Water. The certificate is re-validated every
after examinations based on the standard interval or frequency of

Section 11A.14. Types Of Water Examination Required.

The following examinations are required for drinking water:

a. Initial Examination – the physical, chemical and bacteriological

examinations of water from newly constructed systems or sources

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are required before they are operated and opened for public use.
Examination of water for possible radioactive contamination should
also be done initially.
b. Periodic examination – water from existing sources is subject to
bacteriological examination as open as possible but the interval
shall not be longer than six months, while the general systematic
physic-chemical examination shall be conducted every 12 months or
oftener. Examination of water sources shall be conducted yearly for
possible radioactive contamination.

Section 11A.15. Submission of water samples for laboratory


a. The examination of samples of drinking water shall be performed

only in laboratories (private/government), which are duly licensed
and accredited by the Department of Health. It is the responsibility
of operators of water systems to submit to accredited laboratories
water sample for examination in a manner and at intervals
prescribed in the Philippine National Standards for Drinking Water.
b. Any person, firm or corporation desiring to establish operate and
maintain a water analysis laboratory shall apply to the Bureau of
Research and Laboratories – Department of Health through the
Regional Field Health Office. Approval of the accreditation shall be
based on the prescribed requirements of the Department as stated
in Administrative Order No. 31 Series 1979. Water laboratories
maybe accredited for separate services like bacteriological, chemical,
radiological, physical, biological or for a combination of two or more
or all of these services.

Section 11A.16. Other Protective Measures

To protect drinking water from contamination, the following measures

shall be observed:

a. Washing clothes or bathing within a radius of 25 meters from any

well or other source of drinking water is prohibited.
b. No artesian, deep or shallow well, shall be constructed within 25
meters from any source of pollution.
c. No radioactive source or material shall be stored within a radius of
25 meters from any well or source of drinking water unless the
radioactive source is adequately and safely enclosed by proper
d. No person charged with the management of a public water supply
system shall permit any physical connection between its
distribution system and that of any other water supply, unless the

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latter is regularly examine as to its quality by those in charge of the

public supply to, which the connection is made and found to be
e. The installation of a booster pump from the water distribution line
of a water supply is prohibited.

Section 11A.17. Special Provisions.

a. Water Peddlers and Haulers

1. Sanitary Permit – Any person firm or company engaged in water

hauling and vending of water for human consumption shall
secure a sanitary permit from city health officer based on the
requirements of these rules and regulations.
2. Health Certificate – Water peddlers and haulers shall undergo
physical and medical examination to obtain a health certificate
from the city health officer, which shall be renewed every year.
Water haulers and peddlers without health certificate or with
expired health certificate shall be prohibited from water hauling
and peddling.
3. Source of Water – Water peddlers/haulers are required to obtain
water from sources with valid Certificate of Potability as specified
in Section 4 of these implementing rules and regulations.
4. Water Containers – Water containers shall be made of plastic or
tin materials and so designed to facilitate easy cleaning. The
containers shall be cleaned and disinfected before they are filled
with water and shall be provided with tight-fitting covers.
5. Personal Hygiene – All water peddlers and haulers shall be
required to observe proper personal hygiene especially washing of
hands with soap and water before working and after using the


Section 11A.18. Scope

These supplemental rules and regulations shall apply to the following:

11A.18.1 Developmental of drinking supply system;

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11A.18.2 Establishment and operation of retail water system (RWS)

or refilling station;
11A.18.3 Source and product water quality monitoring
11A.18.4 Drinking water in vending machines and dispensers and
product water containers;
11A.18.5 Household and commercial water purification equipment,
gadgets and devices; and
11A.18.6 Bulk water handling, storage and transportation.

Section 11A.19. Definition of Terms

As used in these supplemental implementing rules and regulations, the

following term shall mean:

A. Airgap – a clear vertical space through the free atmosphere

between the opening of any pie or faucet conveying water or
waste to a tank, plumbing fixture receptor, or other device and
the flood level rim of the receptacle. An air gap is used to prevent
cross-connection between a water treatment device and possible
source of wastewater thereby preventing a reverse flow of water
from the sewer into the water supply system.
B. Approved Water Laboratory – a Department of Health
accredited water analysis laboratory.
C. Approved Source – source of the water whether it be from a
spring, artesian well, drilled well, public or private water system,
rain water reservoir, or any other source that has undergone a
sanitary survey, issued site clearance, constructed, and the
water sampled, analyzed, and found safe and potable, issued an
operational permit and certificate of potability of drinking water.
D. Backflow – flow of water in pipe or line in a direction opposite to
the normal flow; often associated with back siphonage of the flow
of used water into a potable water system.
E. Backflow Preventer – a device or system installed in a water
line to stop backflow from a non-potable source.
F. Backpressure – pressure, which creates resistance against the
flow of water.
G. Back-Pressure Backflow – backflow due to an increased
pressure above the supply pressure, which may be due to
pumps, boilers, gravity or other sources of pressure.
H. Backwater Valve – A device installed in a system to prevent
reverse flow.
I. Bulk Water – water in container of five gallons or more n volume
coming from refilling station establishment or water intended for
potable uses which is transported via tanker truck or equivalent

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means from one area to another for the purpose of treatment

and/or packaging and human consumption.
J. Certificate Of Potability Of Drinking Water – A certification
issued by the City Health Officer or his duly authorized
representative certifying the potability and safeness of source
drinking water for human consumption based on the Philippine
National Standards for Drinking Water.
K. Cross-Connection – any connection or arrangement, physical or
otherwise, between a potable water supply system and any
plumbing fixture or any tank, receptacle, equipment or device,
through which it may be possible for non-potable, used, unclean,
polluted and contaminated water, or other substances, to enter
into any part of such potable water system under any condition.
L. Deionization – the removal of the ionized minerals and salts
(both organic and inorganic), from a solution by a two-phases
ion-exchange procedure. First, positively charge ions are
removed by caution exchange resin in exchange for a chemically
equivalent amount on hydrogen ions. Second, negatively
charged ions are removed by an anion exchange resin for a
chemically equivalent amount of hydroxide ion. The hydrogen
and hydroxide ions introduced in this process unite to form
water molecules. The term is often used interchangeably with
M. Distillation – the process of separating organic and inorganic
solids from water by evaporation (vaporization) followed by
cooling and condensation.
N. Establishment – a collective term construed to include buildings
and premises where retail water system product water or refilling
station product water is being processed.
O. Filter – device installed as part of a water treatment system
through which water flows for the purpose of removing turbidity,
unpleasant taste, odor, iron, or color. Filters can be loosed
media beds, in tanks or cartridge type devices. Filters can be
used for mechanical, absorptive, neutralizing, or
catalyst/oxidation filtration process.
P. Filtration – the process of separating solids from a liquid by
means of porous substance such as a permeable fabric or
membrane or layer of inert media.
Q. Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP) – the detail requirements
governing plant construction and design, sanitary facilities and
operation, equipment design and construction, production and
process controls specific to the production and purification of

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Province of Pangasinan



R. Horizontal Pipe – any pipe or fitting which is installed in a

horizontal position or which makes an angle of less than forty-
five (45) degrees with the horizontal.
S. Hydrostatic Pressure – a measurement of structural strength
and ability to hold water pressure.
T. Ion Exchange – the reversible process in which ions are release
from an insoluble permanent material in exchange for other ions
in a surrounding solution; the direction of the exchange depends
upon the affinities of ion exchange for the ions present and the
concentration of the ions in the solution.
U. Point-of-Entry (POE) – a water treatment device that is installed
at the main inlet to a building or mobile vehicle and acts as
centralized water treatment.
V. Point-of-Use (POU) – a water treatment system designed to
connect at the actual point-of-use for water; countertop or under
sink treatment system.
W. Pressure – the normal force exerted by a homogenous liquid or
gas, per unit area, on the wall of the container.
X. Static Pressure – the pressure existing without any flow.
Y. Residual Pressure – the pressure available at the fixture or
water outlet after allowance is made for pressure drop due to
friction loss, head, meter, and other losses in the system during
maximum demand periods.
Z. Pressure Balancing Valve – a mixing valve that senses
incoming hot and cold water pressures and compensates for
fluctuations in either, to stabilize outlet temperature.
AA. Refilling Station – another term for a retail water system (RWS)
BB. Refilled Water Or Product Water – source water that has
undergone additional processing and the product of multi-stage
purification technology (filtration, ion-exchange treatment, post
carbon polishing, distillation, ultraviolet sterilization, reverse
osmosis, air filtration, ozonation or other DOH-approved
technology) and complying with the standard parameters and
values for refilled water quality of retail water system or refilling
CC. Refilled Water Container – food-grade quality container for the
containment of processed drinking water from retail water
system or refilling station establishment.
DD. Refilled Water Dispenser – an equipment used for dispensing
processed drinking water either as a coin-operated machine, a
monetary driver equipment or manually operated machine.
EE. Regulating Equipment – includes all valves and controls used
in a plumbing system, which are required to be accessible or
readily accessible.

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Province of Pangasinan



FF. Residual – the amount of a specific material remaining in water

following a water treatment process. It may refer to material as
the result of incomplete removal such as hardness leakage, or to
a substance meant to remain in the treated water such as
residual chlorine.
GG. Retail Water System (RWS) - refilled water being sold and
replace in the refilled water container or in customers’ in refilling
HH. Reverse Osmosis or Hypher-Filtration – a process for the
removal of dissolve ions from water, in which pressure is used to
force the water through a semi-permeable membrane, which will
transmit the water but reject most of the other suspended and
dissolved materials. It is called reverse osmosis because
mechanical pressure is used \to force the water flow in the
direction that is the reverse of natural osmosis, namely form the
dilute to the concentrated solution.
II. Sanitary Clearance – a clearance issued by the local health
office to food or water delivery vehicles, mobile water tankers and
similar vehicles, including its appurtenances that they comply
with the design, construction, specification and other
requirements of the Department.
JJ. Sanitary Permit – the permission or certification in writing of
the city health officer or in his absence, the chief or head of the
sanitation division/section/unit that the establishment complies
with the existing minimum sanitation requirements upon
evaluation or inspection conducted in accordance with
Presidential Decree Nos. 522 and 856 and its implementing rules
and regulation, and local ordinances.
KK. Source Water – water from approved source that is conveyed or
distributed to the refilling station through the public or private
water mains or water tankers, containers or reservoir.
LL. Ultraviolet Light Sterilization – the process of killing active
bacteria and spores in water with the use of ultraviolet ray.
MM. Vermin – a group of insects such as flied, mosquitoes,
cockroaches, lice, bedbugs, or small animals such as mice and
rats that are vector of disease.
NN. Vermin Abatement Program – a series of preventive and control
procedures and activities in the control of vermin.
OO. Water Hammer Arrestor – a device used to absorb hydraulic
shock, either of the air chamber or mechanical device design.
PP. Water Main (Street Main) – a water supply pipe for public or
community use.
QQ. Water-Distributing Pipe – in a building or premises, a pipe,
which conveys potable water from the building supply pipe to the
plumbing fixtures and other water outlets.

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Province of Pangasinan



RR. Water Purification Device – any DOH-certified equipment,

apparatus, device or gadget whose purpose is to purify water,
either for household, commercial or other uses.

Section 11A.20. Sanitary requirements for the development of

Drinking Water Supply System


a.1. REQUIREMENTS - Persons or entities intending to develop

drinking water supply system shall submit the following
initial requirements to the City Health Office.

a.1.1. Application letter addressed to the city health officer

or duly accomplished application form.
a.1.2. For waterworks, a copy of the water permit issued by
the National Water Resources Board (NWRB).

a.2. SANITARY SURVEY - A sanitary survey shall be conducted

by the city health office on all proposed water supply source
location. It shall be done under the supervision of a
Sanitary Inspector. Such sanitary survey (EHS Form No.
121) shall be pre-requisite for issuance of the Drinking
Water Site Clearance.


- After the result of the sanitary survey has been evaluated
and found to be satisfactory, a Drinking Water Site
Clearance (EHS Form No. 122) shall be issued by the Local
Health authority as recommended by the city health officer.
The amount of fees for the clearance shall be not less than


b.1. REQUIREMENTS - The issuance of the Certificate of

Potability of Drinking Water shall be based on the following:

b.1.1. Results of the water sampling and testing conducted

by a DOH-accrediated water analysis laboratory.
b.1.2. Reports and recommendation of the Local Drinking
Water Quality Monitoring Committee (LDWQMC).

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Province of Pangasinan





b.2.1. The city health officer is hereby authorized to issue

Certificate of Potability of Drinking Water.
b.2.2. The frequency of the evaluation and re-validation of
the CPDW shall be in accordance with the standard
interval or frequency of sampling specified in the
Philippine National Standards for Drinking Water.
b.2.3. Fees for the certification shall be P 100.00.



b.3.1. Non-compliance with maximum contaminant level set

by the Philippine National Standards for Drinking
Water as shown in the result of most recent water
b.3.2. The result of the water analysis was not evaluated and
recommended by the Local Drinking Water Quality
Monitoring Committee.
b.3.3. The laboratory where the water sample was submitted
and analyzed is not a DOH-accredited laboratory.
b.3.4. Other compelling reasons (e.g. false or misleading
results of water analysis, etc.)
b.3.5. The Operational Permit was revoked/suspended
earlier by the Department.



The operator of the water supply system shall:

c.1. Immediately stop the operation of the part of the water

distribution system that was detected to be hazardous for
human consumption.

c.2. Immediately inform the Department and the Local Health

Office of the condition of the water system. In such cases,
the city heal office shall immediately inform the local health
authority who shall convene the Local Drinking Water
Quality Monitoring Committee. The committee shall
announce to the public:

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Province of Pangasinan



c.2.1. The status of the drinking water and the

precautionary measures that should be done by the
public during the crisis.
c.2.2. The limited usage of the water being supplied (e.g. for
bathing, washing clothes, watering plants, washing
cars, etc.).

c.3. Refrain from authorized declaration of the quality of the

drinking water to the public without any prior clearance
from the Department or Local Drinking Water Quality
Monitoring Committee.


Section 11A.21. Sanitary Requirements for the operation of Retail

Water System of Refilling Station


a.1. No person or entity shall operate a retail water system

(RWS) or refilling station for commercial purposes without
securing a Sanitary Permit from the city health office. The
following documents shall be submitted as requirements
for the issuance of the permit.

a.2. Operational Permit and Certificate of Potability of Drinking

Water for retail water system or refilling station where raw
water is sourced from private water supply system.

a.3. Certificate of Potability of Drinking Water for retail water

system or refilling station where raw is sourced from public
water supply system. However, validation water samples
shall be required to confirm that there is no cross-
connection in the main lines and/or seepage from the
water main.

a.4. Plans and specification for the complete multi-stage water

purification design of the plant prepared by a privately
practicing licensed sanitary engineer (R.A. 1364 and P.D.
1096) shall be submitted with each application for a
sanitary permit. Such plans and specifications shall be
subject for review and approval by the city health officer as
recommended by a government employed licensed sanitary

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Province of Pangasinan



a.5. Any additional construction, alteration or renovation in the

establishment of any alteration, addition or deletion or any
changes in the water treatment process, which is not
indicated in the approved as-built design, shall require a
new sanitary permit. Violation of this provision shall be a
ground for the immediate revocation or suspension of the
sanitary permit.


a.6.1. The application or renewal of the sanitary permit shall

be filed with the city health office. Existing
establishment operating before the issuance of these
rules and regulations shall be evaluated by the city
health office and shall be required to conform to these
rules and regulations before the renewal or issuance
of the sanitary permit.
a.6.2. The sanitary permit shall be issued only upon
compliance to at least a satisfactory rating of the
establishment and its product quality, utilizing the
sanitary inspection form.
a.6.3. Fees shall be paid to the local government unit upon
application or renewal of sanitary permit.

a.7. NOTING OF PERMIT - If there is a change in ownership of

the establishment, the new owner shall apply at the city
health office within fourteen (14) working days to have
such change noted in the records and sanitary permit and
shall pay the corresponding fee in respect of such noting.

a.8. VALIDITY – The sanitary permit shall be valid on the day

of issuance until the last day of December of the same
year, unless otherwise revoked, and shall be renewed every
beginning of the year, thereafter.

a.9. REVOCATION/SUSPENSION – upon the recommendation

of the city health officer, the sanitary permit shall be
suspended or revoked by the local health authority upon
violation of any sanitary rules and regulations.

a.10. POSTING – The Sanitary Permit shall be posted in a

conspicuous place of the establishment for public
information and shall be available for inspection by
authorized health and other regulatory personnel.

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Province of Pangasinan




a.11.1. The city health office shall deep a record of all

establishments that have been issued sanitary permit
and renewal thereof.
a.11.2. The record shall in every case show the following:

a.11.2.1. The name and address of the holder of the

sanitary permit;
a.11.2.2. The location of the establishment;
a.11.2.3. The nature/kind of business for which the
permit has been issued;
a.11.2.4. The registered business name of the
a.11.2.5. The date the first permit was issued and the
dates of any renewal thereof;
a.11.2.6. Any alteration, renovation, additional
construction in the establishment;
a.11.2.7. Any alteration, addition, deletion or any
change in the water purification process;
a.11.2.8. Every change of management of the
establishment since the first permit was
a.11.2.9. Sanitary conditions under which the permit
was issued or any renewal thereof granted;
a.11.2.10. Any revocation of the sanitary permit.

a.11.3. The record shall be available at all reasonable times

for inspection by any authorized officer of the
Department or the Local government unit concerned.


water system or refilling station establishment shall
provide adequate sanitary facilities including, but not
limited to the following:


a.13.1. There shall be adequate supply of water for the

operations and maintenance of the establishment
and its facilities.

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Province of Pangasinan



a.13.2. The water source shall be protected from possible

contamination that will adversely affect its potability
and palatability.
a.13.3. The water supply going to the water purification
machines/equipment shall be protected from
backflow and backpressure from in-machine water.
a.13.4. Booster, pneumatic, pressure or other pumps shall
be prohibited to be connected directly to main water
lines when water source is from public water supply
a.13.5. The plumbing system, water piping, connections,
fittings and hoses conveying water shall be
constructed, installed and repaired with in
accordance with the National Plumbing Code of the
a.13.6. Air Gap, the air gap between the water supply inlet
and flood rim of the plumbing fixture, equipment or
non-water equipment shall be at least twice the
diameter of the water supply inlet or as per the
following schedule.
a.13.7. Backflow Prevention Device. The backflow or
backsiphonage prevention device installed on a water
supply system shall meet the National Plumbing
Code of the Philippines standards for construction,
installation, maintenance, inspection and testing for
the specific application and type of device.


a.14.1. Adequate and clean toilet facilities shall be provided

for personnel use.
a.14.2. The toilet shall not open directly into spaces where
product water is being purified and handled.
a.14.3. The toilet door shall be tight fitting and self-closing.
a.14.4. The toilet room shall be completely enclosed,
properly lighted and ventilated.
a.14.5. RWS employing less than five (5) personnel shall
provide at least one (1) water closet and one (1)
hand-washing lavatory.
a.14.6. Toilet room for women shall be provided with
receptacle for sanitary napkins.
a.14.7. Toilet Structural Requirement:

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The approval of the city health officer as

recommended by the sanitary inspector shall be
required on the following:

a.14.7.1. Plans of toilet;

a.14.7.2. Individual sewage disposal system, sub-
surface absorption system or other
secondary or waste water treatment
a.14.7.3. Minimum space requirement.


a.15.1. Wash-hand basins shall be provided and installed in

convenient location and as near as practicable to
where the person for whose use they are provided.
a.15.2. There shall be adequate supply of soap, nailbrush,
clean towels or other suitable hand-drying facilities.
a.15.3. Hand-washing lavatory shall not be used for
purposes other than hand washing.


a.16.1. Waste water treatment and disposal shall be strictly

enforced in accordance with the provisions of the
IRR on Chapter XVII, “Sewage Collection and
Disposal, Excreta Disposal and Drainage” of the
Code on Sanitation of the Philippines, P. D. 856.


a.17.1. Indoor Storage Area and Receptacles. If located

within the establishment, storage areas for refuse,
recyclables shall comply to the requirements of Sec.
4 – “Sanitary Requirements for the Segregation and
Storage of Refuse/Solid Waste” of the IRR of Chapter
XVIII, “Refuse Disposal: of the Code on Sanitation of
the Philippines, P. D. 856.
a.17.2. Outdoor Storage Surface. An outdoor storage surface
for refuse recyclables, and returnable shall be
constructed of non-absorbent material such as
concrete or asphalt and shall be smooth, durable
and sloped to drain.

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Province of Pangasinan



a.17.3. Outdoor Enclosure. If used, outdoors enclosure for

refuses, recyclable and returnable shall be
constructed of durable and easy to clean materials.
a.17.4. All waste materials shall be handled in such a
manner as to avoid contamination of water.
a.17.5. All other pertinent provisions of the IRR of Chapter
XVIII – “Refuse Disposal” of the Sanitation Code of
the Philippines, P. D. 856 is hereby adopted and
made an integral part of these rules and regulations.


a.18.1. A vermin abatement program shall be maintained in

the establishment by the operator/owner. The
methods and procedures for vermin control shall be
in accordance with the implementing rules and
regulations of Chapter XVI – “Vermin Control” of the
Sanitation Code of the Philippines, P. D. 856.



b.1.1. The water treatment or purification process shall be

capable of producing drinking water that is clear,
colorless and free from objectionable taste and odor.
The product waste shall not contain any substance,
organism, chemical or radioactive material at a
concentration which should endanger the lives of the
consuming public.
b.1.2. The design of the water treatment or purification
process shall be based on the characteristic of the
source water and the availability of appropriate
purification technology. The design shall be
environmentally sound ,ecologically safe and cost-
efficient. The water purification process shall include
an air filtration to minimize the recontamination of the
product water.
b.1.3. The product water shall show “No Residual” of any
disinfectant used.



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Province of Pangasinan



b.2.1. Containers, caps and dispenses for refilled water

provided by the RWS shall be of non-toxic, non-
corrosive and food grade quality materials.
b.2.2. Water containers or dispenses for sale or lease from
the RWS or refilling stations shall be subject to testing
and certification by the Department.
b.2.3. Product water operators shall submit to the city health
office the certification by the Department indicating
the acceptability of the container.
b.2.4. All water containers and caps provided by the
establishment or provided by customers shall be
thoroughly washed with water from approved source
prior to sanitizing. Warm water with a temperature
range of oC to 49oC (115 oF – 120 oF) or a strong
alkaline solution with pH 10.5 may be used to aid in
the cleaning process.
b.2.5. Sanitizing solution and/or process shall be applied to
all water containers and caps after washing. It shall
be the responsibility of the RWS or refilling station
operator to see to it that washing and sanitizing of
containers are conducted before filing it with product
water. The sanitizing process may be by means of
chemical, dry or moist heat agent or other approved
procedures. Chemical sanitization using 60% - 75%
available chlorine shall be based on the standard
attached ad Annex 1.


b.3.1. Before being used, filling equipment (designed to be

cleaned in-place) shall be thoroughly cleansed and
sanitized in-place.

b.3.1.1. An alkaline solution of appropriate strength shall

be re-circulated through the filler to provide
effective cleaning of all product water contact
surfaces, with a minimum re-circulation time of
20 minutes at a temperature between 60 oC and
76.67 oC.
b.3.1.2. The cleansing solution shall be drained and
followed with potable water rinse-to-drain for the
removal of all residual alkalinity. The step may
be supplemented by the application of an
acidified rinse prior to the potable water rinse in

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order to neutralize any residual alkalinity on

product contact surfaces.

b.3.2. Immediately following completion of filling

operations, the filler shall be thoroughly rinsed
internally and externally with potable water.
b.3.3. Parts of the filler that are not designed to be cleaned
in-place shall be disassembled and removed. All
these parts shall be cleansed and sanitized prior to
reassembly using DOH- approved cleansing and
sanitizing procedure.
b.3.4. All surfaces of the filler that do not come in contact
with the water shall be cleaned manually so as to
render all surfaces free of residues.
b.3.5. Any other cleaning, rinsing, or sanitization
operations or processes not mentioned above shall
subject to the approval of the city health officer.
b.3.6. Filling of containers with water shall be in a manner
that it will not come in contact with hands or other
surfaces that may contaminate the water.
b.3.7. The rim of the containers with water shall be pointed
directly to the water-dispensing nozzle during filling.
b.3.8. The container shall be properly and immediately
capped after filling. Precautions shall be observed
when workers manually cap the container.
b.3.9. Sanitary cap or equivalent cap for 5-gallon bulk
water container shall be used to prevent the
contamination of the neck of the container before
placing it to the dispenser.
b.3.10. Five-gallon bulk water containers shall preferably be
provided with handle or “ears” or a carrying strand
attached to the container/s groove or in the neck.
Bulk water containers shall be carried only with the
use of a container’s grabber or handler.


b.4.1. Storage tank/sump/reservoir design, materials,

specification and location shall be reviewed and
approved by city health office before its
b.4.2. All water storage facilities shall be cleaned and
sanitized at least once a month.
b.4.3. Refilled water shall be stored in dry environment away
from chemicals and solvents (e.g. household cleaning

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Province of Pangasinan



products, gasoline, paint thinners) and other toxic

materials and contamination.
b.4.4. Refilled water in containers shall preferably be stored
in a separate storage room.


b.5.1. All refilled water shall be transported in sanitary

transporting facilities inspected and approved by the
city health office.
b.5.2. All refilled water containers to be transported shall be
properly arranged, crated or boxed and the containers
properly capped and protected from contamination.
All vehicles shall be kept clean, and no substance
capable of contamination the product water shall be
transported in such a manner as to permit
b.5.3. A Sanitary Clearance shall be required for every
refilled water delivery vehicle. Sanitary Clearance Fee
shall be P 50.00. The clearance shall be posted in all
delivery vehicles.
b.5.4. All deliveries of refilled water, in so far as the
containers and vehicles are concerned, shall be
subject to the inspection and approval of the city
health office having jurisdiction on the area or origin.

Section 11A.22. Sanitary Requirements for Mobile Water Tanks and

Bulk Water for Drinking


a.1. A Sanitary Clearance shall be required for all water

tankers. Fee for the clearance shall be P 50.00. The
Sanitary Clearance shall be posted in each individual
water tanker vehicle.

a.2. All deliveries of bulk water for drinking shall be subject to

the inspection and approval of the City Health Office
having jurisdiction of the area of origin.

Refer to rules and regulation of Chapter II – “Water Supply” of
the Code of Sanitation of the Philippines (P.D. 856).


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Province of Pangasinan



Refer to rules and regulations of Chapter II – “Water Supply” of

the Code of Sanitation of the Philippines (P.D. 856).

Section 11A.23. Sanitary Requirements for Water Vending Machines

and Dispensers

a. No person shall operate a water vending machine or dispenser

for commercial purposes without securing a sanitary permit from
the city health office.

b. The city health office may in writing, exempt establishments from

securing a separate sanitary permit for the water vending
machine or dispenser when the same is located inside a food
establishment. The class of vending machine shall be specified
in the exemption form.

c. Commercial water vending machines or dispensers located in

other establishment (e.g drug stores, bowling alleys, billiard
halls, schools, hotel lobby, cockpit arena, hospitals, theatres,
service stations and public places establishments) shall not be
exempted from securing sanitary permit.

d. Water vending machines or dispensers shall be registered only in

the name of the operator.

e. Operators and employees of vending machines and dispensers

shall secure then necessary health certificate.

Section 11A.24. Requirements for Personnel


a.1. No person shall be employed in any water refilling station,

delivery vehicles, water tankers and bulk water tankers,
and other establishments processing, dispensing or selling
water without an up-to-date health certificate issued by
the city health officer. The certificate shall be issued only
after the required physical and medical examinations and

a.2. The Health Certificate (EHS form 012-A or B) shall be

clipped in the upper left front portion of the employee’s
garment while working. This will include all the personnel
and driver of delivery vehicles and mobile tankers and bulk
water tankers.

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Province of Pangasinan



a.3. The health certificate shall be renewed at least every year

or as of the required.

a.4. Health Certificates are non-transferable.

a.5. Regulatory fees in the processing of the health certificate

shall be Php 25.00.

Section 11A.25. Inspection and Evaluation


It shall be the duty of the city health officer to cause the
evaluation and inspection of every water refilling station
establishment and other similar establishments, facilities or
equipment processing, dispensing or selling drinking water at least
once every three (3) months and to cause additional inspections and
re-inspections and evaluation as deemed necessary for the
enforcement of these rules and regulations. Inspection of the
establishment shall be conducted within seven (7) days after
payment of the inspection fee to the city treasurer.


The fees payable for every inspection shall be Php 50.00.

Section 11A.26. Responsibility of The Operators of Retail Water

System or Refilling Stations, Bulk Water Suppliers, Operators of Water
Dispenser or Vending Machine.

The operator shall:

11A.26.1. Submit the plans, specification and other required

documents of private water sources before its construction to the
CHO for review and approval.

11A.26.2. Secure the necessary permits for the establishment,

water dispenser or vending machine and transport/delivery
vehicles and health certificate from the city health office.

11A.26.3. Submit periodically the result of the required water

samples for laboratory analysis.

11A.26.4. Secure the Certificate of Potability of Drinking Water at

frequencies prescribed in these rules and regulations.

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Province of Pangasinan



Section 11A.27. Responsibility of Manufacturer/Supplier or Water


The manufacturer/supplier shall:

11A.27.1. Submit the product particular for review and

certification of the CHO before the same will be offered.

11A.27.2. Submit result of laboratory analysis of treated water

passing the water purifier.

Section 11A.28. Responsibility of the City Health Officer

The City Health Office shall:

11A.28.1. Conduct or cause the conduct of sanitary inspections

and evaluation of every refilling stations, water dispensers or
vending machines, delivery vehicles and mobile water tankers
and validate the water quality of RWS if complying with the
standard parameter and values for refilled water.

11A.28.2. Issue Sanitary Permit to establishments, water

dispensers or vending machine and issue Sanitary Clearance to
mobile water tankers and delivery vehicles complying with the
minimum sanitation requirements.

11A.28.3. Issue Health Certificates to all personnel, including

drivers of delivery vehicles of the establishments.

11A.28.4. Cause the conduct of sanitary survey for the

development of a drinking water supply source and issue
drinking water site clearance to applicants.

11A.28.5. Issue Certificate of Potability of Drinking Water in

accordance with these rules and regulations.

11A.28.6. Validate from the DOH approved water purification

apparatus, devices and similar gadgets being sold or peddled to
the public.

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Province of Pangasinan



11A.28.7. Cause the conduct of Investigations of any claim on

advertised product water or water purification equipment, which
in his judgment, may be detrimental to public health and safety.

11A.28.8. Enforce the provisions of these rules and regulations.



Section 11A.29. Scope.

These implementing rules and regulations shall apply to all food
establishment and facilities including those located in vessels, food
containers and vehicles, and foods sold in the streets.

Section 11A.30. Definition of Terms.

As used in these rules and regulations, the terms below shall be
defined as follows:

a. Appliances – includes the whole or part of any utensils, machinery,

instrument, apparatus, or article used or intended for use in or for
making, keeping/storing, preparing or supplying of any food.
b. Adulterated Food – food that contains any poisonous or
deleterious substances in a quantity, which may render it injurious
to health, or has been processed, prepared, packed or held under
insanitary conditions, where valuable nutrients have been in part or
in whole omitted thereof.
c. Bakery, Bakehouse, Cake Kitchen or Shop and Similar
Establishments - any premises in which breads, pastries, cakes
savories, or other bakers small goods are baked or cooked for sale
and any portion of such premises used for storage of yeast, flour or
other ingredients, of used for the kneading or working with dough.
d. Caterer - any person/firm or corporation maintaining or operating
kitchen or any similar establishment for the preparation, purveying,
cooking or processing of food or drink for sale or hired to serve to
persons elsewhere.
e. Contamination - the presence of infectious or non-infectious agent
in an inanimate article or substances/
f. Dairies - establishments for the production, sale or distribution of
milk or milk products such as butter or cheese.
g. Food - any raw, cooked or processed edible substances, beverages
or ingredients used or intended for use or for sale in whole or in
part for human consumption.

Republic of the Philippines
Province of Pangasinan



h. Food Establishment – an establishment where food or drinks are

manufactured, processed, stored, sold or served, including those
that are located in vessels.
i. Food Cart – a non-enclosed, movable food stand, with or without
wheels, selling take-out foods and/or drinks such a bread, pastries,
cakes, bottled or canned drinks or in mechanical dispensers, and
usually located in the fast food areas of malls, atriums, shopping
complex or multi-purpose establishments.
j. Food Establishment Operator – any person who by ownership or
contract agreement is responsible for the management of one or
more food establishments.
k. Food Stall – a permanently constructed food booth with partition
walls, dividers or equivalent, with food showcases and food displays,
counters, with or without kitchen, selling cooked meals or snacks
foods and usually found in fast-food areas of multipurpose
establishments, they are sometimes referred to as self-service
l. Food Handler – any person who handles, stores, prepares, serves
food, drinks or ice or who comes in contact with any eating or
cooking utensils and food vending machines.
m. Grocery - where staple food articles commonly called “groceries” are
handled and sold.
n. Health Certificate - a certification in writing, using the prescribed
form, and issued by city health officer to a person after passing the
required physical and medical examinations and immunizations.
o. Health Officer – City Health Officer.
p. Local Health Authority (LHA) – and official or employee
responsible for the application of a prescribed health measure in a
local political subdivision. For the provincial level, the local health
authority is the Governor and the Mayor for a city.
q. Misbranding – indicated all possible conditions of fraud,
mislabeling, imitation or misrepresentation of food products.
r. Restaurant - coffee shops, canteens, panciteria, bistro, carinderia,
fast food, refreshment parlors, cafeteria, snack bars, cocktail
lounge, bars, disco, night club, food kitchens caterer’s premises and
all other eating or drinking establishments in which food or drink is
prepared for sale elsewhere or as part of a service of a hospital,
hotel, motel, boarding house, institution caring for people and other
similar establishments.
s. Readily Perishable Food - any food or such type or in such
conditions as may spoil and which consists in whole or in part of
meat, poultry, fish, shellfish, milk or milk products, eggs or other
ingredients capable of supporting the progressive growth or micro-
organisms which can cause food infection or food intoxication. This
does not include products in hermetically sealed containers

Republic of the Philippines
Province of Pangasinan



processed by heat to prevent spoilage, and dehydrated, dried or

powdered products so low in moisture content as to produce
development or micro-organisms.
t. Sanitary Inspector -an officer employed by the city government,
who enforces sanitary rules, laws and regulations and implements
environmental sanitation activities.
u. Sanitary Engineer - a person duly registered with the Board of
Examiners for Sanitary Engineers (RA 1364)
v. Sanitary Permit - the certification in writing of the city health
officer that the establishment complies with the existing minimum
sanitation requirements upon evaluation or inspection conducted in
accordance with Presidential Decrees No. 522 and 856 and local
w. Sanitize – an effective bacterial treatment to render surface of
utensils and equipment free of pathogenic microorganisms.
x. Sari-Sari Store - a convenient store where a variety of food and
food materials and other household merchandise are sold in small
y. Secretary – the Secretary of Health
z. Single Service Articles – straws, cups, toothpick, chopsticks,
containers, lids or closures, plates, knives, forks, spoons, stirrers,
paddles, placemats, napkins, doilies, wrapping and packaging
materials and all other similar articles which are made wholly or in
part from paper, paperboard, molded pulp, foil, wood, synthetic, and
other readily destructible material which are intended to discarded
after use.
aa.Utensils and Equipment - any kitchenware, tableware, glassware,
cutlery, containers, stoves, sinks, dishwashing machines, tables,
meat blocks and other equipment used in the storage, preparation,
distribution or serving of food.
bb. Vermin – a group of insects or small animals such as flies,
mosquitoes, cockroaches, lice, bedbugs, mice and rats, which are
vectors of diseases.

Section 11A.31. Sanitation Requirements for Operating a Food



1. No person or entity shall operate a food establishment for

public patronage without securing a Sanitary Permit.
2. Application or renewal of Sanitary Permit.
2.1 The application or renewal of Sanitary Permit shall be
filed with the city health office having jurisdiction over
the establishment utilizing EHS Form No. 110.

Republic of the Philippines
Province of Pangasinan



2.2 Sanitary Permit shall be issued only upon compliance to

at least a satisfactory rating utilizing the Sanitary
Inspection of Food Establishment Form (EHS Form No.
103-A) and existing sanitation standards for food
3. Noting of Permit - Within 14 days after any change in the
ownership or occupancy of any food establishment, the new
occupant shall apply to the city health office to have such
change noted in the records and permit certificate, which he
shall produce for the purpose and shall pay the
corresponding fee in respect of such noting.
4. The permit shall be valid for one (1) year, ending on the last
day of December of each year, and shall be renewed every
year. However, for new food establishments, the validity of the
Sanitary Permit will also expire at the end of December of the
current year. Upon the recommendation of the local health
officer, the Sanitary Permit shall be suspended or revoked by
the local health authority upon violation of any sanitation
rules and regulations.
5. The Sanitary Permit shall be posted in a conspicuous place
establishment and shall be available for inspection by health
and other regulatory personnel.
6. Record of Permit Certificates
6.1 The city shall keep a record all establishments in respect
of which permits have been issued and all permit
certificated and renewal thereof.
6.2 The record shall in every case show the following.
a. The name and address of the holder of the sanitary
permit who in every case shall be the actual occupier
of the establishments; the location of the
6.3 The record shall be available at all reasonable times for
inspection by any officer of the Department of Health or
local health office-local government unit.


1. No person shall be employed in any food establishment

without a health certificate issued by the city health officer.
This certificate shall be issued only after the required physical
and medical examinations and immunizations. Briefings shall
be provided by the city health office prior to the issuance of
the health certificate to the recipient.

Republic of the Philippines
Province of Pangasinan



2. The health certificate (EHS Form No. 102-A, B, C) shall be

clipped in the upper left front portion of the garment of the
employee while working.
3. The health certificates shall be renewed at least every year or
as often as required by city ordinance.
4. Health certificates are non-transferable.
5. Requirements regarding food handlers:
5.1 Food handlers shall observed good personal hygiene and
practices such as:
5.1.1 Wearing clean working garments an hair restrain
5.1.2 Using chewing or smoking tobacco in any form
while engaged in food preparation or service, or
while in the equipment and utensils washing or
food preparation areas is now allowed.
5.1.3 No person shall be allowed to work in food handling
and preparation while afflicted with a
communicable disease or a carrier of such disease,
which includes boils or inflected wounds, colds or
respiratory infection, diarrhea or gastrointestinal
upsets, and other related illnesses.


1. All foods must be obtained from sources approved by the local

health authority. In this regard, the following requirements
are applicable.

1.1 All meats shall come from duly licensed slaughterhouse

inspected and approved by the veterinarian or regulatory
authority. Processing of meat products shall be done as
per existing regulation and in an approved manner.
1.2 Fish, shrimps, prawns, shellfish, seaweeds and other sea
foods, brackish water foods, surface water foods and food
from aquaculture farms or ponds shall not come from
sources in any manner polluted by sewage, chemicals,
radioactive waste and other toxic substances.
1.3 Vegetables and fruits shall come from safe sources where
the soil is not contaminated by night sold, sewage and
toxic chemicals.
1.4 No meat products, fish, vegetables and other food shall
be procured from sources or areas known to have been
affected by radioactivity as for example; areas
contaminated with the large amount of radioactive

Republic of the Philippines
Province of Pangasinan



1.5 All milk and milk products shall come from approved
sources and shall meet the standards and quality
established by the regulatory authority.

2. Transporting of Food and Food Materials.

2.1 All food and food materials shall be transported in

sanitary transporting facilities inspected and approved by
the city health officer. In the transport of food, all food
shall be in covered containers, wrapped or packed so as
to be protected from contamination.
2.2 Readily perishable food and food materials transferred to
another town, city, province or region in commercial
quantity or intended for public consumption shall be
accompanied by a Transfer Permit (EHS Form No. 106)
issued by the city health officer, where the food and food
materials originated.
2.3 Exporting and importing of food and food materials shall
be covered by existing regulations of the Bureau of Food
and Drugs and other regulatory agencies.

3. Preparations, Storing and Serving of Food and Drink.

3.1 All food while being displayed, stored prepared, served or

sold shall be protected from contamination such as dust,
flies, rodents and other vermin.
3.2 All meat, fish, shellfish, shrimps, prawn and other sea,
brackish water, surface water or aquaculture food
products shall be properly washed before being cooked or
3.3 Fruits, vegetables, seaweeds, etc. for salads should be
fresh and free from bruises, dirt and shall be prepared
with a minimum hand contact and on surface and with
utensils which have been sanitized prior to its usage.
3.4 Raw fruits and vegetables shall be thoroughly washed
with disinfecting solution if necessary before they are
used and cooked.
3.5 Tongs, forks, spoons, spatulas, scoops, chopping boards
and other suitable utensils shall be provided and used by
the employees to reduce hand contact with food to a

Section 11A.32. Structural Requirements Regarding the Use of Food

Service Spaces

Republic of the Philippines
Province of Pangasinan



Food establishments shall be constructed in accordance with the

following requirements. All restaurants and other food establishment shall
operate only in accordance with the sanitation standard as stipulated in
Department of Health Order No. 258-B, s-1991 and this code.
1. Plans of proposed food spaces shall be subjected to the approval
of the local health office.
2. No person shall use any room or place for or in connection with
the preparation, storage, handling or sale of any article of food:
2.1 Which is at anytime used or in direct communication with a
sleeping apartment or toilet.
2.2 In which any animal is kept; or
2.3 Which is not used exclusively for the purpose; Provided,
That in department stores or multipurpose business
establishments, food may be manufactured, prepared,
cooked, stored, or sold only in the area set aside exclusively
for said purpose and for which a sanitary permit has been
3. No sanitary permit shall be issued for any premises to be used
for the preparation, handling and sale of food unless it is
constructed in accordance with the following rules and
regulation of Chapter III-Food Establishment of this Code.

Section 11A.33. Use of Food-Service Spaces

a. Food-service spaces shall not be used as living or sleeping

b. No animals or live fowls shall be allowed in such spaces.
c. Persons not directly connected with food preparation and serving
shall not be allowed to stay in food-serving spaces.
d. Foods in storage or in preparation must not be handled by
anyone other than the preparation and serving staff.

Section 11A.34. Food Handlers

a. No person shall be employed in any establishment without a

health certificate issued by the city health authority.
b. Food handlers shall at all times:
1. Wear clean working garments. The Cook shall wear prescribed
caps and female employees caps or hairnets.
2. Observe good personal hygiene.

Section 11A.35. Vermin Control

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Province of Pangasinan



VERMIN – A group of insects or small animals such as flies,

mosquitoes, cockroaches, fleas, lice, bedbugs, mice and rats, which
are vectors of diseases.

a. Spaces where food and drinks are stored, prepared and served
shall be so constructed and maintained as to exclude vermin.
b. A vermin abatement program shall be maintained in the
establishments by their owners, operators, or administrators, if
they fail, neglect or refuse to maintain a vermin abatement
programs, the local health agency will undertake the work at
their expense.
c. Vermin control in public places shall be the responsibility of the

Section 11A.36. Toilet And Washing Facilities

a. Adequate and clean toilet facilities for male and female

customers and personnel shall be provided in properly located
b. Toilet rooms shall not open directly into spaces where food is
prepared, stored or served. Where such toilets exist, the doors
shall be tight fitting and self-closing.
c. Adequate hand-washing facilities shall be provided within or
adjacent to toilet room.
d. Facilities shall include hot and cold running water, single-service
paper or cloth towel dispenser or drying device and soap or

Section 11A.37. Sewage Disposal and Drainage

All sewage discharged from food establishments shall be disposed in a
public sewerage systems, or in the absence thereof, in a manner complying
with the General Provisions on Waste Disposal of Department of Health
Circular No. 220, s. 1974, implementing the provisions of Presidential Decree
No. 522; and Chapter XVII of P.D. 856 and its implementing rules and
A grease trap shall be used and where practicable be placed outside
the food establishment.

a. Refuse cansmay be used in food-preparation areas for immediate

use only.
b. Storage refuse cans, filled and empty shall be in a designated
space separate from food-handling operations.
c. These cans shall be so constructed and maintained as to be
vermin-proof and easily cleaned.

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Province of Pangasinan



d. Cans containing refuse shall be tightly covered at all times,

except during actual use in food-handling areas.
e. Holding bins may likewise be used , provided they are
constructed of impervious, readily cleaned materials, and fitted
with tight-fitting covers.

Section 11A.38. Refuse Collection, Separation, Storage and Disposal

There shall be sufficient number of containers to hold all of the
garbage and rubbish, which are accumulated between periods of
removal from the premises.


Refuse shall be separated as follows:

a. Recyclables - these include dry papers/cardboards,

plastics/rubbers, glasses, broken bottles, metals and
b. Trashes - are ashes, rice hulls, chaffs, husks, shells, cobs,
papers and cardboards.
c. Food Materials - are food leftovers, kitchen/cooking wastes,
food washings, vegetables trimmings, fruit peelings, eggshell,
bodes, entrails and gills.

11A.38.3. STORAGE

a. Refuse receptacles containing food waste shall be stored so as

to be inaccessible to vermin. If this is not possible, containers
or cans shall be stored in a manner so as not to create
potential insect and rodent attractant, harborage and
b. Storage refuse cans, filled and empty shall be in a designated
space separate from food handling operations.

11A.38.4. DISPOSAL

1. All garbage, rubbish and other refuse shall be disposed of at

least once a day, or at such frequencies through a city or
private collection system or by any approved method, and in
such a manner as to prevent nuisance.
2. Open burning of refuse shall be discouraged, however, where
rubbish or other combustible part of refuse is burned in the

Republic of the Philippines
Province of Pangasinan



premises, an incinerator shall provide and operated in a

sanitary manner so as not to create a potential air pollution or
nuisance problems. Areas around such incinerators shall be
kept clean and in orderly condition.

Section 11A.39. Equipment and Utensils

a. They shall be so designed, fabricated and installed so that

cleaning is easy and they do not pose health hazards.
b. Sliding doors on cabinets shall be easily cleanable and
removable. Runners shall be allotted at the ends to permit
removal of dust and debris. The bottom shelves of open-based
fixtures shall be removable to facilitate inspection, cleaning and

Section 11A.40. Washing Utensils

a. They shall be scrapped and pre-rinsed to remove food articles.
b. If running water is not used, the wash-water shall be changed

Section 11A.41. Bactericidal Treatment

Eating and drinking utensils and equipment, after thoroughly cleaned,
shall be subjected to one of the following bactericidal treatments:
a. Immersion for at least half a minute in clean hot water at a
temperature of at least 170°F (77°C);
b. Any other method approved by the city health officer.

Section 11A.42. Handling of Washed Utensils

a. Washed utensils shall be allowed to drain dry in wire racks

without use of drying cloths, or shall be stored in a self-draining
position to permit ready air-drying.

Section 11A.43. Storage of Washed Utensils

a. They shall be stored in a clean and dry place adequately

protected against vermin and other sources of contamination.
b. Cups, bowls, and glasses, shall be inverted for storage.

Section 11A.44. Dry Storage of Non-Perishable Foods

Non-perishable foods shall be stored in the following manner:

a. Designated spaces, lockers, cupboards, racks, shelves and

containers shall be used for storage.

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Province of Pangasinan



b. All spaces, lockers and cupboard shall be constructed of

materials, of the same quality as used for food-preparation and
food-serving operations. Containers shall be made of metal fitted
with tight covers.

Section 11A.45. Refrigerated Storage of Perishable Foods

a. They shall be kept at or below 45°F (7°C) except during

preparations of when hold for immediate serving after
b. When such foods are to be stored for extended periods, a
temperature of 40°F (4°C) is recommended.
c. Fruits and vegetables shall be stored in cool rooms.
d. Recommended temperature for perishable food storage are:
1. Frozen foods; not more than 10°F (2°C)
2. Meat and fish: 32-38°F (0-3°C)
3. Milk and milk products: 40-45°F (5-7°C)
4. Fruits and vegetables: 44-50°F (7-10°C)

Section 11A.46. Food Servicing Operations

These operations should be in accordance with the following

a. Hand contacts with food or drink shall be avoided; fingers shall

not be used to serve butter, ice, or similar items of food. Sugar
shall be served in covered dispensers or containers, or in
packages wrapped for single service.
b. The surfaces of containers and utensils, including glasses and
tableware, which come in contact with food and drink shall not
be handled.
c. Clean cloths, napkins, spoons, towels, and other cloth equipment
shall be stored in clean places designated specifically for them.
d. Spoons, spatulas, dippers and scoops used intermittently for
dispensing frozen desserts shall be kept in running water or in
water maintained at 170°F (77°C) and frequently changed, or
they may be washed and stored in a dry place after each use.

Section 11A.47. Evaluation of Food Establishment

It shall be the duty of the City Health Officer to cause an inspection
and evaluation of every food establishment requiring a permit for its
operations, at least every six months and shall cause as many additional
inspection and re-inspections and evaluation to be made as are necessary for
the enforcement if the provision of this Chapter.

Republic of the Philippines
Province of Pangasinan



The rules and regulations of Chapter III- Food Establishment of the

Code of the Sanitation of the Philippines (P.D. 856) shall give this section.

Section 11A.48. Special Provisions

a. Groceries or “Sari-Sari” Stores

1. No person or entity shall operate groceries and sari-sari stores
without a Sanitary Permit in accordance with this Code.
2. The employees of groceries and sari-sari stores who handles
food or food products shall be required to secure health
certificate in accordance with the code.
3. No grocery or sari-sari store shall be established within a
distance of 25 meters from any source of contamination.
4. All foods, which require no further cooking before they are
eaten, shall be protected from contamination while in
counters or showcases.
5. Groceries and sari-sari stores, when required by the health
officer, depending on the food and food products stored, shall
provide adequate sanitary facilities and maintain sanitary
conditions thereat at all times.

b. Bakeries

1. Delivery trucks and carts of bakery products shall always be

kept clean and sanitary.
2. No person or entity shall operate a bakery without a sanitary
permit in accordance with Section 3, (a) of these rules and
3. Employees in bakeries, delivery trucks who handles or come
in contact with bakery products and materials shall be
required to obtain a health certificate in accordance with
section 3, (b) of these rules.
4. All bakery products prepared in food service establishments
or in food processing establishments shall comply with all the
sanitation requirements of these rules and regulations.
5. No person shall place or display or remove from any bakery,
bake house, cake kitchen any bread, cakes, pastries, baker’s
small goods or sandwiches and other similar food for sale
unless all such foods are adequately protected from rain,
dust, flies and other contaminants.
6. No person shall use any crate or container for the carriage or
delivery of bread for sale unless the crate or container is so
constructed in such a manner as to completely protect the
bread from contamination and is capable of being easily

Republic of the Philippines
Province of Pangasinan



c. Dairies

1. No dairy shall keep unhealthy or infected cows, carabao or

goats for the production of milk, or feed them unwholesome
food, which produces impure or unwholesome milk.
2. No animals used for the production of milk shall be allowed to
graze on land, which has been contaminated by radioactivity.
3. No dairy shall sell unwholesome milk that has not been
previously pasteurized or otherwise sterilized.

d. Iced Plants

1. No persons or entity shall operate an ice plant without

securing a sanitary permit from the city health office.
2. No personnel of an ice plant directly engaged in the
preparation, manufacturing, handling and transporting of
ice shall be employed without a valid health certificate
issued by the local health office in accordance with this
3. Only potable water shall be used in the manufacture of ice.
4. In storing and transporting ice intended for public
consumption, precautionary measures shall be taken to
protect the ice from sources of contamination.
5. The construction and operations of an ice plant shall
conform to the standards prescribed by the Department of
6. No establishment of this kind must be constructed 25
meters from sources of contamination.
7. Any establishment that manufactures ice shall be located in
a building or structure that protects the ice, equipment, and
utensils from dust, dirt, rodents, insects and other
contaminating sources.
8. No person afflicted with communicable disease shall work in
any area of an ice plant.
9. All employees shall wear clean protective garments and
shoes and conform to hygienic practices while on duty.
10. Ice intended for human consumption or to be used in direct
contact with food, food equipment or food utensils shall
meet the bacteriological, physical and chemical standards of
the Philippine National Standards for Drinking Water.
11. Ice contact surfaces, including loading platforms, conveyors
and chutes shall be easily cleaned and shall be kept clean
and in good condition.

Republic of the Philippines
Province of Pangasinan



12. Freezing tank covers shall be impervious material to protect

ice containers from splash, drip and contamination. The
covers shall be equipped with rings or similar devices,
thereby minimizing splintering or covers when hooks are
used for pulling.
13. All portable can or tank filters, core suckers, needles, core
filters, drop tubes, pipes, tongs, picks and covers shall be
maintained in a clean and sanitary condition.
14. Airpipes, and coring or sucking services shall be used as
needed to produce a product free of rust or other foreign
15. It shall be the responsibility of the owner, operator or
whoever is in-charge or an ice plant to provide the necessary
personnel, equipment and supplies for cleaning and
maintenance of the establishment and its premises.
16. Garbage or trash shall be temporarily stored in containers
with tight covers and collected on time scheduled by the city
collection system or by private collection system.
17. All ice blocks shall be thoroughly washed with potable water
as they come in contact with delivering platform prior to
18. Processing and packaging or ice for human consumption
shall be accomplished in a sanitary manner.
19. In transporting or delivering ice intended for public
consumption, precautionary measures shall be taken to
protect the ice from any source of contamination.
20. All vehicles hauling packaged or unpackaged ice shall be
thoroughly washed immediately prior to loading of ice.

e. Ambulant Food Vendors

1. These vendors shall sell only bottled food drinks, biscuits and

It is prohibited for food vendors to sell food that requires the

use of utensils.

Section 11A.49. The City Sidewalk Vendor ID Card shall be prescribed

by the City Treasurer’s Office. For this purpose, the sidewalk vending
personal data, especially his name and classification or products he sells,
shall be printed in big bold letters approximately one-half inch in height, as

a. His full name and complete address;

b. The place where he is allowed to sell or vend his products; The

Republic of the Philippines
Province of Pangasinan



classification of the products he is authorized to sell, such as:

c. His bust size recent photo;
d. The prescribed place and time of vending;
e. His signature, the signatures of the City Treasurer and the City

Section 11A.50. The City Treasurer is hereby authorized to issue the

City Sidewalk Vendor I.D. Cards at a nominal cost of P 20.00 each paid
directly to his office. The I.D. Card issued under this ordinance is renewable
annually on or before the last working day of February. Instead of issuing a
new I.D. for the succeeding year, a special sticker with the year and Mayor’s
signature shall be posted on the I.D. of the sidewalk vendor after having
himself registered with the Office of the City Treasurer and shall have paid
the sticker fee of P10.00.

Provided that after every three (3) years, a new City Sidewalk Vendor
I.D. Card shall be reissued subject to the same cost of P20.00.

The ID Card is non-transferable.

Section 11A.51. Any sidewalk vendor without the required City

Sidewalk Vendor ID Card is strictly prohibited from selling or vending in the
City of Alaminos. Provided, that sidewalk vendors selling food, cooked or raw,
shall secure also a Health Certificate from the City Health Officer for a fee of
Php 20.00, and renewable annually at P10.00 as above provided for vendors;

Section 11A.52. All sidewalk vendors are allowed only to use handy
containers for their products for sale, such as “nigo” (winnow), basin, water
pail, sacks, small hand carried tables, baskets, bags and the like.
All types of stalls, store-type structure, platforms, and permanent structures
of any kind unless they are fordable are hereby prohibited.

Section 11A.53. Any sidewalk vendor using and/or utilizing any stall,
store-type structural platform and/or permanent structure of any kind prior
to the enactment of this ordinance are hereby given fifteen (15) days from the
approval of this ordinance within which to dismantle the same.

If after the prescribed fifteen (15) days period, the sidewalk vendor has
not as yet dismantled his structure, the City Government thru his authorized
representative shall dismantle the same and shall charge the sidewalk vendor
concerned for the services rendered thereof.

Republic of the Philippines
Province of Pangasinan



a. Oyster Beds
1. Oysters shall be planted and grown only in areas approved by
the City Health Officer or his duly authorized representatives
and in places duly licensed by the Bureau of Fisheries and
Aquatic Resources.
2. Oysters offered for sale, if not originating from approved
areas, shall be confiscated and destroyed by the local health

b. Fish Marketing Areas

1. Only fresh and wholesome fish products shall be sold.

2. Fish caught in radioactive zones as well as in areas
contaminated by toxic substances or high in mercury count
as determined by the health authorities shall be condemned
and not be allowed for public consumption.
3. The selling, distribution and buying of fish caught through
the use of explosives and chemicals are prohibited.

Section 11A.54. Responsibility of The City Health Officer

The City Health Officer shall:

a. Make periodic inspections to enforce the maintenance of
adequate sanitation if food establishments and their premises;
b. Take samples of food and drink from any establishments or
vendor as often as necessary to determine if there are
unwholesome, adulterated, or contaminated by radio activity;
c. Prevent the sale or condemn and destroy food and drinks if these
are found unfit for human consumption;
d. Seal and prohibit the use of devices, utensils, containers,
vehicles, machines, piping and appurtenances if in his opinion
they are unsanitary; and
e. Enforce the provisions of this Ordinance and the rules and
regulations promulgated by the Secretary of Health.



Section 11A.55. Prescribed Standards Of Construction - The

construction of markets and abattoirs shall conform to standards prescribed
by the Department. These standards shall be set along the following

1. Suitability of site insofar as elimination of nuisance condition

Republic of the Philippines
Province of Pangasinan



and prevention of contamination are concerned;

2. Availability of ample water supply for cleaning;
3. Accessibility of adequate drainage facilities;
4. Durability of construction to protect vendors and customers from
any hazard and exposure to the elements; and
5. Facilities for sanitation maintenance, such as cleaning and
elimination of harborages of vermin.

Section 11A.56. Responsibility of the Local Health Authority

a. On Markets
1. Make periodic inspections to ascertain the maintenance of
adequate sanitary conditions of markets and their premises;
2. Supervise and control the proper care and use of market
3. Prohibit the construction of living quarters within any market
and its premises;
4. Enforce the ban on construction of partitions, sheds or booths
within the market area.

b. On Abattoirs
1. Supervise the maintenance of adequate sanitation in abattoirs
and their premises;
2. Enforce the requirements on the examination of meat as
provided in existing laws;
3. Permit the slaughter of animals for public consumption in
other designated areas in certain exigencies, provided public
health is adequately protected;
4. Supervise the sanitary disposal of all abattoir wastes; and
5. Ensure that only healthy animals shall be slaughtered, and
that the method of slaughtering, the techniques of dressing
and the storing, handling and transporting procedures are in
accordance with prescribed standards.

Section 11A.57. Responsibility of Local Government and Private

Operators - Local governments and private operators in charge of public or
private markets and abattoirs shall employ an adequate number of personnel
to ensure their efficient operation and hygienic maintenance. These
employees shall be under the direct supervision of the local health authority.



Section 11A.58. Sanitary Permit

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No public laundry shall operate without a sanitary permit from the City
Health Officer or his duly authorized representative. As used in this Chapter,
a public laundry is a laundry established and operated for commercial
purposes, open to the public, and not to an exclusive clientele.

Section 11A.59. General Requirement - The construction and

operation of a public laundry shall be governed by the following

a. Structural Requirements
1. The site should be distant from sources of nuisance.
2. Only durable construction materials shall be used.
3. Smooth and water-tight materials shall be used for flooring.
4. All work rooms shall be properly ventilated and provided with
10 foot-candles of lighting.
5. Adequate drying facilities shall be provided and articles for
drying protected from sources of contamination.

b. Sanitary Requirements
1. Laundry supplies in both liquid and solid state shall be
properly stored, prepared and handled. Containers of
chemical shall be properly labeled.
2. Employees shall be provided with potable drinking water,
toilets, bathing and washing facilities.
3. Employees shall be provided with lockers for their working
garments and street cloths.
4. The plant and its premises and equipment shall be
maintained clean and sanitary at all times.

Section 11A.60. Special Requirements - The following requirements

shall be enforced:

a. All articles to be laundered coming from hospitals and infected

sources shall be treated by exposure to a sufficient quantity of
hot water detergents or by other effective means of disinfection.
b. All linen, bed clothes, pajamas, towels, bed sheets , pillow cases,
etc. that have come in contact with any form of radioactivity
should be isolated in a certain area and monitored by Radiation
Safety personnel before sending these articles for laundry. If any
amount of radioactive contamination is found, the affected article
should be set aside and the radioactivity allowed to completely
decay before said article is sent for laundry.
c. All articles for delivery to the laundry shall be kept in containers,
which shall be kept closed until the articles are removed at the

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d. Laundry vehicles shall be kept clean and sanitary at all times.

e. A separate room shall be used solely for receiving, sorting,
marking or handling unwashed articles.
f. Diapers must be protected from pathogenic organisms and from
chemical substances, which are irritating to the skin of the
infant. Laundered diapers for delivery shall be packed in sealed
sanitary containers.



Section 11A.61. Definition Of Terms - As used in this Chapter, the

following terms shall mean:

a. School - An institution of learning which may be public, private

or parochial.
b. Special School -A school which utilizes cadavers, plants,
animals, bacterial and viral cultures for studies and research.
c. Physical Environment - The school plant, grounds and
d. Emotional Environment - Factors which affect the emotional
health of students and members of the faculty.

Section 11A.62. The Physical Environment - In the design and

construction of the school plant, the following factors shall be considered:

a. Site - Traffic hazards are to be avoided but not to the point of

sacrificing accessibility to public transportation. It shall be
distant from sources of nuisances.
b. Grounds - The acreage shall be large enough to permit
playgrounds, athletic fields and school gardens.
c. Building - Preferably it shall be constructed of strong and
durable materials and designed along functional lines. For the
prevention of fire hazards, the requirements of the local fire
department shall be observed. Sufficient ventilation shall be
provided. Wall and ceiling finishes should be chosen so as to give
optimum lighting with minimum glare. Artificial lighting with
louvered fluorescent or incandescent fixture shall be used to
supply a minimum lighting of 25 foot-candles in the darkest
corner. For flooring, suitable materials shall be used which will
give maximum durability without creating a slippery surface.
d. Sanitary Facilities - The school population shall be provided
with potable water, sewage and waste disposal systems shall
likewise conform to the requirements prescribed in this Code.

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Section 11A.63. The Emotional Environment - For the promotion of

emotional health of the school population the following requirements shall be

a. Suitable Location - The school site shall be located away from

disturbances and places which give undesirable influence.
b. Recreational Facilities - The school must have safe and
attractive playgrounds and adequate facilities for suitable sports
and games.
c. Rest Rooms Facilities - shall be provided where faculty
members can rest and get short respite from teaching chores.

Section 11A.64. Health Services - Trained personnel and adequate

facilities should be available so that students may be afforded the following
health services:

a. Periodic physical and medical examination;

b. Periodic immunization;
c. Medical and dental treatment;
d. Treatment for common emergencies; and
e. Counseling and guidance.

Section 11A.65. Requirements for Special Schools

a. Cadavers shall be stored in morgues and dissected in dissecting

rooms, all of which shall be constructed and maintained in
accordance with standards prescribed by the Department.
b. Poisonous or harmful plants and animals shall be kept in
adequate and secured areas.
c. Viral and bacterial cultures shall be kept in laboratories under
standard security laboratory measures.
d. Schools utilizing radioactive materials or sources for study or
research should closely conform to the requirements and
guidelines given by the Radiation Health Office and the
Philippine Atomic Energy Commission concerning radiation


Section 11A.66. Sanitary Requirements for Operation an Industrial

Establishment - The following sanitary requirements shall be applicable to
industrial establishments:

a. No person, firm, corporation, or entity shall operate any

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industrial establishment without first obtaining a sanitary permit

from the City Health Officer or his duly authorized
b. Industrial establishments shall be allowed to operate only in
places or zones assigned for the kind of industry by existing
zoning laws, ordinances, or policies. The local health authority
shall determine the suitability of location where no zoning law,
ordinance or policy exists.
c. Adequate potable water supply shall be provided to employees.
d. Sewage disposal shall be by means of a municipal or city
sewerage system whenever possible. If no municipal or city
sewerage system exists it shall be done in accordance with the
provisions of this Code. Adequate and conveniently located toilet
and bath facilities shall be provided for each sex.
e. All wastes incident to the operation of the industrial plant shall
be collected, stored, or disposed of in a manner to prevent health
hazards, nuisances, and pollution. Where a city or municipal
collection and disposal system exists, it should be utilized.
f. An abatement program for the control of vermin shall be
g. Adequate restrooms and mass halls shall be provided for
h. All places of employment and all workrooms, including
machinery and equipment, shall be kept clean and sanitary.

Section 11A.67. Responsibility Of City Health Officer - The City

Health Officer shall:

a. Issue a list of maximum concentration of atmospheric

contaminants as a guide in appraising health hazards and in
evaluating control measures. The term maximum concentration
as used in this Chapter means the amount of atmospheric
contaminant which can be tolerated by man for continuous daily
exposure with no impairment of health or well-being either
immediate or after a long period of exposure.
b. Review the concentration values at regular intervals to amend or
alter the list where indicated.
c. Specify other concentrations of short intermittent duration
capable of causing acute impairment of health.
d. Require control of other contaminants known or believed to be
capable of causing impairment of health but not included in the
list already issued by the Department.
e. Prescribe control measures to eliminate transmission of infection
disease through processing or handling of industrial products or

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f. Prescribe illumination standard values and order their review at

regular intervals to alter or amend values when indicated.
g. Promulgate measures to effectively and adequately control any
possible radioactivity to which workers may be exposed while on
their job.
h. Promulgate control measures to reduce noise and pollution.

Section 11A.68. Responsibilities Of Employer And Employee - The

following are the responsibilities of the employer and employees in industrial

a. Employer responsibility
1. Provide, install and maintain in good repair all control
measures and protective equipment;
2. Inform affected employees regarding the nature of the hazards
and the reasons for, and methods of control measures and
protective equipment;
3. Make periodical testing of the hearing of all employees in noisy
areas of operation;
4. Adopt measures so that the noise produced is within allowable
limits so as not to affect neighboring offices, buildings or
5. Request the Department a permit for variation from the
requirements when other means of equivalent protection are
provided; and
6. Provide personal protective equipment and/or protective
barriers when they are necessary.

b. Employee responsibility
1. Observe strictly protective control measures which are
prescribed; and
2. Use equipment provided them properly.

Section 11A.69. Environmental Provisions - The environmental

provisions enumerated hereunder for the protection of the health of workers
are applicable to all industrial establishments:

a. Control of atmospheric contaminants

1. Workers shall not be exposed to atmospheric contaminants
hazardous to health.
2. Control of atmospheric contaminants shall be accomplished by
methods approved by the City Health Officer or his duly
authorized representatives or other government authority.

b. Control of infectious agents

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1. Control measures shall be provided to eliminate or control the

transmission of infectious diseases through processing or
handling of industrial products or wastes.

c. Control of possible sources of radiation hazards should be carried

out under the supervision of the Radiation Health Officer or his
authorized representative.

d. Noise Control measures shall be provided to reduce intensity of

noise sufficiently to render it harmless to workers and to eliminate it
at its source as a nuisance by following the recommendations of the
local health or other government authority.

e. Illumination
1. Adequate lighting shall be provided and distributed in all work
areas in amount required for the type of work or seeing tasks
measured by a light-meter with a minimum of glare and
contrasting intensities between work and workroom.
2. Where the specific task requires more light than provided by
general illumination, supplementary lighting shall be supplied.

f. Ventilation
1. Natural or artificial ventilation shall be provided in all work areas
at a rate to insure a safe and healthful working atmosphere, free
from injurious amounts of toxic materials and reasonably free
from offensive odors and dust throughout the establishment.
2. Proper control measures shall be used to reduce concentration of
toxic contaminants to allowable limits.
3. Air inlets shall be arranged, located and equipped to insure
sufficient air velocity and an exhaust system which shall be
located so that discharged materials shall not re-enter places of
employment or habitations nor create any hazard of nuisance.

Section 11A.70. Personal Protective Equipment - The following

requirements shall be applicable for personal protective equipment.

a. Personal protective equipment and/or protective barriers shall be

provided whenever substances, radiations or mechanical
irritants are encountered in a manner capable of causing any
pathological change or injury or impairment in functions of any
part of the body through skin and/or mucous membrane
b. Personal protection equipment, which shall include respiratory
protectors and other accessories, shall be fitted to each exposed
worker when necessary.

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c. X-ray film badges or pocket decimeters’ should be worn by

workers who, during their course of work are unavoidably
exposed to even a small amount of radiation.
d. Supervisors and employees shall familiarize themselves with the
use, proper sanitary care and storage of this equipment.

Section 11A.71. Health Services - Medical services shall be provided to

all employees in accordance with existing laws and the rules and regulations
prescribed by this Code.


Section 11A.72. General Principles of Public Bathing Places.

1. All public bathing places both natural and artificial should be

under the sanitary control of public health authorities.
2. Standard of cleanliness and bacterial purity of the water
should apply at both indoors and outdoors swimming pools and
the same precautions should be taken against the possible
spread of diseases.
3. At public bathing beaches on natural waters, the same sanitary
standards should apply to bathing houses, dressing rooms,
toilet facilities and to the handling and care of bathing suits,
towels and other articles of bathing apparel as would be
required at artificial swimming pools.
4. Sanitary drinking facilities with a supply of safe potable water
should be installed at all bathing places.
5. The common used of towels, drinking cups, combs, hair
brushes, or other toilet articles are strictly prohibited.
6. No dogs or other animals shall be allowed in the bathing and
dressing rooms or other parts of bathing place enclosure.
7. Suitable placards embodying bathing places regulations and
instructions shall be conspicuously posted in the bathing area
and in dressing rooms.
8. No person with evidence of having any disease shall be allowed
in the pool area, bathing places or bath houses.
9. No public bathing beach shall be maintained on a natural body
of water that has been determined or declared by the
Department of Health to be so contaminated as to be a menace
to health if used for bathing.
10. There must be adequate number of life guards and attendants
who are properly trained and qualified life savers, competent in
aid and rescue methods and techniques, and in the use of
artificial respiration and other resuscitation measures.

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Province of Pangasinan



Section 11A.73. Scope of Jurisdiction of the City Health Office

The City Health officer or its duly authorized representative shall have
jurisdiction over public swimming or bathing places to protect the health and
safety of persons who use them. The City Health Office shall be responsible
for the:

1. Approval of Plans – All plans for public swimming pools shall be

approved by the Department of Health or its duly authorized
2. Permits – Before a public swimming pool, a bath house, or a public
bathing or swimming place is placed in operation, the owner or
operator must obtain a Sanitary Permit from the Municipal Health
Authority. Such Sanitary Permit may be revoked for violation of or
non-compliance with the rules and regulations of the Department of
3. Personnel and Supervision – Adequate life guards and sufficient
attendants shall be provided to operate the pool or bathing beach in
an orderly manner and shall assist in sanitary control. No person
shall be employed with the swimming pool and bathing places
without a health certificate issued by the local health authority. This
certification shall be issued only after the required physical and
medical examinations are performed and immunizations are
administered at prescribed intervals.


Section 11A.74. Chemical and Physical Quality of Swimming Pool


1. Excess Chlorine- Whenever chlorine calcium hypochlorite, or

other chlorine compounds are used for swimming pool
disinfection, the amount of available or excess chlorine in the
water at all times when the pool is in use shall not be less than
0.5 ppm or more than 1.0 ppm. The sanitary inspector shall
determine the amount of chlorine used in the swimming pool
2. Acidity/Alkalinity- The swimming pool water at all times when
pool is in use shall show that the hydrogen ion content (pH) of
the pool water shall not fall below 7.4 or exceed 7.8, to be
determined by the sanitary inspector.
3. Clearness- At all times when the pool is in use the water shall be
sufficiently clear to permit a black disc 6 inches in diameter on a
white field, when placed on the bottom of the pool at the deepest
point, to be clearly visible from the sidewalks of the pool at all

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distances up to 10 yards measured from a line drawn across the

pool through said disc.

Section 11A.75. Bacterial Quality of Swimming Pool Waters

1. Bacterial Count on Standard Nutrient Agar – 24 hours – 37 oC

and Confirmed Test- Not more than 15 percent of the samples
covering any considerable period of time shall contain more than
200 bacteria per ml or shall show positive test (confirmed test) in
any five 10ml portions of water at times when the pool is in use.
All primary fermentation tubes showing gas should be confirmed
by the sanitary inspector.
2. Preparation of bottle for sampling – All samples of chlorinated
swimming pool water shall be collected in bottles treated with
sodium thiosulfate. The purpose of using water sample bottles
containing sodium thiosulfate is to reduce the chlorine present in
treated water at the moment the sample is collected to prevent a
continuance of the killing action of the chlorine in the bacteria
while the sample is being transported to the laboratory. The
bacteriological examination then shows the true sanitary quality
of the water at the time the sample was collected.

3. Collection of samples- The samples should be collected by

plunging the open bottle beneath the surface, sweeping the bottle
forward until filled. The bottle should be rinsed in the pool or the
sodium thiosulfate will be removed. Samples should be collected
only when the pool is in use and preferably during periods of
heaviest bathing leads during the day. It is desirable wherever
facilities permit, to collect one or more samples weekly from
swimming pools.

Section 11A.76. Personal Regulations

1. All persons using swimming pool must be required to take a

cleansing shower bath in the nude, using soap and thoroughly
rinsing of all soap suds, before entering the pool room or
enclosure. A bath after donning a bathing suit should not be
2. A bather leaving the pool to use the toilet should be required to
take a second cleansing bath before returning.
3. Every bather should be instructed to use the toilet and
particularly to empty the bladder before taking cleansing bath
and entering the pool.
4. Any person having any skin disease, sore or inflamed eyes,
cold, nasal or ear discharges, or any communicable disease

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must be excluded from a public swimming pool.

5. Persons having any considerable area of exposed sub-
epidermal tissue, open blisters, cuts, etc., should be warned
that they are likely to become infected and advised not to use
the pool.
6. Spitting, spouting of water, blowing of nose, etc., in the pool
should be strictly prohibited. Bathers should be instructed that
the overflow gutter is provided for expectoration.
7. All bathers should be instructed that blowing the nose to
remove water is likely to force infectious matter into the sinus
and inner ear cavities and possibly cause serious
8. Divers should be advised to wear rubber caps over the ears,
and the use of nose clips is a protection for divers.
9. No boisterous or rough play, except supervised water sports,
should be permitted in the pool, on the runways, diving boards,
floats, platforms or in dressing rooms, shower room, etc.
10. Suitable placard embodying the above personnel regulations
and instructions and those relating to suits and towels should
be conspicuously posted in the pool room or enclosure and in
the dressing rooms and offices at all swimming pools.

Section 11A.77. Safety Precautions at Swimming Pools

1. In general construction, appliances and operation shall be such

as to reduce to a practical minimum in swimming pools the
danger of drowning and of injuries to bathers from falls or
2. Every swimming pool should be equipped for safety and rescue
a. One or more light but strong poles (bamboo or other) with
blunted ends not less than 12 feet in length, for making
reaching assists or rescues.
b. One or more throwing ring buoys not more than 15 inches in
diameter having 60 feet of 3/16 inch Manila line attached,
placed on racks at strategic points adjacent to the pool.
3. Every swimming pool should be equipped with First Aid Kit
which should be kept filled and readily accessible for emergency
4. Every swimming pool should have a readily accessible room or
area designate, equipped for emergency care of casualties.
Minimum equipment for the emergency room should be the First
Aid Kit previously suggested, a stretcher and two woolen
blankets, for emergency use only.
5. Every swimming pool should provide immediately adjacent to its

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telephone, a selected list of telephone numbers for (1) nearest

available doctors, (2) nearest available ambulance services, (3)
nearest available hospital or hospitals and (4) nearest available
police or fire department rescue squads.
6. All walk areas used by patrons in bare feet should be, so far as
possible, or nonslip construction.
7. Depth Markings- It is recommended that swimming lanes be
marked on the bottom with dark colored material of the same
kind as pool lining. The outlets of the pool should also be plainly
marked by a black or dark colored circle, unless outlet grating is
of a conspicuous coloring.

Section 11A.78. Suits, Towels and Caps

1. At indoor pools used exclusively by men, nude bathing should be

required. At indoor pools used exclusively by women, bathing
suits should be of the simplest type.
2. At artificial pools all bathers with long hair should be required to
wear rubber bathing caps.
3. It is desirable at artificial pools that all suits and towels be
supplied and cared for by the management.
4. All such suits and towels must be washed with soap, boiling
water, rinsed and thoroughly dried each time they are used.
5. Clean suits and towels must be kept strictly separated from
those which have been used and unlaundered. Clean suits and
towels must not be stored on shelves, handled in baskets, or
passed out over counters where dirty suits have been.

Section 11A.79. Dressing rooms

1. Bathhouse to be used simultaneously by both men and women
should have two parts, one for each sex, entirely separated by
tight partitions. Screens should be placed at entrances and exits
of dressing rooms to break line of sight.
2. Floors of all dressing rooms and locker rooms should be smooth
finished materials, impervious to moisture, with no open cracks
or joints. All floors should have a pitch of about 1⁄4 inch to the
foot and should slope to a proper drain to permit washing down
with a hose.
3. Walls and partitions of all dressing rooms and locker rooms
should be of smooth, impervious material, without open cracks
of joints. If walls of wood or similar material are use, all cracks
and joints should be filled and the surface kept finished with
paint or other sanitary waterproof coating. Partitions between
dressing compartments should terminate not less than 4 inches
above the floor to permit flushing of the entire floor area. House

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Province of Pangasinan



connections should be provided at frequent intervals for cleaning

bathhouse facilities and pool area.
4. All furniture used in dressing room should be of simple character
and of easily washable material. Lockers were provided should be
of vermin-proof construction with joint. All lockers should be
properly ventilated.
5. All dressing rooms and appurtenances must be kept clean at all
times. The use of an insecticide spray for lockers and of
disinfectant on floors, walls, and seats at frequent intervals is

Section 11A.80. Showers, Toilets, Lavatories

1. Adequate shower bath facilities should be provided for each sex

at all artificial pools. Soap should be considered as a necessary
part of each shower unit. The minimum number of showers
provided should be in the proportion of one for each 40 bathers
expected at time of maximum load, in the case of continuous
bathing. Showers in the nude are to be encouraged to promote
2. Adequate and proper toilet facilities for each sex must be
provided at all pools and beach bathhouses. The minimum
number should be one toilet for each 40 women and one toilet
and one urinal for each 60 men. Urinals should be of a type that
will not cause splashing of urine upon legs and feet of bathers.
Urinals and toilets should be so located that bathers will use
them before entering the showers on their way to the swimming
3. Water flush toilets should be provided wherever possible. All
toilets must be properly maintained.
4. Lavatories located adjacent to toilets should be provided at all
swimming pools into proportion of one bowl to each 60 persons
using the pool at time of maximum load.
5. The use of solutions containing 0.3 to 0.6 percent of available
chlorine should be used as a foot wash for the prevention of so-
called “athlete’s foot”. Bathers are required to rinse their feet in
such a solution before entering the pools. Place to footbath in
exit from the showers to the dressing rooms so as to spread the
chlorine over the dressing room floor and increase the time of

Section 11A.81. Visitors’ Galleries

There must be an absolute separation of the space used by spectators
and that used by bathers. There should be no means by which bathers can
enter space reserved for spectators or vice versa. Visitor’s quarters must have

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a separate entrance. Galleries for spectators should not overhang any portion
of the pool surface. Floor and foot rail of the gallery should be of tight
construction to prevent dirt tracked in from getting into the pool. Gallery floor
should slope to a drain and should be flushed down with hose regularly. The
drainage from the spectator should in no case be allowed to drain upon the
area used exclusively by bathers. A curb or other provision should be used to
prevent litter and dirt from being kicked or scuffed by spectators into the pool
or pool area. Seats in galleries should be of non-absorbent construction to
permit washing.

Section 11A.82. Location and Lay-Out of Pools

1. The location of an outdoor pool will be governed largely by local

conditions to conform to the sanitary requirements of the
Department of Health.
2. The layout or arrangement of entrances and exits of the pool
room in relation to dressing rooms, showers, and toilets must be
such as to provide proper routing of bathers. Coming from the
dressing rooms a bather be required to pass the toilets, and go
through the shower room before arriving at the pool entrance.
3. At pools used simultaneously by both sexes, separate entrances
and exits should be provided for men and women. There should
be no connection between men’s and women’s quarters.
4. Entrances and exits must be located at a hallow water portion of
the pool.
5. If the pool is to be of circulation type, ample room must be
provided for filters and other units. All recirculation piping, inlet
outlet valves, etc., must be located where they will be readily
6. At pools where chlorine disinfection is to be used, it is
recommended that the chlorine apparatus be so located as to be
readily observed, and the location should be such that there is a
minimum opportunity for leakage into equipment rooms or areas
where persons gather. An exhaust fan for ventilation is a good

Section 11A.83. Design and Construction Features

a. In the design of a new pool, provision should always be made for

complete circulation of water through all parts of the pool during
the bathing period. Without proper circulation it is difficult or
impossible to maintain good sanitary conditions at all times,
even though the pool be completely emptied, cleaned, and refilled
each day.
b. Depth of Water – The minimum depth of water in the deep

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portion of any public pool should not be less than 6 feet. Water
areas shallower than 3 feet should usually be confined to
separate wading pools.
c. Slope of Bottom – The slope of the bottom of any part of a pool
where the water is less than 5.5 feet deep must not be more than
1 foot in each 15 feet. There should be no sudden changes of
slope within the area where water depth is less than 5.5 feet.
d. Overflow Gutters – Overflow gutters should extend completely
around the pool. The design of overflow gutters should be such
that matters entering them will not be washed by a sudden surge
of entering water, and that danger of bathers catching arms or
feet in them be reduced to a minimum. The edge of an overflow
gutter should be designed to serve as a handhold for bathers.
Gutters should, therefore be sufficiently deep that bather fingers
will not reach to the bottom. Sufficient opening must be provided
to permit mechanical cleaning of the gutters.
e. Steps and Ladders – Steps or stairways for entering and leaving
the pool should be of such construction as to minimize danger of
accidents. Ladders or stairways should be located at one or both
sides of the deep end of the pool.
f. Stairs and ladders should have a hand rail on either side at the
top leading out over the runway. Stairs should not project into
the pool. If stairs are desired, the stairway should be recessed
into the wall and the runway of the pool.
g. Runways or sidewalks – Runways not less than 4 and preferably
at least 8 to 10 feet wide should extend entirely around the pool.
Runway floors should have a slope of about 1⁄4 inch to the foot,
should be smooth and easily cleaned, but should be of nonslip
construction so far as possible.
h. Diving Towers – Diving towers, when provided, shall be rigidly
constructed and properly anchored at the bottom with sufficient
bracing to insure stability under the heaviest load. A minimum
safe water depth of 8 feet should be provided for diving, and in
the case of diving platforms elevated 9 to 10 feet above the water,
it is recommended that this depth be increased to a minimum of
10 feet.



Section 11A.84. Rest areas, bus terminals, bus stops and service
station areas with one or more permanent sheds, buildings and service
facilities for motor vehicles shall be provided with sanitary facilities for the
convenience and personal necessities of the travelling public.

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Province of Pangasinan



a. Rest areas, bus terminals, bus stops and service stations shall
be established with ample area to prevent overcrowding of motor
vehicles and travelers.
b. They shall be provided with adequate ventilation and lighting and
away from sources of nuisance.
c. Safe and adequate water supply shall be provided in accordance
with the provisions of Chapter II of this Code.
d. Excreta and sewage collection and disposal shall be provided in
accordance with the provisions of Chapter XVII of this Code.
e. Refuse collection and disposal shall be in accordance with the
provisions of Chapter XVIII of this Code.
f. Adequate number of comfort rooms shall be provided as well as
auxiliary facilities therein in accordance with the provisions on
Chapter XVII of this Code.
g. Waiting sheds for commuters shall be of adequate size to
comfortably accommodate a minimum of thirty (30) persons.
Floors shall be of smooth concrete finish and adequate sitting
facilities provided for.
h. Sale of foodstuffs in those establishments shall be done in
conformity with the provisions of Chapter III of this Code.

Section 11A.85. Definition of Terms

A. Building – an edifice or structure, frames or constructed,

designed to stand more or less permanently, and covering a
space of land for use as dwelling, shelter, storehouse, or for
industrial, commercial, business and some other useful
B. Bus stop – a common place for the stopover of buses located
along the highways or regular route for transport in long travel.
C. Bus terminals/Bus Stations – a passenger station and a place
for the final stopover or a permanent station, office and yard of
buses, which may also serve as loading and unloading area for
D. Department – the Department of Health
E. Establishment – a collective term construed to include all rest,
bus terminals, bus stops, and service stations and their
E. Health Certificate – a certification in writing using the
prescribed form issued by the City Health Officer to a person
after passing the required physical and medical examinations
and immunizations.
F. Infestation – the presence within or around the establishment of
any insect, rodent or other pest.
G. Local Health Authority – an official or employee responsible for

Republic of the Philippines
Province of Pangasinan



the application of a prescribed health measure in a local political

subdivision. For the City, the Local Health Authority is the
H. Local Health Officer – City Health Officer.
I. Operator – the owner, manager or administrator of the
J. Overcrowding – the convergence of large number of persons or
motor vehicles closely accommodated together or adjacent to
each other without order.
K. Nuisance – anything that injures health, endangers life, offends
the senses or produces discomfort to the community.
L. Regional Director – an official who heads a regional health
office. He/she is the duly authorized representative of the
Secretary of Health in the region.
M. Rest Area – a facility located at a strategic point along the
national highway or route of the traveling public which is
provided with parking spaces, restaurants or snack bars, other
business shops, recreational facilities, service stations, public
restrooms facilities or waiting sheds for travelers and commuters.
N. Safety – the condition of being free from danger and hazard,
which may cause accident or disease.
O. Sanitary Engineer – a person duly registered with the Board of
Examiners for Sanitary Engineer (R.A. 1364)
P. Sanitation Inspector – a government official or personnel
employed by the city government, who enforces environmental
sanitation rules, laws and regulations and implements
environmental sanitation activities under the supervision of the
city health officer.
Q. Sanitary Permit – the permission or certification in writing of
the city health officer or in his absence the chief or head of the
sanitation division/section/unit that the establishment complies
with the existing sanitation requirements upon evaluation or
inspection conducted in accordance with Presidential Decrees
Nos. 522 and 856 and Local Ordinances.
R. Secretary – the Secretary of Health.
S. Service Facilities – part of bus terminal/bus station that refers
to the sanitary facilities, washing bays, parking areas repair
T. Service Stations – (commonly known as gasoline stations)
where services for motor vehicles may be obtained such as fuels,
oil, water, air for tires, greasing and repair.
U. Vermin - a group of insects or small animals such as flies,
mosquitoes, cockroaches, lice, bedbugs, mice, ticks, fleas mites,
and rats that are vectors of diseases.
V. Vermin abatement program - a series of preventive and control

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Province of Pangasinan



procedures and activities of vermin control in the establishment

and its premises.
W. Waiting area – a designated place for waiting passengers
located along the highway that can accommodate a minimum of
thirty (30 passengers)

Section 11A.86. Sanitation Requirements For Operating Rest Areas,

Bus Terminals, Bus Stops, And Service Stations

a. No establishment covered by these rules and regulations shall be

operated for public patronage without a sanitary permit (EHS
Form No. 101)
b. Any extension or additional construction or alteration in an
establishment shall require a new sanitary permit before it could
be operated.
c. Application or renewal of permit:
1. The application or renewal of sanitary permit shall be filled
with the city health office having jurisdiction over

2. Sanitary permit shall be issued only upon compliance to at

least a satisfactory rating.

3. Fees shall be paid to the local government unit upon

approval of the application; renewal and noting of
sanitary permit.

Section 11A.87. Health Certificates

a. No person shall operate or be employed in the establishment

without first securing a health certificate (EHS Form No.102-B)
issued by the City Health Officer.

b. The health certificate shall bear the picture of the employee and
shall be displayed visibly in the upper left portion of his/her
uniform while working.
c. All bus drivers, bus conductors, bus inspectors, bus mechanics,
and office personnel, personnel of service stations, rest area
personnel, bus stop personnel and bus terminal personnel
including all personnel working and operating in the
shops/stalls/space/carts operating within the premises of the
establishment shall be required to possess an up-to-date health
certificate before they could work in the establishment.
d. The health certificate shall be renewed at least every year.
e. Health certificates are non-transferable.

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Province of Pangasinan



f. Requirements regarding food handlers and food establishments,

that are working or operating within the premises of the rest
areas, bus stops, bus terminals and service stations shall
conform to the provisions of Chapter III – “Food Establishments”
of the Code on Sanitation of the Philippines (P.D. 856) and its
implementing rules and regulations.
g. All personnel of the establishment shall, while working or on
1. Observe good personal hygiene;
2. Wear the prescribed uniform of the establishment; and
3. Refrain from smoking while working.

Section 11A.88. General Requirements for Rest Areas, Bus

Terminals, Bus Stops, and Service Stations

a. Rest areas, bus terminals, bus stops and service stations with
one or more permanent sheds, buildings and service facilities for
motor vehicles shall be provided with sanitary facilities for the
convenience and personal necessities of the traveling public.
They shall be well lighted and ventilated in accordance with the
standards of the Department of Health.

b. Ambulant food vendors may be allowed to operate within the

premises of the establishment provided the sell only pre-packed

c. All food establishments in rest areas, bus terminals, bus stops

and service stations shall comply with the provisions of Chapter
III – “Food Establishments” of the Code on Sanitation of the
Philippines (P.D. 856) and its implementing rules and

Section 11A.89. Sanitary Facilities Requirements

a. Toilet Facilities
1. General Requirements
1.1 Adequate and clean toilet facilities for male and female for
the use of the traveling public and personnel shall be
provided properly located areas.
1.2 Toilet facilities shall be easily accessible to the customers
and personnel.
1.3 Adequate lavatories shall be provided within or adjacent to
the toilet rooms.
1.4 Odor absorbent materials such as saw dust and activated
in carbon shall be installed in the toilet rooms.

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Province of Pangasinan



1.5 Adequate water for flushing and hand-washing purposes

shall be provided.

The Code on Sanitation of the Philippines (P.D. 856) governs this


Section 11A.90. Specific Sanitary Requirements for Rest Areas

a. Rest areas shall be provided with adequate sanitary facilities.

b. Ambulant vendors may be allowed in the premises provided that
they comply within the requirements of Chapter III “Food
Establishments” of the Code on Sanitation of the Philippines
(P.D. 856) and its implementing rules and regulations.
c. All seats in the waiting area shall be maintained clean and in
good condition.

Section 11A.91. Specific Sanitary Requirements for Bus Terminals

a. Ambulant food vendors may be allowed to sell inside its premises

or inside its buses provided they comply with the requirements of
this code and Chapter III “Food Establishments” of the Code on
Sanitation of the Philippines (P.D. 856) and its implementing
rules and regulations.

b. Bus terminals shall be provided with adequate sanitary facilities

or public restrooms.

c. Food and other establishments located within the premises shall

be away from the designated areas for buses. Only food
establishments with a minimum rating of at least satisfactory
rating shall be allowed to operate within the premises of bus

Section 11A.92. Specific Sanitary Requirements for Bus Stops

a. Only food establishments with a minimum rating of at least a

satisfactory rating shall be allowed to operate within the
premises of bus stops.

b. Ambulant food vendors may be allowed within its premises or

inside public transport vehicles provided they comply with the
requirements of this code and Chapter III “Food Establishments”
of the Code on Sanitation of the Philippines (P.D. 856) and its
implementing rules and regulations.

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Province of Pangasinan



c. Bus stops shall be provided with adequate sanitary facilities or

public restrooms.

d. Refuse receptacles for biodegradable and non-biodegradable

wastes with inner bag linings of black and green,
respectively, shall be provided for in all areas.

Section 11A.93. Specific Sanitary Requirements for Service


a. Service stations shall be located in areas designated under the

zoning laws of the locality.
b. Refuse receptacles for biodegradable and non-biodegradable
wastes with inner bag linings of black and green, respectively,
shall be provided for in all areas.
c. Toilet, hand washing and drinking facilities shall be adequate
and available for use at all times by customers.
d. All food establishments at service stations shall comply with the
provisions of Chapter III “Food Establishments” of the Code on
Sanitation of the Philippines (P.D. 856) and its implementing
rules and regulations.
e. A grease trap shall be provided in every service station.

Section 11A.94. Evaluation and Inspection

It shall be the duty of the City Health Officer to cause
inspection and evaluation of every rest area, bus terminal, bus
stop and service station at least once every three (3) months and
to cause additional inspections and re-inspections and
evaluation as deemed necessary for the enforcement of the
provisions of these rules and regulation. Inspection of the
establishment shall be conducted within seven (7) days after
payment of the inspection fee to the city treasurer concerned.


The fees payable for every inspection shall be Fifty Pesos

Section 11A.95. Responsibility of Operators

a. Maintain and preserve a clean and healthy environment or

surrounding in the establishment as provided in these
implementing rules and regulations.
b. Assist the health authorities in the conduct of inspection.

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Province of Pangasinan



c. Promote healthy initiatives campaign of the Department within

the establishment and its public land conveyance.
d. Instruct bus drivers to stop only at designated bus stops and
other establishment with at least satisfactory rating from the
local health officer of local government.
e. Operators of public conveyance vehicles shall provide at least one
refuse receptacle inside all their public conveyance vehicles. The
refuse receptacles shall depend on the actual need inside the
f. Operators of public conveyance vehicles shall maintain
cleanliness in all their vehicles.
g. Instruct all bus drivers to avoid unnecessary blowing of horns
and idling of engine when not in motion.
h. Implement the “No Smoking” campaign.

Section 11A.96. Responsibility of the City Health Officer

a. Conduct or cause the regular inspection of rest areas, bus

terminal, bus stations and service stations and their premises to
ascertain their state of sanitation.
b. Advice bus operators and drivers to patronize bus stops/rest
areas with at least a satisfactory rating.
c. Institute precautionary measures to prevent and control the
spread of any communicable disease or outbreak among the
travelling public and prevent them from the exposure to air
pollution caused by the motor vehicles within the rest area/bus
terminals, bus station or service station.
d. Ascertain the validity of sanitary permit of the establishment and
health certificates of the personnel employed in this
e. Conduct classification or rating system for establishments
catering to the travelling public and post the sanitation standard
rating sticker (SSRS) in a conspicuous part of the establishment
for public guidance.
f. Recommend the temporary or permanent closure of any
establishment not meeting the provisions of these implementing
rules and regulations.
g. Enforce the provisions of these rules and regulations.
h. Responsibility of the Local Government:
h.1. Prohibit public and private conveyance to make stops at
points along the highways other than at the regular
designated rest areas for satisfying the demand for
personal necessities of passengers.
h.2. Require all public transportation companies with units
plying along the highways and operating within their

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Province of Pangasinan



jurisdiction to use areas at strategic places along the

national highways in accordance with the requirements of
these rules and regulations.
h.3. Require all food establishments, rest areas, bus terminals,
bus stops, travelling public to provide adequate sanitary
facilities in conformity with the provisions of these
implementing rules and regulations.
h.4. Provide the necessary supplies, materials and equipment
and other logistic support to the local health office in the
conduct of evaluation and inspections of the
h.5. Disseminate information regarding the patronage of bus
stops/rest areas with sanitation standard rating stickers
(SSRS) in coordination with PIA, DOT, DOTC, DPWH, DILG
and DOH.
h.6. Direct the local health officer in the enforcement of these
rules and regulations.


Section 11A.98. No camps and picnic grounds shall be open for public
patronage without a sanitary permit issued by the City Health Officer or his
duly authorized representative.

a. Camps and picnic ground sites shall not be subject to flooding,

must be well drained, distant from any source of nuisance and
will not endanger sources of any public water supply.
b. Camp and picnic houses shall be provided with adequate lighting
and ventilation. Where tents are used flooring shall be at least 4
inches above the ground.
c. Adequate and safe drinking water shall be available at all times
in accordance with the provisions of Chapter II of this Code.
d. Adequate number of sanitary facilities shall be provided.
e. Sewage disposal shall be in accordance with the provisions on
Chapter XVII of this Code.
f. The storage, preparation and serving of food shall be in
accordance with Chapter III of this Code.
g. Refused cans shall be provided at strategic points in the ground
area provided with tight fitting cover. A regular collection service
shall be maintained. Refuse disposal shall be in accordance with
the provisions of Chapter XVIII of this Code.
h. Camps and picnic grounds shall at all times be maintained
clean, free from litter and accumulated rubbish.
i. A program on Vermin Control shall be made in accordance with
Chapter XVII of this Code.

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Province of Pangasinan




Section 11A.99. General Provisions The following provisions are

applicable to dancing schools, dance halls and night clubs:

a. These establishments shall be operated and opened for public

patronage only when a sanitary permit is issued by the local
health authority.
b. These establishments and their premises shall be kept clean and
sanitary at all times.
c. Patrons shall be provided with adequate potable water and toilet
facilities in accordance with standards prescribed by this Code.
d. There shall be no private rooms or separate compartments for
public use except those used for lavatories, dressing rooms, bars
and kitchens.

Section 11A.100. Special Provision. The following provisions are

applicable in cases herein specified:

a. For dancing schools

No person shall be employed as a dancing instructor or
instructress without first securing a health certificate from the
local authority.

b. For dance halls and night clubs

b.1. No person shall be employed as hostess or cook or
bartender or waiter without first securing a health
certificate from the local health authority.
b.2. The storage, preparation and serving of food and drinks
shall be in accordance with the provisions prescribed in
Chapter III of this Code.


Section 11A.101. Scope – These implementing rules and regulations

shall apply to barbershop, beauty parlors/salons, cosmetics salons, hair and
hairdressing salons, manicuring and pedicuring establishments, tattooing
and skin piercing shops and similar establishments, and figure slenderizing
salons that include figure and slimmer salons/ physical fitness salons/clubs,
aerobic centers/clubs, slimmer salons and similar establishments including
personnel, owners, managers and operators of such establishments and
individuals who provide home service of similar trade or occupation; except
establishments and individuals licensed professionally to perform or practice
medical/surgical procedures.

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Province of Pangasinan



a. Requirements. These establishments are subject to the following

a.1. A sanitary permit shall be procured from the City health
officer before their operation.
a.2. They shall be maintained clean and sanitary at all times.
a.3. No person shall be employed to service customers without a
health certificate issued by the City Health Officer or his/her
duly authorized representative.
b. Correct Sanitary Practices. The following sanitary practices shall
be observed:
b.1. Working personnel shall wash their hands with soap and
water before servicing customers.
b.2. They shall wear clean working garments.
b.3. They shall not smoke nor eat while working.
b.4. Implements of their trade shall be cleaned and disinfected
before and after their use.
b.5. Customers shall be supplied with clean and fresh towels,
drapes and other linen necessary.
b.6. Precautionary measures to prevent disease transmission
shall be observed when serving customers showing any
form of dermatoses.

Section 11A.102. Definition Of Terms – as used in this Chapter:

a. Barber – an individual, whose occupation is cutting, styling and

dying of hair, shaving and trimming of beards, moustaches,
eyebrows and other body hair and performing other related
b. Barber Shops – a barber’s place of business usually catering to
the male customers.
c. Beautician/ Hairdresser/ Hairstylist/ Make-Up Artist – an
individual who shaves, cuts, trims, styles, waves, curls, stain or
dyes or who in any other way of treats the hair of any person;
also an individual who performs scalp or facial treatment,
manicure, pedicure, or who in any other way treats or deals with
the head, scalp, face, hands, skin, fingernails, toe nails, or fee;
the term does not include medical, paramedical and allied
practitioner, while engaged in the conduct of his profession.
d. Beauty Parlor – an establishment or a department in an
establishment offering services in adorning or beautifying the
human head, hair, face, scalp, hands, feet, skin or nails and
other services such as shampooing, blow drying, cutting or
trimming, hot oil treatment of hair, hair removal in the armpit

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Province of Pangasinan



and legs, skin, facial and scalp treatment, manicuring,

e. Chiropodist – an individual who practices the art of treating
diseases of the hands and feet.
f. Cosmetics – any preparation approved for use by the Bureau of
Food and Drugs to be applied to the human body for beautifying
or preserving the appearance of a person or for cleansing,
coloring, condition, or protecting the skin, face, hair, nails, lips
or eyes.
g. Cosmetology – the art and science of cosmetic treatment and
professional application of cosmetics.
h. Costumer – a person receiving or seeking or awaiting the
provisions of some service in an establishment.
i. Dermatologist – the branch of medicine concerned with the
diagnosis and treatment of skin diseases and disorders.
j. Dermatologist – a physician specializing in the field of
k. Department – the Department of Health.
l. Depilatory Wax – a wax used for the removal of superfluous
m. Disinfection – the process of eliminating or reducing to safe
levels the number of potentially infectious micro organisms on an
item or surface by either thermal disinfections, use of a chemical
disinfectant solution, or use of radiation.
n. Egress – an arrangement of facilities to assure a safe means of
exit from the building.
o. Equipment – all appliances, furniture, machineries,
instruments, apparatus and articles or items used or intended
for use in beauty and tonsorial establishment, figure slenderizing
salons, tattooing and skin piercing shops.
p. Establishment – a collective term construed to include barber
shops, beauty parlors/salons, cosmetics salons, hair and
hairdressing salons, manicuring and pedicuring establishment,
tattooing and skin-piercing shops and similar establishments,
and figure slenderizing salons that include figure salons,
physical fitness salons/clubs, aerobic centers/clubs, slimmer
salons and similar establishments.
q. Facial Treatment – a procedure used to maintain or improve
the appearance or freshness of the human face especially by the
use of massage or cosmetics.
r. Foot candle – a unit of illumination on a surface that is
everywhere one foot from a uniform source of light of one candle
and equal to one lumen per square foot. One foot candle = 10.7

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Province of Pangasinan



s. Health Certificate – a written certificate using the prescribed

form issued by the city health officer to a person employed in
tonsorial, beauty and other similar establishments who passed
the required physical and medical examinations and
t. Health Hazard – risk or danger to one’s health or life.
u. Lavatory - a fixed bowl or basin with running water and drain
pipe for washing hands and washing hair, and for tattooing.
v. Local Health Offices - an official or employee responsible for
the application of a prescribe health measure in a local political
subdivision. For a province, the local health authority is the
governor and for a city, the city health authority is the Mayor.
w. Local Health Officer - the provincial, city health officer.
x. Manicure – the care of the hands and fingernails including
massage of the hands and cleaning, shaping and polishing of the
y. Nits – eggs of the head lice attached to the shaft of the hair and
can be passed from one person to another by way of combs.
Brushes, hats, headscarves and towels.
z. Nail Sculpturing – the process of mending, beveling, filing, and
overlaying of nails, or applying sculptured nails, nail extensions
and manicure and pedicure.
aa. Operator – the owner or manager or administrator or occupier
or the actual holder of the sanitary permit of the establishment.
bb. Pedicure – the care, cleaning, shaping and polishing of the
cc. Regional Director – an official who heads a regional health
office. He/She is the duly authorized representative of the
Secretary of Health in the region.
dd. Safety - the condition of being free from danger and hazard,
which may cause accidents or diseases.
ee. Sanitary Engineer – a person duly registered with the Board
of Examiners for Sanitary Engineers (R.A. 1364)
ff. Sanitation Inspector – a government official or personnel,
employed by the National City Government, who enforces
sanitary rules, laws and regulations and implements
environmental sanitation activities under the supervision of the
city health officer/sanitary engineer.
gg. Sanitary Permit – the certification in writing by the city health
officer or in his absence, by the chief or head of the sanitation
division/section/unit attesting that the establishment complies
with the conducted in accordance with Presidential Decree Nos.
522 and 856 and its implementing rules and regulations and
local ordinances.
hh. Secretary – the Secretary of Health.

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Province of Pangasinan



ii. Shampooing – washing the hair and massaging the scalp with
water and soap or shampoo.
jj. Sharps – any object capable of inflicting a skin injury, and
includes hollow bore and solid needles, trocars, scalpels,
blades, lancets, punches and jewelry.
kk. Skin Piercing - a process of perforating the skin that is carried
out by means of an apparatus or by the use of sealed pre-
sterilized disposable fittings.
ll. Slenderizing Salons – include figure salons, fitness center,
slimmer salon, physical fitness club, aerobic centers and
similar establishments and facilities.
mm.Soil – visible dirt or debris such as organic matters, organic
substances, residual soil, blood and body substances which
may protect, harbor or assist the growth of microorganisms.
nn. Sanitize - the application of any effective method or
substances to a clean surface for the destruction of pathogens
and other organisms. Such treatment shall not adversely affect
the equipment.
oo. Tattooing – marking or coloring the skin by pricking with a
coloring matter so as to form indelible marks or figures or by
production of scars.
pp. Tonsorial and Beauty Establishment – include barber shops,
beauty parlors, hairdressing and manicuring establishments
and figure slenderizing salons, and tattooing and skin piercing
salons, and other similar establishments.
qq. Vermin - a group of insects or small animals such as flies,
mosquitoes, cockroaches, lice, fleas, mites, ticks, bedbugs, mice
and rats, which are vectors or diseases.
rr. Vermin Abatement Program – a series of preventive and
control procedures and activities or vermin control in the

Section 11A.103. Sanitary Permit Requirements

103.1No tonsorial or beauty establishment shall open and operate for public
patronage without a sanitary permit issued by the city health officer.
(EHS Form No. 101).
103.2Any extension or additional construction or alteration in an establishment
shall require a new sanitary permit before it could operate.
103.3Applications or Renewal of Sanitary Permit.
103.3.1 The application or renewal of sanitary permit shall be filed with the city
health office having jurisdiction over the establishment utilizing EHS
Form No. 110.

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Province of Pangasinan



103.3.2 The sanitary permit shall be issued only upon compliance to at least a
satisfactory rating utilizing the form for sanitary inspection of
establishments (EHS Form No.103-B).
103.3.3 Fees shall be paid to the local government unit upon application,
renewal and noting of sanitary permit. The amount of fees shall be set
through local ordinance.

103.4 NOTING OF PERMIT – if there is a change in ownership of the

establishment, the new owner shall apply at the city health office within
fourteen (14) working days to have such change noted in the records and
sanitary permit and shall pay the corresponding fee for such noting.

103.5 VALIDITY – The permit shall be valid on the day of issuance until the
last day of December of the same year, and shall be renewed every beginning
of the year, thereafter.
Upon the recommendation of the city health officer, the sanitary shall be
suspended or revoked by the city health authority upon violation of any
sanitary rules and regulation.

103.6 POSTING OF PERMIT – The sanitary permit shall be posted in a

conspicuous place of the establishment for public information and shall be
available for inspection by authorized health and other regulatory personnel.


103.7.1 The City Health Office shall keep a record of all establishments which have
been issued sanitary permit and renewal thereof.
103.7.2 The record shall in every case show the following:

a. The name and address of the holder of the sanitary permit who in every case
shall be the actual operator of the establishment;
b. The location of the establishment.
c. The purpose or purposes for which the permit has been issued;
d. The date when the firs permits was issued and the dated of every renewal
e. Every change or occupation and management of the establishment since the
first permit was issued.
f. Sanitary conditions under which the permit was issued or every renewal
thereof granted; and
g. The revocation of the sanitary permit.

103.7.3 The record shall be available at all reasonable times for inspection by
any officer of the Department of Health or local health unit.

Section 11A.104. Sanitary Requirements

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Province of Pangasinan




The drinking water supply for the establishment shall be in accordance
with Chapter II – “Water Supply” of the Code on Sanitation of the Philippines
(P.D. 856) and its implementing rules and regulation and this code. The
quality of water used shall conform with the Philippine National Standards
for Drinking Water.

104.1.1 Running water, under adequate pressure, shall be provided in

all areas where food in prepared, processed, or handled and where food
equipment and utensils are washed. Water pressure shall be maintained at
1.41 kilogram per square centimeter (20 psi).
104.1.2 Drinking water if not supplied from a piped water supply system
to the establishment shall be handled, transported, dispensed in sanitary
manner and may be stored in a separate tank, reservoir or container
approved by the city health officer.


104.2.1 All sewage discharged from tonsorial and beauty establishment

shall be disposed in a public sewerage system, or in the absence thereof in a
manner complying with Chapter XVII – “Sewage Collection and Disposal,
excreta Disposal and Drainage” of the Code on Sanitation of the Philippines
(P.D. 856) and its implementing rules and regulations and this code.


i. Every room in the establishment shall be provided with at least two (2) refuse
receptacles or containers with swing cover and made of impervious materials,
one for biodegradable and one for non-biodegradable wastes.
ii. All receptacles or containers shall be proved with tight fitting lids or covers,
so constructed and maintained as to be vermin-proofed and easily cleaned.
The receptacles or containers shall be lined with black-colored plastic trash
bags for non-biodegradable and green colored plastic trash bags for
biodegradable materials.
iii. After being emptied, each container shall be thoroughly cleaned inside and
outside with water, soap and brush.
iv. Storage of refuse shall be done in such a way that it shall be inaccessible to
vermin of from becoming a potential insect and rodent attractants and
harborage or causes of nuisance.
v. Refuse storage areas shall be maintained clean at all times.
vi. All refuse shall be disposed at least once a day, or at such frequencies as
may be necessary through the city collection system or by any approved
method and in such manner as to prevent nuisance.
vii. Sharps shall be disposed in puncture proof container and pretreated prior to

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Province of Pangasinan




104.4.1 A vermin abatement program shall be maintained in tonsorial

and beauty establishment by the owners, operators or administrators. If they
fall, neglect or refuse to maintain a vermin abatement program, the local
health agency will undertake the activity at the expense of the owners,
operators or administrators.
104.4.2 All bathrooms and other openings to outdoors space shall be
effectively screened, unless air-conditioned.
104.4.3 All below grade openings such as windows, lighting and
ventilation shall be rat-proofed. Likewise, all openings in the exteriors walls,
ground or first floor
and roof shall be rat-proofed. In case of heavy rat infestations, wooden
exterior door shall be covered with cuff and chain metal and equipped with
an automatic closing device.
104.4.4 The growth of bush, weeds and grass shall be controlled to
prevent harborage of ticks, bugs and other insects.
104.4.5 All rerating, disinfestations and disinfecting operations shall be
handled by accredited urban pest control applicators under the supervision
of the city health office at the expense of the owner, operators or
104.4.6 The procedure and frequency of vermin abatement program
shall be determined and approved by the city health office.
104.4.7 The vermin control program in all establishments shall be in
accordance with Chapter XVI – ‘Vermin Control” of the Code of Sanitation of
the Philippines (P.D. 856) and its implementing rules and regulations and
this code.



a. Wash-hand basins shall be installed in convenient places and as near as
practicable to the persons for whose use such are provided for or in such
locations as maybe otherwise prescribed. The installation of wash-hand
basins shall be in accordance with the provision of the National Plumbing
Code of the Philippines.
b. The wash-hand basin and all hand washing facilities shall at all times be
maintained in good repair and in clean condition.
c. All wash-hand basins shall, at all times while the premises are being used, be
supplied with adequate running water.
d. Soap, nailbrush, and clean towels, or other hand drying facilities shall be


Republic of the Philippines
Province of Pangasinan



a. Adequate and sanitary toilet facilities shall be provided for the customers and
i. Toilet facilities shall be easily accessible to the customers and employees.
ii. Adequate hand-washing facilities shall be provided within or adjacent to the
toilet room.
iii. Adequate water for hand-washing purposes shall be provided.

b. Toilet rooms shall be completely enclosed, properly lighted and ventilated.

c. The number of water closets, and wash0hand basins to the provided shall be
in accordance with the following:

i. Barber shops, beauty parlors and tattooing shops – For every five (5) chairs,
there shall be at least one hand washing facility and one (1) water closer.
ii. Slenderizing Salons
Provide one-water closer for each gender for every thirty (30) customers
1. Provide one shower rooms for each gender for every thirty (30) customers
2. Provide one (1) drinking fountain for each gender for every fifty (50)
customers (work-outers).

d. Minimum Toilet Space Requirement:

i. Water Closet – 1.50 square meters/unit.

ii. Lavatories – 1.11 square meters/unit.
iii. Urinals – 1.11 square meter/unit.

e. Minimum Height of Ceiling – 2.50 m.

f. Lighting – note less than 10 foot-candles (107.6 lux).
g. Natural Ventilation – window space shall be at last 10% of the floor area of
the toilet room.
h. Mechanical Ventilation – provide a 15.24-centimer diameter exhaust fan per
10 cubic meter room volume (or equivalent minimum cubic meter of air per
minute at 3 air changes per hour). Mechanical exhaust system shall be
connected to the light circuits of windowless toilet and bathroom.


104.6.1 All establishments shall be required to provide a first-aid facility

or medical kit for accidents and any sterile material that may be used to stop
flow of blood in cases of wounds.

SECTION 11A.105. STRUCTURAL REQUIREMENTS – refer to the rules and

regulations of the Code on Sanitation of the Philippines (P.D. 8756).

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Province of Pangasinan



105.1.1 All establishments shall have at least two (2) egress for their
105.1.2 Front doors of the establishment shall be at least 2 meters wide
with swing-out doors.
105.1.3 Other emergency exits and passageways shall be kept
unobstructed and provided with reflectorized sticker signs.
105.1.4 All egress shall lead to clear areas.

Section 11A.106. Specific Sanitary Requirement For Barber Shops And

Beauty Parlors.


106.1.1 MAINTENANCE OF PREMISES – The operator shall maintain

all floors, walls, ceiling, coverings shelves, fitting, furniture, appliances,
equipment, instruments, tools and things that are within or used in the
establishment in good repair and in sanitary condition to ensure the hygienic
conduct of the works of the barbers/beauticians. No pets shall be allowed
inside the barber shop/beauty parlor.
106.1.2 REMOVAL OF SPOILED LINENS – Receptacles or containers
for the repository of soiled towels, clothes and similar materials shall be
removed from the premises daily and shall be brought back into the premises
only after they have been washed and disinfected.
106.1.3 SUPPLIES – The following supplies shall be provided in
adequate quantity at all times for the exclusive use of the barber, beautician:
a. Soap or antibacterial cleansing agent containing any of the type specified
b. Nailbrushes; and
c. Clean towels or other suitable hand drying equipment.


106.2.1 All persons employed in the establishment shall wear a clean

working garment or uniform at all times while working.
106.2.2 Every barber/beautician shall thoroughly cleanse his/her
hands with water and soap or antibacterial agent immediately before and
after serving each customer.

106.2.3 No person with infectious disease shall work or be permitted to

work in the establishment.


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Province of Pangasinan



It is strictly prohibited for a barber/beautician to smoke while attending

to a customer. “No Smoking” sign shall be posted conspicuously in the
designated area of the establishment.

106.4.1 All hair clippings and other wastes, including shaving lather
and paper shall be collected after each hair treatment and placed in a refuse
106.4.2 All soiled towels, cloths and paper shall be placed in proper


Waiting room shall be provided to customers.


106.6.1 A separate, clean towel or neck band shall be used for each
106.6.2 A barber/beautician shall place unused paper strip of clean
towel completely around the neck of each customer before any apron or wrap
or other protective device is fastened around the neck.
106.6.3 A barber/beautician shall not allow a customer to recline in a
chair or couch, unless the headrest of the chair or couch has first been
covered with clean unused towel, cloth or clean sheet of paper.

106.7.1 It is prohibited to use rotary hair brush, sponge, powder puff,
neck duster, substances in block form or any other thing or substance likely
to transfer infection to the customer.
106.7.2 It is prohibited for a barber/hairdresser/beautician to apply to
the skin or face of a customer any powder, rouge, or similar cosmetics other
than by means of a clean applicator such as eye liner, lip liner or a fresh
clean pad or brush.
106.7.3 It is prohibited for a barber/hairdresser/beautician to apply
petroleum jelly or any other substance to the skin of a customer unless it is
removed from its container by means of a spatula or an applicator that has
been disinfected prior to such use or by means of a sterile disposable spatula
or applicator.
106.7.4 A barber/hairdresser/beautician shall keep all fluids and
solution for use in permanent waving in a container that prevent
contamination of the unused solution and he/she shall not apply to a
customer fluids and solutions previously used on another customer.
106.7.5 It is prohibited for a barber/hairdresser/beautician to apply
creams or other substances used in face massage to a customer unless it is

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removed from a collapsible tube and alternatively from a container by means

of sterile disposable spatula of applicator.

A barber/beautician shall be allowed to use wax for the removal of hair
from any part of the body of a person only if such wax has not been
previously used to another person; or If previously used, stained through a
metal strainer to remove all hair and other extraneous matter and heated to
at least 130o C for 15 minutes.

A barber/beautician shall keep all appliances, instruments, and tools
in a clean condition and shall disinfect such equipment before and after use
on each customer.

106.9.1 A barber/beautician shall:

a. Keep all razor, scissors, forceps, combs and clippers, when not in use, in
containers closed provided for that purpose;
b. Keep the containers closed except when articles are being placed therein or
removed therefrom;
c. Clean the container daily with cloth or pad impregnated with any of the
following solution;
d. After using, thoroughly clean, rinse and dry all portable bowls, basins, cups
and other similar containers with soap or suitable detergent and keep the
same dust free.

106.9.2 DISINFECTION - A barber/beautician shall disinfect his/her

equipment and other things in the following manger:

a. Razors, scissors, shears and combs, nippers, nail cutters, nail files.
1. Washing in water and soap or a suitable detergent;
2. Drying with clean cloth or towel; and
3. Immersing in a solution specified in Table 3.

1. Brushing the clippers teeth with a clean brush to remove all hair and dipped
in solution specifies in Table 3.
2. Wiping the blades with a clean swab or cloth impregnated with a solution
specified in Table 3.


1. Washing with water or soap or a suitable detergent; and
2. Immersing in a solution specified in Table 3.

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d. Towels, cloth, aprons or wraps and other washable fabrics.

1. Immersing In a solution specified in Table 3 or soaking in water at a
temperature of a least 71oC for at least 10 minutes then washing in water
and soap followed by drying or ironing at a temperature of at least 71 oC.

e. Plastic aprons or wraps.

1. Washing in water and soap or suitable detergent; and
2. Drying with clean cloth or towel.

f. Hair clips and rollers used in hair waxing or styling and which come into
contact with the customer’s hair.
1. Washing in water and soap or suitable detergent;
2. Drying with a clean cloth or towel; and
3. Immersing in a solution specified in Table 3.

g. Electric heating clips and tongs used in hair waving or styling shall be wiped
with a clean swab or cloth impregnated with a solution specified in Table 3.
h. All other equipment that can be immersed in a liquid shall be disinfected by
immersion in a solution specified in Tabled 3.



106.10.1 Every barber/beautician shall provide service with extra care to a client
who is suffering from an infectious skin disease or is infested with head lice
or some other parasitic infestation of the skin or hair. The client shall be
advised to see physician or dermatologist.
106.10.2 After completion of every service, the barber/beautician shall:
a. Immediately gather together all readily movable equipment and thing used in
the service of a customer and disinfect such equipment in the manner
prescribed in these rules and regulations;
b. Immediately destroy, disinfect of dispose of in waste receptacle every paper,
pad, swab, and things used in the services of such customer and in the case
of towels, cloths and any coat or overall worn by the hairdresser/barber,
place such towels, cloths and cloth or overall in a sealed in a container and
at the first practicable opportunity disinfect the same in the manner
prescribed in these rules and regulations;
c. Clean his hands by scrubbing them with suitable brush and water and soap
or antibacterial cleansing agent of a type specified in these rules and
regulations; and
d. Cleans and disinfect all flippers, nail cutters, nail files, brushes, scissors,
emery boards and similar instruments. The beveling machine and its
attachments shall be cleaned prior to reuse.

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Province of Pangasinan



106.10.3 Every barber/beautician shall use personal protection equipment (PPE)

like surgical or face mask for protection against air-borne particles when
undertaking acrylic nail polishing or similar procedures.
106.10.4 All equipment shall be cleaned and disinfected as specified in Table 3.
Section 6 of these ruled and regulations after every use.
Section 11A.107. Specific Sanitary Requirement For Tattooing And Skin
Piercing Establishments

107.1 The following requirements shall not apply to medical practitioners,

chiropodists, physiotherapists, registered nurses, registered midwives and
persons assisting them or under their supervision while performing tattooing
or skin piercing.


aa The establishment shall have at least one (1) lavatory or sink for every five (5)
tattooists or skin piercing.
ba The lavatory shall be accessible and located as near as practicable to the
tattooist or skin piercer.
ca The water supply in the lavatory shall be well designed that is operation is
controlled by arm or foot operated pedals.


a. The drinking water supply shall be adequate and potable whether from a
public or from a private water supply system and shall comply with Chapter
II – “Water Supply” of the Code on Sanitation of the Philippines (P.D. 856)
and its implementing rules and regulations. The quality of water used shall
be in accordance with the Philippines National Standards for Drinking Water.


a. There shall be at all times adequate supply of:

1. Soap or antibacterial cleansing agent

2. Nailbrushes for the practitioners;
3. Clean paper or tissue; and
4. Clean towels or other hand drying equipment.


All personnel shall observe good personal hygiene by:

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DA. Wearing at all times of clean gown or coverall of washable white or light
colored material over the garment.
DB. Keeping hands, fingernails and body clean.
DC. Cleansing hands with water and soap any antibacterial agent and drying with
clean towel or other hand drying equipment before starting and after
completing the work; after visiting or using the toilet; and after handling or
touching soiled towels, linen or similar materials, biological matter or waste
materials used or produced in connection with the work.
DD. Refraining from work while suffering from communicable disease.


107.2.1 No person shall smoke in the establishment except in

designated area, which shall be clearly separated from the area where the
process of tattooing or skin piercing is carried out.
107.2.2 Personnel shall not be allowed to smoke while working.
107.2.3 Eating while servicing a customer shall be prohibited.


107.3.1 Every tattooist/skin piercer shall handle all clients with extra
care to prevent the transmission of communicable disease.
107.3.2 Only sterile and disposable sharps or needles shall be used.
Equipment and instruments shall be disinfected before and after every use.
107.3.3 Immediately after giving a service the tattooist/skin piercer shall
gather together all readily movable appliances, implements, tools and things
used in the service of the customer and wash them with water and soap and
detergent and dry them with a clean towel or cloth and immerse in a
disinfectant solution (refer to Table 3, Section 6 of these rules and
107.3.4 The tattooist/skin piercer shall immediately destroy, sterilized or
dispose of in a waster receptacle every paper, tissue, pad, swab appliance,
implement, tools and things used in the service of such customer. In case of
apron, coat or overall worn by the person conducting the tattooing or skin
piercing, he shall place them in a sealed container and at the first practicable
opportunity soak the same in water at a temperature of 71 oC for at least 10
minutes then wash in water and soap followed by drying and ironing at a
temperature of at least 71oC.
107.3.5 The tattooist/skin piercer shall clean hands by scrubbing them
with a nailbrush and soap or antibacterial cleansing agent (refer to Table 2,
Section 6 of these rules and regulations).


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Province of Pangasinan



107.4.1 The tattooist or skin piercer shall immediately, following the

service to a customer, clean every bench, table or other article of equipment
used in
107.4.2 carrying out the process of tattooing or skin piercing and
washed it down with a disinfectant solution (refer Table 3, Section 6 of theses
rules and regulations).

107.4.3 The tattooist or skin piercer shall immediately, following the

service to a customer, the tattooist/skin piercer shall clean every table or
other article likely to be contaminated with biological matter or waste
materials that may be generated in carrying out of the work and cover it with
clean towel, clean cloth or clean tissue or paper towel. Whenever a paper
towel is used for the purpose, he shall have such paper towel disposed of in a
waste receptacle immediately following the service to a customer and shall
not use such paper towel in the service to another customer.


106.7.1 The tattooist or skin piercer shall dispose all soiled towels, linen and
similar materials, biological matter or waste materials generated in the
process of carrying out the activity on the customer in a waste receptacle.


107.8.1 Before staring tattooing or skin piercing on a customer, he shall

cleanse the whole area of the skin with a sterile swab impregnated with a
disinfecting solution as shown below:
107.8.2 The tattooist or skin piercer shall clean and sterilize all
appliances. Implements and things, which are used or which come in
contract with the skin of a customer before its first application to another
customer; before any subsequent application to the customer if it has been
touched by any other person; and in the case of tattooing; before each
separate dye or ink is applied.
107.8.3 Sterilized disposable sharps and needles shall be used for every


107.9.1 Where an electrical actuation appliance or instrument for projecting a

needle or thing into the skin of a customer is issued, the hand piece thereof
shall be sterilized by wiping with a clean paper towel, tissue or clean cloth
soaked in 95% Ethyl Alcohol.


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Province of Pangasinan



107.10.1 In addition to the aforementioned obligation imposed by these rules

and regulations, tattooist who have completed the process of tattooing on a
customer shall:
a. Clean the contents of every bowl, cup, jar, or other container from which dyes
or inks were used in the process of tattooing and disposed in the waste
receptacle or sewage system of the establishment;
b. Sterilized all bowls, cups, jars or other containers that is to re-used;
c. Clean all screens, patterns or templates used in the process of tattooing with
swab impregnated with a disinfectant solution (refer to Table 3, Section 6 of
these rules and regulation);
d. Sterilized the hand-pierce of the apparatus used to actuate the needle; and
e. Affix to the skin of the customer a sterile gauze dressing covering the treated

107.10.2 Tattoo artist shall not use ink in the process of tattooing
unless it is drawn from a collapsible tube.
107.10.3 He shall not apply petroleum jelly or other substances to the
skin of the customer using his hands, unless it is taken from its container
with the use of spatula or applicator, which shall be disposed of in a waste
receptacle after use.


107.11.1 Skin piercing shall be performed only with a spring-loaded gun or

sterilized sharps or needles.
107.11.2 Requirement in Skin Piercing Establishment:
a. The establishment shall be fitted with a reticulated water supply and at least
one (1) lavatory or basin.
b. The establishment shall have adequate supply of soap and antibacterial
cleansing agent (refer to Table 2, Section 6 of these rules and regulations).
c. The establishment shall provide clean towels or other hand drying
d. The skin piercer shall observe washing and brushing of hands with water and
soap or antibacterial cleansing agent (refer to Table 2, Section 6 of these
rules and regulations), and drying them with a clean towel or other hand
drying equipment before and after a complete process of skin piercing on a
e. The skin piercer shall first clean the whole area of the skin to be treated with
a sterile swap impregnated with a disinfectant solution (refer to Table 4,
Section 7 of these rules and regulations).

Section 11A.108. Specific Sanitary Requirements For Figure Slenderizing



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Province of Pangasinan



108.1.1 The operator shall see to it that all floors, walls, ceilings,
covering, shelves, fittings, furniture, appliances, instruments, and equipment
within the establishment shall be maintained in good repair and in clean
108.1.2 Domestic animals shall not be allowed inside a figure-
slenderizing salon.


108.2.1 The instructor/instructress or trainer shall at all times be

physically clean and wear clean uniform or clothing.
108.2.2 Eating and smoking while working shall be prohibited.

108.3.1 The operator shall keep all appliances, equipment or instruments in

clean condition and shall be disinfected before use each day and
immediately after use by each customer.

Section 11A.109. Review And Approval Of Plans Of Establishments


A. Prior to the construction of the establishment, plans shall be submitted for

review and approval by the city health officer as recommended by the
sanitary inspector as to compliance with the sanitation standards for water
supply, plumbing, sewage and drainage, solid waste facilities, vermin-
proofing, sanitary facilities, floor are allocations and arrangement of
equipment and furniture and the materials to be used.
B. For buildings, malls, atriums, shopping/business centers and the plans shall
be submitted by the lessee to the local health officer before its construction
and operation.

C. Issuance of the sanitary permit to operate shall be subject to the compliance

with previously approved plans.


a. Request for renewal of sanitary permit of tonsorial and beauty

establishments already operating before the issuance of these rules and
regulations shall be evaluated by the city health officer concerned. A
transition period of one (1) year shall be afforded to the establishment to
comply with this code. No renewal of sanitary permit shall be issued if the
establishment has not complied after the transition period.

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Province of Pangasinan



b. The operator shall submit a duly approved plan for the issuance of a new
sanitary permit before any additional construction or alternation in the
establishment is made.
Section 11A.110. General Requirements For All Personnel Of Tonsorial
And Beauty Establishments


110.1.1 The operator and employees of the establishment shall be
required to a secure a health certificate (EHS Form No. 102-C; light green
color) issued by the city health officer.
110.1.2 The health certificate shall be renewed at least once a year or
as often as required by local ordinance.
110.1.3 The health certificate shall be clipped visibly in the upper left
portion of the garment while working.
110.1.4 Health certificates are non-transferable.

Section 11A.111. Evaluation Of Tonsorial And Beauty Establishments


It shall be the duty of the city health officer to cause the inspection and
evaluation of every tonsorial and beauty establishments requiring a sanitary
permit for its operations at least every three (3) months and to cause as many
additional inspections and re-inspection and evaluations as deemed
necessary for the enforcement of the provisions of these rules and


The fees payable on every inspection shall be Fifty Pesos (Php 50.00)


111.3.1 The city health officer or the chief of the sanitation

division/section/unit of the city health office, as the case maybe, shall issue
a mission order (EHS Form No. 112) for every sanitation inspection that will
be conducted by the sanitation inspector.
111.3.2 The mission order must contain the date, mission order number and
series, the name of the inspector and the I.D. number, the business names,
addresses, categories of establishments to be inspected and the scheduled
dates of inspection. The immediate supervisor of the inspector shall monitor
the enforcement of the mission order.
111.3.3 Sanitary inspection conducted without a mission order is prohibited.

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111.3.4 The owner/operator of the establishment shall report to the city

health officer or chief of sanitation division/section/unit any unauthorized
inspection that was executed.



111.4.1 The sanitation inspector shall wear the prescribed uniform of

the office with the proper identification card while conducting the inspection.
111.4.2 The sanitation inspector shall likewise bring all the equipment
and supplies needed in the inspection such as the inspection forms,
clipboards, thermometers, flashlight, measuring tape, camera, light meter,
water pressure gauge, residual chlorine and pH comparator kits, black light,
etc., and copy of the sanitation laws and other materials.


111.5.1 Inspection of establishments shall be conducted at least once every

three (3) months.


111.6.1 The sanitary inspector shall keep a record of all inspections or

evaluation reports in an inspection form (EHS Form No. 103-B).
111.6.2 The sanitary inspector shall furnish the original of such report
to the owner/operator of the establishment.
111.6.3 Demerits entered in the appropriate column of the inspection
form shall indicate that the item does not conform with the requirements of
this code.

a. The inspection form has twenty (20) items. Non-complying items are
indicated with and (X). Each item is weighted with a demerit of 5. The rating
of the establishment is therefore 100 less (number of demerits x 5). The
result is expressed as a percentage (%) rating.


a. The percentage rating has an equivalent sanitation standard as follows:

Table 5. Sanitation Standard Rating


90 – 100% Excellent Luminous Green
70 – 80% Very Satisfactory Luminous Yellow

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50 – 69% Satisfactory Luminous Red

b. The sanitation standard rating sticker (SSRS) (EHS Form No. 104-A/C) shall
be posted in a conspicuous part of the establishment, preferably at the door
for guidance of the guests and the general public. It shall be updated once
every three months, unless revoked earlier.

111.6.5 The average sanitation standard for every establishment shall be

evaluated by the city health officer/chief of the sanitation
division/section/unit every end of the year to determine its
improvement/maintenance of rating.


111.7.1 The sanitary inspector who conducted the inspection shall

complete the sanitary inspection report, and whenever an inspection form
issued indicates non-compliance to any item, the inspector shall notify the
manager, occupier, or the holder of the sanitary permit of the correction to be
made and indicate a reasonable period of its compliance.

a. The recommended corrective measures shall be specific in the nature for the
easy understanding of the owner of manager, occupier, or the holder of the
sanitary permit of the correction to be made and indicate a reasonable period
for its compliance.
b. Reasonable period for compliance or grace period shall be inclusive of
Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays.

111.7.2 The sanitary inspector who conducted the inspection shall

likewise prepare a sanitary order (EHS Form No. 107) for approval by the city
health officer. Within 48 hours of the inspection or evaluation, the original
copy of the inspection report (EHS Form No. 103-B) and the sanitary permit
or the owner/operator of the establishment. The inspection report shall be
personally delivered, or shall be sent through postal service, registered with
return card.


110.8.1 If upon re-inspection after the deadline, the sanitary inspector

finds that correction has not been effected, he shall report to the city health
officer. A copy of the inspection form and any notice served shall, in all cases
be filed and kept by the city health office and be available for inspection by
authorized officials.


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Province of Pangasinan



111.9.1 Whenever an inspection or evaluation form indicates non-complying

items, the city health officer shall be served to the owner/operator of the
establishment a sanitary order requiring him, within the grace period stated
in the order, to take remedial action as maybe specified therein.
a. In the event of non-compliance of the firs sanitary order a:
1. Second Sanitary Order
If the owner/operator of the establishment needs additional
time to comply with the first sanitary order, he shall request the city heath
officer in writing, prior to the expiration of the said sanitary order for an
extension of the grace period. The city health officer upon the
recommendation of the sanitary inspector who conducted the inspection, will
act on such request.

b. Notice of Hearing (EHS Form No. 118) - The city health officer shall call the
owner/operator of the establishment to show cause, at a time and place
stated in the notice why the sanitary permit issued in respect of the
establishment should not be revoked.


111.10.1 After prior notice and hearing as provided above, the city health officer, if
satisfied that the terms of the two notices have not complied with or failure to
comply therewith is no excusable, shall recommended to the local health
authority the revocation the said permit, or;
111.10.2 After the second sanitary order on an extended grace period, a re-
inspection was conducted and still the owner/operator failed to comply with
such order as reported by the sanitary inspector, the city health officer shall
recommend to the local health authority the revocation of the sanitary of the
permit without delay and shall inform other related agencies of the city of the
111.10.3 Lifting of suspension of permit may be recommended whenever the
owner/operator of the establishment complied with the notices.
111.10.4 The owner/operator of the establishment may file a motion for
reconsideration to the local health authority if he is not satisfied with the
action of the city health officer.
111.10.5 The local health authority may file court proceedings against any
establishment continuously operating after the revocation of its permit.


Whenever the city health officer finds unsanitary or unhealthy conditions on

the operation of an establishment, which constitute a substantial hazard to
public health, the city health officer shall recommend to the local health
authority the immediate suspension of the sanitary permit. Any person to

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whom such order is issued may file a written petition and shall be afforded a
hearing within 48 hours.

111.12 APPEALS

The person or panel conducting the hearing may confirm, modify or reverse
the decision appealed from which decision shall be final.


The sanitary inspector or duly authorized officer of the Department of Health

or city health officer, upon presentation of proper credentials may at all
reasonable times enter into any premises of tonsorial and beauty
establishments or any premises used for any of the purposed referred to in
this code, for the purpose of inspection or any other action necessary for
administration of this code.

111.13.1 Sanitation inspection shall be conducted by officials in accordance with

Section 11.3 of this code
111.13.2 Sanitation inspection shall be done preferably during the operation of
the establishment.

The local health authority may conduct hearings regarding erring

establishments to include appeals from establishments. The decision of the
local health authority shall be deemed and final and executory.

Section 11A.112. Responsibility Of The Operators Of Barber Shops,

Beauty Parlors And Tatttooing And Skin Piercing Establishments

112.1 Renew the sanitary permit every year.

112.2 Hire only barbers/beautician and employees who possess up-to-date health
112.3 Prevent employees from working or staying in the establishment if they are
suffering from communicable diseases.
112.4 Provide sufficient supply of soap, antibacterial cleansing agent, disinfectant
and other supplies and equipment for use of the employees and customers.
112.5 Provide first-aid kit and medicines for emergency use.
112.6 Report to the city health office notifiable diseases among employees.
112.7 Conduct in-house inspection of establishment.
112.8 Post the sanitary permit and sanitation standard rating sticker (SSRS) in
conspicuous part of the establishment.
112.9 Implement the “NO SMOKING” campaign of the government.
112.10 Prohibit the entry of animals and provide a waiting area for

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112.11 Collect, segregate and dispose waste daily or as often as possible.

112.12 Install required facilities and egress in the establishment.
112.13 Maintain the cleanliness and orderliness of the establishment
and premises.
112.14 Advice customers suffering from skin diseases to seek medical
112.15 Take precautionary measures in servicing customers suspected
of suffering from infectious diseases.
112.16 Supervise employees as to their compliance with the sanitation
requirements of the Department of Health regarding observance of good
personal hygiene, habit and practices.
112.17 Comply with the sanitary provisions embodied in this code.

Section 11A.113. Responsibility Of The Operations Of Figure Slenderizing


a. Ensure cleanliness and disinfections of all equipment used in the end of the
day with disinfectant solution specified in these rules and regulations.
b. Require customers before entering/applying for workout in such
establishment a physical and medical examination certificate.
c. Install required facilities and egress in the establishment and post the exit
plan for information of the customers.
d. Prevent attendants and physical fitness instructor/instructress from working
if they are suffering from skin diseases and other communicable diseases.
e. Provide the establishment with sufficient first-aid kit.
f. Comply with the prescribed provisions of this code.

Section 11A.114. Responsibility Of The City Health Officer

114.1 Inspect or cause the evaluation and inspection of all tonsorial and beauty
establishments at least once every three months to ascertain their state of
114.2 Issue the health certificate of personnel of the establishment.
114.3 Issue sanitary permit and the sanitation standard rating sticker (SSRS) to
establishments complying with the sanitation standards.
114.4 Apply precautionary measures to prevent accidents and spread of
communicable disease among the customers and employees.
114.5 Prevent the use of unregistered cosmetics, cream, oil, ointment, or other
substances containing acids, metals or any toxic substance injurious to skin,
mucous membrane, eyes, hair or those that can be absorbed by the skin.
114.6 Ascertain that effective disinfectant solutions, methods and procedures are
being applied to prevent transmission of diseases.
114.7 Monitor the required medical certificates of customers in slenderizing salons
and other similar establishments.

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Province of Pangasinan



Section 11A.115. Responsibility Of The Local Government

115.1 Provide supplies, equipment and logistics for use during inspection or
evaluation of establishments.
115.2 Strengthen the regulatory function of the city health office.


SECTION 11A.116. – Permit and sanitary clearance necessary. – No theater,
cockpit, movie houses, cabaret, nightclub, bowling and billiard halls, resorts,
recreation halls, or any other place of amusement or assembly shall be
operated without the sanitary permit from the Health Officer;

SECTION 11A.117. – Health Certificate necessary. – No person shall be

employed in any capacity in such places without possessing a valid Health
Certificate issued by the City Health Officer;

SECTION 11A.118. – Sanitary Facilities required. – All buildings and

premises intended for public amusement or assembly shall be provided with
adequate toilet facilities, separate for male and female, of the type approved
by the Health Officer and which shall not be less than one seat for every fifty
(50) men. The fraction thereof to be calculated on the basis of the maximum
capacity of the establishment or three square feet standing area per person
inside from the sitting capacity of the establishment;

SECTION 11A.119. – Ventilation. – The walls shall be sufficiently high and

provided with adequate window openings and such artificial devices to insure
sufficient ventilation and comfort to the people assembled therein,
unconformity with Section 9 & 8 of this Code;

SECTION 11A.120. – Smoking shall not be allowed inside movie houses nor
shall moviegoers be allowed to place their foot/feet a top the backrest in front
of him;

SECTION 11A.121. – Smoking in public conveyances. – Smoking shall not be

allowed in public conveyances, jeepneys, and buses within the territorial
jurisdiction of Alaminos City;

SECTION 11A.122 – Authority of the Health Officer to close. – Any

establishment for public amusement of public assembly found operating
under unsanitary condition or violating the provision of this Code shall be
closed by the Local Health Authority and shall not be opened until the
unsanitary defect or rules and regulations violated have been corrected and
approved by the City Health Officer.

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Province of Pangasinan





Section 11A.123. – It is hereby prohibited for any person or persons to

construct stables (Quadra) whether domestic or commercial within the
commercial district or two (2) kilometers radius from kilometers in the City of
Alaminos or within the distance of twenty (20) meters from any neighbor or
residential dwelling;

Section 11A.124. – Any stables owner or operator must always be kept clean
and sanitary by burying or burning all waste matter to avoid breeding places
for flies;

Section 11A.125. – It is prohibited for any person or persons to construct or

put-up a poultry house or domestic pigpen (tangcal), or to rear or care for any
pig, or livestock in urban barangays in the City of Alaminos within the
distance of 10 meters from any neighbor or residential dwelling or along a
callehon or street of the same distance where people pass by. However, if the
pigpen is for breeding purposes or for commercial value, then the distance
should not be less than 20 meters.

Section 11A.126. – Pigpens and poultry houses constructed outside the limit
specified in the foregoing sections must always be kept clean and sanitary by
burying or burning all waste
matters to get rid of the obnoxious odor and to avoid breeding places for flies;

Section 11A.127. – Any owner of owners of pigpens, stables and poultry

houses which are existing during the passage of this ordinance but are
constructed in contravention with the provisions hereof are hereby given a
grace period of sixty (60) days from the date of approval hereof within which
to comply with this ordinance.


Section 11A.128. Definition of Terms As used in this Chapter the following
shall mean:
(a) Massage- a method wherein the superficial soft parts of the body are rubbed
or stroked or kneaded for remedial or aesthetic or hygienic purposes.
(b) Massage Clinic- an establishment where massage is administered to
(c) Masseur- a trained person duly licensed by the City Health Officer or his
authorized representative to perform massage and to supervise massage
clinic attendants.
(d) Massage Clinic Attendant- a trained person duly permitted by the City Health
Officer or his authorized representative to massage customers under the
guidance and supervision of a masseur.

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Province of Pangasinan



(e) Sauna Bath Establishment- an establishment where customers are exposed

to steam which is generated by sprinkling water on hot stones or by some
other means.
(f) Sauna Bath Attendant- a person who applies the proper technique of giving
steam bath to customers.

Section 11A.129. Sanitary Permit. No person or entity shall operate a

massage clinic and/or a sauna bath establishment without first securing a
sanitary permit from the City health officer.

Section 11A.130. Sanitary Requirements. The following requirements shall

be enforced:
(a) Massage Clinic
1. The reception and office rooms shall be properly lighted and ventilated.
2. Every massage room shall be adequately ventilated, provided with a
sliding curtain at the entrance and equipped with a suitable and clean
massage table.
3. Sanitary and adequate hand washing, bath and toilet facilities shall be
4. Customers shall be provided with soap, clean towels, sanitized rubber or
plastic slippers. They shall be required to take a thorough bath before
5. Masseur and masseur attendant shall wash their hands with soap and water
before and after massaging a customer.
6. The establishment and its premises shall be maintained clean and sanitary
at all times.
(b) Sauna Bath Establishment
1. The reception and office rooms shall be properly lighted and adequately
2. The sauna bath room shall be properly lighted, provided with
thermometers, and maintained clean and sanitary at all times.
3. Sanitary and adequate handwashing, bath and toilet facilities shall be
4. Customers shall be provided with soap, clean towels and sanitized rubber or
plastic slippers.

Section 11A.131. Personnel The following requirements shall be enforced:

(a) Masseur
1. The person must have a certificate as a registered masseur, issued by the
Committee on Examiners for Masseur of the Department.
2. He must possess an up-to-date health certificate issued by the local health
3. The person shall wear a clean working garment when attending to customers
or when supervising massage clinic attendants.
(b) Massage Clinic Attendant

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1. The person shall be properly registered and authorized by the local health
authority to work as massage clinic attendant after compliance with the
following requirements:
a) The Satisfactory completion of a training course or study given by a
government office, school or hospital, which is duly authorized and
recognized in the locality; and
b) Up-to-date health certificate issued by the City Health Officer to include VD
clearance secured from any government clinic or hospital.
2. Person must clean working garments when attending to customers.
(c) Sauna Bath Attendant
1. Attendant must possess an up-to-date health certificate issued by the City
health Officer.
2. The person must wear clean working garments when attending to



Section 11A.132 - Definition of Terms As used in this Chapter, the following

terms shall mean:
(a) Hotel- a building where transient guests are received and are supplied
with and charged for meals, lodging and other services.
(b) Motel- a roadside hotel for motorists, usually consisting of private
(c) Boarding House – a building where selected persons for fixed periods of time
are supplied with, and charged for sleeping accommodations and meals.
(d) Lodging House – a building where persons are supplied with and
charged for sleeping accommodations only.
(e) Tenement House- a building or portion thereof which is leased or sold to an
occupied as residence by four or more families doing their cooking within the
premises but living independently of one another although having a common
right in the use of halls, stairways, terraces, verandas, toilets, and baths.
(f) Apartment House- a building containing a number of separate residential
(g) Condominium- a building with one or more storeys composed of multi-unit
residential suites under joint ownership of occupants, each unit provided
with complete sanitary facilities, utilities and other amenities.
(h) Establishments- a collective term construed to include items (a) to (g).

Section 11A.133. General Provisions. The following are required for the
establishments defined in the preceding Section:
(a) No establishment shall be operated and opened for public patronage
without a sanitary permit issued by the City Health Officer or his duly
authorized representative.

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Province of Pangasinan



(b) Any extension or additional construction in an establishment shall

require a sanitary permit before it could be operated.
(c) All establishments shall provide their patrons with adequate water supply,
toilet and bath facilities in accordance with standards prescribed in this
(d) Establishments and their premises shall be kept clean and sanitary at
all times.
(e) Periodic insect and vermin control measures shall be undertaken to eradicate
vectors of diseases.
(f) Animals, fowls and pets shall be housed in appropriate kennels or cages
separate from living quarters.
(g) No person shall be employed in establishments without first procuring a
health certificate from the City Health Officer.

Section 11A.134. Special Provisions The following provisions are applicable.

(a) Hotels and Motels
1. The storage, preparation and serving of food to customers shall be in
accordance with the standards prescribed in Chapter III of this Code.
2. Customers shall be provided with clean linen such as bed sheets,
pillowcases, towels and napkins.
3. When rooms or cabins are vacated, their toilets or baths shall be sanitized
and clean and fresh linen shall be provided before the room or cabin is rented
for occupancy.
(b) Condominium. The following conditions are applicable:
1. The choice for sites should consider availability of bus and taxi
transportation services.
2. Nearness to place of work, schools, police stations and clinics.
3. Availability of low-cost goods.
4. Parking facilities and playgrounds for children.
5. Facilities for refuse disposal and cleanliness of buildings, and
6. Efficiency of lifts.


Section 11A.135. Port and Airport Sanitation In ports and airports, the
following sanitary requirements shall be applied:
(a) Every port and airport shall be provided with potable drinking water
and wholesome food supplied from sources approved by the Secretary or his
duly authorized representative.
(b) The drinking water and food shall be stored and handled in a manner
to ensure their protection against contamination. The city health officer shall
conduct periodic inspections of equipment, installations and premises, and
collect regularly samples of water and food for laboratory examination to
determine if they are fit for human consumption.
(c) There shall be available to as many ports and airports as practicable
organized medical and health services with adequate staff, equipment and

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facilities for the prompt isolation and care of infected persons, disinfection,
disinfecting, deratting, laboratory examination, collection and examination of
rodents for plague infection, collection of water and food samples for
(d) The city health officer shall portshall take all practicable measures to
keep port and airport installation free of rodents.
(e) In ports and airports of entry, facilities shall be provided for immunizations
required in international travel.
(f) Every port of entry and the area within the perimeter of an airport of entry
shall be kept free from mosquito vectors of yellow fever, malaria and other
diseases of epidemiological significance.

Section 11A.136. Vessel Sanitation For The Purpose Of This Section, the
provisions of Art. II of the Quarantine Regulations promulgated under Section
5 of Republic Act No. 123 shall be applied and enforced.

Section 11A.137. Aircraft Sanitation For the purpose of this Section, the
requirements in the Guide to Hygiene and Sanitation in Aviation of the World
Health Organization are adopted as part of this Code.


Section 11A.138. Definition Of Terms - As used in this Chapter, the

following terms shall mean:

1. BIODEGRADATION - a process in which a material is decomposed by

microbiological organisms or enzymes.
2. BIOLOGICAL CONTROL - a pest control method, which utilized predators,
parasites and natural enemies of pest species to reduce or eliminate pest
3. CHEMICAL CONTROL - a pest control method, which utilizes rodenticides
insecticides, larvicides and pesticides.
4. DISINFESTATION - an measure taken to kill the vermin present in land,
places, buildings, residences, conveyances and establishments.
5. ENVIRONMENTAL SANITATION CONTROL - the maintenance cleanliness of
the immediate premises and proper building construction and maintenance
so as to prevent access of pests into human dwellings.
6. FUMIGATION - the act of applying, releasing or dispensing a toxic chemical
so that it reaches the target organism primarily or wholly in gaseous state.
7. HEALTH CERTIFICATE - a certification in writing using the prescribed form
issued by the city health officer to a person after passing the required
physical and medical examinations and immunizations.
8. INFESTATION – the presence within or around a building, place or
conveyance of any insect, rodent or other pests.

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9. INSECTS – files, mosquitoes, cockroaches, bedbugs, fleas, lice, ticks, ants

and other insects that are of public health significance.
10. INTEGRATED CONTROL – controlling pests through the use of several
different methods and procedures, which are used to complement each other.
These procedures may include the use of pesticides, environmental sanitation
measures, natural as well as mechanical and biological control methods.
11. MECHANICAL CONTROL – a pest control method, which utilizes
mechanical devices like rodent traps, flytraps, mosquito traps, air curtain
and ultra-violet light.
12. NATURALISTIC CONTROL – a pest control method, which utilizes
nature and nature’s systems without disturbing the balance of nature.
13. PEST – any destructive or unwanted insect or other small animals
(rats, mice, etc.) that causes annoyance, discomfort, nuisance or
transmission of disease to humans and damage to structures.
14. PESTICIDES – any substance or product, or mixture intended to
control, prevent, destroy, repel, or mitigate, directly or indirectly any pest.
15. PLACE – land, building, residence, pier, watercraft, aircraft or any
means of conveyance.
16. PUBLIC PLACES - parks, plazas, picnic grounds, camps, roads,
cemeteries and memorial parks, terminals, rest areas, and other open fields
and enclosed areas of public assembly.
17. PUBLIC PLACES ESTABLISHMENTS – hotels, motels, dormitories,
lodging and boarding houses, tenement houses, apartels, condominiums,
hospitals, libraries, museums, offices, malls, markets, supermarkets, movie
houses, and other similar institutions.
18. REGIONAL DIRECTOR – an official who heads a Department of Health
regional health office.
19. RODENTS - small mammals such as rats, mice, characterized by
constantly growing incisor teeth used for gnawing or nibbling.
20. RODENTICIDE – chemicals or other preparations used to destroys
21. SAFETY – the condition of being free from danger and hazard, which
may cause accident or disease.
22. SANITARY ENGINEER – a person duly registered with the Board of
Examiners for Sanitary Engineers (Republic Act 1364)
23. SANITARY INSPECTOR – a government personnel, employed by the
city government, who enforces sanitary rules, laws and regulations and
implements environmental sanitation activities under the supervision of the
city health officer/sanitary engineer.
24. SANITARY PERMIT - the certification in writing of the city health
officer or in his absence the chief or head of the sanitation division
requirements upon evaluation or inspection conducted in accordance with
Presidential Decree Nos. 522 and 856 and local ordinances.
25. SECRETARY – the Secretary of Health.

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Province of Pangasinan



26. TRADITIONAL PESTICIDES – plants extracts or plant substances that

are used to control pests.
27. URBAN PEST CONTROL – pest control activities in all habitable areas
by no include agricultural pest control or implementation of the vermin
abatement program.
28. URBAN PEST CONTROL APPLICATION – any individual who uses or
supervises the use of pesticides or any other methods or services for urban
pest control or implementation of a vermin abatement program.
29. URBAN PEST CONTROL OPERATOR – refers to establishments or
entities engaged in the application of pesticides of vermin abatement
30. VECTOR – any organism which transmits infection by inoculation into
the skin or mucous membrane by biting; or by deposit of infective materials
on the skin of food or other objects; or by biological reproduction within the
31. VERMIN ABATEMENT PROGRAM – a series of preventive and control
activities or procedures to eliminate or reduce the presence of vermin in land,
public places, public places establishments, building and residences, food
establishment, markets, ports, airports, vessels, aircraft or any means of
conveyances, and other similar establishment.

Section 11A.139. General Requirements

(a) A vermin abatement program shall be maintained in places by their
owners, operators or administrators. If they fail, neglect or refuse to maintain
a vermin abatement program, the local health agency will undertake the work
at their expense.
(b) Vermin control in public places shall be the responsibility of the city
(c) The procedure and frequency of vermin abatement program shall be
determined and
approved by the local health authority.



Section 11A.140. Definition of Terms As used in this Chapter, the following

terms shall mean:
(a) Public sewerage system- a system serving twenty-five persons or more.
(b) Septic tank – a water tight receptacle which receives the discharge of a
plumbing system or part thereof, and is designed to accomplish the partial
removal and digestion of the suspended solid matter in the sewage through a
period of detention. Its construction shall be in accordance with
specifications prescribed in this Chapter.
(c) House sewer- the pipe line conveying sewage from the house or building to

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the septic tank or to any point of discharge.

(d) Septic tank absorption bed or drain field An underground system of
pipes leading from the outlet of the septic tank, consisting of open-jointed or
perforated pipes so distributed that the effluent from a septic tank is oxidized
and absorbed by the soil.
(e) Effective capacity of a septic tank -The actual liquid capacity of a septic tank
as contained below the liquid level line of the tank.
(f) Effective depth of a septic tank -The actual liquid depth of a septic tank as
measured from the inside bottom of the septic tank to the liquid level line.
(g) Freeboard or air space of a septic tank -The distance as measured from the
liquid level line to the inside top of the septic tank.
(h) Distribution box -A small concrete receptacle between the septic tank
and the drain field from which lines of drain tile extends and which acts as
surge tank to distribute the flow of sewage equally to each line of drain tile.
(i) Approved excreta disposal facilities shall mean any of the following:
1. Flush toilets properly connected to a community sewer;
2. Flush toilets connected to a septic tank constructed in accordance with
this Chapter;
3. Any approved type pit privy built in accordance with this Chapter; and
4. Any disposal device approved by the Secretary or his duly authorized
(j) Privy-A structure which is not connected to a sewerage system and is used
for the reception, disposition and storage of feces or other excreta from the
human body.
(k) Septic privy where the fecal matter is placed in a septic tank containing
water and connected to a drain field but which is not served by a water
supply under pressure.
(l) Box and can privy- A privy where fecal matter is deposited in a can bucket
which is removed for emptying and cleaning.
(m) Concrete vault privy- A pity privy with the pit line with concrete in such
manner as to make it water tight.
(n) Chemical privy- A privy where fecal matter is deposited into a tank
containing a caustic chemical solution to prevent septic action while the
organic matter is decomposed.

Section 11A.141. Scope of Supervision of the City Health Office. The

approval of the City Health Officer or his duly authorized representative is
required in the following matters:

(a) Construction of any approved type of toilet for every house including
community toilet which may be allowed for a group of small houses of light
materials or temporary in nature;
(b) Plans of individual sewage disposal system and the sub-surface
absorption system, or other treatment device;
(c) Location of any toilet or sewage disposal system in relation to a source of

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water supply;
(d) Plans, design data and specifications of a new or existing sewerage
system or sewage treatment plant;
(e) The discharge of untreated effluent of septic tanks and/or sewage treatment
plants to bodies of water;
(f) Manufacture of septic tanks; and
(g) Method of disposal of sludge from septic tanks or other treatment plants.

Section 11A.142. Operation of Sewage Treatment Works Private or public

sewerage systems shall:
(a) Provide laboratory facilities for control tests' and other examinations needed;
(b) Forward to the local health authority operating data, control tests and such
other records and information as may be required;
(c) Inform the local health authority in case of break-down or improper
functioning of the sewage treatment works; and
(d) Provide for the treatment of all sewage entering the treatment plant.

Section 11A.143. Requirements in the Operation of Sewerage Works and

Sewage Treatment Plants The following are required for sewerage works and
sewage treatment plants.
(a) All houses covered by the system shall be connected to the sewer in areas
where a sewerage system is available.
(b) Outfalls discharging effluent from a treatment plant shall be carried to the
channel of the stream or to deep water where the outlet is discharged.
(c) Storm water shall be discharged to a storm sewer, sanitary sewage shall be
discharged to a sewerage system carrying sanitary sewage only; but this
should not prevent the installation of a combined system.
(d) Properly designed grease traps shall be provided for sewers from restaurants
or other establishments where the sewage carries a large amount of grease.

Section 11A.144. Septic tanks. Where a public sewerage system is not

available, sewer outfalls from residences, schools, and other buildings shall
be discharged into a septic tank to be constructed in accordance with the
following minimum requirements:
(a) It shall be generally rectangular in shape. When a number of compartments
are used, the first compartment shall have the capacity from one-half to two-
thirds of the total volume of the tank.
(b) It shall be built of concrete, whether pre-cast or poured in place. Brick,
concrete blocks or adobe may be used.
(c) It shall not be constructed under any building and within 25 meters from any
source of water supply.

Section 11A.145. Disposal of Septic Tank Effluent. The effluent from septic
tanks shall be discharged into a sub-surface soil, absorption field where
applicable or shall be treated with some type of a purification device. The

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Province of Pangasinan



treated effluent may be discharged into a stream or body of water if it

conforms to the quality standards prescribe by the National Water and Air
Pollution Control Commission.

Section 11A.146. Determination of Septic Tank Capacity. The septic tank

capacity may be determined from the estimated unit flow contained in Table I
"Quantities of Sewage Flow," based on adequate detention time interval
resulting in efficient sedimentation. Daily flow from mattered results, may be
used as estimated flow when available. For edifices with occupants, the
number of persons to be served shall be computed on the number of rooms
with each room considered as occupied by two persons or on the basis of the
actual number of persons served by the tank, whichever is greater.

Section 11A.147. Sanitary Privies. The privy recommended for use is the
sanitary privy. It shall conform with the following minimum requirements:
(a) It shall consist of an earthen pit, a floor covering the pit, and a water-sealed
bowl. It shall be so constructed in order that fecal matter and urine will be
deposited into the earthen pit which shall be completely fly-proof.
(b) The pit shall be at least one meter square.
(c) The floor should cover the pit tightly to prevent the entrance of flies. It shall
be constructed of concrete or other impervious material.
(d) The water-sealed bowl shall be joined to the floor so as to form a water-tight
and insect proof joint.
(e) A suitable building shall be constructed to provide comfort and privacy for
the users of the privy.
(f) Wooden floors and seat risers shall not be used.

Section 11A.148. Drainage

(a) Responsibility of the City - It shall be the responsibility of the City to provide
and maintain in a sanitary state and in good repair a satisfactory system of
drainage in all inhabited areas where waste water from buildings and
premises could empty without causing nuisance to the community and
danger to public health.
(b) Connection to the City drainage system Buildings or premises producing
waste water shall be connected to the municipal drainage system in all areas
where it exists.

Section 11A.149. Special Precaution for Radioactive Excreta and Urine of

Hospitalized Patient.
(a) Patients given high doses of radioactive isotope for therapy should be
given toilet facilities separate from those used by "non-radioactive" patients.
(b) Radioactive patients should be instructed to use the same toilet bowl at all
times and to flush it at least 3 times after its use.

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Province of Pangasinan




Section 11A.150. Definition of Terms As used in this Chapter

Refuse is an inclusive term for all solid waste products consisting of
garbage, rubbish, ashes, night soil, manure, dead animals, street sweepings
and industrial wastes.

Section 11A.151. Responsibility of the City - the City shall provide an

adequate and efficient system of collecting, transporting and disposing refuse
in their areas of jurisdiction in a manner approved by the local health
authority and applicable laws.

Section 11A.152. Additional Requirements

(a) Occupants of buildings and residences shall provide a sufficient number of
receptacles for refuse. Refuse in receptacles shall be protected against vermin
and other animals.
(b) Refuse shall be disposed through a City collection service. If this service is
not available, disposal shall be by incineration, burying, sanitary landfill or
any method approved by the local health authority and applicable laws.
(c) Refuse shall not be thrown in any street, sidewalk, yard, park or any body of
water. It shall be stored in a suitable container while awaiting its final
(d) Streets shall be kept clean by occupants or owners of properties lining the
street from the line of the property to the middle of the street and from one
property to the other.
(e) Parks, plazas and streets adjacent to public buildings shall be kept clean by
the local government concerned.


Section 11A.153. – Anything that annoys or is injurious to health shall be

considered a nuisance. For the purpose of this Code, the following are
considered nuisance:
a. Dark, damp and dilapidated buildingb. Building infested with pestc.
Unsanitary conditionsd. Foul and unhealthful placese. Impure waterf.
Stagnant Water, manure and refuseg. Obnoxious business or tradeh.
Unhealthful cemeteriesi. Unnecessary noisej. Excessive dust and rice and
corn brank. Depositing offensive substances in street and harborsl.
Receptacles which serve as breeding places for files and mosquitoesm. Dead
animalsn. Noxious orderso. Industrial wastesp. Or any other like matter as
enumerated above.

Section 11A.154. – Offensive trade, business or occupation and unwholesome

trade, business or occupation defined:

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a. Within the meaning of this title, the word “offensive” trade, business or
occupation shall be held to include soap boiling, tallow, melting, killing or
disemboweling or cleaning guts, boiling offal, bones, fat, or lard, except in the
public slaughterhouses which come under special regulations pertaining
there to, manufacturing of glue or fertilizers;

b. Within the meaning of this title, the “unwholesome” business, trade of

occupation shall be held to include lye making or manufacturing process, or
handicrafts in which lead, arsenic, mercury, phosphorus or other poisonous
substances are used, or any obnoxious trade or offensive business or
manufacture, what so ever: Provided, that nothing in this definition shall be
construed as interfering with the practice of pharmacy or other business
regulated by law and provided, further that ready made types used for
printing purposes are hereby excluded from the meaning of unwholesome
trade, business or occupation;

Section 11A.155. – Closure or removal. – Whenever the City Health Officer

shall declare offensive or unwholesome any business, trade or occupation
dangerous to health, such establishment shall be closed or transferred to a
suitable location, assigned to this kind of industry by existing ordinance, if
any. When no such zoning ordinance exists, the Health Officer shall
determine the availability of the location.

Section 11A.156 – Authority of the Local Health Authority to abate any

nuisances. – The Local Health Auhtority shall have the authority to order any
nuisance abated and it shall be the duty of the owner, manager or agent or
person whose acts, default or sufferance, the nuisance arises or continue to
abate the same.


Section 11A.157. Definition Of Terms – As used in this code, the terms

below shall be defined as follows.

1. CONSTRUCTION – any or all activity necessary or incidental to the alteration,

demolition, installation, assembling, or equipping of buildings, private or
public highways, roads, premises, parks, utility line, including line grading,
excavation and filling.
2. DISINFECTION – a process of reduction or elimination of the number of
potentially infectious microorganism on an item or surface to safe levels.
by the DENR Secretary or the Regional Executive Director (RED) certifying

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Province of Pangasinan



that based on the representations of the project proponent and the EIS
prepares, as reviewed and validated by the Environmental Impact
Assessment Review Committee (EIARC), the proposed project or undertaking
will not cause a significant negative environmental impact, and that the
proponent has complied with all the requirements of the Environmental
Impact Statement (EIS) system.
4. ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH – the characteristics of environmental condition
that affect the quality of health. It is the aspect of public health that is
concerned with those forms of life, substances, forces and conditions in the
surroundings or person that may exert an influence on human health and
by the duly authorized officer of the DOH (i.e., the Director of the
Environmental Health Director in case of health sensitive project location)
which contains comments, recommendations, and other inputs, that the
proposed project, activity or undertaking has undergone review by the DOH.
This report shall submitted by the DOH to the DENR.
used to predict and determine the positive and negative consequences of
development projects and existing environmental conditions on public health.
scientific methods and information to define the potability and magnitude of
potentially adverse health effects, which may result from exposure to
hazardous material or situations.
8. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACTS – the potable effects or consequences of
proposed projects or undertaking on the physical, biological and socio-
economic environment, which can be direct or indirect, cumulative and
positive or negative.
9. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT STATEMENT (EIS) – the document(s) of studies
on the environmental impacts of a project including the discussion on direct
and indirect consequences upon human welfare and ecological and
environmental integrity and the appropriate mitigating and enhancement
or organization, administration, and procedures institutionalized for the
purpose of assessing the significance of the effects of any project or
undertaking on the quality of the physical,
biological and socio-economic environment, and designing appropriate
preventive, mitigating and enhancement measures.
11. EXPOSURE – any contact between a potentially harmful agent present
in an environmental medium like air, water, food, soil, and surface of the
human body like the skin or the digestive tract or respiratory tract. Exposure
can occur in a number of routes like vial inhalation, ingestion, direct skin or
eye contact, trans placental blood contact or injection directly into the body.

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Province of Pangasinan



12. FERTILIZER - any organic or inorganic material that is added to soil to

supply elements essential to plant growth.
13. HAZARD - a source of danger; a qualitative term expressing the
potential that an agent or condition can cause harm.
14. HEALTH SENSITIVE PROJECT - a project, whose raw materials, by
products, intermediate products, finished products, waste products, and
other processes during the construction, operation and decommissioning
phases will pose a significant health risk to the workers and the communities
exposed. These undertakings can be classified into major development
projects such as; but not limited to the following:

a. Heavy Industries – (e.g., non-ferrous metal industries, iron and steel mills,
smelting plants, petroleum, and other petrochemical industries, including oil
and gas);
b. Resource Extractive Industries – (e.g., major mining and quarrying projects,
forestry projects like logging, grazing and extraction of mangrove products,
fishery projects including dikes and fishpond development projects);
c. Power Generation Operations – (e.g., major dams, major reclamation projects,
major roads and bridges); and
d. Gold Course Projects

15. HEALTH SENSITIVE PROJECT LOCATION - a project located in an area

that meets an of the following characteristics:
16. HEAVY METAL – metallic element with high molecular weight, generally
toxic to plant and animal life.
of proponents describing the environmental impact of, and mitigation and
enhancement measures for projects or undertakings, classified under health
sensitive projects locations.
INITIAL HEALTH EXAMINATION (IHE) – part of the IEE, which consists of a
list of health hazards, which may have significant health risks, including
prevention and mitigation measures for projects or undertaking classified
under health sensitive projects locations.
18. CITY HEALTH AUTHORITY – an official or employee responsible for the
application of a prescribed health measure in a local political subdivision. For
a province, the city health authority is the governor and for a city, the mayor.
19. CITY HEALTH OFFICER – the City Health Officer.
15. MULTIPARTITE MONITORING TEAM – a multi-sectoral team convened
for the primary purpose of monitoring compliance by the proponent with the
ECC and applicable laws, rules and regulations.
16. NOISE – an erratic, intermittent, or statistically random oscillation, or
any unwanted sound.
17. NUISANCE – anything that offend the senses, produces discomfort to
the community, may injure health or endanger life.

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18. OBJECTIONABLE ODOR – any door present in the indoor or outdoor

atmosphere that, by itself or in combination with other odors, is or may be
harmful or injurious to sense, interferes with comfortable use and enjoyment
of life and properly, or created a nuisance.
19. PERSONAL PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT (PPE) – includes equipment
necessary for the protection of workers and other persons against bodily
harm resulting in sudden illness, occupation diseases or injury.
20. PESTICIDE – any substance or product, or mixture intended to control,
prevent, destroy, repel or mitigate pest. It includes insecticide, fungicide,
bactericide, nematocide, herbicide, molluscicide, avicide, rodenticide, plant
regulator, defoliant, desiccant, and the like.
21. POLLUTANT – any substance whether solid, liquid or gas, which has
direct or indirect impact on health, may alter quality of the environment,
impacts objectionable odor, noise, temperature change, physical, chemical or
biological change to any segment of the environment, or is in excess of
allowance health and environmental quality standards prescribed by he
22. POLLUTION – any alteration of the physical, chemical and biological
properties of any water, air and/or land resources of the Philippines, or any
discharge thereto of any liquid, gaseous or solid wastes as will or is likely to
create or to render such water, air and land resources harmful, detrimental
or injurious to public health, safety or welfare, or which will adversely affect
their utilization for domestic, commercial, industrial, agricultural,
recreational or other legitimate purposes.
23. PROPONENT – any natural or juridical person intending to implement
a project or undertaking.
24. REGIONAL HEALTH DIRECTOR – an official who heads the
Department of Health Regional Office.
25. RISK – a negative consequence or adverse effect of some action or
inaction; a quantitative term expressing the magnitude and probability of the
adverse effect occurring after an individual has been exposed to a specific
amount of hazard.
26. SAFETY – the connection of being free from danger may cause accident
or disease.
27. SANITARY ENGINEER – a person duly registered with the Board of
Examiners for Sanitary Engineers (Republic Act 1364) and who heads the
sanitation division/section/unit of the city health office or employed with the
Department of Health or its regional health offices.
28. SANITARY PERMIT – the certification in writing of the city health officer
or, in his absence, the chief or head of the sanitation division/section/unit
that the establishment complies with the existing minimum sanitation
requirements upon evaluation or inspection conducted in accordance with
Presidential Decree Nos. 522 and 856 and local ordinances.
29. SANITATION INSPECTOR – a government officer employed by the
national or city government, who enforces sanitary rules, laws and

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regulations and implements environmental sanitation activities under the

supervision of the city health officer/sanity engineer.
30. SCOPING – the stage in the EIS System where information and
assessment requirements are established to provide the proponent with the
scope of work for the EIS.
31. UNDERSECRETARY – the Undersecretary of Health, Office for Public
Health Services of the Department of Health.
32. VERMIN – a group of insects or small animals such as flies,
mosquitoes, cockroaches, lice, bedbugs, mice and rats that are vectors of
33. VERMIN ABATEMENT PROGRAM – a series of preventive and control
activities or procedures to eliminate or reduce the presence of vermin.

Section 11A.159. Authority of the Local Health Authority - The Local

Health Authority is authorized to promulgate rules and regulations for the
control and prevention of the following types of pollution:
(a) Pollution of pesticides and heavy metals;
(b) Pollution of food caused by chemicals, biological agents, radioactive
materials, and excessive or improper use of food additives;
(c) Non-ionizing radiation caused by electronic products such as laser beams or
(d) Noise pollution caused by industry, land and air transport and building
(e) Biological pollutants including the causative agents of intestinal infections;
(f) Pollution of agricultural products through the use of chemical fertilizers and
plant pesticides containing toxic chemical substances and unsanitary
agricultural practices; and
(g) Any other type of pollution which is not covered by the provisions of Republic
Act 3931, the Rules and Regulations of the National Water and Air Pollution
Control Commission, the provisions of Presidential Decree No. 480 and the
rules and regulations of the Radiation Health Office of the Department of
Health which is likely to affect community Health adversely.


Section 11A.160. Definition As used in this Chapter, the following terms shall
(a) Burial grounds cemetery, memorial park of any place duly authorized by law
for permanent disposal of the dead.
(b) Embalming preparing, disinfecting and preserving a dead body for its final
(c) Embalmer a person who practices embalming.
(d) Undertaking the care, transport and disposal of the body of a deceased
person by any means other than embalming.
(e) Undertaker person who practices undertaking.

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(f) Funeral establishment any place used in the preparation and care of the body
of a deceased person for burial.
(g) Remains the body of a dead person.
(h) Burial Interment of remains in a grave, tomb or the sea.
(i) Disinterment the removal or exhumation of remains from places of interment.

Section 11A.161. Burial Grounds Requirements the following requirements

shall be applied and enforced:
(a) It shall be unlawful for any person to bury remains in places other than
those legally authorized in conformity with the provisions of this Chapter.
(b) A burial ground shall at least be 25 meters distant from any dwelling house
and no house shall be constructed within the same distance from any burial
(c) No burial ground shall be located within 50 meters from either side of a river
or within 50 meters from any source of water supply.

Section 11A.162. Burial Requirements. The burial remains is subject to the

following requirements:
(a) No remains shall be buried without a dead certificate. This certificate shall be
issued by the attending physician. If there has been no physician in
attendance, it shall be issued by the mayor, the secretary of the municipal
board, or a councilor of the city where the death occurred. The death
certificate shall be forwarded to the local civil register within 48 hours after
(b) Shipment of remains abroad shall be governed by the rules and regulations
of the Bureau of Quarantine.
(c) Graves where remains are buried shall be at least one and one-half meters
deep and filled well and firmly.
(d) The cost of burial of a dead person shall be borne by the nearest kin. If the
kin is not financially capable of defraying the expenses or if the deceased had
no kin, the cost shall be borne by the city government.
(e) The burial of remains in city burial grounds shall not be prohibited on
account of race, nationality, religion or political persuasion.
(f) If the person who issues a death certificate has reasons to believe or suspect
that the cause of death was due to violence or crime, he shall notify
immediately the local authorities concerned. In this case the deceased shall
not be buried until permission is obtained from the provincial or city fiscal. If
these officials are not available the permission shall be obtained from any
government official authorized by law.
(g) Except when required by legal investigation or when permitted by the local
health authority, no unembalmed remains shall remain unburied longer than
48 hours after death.
(h) When the cause of death is a dangerous communicable disease, the remains
shall be buried within 12 hours after death. They shall not be taken to any
place of public assembly. Only the adult members of the family of the

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deceased may be permitted to attend the funeral.

Section 11A.163. Disinterment Requirements. Disinterment of remains is

subject to the following requirements:
(a) Permission to disinter remains of persons who died of non-dangerous
communicable diseases may be granted after a burial period of three years.
(b) Permission to disinter remains of person who died of dangerous
communicable diseases may be granted after a burial period of five years.
(c) Disinterment of remains covered in paragraphs "a" and "b" of this Section
may be permitted within a shorter time than that prescribed in special cases,
subject to the approval of the Regional Director concerned or his duly
authorized representative.
(d) In all cases of disinterment, the remains shall be disinfected and places in a
durable and sealed container prior to their final disposal.

Section 11A.164. Funeral and Embalming Establishments. These

establishments are subject to the following requirements:
(a) Scope of inclusion for the purposes of this Section, requirements prescribed
herein shall be applied and enforced to funeral chapels, embalming
establishments and morgues.
(b) Sanitary permit No establishment mentioned in the preceding paragraph
shall be operated without a sanitary permit issued by the Secretary or his
duly authorized representative. This permit shall be revoked in case of any
violation of the provisions of this Chapter and the rules and regulations
promulgated by the Secretary.
(c) Classification Funeral establishment shall be classified in three (3) categories
which are described as follows:
1. Category I Establishments with chapels, and embalming facilities and
offering funeral services.
2. Category II Establishments with chapels and offering funeral services but
without embalming facilities.
3. Category III Establishments offering only funeral services from the house of
the deceased to the burial ground.
(d) Sanitary requirements
For funeral chapels - The requirements prescribed for places of public
assembly in this Code shall be applied.
For embalming and dressing rooms
1. They should be constructed of concrete or semi-concrete materials with
sufficient space to accommodate five bodies at one time.
2. The floors and walls shall be made of concrete or other durable impervious
3. Ventilation and lighting should be adequately provided.
4. Embalming shall be performed on a table made of a single marble slab or
other equally impervious materials. It shall be so constructed that all
washings and body fluids shall flow to a drain connected to the waste piping

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system of the building.

5. Embalming and assistants shall use rubber gloves when working.
6. Washing facilities with soaps, detergents and germicidal solutions shall be
provided for use of the following personnel.

Section 11A.165. Licensing and Registration Procedures. The licensing and

registration of undertakers and embalmers are subject to the following
(a) Issuance of license to practice
1. Any person who desires to practice undertaking or embalming shall be
licensed to practice only after passing an examination conducted by the
2. Licensed undertakers or embalmers shall practice undertaking or embalming
in accordance with requirements prescribed by the Department.
3. Licensed undertakers or embalmers shall display their licenses
conspicuously in the establishments where they work.
(b) Issuance of certificates of registration
1. An undertaker or embalmer shall apply annually for a registration
certificates and pay an annual registration fee of twenty-five pesos to the
Regional Health Office concerned.
2. The first registration certificate issued shall cover the period from the
date of issuance to the last day of the current year. Subsequent certificates
shall bear the date of January 1 of the year of issue and shall expire
December 31 of the same year.
3. Certificates of registration shall be posed conspicuously in
establishments concerned.
(c) Exemption Government and private physicians may perform embalming
without license and registration certificates as exigencies require.

Section 11A.166. Autopsy and Dissection of Remains The autopsy and

dissection of remains are subject to the following requirements:
(a) Person authorized to perform these are:
1. Health officers;
2. Medical officers of law enforcement agencies; and
3. Members of the medical staff of accredited hospitals.
(b) Autopsies shall be performed in the following cases:
1. Whenever required by special laws;
2. Upon orders of a competent court, a mayor and a provincial or city
3. Upon written request of police authorities;
4. Whenever the Solicitor General, provincial or city fiscal as authorized
by existing laws, shall deem it necessary to disinter and take possession of
remains for examination to determine the cause of death; and
5. Whenever the nearest kin shall request in writing the authorities
concerned to ascertain the cause of death.

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Province of Pangasinan



(c) Autopsies may be performed on patients who die in accredited hospitals

subject to the following requirements:
1. The Director of the hospital shall notify the next of kin of the death of the
deceased and request permission to perform an autopsy.
2. Autopsy can be performed when the permission is granted or no objection is
raised to such autopsy within 48 hours after death.
3. In cases where the deceased has no next of kin, the permission shall be
secured from the local health authority.
4. Burial of remains after autopsy After an autopsy, the remains shall be
interred in accordance with the provisions in this Chapter.

Section 11A.167. Donation of Human Organs for Medical, Surgical and

Scientific purposes. Any person may donate an organ or any part of his
body to a person, a physician, a scientist, a hospital or a scientific institution
upon his death for transplant, medical, or research purposes subject to the
following requirements:
(a) The donation shall be authorized in writing by the donor specifying the
recipient, the organ or part of his body to be donated and the specific
purpose for which it will be utilized.
(b) A married person may make such donation without the consent of his
(c) After the death of a person the next of kin may authorize the donation of an
organ or any part of the body of the deceased for similar purposes in
accordance with the prescribed procedure.
(d) If the deceased has no next of kin and his remains are in the custody of an
accredited hospital, the Director of the hospital may donate an organ or any
part of the body of the deceased in accordance with the requirement
prescribed in this Section.
(e) A simple written authorization signed by the donor in the presence of two
witnesses shall be deemed sufficient for the donation of organs or parts of the
human body required in this Section, notwithstanding the provisions of the
Civil Code of the Philippines on matters of donation. A copy of the written
authorization shall be forwarded to the Secretary.
(f) Any authorization granted in accordance with the requirements of this
Section is binding to the executors, administrators, and members of the
family of the deceased.

Section 11A.168. Use of Remains for Medical Studies and Scientific

Research. Unclaimed remains may be used by medical schools and scientific
institutions for studies and research subject to the rules and regulations
prescribed by the Department.

Section 11A.169. Special Precautions for Safe Handling of Cadavers

Containing Radioactive Isotopes
(a) Cadavers containing only traces (very small dose) of radioactive isotope do

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not require any special handling precautions.

(b) Cadavers containing large amounts of radioactive isotopes should be labelled
properly identifying the type and amount or radioactive isotopes present and
the date of its administration.
(c) Before autopsy is performed, the Radiation Health Officer or his duly
authorized representative should be notified for proper advice. The
pathologist and/or embalmer should be warned accordingly of the
radioactivity of the cadaver so that radiation precautions can be properly
(d) Normal burial procedures, rules and regulations may be carried out on the
above mentioned cadavers provided that their amount of radioactivity has
decayed to a safe level which will be determined by the Radiation Health
Officer or his authorized representative.
(e) Cremation If cremation is performed without autopsy, there is no handling
problem; otherwise, autopsy precautions should be strictly enforced.
Precautions should be taken to prevent any possible concentration of
radioactivity at the base of the stack of the crematorium.

Section 11A.170. Responsibility of the Regional Director .The Regional

Director shall:
(a) Act on applications for the establishment of burial grounds; and
(b) Close any burial ground which is a menace to public health.

Section 11A.171 Responsibility of the Local Health Authority .The local

health authority shall:
(a) Administer city or municipal cemeteries;
(b) Issue permits to inter, disinter or transfer remains;
(d) Apply prescribed measures when cause of death is due to a dangerous
communicable disease;
(e) Keep records of death occurring within his area of jurisdiction; and
(f) Authorize the deliver of unclaimed remains to medical schools and scientific
institutions for purposes specified in this Chapter and in accordance with the
rules and regulations of the Department.

Section 11A.172. Responsibility of Local Government Local governments

(a) Reserve appropriate tracts of land under their jurisdiction, for cemeteries
subject to approval of Regional Directors concerned;
(b) Utilize judiciously grants, gifts, bequests of property or financial donations
for the establishment or improvement of cemeteries; and
(c) Close cemeteries under their jurisdiction subject to approval of the Regional


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Province of Pangasinan



Section 11A.173. – The proprietor and/or manager, and/or in-charge and/or

entrepreneurs of the following business establishments and/or trades within
the jurisdiction of Alaminos City are required to have Sanitary Permit, from
the Health Officer of Alaminos City every calendar year, renewable within the
first fifteen (15) days of every succeeding year. Issuance of the Sanitary
Permit is solely determined by the Health Officer of Alaminos City, depending
upon the local conditions and such rules and regulations necessary for the
establishment and/or trade concerned, (See section 43) The Sanitary Permit
shall be as follows:

Department of Health Regional Health Office No. 5 Office of the City Health


M_________________________owner and/or in-charge________________,
street_____________,______________having complied with all sanitary
requirements governing the above-mentioned establishment and/or trade,
after the necessary inspection has been made thereat, hereby authorized to
conduct the business mentioned above.
PROVIDED, FURTHER, that non-compliance with the verbal or written
sanitary order of the Health Officer or his authorized representative is
sufficient cause for this Sanitary Permit to be revoked, and the person or
persons concerned shall immediately close his or their establishment and/or
Given this __________ day of _______________, 19
_____at___________________________________, _____________________________.
______________________________ I, _______________________________Sanitation
Inspector owner or in-charge of the business
Specified above, do hereby promise and agree to fulfill the requirements in
this Permit.
__________________ __________________City Health Officer Owner and/or In-

Section 11A.174. – Business establishment and/or trades required to have or

secure a sanitary permit, and whose corresponding fees are to be paid to the
City Treasurer of Alaminos City, as herein below prescribed:

CLASS I – Hotels, Lodging House, Inns, Health Resorts, Bathing Resorts or

places, Bar, Snack Bars, Restaurants, Lunch Counters, Cafeteria,
Carenderias, Food Courts, Meat Stalls, or Counters, Ice Plants, Ice Cream
Factories or Parlors, Ice Drop Factories or Parlors, Refreshments Parlors, Soft
Drinks manufactures or Packers of Wines, Native or Foreign Wine Stores, or

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Province of Pangasinan



dealers manufactures of Cigars, Cigarette and Chewing Tobaccos, Repackers

of Distilled Spirits, Compounders of wine, Cold Storage, cabarets, Dancing
Halls or Schools, Night Clubs, Groceries, Drug Stores, Medical Laboratories
and Companies, Dry Goods Stores, Hardware’s Stores, Auto Spare Parts
Stores, radio Stores & Shops, Candy factories and Shoemakers and
Repairers, Dry Cleaning or Laundry Shops, Theaters Cinematography’s,
Photos Studios, Insurance Agencies, Watch Repairers Shops, Books and
Office Supplies Stores, Mikky Factories and the like, PomadeFactory,
Furniture Shops or Stores, Funeral Parlors, Tailoring Shops, Dressmaking
Shops, Beauty Parlors, Bakeries, Barber Shops, Pawn shops, Iron Works
Shops and Stores, sari-Sari Stores, Massage Clinics, Pool or Billiard Halls,
Bowling Dens or Alleys, any kind of land or sea or air transportation
company, copra or Hemp dealers, Salt or Sugar or Corn or Rice/Palsy
Dealers, candle or Soap factories, Lumber Dealers, Auto or Truck Dealers or
Repair Shops, gasoline Stations, Cockpits, Stadiums shall pay such sum or
amount as provided under the Revenue Code of Alaminos City.

CLASS II – The Store or counter or stallholder or establishment and/or trade

not specified under Class I, and all sari-sari stores outside of the Poblacion of
Alaminos City shall pay such sum as prescribed under the Revenue Code of
Alaminos City.

Section 11A.175. – The following are required to secure from the health
Officer of the City of Alaminos, a Health Certificate every six months of the
year renewable within the first fifteen days of every six months with the
corresponding fee of Twenty Five (P25.00) Pesos per semester, to be paid to
the City treasurer of Alaminos City.

Proprietors and/or managers and/or in-charge and/or entrepreneurs

of the business establishment and/or trades with Sanitary permit issued by
the Health Officer of Alaminos City, meat and fish vendors, all peddlers or
sellers of cooked and uncooked foods, medicines, drugs, toys, kitchen
utensils of refreshments; professional chauffeurs, trucks, buses, automobiles
or pick-ups conductors, cooks, attendants and all kinds of helpers and
employees of any establishments and/or trade where any kind of foods, fruits
and vegetables, meat drinks, refreshments, fish medicines, drugs are being
manufactured or canned, or cooked or repacked, dispensed or mixed, or sold,
or served; all attendants, helpers and employees in all establishments and/or
trades mentioned in Section 68 Class I and II of this ordinance are required
to have or Secure the prescribed health Certificate.

Section 11A.176. – It shall be unlawful for any person to engage in the

occupation of hospitality girl/boy or taxi driver who is not over eighteen (18)
years of age;

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Province of Pangasinan



Section 11A.177. – It shall be unlawful for any person or persons to employ

any man/woman as hospitality girl or dancers of nightclubs or cabarets, as
serves, attendants or hostesses in beer joints, cocktail lounge or similar
establishments selling or serving beer, liquor or intoxicating drinks, pubs and
beer gardens or similar establishments without securing medical certificate
showing that she shall have submitted for medico-gynecological examination
and microscopic examination of smear taken from the urettero cervix utero
and suspected lesions in any part of her body for such woman from the
Health Officer for which a fee of P25.00 shall be paid;

Section 11A.178. – The City health Officer shall issue the health certificate
required in Section 2 hereof after performing the examination required in
Section 107 hereof, that the person to whom the certificate being issued is
not sick with any contagious, communicable or venereal disease and he shall
annotate therein after each subsequent periodical health check-up the true
health of the said person, provided that those found positive for
communicable or venereal disease shall be prohibited from working and
his/her health certificate shall be revoked until such time that he/she is
found negative by the City Health Officer or his assistant;

Section 11A.179. – The Health Certificate shall bear the photograph of the
person to whom the certificate is issued and both the certificate and the
photograph shall bear the imprint of the dry seal of the City of Alaminos,
provided, that such photograph was taken not early than one month before
the date of issue of said certificate shall also serve as identification card of
the employee and shall be pinned prominently to public view on the dress,
skirt, shirt or uniform of the employee during his/her hours of service;

Section 11A.180. – It shall be unlawful for any woman to work as hospitality

girl in a nightclub or dance in a cabaret, pub, beer garden and similar
establishment without first securing an occupational license for which she
shall pay an annual fee of P100.00;

Section 11A.181. – Sanitary Permit. – It shall be unlawful for any person to

operate a restaurant in the City of Alaminos, who does not possess a valid
Sanitary Permit from the City Health Officer. Such permit or sanitary
clearance shall be posted in a conspicuous place. Only people who comply
with the requirements of this Sanitary Code shall be entitled to receive and
retain such a permit. A person conducting an itinerant restaurant shall also
be required to secure a sanitary permit.
Such permit be revoked or temporarily suspended upon orders of the City
Health Officer upon the violation by the holder of any of the terms of this
Sanitary Code.

Section 11A.182. – PLACARDING or public display of grade notice. – Every

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restaurant shall displays at all times in a place designated by the City Health
Officer, a notice approved by the City Health Officer stating the grade of the

Section 11A.183. – Examination and Condemnation of unwholesome or

adulterated food or drink. – Samples of food , drink and other substances
may be taken and examined by the Health Officer as often as may be
necessary for the detection of unwholesomeness or adulteration. The Health
Officer may condemn and forbid the sale of, or cause to be removed or
destroyed, any food or drink, which is unwholesome or adulterated;

Section 11A.184. – Inspection of restaurant. – The Health Officer or his

authorized representatives shall inspect every restaurant as often as
necessary. In case the City Health Officer or his authorized representative
discovers the violation of any item required for the grade, he shall make a
second inspection after the lapse of such time as he deems necessary for the
defect to be remedied, and the second inspection shall be used in
determining compliance with the grade requirements of this ordinance. Any
violation of the same item of this ordinance, on such second inspection shall
call for immediate degrading, or suspension of permit;
One copy of the inspection report shall be posted by the City Health Officer
upon an inside wall of the restaurant, and said inspection report shall not be
defaced or removed by any person expect the City Health Officer. Another
copy of the inspection report shall be filed in the records of the City Health
The person operating the restaurant shall upon request of the City Health
officer permit access to all parts of the establishment and shall permit
copying any or all records of food purchased.

Section 11A.185. – Grading of Restaurants. – The grading of all restaurants

shall be based upon the following standards:


ITEM 1 – FLOORS – The floors of all rooms in which food or drink is stored,
prepared, or served, or in which utensils are washed, shall be of such
construction as to be easily cleaned, shall be smoothed, paved, and shall be
kept clean and in good repair;
ITEM 2 – WALL AND CEILINGS – Walls and Ceilings of all rooms shall be
kept clean and in good repair. All walls and ceilings of room in which food or
drink is stored or prepared shall be finished in light color. The walls of all
rooms in which food or drinks are prepared or utensils are washed, shall
have a smooth washable surface up to the level reached by a splash or spray;
ITEM 3 – DOORS AND WINDOWS – When flies are prevalent, all openings
into outer air shall be effectively screened and doors shall be self-closing
unless other effective means are provided to prevent the entrance of files;

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Province of Pangasinan



ITEM 4 – VENTILATION – All rooms in which food or drink is stored, prepared

or served, or in which utensils are washed shall be well ventilated;
ITEM 5 – All rooms in which food or drink is stored, or prepared or served or
in which utensils are washed shall be well lighted;
ITEM 6 – Toilet facilities – Every restaurant shall be provided with adequate
and conveniently located toilet facilities conforming with this Sanitary Code.
In restaurants hereafter constructed, toilet rooms shall not open directly into
any rooms in which food, drink, or utensils are kept and shall be self-closing.
Toilet rooms shall always be kept in a clean condition, in good repair, with
running water and well lighted and ventilated. Hand writing signs shall be
posted in each toilet room;
ITEM 7 – WATER SUPPLY – Running water under pressure shall be easily
accessible to all rooms in which food is prepared or utensils are washed and
the water supply shall be adequate, and of a safe sanitary quality;
ITEM 8 – LAVATORY FACILITIES – Adequate and convenient hand washing
facilities shall be provided, including soap and running water, and approved
sanitary towels, The use of a common towel is prohibited. No employee shall
resume work after using the toilet room without firs washing his hands with
soap and water;
utensils and all shows and display cases or windows, counters, shelves,
tables, refrigerating equipment, sink and other equipment or utensils used in
connection with the operation of the restaurant shall be constructed as to be
easily and shall be kept in good repair. Utensils made of or containing, or
plated with cadmium or lead shall not be used provided; that solder
containing lead may be used for jointing.
EQUIPMENT – All equipment, including display cases or windows, counters,
shelves, tables, refrigerators, stoves, hoods and sinks, shall be kept free from
dust, dirt, insect and other combination materials. All clothes used by
waiters, chefs and other employees shall be clean. Single service containers
shall be used only one.
All multi-used eating and drinking utensils shall be thoroughly cleaned and
effectively subjected to an approved bactericidal process after each usage. All
multi-used utensils issued in the preparation or serving food and drink shall
be thoroughly cleaned and effectively subjected to an approved bactericidal
treatment immediately following the day’s operation. Drying clothes if used
shall be cleaned and shall be used for no other purpose.
No article, polish or other substance containing any cyanide preparation and
other poisonous material shall be used for the cleaning and polishing of
After bactericidal treatment, utensils shall be stored in a clean, dry place,
protected from flies, dust and other contamination as far as possible. Single
serving utensils shall be placed only in sanitary containers, shall be stored

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Province of Pangasinan



there in a clean dry place until used, and shall be handled in a sanitary
ITEM 12 – DISPOSAL OF WASTE – All waste shall be properly disposed of,
and all garbage and trash shall be kept in well-covered, water proof and
suitable receptacles, in such manner as not to become a nuisance and
disposed of in a manner approved by the Health Officer;
ITEM 13 – REFRIGERATION – All readily perishable food and drink shall be
kept at or below fifty (50) degrees Fahrenheit except when being prepared or
served. Wastewater from refrigeration equipment shall be properly disposed
ITEM 14 – WHOLESOMENESS OF FOOD AND DRINK – All food and/or drink
shall be clean, wholesome, free from spoilage and so prepared as to be safe
for human consumption. All milk, fluid products of milk, ice cream and other
frozen desserts shall be served from approved sources. Milk and fluid milk
products shall serve in the individual originals in which they were received
from the distributor or from a bulk container equipped with an approved
dispensing device. All oyster, clams, and shellfish shall be from approved
sources by the Health Officer;
food and drink shall be stored, displayed and served as to be protected from
dust, files, vermin, depredation and pollution by rodents, unnecessary
handling, droplets infection, overhead leakage and other contamination. No
animals or fowls shall be kept or allowed in any room in which food or drink
is stored or prepared. All means necessary for the elimination of files,
cockroaches and rodent shall be used.
ITEM 16 – CLEANLINESS OF EMPLOYEES – All employees shall wear
uniforms or apron and cap or hair net and shall keep hands clean at all
times while engaged in handling food, drinks, utensils or equipment.
Employees shall not expectorate or use tobacco in any from in rooms where
food is served and prepared;
ITEM 17 – HEALTH CERTIFICATES – Every person engaged in the
transportation, handling, manipulation, peddling, preparation, serving and
storing of food and drinks shall possess a valid Health Certificate issued by
the Health Officer. Such health certificate may be temporarily revoked and
suspended upon the violation by the holder of any terms of this ordinance or
upon finding that the holding had developed a communicable disease;
restaurants shall be kept clean, sanitary and free of litter and rubbish at all
times. All rooms used for the preparation, serving or storage of food or drink
shall not be used as a selling quarters. Adequate lockers shall be provided for
employees clothing and shall be kept clean. Proper drainage of surrounding
and proper disposal of refuse shall be maintained at all times.

Section 11A.186. – Grades of restaurants which may operate. – From and

after three (3) months from the date on which this ordinance takes effect, no

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Province of Pangasinan



restaurant shall be operated within the Alaminos City or its police

jurisdiction, unless it conforms with the Grade “A” or Grade “B” or approved
itinerant restaurant requirements of this Ordinance; PROVIDED, that when
any restaurant who fails to qualify for any of these grades, the Health Officer
is authorized to suspend its operation during a temporary period not
exceeding thirty (30) days until the defect shall have been corrected;
Provided, further, that when any restaurant refuses or knowingly and
willfully neglects sanitary corrections or continuously violates any of the
provisions of this code, the Health Officer is authorized to close permanently
such restaurant;

Section 11A.187. – Reinstatement of permit, supplementary. – Any

restaurant, the grade of which has been lowered and the display had been
changed accordingly, or the permit of which have been suspended, may at
any time apply for regarding or the continuation of its operation. Within one
week after the receipt of a sanitary application, accompanied by a statement
signed by the applicant to the effect that the violated provision or provisions
of ordinance have been complied with, the City Health Officer shall make
inspection and thereafter as many re-inspection he deems necessary to
assure himself that the applicant is again complying higher grade
requirements, and in case he finds favorably, he shall award the higher grade
or re-instate the sanitary permit;

Section 11A.188. – Disease Control. – No person who is affected with any

disease in a communicable form or is a carrier of such disease shall work in
any restaurant, and no restaurant shall employ any person suspected of
having any disease in a communicable from or of being a carrier of such
disease. If the restaurant manager, administrator suspects that any of his
employees has contacted any disease in communicable form or has become a
carrier of a disease, he shall notify the Health Officer immediately. When
suspicion arises, the possibility of transmission or inspection from any
restaurant, the Health Officer is authorized to make any or all the following
1. The immediate exclusion of the employee from all restaurants;
2. The immediate closing of the restaurant concerned until no further danger or
disease out break exist in the opinion of the Health Officer;
3. Adequate medical examination of the employee and his associate.



A. For violation of Sections 7, 8, 9, 8, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 20, 21, 22, 23,
24, 25, 26, 27, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46,
47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 55, 57, 58, 59, 60, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 68, 70, 71,
72, 73, 74, 76, 77, 78, 79, 80, 81, 82, 83, 84, 85, 86, 87, 88, 89, 90, 91, 92,

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93, 94, 95, 98, 99, 100, 102, 103, 104, 105, 106, 107, 108, 109, 110, 111,
112, 113, 116, 117, 118, 119, 120, 121, 123, 124, 125, 126, 127, 129, 130,
131, 133, 134, 135, 136, 137, 138, 139, 141, 142, 143, 144, 145, 146, 147,
148, 149, 152, 153, 154, 157, 161, 162, 163, 165,166, 167, 168, 173, 174,
175, 176, 177, 178, 179, 180, 181, 182, 183, and 184 shall be penalized with
a fine of not less than One Hundred (P100.00) Pesos but not more than Five
Hundred (P500.00) Pesos and an imprisonment of not less than One (1)
month but not more than six (6) months or both fine and imprisonment at
the discretion of the court, and;

Section 190. Penalty. – Any violation of any other provision of this Ordinance
not covered by the preceding section shall be penalized as follows:
A. First Offense – P500.00
B. Second Offense – P1,000
C. Third Offense – Confiscation of product, foods and /or goods being sold
including their containers, accessories andimprisonment of not more than
One (1) month and/or a fine of not more than two thousand (P2000.00)
D. Fourth Offense - Imprisonment of not less than One (1) month nor more
than six (6) months and/or a fine of not morethan Five Thousand (P5,
000.00) Pesos.
All confiscated products, foods and/or goods shall be donated to charitable
institutions in the City of Alaminos.

Section 11A.191. Implementing Authority. The Sanitary Inspectorsand

other health officers of the City Health Office are hereby mandated and
tasked as the lead agency to implement and enforce this code. For this
purpose it may enlist the support and cooperation of the operatives of the
Public Order and Safety Office (POSO), the City General Services Office
(CGSO), the barangay tanods, and such other government agency, as it may
deem necessary.

Section 11A.192. Separability Clause In the event that any section,

paragraph, sentence, clause, or word of this Code is declared invalid for any
reason, other provisions thereof shall not be affected thereby.

Section 11A.193. Repealing Clause All laws, as well as pertinent rules and
regulations thereof, which are inconsistent with the provisions of this Code,
are hereby repealed or amended accordingly.

Article B

Requiring Food Service Industry/Establishments to include

Half-Rice serving in their menu

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Province of Pangasinan



Section 11B.01. Definition. As used in this Article:

HALF-RICE SERVING-as used in this ordinance shall mean a

minimum of eighty grams of cooked rice and is offered to customers at half
the price of one whole rice serving.

Section 11B.02. Coverage- All businesses/establishments engage in food

service (meals) in this locality are covered by this Article.

Section 11B.03. General Provision- All businesses/establishments engage in

food service industry in the city of Alaminos, Pangasinan shall include half-
rice serving in their menu.

Section 11B.04. Penalty Clause- Any person or juridical body found

violating this ordinance shall, upon conviction, be liable for:

1. First offense - Administrative Fine of One Thousand Pesos

(Php 1,000.00)
2. Second offense - Administrative Fine of Two Thousand Pesos
(Php 2,000.00)
3. Third offense - Administrative Fine of Five Thousand Pesos
(Php5,000.00) and
cancellation of Mayor’s Permit/Business
License, or imprisonment of not more than
Five (5) days; or both, fine and
imprisonment,at the discretion of the court.

Note: should be Health Prov.

Article C

Prevention and Control of HIV/AIDS/STD

Section 11C.01. Declaration Of Policies And Principles.

Principles Human Immuno-
deficiency Virus/Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (HIV/AIDS) and Sexually
Transmitted Diseases are diseases/conditions that recognize no territorial, social,
political, and economic boundaries. Since there is no known cure particular for
AIDS, the gravity of the threat from this disease demands a strong and effective

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Province of Pangasinan



government response hence the City Government shall strictly adhereto the
following local policies.

Section 11C.02. Item C (Women and Health) of the Strategic Objectives and Actions
of the Beijing Declaration and Platform for action, which was adopted by the United
Nations during the Fourth World Conference on Women in Beijing, China, the
Philippines being a signatory committed to:

a.) Increase women’s access throughout the life cycle to appropriate,

affordable and quality health care, information and related services;
b.) Strengthen preventive programs that promote women’s health;
c.) Undertake gender-sensitive initiatives that address sexually
transmitted diseases, HIV/AIDS, and sexual and reproductive
health issues;
d.) Promote research and disseminate information for women’s health;
e.) Increase resources and monitor follow-up women’s health.

Section 11C.03. Item D (Violence Against Women) of the Strategic Objectives and
Actions of Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action, the Philippines, being a
signatory committed to:

a.) Study the causes and consequences of violence against women and
the effectiveness of Preventive measures;
b.) Eliminate trafficking in women and assist victims of violence due to
prostitution and trafficking.

Section 11C.04. Article 34 of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the
Child (CRC), which provides that the State shall protect children from sexual
exploitation and abuse, including prostitution and involvement in pornography.

Section 11C.05. Article II, Section 15, of the 1987 Philippine Constitution, which
states that xxx “The State shall protect and promote the right to health of the people
and instill health consciousness among them.”

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Province of Pangasinan



Section 11.06. Article II, Section 18, of the 1987 Philippine Constitution, which
states that xxx “The affirms labor as a primary social economic force. It shall protect
the rights of workers and promote their welfare.”

SECTION 11C.07. Republic Act No. 8504, otherwise known as “An act Promulgating
Policies and Measures for the Prevention and Control of HIV/AIDS in the Philippines,”
particularly declares the following policies:

a.) The State shall promote public awareness about the causes, modes
of transmission, consequences, means of prevention and control of
HIV/AIDS through a comprehensive nationwide educational and
information campaign organized and conducted by the State. Such
campaigns shall promote value information and employ scientifically
proven approaches, focus on the family as a basic social unit, and
be carried out in all schools and training centers, workplaces and
communities. This program shall involve affected individuals and
groups, including people living with HIV/AIDS.
b.) The State shall extend to every person suspected or known to be
infected with HIV/AIDS full protection of his/her human rights and
civil liberties toward this end:
1.) Compulsory HIV testing shall be considered unlawful unless
otherwise provided in this Act;
2.) The right to privacy of individuals with HIV shall be guaranteed;
3.) Discrimination, in all its form and subtleties, against individuals
with HIV or persons perceived or suspected of having HIV shall
be considered inimical to individual and national interest; and
4.) Provision of basic health and social services for individuals with
HIV shall be assured.
c.) The State shall promote utmost safety and universal precautions in
practices and procedures that carry the risk of HIV transmission.
d.) The state shall positively address and seek to eradicate conditions
that aggravate the spread of HIV infection, including but not limited
to, poverty, gender inequality, promotion, marginalization, drug
abuse and ignorance.
e.) The State shall recognize the potential role of affected individuals in
propagating vital information and education messages about
HIV/AIDS and shall utilize their experience to warm the public
about the disease.

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Province of Pangasinan



Section 11C.08. Presidential Executive Order No. 273 approved and adopted the
Philippine Plan for Gender Responsive Development (1995-2025) directing all
government agencies at the national, regional and local levels to take appropriate
steps to ensure that the policies, programs, projects and strategies outlined threat
are implemented or complied with.

Section 11C.09. Item 3 (Policies and Strategies) of the Policy Advocacy and Legal
Reforms of the Philippine Plan for Gender-Responsive Development, which states
that “Women and children should no longer be arrested or fined like criminals”
(ESCAP,1991:57). “Declaration of the Prostituted should go hand in hand with
apprehension and prosecution of agents, recruiters, traffickers, pimps, procurers,
establishment owners, customers and others who derive sexual gratification, financial
gain and advancement, or any other benefit from the prostitution of others.
Decriminalization means the abolition of sexist discrimination in the general and
removing the culpability and criminality which the law places specifically on women

Section 11C.10. Definition of Terms – As used in this Article, the following terms
are defined thus:

a.) Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS) – a condition

characterized by a combination of signs and symptoms, caused by
HIV contracted from another person and which attacks and
weakens the body’s Immune System, making an afflicted individual
susceptible to other life-threatening infections.
b.) Condom – a device used to prevent the transmission of
HIV/AIDS/STD, usually made of thin rubber designed to cover the
penis during sexual intercourse.
c.) Decriminalize – to remove culpability which the law places
specifically on women prostitutes.
d.) Entertainer – a person who is employed in an entertainment
establishment who renders entertainment service to customers such
as GRO, CSW, dancer masseur, cocktail waitress and others with
similar occupations.
e.) Entertainment Establishment – a business establishments such
as a bar, night club, disco house, beerhouse, cocktail lounge,

Republic of the Philippines
Province of Pangasinan



massage clinic, videoke bar or sing-along pub house, and other

similar establishments which have secured a permit from the city
government to operate within the city.
f.) Floor Manager – an individual who supervises the activities of the
g.) High risk behavior – refers to a person’s frequent involvement in
certain activities which increases the risk of transmitting or
acquiring HIV.
h.) HIV/AIDS/STD prevention and control – measures aimed at
protecting non-infected persons from contracting HIV/AIDS/STD
and minimizing the impact of the condition of persons living with
i.) HIV-negative – denotes the absence of HIV or HIV anti-bodies upon
j.) HIV-positive – refers to the presence of HIV infection as documented
by the presence of HIV or HIV anti-bodies in the sample being
k.) HIV testing – refers to any laboratory procedure done on an
individual to determine the presence or absence of HIV infection.
l.) Human Immuno-deficiency Virus (HIV) – the virus that causes

m.) Illegal entertainment establishment – an entertainment

establishment which operates without a business permit.
n.) Information dissemination – the process of relaying the policies,
manner of prevention, causes and sources of infection of
HIV/AIDS/STD among operators and workers in entertainment
establishment and the general public as well.
o.) Lewd – inclined to, characterized by, or inching to, lust or lechery;
obscene or incident; low or vulgar; or shall mean in accordance with
the Offenses Against Decency and Good Customs in Article 201 of
the Revised Penal Code.
p.) Manager – an individual who has direct control and supervision of
the employees working in an entertainment establishment.
q.) Minor – a person who is below 18 years of age.
r.) Operator – any natural or judicial persons who or which is/are
granted permit/license to operate an entertainment establishment.
s.) Patron – a person seeking enjoyment from an entertainment
establishment for a fee.

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Province of Pangasinan



t.) Peer educator – a person who gives support and education to co-
workers and friends and others of the same age group.
u.) Person living with HIV/AIDS/STD – an individual whose
HIV/AIDS/STD test indicates directly or indirectly, that he/she is
infected with HIV/AIDS/STD.
v.) Prophylactic – an agent or device, such as condom, used to prevent
the transmission of HIV/AIDS/STD.
w.) Reproductive Health – As defined in the Cairo International
conference on Population and Development and World Health
Organization and as affirmed during the Beijing Conference of the
United Nations, reproductive health is a state of complete physical,
mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease
and affirmity in all matters relating to the reproductive system and
its functions and processes; that is, people are able to have a
satisfying and safe sex life and have the capability to reproduce and
the freedom to decide it, when and how to do so.
x.) Sexually Transmitted Disease – disease acquired or passed
through sexual contact, such as, but not limited to, gonorrhea,
syphilis, trichomoniasis, Chlamydia, genital heyees, genital warts,
candidiases, hepatitis B, bacteria vaginosis, scabies, public ticks or
lice, and HIV/AIDS.

Section 11C.11. Expansion of the Council’s Coverage. The Alaminos City

HIV/AIDS Council shall henceforth be known as “Alaminos City HIV/AIDS/STD
Council” so that its coverage shall include other Sexually Transmitted Diseases

Section 11C.12. Composition of the Alaminos City HIV/AIDS/STD Council. The

Alaminos City HIV/AIDS/STD Council shall be composed of the heads of multi-
sectoral organizations and agencies from the national and local governments and the
private sector, with the City Mayor as Chairman and the City Health Officer as Vice
Chairman. The Member of the Council are as follows:

a.) The Chief of the Social Hygiene Clinic of the Department of Health
based in the city who shall also be its Executive Secretary;

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Province of Pangasinan



b.) The Chairman, Committee on Health, Sanitation, Environment and

Natural Resources, Sangguniang Panlungsod;
c.) The Chairman, Committee on Women, Children and Family;
d.) Representative, City Mayor’s Office;
e.) The Chief of Police, Alaminos City Police Station;
f.) The City Social Welfare and Development Officer;
g.) Representative of the Western Pangasinan District Hospital;
h.) The Chief, Public Order and Safety Office;
i.) The City Information Office;
j.) The City Director, Department of the Interior and Local Government;
k.) The City Schools Division Superintendent, Department of
l.) The President, Liga ng mga Barangay;
m.) The President, Pederasyon ng mga Sangguniang Kabataan;
n.) The City Tourism Officer;
o.) Representative of three (3) Non-Governmental Organizations (NGO’s)
concerned with HIV/AIDS/STD prevention;
p.) The President, Local Association of Entertainment Establishments;
q.) The President, Local Associations of Entertainers.

Section 11C.13. Expanded Powers, Functions and Responsibilities of the

Council – The Alaminos City HIV/AIDS/STD Council shall have the following
powers, functions and responsibilities:

a.) Prepare short-term, medium-term and long-term plans for the

prevention and control of HIV/AIDS/STD;
b.) Identify and prepare remedies to problems in program
implementation, program coordinator, gaps in policy guidelines and
enhance local multi-sectoral response to HIV/AIDS/STD concerns;
c.) Initiate skills training and advocacy programs and development
strategies to benefit people with high-risk sexual behavior to STD;
d.) Recommend to the Sangguniang Panlungsod enactment of laws that
shall prevent and control the spread of HIV/AIDS/STD in the City;
e.) Conduct studies as to the causes of HIV/AIDS/STD incidence in the
f.) Ensure that education and information dissemination activities on
Reproductive Health and on HIV/AIDS/STD prevention shall reach
all the city’s 39 barangays;

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Province of Pangasinan



g.) Recommend the closure of any establishment found committing any

of the prohibited acts mentioned or enumerated under Article VII of
this ordinance.

Section 11C.14. Secretariat of the HIV/AIDS/STD Council. The personnel of the

Social Hygiene Clinic of the DOH based at the City Hall shall serve as secretariat of
the Council.

11C.15. Functions of the Social Hygiene Clinic.

Section 11C.15. Clinic The Social Hygiene
Clinic, an adjunct of the Department of Health, shall have the following functions:

a.) Provide reproductive health care services.

b.) Provide education and information dissemination activities on the
promotion of reproductive health and the prevention and control of
c.) Case management of clienteles for various necessary information.

d.) Provide reintegration and renewal program, conduct livelihood

training programs, counseling and crisis intervention, and provide
organizational and other forms of assistance to entertainers and
other persons with high risk sexual behavior.
e.) Monitor and evaluate handled cases.
f.) Coordinate with the appropriate City Government offices for referral
of cases and provision of health care services and other needs of its
g.) Conduct HIV Antibody Test for entertainers and other persons with
high risk sexual behavior on a voluntary basis. Counseling shall
likewise be administered before any examination may be considered.

Section 11C.16. Compulsory Hiv/Aids/Std education. It shall be

mandatory/compulsory for all operators and/or managers and entertainers of
entertainment establishment to attend seminars on HIV/AIDS/STD prevention
conducted semi-annually by any of such agencies as the Social Hygiene Clinic,
Alaminos City Council, and NGO’s accredited by the city government; otherwise, no
permit to operate shall be granted to the entertainment establishment concerned.

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Province of Pangasinan



Section 11C.17. Requirements for the issuance of permit to operate. No

entertainment establishment shall be allowed to operate unless a Certificate of
Attendance shall have been issued to all its employees in compliance with Section
22 (supra).

Section 11C.18. Peer Educator required. It shall be required of all entertainment

establishments to train at least one (1) peer educator, however, this provision shall
take effect only after one (1) year from the effectivity of this ordinance; otherwise, no
permit to operate shall be issued in its behalf.

Section 11C.19. Availability of Condoms and Information Materials for the

prevention of Hiv/Aids/Std at entertainment establishments, Hotels, Motels,
Lodging Houses, Sauna parlors and similar establishments.

a.) All entertainment establishments, hotels, motels, lodging houses,

sauna parlors, and similar establishments shall make condoms
available within their respective establishments and provide
guidance on the correct and consistent use of the same.
b.) Information materials on HIV/AIDS/STD prevention and control
shall also be made available at all entertainment establishments,
hotels, motels, lodging houses, sauna parlors and similar
establishments. Such materials, which may be in the form of
leaflets, pamphlets, handbills or posters shall be provided to any
patron when so requested, especially on guidance on the correct
and consistent use of condoms.
c.) All entertainment establishments, hotels, motels, lodging houses,
sauna parlors and similar places are required to make information
materials, such as posters, visible within their respective premises,
including comfort rooms and dressing rooms.

Section 11C.20. Conduct of Medical Examination of Entertainers and other

Persons with similar occupations. All entertainers and others with similar
occupations shall undergo a weekly medical examination (Gram Staining) to be
conducted on a regular basis by the Social Hygiene Clinic.

Republic of the Philippines
Province of Pangasinan



Section 11C.21. Elimination of Social Stigma. All the activities to be undertaken

for the prevention and control of HIV/AIDS/STD shall be addressed toward both
men and women. Women’s and children’s vulnerability to HIV/AIDS/STD infection
base on their reproductive and physiological attributes shall be highlighted.

Section 11C.22. Submissions of Policies. It shall be compulsory for all operators

and/or managers of entertainment establishment within Alaminos City to provide
the city government and their respective entertainers copies of each entertainment
establishment’s policies in accordance with labor laws and other related national
and local policies.

Section 11C.23. Birth Certificates and other Legal Documents. All applicants
seeking employment in any entertainment establishment within the City of Alaminos
shall submit an application for working permit at the Licensing Department. As a
prerequisite to the approval of said permit, he/she must present an original copy of
the National Statistic Office (NSO) authenticated birth certificate and other legal
documents duly authenticated by the City Health Office. An applicant who has not
acquired the original copy of his/her birth certificate shall apply for a duly certified
true copy at the City Civil Registrar’s Office. This office shall process the latter’s
application with corresponding line agencies concerned upon payment of a
processing fee.

Section 11C.24. Master list of Entertainers/Employees. The Social Hygiene Clinic

shall maintain an updated master list of all entertainers and employees of
entertainment establishments within the City of Alaminos, particularly indicating
their respective establishment where they are employed.

Section 11C.25. Clearance transfer. It shall be compulsory for any entertainer to

secure health clearance from Social Hygiene Clinic before transferring from one
establishment to another within the city.

Section 11C.26. Prohibited Acts. No entertainment establishment shall practice

any of the following prohibited acts:

Republic of the Philippines
Province of Pangasinan



a.) Offering entertainment that appeal exclusively to the prurient

interest of the people and not for public and general patronage as
provided for by the Revised Penal Code;
b.) Allowing presentation of lewd shows and other entertainment
activities that violate gender-sensitive and accepted standards and
are offensive to morals and decency;
c.) Providing facilities such as private entertainment rooms with locks
from the inside and outside and glass partitions/walls that are non-
transparent or with any form of obstruction from public view that
facilitate the practice of illegal activities, such as prostitution, use of
illegal drugs, acts of lasciviousness and other acts that violate
human rights. Establishments are allowed only to put a three-foot-
base for glass partitions and six-month duration from the approval
of this ordinance within which to comply;
d.) Tolerating the activities of pimps or any persona soliciting money for
sexual favors;
e.) Dismissing or penalizing an entertainer by reason of rejection of a
f.) Refusing entry to an unescorted lady/woman.

Section 11C.27. Prohibition against medical malpractice. No medical practitioner

or any other person engaged in the practice of an auxiliary medical profession or
vocation, such as nursing, medical technology, midwifery, and the like shall be
insensitive and/or inhumane in their treatment of entertainer-patients. Such
entertainers-patients should be made aware of their rights to file charges for abuses
committed against them.

Section 11C.28. Prohibition against hiring of minors. No entertainment

establishment shall be allowed to hire any minor.

Section 11C.29. Regulations concerning Minor within and near the vicinity of
an entertainment establishment.

a.) No person shall be allowed to enter an establishment in the

company of a minor;
b.) Minors shall be prohibited to enter an entertainment establishment
and anywhere within a five-meter radius from an entertainment

Republic of the Philippines
Province of Pangasinan



establishment, unless accompanied by a parent, relative, or a

person of the age of majority;
c.) Any parent found neglecting his/her parental authority resulting in
a minor child violating Section 35 (b) hereof shall be liable and
charged accordingly under Article VIII of this ordinance.

Section 11C.30. Prohibition against divulging confidential information of

Persons afflicted with Hiv/Aids/Std. Any person working in the government or
any NGO who shall have access to confidential information acquired by reason of
his/her position in the implementation of this ordinance and who shall divulge the
same to the public shall held liable under article VIII of this ordinance.

Section 11C.31. Penalty. Any persons found guilty of violating any or all of the
provisions of the ordinance shall be meted with the following penalties:

a.) First Offense – a fine of two thousand pesos (P2,000.00) and/or

imprisonment of one (1) month.
b.) Second Offense – a fine of three thousand pesos (P3,000.00)
and/or imprisonment of three (3) months.
c.) Third Offense – a fine of five thousand pesos (P5,000.00) and/or
imprisonment of six (6) months and/or
permanent closure of establishment.

In any case, If the offender or violator is a business establishment,

imprisonment shall be imposed on the owner, manager or operator thereof.

Section 11C.32. Appropriation. The amount of Five Hundred Thousand Pesos

(P500,000.00) shall be initially appropriated out of any available source under the
General Fund of the current annual budget of the city. Subsequent appropriations
shall be provided in the ensuing annual budgets as determined by the local finance
committee based on the recommendation of HIV/AIDS/STD council.

Article D

Regulation on Piggery Business

Republic of the Philippines
Province of Pangasinan



Section 11D.01. Title. This Article shall be known as “REGULATING THE


Section 11D.02. Definition of Terms. The following words or phrases in addition to

their usual meaning for purposes of this ordinance are adopted and shall

1. Backyard Piggery – refers to a piggery project involving a maximum of two

(2) heads for urban areas and ten (10) heads for rural areas for fattening
and growing purposes, or one (1) head of boar for hire.

2. Medium Scale Piggery – refers to piggery projects with a maximum of

twenty four (24) heads of hogs for fattening and growing purposes; or nine
(9) sows for raising piglets for sale or fattening; or five (5) heads of boar for
commercial hire.

3. Large Scale Piggery – refers to piggery project with twenty-five (25) or more
heads of hogs for fattening and growing; or ten (10) and above heads of
sows for raising piglets for sale or for fattening; or six (6) or more heads of
boar for commercial hire.

4. Piggery Farm – refers to any parcel of land devoted for the raising or
breeding of pigs/swine generally under the management of a tenant or

5. Fattening and Growing – refers to the process whereby the hogs or piglets
are fattened/grow up to suitable marketable size for slaughter purposes.

6. Rural Area - refers to parcels of land classified under the Comprehensive

Land Use Plan (CLUP) as agricultural land.

7. Urban Area – refers to the Barangay Poblacion and residential areas

classified as such under CLUP.

Section 11D.03. Prohibited Acts.

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Province of Pangasinan



a. It is unlawful for any person or entity to operate a Backyard Piggery without a

Location Clearance and/or Zoning Certificate from the Zoning Administrator,

Sanitary Permit from the City Heath Officer, Barangay Clearance/Certificate

from the Barangay Council.

b. It shall be unlawful for any person, owner, entity to conduct/operate a Medium

Scale Piggery and/or Large Scale Piggery business without a Locational

Clearance or Zoning Certificates from the Zoning Administrator, Sanitary

Permit for the building owner and Health Certificate for the workers from the

City Health Officer, Barangay Clearance/Certificate from the Barangay

Council, Business Permit/License from the office of the City Treasurer.

c. It shall be unlawful for any person, entity, or owner of Large Scale Piggery to

operate without securing an Environmental Compliance Certificate (ECC)

from the Department of Environment and Natural Resources through the

Community Environment and Natural Resources Office (CENRO).

Section 11D.04. Implementation. The City Mayor shall promulgate and implement

such policies, guidelines, rules, and regulations as he deems necessary to

attain the objective of this ordinance.

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Province of Pangasinan



Section 11D.05. Period to Comply. Existing Piggery project whether backyard,

medium scale or large scale shall prospectively comply with the provisions of

this ordinance within six (6) months (April 1, 2003 to September 30, 2003).

Section 11D.06. Penalty. Any person found violating any provision of this
ordinance shall be fined an amount of Five Hundred Pesos (P500.00) to One
Thousand Pesos (P1,000.00) or an imprisonment of Ten (10) days to Thirty (30) days
or both such fine and imprisonment upon the discretion of the court.

Article E

Botika ng Bayan

Section 11E.01. Establishment of Botika ng Bayan. The City Government,

thru this Ordinance, hereby establishes the Botika ng Bayan to provide
effective but affordable medicines for Senior Citizens and PhilHealth
cardholders and their beneficiaries admitted or confined at the Western
Pangasinan District Hospital.

Section 11E.02. Partner Pharmacy Scheme. The Partner Pharmacy Scheme,

which is hereby incorporated in the Botika ng Bayan, shall provide
medicines to PhilHealth cardholders and their beneficiaries admitted or
confined at the Western Pangasinan District Hospital, which shall
thereafter be refunded by PhilHealth to the Botika ng Bayan.

Section 11E.03. Location and Management of Botika ng Bayan. The Botika

ng Bayan shall be situated at the City Health Office and which its
management, operation, and administration rest upon.

Section 11E.04. Funding for the Botika ng Bayan. The funds that are
necessary for the establishment of the Botika ng Bayan shall come from
the 20% Development Fund of the City Annual Budget 2007, and which
shall be used for the following:

a. Construction or Renovation of a place for the Botika ng Bayan

b. Shelves
c. Purchase of Various Medicines and Supplies
d. Property, Plant & Equipment

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Province of Pangasinan



Section 11E.05. Continuity. The Botika ng Bayan shall continue to be in full force and
effect unless otherwise repealed, amended, or modified accordingly.

Article F

Rehabilitation Center for Drug Dependents

Section 11F.01. General provision – There is hereby established the Alaminos

Rehabilitation Center (ARC) at a conducive site within the territorial
jurisdiction of the City of Alaminos.

Section 11F.02. Appropriation – There is hereby appropriated, out of any funds in

the City Treasury not otherwise appropriated, the sum of Five Million (5
Million) Pesos to finance the following:

a. purchase of a site
b. construction of the center
c. purchase of necessary equipment
d. salaries and wages of personnel
e. others

Thereafter, the necessary funds for the operations and maintenance of the
center shall be included in the Annual Budget.

Section 11F.03. Implementing Rules and Regulations – The City Mayor, jointly
with the City Health Officers, Administrator, Legal Officer, City Planning and
Development Officer shall promulgate rules and regulations to effectively
implement this ordinance and which rules and regulations shall be deemed
part of this ordinance.

Article G

Health Insurance Program

Section 11G.01. Authority and Purpose. As provided for in Article II, Section 15 of
the Philippine Constitution, it states that the “State shall protect and promote
the right to Health of the people and to instill health consciousness among
them”, and Article XIII, Section II further states that the State shall adopt an
integrated and comprehensive approach to health development which shall
endeavor to make essential goods, health, and other social services available

Republic of the Philippines
Province of Pangasinan



to all the people at affordable cost. There shall be priority for the needs of the
underprivileged, sick, disabled, women, and children.

Section 11G.02. Scope and Application. This Ordinance shall be adopted by the
City in the implementation of the National Insurance Program.

Section 11G.03. Undertakings of the City.

a. Adoption of and/or continued support to the National Health Insurance

Program and its governing rules as set forth in R.A. 7875, as amended
by R.A. 9241, and its Revised Implementing Rules and Regulations.
Such support shall include active advocacy for NHIP participation by
private and non-government organizations within its territorial
jurisdictions, mandating compliance to NHIP rules by entities required
to obtain LGU permits/licenses, and the setting up of revolving funds
for medicines in owned or managed hospitals, as may be warranted
under existing rules/guidelines or similar future arrangements and/or
NHIP issuance;

b. Grant of authority to the Mayor to enter into any favorable modification

of this Agreement; and

c. Continuous allocation of funds as the LGU’s counterpart subsidy

for qualified beneficiaries within its jurisdiction as evidenced by a
Certificate of Availability of Funds.

Section 11G.04. Enforcement Agency. The City Health Office, Sangguniang

Panlungsod, City Treasurer’s Office are hereby mandated to strictly enforce this

Article H

Smoking Ban on Public Places and Establishments.

Section 11H.01. Definition of Terms. For purposes of this Ordinance the

hereunder enumerated terms shall mean as follows:

Republic of the Philippines
Province of Pangasinan



a. Public places - refer to enclosed or confined areas of all police

stations/offices/detention centers, barangay halls/detention centers;
hospitals, medical clinics, schools, public transportation terminals and
offices, and buildings such as private and public offices, churches,
convention halls, markets, court rooms, parks, recreational places,
shopping malls, movie houses, hotels, restaurants, and the like;

b. Public vehicles– refer to modes of transportation servicing the general

population, such as but not limited to, elevators, airplanes, buses, vans,
taxicabs, ships, jeepneys, light rail transits, tricycles, and similar
c. Smoking - refers to the act of carrying a lighted cigarette or other tobacco
products, whether or not it is being inhaled or smoked;

d. Tobacco - refers to agricultural components derived from tobacco plant,

which are processed for use in the manufacturing of cigarettes and other
tobacco products;

e. Tobacco products - refers to any product that consists of loose tobacco that
contains nicotine and is intended for use in cigarette, including any
product containing tobacco and intended for smoking or oral or nasal use;

f. Person - refers to an individual, partnership, corporation or any other

business or legal entity;

g. Minor - refers to any person below eighteen (18) years of age;

h. Enclosed area – refers to an area that is physically separated from

adjacent areas by walls or partitions and a roof or ceiling. The walls or
partitions must be continuous, interrupted only by doors and windows.
The mere presence of a roof or ceiling over the structure, does not
constitute an enclosed area;

i. Retailer - refers to any person who or entity that sells tobacco products to
individuals for personal consumption;

j. Point-of-Sale - refers to any location at which an individual can purchase

or otherwise obtain tobacco products.

Section 11H.02. Prohibited Acts

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Province of Pangasinan



Smoking shall be absolutely prohibited in the following public places:

a. Centers of youth activity such as playschools, preparatory schools,

high schools, colleges and universities, youth hostels, and
recreational facilities for persons under eighteen (18) years old.
Such recreational facilities for persons under eighteen (18) years old
shall include, but are not limited to, playgrounds;

b. Elevators and stairways;

c. Locations in which fire hazards are present, including gas stations

and storage areas for flammable liquids, gas, explosives or
combustible materials;

d. Within the buildings and premises of public and private hospitals,

medical, dental, and optical clinics, health centers, nursing homes,
dispensaries and laboratories;

e. Public conveyances and public facilities including airport and ship

terminals and train and bus stations, restaurants and conference
halls, except for separate smoking areas; and

f. Food preparation areas shall include areas where food or beverage

is actually being manufactured or prepared.

Section 11H.03. Smoking ban in public conveyances ; exception – The absolute

ban on smoking in public vehicles mentioned in the preceding section does
not apply in inter-island vessels, where smoking areas have been designated
in accordance with the specifications set forth under the rules implementing
Republic act No. 9211, otherwise known as the Tobacco Regulation Act of

SECTION 11H.04. Designation of smoking and non-smoking areas - In all

enclosed places that are open to the general public, public and private
workplaces , and other places not covered by Section 4 of this Ordinance,
where smoking may expose a person other than the smoker to tobacco
smoke, the owner, proprietor , operator , possessor, manager or administrator
of restaurants, hotels, hostels, concert halls, convention halls, music lounges,

Republic of the Philippines
Province of Pangasinan



disco bars, shopping centers, department stores barbershops, massage

parlors and similar establishments shall establish smoking and non-smoking
areas. Such areas may include a designated smoking area within the
building, which maybe in an open space, or a separate area with proper
ventilation, but shall not be located within the same room that has been
designated as a non-smoking area.

Section 11H.05. Standards for designated smoking area - The owners,

proprietors, operators, possessors, managers or administrators restaurants,
hotels, hostels, concert halls, convention halls, music lounges, disco bars,
shopping centers, department stores, barbershops, massage parlors, and
similar establishments not covered by Section 4 of this Ordinance shall
determine the size and specifications of the smoking or non-smoking area in
conformity with the following standards;

a. The designated smoking area other than in an open space shall be

completely enclosed and physically separated from the rest of the premises
and equipped with adequate ventilation in conformity with the provisions
of Presidential Decree No. 1096, otherwise known as the “National
Building Code,” and the Philippine Society Mechanical Engineers Code.

b. Physical separation of the designated smoking area other than in an open

space shall be effected through any of the following means;

i. The designated smoking area must be fully separated from smoke-free

area by continuous floor-to-ceiling or floor-to-floor solid partitions
which are interrupted only by doors equipped with door closer,
and which must be constantly closed except when a person is
entering or exiting the area; or

ii. The designated smoking area must be set apart, enclosed or

confined by means other than those described in Section 7.2.1.

Provided, that said means enable compliance to air quality

standards set forth in the National Building Code and the
Philippine Society of Mechanical Engineers Code. Said standards

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Province of Pangasinan



are reproduced and attached herewith as “Schedule A”, and made

an integral part of this ordinance, to wit:

Article 11.06. Air conditioning and ventilation standards

a. The temperature and humidity of the air to be used for comfort

cooling shall be maintained at 20–23C effective temperature at an
air movement of from 4,570 to 7,620 mm/min within the living
zone and 55 to 60% relative humidity.

b. The air quality in such occupied spaces at all times be free from
toxic, unhealthful, or disagreeable gases and fumes and shall be
relatively free from odors and dust.

c. The air in such occupied spaces shall at all times be in constant

motion sufficient to maintain a reasonable uniformity of
temperature and humidity but shall not cause objectionable drafts
in any occupied portion. The air motion in such occupied spaces,
and in which the only source of contamination is occupant, shall
have the velocity of not more than 15.24 meter per minute as
the air enters the living zone or 1,830 mm above the floor.

d. The air in all rooms and enclosed spaces shall be distributed with
reasonable uniformity, and the variation in carbon dioxide content
of the air shall be taken as a measure of such distribution. The
carbon dioxide concentration when measured 910 mm above the
floor shall not exceed 100 parts per million (ppm).

e. The quality of air used to ventilate the space during the occupancy
shall always be sufficient to maintain the standards of air
temperature, air quality, air motion and air distribution. Ventilation
requirements shall conform with the following Table.

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Province of Pangasinan




Application Recommended Minimum



Some 0.567 0.283

Apartment, deluxe Some 0.567 0.283

Banking Space Occasional 0.283 0.213

Barber shop Considerable 0.425 0.283

Beauty parlor Occasional 0.283 0.213

Board room Very heavy 1.417 0.567

Cocktail bar Heavy 1.134 0.708

Department store None 0.213 0.142

Director’s room Extreme 1.417 0.850

Drug store Considerable 0.283 0.213

Factory None 0.283 0.213

Funeral parlor None 0.283 0.213

Hospital, private None 0.850 0.708

None 0.567 0.283
Hospital, ward
Heavy 0.850 0.708
Hotel room
Some 0.567 0.425
Very Heavy 1.417 0.850
Meeting room
Some 0.425 0.283
Offices, general
None 0.708 0.425
Offices, private
Considerable 0.850 0.708

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Province of Pangasinan



Offices, private Considerable 0.340 0.283

Restaurant, Considerable 0.425 0.340

None 0.283 0.213
Dining room
None 0.213 0.142
Shop, retail
Some 0.425 0.288


Section 11H.07. Signage for designated smoking and non-smoking areas - All
designated smoking areas shall have at least one (1) legible and visible sign
posted saying “SMOKING AREA”, in English, Filipino, Ilocano or
Pangasinense, for the information and guidance of all concerned. The sign
shall be placed conspicuously at the entrance of the designated smoking area
and shall be in accordance with the specifications set forth in “Schedule B” of
this Ordinance. In addition, the sign or notice shall include a warning in
English, Filipino, Ilocano or Pangasinense about the ill effects of both direct
and secondary exposure to tobacco smoke. Said warning may be any of the
four (4) variants, to wit;

a. “GOVERNMENT WARNING: Cigarette Smoking is Dangerous to

your Health” (BABALA: Ang Paninigarilyo ay Mapanganib sa
Inyong Kalusugan”);

b. “GOVERNMENT WARNING: Cigarettes are Addictive” (BABALA:

“Ang Sigarilyo ay Nakakaadik”);

Republic of the Philippines
Province of Pangasinan



c. “GOVERNMENT WARNING: Tobacco Smoke can Harm your

Children” (“BABALA: Ang Usok ng Sigarilyo ay Mapanganib sa
mga Bata”); and


“Nakamamatay ang Paninigarilyo”)

Under no circumstances shall any mark, device, word, or image

associated with any tobacco company or product be included in any of these
signs and materials. Non-smoking areas shall likewise have at least one (1)
legible and visible sign posted saying “NON-SMOKING AREA” or “NO

Section 11H.08. Minimum age requirement - The sale or distribution to, as well as
the purchase from, any minor of cigarettes and other tobacco products is
absolutely prohibited. As such, it shall be unlawful:

9.1 For any retailer of tobacco products to sell or distribute tobacco products
to any minor;

9.2 For any person to purchase cigarettes or any tobacco products from a

9.3 For a minor to sell or buy cigarettes or any tobacco products; and

9.4 For a minor to smoke cigarettes or any tobacco products.

Section 11H.09. Ignorance not an excuse- Ignorance of real age of minor is

not a defense. It shall not be a defense for the person selling,
distributing or purchasing cigarettes or any tobacco products that
he/she did not know or was not aware of the real age of the minor to
whom said cigarettes or any tobacco products was sold or distributed,
or from whom they were purchased, as the case maybe. Neither shall it
be a defense that he/she did not know nor had any reason to believe

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Province of Pangasinan



that the cigarette or any other tobacco product was for the
consumption of the minor to whom it was sold.

Section 11H.10. Sale of tobacco products within the perimeters of centers of

youth activity – The sale or distribution of tobacco products is prohibited
within one hundred (100) meters from any point of the perimeter of a school,
public playground or other facility frequented particularly by minors.

Section 11H.11. Proof of age verification - In case of doubt as to the age of the
buyer, retailers shall verify , by means of any valid form of identification
paper containing both the photograph and the date of birth of the bearer,
such as, but not limited to, passport, drivers license, Social Security System
Identification card, postal identification card and the like, that the buyer is at
least eighteen (18) years old.

Section 11HD.12. Signage at point-of-sale - Point-of-sale establishments offering,

distributing or selling tobacco products to consumers shall post the following
statement in a clear and conspicuous manner: “SALE/DISTRIBUTION TO

Section 11H.13. Any violation of this Ordinance is punishable by the

following penalties:


a. First offense - P250.00

b. Second offense - P500.00
c. Third offense - P1,000.00 or one (1) day imprisonment upon
final conviction of competent court.


Republic of the Philippines
Province of Pangasinan



a. Nine (9) years of age or below are exempt from penalty. However,
such minor shall undergo proper counseling with their parents by
the City Social Welfare Officer at the discretion of a competent

b. Nine (9) years to fifteen (15) years of age without discernment

shall be subjected to counseling by the City Social Welfare
Development Officer at the discretion of a competent court.

(i)Nine (9) years to fifteen (15) years of age with discernment

shall be fined P250.00 and/or proper counseling by the Social Welfare
Development Officer at the discretion of a competent court.



a. P5, 000.00 and/or cancellation of business permits. If a

violator is a corporation or entity, either public or private, the
president, general manager, owner administrator, or the
individual entrusted with the administration or operation
thereof shall be held responsible and liable thereof for any
acts punishable under this Ordinance.

Section 11H.14. Administration and authority to institute action - The Office of

the City Engineer tasked to inspect and certify the appropriateness of the designated
smoking areas provided by service establishments taking into consideration the air
quality standards herein. To effectively implement this Ordinance, the Local Chief
Executive, upon the recommendation of the Office of the City Engineer, is authorized
to institute criminal proceedings against the violators of this Ordinance.

Article I

Regulations on the distribution and sale of Livestocks and Fowls

slaughtered/butchered for food including meat and poultry products outside
the City slaughterhouse/abattoir

Section 11I.01. Title. This ordinance shall be known as an “ANTI-HOT MEAT


Republic of the Philippines
Province of Pangasinan



Section 11I.02. Objectives/purposes. This ordinance is enacted pursuant to the

following objectives and purposes:

a. To prevent the entry of meat from illegally and clandestinely slaughtered

b. To eradicate the entry of meat and poultry and its products without proper
c. To protect the health of the public against meat-borne diseases.
d. To disallow the entry of smuggled meat that cause not only hazard to health
but has the purpose of stealing revenues from the government.
e. To guard the public from buying meat and poultry and its products that are
adulterated, misrepresented, mislabeled, substandard, unwholesome, unsafe
for consumption as provided for in the Consumer Act of the Philippines (RA
f. To safeguard the health of our livestocks from contacting dreaded animal
disease from contaminated animals.
g. To make Alaminos a “HOT MEAT FREE CITY”.

Section 11I.03. Scope and coverage. This ordinance shall be enforced within the
territorial jurisdiction of the City of Alaminos, Pangasinan.

Section 11I.04. Defintion of terms. For the purpose of implementing this

ordinance, the following terms and phrases shall be applied:

a. Adulteration – the process of adding improper substances to the meat and

poultry products making it impure and inferior for preservation.
b. Ante-Mortem Inspection – inspection of live animals prior to its slaughter.
c. Drug Residue – the remaining substances such as drugs in the tissues and
organs of the animals after being used as prophylactic or therapeutic
d. Hot Meat – meat of illegally and clandestinely slaughtered animals without
proper meat inspection made by proper authority.
e. Meat Inspection – is a lawful action that is being undertaken by a meat
inspector or meat control officer from the National Meat Inspection
Commission or the Local Government Unit to ensure the safety of meat and
poultry and its products for consumption.
f. Meat Inspection Certificate – a paper that certifies the meat safe for human
consumption. Other information contain in this documents are: the name
Local Government Unit concerned to implement the same; the name of the
Province, city/municipality, name of the establishment, type of meat, quantity
of the meat, weight of the meat, name of the owner/dealer, destination, meat
stall number, name of the meat vendor (for commercial purpose), conveyance
used, its plate number, date when the certificate is issued, signature of the
owner/dealer/authorized representative and signature of the meat control
officer/meat inspector.

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Province of Pangasinan



g. Meat Borne Disease – disease that can be developed after consumption of

contaminated meat.
h. Meat Product Inspection Certificate – a paper that certifies the safety of meat
products for human consumption. Other information relevant to the Meat
inspection certificate is true to the Meat Product Inspection Certificate.
i. Mislabeled – applies to any carcass, part thereof of meat or meat products,
poultry and poultry products under its labeling is false or misleading.
j. Label, labeling – means the display of written, printed or graphic matter on
any consumer products, its immediate containers, tag, literature or other
suitable materials affixed thereto for the purpose of giving information as to
the identity, component, ingredients, attributes directions for use,
specifications and such other information as may be required by law or
k. Misrepresentation – an act of giving false and untrue information on the sale
of meat, poultry and its products.
l. Meat Control Officer – a Veterinarian from the national Meat Inspection
Commission who is properly trained and duly appointed by the Secretary of
Agriculture in accordance with law.
m. Meat Inspector – a person appointed by the Department of Agriculture or the
Local Government Units to perform meat inspection and related functions as
prescribed by laws.
n. Post Mortem Inspection – examination of slaughtered animals.
o. Post Abattoir Inspection – inspection done in the marked and other places.

Section 11I.05. Meat inspection. All slaughtered livestocks and fowls for
consumption and their meat products that are being sold in the market and other
places in the City of Alaminos, Pangasinan shall be subjected to inspection and
examination by the City Veterinarian or his duly authorized representative – meat
control officer or meat inspector before its distribution and sale.

a. Meat Products Inspection – all meat and meat products like tocino,
longganisa and the like; poultry and poultry products shall be subjected to
inspection by the City Veterinarian or his duly authorized representative or by
a meat control officer or meat inspector before its distribution and sale.
b. Only meat, poultry and its products and carcass of livestocks and poultry
that are slaughtered in the City’s abbatoir shall only be allowed to be sold in
the market or to any point of distributions.
c. All meat and poultry and its products should be clearly identified while being

Section 11I.06. Meat Inspection Certificate. Upon inspection and if found safe for
consumption, meat of lviestocks and fowls, carcasses and its organs shall be
stamped with the word, “Inspected and Passed” before a meat inspection certificate
will be issued.

Republic of the Philippines
Province of Pangasinan



Section 11I.07. Meat Product Inspection Certificate. All meat, poultry and its
products, prior to its release from the processing establishments shall be properly
inspected by the City Veterinarian or his duly authorized representative before a
Meat Product Inspection Certificate will be issued.

Section 11I.08. Validity Of The Meat Inspection Certificate And The Product
Inspection Certificate. Meat Inspection Certificate and Meat Product Inspection
Certificate are valid only within twenty four (24) hours upon its issuance.

Section 11I.09. Re-inspection of meat and meat products – meat and poultry and
its products that come from places outside the City of Alaminos must be subjected
to re-inspection and rev-validation as to the veracity of the issued meat inspection
certificate and meat products inspection certificate.

Section 11I.10. Accreditation of slaughterhouse and meat processors. Only meat

and poultry and its products that come from tripe “AAA” and double “AA
slaughterhouses and meat processing plants are allowed to enter for sale,
distribution and the like in the City of Alaminos, Pangasinan.

11I.1 “AAA” – those slaughterhouses and meat processing plants that have
adequate facilities and operational procedures to slaughter livestocks and fowls for
sale in any market, domestic or international.

11I.2 “AA” – those slaughterhouse and processing plants that have adequate
facilities and operational procedures that the livestocks and fowls slaughtered
therein are suitable for sale in any market, local or national.

11I.3 “A” – those slaughterhouses or processing plants that have facilities and
procedures with minimum adequacy that the livestock and fowls slaughtered therein
are suitable for distribution and sale only within the city of Municipality where the
slaughterhouse is located.

SECTION 11I.11. Conveyance. All meat transport vehicle, meat van and other form
of conveyance of meat, poultry and its products. The City Government must accredit
the meat products if sold only within the City, and by the National Meat Inspection
Commission if the meat is conveyed outside the City of Alaminos.

Section 11I.12. Condemnation. Meat, poultry and its products shall be condemned
on any of the following conditions:

a. Unclear, unsafe, injurious, dangerous and not wholesome.

b. In the advance stage of decomposition.
c. Expired meat and meat product inspections certificates.
d. Sale after its expiration date.
e. Presence of abnormal color or odor.
f. Contaminated and has toxins and hazardous substances.

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Province of Pangasinan



g. Presence of lesions as a result of diseases such as pale soft exudative

carcasses due to cirrhosis of the liver, pus and hemorrhages.

Section 11I.13. Confiscation. Meat, poultry and its products shall be confiscated on
any of the following conditions:

a. Absence of Meat and Meat Product Inspection certificates.

b. Tampered Meat and Meat Product Inspection certificates.
c. Comes from unaccredited slaughterhouses and processing plants.
d. Misrepresented, mislabeled and adulterated.

To ensure the safety of the public, the livestocks meat product and poultry
product must be handled in hygienic and sanitary manner to avoid
contamination, otherwise it warrants confiscation and condemnation.

Section 11I.14. Disposition. Confiscated meat and poultry and its products, if upon
certification from the proper authority is found safe for consumption, it shall be
donated to charitable institutions, otherwise it shall be condemned by the proper

Section 11I.15. Penalties.

a. It shall be unlawful for any person, firm, corporation and partnership or its
agent or employee to offer, directly or indirectly to any inspector authorized by
law, any sum of money or things of value with intent to influence such
inspector to render acts violative to the meat inspection law.
b. It shall be unlawful for any official (inspector) or its employee to engage in the
performance of meat inspection to accept from any person, firm, corporation
or partnership of any of its agent or employee any gift, sum of money, or
things of value to render acts vilative of his official functions. The official or
employee concerned shall be subjected to administrative action if found guilty
and shall be meted the penalties of removal or suspension from his office,
depending on the seriousness of the offense.
c. Any person, either for himself or in behalf of other person, firm, corporation
or partnership who shall slaughter animals without the conduct of ante-
mortem and post mortem inspection by the proper authority as prescribed by
laws; or who shall store, transport, sell or dispose food carcasses, organs of
meat and poultry and its products without inspection; or who shall
contravene or violate any provision of his ordinance; or who shall forge,
counterfeit, alter, deface or destroy any certificate and other papers issued in
pursuance of this ordinance shall be criminally liable and shall suffer the
penalty as follows:
1st offense: P1,000 or 10 days imprisonment
2nd offense: P1,500.00 or 20 days imprisonment or both upon the
discretion of the court.

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Province of Pangasinan



3rd offense and subsequent offenses: P2,000, imprisonment of 30 days

and revocation of business license.
d. Meat and poultry and its products’ delivery van shall also be impounded.

Section 11I.16. The City Mayor, City Veterinarian, Legal Officer, Agriculture
Officer shall promulgate rules and regulations, form a Task Force as deem
necessary for effective implementation of this ordinance.

Section 11I.17. Separability Clause. Any provision of this ordinance if declared to

be unconstitutional or invalid, the other provisions not so affected shall remain in
full force and effect.

Article J

SARS Monitoring, Prevention and Control Program

Section 11J.01. Declaration of policy – It is declared a policy of the City

Government of Alaminos to promote and ensure the protection of the health and
safety of its inhabitants from all forms of diseases, especially those of epidemic

Based on the report of the World Health Organization (WHO), the SARS virus
has caused an alarming number of deaths in about twenty-seven (27) countries
believed to be SARS and SARS suspects. On the other hand, the Department of
Health (DOH) has declared that SARS virus is now in the country and is classified as
quarantinable disease because of its highly contagious nature and considering the
danger it poses to public health.

As such and pursuant to their power under Sec. 16 and 17 of the Local
Government Code, it is imperative that Local Government Units (LGUs) take
measures in order to prevent, abort and/or minimize the entry and spread of said
disease in their respective localities, and to provide mechanism for the quarantine of
residents who are suspected to have been infected with the deadly virus.

Section 11J.02. Definition Of Terms – For purposes of this ordinance, the terms
hereunder mentioned shall be defined as follows:

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a. SARS- Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome also known as a typical

pneumonia. It is caused by mutated corona virus, related to the virus which causes
flu. A SARS suspect is one who has a history of travel to an affected area or has a
contact with a SARS patient has fever (> 38 °C) developed within 14 days of leaving
the affected area or contact with a known SARS patient. A SARS patient fulfills the
criteria of a SARS suspect plus a Chest X-Ray finding of Pneumonia.

b. QUARANTINE- Detention or isolation for the purpose of preventing the

spread of epidemic diseases.

Section 11J.03. Quarantine of suspected sars victim – Pursuant to Executive

Order 201 of the President, any individual who is identified or determined by the
City Health Officials with SARS suspect shall be required to undergo testing and to
be quarantined in either the San Lazaro Hospital in Manila or the Research Institute
for Tropical Medicine in Muntinlupa or in such other places/institutions that may
be designated as quarantine areas by the DOH or the City Health Officials until such
time that the DOH issues a SARS negative clearance.

Section 11J.04. Quarantine of members of suspected sars victim- All family

members and/or other persons who have been contact with the suspected SARS
victim shall be required to undergo home confinement or be quarantined in
places/institution as may be designated quarantine areas by the DOH or the City
Health Authorities until such time that the DOH issues a SARS negative clearance.

Section 11J.05. No personal contact on suspected sars victim- While under

quarantine, suspected SARS victim shall be prevented from making personal contact
with other individuals except the medical personnel in protective gear monitoring
their temperature and condition, until a SARS negative clearance is issued for their
discharge from quarantine.

Section 11J.06. Confinement of arriving residents from abroad and sars

suspect- Arriving residents from abroad and SARS suspect shall be confined at
home for 14 days. During confinement they are required to check and record their
temperature in the morning and in the afternoon to facilitate easy contact tracing
and minimize transmission of the disease.

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Province of Pangasinan



For the effective implementation of this provision, the City Mayor may call on
the local PNP to ensure that the above persons shall remain in quarantine or in their
area of confinement until the necessary clearance is issued by the DOH.

Section 11J.07. Preventive measures against the spread of sars – In order to

prevent the entry and spread of SARS in the City, the City Mayor shall adopt
measure against the spread of SARS to include but not limited to the following:

a. The conduct of massive information drive to raise the consciousness of the

constituents on SARS and how it could affect their day-to-day activities.

The information drive may be in the form of fliers, leaflets, and other information
materials on SARS prevention for distribution to the public through the help
of Barangay Health Workers, other officials and members of the Barangay,
public and private school teachers, officials and members of the Sangguniang
Kabataan, and members of non-government organizations in the area.
Owners of cinemas may also be requested to allow the showing of infomercial
on SARS preventive measures for a certain period, as may be agreed upon.
b. Only personnel and staff of public and private hospitals who have direct
contact in screening SARS suspects shall be mandated to wear protective gear
consisting of protective cap; goggles; disposable surgical gown; gloves and
shoe guards.

c. It shall be a mandatory requirement to all owner/proprietors/administrators

of private establishments, including private hospitals, to formulate their own
safety measures to protect their employees and the general public from the
threat brought about by SARS and inform the (City Government) of their
SARS prevention plan.
d. It shall be a mandatory requirement to crematoriums and/or funeral and
embalming establishment to provide for the immediate cremation/burial of
any person confirmed or suspected to have died of SARS. These
establishments are further required to coordinate with the DOH and/or the
City Health Authorities in formulating measures for the safe handling of the
remains of persons confirmed or suspected to have died of SARS.
e. The Barangay shall conduct clean-up drive regularly but not less than once a
week, to include households, esteros, rivers and riverbanks, drainage, streets,
alleys, pathways and other public places. All barangay officials shall be
required to take the lead in the massive clean-up operation in the barangay.
f. Barangay Health Emergency Response Team- Each barangay must form its
own Team of Barangay Health Workers to monitor arrival and stay of OFW’s,
visitors from SARS affected countries, in their respective barangays and make
needed coordination with the City Health Office.

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Province of Pangasinan



Section 11J.08. Implementation- The City Mayor together with the City Health
Officials shall promulgate and implement such necessary rules and regulations for
an effective implementation of this ordinance.

Section 11J.09. Funding – The appropriate funding needed for the implementation
of this ordinance shall be taken from the Calamity Fund of the (City) subject,
however, to existing guidelines prescribed under the rules and regulations and other
issuances implementing Republic Act. No. 8185, governing the allocation and
utilization of the City Calamity Fund.

Section 11J.10. Sanctions – Any person who violates the requirement for the home
confinement shall be subject to forced confinement in any of the quarantine areas
designated by the DOH, until the necessary clearance is issued by the latter.

Section 11J.11. Penalty - Any crematorium or funeral or embalming establishments

offering cremation services who refuse to cremate any person confirmed or
suspected to have died from SARS shall be subject to closure and cancellation of
their business and mayor’s permit. In addition, the owners, proprietors and/or
managers of the said establishment shall be penalized with a fine of not exceeding
Five Thousand Pesos (5, 000) or an imprisonment fro a period not exceeding one (1)
year or both in the discretion of the court.

Article K

PHILHEALTH Capitation Fund

Section 11K.01. Scope – This ordinance shall govern the use, management and
disposition of the PhilHealth Capitation Fund and the Indigent Program of the NHIP

Section 11.02. Definition Of Terms

a. ACCREDITED COLLECTING AGENCY – refers to a bank or any other

institution accredited by the Corporation to receive premium contributions
from members.

b. ACCREDITATION – refers to a process whereby the qualifications and

capabilities of health care providers are verified in accordance with the
guidelines, standards and procedures set by the Corporation for the purpose
of conferring upon them the privilege of participation in NHIP and assuring
that health care services rendered by them are of the desired and expected

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Province of Pangasinan



c. BOARD - refers to the Board of Directors of the Philippine Health Insurance


d. CAPITATION – refers to a payment mechanism where a fixed rate, whether per

person, family, household or group, is negotiated by the Corporation with a
health care provider who shall deliver or arrange the delivery of health
services due to a covered person under the terms of a health care provider

e. DEPENDENT – refers to the legal dependents of a member who are the:

1. legitimate spouse who is not a member;

2. unmarried and unemployed legitimate, legitimated, acknowledged and
illegitimate children as appearing in the birth certificate, and legally
adopted or stepchildren below twenty-one (21) years of age;
3. children who are twenty-one (21) years old or above but suffering from
congenital disability, either physical or mental, or any disability
acquired that renders them totally dependent on the member for
4. parents who are sixty (60) years old or above, not otherwise an enrolled
member, whose monthly income is below an amount to be determined
by the Corporation in accordance with the guiding principles set forth
in the NHI Act.

f. ENROLLMENT – refers to the process determined by the Corporation to enlist

individuals as members or dependents covered by the NHIP.

g. GOVERNMENT EMPLOYEE – refers to an employee of the government, whether

regular, casual or contractual who renders services in any of the government
branches, military or police force, political subdivisions, agencies or
instrumentalities, including government-owned and controlled corporations,
financial institutions with original charter, Constitutional Commissions, and
is occupying either an elective or appointive position, regardless of status of


1. A health care institution, which is duly licensed and/or accredited,

devoted primarily to the maintenance and operation of facilities for
health promotion, prevention, diagnosis, treatment and care of
individuals suffering from illness, disease, injury, disability or
deformity, or in need of obstetrical or other medical and nursing care.

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It shall also be construed as any institution, building or place where

there are installed beds, cribs or bassinets for twenty-four hour use or longer
by patients in the treatment of disease, injuries, deformities or abnormal
physical and mental states, maternity cases or sanitarial care; or infirmaries,
nurseries, dispensaries and such other similar names by which they may be
designated; or,

2. A health care professional, who is any doctor of medicine, nurse,

midwife, dentist, pharmacist or other health care professional or
practitioner duly licensed to practice in the Philippines and accredited
by the Corporation; or,

3. A health maintenance organization (HMO), which is an entity that

provides, offers or arranges for coverage of designated health services
needed by plan members for a fixed-pre-paid premium; or,

4. A preferred provider organization (PPO), which is a network of

providers whose services are available to enrollees at lower cost than
the services of non-network providers. PPO enrollees may choose any
network provider at any time.

5. A community-based health organization (CBHO), which is an

association of members of the community organized for the purpose of
improving the health status of that community through preventive
and curative health services.

i. HOUSEHOLD – refers to a unit composed of an enrolled member and the legal


j. INDIGENT- refers to a person who has no visible means of income or whose

income is insufficient for the subsistence of his family, as identified based on
specific criteria set by law.

k. LOCAL GOVERNMENT CONTRIBUTION SUBSIDY – refers to the counterpart

contributions that the local governments shall provide for indigents and
partly paying members enrolled by the local government units where they

l. MEANS TEST- refers to the protocol administered at the barangay level to

determine the ability of individuals and households to pay varying levels of

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Province of Pangasinan



contributions to the NHIP, ranging from those whose contributions should be

totally subsidized by the government, to those who can afford to subsidize
part but not all of the required contributions, and to those who can afford to

m. MEDICARE – refers to the health insurance program initially implemented

under Republic Act 6111 as amended, which is now the NHIP under Republic
Act 7875.

n. MEMBER – refers to any person enrolled in the NHIP whose required premium
comtribution has been regularly paid.

o. NATIONAL CONTRIBUTION SUBSIDY – refers to the counterpart premium

contribution that the national government, through the Corporation, shall
provide to indigents who are enrolled in the NHIP.

p. NATIONAL HEALTH INSURANCE PROGRAM (NHIP) – refers to a compulsory

health insurance program of the government as established in the National
Health Insurance Act of 1995 (Republic Act No. 7875) which shall provide
universal health insurance coverage and ensure affordable, acceptable,
available, and accessible health care services for all citizens of the

q. OUT-PATIENT CLINIC – refers to an institution or facility with a basic team

providing health service such as diagnostic consultation, examination,
treatment, surgery and rehabilitation on an out-patient basis.

r. PHILHEALTH IDENTIFICATION CARD – refers to the card issued by the

Corporation to its members containing vital information which will be the
basis of the member’s identification, eligibility for availment of program
services and other transactions with the Corporation.


mandated by law to administer the NHIP, hereinafter referred to as the

t. PREMIUM CONTRIBUTION – refers to the amount paid to the NHIP by or in

behalf of a member, based on salaries or wages, on household earning and
assets, or on scheduled level of premium subsidy.

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Province of Pangasinan



u. PRESCRIPTION DRUG – refers to the drug which has been approved by the
Bureau of Foods and Drug (BFAD) and which can only be dispensed pursuant
to a prescription order from a provider who is duly licensed to do so.

v. PROGRAM IMPLEMENTOR – refers to any official and/or employee of the

Corporation who, in the general conduct of the operations and management
functions of the Corporation, is charged with the implementation of the NHIP
and the enforcement of the provisions of the NHI Act of 1995, this Rules, and
other administrative issuances related thereto, including officials and
employees of other institutions who are duly authorized by virtue of a
Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) to exercise any of the powers vested in the
Corporation to implement the NHIP.

Section 11K.03. Creation – There is hereby created a PhilHealth Capitation

Fund from the proceeds of the Outpatient Consultation and Diagnostic
Benefit Package to be provided by the Philippine Health Insurance
Corporation (PhilHealth) for qualified indigent families of the City of Alaminos
under the Indigent Sector Component of the National Insurance Program

Section 11K.04. Identification of qualified indigent- The Indigent Program

of the National Health Insurance Program shall be responsible in identifying
qualified indigent families from among those recommended by the City

Section 11KA.05. General rule – Except as otherwise herein provided, the

use, management and disposition of the PhilHealth Capitation Fund shall be
governed by established policies and guidelines, rules and regulation of the

Section 11K.06. Responsibility – It shall be the responsibility of the City

Health Officials to have the City Health Units of the City of Alaminos for its
accreditation by the Philippine Health Insurance Corporation (PhilHealth).

Section 11K.07. Requirement of disposition – The disposition of the

PhilHealth Capitation Fund (disbursement and liquidation) shall be in
accordance with pertinent government accounting and auditing rules and

Section 11KA.08. Book of accounts- There is hereby established and

maintained a separate book of accounts of the PhilHealth Capitation Fund in
the Office of the Treasurer.

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Province of Pangasinan



Section 11K.09. Accountability – The City officials shall be accountable in

the regular and smooth releases of quarterly share of the City Government
from the PhilHealth Capitation Fund.

Section 11KA.10. Authority to enter into MOA- The City Mayor is hereby
authorized to enter into a Memorandum of Agreement with the President and
CEO of Philippine Health Insurance Corporation in accordance with pertinent
rules and regulations set forth in the Revised Implementing Rules and
Regulations of the National Health Insurance Act of 1995 (RA 7875).

Section 11K.11. Implementing rules and regulations – The City Mayor or

his duly authorized representative together with the City Health Officials,
Committee on Health of the Sangguninang Panlungsod, the City Legal Officer
and two (2) knowledgeable officials to be designated by the Mayor shall
promulgate rules and regulations to effectively implement provisions of this

Article L

Regulations on Livestock Market and the slaughterhouse

Section 11L.01. Objectives

a. to prevent and control the entry, spread of contagious animal disease in

the livestock market and slaughtered for sale in the public market of the
b. to implement animal quarantine law and other related laws of the
Department of Agriculture
c. to safeguard the health of animal husbandmen, butchers, meat handlers,
meat tender and most especially the meat consuming public against
dangerous zoonotic diseases.
d. to protect our livestock raisers against losses due to poor growth, poor
health and death, resulting from buying animals with diseases.

Section 11L.02. Scope and coverage – This ordinance shall be enforced within the
territorial jurisdiction of the city and within the city livestock market and

Section 11L.03. Definition of terms – as used in this ordinance:

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chronic animal diseases communicable from one animal to another animal
and sometimes to human being, such as but not limited to the following:
FMD, hog cholera, hemorrhagic septicemia, swine erysipelas, rinderpest,
swine plague, fowl fox, infectious bronchitis, avian leucosis, pseudorabies.

b. LIVESTOCK – refers to all domesticated animals that are being raised

intended for craft and for cattle, carabao, sheep, goat, pigs, swine, horses
and poultry.

c. ZOONOSIS – any diseases shared by man and other vertebrate animals/ a

group of diseases that man is able to acquire from domestic
animals/human diseases that are acquired from or transmitted to any
other vertebrate, such as but not limited to the following: anthrax,
blackleg, brucellosis, leptospirosis, rabies, tetanus, glanders, new castle
diseases, aflatoxicosis, psuedorabies, tuberculosis, severe parasitism.

d. LIVESTOCK QUARANTINE – a period of isolation imposed to lessen the

risk of spreading an infection or contagious disease; refer to a place of
isolation and/or the act of isolating in an effort to prevent the introduction
into, the dissemination from one man to another within the territorial
jurisdiction of the city of pests and diseases of livestock/animals.

e. ANIMAL PEST AND DISEASE – refers to all organism capable of doing

damage to, undermining the health of, or causing death, or any
pathogenic agent injurious or potentially injurious to animals, and
concomitantly, to human health.

f. LIVESTOCK QURANTINE SERVICE – refers to the unit established within

the livestock market and slaughterhouse area that will implement
livestock quarantine functions pursuant to their ordinance and to
pertinent provisions of the Department of Agriculture policies, rules and


designated by the City Veterinarian who will implement livestock
quarantine functions.

h. LIVESTOCK MARKET – refers to a place, building or structure of any kind

designated by the City Council and intended or assigned for the selling
and buying of livestock transaction. It includes the whole plot of ground as

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Province of Pangasinan



delineated by technical division surveys and other documents on file in the

office of the City Treasurer/General Services.
i. LIVESTOCK – refers to cattle, pigs/swine, goats, sheeps, dogs

j. LARGE CATTLE – refers to cows, horses and carabaos including their

respective young ones.

k. SLAUGHTERHOUSE/ABBATOIR – refers to a place, building or structure

of any kind designated by the City Council and intended or assigned for
the slaughter/butcher of livestock/large cattle to be sold in the
public/private market of the City of Alaminos.

Section 11L.04. Characteristics of diseased animals – That can be seen externally

or physically:

1. Eyes – sunken eyeball, dull presence of abnormal discharges,
excessive lacremation, enlargement of the third eyelid
2. Nose – presence of mucopurulent discharges
3. Mouth – hard tongue, presence of ulcers in the gums, tongue
palates and excessive salivation
4. Ears – foul odor ottic discharges
b. SKIN/HAIRS – open wounds, vesicle, pus, dry, a rough hair coat
c. ANUS – presence of diarrheas (moucid, watery, bloody) as evidence of duty
d. FEET – fracture, presence vesicle in the hoof, lameness
e. WEAK – thin and emanciated
f. Respiratory regions like rapid breathing, deep breathing, very slow
breathing, difficulty in breathing and coughing.
g. Comatose

Section 11L.05. Slaughterhouse/abbatoir

1. All livestock and fowls slaughtered for food and their meat products
shall be subjected to veterinary, ante-mortem and post-mortem inspection
and examination before distribution and sale and shall be marked with
the words “Inspected and Passed”.
2. The City Veterinarian or his authorized representative
(livestock/meat inspector) shall certify the fitness of the meat for human
consumption and for distribution or sale in the City Public Market.
3. The City Veterinarian or his duly authorized representative (meat
inspector) shall from time to time conduct post-abattoir central

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Province of Pangasinan



operation/post-mortem inspection and examination to check illegal

slaughtering and meat distribution.
4. The City Veterinarian in coordination with the City Mayor’s Office
shall license, register all butchers, meat vendors, meat dealers and meat
5. No person may be employed/designated as livestock/meat
inspector without undergoing training and accreditation from National
Meat Inspection Commission (NMIC).
6. No person shall be allowed to work inside the slaughterhouse
without training and license from the city.
7. Only meat, meat products and carcass of livestock and poultry that
are slaughtered in accredited abattoir/dressing plants shall be allowed to
be transported from the slaughterhouse/dressing plant to their point of
8. All raw meat and meat product should be clearly identifiable while
being sold.
9. MEAT BRANDING – The City Veterinarian is hereby empowered to
establish a logo bearing the words “Inspected and Passed” – name of the
city, province and office and shall be in the form of a seal or stamp. The
work certifies that the meat or by-products are derived from animals or
poultry, which have undergone ante-mortem and post-mortem inspection.
10. It is unlawful for any person to sell meat/meat products (tocino,
longanisa, etc.) of animal slaughtered/butchered outside the premises of
the City Slaughterhouse.
11. Any person who shall butcher/slaughter animal within the
premises of his residence shall secure certification/permit from the City
Veterinarian or his duly authorized representative before the
slaughtering/butching and be sold.
12. Animal slaughtered/butchered found with communicable disease
shall be disposed of by burning or burying.
13. It is unlawful to slaughter/butcher female Carabao unless
permitted by the City Veterinary Office.
14. The Veterinary Office shall conduct a daily check-up at the meat
section of the public market.
15. All animals to be butchered/slaughtered shall be in the premises of
the slaughterhouse 6 to 10 hours before the slaughter for inspection,
certification and clearance.
16. The sale of meat of cows, carabaos, pigs, chicken, horses and other
saleable meat that do not pass the City of Alaminos slaughterhouse is
17. The market supervisor is hereby given the authority to inspect and
verify official receipts representing slaughter fees to ascertain that all meat
and other meat products to be sold at City of Alaminos public and private
markets have passed the City of Alaminos slaughterhouse.
18. The veterinary health certificate must include, name of the owner of
the animals, address, kinds of trade he/she engage in, specie of animals,
number of heads, classification of the animals, purposes, (for slaughter,
trade, transport) signature of the owner and signature of the veterinarian
or any duly authorized representative.

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Province of Pangasinan



19. The fees to be collected shall be the following:



a. Antemortem - 3.00/head 5.00/head

b. Post Mortem - 15.00/head 31.00/head

c. Slaughter Fee - 5.00/head 10.00/head

d. Coral Fee - 2.00/head 4.00/head


a. Entrance Fee - 5.00/head 10.00/head

b. Transport Fee - 10.00/head 25.00/head

20. In case of large animals, before the office of the City Treasurer issue
a Transfer of Ownership intended for slaughter, trade and transport, the
same shall issue veterinary health certificate.
21. Only duly inspected and stamped with “Inspected and Passed”
meat/carcasses are allowed to be sold in the public market.
22. All animals to be slaughtered shall be inspected thoroughly before
they are butchered.
23. Anybody/owner of large cattle purposely to butcher or slaughter
shall first obtain clearance from the office of the City Veterinarian.
24. Large cattle shall be butchered/slaughtered only during 7:30 PM to
12:00 midnight at the slaughterhouse, facilitate the physical check-up
and issuance of clearance to prevent hot meat in the public market.
25. Meat Handlers (brokers) are not allowed/permitted to transact
business without Mayor’s permit.
26. All meat, carcass confiscated for violation of provision of this
ordinance and fit for human consumption as certified by the City
Veterinarian shall be donated to the city jail, hospital.

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Province of Pangasinan



Section 11L.06. Livestock market

1. Transaction of livestock outside the premises of the livestock

market is prohibited and punishable.
2. The City Veterinarian is hereby empowered to designate an area in
the livestock market as quarantine area.
3. All animals found to have communicable diseases shall be
subjected to quarantine and shall not be released unless issued a
Quarantine Clearance or Veterinary Health Certificate from the City
4. Animals bought from neighboring town are not allowed in the
livestock market without clearance/permit from the City Veterinarian or
his duly authorized representative.
5. All incoming livestock (live) for trade, or slaughter are required to
undergo quarantine inspection for determination of the presence of pests
or diseases, and stamped with the logo – ready for transport and for sale –
meat/meat products/carcasses.
6. The City Veterinarian shall inspect, certify and authorize the
movement/trade of livestock in the city in accordance with existing laws of
the Department of Agriculture.
7. Schedule of Livestock Market Days – The Livestock Market Day
shall be Wednesday and Saturday at 4:00 AM until business transactions
are finished but not later than 10:00 AM.

Section 11L.07. The City Veterinary Office

1. Formulate and recommend policies, rules and regulations on quarantine,

evaluate and monitor their implementation.
2. Develop guidelines and procedures on quarantine operatives in
cooperation with the Department of Agriculture.
3. Enforce the provisions of livestock laws and NMIC rules and regulations
prohibiting entry of livestock with diseases in the City of Alaminos in
general and in the livestock market in particular.
4. Undertake and recommend, as the case may be, such necessary actions
as would ensure the prevention of entry of animals with diseases in the
5. Cause the disposal and condemnation of livestock/products pursuant to
the provisions of pertinent rules and regulation of the NMIC/Department
of Agriculture.

Section 11L.08. Duty to classify. The City Veterinarian or his duly

authorized representative shall accredit and classify according to their
facilities, butchering procedures of meat and meat products, handling

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Province of Pangasinan



practice and disposal of effluents and condemns, all slaughterhouse,

meat plants, meat processing plants, cold storage, rendering plants
and poultry dressing plants operating in the territorial jurisdiction of
the city.

Section 11L.09. Recall. Whenever the Office of the City Veterinarian, City
Agriculture Office, by their own initiative or by petition of a consumer, that a
consumer product is found to be injurious, unsafe or dangerous, it shall,
after due notice and hearing, make appropriate order for its recall,
prohibition, or seizure from public sale or distribution; provided, that in the
sound discretion of the implementing office, it must declare a consumer
product to be imminently injurious, unsafe or dangerous, and order its
immediate recall, ban or seizure from public sale or distribution, which case,
the seller, distributor, manufacturer or producer thereof shall be afforded a
hearing within forty-eight (48) hours from such orders.

The ban on the sale and distribution of a consumer product adjudged

injurious, unsafe or dangerous shall stay in force until such time that its
safety can be assured or measures to insure its safety have been established.

Section 11L.10. Implementing Rules and Regulations – The City Mayor together
with the City Veterinarian, Agriculturist, City Planning and Development
Officer, City Legal Officer and the other officials to be designated by the Mayor
and tasked to formulate rules and regulations to effectively implement the
provisions of this ordinance.

Section 11L.11. Penalty – Any violation of this ordinance shall be subjected the
offender to a fine of from five hundred pesos (P500.00) to two thousand pesos
(P2,000.00) or imprisonment of from six (6) days to twelve (12) days, or both such
fine and imprisonment at the discretion of the court. Provided, however, that the
City Veterinarian or his duly authorized representative, is hereby empowered to
confiscate, kill/destroy, burn, bury those livestock found afflicted with pests or
diseases considered harmful to human or which may endanger the life and limbs of
the buying public.

Article M

Smoking Ban on Public Building or Enclosed Places and Public Vehicles.

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Province of Pangasinan



Section 11M.01. Declaration Of Principles – It is the responsibility of the

City Government to protect and advance the right of its inhabitants to a
balanced and healthful atmosphere in accord with the strength and harmony
of nature; the city recognizes that a clean and healthy environment is for the
good of all and should be the concern of all; and the City Government also
recognizes the principles that “polluters must pay.”

Section 11M.02. Scope Of Prohibition – This ordinance shall apply to all

persons within the jurisdiction of the City of Alaminos.

Section 11M.03. Prohibited Acts – It shall be unlawful for any person within
the jurisdiction of the City of Alaminos to smoke cigarettes, cigars and other
tobacco products in any form whatsoever inside a public building or an
enclosed public places including public utility vehicle (PUB) and other means
of transport or any enclosed are of outside of one’s private residence, private
place of work, or any duly designated smoking area is hereby prohibited.

For purposes of this Section, enclosed public places includes: fast-food

eateries, malls, restaurants, hotels, motels, lodges, inns, disco houses, bars,
movie houses, moving public utility vehicles, public buildings and other
similar places.

Section 11M.04. Penalty – Any person found violating this Ordinance shall
be punished as follows:

For 1st offense – the violator shall be fined not less than one hundred pesos
(P100.00) but not more than two hundred fifty pesos (P250.00).

For 2nd offense – a fine of not less than three hundred (p300.00) but not to
exceed five hundred pesos (P500.00)

For 3rd and subsequent offense – a fine of not less than five hundred pesos
(P500.00) but not to exceed one thousand pesos (P1,000.00)

Revocation of business permits of establishment,

owner/manager/operator/proprietor who allowed smoking in their places
shall be imposed.

Section 11M.05. Implementing Rules And Regulations – The City Mayor shall
issue such rules and regulations as may be necessary for the proper and effective
implementation of this ordinance.

Republic of the Philippines
Province of Pangasinan



Article N

Prevention on the spread of Rabies

Section 11N.01. Title – This ordinance shall be known as “An ordinance controlling
and preventing the rabies disease and prescribing penalties for violation thereof and
for other purpose.

Section 11N.02. Objectives/purposes – This ordinance is hereby enacted in

pursuance with the following objectives:

1. To prevent and control rabies infections in the City of Alaminos, thus,

ensuring public health and safety against the hazards of rabies infections by
dog bites.
2. To support the “Animal Welfare Act of 1998” as reiterated under
implementing guidelines issued by the Provincial Governor of Pangasinan.
3. To promote and protect the health, safety and general welfare of the residents
of the City of Alaminos, Pangasinan.

Section 11N.03. Scope and coverage – This ordinance shall be enforced within the
territorial jurisdiction of the City of Alaminos, Pangasinan.

Section 11N.04. Definitions – For the purpose of this ordinance, the following terms
and phrases shall apply:

a. Dangerous Communicable Animal Disease – shall apply to include all acute

or chronic animal diseases communicable from one animal to another animal
or to a human being, or vice versa which is determined to public health.
b. Dog – refers to an animal belonging to the species CANIS FAMILIARIES of the
carnivorous or flesh-eating animals.
c. Owner – shall mean any person keeping, harboring except temporarily having
charge or control of, or permitting any dog to habitually be or remain on, or
be lodged, or fed within such persons, house, yard or premises.
d. Domesticated Animals – refers to animals domesticated by man so as to live
and breed in a tamed condition such as those kept in households or pets in
the farm for agricultural purposes and laboratories for scientific purposes.
e. Vaccination Against Rabies – means the inoculation to a dog with the
administration of anti-rabies vaccine licensed for the species, by the Bureau
of Animal Industry, Department of Agriculture. Such vaccination must be
performed by the trained individual from the BAI, DOH Veterinarian, Licensed
f. Office of the City Veterinarian – refers to the agency, which shall be
responsible for the registration, impounding and quarantine, vaccination and
disposal of animals.

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Province of Pangasinan



g. Rabies Vaccination Campaign – refers to programs or campaigns for mass

vaccination of animals against rabies.
h. Zoonotic Disease –refers to diseases of animals, which are transferable to

Section 11N.05. Rabies Vaccination – Every dog 3 months of age and older shall be
submitted by the owner to the Office of the City Veterinary for vaccination against
rabies every year thereafter or every 6 months as maybe determined by the Office of
the City Veterinarian.

Section 11N.06. Persons authorized to administer rabies vaccination – The City

Veterinarian of the City of Alaminos or his authorized representative shall
administer the rabies vaccination.

Section 11N.07. Maintenance of rabies vaccination registry – The City

Veterinarian shall maintain a registry of dogs, which are vaccinated for data,
planning and monitoring to attain the objectives of this ordinance.

Such list of registry shall include information but not limited to the following:

1. The owner’s name, address and telephone numbers if any

2. Description of dog (color, sex, markings, age, name, specie and breed if
3. Dates of vaccination and vaccine expiration (if known)
4. Rabies vaccination tag number
5. Vaccine producer
6. Name of vaccinator and license no.

Section 11N.08. Certification of registration and vaccination – A Certificate of

Registration and Vaccination shall be issued to the owner for each dog registered
and vaccinated. Upon registration at the Office of the City Veterinarian, dogs will be
immediately inoculated with anti-rabies vaccine by the City Veterinarian or his
authorized representative. An appropriate color-coded dog tag or collar will be placed
on every vaccinated dog to easily identify them from unvaccinated ones. The color-
coded dog tag shall be provided by the Office of the City Veterinarian for free.

In the case that a private veterinarian administered the vaccination, the

Certificate of Registration and Vaccination maybe released only upon presentation of
a receipt or any document as proof that the bearer is the legitimate owner or
possessor of the animal and that the animal has undergone vaccination.

Section 11N.09. Rabies control methods in domestic and confined animals – The
office of the City Veterinarian shall formulate and determine the method of rabies
control and prevention in the City through the following:

a. Pre-Exposure Vaccination and Management – it shall be the duty of every

owner or possessor, custodian or caretaker to present their dog for

Republic of the Philippines
Province of Pangasinan



vaccination. Anti-rabies vaccination is mandatory for all dogs in the city.

Animal rabies vaccines should be administered only by the City Veterinarian
or by trained livestock technicians. All dogs 3 months of age and above
should be inoculated and vaccinated again after a month, once a booster and
another as a final vaccine. All dogs shall be revaccinated annually thereafter.
b. Post Exposure Management – A dog or any other animal bitten or scratched
by a wild carnivorous animal which is not available for testing should be
regarded as having been exposed to a rabid animal and should be under
observation for fourteen (14) days. Any dog found positive with rabies
infection shall immediately be disposed, destroyed or killed under the
supervision of the City Veterinarian or his authorized representative pursuant
to the related provisions of the Animal Welfare Act.

Section 11N.10. Vaccination fee – There shall be no vaccination fee that shall be
imposed and/or collected for every shot or dose of vaccine from the dog owner.

Section 11N.11. Duties of the owner or possessor of animals – It shall be the

duty of every owner, possessor, caretaker or custodian of animals to:

a. Register their large animals such as cow, carabao, horse and the like for
branding at the Livestock Section of the Office of the City Agriculture Officer;
b. Register the dogs and cats in his possession or custody, and have them
inoculated at the Office of the City Veterinarian;
c. Have their dogs and cats vaccinated by the City Veterinarian or by trained
livestock technicians;
d. Leash or confine their animals (e.g. dogs, cats, goats, swine, cattle, poultry)
inside their premises or within their compound;
e. Shoulder the hospitalization and other incidental expenses of persons bitten
by their dog or cat;
f. Compensate for damages to crops and other properties done by their animals
which have gone astray as determined by their Barangay Captain with
concurrence of the owner of the damaged crops/properties;
g. Clean the property of the owner on which the animal defecated;
h. Notify the City Veterinarian of the death, loss or transfer of any
licensed/registered dog or cat within a period of one (1) week or, in case of
loss immediately thereafter.

Section 11N.12. Impounding of stray animals – All stray animals, registered or

non-registered vaccinated or unvaccinated, shall be taken into custody by
authorized animal catchers to the Office of the City Veterinarian and authorized
barangay officials and shall be impounded at the City Pound. Owners/possessors of
impounded animals may claim these within the following specified period:

a. Dogs and cats – within 3 days upon its capture

b. Small animals (goats, pigs, poultry) – 5 days upon its capture
c. Large animals (cows and carabaos) – 7 days upon its capture

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Province of Pangasinan



Owners/possessors of impounded animals may claim their impounded

animals after complying with all the requirements or obligations as required in
Section 13 of this ordinance.

Section 11N.13. Poundage fees and charges – An impounding fee of P25.00 for the
first 3 days upon its capture for cats and dogs, P25.00 for the first 5 days upon its
capture for small animals such as pigs, goats and poultry and P50.00 for large
animals such as cows, carabaos and horses, for the first 7 days upon its capture
and P5.00 (cats and dogs), P7.00 (small animals) and P10.00 (large animals), for the
succeeding days shall be charged for every animal. The payment of which shall be a
requisite in claiming any animal provided ownership is established. For dogs and
cats, these may be claimed after the payment of the charges and upon presentation
of the animal certificate of registration and vaccination (Barangay Ordinance).

Article O

Regulations on Meat Handlers/ Meat Cutters at Don Leopoldo Alcedo


Section 11O.01. Prohibited Acts- Person/s below 18 years of age is/are

prohibited to work as butcher, meat handler, and meat cutter in the City

Section 11O.02. Regulated Act- Only bonafide resident of the City of

Alaminos are allowed to work as butcher, meat handlers, and meat cutter in
the City Slaughterhouse.

Section 11O.03. Requirements- Person who wishes to work as butcher, meat

handler, and meat cutter shall first submit/comply with the following:

1. Barangay Clearance – Certificate of Good Character

2. Police Clearance

3. MTC Clearance

4. Health Certificate

5. Drug-Test Certificate

6. Mayors Permit (license)

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Province of Pangasinan



Upon complying with the above requirements, the City

Treasurer/Slaughterhouse Master II – shall issue an identification card
with the size of 3 inches in width and 5 inches in height with pictures.

Section 11O.04. Rules and Regulations:

1. All butches, meat cutter, meat handlers must be duly licensed with
general medical certificates which certifies they are free from any
communicable diseases.

2. All butchers, meat cutters, meat handlers who are under the influence
of liquor and other intoxicating drinks shall not be allowed to work at
the City Slaughterhouse, including their entry.

3. Drinking intoxicating drinks, gambling and other form of vices shall be

strictly prohibited at the City Slaughterhouse compound.

4. Vandalism shall not be allowed at the City Slaughterhouse compound.

Anybody caught destroying any government property shall be dealt
with accordingly.

5. All butchers, meat cutters, meat handlers shall wear valid I.D while at
the City Slaughterhouse compound.

6. All butchers, meat cutter, meat handlers shall wear appropriate

clothing or uniform such as T-shirts preferably white and maong pants
while at work. Wearing short pants and sando shall be strictly

7. All butchers, meat cutters, meat handlers shall wear rubber boots and
other protective gears while at work.

8. Smoking, eating, chewing gum shall be strictly prohibited while

slaughtering, dressing of carcasses, preaparation, handling and
packaging or transport of meat.

9. Before commencing work and on every occasion, after going to a toiled

and before resuming work or whenever necessary, a slaughterhouse

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Province of Pangasinan



worker shall always wash his/her hands thoroughly with soap and
other cleansing agent and potable water.

10. Any person who is suffering from cut or injury shall not be
allowed to work in preparation, handling, packaging or transport of
meat at the City Slaughterhouse, unless or until the cut or injury has
been treated or dressed to prevent the discharge of blood to the meat.

11. Safety consciousness and self-discipline shall be strictly observed

at the City Slaughterhouse compound.

12. Cleanliness and sanitation shall be strictly observed at the City

Slaughterhouse compound.

13. Unauthorized persons shall be strictly observed at the City

Slaughterhouse compound.

14. The city government through the City slaughterhouse

Management shall have the authority to limit and control the
employment of butchers, meat cutter, meat handlers and other relative
workers at the City Slaughterhouse.

Section 11O.05. Penalty - Any person found violating provisions of this

ordinance shall be penalized with a fine of not less than P 150.00 but not
more than P 500.00 or an imprisonment of 5 days but not more than 10 days
or both such fine and imprisonment upon the discretion of the court, for 2 nd
offense a fine of P500.00 and cancellation of license/Working Permit/Mayors

Article P

Intensification Of The Use Of Iodized Salt

Section 11P.01. Requirements. All salt producers, traders, suppliers,

retailers, merchandisers and food manufacturers are required to sell only
iodized salt for human consumption.

All commercial food establishments such as restaurants, canteens,

hotels, caterers and all other food outlets, as well as hospitals are also
required to use and serve iodized salt in food processing, food preparation
and table service.

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Province of Pangasinan



Section 11P.02. Committee In-Charge. The Office of the Municipal Mayor

thru the Municipal Nutrition Committee shall act as the Salt Iodization
Program Implementing Committee to be chaired by the Municipal Health
Officer; and shall;

a. Formulate guidelines for the effective implementation of this

b. Conduct periodic monitoring of the quality of iodized salt distributed
and sold in the market and that being used by food establishments;
c. Develop and implement a promotional plan on the use of iodized

Section 11P.03. Penalty. Producers, traders, suppliers, retailers,

merchandisers, food manufacturers and all owners/operators of food
establishments such as restaurants, canteens, hotels, caterers and food
outlets, as well as hospitals who will violate any provision of this ordinance
shall, upon conviction, be penalized of an amount not less than P500.00 but
not more than P1,000.00, and the cancellation of license issued and permit
to operate.

Article Q
Mandatory vaccination of Dogs against Rabies

Section 11Q.01. Definition of Terms – For purposes of this Article:

a. Dog – specific domestic male and female animal and belongs to the
canis famillaries;

b. City Rabies Control Authority – refers to the duly authorize persons

chosen and appointed by the City Mayor who are authorize and
responsible in the enforcement of the provisions of this article.

c. Vaccination against rabies – the inoculation of a dog with rabies


d. Owner/caretaker – any person who owns a dog or charged or having

control of such dog.

e. Astray dog – any male or female dog wandering/roaming around in

public places within the territorial jurisdiction of Alaminos, untied,
loose intentionally or unintentionally.

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Province of Pangasinan



f. Public places -include barangay roads, streets, parks, plazas, school

premises, churches, public markets, City hall, health centers, waiting
stations and thoroughfares.

g. Enclosed premises shall mean the owner’s house or fenced yard where
other people are prohibited to enter except with the owner’s consent
and where a person is obliged to render services to humanity by saving
life or property of others or to serve writs of courts even without the
owner’s consent.

h. Bitten – means the body particularly the skin was seized/penetrated

by the teeth of a dog .

i. Restrained – means tied or caged.

Section 11Q.02. – General Provisions:

a. Every owner/caretaker shall keep his/her dog/s within his/her

enclosed premises, caged, muzzled, restrained and shall not let loose or
allow to go astray in public places at all times.

b. Every dog three months of age and older shall be brought by the
owner/caretaker to the City Rabies Control Authority for registration
purposes and/or vaccination against rabies vaccine.

c. Registration fee of P20

d. Every registered dog shall be issued upon payment of the cost of a

durable metal or plastic dog tag serially numbered and securely
attached to the collar of the dog as proof of registration.

e. All registered dogs 4 months of age and older, wandering in public

places shall be caught or seized by the duly authorized person
deputized by the Municipal Rabies Control Authority and will be
impounded in the City compound.

f. Impounded dog maybe redeemed by the owner/caretaker upon

payment of the corresponding fees and fines as specified in the penal
provisions of this ordinance within ten (10) days. Failure to redeem the
said dog within this period, the owner/caretaker shall automatically
lose or waive his/her rights to claim. The impounded dog shall, upon

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Province of Pangasinan



the discretion of the City Rabies Control Authority, be disposed of or


g. Every barangay shall designate the Barangay Hall as Barangay Rabies

Vaccination Center.

Section 11Q.03. Penalty.

The owner/caretaker of a dog who has bitten a person shall be held

liable for the cost of the treatment and all other related expenses
incurred by the bitten victim. In case where the bite was inflicted by a
vaccinated and registered dog or had occurred within the
owner/caretaker enclosed premises, the expenses for the treatment
shall be mutually agreed upon by the owner/caretaker and the victim.

Any impounded dog may be redeemed by the owner/caretaker upon

payment of the following fees which shall accrue to the municipal funds:

a. Pounded fee …………………. P50.00

b. Maintenance fee ……………. P30.00
c. Conduction fee ………………. P50.00

Any owner/caretaker of a dog who refuses or willfully violates any

provisions of this ordinance shall be subjected to the following fees:

a. first offense ………………….. P50.00

b. second offense ………………. P100.00
c. third offense ………………….. P200.00

Section 11Q.04. Implementing Provisions:

The City Chief Executive shall create the City Rabies Control Authority
to enforce the provisions of this article which compose of the following:

Chairman ………………………….. City Mayor

Members ………………………….. Representative from the Department of
Representative from the Health Department
Representative from the PNP
Barangay Officials
Trained Vaccinators

The City Rabies Control Authority shall promulgate the necessary implementing

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Province of Pangasinan



rules and regulations relative to the enforcement of the provisions of this article.

Article R

Awareness Seminar On Hiv, Aids And Other Sexually Transmitted


Section 11R.01. Authority - The Municipal Health Officer is hereby

authorized to conduct awareness seminar on HIV, AIDS and other sexually
transmitted diseases for persons applying for health certificates.

Section 11R.02. Seminars Conducted By Line Agencies Or Private Institutions-

Seminars conducted by other government or private offices or organization or
institutions maybe accepted as qualified equivalent of the requirement contemplated

Article S

Establishments, Operations and Maintenance of Rural Health Units

Section 11S.01. Coverage Of Rhu1- RHU 1 shall be based at Poblacion

and hold office at the present City Health Building; it covers the services of
the following barangays:

1. Poblacion 12. Balangobong

2. Tanaytay 13. Pocal-pocal
3. Palamis 14. Mona
4. Amandiego 15. Cayucay
5. Balayang 16. Baleyadaan
6. Bisocol 17. Magsaysay
7. Bolaney 18. Telbang
8. Bued 19. Victoria
9. Lucap 20. Pandan
10. Cabatuan 21. Sabangan
11. San Vicente

Section 11S.02. Coverage Of Rhu2 – RHU2 shall be based at Barangay

Alos and hold office at the present City Health Building in said barangay and
shall rendrer services to the following barangays:

1. Alos 10. San Roque

2. Tangcarang 11. Pogo
3. Quibuar 12. Amangbangan
4. Maawi 13. Tawin-Tawin

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Province of Pangasinan



5. Polo 14. Dulacac

6. San Jose 15. Sta. Maria
7. Inerangan 16. Macatiw
8. Landoc 17. Linmansangan
9. San Antonio 18. Pangapisan

Section 11S.03. Health Personnel For Rhu1- RHU1 shall have not limited
to one (1) physician, one (1) Rural Health Nurse, and seven (7) midwives.

Section 11S.04. Health Personnel For Rhu2- RHU2 shall have but not
limited to one (1) physician, one (1) Rural Health Nurse, and six (6) midwives.

Section 11S.05. Policies:

a. The present policy shall govern the budget sharing for supplies,
materials, medicines, and the like for both units.

b. Residents/patients from any barangays are free to solicit/visit either

two of the two RHU for check-ups, medical consultations, secure certificate
(medical, death, jobs), family planning, marriage counseling and the like.

c. Any person requesting autopsy, medico-legal cases shall direct their

request to the RHU.

Section 11S.06. Visitation. RHU-I& II shall conduct barangay visitation in

their respective barangay coverage.

Section 11S.07. Treating Outside Patients. RHU-I & II are allowed to treat
patients coming from other towns but are advised to reserve the medicines
for Alaminos patients.

Section 11S.08. Internal Guidelines. RHU-I & II shall adopt their internal
guidelines on the issuance of medicines to patients coming from outside their area of

Article T

Requiring Business Operators/Owners to clean their respective surroundings

Section 11T.01. Regulation – Any person, corporation, association, whether

natural, juridical, who occupies space/rental and/or operate business in town shall
be covered by this ordinance; and required them to clean their respective
premises/surroundings from time to time;

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Province of Pangasinan



Section 11T.02. Penalty. Any person, corporation, association, whether natural,

juridical, found violating any provision of this ordinance shall be punished as

First Offense - P200.00 fine, or one month

imprisonment; or both, upon discretion of the court.

Second Offense - P500.00 fine, or two months imprisonment;

or both; such fine and imprisonment; upon the discretion
of the court.

Third Offense - P1,000.00 fine, or three months imprisonment;

both, such fine and imprisonment, upon the discretion of the court.

Article U

Restricting on Human Individuals or Animals within Fifty (50m) meters

radius distance surrounding Sabangan or Quibuar Springs

Section 11U.01. Declaration of Policy- The city has its bounden duty to
protect the health of its residents against unsanitation. Sabangan or Quibuar
Spring is one of the sources of portable water of the City.

Section 11U.02. Prohibited Act- Any person or animal (domestic) shall be

RESTRICTED/PROHIBITED within fifty (50) meters radius/distance
surrounding either Sabangan or Quibuar Springs, both located in Alaminos,

Section 11U.03. Penalty- anybody found violating the provisions of this

ordinance, shall upon conviction, suffer the penalty of:

First offense – P100.00

Second Offense – P250.00
Third Offense - P500.00

Imprisonment of:

First Offense – Two (2) days

Second Offense – Five (5) days
Third Offense – Ten (10) days


Republic of the Philippines
Province of Pangasinan



Article A.
Regulations on the Establishments of Cockpits and holding of Cockfights.

Section 12A.01. Scope. This Article shall govern and regulate the
establishment, operation, maintenance and ownership of cockpit in the city of

Section 12A.02. Definition of Terms. As used in this ordinance, the following

terms shall be understood, applied and construed as follows:

a. Cockfighting – shall embrace the commonly known game or term

“cockfighting, derby, pintakasi, or tupada”, or its equivalent in different
Philippine localities.

b. Cockpit – the properly enclosed or fences premises or compound with one

or more gates or doors for definite points of entrance and exit and license
in accordance herewith for the holding of cockfighting derby, pintakasi,
tupada or its equivalent terms in different Philippine localities.

c. Zoning Ordinance – refers to the existing ordinance of the City of Alaminos,

Pangasinan which logically arranges, prescribes, defines and apportions a
given political subdivision into specific land uses as present and future
projection of needs warrant.

d. Cockfight (Soltada) – refers to the actual fight or physical combat of two (2)
gamecocks, where between or either side are laid

e. Regular Cockfight – means a cockfight held on Sundays and/or Legal

Holidays and for special purposes.

f. Derby - Refers to any cockfight promotion other than the regular cockfight,
participated by foreign or local entries.

g. Special Cockfight – means a cockfight held on days other than Sundays

and legal holidays and for special purposes.

h. Special Permit – means a permit secured from the Sangguniang

Panlungsod (SP) to hold cockfighting on days other than Sundays and
legal holidays.

i. Pit Manager – a person who professionally or regularly manages a cockpit

and cockfights therein. He may or may not be the owner of the cockpit.

j. Referee (Sentenciador) – a person who watches and oversees the proper

gaffing of fighting cocks, determines the physical condition of fighting
cocks while cockfighting is in progress. The injuries sustained by the
cocks and their capability to continue fighting and decide and make

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Province of Pangasinan



known his decision by sign or gestures and result of the cockfight by

announcing the winner or declaring a tie or no contest game.

k. Promoter – a person licensed by the City as such, who is engaged in the

convening, meeting, holding and the celebration of especially programmed
and arranged cockfighting like local and international derbies or
competition, special matched set to or encounters, pintakasi and ordinary
fights or hock fights.

l. Bet Taker (Kristo) – a person who calls and takes care of bets from owners
of both gamecocks and those of the bettors before he orders
commencement of the cockfight and thereafter distributes won bets to the
winners after deducting a certain commission.

m. Gaffer (Taga-tari) – a person knowledgeable in the art of arming fighting

cocks with gaffs on their both legs.

n. Gater – as use in this ordinance shall mean, persons who screen and
receive admission-ticket issued by the cashier to ticket buyer as a
condition to gain access inside the cockpit.

o. Gamecock – refers to domesticated fouls, whether imported or locally bred,

as well as the native fighting cocks indigenous to the country, trained and
conditioned for actual fighting or for propagation and breeding purposes
for eventual use in cockfighting.

Section 12A.03. Ownership, Operation & Management of Cockpit

The following may own, operate or manage a cockpit:

a. Filipino Citizens not otherwise disqualified by law.
b. Cooperative or corporation, the capital of which is 100% Filipino owned.

Section 12A.04. Licensing of Cockpits

Upon prior application made, the Sangguniang Panlungsod through an

ordinance may authorize and license the establishment, operation and maintenance
of cockpit to qualified applicants.

Section 12A.05. Requirements for Licensing of Cockpits

The following requirements must be fully complied with before the issuance of

a. New License – Every applicant for new license shall submit to the
Sangguniang Panlungsod, through the SP Secretary, the following

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Province of Pangasinan



requirements which must be fully complied with before the issuance of


1. The location and vicinity plan of the cockpit;

2. The cockpit building plan/design duly approved by the City Building

Official and a certification that the applicant had complied with the
area prescribed under the city zoning ordinance;

3. A certification by the Zoning Officer that the location/site of the cockpit

is not within the radius of 200 lineal meters from existing residential or
commercial area, hospitals, schools, buildings, churches, or other
public buildings;

4. Official Receipts for payments of city taxes, fees and other levies
prescribed by law or city ordinance of Alaminos City;

5. The names of employees and other persons other than cockpit

personnel doing cockpit business or activity with their designations or
positions, or any persons doing business inside the cockpit including
store owners or vendors;

6. The permanent schedule of regular cockfights desired.

7. Health/Sanitary Permit.

b. Annual Renewal – Every applicant for the annual renewal of license to

operate or manage a cockpit shall submit to the Sangguniang Panlungsod
not later than December 31 of each year and shall be accompanied with:

1. Official Receipt (O.R.) of taxes, fees and other levies

prescribed by law or pertinent city ordinance;
2. In case the cockpit was constructed more than ten (10) years
before the date of renewal of application, a certification from the
building official that said cockpit is free from material, structural or
other physical hazards;
3. The names of employees with their designations or positions
including persons doing business inside the cockpit including store
owners or vendors.
4. An occupational permit issued by the Licensing Officer to
each cockpit personnel and other persons required to be registered by
this ordinance;
5. The permanent schedule of the day or days of regular
cockfights it desired; and
6. Health/Sanitary permit.

Section 12A.06. Administrative Provisions

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Province of Pangasinan



1. The Sangguniang Panlungsod shall determine the number of cockpit

allowed to operate in the city. Considering that the City of Alaminos has a
population of less than One Hundred Thousand (100,000), only one (1) cockpit is
allowed to operate.

2. Cockfighting shall be allowed only in licensed cockpit/s during Sundays or

legal holidays but with prior application to the Sangguniang Panlungsod during the
City Agricultural, Commercial or Industrial fair, Carnaval or exposition for a period
of three (3) days, provided that no cockpit shall be held on the following dates:

a. December 30 (Rizal Day)

b. June 12 (Philippine Independence Day)
c. November 30 (National Heroes Day)
d. Holy Thursday and Good Friday
e. Election/Referendum Day and National and Local Election Registration

3. Cockfighting may also be allowed upon prior resolution approved by the

Sangguniang Panlungsod for the entertainment of returning Filipinos (Balikbayan),
foreign dignitaries or for tourist support of national fund raising campaigns for
charitable purposes.

4. Only authorized and licensed pit managers, promoters, referees, cashiers,

bet managers, pit referees, bet takers, gaters, wounded rooster healers or gaffers
shall take part in all kinds of cockfights held in the city. No operator or owner of a
cockpit shall employ or allow to participate in the cockfight any of the above-
mentioned personnel unless he is registered and licensed as such and paid the fees
herein required.

5. It shall be the obligation of the owner, promoter or lessee of a cockpit to

inform the city treasurer’s office of the schedule of any derby to be held hereat, at
least One (1) week prior to its commencement.

6. The owner is jointly liable with the promoter or lessee should the promoter
or lessee failed to pay the fees, assessments or levies prescribed hereof, except
payment for individual permit fees due their employees which may be shouldered by
the latter.

Section 12A.07. Prohibited Acts

a. No circus, dramas, boxing, concert, shows or other forms of entertainment

similar to the foregoing shall be allowed inside the cockpit .

b. No gambling of any kind shall be permitted on the premises of the cockpit.

Republic of the Philippines
Province of Pangasinan



Section 12A.08. Fees/Assessment

1. Permit fee for Cockpit Operator/Owner/ Licensee. - There shall be collected

the following Mayor’s permit fees from the cockpit Operators/owners/licensees of

a. Application fee - P 5,000.00

b. Annual Cockpit permit fee - P 5,000.00

2. Permit fee for Cockpit Personnel - There shall be collected an individual

Annual Permit fees for Cockpit personnel.

a. Pit Manager - P 750.00

b. Referee - P 750.00
c. Bet Manager (Kasador) - P 750.00
d. Bet Taker (Kristo) - P 250.00
e. Cashiers - P 750.00
f. Gater - P 250.00

3. Permit fee for individuals other than pit personnel - An Annual permit fee
shall be collected from individuals other than pit personnel desiring to the business
or activity of promoting derbies, matching cockfights, gaffing, and healing wounded
roosters during cockfights or derbies, to wit:

a. Derby Promoter - P 750.00

b. Derby Matchmaker - P 250.00
c. Gaffer - P 250.00
d. Wounded-Rooster Healer - P 250.00

4. Permit fee for Cockfighting. - The following shall be paid per day during
scheduled derbies:

a. Special derby assessment from promoters of:

Two cock derby - P 1,000.00

Three cock derby - P 1,500.00
Four cock derby - P 2,000.00
Five cock derby - P 2,500.00

5. Special Assessments on Regular Cockfights and Derbies. A special

assessment in every regular cockfights and derbies, regardless of the amount of bet,
shall be collected for every winning cock, the following:

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Province of Pangasinan



a. Regular Cockfights: P 50.00 for every winning cock

b. Derbies : P 100.00 for every winning cock

6. Admission fees (Amusement Tax) - There shall be collected an admission

fees in every regular scheduled cockfight or derby at the rate of:

a. Twenty Percent (20%) of the gross receipts from the general admission

Section 12A.09. Time and Manner of Payment.

a. The application fee is payable to the City Treasurer upon application for a
permit or license to operate and maintain cockpits.

b. The annual cockpit permit fee is payable upon application for a permit
before a cockpit shall be allowed to operate and within the first Twenty
(20) days of January of each year in case of renewal hereof.

c. The permit fee on cockpit personnel and other persons required under this
ordinance to secure permits shall be paid within the first Twenty (20) days
of January of each year.

d. Payments for each derbies or regular cockfights shall be paid to the City
Treasurer’s office, this city, within One week after the commencement of a
cockfight or derby by showing a record of finished or successful fights and
paid tickets issued of the just concluded cockfight or derby.

Section 12A.10. Penalty.

a. In case of non-payment of the fees mentioned above by the owner,

promoter or lessee of the cockpit, a permit to operate shall not be issued.
A repeated non-payment of the fees prescribed above or fraud in the
payment of correct assessment shall be a cause for the permanent closure
of the cockpit.

A permit shall likewise be denied to cockpit personnel and individuals other than
cockpit personnel doing business in the cockpit for non-payment of their respective
annual permit fees.

Article B

Regulation on the Operation of Billiards, Pools, Video/Computer game


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Province of Pangasinan



Section 12B.01. Definition of Term. For purposes of this ordinance – Young

students refer to person/s twelve (12) years old and below; school days refer to 7:00
o’clock in the morning to 5:00 o’clock in the afternoon from Monday to Friday.

Section 12B.02. Prohibited Acts.

a. It shall be unlawful to establish and operate a billiard, pool stall, video

game/computer game within one hundred (100) meters radius from
any religious and educational institutions.
b. It shall be unlawful for any person or entity, owner/operator/manager
of billiard, pool stall, and video/computer game to allow young
students to enter, play in the establishment during school days.
c. It shall be unlawful for any person/entity, owner/manager/operator of
billiard, pool, and video/computer game machine establishments to
display signboards in front of the establishment at immediate view of
young students, with the allowable size of 3 ft. in width x 3 ft. in
length; and that twelve (12) years old and below students are
prohibited to enter and play in these establishments during school
days – Monday to Friday – 7:00 A.M. to 5:00 P.M..

Section 12B.03. Penalty

First Offense - Owner/manager/operator of establishment,

A fine of Php 500.00

Students – One (1) hour counseling during Saturdays at

the DSWD Office, Alaminos City

Second Offense - Owner/manager/operator

A fine of Php 500.00 and suspension of business permit
for three (3) months

Students – two (2) hour counseling during Saturdays at the DSWD Office, Alaminos

Article C

Amendment of sections 3, 4, and 5 of Ordinance No. 2002-12,

otherwise known as an ordinance Regulating the Operation of
Billiards, Pools, Video/Computer Game Machine

Section 12C.01. Amendments:

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Province of Pangasinan



a. Section 3, of Ordinance No. 2002-12 is hereby amended to read as follows:

Sec. 3. For purposes of this ordinance, Young students refer to persons

who are enrolled in any public or private elementary or high school institution in
the City of Alaminos;

“School Days is understood to mean regular school days from Monday to

Friday, excluding regular, local or special holidays, which starts at 7:00 o’clock in
the morning to 5:00 o’clock in the afternoon.”

b. Section 4 of Ordinance No. 2012-12 is hereby amended to read as follows:

“Sec. 4. it shall be the obligation of every owner/manager/operator of any

billiard, pool, video/computer game machine establishments to display
signboards in front of their respective establishments in open view of young
students, with an allowable size 3ft. in width x 3ft in length; No
elementary or high school student regardless of his/her age shall be allowed to
play in any of the establishments above mentioned during school days from 7:00
A.M. to 5:00 P.M., Monday to Friday.”

c. Section 5 of Ordinance No. 2012-12 is hereby amended to read as follows:

“Sec. 5. Any owner/manager/operator of business establishments

mentioned above and any students referred to in Section 3 hereof, who violates
the provisions of Section 2 of this ordinance shall be punished as follows:

First Offense- (a) Owner/manager/operator of establishments:

- A fine of Five Hundred Pesos (Php 500.00)

(b) Students:
- Counseling during office hours at the Office of
their respective Guidance

Second Offense- (a) Owner/manager/operator of establishment:

- A fine of One Thousand Pesos (Php 1,000.00) and
Three (3) months suspension of business

(b) Students:
- Counseling to be accompanied by his/her
parent/s or guardian at the office of their
respective Guidance

Article D

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Province of Pangasinan



Prohibition on the Operation and establishment of Video Slot Machines

such as Video-Karera,Majhong,Blackjack and the like

Section 12D.01. Prohibited Acts. Operation/establishment of video slot

machine (video games) such as video-karera, video-mahjong, video-blackjack,
and the like establishment is banned and prohibited in the City of Alaminos,

SECTION 12D.02. Penalty . Any operator/owner found violating this Article

shall suffer the following:
First offense : fine of Php 5,000.00 or one month imprisonment and
confiscation of video machines and paraphernalias; and

Second and subsequent offense: fine of Php 10,000.00, or six (6) months
imprisonment and confiscation and destruction of illegal video
machines/games paraphernalias.

Players found violating this ordinance shall, for first offense, be fined Php
20.00, second offense is Php 30.00; and third offense is Php 50.00.

Chapter 13
Article A

Mandatory Attendance to Lectures on Ordinances and Resolutions on

Traffic Rules and Regulations

Section 13A.01. Amendment. Item Number 51 is hereby added to ARTICLE

XXV of Ordinance No. 2005-22 which hereby now reads as follows:

“51. It shall be mandatory for any driver of motorized vehicle

from two (2) wheels and above who are caught violating any provision
or provisions of Ordinance No. 2005-22 entitled: Comprehensive

Republic of the Philippines
Province of Pangasinan



Transportation and Traffic Ordinance of the City of Alaminos, to attend

a lecture on applicable ordinances and resolutions, traffic rules and
regulations, road courtesy and signages, and related traffic matters.”

Article B

Amendment on the comprehensive Traffic Ordinance

Section 13B.01. Amendments. Section 2 of Ordinance No. 13, S-1997 is hereby

amended to read as follows:


a. From the East

Funeral Cortege/s coming from the Eastern Part like Bued, Sabangan,
Pocal-pocal, etc. will pass through Imelda Drive (Pandayan), crossing Quezon
Ave. to Pag-asa St. and those coming from Tanaytay, San Vicente, Cabatuan
fill follow the same direction then turn right to Montemayor St., crossing
Marcos Ave. then turn right to Carlos Garcia St. and turn left upon reaching
the eastside gate of the Catholic Church.

b. From the South

Funeral Cortege/s coming from the Southern part shall pass through
Marcos Ave. then turn left upon reaching the junction of V. Montemayor St.
then turn right to Carlos Garcia St. and turn left upon reaching the eastside
gate of the Catholic Church.

c. From the North and West

Funeral Cortege/s coming from the West shall turn right upon reaching
the Northside gate of the Catholic Church and those from the North shall
follow the same route.

d. From the Church Compound

All Funeral Corteges coming from the Church compound via eastside gate
shall turn right to Carlos Garcia extension to Rabadon St. then cross Marcos
Ave. to De Guzman St. to the Cemetery.

e. From the Northwest

Funeral Cortege/s coming from the Northwest going to the Methodist or

Baptist Church shall pass through Carlos Garcia St. then turn left to
Montemayor St. and then turn right to Marcos Ave.

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Province of Pangasinan



Section 13B.02. Violation of any of the provision of this Ordinance shall after
conviction be fined as follows:

a. For Funeral Homes managed by the owner or single proprietorship, the

Owner and the Driver shall be fined in the amount of One Thousand Pesos
(Php 1,000.00) and Two Hundred Pesos (Php 200.00), respectively. There
shall be no 1st and 2nd offense.

For Corporate Funeral Homes, the President and the Driver shall be fined in the
amount of One Thousand Pesos (Php 1,000.00) and Two Hundred Pesos (Php
200.00), respectively. There shall be no 1st and 2nd offense.


Article C

Comprehensive Traffic Ordinance

.01. Special Provision

Section 13C.01.

a. Obedience to member of POSO Traffic Enforcers. Every driver and

pedestrians shall at all times obey the signal by hand, or the
reasonable oral instructions of POSO Traffic Enforcer/s in uniform with
respect to the provisions contained in this ordinance.

b. Exemption for Emergency Vehicles. The driver of any emergency vehicle

may, when it is expedient and safe to do so…

a. reduce speed and sound a siren, bell or repeater horn, and proceed
despite a traffic control signal displaying a red amber/light or whatever
sign is on line displayed by traffic control;
b. sound a siren, bell, or repeater horn and overtake to any part of the
road where it can pass through and can exceed the speed limit as
prescribed in this ordinance.

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Province of Pangasinan



c. Routes and Parking Terminals, Fare Rates, Body Numbers & Color.
Drivers, Operators and Officers of Tricycle Operators and Drivers
Association shall abide with their routes and parking terminals, their side
cars uniformed in one color, as white, to be identified as the only legalized
tricycles for hire of Alaminos City, post their recent fare rates inside their
side cars facing the passengers, paint their control body numbers in front
and rear of their side cars to be lighted during night operation.

d. Tricycles for hire and not for hire shall both have a bright light at the
back of their side car above the body number or above the mark “NOT
FOR HIRE” to be seen during night operation. They shall have a backrest
with curve on both ends to safeguard one backrider.

e. Jeepney Routes, Terminals, and Parking Allocation. Drivers,

operators, and officers of Jeepney Operators and Drivers Associations are
required to strictly abide by their approved routes and parking terminals
allocated to them by the City Mayor’s Office for their loading and
unloading activities.

f. Mini-buses/Buses. Drivers of mini- buses/buses are required to strictly

follow traffic signs prohibiting them to load and/or unload passengers
along thoroughfares where there is no loading or unloading signs specified
for types of vehicle.

g. Trucks and Trailers. Drivers of Trucks and Trailers are required to

strictly follow traffic signs prohibiting them to load or unload their cargoes
along busy thoroughfares except during specified time of the day when
traffic volume is low at the place where they unload or load their cargoes.

h. Warning Device. Any vehicle that carries loads which protrude in front,
back, or both, shall attach at the tip of its load a warning device, such as
cloth or any acceptable material with red and white color to be distinctly
visible to the eyes of other drivers especially when load is carried during
time of darkness.

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Province of Pangasinan



Section 13C.02. Definition of Terms and Phrases as used in this article:

1. Built-up area means a length of road in which there is provision for

lighting by means of street lamps;

2. Driver means any person driving or in control of a vehicle;

3. Motorcycle means a motor vehicle which has 2 wheels only;

4. Vehicle means any conveyance or other device propelled, powered or

drawn by any means and includes an articulated vehicle and where
the context permits, includes a horse-drawn calesa and the two-
wheeled hand tractor pulling a two-wheeled carrier known as “pug-
pug” and carrying persons/passengers and /or goods.

5. Motorized vehicle means a three-wheeled vehicle composed of a

motorcycle and attached sidecar of one wheel to be known as tricycle;

6. Motor vehicle means motor vehicle designed to be self-propelled and

includes any vehicle designed to be propelled by electric power but
not operated upon rails;

7. Cargo vehicle means any vehicle other than the vehicle designated
and ordinarily used primarily for the carriage of passengers;

8. Cargo which means to include chattel, personal and other movable


9. Emergency vehicle means motor vehicle –

a. being an ambulance or any other vehicle carrying person/people

urgently requiring treatment or answering an urgent call of
conveying to hospital/medical center any injured or sick person
urgently requiring treatment;

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Province of Pangasinan



b. being used to obtain or convey blood or other supplies such as

drugs or equipment for a person urgently requiring treatment which
may or may not have a siren, bell or repeater horn for use as
warning instrument;
c. of a fire brigade/truck rushing to the place of fire or to any place
as consequence of fire alarm; or
d. conveying members of POSO or police force on urgent duty.

10.Tractor is a 4-wheeled farm machinery used for plowing, towing of

rice thresher and also of carriage for the conveyance of farm needs;

11.Kuliglig is a 2-wheeled hand tractor with detachable 2-wheeled

carriage used for the conveyance of people and/or goods or farm

12.Tri-bike is a manual operated vehicle with 3 wheels and foot pedals

commonly known as padyak which is used for the conveyance of
people and/or goods;

13.Push cart is a 2 or 3-wheeled cart push by man to put it in motion,

which is usually used for selling and/or transporting of

14.Thoroughfare means that portion of a road improved, designed or

used for vehicular travel exclusive of the shoulder;

15.Laned thoroughfares means a thoroughfare divided into two or

more marked lanes intended for vehicles;

16.Two-way thoroughfare means any thoroughfare where traffic is

permitted in opposite directions;

17.One-way thoroughfare means a thoroughfare on which vehicles are

permitted to travel in one direction only as indicated by appropriate
signs or signals;

18.Separation line means a line marked on a pavement of a

thoroughfare to separate traffic traveling in opposite direction;

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Province of Pangasinan



19.Intersection means a place where two or more roads intersect or join

and includes the area where vehicles traveling on different joining or
intersecting roads may collide;

20.U-Turn means a turn which causes a vehicle facing or traveling in

one direction to face or travel in the opposite, or substantially, the
opposite direction;

21.Traffic control signal means any device using a word or words, a

symbol or symbols, a colored lights or lights or any combination
thereof operated mechanically, electronically, manually or otherwise,
by means of which traffic may be controlled or regulated;

22.Traffic control item means any traffic control signal, light, sign,
mark, structure, or device placed, erected or displayed for the
purpose of regulating, warning or guiding traffic;

23.Traffic island shall mean any physical structure (other than lines
marked on a thoroughfare) made at or near an intersection to guide

24.Rotunda or roundabout means an intersection laid out for

movement of traffic in one direction around a central island;

25.Road means any highway or road, street or lane open for use by the
public, and includes every thoroughfare;

26.Pedestrian means any person on foot or walking;

27.Pedestrian lanes/crossing means a portion of a thoroughfare

painted horizontally or lengthwise with color orange stripes up to 4
meters long alternating with black from left to the right side of the

28.Footway means every footpath, lane or other place intended for the
use of pedestrian and not by vehicles;

29.No parking area means a portion of a thoroughfare between two

consecutive “No parking” signs and with arrows pointing generally
towards each other, or other appropriate signs;

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Province of Pangasinan



30.To overtake includes to pass or attempt to overtake or pass by

increasing speed;

31.To park means to permit a vehicle to remain stationary (whether

unattended or not);

32.Parking area means a portion of a thoroughfare where parking is

permitted as indicated by appropriate parking signs;

33.Speed zone means a length of the thoroughfare defined by means of

a “speed limit” sign at the beginning and a “speed limit” sign or a
dead end at the termination;

34.Trailer is non-straight chassis vehicle which may have ten wheels

and above without any added pull to be called articulated vehicle ;

35.Property line means a lateral boundary of a road;

36.Clearway means a length of thoroughfare indicated by appropriate

signs where the standing or stopping of vehicles for purposes of
parking or loading or unloading or for any purpose which would
obstruct the flow of traffic is prohibited;

37.Tricycle lane is a portion of the road designated exclusively for


38.Center in relation to the thoroughfare means a line or series of lines,

marks or other indications placed at or near the middle of the
thoroughfare or, in the absence of any such line, lines, marks or
other indications, the middle or the main traveled portion of the

39.Trash can means any receptacle used as temporary depository for

any waste matters/objects.

40.Towing Zone means areas prohibited for stopping, parking and

loading and unloading or for the convenience of any vehicle which
may or may not be enclosed with rectangular lines when there are

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Province of Pangasinan



sign boards of Towing Zones or prohibitions, or part of danger zone

where they block the flow of traffic.

Section 13C.03. Definition of Signs and Symbols. The signs and symbols
shown in the following schedules shall be referred to in this Ordinance by
the names shown next to the sign or symbols.

Section 13C.04. Erection and Interference with Traffic Control Items.

1. No person shall, except when duly authorized by the

proper authority, erect establish or display on any road or in the view
of any person on any road, or interfere with, alter or take down, any
traffic control sign or item.

2. No person shall erect, establish, place, maintain, or

display on any road or in the view of any person on any road, anything
which purports to be or is an imitation of or is similar to any traffic-
control sign or item, or which interferes with the effectiveness of or
prevents an approaching driver from clearly distinguishing the whole
or part of any traffic-control item, or which distracts his attention from
any traffic-control sign or item.

Section 13.05. Limits on the Operation of Signs. Any sign associated with
a “No Parking Area”, or “Parking Area”, or any sign of a kind referred to
shall be limited in its operation and effect in respect of days, periods of the
day, classes of persons, classes of vehicles, or circumstances, to the extent
(if any) shown on the sign.

Section 13C.05. Traffic-Control Signs or Items to be Operative.

1. Where any traffic-control sign or item of a kind referred to in this

article exists on a road, it shall be effective and operative as a traffic-
control item duly established for the purposes of this Code.

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Province of Pangasinan



2. Any traffic-control sign or item which substantially conforms to the

requirements of these sections with respect to dimensions, shape,
color, position, direction, angle or any other features of traffic-control
signs or items of any kind, shall be deemed to be a traffic-control sign
or item of that kind.

Section 13C.06. Display of Dazzling Lights, etc. No person shall establish, place
or maintain any lights of such kind or so placed as to prevent a driver
from clearly distinguishing road ahead of him, nor shall any person
maintain or use any light, which the proper authority has declared by
notice in writing to that person to be a clear danger to traffic.

Section 13C.07. Authority. This Ordinance is enacted pursuant to Republic Act

Number Twenty Two Hundred and Sixty Four (RA 2264), otherwise known
as the Local Autonomy Act, Commonwealth Act Number One Hundred
and Forty Six (RA 146), otherwise known as the Public Service Law, and
Republic Act Number Forty One Hundred and Thirty Six (RA 4136),
otherwise known as Land Transportation Act.

Section 13C.08. Purpose. This Ordinance is enacted for the following purposes:

1. To consolidate the different ordinances and resolutions regarding the

control and regulation of traffic City.

2. Guide, control and regulate the circulation of traffic within the

Central Business District.

3. Prevent undue congestion of vehicular traffic.

4. Regulate the use of the City’s thoroughfares in relation to traffic

circulation and parking.

5. Protect and promote safety, peace, comfort, convenience and general

welfare of the riding public, as well as the motorists.

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Province of Pangasinan



6. Complement the City’s zoning ordinance through the proper regulation

of traffic-generating establishments by requiring the establishments to
provide parking facilities.

Section 13C.09. Obedience to Traffic control Signals.

1. Every person shall at all times observe and comply with the
instruction of any traffic control signal applicable to him.
2. The display by a traffic- control signal of:

a. (i) a green circle is an instruction that a driver facing the traffic-

control signal may, subject to the provision of this Article,
proceed straight ahead, turn left or right, and left or right turn
may be made even though a traffic control signal is displaying
a red circle in respect of the thoroughfares the driver is about
to enter, provided that a driver making or after making such
turn shall not cross a stop-line associated with such last-
mentioned traffic-control signal until it displays a green circle,
and shall give way to any opposing traffic and/or pedestrian.

(ii) a green signal and walking man symbol or a

green circle (not accompanied by red square and standing man
symbol) is an instruction that a pedestrian facing the traffic-
control signal may proceed across the thoroughfare.

b. An amber circle alone is an instruction

that -----

(i) a driver facing the traffic-control signal shall not proceed

beyond the stop line (if any) associated with the traffic-control
signal, or in the absence of a stop-line, the traffic-control
signal itself, unless his vehicle is so close to the stop line or
traffic control signal when the color amber first appears that
he cannot safely stop his vehicle before passing the stop line or
traffic control signal:

(ii) a pedestrian facing the traffic-control signal shall not obstruct

vehicles entering or approaching the intersection.

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Province of Pangasinan



c. A red circle alone or red and amber circles

together is an instruction that:

(i) a driver facing the traffic-control signal shall not proceed

straight ahead or turn left beyond the stop line (if any)
associated with the traffic-control signal, or in the absence of a
stop-line, shall not proceed straight ahead or turn left beyond
the traffic-control signal itself;

(ii) a pedestrian facing the traffic control signal shall not obstruct
vehicles entering or approaching the intersection.

d. A steady or flashing red square with

standing man signal is an instruction that a pedestrian facing the
traffic-control signal shall not enter upon the thoroughfare:

e. A green arrow alone or in conjunction with

any other display is an instruction that a driver facing the traffic-
control signal may proceed in the direction indicated by the arrow;

f. An amber (or yellow) arrow alone or in

conjunction with any other signal display except a red arrow
pointing in the same direction as the amber arrow, is an instruction
that a driver facing the traffic-control signal shall not, for the
purpose of proceeding in the direction indicated by the amber
arrow, proceed beyond the stop line (if any) associated with the
traffic-control signal or, in the absence of a stop line, shall not enter
the intersection at or near which the traffic-control signal is
erected, unless his vehicle is so close to the stop line or the
intersection when the amber arrow first appears that he cannot
safely stop his vehicle before passing the stop line of entering the

g. A red arrow alone or in conjunction with

an amber arrow pointing in the same direction as the red arrow is
an instruction that a driver facing the traffic-control signal shall not
for the purpose of proceeding in the direction indicated by the red
arrow proceed beyond the stop line (if any), associated line, shall
not enter the intersection at or near which the traffic-control signal
is erected;

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Province of Pangasinan



h. Intermittent signal amber flashes at an

intersection is an instruction that a driver facing the traffic-control
signal shall approach and cross the intersection with caution.

Section 13C.10. Obedience to Signs. All signs defined in this Ordinance shall be
obeyed by motorists at all times for purposes of this Article. The following
are descriptions of those signs, the meaning of which may or may not be

1. A driver shall not

cause his vehicle to turn at any intersection contrary to the instruction
on any “No Turn”, “No Right Turn”, “No Left Turn”, or “No U Turn” sign
erected to face an approaching driver at or near the intersection;

2. Where “One Way” sign

is erected to face a driver entering a thoroughfare, the driver shall drive
along the thoroughfare only in the direction indicated by the arrow on
the sign;

3. Where a “No Entry”

sign is erected over or adjacent to a thoroughfare, the driver shall not
proceed on that thoroughfare beyond the sign.

4. A driver entering an
intersection from a marked lane, which has over it a sign or signal
displaying an arrow facing the driver, as marked on the surface of the
lane, shall proceed only in a direction indicated by such words, arrow
or arrows;

5. Where “No Overtaking

or Passing” sign is erected to face an approaching driver, the driver
shall not overtake or pass a vehicle traveling the same direction;

6. a. Where a “No Overtaking on Bridge” sign is erected near a bridge to

face an approaching driver, the driver shall not overtake a vehicle
on the bridge.

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Province of Pangasinan



b. A driver shall not drive a vehicle through a bridge, when the weight
of the vehicle and its load, including trailer attached to it, exceeds
the weight indicated on the bridge load limit sign facing the driver;

7. a. Where a “Keep Right” sign is erected to face an approaching driver,

the driver shall pass to the right of the sign;

b. Where a “Keep Left” sign is erected

to face an approaching driver or has entered an intersection, the
driver shall pass to the left of the sign;

8. Where a “Stop Line” is erected to face a driver who is approaching or

has entered an intersection, the driver shall:

a. Stop his vehicle

before reaching and as near as practicable to the stop line
associated with the sign or, in the absence of a stop line at the
point nearest the first intersecting thoroughfare where he has a
clear view of traffic approaching the intersection, and

b. On reaching
and after passing such a sign give way to any vehicle which is
entering or within or leaving the intersection, except where that

i. is facing, or has passed a “Stop” or a “Give-way” sign

erected at the intersection; and

ii. is about to turn, or is turning to the


9. a. Where a “Give-Way” sign is erected to face a driver who is

approaching or has entered an intersection, the driver shall on
reaching or after passing such sign give way to any vehicle which is
entering or within or leaving the intersection road, except where
that vehicle;

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Province of Pangasinan



i. is facing, or has passed a “Give-way” or a “Stop” sign erected at

the intersection; and

ii. is
about to turn, or is turning to the intersection.

b. Where a “Give-Way” sign is erected to face a driver approaching a

bridge, the driver shall not pass the sign while any vehicle traveling
in the opposite direction is between the sign and the far end of the

10.Where a “No U Turn’ sign is erected adjacent to a thoroughfare to face

an approaching driver, the driver shall not make a “U Turn”, while he
is between the sign and the far side of the first intersection beyond the
sign, nor shall a driver who enters the thoroughfare between the sign
and the intersection and travels towards the intersection make a “U
Turn” before he has passed the intersection.

Section 13C.11. Keeping Right as far as Practicable. Unless otherwise provided

for in this Code, a driver shall keep his vehicle so close as practicable to
the right boundary of the thoroughfare except where there are two or more
lanes marked on the thoroughfares available exclusively for traffic in the
direction in which he is traveling.

Section 13C.12. Regulation on Overtaking.

1. When overtaking a moving vehicle, a

driver shall pass to the left of that vehicle and shall not drive in front of
it until his vehicle is safely clear. Provided, that where a thoroughfare
has two or more marked lanes, vehicles traveling in one of those lanes
may overtake and pass to the right of a vehicle traveling in another of
those lanes, if traffic conditions permit him to do so with safety;

2. A driver overtaking a vehicle or about

to overtake a vehicle shall not drive as close to the rear of the vehicle
intended to or about to be overtaken;

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3. When overtaking a vehicle on a two-

way thoroughfare.

a. A driver shall not drive to left of the center of the thoroughfare,

unless the left side of the thoroughfare is free of oncoming traffic far
enough ahead to permit the overtaking movement to be completed
in safety.

Section 13C.13. Passing Vehicles. A driver passing a vehicle traveling in the

opposite direction shall keep to his right of that vehicle.

Section 13C.14. Giving Way to Overtaking Vehicles. Except where

overtaking on the right is permitted, the driver of a vehicle being overtaken
shall move to the right in favor of the overtaking vehicle upon the driver of
the overtaking vehicle sounding and/or signaling a warning instrument,
and shall not increase the speed of his vehicle until it has been completely
passed by the overtaking vehicle.

Section 13C.15. Drivers not to Obstruct Traffic. A person shall not without
proper cause drive a vehicle abnormally slow or such other manner as to
obstruct, hinder, or prevent the free passage of any person or vehicle.

Section 13C.16. Driving in Lanes on Thoroughfare.

1. A driver shall drive his vehicle as nearly as practicable entirely within

single marked lane or a single line of traffic and shall not move laterally
from such lane or line of traffic until he can do so safely.

2. When overtaking a vehicle making or apparently about to make a left

turn he shall pass to the right of it.

3. When overtaking a vehicle on a two-way thoroughfare;

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a. a driver shall not drive to the left of the center of the

thoroughfare, unless the left side of the thoroughfare is free of
oncoming traffic far enough ahead to permit the overtaking
movement to be completed in safety.

b. A driver traveling along a marked lane any boundary of which is

a single unbroken line (not being a separation line or pavement
edge line) shall not permit any part of his vehicle to cross that line.

Section 13C.17. Driving through Roundabout or Rotundas. A driver

passing through a traffic roundabout shall drive to the right of the central
traffic island.

Section 13C.18. Keeping Right of Double Yellow lines. Where a

thoroughfare is marked with a double yellow longitudinal line comprising –

1. two yellow continuous lines; or

2. a yellow continuous line on the right of a white broken or dotted line-

A driver shall not permit any portion of his vehicle to travel on or over or
to the left of the double yellow longitudinal line.

Section 13C.19. Approaching Crest or Curve. A driver on a two-way

thoroughfare shall not permit any portion of his vehicle to travel on or over
or to the left of the center of the thoroughfare when –

1. approaching a top of a slope

2. approaching or upon a curve –

Unless he can see ahead for a distance sufficient to enable him to do so

with safety or without interfering with the progress of any oncoming

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Province of Pangasinan



Section 13C.20. Bus and PUJ Stop –

1. No vehicle is permitted to load/unload either passenger or goods on a

Bus and PUJ stop other than Bus and PUJ at designated Bus and PUJ

However emergency vehicles, tricycles, and commercial vehicles are

exempted from this restriction.

2. No vehicle is permitted to stop on Bus and PUJ stop except emergency

vehicles on duty.

Section 13C.21. Give-Way. Where the provisions of this Ordinance require a

driver to give way to a vehicle or person the driver shall in circumstances
where, if he proceeded there would be a reasonable possibility of his
colliding with such vehicle or person or otherwise creating a dangerous
situation, slow down to such an extent, or stop and remain stationary for
such time, as is necessary to allow that vehicle or person to continue on
its or his course without risk of collision as is necessary to avoid creating
a dangerous situation.

Section 13C.22. Giving Way at Intersection.

1. A driver approaching or passing through an intersection shall exercise

special care and where appropriate shall drive at a reduced speed.

2. The driver of a vehicle which is approaching an intersection from one

thoroughfare shall give way to any vehicle which has entered; if at the
same time, the driver which has the other vehicle on his right shall give

3. A driver entering an intersection from terminating road shall give way

to vehicles entering, or turning from the intersecting road.

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Province of Pangasinan



Section 13C.23. Giving Way During Turns.

1. A driver who intends to turn, is turning or has turned to the left at an

intersection, shall give way to any vehicle which has entered or is
approaching the intersection from the opposite direction.

2. A driver turning to the right or left at the intersection shall give way to
all pedestrians.

3. A driver making a U Turn shall give way to all other vehicles and to all

4. Except as otherwise provided in this Section, the provision of Section 2

shall apply to turning vehicles.

Section 13C.24. Movements to or From Parked Vehicles.

1. A driver who is about to drive or is driving a vehicle into or out from a

Parking Area or the boundary of thoroughfare shall give way to all
other vehicles.

2. This section applies to all intersections, including an intersection at

which a traffic-control signal displays an instruction to the driver that
he may proceed.

Section 13C.25. Roundabout or Rotundas. The driver of a vehicle entering a

roundabout or rotunda shall give way to any vehicle, which is within the
roundabout or rotunda.

Section 13C.26. Pedestrian Crossings.

1. A driver approaching a pedestrian lane, shall

travel at low speed that he will be able to stop his vehicle before
reaching the pedestrian lane when there is/are person/s crossing.

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2. A driver shall give way to any pedestrian who is on

a pedestrian lane.

3. A driver shall not permit any portion of his vehicle

to enter upon a pedestrian lane even if any vehicle headed in the same
direction is stopped on the approach side of pedestrian lane for the
purpose of complying with this Section.

Section 13C.27. Duties of Pedestrians.

1. When on a footway marked cross-walk or pedestrian lane the

pedestrian shall keep as close as practicable to the right side of the
footway, marked cross-walk or pedestrian lane;

2. When crossing a thoroughfare at an intersection he shall keep

right of pedestrian lane in the opposite direction;

3. When crossing a thoroughfare or portion of a thoroughfare he

shall do so as nearly as practicable by the shortest and most direct
route to the thoroughfare boundary.

Section 13C.28. Restrictions on Pedestrians. A person shall not –

1. while waiting to board a vehicle stand on any portion of


2. Alight from or board a moving vehicle;

3. Remain on pedestrian lane, or marked cross-walk longer than is

reasonable dispatch;

4. Stand upon a footway or thoroughfare so as to inconvenience,

obstruct, hinder, or prevent the free passage of any other pedestrian or
any vehicle;

Section 13C.29. Pedestrians on Thoroughfares.

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1. A pedestrian shall not cross the road when there is no marked

pedestrian lane.

2. A pedestrian shall not proceed along a thoroughfare if a footway exists

on the road and is in a condition fit for use.

3. A pedestrian proceeding along a thoroughfare shall, when practicable,

travel on the thoroughfare or side of the thoroughfare used by vehicles
traveling in the opposite direction, and shall keep as close as he can to
the boundary of the thoroughfare on his left.

4. A pedestrian shall not proceed along a thoroughfare abreast of more

than one other pedestrian, except in a procession or parade authorized
by the proper authority.

5. A pedestrian shall not enter upon any portion of a thoroughfare with-in

5 meters from –

a. a marked cross-walk adjacent to a traffic-control signal in


b. a pedestrian lane –

Except for the purpose of alighting from or boarding a public

utility vehicle at an authorized stopping place.

Section 13C.30. Use of Sidewalks. The sidewalks shall be exclusively for

pedestrians and no person or business enterprise shall use it for other
purposes and intents like selling and display spaces for vendors, begging
spaces for mendicancy, repair or painting.

Section 13C.31. Right Turns. A driver who is about to make a right turn at
intersection shall so drive his vehicle that when it reaches the intersection
it shall be to the right of any vehicle abreast of this vehicle traveling in the
same direction, provided that this section shall not apply to a driver whose

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vehicle is in a marked lane immediately to the marked lane allocated

exclusively to right-turning vehicles.

Section 13C.32. Left Turns.

1. A driver is about to make a left turn at an intersection shall –

a. Where he is traveling on a two-way thoroughfare

approach and enter the intersection so that his vehicle is to the
right of parallel to and as near as practicable to the center of the
thoroughfare; or

b. Where he is traveling on a one-way thoroughfare

approach and enter the intersection so that his vehicle is parallel to
and as near as practicable to the left boundary of the thoroughfare.
However, this sub-section shall not apply if this vehicle is in a
marked lane which has a sign alongside or over it or markings on
its surface indicating that a left turn must or may be made.

2. A driver making a left turn at an intersection shall make the left

turning that wherever practicable his vehicle passes to the left of the
center of the intersection, and so that –

a. if the thoroughfare being entered is a two-way

thoroughfare his vehicle enters it as near right of the center of the
thoroughfare; or

b. if the thoroughfare being entered is one-way

thoroughfare, his vehicle enters it as near as practicable to the left
boundary of the thoroughfare.

For purposes of this sub-section, a vehicle shall be deemed to enter a

thoroughfare at the point where the front of the vehicle crosses the
prolongation of the properly line of the road it is leaving.

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Province of Pangasinan



Section 13C.33. Turn and Stop Signals.

1. A driver shall not turn right or left or diverge right or left or stop or
suddenly decrease speed or make a U-turn without giving a signal as
prescribed in this section.

2. A driver who is about to turn right or left, diverge right or left, stop,
suddenly decrease speed or make a U-turn shall signal his intent of
doing so for such time as is necessary to give reasonable warning to
drivers approaching from behind.

3. For purposes of and without limiting the generality of sub-section (2) of

this Section, a signal shall be deemed to give reasonable warning if
given continuously-

a. while a vehicle is traveling at least 20 meters immediately before it

commences to turn and during any period when it is stationary
before it commences to turn;

b. while a vehicle is traveling 20 meters immediately before it

commences to diverge right or left; or

c. while the brakes of a vehicle traveling are applied before it stops or

while it is slowing down.

Section 13C.34. Use of Signaling Devices. A driver shall not permit a signaling
device on his vehicle to remain in operation after the completion of the
turn or divergence in respect of which the device was put into operation.

Section 13C.35. U-Turns. A driver shall not cause his vehicle to make a U-Turn-

1. Where there is any likelihood of colliding with another vehicle or

interfering with the free movement of traffic; or

2. On any pedestrian lane, intersection, crossroad, or junction, whether

or not a traffic-control sign/signal is installed to prohibit a U-turn.

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Section 13C.36. Speed Restrictions. No person shall drive a vehicle:

1. in a built up area at a speed exceeding 10 kilometers per hour;

2. in a speed zone, whether a built up area or not, or at a speed faster

than that indicated by the speed limit sign at the beginning of the
speed zone;

3. elsewhere at a speed exceeding 30 kilometers per hour.

Section 13C.37. Notwithstanding the foregoing provision no person shall-

1. drive a cargo vehicle the weight of which together with any trailer
attached including the total load carried (if any) exceeds four and one
half tons at a speed exceeding 20 kilometers per hour;

2. drive at a speed exceeding 20 kilometers per hour any vehicle to which

a trailer or other vehicle is attached if the weight of the trailer or other
vehicle including any load exceeds 750 kilograms; or

3. drive any vehicle licensed for the carriage of nine or more passengers at
a speed of exceeding 30 kilometers per hour;

Section 13C.38. The foregoing provisions of this Section shall not apply
to the driver of an emergency Vehicle.

Section 13C.39. Nothing in this Section shall be construed to justify the

driver of a vehicle driving at a speed which-

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1. may constitute driving carelessly, recklessly or at a speed or in a

manner which is dangerous to the public having regard to all the
circumstances; or

2. exceeds any maximum speed applicable to the vehicle and fixed by

or under any law, ordinance or regulations.

Section 13C.40. Parking Within the CBD. Vehicles that are allowed to enter
and park in the different streets and thoroughfares within the Central
Business District shall conform with the specification or mode of parking
prescribed in that certain section, street or thoroughfare. The
specifications requiring parking within the CBD are enumerated in
Appendix B.

Section 13C.41. Vehicles not to be in Certain Areas. No person shall-

1. leave a vehicle waiting in No Loading and Unloading Zone;

2. leave or park a vehicle contrary to the type of vehicle allowed to park in

that parking area;

3. park a vehicle in a No Parking Area;

However, a person may park a vehicle in No Parking Area if his vehicle or

position of office is covered under Article III Section 1 No. 8.

Section 13C.42. Method of Parking Vehicles. Any person who parks or leaves a
vehicle waiting on a thoroughfare shall park or leave the vehicle waiting-

1. in the case of a road on which vehicles are permitted to travel in both

directions, as near as practicable to the right boundary of the

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Province of Pangasinan



2. in the case of a road on which vehicles are permitted to travel in one

direction only, as near as practicable to either boundary of the road
and angle parking is required.

3. not less than 1.2 meters from any other vehicle, except in a parking
area where angle parking required;

4. so that not less than 3 meters of the width of the thoroughfare between
the vehicle and boundary of the thoroughfare is available for the
movement of other vehicles;

5. in a manner that it does not cause undue obstruction on the

thoroughfare; and

6. where parking bays are marked on the thoroughfare, entirely within

the confines of single bay.

Section 13C.43. Methods of Parking in Parking Areas.

No person shall park or leave a vehicle waiting partly within and partly
outside a parking area.

1. Where the sign or signs associated with a parking area are not
inscribed with the words "Angle Parking” and-

a. Where the parking area is adjacent to the boundary of a

thoroughfare person leaving a vehicle waiting in the parking area
shall leave the vehicle waiting parallel to and as near as practicable
to that boundary or

b. Where the Parking Area is at or near the center of the thoroughfare,

a person leaving the vehicle approximately at right angle to the
center of the thoroughfare, unless the sign or signs associated with

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the parking area or marks on the thoroughfare indicated that

vehicles are to stand parallel to the center, in which case he shall
leave the vehicle in that position.

2. Where the sign or signs associated with a parking area are inscribed
with the Words “Angle Parking” , a person leaving a vehicle waiting in
the Parking Area shall leave the vehicle waiting at the angle of
approximately- forty five (45) degrees to the center of the thoroughfare,
unless the inscription of the parking sign or marks on the degrees, in
which case he shall leave the vehicle waiting at the angle so indicated.

3. Where the sign or signs associated with a Parking Area are inscribed
with the words “Parallel Parking”, a person leaving a vehicle waiting in
the Parking Area shall leave the vehicle waiting angular to the curb or
the center of the thoroughfare surface.

4. Sub-Section (2) and (3) of this section shall not apply to a person
leaving a motorcycle waiting in a Parking Area.

5. A person leaving a motorcycle waiting in a Parking Area adjacent to

the boundary of a thoroughfare shall leave the motorcycle waiting so
that at least one wheel is as near as possible to the boundary.

Section 13C.44. Prohibited Parking Places. No person shall park or leave a

vehicle waiting so that any portion of the vehicle is –

1. Between any other waiting vehicle and the center of the thoroughfare;

2. Between a pedestrian zone and the nearest curb or within nine (9)
meters from the nearest curb directly opposite the ends of a pedestrian

3. in front of a right-of-way, passage or private driveway, or so close

thereto as to deny vehicles reasonable access to or egress from the
right-of-way, passage or private driveway;

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4. in front of footway constructed across a reservation;

5. alongside or opposite any excavation in or obstruction on the

thoroughfare if the vehicle would obstruct traffic;

6. on or within nine (9) meters of any portion of a thoroughfare bounded

on one (1) or both sides by a traffic-island;

7. on any footway, marked crosswalk or pedestrian lane;

8. upon a bridge or other elevated structure or within a tunnel or under

pass except, subject to the provisions of Section 4 and 6 a bridge or
other elevated structure or underpass which provides a pass-through
area at least as wide as the thoroughfare at the commencement of both
approaches to the bridge, structure or underpass;

9. between the boundaries of a thoroughfare and any double yellow line

consisting of two (2) continuous yellow lines or between a double yellow
line consisting of a continuous yellow line and a broken or dotted white
line and the boundary of the thoroughfare nearer to the continuous
line, unless there is a distance of at least three (3) meters clear
between the vehicle and the double yellow line;

10.upon an intersection;

11.on any portion of a thoroughfare on which the words : Keep Clear” are

12.within one (1) meter of any fire hydrant or fire plug or any sign or mark
indicating the existence of a fire plug;

13.on a reservation;

14.within six (6) meters—

i. of any marked crosswalk;

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ii. of the prolongation of the near property line of any road more
than six (6) meters wide intersecting the road in which the vehicle is
traveling; or

iii. on the departure side of a sign inscribed with the word “Bus
Stop” or “PUJ Stop”, unless the vehicle is Public Utility bus or a
Public Utility jeepney which stops to load or unload passengers;

15.within nine (9) meters of an intersection;

16.upon a Bus and PUJ Stop except that a public utility vehicle may
remain waiting while persons are actually entering or alighting from
the said vehicle.

PROVIDED, That Paragraphs (10) and (14) of this Section shall not
apply to a person leaving a vehicle waiting adjacent to a thoroughfare
boundary not broken by a road entering the intersection nor shall any
paragraph of this Section except paragraph (11) apply to a person
leaving a vehicle waiting in a Parking Area or No Parking Area.

Section 13C.45. Parking, etc., Near Crest or Curve. No person shall park or
leave a vehicle waiting on or near a crest or a curve so that any portion of
it is upon a thoroughfare unless a driver approaching from the rear would
have a clear view of the vehicle from a distance of at least forty-five (45)

Section 13C.46. Use of City Streets and Roads as Parking Space for Junk
Vehicles. No persons shall leave an unserviceable, dilapidated or junk
vehicle on any of the streets, roads or thoroughfares of the City;

Section 13C.47. Use of City Streets by Tour Buses.

Entry of Tour buses along CBD roads shall be allowed only when there is
an actual tour being conducted for tourist. Empty Tourist buses shall not
be allowed to enter along CBD roads on designated periods.

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Section 13C.48. Use of CBD Roads by Trucks. Use of CBD roads by delivery
trucks shall not be allowed between 7:00 o’clock in the morning to 7:00
o’clock at night.

Section 13C.59. Lights on Moving Motor Vehicles.

No person shall drive a motor vehicle or a motorcycle or a combination of a

motor vehicle and trailer between sunset and sunrise, unless the motor
vehicle or combination is equipped with appropriate lamps and reflectors
prescribed as mandatory by the Land Transportation Office to be carried
by that vehicle or combination, and the lamps are lighten.

Section 13C.50. Dimming of Head Lights.

1. The driver of a motor vehicle shall dim the headlights or tilt the beam
downward whenever the vehicle is approached by any other vehicle
traveling in the opposite direction.

i. when the other vehicle reaches a point two hundred (200) meters
from his motor vehicle; or

ii. immediately when the lights projected by every headlight of the

other vehicle is switched to low beam ( whichever is sooner) and
shall cause every headlight of his vehicle to remain on low beam
until the other vehicle has passed.

Section 13C.51. Lights on Stationary by Motor Vehicles.

1. No person shall leave a motor vehicle waiting on a road with a lamp or

power exceeding seven (7) watts lighted and showing the front, except
while the vehicle is loading or unloading passengers or is compelled to
remain stationary by the exigencies of traffic.

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2. No person shall leave a motor vehicle or a trailer waiting on or partly in

any thoroughfare between sunset and sunrise unless that motor
vehicle or trailer is equipped with—

a. two (2) lamps (one on each side) showing a clear white light to the
front and clearly visible under normal atmospheric conditions at a
distance of one hundred eighty (180) meters or, where the motor
vehicle or trailer is waiting on or adjacent to the boundary of the
thoroughfare, one such lamp, which shall be on the side of the
motor vehicle or trailer near to the center of the thoroughfare; and

b. appropriate rear lamps, number-plate lamps, front and rear

clearance lamps and reflectors prescribed as mandatory by the
Bureau of Land Transportation and the lamps so affixed are lighted.

3. Sub-section (2) of this section shall not apply

a. where the street lighting in the vicinity renders the motor vehicle or
trailer clearly visible at a distance of one hundred eighty (180)
meters; or

b. to any motorcycle not connected to sidecar, forecar or trailer left

waiting parallel to and as near as practicable to the boundary of the

Section 13C.52. Portable Warning Signs for Disabled Vehicles.

1. No person shall drive a vehicle on a road, or cause or permit a vehicle

to be so driven, unless that vehicle carries a portable early warning
device complying with the specifications prescribed by the Bureau of
Land Transportation.

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Province of Pangasinan



2. Whenever a disabled vehicle is stationary on a thoroughfare, the

portable early warning device shall be placed on the front side nearer
to the center of the thoroughfare at a distance prescribed by the LTO to
give reasonable warning to approaching drivers.

3. Nothing in this Section shall affect any duty imposed by this code to
display lighted lamps on stationary vehicles.

Section 13C.53. Light on Towed Vehicles. No person shall between sunset and
sunrise drive a motor vehicle which is towing another vehicle unless a
lighted lamp is attached to the portion of the towed vehicle facing any
following vehicle, with a power not exceeding seven (7) watts showing a
clear red light visible under normal atmospheric conditions at a distance
of one hundred (100) meters which lamp is so placed that---

1. Its center is not more that one (1) meter above the ground; and

2. It is in the center or to the left side of the center of that portion of the
towed vehicle which faces any following vehicle.

Section 13C.54. Spot Lamps.

1. No person shall cause or permit any spot lamp or search lamp affixed
or connected to any vehicle to be lighted unless –

a. the vehicle is stationary and the lamp is used only for the purpose
of reading a road sign;

b. the vehicle is outside a built-up area and the lamp is lighted and
used only for the purpose of reading a road sign.

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2. The provision of sub-section (1) of this Section, shall not apply if the
vehicle is an emergency vehicle or if the vehicle is being used by law
enforcement agencies in the performance of their official function.

Section 13C.55. Flashing warning Lights.

1. No person shall drive or leave waiting vehicle on which is mounted a

lamp displaying intermittent flashes, except –

a. a lamp displaying intermittent red or blue flashes on the top of an

emergency vehicle ;or

b. a lamp displaying intermittent amber flashes on top of –

i. a tow truck or motor breakdown service vehicle at the scene of

an accident or breakdown; or

ii. a vehicle being used by a governmental, public or local authority

in connection with its functions and occupying a hazardous
position on the thoroughfare –

While the tow truck or the vehicle is stationary or is

maneuvering at a speed not exceeding 10 kilometers per hour;

c. a motor vehicle moving or stationary in a hazardous position in a

thoroughfare because of an emergency situation or with similar
justifiable cause display such flashes from both sides of the front
and rear of the vehicle by means of flashing lamp signaling devices;
Provided that the display of such flashes and the operation of the

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device are in accordance with the specification of the Land

Transportation Office.

2. Nothing in this section shall be deemed to prevent the use of a flashing

lamp signaling device in accordance with this code.

Section 13C. 56. Careless Driving. A person shall not drive a vehicle without due
care or attention or without reasonable consideration for other persons.

Section 13C.57. Reckless and Dangerous Driving. A person shall not drive a
vehicle recklessly or at a speed or in a manner dangerous to public safety.

Section 13C.58. Driving under influence of Liquor or drug. A person shall

not ---

1. drive a vehicle; or

2. attempt to put a vehicle in motion –

While he is under the influence of intoxication, liquor or drug.

Section 13C.59. Driving a Motor Vehicle While Under the Influence of

Liquor or Other Incapacitating Drug. No person shall drive a motor
vehicle while under the influence of liquor or other incapacitating drug.
For the purpose of this Section, a driver is considered under the influence
of liquor, if, at the time of competence examination of his person he is
found to have in his blood at least .06% of alcohol or, in the case of other
drugs, if it is reasonably manifested from his actions or behavior that the
exercise of his five senses is physically impaired as to cause a danger of
accident. The operation of any vehicle, although not motorized in the
manner stated hereinabove, is likewise prohibited.

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Province of Pangasinan



Section 13C.60. Pollution Control. All vehicles shall conform to the exhaust
emission standards for carbon monoxide and hydrocarbons set by the
National Pollution Control Council. For year models, it shall be as follows:

a. Model 1 to 6 years old 4.5% : 1000 parts per million

b. Model 7 to 11 years old 5.0% : 1000 parts per million

c. Model 12 to 17 years old 5.5% : 2000 parts per million

d. Model 18 years old 6.0% : 2000 parts per million

e. Two-stroke engine 6.0% : 7800 parts per million

For current model years, exhaust-emissions should not exceed the

following values:

a. 1000 kgs. or less in weight: 25 grams per kilometer in carbon

monoxide (CO) and 2.5 grams per meter for hydrocarbons (HC)

b. 1001 to 1500 kilos: 30 grams per kilometer in CO and 3 grams per

meter in HC.

c. 1501 to 3000 kilos: 35 grams per kilometer in CO and 3.5 grams per
meter in HC.

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Province of Pangasinan



Section 13.61. Leaving Motor Vehicles Unattended. A driver of a motor vehicle

shall not permit it to stand unattended without first stopping the engine,
locking the ignition removing the ignition key, effectively upon any grade,
turning the front wheels to the curb on the side of the thoroughfare near
the motor vehicle.

Section 13C.62. Driving Backwards. A person shall not drive a motor vehicle in
reverse on thoroughfare.

Section 13C.63. Driving on Footways and Reservations.

1. Subject to sub-section (2) below –

a. A person shall not drive a vehicle on a footway except to cross it by

the shortest route to enter or leave a private driveway.

b. If a road includes two or more separate thoroughfares divided by a

reservation or reservations, a driver shall not cross from one
thoroughfares to another except at a place improved, designed or
ordinarily used for vehicle traffic.

2. Sub-section (1) shall not apply to the riding of a bicycle on a footpath

or reservations where permitted by signs or other means; Provided,
that the provisions of this Section shall not apply to an invalid’s chair
traveling at not more than normal walking pace.

Section 13C.64. Control of Vehicle.

1. a person shall not drive a vehicle unless he is in such a position that

he has full control over it and can obtain a full and uninterrupted view
of the road and any traffic ahead and on such side of him and can

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obtain in a rear view mirror attached to the vehicle a clear reflected

view of any overtaking vehicle.

2. a passenger in a motor vehicle shall not interfere with or impede the

free movement or vision of the driver.

3. no person shall drive a motorcycle without having both hands on the


Section 13C.65. Position of Drivers and Passengers. A person while driving

or traveling in or a motor vehicle (other than a motorcycle) shall not permit
any part of his body or limbs:

1. To be upon or in contact with any external step or any mudguard or

footboard or other external surface of the vehicle;

2. To extend or protrude beyond or through any external door, window or

other opening of the vehicle; or

3. To extend or protrude beyond or hand over any side or the front, rear,
or any other external portion of the vehicle. Provided that this section
shall not operate to prevent a driver from giving any signal authorized
or prescribed by this code; Provided further that proper authority may
authorize any person or class of persons to ride upon any portion of a
vehicle or class of vehicles.

Section 13C.66. Passengers on Motorcycle.

1. No person shall drive a motorcycle carrying more than one (1) person
as back rider.

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Province of Pangasinan



2. No person shall drive a motorcycle carrying a passenger who is 15

years old below or more than 60 years old or under the influence of
drug or liquor.

Section 13C.67. Safety Helmets for Motorcyclists;

1. A person shall not drive or travel upon a motorcycle unless that person
is wearing a safety helmet on his head securely fastened under the
chin of the wearer.

2. A safety helmet referred to in Sub-section (1) shall comply with the

standard set by the proper authority.

3. A person shall not drive a motorcycle while wearing a safety helmet on

which is attached an eye protector unless that eye protector complies
with standards set by the proper authority.

Section 13C.68. Riding in Trailer. A person shall not –

1. drive a vehicle towing a trailer while any person is on or upon the


2. ride in or upon a trailer while it is being towed--- unless a written

permit is first obtained from the proper authority and all the conditions
of the permission are complied with. The provisions of this Section
shall not apply to a motor vehicle being towed with all wheels on the

Section 13C.69. Opening Doors and alighting from Vehicles.

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Province of Pangasinan



1. a person shall not –

a. open or leave open a door of a vehicle; or

b. alight from a vehicle onto a thoroughfare, so as to cause danger to

other persons using the road or so as to impede the passage of

2. A person shall not drive an omnibus fitted with a door or doors capable
of being opened or closed by the driver while retaining his normal
driving position unless every door is closed.

Section 13C.70. Putting glass, etc. on Roads.

1. No person shall throw, drop, place, or leave or cause to be thrown,

dropped, placed or left upon any road, any bottle, glass, nail, wire, can
destructive or injurious material or any substance or thing likely to
endanger any person, or vehicle.

2. No person shall place, deposit or keep on a thoroughfare or part

thereof gravel, sand, lumber, or any other material substance or thing
including living creatures.

3. The use of any road, street or highway, or any part thereof for or in
connection with the exercise of one’s profession, business or
occupation is prohibited.

4. Any person removing a wrecked or damaged vehicle from road shall

remove any glass or other destructive, injurious or dangerous
substances or materials dropped upon the road from the vehicle.

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Province of Pangasinan



Section 13C.71. Diggings, Constructions etc. on Roads.

No person shall undertake or cause to undertake diggings, constructions,

repairs, put up installations and other similar projects on any road, street
or highway without the prior written permission of the City or the District
Engineer and/or proper authority under whose jurisdiction the road,
street, or highway falls. The prohibition provided herein applies to all
persons regardless of whether or not the latter is undertaking the digging,
construction, repair, installation or similar project for the government or
any of its agencies or subdivisions.

Section 13C.72. Securing of Loads. No person shall drive a vehicle carrying a

load unless the load is so arranged, contained, fastened or covered that
neither the load nor any part of it will fall or otherwise escape from the

Section 13C.73. Obstructing Roads.

1. A person shall not, without the written permission of the proper

authority, drive or leave standing any vehicle on a road for the purpose
of –

a. Soliciting employment or business from the vehicle;

b. Displaying an advertisement on the vehicle; or

c. Offering goods for sale from the vehicle.

2. A person shall not stand or place himself on a thoroughfare for the

purpose of –

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Province of Pangasinan



a. Soliciting contributions, employment, business or a ride from an

occupant of any vehicle;

b. Displaying any advertisement; or

c. Offering goods for sale.

3. A person in a vehicle shall not buy or offer to buy an article from any
person standing or placed on a thoroughfare.

4. A person shall not bar, impede, or divert the flow or direction of the
traffic from any road, street or highway, unless or except when the
closure of a road or any street thereof to traffic or the diversion of
traffic is directed by reasons of emergency to protect the public from
any calamity, fire or other grave public danger.

1. No person shall drive an articulated vehicle to which any vehicle is

attached to; or

2. No person shall drive a vehicle towing any other vehicle if the towing
vehicle is of such weight or dimensions as to be likely to prevent the
driver from safely controlling both vehicles.

Section 13C.74. Use of Horns, etc. – No person shall use or cause to be used the
horn or any other warning instrument on a vehicle, except, when
necessary as a traffic warning or as an indication that the driver of the
vehicle intends to overtake another vehicle.

Section 13C.75. Learners to Display “Student Driver” Sign.

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Province of Pangasinan



1. Any person who –

a. being the holder of a driver’s license, is sitting beside a person who

is occupying the driver’s seat of a motor vehicle and who is learning
to drive; or

b. being a student driver, is occupying the driver’s seat of a motor

vehicle and is learning to drive shall be guilty of an offense if there
is no plate measuring 2 feet by 6 inches and bearing the words
"Student Driver" clearly marked on a yellow background
conspicuously displayed on the front and the rear of the motor

2. This Section prohibits a holder of Student Permit driving a public

utility vehicle and conveying passengers for income.

Section 13C.76. Duties of Drivers after Accidents. Where owing to the presence
of a vehicle on a road an accident occurs, the driver of every vehicle
concerned in the accident –

1. shall stop his vehicle as soon as practicable;

2. shall immediately render such assistance as he can;

3. before leaving the scene of the accident shall give his name and
address, the name and address of the owner of the vehicle and the
registration and plate number of the vehicle to every person injured
and to every owner of the property damaged or to a person
representing the person or persons injured or the owner or owners of
the property; and

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Province of Pangasinan



4. if any person was killed or injured, if the driver has not given name
and address to every owner of property damaged or his representative,
or if a fair estimate of the cost of making good the damage to all
property damaged is in excess of five hundred pesos (P500.00), shall
immediately, after attending to his other duties of the scene of the
accident under this Section, report full particulars of the accident at
the nearest Police/POSO station unless a POSO/Police officer at the
scene of the accident has already taken such particulars.

Section 13C.77. Production of Driver’s License to Public Order and Safety

Officer/Police Officer.

1. person who drives a vehicle on a road shall carry driver’s license with
him at all times;

2. person driving a motor vehicle on the road shall, when requested to do

so by a member of the Public Order and Safety Office (POSO)/Police
Officer or any other authorized person, produce his license for
inspection and state his true name and address;

3. In this section “authorized person” means a person authorized by or

under any Act to require a driver of a motor vehicle on a road to
produce his driver’s license.

Section 13C.78. Zoning Requirements for Parking Space: The following are the
Zoning requirements for Parking Spaces, which are in accordance with the
standards set by the national government.

1. Multi-storey apartment building for residential purposes – parking area

per apartment unit.

2. Hotels – one (1) parking space per 2 rooms up to 40 rooms and one
parking space per 4 rooms over 40 rooms.

Republic of the Philippines
Province of Pangasinan



3. Neighbor and shopping centers – three (3) parking spaces per 100
square meter of rentable floor area.

4. Regional shopping centers – four (4) parking spaces per 100 square
meter of rentable floor area.

5. Food Markets – six (6) parking spaces per 100 square meter of rentable
floor area.

6. Retail stores

6.1One (1) parking space per 40 square meter of gross floor area for
stores with less than 500 sq.m. for retail building with a rentable
floor area.

6.2Thirteen (13) parking spaces plus one (1) parking space per 30
sq.m. for retail building with a rentable floor area of 500-2000 sq.m.

7. Restaurants and Bars – two (2) parking spaces for every 15 customer

8. Office buildings and General Business – one (1) parking space per 90
sq.m. of rentable floor area.

9. Banks, Professional Offices, and Service Shops – one (1) parking space
per 50 sq.m. of gross floor area.

Section 13C.79. All other buildings not enumerated above shall provide for off-
street parking spaces.

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Province of Pangasinan



Section 13C.80. Business whose nature is to attract or generate traffic resulting in

congestion due to inability of off-street parking facilities shall be notified to
relocate within one hundred eighty (180) days of notice from the
transport officer concerned of the Zoning Administration.

Section 13C.81. Requirement for Four-wheeled Tractor. All four-wheeled

tractors are required to install stop lights, back lights, and reflectors;

Section 13C.82. Penalty for violation of the requirement. Any four-wheeled

tractor that travels along the main thoroughfares of the City Business
District and/or travels at night without proper installation of said
requirements shall be apprehended and impounded and pay the
corresponding penalties.

Section 13C.83. Requirement for two-wheeled tractor with Carriage. All two-
wheeled tractors known as kuliglig or pugpug, which has two-wheeled
carriage as conveyance for people and/or goods are required to secure
Mayor’s Permit, and two (2) prescribed size reflectors to be installed in
front of its motor and rear of its tractor carriage in conformity with this

Section 13C.84. Penalty for non-compliance of requirements. Any kuliglig or

pugpug that travels along the main thoroughfares of the City Business
District and/or travels at night with carriage and without proper
installation of said requirements shall be apprehended and impounded
and pay the corresponding penalties.

Section 13C.85. Permits and Plate Numbers for Tri-Bikes otherwise known as
padyak and push carts. Owners are required to secure their permits and
plate numbers from the Mayor’s Office;

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Province of Pangasinan



Section 13C.86. Non- deviation from designated Routes and Terminals. They
shall not deviate from their designated routes and terminals;

Section 13C.87. Prohibition on Minors to drive Tri-bike or Push Cart. No minor

below 18 years old shall drive/handle a tri-bike or push cart whether for
public or private use in the conveyance of passengers and/or goods;

Section 13C.88. Violation to any Section of this article shall result to impounding
with corresponding penalties.

Section 13C.89. Painting of vehicles not for hire. All tricycles, jeepneys, trucks
and similar vehicles used for personal, family or private use/ services or
otherwise not engaged in public conveyance of passenger and/or goods are
required to be painted with “NOT FOR HIRE” in bold letters both front and
rear in accordance with the prescribed size of letters for each type of

Section 13C. 90. Apprehension . Any vehicle that failed to meet said requirement
shall be apprehended and impounded and pay the corresponding

Section 13C.91. Towing Zones. There shall be towing zones to be designated by

the City government.

Section 13C.92. Towing Fee. There shall be a towing fee for each type of vehicle

Section 13C.93. Part of Towing Zones. All areas prohibited for loading, unloading,
stopping or parking including road curves, intersections, junctions,
crossroads, and footways within the City Business District are part of
towing zones.

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Province of Pangasinan



Section 13C.94. Any vehicle that stops, parks, loads or unloads within the
towing zone shall be towed by the personnel of the Public Order and Safety
Office (POSO) and be impounded;

Section 13C.95. Sole authority of POSO to Tow and Impound. The POSO has
the sole authority to tow and impound any vehicle not exempted as
mentioned above, found violating the Sections of this Article;

Section 13C.96. Towing fees, impounding fees and other penalties are required
for the release of

towed and/or impounded vehicles.

Section 13C.97. Impounding Area for apprehended vehicle. There shall be an

impounding area for apprehended/towed vehicles which necessitate

Section 13C.98. Impounding and Towing Fees. There shall be an impounding

and towing fees for each type of vehicle described hereunder.

Vehicle Towing Fee Impounding


1. Push cart P P 50.00

2. Tri-bike 50.00 75.00
3. Motorcycle 50.00 75.00
4. Kuliglig 75.00 75.00
5. Tricycle 75.00 100.00
6. Tractor 100.00 100.00
7. 4-Wheelers 150.00 200.00
8. 6-Wheelers 150.00 200.00
9. 10-14 Wheelers 500.00 500.00
10.18 Wheelers up 1,000.00 1,000.00

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Province of Pangasinan



Section 13C.99. Release of impounded and towed vehicle after payment. Any
motor vehicle towed and impounded for violation of this ordinance shall
only be released after payment of the towing and impounding fee
prescribed in the preceding section (Section 2) to be paid to the office of
the City Treasurer by the driver and /or owner of the vehicle.

Section 13C.100. Auction of vehicles not redeemed within One (1) month. All
motor vehicles duly impounded by the Public Order and Safety Office or by
any authorized officer, which are not redeemed by the owners within a
period of one (1) month from the date of apprehension, shall be sold and
disposed of by the Auction Committee in the public sale.

Section 13C.101. Duty to verify owner/s. It shall be the duty of the city
government, through the POSO to verify the registered owner thereof, if
not known, at the Land Transportation Office.

Section 13C.102. Notice. In all cases before any public sale is done, the owners of
the impounded and abandoned vehicles, shall be given one (1) written
notice, through registered mail with return card, giving them the option to
redeem the said property after paying all necessary charges within a
period of fifteen (15) days from the receipt of such notice or to participate
in the public bidding to be set and conducted by the Auction Committee.

Section 13C.103. Non-liability. The city government shall not be liable for any
loss, damages that may be incurred as an incident or result of such
apprehension/towing by the officer in charge thereof.

Section 13C.104. Organization of Auction Committee. There shall be an

Auction Committee, which shall administer the auction of all impounded
motor vehicles to be composed of the following:

The Auction Committee shall be composed of the following:

a. The City Treasurer or his representative (Chairman)

Republic of the Philippines
Province of Pangasinan



b. The City Administrator or his representative

c. Chief of the Public Order and Safety Office or his representative

d. The City Legal Officer or his representative

Section 13C.105. Procedures. The Auction Committee shall observe the following
rules and procedure for the disposition of impounded and/or abandoned
motor vehicles:

a. No prospective bidder shall be allowed to participate unless he first

registers with the Auction Committee who shall in turn provide him
with bidding number at least two (2hrs.) prior to the scheduled

b. The Auction Committee shall fix the time and place of the public sale
where all concerned and interested parties may participate in the
bidding and shall cause such notice of time and place to be published
once a week for three (3) consecutive weeks in a newspaper of local

c. The minimum bid price shall not be less than or equivalent to the total
fees and other charges as may be ascertained by the Auction
Committee, in addition to the fines and penalties.

d. Bidders should be two (2) or more. In case only one (1) bidder had
participated, the same shall be considered failed bidding. Provided,
that where failed bidding has occurred twice, the city government shall
have the right to take possession of all vehicles and shall be disposed
of accordingly.

e. During the auction, the auctioneer shall declare the bidding open and
all bidders present shall be furnished with a list describing the vehicles
that are offered for bidding.

Republic of the Philippines
Province of Pangasinan



f. The auctioneer will indicate that he has accepted the final and highest
offer by announcing “Done”, thereby closing the bidding to all other
offers or bid.

g. Winning bidders shall immediately deposit twenty (20%) percent of the

amount bid and shall have three (3) days to perfect the auction sale by
paying the balance. Bids not perfected after (3) days shall be cancelled
and the initial deposit shall be forfeited in favor of the city government.

h. In all cases the city government shall have the right to participate in
the bidding.

Section 13C.106. Release from impounding area. Vehicles sold at the public
auction shall be taken out of the impounding area by the winning bidder
within seven (7) days from the date of auction. Failure to take out such
vehicle within the prescribed period shall render the bidding null and void.
The payment made by the buyer is forfeited and the bid shall be
considered imperfect. After the public sale, the proceeds shall be applied
to all liens, fines, fees, penalties, and such other charges like the cost of
publication of notice. Provided, that whatever is the remainder shall be
returned to the former owners.

Section 13C.107. Unsold vehicle. All vehicles, which are unsold, or vehicles
covered by failed bidding, imperfect or nullified bids, shall be forfeited in
favor of the government, however, any forfeited vehicle may be redeemed
by the owner within a period of 90 days after forfeiture.

Section 13C.108. Liability of any defect. The auctioned vehicles shall be

auctioned on an “as is- where is” basis and neither the auctioneer nor the
City may be held liable for any defect on the vehicles which may be sold.
If for any reason whatsoever, after the vehicles are bid and sold, the
auctioneer is unable to make available of the same because of natural or
fortuitous event, the auctioneer’s only liability if any, is to return the
money actually paid thereof.

Republic of the Philippines
Province of Pangasinan



Section 13C.109. Certificate. After the bidding, the Auction Committee shall
issue a certificate of auction sale, duly signed by the members and copy to
be furnished to the City Council. Thereafter, the City Council shall pass a
Resolution declaring the highest bidder thereto as new owner and the
same shall serve as basis for registration at the Land Transportation

Section 13C.110. Grounds for Impounding

1. Habitual disregard of traffic rules and regulation

2. Disregarding towing zones

3. Involvement in accident/crime

4. Intoxication/under the influence of illegal drugs

5. Colorum

6. Non-compliance with requirements

7. Endangering the life of others

Section 13C.111. Trash Cans/Garbage Receptacles. All tricycles , jeepneys, mini-

buses and buses, tri-bikes, pushcarts and other vehicles plying their
routes or doing their business within the City of Alaminos are to install in
their vehicle a one foot in height and 10 inches width trash can/garbage
receptacle in conformity with this article.

Section 13C.112. Transmittal and Disposition of unredeemed Drivers License.

All Drivers’ Licenses not redeemed after three (3) days from the date of
apprehension shall be forwarded to the City Fiscal’s Office for proper

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Province of Pangasinan



Section 13C.113. Confiscated/expired/borrowed/fake Driver’s License and

Student Permits. All confiscated expired/borrowed/fake Driver’s
Licenses and Student Permits shall be forwarded to City Fiscal’s Office for
necessary filing of charges.

Section 13C.114. Penalties. The following specific penalties are hereby provided for
the following violation of all vehicles/entities or persons;

1. Wearing sando, short, slippers or barefooted while driving

First offense ------------------------------- P 100.00

Second offense --------------------------- P 125.00

Third and succeeding offenses --------- P 150.00

2. Disregarding traffic signals/signs

A. No Parking, Loading, Unloading

First offense ------------------------------- P 100.00

Second offense --------------------------- P 125.00

Third and succeeding offenses --------- P 150.00

B. No U-Turn

First offense ------------------------------ P 100.00

Second offense -------------------------- P 125.00

Third and succeeding offenses -------- P 150.00

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Province of Pangasinan



C. No Entry

First offense ------------------------------ P 100.00

Second offense -------------------------- P 125.00

Third and succeeding offenses -------- P 150.00

D. No Left Turn/No Right Turn

First offense ------------------------------ P 100.00

Second offense -------------------------- P 125.00

Third and succeeding offenses -------- P 150.00

E. Making U-Turns, Left or Right Turns on Pedestrian Lanes

First offense ------------------------------ P 150.00

Second offense -------------------------- P 200.00

Third and succeeding offenses -------- P 250.00

3. Obstruction to traffic

First offense ------------------------------ P 100.00

Second offense -------------------------- P 125.00

Third and succeeding offenses -------- P 150.00

4. Driving/Parking against traffic flow/driving backward along


First offense ------------------------------ P 150.00

Second offense -------------------------- P 200.00

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Province of Pangasinan



Third and succeeding offenses -------- P 250.00

and impounding until fines paid

5. Driving under the influence of liquor/drug

First offense ------------------------------- P 1,000.00

and impounding until fines paid

Second offense --------------------------- P 1,500.00

and impounding until fines paid

Third and succeeding offenses --------- P 2,000.00

and impounding until fines paid

6. Reckless driving/Racing with another vehicle

First offense ------------------------------- P 500.00

Second offense --------------------------- P 600.00

Third and succeeding offenses --------- P 700.00

and impounding until fines paid

7. Texting/talking using cellphone while driving

First offense ------------------------------- P 300.00

Second offense --------------------------- P 500.00

Third and succeeding offenses --------- P 600.00

and impounding until fines paid

8. Smoking while driving

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Province of Pangasinan



First offense ------------------------------- P 150.00

Second offense --------------------------- P 200.00

Third and succeeding offenses --------- P 250.00

9. Cutting an overtaken vehicle

First offense ------------------------------- P 150.00

Second offense --------------------------- P 200.00

Third and succeeding offenses --------- P 250.00

and impounding until fines paid

10. Blocking an overtaking vehicle

First offense ------------------------------- P 150.00

Second offense --------------------------- P 175.00

Third and succeeding offenses --------- P 200.00

and impounding until fines paid

11. Driving/Riding a motorcycle without wearing protective


First offense ------------------------------- P 200.00

Second offense --------------------------- P 300.00

Third and succeeding offenses --------- P 400.00

12. Driving a motorcycle with more than one (1) backrider

First offense ------------------------------- P 150.00

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Province of Pangasinan



Second offense --------------------------- P 200.00

Third and succeeding offenses --------- P 300.00

13. Driving without license/with Student Permit only (Public

Utility Vehicles)

First offense ------------------------------- P 650.00

and impounding until fines paid

Second offense --------------------------- P 700.00

and impounding until fines paid

Third and succeeding offenses --------- P 750.00

and impounding until fines paid

14. Driving with Fake/Revoked/Expired/Borrowed license

First offense ------------------------------- P 650.00

and impounding until fines paid

Second offense --------------------------- P 700.00

and impounding until fines paid

Third and succeeding offenses --------- P 750.00

and impounding until fines paid

15. Driving with improper Restriction Code/improper license

First offense ------------------------------- P 150.00

Second offense --------------------------- P 200.00

Third and succeeding offenses --------- P 250.00

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Province of Pangasinan



16. Driving with Student Permit without the company of

licensed Professional driver (Private/Company vehicles)

First offense ------------------------------- P 200.00

Second offense --------------------------- P 300.00

Third and succeeding offenses --------- P 400.00

17. Refusal to show or surrender his/her original Driver's


First offense ------------------------------- P 100.00

Second offense --------------------------- P 125.00

Third and succeeding offenses --------- P 150.00

18. Evading apprehension due to run-away/unsettled previous


First offense ------------------------------- P 300.00

Second offense --------------------------- P 400.00

Third and succeeding offenses --------- P 500.00

and impounding until fines paid

19. Refusal to convey passengers

First offense ------------------------------- P 200.00

Second offense --------------------------- P 300.00

Third and succeeding offenses --------- P 400.00

and impounding until fines paid

Republic of the Philippines
Province of Pangasinan



20. Overcharging/not giving discount to student/senior


First offense ------------------------------- P 100.00

Second offense --------------------------- P 150.00

Third and succeeding offenses --------- P 200.00

and impounding until fines paid

21. Arrogance or discourtesy (Driver) / Employing Arrogant


First offense ------------------------------- P 200.00

Second offense --------------------------- P 300.00

Third and succeeding offenses --------- P 400.00

22. Colorum/unregistered/no plate

First offense ------------------------------- P 1,000.00

and impounding until fines paid

Second offense --------------------------- P 1,500.00

and impounding until fines paid

Third and succeeding offenses --------- P 2,000.00

and impounding until fines paid

23. Fake OR/CR

First offense ------------------------------- P 1,000.00

and impounding until fines paid

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Province of Pangasinan



Second offense --------------------------- P 1,500.00

and impounding until fines paid

Third and succeeding offenses --------- P 2,000.00

and impounding until fines paid

24. Expired OR/CR/Mayor's Permit/Sticker

First offense ------------------------------- P 300.00

and impounding until fines paid

Second offense --------------------------- P 400.00

and impounding until fines paid

Third and succeeding offenses --------- P 500.00

and impounding until fines paid

25. No authorized Driver's ID (PMTs)

First offense ------------------------------- P 500.00

Second offense --------------------------- P 600.00

Third and succeeding offenses --------- P 700.00

26. Authorized Driver's ID does not correspond to the Body

Number (PMTs)

First offense ------------------------------- P 150.00

Second offense --------------------------- P 200.00

Third and succeeding offenses --------- P 300.00

Republic of the Philippines
Province of Pangasinan



27. Tricycle fare rate not posted inside side car facing

First offense ------------------------------- P 100.00

and impounding until fines paid

Second offense --------------------------- P 200.00

and impounding until fines paid

Third and succeeding offenses --------- P 300.00

and impounding until fines paid

28. No trash can/garbage receptacle

First offense ------------------------------- P 50.00

Second offense --------------------------- P 100.00

Third and succeeding offenses --------- P 150.00

29. Unreadable/disfigured plate number

First offense ------------------------------- P 200.00

Second offense --------------------------- P 300.00

Third and succeeding offenses --------- P 400.00

and impounding until fines paid

30. No lights at the back where the body number and plate
number or mark “NOT FOR HIRE” are indicated or said lights are
defective and not lighted during night operation

First offense ------------------------------- P 100.00

Second offense --------------------------- P 125.00

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Province of Pangasinan



Third and succeeding offenses --------- P 150.00

and impounding until fines paid

31. Defective/not functioning stop light/flasher

First offense ------------------------------- P 125.00

Second offense --------------------------- P 135.00

Third and succeeding offenses --------- P 150.00

and impounding until fines paid

32. No backrest/more than one (1) back rider (all tricycles)

First offense ------------------------------- P 200.00

Second offense --------------------------- P 300.00

Third and succeeding offenses --------- P 400.00

33. Nuisance muffler/Smoke-belching muffler

First offense ------------------------------- P 200.00

Second offense --------------------------- P 300.00

Third and succeeding offenses --------- P 400.00

and impounding until fines paid

34. No mark "NOT FOR HIRE" in front and back of body (private
tricycles & jeepneys)

First offense ------------------------------- P 500.00

Second offense --------------------------- P 600.00

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Province of Pangasinan



Third and succeeding offenses --------- P 700.00

and impounding until fines paid

35. Failure to give signal when turning left or right

First offense ------------------------------- P 100.00

Second offense --------------------------- P 125.00

Third and succeeding offenses --------- P 150.00

36. Overloading

First offense ------------------------------- P 100.00

Second offense --------------------------- P 125.00

Third and succeeding offenses --------- P 150.00

37. Carrying protruding loads without warning device vividly

visible to other drivers

First and succeeding offenses ---------- P 200.00

38. Tricycles from other towns conveying passengers of

Alaminos within the territorial jurisdiction of the City

First offense ------------------------------- P 500.00

and impounding until fines paid

Second offense --------------------------- P 1,000.00

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Province of Pangasinan



and impounding until fines paid

Third and succeeding offenses --------- P 1,500.00

and impounding until fines paid

39. No backlight (4-wheeled tractors)

First offense ------------------------------- P 100.00

Second offense --------------------------- P 125.00

Third and succeeding offenses -------- P 150.00

and impounding until fines paid

40. No light & reflector (Kuliglig with attached carriage) during

night travel

First offense ------------------------------- P 100.00

Second offense --------------------------- P 125.00

Third and succeeding offenses --------- P 150.00

and impounding until fines paid

41. Minor using padyak/push cart or driving a motor/motorized


First offense ------------------------------- P 50.00

Second offense --------------------------- P 100.00

Third and succeeding offenses --------- P 200.00

and impounding until fines paid

42. Padyak/push cart deviating from parking terminal/route

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Province of Pangasinan



First offense ------------------------------ P 50.00

Second offense -------------------------- P 100.00

Third and succeeding offenses -------- P 200.00

and impounding until fines paid

43. Drinking/gambling at parking terminal

First offense ------------------------------- P 200.00

Second offense --------------------------- P 300.00

Third and succeeding offenses --------- P 400.00

44. Using sidewalk/footway for private convenience

Penalty of P 1,000.00 or imprisonment of 5 days or both upon

the discretion of the court (Ordinance No. 2003-23)

45. Leaving of unserviceable, dilapidated or junk vehicle on any

part of the roads/thoroughfares

Vehicle Towing fee Impounding fee/day

1. Push cart P P 50.00

2. Tri-bike 50.00 75.00
3. Motorcycle 50.00 75.00
4. Kuliglig 75.00 75.00
5. Tricycle 75.00 100.00
6. Tractor 100.00
7. 4-Wheelers 150.00 200.00
8. 6-Wheelers 150.00 200.00
9. 10-14 Wheelers 500.00 500.00
10. 18 Wheelers up 1,000.00 1,000.00

46. Stealing/Selling of traffic sign boards

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Province of Pangasinan



Penalty ------------------------ P 1,500.00/sign board and 30 days


47. Removal, transferring or change of position of any traffic

control sign/item without proper authority

First offense ------------------------------- P 500.00 and 1 day


Second offense --------------------------- P 700.00 and 2 days


Third and succeeding offenses --------- P 1,000.00 and 5 days


48. Erection, display or maintenance of anything which

purports to be an imitation of any traffic control sign or item

First offense ------------------------------- P 300.00

Second offense --------------------------- P 400.00

Third and succeeding offenses --------- P 500.00 and 3 days


49. Leaving/parking a vehicle or loading/unloading inside

Towing Zone

First offense ------------------------------- P 300.00

with towing and impounding fees

Second offense --------------------------- P 400.00

with towing and impounding fees

Third and succeeding offenses --------- P 500.00

with towing and impounding fees

Republic of the Philippines
Province of Pangasinan



Vehicle Towing fee Impounding fee/day

1. Push cart P P
2. Tri-bike 50.00
3. Motorcycle 50.00 75.00
4. Kuliglig 75.00
5. Tricycle 75.00
6. Tractor 100.00
7. 4-Wheelers 150.00 200.00
8. 6-Wheelers 150.00 200.00
9. 10-14 Wheelers 500.00
10. 18 Wheelers up 1,000.00

50. Jaywalking

First offense ------------------------------- P 50.00

Second offense --------------------------- P 75.00

Third and succeeding offenses --------- P 100.00

* Any violation marked by the apprehending officer on the Ordinance

Violation Receipt is final and is not commutable to other violations that
carry lower penalties.

Section 13C.115. Grounds for cancellation of Franchise of public motorized

tricycles. The commission of three (3) offenses within a year from the time

Republic of the Philippines
Province of Pangasinan



the first offense was committed shall be the ground for the cancellation of
franchise together with the authorized driver's ID issued by the office of
the City Mayor.

Section 13C.116. Authority to recommend. The POSO, being in charge of traffic

operation, has the sole authority to recommend the cancellation of tricycle
franchise, thru its POSO Chief/Traffic Chief, to the Transportation
Regulation Office.

Section 13C.117. Cancellation. The Transportation Regulation Office shall act

immediately on the cancellation recommended by POSO and enforce the
same immediately to the habitual offender.

Annex A of Page 6

Sign Symbol Sign Name Background Symbol Remarks

Reflectorized Red Reflectorized Refer to Section

white legend 2.3.1 of Philippine
R1-1 Stop and border Road Signs Manual

Refer to Section
and black 2.3.2 of Philippine
R1-2 Give Way Reflectorized Red Road Signs Manual
Border legend

Republic of the Philippines
Province of Pangasinan



Disc Type

white arrow
R2-1 No Turns Blue Background
Refer to Section 2.4.1 of
Philippine Road Signs
Black Legend Manual

Plate Type
R2-1P Reflectorized
Blue Background
for symbol white arrow
or symbol

Disc Type Reflectorized

white arrow
R2-4 All Traffic
Refer to Section 2.4.1 of
Blue Background
Philippine Road Signs
Plate Type Manual

background on Reflectorized
white arrow
R2-4P plate

Blue Backgournd
for symbol

Republic of the Philippines
Province of Pangasinan



Annex B of Page 6

Sign Symbol Sign Name Background Symbol Remarks

Disc Type

white arrow

Keep Right Blue Background

Refer to Section 2.4.1

Plate Type
of Philippine Road
Black Legend Signs Manual

R2-3P background on Reflectorized
white arrow

Blue Background
for symbol

Disc Type

white arrow

R2-2 Blue Background Refer to Section 2.4.1

of Philippine Road
One Way Signs Manual

Republic of the Philippines
Province of Pangasinan



Plate Type

Black Legend
Reflectorized white arrow
background on
R2-2P plate

Blue Background
for symbol

Reflectorized Black Legend Refer to Section

white Arrows and of Philippine
R2-6 Two Way background border Road Signs Manual


One Way Black Legend Refer to Section

White Arrow of Philippine
(Left) Black Background Road Signs Manual

One Way

Republic of the Philippines
Province of Pangasinan




Annex C of Page 6

Sign Symbol Sign Name Background Symbol Remarks

Left Lane Black Legend Refer to Section

Must and Border of Philippine
R2-7 Reflectorized Road Signs Manual
Turn Left white
(L) background

Right Lane
Turn Right

Republic of the Philippines
Province of Pangasinan



Disc Type

R3-1 Reflectorized
white bar
Reflectorized Red
Refer to Section 2.5.1
No Entry
of Philippine Road
Signs Manual

Black Legend
and border
Plate Type

white bar
background Red Circle

R4-3 Speed Limit Blue White Refer to Section

Minimum Numerals 2.6.3 of Philippine
(40) Background and Legend Road Signs Manual

R4-1 Speed Limit Reflectorized Refer to Section
Maximum white Reflectorized 2.6.1 of Philippine
(60) background Red Annular Road Signs Manual

Red Annular
symbol and
Refer to Section
2.7.1 of Philippine
R5-1 No Parking White Road Signs Manual
Symbol Black Letter

Republic of the Philippines
Province of Pangasinan



R3-2 Reflectorized Refer to Section

red border 2.5.2 of Philippine
to Prohibition Reflectorized and bar Road Signs Manual
Sign Symbol white
R3-12 background

Annex D of Page 6

Sign Symbol Sign Name Background Symbol Remarks

Red Annular
Refer to Section
2.8.3 of Philippine
R6-5 Axial Load White Road Signs Manual
Background Black Symbol
Restriction and Legend

Red Annular

Vehicle White Refer to Section

Length Background 2.8.3 of Philippine
R6-6 Restriction Black Symbol Road Signs Manual
and Legend

Detour for
High Vehicles
(R) Black Legend Refer to Section
Arrow and 6.5.4 of Philippine
Reflectorized Border Road Signs Manual

Republic of the Philippines
Province of Pangasinan




S2-4B Detour for

(L) Vehicles

Red Border
and Red
Legend for
No Loading Prohibitive Refer to Section
and Messages 2.7.5 of Philippine
R5-6 Unloading White and time Road Signs Manual
Background restriction

No Waiting White Red Legends Refer to Section

Anytime Background and Border 2.7.4 of Philippine
R5-5 Road Signs Manual

Republic of the Philippines
Province of Pangasinan



Annex E of Page 6

Sign Symbol Sign Name Background Symbol Remarks

Give Way to Reflectorized Black Legend Refer to Section

Pedestrians white and border 6.5.5 of Philippine
S2-5 background Road Signs Manual

S2-2 Stop on Red Reflectorized Refer to Section
Signal white 6.5.2 of Philippine
background Road Signs Manual
Black letters
and borders

No Right Turn Reflectorized Black letters Refer to Section

on Red Signal white and border 2.5.6 of Philippine
S2-6 background Road Signs Manual

Red Annular
Lateral White Refer to Section
Dimension Background 2.8.3 of Philippine
R6-2 Restriction Road Signs Manual
Black Symbol
and Legend

Republic of the Philippines
Province of Pangasinan



Vertical White Red Annular Refer to Section

Dimension Background Border 2.8.3 of Philippine
R6-3 Restriction Road Signs Manual
Black Symbol
and Legend

Red Annular
Load White Refer to Section
Restriction Background Black 2.8.3 of Philippine
R6-4 Numerals & Road Signs Manual


1. From North to South connecting Quezon Avenue

a. Alaminos City National High School to Bonifacio Monument along San Jose
with the inclusion of

Republic of the Philippines
Province of Pangasinan



 M. Rabago St.
 Braganza St.
 B. Reinoso St.
 T. Rapatalo St.
 F. Reinoso St.
 Quimson St. to Suki Market

2. From East to West along Quezon Avenue starting from the frontage of
Dra. Ranoy clinic to Mellow Touch Printing Press (Sadsaran)

3. From South to North along Marcos Avenue connecting Quezon Avenue

starting from
Palamis Auditorium with the inclusion of

 M. Montemayor – Pag-asa St.

 C. P. Garcia St.
 Lecsab – G. Montemayor St.

No U-Turns

1. Along Quezon Ave. – from intersection of Quimson Street and Pag- asa Street to
the frontage of CSI

2. Along Marcos Ave. – from Quezon Ave. to the frontage of Gulf Bank/Rural Bank
of Lingayen.


A. Along Quezon Avenue: all both sides starting in front of Apang’s

Restaurant up to the corner of
G. Montemayor St. and P. Reinoso St.

Republic of the Philippines
Province of Pangasinan



B. Along Marcos Avenue: all both sides starting in front of Equitable PCI
Bank up to Quezon Avenue.

C. All areas prohibited for parking, stopping, loading, and unloading.

All road curves, intersections, junctions, cross roads and footways.

Article D

Amendment of Tricycle Ordinance (on Sticker Fee)

Section 13D.01. Amended Section- Section 7.A.1.1 (Sticker Fee) of

Ordinance No. 2002-27 (Tricycle Ordinance) is hereby amended to read as follows:

Section 7.A.1.1. There is hereby collected the amount of P55.00 for each sticker issued
to Tricycle owners/operators (registering/renewing/Tricycle for hire/private/utility) in
the City of Alaminos which shall be valid a period of one (1) year from the time of

Article E
Designation of Pedestrian Crossing/Lanes

Section 13E.01. Pedestrian Crossing/Lanes. There is hereby designated

pedestrian crossing/lanes in the following spots/areas:

1. Infront of:

 Lucap Elementary School

 Alaminos City National High School
 Alaminos Central School
 Inerangan Elementary School
 Pogo Elementary School
 Alos Elementary School
 San Vicente Elementary School
 Alos Health Center

Republic of the Philippines
Province of Pangasinan



2. Infront of Hospitals:

 Western Pangasinan General Hospital

 Alaminos Doctors’ Hospital

3. Along San Jose Drive in front or near:

 Mitzi’s Fast Food

 JM Supermarket
 Corner L. Rivera St. and San Jose Drive
 Register of Deeds ( OPAG – Nursery Center-DENR)
 Corner of Drive in and Garcia Road
 Plaza Braganza and Plaza Marcelo Ochave

4. Along Quezon Avenue East to West infront or near:

 Mormon Church
 Saint Joseph Cathedral
 Sison Auditorium
 Two entrances of the City Hall
 PASS College
 McDonalds
 Iglesia ni Kristo
 Land Transportation Office
 Gemini Auto Supply – Apang’s
 Carillo/Farmacia Balingit
 Mercury Drug Store

5. Along Marcos Avenue from North to South infront or near:

 Baptist Church
 PBC Christian School Inc.
 Road Master Driving School
 Magic Store and HBC
 Fuji Films
 United Methodist Church

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Province of Pangasinan



Section 13E.02. Paint in intersections. Pedestrian Lanes/Crossing shall be

painted in all inter-section streets in Poblacion.

Section 13E.03. Penalty. Any person/pedestrian natural or juridical found crossing

street outside the designated pedestrian crossing/lanes shall be charged
jaywalking offense and shall be fined P50.00 for every jaywalking offense.

Section 13E.04. Duty of apprehending Officer. The apprehending office shall issue
the tickets/receipts/citation to the violator, remit the fine collected to the Office of
the Treasurer and the amount shall accrue to the General Fund of the City.

Article F

Prohibition on Overtaking in certain Areas, Zones and


Section 13F.01. Prohibited Acts. It is unlawful for any

person/driver/owner/operator of motorized vehicle (bus, cars, trucks,
jeep, tricycle) including motorcycle, whether natural or juridical to
overtake one another within the territorial jurisdiction of the city from
Poblacion to:

 boundary of Bani and Alaminos and Vice Versa

 boundary of Mabini and Alaminos and Vice Versa
 boundary of Sual and Alaminos and Vice Versa
 Lucap (Wharf) and Vice Versa
 School Zones, Hospital Zone,
 Blind corners/curve/intersection
 Crowded/congested areas

Section 13F.02. When Overtaking Allowed. Cars, trucks, jeepneys, tricycles,

ambulance, fire trucks, and police cars are allowed to overtake when bringing
patients to hospital/medical clinics for cars, jeepney, tricycle, ambulance; in
response to fire for the fire trucks; and in response to crime for the police cars.

Republic of the Philippines
Province of Pangasinan



Section 13F.03. Penalty. Any person/operator/owner/driver natural or

juridical found violating this ordinance shall be charged with an
offense of overtaking and shall be penalized as follows:

1st offense - a fine of P200.00

2nd offense - a fine of P500.00

3rd and subsequent offense - a fine of P1000.00 and 5 days

imprisonment or both such fine and
imprisonment at the discretion of the court.

Article G

Speed Limit

Section 13G.01. Prohibited Acts. It is unlawful for any

person/driver/owner/operator of motorized vehicles (cars, bus, jeep, trucks,
tricycles and the like) including motorcycle whether natural or juridical to drive said
vehicles with a speed of not more than 30 kph two hundred (200) meters before
school zones, hospital zones, crowded/congested areas, blind corners/curve, within
the territorial jurisdiction of the City of Alaminos.

2.1 Cars, Jeepney, Tricycles, Ambulance, Fire Trucks, Police Cars are allowed
to drive with the speed of more than 30 kph when bringing patients to
hospitals/medical clinics; and the Fire Trucks in response to fire; Police cars
in response to crime.

Section 13G.02. Penalty. Any person/driver/owner/operator, natural or juridical

found violating this Ordinance shall be charged with an over speeding (more than 30
kph) offense and shall be penalized as follows:

1st offense - a fine of P200.00

2nd offense - a fine of P500.00

3rd offsense - a fine of P1,000.00 and 5 days imprisonment or both such fine
and imprisonment at the discretion of the court.

Article H

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Province of Pangasinan



Regulations on the operation of Public Motorized

Tricycle and Utility Motorized Tricycle

Section 13H.01. Title – This ordinance shall be known as “The City of

Alaminos Tricycle Ordinance of 2002”.

Section 13H.02. Scope and Apllication – This ordinance shall apply to all
motorized tricycles operating within the territorial jurisdiction of
the City of Alaminos, Pangasinan.

Section 13H.03. Definition. As used in this Article:

a. A tricycle is a motor vehicle composed of a motor fitted

with a single-wheel sidecar or motorcycle with two-wheeled
cab operated to render transport services to the general

b. Motorized Tricycle Operator’s Permit (MTOP) is the

document granting franchise or license to operate issued to a
person, natural or juridical allowing him to operate tricycle-
for-hire within the territorial jurisdiction of the City of
Alaminos, Pangasinan

c. A zone is a contiguous land area or block; say a

subdivision or a barangay/s, where a tricycle-for-hire may
operate with a fixed origin, destination and parking areas.

d. Public Motorized Tricycle-for-Hire (PMT) is a tricycle-for-

hire rendering transport services on regular trips and rates to
the general public.

e. Utility Motorized Tricycle (UMT) is a tricycle body-marked

“Not for Hire” with “MC” plate number for personal, family
use; is a tricycle rendering transport services to specific
passengers and/or goods.

The word “Not for Hire” shall be written about three (3) inches
in height and one half (1/2) inches thick.

Section 13H.04. Organization for Implementation – The Tricycle

Franchising Board and the Tricycle Regulation Unit (TRU) shall be
under the Office of the City Mayor; shall implement the provision

Republic of the Philippines
Province of Pangasinan



of this ordinance; and shall be composed of but not limited to the


1. City Mayor/Representative - Chairman

2. Chairman, Comm. On Transportation,
Public Safety, Police Matter - Co-Chairman
3. Chairman, Comm. On Laws, Rules,
Ordinances, Ethics - Member
4. Chairman, Comm. On Appropriation,
Ways and Means - Member
5. The City Treasurer - Member
6. The City Planning & Development Officer - Member
7. Chief, PNP/Traffic Officer - Member
8. FATODA, President/Representative - Member

Section 13H.05. Administrative Provisions. The tricycle operator/owner,

before the issuance of the franchise, shall comply to the following:


1. All public motorized tricycle (PMT) new or old shall

apply for a franchise before operation within the city

2. The TRB shall be empowered to approve

applications of tricycle operators for a tricycle operation

3. New and delinquent tricycle operators shall pay the

fees required under this ordinance, apply with LTO
requirements for new and delinquent tricycle operators;
renew their franchise and register with the TRU.

4. All applicants for a tricycle franchise should present

the following:

a. Barangay Certificate certifying that the applicant is

bonafide resident of the barangay to which he seeks to
operate, and shall be noted by the Barangay Association

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Province of Pangasinan



b. Land Transportation Office Certificate of Registration

(CR) and latest Official Receipt (OR) of registration
payment issued in the name of the applicant.

c. Insurance Coverage for any liability it may incur to

passengers and third parties incase of accidents.

5. Duration of Franchise – Franchise for Public

Motorized Tricycle (PMT) for hire shall be valid for one (1)
year renewable for the same period unless sooner
terminated, ceased operation as reported or cancellation for


1. All public motorized tricycles for hire operating

within the territorial jurisdiction of the City of Alaminos
shall register with the Tricycle Regulation Unit (TRU) and
apply for a franchise with the Tricycle Franchising Board
created for the purpose, to operate a motorized tricycle for

2. All Utility Motorized Tricycles utilized to convey

specific passenger and/or goods to and from a particular
destination shall register with the Tricycle Regulation Unit.

Section 13H.06. For New Applicants – the sidecar must be painted with
white and/or blue stripe painted horizontally. The blue stripe is
one (1) inch width. The body number be painted with color which
corresponds with the zone/route/line of operation applied for as
provided in this ordinance.
The new applicant shall pay all the fees imposed in this
ordinance – franchise fee and “other fees”.

Section 13H.07. Annual Franchise Fee – Fifty pesos (P50.00) payable

once a year on or before the anniversary date of the MTOP. If paid
after the anniversary date, the MTOP grantee must pay a penalty
equivalent to 50% of the regular fee of P25.00. If paid after sixty
(60) days from the anniversary date, the grantee must pay another
1% for every day thereafter of delay.

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Province of Pangasinan



Section 13H.08. Other Fees – The following fees shall be payable

annually to the City Treasurer or his/her authorized


a. Registration/Filling Fee – one hundred pesos (P100.00)

– payable upon registration/application for a MTOP
based on the number of units.
b. Mayor’s Permit – P37.50
c. Supervision Fee – P40.00
d. Parking Fee – P150.00
e. Body Number – P60.00
f. Police Clearance - P30.00
g. Sticker Fee – P40.00
h. Identification Cards (Driver/Operator/Owner) – P20.00/card

Issued upon registration or any changes upon sale or

transfer, renewable every three (3) years, the size of which is
3 inches x 5 inches with 2x2 pictures.

2. RENEWAL – The following fees shall be collected from the

Motorized Tricycle-for-Hire and shall be payable annually to the
City Treasurer or to his/her authorized representative.

a. Registration/Filling Fee – P 100.00

b. Franchise Fee – P50.00
c. Mayor’s Permit – P37.50
d. Supervision Fee – P40.00
e. Parking Fee – P150.00
f. Police Clearance – P30.00
g. Sticker Fee – P40.00

Section 13H.09. Renewal – A surcharge of 25% of the total fees shall be

charged and collected from the owner/operator for failure to
renew the required permit on time. Renewal date/period is based
on the number of the month indicated by the number/digit of the
LTO Plate Number.

Section 13H.10. Zoning, Color Coding and Body Number – The following
shall be complied with strictly upon issuance of and approval

Republic of the Philippines
Province of Pangasinan



and/or renewal of MTOP and franchise by the Tricycle Regulation

Unit (TRU):

a. Body Number – PMT’s and UMT’s shall bear a body

number to synchronize the registration of the tricycle unit in
the Land Transportation Office (LTO) and the franchising and
obtaining Mayor’s Permit. The body number painted in front
and at the back of the sidecar, the background shall be twelve
(12) inches in width, eight (8) inches in height, while the
number shall be painted six (6) inches in height and one (1) inch
in width. The body number shall likewise be painted inside the
said sidecar within the immediate view of the passenger/s
about three (3) inches in height, two (2) inches in width, and
one –fourth (1/4) inch thick.

b. The following are the required color coding, body

number, color and background per zone/route/line of

1. Route 1 – Western lines – the background of

the body number is white and the
number is red.
2. Route 2 – Eastern lines – the background of
the body number is white and the
number is blue
3. Route 3 – South lines – the background of
the body number is yellow and the
number is black.
4. Route 4 – North lines – the background of
the body number is green and the
number is white.
5. Poblacion – the background of the body
number is black and the number is

Section 13H.11. Routes, Terminals and Areas of Operation – Only

motorized tricycle for hire duly registered with the TRU shall be
allowed to operate within the routes and terminals allocated and
designated for tricycle operations as determined and authorized by
the Sangguniang Panlungsod in coordination with the TRU such as
the comprehensive traffic rules and regulations, ordinance and
implementing rules of the TRU. The number of units to be allowed
to operate shall be in accordance with the Route Measured

Republic of the Philippines
Province of Pangasinan



Section 13H.12. Identification Card – Identification cards shall be issued

immediately after the approval of the franchise, MTOP, URC, and
the like. The ID shall be issued in coordination with the Tricycle
Association/Federation for those who are members of the
association. The ID for non-member of association shall be issued
to them individually.

The ID issued to the driver shall be posted/displayed in a

conspicuous place at the immediate view of passenger inside the

Section 13H.13. Regulated and Prohibited Acts – All operators of PMT’s

must comply with the following rules and regulations:

a. Only bonafide residents of the City of Alaminos are

qualified to be operators of tricycle for hire and; no MTOP
shall be granted unless the applicant is in actual possession
and custody of the tricycle unit with valid registration papers
in his name with proper color-coding and body number,
printed in front and back as certified by the TRU and as a pre-
requisite in the registration of PMT’s.

b. Grantee of MTOP must carry a common carrier’s

insurance sufficient to answer for any liability it may incur to
passengers and third parties in case of accidents from
reputable surety/insurance companies not otherwise

c. No tricycle for hire unit shall be allowed to operate within

the territorial jurisdiction of the City of Alaminos without
having first complied with the following:

1. Registration with the TRU for the current year.

2. Motor vehicle registration with the LTO for the
current year.
3. Annual/semi-annual safety inspection check-up
certificate issued by the TRU.
4. Issuance of Motorized Tricycle Operator Permit.

d. No motorized tricycle for hire shall be allowed to

traverse/travel along national roads/highways except when
crossing the same provided that the same is the only access
road to its destination.

Republic of the Philippines
Province of Pangasinan



e. No motorized tricycle for hire shall be allowed to carry

more than five (5) passengers including the driver and/or
more goods than it is designated for.

f. Motorized tricycle for hire must have complete

accessories such as headlight, stoplight, taillight, signal light,
hand break, flasher, and silencer.

g. PMT’s are not allowed to collect/charge more than the

allowed fare rate as follows:


1.5 P 4.00 P 3.00
2.5 5.25 3.50
3.5 6.50 4.00
4.5 7.75 4.50
5.5 9.00 5.00
6.5 10.25 5.50
7.5 11.50 6.00
8.5 12.75 6.50
9.5 14.00. 7.00
10.5 15.25 7.50
11.5 16.50 8.00
12.5 17.75 8.50
13.5 19.00 9.00
14.5 20.25 9.50
15.5 21.50 10.00

The schedule of rates shall be posted inside the sidecar for

an immediate view of passengers.

h. No driver of public motorized tricycle for hire shall refuse

to convey passengers to their destination within their
allocated or designated route or area of operation.

Republic of the Philippines
Province of Pangasinan



i. PMT’s are not allowed/permitted to operate without

complying with the required color-coding and body number
mandated in this ordinance.

j. Drivers of PMT’s are not allowed to drive and convey

passengers or goods if not properly dressed and/or for wearing
collarless T-shirt, short pants, slippers or in bare foot.

k. An operator/owner who decides to stop operation for

more than one (1) month, must report such termination or
suspension of operation to the TRU. Transfer of operation to
another zone/area/route shall be permitted upon TRU
approval of application filed by the operator/owner.

l. Operators/drivers of PMT’s may collect/charge baggage

fare/fee in an amount by mutual agreement.

m. Operators/owners shall engage only drivers to operate

their PMT’s who are holders of valid professional driver’s
license with correct and proper restriction code and/or Code
No. 1 issued by the LTO.

Section 13H.14. Violation of the following shall be penalized




Republic of the Philippines
Province of Pangasinan



Arrogance or discourtesy – P 150.00

Driver/Operator 500.00
No body (plate) number, for hire MV 500.00
Colorum/unfranchised operation – 1000.00
DR 150.00
Cutting an overtaking vehicle 300.00
Failure to dim headlights 1500.00
Disregarding/violating traffic 1000.00
rule/signs 150.00
Fake ID/DL/CR/OR/Permit 2000.00
Fake CR/OR/plate/sticker/tag/doc 300.00
Failure to give proper signal 150.00
Intoxicated/drugged driver 250.00
Invalid/suspended/revoked/expired 150.00
DL 500.00
Overtaking 500.00
Illegal terminal 500.00
Not carrying DL, CR/OR 100.00
Gambling 150.00
Drinking liquor at parking area 1500.00
Incomplete body number 1000.00
Wearing sandos, slippers, short 1500.00
pants 500.00
Traffic obstruction (illegal parking) 500.00
Driving without license
Driving with student permit license
Over pricing
Reckless driving
Nuisance muffler
* Every tricycle driver/operator shall be provided with the
list of violations and penalties for their information and

Section 13H.15. Accrual of Penalties – All penalties collected and/or

generated from this ordinance shall accrue to the Traffic
Management Bureau of the city.

Section 13H.16. Implementation – The City Mayor through the Tricycle

Franchise Board/Tricycle Regulatory Unit, may from time to time,

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Province of Pangasinan



issue such rules and regulations as he deem fit and necessary for
the effective implementation of this ordinance.

Section 13H.17. Other Provisions

a. The TRU/TRB shall furnish the Sangguniang Panlungsod

an updated list and records of operators, PMT’s, report, for
their ready reference, appropriation, appraisal, decision-
making and/or in aid of legislation;
b. Formulate and recommend to the SP policies, rules and
regulations on franchising;
Develop guidelines and procedures in tricycle operations.

Article I

Sticker Logo on Public Utility Vehicle

Section 13I.01. Coverage and Fee. All public utility buses and mini-buses,
having or without terminal/station in town, operating or loading and
unloading passengers in this municipality are hereby required to secure the
prescribed sticker, bearing the logo and official seal of the Municipality of
Alaminos, Pangasinan and to pay the corresponding amount /fee of Four
Hundred Pesos (P 400.00) annually, renewable on or before January 20 th of
each year; and to display /install at the right edge of the front windshield of
the public utility vehicles/buses and mini-buses.

Section 13I.02. Implementation. The Hon. Municipal Mayor shall

have the sole authority to formulate rules and guidelines in the
implementation of this ordinance should there still be needed additional
related provision/s for this purpose.

Section 13I.03. Penalty. Any person found violating any provisions of

this ordinance shall, upon conviction, be punish as follows, to wit;

a. First Offense – fine of Php 100.00

b. Second Offense – fine of Php 250.00

c. Third Offense – Fine of Php 500.00 or imprisonment of three (3)

days: or both, such fine and/ or imprisonment at the discretion of the court.

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Province of Pangasinan



Article J

Amendment of Section V,(B) of the Comprehensive Traffic Ordinance

Section 13J.01. Administrative Provision. It is hereby designated the route of

funeral cortege coming out from St. Joseph Cathedral Parish to eastside gate of the
church compound, then turn right to Don cArlos P. Garcia St. thru its extension,
towards unnamed street, and crossing Marcos Avenue to De Guzman St. in Palamis
up to City Cemetery, instead of the provision contained in letter B, Section V, on
Comprehensive Ordinance on Traffic, Ordinance No. 4, 1992.

Section 13J.02. Prohibited Act. It is unlawful to operators of funeral parlors who

violate the amended funeral route.

Section 13J.03. Penalty. Any person, driver or operator of funeral parlor found
violating this ordinance shall, upon conviction by the court, be fined by not less
than P200.00 but not more than P400.00; or suffer an imprisonment of not less
than four (4) days but nor more than seven (7) days, or both such fine and
imprisonment at the discretion of the court.

Article A.
Curfew on Minors

Section 14A.01. Definition of terms. The following terms as used in this Article
shall be defined as follows:
a) “Best Interest of the Child” - refers to the totality of the circumstances and
conditions which are most congenial to the survival, protection and
feelings of security of the child and most encouraging to the child’s
physical, psychological and emotional development. It also means the least
detrimental available alternative for safeguarding the growth and
development of the child.
b) “Child/Minor” - refers to a person under the age of eighteen (18) years.
c) “Intervention”- refers to a series of activities which are designed to address
the issues that caused the child to commit an offense. It may take the form
of an individualized treatment program which may include counseling,
skills training, education, and other activities that will enhance his/her
psychological, emotional and psycho-social well- being.

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Province of Pangasinan



d) “Children’s Desk”- refers to a 24-hour residential care facility to be

managed by competent staff from the City Social Welfare and Development
Office, POSO, PNP, which provide care, treatment, rehabilitation services
and intervention program for children/minors.
e) “Release and Citation Slip” - refers to a document to be signed by the
parents/guardian or any person to which a child/minor apprehended for
violation of this ordinance upon release from custody of the Child
Protection Desk
f) “CSWDO”- refers to the City Social Welfare and Development Office of LGU-
Alaminos City
g) “POSO”- refers to the Public Order and Safety Office of the LGU-Alaminos
h) “PNP”- refers to the Alaminos City Police Station
Section 14A.02. Prohibited Acts.

a. Minors are prohibited from loitering around or sleeping in public places

between Ten (10) o’clock in the evening and Four (4) o’clock the following morning
i. When accompanied by their parents/guardian or person exercising parental
authority over the minor
ii.When attending mass services of their respective religion, funeral wake
iii.When attending program/activities in school or activities of any educational
institutions, trainings, sportsfest.
iv. When attending meetings provided that they have a written notice of the
meeting or clearance from their guardian/parent.
v.Those who are out or their residence due to a medical emergency to his
person or that of ny member of his family.
vi.When there are fiestas, holiday seasons and other related special occasions
provided that they are accompanied by adults.
vii.Students who are attending night classes or sessions.

b. Minors are prohibited to enter nightclubs, videoke bars, restobars,

computer shops billiard/pool halls, and the like from ten o’clock in the evening to
four o’clock the following morning unless they are accompanied by their
parents/guardian or person exercising parental authority over them.
Section 14A.03. Children’s Desk. There shall be established in the City of Alaminos,
Pangasinan a Children’s Desk which will be charged with providing care, treatment,
rehabilitation/intervention program to children/minors apprehended for violating
this ordinance. It shall be manned by a qualified staff from the CSWDO, POSO and
PNP, who are responsible for the preparation/accomplishment of the release slip
upon release of the apprehended child/minor to his/her parent/guardian or to the
person exercising parental authority over the child.

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Province of Pangasinan



Section 14A.04. Apprehension process and disposition of curfew violation.

a. Barangay duty officers and officials, members of the POSO, or any regular
members of the PNP who apprehend minors in their respective Barangay shall
escort and turn-over said minors immediately to their respective residences or
homes to ascertain their parents who shall be indicated in the release and
citation slip to be issued by the apprehending party.
b. Apprehended minors who reside from another Barangay shall be turned-over
immediately to the nearest Children’s Desk for proper processing, but shall
likewise be escorted home by apprehending Barangay volunteers when the
proximity of said Barangay warrants it as the case maybe.
c. Upon turning over the person of the minor-violator to the parents or guardian,
the apprehending officer shall issue a release and citation slip to said
d. Parents or guardians of curfew violators shall within 72 hours from receipt of
the citation-order be required to appear before their respective Punong
Barangay as stated in the citation-order for processing, determination and
disposition in accordance with Sec. 22 of this Rule.
e. Parents or guardians who fail to report to the specified center within the
period as stated, or comply with the prescribed sanction shall be proceeded
against in accordance with Sec. 515, Book IV, Title 1 in relation to Sec. 389
Chapter 3, Book III of RA 7160, otherwise known as the Local Government
Code of 1991.
f. Parents of first offenders shall be required to attend a whole day Parenting
Course to be conducted by the CSWDO in relation to R.A. 9344, as amended.
Parents of Second-time or subsequent offenders shall be required to complete
a total of 15-day community service to be rendered on Saturdays, Sundays or
any holidays of their choice or fine of Two Thousand Pesos (Php2,000.00).
Community service shall include direct participation in the installation of
basic amenities, cleanliness drive or in any other community project in
depressed areas of one’s district. Second time or subsequent offender minor
shall be introduced into psycho-social programs of Children’s Concern
Division through its appropriate section.
g. Owners of business establishments who allow minors to enter into their
business establishments during the prohibited hours under this ordinance
shall be required to pay:

1. First Offense - Fine of Five Hundred Pesos (Php 500.00)

2. Second Offense - Fine of Two Thousand Five Hundred Pesos (Php
3. Third or subsequent Offense - Fine of Five Thousand Pesos and
Cancellation of Business Permit.

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Province of Pangasinan



Section 14A.05. Barangay Assistance

All Punong Barangays, Kagawads of Sangguniang Barangays, and duly
appointed Barangay Tanods, are hereby authorized, for purposes of implementing
this ordinance, to take violators of this ordinance and to immediately turned-over
apprehended children/minors to the Children’s Desk to be established by the LGU-
Alaminos City.
Section 14.05. Lifting of Implementation. The Local Chief Executive may lift the
implementation of this ordinance during Fiestas, Foundation Day, Anniversary,
School/Religious Activities and such other occasions:

a- by the City Mayor, for not more than 5 days within the city, and;
by the Punong Barangay, for not more than 3 days for occasions within his/her

Article B.

Juvenile Intervention Program

Section 14B.02. Guiding principles.

This Ordinance is in pursuit of the Philippine Government’s commitment to

the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC), principles of
Restorative Justice and other applicable laws on child and youth welfare and

Section 14B.03. Establishment and Strengthening of Highly Urbanized

City/Independent Component City Council for the Protection of Children (HUC/ICC
CPC) as provided for under Section 15 of RA 9344.

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Province of Pangasinan



a. The City of Alaminos shall organize/re-organize the HUC/ICC Council for the
Protection of Children to be chaired by the City Mayor and the Members are
as follows:

1. SP Chairman, Committee on Women and Children

2. DILG Field Officer
3. City Social Welfare and Development Officer
4. Division Superintendent/District Supervisor of DepEd
5. Local Labor and Employment Officer
6. City Budget Officer
7. City Health Officer
8. City Nutrition Officer
9. City PNP Director
10.City Treasurer
11.City LIGA President
12.City SK Federation President
13.PTCA – President
14.Child Representative
15.At least three (3) NGO’s representative

b. The Council shall serve as the primary body to coordinate with and assist the
city government in the formulation of comprehensive juvenile intervention
diversion programs and shall set policies for their implementation and for
providing services for CICL.

The HUC/ICC CPC shall convene its members within 15 days

from the effectivity of this Ordinance and every quarter thereafter. It
shall render a report to the Office of the City Mayor, copy furnished the
DILG City Office and the City Social Welfare and Development Office.

Section 14B.04. Formulation of the city Juvenile Intervention Program (CJIP) –

The City Mayor of Alaminos, through the City Social Welfare and Development
Officer and in coordination with the City Council for the Protection of Children
(CCPC), shall formulate a 3-year Comprehensive City Juvenile Intervention Program

Section 14B.05. Implementation of the City Juvenile Intervention Program

(CJIP) – The City Government of Alaminos shall implement the CJIP, through a
collaborative undertaking between and among the Sangguniang Panlungsod, City
Mayor, community-based youth and school organizations, NGOs, and other

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Province of Pangasinan



concerned agencies, to address causes of offending, provide assistance to CICL and

alternative modes to avoid the child’s contact with the formal justice system.

Section 14B.06. Levels of Intervention and Roles of Stakeholders – The City

Social Welfare and Development Officer shall formulate the City Juvenile
Intervention Program for the following intervention levels:

a. Primary intervention, which includes general measures to promote social

justice and equal opportunity, which will indirectly tackle perceived root
causes of offending.

b. Secondary intervention, which includes measures to assist children at risk

and to prevent them from offending.

c. Tertiary intervention, which includes measures to address the needs of

children who have committed an offense to prevent them from re-offending and to
avoid unnecessary contact with the formal justice system and other measures to
prevent re-offending.

Section 14B.07. Mobilization of concerned Sectors/Institutions.

The City Mayor through the HUC/ICC CPC, shall mobilize or call upon the
participation of all sectors concerned, particularly the child-focused institutions,
NGOs, people’s organizations, educational institutions and government agencies
involved in delinquency prevention, in the planning process and implementation of
juvenile intervention and diversion programs.

Section 14B.08. Implementation of Intervention and Diversion Programs.

a. The City Mayor, through the CSWDO and the HUC/ICC CPC, shall

i. Intervention programs for children 15 years old and below who

have committed an offense;

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Province of Pangasinan



ii. Intervention programs for children more than 15 years old but less
than 18 years old who acted without discernment;

iii. Diversion programs for children more than 15 years old but less than 18
years old who acted with discernment and who have committed an offense with
an imposable penalty of not more than 6 years;

b. The CSWDO shall ensure that the intervention programs shall address
the causes of juvenile delinquency. Intervention programs shall include any or a
combination of, but not limited to, the following (Part VII, IRR of RA 9344).

i. Counseling;
ii. Peer counseling and life skills training and education;
iii. Provision of support services to the family, e.g., parent
effectiveness service, livelihood programs, skills training, etc.;
iv. Referral to other agencies for appropriate services, e.g., education,
health, skills training, etc.; and
v. Access to child and youth organizations in the community, such
as, but not limited to, the Sangguniang Kabataan.

c. The CSWDO shall provide assistance in the conduct of diversion

programs at the barangay, law enforcement, and prosecution levels (Part VIII, IRR of
RA 9344).

d. The CSWDO shall also:

i. Develop policies and programs to ensure that children in conflict
with the law are not subjected to discrimination in schools, both
private and public;

ii. Coordinate with appropriate agencies such as TESDA, DepEd,

DOH, and CHED in the formulation of intervention and diversion
iii. Find ways to promote and replicate good practices of intervention
and diversion programs;
iv. Monitor compliance of CICL to intervention or diversion programs.

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Province of Pangasinan



Section 14B.09. Establishment of Youth Facility – The City Government of

Alaminos shall establish a Youth Facility for CICL in the following situations:

A CICL with pending trial and with commitment order;

b. CICL with voluntary commitment;

c. CICL with involuntary commitment.

Provided that the City shall provide appropriate programs for CICL and
the CSWDO shall treat each category of CICL differently.

Section 14B.10. Care and Maintenance of CICL (Section 50 of RA 9344)

The expenses for the care and maintenance of a CICL under institutional care
shall be borne by his/her parents or those persons liable to support him/her.
Provided, that in case his/her parents or those persons liable to support him/her
cannot pay all or part of said expenses, this LGU shall pay two thirds (2/3) of the
said expenses; and in case a chartered city/HUC cannot pay the expenses, part of
the Internal Revenue Allotment applicable to the unpaid portion shall be withheld
and applied to the settlement of said obligations. Provided, further, that, in the event
that the CICL is not a resident of the city where the offense was committed, the
court, upon determination, may require the city where the CICL resides to shoulder
the cost.

Section 14B.11. After-care support services.

The City Government of Alaminos, through the CSWDO, shall provide after-
care services for a period of six (6) months to the CICL who have been dismissed by
the proper court because of good behavior as per recommendation by the DSWD
Social Worker and/or any accredited NGO Youth Rehabilitation Center.

Section 14B.12. Appropriations of Funds.

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Province of Pangasinan



There is hereby appropriated the amount of Php 500,000.00 which shall be

incorporated in the Annual Appropriation Ordinance funds for the immediate
development of Information and Education Campaign (IEC) materials on the
procedures and levels of intervention, implementation of intervention programs, and
conduct of diversion programs in accordance with Section 24, 26, 27, 30, 31 and 50
of the laws. In addition, the City Government of Alaminos shall appropriate 1% of its
annual IRA share for the strengthening and implementation of the programs of the
HUC/ICC CPC as provided for in Section 15 of RA 9344. The above appropriations
shall be subject to the usual accounting and auditing rules and regulations.

Section 14B.13. Monitoring, Reporting and Evaluation system.

The City Government of Alaminos, through the CCPC, shall monitor the
implementation of the Comprehensive City Juvenile Intervention and Diversion
Programs and submit report to the Juvenile Justice and Welfare Council (JJWC),
through the DILG, not later than March 30 of every year.

Section 14B.14. Penal Provision. Any person who violates any provision of this
ordinance shall, upon conviction for each act or omission, be punished by or fine of
not less than Two Thousand Pesos (Php 2,000.00) but not more than Five Thousand
Pesos (Php 5,000.00) or suffer imprisonment of not less than six months (6) but not
more than Twelve Months (12), or both such fine and imprisonment at the discretion
of the Court.

Article C

Mandatory Posting of Notice to Minors on Establishments

Section 14C.01. Scope. This ordinance shall cover all establishments in the City of
Alaminos whose business operation may prejudice the development and
welfare of minors.

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Province of Pangasinan



Section 14C.02. Posting of Notice. It is hereby mandatory for concerned

owners/managers/operators of business establishments to post notice and
information about child protection at the entrance or front desk of their
establishments as follows:

a. Hotels/Motels/Lodging Houses/Night Clubs/Beer Houses/Videoke Bars.

The foregoing establishments and other similar establishments shall post
notices and information printed in at least 2 feet x 2 feet sticker with the
the number and title of this Ordinance, and shall prevent the same from
removal, defacement or damage.

b. Supermarkets/Groceries/Sari-sari Stores/Restaurants/Carinderias/Bake
Shops. The foregoing establishments and other similar establishments
shall post notices and information printed in at least 2 feet x 2 feet sticker
together with the number and title of this Ordinance, and shall prevent
the same from removal, defacement or damage.

c. Hardware/Construction Supplies/General Merchandise. The foregoing

establishments and other similar establishments shall post notices and
information printed in at least 2 feet x 2 feet sticker with the words “THIS
HABIT-INDUCING SOLVENTS TO MINORS”, together with the number
and title of this Ordinance, and shall prevent the same from removal,
defacement or damage.

d. Amusement Centers. The foregoing establishments and other similar

establishments shall post notices and information printed in at least 2 feet
x 2 feet sticker with the words “MINORS ARE NOT ALLOWED FROM
7:00 AM TO 5:00 PM, MONDAY TO FRIDAY”, together with the number
and title of this Ordinance, and shall prevent the same from removal,
defacement or damage.

e. Lotto Outlets. The foregoing establishments and other similar

establishments shall post notices and information printed in at least 2 feet
x 2 feet sticker with the words “MINORS ARE NOT ALLOWED TO BET”,
together with the number and title of this Ordinance, and shall prevent
the same from removal, defacement or damage.

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Province of Pangasinan



f. Drugstores. The foregoing establishments and other similar establishments

shall post notices and information printed in at least 2 feet x 2 feet
sticker with the words “THIS ESTABLISHMENT IS NOT


the number and title of this Ordinance, and shall prevent the same from
removal, defacement or damage.

Section 14C.03. Inspection of Posting. The Business Permits and Licensing Office
(BPLO) is hereby tasked to conduct inspection on establishments as to their
compliance to the posting of notice on their establishments prior to the
approval/renewal of their respective licenses/permits. Furthermore, BPLO,
with the CSWDO, City Health Office, and Public Order and Safety Office
(POSO), shall conduct periodic inspections to ensure that the posted notices
in all establishments concerned remains intact and not defaced or damaged.

Section 14C.04. Provision of Stickers. The City Government shall allocate funds
from the General Fund for the production of stickers that are needed for the
implementation of this Ordinance.

Section 14C.05. Payment for Individual Stickers. The payment for individual
stickers shall be incorporated in the schedule of fees to be paid by applicants
for the issuance or renewal of Business License or Mayor’s Permit.

Section 14C.06. Penalties. Any establishment whose posted notice has been found
to be removed from its place, or defaced or damaged, shall be penalized as

First Offense - Fine of One Thousand Pesos (Php 1,000.00)

Second Offense - Fine of Three Thousand Pesos (Php 3,000.00) and one (1)
month suspension of license or permit to operate

Third Offense - Fine of Five Thousand Pesos (Php 5,000.00) and permanent
cancellation of license or permit to operate

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Province of Pangasinan



Section 14C.07. Funding. Funding for the implementation of this Ordinance shall
come from the General Fund of the City Government of Alaminos.

Section 14C.08. Separability Clause. If for any reason, any provision, section or
part of this ordinance is declared not valid by a Court of competent jurisdiction or
suspended or revoked by the Sangguniang Panlalawigan, such judgment shall not
affect or impair the remaining provisions, sections, or parts thereof, which shall
remain or continue to be in full force and effect.

Article D.

Youth Welfare and Protection of Minors

Section 14D.01. Declaration of Policy. The City Government of Alaminos hereby

adopts and imposes policies and regulations that would ensure the welfare
and protection of minors, both in-school and out-of-school youth. Their
development is given consideration in all of its government programs.

Section 14D.02. Coverage. All minors in the City of Alaminos below eighteen (18)
years old, both in-school and out-of-school, as well as all establishments that
cater to such, shall be covered by this Ordinance.

Section 14D.03. Definition of Terms. As used in this Article:

a) Child/Juvenile/Minor – any person below eighteen (18) years old.

b) CSWDO – City Social Welfare and Development Office.
c) Community Service – a penalty imposed upon a minor for violation of a
City Ordinance, as defined and within the parameter of the Diversion
Program as provided for in Republic Act 9344 otherwise known as “An Act
Establishing a Comprehensive Juvenile Justice and Welfare System”.
d) Fraternity – a group of people associated formally organized for a common
purpose, interest, or pleasure.

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Province of Pangasinan



e) Gambling – playing games of chance or betting in the hope of winning

f) Gang – a group of persons acting in accord who are believed to engage in
improper acts or to be influenced by self-seeking, corrupt, or unworthy
g) Hazing – an initiation rite being conducted as a prerequisite for admission
as member in a fraternity, sorority, or organization by placing the recruit,
neophyte, or applicant in an embarrassing or humiliating situation such
as forcing him/her to do menial, silly foolish, and other similar tasks or
activities, or otherwise subjecting him/her to physical suffering or injury.
h) HIYSC – Hundred Islands Youth and Sports Council.
i) Liquor – an alcoholic drink, especially of the type produced by distillation.
j) Recruiter – for the purpose of Section 6 of this Ordinance, is a person who
enlists or causes other persons to join or become a member of a fraternity,
sorority, or gang.
k) Republic Act No. 8049 – an act regulating hazing and other forms of
initiation rites in fraternities, sororities, and other organizations.

Section 14D.04. Loitering during School Hours. Students or schoolchildren are

banned from loitering in public places outside their school
grounds/campuses during school hours unless they are accompanied by
their parents/guardians or are attending an official school function/duty.

A. The frequent habit of cutting classes or the act of skipping classes

because of peer pressure, a sense of heroic adventure, or an act of juvenile
rebellion has often resulted to the formation of illiterate drop-outs who
resort to deviant acts/behaviors – stealing, gang wars, drug addiction,
teenage pregnancy, vandalism, and other crimes against persons, property
and even the state.
B. To curtail this bad habit, students and/or school children who will be
caught loitering in public places outside their school grounds/campuses
during school/class hours (without being accompanied by their
parents/guardians or attending an official school function/duty) shall be
sanctioned as follows:

First Offense - Fine in the amount of One Thousand Pesos (Php

1,000.00) or four (4) hours of community service to
the City Government under the supervision of the
CSWDO plus two (2) hours of counseling

Repeated Offense - Fine in the amount of Two Thousand Pesos (Php

2,000.00) or six (6) hours of community service to
the City Government under the supervision of the
CSWDO plus four (4) hours of counseling

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Province of Pangasinan



The parents/guardians of the offender shall be sanctioned to attend a

Parents’ Orientation Seminar for the 1 st Offense, and a fine in the amount
of One Thousand Pesos (Php 1,000.00) or four (4) hours of community
service to the City Government for subsequent offenses.

C. The Principal, Guidance Counselor, or Class Adviser of students who were

apprehended while roaming in all parks, amusement centers, and other
similar places during their prescribed school hours shall be notified by the
apprehending officers concerning the matter, and the above school
authorities shall bring the offenders to school for counseling and/or
appropriate disciplinary action.
D. On the other hand, commercial establishments such as, but not limited to
malls, video arcades, restaurants/fast food chains/carinderias, videoke
bars, billiard pool halls, and other forms of recreation, amusement
centers, movie houses/cinemas, parlors/barber shops, and
groceries/supermarkets that allow students/school children to loiter in
their premises during school days from 7:00 o’clock in the morning to
5:00 o’clock in the afternoon shall be subjected to a fine of Three
Thousand Pesos (Php 3,000.00) for every student caught.
E. Violators whose business involve recreational/sports/amusement related
activities shall suffer the same fine, plus the confiscation of all their
gadgets, equipment, machines, and other paraphernalia (computers,
videos, billiard pools, bowling balls, machines, karaoke/videoke, television
sets, and the like).

Section 14D.05. Restricted areas for Minors.

A. Videoke Bars/Beer Houses. It shall be unlawful for establishments such

as, but not limited to videoke bars, beer houses, night clubs, and/or any
establishment that offers similar services, to allow the entry of minors
within their premises at any time and any day, whether or not
they are in the company of their parents, guardians, elders, or relatives
who are not otherwise covered by this prohibition.

B. Hotels/Motels/Lodging Houses. It shall be unlawful for all hotels, motels,

lodging houses, and/or similar establishments to allow the entry of
minors within their premises, unless otherwise such minors are with the
company of their parents, guardians, or adult relatives.

C. The penalty for violation of Section 6, A of this Ordinance shall be as


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Province of Pangasinan



First Offense - Fine of Three Thousand Pesos (Php 3,000.00) plus

three (3) months suspension of Business Permit

Second Offense - Fine of Five Thousand Pesos (Php 5,000.00) and

cancellation of Business Permit without prejudice to
the filing of appropriate legal action

D. For establishments in Section 6, B that are found to have violated the

prohibition stipulated therein, the penalty in Article III, Section 1 and
Article IX, Section 1, b of Ordinance No. 2005-03 otherwise known as The
Child Welfare Code of the City of Alaminos, Province of Pangasinan shall
be applied to them.
E. Minors who have violated the prohibition in A and B of this Section shall
be sanctioned as follows:

First Offense - Fine in the amount of One Thousand Pesos (Php

1,000.00) or four (4) hours of community service to
the City Government under the supervision of the
CSWDO plus two (2) hours of counseling

Repeated Offense - Fine in the amount of Two Thousand Pesos (Php

2,000.00) or six (6) hours of community service to the
City Government under the supervision of the CSWDO
plus four (4) hours of counseling

The parents/guardians of the offender shall be sanctioned to attend a

Parents’ Orientation Seminar for the 1 st Offense, and a fine in the amount
of One Thousand Pesos (Php 1,000.00) or four (4) hours of community
service to the City Government for subsequent offenses.

Section 14D.06. Fraternities and Gangs.

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Province of Pangasinan



All newly formed youth organizations must apply for accreditation from the
Office of the City Mayor upon the recommendation of HIYSC, and, accordingly, be
issued a Certificate of Accreditation. The HIYSC is hereby tasks to guide, monitor,
and supervise these organizations.

A. No person shall force, coerce, bully, or deceive any juvenile into joining
any organization, fraternity, sorority, gang, or association. Any person
caught in the act of forcing or deceiving any minor/juvenile, or those who
have forced and deceived minors into joining any organization,
fraternity/sorority, or gang within the campus or outside the school
grounds will be sanctioned with two (2) hours of counseling at CSWDO
plus four (4) hours of community service to the City Government if the
offender is a minor, or a fine of One Thousand Pesos (Php 1,000.00) and
eight (8) hours of community service if the offender is an adult, without
prejudice to filing of appropriate legal action.
B. The so-called recruiters from any organization or fraternity/sorority must
secure permission from the parents/guardians of the child/juvenile being
C. Hazing or initiation rites are discouraged, if not regulated, conforming
with the Republic Act 8049.
D. If the juvenile/minor subjected to hazing or other forms of initiation rites
suffers any physical injury or dies as a result thereof, the officers and
members of the fraternity, sorority, or organization who actually
participated in the infliction of physical harm shall be liable as principals
and will suffer the sanctions as provided under Republic Act 8049.

Section 14D.07. Prohibited Acts and Penalties.

A. It shall be unlawful for any person or establishments such as, but not
limited to groceries, department stores, eateries, restaurants, bakeries,
market stalls, bazaars, general merchandise, hardware and construction
supplies to sell liquor and/or any intoxicating drink, tobacco products,
illegal drugs, “rugby” and other habit-inducing solvents, pornographic
materials (video-beta, vhs, cd, vcd, dvd, magazines or any publication,
books or tapes, and other materials that are detrimental to the
development of the child) to minors.

B. The penalty for the commission of such act/s shall be as follows:

First Offense - Fine of Three Thousand Pesos (Php 3,000.00) plus

three (3) months suspension of Business Permit

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Second Offense - Fine of Five Thousand Pesos (Php 5,000.00) and

cancellation of Business Permit without prejudice to
the filing of appropriate legal action

C. Sanctions against minors who violate the following:

1. Smoking Ban for Minors. It shall be unlawful for any minor within the
meaning of this Ordinance to smoke cigarettes, cigars, and other
tobacco products in any form whatsoever, whether or not they are in
the company of their parents, guardians, elders, or relatives who are
not otherwise covered by this prohibition. Any minor found violating
this provision shall be sanctioned as follows:

First Offense - Fine in the amount of One Thousand Pesos (Php

1,000.00) or four (4) hours of community service to
the City Government under the supervision of the
CSWDO plus two (2) hours of counseling

Repeated Offense - Fine in the amount of Two Thousand

Pesos (Php 2,000.00) or six (6) hours of community
service to the City Government under the
supervision of the CSWDO plus four (4) hours of

The parents/guardians of the offender shall be sanctioned to

attend a Parents’ Orientation Seminar for the 1 st Offense, and a fine in
the amount of One Thousand Pesos (Php 1,000.00) or four (4) hours of
community service to the City Government for subsequent offenses.

2. Ban on Rugby and other Habit-Inducing Solvents. It shall be unlawful

for any minor within the meaning of this Ordinance to sniff “Rugby” or
any habit-inducing solvent. Any minor found violating this provision
shall be sanctioned as follows:

First Offense - Fine in the amount of One Thousand Pesos (Php

1,000.00) or four (4) hours of community service to

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the City Government under the supervision of the

CSWDO plus two (2) hours of counseling

Repeated Offense - Fine in the amount of Two Thousand

Pesos (Php 2,000.00) or six (6) hours of community
service to the City Government under the
supervision of the CSWDO plus four (4) hours of

The parents/guardians of the offender shall be sanctioned to

attend a Parents’ Orientation Seminar for the 1 st Offense, and a fine in
the amount of One Thousand Pesos (Php 1,000.00) or four (4) hours of
community service to the City Government for subsequent offenses.

3. Ban on Liquor and/or any Intoxicating Drink. It shall be unlawful for all
minors within the meaning of this Ordinance to drink liquor and/or
any intoxicating drink, whether or not they are in the company of
their parents, guardians, elders, or relatives who are not

otherwise covered by this prohibition. Any minor who is found violating

this provision shall be placed under preventive custody in holding
centers (i.e., PNP/POSO Headquarters or Barangay Hall) until sober so
as not to inflict harm on himself and others, and shall be sanctioned as

First Offense - Fine in the amount of One Thousand Pesos (Php

1,000.00) or four (4) hours of community service to
the City Government under the supervision of the
CSWDO plus two (2) hours of counseling

Repeated Offense - Fine in the amount of Two Thousand Pesos

(Php 2,000.00) or six (6) hours of community service
to the City Government under the supervision of the
CSWDO plus four (4) hours of counseling

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The parents/guardians of the offender shall be sanctioned to

attend a Parents’ Orientation Seminar for the 1 st Offense, and a fine in
the amount of One Thousand Pesos (Php 1,000.00) or four (4) hours of
community service to the City Government for subsequent offenses.

4. Gambling Ban for Minors. Minors are banned from engaging in any
form of gambling. Minors who are caught from engaging in any form of
gambling, such as, but not limited to jueteng, lotto, all card games,
cara y cruz, mahjong, bingo, and ending shall be sanctioned as

First Offense - Fine in the amount of One Thousand Pesos (Php

1,000.00) or four (4) hours of community service to
the City Government under the supervision of the
CSWDO plus two (2) hours of counseling

Repeated Offense - Fine in the amount of Two Thousand Pesos

(Php 2,000.00) or six (6) hours of community service
to the City Government under the supervision of the
CSWDO plus four (4) hours of counseling

Any person or establishment who/that allows minors to engage in

any form of gambling shall be penalized with a fine of Two Thousand
Pesos (Php 2,000.00).

Lotto establishments are not allowed to accept lotto bets from

minors. Aside from the Five Thousand Penalty (Php 5,000.00), violators
will have their license revoked.

The parents/guardians of the offender shall be sanctioned to attend a Parents’

Orientation Seminar for the 1st Offense, and a fine in the amount of One Thousand
Pesos (Php 1,000.00) or four (4) hours of community service to the City Government
for subsequent offenses.

Article E

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Province of Pangasinan



Registration of Minor Vendors

Section 14E.01. Registration of Minor Vendors. Parents and/or guardians

are hereby directed to register to the CSWDO the minors (below 18 years old)
under their care and supervision who engage in vending and other livelihood
activities in the City of Alaminos.

Section 14E.02. Role of the City Social Welfare and Development Office
(CSWDO). The CSWDO is hereby tasked to perform the following:

A. Conduct the registration of minor vendors in the City of Alaminos.

B. Make assessments on the appropriateness of the activity being engaged in
by the minor to his age and his development.
C. See to it that the activity being engaged in by the minor does not
jeopardize his health, safety, morals, and education.
D. Recommend alternatives in case the activity being engaged in by the
minor is not appropriate for his age and his development.
E. Coordinate with appropriate agencies of the local government unit for
alternative livelihood activities for the minors.

Section 14E.03. ID Card. Minor vendors who are registered at the CSWDO
will be issued an ID Card at no cost to the minor as proof of their registration.
Moreover, they should wear their IDs at anytime they engage in their livelihood

Section 14E.04. FUNDING. The funds needed for the implementation of this
Ordinance, including the production of Registration IDs for minor vendors, shall
come from the annual and supplemental appropriation of the CSWDO.

Article F.

Child Welfare Code

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Province of Pangasinan



Section 14F.01. Declaration of principles and policies.

a. It is hereby declared to be the policy of the City of Alaminos to effectively

promote, fully enhance and institutionalize the survival, protection,
development and participation of children’s right within the framework of
advancing, in general, the furtherance of integrated, sustainable and
equitable development;
b. It is also the policy of the City of Alaminos to serve the welfare of children
which shall be the paramount consideration in all actions concerning them
consistent with local autonomy and the principle of “Best Interest of the
Child” as enunciated in the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the
c. It is the policy of the City of Alaminos to adhere to the generally accepted
principles of International Law;
d. It is likewise the policy of the City of Alaminos to undertake the holistic
protection and development of all children together with National Government
Agencies and Non-Government Organizations concerned;

Section 14F.02. Definition of terms. As used in this Article, the following shall

a. “CHILDREN” refers to the person below eighteen (18) years of age or those over
but unable to fully take care of themselves or protect themselves from abuse,
negligence, cruelty, exploitation, or discrimination because of a physical or
mental disability or condition;
b. “SURVIVAL RIGHTS” deal with the provision in relation to parental and
governmental duties and liabilities, adequate living standard and access to basic
health services and social security;
c. “DEVELOPMENT RIGHTS” pertain to the access of the child to educational
opportunities, access to relevant information, play, leisure, cultural activities and
the right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion;
d. “PROTECTION RIGHTS” cover those who guard children against all forms of
child abuse, exploitation and discrimination in major areas where he is
considered in extremely difficult circumstances;
e. “PARTICIPATION RIGHTS” include the child’s freedom to express oneself in
matters affecting his/her life as part of preparation for responsible parenthood
and to freedom of association;
f. “CHILD ABUSE” refers to the maltreatment, whether habitual or not, of the
child which includes any of the following:

1. Psychological and Physical abuse, negligence, cruelty, sexual abuse and

emotional maltreatment;
2. Any acts by deeds or words which debases, degrades or demeans the
intrinsic worth and dignity of a child as a human being;

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Province of Pangasinan



3. Unreasonable depravation of his basic needs for survival such as food and
shelter; or
4. Failure to immediately give medical treatment to an injured child resulting
in serious impairment of his growth and development or in permanent
incapacity or death.


limited to the following:

1. Being in the community where there is armed conflict or being affected by

armed conflict-relatives activities;
2. Working under conditions hazardous to life, safety and moral which
unduly interfere with there normal development;
3. Living in our fending for themselves in the streets or urban or rural areas
without the care of parents or a guardian or any adult supervision needed
for their welfare;
4. Being a member of the indigenous cultural community and/or living
under condition of extreme poverty or in an area which is undeveloped
and/or has inadequate access to the basic services needed for a quality of
5. Being a family member or guardian having psycho-social functioning
problems grave enough for them to commit incest, rape, lascivious acts
and other form of physical and mental abuse;
6. Being a victim of a man-made or natural disaster/calamity;
7. Being a victim of an illegal transnational organization or child trafficking;
8. Circumstances analogous to those above stated which endanger life, safety
or normal development of children.

h. “Anti-social related activities are those acts against property, chastity and
person which include but not limited to:

1. Petty crimes such as snatching, misrepresentation;

2. Using and pushing prohibited drugs, selling illegal or lewd reading
3. Pimping for young and old prostitutes, doing or participating in obscene
4. Gambling of any form;
5. Rape and incest;

i. Cultural relevant activities refer to activities showcasing the Filipino culture and
tradition such as but not limited to the following:

1. Ethnic Dances
2. Historical Drama
3. Folk Dance;
4. Others

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Province of Pangasinan



j. Pre-school education refers to the age from birth to six (0 – 6) years old known to
be critical phase of the child’s psychomotor development. It is the phase when
ninety percent (90%) of the human brain is developed. It is therefore the phase
when activities for development stimulation for children must be provided,
hence, the need for early childhood care and development program.


Section 14F.03. Under Six Program Framework. The City Government shall ensure to
the maximum extent possible the survival and development of the child. The
early childhood Care and Development coupled with parent’s Effectiveness
Service Program on child survival and development shall include the following,
among others:

Section 14.03.1 Day Care Service Program. The City Government shall support
the Day Care Service Program which is population and community based.
The Day Care shall serve 3 to 5 years old and shall be set-up in the
barangay, the number of which shall depend on the population level of the

Section 14F.04. Primary Health Care Framework. The City Government shall
implement and sustain the Primary Health Care Program to primarily cater
children. To further ensure the implementation of this Section it shall take
appropriate measure to support the program on health under the framework of
primary health and preventive care.

Section 14F.04.1. Maternal and child care program. The City Government shall
continue to implement and support its maternal and childcare service
program, which shall cater to the health of the mother, which affects the
child in the womb with the end in view of delivering a healthy baby.

Section 14F.04.2. Mother and child immunization program. The program on

the preventive child care and health services which include, among others,
the monitoring and registration of births and the completion of the
immunization series for prevention of tuberculosis, diphtheria, pertusis,
neonatal tetanus, measles, poliomyelitis, hepatitis B and other diseases
for which vaccines have been developed for administration to children up
to five years old.

Section 14F.04.3. Child patient of indigent parents. The City Government shall
ensure the availment of the hospital’s indigent fund by a child patient of
indigent parents needing services of a doctor/specialist to be cured of his
ailments, subject to the recommendation of the City Social Welfare and
Development Office after ensuring the availability of fund for such

Section 14F.05. Family and community welfare and support system. The City
Government through City Social Welfare and Development Office shall implement

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Province of Pangasinan



and sustain a Family and Community Welfare Support System for Children. To
further ensure the implementation of this section it shall take appropriate
measures to support the program on family and community under a family and
community welfare development framework.
There shall be established a Comprehensive Family and Community
Welfare and Development Program which shall include courses and sustain on
reproductive health, child health and child rearing practices, parent
effectiveness, pre-marriage counseling, responsible parenthood, among other, in
context of Filipino psychology. This shall also include courses and services in
community organizing such as the social preparation for people’s participation,
community volunteer resource development and social welfare structure
development, among others. The following programs shall form part of this
Comprehensive Family and Community Welfare Program, which this government
shall support.

Section 14F.05.1. Child and youth welfare program. The City Government shall
establish and support a Comprehensive Child and Youth Welfare and
Development program which shall include the services which develop the
youth as partner in community development which include Adolescent
Fertility Management & Leadership Training and services for children in
especially difficult circumstances, among others.
Section 14F.05.2. Women welfare program. The City Government shall
recognize the role of women in the formation of the society as well as the
child, hence, it shall include courses and services such as self-
enhancement, skills development, maternal and child care, skills training
for employment and livelihood support, among others.

Section 14F.05.3. Nutrition Program. The City Government shall establish and
sustain a growth and nutritional monitoring with nutritional feeding and
supervision of nutritional intake of children at home and in school. This
program shall be under the administration and supervision of the City
Health Office. The program on nutrition shall include a monitoring and
evaluation system which shall be established by the said office.

Section 14F.06. Community support system. There shall be established a

comprehensive support system for the survival and development, protection,
security and participation of children in the City of Alaminos. The community
support system and structures shall be the City Council for the Welfare of
Children, and Barangay Council for the Protection of Children.

Section 14F.06.1. The city council for the welfare of children, its
membership and functions. There shall be an organized City Council for
the Welfare of Children to plan and implement program and services for
children at the City level. Its organization shall be spearheaded by the
local government units preferably the City Chief Executive.

Section 14F.07.2. Composition Of City Council For The Welfare Of Children

(CCWC). The members of the CCWC shall include the following:

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1. City Mayor
2. Chairman, Sanggunian Committee on Women and Family
3. City Planning and Development Coordinator
4. City Civil Registrar
5. City Social Welfare and Development Office
6. City Health Officer
7. City Agriculturist
8. DepEd District Supervisor
9. Provincial/City Prosecutor
10.NGO Representative
11.SK Federation President
12.A member of Finance Committee
13.Municipal/City Local Government Operations Officer

Section 14F.06.3. Functions Of CCWC. The following shall be the functions of


1. Formula City Plan of Action for children; incorporating projects and

programs needing assistance by the barangay; and ensure its
integration into the City Development Plan;
2. Monitor and evaluate the implementation of the city council and
barangay plan;
3. Promptly address issues and concerns affecting children and youth;
4. Advocate for the passage of relevant child and youth protection
5. Advocate for the increased support and resource allocation for
children’s programs and projects;
6. Provide technical assistance to the community-based frontline workers
through conduct of capability building and human resource
development activities; and
7. Prepare contingency measures to protect children and their families for
children’s situations brought about by natural and man-made

Section 14F.06.4. Secretariat Function. The secretariat support shall be lodged

with the City Social Welfare and Development Office who shall be
responsible for the documentation of proceedings of meetings and
preparation of reports and other necessary document by the council.

Section 14F.06.5. Barangay Council For The Protection Of Children (BCPC),

Its Membership And Function. There shall be created BCPC in every
barangay in the City of Alaminos. The Barangay Captains of the respective
barangay are hereby mandated to spearhead the creation and
strengthening of said Council with the support of the City Local
Government Officer (M/CLGOO) and other concerned Government and
Non-Government Agencies.

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Province of Pangasinan



Section 14F.06.6. Composition of BCPC. The membership of the BCPC’s shall

be taken from responsible members of the community including a
representative of the youth, as well as representatives of government and
private agencies concerned with the welfare of children and youth whose
area of assignment includes the particular barangay and shall be on
purely voluntary basis.

Section 14F.06.7. Functions of BCPC. The following are the powers and
functions of BCPCs.

1. Foster education of every child in the Barangay;

2. Encourage the proper performance of duties of parents and provide
learning opportunities on the adequate learning of children and on
positive parent-children relationship;
3. Protect and assist abandoned, maltreated and abused children and
monitor cases filed against child abuser and report the same;
4. Protect working children from abuse and exploitation;
5. Take steps to prevent juvenile delinquency and assist parents and
children with behavioral problems so that they can get expert advice;
6. Promote the opening and maintenance of playgrounds and Day Care
Centers and other services and other services that are necessary for
children and youth welfare;
7. Promote wholesome activities/entertainment in the community
especially in the movie houses;
8. Assist parents whenever necessary in securing expert guidance
counseling from private agencies;
9. Advocate for the passage of barangay plan of action for children which
addresses the needs of Children in the community and ensure its
integration into the Barangay Development Plan and implementation
by the barangay;
10.Submit quarterly barangay accomplishment reports of the
implementation of the plan to the M/CCWC; and
11.Arrest any individual who is actually committing, about to commit or
has committed an offense against the person of the minor.

Section 14F.06.8. Local Government Units Appropriate For Local Sub-

Committees. The City and Barangay Government Units shall regularly
appropriate funds of not less than 2% from its annual and/or
supplemental budgets to support the administrative and operational needs
of the Councils for the Welfare/Protection of Children.

Section 14F.07. Provision For The Strict Implementation Of Asin Law In City Of
Alaminos. The City Government Units shall ensure the strict implementation of
RA 8172, otherwise known as “Act Promoting the Salt Iodization Nationwide”. A
committee created by the Municipal/City Council for the Welfare of Children
shall be tasked to supervise the implementation of said law.

Section 14F.08. Mother And Baby Friendly Hospitals In The City Of ALAMINOS. All
hospitals in Alaminos shall comply with the requirement of the department for a

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Mother-Baby Friendly hospital found to have deliberately this mandate shall be

recommended for appropriate sanction by the Department of Health.

Section 14F.09. Child-Friendly Buildings. In the approval of the proposed building

plans of commercial buildings in Alaminos by the Office of Municipal/City
Engineer, such office shall ensure the conclusion of child-friendly facilities
therein. And avoid any happening of child accidents, the proposed plans of
commercial buildings must have hereunder specification:

1. Balusters in staircase must be spaced in a manner that their distance from

each other would not exceed six (6) inches to avoid children from accidentally
2. In cases of buildings having more than one stories, railing or baluster acting
horizontal and vertical barriers must be likewise spaced in a manner that
their distance from each other must not exceed six (6) inches and said
railings or balusters must have a height of not less than 5 feet.
3. Lavatory buildings to accommodate the personal necessities of children
entering said buildings.

Section 14F.10. Survey And Active Program For Differently-Abled Children. The City
Government shall make a periodic comprehensive survey and situational
analysis on the differently-abled children. The CSWDO together with DepEd shall
spearhead the conduct of situational analysis that shall be the basis for planning
by the Child Welfare Council and other concerned agencies, for programs and
projects for these children.

Section 14F.11. Municipal and barangay level recreational and cultural facilities
and program. A City and barangay level programs for the revival of indigenous
games reflective of the cultural diversity of Alaminos shall be installed. The City
and Barangay government units shall allocate space for recreation and provide
recreational facilities appropriate for each children’s age-group and gender that
shall be designed with due respect to cultural diversity. This regular cultural
program shall be spearheaded by the respective City/Barangay Councils under
the leadership of the City Mayor/Barangay Captain together with the Chairmen
on Committees on Social Services.

Section 14F.12. Parenting Orientation. Marriage license applicants shall require

participation to a parenting orientation course of pre-marriage counseling
seminar, among other requirements prior to the issuance of marriage license by
the Local Civil Registrar.

Section 14F.13. Inclusion Of The Convention Of The Right Of Children In The

School Curriculum. As part of the advocacy, information in education campaign
of the government on the survival in development, protection and security in
participation right of children, the convention on the right of children shall be
encouraged to include as part of the school curriculum of the schools in
Alaminos both public and private at all level.

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Province of Pangasinan



Section 14F.14. Training For Teachers On Rights Of Children. Teachers, especially

those in the kindergarten, elementary and high school, are encouraged to
undertake continuous training on the rights of the child and sensitivity to
children in need of special protection to be able to help them. The training shall
be spearheaded by the City Council for the Welfare of Children and Department
of Education in coordination with CSWDO.

Section 1. Sanctions for establishments or enterprises which promote,

facilitate or conduct activities constituting child prostitution and other
sexual abuses, child trafficking, obscene publications and indecent shows.
All establishments or enterprises caught promoting or facilitating child
prostitution and sexual abuse, child trafficking, obscene publications and
indecent shows and other acts shall be immediately closed and fined an amount
of Five Thousand Pesos (P5,000.00) with their authority or license to operate
permanently cancelled, without prejudice to the owner, manager and other
personnel thereof for being prosecuted under RA 7610, as amended, otherwise

Section 2. Establishments of post notices and information at entry or front

desks regarding child protection. All hotels/lodging houses, night clubs and
other establishment of similar services shall be required to post notices and
information about child protection to serve as deterrents to committing child
trafficking, prostitution and other sexual abuses.

To ensure the compliance by the concerned establishment to this section, the

office of the City through the License Division shall require this establishment to
post such information or notices before their respective licenses shall be renewed
and/or approved.

Section 3. Authenticated birth certificate as a requirement for working

permits. All applicants for working permits shall be required to submit a duly
authenticated birth certificate by the Local Civil Registrar who issued said
certificate. Any violation of this provision by any government official or employee
shall subject such offender to administrative and criminal liabilities and shall be
punished in accordance with the law.

Section 4. Creation of special services for children in need of special

protective and legal services. The city government shall create special
programs for the protection of children who are victims of incest and rape cases.
It shall also endeavor to muster the support of the private sector more
particularly the local chapter of the integrated bar of the Philippines and the
academe to provide legal and protective services to children who are in need of
such services.

Section 5. Establishment of child and youth relation section for the purpose
of strengthening the pillars of justice system. Each police station in the City

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Province of Pangasinan



of Alaminos shall have a child and youth relations section tasked to handle cases
involving children. Child-friendly police procedures shall be implemented as
contained in the police handbook on the management of cases of children in
specially Difficult Circumstances each PNP element shall be provided a copy of
the said handbook. The said Section shall be administered by a female police

Section 6. Special Course For PNP Members. A continuing special course for
coordination with the PNP Child Protection Team, NGOs and other Civic
Organizations focused on child and youth programs.

Section 7. Establishment of a separate detention cell for children and youth

offenders. To be able to safeguard the physical and psychological conditions of
detained children having impending criminal charges, the City Government shall
establish within the City Jail a separate detention cell exclusively for children
and youth offenders with gender being considered.

Section 8. Specialized team of educators for muslims and indigenous

people’s children. In addition to the rights guaranteed to indigenous and
Muslim children under RA 7610 and other system laws, the Office of the City
Mayor shall create a committee to study and design training program for
teachers assigned to Indigenous and Muslim communities which is culture-
specific and relevant to the needs and existing situation of their communities.

Section 9. Curfew for minors. Pursuant to City Ordinance No. 2003-22 for the
protection of children below (18) years old, they shall be prohibited from staying
late at night time outside the premises of their residences beginning at 9:00
o’clock in the evening to 5:00 o’clock in the morning for twelve (12) years old and
below and 10:00 o’clock in the evening to 5:00 o’clock in the morning for minors
below eighteen (18), except when accompanied by their parents, guardians,
elders, peace officers, Sangguniang Panlungsod members and/or Barangay

Section 10. Establishment Of Sagip Batang Manggagawa Action Team. The

Sagip Batang Manggagawa also known as the “Inter-agency Quick Action Team
Against Child Labor”, shall be established to immediately respond and act upon
reported cases involving child labor. The said team shall have the following

1. Representative of the Department of Labor and Employment (DOLE);

2. Representative of the Public Employment Service Office (PESO);
3. Representative of the Social Welfare Office;
4. Officer of the PNP;
5. Representative from three (3) NGOs;
6. Action Officer of Child Welfare Council;
7. Action Officer of the BCPC;
8. Chairman of the Committee of the Social Services

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Province of Pangasinan



Section 11. Crisis Intervention Center (CIC). The City shall institutionalize a
CIC within general that will provide integrated services such as immediate
financial and material assistance (transportation assistance, burial assistance,
medical and hospitalization assistance, educational assistance and clothing
assistance) augmentation assistance during disasters and referrals for immediate
medical legal, psychological and other service including temporary shelter to
families and individuals. Moreover, it shall cater to children who are abandoned
sexually or physically abused, neglected, victim of incest and/or rape and
exploited, among others, such unit shall operate 24 hours to respond to any
crisis situation at any given time.

Section 12. Stimulation Therapeutic Activity Center (STAC). The city

recognizes that about 10% of every population has some form of disability (WHO
statistic). Out of the said number, 35% are children with disabilities. Many of
them have not received rehabilitation services due to high cost of services,
transportation and other incidental expenses. STAC is a community-based
project that aims to improve the condition of children with disabilities in the City
of Alaminos by providing them free rehabilitation and social services.

Section 13. Information Communication Technology Program (ICT). The City

shall conceptualize programs to promote the development of the Out of School
Youth to become self-reliant, economically productive, socially responsible
citizens able to contribute to the development of the family and community. The
ICT program is a computer training program for OSY in Alaminos City with an
inclusion of daily instruction on life skills largely based in the DSWD’s life skills
package “Unlad Kabataan Program”, OSY who are qualified but who cannot
afford their transportation in attending the training, Barangay counterpart is
encouraged to appropriate fund to the aid of the OSY.

Section 1. Convention Of Minors For The Purpose Of Consultation. It is

important to consult and provide venue for expression of children’s view in the
City Policies. Consistent to this, it is necessary that 7 to 12 years old and 13 to
18 years old are convened once a year, specifically during the children’s month to
be heard collectively of their clamors and needs. Every NGOs concerned with
these groups of children shall be instrumental in the process of the preparation
and evaluation of the conviction.

Section 2. Three-Generation Encounter. There will be a yearly three-generation

encounter of grandparents, parents and children aging 12-16 years to bridge the
generation gaps and parents’ fictitious.

a. Cases involving children in conflict with the law shall be dealt with in
accordance with the provision of PD 603, Family Courts law and other
pertinent National Statutes and the Rules of Court on Juvenile in conflict
with the law, Rule on Commitment of Children and other pertinent rules
b. The LCPC in coordination with National Line Agencies shall initiate
appropriate training unit, and the Barangay Police.

Republic of the Philippines
Province of Pangasinan



Section 1. Rights Of The Child. All children shall be entitled to the rights herein set
forth without distinction as to legitimacy or illegitimacy, sex, social status,
religion, political antecedents and other factors.
1. Every child is endowed with the dignity and worth of a human being from the
moment of his conception, as generally accepted in medical parlance, and
has, therefore, the right to be born well.
2. Every child has the right to a wholesome family life that will provide him with
love, care and understanding, guidance and counseling, and moral and
material security.

The dependent or abandoned child shall be provided with the nearest

substitute for a home.

3. Every child has the right to a well-rounded development of his personality to

the end that he may become a happy, useful and active member of society.

The gifted child shall be given opportunity and encouragement to develop

his talents.

The emotionally disturbed or socially maladjusted child shall be treated

with sympathy and understanding, and shall be entitled to treatment and
competent care.

The physically or mentally handicapped child shall be given the treatment,

education and care by his particular condition.

4. Every child has the right to a balanced diet, adequate clothing, sufficient
shelter, proper medical attention, and all the physical requirements of a
healthy and vigorous life.
5. Every child has the right to be brought up in an atmosphere of morality and
rectitude for the enrichment and the strengthening of his character.
6. Every child has the right to an educator, commensurate with his abilities and
to the development of his skills for the improvement of his capacity for service
to himself and to his fellowmen.
7. Every child has the right to full opportunities for safe and wholesome
recreation and active individual as well as social, for the wholesome use of his
leisure hours.
8. Every child has the right to protection against exploitation, improper
influences, hazards, and other conditions or circumstances prejudicial to his
physical, mental, emotional, social, and moral development.
9. Every child has the right to live in a community and a society that can offer
him an environment free from pernicious influences and conductive to his
promotion of his health and the cultivation of his desirable traits and
10.Every child has the right to the care, assistance, and protection of the State,
particularly when his parents or guardians fails or unable to provide him with
his fundamental needs for growth, development, and improvement.

Republic of the Philippines
Province of Pangasinan



11.Every child had the right to an efficient and honest government that will
deepen his faith in democracy and inspire the morality of the constituted
authorities both in their public and private lives.
12.Every child has the right to grow up as a free individual, in an atmosphere of
peace, understanding, tolerance, and universal brotherhood, and with the
determination to contribute his share in the building of a better world.

Section 2. Responsibilities Of The Child. Every child, regardless of the circumstances

of his birth, sex, religion, social status, political antecedents and other factors

1. Strive to lead an upright and virtuous life in accordance with the tenets of his
religion, the teachings of his elders and mentors, and the biddings of a clean
2. Love, respect and obey his parents, and cooperate with them in the
strengthening of the family;
3. Extend to his brother and sisters his love, thoughtfulness, and helpfulness,
and endeavor with them to keep the family harmonious and united;
4. Exert his utmost to develop his potentialities for service, particularly by
undergoing a formal education suited to his abilities, in order that he may
become an asset to himself and to society;
5. Respect not only his elders but also the customs and traditions of our people,
the memory of our heroes, the duly constituted authorities, the laws of our
country, and the principles and institutions of democracy;

6. Participate actively in civic affairs and in promotion of the general welfare,

always bearing in mind that it is the youth who will eventually be called upon
to discharge the responsibility of leadership in shaping the nation’s future;
7. Help in the observance of individual human rights, the strengthening of
freedom everywhere, the fostering of cooperation among nations in the
pursuit of their common aspirations for programs and posterity, and the
furtherance of world peace.

Section 3. Commencement Or Civil Personality. The civil personality of the child shall
commence from the time of his conception, for all purposes favorable to him,
subject to the requirements of Article 41 of the New Civil Code.

Section 4. Abortion. The abortion of a conceived child, whether such act be intentional
or not, shall be governed by the pertinent provisions of the Revised Penal Code.

Section 5. Non-Disclosure Of Birth Records. The records of a person’s birth shall be

kept strictly confidential and no information relating thereto shall be issued
except on the request of any of the following:

1. The person himself, or any person authorized by him;

2. His spouse, his parent or parents, his direct descendants, of the guardian or
institution legally in-charge of him if he is a minor;

Republic of the Philippines
Province of Pangasinan



3. The court of proper public official whenever absolutely necessary in

administrative, judicial or other circumstances surrounding his birth; and
4. In case of the person’s death, the nearest of kin.

Any person violating the prohibition shall suffer the penalty of

imprisonment of at least two (2) months or a fine in an amount not exceeding five
hundred pesos, or both, in the discretion of the court.

Section 6. Child’s Welfare. In all questions regarding the care, custody, education and
property of the child, his welfare shall be the paramount consideration.

Section 1. Parental Authority. Pursuant to the natural right and duty of parents over
the person and property of their unemancipated children, parental authority and
responsibility shall include the caring for and rearing of such children for civic
consciousness and efficiency and the development of their moral, mental and
physical character and well-being.

Section 2. Parental authority and responsibility may not be renounced or transferred

except in the cases authorized by law.

Section 3. The father and mother shall jointly exercise parental authority over the
persons of their common children. In case of disagreement, the father’s decision
shall prevail, unless there is a judicial order to the contrary.

Section 4. In case of absence or death of either parent, the parent present shall
continue exercising parental authority. The remarriage of the surviving parent
shall not affect the parental authority over the children, unless the court
appoints another person to be the guardian of the person or property of the

Section 5. In case of separation of the parents, parental authority shall be exercised by

the parent designated by the court. The court shall take into account all relevant
considerations, especially the choice of the child over seven years of age, unless
the parent chosen is unfit.

No child under seven years of age shall be separated from the mother
unless the court finds compelling reasons to order otherwise.

Section 6. In case of death, absence or unsuitability of the parents, substitute parental

authority shall be exercised by the surviving grandparent. In case several
survives, the one designated by the court, taking into account the same
consideration mentioned in the preceding article, shall exercise the authority.

Section 7. No descendant shall be compelled, in a criminal case, to testify against his

parents, grandparents, except such testimony is indispensable in a crime against
the descendant of by one parent against the other.

Republic of the Philippines
Province of Pangasinan



Section 8. Substitute Parental Authority. In default of parents of a judicial appointed

guardians, the following persons shall exercise substitute parental authority over
the child in order indicated:

1. The surviving grandparent, as provided in Section 6;

2. The oldest brother or sister, over twenty-one years of age, unless unfit or
disqualified; and
3. The child’s actual custodian, over twenty-one years of age, unless unfit or

Whenever the appointment of a judicial guardian over the property of the

child becomes necessary, the same order of preference shall be observed.

Section 9. Other Persons Entrusted With Parental Authority. In case of founding,

abandoned, negligence or abused children and other children similarly situated,
parental authority shall be entrusted in summary judicial proceedings to heads
of children’s home, orphanages and similar institutions duly accredited by the
DSWD, supervision, instruction or custody.

Section 10. Special Parental Authority. The school, its administrators and teachers or
the individual entity or institutions engaged in childcare shall have special
parental authority and responsibility over the minor child while under
supervision, instruction or custody.

Authority and responsibility shall apply to all authorized activities whether

inside or outside the premises of the school, entity or institutions.

Section 11. Liability For Damages. Those given the authority and responsibility under
the preceding section shall be principally and solidarily liable for damages
caused by the acts or omissions of the unemacipated minor. The parents, judicial
guardians or the persons exercising substitute parental authority over said
minor shall be subsidiarily liable.

The respective liabilities of those referred to in the preceding paragraph

shall not apply if it is proven that the person exercise the proper diligence
required under the particular circumstances.

All other cases not covered by this and the preceding articles shall be
governed by the provision of the Civil Code on quasi-delics.

Section 12. Effect Of Parental Authority. The parents and those exercising parental
authorities shall have, with respect to their unemancipated children or wards,
the following rights and duties:

1. To keep them in their company, to support, educate and instruct them by

right precept and good example, and to provide for their upbringing in
keeping with their means;

Republic of the Philippines
Province of Pangasinan



2. To give them love and affection, advice and counsel, companionship and
3. To provide them with moral and spiritual guidance, inculcate in them
honesty, integrity, self-discipline, self-reliance, industry and thrift, stimulate
their interest in civic affairs and inspire in them compliance with the duties of
4. To enhance, protect, preserve, and maintain their physical and mental health
at all times;
5. To furnish them with good and wholesome educational materials, supervise
their activities, and prevent them from acquiring habits detrimental to their
health, and studies morals;
6. To present them in all matters affecting their interest;
7. To demand from them respect and obedience;
8. To impose discipline on them as may be required under the circumstances;
9. To perform such other duties that are imposed by law upon parents and

Section 13. Parents and other persons exercising parental authority shall be civilly
liable for the injuries and damages caused by the acts or omissions of their
unemancipated children living in their company and under their parental
authority subject to appropriate defenses provided by law.

Section 14. The courts may appoint by the guardian ad litem when the best interests of
the child so require.

Section 15. The parents or, in their absence or incapacity, the individual entity or
institution exercising parental authority, may petition the proper court of the
place wherein the child resides, for an order providing for disciplinary measures
over the child. The child should be entitled to the assistance of council, either of
over his choice or appointed of the court, and a summary hearing shall be
conducted wherein the petitioner and the child shall be heard.

However, if in the same proceeding the courts find the petitioner at fault,
irrespective of the merits of the petition, or when the circumstances so warrants,
the courts may also order the deprivation or suspension of parental authority or
adopt such other measures as it may just and proper.

Section 16. The measures referred to in the preceding section may include the
commitment of the child for not more than thirty (30) days in entries or
institutions engaged in the child care or in children’s homes duly accredited by
the DSWD.

The parent exercising parental authority shall not interfere with the care
of the child whenever committed but shall provide for his support. Upon proper
petition or at its own instance, the court may terminate the commitment of the
child whenever just and proper.

Republic of the Philippines
Province of Pangasinan





Section 17. The father and the mother shall jointly exercise legal guardianship over the
property of their unemancipated common child without the necessity of a court
appointment. In case of disagreement, the father’s decision shall prevail, unless
there is a judicial order to the contrary.

Where the market value of the property or the annual income of the child
exceeds P50,000.00, the parent concerned shall be required to furnish a bond in
such amount of the court may determine, but not less than ten per centum
(10%) of the value of the property or annual income, to guarantee the
performance of the obligations prescribed for general guardians.

A verified petition for approval of the bond shall be filed in the proper
court of the place where the child resides, or if the child resides in a foreign
country, in the proper court of the place where the property or any part thereof is

The petition shall be docketed as a summary special proceeding in which

all accidents and issues regarding the performance of the obligations referred to
in the second paragraph of this section shall be heard and resolved.

The ordinary rules on guardian shall be merely suppletory except when

the child is under substitute parental authority, or the guardian is a stranger, or
a parent has remarried, in which case the ordinary rules on guardianship shall

Section 18. The property of the unemancipated child earned or acquired with his work
or industry or by onerous or gratuitous title shall belong to the child in
ownership and shall be devoted exclusively to the latter’s support and education,
unless the title or transfer provides otherwise.

The right of the parents over the fruits and income of the child’s property
shall be limited primarily to the child’s support and secondarily to the collective
daily needs of the family.

Section 19. If the parents entrusts the management or administration of any of their
properties to an unemancipated child, the net proceed of such property shall
belong to the owner. The child shall be given a reasonable monthly allowance in
an amount not less than that which the owner grants the entire proceeds to the
child. In any case, the proceeds thus given in whole or in part shall not be
charged to the child’s legitime.

Section 20. Termination Of Parental Authority. Parental authority terminated


Republic of the Philippines
Province of Pangasinan



1. Upon the death of the parents;

2. Upon the death of the child; or
3. Upon the emancipation of the child.

Section 21. Unless subsequently revived by a final judgment, parental authority also

1. Upon adoption of the child;

2. Upon appointment of a general guardian;
3. Upon medical declaration of abandonment of the child in a case filed for the
4. Upon final judgment of a component court divesting the party concerned of
parental authority.

Section 1. Emancipation. Emancipation takes place by the attainment of majority.

Unless otherwise provided, majority commences at the age of twenty-one years.
Emancipation also takes place:

1. By the marriages of the minor; or

2. By the recording in the Civil Registrar of an agreement in a public instrument
executed by the parent exercising parental authority and the minor at least
eighteen years of age. Such emancipation shall be irrevocable.

Section 2. The provisions governing emancipating by recorded agreement shall also

apply to an orphaned minor and the person exercising parental authority but the
agreement must be approved by the court before it is recorded.

Section 3. Emancipation for any cause shall terminate parental authority over the
person and property of the child who then be qualified and responsible of all acts
of civil life.

Section 4. The annulment or declaration of nullity of the marriage of a minor or of the

recorded agreement mentioned in the foregoing Sections 2 and 3 shall revive the
parental authority over minor but shall not affect acts and transactions that
place prior to the recording of the final judgment in the Civil Registrar.

a. Violation of this Code shall be punished by imprisonment not

exceeding six (6) months or a fine not exceeding P2,500.00 or both at the
discretion of the court.
b. All establishments and enterprises which promote or facilitate child
prostitution and other sexual abuse, child trafficking, obscene publication
and indecent shows, and other acts of abuse shall be immediately closed and
their authority or license to operate cancelled, without prejudice to the owner
or manager thereof being prosecuted under this act and/or the Revised Penal
Code, as amended, of special laws. A sign with the words of “Off Limits” shall
be conspicuously displayed outside the establishment or enterprise by the

Republic of the Philippines
Province of Pangasinan



Department of Social Welfare and Development for such period which shall
not be less than one (1) year, as the Department may determine. The
unauthorized removal of such sign shall be punishable by prison correctional.

Section 2. Information Dissemination. The LGU information Officer/Office is hereby

directed to formulate and implement an information dissemination program
informing the general public and of this Code, and cause the printing and
distribution of this Code.

Section 3. Appropriations. The amount necessary to carry out the provisions of

this Code is hereby authorized to be appropriated, specifically 5% of the Annual
Development Fund of the City and additional 5% from each additional fund from
other sources.

Article G.

Stimulation and Therapeutic Activity Center (STAC) for

Children with Disabilities

Section 14G.01. Creation. There shall be created a Stimulation and

Therapeutic Activity Center for Children (STAC) with disabilities in the
City of Alaminos which shall be under the direction of the City Social
Welfare and Development Office and the City Health Office.

Section 14G.02. Objectives. The STAC shall provide free and comprehensive
rehabilitation services to poor children with disabilities; make available
free indoor and outdoor stimulation and therapeutic training through
play and social activities for the physical, social and psychological
development of children with disabilities (CWDs), prepare them for
education and their integration into mainstream of society; and develop
their capacities to become productive members of their respective

Section 14G.03. Functions:

a. Rehabilitation which shall include Psychiatric Tests for preliminary

pediatric evaluation to determine the proper management and treatment
for each child-beneficiary. Physical Therapy for at least two (2) hours three
(3) times a week and Occupational Therapy with special education
b. Supplemental Feeding;
c. Monthly Socialization Activity such as monthly get-together; and

Republic of the Philippines
Province of Pangasinan



d. Other related services such as provision of assistive devices (wheelchairs,

crutches, medicines and hearing aids) to beneficiaries per physiatrist’s

Section 14G.04. Authority. The City Mayor is hereby authorized to enter into
a memorandum of agreement for the furtherance of the STAC with the
Breaking Barriers for Children (BBC) which volunteered to sponsor the first 2
½ years operation of the STAC.

Article H.
Smoking Ban on Minors

Section 14H.01. Declaration of Policy. It is the solemn duty of the City

Government of Alaminos, in accordance with the Constitution and the Local
Government Code, to promote and protect the physical well-being and health,
including the moral, spiritual, social and intellectual faculties and well-being,
the sanity and general welfare of its residents, beginning with the youth.

Section 14H.02. Title. This Ordinance shall be known as “An Ordinance

Penalizing Owners/Proprietors of Groceries, Department Stores, Sari-sari
Stores, Eateries, Restaurants, Bakeries, Market Stalls and Similar
Establishments, Ambulant Vendors Selling Cigarettes, Cigars and Other
Tobacco Products to Minors.

Section 14H.03. Scope of the Prohibition. For purposes of this Ordinance,

all persons below eighteen (18) years of age shall be considered minors.

Section 14H.04. Prohibited Acts . It shall be unlawful for

owners/proprietors of convenience stores, department and/or sari-sari
stores, groceries, eateries, restaurants, bakeries, market stalls and similar
establishment, ambulant vendors from selling cigarettes, cigars and tobacco
products to minors.

Section 14H.05. Penalty. Any owner/proprietor/ambulant vendors found

violating this ordinance shall be punished as follows:

Republic of the Philippines
Province of Pangasinan



a. For 1st Offense – the violator shall be fined P100.00.

b. For 2nd Offense – the violator shall be fined P200.00.
c. For 3rd and subsequent offense – the violator shall be fined P500.00
and revocation of business license/Mayor’s permits.
5.1 – The apprehending officer shall issue to the violator the
corresponding ticket/receipt/citation and shall remit the same to
the Treasury Office.
5.2 – The amount collected shall accrue to the general fund of the City.

Article I
Ban on the selling of industrial or commercial adhesives, solvents and
other related volative substances to minors

Section 14I.01. Declaration of policy. It shall hereby declared the policy of the
Municipal Government of Alaminos, Pangasinan to address directly the issues of
“Solvent Abuse” and contain the same to protect minors and teenage groups against
its destructive influence.

Section 14I.02. Definition of terms. As used in this Article, the following terms
shall mean:

a. Solvent Abuse – is the inhalation of intoxicating fumes given off by solvent

and other substance which induce euphoria, also called “glue-sniffing”.
b. Euphoria – is a wild surge of energy and sudden positive attitude as a
result of solvent abuse. It is also a feeling of mania or side effect of drugs.
c. Solvent – is any substance used to dissolve solids and gases used mainfly
for industrial purposes.

Section 14I.03. Prohibited Acts. Pursuant to the above-mentioned policy, it shall

be unlawful for any person or manager/owner of business establishments herein
below enumerated, within the Municipality of Alaminos, Pangasinan, to sell, or
cause the selling of the following industrial or commercial adhesives, solvents and
other related volatile substances used in solvent abuse to minors.

a. Construction supplies and hardware stores – rubber or contact cement,

instant glue, industrial solvents used as adhesives and paint or lacquer
b. Drugstores – acetone and instant glues
c. Chemical establishments – industrial solvent used as adhesive
d. Cosmetic and beauty stores – nail polished and acetone
e. Department stores especially those with cosmetic and/or hardware
sections and drugstores same a, b and d items.

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Province of Pangasinan



Section 14I.04. Prohibited Acts. It shall likewise be unlawful for any minor (a
person below 18 years old) to buy such volatile substances used in solvent abuse.

Section 14I.05. Warning Signs. All owners and/or managers of establishments are
required to post warning signs in every entry point, window and other conspicuous
places within their business premises which should read as follows: “ALL MINORS
ARE PROHIBITED FROM BUYING (indicating items corresponding to the
establishments as herein listed) IN THIS STORE AS PROVIDED FOR BY CITY

Section 14I.06. Authority. The City Mayor in coordination with the Municipal Vice
Mayor, who is the action officer for drug prevention and rehabilitation is hereby
authorized to formulate and issue the necessary implementing rules and regulations
of this ordinance which shall be limited to information campaigns for all parents of
said minors and establishment owners and members, through the Barangay, and all
Punong Barangays in the Municipality of Alaminos, Pangasinan for a period of six (6)
months, as well as the posting of the warning sign prescribed in Section 6 hereof.

Section 14I.07. Penalty. Any person violating any provision of this Ordinance shall,
upon conviction be punished as follows:

a. In case of minors, they shall be treated as youthful offenders qualified under

PD No. 603, otherwise known as the Child Youth Welfare code.

In case of owners or managers of establishments enumerated in Section 4 hereof,

they shall be punished by a fine of Five Thousand pesos (P5,000.00) or
imprisonment of one (1) year or both, such fine and imprisonment at the discretion
of the court.



Article A.

Integrated Youth and Sports Development

Section 15A.01. Title. This ordinance shall be known as INTEGRATED


Republic of the Philippines
Province of Pangasinan



Section 15A.02. Formulation And Implementation Of Sports Program.

The Hundred Islands Youth Council (HIYSC) under the Office of the
City Mayor and the Alaminos City Schools Division Office of the
Department of Education shall be responsible for the formulation and
implementation of the city’s Comprehensive Sports Program. This
program shall include, but not limited to the year-round Sports
Calendar of Activities, Talent Identification and Development Program,
Training Program, and Monthly Training Schedule.

Section 15A.03. Implementing Guidelines. The Office of the City Mayor

with the Alaminos City Schools Division Office, HIYSC, City
Administrator, City Treasurer, and the City Budget Officer, shall
promulgate implementing guidelines for effective implementation of this
ordinance in which such implementing guidelines shall be deemed part
of this ordinance.

Section 15A.04. School Sports Program. The Alaminos City Schools

Division Office, in consultation and cooperation with HIYSC, shall
formulate a yearly sports program for all public and private schools in
the primary and secondary levels for the following purposes:

a. Instill sports awareness among the pupils and students.

b. Foster the value of self-discipline, teamwork, and excellence for the
development of a healthy and alert citizenry.
c. Ensure a ready supply of competitive athletes that will represent the
City during provincial, regional, and national competitions.
d. Provide a good alternative to using illegal drugs.

Section 15A.05. Training Of Coaches, Trainers, And Referees. The City

Government shall invite professional coaches, trainers, and referees
from various sports events as consultants to train our own local
coaches, trainers, and referees on the standard rules and techniques
for their respective events and improve their performances, both during
trainings and competitions. The City Government shall pay such
consultants from the budget that will be appropriated for Sports

Section 15A.06. Incentives For Coaches, Trainers, And Referees. Local

coaches, trainers, and referees from the City of Alaminos shall be
compensated on the following schemes:

A. Those that are employed permanently, either as government or as

private employees, nevertheless, can render their services as
coaches, trainers, or referees after office hours or during weekends
shall be paid on an honorarium basis.

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Province of Pangasinan



B. Those who shall serve, as coaches, trainers, and referees on a full-

time basis shall be paid as full-time employees of the City
Government with corresponding benefits that are due to government

Section 15A.07. Benefits And Incentives For Athletes. Athletes from

various sports events, who are in the city’s Pool of Players, shall enjoy
the following benefits and incentives:

A. During In-Training
a. Food
b. Subsistence Allowance
c. Complete Set of Uniforms
d. Sports Equipments and Supplies
e. Vitamins
f. Free Health Care Services
g. Social Security Benefits

B. During Competition
a. Food
b. Subsistence Allowance
c. Complete Set of Uniforms
d. Sports Equipments and Supplies
e. Vitamins
f. Free Health Care Servcies
g. Social Security Benefits

Section 15A.08. Sports Scholarship.

A. Those that will excel in their respective sports events and
consequently bring honor for the city through their participation in
high-level competitions like the Inter-Regional Athletic Association
(IRAA) Meet or the Palarong Pambansa shall enjoy the following
a. They shall be enrolled in the “Scholar ng Bayan” through
b. They shall be entitled for recommendation in any sports
scholarship program in the Tertiary Level.

B. The Office of the City Mayor shall enroll the deserving athletes to the
“Scholar ng Bayan” and shall grant scholarship privileges, benefits,
and incentives to those who excelled in their respective sports

Section 15A.09. Creation Of Hundred Islands Youth And Sports Council

With Its Duties And Responsibilities. The Office of the Hundred

Republic of the Philippines
Province of Pangasinan



Islands Youth and Sports Council shall be created to formulate plans

that will promote the sports, socio-economic, education, socio-cultural
and civic programs of the City Government for the youth sector.

A. Sports
a. The HIYSC shall formulate guidelines, rules and regulations for a
sports for all programs for the populace including both the youth
and other interested citizens.
b. The HIYSC shall formulate a comprehensive sports development
program starting from the grassroots level to develop future
career and national athletes.
c. The HIYSC shall organize a coach’s pool, sports officials’ pool and
an athlete’s pool for continuous training and development.
d. The HIYSC shall assist in sports festivals, league competitions,
“palaros”, and other activities to have a year-round calendar of
activities for the youth.
e. The HIYSC shall coordinate with the Department of Education
and the colleges of the city to integrate their entire sports
program and be directed to achieve the vision of developing
career and national athletes.
f. The HIYSC shall establish a sports youth center to cater to the
needs and development of the youth.
g. The HIYSC shall organize sports clinics, trainings and seminars
by bringing certified sports facilitators for the youth.
h. The HIYSC shall assist in the IRAA and the Palarong Pambansa.

B. Socio-Economic
a. The HIYSC shall formulate guidelines, rules and regulations for a
youth-hiring program throughout the year.
b. The HIYSC shall assist the youth in finding jobs through TESDA
and the PESO Office.
c. The HIYSC shall formulate guidelines, rules and regulations for
assisting the youth in establishing micro-business by providing
financial assistance, training, technical and marketing
d. The HIYSC shall coordinate with and assist the City Social
Welfare and Development Office on related programs and

C. Education
a. The HIYSC shall formulate guidelines, rules and regulations in
providing back-to-school programs and computer literacy for the
Out-of-School Youth (OSY).
b. The HIYSC shall provide trainings and seminars for the youth.

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Province of Pangasinan



c. The HIYSC shall formulate guidelines, rules and regulations in

providing scholarships to poor but deserving students.
d. The HIYSC shall coordinate with and assist the DepEd and
CSWDO on related program and projects.

D. Socio-Cultural
a. The HIYSC shall formulate guidelines, rules and regulations for a
cultural program to develop the youth’s artistic talents.
b. The HIYSC shall organize cultural activities for the youth
throughout the year.
c. The HIYSC shall organize contest and competitions to encourage
the youth in developing their artistic talents.
d. The HIYSC shall coordinate with and assist the Tourism Office,
DepEd and the SK SFederation or related programs and projects.

E. Civic
a. The HIYSC shall formulate guidelines, rules and regulations in
organizing a waste management program involving the youth to
promote cleanliness in our city.
b. The HIYSC shall formulate guidelines, rules and regulations for a
“Linis-Kalye” contest to be conducted yearly.
c. The HIYSC shall forge Memorandum of Agreements to work with
the schools on civic projects for their National Services Training
Program (NSTP).
d. The HIYSC shall Coordinate with and assist the City General
Services Office (CGSO), DepEd and SK Federation on related
programs and projects.

Section 15A.10. Funding For The Program. Funding for this program shall
come from the city’s 20% Development Fund, sponsorships, and
donations from outside sources.

Section 15A.11. Hall Of Fame For Alaminos Sports. The City Government
shall establish a Hall of Fame for Alaminos Sports in honor and due
recognition for those athletes, both in the past and in the generations
to come, who gave honor and glory for Alaminos during regional and
national competitions by bringing home championship trophies and
gold medals in their respective sports events.

Section 15A.12. Continuity Of The Program. The Integrated Sports Development

Program, as contained in this ordinance, shall continue to be in full force and effect
unless otherwise repealed, amended, or modified accordingly.

Republic of the Philippines
Province of Pangasinan





Article A.

Comprehensive Fisheries Code

Section 16A.01. Declaration of policy – It is hereby declared the policy of

the City to:

a) Promote conservation and ensure sustainable and equitable

utilization of its coastal areas and resources in conformity with the
Philippine Fisheries Code of 1998.

b) To ensure the full and effective implementation of the Fisheries

Code, with the end in view of realizing the policy objectives thereof
within the jurisdiction of the City.

c) To promote the proper management, conservation, protection,

and utilization of fisheries and aquatic resources within the city
waters, as the means for encouraging the sustained social and
economic development of the City.

d) Ensure, for the benefits and enjoyment of the people of Alaminos

City the judicious and wise utilization, protection, conservation
and management on a sustainable basis of its coastal and fishery
resources with the necessity of maintaining a sound ecological
balance, protecting and enhancing the quality of the environment.

Republic of the Philippines
Province of Pangasinan



e) Protect the rights of the marginal fishers in the preferential use

of coastal resources.

f) Allow people’s full and active participation in the conservation and

management of the coastal resources and shall promote awareness
of sustainable fisheries through appropriate education and

g) To provide consistent and substantial support to the fishery

sector within the City, primarily the marginal fisherfolk who rely
on the coastal resources for their livelihood;

h) To manage the fisheries and aquatic resources in a manner

consistent with integrated coastal resource management;

i) To promote social equity, reduce poverty, and ensure food

security in the coastal areas of the City;

j) To enhance the role of the City as a guardian of the coastal

resources on behalf of present and future generations.


1. Conservation, protection, development and sustained management

of the City coastal resources;

2. Poverty reduction through the provision of supplemental eco-

friendly livelihood among city fisherfolk;

3. Improvement of productivity of aquaculture within ecological


4. Optimal utilization of coastal resources through social equity; and

5. Upgrading of technology on production and post-harvest.

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Province of Pangasinan



Section 16A.02. Application/Scope:

a. All City waters including other bodies of waters over which the
City Government of Alaminos has jurisdiction,

b. All aquatic and fishery resources whether inland or coastal areas,

including foreshore areas but not limited to fishponds,

c. All lands devoted to aquaculture, fisheries business or activities

relating to the use, development, conservation, and
management of the city waters and its coastal and fisheries

d. All people, entities or corporations that use and/or intend to use

the coastal, marine, fisheries and aquatic resources of the City
of Alaminos.

Section 16A.03. Roles and coordination – The City Government in

conjunction with the Barangay Units, the B/CFARMCs, the CAFC, the
Bantay Dagat, and other duly accredited NGOs, shall be responsible for the
management, conservation, development, protection, utilization, and
disposition of all the coastal and marine resources as well as for the
regulation and supervision of the production, capture and gathering of fish
and fishery or aquatic products within its City waters. It shall likewise
enforce all fishery laws, rules, and regulation within the afore stated scope
hereof, including the utilization, development and protection of its foreshore
areas and shores, conservation of mangroves as well as allied fishery laws,
ordinance and rules duly enacted to regulate such activities in such area as
may be forming part of the whole expanse and resources of the city water.

Section 16A.04. Inter-Government relations – The local government shall

likewise enlist and promote coordination among all NGAs and other
adjoining LGUs, in the enforcement of all laws relating to the coastal

Republic of the Philippines
Province of Pangasinan



management of the City waters and to the environmental protection of the

foreshore areas and marine resources to the development of tourism along
the shorelines and coastal areas of the City particularly the determination of
the extent of its territorial jurisdiction over the marine waters, the
registration and grant of licenses to motorized and non-motorized fishing
boat as well as service boat, and the identification thereof thru alpha-
numeric coding based on the use of such watercraft, as well as other
communal activities and enterprise of fishing and fisheries.

Section 16A.05. Definition of Terms - For purposes of this Article, the

following terms and phrases are and shall be understood as hereunder
defined, except if when the same are by context, specifically used to mean

1. ANCILLARY INDUSTRIES – firm or companies related to the

manufacture, supply, construction and maintenance of fishing vessels ,
gears, nets and other fishing paraphernalia , fishery shops and other
facilities such as hatcheries, nurseries, feed plants, refrigeration,
processing plants and other pre-harvest and post–harvest facilities.

2. APPROPRIATE FISHING TECHNOLOGY – adaptable technology, both in

fishing and ancillary industries that are ecologically sound, locally
source-based and labor intensive.

3. AQUACULTURE – fishery operations involving all forms of raising and

culturing fish and other fishery species in fresh, brackish and marine
water areas.

4. AQUATIC POLLUTION – the introduction by human or machine

directly or indirectly, of substance\s or energy to the aquatic
environment which result or is likely to result in such deleterious
effects as to harm living and non-living aquatic resources, pose
potential and/or real hazard to human health, hindrance to aquatic
activities such as fishing and navigation, including dumping/ disposal
of waste and other marine litters, discharge of petroleum or residual
products of petroleum or carbonaceous materials/substances, and
other radioactive, noxious or harmful liquid, gaseous or solid
substances, from any water, land or air transport or other human-

Republic of the Philippines
Province of Pangasinan



made structure. Deforestation, unsound agricultural practices such as

the use of banned chemicals and excessive use of chemicals, intensive
use of artificial fish feed, and wetland conversion, which causes similar
hazards and deleterious effects, shall also constitute aquatic pollution.

5. AQUATIC RESOURCES – includes fish, all other aquatic flora and

fauna and other living resources of the aquatic environment, including
but not limited to salt, corals, sands, silica, rocks, pebbles and other
mineral deposits.


any structure of natural or man-made materials placed on a body of
water to serve as shelter and habitat, source of food breeding areas for
fishery species and shoreline protection.

7. AUXILIARY INVOICE – refers to an official document accompanying the

shipment of fishes and shellfishes but not limited to salt and other
fishery by-products, issued by duly authorized representative of the
City Government from its point of origin to its final destination in the
country and/or export purposes, its quantity and estimated value if
sold, the payment paid thereof and who received the payments,
including the serial number of the official receipt used.

8. BANTAY DAGAT – refers to personnel of the Public Order and Safety

Office who have undergone law enforcement training and duly
deputized as Fish Wardens, constituted in accordance with law and
authorized to enforce fishery laws, rules and regulation.

9. BARANGAY GOVERNMENT UNIT – comprises all the coastal barangays

in the City duly constituted and empowered under R.A. 7160.

10. BOUYS – refers to the markers or floaters to be set up at the City

waters inorder to indicate its metes and bounds or the limits of the
various zones to be established at the City waters.

11. BUREAU – refers to the Bureau of Fisheries and Aquatic

Resources (BFAR)

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Province of Pangasinan



12. B/CFARMC – shall mean the Barangay or City Fisheries and

Aquatic Resource Management Council.

13. CATCH CEILINGS – refer to the annual catch limits allowed to be

taken, gathered or harvested from any fishing area in consideration of
the need to prevent over fishing and harmful depletion of breeding
stocks of aquatic organisms.

14. CATCH OR TAKE – includes the killing, capturing trapping,

snaring and netting of fish and fishery products.

15. CITY GOVERNMENT – means the Local Government of Alaminos


16. CITY WATERS – include not only streams, lakes, inland bodies of
water and tidal waters within the city which are not included within
the protected areas as defined under Republic Act 7586 (The NIPAS
Law), public forest, timber lands forest reserves or fishery reserves but
also marine waters included between two (2) lines drawn
perpendicular to the general coastline from points where the boundary
lines of the city touch the sea at low tide and a third line parallel with
the general coastline including offshore inlands and fifteen (15)
kilometers from such coastline. Where two (2 ) cities are so situated on
opposite shores that there is less than thirty (30) kilometers of marine
between them, the third line shall be equally distant from opposite
shore of the respective cities.

17. CLOSED SEASON – refers to the period or month of the year

during which the taking, catching or gathering of specified fishery
species or fishery/aquatic products by a specified fishing gear or the
use of specified fishing gear or fishing in a specified area or areas in the
city waters is hereby prohibited.

18. COASTLINE – refers to the outline of the mainland shore touching the
sea at mean lower low tide.

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Province of Pangasinan



19. COASTAL AREA/ZONE – band of dry land affected by the proximity to

the sea and that part of the Ocean affected by its proximity to the land.
Its geographic extent may include areas within a landward limit of 1
km. from the shoreline to include mangrove swamps, brackish water
ponds, nipa swamps, estuarine, rivers, sandy beaches and other areas
reached by tides, as well as those areas within a seaward limit of 200
m. to include coral reefs, algae plants seagrass beds and soft bottom
travelable areas.

20. COASTAL RESOURCES – encompasses all marine, aquatic and

costal resources with ecological and socio-economic values such as
mangroves, seagrass beds, coral reefs and fisheries.

21. COASTAL RESOURCE MANAGEMENT – a dynamic mechanism

by which a coordinated strategy is developed and implemented for the
allocation of environmental, socio-Cultural and institutional resources
to achieve the conservation and sustainable multiple use of the coastal

22. COMMERCIAL FISHING – the taking of fishery species by passive

or active gear for trade, business or profit beyond subsistence or sports
fishing, to be further classified as:

a. SMALL SCALE COMMERCIAL FISHING - fishing with passive

or active gear utilizing fishing vessels 3.1 gross tons (GT) up
to twenty (20) GT;


active gears and vessels of 20.1 GT up to one hundred fifty
(150) GT and;


active gears and vessels of more than one hundred fifty (150)

23. COMMERCIAL SCALE – a scheme of producing a minimum

harvest per hectare per year of milkfish or other species including
those raised in pens, cages, and tanks to be determined by the
Department in consultation with the concerned sector.

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Province of Pangasinan



24. CORAL – the hard calcareous substance made up of the skeleton

of marine coelenterate polyps, which includes reefs, shelves, and atolls
or any of the marine coelenterate animals living in colonies where there
skeletons form a stony mass. They include: (a) precious coral-
skeletons of anthozoan coelenterates characterized as having a rigid
axis of compact calcareous or horny spicules belonging to the genus
corallium as represented by the red, pink, and white corals which are
considered precious corals; (b) semi-precious coral-skeletons of
anthozoan coelenterates characterized thorny, horny axis such as the
antipatharians represented by the black corals which are considered
semi-precious corals, and (c) ordinary orals hich are any kind of
corals that are not precious nor semi-precious.

25. CORAL REEF – a natural aggregation of coral skeleton, with or

without living coral polyps, occurs in intertidal and sub-tidal marine

26. DANISH SEINE – is an active fishing which consists of a conical

net with a pair of wings, the ends of which are connected to a rope
embedded with a buri, plastic strips, sinkers or any similar materials
to serve as scaring /herding device and hauled through a mechanical
winch or by manpower.

27. DEMARCATED AREAS – boundaries defined by markers and

assigned exclusively to specific individuals or organizations for certain
specified and limited uses such as but not limited to:
a. Fish trap / Fishpen / Fish cage areas
b. Seaweeds / Oyster culture area
c. Aquaculture, sea ranching and sea farming
d. Fish aggregating devices
e. Fixed and passive fishing gears; and
f. Fry and fingerlings gathering

28. DEPARTMENT – shall mean the Department of Agriculture.

29. DIRECTOR – refers to the Director of the Bureau of Fisheries and

Aquatic Resources.

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Province of Pangasinan



30. DOLPHINS – any of the certain small-toothed marine mammals

of the order Cetacea having beak-like snouts, the neck vertebrate of
which are partially fused.

31. DRAGNET - (local name- cadcad) is the fishing net attached to an

iron or wooden frame and pulledor dragged by a motorized banca.

32. ELECTRO FISHING – means the use of electricity generated by

dry cell batteries, electric generators or other sources of electric power
to kill, stupefy, disable or render unconscious any fish or fishery/
aquatic products in both fresh or salt water areas, whether or not the
same are subsequently recovered.


aquatic plants, animals, including some varieties of corals and sea
shell in danger of extinction as provided for in existing fishery laws,
rules and regulations or in the Protected Areas and Wildlife Bureau of
the Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR) and in
the Convention or the International Trade of endangered Species of
flora and Fauna (CITES).

34. ENDANGERED SPECIES – refers to a species and sub-species of

aquatic organisms whose population is in danger of extinction and
whose survival is unlikely if the causal factor is not reversed.

35. ESTABLISHMENT – refers to any kind of structures to be

established within the coastal zone includes hotels, inns pension
houses, rest houses, restaurants dinners, toilet facilities, huts or shade
as well as industries or commercial establishments.

36. EXCLUSIVE ECONOMIC ZONE (EEZ) – an area beyond and

adjacent to the territorial sea which shall not extend beyond 200
nautical miles from the baselines as defined under existing laws.

37. EXPORT – means to send or ship out the country.

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Province of Pangasinan



38. FARM TO MARKET ROAD – shall include roads linking the

Fisheries production sites, coastal points and other post-harvest
facilities to major market and arterial; roads and highways;

39. FILTER NET – a modified fish coral consisting of two (2) constructed
bamboo/wooden frames with nets to a conical shape with bunt
anchored with bamboo pole usually, with easy entrance and difficult to
exit for catching dispersal and pelagic species of fish installed either
marine, brackish or freshwater.

40. FINE MESH NET – net with mesh size of less than three (3) centimeters
measured between two opposite knots of a full mesh when stretched or
as otherwise determined by the appropriate government agency.

41. FINGERLINGS – a stage in the life cycle of the fish measuring to

about 6-13 centimeter depending on the species.

42. FISHERIES – refers to all activities relating to the act or business

of fishing, culturing, preserving, processing, marketing, developing,
conserving, and managing aquatic resources and the fishery areas,
including the privilege to fish or take aquatic resources thereof.

43. FISH AND FISHERY / AQUATIC PRODUCTS – include not only

finfish but also mollusks, crustaceans, echinoderms, marine
mammals, and all other species of aquatic flora and fauna and all other
products of aquatic living resources in any form.

44. FISH PEN – an artificial enclosure conducted within a body of

water for culturing fish and fishery/aquatic resources made up of poles
closely arranged in an enclosure with wooden materials, screen or
nylon netting to prevent escape of fish.

45. FISH POND – refers to the bodies of water enclosed by

embankments where fish are grown and produced.

46. FISH REFUGE AND SANCTUARIES – a designated area/s where

fishing or other forms of activities, which may damage the ecosystem of
the area, is prohibited and human access maybe restricted.

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Province of Pangasinan



47. FISH TRAP / FISH CORRAL – locally known as “Pasabing” or

“Baklad”. A fixed impounding net usually supported by either bamboo
or wood sticks held in place with easy entrance and difficult exit.

48. FISHERY RESERVE – a designated area where activities are

regulated and set aside for educational and research purposes.

49. FISHWORKER / FISHERFOLK – people directly or personally and

physically engaged in taking and/or culturing and processing fishery
and/or aquatic resources.

50. FISHERFOLK COOPERATIVE – a duly registered association of

fisherfolk with a common bond of interest , who have voluntary joined
together to achieved a lawful common social or economic end, making
equitable contribution to the capital requirement and accepting a fair
share of the risks and benefits of the undertakings in accordance with
universally accepted cooperative principles.

51. FISHERFOLK ORGANIZATION – an organized group, association

federation, alliance or an institution of fisherfolk which has at least
fifteen (15) members, a set of officers, a constitution and by-laws, an
organizational structure and a program of action.

52. FISHERY FARM LOT – a body of marine or brackish water used

for the culture of fish and other marine species with license.

53. FISHERY MANAGEMENT AREA – a bay, gulf, lake or any other

fishery area which may be, delineated for fishery resource management

54. FISHING BOAT / VESSEL – includes all boats, motorized or non-

motorized such as bancas, sailboats or any type of watercraft, whether
licensed or not, equipped to be used for taking of fishery species or
aiding or assisting one (1) or more vessels at sea in the performance of
any activity relating to fishing, including but not limited to the

Republic of the Philippines
Province of Pangasinan



preservation, supply, storage, refrigeration, transportation and


55. FISHING GEAR – any instrument or device and its accessories

utilized in taking fish and other marine species.

a. ACTIVE FISHING GEAR – is a fishing device characterized by

gear movement and/or the pursuit of the target species by
towing, lifting, and pushing the gears, surrounding, covering,
dredging, pumping, and scaring the target species to
impoundments either manual or mechanical; such as, but not
limited to Trawl, Purse Seine (Pangulong), Danish Seine, Ring Net
(Kubkob), Drive-in Net (Pa-aling, Kayakas), Round Haul Seine
(Sapyaw, Lawag), Bagnet (Basnig), Motorized Push Net (Sudsod)
and Tuna Longline. Such fishing device is banned from operating
within the fifteen (15) kilometer city waters of Alaminos City.

b. PASSIVE FISHING GEAR – is characterized by the absence of

gear movements and/or the pursuit of the target species; such
as, but not limited to, hook and line, fishpots, traps and gill nets
across the path of the fish.

56. FISHING INDUSTRY – refers to the fisheries sector covering

catching, growing, harvesting, processing, marketing, developing,
conserving and managing of aquatic resources.

57. FISHING LICENSE – a privilege or permit to fish in city waters

granted to registered fisherfolk by the City Government.


dynamite, other explosives or other chemical compounds that contains
combustible elements or ingredients which upon ignition by friction,
concussions, percussion, or detonation of all or parts of the compound,
will kill, stupefy disable or render unconscious any fishery species. It
also refers to the use of any other substance and/or device which
causes an explosion that is capable of producing the said harmful
effects on any fishery species and aquatic resources and capable of
damaging and altering the natural habitat.

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Province of Pangasinan




SUBSTANCES – means the use of substances, plants, extracts or juices
thereof, chemical, whether in raw or processed form, harmful, or
harmless to human beings that kills, stupefy, disable or render
unconscious any fish or fishery/aquatic products.

60. FORMALIN – a chemical solution known as Formaldehyde, used

as an antiseptic, disinfectant and preservative and in industry
particularly in embalming.

61. FRY – a stage at which a fish has just been hatched usually with
sizes from 10-25 millimeters.

62. GROSS TONNAGE – the product of vessel tonnage length,

tonnage depth, and tonnage breadth modified by a factor of 0.70
divided by 2.83


preventive quality management system which identifies, evaluates and
controls the hazards which are documents delineating the procedure to
be followed in accordance with the seven (7) HACCP Principles to
ensure food safety.

64. HEALTH HAZARD – refers to any biological, chemical contamination or

physical agent that has adverse effects on humans or aquatic

65. ILLEGAL FISHING – the unlawful taking of fish, fishery species

or aquatic resources from their wild state or habitat without permit or
license or with the use of unregistered fishing vessel/boat and or
fishing gears, explosives, noxious/ poisonous substances, electricity,
and other methods specifically prohibited and defined in this
ordinance, laws, decrees, policies and rules and regulations on fishing
and/or fisheries.

66. INLAND BODIES OF WATER – includes but not limited to dams,

small freshwater reservoir and small water impounding project.

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Province of Pangasinan



67. INLAND FISHING – the freshwater fishery and brackish water


68. KAYAKAS – (Tagalog) Bahan, Bahig “ Lukay”, Lukayan’ pukot”

Likom-Likom in (Visayan) and Bahan in (Bicol), menas the Local
version of the muro-ami” but smaller in size using bamboos/trunk of
trees as scaring device aside from the coconut or other leaves or
materials used to scare and drive the fish out of the coral reefs while at
the same time pounding the corals which makes it destructive to the

69. LAKE – an inland body of water, an expanded part of a river, a

reservoir formed by a dam, or a lake basin intermittently or formerly
covered by water.

70. LICENSE – refers to the privilege granted to individuals or legal

entities to make use of the coastal resources as well as fisheries of the
City upon proper payment of the required fees.

71. LIMITED ACCESS – a fishery policy by which a system of an

equitable resource use and allocation is established by a law through
fishery rights granting and licensing procedure as provided by this

72. MACKERELS – shall mean species of fish belonging to the family

Scombridae and known under the following scientific names:
Rastrellinger brachysoma, short bodied mackerels, “hasa-hasa” and
Rastrellinger chrysozomus, striped mackerels, “alumahan” and “bulao”.

73. MANGROVES – Any of the many genera of woody plants that are
capable of living and growing in salt water or salty soils. The mangrove
forest harbors a rich biological community that is supported by the
mangrove and associated species of trees and other plants.

74. MANGROVE RESOURCES – refers to all terrestrial and aquatic

flora and fauna in the mangroves, including land and minerals which
can bestow any form of services, influences and amenities to man and
his environment and found along the coastline and estuaries, including

Republic of the Philippines
Province of Pangasinan



brackish fishponds, extending along streams where the water is


75. MARGINAL FISHERMAN – refers to an individual engaged in

subsistence fishing which shall be limited to the sale, barter or
exchange of marine products caught or produce by himself and his
immediate family, whose annual net income from such fishing does not
exceed Fifty Thousand Pesos (Php 50, 000.00) or the poverty line
established by NEDA for the particular region, or locality whichever is

76. MAXIMUM SUSTAINABLE YIELD (MSY) – is the largest average

quantity of fish that can be harvested from a fish stocks/ resource
within a period of time (e.g. one year) on a sustainable basis under
existing environmental conditions.

77. MIGRATORY SPECIES – refers to any fishery species which in

the course of their life could travel from freshwater to marine water or
vice-versa, or any marine species which travel over great distances in
waters of the ocean as part of their behavioral adoption for survival and

a. ANADROMOUS SPECIES – marine fisheries which migrate to

freshwater areas to spawn

b. CATADROMOUS SPECIES – freshwater fishes which migrate

to marine areas to spawn.

c. AMPHIDROMOUS – species of fish migrating form fresh to salt

water environment and vice-versa not for the purpose of
breeding but as part of their life cycle.

78. MODIFIED DANISH SEINE - is an active fishing gear locally

termed as hulbot- hulbot, palisot, zipper, bira-bira, hulahoop, liba-
liba, buli-buli and other coined names consists of a conical net with a

Republic of the Philippines
Province of Pangasinan



pair of wings, the ends of which are connected to a rope embedded

with buri, plastic strips, sinkers or any similar materials to serve as
scaring/herding device as hauling ropes passing through a ring
permanently attached to a tome weight (lingote) and hauled through a
mechanical winch or by manpower.

79. MOTORIZED PUSH NET OR “SUNGKIT” - a type of scissors nets

stalled to the head portion of a motorized fishing boat use in catching
shrimps fry or “hipon”.


a. MONITORING - the requirement of continuously observing: (1)

fishing effort that can be expressed by the number of days or
hours of fishing, number of fishing gears.

b. CONTROL - the regulatory conditions (legal framework) under

which the exploitation utilization and disposition of the
resources may be conducted.

c. SURVEILLANCE - the degree and types of observation

required to maintain compliance with regulations.

81. MURO-AMI (DRIVE-IN-NET) - means a Japanese fishing gear

used in reef fishing which consist of a movable bagnet and two
detachable wings, affecting the capture of fish by spreading the net in
arc form around reefs or shoals and with the aid of scaring devices, a
cordon of fishermen drive the fish from the reefs toward the bag portion
of the whole net.


institution, a foundation or a group of persons whose purpose is to
assist people’s organization/ associations in various ways including
but not limited to organizing, education, training, and research
and/or resource accessing.

83. PEARL FARM LEASE - public waters leased for the purpose of
producing cultured pearls.

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Province of Pangasinan



84. PEOPLE’S ORGANIZATION - a bonafide association of citizens

with demonstrated capacity to promote the public interest and with
identifiable leadership, membership, and structure. Its members
belong to a sector/s who voluntarily bands themselves together to work
for and by themselves for their own upliftment, development and
greater good.

85. PERSON - natural or juridical entities such as individual,

associations, partnership, cooperatives or corporations.

86. PERMIT - is the legal authority granted for fishing privilege and
utilization of the coastal resources of the city issued by the City Mayor.

87. POST HARVEST FACILITIES - these facilities include, but not

limited to, fishport, fish landing, ice plants and cold storages, fish
processing plants.

88. PURSE SEINE - a form of encircling net having a line at the

bottom passing through rings attached to the net, which can be drawn
or pursed. In general, the net is set from a boat or from a boat or pair
of boats around the school of fish. The bottom of the net is pulled
closed with the purse line. The net is then pulled aboard the fishing
boat or boats until the fish are concentrated in the bunt or fish bag.

89. RARE SPECIES - refers to species and sub-species of aquatic

organisms found in every small number are specialized areas or habitat
in the country.

90. RESOURCE RENT - the difference between the value of the

products produced from harvesting a publicly owned resource less the
cost of producing it, where cost includes the normal return to a capital
and normal return to labor.

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Province of Pangasinan



91. SABALO – means the full grown milkfish (Bangus) measuring

more than sixty (60) centimeters in length from the tip of its mouth to
the extreme end of the caudal fin or tail.

92. SALVAGE ZONE – refers to the strip of land along the shoreline
measured twenty (20) meters inward from the line of water at high tide
which is beyond the commerce or man as it is deemed a public area.


Written procedures to be followed to ensure that the processing and
production of a certain product is carried out under sanitary and
hygienic conditions.

94. SCARELINES (SECORSA) – means a device made up of rope

usually No. (2.5 mm- 3.5mm) measuring 30-60 meters long with
Styrofoam, bamboo, or synthetic materials used as floats at both ends
of the rope and stones lead or iron chains of about 2 to 5 kilos as
weight. Along the ropes to which the weights are tied are 8-10 white
plastic measuring 1 inch by 3 feet long or coconut or other leaves or
materials tied at one meter intervals starting from the weight.

95. SEA FARMING – the stocking of natural or hatchery–produced marine

plants or animals, under controlled conditions, for purposes of rearing
and harvesting, but not limited to commercially – important fishes,
mollusks (such as –pearls and giant clam culture), including seaweeds
and seagrasses.

96. SEAGRASS BEDS - Areas of salt tolerant plants that occur in shallow
nearshore waters, estuaries, lagoons and adjacent to coral reefs. They
hold sediment in place, support a rich detrital community, and provide
food and habitat for many important nearshore species.

97. SEA RANCHING - the release of the young of fishery species reared in
the hatcheries and nurseries into natural bodies of water subsequently
harvest at maturity or the manipulation of fishery habitat to encourage
the growth of the wild stocks.

98. SUPERLIGHT - also called a magic light, is a type of light using halogen
or metal halide bulb which may be located above the sea surface or

Republic of the Philippines
Province of Pangasinan



submerged in the water. The source of any energy comes from a

generator, battery or dynamo coupled with the main engine.

99. THREATENED SPECIES - refers to species and sub-species of aquatic

organisms which have reached critical level of depletion and are
threatened with extinction.

Section 16A. 06. City waters; Territorial Boundary – Pursuant to the Local
Government Code of 1991 (RA 7160), the Philippine Fisheries Code of 1998
(RA 8550) and as defined in this ordinance, the city waters of Alaminos City
based on Republic Act 9025 shall be within the following geographic


Beginning at 1 160 14’ 54” N 1190 55’ 29” E

thence 2 160 15’ 10” N 1190 55’ 30” E

thence 3 160 15’ 22” N 1190 56’ 02” E

thence 4 160 15’ 22” N 1190 56’ 23” E

thence 5 160 15’ 04” N 1190 57’ 30” E

thence 6 160 14’ 18” N 1190 58’ 13” E

thence 7 160 14’ 04” N 1190 58’ 50” E

thence 8 160 13’ 40” N 1190 58’ 50” E

thence 9 160 13’ 14” N 1190 58’ 59” E

thence 10 160 13’ 01” N 1190 58’ 58” E

thence 11 160 12’ 51” N 1190 59’ 07” E

thence 12 160 12’ 56” N 1190 59’ 35” E

thence 13 160 13’ 21” N 1200 00’ 10” E

thence 14 160 13’ 25” N 1200 00’ 32” E

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thence 15 160 13’ 23” N 1200 01’ 14” E

thence 16 160 13’ 25” N 1200 01’ 45” E

thence 17 160 13’ 57” N 1200 02’ 12” E

thence 18 160 14’ 36” N 1200 02’ 30” E

thence 19 160 14’ 57” N 1200 03’ 04” E

thence 20 160 16’ 48” N 1200 08’ 27” E

thence 21 160 17’ 29” N 1200 10’ 37” E

thence 22 160 16’ 39” N 1200 11’ 00” E

thence 23 160 16’ 00” N 1200 11’ 16” E

thence 24 160 13’ 30” N 1200 06’ 54” E

thence 25 160 13’ 09” N 1200 06’ 21” E

thence 26 160 12’ 13” N 1200 05’ 41” E

thence 27 160 10’ 50” N 1200 04’ 53” E

thence 28 160 10’ 03” N 1200 04’ 41” E

thence 29 160 09’ 48” N 1200 04’ 37” E

Section 16A.07. Jurisdiction of the City Government – The City

Government shall have jurisdiction over all its city waters, coastal and fishery
resources. The City Government shall be responsible for the management,
conservation, development, protection, utilization and disposition of all
coastal and fishery resources within the city waters. The City Government, in
consultation with the CFARMC, shall enact corresponding ordinances and
issue executive orders thereon. Provided, that all ordinances enacted and

orders issued by the City Government shall conform with the existing
national and local laws and policies and shall not endanger the sustainability
of the coastal and fishery resources or destroy the ecological balance:
Provided, however, that the City Government, in coordination with the
CFARMC and other concerned agencies and institutions, shall also enforce

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all fishery and environmental laws, rules and regulations as well as coastal
and fishery resources-related ordinances enacted by the Sangguniang

Section 16A.08. Zonation of the city waters – The city waters of

Alaminos are hereby divided and classified into following major zones:


 Mangrove Rehabilitation Project

 Barangay Pangapisan
 Barangay Mona
 Barangay Baley-adaan
 Barangay Lucap
 Barangay Bued
 Barangay Sabangan
 Barangay Pandan
 Barangay Telbang

 Seagrass Conservation and Protection Project

 Barangay Lucap


 Barangay Telbang


 Mariculture Site
 Barangay Pangapisan
 Barangay Mona
 Barangay Cayucay
 Barangay Baley-adaan
 Barangay Victoria

 Beach / Tourism Site

 Barangay Lucap

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 Barangay Pandan


 Fish Pen (Bangus)
 Barangay Cayucay
 Barangay Baley-adaan

 Fish Pen (Lapu-Lapu, Malaga, Talakitok, Angrat)

 Barangay Pangapisan
 Barangay Mona
 Barangay Cayucay
 Barangay Baley-adaan

 Fish Cage (Bangus / Finfishes)

 Barangay Victoria

 Seaweeds Culture Production

 Barangay Telbang
 Barangay Victoria

 Oyster Culture Production (Stake Hanging Method)

 Barangay Pangapisan
 Barangay Mona
 Barangay Cayucay
 Barangay Baley-adaan

 Sea Urchin Culture Production

 Barangay Telbang
 Barangay Victoria


 Barangay Pangapisan
 Barangay Mona
 Barangay Cayucay
 Barangay Baley-adaan

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 Barangay Lucap




 Barangay Pandan (HINP Area)
 Barangay Sabangan
 Barangay Bued
 Barangay Lucap (Cabatugan Tidal Flat)
 Barangay Baley-adaan
 Barangay Mona
 Barangay Pangapisan

 Barangay Pandan
 Barangay Telbang
 Barangay Victoria

Section 16A.09. Use of the city waters – All fishery and coastal-related
activities in the city waters are subject to the regulation of the City

The use and exploitation of the city waters and the coastal and fishery
resources of the city shall be reserved for the residents of Alaminos City,
interest with preferential rights to the ordinary marginal fisherman; Provided,
that other activities such as, but not limited to, research and monitoring
activities, may be allowed under appropriate regulations, for purely research,
scientific, technological and educational purposes that would benefit the city
fisherfolk, and stakeholder’s interest.

Section 16A. 10. Users of city waters – Subject to existing laws and
regulations, all fisheries and coastal related activities in the city waters shall
be exclusively utilized by the registered fisherfolk of Alaminos City and their

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organizations and cooperatives duly accredited by the Sangguniang

Panlungsod: Provided, however, that no commercial fishing vessel is allowed
to operate within the city waters.

Section 16A.11. Registry of city fishers – The City Government shall

maintain a registry of city fishers for the purpose of determining priorities
among them, of regulating and limiting entry into the city waters, and of
monitoring fishing activities and/or other related purposes: Provided, that
such list or registry shall be updated annually or as often as may be
necessary, and shall be posted in barangay halls or other strategic locations
where it shall be open to the public, for the purpose of validating the
correctness and completeness of the list.

Provided however, that the City Government, in consultation with the

B/CFARMC shall formulate the necessary mechanisms for inclusion or
exclusion procedures that shall be most beneficial to the resident city fishers.
The B/CFARMC may likewise recommend such mechanisms. Provided
further, that the City Government shall also maintain a registry of city fishing
vessels, type of gears and other boat and fishing particulars.

Section 16A.12. Demarcated fishery right – The City Government shall

grant demarcated fishery rights to fisherfolk organizations/cooperatives for
capture fisheries, mariculture operation and other related fishery activities in
specific areas identified by the City.

Identification of Demarcated Fishery Areas- The City

Government, through the City Fisheries Management Section , in
coordination with FARMC, Fisherfolk Organization and Barangay Council,
shall identify areas within the city waters suitable for capture, mariculture
operations and other related fishery activities and establish the linear
boundaries of the area to be declared as demarcated fishery area.

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Section 16A. 13. Grant of privileges for operation of fishpen, fish cages,
fishtraps, oyster / seaweeds culture structures, artificial reefs / payaos –
The Sangguniang Panlungsod may grant exclusive fishery privilege in
designated areas in the city waters of Alaminos pursuant to section 149 of
the Local Government Code of 1991. Exclusive fishery privilege shall be
granted for the construction of fish corrals/traps, fish pens, fish cages,
oyster/seaweeds culture, artificial reefs/payaos and gathering of fries
provided however that pursuant to section 53 of RA 8550, no new
concession, licenses, permits, leases or similar privileges for the
establishment or operation of fishpens, fish cages, other aquaculture
activities, fish corrals / traps and other similar structures in the city areas
shall be granted except to registered city fisherfolk and their organizations.

Section 16A. 14. Prioritization in the granting of fishery privileges,

license and permit – Registered and accredited fisherfolk organizations,
cooperatives and other People’s Organization, which have City Fishers
comprising the majority of their members and are listed in the registry of city
fishers may be granted use of demarcated fishing areas to engage in fish
capture, mariculture and or fish farming. Provided that resident registered
city fisherfolk of Alaminos, their Organization/Cooperatives shall have the
priority to exploit city and demarcated areas. Provided, further; that an
organization/cooperative member whose household is already in possession
of a fishery right other than for fish capture cannot enjoy the fishing rights
granted to the organization or cooperative.

1. FIRST PRIORITY - The duly registered City fisherfolk

organization/cooperative within the area/barangay concerned
whose member is listed in the Registry of City Fisherfolk shall have
preference in the grant of fishery rights by the City Government
pursuant to Section 149 of the Local Government Code. Provided
further, that such fisherfolk organization/cooperative shall be
allowed to apply areas only within its area of operation.

2. SECOND PRIORITY – Registered fisherfolk and or their legitimate

organization/cooperative within the City of Alaminos.

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Section 16A. 15. Guidelines for the evaluation of application for fishery
and mariculture project – The Fisheries and Coastal Management Section
and the B/CFARMC shall be guided with the following rules in evaluating
projects and issuance of permit/licenses for the appropriate use and
sustainable development of fisheries and aquatic resources.

1. It shall provide protection to the capability of the particular

resources to renew itself to optimum harvestable levels.

2. It shall not endanger the economic and ecological viability of the

resources in a designated area.

3. It shall protect the rights of fisherfolk to preferential use of the


4. All projects which will have an impact on fish and fishery / aquatic
resources are required to submit an environmental impact
assessment for evaluation and approval of the City
Government before the Fisheries and Coastal Management
Section and FARMCs issues of a certification to proceed with the
project in addition to the requirement of other concerned agencies.

Section 16A. 16. Local pre-qualification on bids and awards committee

– To handle the prequalification, public bidding and awards there shall be a
Committee composed of the City Mayor, as Chairman, the City Treasurer and
two (2) members of the Sangguniang Panlungsod, CFARMC Chairman,
Fisheries and Coastal Management Section Chief or its duly representative,
and NGO representative as member.

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Section 16A. 17. Time and place of auction – The Sangguniang

Panlungsod shall in a resolution, provide for the rules for the holding of the
public bidding for the grant of exclusive fishery privileges, specifying the time,
date and venue of such auction, the minimum bids therefore, the amount to
be deposited for entitlement to participate, the procedure to be followed by
the committee, and the amount of bond as guaranty of good faith and for
satisfactory compliance to the terms of the grant of license. The bond shall be
in cash, in real estate situated within the Philippines, or by a surety company
authorized for that purpose, in an amount equivalent to not less than two (2)
years rental if for a five- year period at the maximum.

Section 16A. 18. Publication of notice – The Local Prequalification Bids

and Awards Committee shall cause the publication of the notice to bid in any
bulletin board of the City and in other conspicuous places in the City
frequented by the public for wide advertisement for a period not less than
fifteen (15) days prior to the holding of such public auction. The Agenda and
other information relative to the bidding shall be deliberated by the
Committee at least one (1) week before such public auction.

Section 16A. 19. Grounds for cancellation of exclusive fishery privilege /

disapproval for application for the fishery privileges – Application for
fishery privileges shall be rejected on any of the following grounds:

1. lack/loss of interest/default on the part of the applicant;

2. area applied for is not available or suitable for the purpose of which
it is applied/ desire for;
3. voluntary withdrawal of application by the applicant;
4. applicant is not qualified in accordance with this ordinance;
5. fraudulent, false or misleading statement in the application;
6. failure to comply with the requirements;
7. failure to comply with waste management regulation;
8. death of the applicant, or dissolution of judicial person; and
9. when public interest so requires

Section 16A. 20. Establishment of closed seasons and fishing bans –

Inorder to allow the regeneration of aquatic and marine biodiversity, it is

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hereby prohibited to fish or capture fish, or gather specified fishery species or

aquatic product by a specified fishing gear or the use of specified fishing gear
in a specified area/s in the city waters on specified months of the year
indicated to wit:

a. Closed Season on the Operation of Drift Gill Net, Pamo, Litting and
Baby Litting and its variation during the month of February to July
of each year.

b. Closed Season of catching Padas during the month of April – July of

each year.

c. Closed Season of gears such as Sagap (Man push net), Sayudsod,

the five (5) days before and five (5) days after the New Moon every
month of March, April and May of each year. Provided that, cod-end
net (bubo) of fish trap (pasabing) shall also be lifted during this

Section 16A.21. Limited entry into overfished areas – Whenever it is

determined by the City Government and B/CFARMC’s that the city water is
overfished based on available data or information or in danger of being
overfished, and that there is a need to regenerate the coastal and fishery
resources, the City Government through the Sangguniang Panlungsod in
consultation with the CFARMC, shall enact an ordinance prohibiting or
limiting fisheries activities within the area.

1 Determination and Declaration of Overfished Areas in City

Waters – The City Government in coordination with B/CFARMC,
Research Institution, BFAR and DENR shall determine and
declare areas within the City waters which are overfished or in
danger of being overfished or in need of regeneration. Provided,
however, that the Sangguniang Panlungsod shall issue the
appropriate regulation prohibiting or limiting fisheries activities
in the area.

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Province of Pangasinan



Section 16A.22. Regulation on the establishment and operation of

fishpen, fishcages , fishtrap and other fishery structures – Fishpen,
fishcages, fishtraps and other structures for the culture of fish and other
fishery products shall be constructed and shall operate only within the
established zones duly designated by the City Government in consultation
with the CFARMC, in accordance with the Integrated Coastal Resource
Management Plan (ICRMP) and consistent with national fisheries policies,
and after the corresponding requirements have been secured and the
business license and permit fee have been paid to the City Treasurer’s Office.

Provided, however, that not over ten percent (10%) of the suitable water
surface area be allotted for aquaculture purposes like fishpens, fishcages,
and fishtraps; and the stocking density and feeding requirement shall be
controlled and determined by its carrying capacity.

Provided, further, that no structures will be established fifty (50)

meters away from mouth of rivers so as not to impede the flow and ebb of
tide, navigation and migration path. All fishery structure and operation shall
be regulated in order to prevent any Fishkill or pollution of the City waters,
and periodic de-siltation or clearing of sea-bottom on the fishpen, fishcage
and fishtrap areas shall be enforced by the City Government in coordination
with the CFARMC and Barangay Council.

Section 16A.23. Use of Payao – The City Government shall regulate the
establishment and use of payao and other fish aggregating devices (FADs) in
the city waters: Provided, that no payao or any other fish aggregating devices
shall be deployed within the rivers, mouth of the rivers, navigational lane,
coral reef and seagrasss areas, fronting seaports and wharfs and within a
distance of not less than one (1) kilometer from existing natural reef, if any,
and five hundred (500) meters away from existing ARs within the city

Provided, however, that only registered city fishers of Alaminos City

and their duly registered organization shall be given priority for the

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establishment of payao in the city waters. Provided further, that the City
Mayor shall issue business permit to prior to establishment and only
subsistence fishing with the use of hook and line shall be allowed.

Section 16A.24. Mangrove protection and conservation – The City

Government through the Fisheries and Coastal Management Section, in
coordination with the Department of Environment and Natural Resources,
the CFARMC, Barangay Council, NGOs, Academe and other concerned
organization, shall initiate proper management of mangrove areas: Provided,
that the City Government, in coordination with the Department of
Environment and Natural Resources shall develop programs that promote
and ensure community participation in the rehabilitation and management of
existing mangrove areas.

Section 16A.25. Protection of seagrass and other marine habitats – The

City Government, in coordination with the CFARMC, Barangay Officials,
NGOs, Academe and other concerned organizations, shall ensure the
protection and conservation of seagrass beds and other marine habitats in
the city waters. Provided, that the City Government, in consultation with the
CFARMC, shall regulate the use of fishing gears and other human activities
that may adversely affect the marine habitat.

Section 16A.26. Coastal and aquatic pollution – All activities in the grounds
or waters, directly or indirectly, which result or likely to result in such
deleterious effect which harm living and non-living aquatic resources,
hazards to human health, hindrance to coastal or fishery activities such as
fishing and navigation, including dumping/disposal of waste and other
marine litter shall be prohibited. Provided, that, it shall be the responsibility
of the polluter to contain, remove and clean-up pollutants at his/her own
expense. Provided, however, that in case of failure to do so, the City
Government in coordination with other concerned agencies and institutions,
shall undertake containment, removal and clean-up operations and the
expenses incurred in said operation shall be charged against the person
and/or entities responsible for such pollution.

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Section 16A.27. Maintenance of water quality and cleanliness – The City

Government shall monitor the quality of the water at the optimal level relative
to natural productivity and the cleanliness of the areas devoted for
aquaculture development.

The operators and owners of aquaculture/mariculture

facilities/structure shall develop a mechanism of proper waste disposal.
Violation of this section may be a ground for the cancellation of the permit to
operate aquaculture/mariculture/fishing activities.

Section 16A.28. Non - obstruction to navigation – Nothing in any section

of this ordinance shall be construed as permitting the leasee or license holder
to undertake any construction or establishment of any structure which will
obstruct the free navigation and flow or ebb of tide in any stream, river,
designated navigational lane or in any marine areas of the City waters flowing
through or adjoining the fishpen or fishpond, or impede the flow and ebb of
the tide to and from the area herein the leasee or licensee, grantee or
permittee is granted to a fishery privilege. Any construction made in violation
thereof shall be removed immediately by the owner upon receipt of notice
thereof. In case of involuntary dismantling, the City Government will
dismantle the structure. The lessee, owner or occupants thereof shall pay the
corresponding amount of and a corresponding case shall be filed in proper
court against the violator.

Section 16A.29. Non-obstruction to defined migration paths – Nothing in

the foregoing sections shall be construed as permitting the leasee, permitee,
or license holder to undertake establishment or construction of any fishery
structure which will obstruct any defined migration path of catadromous,
anadromous and amphidromous species such as river mouths and estuaries.

Provided further that no fishpen, fish trap or any other structures shall
be constructed fifty (50) meters away from the mouth of the river, streams or

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Section 16A.30. Navigational route – The City Government, in

consultation the CFARMC, shall designate the navigational routes of ferries
and other fishing crafts and shall disallow any activity that shall obstruct the
designated navigational route. Provided, that nothing in the foregoing section
shall be construed as permitting the leasee, licensee or permittee to
undertake any construction of fishery structure which may obstruct free
navigation and impede water circulation such as the flow of tide to and from
the area.

Section 16A.31. Fish landing points – In accordance with the coastal

management plan, duly approved upon recommendation of the Sangguniang
Panlungsod, the fish landing points shall be designated where all fish catch
and other sea products entering the City shall land and unloaded and where
the same are inspected by the City Fishery Inspector, before they are offered
for sale to the public.

Section 16A.32. Restriction at the foreshore land – The banks of rivers

and streams and the shores of the seas, and throughout their entire length
and within a zone of three (3) meters in urban areas, twenty (20) meters in
agricultural areas and forty (40) meters in forest areas are subject to the
easement of public use in the interest of recreation, navigation, floatage,
fishing and salvage. This strip of land shall be retained and preserved as
permanent forest for stream or river bank protection and shoreline buffer in
coastal areas and are absolutely non-alienable.

Reclamation of foreshore land/areas are subject to existing national

law or policy on reclamation, provided however, that a favorable endorsement
from the concerned Barangay Council, with the approval of the Sangguniang
Panlungsod and permission from the City Mayor subject to existing land-use
and zoning plan of the City.

Section 16A.33. Land conversion for fishponds – In order to conserve

freshwater supply and forestall salination of farmlands; no land shall be

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converted into fishpond without the necessary clearance and permit as well
as compliance with all such environmental conservation measures as may be
prescribed by law.

Section 16A.34. Reporting and monitoring system - .

1. FISH CATCH REPORT - For statistical record purposes, any

person or entity who has obtained a grant or license to take or catch
fish in the City waters of this city shall submit a bi-annual report of
fish caught to the Fisheries and Coastal Management Section for
statistical purposes. This report shall be prepared in triplicate
showing the kind, quantity and value (if sold) of fish caught during
the period and must be submitted within the first ten (10) days of
the month of July and January of each preceding year.


FISHERY PRODUCTS - The Fisheries and Coastal Management
Section or Deputized Fish Wardens / Examiner is hereby authorized
to monitor fish landings, and fish markets, particularly the kind of
species and corresponding volume. Likewise, all fishery and aquatic
products being shipped out of Alaminos City shall be monitored by
the same office in coordination with the Public Order and Safety
Office, Business Permit and Licensing Office and the Philippine
National Police.


WATERS – A monitoring, control and surveillance system shall be
established by the City Government in coordination with the
Fisheries and Coastal Management Section, B/CFARMC, POSO-
Bantay Dagat, Barangay Council and other agencies concerned to
ensure that the fisheries and aquatic resources in the city waters
are judiciously and wisely utilized and managed on a sustainable
basis and concerned for the benefit and enjoyment, exclusively of
the fisherfolk of Alaminos.


developed a system of reporting and monitoring on all aspects of the
activities and operation of fisherfolk and their
organizations/cooperatives. The system shall render the following

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data, but not limited to number of fishers, fishing boats, catch and
effort, fishing violations, and other related fisheries and aquatic
resource activities. The data that will be collected and generated
shall be used in the formulation of fisheries management planning.


Section 16A.35. Area that maybe granted to qualified applicants for

mariculture activities – The City Government shall consider mariculture as
a means to promote diversification of income and preservation and
conservation of coastal and fisheries resources. Provided, that the City shall
ensure that resources are used responsibly and adverse impacts on the
environment and on local communities are minimized.

Provided, however, that mariculture development shall consider the

genetic diversity and ecosystem integrity of the city waters. Provided, further,
that the City Government shall ensure that the livelihood of the people and
their access to fishing grounds are not adversely affected. Provided,
furthermore, that the City Government shall establish effective procedures to
undertake appropriate environmental assessment, monitoring and mitigation
with the aim of minimizing adverse ecological changes and related economic
and social consequences resulting from water extraction, discharge of
effluents, use of chemicals, and other aquaculture activities.

The City Government shall designate the following as areas that maybe
granted for mariculture activities:

A. FISHCAGE (1 unit=283.53 sq.m) AREA

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1. for individual not more than 2 units

2. for cooperative/association not more than 20 units
3. for partnership/corporation not more than 15 units

B. FISHPEN (Grouper)

1. for individual not more than 200

square meters
2. for cooperative/association not more than .5 hectares
3. for partnership/corporation not more than one (1)

C. FISHPEN (Bangus) (one (1) unit – 1,000 square meters)

1. for individual not more than three

(3) units
2. for cooperative/organization not more than ten (10) units
3. for partnership/corporation not more than fifteen (15)


1. for individual not more than 2, 500 sq.m.

2. for cooperative/organization not more than two (2)
3. for partnership/corporation not more than fifty (50)

E. OYSTER CULTURE (one (1) unit – 72 square meters)

1. for individual not more than four (4)

2. for cooperative/organization not more than twenty (20)
3. for partnership/corporation not more than fifty (50)

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F. FISHTRAP (one (1) unit – 3500 sq. meters (100m. x 70m.)

1. for individual not more than two (2)

2. for cooperative/organization not more than 150 units

Section 16A.36. Prescribed distance per module – Proper distance in

between fishery structures shall be observed to allow free flow of water and
navigation. Inorder to prevent and mitigate environmental effect or impacts
as a result of mariculture activities, following distance is hereby prescribed
for regulations to wit:


a. Fish cage 25 meters per unit

b. Fish trap 20 meters per unit
c. Fish pen (Bangus) 20 meters per unit
d. Fish pen (Grouper & Other Finfishes) 15 meters per unit
e. Oyster Culture Bed 10 meters per unit
f. Seaweeds 10 meters per unit
g. Sea urchin, Sea cucumber 10 meters per unit

Section 16A.37. Mariculture management scheme – To sustain and

promote eco- friendly mariculture activities, there is hereby a mariculture
management scheme to be implemented by the City Government within the
mariculture zone of the City waters of Alaminos.


FISH CAGE After the first year operation, cages will be

transferred to the buffer or reserve area to allow
the production area to replenish. After which it will

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again return to the production area on the

following year cropping/operation.

FISHPEN Fish pen operators are hereby required to lift

their fishpen nets for one (1) month every
after operation to allow the clearing of the area.
Operators and caretakers are hereby advised to
report to the City Agriculture Office – Fishery Section on
the schedule of harvest.

Section 16A.38. Distance from the shoreline – No fish cage shall be

constructed within at least one (1) kilometers from the lowest low tide mark
of the foreshore area.: Provided, however, That no fish cage shall also be
constructed in designated navigational route: Provided, further, That no fish
cage shall also be constructed in front of any wharf and mouth of rivers

Section 16A.39. Grounds for cancellation of license and/or dismantling

fishpen, fishcages, fistrap and other fishery structure:

a. Violation of any provision of this Ordinance and other

Environmental Laws Rules and Regulations.

b. Use of dummy and/or Sub-leasing by the licensee/permitee.

c. Failure to comply with waste management regulation.

d. Death of the permitee provided that a new license shall be issued to

the qualified heirs or assignee upon filing of a new application
within ninety (90) days from the death of the licensee.

e. Dissolution of juridical licensee.

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f. Failure to comply with any of the terms and conditions of the

License and Contract of Lease

g. Fraudulent, false, or misleading statements in the application.

h. Failure to pay the required annual license fees and/or surcharges

i. Abandonment of the area

j. Failure of the licensee/permitee to construct/establish the applied

fishing structures/activities within sixty (60) days upon approval of
his/her application. The area shall be awarded to other qualified
applicants recommended by the Barangay Captain and BFARMC
Chairman concerned.

k. Use of the area other than what is specified in the Lease Contract

Section 16A.40. License, Permit, Lease and other Licenses – It shall be

unlawful for any person, cooperative, partnership, firm or corporate to
exploit, occupy, produce, breed culture, capture, or gather, fish of any
species and other aquatic products or engage in any fishery activity in the
city waters by means of nets, traps, or other kinds of fishing gear or by
means of fishing boats or vessels three (3) gross tons and below , or engage in
any fishery activity, or seek employment as a fish worker without a valid
license, lease or permit issued by the City Mayor for that purpose.

The license or permit shall specify the area, fishing gear or method,
culture type and where applicable the fishing season, fishing grounds, vessel
size or horse power and other parameters for a particular area. Provided, that
no such license shall be required of a fishing vessel engaged in scientific,
research or educational purposes.

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The privilege of catching fish or taking aquatic products from the city
waters by means of nets, traps or other fishing gear, with or without the use
of fishing boats three (3) gross tons and below, shall be granted under
ordinary fishery license/permits or grants issued by the City Mayor to any
person, cooperative, partnership, association, firm or corporation qualified
under this ordinance upon inspection by an officer from the Fishery Section
of the City Agriculture Office. A Fishing Gear License shall be issued to the
fisher for its fishing paraphernalia or equipments and the location of the
supposed area of operation upon payment of the corresponding
license/permit fee at the rates indicated in Section 31 hereof.

That the grantee/license agrees unconditionally to comply with all the

laws, decrees, orders, policies and rules and regulations governing fishing.

That the licensee assumes responsibility for any and all the acts of his
agents and employees of the contractors connected with his fishing

Section 16A.41. Licensing procedures and requirements – Any new

applicant who wants to apply for a business permit or license shall
accomplish and submit a duly accomplished Fisherfolk Registration Form.
Such application, whenever applicable, shall be accompanied by the


a. Residence Certificate (Current)

b. Barangay Clearance (Current)

c. Certification from BFARMC Chairman duly approved by

Barangay Captain that the area applied for is within the fishing
zone/mariculture zone.

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Province of Pangasinan



d. Sketch plan of the area applied within the designated zone where
fish pen, fish cages, fish traps and other fishery activity shall be

e. Duly accomplished Fisherfolk Registration Form (New)

f. Application to Lease Fishery Lot (New)

g. PBAC Form Signed (New)

h. Contract of Lease (For New) / Copy of Contract of Lease (For


i. Application and Bond Deposit fee of P 50.00 payable to the City

Treasurer Office.

j. Receipts of Payments

k. Clearances


a. Residence Certificate (Current)

b. Barangay Clearance (Current)

c. Certificate of Gear Specification and Absolute Ownership duly

certified by the Barangay Captain and BFARMC Chairman


a. Residence Certificate (Current)

b. Barangay Clearance (Current)

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Province of Pangasinan



c. MARINA Registration (if currently registered in MARINA) with the

following documents
 Certificate of Number
 Permit to Operate
 Motorboat Operator’s License

d. Certificate of Ownership duly Signed by the Barangay Captain

and BFARMC Chairman (for New)

e. Boat Builder’s Certificate (for newly constructed)

f. Deed of Sale (for newly purchased boat)

g. Original Copy of Motorboat Registration (For Renewal)


a. Residence Certificate (Current)

b. Barangay Clearance (Current)

c. Certificate of Ownership duly signed by the Brgy, Captain and

BFARMC Chairman (for New)

d. Original Copy of Boat Registration (for Renewal)

Section 16A.42. Registration and licensing of fishing gears used in

fishing within the city waters – Before a registered fishing boat/vessel may
begin fishing operations in the City waters of this City, the fishing gear it will
utilized for fishing activity shall be registered and a license granted thereof.

Section 16A.43. Licensing of Fishing Boat- Three (3) gross tonnages and
below – No person, cooperative, partnership, association, firm or organization
shall operate fishing boat/vessel without registration and valid license to

Republic of the Philippines
Province of Pangasinan



operate issued by the City Mayor. Provided that, those vessel or boat used for
cargo, hauling and service purposes, motorized or non-motorized, except
passenger boat shall be required to secure registration and permit / license
to operate from the City Government. The Motorized Fishing Boat
Registered Number (for Motorized Fishing Boat), Non Motorized Fishing
Boat Registered Number (for Non Motorized Fishing Boat) and Service
Motorboat Registry Number (for Service Motorboat) shall be painted on the
both sides of the boat body for identification. The boat/vessel license shall be
renewed on or before the 20th of January of each succeeding year. Provided,
that a special permit shall be required of a fishing boat for scientific research
or education purposes within the City waters.

Section 16A.44. Clearing bond for Mariculture operation – Any

individual, partnership, corporation or organizations who wish to construct
and operate any aquaculture/mariculture facilities shall deposit a Clearing
Bond to the City Government. This Clearing Bond will serve as a surety that
the operator/owner shall clear or demolish any structure being established in
the area upon cease of operation or occupancy. Provided that if the owner or
operator fails to clear or dismantle the structure, the mariculture bond will
be forfeited in favor of the City Government and will be used in the clearing
or dismantling of the structure.

Section16A.45. Payment schedule – General Schedule of Permit, rental,

license and other charges for the establishment of Fishpen/cages, fishtrap,
Pasabing/baclads seaweeds, culture, sea cucumber culture sea urchin
culture, Gillnet and other fishing gears, fishery structures.


Applicati Mayor’s Business
Fishing Deposit Clearing
on Rental Permit Inspection
Gears (Per Bond
Fee Fee Fee (Per Year)

P50.00/u P2,500. 2,500.0 P3.00/

Fishcage P 50.00 P 200.00/ unit
nit 00 0/ unit cu.m.

Fishpen P 50.00 P 1,500.0 P P 50.00 P 200.00

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Province of Pangasinan



(Bangus) 1,500.0 1.50/

0/ unit
0 sq.m

Lapu and P P
Other Fin P 50.00 1,000.0 1.50/ P 50.00 P 200.00
0/ unit
Fishes) 0 sq.m.

P 1,500.0 P500.0
Pasabing P 50.00 P 50.00 P 200.00
300.00 0/ unit 0

Fispond P 1,200.00

Urchin, P
Sea P 50.00 500.00 1.50/ P 50.00 P 200.00
Cucumbe sq.m.
r Culture

(FAD) P 300.00
P 50.00 500.00 P 50.00 P 200.00
500.00 / unit

fOR fishing gear (gear license)

Kinds of Fishing Gear Annual License Fee

Drift Gill Net (Liting, Pamo) 100.00

Multiple Longline, Trolling 50.00

Gill Net 10.00 / unit

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Province of Pangasinan



Man Push Net, Scoop Net (Sayudsod, Sagap) 20.00

Spear Gun, Squid Jigger, Cast Net, Etc. 10.00

(except pole hook and line without banca)


Auxiliary Invoice Transport Fee Per Trip

Bangus 2.00 / banyera (tubs)

Lapu-Lapu / Talakitok (Live) 10.00/box

Malaga 5.00/box

Shrimp (Big) 5.00/kilo

Shrimp (Small) 2.50/kilo

Other Fin Fishes / Sari-sari 3.00/cooler

Oyster, Shells (All Kinds) 5.00/sack

Seaweeds (All Kinds) 3.00/tiklis/sack

Bagoong, Dried Fish 5.00/kilo

Salt 5.00/sack



Annual License Fee

Kinds of Boat Registration Fee
(Business Tax)

MOTORIZED (For Fishing)

0.01 GRT – 1.00 GRT 100.00

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Province of Pangasinan



1.01 GRT – 2.00 GRT 150.00

2.10 GRT – 3.00 GRT 200.00




Section 16A.46. Duration and validity of license – The license and permit
to construct, establish, or operate fish pen, cage, or any stationery fishing
gears or structures for fishing activities shall be valid for one (1) year subject
to renewal on or before the 20th day of January of each year or within the first
(1st) twenty (20) days of January each year. Provided, however that the
contract of lease for the fishery structure shall be valid for three (3) years.

Fishing license issued by the City Government shall be valid for a

period of one (1) year, and is renewable annually within the first 20 th day of
January of each year, unless the license holder violates any of the terms and
conditions of the license or revoked otherwise.

The fisherfolk who is unable to fish or whose vessel or boat is

undergoing repairs during a period of time inclusive of the date or period in
which he is supposed to renew his license or motorboat registration shall
submit to Fisheries and Coastal Management Section a Certification of Dry
Dock/Repair, duly signed by the Barangay Captain and BFARMC concerned.

Section 16A.47. Renewal of fishing, fishery license and other permits –

All fishing and fishery license and other permits such as fishing license,
fishing boat permit, fishery structure permit for the operation of fish trap,
fish pen, fish cage and other mariculture activities shall be renewed on or
before 20th of January of each year. The fishing gear license shall be valid for
three (3) years after which it shall subject for renewal.

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Province of Pangasinan



Section 16A.48. Conditions for the transfer of rights and interest over
fishery farm lots - The licensee/permitee shall not sublease the farm lot or a
part thereof. He may transfer the rights over the farm lot or any portion
thereof under the following conditions:

1. The licensee/permitee had held the license for a period of not less
than one (1) year.

2. The licensee has not violated any of the rules and regulations
related to the operation including the terms and conditions of the

3. The licensee is qualified to develop and operate the farm lot

pursuant to the provision of this ordinance.

4. That there is no evidence that such transfer or conveyance of right

is being made for purposes of speculation.

5. That the transferee shall assume all the obligations thereon.

6. That the area subject of the transfer is not involved in any

administrative or judicial case

Section 16A.49. Surcharges – Any permit or license not renewed from

January 2 to 20 of each succeeding year shall be charged with 25%
surcharge fee on the business tax.

Section 16A.50. Barangay share from rental collection – The share of the
barangay where the fish pens, fish cages, or other stationary fishery
structures for fishing activities are established or being undertaken shall be
fifty percent (50%) from the rental paid by the licensee/permittee.

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Province of Pangasinan



Section 16A.51. Establishment of post-harvest facilities – The City

Government shall coordinate with the private sector and other concerned
agencies and B/CFARMC in the establishment of post-harvest facilities such
as, but not limited to, city fish landing sites, fish ports, ice plants and cold
storage and other fish processing establishment to serve primarily the needs
of the city fishers.

Section 16A.52. Registration and licensing of fish hatcheries, nurseries

and post-harvest facilities – All fish hatcheries, nurseries and post harvest
facilities such as fish processing plants, ice plants and cold storage, fish
ports/landing sites and other fishery business establishments must be
registered and licensed by the City Government. Provided further that such
post harvest facility shall be HACCP Accredited and complies with the
prescribed SSOP.

Section 16A.53. City fish port construction and development – City fish
port development should be sited and designed in a manner that will
minimize changes to existing water and sediment quality parameters such as
salinity and temperature, dissolved oxygen, nitrogen and sediment
concentration; organic constituents; and transparency of waters. Provided,
that city fish ports and harbors should be placed in areas with the highest
available flushing rate, and access channels should be designed to minimize
adverse water circulation changes and creation of stagnant water column.
Provided, however, that city fish ports and harbors should incorporate
facilities which allow for effective waste disposal and erosion control.

Section 16A.54. Auxiliary Invoice – All fish and fishery products coming
from the City and passing through the City thoroughfare, except those
caught in violation of this ordinance or are declared as health hazards by the
City Health Office or other concerned institution, must have an auxiliary
invoice to be issued by the City Business Permit and Licensing Office after
duly inspected by the Fisheries and Coastal Management Section prior to
their transport from their point of origin to their point of destination in the

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Province of Pangasinan



country and/or export purposes upon payment of the prescribed fee to defray
administrative costs thereof.

Section 16A.55. Support to City Fisherfolk – The City Government in

coordination with other agencies and institutions, shall provide support to
city fisherfolk and their organization through appropriate technology and
research, credit, production and marketing assistance and other services
such as, but not limited to training and technical assistance for
additional/supplementary livelihood.

Section 16A.56. City Fisheries and Coastal Management Section – There

is hereby created a Fisheries and Coastal Management Section under the City
Agriculture Office, solely for the purpose of attending to the needs on
fisheries and coastal resource management of the city. The FCM Section shall
be headed by a Section Head under the supervision of the City Agriculturist.

Section 16A.57. Functions, duties and powers of the Fisheries and

Coastal Management Section Head

The CRM Section shall have the following functions, duties and

1. Formulate measures for the approval of the City Mayor and the
Sangguniang Panlungsod, as the case may be, in carrying out
measures to ensure the delivery of basic services and provisions of
adequate facilities relative to environment and natural resources,
particularly on coastal resources management and fisheries

2. Develop plans and strategies upon the approval thereof by the City
Mayor and the Sangguniang Panlungsod, as the case may be,
implement the same, particularly those which have to do with
coastal resources management and fisheries programs and project
which the City Mayor is empowered to implement and which the
Sangguniang Panlungsod is empowered to provide.

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Province of Pangasinan



3. Ensure the maximum assistance and access to resources in the

sustainable management and use of the environment and natural
resources, particularly on coastal and fisheries resources;

4. Enforce laws, rules and regulations relating to environment and

natural resources, particularly on coastal resources and fisheries

5. Coordinate with government agencies and non-governmental

organizations which promote sustainable management of the
environment and natural resources, particularly on coastal and
fisheries resources

6. Be in the frontline of the delivery of basic services, particularly those

needed for the survival of the inhabitants during and in the
aftermath of man-made and natural disasters and calamities;

7. Recommend to the Sangguniang Panlungsod and advice the City

Mayor, as the case may be, on all other matters related environment
and natural resources, particularly on coastal and fisheries
resources, which will improve the livelihood and living conditions of
the inhabitants.

8. Formulate and issue pertinent rules and regulations to effectively

carry out the functions and duties of the section.

9. Exercise such other powers and performs such other duties and
functions as may be prescribed by law and ordinance or as maybe
assigned by the Sangguniang Panlungsod or delegated by the City

Section 16A.58. Qualifications of the Fisheries and Coastal

Management Section Head – No person shall be appointed as FCM Section
Chief unless he/she is a citizen of the Philippines, a resident of Alaminos
City, of good moral character, a graduate in Bachelor of Science in Fishery,
and a first grade civil service eligible or its equivalent. He/She must have
acquired experience in coastal resource management of at least five years (5)

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Province of Pangasinan



years and has undergone extensive training in fisheries and coastal


Section 16A.59. Creation of City Fisheries and Aquatic Resource

Management Councils (farmc) – Pursuant to the provisions of Executive
Order No. 240, Series of 1996, Fisheries Administrative Order No. 196, Series
of 2000 and Section 69 of the Philippine Fisheries Code of 1998, a Fisheries
and Aquatic Resource Management Council shall be established in the City of
Alaminos. The City Government shall provide assistance to the City FARMC.

Section 16A.60. Composition of Alaminos City FARMC – The Alaminos

CFARMC shall adopt a two (2) level composition namely the Regular Member
(First Level) and the Officers (Second Level) of the following:

I. CFARMC REGULAR MEMBER – The regular members of Alaminos

CFARMC shall be composed of the following:

a. City Planning and Development Officer;

b. Chairperson of the Sangguniang Panlungsod Committee on
Agriculture/ Fisheries;
c. Representative of the City Development Council;
d. Representative from the accredited Non-Governmental
Organizations (NGO);
e. Representative from the private sector;
f. Representative from the City Agriculture Office; and
g. At least ten (10) fishers representatives [seven (7) municipal
fishers, one (1) fishworker and three (3) commercial fishers] in
each municipality which include representative from youth and
women sector.

II. CFARMC OFFICERS – The elected Barangay Fisheries and Aquatic

Resource Management Council (BFARMC) Chairmen of the ten
coastal Barangays in the City of Alaminos shall automatically
become the fisherfolk representative to the CFARMC. Through an
orientation and election called for that purpose, they will

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Province of Pangasinan



elect among themselves set of CFARMC Officers which will

compose of the following:

a. Chairperson
b. Vice Chairperson
c. Secretary
d. Treasurer
e. Auditor
f. Press Relation Officer (3)
g. Sergeant – At – Arms (2)

Section 16A.61. Powers and functions of the city FARMC – The CITY
FARMC shall have the following powers and functions:

1. To assist the city government in the implementation of programs

and projects on coastal and fisheries resources management;

2. To assist the City Government in the monitoring and evaluation

coastal and fisheries resources management programs;

3. To advise the City Government in the arbitration of disputes over

fishery rights and sharing contracts;

4. To assist the City Government in the conduct of public hearings and

community consultations, in aid of the formulation of plans, policies
and proposed ordinances and regulations;

5. To coordinate with law enforcement agencies in the enforcement of

fishery and environmental laws, ordinances, rules and regulations;

6. To assist the City Government in the promotion of comprehensive

rehabilitation and conservation of municipal fishing grounds and
coastal and fishery resources;

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Province of Pangasinan



7. To assist the City Government in the promotion of ancillary

economic activities, including cooperative marketing and socio-
economic services;

8. To maintain an updated registry of city fishers; and

9. To perform such other functions the City Mayor, the City

Development Council and the Sangguniang Panlungsod may
delegate, as provided by ordinance or resolution.

Section 16A.62. Term of office – The Officers of the CFARMC, except the
representatives of different agencies and offices concerned, shall serve for
three (3) years unless otherwise re-elected. Re-election as a Chairperson of
the CFARMC shall only be allowed for three (3) terms.

Section 16A.63. Suppletory application – The provisions of Executive Order

No. 240, Series of 1996 and Fisheries Administrative Order 196, Series of
2000, prescribing rules and regulation on the creation and maintenance of
FARMC, including Barangay FARMC, shall apply to this Ordinance in a
Suppletory manner.

Section 16A.64. Appropriation for CFARMC operations and provision of

remuneration – The City Fisheries and Coastal Management Section shall be
responsible for the preparation of the annual budget of the CFARMC, for the
purpose of inclusion in the annual appropriation act of the City. Provided,
however, that the Sangguniang Panlungsod through the Chairperson of the
Committee on Agriculture/Fisheries shall allocate funds for the remuneration
of the CFARMC Officers subject to usual accounting and auditing

16A.65. Unauthorized Fishing or engaging in other unauthorized

Section 16A.65.
Fisheries activities – No person, cooperative, partnership, association, firm
or corporation shall exploit, occupy, produce, breed, culture, capture or
gather fish, fry or fingerlings of any fishery species or fishery products, or
engage in any fishery activity in the city waters without a license, lease or

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Province of Pangasinan



permit. Discovery of any person in an area where he has no permit or

registration papers for a fishing vessel shall constitute a prima facie
presumption that the person and/or vessel is engaged In unauthorized
fishing activity.

Provided that the operation of commercial fishing vessel within the city
waters shall tantamount to unauthorized fishing activity. Provided, further,
that fishing for daily food sustenance or leisure which is not for commercial,
occupation or livelihood purposes may be allowed.

Violation of this section shall be punished with a fine of Five Thousand

Pesos (Php 5,000.00) per head or an imprisonment of six (6) months or both
such fine and imprisonment at the discretion of the court. The catch shall be
confiscated and the vessel / boat including the gear shall also be impounded
and shall only be released upon order of the proper court and payment of
corresponding penalty, impounding and other fees thereto shall have been

Section 17A.66. Use of Fine-mesh nets, Double net and Triple net – It
shall be unlawful for any person, association, corporation, partnership or
cooperative to engage in fishing in the City Waters of Alaminos using nets
with mesh size less than three (3) centimeters measured between two
opposite knots of full mesh when stretched. That the use of fishing nets with
legal size but doubled or overlaid one on top of the other in an attempt to
circumvent this provision shall be construed as using fine meshed net in
fishing. Provided, however, this prohibition shall not apply to the gathering or
catching of fry (semilya), glass eels, elvers, tabios and alamang (aramang)
during their season and such species which by their nature are small but
already mature.

Violation of this section shall be punished with a fine of Five Thousand

Pesos (Php 5,000.00) per head or an imprisonment of six (6) months or both
such fine and imprisonment at the discretion of the court. The catch and
gear shall be confiscated while the vessel / boat will be impounded and shall

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Province of Pangasinan



only be released upon order of the proper court and payment of

corresponding penalty, impounding and other fees thereto shall have been

Section 17A.67. Use of active gear in fishing within HINP area, rivers,
bays, and other fishery management areas within the City waters of
Alaminos – It shall be unlawful for any person to engage in fishing within
HINP Area, in all bays , rivers, as well as other fishery management areas in
the City waters of Alaminos using active fishing gears as defined in this

Violation of this section shall be punished with a fine of Five Thousand

Pesos (Php 5,000.00) per head or an imprisonment of six (6) months or both
such fine and imprisonment at the discretion of the court. The catch and
gear shall be confiscated while the vessel / boat will be impounded and shall
only be released upon order of the proper court and payment of
corresponding penalty, impounding and other fees thereto shall have been

Section 16A.68. Ban on the use of muro- ami, kayakas, motorized push
net, cadcad, trawl, and other fishing methods and gear destructive to
coral reefs and other marine habitats – It shall be unlawful for any person,
natural or juridical, to fish with the use of gear that destroys coral reefs,
seagrass beds, and other marine habitat. Muro – Ami, Kayakas, Motorized
Push Net (Dalungkit), Cadcad, Trawl and any of its variation, and such
similar method that require physical, or mechanical means of pounding the
coral reefs and other marine habitat to entrap, gather or catch fish and other
fishery species shall prohibited to use / operate in the city waters of

Violation of this section shall be punished with a fine of Five Thousand

Pesos (Php 5,000.00) per head or an imprisonment of six (6) months or both
such fine and imprisonment at the discretion of the court. The catch and
gear shall be confiscated while the vessel/boat will be impounded and shall

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Province of Pangasinan



only be released upon order of the proper court and payment of

corresponding penalty, impounding and other fees thereto shall have been

Section 16A.69. Ban on beach mining, coral extraction and other related
activities – It shall be unlawful for any person, corporation, association,
partnership or cooperative to conduct quarrying, extracting, gathering, selling
or export white sand, silica, pebbles, rubble, corals (dead or alive) and other
substances which make up marine habitat.

Violation of this section shall be punished with a fine of Five Thousand

(Php 5,000.00) Pesos per offender and an imprisonment of six (6) months or
both such fine and imprisonment at the discretion of the court. The vehicle,
vessel/boat including the equipment/paraphernalia used in committing the
violation shall be impounded and shall only be released upon order of the
court and payment of corresponding penalty and other fees thereto shall have
been made. The white sand, silica, pebbles, rubble, corals shall be
confiscated and return to the marine habitat.

Section 16A.70. Violation on Fishing Ban and Closed season – It shall be

unlawful for any person, natural, or juridical to fish in the City Waters during
fishing ban and closed season as defined in Section 21 of this Ordinance,

a. Closed Season on the Operation of Drift Gill Net, Pamo, Litting and
Baby Litting and its variation during the month of February to July
of each year.

b. Closed Season of catching Padas during the month of April – July of

each year.

c. Closed Season of gears such as Sagap (Man push net), Sayudsod,

the five (5) days before and five (5) days after the New Moon every
month of March, April and May of each year. Provided that, cod-end

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Province of Pangasinan



net (bubo) of fish trap (pasabing) shall also be lifted during this

Violation of this section shall be punished with a fine of Five Thousand

Pesos (Php 5,000.00) per head or an imprisonment of six (6) months or both
such fine and imprisonment at the discretion of the court. The catch and
gear shall be confiscated while the vessel/boat will be impounded and shall
only be released upon order of the proper court and payment of
corresponding penalty, impounding and other fees thereto shall have been

Section 16A.71. Taking, catching, disposing of Dolphins, Giant clams,

Marine turtles and other rare, threatened and endangered Species – It
shall be unlawful for any person to take, catch, possess, dispose in any
manner, purchase, transport, or export Dolphins, Giant Clams and other
Rare, Threatened and Endangered Species whether dead or alive or in any
state or form whether raw or processed. Provided that the City Mayor, upon
the recommendation of the Director of the Bureau of Fisheries and Aquatic
Resources, may issue a special permit in favor of any government or private
agency or institution engaged in research work on dolphins, including those
to be used for exhibition or show purposes subject to terms and conditions as
the said Secretary may deem wise to impose.

It shall be unlawful to wound or kill dolphins in the course of catching

other species of fish. Dolphins which are accidentally included in the catch
by any gear shall be immediately released unharmed in the sea, otherwise
the liability shall be surrendered to the City Government of Alaminos for
proper disposition.

Violation of this section shall be punished with a fine of Five Thousand

Pesos (Php 5,000.00) per head or an imprisonment of six (6) months to one
(1) or both such fine and imprisonment year at the discretion of the court.
The catch and gear shall be confiscated while the vessel/boat will be
impounded and shall only be released upon order of the proper court and

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Province of Pangasinan



payment of corresponding penalty, impounding and other fees thereto shall

have been made.







Scientific Name English Name

Bolma girgyllus Girgyllus star shell

Clypeomorus aduncus bent cerith

Recluzea lutea recluzea snail

Separatista blainvilliana true separatist

Malluvium lissus deep sea cap

Strombus thersites thersite stromb

Varicospira crispate network beak


Tibia martini martini’s tibia

C. childreni children’s cowrie

C. bekli beck’s cowrie

C. guttata great spotted cowrie

C. porteri potter’s cowrie

C. teramachili Teramachi’s cowrie

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Province of Pangasinan



C. martini Martini’s cowrie

C. saule Saul’s cowrie

C. katsuae Katsue’s cowrie

C. leucodon White toothed cowrie

C. auranthum golden cowrie

C. valentia Prince cowrie

Phenacovolva dancel Dance volva

Cypraaeacassis rufa bullmouth helmet

Phalium coronadol glabratum Wyville’s bonnet

P. glabratum glabratum smooth bonnet

Morum kurzi Kurzi’s morum

M. Grande Giant morum

M. watsoni Watson’s morum

1. Bivalves:

Amusium obliteratum smidged moon scallop

Eufistulana mumia club-shaped

boring clam


1. Gastropods

Scientific Name English Name Local Name

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Province of Pangasinan



Turbo marmoratus green snail laong, bulatok

Trochus niloticus smooth top shell samong; simong;


Barnea manilensis angel wing shell diwal

2. Crabs

Birgus latro coconut crab tatus, umang

alimangong lupa

1. Whales and Dolphins

Scientific Name English Name Local Name

Stenella longirostis Spinner Dolphin lumba-


Stenella attenuate Pantropical spotted lumba-


dolphin balakiki

Stenella coeruleoalba Stripped dolphin lumba-lumba

Lagenodelphis hosel Fraser’s Dolphin mayahon

Turslops truncates long-snouted bottle lumba-


Lumod nose dolphin


Grampus griseus Risso’s dolphin lumba-lumba;

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Province of Pangasinan




Peponocephala electra melon-headed whale lumod

Feresa attennuata pygma killer whale lumod

Globicephala short-finned pilot whale pakatang-



Psedorca crassidens false killer whale balyena

Orcinus orca killer whale balyena

Stenu bredanensis rough toothed dolphin lumba-


Kogia breviceps pygmy sperm whale balyena

Kogia simus dwarf sperm whale balyena

Mesoplodon densirostris Blainvelle’s beaked whale balyena

Ziphius cavirostris Cuvier’s beaked whale balyena

Physeler macrocephalus sperm whale balyena

Megaptera novaeangliae humpback whale balyena

Balaenoptera edeni bryde’s whale balyena


Balaenopter fin whale balyena

2. Clams:

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Province of Pangasinan



Tridacna gigas true giant clam taklobo

T. derasa smooth giant clam tablobo

T. squamosa Fluted/scaly giant clam hagdan-


T. maxima elongated giant clam manlet, manlot

T. crocea boring/crocus clam let-let

Hippopus hippopus strawberry/horse hoof clam kukong


H. porcellamus china/porcelain clam kukong kabayo

3. Sea snakes

Cerberus rhynchops dogfaced water snake


Section 16A.72. Illegal cutting of mangroves – It shall be unlawful for any

person, natural or juridical to cut mangroves or any forest growth along the
river banks and coastal areas of the City especially within the Hundred
Islands National Park and Mangrove Reforestation Areas.

Violation of this section shall be punished with a fine of Five Thousand

Pesos (Php 5,000.00) per head or an imprisonment of six (6) months to one
(1) year or both such fine and imprisonment at the discretion of the court.
The mangroves or timber including the equipment used in cutting shall be
confiscated in favor of the City Government of Alaminos.

Section 16A.73. Illegal construction and operation of fishtrap, fishpen,

fish cage and other fishery structure – It shall be unlawful to construct
and operate fishtrap, fish pen, fish cage and other fishery structure without a

Republic of the Philippines
Province of Pangasinan



business license/permit and outside the designated zone. Likewise, it shall

be unlawful to construct and operate any fishery structure not in conformity
with the applied location, zoning, size/area and the prescribed distance
between structures.

Violation of this section shall be punished with a fine of Five Thousand

(Php 5,000.00) Pesos or an imprisonment of six (6) months or both such fine
and imprisonment at the discretion of the court. The gear shall be dismantled
and impounded and shall only be released upon order of the court and
payment of corresponding penalty, impounding fee, dismantling fee and
permit fees thereto shall have been made.

Section 16A.74. Use of dummy, sub-lease, transfer, transfer of rights,

quitclaims and waiver of rights – Business Permit/License shall not be
transferred by lease or mortgage. Likewise, the license holder or permitee
shall not sub-lease, transfer or waive his/her rights and permit/license over
the applied fishery farm lot in whole or in part thereof. Any license holder or
permitee may transfer his / her rights and interest over the fishery farm lot
in accordance with Article VI, Section 49 of this Ordinance.

Violation of the provision of this section shall constitute a ground for

the cancellation of the license or business permit granted, cancellation of
lease agreement, confiscation of existing improvements or gears,
disqualification of subsequent application by the same person, organization
or cooperative of subsequent fishery grant or privilege thereof.

Provided that any person found to be used as dummy shall be

blacklisted for three (3) years. Provided further, that violator of this section
shall be fined of Administrative fine of Five Thousand Pesos (Php 5,000.00).

Republic of the Philippines
Province of Pangasinan



Section 16A.75. Vessel/Boat engaged in operation without registration

and license – It shall be unlawful for any person natural or juridical to
operate a vessel/boat, motorized or non-motorized, for hauling, cargo, service
and fishing purposes/activity in the City Waters without registration, license
or permit.

Violation of this section shall be punished with a fine of Five Thousand

Pesos (Php 5,000.00) or an imprisonment of six (6) months or both such fine
and imprisonment at the discretion of the court. The catch and gear shall be
confiscated while the vessel/boat will be impounded and shall only be
released upon order of the proper court and payment of corresponding
penalty, impounding and other fees thereto shall have been made.

Section 16A.76. Obstruction to navigation and migration path – It shall

be unlawful for any person to undertake construction of any structure which
will obstruct the migration path and free navigation in any stream, river or
the marine areas of the city waters flowing through or adjoining the fishpen
or fishpond, or impede the flow and ebb of tide.

Violation of this section shall be punished with a fine of Five Thousand

Pesos (Php 5,000.00) or an imprisonment of six (6) months or both such fine
and imprisonment at the discretion of the court including the
removal/dismantling of the obstruction at the expense of the offender.

Section 16A.77. Dealing with Illegally caught fish or fishery/aquatic

products – It shall be unlawful for any person, corporation or entity to deal
in, sell or in any manner dispose of, any fish or fishery species or aquatic
products which have been illegally caught, taken or gathered.

Dealing in, selling, or in any manner disposing for profit illegally

caught/gathered fishery species shall be punished by a fine of Five
Thousand (Php 5,000.00) Pesos or imprisonment from six (6) months to one
(1) year or both such fine and imprisonment at the discretion of the court
including the confiscation of the fish and aquatic products together with the
paraphernalias used in fishing..

Republic of the Philippines
Province of Pangasinan



Section 16A.78. Restriction on the use of spear or spear gun for fishing
– It shall be unlawful for any person, natural, or juridical to engage in spear
fishing in any kind or form within the Hundred Islands National Park, Bolo
Beach and other established beach resort areas within the city waters of

Violation of the provision of this section shall subject the offender to a

fine from One Thousand (Php 1, 000.00) Pesos to three thousand (Php
3,000.00) Pesos or imprisonment of one (1) day to six (6) months or both
such fine and imprisonment at the discretion of the court. The spear or spear
gun shall be confiscated.

Section 16A.79. Ban on fishing in fish sanctuaries, mangrove

reforestation areas and other declared marine protected/reserved areas
– It shall be unlawful for any person, natural, or juridical to conduct fishing
activity in fish sanctuaries, mangrove reforestation areas, and other declared
marine protected/reserved areas.

Violation of the provision of this section shall be punished by a fine of

Five Thousand Pesos (Php 5,000.00) or imprisonment of one (1) day to six (6)
months or both such fine and imprisonment at the discretion of the court.
The catch shall be confiscated and the gear and vessel used in fishing shall
be impounded and shall only be released upon order of the proper court and
payment of corresponding penalty, impounding and other fees thereto shall
have been made.

Section 16A.80. Ban on the construction of any structure on the

shoreline and riverbanks – It shall be unlawful for any person, natural or
juridical to construct any structure for pig pen and poultry house, coop, toilet
and bath, and other structures along the salvage area of the shore,
riverbanks and easement . Provided that, dumping of solid waste and
discharge of liquid waste, toxic waste and effluent from toilet, bath, swine,
poultry, and houses into the sea shall constitute an aquatic pollution.

Republic of the Philippines
Province of Pangasinan



Violation of the provision of this section shall subject the violator to a

fine of Five Thousand Pesos (Php 5,000.00) or imprisonment of six (6) months
to one (1) year or both such fine and imprisonment at the discretion of the
court. The violator shall undertake the removal and clean of the waste and
the dismantling of the structure.

Section 16A.81. Gathering, Exportation and Selling of Tropical

aquarium fish – It shall be unlawful for any person to gather, export, or sell
aquarium fish from the city waters. Violation of this section shall be
punished with a fine of Five Thousand Pesos (Php 5,000.00) or imprisonment
of one (1) day to six (6) months or both such fine and imprisonment at the
discretion of the court. The aquarium fish shall be confiscated and released
to its natural habitat.

Section 16A.82. Use of fraudulent instrument of weight and measure –

It shall be unlawful for any person to posses or use fraudulent instrument of
weight and measures in selling and trading fish and fishery products.

Violation of the provision of this section shall subject the offender to a

fine of Five Thousand Pesos (Php 5,000.00) or imprisonment of one (1)
month to six (6) months or both such fine and imprisonment at the discretion
of the court including the confiscation and forfeiture of the weighing scale in
favor of the City Government.

Section 16A.83. Non compliance with the requirements of auxiliary

invoice – It shall be unlawful for any person to transport fish, fishery and
fishery by products without auxiliary invoice prior to transport from its point
of origin to its final destination in the country and/or export purposes.

Republic of the Philippines
Province of Pangasinan



Refusal to fee the required auxiliary invoice shall mean a violation of

this section and punishable by a fine of Five Thousand Pesos (Php 5,000.00)
including the confiscation of the fish, fishery/aquatic or fishery by products.

Section 16A.84. Operation of private hatcheries and fishpond – It shall

be unlawful for any person, corporation or partnership to operate private
hatchery and fishpond either private or under Fishpond Lease Agreement
(FLA) without Business and Mayor’s permit/ and/or license.

Violation of the provision of this section shall be punished by a fine of

Five Thousand Pesos (Php 5,000.00) or imprisonment of six (6) months or
both such fine and imprisonment at the discretion of the court.

Section 16A.85. Use of Formalin in preserving fish and fishery/aquatic

products – It shall be unlawful for any person, firm or corporation to use
formalin or any harmful preservative in preserving fish and fishery//aquatic
products or in any manner to maintain its physical quality which are
intended for human consumption, to sell or any manner dispose for profit of
any fish, fishery/Aquatic products which have been contaminated with

Violation hereof shall subject the offender to fine of not less than Five
Thousand Pesos (Php 5,000.00) or imprisonment from six (6) month or both
such fine and imprisonment in the discretion of the court, including the
cancellation of business permit and confiscation of the fish and fishery
product for proper disposition of the City Governments.

Section 16A.86. Concessions and Leases concerning Fisheries – No

lease or concessions granted by the Barangay Council under the authority of
an ordinance approved pursuant to Section 391 of the Local Government
Code of 1991, concerning fishing and fisheries in streams, rivers, inland and
City waters of this city shall be valid and enforceable unless reviewed by the

Republic of the Philippines
Province of Pangasinan



Sangguniang Panlungsod to Section 458 of the Local Government Code of


Section 16A.87. Seizure, Confiscation, Impoundment and Forfeiture of

Fishing vessels, Gears and other items used in Illegal Fishing – In all
foregoing cases, the fishing vessels, fishing gears or equipments, explosives,
noxious or poisonous substances and/or electrical devices, used in illegal
fishing shall be summarily seized, confiscated, impounded, and forfeited
including the catch if favor of the City Government with the right to use or
dispose the same for useful purposes other than fishing upon order of the

The deputized agents or representatives, and law enforcement officers

are empowered to seize and impound the fishing vessels, cargo, vehicle
equipment as well as explosives, noxious or poisonous substances, electrical
devices fishing gear and other apparatus used in illegal fishing, for used as
evidence at and pending disposition of the criminal case by competent court.

Section 16A.88. Persons and Deputies authorized to enforce this

Ordinance and other Fishery Laws, Rules and Regulations – The City
Mayor, City Agriculturist, City Fisheries and Coastal Management Section
Personnel, City Planning and Development Coordinator, City Treasurer, City
Local Government Operations Officer, Business Permit and Licensing Officer,
POSO – Bantay Dagat, Philippine National Police, Certified Fish Examiners,
Deputized Fish Wardens, including City FARMC and Barangay Officials who
have undergone deputation training by the BFAR, shall take lead in the
enforcement and implementation of this ordinance.

Section 16A.89. Administrative Remedies and Measures – Without

prejudice to any criminal prosecution by reason of willful violations of any of
the provisions as herefore enumerated, the City thru the office of City Mayor
may take such other administrative remedies as may be necessary inorder to
effect preventive measures to forestall any violation of the provisions of this
Ordinance which shall be include but not limited to the following:

Republic of the Philippines
Province of Pangasinan



1. Every permit or license issued or granted pursuant to in compliance

of this ordinance shall be subject to suspension or cancellation for
any violation by the holder of any provision hereof or for any valid
cause whatsoever specially, such violation or activity as may pose
serious danger to the community and environment as well as the
peace and order in locality.

2. Disqualification of any violator from any application for any

franchise or fishery privilege and permit, whether such
disqualification shall issue by reason of criminal conviction or
administrative sanctions.

3. Imposition of administrative fine for violation of this ordinance not

exceeding Five Thousand Pesos per violator.

4. The Bantay Dagat Officers/Fishery officer/Warden duly appointed

and commissioned as enforcement officials shall hereby be
designated as agents of persons in authority and the extent of their
powers and authority shall be defined and enumerated thru
Executive Order duly approved by the Sangguniang Panglungsod
particularly their powers to seize any products, materials, boat,
banca, equipment or paraphernalia illegally used or acquired in
violation of any provision hereof as well as their right and authority
to board any fishing vessel in the enforcement of this ordinance.

Section 16A.90. Use of Forfeited property – Whenever forfeiture of

property is imposed as penalty, such property or proceeds from the sale
thereof shall go to the trust fund of the City Government for use of the
coastal resources development purposes.

Fish and other fishery species found to be caught illegally or with the
use of explosives, noxious or poisonous substance or banned gears/devices
shall immediately be seized or confiscated, and if fit for human consumption,
shall be donated to penal institution such as the provincial or city jails, or to

Republic of the Philippines
Province of Pangasinan



charitable institutions such as hospitals, house of charities or orphanages or

home for the aged or indigents.

Section 16A.91. No compromise for Criminal Cases – Criminal cases filed

for violation of this Ordinance shall not be compromised at any stage of the
court proceedings.

Section 16A.92. Applicability of other Laws – The prosecution of offense

in violation of any provision hereof is without prejudice to the application of
other fishery laws, rules and regulation governing similar violations and
impositions of corresponding penalties.

Section 16A.93. Mandatory Review – The Sangguniang Panlungsod shall

undertake the mandatory review of this ordinance at least once every 3 years
and as often as it may deem necessary, to ensure that coastal and fisheries
policies and guidelines remain responsive to the changing circumstances.


Section 16A.94. Implementing Rules and Regulations – The City Mayor

jointly with the City Agriculture Officer, Fishery Officer, Planning Officer,
Legal Officer, Representative from DENR, BFAR, SP Committee Chairman on
Agriculture and Environment shall promulgate the IRR for proper and
smooth implementation of this ordinance.

Article B

Ban on the operation of Danish Seine (Hulbot-Hulbot)

Republic of the Philippines
Province of Pangasinan



Section 16B.01. Scope – This ordinance shall govern the operation of Danish
Seine/Modified Danish Seine in the city waters of Alaminos pursuant to the
Fishery Administrative Order No. 222, Series of 2003.

Section 16B.02. Definition of terms – For purposes of this ordinance, the following
definition of terms shall apply:

1. Danish Seine – is an active fishing gear which consist of a conical net

with a pair of wings, the ends of which are connected to a rope embedded
with a buri, plastic strips, sinkers or any similar materials to serve as
scaring/herding device and hauled through a mechanical winch or by

2. Modified Danish Seine – is an active fishing gear locally termed as

holbot-holbot, palisot, zipper, bira-bira, hulahoop, liba-liba, buli-buli and
other coined names consists of a conical net with a pair of wings, the ends
of which are connected to a rope embedded with buri, plastic strips,
sinkers and any similar material to serve as scaring/herding device as
hauling ropes passing through a ring permanently attached to a tome
weight (lingote) and hauled through a mechanical winch or by manpower.

3. City Waters – include not only streams, lake and tidal waters included
within the city, not being subject of private ownership and not comprised
with national parks, public forests, timber lands, forest reserves or fishery
reserves, but also marine waters included between two (2) lines drawn
perpendicular to the general coastline from points where the boundary
lines of the city touch the sea at low tide and a third line parallel with the
general coastline and fifteen (15) kilometers from its seaward. Where two
(2) municipalities are situated on the opposite shores that there is less
than fifteen (15) kilometers of marine waters between them, the third line
shall be equally distant from opposite shores of the respective

Section 16B.03. Prohibition – It shall be unlawful for any person to operate

municipal and commercial fishing boats using Danish Seine and Modified
Danish Seine in catching fish within the city waters, bays and management

Republic of the Philippines
Province of Pangasinan



Section 16B.04. Penalty – The operator, boat captain, master fisherman, and
recruiter or organizer of fish workers who violate any provision of this
ordinance shall suffer a penalty of one (1) year imprisonment or fine of not
more than Five Thousand (P5,000.00) or both such fine and imprisonment at
the discretion of the court. The catch and the gear used shall be confiscated.

Section 16B.05. Imposition of Fines and Penalties, without prejudice to

Administrative Sanction and Indemnity – The imposition of fines and
penalties as punishment for violation of the provisions of this Ordinance is
without prejudice to administrative sanctions which may be imposed upon an
offender for the purpose of fully or partially recovering the loss in revenue
and/or costs incurred by the City Government on account of the violation,
and indemnity to compensate for the loss of, damage to, and/or costs of
rehabilitation of, the fisheries and aquatic resources of the City. Such
sanctions and/or indemnity shall be determined by the FMO, and
substantiated by records and receipts, copies of which shall be furnished the

Section 16B.07. Administrative investigation – The FMO is hereby authorized to

conduct hearings for the purpose of investigating and imposing
administrative sanctions and indemnity against any person apprehended
within the City Waters and accused of violating any provision of this
Ordinance. Such hearings shall be summary and non-litigious in nature, and
shall be concluded within fifteen (15) days from the time the case is filed for
investigation, failure to appear at the administrative investigation shall result
in the rendition of summary judgment against the offender and the immediate
filing of the appropriate criminal cases before the regular courts.

Section 16B.08. Contested cases – If the offender contest the decision of the FMO,
the same may be appealed to a Fisheries Arbitral Committee within seven (7)
days from rendition of its decision. The FMO and the offender shall each
chose one member from respected citizens of the City who are known probity,
integrity, and good standing, while the third member shall be chosen jointly
from the Committee on Fisheries of the Sanggunian. The contested case shall
then be forwarded to the Fisheries Arbitral Committee for decision within
fifteen (15) days from receipt thereof. The decision of the Arbitral Committee
shall be final and unappealable.

Republic of the Philippines
Province of Pangasinan



Section 16B.09. Impoundment of fishing vessel and/or gear – The fishing vessel
or gear used in committing a violation of this ordinance shall be impounded
by the City, through the FMO, pending resolution of the administrative
investigation against the offender. The offender shall be issued an official
receipt for the items impounded, and shall bear costs of storage and unkeep
of the vessel and/or gear while it is in impoundment. Prior to resolution of the
administrative investigation the same shall not be released unless the costs of
storage and unkeep, and a security bond in the amount of fair market value
of such vessel or gear are paid or deposited with the FMO, to answer for any
administrative sanctions or indemnity that may be imposed; provided, that
items which are inherently illegal, such as dynamite, noxious and poisonous
substances, and electro fishing gear, among others, shall not be released
except upon lawful order of the court before which the criminal case is
pending; Provided further, that should be offender by subsequently found
guilty of the offense, the inherently illegal items shall be disposed of or

Section 16B.010. Revocation of license – Any person found to have violated the
terms and conditions of a valid license in his favor shall be required to
surrender the license to the FMO, which shall thereafter revoke the same for
the remainder of the term of the license. Such license shall not be renewed
unless the license has paid all administrative sanctions and indemnity that
may have been imposed for the violation.

Section 16B.011. Other sanctions and/or indemnity – The City Mayor, upon
recommendation of the FMO, may prescribe other administrative sanctions or
indemnity by means of an executive order, provided, that the same shall have
been subjected to consultations with M/CFARMC.

Section 16B.012. Separability clause – If any provision of this ordinance is declared

invalid or unconstitutional, the other portion hereof which are not affected by
such unconstitutional or invalid provision shall remain in full force and effect.

Section 16B.013. Repealing clause – All ordinances, rules and regulation or part
thereof inconsistent with or contrary to the provisions of this ordinance is hereby
amended or repealed accordingly.

Republic of the Philippines
Province of Pangasinan



Article C

Ban on the use of Compressor as Breathing Apparatus in Fishing


Section 16C.01 – Scope. The ban applies in all Fishing Activities within the
territorial jurisdiction of the City of Alaminos”.

Section 16C.02 –Definition. As used in this Article- Compressor refers to a machine

designed to increase the pressure of a gas or liquid in an enclosed vessel above
atmospheric pressure, a machine for compressing air/gas.

Section 16C.03 – Prohibited Act. The use of Compressor as breathing apparatus in

all fishing activities is hereby banned within the territorial jurisdiction of the City of
Alaminos, Pangasinan.

Section 16C.04 –Penalty. Any person found using compressor as breathing

apparatus in his fishing activities and/or found to be in possession or in his fishing
boat a compressor apparatus/machine shall be fined an amount of from P500.00 to
P1,500.00 or an imprisonment of from two (2) days to four (4) days or both such fine
and imprisonment upon the discretion of the court, and the confiscation of the
compressor apparatus/machine.

Section 16C.05 – Ordinances, laws, rules and regulations inconsistent with this
ordinance are hereby repealed or modified accordingly.

Article D

Grant of Fishery lot to qualified Fisherfolk

Section 16D.01. Duties of Committee. It shall be the duty of the Pre-Qualification,

Bids and Awards Committee:

1. To see to it that the application is accompanied by sketch or plan of the

fishery lot being applied.
2. Application is accompanied by a certification/indorsement of the Barangay
Captain and BFARMC Chairman.
3. Applicant has paid the application fee of P50,000.00
4. Application is accompanied by SEC, CDA, or DOLE Certificate of Registration
for Juridical person (Cooperative, Corporation, Partnership)
5. Applicant has paid the cash bond/deposit equivalent to one (1) year rental
(for fisherpens/fishcages).

Republic of the Philippines
Province of Pangasinan



6. Applicant has deposited the amount of P300.00 (for small baklad-less than 9
feet) and P500.00 (for big baklad 9 feet and above).

Section 16D.02. Administrative Sanction. Non-compliance of any of the provisions

of the preceding section shall be a ground for withholding / or the disapproval of the

Article E

Regulations on the Construction, Establishment or Operation of Fishpens and

Fish Cages

Section 16E.01. Definition of Terms – for purposes of this Article, the following
terms and phrases shall mean:

a) City Water – include not only stream, lakes and tidal waters included within
the municipality, not being the subject of private ownership and not
comprised within national parks, public forest, timberlands, forest reserves or
fishery reserves, but also marine waters included between two lines drawn
perpendicular to the general coastline from points where the boundary lines
of the municipality touch the sea at low tide a third line parallel with the
general coastline and three nautical miles from such coastline. Where two
municipalities are so situated on the opposite shore that there is less than six
(6) nautical miles of marine waters between them, third line shall be a line
equidistant from the opposite shores of the respective municipalities.

b) Fish Pen – fish enclosure made up of closely woven bamboo screens, nylon
screens, or other materials attached to poles staked to the water area for the
purpose of growing and/or culturing fish to various sizes.

c) Fish cage – a stationary or floating fish enclosure made of synthetic net,

wire/bamboo screens or other materials set in the form of an inverted
mosquito net (hapa type) with or without cover with all sides either tide to
post staked to the water bottom or with anchored floats for aquaculture

d) Fish pen or fish cage belt – a definite water area designated by the
Mayor/Barangay Council, where pish pens or fish cages may be constructed,
established or operated.

Section 16E.02. Prohibition – no person, corporation, association, partnership or

cooperative shall construct, establish or operate fish pens or fish cages in the
Municipal Waters of Alaminos, without a license duly issued by the Mayor.

Republic of the Philippines
Province of Pangasinan



Section 16E.03. Non Obstruction to Navigation - nothing in the foregoing sections

shall be construed as permitting the lease or license to undertake any construction
which will obstruct the free navigation in any stream or lake flowing through or
adjoining the fish pen of fish cage, or impede the flow and ebb of the tide to and
from the area. Any construction made in violation hereof shall be removed upon the
order of the Mayor/Barangay Council

Section 16E.04. Who May Apply – a license to construct, establish or operated a

fish pen or fish cage may issued only to the following:

a) Citizens of the Philippines; and

b) Corporations, associations, partnerships or cooperatives duly registered in
accordance with law and at least sixty (60) percent of the authorized capital
stock of which belongs wholly to citizens of the Philippines.

Section 16E.05 – Filing and Application – a duly application for the construction,
establishment or operation of fish pens or fish cages shall be filed with the office of
the Municipal Mayor and duly endorsed by the Barangay Council where the water
area applied for is situated and to be accompanied by the following requirements:

a) Location plan of the area applied for within the designated fish pen/ fish cage
b) Certification from the Barangay Council that the area applied for is within the
fish pen/fish cage belt;
c) Application ffee of P200.00 payable to the Municipal Treasurer;
d) Articles of Incoporation, by-laws and/or certificate of Registration, when

Section 16E.06. Area that may be granted:

a) For fish pen:

1. An individual may be granted an area of not more than two (2) hectares.
2. A juridical applicant may be granted an area of not more than ten (10)
b) For fish cages:
1. An individual may be granted an area of not more than 200 square
2. A juridical applicant may be granted an area of not more than 1,000 sqare

Section 16E.07. Annual License fee:

a) For fish pens – the annual license fee shall be in P500.00 per hectare or
fraction thereof.
b) For fish cage – the annual license shall be P200.00 per square meters or
fraction thereof.

Republic of the Philippines
Province of Pangasinan



Section 16E.08. Duration of License – the license to construct, establish or operate

fish pen or fish cages shall be for a priod of gfive (5) years, subject to renewal.

Section 16E.09. Surcharges – when the annual license fee is not paid on the date it
become due – the license shall pay a surcharge of one hundred (100) per centum.

Section 16E.10. Restrictions and/or limitations:

a) No fish pen or fish cage shall be constructed, established or operated outside

the designated fish pen/fish cage belt designated for the purpose.
b) No license shall construct, establish or operate fish pen/fish cages within
their thirty (30) meters distance from each other for purposes of free passage
and/or navigation.

Section 16E.11. Gratuitous License – a gratuitous license may be issued by the

Mayor to any government agency or institution of learning to construct, establish or
operate fish pens or fish cages in designated fish pens/fish cages belts for scientific,
research or educational purposes, subject to such terms and conditions as may be

Section 16E.12. Grounds for rejection of Application – application for license to

construct, establish or operated fish pens and fish cages may be rejected on any of
the following grounds:

a) Lack or lost of interest of applicant;

b) Voluntary written request of the applicant;
c) Applicant is not qualified in accordance with this ordinance;
d) Failure to comply with the requirements as provided in this ordinance;
e) Fraudulent, false or misleading statements in the application;
f) Death of the natural applicant or dissolution of the juridical applicant; and
g) When public interest so requires.

Section 16E.13. Grounds For Cancellation Of License – a license to construct,

establish or operate fish pens and fish cages may be cancelled on any of the
following grounds:

a) Violation of any provision of this ordinance;

b) Death of the license, provided that a new license may be issued to the
qualified heirs or assignee upon filing of an application within ninety (90)
days fro mthe death of the licensee;
c) Dissolution of the juridical license;
d) Failure to comply with the terms and conditions of the license;
e) Fraudulent, false or misleading statements in the application;
f) Failure to pay the license fee and/or surcharges;
g) Abandonment of the area; and
h) When public interest so requires.

Republic of the Philippines
Province of Pangasinan



Section 16E.14. Leasehold Contract Rental Fee – the license shall execute a
Leasehold Contract with the Barangay Council/Municipal Government which has
the jurisdiction over the applied for and pay a rental fee of not less than P10,000.00
per hectare per annum. The amount generated out of the leasehold contract shall
accrue to the General Fund of the barangay/municipality.

Section 16E.15. Grace Period – any person, natural or juridical, operating fish pens
and fish cages prior to the effectivity of this Ordinance shall be given a grace period
of three (3) months from the effectivity hereof to comply with the provisions of this
ordinance; otherwise the fish pen or fish cage shall be ordered removed by the Mayor
at the expense of the offender.

Section 16E.16. Penal Provisions – violation of any provision of this ordinance shall
subject the offender to a fine of not less than One Thousand Pesos (P1,000.00) but
not more than Five Thousand Pesos (P5,000.00) or imprisonment from three (3)
months to two (2) years or both, such fine and imprisonment in the discretion of the
Court, provided, that the Mayor is hereby empowered to impose upon the offender
an administrative fine of not more than two thousand pesos (P2,000.00)

Section 16E.17. Separability Clause – the provisions of this ordinance are hereby
declared separable and if any clause, sentence, provision or section of this ordinance
should for any reason be held invalid, such invalidity shall not affect the other
provisions of this ordinance.



Article A.

Regulation on the Sale or Slaughter of Female Carabaos (Riverine

Buffaloes and Crossbreds)

Section 17A.01. Title. This Article shall be known as “AN ORDINANCE


Section 17A.02. Definition of terms. As used in this Article, the following

terms are defined as follows:

Republic of the Philippines
Province of Pangasinan



a. Buffaloes - is the collective term for Murrah (Indian, Brazilian,

Bulgarin) buffaloes either imported or island born

b. Bull - refers to not castrated male carabao/riverine buffalo/crossbred

c. Buyback Scheme - refers to the purchase of female carabao-

crossbred/island born buffaloes that are products of artificial
insemination by the Pangasinan Veterinary Office, Department of
Agriculture and the Philippine Carabao center or products of the loan
out purebred bull of the Philippine Carabao Center.

d. Buyer/middleman/agent - refers to a person who buy or intend to

buy the female/male carabao, riverine buffalo, and/or crossbred

e. Calf - refers to male or female offspring

f. Crossbred - refers to the offspring of Philippine carabao and riverine

buffaloes resulting from Artificial Insemination services or buy
purebred Murrah buffaloes.

g. Crossbred carabao - offspring or product of breeding or mating

Philippine carabao (male or female) with purebred Murrah (male or

h. Dam or cow - refers to female carabao/riverine buffalo/crossbred that

has not given birth

i. Heifer - refers to female carabao/riverine buffalo/crossbred that has

not given birth yet (1.5 to 3 years old)

j. Herd build up - refers to the increase in population of carabao/riverine

buffalo/crossbred in the City of Alaminos;

k. Herd - refers to group of animals (or the entire population of

carabaos/riverine buffaloes/crossbred in the city of Alaminos)

l. Native carabao - refers to the Philippine carabao

m. Owner - refers to a person who claims and has proof of ownership of

the carabaos/riverine bufaloes/crossbred.

n. Paiwi system - refers to an agreement set by the Committee in the

procedure of loaning out female carabao from the buyback scheme of
the province.

Republic of the Philippines
Province of Pangasinan



o. Riverine buffaloes - refers to the purebred Murrah buffaloes

considered for dairy purposes by the Philippine Carabao Center (PCC)

Section 17A.03. Committee - There is hereby created a committee on

regulating the selling/slaughter of female carabaos and thereby issuing the
necessary rules and regulations on the strict implementation of the
provisions of this ordinance.

a. Sangguniang Panlungsod Member - Committee on Agriculture -

b. City Agriculturist - Vice Chairman
c. Sangguniang Panlungsod Member - Committee on Laws - Member
d. City Planning and Development Coordinator - Member
e. City Mayor - Consultant
f. The Director of the Philippine Carabao Center at DMMMSU -

Section 17A.04. Functions of the committee

a. To ensure that the provisions of this Ordinance are fully observed and
strictly implemented.
b. To received and review reports from concerned implementers
particularly on the following:
i. Allocation, utilization and management of Carabao Herd Build-
up Trust Fund
ii. Number and status of breedable carabao/riverine
buffaloes/crossbred rescued or saved though this Ordinance
c. To assess and furnish semestral report to proper officials or agencies
concerning the effect or impact of this regulation on the development
and promotion of Carabao-based enterprises in City of Alaminos
d. To spearhead the establishment and maintenance of City Animal
Registry for carabaos/riverine buffaloes/crossbred for carabao-based
enterprise development
e. To facilitate the preparation and implementation of a city wide carabao-
based Enterprise Development Program; and
f. To generate appropriate assistance package to carabao-based
enterprises in the city.

Section 17A.05. Carabao-based enterprises - The Province of Pangasinan

has started the carabao-based enterprise development with six (6) existing
Carabao Dairy Producers namely: Bantog Samahang Nayon, Bantog Asingan,
Pares Pares Sanicolas, Tulong Multi-Purpose Cooperative (Laoac, Tulong
Urdaneta City, Anda Carabao Raisers Association Anda, Pangasinan,

Republic of the Philippines
Province of Pangasinan



Samahang Magsasaka ng Tumbar -Lingayen and Federation of Free -

Farmers, Bugallon, Pangasinan. These farmers’ association/cooperatives are
trying to mobilize/organize existing crossbred owners in Pangasinan with the
assistance of the Philippine Carabao Center.

Section 17A.06. Regulated Acts.

a. It shall be unlawful to sell or slaughter a female carabao without

obtaining a clearance from the City Agriculture Office
b. Any person who owns a female carabao and intends to sell it shall first
obtain a clearance and permit from the City Agriculture Office through
the filling up of the prescribed form agreed by the Committee.
c. The City Agriculturist shall determine if the animal is still breedable. If
so, a buy-back scheme can be made by the LGU or the animal can be
sold to interested farmers within the city for breeding purposes.
d. Within two (2) days, the City Agriculture Office shall advise the
prospective seller about the buy-back scheme of the city.

If the seller prefers to sell his/her carabao to another party preferably

from the City of Alaminos, the seller shall be requested to identify the
buyer and inform the City Agriculture Office all relevant information of
the buyer once consummated. He/she is also required to acquire a city
permit to sell his/her carabao.

Section 17A.07. Mayor’s Permit - This permit allows the owner to sell
his/her carabao/riverine buffaloes/crossbred. The owner will obtain this
permit from the treasurer’s office upon submission of supporting papers that
were properly accomplished with the assistance of the City Agriculture Office
(CAO) to wit:

a. Request for inspection of carabaos/riverine buffaloes/crossbred that

an owner wants to sell that requires filling up the description of the
animal, the desired selling price, and reason/s for selling.
b. Endorsement duly signed by the City Agriculturist indicating
veracity of the information contained in the request and
recommendation to the owner to consider selling the animal to the
city government in case of quality animals especially female

Section 17A.08. Carabao Herd Build-Up Trust Fund - Yearly allocation of

Two Hundred Thousand (P 200,000.00) Pesos for five years shall be allocated
for the City Carabao Herd Build-Up Trust Fund. The Trust Fund will be

Republic of the Philippines
Province of Pangasinan



incorporated in the City Agriculture Office Budget solely intended for buy
back scheme of crossbred female carabao and it will be loaned out to existing
dairy carabao association or to qualified beneficiaries who have complied with
all the necessary requirements needed in carabao dairy production.

The Management Team for the Trust Fund shall compose of the following:

1. Committee on Agriculture - Chairman

2. City Agriculturist - Vice Chairman
3. Chairman Committee on Laws - Member
4. City Planning & Development Coordinator - Member
5. The Director of the Philippine Carabao Center- DMMMSU- Rosario,
La Union - Consultant

The management team shall meet quarterly or as often as need arises.

The committee shall not receive any compensation.

Section 17A.09. Buy-back Scheme - There is hereby created scheme to buy

back female breedable carabao within the City of Alaminos.

It is solely intended for the purpose of buying quality breedable

carabaos from farmers who are really in need to sell their carabaos. Female
carabaos purchased under the buyback scheme shall be loaned out to
qualified members of carabao or dairy associations within the City of
Alaminos or any qualified farmer who passed the criteria set by the
committee following the agreed condition of the “PAIWI” System.

The “PAIWI” System shall consist of the following;

a. The first born (1 year old) female calf will be owned by the qualified
b. The second calf, whether it be male or female will go to the Local
Government Unit thru the City Agriculture Office to be loaned out to
another qualified recipient.
c. The succeeding calf produced shall follow a 50-50 sharing.
d. When the original stock is no longer fit for breeding, the animal will
be returned to the LGU for selling and the proceeds from the sale
will be used to buy another quality breedable female carabao.
e. Every re-dispersed female carabao, when no longer fit for breeding
shall be returned to the LGU for selling. The proceeds will be divided
equally between the LGU and the recipient.
f. The milk produced by the animal is owned by the recipient.

Republic of the Philippines
Province of Pangasinan



Section 17A.10. Disposition and Awarding of acquired Female Carabao

Female carabao purchased under the buyback scheme shall be loaned

out to qualified member of dairy/carabao raisers association duly evaluated
and passed all the needed requirements set by the committee such as but not
limited to:

a. Provision of a carabao shade

b. Has a forage area of 1000 square meters per animal
c. The farmer recipient has undergone technical training for carabao
raising and some social preparation.

Section 17A.11. Monitoring of Ordinance – The Local Government of

Alaminos thru the City Agriculture Office & Barangay officials shall monitor
the strict implementation of this ordinance, consolidate reports and prepare
quarterly report on the progress of its implementation for legislative reference
of the Sangguniang Bayan Committee on Agriculture.

Section 17A.12. Information and Dissemination Campaign - Upon

approval of this ordinance, the City Agriculture Office with the assistance of
Philippine Carabao Center shall spearhead the conduct of massive
information dissemination using media (print, radio, tv and internet) to
ensure proper and adequate communication of the contents and benefits of
this Ordinance to the general public especially to its intended beneficiaries.

Section 17A.13. Implementing Rules & Regulations - Within 30 days from

approval of this ordinance, the necessary rules and regulations shall be
issued by the committee for the proper and effective implementation of this

Section 17A.14. Penalties - Any individual or person found to have violated

this ordinance shall be penalized as follows:

First Offense: Violators (both the seller and the buyer) will undergo
three (3) hour orientation on the importance of carabao as instrument for
socio-economic empowerment and render 1 week community service in
support to carabao development program.

Second Offense: Violators (both the seller and the buyer) will be fined
Two Thousand Five Hundred (Php 2,500.00) pesos and render one (1) day
community service in his/her barangay as support to carabao development
program (Assist in information drive of carabao development).

Republic of the Philippines
Province of Pangasinan



Third Offense: Violators (both the seller and the buyer) will be fine Five
Thousand (Php 5,000.00) pesos and render one (1) week community service
his/her barangay support to carabao development program under the
supervision of any barangay council where the offence was committed. The
buyers License to Transport Livestock shall be revoked and/or cancelled and
the seller can never be recipient of the buyback scheme of the City of

Article B .

Veterinary Code

(Animal Code)

Section 17B.01. Title - This Article shall be known as the “VETERINARY CODE

Section 17B.02. Scope - This Chapter shall cover all matters pertinent to the care,
control and custody of animals including regulations for the distribution of livestock
and poultry produce for consumer consumption, within the territorial jurisdiction of
Alaminos City.

Section 17B.03. Definition of Terms - For the purpose of this Chapter, the
following terms shall be understood in the sense indicated herein:

(1) ADULTERATED MEAT refers to meat/ meat products in a state of decay

or past their stated date of expiration by which they are not expected to
retain their claimed safety, quality and wholesomeness and no longer
permissible for consumption or sale (Republic Act No. 9296, Section 4,
number 3);

(2) ANIMAL BREEDER shall refer to a person or entity engaged in the

commercial breeding of animals;

Republic of the Philippines
Province of Pangasinan



(3) ANTE-MORTEM INSPECTION refers to inspection of live animals prior

to its slaughter;

(4) AQUATIC PRODUCE shall include food derived from the sea or
freshwater i.e. fish, shellfish, crustacean, etc.

(5) AVIAN INFUENZA (AI) refers to an infectious disease in chickens,

ducks and other birds caused by different subtypes of influenza A

(6) BASIN a wide, shallow container for liquid, any shallow, rounded
hallow, often containing water;

(7) “BULTOHAN” SYSTEM shall refer to the method of assessing the value
of livestock based on estimated body weight;

(8) BITTEN refers to an act by which a Dog seizes, cuts or grips with its
teeth so that the skin of a person has been wounded, pierced or

(9) CARCASS is the dead body of an animal after bleeding;

(10) CITATION TICKET document to notify an offender of a particular

infraction/violation of existing city ordinances on sanitation and/or
environmental protection and the corresponding penalty/s thereof;

(11) CVO City Veterinary Office;

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Province of Pangasinan



(12) CONCERNED OFFICIALS refers to Barangay officials, health workers,

police officers or government veterinarians;

(13) DISEASED MEAT shall refer to meat/meat products derived from a sick
animal or with a pathological abnormality;

(14) DOMESTIC ANIMALS shall include but not limited to: dog, cat, goat,
rabbit, bird, carabao, cattle, and pig;

(15) DOUBLE-DEAD MEAT refers to carcasses, parts thereof, of food

animals or poultry that are already dead, but are still slaughtered and
offered for sale to the public;

(16) DRUG RESIDUE the remaining substances such as drugs in the tissues
and organs of the animals after being used as prophylactic or
therapeutic treatment;

(17) DIRECT SUPERVISION refers to range supervision where physical

presence of the veterinarian within the Barangay is necessary;

(18) DOG refers to a common quadruped domestic animal belonging to the

order carnivore (male or female), scientifically known as canis familiaris;

(19) DEALER shall generally refer to one who buys livestock for the purpose
of reselling it for profit;

(20) ENDANGERED ANIMAL refers to animal that is facing extremely high

risk of extinction in the wild;

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Province of Pangasinan



(21) EXOTIC ANIMAL means animals, which do not naturally occur in the

(22) EXOTIC BIRDS any birds species or subspecies which do not

naturally time/found in the Philippines;

(23) EUTHANASIA refers to the process of painless death to Dogs and

other animals;

(24) FOOT & MOUTH DISEASE (FMD) refers to an infectious disease in

cows, pigs or other cloven footed animals known as apthovirus caused
by a virus;

(25) FOWL/POULTRY includes marketable broilers, culls, day old chicks,

pullets, game fowls, native chickens, ducks, hatching eggs, hobby birds
or birds of any kind;

(26) FARMER shall refer to one who directly sells fattened livestock to
buyers and dealers or buys it at the market for fattening, stock
replacement, breeding or work purposes;

(27) HANDLER shall refer to a person engaged in livestock trading as an

employee/intermediary/agent of either the farmer or the dealer;

(28) HOT MEAT shall refer to meat (botya) from food animals and poultry,
clandestinely slaughtered in places not authorized by law or have not
undergone examination or inspection by meat inspectors duly
authorized by the National Meat Inspection Commission or Local
Government Unit, and sold to the public. This shall include the
prohibited dog and cat meat;

(29) IMPOUND refers to seize and hold in custody of the law

Republic of the Philippines
Province of Pangasinan



(30) LABEL/LABELING a display of written, printed, or graphic matter upon

the immediate container (not including package liners) of any article;

(31) MALTREAT is to treat the animal with cruelty;

(32) MEAT BORNE DISEASE disease that can develop after consumption of
contaminated meat;

(33) MEAT CONTROL OFFICER a Veterinarian from the National Meat

Inspection Commission who is properly trained and duly appointed by the
Secretary of Agriculture in accordance with the law;

(34) MEAT/MEAT PRODUCTS shall refer to meat and its by-products,

whether fresh/raw and/or processed, derived from slaughtered livestock
i.e. swine, cattle, carabao, and/or poultry/fowl i.e. Chicken, duck, quail;

(35) MEAT INSPECTOR a person appointed by the Department of Agriculture

or the Local Government Unit to perform meat inspection and related
functions as prescribed by laws;

(36) LIVESTOCK AUCTION MARKET shall refer to a place or establishment

serving as a public market for farmers and dealers, equipped with
weighing scale, pens, corrals, tie rails, loading ramps, enclosures and
other attendant facilities with which livestock are received, weighed and
identified for sale;

(37) LIVESTOCK shall refer to live cattle, carabao, hog, horse, goat, sheep
and poultry usually sold for fattening, stock replacement, work
purposes, breeding and slaughter;

Republic of the Philippines
Province of Pangasinan



(38) MISBRANDED this term shall apply to any carcass, part thereof, meat or
meat products, where one or more of the following circumstances as
defined under Republic Act No. 7394 (Consumer Act of the Philippines)
is present;

a. If its labeling is false or misleading in any particular;

b. If it is offered for sale under the name of another meat or meat


c. If it is an imitation of another meat or meat product, unless its label

bears, in type of uniform size and prominence, the word “imitation”
and immediately thereafter, the name of the meat or meat product

d. If its container is so made, formed, or filled as to be misleading;

e. If in a package or other container unless it bears a label showing (1)

the name and place of the manufacturer, (2) an accurate statement of
the quantity of the contents in terms of weight measure, or numerical
count; Provided, that under clause (2) of this sub paragraph (e),
reasonable variations maybe permitted, and exemptions on small
packages as established by regulations and as prescribed by the

f. If any word, statement, or other information required by or under

authority of this chapter to appear on the label or other labeling is not
prominently placed thereon with such conspicuousness (as compared
with other words, statement, designs, or devices, in the labeling) and
in such terms as to render it likely to be read and understood by the
ordinary individuals under customary conditions of purchase and use;

g. If it purports to be or is represented as a meat or meat product for

which a definition and standard of identity or composition has been
prescribed by regulations under this title unless (1) it conforms with
such definition and standard, and (2) its label bears the name of the
meat or meat products specified in the definition and standard and,
insofar as may be required by such regulations, the common names of
optional ingredients (other than spices, flavoring, and coloring) present
in such meat products;

h. If it purports to be or is represented as a meat or meat product for

which a standard or standards of fill container have been prescribed
by regulations the Secretary under this title and it falls below the

Republic of the Philippines
Province of Pangasinan



standard of fill of the container applicable thereto, unless its label

bears, in such manner and forms as such regulations specify, a
statement that it falls below such standard;

i. If it is not subject to the provisions of subparagraph (g), unless its

label bears (a) the common or usual name of the meat product, if any
there be, and (b) in case it is fabricated from two or more ingredients,
the common or usual name of each such ingredients, except that
spices, flavorings, and coloring without naming each; Provided, That
to the extent that compliance with requirements of clause (b) of this
unfair competitions, exemptions shall be established by regulations
promulgated by the Secretary;

j. If it purports to be or is represented for special dietary use, unless its

label bears such information concerning its vitamins, minerals and
other dietary properties as determined by the Secretary, and by
regulations prescribed as necessary in order to fully inform purchases
as to its value for such uses;

k. If it bears or contains artificial coloring, artificial flavoring, or chemical

preservative, unless it bears labeling stating that fact; Provided, that
to the extent that compliance with the requirements of this
subparagraph (j) is impracticable and exemptions shall be established
by the regulations promulgated by the secretary; or

l. If it fails to bear, directly on its container such other information may

require in such regulations to assure that it will not have false or
misleading labeling and that the public will be informed of the manner
of handling required to maintain the article in wholesome manner;

(39) MISREPRESENTATIONS an act of giving false and untrue information on

the sale of meat, poultry and its products;

(40) MIU refers to the Meat Inspection Unit;

(41) NEGATIVE MONITORING REPORT a pre-forma report sheet indicating

the absence of an AI itself;

Republic of the Philippines
Province of Pangasinan



(42) OWNER refers to any person keeping, harboring or having charge, care or
control of a dog including his/her representative;

(43) POUND refers to a public enclosure for stray animals;

(44) PUBLIC PLACE refers to any place open to public like parks, markets,
malls, streets, etc.;

(45) POST EXPOSURE TREATMENT (PET) refers to an anti-Rabies treatment

administered after an exposure to Rabies, which includes local wound
care, Rabies vaccine, with or without anti-Rabies immunizing agent;

(46) POST ABATTOIR INSPECTION inspection done in the market and other

(47) PRE EXPOSURE PROPHYLAXIX (PEP) refers to Rabies vaccination

administered before an exposure to Rabies to those who are at risk of
getting Rabies;

(48) POULTRY HOLDING FACILITIES facilities or infrastructure where

fowl/poultry are reared which includes commercial farms, backyard
units, hatchery, processing plants, slaughterhouses, aviaries, feed nulls,
cockpits and public markets;

(49) POST MORTEM INSPECTION examination of slaughtered animals;

(50) POULTRY PRODUCE shall refer to raw or processed eggs from


Republic of the Philippines
Province of Pangasinan



(51) PROCESSED MEAT shall refer to meat that has undergone treatment
with preservatives or has been processed into another food product such
as but not limited to i.e. tocino, longganiza, chicken nuggets, etc.;

(52) RABIES refers to a highly fatal disease caused by a lyssa virus,

transmitted mainly through the bite by an infected animal and is
characterized by muscle paralysis, hydrophobia and aerophobia, and
other neurological manifestations;

(53) RABIES TRANSMISSION refers to the transmission or passage of the

Rabies virus through a bite by an infected animal, or through
contamination with virus-laden saliva on breaks in the skin and of
mucous membrane such as the eyes, the lips, the mouth, or the genital


the inoculation of humans, with modern day rabies vaccines or Rabies
immunoglobulin, by a trained doctor or nurse under the supervision of a
qualified medical practitioner;

(55) RABIES VACCINATION OF DOG refers to the inoculation of a Dog with a

Rabies vaccine by a licensed government or private veterinarian or trained
individual under the direct supervision of a licensed veterinarian. The
services of the said trained individual shall be limited only to Rabies
Vaccination Injection in Dogs and only during government mass
vaccination campaigns;

(56) STRAY DOGS refers to any Dog leaving its Owner’s place/premise and no
longer under the effective control of the Owner;

(57) SHIPPER or “VIAJERO” shall refer to a dealer who usually procures

livestock for shipment and resale to distant places;

Republic of the Philippines
Province of Pangasinan



(58) TORTURE shall refer to the infliction of severe pain especially to punish
or coerce the animal;

(59) VICIOUS and DANGEROUS any animal when unprovoked inflicts bites or
attacks a human being or with a known propensity, tendency or
disposition to attack unprovoked, to cause injury or otherwise endanger
the safety of humans or domestic animals, except when it attacks or
inflicts bites upon a trespasser of a fully enclosed building;

(60) VETERINARY or HUMAN BARBITURATES refers to drugs that depress

the function of the central nervous system;

(61) WILDLIFE ANIMALS shall refer to fauna living or has established an

ecological presence in their natural environment; and

(62) ZOONOTIC DISEASES are diseases of animals transferable to humans:

i) Anthrax

ii) Avian influenza/Bird Flu

iii) Rabies

iv) Etc.

Section 17B.04. Lead Agency - The City Veterinary Office (CVO), is hereby
designated as the lead agency in the implementation of the provisions of this Code,
assisted by the Meat Inspection Unit and City Pound Unit (CPU).

Section 17B.05. CVO Functions - The CVO, which shall be under the
administrative control and supervision of the City Mayor and shall assume the
following functions:

Republic of the Philippines
Province of Pangasinan



(1) Oversee all matters pertaining to the slaughter of animals, including the
preparation and sale of meat for human consumption;

(2) Supervise the operation of slaughterhouses and mini poultry dressing

plant within the city;

(3) Regulate and conduct the inspection of meat, poultry, milk and dairy
products for public consumption;

(4) Certify the fitness of meat and poultry food for human consumption of
meat, meat products and poultry products intended for distribution sale
within the city;

(5) Establish a workable disease investigation, surveillance, reporting and

appraisal of animal disease intelligence network;

(6) Initiate programs for the prevention and control of animal

communicable and transmissible diseases transferable to humans

(7) Regulate the keeping of domestic animals;

(8) Prevent, confiscate and eliminate stray, apparently ownerless,

unregistered and uncared animals in any public place within the City;

(9) Conduct field patrols, emergency response activities, impoundment of

animals, issuance of citations, and enforcement of animal quarantine

Republic of the Philippines
Province of Pangasinan



(10) Initiate programs/projects on the livestock production to sustain the

local requirements, produce quality products for export with the end
goal of increasing income of farming families in the city.

(11) Operate and manage a shelter for impounded animals and in relation to
this, provide:

i. Nourishment and medical care for animals in its care;

ii. Basic health screening for all animals;
iii. A disease control program for the facility;
iv. Vaccination of animals;
v. Euthanasia of animals by humane methods, that is, by
administering lethal injection;
vi. Dissemination of information on animal control laws; and,
vii. Maintenance of records of all animals impounded or otherwise taken
into custody.

(12) Implement a continuing program for the eradication of rabies among

susceptible animals within the City;

(13) Undertake the delivery of technical and other logistics in the

implementation of these activities;

(14) To enforce the provisions of this Chapter and any other Ordinances that
pertain to the care and control of animals including livestock and
poultry produce for consumer consumption; and

(15) To enforce the provisions of National Laws, particularly of Republic Act

No. 9296, otherwise known as the “The Meat Inspection Code of the
Philippines”, RA 9482 otherwise known as the Anti-Rabies Act of
2007, RA 8485 “Animal Welfare Act of 1988”, AO 32 Series 2000,
“Rules and Regulations of Dog Show”, Senate Bill No. 2541 and other
relevant laws pertaining to meat inspection, animal regulations and
animal welfare.

Section 17B.06. Composition of the CVO - The following positions shall constitute
the CVO:

Republic of the Philippines
Province of Pangasinan



(a) General Administration

(1) City Veterinarian
(2) Administrative Assistant III

(b) Animal Health Section

(1) Agriculturist II
(2) Two (2) Veterinarian I

(c) Livestock Production and Marketing

(1) Agricultural Technician II
(2) Two (2) Livestock Inspector I
(3) Administrative Aide III

Section 17B.07. Animal disease prevention and control program

rabies eradication project.

- Formation of city rabies control committee to compose of the


Chairman - City Mayor

Co-Chairperson - City Veterinarian
City Health Officer
Member - SP Members, Chairperson
Committee on Agriculture
Committee on Health
- Representative from DepEd
- Representative from District
- Representative of NGOs
- Representative of Pos
- Liga ng Barangay President
- SK Federation President
- Representative from BHW

City Rabies Eradication Program – it is hereby mandated that there shall

be a City Rabies Eradication Program. The program shall be a multi-
agency effort in controlling and eradicating rabies in the city. The
component activities shall include:

(1) Mass vaccination of Dog;

Republic of the Philippines
Province of Pangasinan



(2) Establishment of a central database system for registered

and vaccinated dog;
(3) Impounding field control, disposition of unregistered, stray
and unvaccinated dogs;
(4) Conduct of Information and Educational Campaign (IEC) on
the prevention and control of rabies;
(5) Provision of PET to high risk personnel and PET to animal
bite victims;
(6) Provision of the PEP of schoolchildren aged 5-14 in area as
where there is high incidence of rabies; and
(7) Encourage the practice of responsible pet ownership.

Section 17B.08. Responsibilities of pet owners – all pet owner’s shall be

required to:

(1) Have their Dog regularly vaccinated against Rabies and

maintain a registration card which shall contain all
vaccinations conducted on their Dog, for accurate record

(2) Submit their Dogs for mandatory registration;

(3) Maintain control over their Dog and not allow it to roam the
streets or any Public Place without a leash;

(4) Be responsible Owner by providing their Dog with proper

grooming, adequate food and clean shelter;

(5) Within twenty-four (24) hours, report immediately any Dog

biting incident to the Concerned Officials for investigation or
for any appropriate action and place such Dog under
observation by a government or private veterinarian; and

(6) Assist the Dog bite victim immediately and shoulder the
medical expenses incurred and other incidental expenses
relative to the victim’s injuries.

Section 17B.09. Responsibilities of the City Government thru the City

Veterinary Office – City Veterinary Office shall:

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Province of Pangasinan



(1) Ensure that all Dogs are properly immunized, registered and
issued a corresponding Dog tag for every immunized and
registered Dog;

(2) Strictly enforce Dog impounding activities and field control

to eliminate Stray Dogs;

(3) Ensure that Dogs are leashed or confined within the

premises of the Owner’s house or Owner’s fenced

(4) Ensure the enforcement of Section 6 of Republic Act. No.

8485 or “The Animal Welfare Act of 1998”;

(5) Prohibit the trade of Dog for meat;

(6) Prohibit the use of Electrocution as euthanasia procedure;

(7) Require pet shops to post information regarding Rabies and

responsible pet ownership; and

(8) Should read – For the purpose of ensuring the feasibility of

implementing the provision of this code, the LGU shall
collect fines imposed under penalties as stipulated.

Any and all fines collected pursuant to the section shall be used for the
enhancement of the City Rabies Eradication Program within the city as
well as the achievement of the objectives envision in this code.

Section 17B.10. Participation of NGOs, POs, and Academe – the lead

agency which is the OCVET shall seek the assistance and participation
of NGOs, POs and ACADEME in any of the ff. activities:

(1) Community mobilization;

(2) Health education/information dissemination on Rabies and

responsible pet ownership;

(3) Mass anti-Rabies campaign;

(4) Promotion of the anti-Rabies campaign during pet or any

animal shows;

(5) Surveillance/reporting of Rabies cases in animals and

humans; and

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Province of Pangasinan



(6) Any other activities geared towards the prevention and

complete eradication of Rabies.

Section 17B.11. Impounding, Field Control and Disposition of Unregistered,

Stray and Unvaccinated Dogs – Unregistered, Stray or unvaccinated Dogs
shall be put in Dog Pounds and disposed of, Taking into consideration
the following guidelines:

(1) Unregistered, Stray or unvaccinated Dogs shall be impounded

and kept in the LGU’s designated Dog Pound;

(2) Impounded Dogs not claimed after three days from the Dog
Pound shall be placed for adoption to qualified persons, with
the assistance of an animal welfare NGO, when feasible, or
otherwise disposed of in any manner authorized subject to
the pertinent provisions of Republic Act No. 8485, otherwise
known as the “Animal Welfare Act of 1998”; and

(3) A fee shall be paid by owners of Impounded Dogs to the LGU

concerned, pursuant to Section 7 thereof.

Section 17B.12. Dog Population Control – In furtherance of the policy of

this Act to eradicate Rabies, there is the need to control the Dog
population and minimize the number of unwanted Stray Dogs. As such,
it is hereby mandated:

(1) That the DA, DOH, DILG, DepEd, LGUs, with the assistance of
NGOs and POs shall undertake an educational and
promotional campaign on responsible Pet Ownership,
including the option of spaying and neutering their Dogs;

(2) That the LGUs shall provide an incentive system whereby

Owners of Dogs which have been spayed or neutered will be
given a subsidized or discounted pet registration fee; and

(3) That Dogs which have been impounded three times shall only
be released after having been spayed or neutered, at the
expense of the Pet’s Owner.

Section 17B.13. Penalties

Any violation of the provision by any person, traders farms owners

shall be liable to persecution and upon conviction shall be subject to a

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Province of Pangasinan



fee of not less than One Thousand Pesos (P1,000.00) but not more than
Five Thousand Pesos (P5,000.00) or imprisonment of not less than two
(2) months but not more than one (1) year, or both, upon discretion of

If it’s a firm/corporation found liable, the Officers will be held

accountable. If alien, deportation proceeding will be initiated after
payment of fees or imprisonment.

(1) Pet owners who fail or refuse to have their Dog registered
and immunized against Rabies shall be punished by a fine of
One Thousand Pesos (P1,000.00);

(2) Pet Owners who refuse to have their Dog vaccinated against
Rabies shall be liable to pay for the vaccination of both the
Dog and the individuals Bitten by their Dog;

(3) Pet Owners who refuse to have their Dog put under
observation after said Dog has Bitten an individual shall be
meted a fine of One Thousand Pesos (P1,000.00);

(4) Pet Owners who refuse to have their Dog put under
observation and do not shoulder the medical expenses of the
person Bitten by their Dog shall be meted a fine of One
Thousand Pesos (P1,000.00);

(5) Pet Owner who refuses to put the leash on their Dog when
they are brought outside the house shall be meted a fine of
Five Hundred Pesos (P500.00) for each incident;

(6) An impounded Dog shall be released to its Owner upon

payment of a fine of not less than Five Hundred Pesos
(P500.00) but not more than One Thousand Pesos

(7) Any person found guilty of trading Dog for meat shall be
fined not less than One Thousand Pesos (P1,000.00) per Dog
and subjected to imprisonment for one to four years;

(8) Any person found guilty of using electrocution as a method

of euthanasia shall be fined not less than One Thousand
Pesos (P1,000.00) per act and subject to imprisonment for
one to four years; and

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Province of Pangasinan



(9) If the violation is committed by an alien, he or she shall be

immediately deported after service of sentence without any
further proceedings.


This task force shall be the main authority to oversee the

implementation of the provision of the program and other related
activities as promulgated in the code and in consonance to rules and
regulation and guidelines promulgated by higher authority and or
mandated by national laws. This task force should be composed by the

CHAIRMAN - City Mayor

VICE CHAIRMAN - City Vice Mayor
MEMBERS - City Veterinarian
- City Health Officer
- City Agriculturist
- Chief of Police
- Liga Ng Barangay President
- Representative of NGO
- Representative of PO
- City Information Officer
- Representative of Poultry Raisers

Section 17B.14. Census/Survey of existing poultry population.

The City Government through the Office of the City Veterinarian

shall conduct a citywide census/survey of all poultry holding facilities
existing in the City, which should include the type of poultry holding
facility, poultry specie, population density, facility owner/operator
location, poultry diseases profile, bio-security practices, vaccination
programs and Veterinarian in charge (if any).

Section 17B.15. General Rules on the Possession Offered for Sale and/or
sale of exotic specie of bird.

It shall be unlawful for any person to posses/own or keep

unregistered exotic birds for whatever intent or purposes specifically to
offer for sale and/or sale, offer for commerce, engaged in trade or have
in possession in any exotic specie of poultry wild life.

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Province of Pangasinan



Section 17B.16. Other Prohibitions

The City Government with the Office of City Veterinarian shall

assist vigorously in the implementation of the following prohibition to
safeguard against Avian Influenza:

(1) It is strictly prohibited in offer for sale and sale of live

chicken in the market while there is a threat of bird flu;

(2) Thru constant monitoring and surveillance, strictly

implement the separation of poultry and hogs; and

(3) Include poultry in chicken on the ban on stray animals.

Section 17B.17. Coastal Monitoring of Smuggling of fowl.

The City Government tapping the assistance of its constituents

residing in coastal Barangay shall strictly monitor smuggling activities
in their area of responsibility to deter the entrance of smuggled fowls to
the City proper.

The activities shall be enforced in coordination with the

authorization of the DILG, Local PNP, Coast Guard and other concern

Section 17B.18. Zero Surveillance

The City Veterinarian Office shall assist the team of the regional
surveillance group in the conduct of zero-surveillance in the locality by
identifying prospect sites and individuals which shall serve as
cooperators wherein zero-surveillance must be conducted twice a year in
the backyard/commercial terms and other susceptible fowls.

The City of Alaminos with its established Veterinary Quarantine

checkpoint shall assist the Bureau of Animal Industry enforcing
requirements covering the local transport of animals including poultry
and poultry-by-products.

Section 17B.19. Information Dissemination

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Province of Pangasinan



The Office of the City Veterinarian shall conduct regular

information campaigns which shall include recommended bio-security
measure and other AI preventive measures.

Section 17B.20. Rules Governing Suspected Avian Influenza Cases

(1) REPORTING – Farm Veterinarian/Owner shall immediately

report to the City Veterinarian any occurrence of mortality
of 3% of the total in-house fowls (based on house population)
in just a day in a commercial farms or any unexplained
mortality of poultry in two (2) or more households with in a
Barangay or “PUROK” in a span of two (2) days in the case of
backyards farms which in turn upon proper
investigation/blood collection shall notify the Provincial
Veterinarian and the Regional Animal Disease Diagnostic
Laboratory (RADDL) Personnels within 24 hours;

(2) MOVEMENT CONTROL – The Local PNP, upon notice from the
Local Chief Executive as advised by the City Veterinary shall
enforce movement control of fowls/poultry. Farm personnels
shall not be allowed to leave the suspected pressures unless
with the tacit approval from the head of AI Taskforce.
Likewise, poultry products and by-products, farm equipment
and feeds shall not be allowed to leave the area and instead
shall be quarantined within 48 hours; and

(3) HUMAN AND POULTRY VACCINATION – the Local Health office

shall assist in immunizing veterinarian’s vaccinations
laboratory staff, medical health workers and farm personnels.
The City Veterinary Office shall conduct poultry vaccinations
in areas identified by the Task Force.


Regulated and Prohibited Acts

Section 17B.21. Clearances - All business establishments engaged in the

selling of meat/meat products from livestock and/or poultry including
its produce, as defined herein, shall be required to secure a clearance
from the CVO, as a requisite to the granting/renewal of the business

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Province of Pangasinan



Section 17B.22. Veterinary Inspection and Examination - All livestock and

fowls slaughtered for food and their meat products, including poultry
produce, and all establishments engage in selling of meat and meat
products shall be subjected to veterinary inspection and examination
before distribution and sale within the city.

(1) Only meat/meat products that have been subjected to ante

and post mortem inspection and certified and marked
“INSPECTED” and “PASSED” for food by the CVO – Meat
Inspection Unit shall be suitable for transport within the

Section 17B.23. Marking and Labeling - Meat/Meat products shall be

visibly marked and labeled as to Beef, Carabeef, Swine, Poultry, etc.
(Ordinance No. 2003-31)

(1) Any deliberate misrepresentation in the labeling of

meat/meat products shall constitute a fine of One Thousand
Pesos (P1,000.00) for the first offense; and
(2) Any subsequent offense shall cause the revocation of the
offender’s permit to transport, sell and/or distribute
meat/meat products within the city.

Section 17B.24. Injection of Foreign Matter and Coloring - Injection of water and
application of coloring agents to livestock and poultry products is prohibited.

(1) First Offense - A fine of Five Hundred Pesos (P500.00) and

confiscation of instruments and materials used in
the operation; and

(2) Second Offense - A fine of One Thousand Pesos (P1,000.00)

including the confiscation of the instrument and
materials used in their operation and the
revocation of the business license or thirty (30)
days imprisonment or all of the above at the
discretion of the Court.

Section 17B.25. Use of Deceiving Colored Lamps/Lights - The use of deceiving

colored lamp/lights on wet markets within the City of Alaminos is strictly prohibited.

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Province of Pangasinan



(1) Any person apprehended for violating the above provision shall be
penalized by a fine of One Thousand Pesos (P1,000.00).

Section 17B.26. Confiscation and/or Condemnation – meat, poultry and its

products shall be confiscated/condemned on any of the following conditions:


(1) Absence of Meat and Meat Product Inspection Certificates;

(2) Tampered Meat and Meat Product Inspection Certificates;
(3) Comes from unaccredited slaughterhouses and processing
plants; and
(4) Misrepresented, mislabeled, adulterated.


(1) Unclear, unsafe, injurious, dangerous and not wholesome;

(2) In the advance stage of decomposition;
(3) Expired meat and meat product inspection certificates;
(4) Sale after its expiration dates;
(5) Presence of abnormal color or odor;
(6) Contaminated and has toxins and hazardous substances; and
(7) Presence of lesions as a result of disease such as pale, soft oxidative
carcasses due to cirrhosis of the liver, pus and hemorrhages.

Section 17B.27. Distribution of Double-Dead, Diseased, Adulterated and Hot

Meat - It shall be unlawful to sell, distribute, transport and/or store Double-Dead,
Diseased, Adulterated and Hot Meat, as defined herein, within Alaminos City.

(1) In violation hereof, a fine of Five Thousand (Php 5,000) shall be

imposed on the seller, including the confiscation of the condemned
meat and revocation of the business permit and license to sell plus the
closure of the business establishment and/or imprisonment of six (6)
months or both, subject to the discretion of the judicial court; and

(2) In case of a meat dealer or distributor, the penalty imposed shall be

confiscation of the condemned meat and total ban and prohibition of

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Province of Pangasinan



his/her distribution business in Alaminos. And all condemned

products shall be donated at our Dog Pound or/and those are still fit
for human consumption can be donated to other charitable
institutions that are situated within the territorial jurisdiction of the

Section 17B.28. Killing and Sale of Dogs For Food - The killing and selling of dogs
for food, or for any other purposes not hereinafter authorized, or the storing, selling
in boarding houses, and other eating places, or in any other places within Alaminos
is prohibited.

Section 17B.29. Accredited Transport Vehicles - Only transport vehicles

accredited by the City Veterinary Office shall be used to deliver
meat/meat products within the city.

(1) As a requisite to accreditation, Standard Service Vehicle

shall have the following specifications:

i. It shall be properly equipped with an apparatus/gadget to

hang slabs of meat or carcasses or with appropriate storing
vessels within which meat and poultry or any of its by-
products are kept in sanitary condition while in transport;

ii. The vehicle MUST BE A CLOSED VAN

(2) For failure to secure proper accreditation, the concerned

distributor/transporter shall be fined Five Thousand Pesos (P5,
000.00) or imprisonment of not more than six (6) months, or both
at the discretion of the court, including the impoundment of the
vehicle used in the transport.

Section 17B.30. Single Port Entry - The City Veterinary Office shall
designate a single port of entry within the city for all accredited
transport vehicles of live, slaughtered animals, meat and meat products,
processed meat, and fowl, poultry and produce.

(1) Requirements for transporting Live Animals to and from the City of

i. Shipping Permit and Health Certificate indicating the points where the
animals came from and where the same will be delivered and a

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Province of Pangasinan



certificate of ownership or transfer of ownership in the case of large

animals (e.g. carabao and cattle).

(2) For meat/Meat products and poultry produce unloaded in

any other place within the city other than the designated areas,
the distributor/transporter shall be liable to a fine of One
Thousand Pesos (P1,000.00) or imprisonment of not more than
thirty (30) days, or both at the discretion of the court, including
the revocation of the accreditation to transport meat/meat
products within the city.

Prescribed Inspection Fees and Other Related Charges

Section 17B.31. Accreditation Fees - Accreditation Fees of Slaughterhouses,

Poultry, Dressing Plants, Meat Processing Plants, Meat Cold Storage, Meat and Meat
Delivery Vans: for the issuance of Certificate of Accreditation to public and/or
private slaughterhouses, poultry, dressing plants, meat processing plants, meat cold
storage, and meat conveyance after having been evaluated and classified for
purposes of standardization the following fees shall be collected.

“AAA” Slaughterhouse/Poultry Dressing Plant/

Meat Processing Plant P 5, 000.00/year

“AA” Slaughterhouse/Poultry Dressing Plant/

Meat Processing Plant P


“A” Slaughterhouse/Poultry Dressing Plant/

Meat Processing Plant P


Meat Cold Storage P


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Province of Pangasinan



Meat Delivery Van P 3,000.00/year

Section 17B.32. The Alaminos City Livestock Auction Market

1. ESTABLISHMENT – There shall be established a Livestock Auction

Market, hereafter referred to in this ordinance as the Market, within the compound
of the new Livestock Auction Market Slaughterhouse Compound, Sabaro, Alaminos
City, which shall be opened, managed and maintained by the City Government in
cooperation with supporting government line agencies.

2. PURPOSE – The Market shall be the backbone of the City’s livestock

industry, centralizing them to rationalize livestock supply, promote fair trading by
raising the farmers margin of profit through marketing opportunities, and raise the
quality of livestock being offered for sale in support of the livestock development
program of the national government.

3. FUNCTIONS – The Market shall perform the following functions:

i. To provide farmers and dealers an accessible, centralized location

where they can efficiently and conveniently transact business;
ii. To serve as the core of an organized Livestock marketing system
reaching to the Barangay level which will ensure higher profitability for
farmers and enhanced quality for dealers;
iii. To house farmers’ livestock under satisfactory conditions that meet
standard government requirements;
iv. To establish a uniform grading system that will serve as the basis of
fair and orderly trading between Farmers and dealers;
v. To rationalize Livestock supply in the City and the province through an
efficient distribution system from production points to the markets;
vi. To issue required clearance on Livestock intended for slaughter at the
Alaminos City Slaughterhouse;

vii. To regularly disseminate updated reports on prevailing Livestock prices

and market trends and data relevant to the livestock industry in
particular and the public in general; and,

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Province of Pangasinan



viii.To conduct basic orientation, management training and skills

development programs for farmers, dealers, handlers and other parties
involved in the local livestock industry.

4. MANAGEMENT – The Market shall be operated, managed and maintained

by technical personnel of the City Veterinary Office. A Market Manager appointed by
the City Mayor shall assume responsibility for over-all market operations and
exercises supervision over a competent staff which shall also be appointed for the
purpose, subject however to the Civil Service Law. Management shall hereinafter be
accountable to the City Mayor or his duly authorized personnel in the exercise of his
managerial functions and prerogatives in the Market.


Management shall:

i. Be responsible for fostering, preserving and ensuring a competitive

ii. Operate the market in a just and responsible manner without fear or favor
toward any party or individual; and,
iii. Maintain the yard, corrals, pens, weighing scale, and other structures,
facilities and equipment clean, orderly and in good condition.

6. MARKET MANAGER - The Market Manager shall hear and settle

complaints and act in an expeditious manner on reported violations that may
weaken the Market; and

7. MANAGEMENT STAFF – The Management Staff shall maintain an

accurate and orderly record of transactions to ensure efficient operations and shall
at all times uphold the highest standard of public service by exercising care,
promptness and courtesy towards its clientele.


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Province of Pangasinan



MARKET DAYS - Wednesday and Saturday every week shall be established

as official market days during which business transaction between farmers and
dealers shall be vigorously promoted and enjoined. This however does not limit
transactions with respect to small animals like hogs, sheep and goat on any other
day of the week between two parties who desire to avail of market facilities and

1. HAULING – Livestock to be offered for sale during market days shall be

brought to the market either through personally secured conveyances or by availing
of transport facilities offered by the market which shall be covered by a
corresponding service charge as prescribed under Art. V, Section 20 of this

2. INSPECTION – Every livestock entering the market premises shall be

subjected to an inspection by a Veterinary Officer/Livestock Inspector (VO/LI),
detailed by the City Veterinary Office for possible disease infections. Only livestock
declared to be fit by the VO/LI should be admitted within the premises for auction;

3. BRANDING AND REGISTRATION – Unbranded and unregistered livestock

shall first be herded to an area designated for branding, after which a certificate of
ownership shall be issued to the owner upon payment of corresponding fee and
service charge;

4. SELLING – Trading of livestock between farmers and dealers shall be

conducted in a selling area within the market designated for the purpose. The
system of trading live animals must be live weight system that pays the
seller/farmers the price per kilo live weight base on current market price or
standardized live weight price. Once an agreement is reached, a transfer certificate
of ownership shall be issued to the dealer upon payment of the corresponding fee as
prescribed under Article V, Sec. 20 of this ordinance to formalize the sale.

5. SERVICE CHARGES – Service charges shall be imposed upon any farmer

or dealer who avails of market service and brings livestock for auction in the market,
which shall be properly assessed and collected prior to the loading out of livestock
based on the rates prescribed under Art. V, Sec. 21 of this ordinance.

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Province of Pangasinan



6. RELEASE FOR LIVESTOCK – Livestock admitted within the market

premises shall only be released either to the farmer in case they are not sold or to
the dealer in case the sale is consummated after the presentation of all necessary
documents to the duly authorized personnel who shall supervise the release of
livestock for loading; and

7. MONITORING TEAMS – Two monitoring teams of market personnel shall

be stationed in Livestock Auction Market and Slaughterhouse Compound, Sabaro,
Alaminos City, respectively, to monitor, control and regulate the flow of livestock in
and out of the City in coordination with the local Philippine National Police
(PNP)/POSO command. They shall be authorized to impound and/or confiscate
livestock found to be lacking papers or documents for shipment required by this
ordinance or by the other existing applicable laws of the land. The Management
shall assume responsibility and accountability over their operation.


1. REGISTRATION - All farmers and other individuals except dealers and

handlers who shall have their animals brought for trading shall register with the
market manager for proper identification, for which they shall be issued an official
identification card before admission within the market premises;

2. LICENSING – All dealers and handlers shall be required to secure a

license from the City Veterinarian of the City Veterinary Office, before they will be
allowed to engage in trading activities within the market premises. Any person
desiring of such License shall apply with the Chief of Business Permit and Licensing
Office (BPLO); and

Section 19B.33. Registration and Veterinary Technical Services: There

are hereby imposed fees or charges from any person engaged in the business of
livestock project including charges imposed in routine technical services as follows:

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Province of Pangasinan



1. Registration of Livestock Raisers

a. Swine

5-10 sow level P 100.00

11-50 sow level 200.00

50 and above 500.00

b. Poultry

1,000-10,000 P 1,000.00

11,000-100,000 3,000.00

2. Veterinary Technical Services

a. Artificial Insemination

Cattle P 100.00

Carabao 100.00

Swine 50.00

b. Vaccination

Rabies P 150.00/head

Hog Cholera 20.00/head

c. Necropsy/Autopsy P 100.00

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Province of Pangasinan



Section 17B.34. Administrative Sanctions - The livestock/cattle mentioned in the

preceding section shall not be allowed to be transported if the owner or anyone in
charge /possession thereof fails/refuses to pay the corresponding veterinary
certificate fee to the City Treasurer or his duly authorized representative of the City
of Alaminos.


Section 17B.35. Mandatory Registration of Dogs and Cats. It shall be unlawful

for any person to own, keep or have control of a dog without having obtained a
registration for such animal, the primary purpose of which is the control and
prevention of animal disease particularly rabies.

(1) The owner shall cause the yearly registration of his dog and cat and
renewal of registration at Barangay Hall shall start on August. CVO
office opens from Mon – Fri 8am-5pm to accept daily registration of
dogs and cats;

(2) Age of Dog and Cat – at least three (3) months old;

(A) The requirements for dog and cat registration shall be as


(i) For first time registrants

For the owner:

 Duly accomplished Application Form;

 Certificate of Residency from the Barangay;

 2 pcs. 2x2 photos; and
 Registration Fee of Seventy Five Pesos (P 75.00).

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Province of Pangasinan



For the pet dog and cat:

 Certificate/Proof of Anti-Rabies Vaccination for the last

six (6) months;
 In the absence of a proof of anti-rabies vaccination, the
physical presence of the animal shall be required for
proper administration of the required vaccine; and
 Full-Body, Side-View photograph (in 3R) of the animal

(ii) Requirements upon annual renewal of registration:

 Updated Information Sheet;

 Renewal Fee of Seventy Five Pesos (P75.00);
 Proofs of vaccination for the previous year. For failure
to present such proofs, a fine of One Hundred Pesos
(P100.00) shall be charged in addition to the renewal
fee; and
 In the absence of a proof of anti-rabies vaccination, the
physical presence of the animal shall be required for
proper administration of the required vaccine.

(3) Five (5) days after the submission of the application for
registration/renewal, a Certificate of Registration shall be issued by the
CVO, stating the following:

i. Name, Address and Contact Nos. of the owner or the person to

whom the registered animal was issued;
ii. Name, Breed, Sex and Color or the Animal;
iii. Registration No. (upon initial registration only); and
iv. Issuance of a Dog Tag bearing the registration number of the
dog (Upon initial registration only). Initial of Barangay and color
coding of area/cluster.

(4) Dog and Cat tags shall be securely displayed upon the animal at all
times, except when the animal is confined to the owner’s premises or
displayed in any show or exhibit. The removal of animal tags is strictly

(i) Dog and Cat Tags are non-transferable from animal to animal or
from owner to owner;

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Province of Pangasinan



(ii) If any tag shall be lost or stolen, damaged or unreadable, the

owner to which the same was issued shall be entitled to receive
a duplicate/replacement upon the presentation of the original
Certificate of Registration showing ownership of the said tag and
a subscribed affidavit in case of loss, plus a replacement fee of
One Hundred Pesos (P100.00);
(iii) Dog and Cats tags shall be surrendered upon death of the
(iv) Notify the City Veterinary Office of the loss, escape or transfer of
any licensed/registered dog/cat within a period of two (2) weeks
or in case of loss immediately thereafter;

(5) New residents shall have 30 days to register their pet dogs and cats
from notice by the CVO through the concerned Barangay; and

(6) For failure to register/renew registration, owners shall be fined as


First Offense : One Thousand Five Hundred Pesos


Second Offense : One Thousand Five Hundred Pesos


Third Offense : Two Thousand Pesos (P2,000.00) or 15 days

Imprisonment or both at the discretion of

the Court

Exceptions to the provisions of this Section are dogs existing in the following
conditions, in which case, subject to applicable regulations as stipulated in
this Code are as follows:

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Province of Pangasinan



(i) Dogs and cats owned or in the custody of or under the control of
persons who are non-residents of the City or temporarily sojourning in
the City for a period not exceeding 30 days, subject to the presentation
of a certificate of vaccination from a duly licensed Veterinarian;
(ii) Dogs and cats brought to the City exclusively for the purpose of
entering the same in an animal show, exhibition and/or competition;
(iii) Dogs and cats owned by pet shops and other enterprises maintaining
and/or breeding animals, which have been granted business licenses
by the City.

Section 17B.36. Business Permits – Pet shops, zoos, aviaries, veterinary clinics,
hospitals and other enterprises maintaining and/or breeding animals for commerce,
shall appropriately secure the necessary business licenses from the City;

(1) As a requisite to the granting/renewal of the business license, such

enterprise shall be required to register with the CVO and periodically
submit a list of the animals in their custody including the presentation of
Certificates of Vaccination from a duly licensed Veterinarian;

(2) For failure to register with the CVO and submit a list of animals in their
custody, owners of such enterprises shall be penalized with a fine of One
Thousand Pesos (P1,000.00); and

(3) Non-presentation of the valid vaccination certificate shall cause the

impounding of subject animals and fined in accordance with the
provisions in this Code governing redemption and non-vaccination

Section 17B.37. Animal Show, Exhibition Parade and/or Competition- Any

show, exhibition parade and/or competition featuring animals shall be required to
secure the necessary permits/licenses from the CVO, prior to performance and/or
promotion within the city.

(1) Organizers and/or promoters of such shows shall secure the permit
from the CVO seven (7) days prior to the scheduled event. A
Registration Fee of One Thousand Pesos (P1,000.00) shall be charged.

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Province of Pangasinan



(i) Owners of participating animals shall be required to submit to

the CVO, a copy of their animal’s certificate/s of vaccination
from a duly licensed Veterinarian on the day of the actual show.

(ii) A representative from the CVO and a licensed veterinarian shall

be present during the show date to ensure that no animal shall
be allowed into the show ring or to participate without the valid

(iii) For failure to comply with the provisions of this Section, the
following penalties shall apply:

For the promoter : A fine of Five Thousand Pesos (P5,000.00) or

imprisonment of not more than six (6)
months or both at the discretion of the

For the owner : Impoundment of the subject animal until

such time that a valid certificate is
presented. Redemption charges shall be

For failure to present a valid vaccination

certificate, owner of subject animal shall be
additionally charged for penalties governing

Animal Welfare, Care and Protection

Section 17B.38. Torture, Maltreatment, Cruelty and Other forms of Neglect – It

shall be unlawful for any person to torture or maltreat any animal and neglect to
provide adequate care, sustenance or shelter or kill or cause or procure to be
tortured, or deprived of adequate care, sustenance or shelter, or maltreat or use the
same in research or experiments and fights not authorized by the law.

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Province of Pangasinan



(1) The killing of any animal other than cattle, pigs, goats, sheep, poultry, and
rabbits is likewise hereby declared unlawful except in the following

(i) When it is done as a part of religious rituals of an established religion

or sect or ritual required by tribal or ethnic custom of indigenous
cultural communities;

(ii) When the pet animal is afflicted with an incurable communicable

disease as determined and certified by a duly licensed veterinarian;

(iii) When the killing is deemed necessary to put an end to the misery
suffered by the animal as determined and certified by a duly licensed

(iv) When it is done to prevent an imminent danger to the life or limb of a

human being;

(v) When done for the purpose of animal population control (castration,
neutering and spaying);
(vi) When the animal is killed after it has been used in authorized
research or experiments;
(vii) Any other grounds analogous to the foregoing as determined and
certified by a duly licensed veterinarian.

(2) No person shall cause or allow an animal to be overdriven, overloaded,

overworked, tortured, tormented, cruelly beaten, mutilated or unlawfully
killed inflicted unnecessary cruelty (drive it or work it when unfit for labor
or abandon it);

(3) In all the above mentioned cases, including those of cattle, pigs, goats,
sheep, poultry, rabbits, carabaos, horses, deer and crocodiles the killing of
the animals shall be done through humane procedures at all times. For
this purpose, human procedures shall mean the use of the most scientific
methods of killing of animals, that is, lethal injection.

(4) Violation of the provisions of this section shall carry a penalty of One
Thousand Pesos (P1,000.00) for first time offenders and Three Thousand
Pesos (P3,000.00) for first time offenders and imprisonment or both at the
discretion of the Court.

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Province of Pangasinan



Section 17B.39. Transport of Animals – It shall be unlawful to transport a dog in a

motor vehicle upon any street within the City unless the dog is fully secured within
the motor vehicle, or is protected by a belt, tether, cage, container or other devices
that will prevent the dog from falling, jumping or being thrown off the vehicle.

(1) No dog or other animal shall be left completely enclosed in a parked

vehicle or other enclosed space without adequate ventilation, or in such a
way as to subject the animal to extreme temperatures, which may
adversely affect its health, welfare and life. No city veterinary officer shall
be liable for damages to property caused by the use of reasonable force to
remove an animal from such vehicle or other enclosed space under such

(2) A written warning via Citation Ticket shall be issued to the owner of
subject animal and/or to the owner of the subject vehicle. A second
offense shall constitute cruelty to animals and shall be imposed with the
prescribed penalties herein.

Section 17B.40. Use of Air Guns, Pistols and other trapping equipments.

The use of air guns, pistols and other trapping equipments for hunting birds
and other winged animals is prohibited within the City of Alaminos.

(1) Imposable penalty for violation of this section carries a fine of Five
Hundred Pesos (P500.00) for first time offenders and Two Thousand Pesos
(P2,000.00) for recidivists, including the confiscation of the air gun, pistol
and oxygen tanks.

Section 17B.41. Possession of Wildlife and Exotic Animals – No person or entity

shall be allowed possession of wildlife or exotic animals, unless a clearance from the
Secretary of the DENR or authorized representative is first obtained:

(1) In the absence of such clearance, the owner shall be held liable to pay a
fine of One Thousand Pesos (P1,000.00) including impoundment of the

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Province of Pangasinan



wildlife and exotic animal by the CVO. The same penalty shall likewise be
imposed to those owners who negligently abandon the care and custody of
the wildlife and exotic animals;

(2) A wildlife and/or exotic animal taken into custody by the CVO shall not be
deemed impounded. Such animal need not be retained for any minimum
period of time, but shall be surrendered immediately to the Wildlife Rescue
Center of the Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR),
unless said animal is dangerous or suffering excessively from contagious
and highly communicable disease either to humans or animals, in which
case it may be forthwith humanely destroyed; and

(3) Any person or entity who wishes to possess a wildlife and/or exotic animal
shall first secure a clearance from the CVO. Failure to secure a clearance
from the CVO shall be penalized with a fine of One Thousand Pesos
(P1,000.00). The wildlife and/or exotic animals shall impound by the CVO
and shall be immediately turned over to the Wildlife Rescue Center of the
Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR) for
safekeeping and proper custody. The same penalty shall likewise be
imposed to those owners or operators of entities who shall negligently
abandon the care and custody of the wildlife and/or exotic animal.

Animal Sanitation, Disease and Nuisance Control

Section 17B.42. Anti-rabies Vaccination and Penalty – All dog owners are
required to submit their dogs for anti-rabies vaccination every year after the first
vaccination at 3 mos. old age.

A fine of Five Hundred Pesos (P500.00) shall be imposed upon the owner plus
impoundment of the subject animal.

Section 17B.43. Stray or Roaming Animals/Animals-at-Large – Straying or

roaming of animals in public places, streets or plaza is prohibited; animal that is
roaming beyond/off the premises of the owner or the legal guardian without their
presence or control is in violation of this chapter and may be impounded, except for
the following reasons:

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Province of Pangasinan



(1) While such animal (esp. dog) is actively engaged in an organized


(2) While such dog is being used for hunting purposes; and

(3) A dog/dogs of Canine Unit in the performance of its duties.

Section 18B.44. Penalty – Penalties for violation of this Code are the following:

Cow and Carabaos, Pig - One Thousand Pesos


Dogs, Cats and Other Domestic Animals - Five Hundred Pesos


Plus an additional One Hundred Pesos (P100.00) for second time


Section 17B.45. Fee for Dog and Cats Pick-up – A fee in the amount of Two
Hundred Pesos (P200.00) shall be imposed on dog/cat owners for the pick-up of
their stray or roaming pets.

Section 17B.46. Raising Animals in Resettlement/Residential/ and High-

Density Areas – Any person shall be prohibited from raising animals in the area
declared by the City Government of Alaminos as “Resettlement Area”.

It shall likewise be unlawful for any person to breed fighting cocks and other
animals, such as horse, Carabao, cow, cat, monkey, chicken, duck, goat, pig, dog,
turkey and goose, in areas declared strictly as high-density residential or highly
urbanizing areas. It is also unlawful to tie an animal with the intention to feed or
graze it in the sidewalk of a main road/street or highway in such a way that it may

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Province of Pangasinan



cause traffic or cause harm/danger to pedestrians/motorists especially in

urbanizing areas of the city.

Any person found raising animals in Resettlement and High-Density

Residential areas shall be penalized with a fine of Five Hundred Pesos (P500.00) plus
confiscation of the subject animals.

Section 17B.47. Urinating and Defecation of Animals – It shall be unlawful for

any person owning or having control or custody of any dog to permit the animal to
urinate or defecate in public upon the private property of another within the City.

(1) Any person taking an animal in public or upon the private property of
another should carry at all times a bag or suitable receptacle and
instruments for the removal and disposal of animal feces except in the
case of disabled person in the company of a dog;

(2) Dog Owners taking their pets out for a walk or on strolls or exercise shall
ensure that their dogs are properly restrained with a leash of two meters
long and properly muzzled; and

(3) Penalty:

First Offense : A Fine of Five Hundred Pesos (P500.00)

Second Offense : A fine of One Thousand Pesos (P1,000.00)

Third Offense : A fine of One Thousand Five Hundred Pesos (P1,500.00)

or one 3 days imprisonment upon the court’s discretion.

Section 17B.48. Dumping of Carcass/Animal Cadaver - The dumping of carcass of

dead animals such as dogs, pigs, cats, rats, among others in drainage, canals,
rivers, and other waterways is strictly prohibited including all public places such as
roadways, sidewalks, publicly-owned vacant lots, etc.

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Province of Pangasinan



(1) Owners of dead animals are required to properly bury/dispose of their

pet’s carcass, either within their premises or avail of the facilities of the
animal cemetery.

(2) Proper disposal of the animal carcass may also be coordinated with the
Waste Management Unit of General Services Office after paying the
prescribed fee.

Section 17B.49. Incidental/Intentional /Poisoning, intoxicating and

Provocation - Any person proven by witness to have caused the injury or death

through incidentally or intentionally introduced substance/chemical is hereby held

liable to pay in full amount the market value of the said subject animals and

additional P1,000.00 penalty. Furthermore, the owner of any provoked animal

which subsequently resulted to harming/endangering the life or limb of supposed

victim is not liable to damage and medical expenses unless the said animal is astray

or off the premises/property of the owner.

(1) A portion along the Material Recovery Facility will be declared as a

public cemetery for dead animals; and

(2) A penalty of One Thousand Pesos (P 1,000.00) shall be imposed upon

first time offenders. The same amount shall apply plus an additional
One Hundred Pesos (P100.00) for every instance of violation

Section 17B.50. Injury or Damage caused by Animals - The City Government of

Alaminos hereby imposes a penalty on owners of animals, which cause injury or
damage to other persons or property.

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Province of Pangasinan



(1) In case of damage to property, the indemnity shall be paid by the

owner/possessor of animals based on the extent of the actual damage
caused on the said property;

(2) In cases of injury sustained by certain individuals, the following shall


i. In cases where the ownership of the animals has been duly

established, the injured victim shall immediately be entitled to
receive financial compensation from owner/possessor of animals
for their medication;

ii. When the injury sustained by the victim require medical

attendance or confinement for a certain number of days, the
owner of the animal shall also be required to pay for the loss of
income of the victim during the period when he/she is not

iii. The injured victim must submit a medical certificate from any
licensed physician in support of their claim and/or pay slip or
certification from the employer in case of payment of income loss.

(3) If the owners of the animal willfully refuse, without justifiable cause,
to pay the expenses necessary for the medication of the victim or pay
for the damaged caused to personal property, the victim, assisted by a
CVO official, shall institute appropriate charges in court to enforce
his/her claim.

(4) Filing and/or payment of claims, pursuant to this measure, is without

prejudice or shall not constitute a bar in filing similar claims under
existing laws

(5) In the event any animal consecutively causes or is reported and

recorded to have caused severe injury to a person or another animal
several times within a year, or is regarded as “vicious and dangerous”
as defined in this Chapter, the CVO may recommend that such
animal be declared as a menace to public health and safety and shall
so inform the City Health Office, who in turn shall file the appropriate
charges in court before the City State Prosecutor.

(6) If the Court finds the animal to be a menace to public health and
safety, the CVO upon the order of the Court, shall impound, hold and

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Province of Pangasinan



humanely destroy the animal unless the owner show the court good
cause why the animal should not be destroyed.

(7) Pet owners who refuse to have his dog put under observation after
said dog has bitten an individual shall be meted a fine of Five
Thousand Pesos (Php5,000.00); and

(8) Pet owners who refuse to have their dog put under observation and do
not shoulder the medical expenses of the person bitten by their dog
shall be meted a fine of Five Thousand Pesos (Php 5,000.00)

Section 17B.51. Duties of Licensed Veterinarians - it is the duty of a

licensed veterinarians exercising their profession within the City of
Alaminos to report immediately the record of the animal, and their
owner, diagnosed with a zoonotic disease, within 24 hours to CVO or
any disease that might caused or might be detrimental to our livestock
industry that can effect our Economy.

First Offense : A fine of Five Hundred Pesos (P500.00)

Second Offense : A fine of One Thousand Pesos (P1,000.00)
Third Offense : A fine of One Thousand Five Hundred Pesos

Animal Impoundment, Quarantine and Disposition

Section 17B.52. Impoundment - Any animal engaging in an activity or existing in a

condition as prohibited by the provisions in this Article shall be taken up and
impounded by the CVO.

(1) Any person may take up and deliver or cause to be taken up or

delivered to the CVO any stray animal found on any public place or
upon that person’s private property within the City. Said person shall
immediately thereafter give notice thereof to the CVO, which shall
thereupon hold and dispose of said animal in the same manner as
though said animal had been found astray and impounded.

Section 17B.53. Periods of Impoundment - All animals shall be kept by the CVO
for a period of not less than 5 days, unless redeemed within such period.
Calculation of the 5-day impoundment period shall commence from the date of
apprehension and shall include Saturdays, Sundays and Holidays.

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Province of Pangasinan



Section 18B.54. Notice of Impoundment - The CVO shall give notice to the owner
of the animal of the impoundment, if such information is available on record.
Otherwise, the CVO shall cause the advertisement of the impoundment in a
conspicuous area within the perimeter where the animal was last found. Expenses
or costs for the advertisement shall be charged to the owner.


Impounded at the Alaminos City Veterinary Office, Slaughterhouse

Compound, Alaminos City is the following described animal/s:
Which unless redeemed before the date herein indicated shall be
disposed accordingly by the CVO
( Time ) on ( date )

Section 17B.55. Redemption - The owner of any animal impounded or taken into
custody, may at anytime before the disposition thereof, redeem the same by paying
all accrued fees and corresponding charges, and in the absence of compulsory
registration papers, relevant expenses thereof.

Section 17B.56. Disposition - Any animal held in custody which is not reclaimed by
its owner within the 5 days after notice shall be deemed to be abandoned and may
be disposed of by the CVO through adoption or euthanasia provided however that if
said animal is dangerous to retain or is suffering excessively from contagious and
highly communicable disease either to humans or animals, in which case, it may be
forthwith humanely destroyed.

(1) It is hereby prescribed that Adoption Days for impounded animals

shall be Mondays to Fridays except during holidays, starting from 9
a.m. to 12 noon at the CVO in the presence of a representative of the
Office of the City Treasurer.

(2) The Local Treasurer is hereby empowered to fix the fees to cover the
cost of labor and transportation as well as for subsistence of the
animal during the confinement but not less than P 150.00 a day
including food, water, and maintenance of the dog while in the city
pound plus pounded fee of P100.00; and

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Province of Pangasinan



(3) For a justifiable reason, an animal may be voluntarily surrendered by

owner, which shall be deemed abandoned and need not be impounded
and kept by the CVO for any minimum period of time. It may be
disposed of by the CVO for a prescribed fee.

Section 17B.57. Quarantine - Any animal falling into one or more of the following
categories shall be isolated or quarantined at the place and under the conditions
prescribed by the City Health Office and pertinent national laws and regulations.

(1) Known rabid animals;

(2) Suspected rabid animals;
(3) Animals which have bitten or otherwise exposed a human being to rabies
or suspected rabies
(4) Animals which have been bitten by a known or suspected rabid animal or
have been in intimate contact with the same.


Section 17B.58. Opposing, Resisting, Interfering with a City Veterinary Officer

and Meat Inspector – It shall be unlawful for any person to oppose, resist or
otherwise interfere with the Veterinary Officer, Animal Control Officer, Meat
Inspector Officer or any of his authorized deputies in the performance of his duties.
Any person opposing, resisting or otherwise interfering with an animal Officer of any
of his authorized deputies shall be penalized with a fine of Four Thousand Pesos
(P4,000.00) or imprisonment not exceeding one (1) year, at the discretion of the

Section 17B.59. Citation Ticket - Violations covered by a corresponding Citation Ticket

shall be governed by the following rules:

(1) Citation tickets shall be settled within seventy two (72) hours upon
(2) For failure or refusal to make the necessary corrective measures within
the prescribed period in case of warning citations, the violator shall be
liable for the maximum imposable penalty for the infraction;
(3) In case of failure or refusal to pay the corresponding fine cited in the
ticket within the specified period, the City Mayor shall direct the City
Legal Officer to initiate within twenty-four (24) hours prosecution
proceedings against the violator with the City Prosecutors Office; and
(4) Any person who is convicted by the court for refusing to pay the fine shall
be imposed a fine of not more than Five Thousand Pesos (P 5,000.00) or
imprisonment of not more than one (1) year, or both at the discretion of
the court.

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Province of Pangasinan



Section 17B.60. Penalty for Other Offenses - The conviction of any person for any offense
under this Code shall not bar his prosecution for any other offense, which may have
been committed by such person, concurrently with the commission of the offense for
which he was convicted or in doing the act or series of acts, which constituted the
offense for which he was convicted.

Section 17B.61. Implementing Guidelines - The CVO, in coordination with other

concerned city government agencies, is hereby tasked to promulgate the
implementing guidelines by virtue necessary for the information implementation and
enforcement (IIE) of the provisions of this Code within thirty (30) days upon approval



Article A.

City Tourism Code

Section 18A.01. Title - This Article deals with Tourism Code known as the
“Alaminos City Tourism Code of 2013 ‘’.

Section 18A.02. Scope - This ordinance shall govern and regulate tourism
development and promotion programs of and within the City of Alaminos, including
the licensing, registration, regulation and supervision of the operations of tourism
oriented related establishments and activities.

The Ordinance shall apply to all persons, natural or juridical, who are engaged in
tourism oriented and/or related undertakings such as, but not limited to the
management of, hotels, restaurants, tourist inns, pension/transient houses,
motorist hotels, homestays, dormitories, apartels, travelling agencies,
operators/organizers, tourguides, professional congress, transport units,
organizations and other similar tourism oriented/related establishments whose
operation is domestic or international in scope.

Section 18A.03. Objectives

a. To initiate its own program, encouranging and developing tourism as

means of projecting Alaminos City’s culture, history, traditions and
natural beauty, and as an instrument of accelerating the development of
the City of Alaminos.
b. To provide a forum to renew and/or update the commitments of the LGU
and the private sector to expedite and ensure sustainable development
and promotion of tourism in the City of Alaminos.

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Province of Pangasinan



c. To promote local tourism via pronounced theme.

d. To institutionalize networking between and among NGA’s, LGU’s, and the
private sector.
e. To educate and inform the people of Alaminos City through the City
Tourism Council of the cost-benefits of the tourism development.

Section 18A.04. Manifesto of commitments - The City Government of Alaminos

commits to accomplish the following:

a. Adopt our City’s rich history, nature, culture and arts as our industry’s
central theme to bring forth social cohesion and unity of direction;
b. Encourage the adoption and enactment of legislative measures for the
protection and enhancement of the environment through awareness
campaigns aimed at preventing, counteracting or mitigating the negative
impacts of tourism development;
c. Strenghten the capabilities of the LGU and the Tourism Council in
planning, developing and promoting the City’s natural and man-made
resources for sustainable growth;
d. Work towards a pleasant experience and stay for the tourists while at the
same time protecting the interests, welfare and rights of the host
e. Promote quality tourism and endeavor to improve tourism facilities,
professionalize tourism services and provide favorable atmosphere for
investment flows in tourism development projects;
f. Counteract unfavorable/unfair media coverage with positive news

Section 18A.05. Acronyms and Definition of Terms - For the purpose of this
Article, the terms and phrases enumerated in this Section shall be construed or
interpreted to mean or refer to, as follows;

a. ACTC - Alaminos City Tourism Council

b. ACTO - Alaminos City Tourism Office
c. APARTMENT - HOTEL (APARTEL) - any building or edifice containing
several independent or furnished or semi-furnished apartments, regularly
leased to tourists and travelers for a period of not less than one day.
d. ASSOCIATION - An organization of persons/entities having the subject of
tourism as a common interest.
establishments where intoxicating and fermented liqours or malt are sold
in addition to cooked food; it may also feature entertainment or live bands.

 Night or day club includes any place frequented at night-time or

day-time, as the case maybe, where patrons are served food and
drinks and allowed to dance with partners or dance instructors.
There may be presence of musicians or record players installed
within its premises.
f. BPLO - Business Permit and Licensing Office
g. BTC - Barangay Tourism Committee

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Province of Pangasinan



h. CITY - The City Government of Alaminos

i. DOT - Department of Tourism
j. HINT – Hundred Islands National Park
k. HUNDRED ISLANDS NATIONAL PARK- For this purpose, it refers to a
vast or portion of land reserved by the City Government of Alaminos
Pangasinan for tourism and public use.
k. HOTEL - any building, edifice or premise which offers a venue for
receptions, seminars/convention/forums, accommodations or lodging of
travelers or tourist for a fee.
l. INBOUND TOUR - a tour of the Philippines or any places within the
m. INLAND RESORT - resort located within the town proper or city.
n. MAYOR’S PERMIT - the privilege or authority granted by the City Mayor
to own operate manage and maintain a tourist establishment.
o. LTFRB - Land Transportation Franchising and Regulatory Board.
p. LTO - Land Transportation Office
q. MASSAGE THERAPIST - is a certified/licensed who has undergone
extensive training either local or internationally
regarding anatomy, physiology and multitude of massage
r. MUSEUM - refers to establishment showcasing historical artifacts.
s. OUTBOUND TOUR - a tour to any place outside the Philippines.
t. PAMB - Protected Area Management Board
u. PENSION HOUSE/ TRANSIENT HOUSE - a private or family-oriented
tourist boarding house or tourist lodging house, employing non-
professional domestic helpers, regularly catering to tourists and/or
travelers, containing several independent gettable rooms, providing
common facilities such as toilets, bathrooms/showers, living and dining
rooms and/or kitchen and where a combination of board and lodging may
be provided.
v. REGISTRATION - the listing in the registry of licensed tourism-oriented
and tourism related establishment, including those offering training and
promotion programs, after such establishments and facilities shall have
been certified by the City Government of Alaminos, through the ACTO as
having conformed with the minimum standards/requirements in the
accordance with this Ordinance.
w. RESORT - any place or places with a pleasant environment and
atmosphere conducive to a comfortable, healthful relaxation, offering food,
sleeping accommodations and recreational facilities to the public for a fee.
x. RESTAURANT - any establishment offering to the public regular and
special meals or menu, cooked foods or short orders, beverage and drinks.
y. SPA - refers to establishment that has a holistic approach to health and
wellness, rest and relaxation that aims to treat the
body, mind and spirit by integrating a range of professionally administered
health, wellness, fitness and beauty, water treatment and
z. SPECIAL INTEREST RESORT - refers to resorts providing facilities and
equipment for the conduct of special interest activities, wildlife observation

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Province of Pangasinan



and bird watching, backpacking, camping, trail riding (either motorized or

horseback), target shooting or hunting, and theme parks.

aa. SPORTS AND RECREATIONAL FACILITIES - establishments/resorts

providing sports and recreational facilities such as swimming pools,
bowling lanes, tennis courts, pelota or squash sports, golf course, riding
range, shooting range, archery range, aquatic/water sports arrangement,
fishing, water skiing and similar facilities forming parts of the resorts.
bb. TENANT - any tourist or traveller who is registered as paying occupant of
any accommodation stablishments.
cc. THEATERS - refers to the establishment use as venues for the performing
dd. TIEZA - Tourism Infrastructure and Enterprise Zone Authority.
ee. TOUR GUIDE - an individual who either as an employee or affiliate of a
duly licensed tour operator, accompanies tourists, both foreign and
domestic, for a fee, commission or any other form of lawful renumeration
on local sight seeing, excursion/tour; licensed by the PBLO and registered
with ACTO.
ff. TOURISM–ORIENTED ESTABLISHMENT - any establishment which is
registered and licensed by the appropriate offices of the City Government
which caters directly to tourist, whether domestic or foreign.
gg. TOURISM-RELATED ESTABLISHMENT - any establishment or enterprise
which may or may not be registered with the ACTO but which caters
incidentally to both foreign and local travelers and tourists.
hh. TOURISM TRAINING PROGRAM - any training program that caters or
involved in the tourism industry.
ii. TOURIST INN - a lodging establishment catering to local and foreign
tourist not meeting the minimum requirements of an economy hotel.
jj. TOURIST LAND TRANSPORTATION UNIT - any vehicle, carriage or
conveyance moving on wheels or tunnels used in public roads and high
ways and catering to tourists.
kk. TOURIST TRANSPORT OPERATOR - a person or entity which may either
be a single proprietorship or corporation, regularly engaged in providing
for a fee of lawful consideration, tourist transport services as hereinafter
defined, either in charter or regular run.
or air conveyance catering to tourists.
mm. TOUR OPERATOR - an entity which may either be a single
proprietorship, partnership or corporation regularly engaged in the
business of extending to individual or groups, such services pertaining to
arrangement and bookings for transportation and/or accommodation,
handling and/or conduct of in-bound tour whether or not for a fee,
commission, or any form of compensation.
nn. WPCCI - Western Pangasinan Chamber of Commerce and Industry.



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Province of Pangasinan



Section 18A.06. Office of the City Mayor - The City Mayor as the local chief
executive shall be the chief operating officer of all tourism programs of the City of
Alaminos. He shall designate the chairperson of all institutionalized government
tourism programs,which are observed and celebrated yearly or regularly in the City.


Section 19A.07. Creation and function - For purposes of implementing the

provisions of this Article, Alaminos City Tourism Council (ACTC) is hereby created
as a policy-making body that is tasked to perform the following functions:

a. Recommended policies and guidelines for the efficient and effective

management of the Hundred Islands National Park (HINP) and other
tourist destinations and the City of Alaminos for the approval of the
Sangguniang Panlungsod.
b. Initiate plans and programs like information dissemination on tourism
awareness and other related activities that will encourage participation
and involvement from all sectors of society for the development, promotion
and in maximizing the tourism potential of the HINP.
c. See to it that HINP shall be used primarily for tourism and the city shall
provide support to coastal folks desiring to set up or develop tourism
business/facitlities within the HINP area.
d. Ensure that the privilege of the private sector to develop and utilize
tourism resources shall be exercised or continued to be exercised only
under the basic concept that the grantee, licensee or permitee shall not
only be a privileged beneficiary of the City but shall also be an active
participant and partner of the City Government in the management,
development conservation and protection of the tourism resources.
e. Ensure that all tourism and tourism-related development and the City of
Alaminos shall be in accordance with the comprehensive tourism master
plan for the City of Alaminos.
f. Shall likewise ensure that all tourism development project are community

The head of the Alaminos City Tourism Council (ACTC) shall work with
the Office of the City Mayor on the promotion of tourism related projects.
He shall be assisted by a City Tourism Officer who shall closely coordinate
with different officers as regards to the implementation of tourism projects
and programs in the City.

Section 18A.08. Composition - The members of the City Tourism Council shall not
be less than five (5) and nor more than fifteen (15) members, 60% of whom shall
come from private sector and 40% from the government sector. The members shall
be appointed by the Local Chief Executive whose term of office shall expire three
years after appoinment unless sooner revoked for cause. The Council Chairman and
Vice-Chairman shall be elected by the members among themselves.

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Province of Pangasinan



The City Tourism Council shall be composed of the following:

City Mayor Honorary Chairman

City Administrator Chairman

Chairman, Committee on Education, Member

Culture & Arts, Public Information,
Tourism, Environmental Protection
And Waste Management

Coastal Resources Management Officer Member

ABC President Member

Representative, Accredited NGO Member

City Planning and Development Officer Member

PAMB Chairman Member

Representative, ACTO Member

Representative, WPCCI Member

Representative, Tourism Related

Organizations Member

Representative, Environmental Orgs. Member

President, Motorboat Association Member

President, Market Vendors Association Member

DEPED District Officer Member

Representative of the Land Transportation Member


Section 18A.09. Council meeting - The Council shall conduct their regular
meetings twice a month at a schedule they may hereinafter agree upon within the
jurisdiction of Alaminos City. The Council Members shall perform their duties on a
voluntary basis however, they shall be entitled for reimbursement of their actual
expenses (Transportation, Meals) incurred in attending council meeting.

Republic of the Philippines
Province of Pangasinan





Section 18A.10. The committee on education, culture & arts, public

information, tourism, environmental protection & waste management in the
sangguniang panlungsod - The committee on Tourism and Culture and Arts shall
be responsible for introducing legislative measures concerning the promotion of
tourism in the City of Alaminos.


The Alaminos City Tourism Office (ACTO) and Barangay Tourism Committee
(BTC) in coordination with concerned national agencies and instrumentalities,
shall perform the following duties and functions:

a. To ensure a sustainable funding mechanism for the implementation of

tourism plans, policies, programs and activities;
b. To generate revenues to fund local tourism development plans;
c. To collect tourism charges and fees as may be deemed necessary in relation to
the mandate of the Code;
d. Supervise and coordinate the implementation of tourism policies, plans and
projects of the City Government;
e. Supervise the operations and maintenance of city-owned and managed tourist
destination areas like parks, convention centers, museums, resorts and
picnic areas to ensure the cleanliness and beauty of each facility;

f. Design and implement the promotional and marketing structure of the City of
g. Conduct inspection and accreditation of tourism establishments;
h. Organize events and activities that will promote the local culture and tourism
attractions of the city;
i. Conduct tour packages that will result in the influx of tourist, both foreign
and domestic;
j. Organize and conduct culture and tourism seminars, summits and trainings;
k. Organize fund raising projects and events, accept donations, sponsorships
and solicitations, through the City Mayor, for city tourism programs and
parks beautification;
l. Conduct surveys, research and other data gathering activities to support each
tourism programs;
m. Represent the city in any tourism or promotional activities within the locality,
in the region, national and international levels;
n. Perform and execute any tourism or promotional related activities and
o. Promote the City Tourism Development Program with the use of traditional
media and of the internet;
p. Submit recommendations to the Sangguniang Panlungsod on possible
amendments to this Ordinance or the approval of additional ordinances
intended to improve the local tourism industry;

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Province of Pangasinan



q. Assist tourists in making their visit to the city as enjoyable and memorable as
r. Maintain a Tourism Information Desk and Tourism Information Hotline to be
located at the city government center and in all tourist destinations within the
s. Coordinate and consult with the private sector and with the City Tourism
Council in the development of the local tourism industry; and
t. Perform such other tasks and duties that may be assigned to it by law, by
ordinance, or by order of the City Mayor.

There shall be created a Barangay Tourism Committee which shall provide

the backbone of all tourism programs and/or projects in the City of Alaminos.
Each Barangay shall be encouraged to allocate at least five (5) percent of the
20% Development Fund from their Annual Internal Revenue Allotment Share.
The Barangay Tourism Committee shall be headed by the Punong Barangay
as Chairman; the Barangay Kagawad who garnered the most number of votes
in the immediately preceding barangay elections shall be the vice-chairman;
the Barangay Treasurer shall be the Committee Treasurer; the Barangay
Secretary shall the Committee Secretary; and the Barangay SK Chairman
shall be the Committee PRO.

Section 18A.11. Creation and Functions

a. There is hereby created Alaminos City Tourism Office, under the control
and supervision of the Office of the Mayor,and a Barangay Tourism
Committee (BTC) in every barangay to be headed by the Barangay
b. The City Tourism Officer (CTO) shall head the City Tourism Office (ACTO)
and report directly to the City Mayor who is the Chief Operating Officer.
He shall be assisted by additional subordinate staff members as follows:

1. City Government Dept. Head I 25/1
2. Administrative Officer V (Accountant III) 19/1
3. Administrative Assistant VI (Computer 12/1
Operator III)
4. Park Maint. General Foreman 10/1
5. Administrative Assistant II (Bookkeeper) 8/1
6. Tourism Operations Assistant 7/1


Section 18A.12. All tourism establishments/activities in the City of Alaminos must

be classified, accredited, and registered in accordance with the Rules and
Regulations promulgated by the Department of Tourism on 20 April 1992 and 26
August 1992, and published in the Supplement of the Official Gazette, Volume 89,

Republic of the Philippines
Province of Pangasinan



No. 20 dated 17 May 1993. Said establishments must likewise comply with existing
local laws, rules and regulations covering their business operations in the City.



Section 18A.13. Government- sponsored tourism programs and special

events - The City Government hereby establishes and recognizes annual/regular
government-sponsored tourism programs and special events such as but not
limited to as follows:

1. Alaminos Mass Wedding; February

2. Annual City Fiesta; March
3. Longganisa Festival; March
4. Hundred Islands Global Homecoming; March
5. Alaminos City Day Anniversary Celebration; March 28
6. Famers & Fisherfolks Festival/Agri-Trade and Food Fair; March and May
7. Various summer activities in Alaminos City; April-May
8. Hundred Islands Turn-over Anniversary, September 29
9. Hundred Islands Festival;
10.Christmas Activities in Alaminos; December
11.Visits of foreign delegations and recognition affair;
12.Promotion of arts and culture consciousness;
13.DOT-PTA and LGU sponsored tourism promotion activities;
14.Activities of Pangasinan Travelers Bureau; and
15.Activities of Tourism-related Organizations

Other special events under the sponsorship of the City of Alaminos to

promote arts, culture, environmental awareness and tourism.

Section 18A.14. Parks, plazas, river parks and major roadlines - The City
Government shall provide measures, assistance and activities for the establishment,
rehabilitation, development and maintenance of cleanliness of the existing parks,
gardens, plazas, rivers and roads and other parks, gardens and plazas which may
hereafter be created.

Section 18A.15. Institutional and historical landmarks - The City Government

shall provide measures, assistance, and activities to protect, develop, promote and
maintain the cleanlinesss of the following institutional and historical landmarks in
line with the general tourism program. Historical landmarks be separated from the
rest as Institutional Landmarks or Historical Landmarks.


a. The Alaminos City Hall

b. Alaminos City Library
c. Central Business District
d. Alaminos City Malls and Market

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Province of Pangasinan



e. Adopt a Mountain
f. Techno-Demo Farm
g. Mangrove Plantation
h. Materials Recovery Facility (MRF)
i. Others


a. The Saint Joseph Cathedral

b. Heritage Houses near the plaza of Alaminos City
c. The Limahong and Urduja Shrine
d. The Quezon Monument in Quezon Island
e. The Bonifacio Monument
f. Baleyadaan Church Ruins
g. Embarcadero Bridge
h. Don Leopoldo Sison Auditorium
i. Others

Section 18A.16. Facilities and Services - The City Government shall provide
measures, assistance and activities for the establishment, provision and
maintenance of the following facilities at strategic places for the enhancement of
tourist services:

a. Tourism Welcome Center, Brgy. Lucap

b. Tourism Information Center, Brgy. Poblacion
c. Automated Teller Machine (ATM) at Lucap Wharf
d. City Coaster and City Tourists Bus
e. Food Courts/Souvenir Shops
f. Playgrounds
g. Pasalubong Centers (especially Alaminos specialties)
h. Restrooms and Bath Houses

Section 18A.17. Government Tourism Information Centers - The City

Government shall provide measures, assistance and activities that will establish, put
to use and improve the Tourism Information Centers. The Hundred Islands
Management Board shall determine uses, assignments, or similar programs relative
to the same:

a. Lucap Wharf
b. Hundred Islands National Park
c. Bolo Beach
d. Alaminos City Plaza


Section 18A.18. Agri-tourism - Agricultural projects of the City shall be included

among the tourist destinations in the City.

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Province of Pangasinan



Section 18A.19. Agricultural products and delicacies - Agricultural products and

delicacies of the City shall be included in the menu of hotels, restaurants and other
food establishment.



Section 18A.20. Mayor’s Permit of Business Tourism-Oriented Establishments -

Any person, natural or juridical who keep, manage or operate any building, edifice
or premises or a completely independent part thereof, for the purpose of engaging in
a tourism-oriented business shall secure a Mayor’s Permit to operate the same.

Section 18A.21. Registration of Tourism-Oriented Establishment - All tourism-

oriented establishments shall register with the ACTO.

Section 18A.22. Registration of Tour Operators - Tour Operators with business

address, either as principal or branch office, in the City of Alaminos must apply for
registration and license, as follows:

a. Partnership organized under the laws of Philippines, at least 60% of the

capital of which are owned by the Filipino Citizens;
b. Corporation organized under the laws of Philippines, at least 60% of the
capital of which are owned by the Filipino Citizens; and
c. Such other establishments not covered by the preceding paragraphs of
this Section may apply for the same privileges; provided they first comply
with all requirements of the rules and regulations as provided in this
ordinance and existing laws.

Section 18A.23. Securing Mayor’s Permit of Tour Guides - All tour guides are
hereby required to acquire Mayor’s Permit and register with the ACTO. Tour guides
must undergo training with any government accredited training providers. Permit is
renewable annually.

Licensed Tour Guides of the City Government must posses the following

a. Bonafide residents of the City of Alaminos;

b. Must be 18 years old onward;
c. Fluent in speaking Filipino and English;
d. Physically and mentally fit;
e. Preferably knowledgeable in other dialects and foreign languages;
f. At least high school graduate or college level; and
g. Such other qualifications as may be deemed necessary.

Republic of the Philippines
Province of Pangasinan



Section 18A.24. Securing Mayor’s Permit of Massage Therapist - All massage

therapists are hereby required to acquire Mayor’s Permit and register with the
ACTO and must undergo training with any government accredited training
providers. Permit of massage therapist is renewable annually.

Licensed Massage Therapist must posses the following qualifications:

a. Bonafide resident of Alaminos City;

b. Able to speak basic English;
c. Of good mental and physical health; and
d. Of good reputation.

For the purposes as provided in SECTION 23 and 24, the Alaminos City
Tourism Office shall undertake to conduct and/or facilitate the trainings for
tour guides and massage therapists by competent, reliable and reputable
persons or institutions.

Section 18A.25. Authority to sign the application for registration and license -
In the filing of application for registration and licenses, the following are authorized
to sign:

a. For sole proprietorship, the owner therof or his duly authorized

b. For partnership, one of the partners designated on a sworn certification by
all partners to
sign the application.
c. For corporation, the persons named in the board resolution authorized to
sign the application or person designated in its by-laws.

Section 18A.26. Application requirements for registration and Mayor’s Permit –

For newly established tourism businesses, copies of the following documents must
be submitted:


1. For corporation or partnership:

a. A certified true copy of the Articles of Incorporation, its by-laws, or
Articles of partnership and Amendments thereof,
b. Certified Copy of the Certificate of Registration with the SEC,
c. And the business name certificate and amendments thereof, if
d. List of officials and employees and their respective designations,
nationality, home address, for alien personnel; valid visa from the
Bureau of Immigration and the proper permit from the Department
of Labor and Employment shall be submitted.
e. Annual General Liability Insurance for guest in the amount of not
less than the following:

Class “AAA” .......................................Php 100,000.00

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Province of Pangasinan



Class “AA” .......................................Php 50,000.00

Class “A” .......................................Php 20,000.00
Special Interest Resort .......................Php 20,000.00

f. Schedule of current room rates.

g. List of proprietors, principal owners, major partners, major

stockholders, controlling
members, their nationalities, capital contribution, stock or
participation; in the case of corporation, such list must indicate the
quantity, par value and type (whether voting or non-voting) of the
stock with an indication of the absolute total value of the
outstanding voting stock and its ratio to the total value of the
outstanding non-voting stock; and in all cases the list shall be
accomplished by proof of their financial capacity such as sworn
statements of assets and liabilities, and income tax returns.
h. Sworn Certificate or list containing the names of the hotel
keeper/manager, assistant hotel keeper/manager and other
members of the hotel staff and their respective designations,
nationalities, home address and accompanied by a passport size
photo of each of them.
i. Joint venture and/or technological assistance agreements, if any,
existing or proposed and about to be entered into with foreign


1. For corporation, partnership, single proprietorship or

other entity:
a. Certified copy of articles of incorporation and by-laws, constitution
and by-laws, articles of partnership or association;
b. Registration of Business Name and amendments thereof,
c. Copy of the Certificate of Registration with the Securities and
Exchange Commission and other registering government agency as
the case maybe.

2. Resolution of the Board of Directors of the corporation, association and

other entity authorizing the filing of the application and designating its
representative authorized to act for and its behalf.
3. List of directors and other principal officers and their respective
nationalities. If any director or officer is a naturalized Filpino Citizen,
such fact should be stated, accompanied by a copy of his certificate of
naturalization or citizenship.
4. List of proprietorships, principal owners, major partners, major
stockholders or controlling members, their nationalities, capital
contribution, stock or participation; in case of a corporation, such list
must indicate the quantity, per value and type (whether voting or non-
voting) of the stock with an indication of the absolute total value of the
outstanding voting stocks and its ratio to the total value of the

Republic of the Philippines
Province of Pangasinan



outstanding non-voting stocks, and in all cases, the list should be

accompanied by proof of the financial capacity such as sworn
statements of assets and liabilities and income tax returns.
5. Sworn Certificate or list containing the names of the hotel
keeper/manager, assistant hotel keeper/manager and other members
of the hotel staff and their respective designations, nationalities, home
address and accompanied by a passport size photo of each of them.
6. Joint venture and/or technological assistance agreements, if any,
existing and proposed and about to be entered into with foreign
7. Schedule of current room rates, Food and Beverage (F&B) prices of
menu for hotels.
8. Comprehensive General Liability Insurance for guests.

De Luxe Class ..........................................P 100,000.00

First Class ............................................... 100,000.00
Standard Class ....................................... 50,000.00
Economy Class ....................................... 50,000.00

9. Such other papers or documents as maybe required by pertinent laws,

rules and regulations.


1. For corporation or partnership:

a. Certified true copy of the Articles of Incorporation, its by-laws or
Articles of Partnership and amendments thereof,
b. Copy of the Certificate of Registration with the Securities and
Exchange Commission
c. Business Name Certificate.

2. A list of names of all officials and employees and their respective

designations, nationalities and their home address; and for alien
personnel, valid visa from the Bureau of Immigration and the proper
permit from the Department of Labor and Employment.
3. Annual General Liability Insurance for guests in the amount of not less
than the following:

Apartel .................................. P 10,000.00

Inn ....................................... P 10,000.00


1. Documents required for registration:

a. A Copy of the Certificate of Registration with the Securities and
Exchange Commission;
b. A Copy of the Registration of the Business Name, if sole

Republic of the Philippines
Province of Pangasinan



c. Two- year projected financial statements to reflect, among other

things, a minimum working capital of Five Hundred Thousand
Pesos (P500,000.00);
d. Surety bond in the amount of Five Hundred Thousand Pesos
(P500,000.00) issued by a duly accredited bonding company of good
standing in favor of the City Government and condition to answer
for any and all liabilities resulting from or incurred in the course of
travel or tour operation, which shall be valid for a period of one (1 )
year from the date of issuance of the license;
e. Complete list of personnel together with one (1) 1x1 photo of each
and notarized certification of the manager that they are without
criminal record;
f. List of names or addresses of Tour Guides and Travel
g. For alien personnel, valid visa from the Bureau of Immigration and
the proper working permit from the Department of Labor and
h. Contract of Lease or Contract to Lease the office space intended for
the use of the agency and in the case of the owner of the agency is
also the owner of the building or the premises concerned, proof of
ownership must be submitted;
i. A Board resolution designating the person authorized to and
transact the business;
j. Such other documents required pursuant to existing laws,
ordinances and other legal issuances.

2. Additional requirement for Tour Operators using

Motor Vehicle shall use motor vehicles
which are registered with the Land Transportation Office.
3. Establishment of Branch within Alaminos City – Before the
establishment or operation of a branch, the tour operator shall give
notice to and secure Certificate of Registration from ACTO.


1. Proof that the applicant has passed a seminar for tour guides duly
conducted by any of the following: the Department of Tourism, City
Government or other Government Agencies, duly authorized by the
Department of Tourism to conduct seminar. Provided, however, that
this requirement maybe waived by the City Government with the
concurrence of the Department of Tourism where the applicant
possesses special academic or professional qualification relevant to
2. Certificate of good health issued by any duly accredited government
3. Clearance from the National Bureau of Investigation.
4. In the case of alien applicants, proof of employment with duly licensed
agency, permit to work or registration certificate from the Department

Republic of the Philippines
Province of Pangasinan



of Labor and Employment and proof of reciprocity which shall consist

of a certificate by the proper official of the home state of the applicant
to the effect that the law of such state allows or permits reciprocal
rights to Filipino citizens to engage in tour guiding which must be
properly authenticated.


1. Documents required to support application for license to operate:

a. For Corporation or partnership:
1. Certified True Copy of Business Name Certificate and all
amendments thereto, if any,
2. Copy of Articles of Incorporation, its By-laws or Articles of
Partnership and Amendments thereto, if any,
3. Copy of the Certificate of Registration with the Securities and
Exchange Commission;
b. Proof of ownership or lease over an area adequate to serve as
maintenance depot
and garage for all its units;
c. List of names of all officials and employees and their respective
designation, nationalities, home addresses, certified correct under
oath by the Secretary of the firm of the proprietor himself;
d. Surety bond in the amount of Ten Thousand Pesos (P10,000.00)
issued by a duly licensed insurance or bonding company of good
standing in favor of the City Government and condition to
answer for any and all liabilities resulting from or incurred in the
course of the tourist transport operation; and
e. Such other papers or documents as maybe required from time to
time pursuant to existing laws, ordinances and other legal

2. Documents Required to Support Application for Registration of Vehicle

as Tourist

a. LTO registration of the Tourist Transport/Taxis;

b. A copy of the LTFRB Certificate of Public Convenience franchise or
c. A copy of the transportation rates as approved by the LTFRB;
d. A compulsory motor vehicle liability insurance in the amount of not
less than the following:

Third Party Liability - P 20,000.00 /unit

Passenger accident - P 12,000.00/unit

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Province of Pangasinan



e. Pictures of the vehicle showing the side, back, front view thereof,
with the company’s name and logo imprinted at its rear and sides,
respectively; and
f. Such other papers and documents as may be required from time to
time pursuant to existing laws, ordinances and other legal


1. For corporation or partnership,

a. A certified copy of the Articles of Incorporation,
b. Copy of By–laws or Articles of Partnership Amendments thereof,
c. Copy of the Certificate of Registration with the Securities and
Exchange Commission,
d. Business Name Certificate, in case of single proprietorship,
Business Name Certificate and amendments thereof, if any;

2. List of names of all officials and employees and their addresses for
alien personel–valid visa from the Bureau of Immigration and the
proper permit from the Department of Labor and Employment; and
3. Such other requirements as maybe requested and/or deemed


Establishments catering exclusively to international tourists with offices in

the City shall also be required to secure license and permit from the


Section 18A.27. Issuance of certificate of registration.

a. After having determined that all requirements set forth in the preceding
Section have been satisfied and/or completed by the applicant and after
payment of the required fees and in the absence of any objection to the
application, the ACTO shall issue the corresponding Registration
Certificate and seal of registration within five (5) working days.
b. The ACTO shall adopt a seal (sticker) for registration purposes.

Section 18A.28. Registration fees - An annual registration fee shall be paid in

accordance with the following schedule:


De Luxe Class Php 2,220.00
First Class Php 1,980.00
Standard Class Php 1,650.00
Economy Class Php 1,100.00

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Province of Pangasinan



2. TOURIST INNS Php 550.00

3. APARTEL Php 385.00


6. DORMITORIES Php 500.00
Class “AAA” Php 2,200.00
Class “AA” Php 1,100.00
Class “A” Php 550.00
Special Interest Hotel Php 550.00


Tourist Bus Php 275.00/unit
Coaster Php 165.00/unit
Van Php 150.00/unit
Tricycle Php 110.00/unit
Motorboat Php 110.00/unit


Tour Operator/Travel Agencies Php 1,100.00/annum
(main office)
Php 550.00/annum
10. TOUR GUIDES Php 250.00/annum
11.MASSAGE THERAPISTS Php 250.00/annum
(Conventions, Seminars and Others() Php 550.00/annum/

Section 18A.29. Objection to accreditation.- Applications for registration of

tourism related/oriented establishments shall be posted in three(3) conspicuous
places designated by the ACTO to allow the public to know the existence of pending
applications. Accordingly, any person may file a written objection before the ACTO to
the issuance or renewal of Certificate of Accreditation and/or sticker to the
applicant. The objection shall state the facts upon which it is based and shall be
sworn to before a person authorized to administer oaths. Upon receipt of such
objection the ACTO shall, within three (3) days, furnish the applicant with a copy of
the objection and require them to answer within five (5) working days from receipt
hereof. Within seven (7) days from receipt of the answer of the applicant, the ACTO
shall then conduct a hearing with both parties duly notified and present. The ACTO
in coordination of the City Legal Office shall render a decision on the objection
within seven (7) days from the start of the hearing.

Section 19A.30. Validity of certificate of registration - The Certificate of

Registration of tourism-oriented and tourism-related establishments shall be valid
until revoked or cancelled for valid cause. If the tourism-oriented and/or tourism-

Republic of the Philippines
Province of Pangasinan



related establishment concerned has ceased operation for at least six (6) months, the
same shall be treated as “ CLOSED” without prejudice to re-application.

Section 18A.31. Documents/requirements to be submitted for the renewal of

registration - The application for the renewal of registration shall be supported by
the following documents;

a. A copy of the amended Articles of Partnership and By-Laws, if any;

List and information sheets of additional personnel, if any, or any change
in the manpower complement;
b. Latest Income Tax Return and Audited Financial Statements covering the
preceding year’s operation; provided, that if this requirement is not
available at the time of renewal, the same shall be submitted not later
than April 30 of the current year;
c. A resolution of the Board of Directors authorizing the continuation of the
d. Proof of renewal of General Liability Insurance (additional requirements for
resort and tourist inn/apartel).
e. Renewal of surety bond referred to in SECTION 26 (f), (1) d. of additional
requirements for tourist transport operation;
f. Barangay Clearance;
g. Previous Certificate of Registration; and
h. Certification from the Department of Labor of compliance with Labor Laws.


Section 18A.32. Creation of a composite inspection team - There is hereby

created one (1) Composite Inspection Team, to be headed by a team leader from the
ACTO office. The other members of the team shall be composed of a representative
from each of the following offices/departments;

a. The Business Permits and Licensing;

b. The Office of the City Engineer;
c. The City Health Office;
d. The Alaminos City Police Office;
e. The Office of the City Treasurer;
f. The Sangguniang Panlungsod Committee on Tourism;
g. Alaminos City Tourism Office;

h. City Coastal Resource and Management Office;

i. Tourism-Related Organizations
j. Bureau of Fire and Protection

Section 18A.33. Functions of the Composite Inspection Team - For all

establishments already in operation, the Composite Inspection Team shall have
exclusive authority to conduct regular inspections for the purpose of verifying
compliance with the requirements of this Code and other existing laws.

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Province of Pangasinan



Section 18A.34. Frequency and time of regular inspection - Inspection shall be

made once every six (6) months during office hours.

Section 18A.35. Special inspections - When public interest so requires, the

recommendation of the ACTO may serve as basis for an authorization for the
Composite Inspection Team or any members thereof, to conduct a special

Section 18A.36. Checklist to be accomplished during inspection - The ACTO

shall provide the necessary checklist to the team in carrying out its inspection. A
copy of the checklist should be furnished to any duly authorized representative.

Section 18A.37. Access of inspection team to records and premises - The

Composite Inspection Team shall have access to the registry book or card of the
tourism establishments all parts and facilities thereof and the right to interview any
employee and investigate any fact, condition, or matter which may be necessary to
determine any violation or aid in arriving at a just and correct conclusion.

Section 18A.38. Report of the composite inspection team - Within five (5) days
from the date of inspection, the Composite Inspection Team must have completed its
report on its findings and/or recommendation. The report must be submitted by the
ACTO to the office of the local executive.

Section 18A.39. Defects and deficiencies found during the inspection - Where
certain defects of deficiencies have been found in the course of inspection, the ACTO
shall give directions to the manager/operator of the tourism establishments
concerned to rectify/remedy the defects or deficiencies within the period of one (1)
week from the notice thereof.

Section 18A.40. Extension of the period – For good cause, the period within which
to remedy the defects or deficiencies noted may be extended, but in no case shall be
period of extension granted exceed two (2) months.

Section 18A.41. Penalty for failure to remedy the defect - If the management, of
any tourism-related establishments fails to remedy the defect or deficiencies noted
within the prescribed period, the following penalty shall be imposed:

a. Resort – fine of Php 400.00 for every day of delay in complying with the
b. Hotel – fine of Php 500.00 for every day of delay.
c. Apartel/Tourism Inn – fine of Php 400.00 for every day of delay.
d. Others – fine of Php 300.00 for every day of delay:

Provided that, in no case shall the violation continue for more than
fifteen (15) days upon the expiration of the grace period. Should the tourism
establishment concerned fail to rectify the defects or complete the deficiencies
noted, the license and certificate of accreditation shall be revoked/suspended;
as may be justified under the circumstances.

Republic of the Philippines
Province of Pangasinan





Section 18A.42. Compliance with city Ordinances and related laws - All tourism
related/oriented establishments must comply with City Ordinances pertaining to,
the following matters:

a. Sanitation
b. Zoning/set-back/parking
c. Regulation on the use, operation and construction of “VIP rooms” inside
the videoke/KTV bars, internet cafes or computer rental shops/gaming
d. Regulation of establishments catering to minors.
e. Ecological Solid Waste Management policies

Likewise, all tourism oriented/related establishments must comply with the

National Building Code and other national laws.

Section 18A.43. Transfer of Certificate of Registration - The Certificate of

Registration is a matter of privilege and maybe issued only to qualified applicants.
Accordingly, no owner and/or operator shall transfer or alienate in any manner said
certificate and license.

Section 18A.44. Display of Certificate of Registration - The Certificate of

Registration and license shall be displayed in a conspicuous area in their place of
business. Stickers shall be posted in entrances/doors, gates of such establishments
for easy identification purposes.

Section 18A.45. Registry - Resort/Hotel/Apartel/Tourist Inn/Pension/Transient

House/Lodge shall keep a registry or record book. All guest /visitor seeking
accommodations shall be required to register the following particulars in the registry
and/or record book:

a. His/her full name;

b. Particular of any identity card, passport or other travel documents issued
to him/her;
c. The place of his/her origin and his/her permanent, regular or known
d. The probable duration of his/her stay and his/her intended destination;
e. The occupation or place of employment;
f. His/her nationality;
g. The hour and date of his/her arrival.
h. Contact details

Section 18A.46. Guest suffering from Contagious and/or Infectious disease - The
manager/operator shall immediately report to the City Health Office any guest,
tenant or member of any tourism establishment concerned who is suspected and/or

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Province of Pangasinan



found to be suffering from a dangerous, contagious and/or infectious disease for

appropriate action. A copy of a report shall be transmitted to the ACTO.

Section 18A.47. Death at the Tourism establishment - The manager/operator

shall immediately report incidence of death, serious physical injuries and illness in
his/her establishment to the nearest police station. A copy of the report shall be
transmitted to the ACTO by the police station within a period not later than twelve
(12) hours.

Section 18A.48. Insurance coverage - The City Government shall provide

insurance coverage to tourists going to the Hundreds Islands. The period of
coverage shall begin from the time of their departure from the Lucap Wharf up to the
time of their actual return.

Section 18A.49. Insurance premium - The City Government shall collect

insurance premium from the designated portion of the Entrance Fee paid by every
tourist in going to the Hundred Islands.

Section 18A.50. MOA with accredited Insurance company - The City Government
and the accredited insurance company shall enter into a Memorandum of
Agreement stipulating therein the terms and conditions in providing insurance
coverage for tourists going to the Hundred Islands.

Section 18A.51. Certificate of insurance coverage - The City Government shall

provide each tourist going to the Hundred Island a copy of Certificate of Insurance
Coverage as proof of such coverage and in facilitating insurance claims whenever
necessity occurs.



The City Tourism Identification Cards shall be issued to employees of tourism

establishments upon request subject to payment of fifty pesos (Php 50.00)
per I.D. to be renewed annually; provided, that said employees are included in
the list of personnel of the tourism establishment concerned. The I.D. must
be surrendered to the ACTO upon separation from work within 72 hours
from separation.

Section 18A.52. Liability of Managers/Operators for acts of omissions of

Employees of Tourism – oriented and Tourism related establishment - Without
prejudice to provision of existing laws, managers/operators and assistants of
tourism establishments shall be administratively liable for the acts or omission of
any of its members against any guests/visitors. They may however be exempted
from liability if they could establish that they have exercised the diligence of good
father of a family in the supervision of the erring employees, or where the acts or
omission complained of are beyond the control of the managers/operators or their
assistants due to fortuitous event of forcemajeure.

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Province of Pangasinan



Section 18A.53. Commission of acts inimical to the tourism industry - Acts

committed by managers/operators or any member of an establishment which shall
prejudice the promotion of tourism in Alaminos City shall be considered as acts
inimical to the tourism industry. The acts may include overcharging, fraud, gross
misconduct, discourtesy, dishonesty, misinterpretation, among others.

Section 18A.54. Tourism Training programs - All tourism establishments shall

provide staff training program, accredited by the Department of Tourism or the City
government, designed to acquaint each member of the staff of his/her duties and
responsibilities to the end that such member will know what is expected of him/her.

Section 18A.55. Code of Ethics and Conduct - Tourism establishment

managers/operators and/or associations and their employees, shall be governed by
their respective Code of Ethics and Conduct in dealing with one another and
towards the guests or tenants of the establishment. Such Code of Ethics and/or
Conduct shall include the administrative penalties that may be imposed for their
violations such as fine, suspension, or dismissal from the service. The said Code of
Ethics and/or Conduct once approved by the ACTO shall become part of these rules;
provided that in case of conflict between any provision of these rules and said Code
of Ethics and/or Conduct, the former shall prevail. The manager/operator of
tourism establishments may seek assistance from ACTO in formulation of the said

Section 18A.56. Promotions/Demotion - A hotel may be promoted or demoted from

one class to another as the circumstances may warrant. Any hotel which has
upgraded its facilities and services among others, and has complied with
requirements of a higher class hotel, may apply with the ACTO for promotion to
such higher class. The ACTO shall submit the recommendation to the DOT for
approval. Conversely, whereafter due investigation by the Composite Investigation
Team, it has been established that a hotel is not being kept or managed in a manner
comformable to the establishment standards, the ACTO shall give notice to hotel
manager/operator or such fact granting a hotel a period of time stated in notice
within which to comply with the required standards. If the hotel fails to comply
within the period granted in the notice, the ACTO shall submit its recommendation
to the DOT for demotion of the class of the hotel.

Section 18A.57. Manner of fixing - The fixing of rates for tourists transport shall be
the responsibility of the LTFRB. No tourists transport operator shall charge rates
other than those so prescribed by the LTFRB.

Section 18A.58. Application for increase of Transportation Rates - All

applications for the increase of transportation rates shall be filed before and
approved by the LTFRB.

Section 18A.59. Tourist Tranportation Service - Tourist transportation service

shall be offered on a regular point- to -point run and may be priced at rates higher
than those charged by public utility operators of the same route. The points of
departure and destination of a tourist transport regularly playing a route shall be a

Republic of the Philippines
Province of Pangasinan



hotel, resort, or such similar tourism facililty and picking up or unloading of

passengers in between such point is prohibited.

Section 18A.60. Charter Rates - A tourist transport operator shall charge only
charter rate as previously approved in accordance with these rules.

Section 18A.61. Regular Run on Pub- routes - When a tourist transport operator
makes regular run and it is the only available transportation service being offered, it
may be allowed to run on public bus routes. Provided, that there is a prior approval
by the LTFRB under conditions and requirements it may prescribe.

Section 19A.62. Filing of schedule of charges - Tourist establishments shall file

with the ACTO and shall readily make available in printed or mimeographed form a
schedule of charges on all services and rental fee. Any charges shall be
communicated with the ACTO within seven (7) days prior to the effectivity date of
such charges.

Section 18A.63. Precautionary measures - Management shall post sufficient and

visible sign in strategic areas of the cocktail lounge/nightclubs/bars to warn and/or
inform guests and customers of the rules and regulations, fire exit guidelines,
including hours of operation while inside the premises.



Section 18A.64. Regulation on:

A. Registration of guests:

All guests visiting the the HINP including those who stay in hotels and
transient house are required to register with the City Tourism Office at
Lucap Wharf, Barangay Lucap, after manifesting and filling up the forms
provided thereof.

B. Operation of motorboats ferrying tourists/passengers to Hundred

Islands and other tourist spots:

1. All motorboat owners/operators and boatmen ferrying tourists/passengers

to the Hundred Islands or other tourist spots shall always wear a uniform
marked with the pronounce theme.
2. All motorboats for tourists must be registered with the Alaminos City
Tourism Office and must be issued a Mayor’permit.
3. All motorboat owners/operators and boatmen shall undergo Basic Life
Support Course and secure Health Certificate from the City Health Office
before securing Mayor’s Permit to ferry tourists/passengers to any tourist
spot in the City of Alaminos.

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Province of Pangasinan



4. All motorboat owners/operators and boatmen shall undergo Personality

Development Seminar and Orientation on Tourism in the Hundred Islands
National Park to be conducted and/or facilitated by the ACTO.
5. All motorboat owners/operators and boatmen are hereby required to
provide trash bins on their motorboat. The motorboat owners/operators
shall be responsible for the proper disposal of the wastes.
6. All motorboat owners/operators and boatmen shall provide each of its
passengers on-board with life-vests while the motorboat is on its way to
and from its destination; provided, however, that in case of the refusal of
the passenger to wear life-vest, he shall be made to sign a waiver.
7. All motorboat owners/operators/boatmen shall require anyone who claims
exemption from the payment of entrance fee to show a written
permit/request from the City Mayor/Administrator.
8. All motorboat operators/boatmen shall dock only at the designated areas
of the HINP.

C. Color Coding:

1. All motorboats- for –hire which depart from and dock at Lucap Wharf
shall be colored red with a number painted on the body of the boat.
2. Boat capacities shall also be indicated and painted conspicously at the
body of the boat to avoid over-loading.
3. Motorboats - for – hire which depart from and dock at the ports of
hotels located at Barangay Lucap shall be colored white.

D. Uniforms for Boat Operators/Boatmen:

1. Operators/Boatmen of motorboats –for –hire which depart from and

dock at the Lucap Wharf shall wear yellow t-shirts while shuttlind
tourist to and from the HINP.
2. Operators/Boatmen of motorboats departing from and docking at the
ports of hotels and transient houses at Barangay Lucap, shall wear
blue t-shirts.

E. Identification Cards (ID) of Boatmen:

The Tourism Office of this City shall issue identification cards to all
boatmen catering tourists/passengers to and from the HINP.

F. Rental Rates of Motorboat- for- hire shall be fixed based on the

following schedules:



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Province of Pangasinan



Small (1-5 Php 1,000.00 Php 1,400.00 Php 2,000.00

Medium (6-10 Php 1,300.00 Php 1,800.00 Php 2,500.00

Large (11-15 Php 1,500.00 Php 2,000.00 Php 3, 000.00


Section 18A.65. Limitation on Boat operation:

Only day-tour shall operate during Lenten season such as Maundy Thursday,
Good Friday and two successive days following Good Friday so as to ensure
sufficient boats for the riding public during such season.

Section 18A.66. Motorboat hired overnight as service Boat:

When a motorboat is hired overnight as service boat, the boatman with his
boat shall be required not to leave his guests/passengers in the Island,
making his boat available whenever the latter desires to leave the Island at
any time.

Section 18A.67. Penalties - Violations of any of the provisions of Chapter 10 of this

ordinance shall be punishable by a fine of not less than Two Thousand Pesos (P
2,000.00) nor more than Three Thousand Pesos (Php 3,000.00) and suspension of
license until requirements under this Chapter is complied with. Provided that, a
third offense under this Chapter shall cause a suspension of license for not less
than one (1) month nor more than three (3) months without prejudice to the filing of
appropriate criminal action under existing laws and ordinances when circumstance
so warrant.


Section 18A.68. Zoning of hinp activities - To ensure the safety of tourists and to
avoid any untoward accidents within the HINP, this Code hereby adopts the
Protected Area Management Board (PAMB) Management Zoning.

Section 18A.69. User’s fees - The City Tourism Office, in coordination with the City
Tourism Council, is hereby mandated to collect environmental/activity fees from any
person, natural or juridical, who will use the Hundred Islands National Park for any
of the following activities:

An environmental fee of Forty Pesos (P 40.00) shall be charged to every individual

upon entrance to HINP.


A. Film Making Php 5,000.00/ day

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Province of Pangasinan



B. Motorized Banca Php 100.00/ day

C. Game Fishing (catch & release) Php 100.00/ day
D. Beach Wedding Php 2,500.00/day (min.)
E. Photo Pictorial/Functions Php 1,000.00/day
F. Jets Ski (Private) Php 300.00/ jet ski/day
G. Scuba Diving Php 500.00/diver/day
H. Snorkling Fee Php 20.00/pax/day
SECTION 20A.70. PENALTY - Any person found violating SECTIONS 68 and
69 shall be punished with a fine of One Thousand Pesos (Php 1,000.00) or
imprisonment of seven (7) days or both at the discretion of the court.
Provided, however, that the City Mayor is hereby empowered to impose an
administrative fine of One Thousand Pesos (Php 1,000.00).


Section 18A.71. Prohibited Acts - The following acts are prohibited within the HINP:
a. Hunting, fishing, gathering, collecting, destroying, disturbing, or mere
possession of any plants or animal or products derived therefrom without
a permit from the Protected Area Management Board-HINP (PAMB);
b. Dumping any waste, hazardous toxic products and other pollutants
detrimental to the area and to the plants and animals therein.
c. Gathering, collecting, mutilating, defacing, or destroying objects of natural
beauty or interest (scenic value) or any objects of cultural value within the
protected area.
d. Damaging and leaving roads and trails in a damaged condition.
e. Squatting, mineral locating or otherwise occupying any land.
f. Constructing or maintaining any kind of structures, fence or enclosures,
conducting any business enterprise without a permit.
g. Leaving in exposed or unsanitary conditions refuse or debris by depositing
on ground or in bodies of water.
h. Altering, removing, destroying or defacing boundary mark and signs.
i. Gathering, collection and possession of corals, shells and bonsai.
j. Sand quarrying from the islands and quarrying of white sand and pebbles
k. Eating outside of the designated eating areas.
l. Camping outside designated camping areas.
m. Bonfires on areas not otherwise identified as bonefire areas by the HINP
n. Introduction of Alien or exotic species or genetically modified organism.
o. Possessing, selling or exporting ordinary precious and semi-precious
corals, whether raw or in processed form.
p. Fishing or taking of rare, threatened, or endangered marine species as
may be determined by the DA-BFAR
q. Use of any motorized equipment without a permit from the HINP
management Board.
r. Burning of trees, waste, flammable materials and the like.

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Province of Pangasinan



s. Other punishable offenses under sections 90,93, and 96 of the Philippine

Fisheries Code of 1998 committed within fishery reserves, refuge,
sanctuaries, and marine protected areas established under said law or
pursuant thereto.
t. Other acts inconsistent with the management plan and/or applicable laws
such as the Fisheries Code, Environmental Code, Clean Air Act, Wildlife
Resources Conservation and Protection Act, and others.

Section 18A.72. Penalties - Any person found violating SECTION 71 shall be fined
in the amount of not less than Five Thousand Pesos (Php 5,000.00), exclusive of the
value of the things damaged and imprisonment of not less than one (1) month but
not more than one (1) year. Provided, THAT, if the area requires rehabilitation or
restoration as determined by the court, the offender shall also be required to restore
or compensate for the restoration to the damage; provided, further,THAT the court
shall order the eviction of the offender from the land and forfeiture in favor of the
local government all minerals, timber or any species collected or removed including
all equipments and devices used in connection therewith and any construction or
improvement made thereon by the offender. If the offender is an association or
corporation, the president or manager shall be directly responsible for the acts of his
employees and laborers; provided, finally, THAT the City Mayor may impose
administrative fines and penalties consistent with this ordinance.

Section 18A.73. Sanctions


not a holder of a Mayor’s Permit and violates any of the provisions of this
Ordinance shall, upon conviction by a competent court, suffer the penalty
of imprisonment not exceeding one (1) year or fine of not less than Four
Thousand Pesos (Php 4,000.00) or both at the discretion of the court.
However, the fine shall not be more than Five Thousand Pesos (Php
offender of the provisions in the next preceding paragraph hereof is a
corporation, partnership, firm or association, the penalty provided
therefore shall be imposed upon the officers responsible for the violation;
and if such officer is foreign citizen, he shall, in the addition be subject to
deportation proceedings.

Section 18A.74. Administrative Penalties - Without prejudice to the application of

the above penal sanctions and the imposition of fine equivalent to the value of the
damage or the cost of restoration and/or rehabilitation, the Office of the City Mayor
may, after impose an administrative fine not less than One Thousand Pesos (Php
1,000.00) but not more than Five Thousand Pesos (Php 5,000.00) against any
person, natural or juridical, who shall violate or license of such person.



Republic of the Philippines
Province of Pangasinan



Section 18A.75. Grounds for the closure of tourism oriented or related

establishments, imposition of fine, forfeiture of bond, suspension, cancellation
and/or non-renewal of license - The Composite Investigation Team shall
recommend the closure of tourism establishments on the following grounds:

a. Making any false declaration or statement or making use of any such

declaration or statement or any document containing the same or
committing fraud or any act of misrepresentation for the purpose of
obtaining the issuance, grant or renewal of any certificate of
accreditation/reaccreditation or license.
b. Failure to comply with or contravene any of the conditions set fort in the
c. Failure to meet the standards and requirements for the operation of
tourism establishments, as prescribed in the rules;
d. Serious physical injury or loss of life of any guest due to fault or
negligence of any of its officials or employees (for resort/hotel/tourist
inn/apartel/other tourism-related establishments);
e. Allowing or permitting the tourism establishment, including any of its
facilities, to be used for illegal, immoral, ilicit activities, such as;
gambling, prostitution, etc, (for resort/hotels/tourist inns/apartel/other
tourism realated establishments);
f. Violations of any of the conditions or the LTFRB franchise (for tourist
transport operation);
g. Tolerance of gross misconduct, discourtesy, dishonesty,
misrepresentation and/or fraudulent solicitation of business committed
by any of the officers or employees against their clients to the detriment
of the tourism industry;
h. Willful violations of agreement and/or contracts entered into by the
tourism establishments and its clients;
i. Failure to replace or renew the Surety Bond within fifteen days (15) from
the date said bond is ordered forfeited or confiscated in accordance with
the rules or cancelled and/or revoked for whatever cause (in case of
travel agency);
j. Failure to pay fine, as well as fees, dues and contributions imposed under
existing laws;
k. Failure to submit a notice of any change and its personnel within fifteen
(15) working days of such change;
l. Employment/hiring of employees (tour guides who are not holders of a
valid license issued by the BPLO and/or without valid working visa and
working permit);
m. Opening of any branch without prior registration with the ACTO;
n. Non-settlement of account and/or non-remittance of collections due to
carrier of their co-agencies, or any agency by the government or any
individual within the period of prescribed law;
o. Any other acts/ omission that worked against the interest of the tourism

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Province of Pangasinan



Section 18A.76. Grounds for cancellation and suspension of license of tour

guides - The following are grounds for cancellation of accreditation and suspension
of license of tour guides:

a. Cancellation of accreditation:
1. Conviction of a crime involving moral turpitude; and
2. Conviction of any of the acts enumerated in (b).

b. Suspension of license:
1. Any overt act of dishonesty, misrepresentation, or misconduct
committed against a member of his/her tour group, against her/his
employer or co-employee.
2. Forced tipping or contributions from tourists.
3. Failure to comply with the requirements as to the compulsary wearing
of identification cards.


Section 18A.77. Incentives for registration of tourism-oriented and tourism-

related establishment - Tourism-oriented and Tourism-related
establishments, which are duly registered and licensed by the City Government,
shall be entitled to the following incentives:

a. “One-Stop-Shop” processing of registration and license, which should be

completed within a
period of not exceeding fifteen(15) days.
b. Exemption from the “Liquor Ban” in accordance with relevant provisions of
existing laws or ordinances of the City of Alaminos.
c. Inspection of Composite Team of the City Government to be made only
once every six (6) months, except in several cases as public interest may
require whenever authorized by the City Adminstrator, upon
recommendation of the ACTO.
d. Formation of a tourism and enforcement group in coordination with the

Section 18A.78. Grant of tax exemptions and privileges by the City Council to
tourism establishments of international standards - In additon to the privileges
mentioned in the preceding section, the City Council may, upon recommendation of
the ACTC, grant tax excemptions and incentives to tourism establishments of
international standards such as, but not limited to, the following:

a. 5- Star De Luxe Hotel;

b. International Convention Center;
c. Man-made resorts or recreational parks of the international standard,
similar to “Disney Land” or “Ocean Park”;
d. International Film Center/Movie Studio with hi-tech, modern equipment
and realistic film location sets of international standards similar to
“Universal Studios”; and
e. Such similar establishments as may be determined by the ACTC.

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Province of Pangasinan



The establishment referred to in this section may also apply for the utilization
of city government-owned land through lease agreement or joint venture
under terms and conditions that the City Council may deemed proper to

Section 18A.79. Confidential character of a certain data - Information and

documents received by or filed with the ACTO and the requirements of this
Ordinance shall be treated as confidential and shall not divulged to any private
party without the consent of the party concerned, except when public interest so
required. Any official or employee of the ACTO, including those that are temporarily
assigned therewith, who shall violate the provisions of this Section shall be guilty of
an offense under this Ordinance.

Section 18A.80. Assistance and support of other government agencies - In the

implementation of the provisions of the Ordinance the ACTO may enlist the aid,
assistance and support of any and all government agencies, whether local or

Section 18A.81. Implementing rules - The City Mayor may, from time to time, issue
rules and regulations as may deem fit and necessary for the effective implementation
of this Ordinance.

Section 18A.82. Funding - The funds necessary for the implementation of this
Ordinance shall be taken from the annual appropriations of the ACTO. Said funds
shall be included in the preparation of the Annual Budget of the City Government.

Article B.

Tourism Education

Section 18B.01. Title. This Article shall be known as Tourism-Environmental

Education Program for the City of Alaminos.

Section 18B.02. Scope. This Ordinance shall cover all levels of public and private
schools, barangay organizations and assemblies, business organizations,
civic, non-governmental and people’s organizations, and all the other sectors
in the City of Alaminos.

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Province of Pangasinan



Section 18B.03. Implementing agency. The City Tourism Office and City
Information Office shall be the lead agencies in the implementation of this
Ordinance, and shall likewise provide speakers, lecturers, or resource
persons vis-à-vis the City’s information and education campaign on tourism
and environment.

Section 18B.04. Production of instructional resources. The City Tourism Office

and the City Information Office shall work hand-in-hand in the production of
educational modules and audio-visual presentations containing the policies,
goals, projects, developments, projects, ordinances, rules and regulations on
the integrated tourism and environmental programs of the City of Alaminos.

Section 18B.05. Time allotment during class hours. School Heads/Administrators

of public and private schools at all levels in the City of Alaminos are hereby

(1) To allot a minimum of thirty (30) minutes of their class hours, particularly
during the time of Values Education, or Sibika in elementary, Araling
Panlipunan in high school, and Current Social Issues in college for a once
a week information-education lecture or audio-visual presentation on
tourism and environment in the City of Alaminos; or,
(2) To arrange for a school-wide symposium, panel discussion, or any
appropriate medium on tourism and environment.

Section 18B.06. Training for teachers. The City Government shall provide the
necessary training for teachers, as significant partners in the City’s
information-education campaign on tourism and environment, in the use of
educational modules and audio-visual presentations, jointly produced by the
City Tourism Office and City Information Office, for their classes.

Section 18B.07. Funding. The funding for the implementation of this ordinance
shall come from the appropriation of both the City Tourism Office and City
Information Office.



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Province of Pangasinan



Article A.

Conversion of Don Leopoldo Sison Auditorium to Don Leopoldo

Sison Convention Center

Section 19A.01. Conversion with specific fundings. The other development

projects expressly provided for under Ordinance No. 2014-10, dated June 10,
2014 duly enacted by this body be:

1. Conversion of Don Leopoldo Sison Auditorium to Don Leopoldo

Sison Convention Center with a Project Cost of Php 42,212,110.42
2. Provision of Electronic Billboard for Don Leopoldo Sison Convention
Center amounting to Php 3,200,000.00
3. Sound System at Don Leopoldo Sison Convention Center amounting
to Php 4,409,000.00
4. Construction of Roofing System at Plaza Enrique Braganza with a
total Project Cost of Php 5,263,840.95

The total project costs of these development projects amounts to Fifty-five

Million Eighty-four Thousand Nine Hundred Fifty One Pesos and Thirty-seven
centavos (Php 55,084,951.37)

Section 19A.02. Source of funding. The fund for the implementation of these
development projects will be from the loan proceeds from the Land Bank of
the Philippines amounting only to Fifty-five Million Pesos(Php
55,000,000.00), the amount of Eighty Four Thousand Nine Hundred Fifty
One Pesos and Thirty Seven Centavos(Php 84,951.37) will be the equity of
the Local Government Unit of Alaminos City, Pangasinan.

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Province of Pangasinan



Article B

“Alaminos City Children’s Park and Activity Center”

Section 20B.01. Name. Be it ordained by the Sangguniang Panlungsod of the

City of Alaminos, in session duly assembled to name the children’s park and
activity center at the former location of the City Motor Pool at Sabaro Street,


Establishment Of Children’s Park And Activity Center

Section 19C.01. Children’s park and activity center. Be it ordained by the

Sangguniang Panlungsod of the city of Alaminos, in session duly assembled to
open/establish a children’s park and activity center at the former location of the city
Motor Pool at Sabaro Street, Poblacion, this city.

Article D
Relocating the City Motor Pool from Barangay Poblacion to
Brgy. Tangcarang

Section 19D.01. Place of transfer. The City Motor Pool is hereby

transferred/relocated from Barangay Poblacion to Barangay Tangcarang, this

Article E
Regulation on the City Public

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Province of Pangasinan



Section 19E.01. Title. This Article shall be known as “AN ORDINANCE


Section 19E.02. Definition of terms

1. Cemetery – public or private land used for the burial of the dead
and other uses dedicated for cemetery purposes to include
landscaped grounds, driveways, walks, niches, graveyard and public
comfort rooms, chapel
2. Cinerarium – a niche in a tomb or columbarium to accommodate
an urn containing the ashes of a cremated body.
3. Cinerary Remains – the ashes resulting from cremation of a dead
4. Columbarium – a sepulcher with niches for cinerary remains.
5. Graveyard – portion of a cemetery reserved for ground interment or
6. Headstone – the stone or marker at the head of a grave, usually in
standing position.
7. Lot – a unit in a cemetery used either for ground interment or for
the erection of a tomb
8. Marker – a cross, stake, tablet, made of wood, stone or concrete to
mark a grave
9. Niche – interment space for cinerary remains.
10. Ossuary – the interment space for the bones of the dead.
11. Sepulcher – a burial place solidly built of stone or concrete.
12. Tablet – a small flat slab of marble or similar material containing
an inscription usually lain flat on the ground.
13. Tombstone – a stone with inscription marking a place of burial.
14. Vault – the interment receptacle for coffins, of reinforces
concrete, covered and sealed whether sank into the ground or to
rest on the ground.
15. Tomb – an above ground sepulcher with canopy.

Section 19E.03. Location, area and classification – The lot is located at the
Western side of the existing public cemetery and adjacent to it
containing an area of 6,928 sq. m.

The lot is classified into three (3) categories as follows:

1. Multi-level Tomb/Niches Columbarium, Ossuary (three layers) are

constructed of solid reinforced concrete and not less than 150
millimeters thickness on the wall/perimeter fence. Each layer
contains 282 tombs, niches, columbarium, ossuary
2. Graveyard (Lawn Type) with 554 lots

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Province of Pangasinan



3. Graveyard (Lawn Type) with 274 lots

Section 19E.04. Imposition of fee (rental/lease) – There is hereby imposed

a rental/lease fee on the use of the lot (graveyard-lawn type) tomb,
niches, ossuary, columbarium as follows:

a. P7,000.00 - rental/lease for one unit ready-made tomb

containing an area of 1.10 m x 2.10 m for 6 yrs. for the
first level
P6,000.00 for the second level
P5,000.00 for the third level

a.1 P6,000.00 - rental/lease for the one unit ready-made niches,

columbarium, ossuary containing an area of 2 sq. ft. for 6
yrs. for the first level
P5,000.00 for the second level
P4,000.00 for the third level

b. P5,000.00 – rental/lease for one lot containing an area of 1.10 m x

2.10 m for 6 yrs.
c. Free for pauper/unclaimed cadaver (graveyard)

Section 19E.05. Administrative provisions – The issuance of a lot or tomb

or niche columbarium, ossuary to a user shall be covered by a Lease
Contract executed between the City of Alaminos represented by the
City Mayor or his authorized representative as lessor and the user
represented by the spouse, parents, children or guardian as the case
may be of the deceased to be called a lessee.

a. The term of the Lease Contract shall be six years and may be renewed
upon the request made in writing by the authorized
representative/family member of the deceased to the City Treasurer.
The 6 years will commence upon signing of the lease Contract by both
b. The Lessee of the lot or tomb or niche, columbarium, ossuary is
prohibited to sublease his/her right over the use of said lot or tomb or
niche, columbarium, ossuary awarded to him. Provided, however, that
the Lessee could transfer his/her right over the use of the lot,
tomb/niche columbarium, ossuary to his/her immediate member of
the family, upon execution of the deed of assignment.

Republic of the Philippines
Province of Pangasinan



c. A tomb or niche columbarium, ossuary or lot may be rented in advance

by interested applicants for future use to bury their dead; place the
remain – ashes, bones, etc., provided, that the rental indicated above is
fully paid upon signing the contract as stipulated in letter (a) and
provided further, that only one (1) unit may be awarded to each family
d. The cemetery area shall be well graded with a view to provide efficient
drainage for the area and adequate space shall be provided for tree
e. A clearance of 1.5 meters shall be maintained between the perimeter
fence and the nearest interment plot.
f. For ground/lawn interment, there shall be a minimum depth of
excavation of 1.5 meters from ground level to base of excavation.
However, if concrete vaults are used, the minimum depth of excavation
from base of vault to ground level shall be 1.0 meter.
g. Horizontal divisions of columbaria shall be of reinforced concrete of at
least 50 millimeters thickness. Vertical divisions may be of concrete
hollow blocks of at least 100 millimeter thickness in which case,
cement mortar shall be applied evenly to prevent a non-porous surface.
Minimum dimension of individual cineraria shall be 300 mm by 300
mm by 460 mm. Cinerary remains shall be placed inside tightly sealed
h. A chapel with a floor area of at least 50 sq. m. (5m x 10m) shall be
constructed at a convenient location within the cemetery where funeral
ceremonies may be held and incidentally serve as haven for funeral
participants against sun and rain.
i. The cemetery shall be totally enclosed by a perimeter fence of strong
material, and all gates provided with strong door and lock. Perimeter
walls shall not exceed 3.00 meters in height.
j. There shall be a main road of 2 meters width from the main gate
straight to the rear of the cemetery for pedestrian traffic. Cross roads of
1 meter minimum width shall be laid out to divide the cemetery into
k. Only tablet, tombstone are allowed as marking on the plot (graveyard-
lawn) tombs, niches, ossuary columbarium.

In case of failure of the lessee to renew the Lease Contract after six years;
and after due notice, the lot, tomb/niche shall be automatically be
declared vacant and be awarded to interested applicants and the remains,
bones shall be placed in concrete box constructed for the purposes.

Section 19E.06. Formulation of guidelines. The City Mayor jointly with the
General Services Officer, the Legal Officer and the City Treasurer,
Engineering Office, Planning Office are hereby tasked to formulate and

Republic of the Philippines
Province of Pangasinan



implement appropriate policies, guidelines, rules and regulation to attain the

objective of this ordinance.

Article F
Establishment Of Motor Pool

Section 19F.01. Lead office. There is hereby established the City Motor Pool Office
which shall be under the office of the General Services and which shall be
responsible for the repair and maintenance of all the City Government
Vehicles of the City of Alaminos.

Section 19F.02. Funding. The amount of P2,500,000.00, or so much thereof as

may be necessary, is hereby appropriated out of the unappropriated fund
existing in the City Treasury to be made available for the acquisition of a
parcel of land for the motor pool, equipment, tools, compensation of
necessary personnel, (chief mechanic, not less than 3 aides) and for the
operational cost of the Motor Pool.

The amount herein appropriated shall be incorporated regularly in

the City’s Annual Budget.

Section 19F.03. Authority. The City Mayor is hereby authorized, to initiate the
acquisition by expropriation, purchase or any other legal means, of a parcel of
land to be the site of the motor pool.

Section 19F.04. Formulation of policies. The City Mayor or his authorized

representative jointly with the General Services Officer, the City Engineer, the
Human Resources Officer, the City Planning and Development Officer shall
formulate and implement policies, guidelines, rules and regulations governing the
establishment and operation of the motor pool.

Article G
Renaming certain roads in Barangay Sabangan as
follows: Amianan roads to Zacarias Avenue; Colayo

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Province of Pangasinan



road to Santos street; Tubey road to Francisco street;

and Balasit road to Andres street.

Section 19G.01. The following roads shall be named as follows:

 Amianan Road shall be renamed Zacarias Avenue
 Colayo Road shall be renamed Santos Street
 Tubey Road shall be renamed Francisco Street
 Balasit Road shall be renamed Andres Street

Section 19G.02. The map herewith attached is an integral part of this ordinance.

Section 19G.03. The Barangay Council shall put up street signs.

Section 19G.04. The Department of the Interior and Local Government, Bureau of
Post, National Historical Institute, Department of Education (Alaminos
District Office), PNP, and all line agencies of the City of Alaminos,
Department of Public Works and Highways shall be copy furnished with this

Section 19G.05. This ordinance shall take effect fifteen (15) days after its approval
and to post/display in conspicuous places in the Barangays.
Article H

Naming of Hon. Horacio R. Sison street”

Section 19H.01. Name. That unnamed road (Road 1), located eastside of the
Municipal Tennis Court be named Hon. Horacio R. Sison Street;

Section 19H.02. Directive. The Municipal Engineer is hereby directed to

place/ replace an appropriate sign streets at strategic places at both corner-
ends of the subject street.

Section 19H.03. Dissemination. Copies of this ordinance be furnished the

Office of the President of the Republic of the Philippines, Congressman of the
First District of Pangasinan the Philippine Postal Services, National Statistics
Office , and other concern agencies for their reference and record purposes.

Article I

Renaming Plaza Benedicto Reinoso; vicente montemayor street;Imelda

Drive;Montoya street; and Pag-asa Drive.

Section 19I.01. Plaza Benedicto Reinoso is hereby renamed Plaza Hon.

Agapito C. Braganza.

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Province of Pangasinan



Section 19I.02. Vicente Montemayor Street is hereby renamed Justice

Marceliano Montemayor street.

Section 19I.03. Imelda Drive is hereby renamed Hon. Sofronio Quimson


Section 19I.04. Montoya Street is hereby renamed Hon. Benedicto Reinoso


Section 19I.05. Pag- asa Drive is hereby renamed Hon. Juan de G. the
replacement street

Section 19I.06. Directive. The Municipal Engineer I hereby directed to

replace or cause the replacement of the street signs installed in strategic
places thereat

Section 19I.07. Dissemination. Copies of this ordinances shall be furnished

the office of the President of the Republic of the Philippines; the
Representative of the First Congressional District, Pangasinan; The Philippine
Postal Services; National Statistic Office; and other concGovernment



Article A

Reclassification of Real properties.

Section 20A.01. Reclassification from Agricultural to Residential land of

Four (4) Parcel of land described as follows:

1.“ A lot declared under Tax Declaration No.32 containing an Area of

Nine Thousand Eight Hundred Twenty Five (9,825) Square Meters situated at
Barangay Magsaysay;

2. A Lot under Cadastral No. 7686 containing an Area of Two Thousand

One Hundred Thirteen (2,113) Square Meters, situated at Barangay

3. Cadastral Lot No. 7687 containing an Area of Nine Thousand Two

Hundred Fifty Six (9,256) Square Meters situated at Barangay Magsaysay
covered by TCT No. 027-2012000179; and

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Province of Pangasinan



4. Cadastral Lot No. 7689 containing an Area of Eleven Thousand Four

Hundred Thirty One (11,431) Square Meters situated at Barangay
Lucap,covered by TCT No.027-2013000128. “

Section 20A.02. Reclassification of lot from Agricultural to Residential as

described below:

“A parcel of lot under Tax Declaration No. 1297 in the name of Domingo
Rodriguez, containing an area of Eighty Five Thousand Two Hundred Ten
(85,210) Square Meters situated at Barangay Pogo”.

Section 20A.03. Reclassification of land from Commercial to institutional

use described as follows:

“ parcels of land owned by the City Government of Alaminos,

Pangasinan registered under transfer certificate of tile no. 027-2014000184
and transfer certificate of tile no. 027-20145000185 described as cadastral lot
nos. 10233 and 10266-B situated at brgy Tangcarang involving an area of
48,741 square meters (proposed site for the city motor pool and city jail)”.

Section 20A.04.Reclassifying parcels of land from Agricultural to

Residential use described as follows:

“A parcel of land declared under transfer certificate of title nos. 25642,

25463 and 32406 situated at brgy Pandan, this city involving an area of forty
three thousand three hundred thirteen (43,313) square meters (proposed site
for the BOLO HILLS BEACH CLUB AND RESIDENCE) from Agricultural use to
commercial/residential use”.

Section 20A.05. Reclassifying a portion of a parcel of land from

Commercial to institutional use:

“A parcel of land declared under tax declaration no. 5239 covered by lot
no. 14969-F situated at Sabaro street, brgy Poblacion, this city involving an
area of one thousand three hundred eighty five (1,385) square meters from
commercial use to institutional use (for Crematorium)”.

Section 20A.06. Reclassification of four (4) parcels of land from

Agricultural to residential use described as follows:

Republic of the Philippines
Province of Pangasinan



“Parcels of lot covered under transfer of certificate of title no. 15528-A

containing an area of one thousand eight hundred thirty nine (1,839) square
meters situated at brgy. Lucap, Alaminos City;

Transfer certificate of title no. 027-2011000521 containing an area of

ten thousand seven hundred eighty two (10,782) square meters situated at
brgy Magsaysay,this City;

Transfer certificate of title no. 13616 containing an area of four thousand

one hundred eleven (4,111) square meters situated at brgy Lucap, also in this
City; and

Transfer certificate of tile no. 13617 containing an area of eight

thousand two hundred twenty four (8,224) square meters situated at Brgy
Lucap, from Agricultural use to residential use”.

Article B

Prohibition on the use of Public Roads, Streets, Avenues, Sidewalks,

Alleys, Public open Spaces and the like for Private use.

Section 20B.01. Scope and Coverage. This Article prohibits any Person or
Entity Whether Natural or Juridical from
Reserving/Using/Encroaching a Portion of the City Streets, Roads,
Avenues, Sidewalks, Alleys and Other Public Open Space for Parking
Space Purposes, Unless Designated as parking space, loading area,
withdraw from public servitude by the Sangguniang Panlungsod”.

Section 20B.02. Prohibited Acts.

a. It shall be unlawful for any person or entity, whether natural or juridical

within the territorial jurisdiction of the city from
using/reserving/encroaching a portion of the city roads, streets,
avenues, sidewalks, alleys and other public open spaces for
his/her/their exclusive use as parking space.

b. Any person or entity whether natural or juridical within the city

proper/commercial areas is/are prohibited to station, install, erect,
place, put-up his/her/their stores, stalls, business ads and the like
encroaching portion of streets, avenues, alleys, sidewalks and the like.

Republic of the Philippines
Province of Pangasinan



c. It shall be unlawful for any person or entity to establish, erect, put-up any
type of business establishment, stalls, stores and the like, nor extend
his/her/their stores, stalls and the like encroaching portion of city
roads, streets, avenues, alleys, sidewalks and the like.

Section 20B.03. Penalty. Any person or entity found violating any

provision of this ordinance shall be penalized with a fine of P1,000.00 or
imprisonment of 5 days or both such fine and imprisonment upon the
discretion of the court.

Article C
Comprehensive Zoning Regulations

Section 20C.01. Title. This Article dealt on Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance for
the City of Alaminos, Pangasinan and shall be referred to as the “Ordinance”.

Section 20C.02. Declaration of Principles:

1. Land is a limited national resource and as such it must be managed

for the welfare of all in accordance with the community’s Comprehensive
Development Plan.

2. The environment provides man with life supporting systems and as

such it must be conserved and developed to enhance the quality of life.

3. Man’s well-being is the ultimate consideration of development. This

being the case, there is a need for regulatory measures which shall ensure the
protection of his immediate environment.

4. An integrated national human settlements government planning and

zoning system as envisioned in the Town Planning and Zoning Assistance Program is
essential to the development of self-reliant communities, and the underlying
philosophy thereof is hereby adopted as part of this Ordinance.

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Province of Pangasinan



5. Lands must be used in a most beneficial, rational and most efficient

manner so as to prevent the mixture of incompatible land uses, environment
hazards, blight, depression and artificial scarcity of land resources. Thus, there is a
need for regulatory measures which shall promote such pattern of development.

6. This comprehensive zoning ordinance is one such regulatory measure

which is enacted to identify the various land uses in the different districts, designate
the allowable uses therein and prescribed physical and performance standards
based on the Comprehensive Development Plan of the Municipality of Alaminos,
Pangasinan and on Zone and District Plans prepared by the Municipal Planning and
Development Office.


Section 20C.03. Authority – This Ordinance is enacted pursuant to the provisions

of the Local Government Code (R.A. 7160), “Authorizing the Municipality through
the Sangguniang Bayan to adopt Zoning Ordinance subject to the provisions of
existing laws.”

Section 20C.04. Purposes – This Ordinance is enacted for the following purposes.

a. Guide, control and regulate future growth and development of the

Municipality of Alaminos, Pangasinan in accordance with its Town

b. Protect the character and stability of residential, commercial,

industrial, institutional, agricultural, open spaces and other functional
areas within the locality and promote the orderly and beneficial
development of the same;

c. Promote and protect the health, safety, peace, comfort, convenience,

and general welfare of the inhabitants in the locality;

d. Provide adequate light, air privacy and convenience of access to


e. Prevent undue concentration of population and congestion of

population and properties; and,

f. Regulate the location and use of buildings and lands in such manner
as to abate the danger to public safety caused by undue interference

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Province of Pangasinan



with existing or prospective traffic movements on such streets and


Section 20C.05. General zoning principle – Zoning is the division of the

municipality into districts according to present and potential properties for the
purpose of controlling and directing the use and development plans of the


Section 20C.06. Words and phrases defined – The definition of technical terms
used in the Zoning Ordinance shall carry the same meaning given to them in already
approved codes and regulations, such as but not limited to the National Building
Code, Water Code, Philippine Environment Code and other implementing Rules and
Regulations, promulgated by the HSRC. The words, terms and phrases enumerated
hereunder shall be understood to have the meaning correspondingly indicated as

1. Accessory Use: A use incidental and subordinate to the

principal use of the building and/or land.

2. Additions, Alterations, Repairs: Changes in an existing building

involving interior or exterior work and/or increase or decrease in its

3. Agricultural Building: A building designed and constructed to

house farm implements, hay grain, poultry, livestock or other
horticultural products. This structure shall not be a place of human
habitation or a place of employment where agricultural products are
processed, treated or packaged; nor shall it be a place used by the

4. Alley, Lane or Callejon: A public way affording generally

secondary means of access to abutting property.

5. Apartment: A room or suite of two or more rooms for rent or lease and
intended for, or occupied by one family for living, sleeping and cooking

6. Arcade: Any portion of a building above the first floor,

projecting over the sidewalk beyond the first storey wall as protection
for pedestrians against rain or sun.

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Province of Pangasinan



7. Amusement Places: Include theaters, cinematographs, concert halls,

circuses and other places of amusement where it seeks admission to
entertain people by seeing or viewing the show or performance. It
includes those places where one seeks admission to entertain himself
by direct participation.

8. Balcony: A portion of the meeting place of an assembly room, the

lowest part which is raised 1.20 meters or more above the level of the
main floor.

9. Bar: Includes any place where intoxicating and fermented liquors, or

malt are sold, disposed of, or given away for compensation, even
without foods, where the service of hired hostesses and/or waitresses
are employed, and where customers are entertained by occasional
dancing to music not rendered by a regular dance orchestra of
musician hired for the purpose, otherwise, the place shall be classified
as a dance hall or night club.

10. Boarding Houses: A house with several sleeping rooms where

boarders are provided with lodging and meals for a fixed sum paid by
the week or month.

11. Botanical Garden: Attract of land used for the culture and study
plants, collected and grown for scientific and display purposes.

12. Building: A constructed edifice designed to stand more or less

permanently, covering a space of land, usually covered by a roof, more
or less enclosed by walls and supported by columns, and serving as a
dwelling, factory, shelter for animals,etc.

13. Buffer Area: These are linear open spaces designed to separate
incompatible elements or uses, to control pollution/nuisance and for
identifying and defining development areas or zones.

14. Building Area: The remaining space in a lot after deducting the
required minimum open spaces.

15. Building Accessory: A building subordinate to the main building, and

located on the same lot, the use of which is necessary or incidental to
the use and employment of the main building. Example: Service

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Province of Pangasinan



16. Building Main: The principal structure wherein the prime use of
the land on which it is situated is conducted.

17. Built-up Area: A contiguous groupings of ten (10) or more


18. Bus Terminal: A station or designated place where public utility

buses are repaired and maintained.

19. Cabaret/Dance Hall: A place or establishment where dancing is

permitted to the public in consideration of any admission, entrance, or
any other fee paid on, before or after the dancing, and where
professional hostesses or dancers are employed.

20. Central Business District: It shall refer to areas designated principally

for trade, services and business purposes.

21. Certificate of Non-Conformance: Certificate issued by the

Zoning Administrator to all uses existing prior to the approval of the
Zoning Ordinance which do not conform in a zone as per provision of
the said Ordinance.

22. Certificate of Zoning Compliance: A permit issued by the Zoning

Administrator in accordance with the provisions of the Ordinance.

23. Cocktail Lounge: A place or establishment whose principal business

is the sale of alcoholic beverages or liquors of any kind to be used or
consumed within its premises.

24. Compatible Use: Use or land activities capable of existing together

harmoniously. Example: Residential use and parks and playground.

25. Comprehensive Development Plan: A document embodying

specific proposals for guiding, regulating growth and/or development.
The main components of the Comprehensive Development Plan in this
usage are the sectoral studies.

26. Conflicting Uses: Uses or land activities with contrasting

characteristics cited adjacent to each other. Example: Residential units
adjacent to industrial plants.

27. Conforming Use: A use which is in conformity with the zone

classification as provided for in the Ordinance.

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Province of Pangasinan



28. Cottage Industry: Any establishment or firm which conforms to the

standards set forth by the National Cottage Industry Development
Authority (NACIDA).

29. Dormitory: A building where many persons are provided with board
and lodging facilities in common halls, for a compensation.

30. Dwelling: Any building or any portion thereof intended or designed

to be built, used, rented, leased, let or hired out to be occupied, or
which are occupied for living or residential purposes.

31. Dwelling, One Family,Single Detached: A one-family house having one

party wall and two side yards.

32. Dwelling, One Family, Semi-Detached: A one-family dwelling as above

defined except it is provided with one side yard.

33. Dwelling, Two Family, Detached: A house or structure divided into two
separate and independent living quarters by a wall extending from the
floor to the ceiling and provided with two side yards. Each portion
provide complete living facilities for one household.

34. Dwelling, Two Family, Semi-Detached: A two family dwelling as above

defined except that it is provided with one side yard.

35. Dwelling, Multi-Family: A building used as a house or residence of

three (3) or more families living independently from one another, each
occupying one or more rooms as a single housekeeping unit.

36. Easement: An open space imposed on any land use/activities cited

along waterways, roads right-of-ways, cemeteries/memorial parks and

37. Exception: A device which grants a property owner relief from certain
provisions of a Zoning Ordinance where because of the specific use
would result in a particular hardship upon the owner, as distinguished
from a more inconvenience or a desire to make more money.

38. Family: A group of individuals related by blood, living under one

roof and considered as part of a single housekeeping unit.

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Province of Pangasinan



39. Filling Station: A retail station servicing automobiles and other

motor vehicles with gasoline and oil only.

40. Garage: A building or portion thereof in which more vehicles

is/are stored, repaired or kept.

41. Garage, Commercial: A garage where automobiles and other

motor vehicles are housed, maintained, equipped, repaired or kept for
renumeration, hire or sale.

42. Garage, Private: A building or a portion of a building in which only

motor vehicles used by the tenants of the building or buildings on the
premises are stored or kept.

43. General Zoning Map: A duly authenticated map delineating the

different zones into which the whole municipality is divided.

44. Guard House: An accessory building or structure used by a

security guard on duty.

45. Home Occupation: An occupation or business conducted within the

dwelling unit.

46. Hotel: A building or a part thereof with rooms occupied or intended to

be occupied for hire as temporary place of abode of individuals. It is
usually provided with a general kitchen and public dining room service
without provision for cooking in any individual suite or room.

47. Hotel Apartment: An apartment house which may furnish dining

room service and other services for the exclusive use of its tenants.

48. Innovative Design: Introduction and/or application of new/creative

designs and techniques in development projects.

49. Lodging House: Any building or portion thereof, containing

not more than five guest rooms which are used by not more than five
guests where rent is paid in money, goods, labor or otherwise.

50. Locational Clearance: Clearance issued upon compliance to

specific guidelines and standards outside of Zoning Ordinance
provisions for projects of national significance. Example: Cockpit,
Cemetery, etc.

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Province of Pangasinan



51. Lot, Depth of: The average horizontal distance between the front and the
rear lot lines.

52. Lot: A parcel of land where a principal building and its accessories
are placed or may be placed together with the required open spaces.

53. Manufacturing Industry: Any industry which involves the

chemical or mechanical transformation of inorganic products whether
it is done in a factory or in a worker’s house.

54. Mitigating Device: A means to grant relief in complying with certain

provisions of the Ordinance.

55. Motel: Any structure with several separate units with sufficient parking
space primarily located along the highway or close to a highway where
motorists may obtain lodging and in some instances, meals.

56. Museum: A non-profit, non-commercial establishment operated as

a repository, or a collection of natural, scientific, literary or cultural
objects or interests such as works of art. This does not include the
regular sale or distribution of the objects collected.

57. Non-Conforming Building: A building which does not conform with the
regulation of the district where it is situated as to height, yard
requirement, lot area and percentage of occupancy.

58. Non-Conforming Use: Existing non-conforming

uses/establishments in an area allowed to operate inspite of the non-
conformity to the provisions of the Ordinance subject to the conditions
stipulated in this Zoning Ordinance.

59. Nursery, Day Care Center: A place where children are temporarily cared
and trained in the parent’s absence.

60. Open Space: Any front, side or rear yards,, court, usable open spaces
or off-streets parking space provided about a building in order to meet
the requirements of this Ordinance.

61. Open Use: Any use of lot that is not connected with a building.

62. Park: A pleasure ground set apart for recreation of the public to
promote its health and enjoyment.

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Province of Pangasinan



63. Parking Lot: An off-street open area, principally used for parking
motor vehicles whether for compensation or not by the public clients or

64. Parking Building: A building of several floors used for temporary

parking of motor vehicles which may be provided with services allowed
for service station.

65. Private Pet House: A building or structure for keeping domestic pets
for enjoyment as well as protection of the resident family members.

66. Professional Office: The office of a person engaged in any occupation,

vocational or calling not purely commercial, mechanical or agricultural,
in which a professed knowledge or skill in some department of science
or learning is used to serve the interest or welfare of others by its
practical application.

67. Recreational Center: A place, compound or building or a portion thereof,

open to public for recreational and entertainment purposes.

68. Residential Condominium: A building containing at least five or more

apartment units with common areas and facilities, such apartment
owner having exclusive ownership and possession of his apartment.

69. Rezoning: An amendment to or a change in the text and maps of the

Zoning Ordinance.

70. Servant’s Quarters: A room within a dwelling or an accessory building

where servants, maid or helpers of the family are housed.

71. Setback: The open space left between the building and lot line
imposed as encumbrance.

72. Service Station: A building and its premises where gasoline,

oil, batteries, tires and car accessories may be supplied and dispensed
at retail and where, in addition, the following services may be rendered
among others:

a) Sale and servicing of sparkplugs, batteries and distributors;

b) Tire servicing and repair, but not recapping or regrooving;

c) Radiator cleansing and flushing;

Republic of the Philippines
Province of Pangasinan



d) Washing and polishing, and sale of automobile washing and

polishing materials, greasing and lubrication;

e) Sale of softdrinks, packaged goods, tobacco and similar

convenient goods for service stations customers as necessary
and incidental to the principal operation; and

f) Provision of road maps and other information materials to

customers; provision of rest room facilities.

Major mechanical and body work, strengthening of body parts, painting,

welding, storage of automobiles which are not in operation condition or other works
involving noise, glare, fumes, smoke or other characteristics to any extent greater
than normally found in a service station are not permitted to a service station.

73. Shopping Center: A group of not less than 15 contiguous retails

stores, originally planned and developed as a single unit, with
immediate adjoining off-street parking facilities.

74. Street: Any thoroughfare of public space which has been dedicated or
deeded to the public for public use.

75. Store: A building or structure devoted exclusively to the retail sale of

commodity or commodities.

76. Town Plan: A document embodying specific development proposals or

land use development and regulations and programs and projects for
the municipality.

77. Theater: A structure used for dramatic, operatic, motion picture

and other performance for admission to which entrance fee or money is
received but no audience participation and meal service are allowed.

78. Temporary Use Permit: Permit issued on establishments based on

conditions stipulated in the Zoning Ordinance.

79. Tourist Inn/Pension House: Any building or structure regularly

catering to tourists and travelers, containing several independent
rooms, providing common facilities, such as toilets, bathrooms, living
and dining rooms and kitchen, and where a combination of board and
lodging maybe provided.

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Province of Pangasinan



80. Urban Area: It shall refer to barangay/s or portion of which

composing the Central Business District including its urbanized
land, and adjacent to the CBD.

81. Urban Zoning Map: A duly authenticated map delineating the different
zones into which the urban area and its expansion area are divided.

82. Variances: A device which grants a property owner relief from certain
provisions of a Zoning Ordinance where, because of the particular
physical surroundings, shape or topographical conditions of the
property, compliance on height, area, setback, bulk and/or density
would result in a particular hardship upon the owner, as distinguished
from a more inconvenience or a desire to make more money.

83. Warehouse: Any building, the primary purpose of which is the storage
of goods, wares, merchandise utilities and/or other personal

84. Yard: An open space at grade between a building and the adjoining lot
lines, unoccupied and unobstructed by any portion of a structure from
the ground upwards.

85. Zone/District: A division of an area or territory for specified land

use as defined by man made or natural boundaries.

86. Zoning Administrator: A municipal government employee

responsible for the implementation/enforcement of the Zoning
Ordinance in a community.

87. Zoning Ordinance: A local legal measure which embodies regulations

affecting land use.


Section 20C.07. Division into zones or districts: To effectively earn out the
provisions of this Ordinance, the Municipality is hereby divided into the following
zones or districts as shown in the Official Zoning Maps.

1. General Residential Zone (GR): A division of an area principal for

dwelling/housing purposes.

Republic of the Philippines
Province of Pangasinan



a) Low Density Residential Zone (R-1): a sub-division of an area

principally for dwelling/housing purposes with a density of 20
dwelling units and below per hectare.

b) Medium Density Residential Zone (R-2): a sub-division of

an area principally for dwelling/housing purposes with a density
of 21-65 dwelling units per hectare.

c) High Density Residential Zone (R-3): A sub-division of an

area principally for dwelling/housing purposes with a density of
66 or more dwelling units per hectare.

2. General Commercial Zone (GC):A division of an area principally for

trade, business activities and service industries performing
complimentary/supplementary functions to principally commercial
zone (CBD).

a) Commercial 1 (C-1): A sub-division of an area principally for

trade, service and business activities ordinarily referred to as
the Central Business District.

b) Commercial 2 (C-2): A sub-division of an area with quasi-trade,

business activities and service industries performing
complimentary/supplementary functions to principally
commercial zone (CBD).

3. Industrial Zones: A division of an area principally for industrial


a) Light Industrial Zone (I-1): A sub-division of an area principally

for the following types of industries:

1. Non-pollutive/Non-hazardous
2. Non-pollutive/Hazardous

b) Medium Industrial Zone (I-2_: A sub-division of an area

principally for the following types of industries:

1) Pollutive/Non-hazardous
2) Pollutive/Hazardous
3) Highly pollutive/Non-hazardous

4. Institutional Zones:

Republic of the Philippines
Province of Pangasinan



a) Generally Institutional Zone (In-1):A division of an area

principally for general types of institutional establishments.
Example: Government Offices, schools, hospitals/clinics,
academic/research, convention centers.

b) Special Institutional Zone (In-2): A division of an area

principally for particular types of institutional establishments.
Example: Welfare homes, Orphanages, Home of the Aged,
Rehabilitation and training centers, Military
camps/reservations/bases/training ground, etc..

5. Agricultural Zone (AG): A division of an area designed for

cultivation/fishing and pastoral activities. Example: Cultivation of
crops, goats/cattle raising, etc..

6. Forest Zone (FZ): A division of an area intended primarily for forest


7. Parks and Recreation Zone (PR): A division of an area designed

for diversion/amusement and for the maintenance of ecological
balance of the community.

8. Utilities and Transportation: A division of an area designed

primarily for utilities and transportation purposes.

9. Tourism Zone: A division of an area designed primarily for

tourism service-oriented establishments and tourism development.

10. Water Zone (WZ): A division of an area intended for bodies of water
which include rivers, stream, lakes and seas except those included in
other zone classification.

Section 20C.08. Official zoning map: The designation, location and

boundaries of zoning districts herein established are shown in the Official Zoning
Map of the municipality and adopted as an integral part hereof which shall be
signed by the Municipal Mayor and attested by the Secretary of the Sangguniang
Bayan. It shall bear the seal of the municipality and shall likewise bear
authentication by the Housing and Land Use Regulatory Board.

Section 20C.09. Pattern of land use: The pattern of development herein set
forth conform with national standards on radial-circumferential development,
growth center strategy, regional integration, industrial dispersal and hierarchy of

Republic of the Philippines
Province of Pangasinan



settlements. Furthermore, such pattern is consistent with the priorities and phasing
of the Town Plan and shall correspond to the list of allowable/permissible uses as
indicated in the Zone Regulations.
The following pattern shall be observed:

1. The residential zone shall be characterized by mixed dwelling types,

and customary and incidental facilities of the area that will promote
self-containment of such residential zone, such as local stores, shops,
home occupation and the like.

2. The commercial zone shall be characterized by activities increasingly

commercial in scale, such as multi-family dwelling, hotels, amusement
centers, offices, services and professional shops, markets, hardware
stores, warehouses, cottage industries, antique and souvenir shops
and the like.

3. The institutional zone shall be characterized by activities that service

public interest and government requirements such as public offices,
welfare services, medical, social, educational, cultural and religious

4. The industrial zone shall be characterized by the various industrial

activities, classified as non-pollutive/non-hazardous (NP/NH); non-
pollutive/hazardous (NP/H); non-pollutive/extremely hazardous
(NP/E); pollutive/non-hazardous (P/NH).

5. The agricultural zone shall be characterized by the various agricultural

activities, including those undertaken with mechanized operations, and
all other activities and operations having to do directly with the land or
forming an intimate relation therewith, and certain agro-industrial
facilities in support thereto.

6. The Forest Reserve Zone shall be characterized by forest development,

utilization and conservation activities.

7. The Tourism Zone areas for the preservation and development

characterized by scenic environmental qualities, either natural or man-
made, and areas of cultural and historical values.

8. The Park and Open Spaces Zones are spaces designed for recreational
pursuit and for the maintenance of ecological balance of the
community. This consists of parks and playgrounds, zoos, botanical
gardens, golf links, community plazas.

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Province of Pangasinan



9. The Utilities Zone are areas devoted for such uses as major
transportation facilities, telecommunication, power, water and the like.

10. The neighborhood residential zone outside of the urban core shall be
characterized by residential community with the usual accessory and
customary neighborhood commercial facilities, and shall be intended to
accommodate the requirements of future expansion, serving as a buffer
or transaction zone from agricultural zone areas. It shall consist
principally of residential clusters, including subdivisions, barangay
central sites and other cluster or settlements, in outlying rural areas.

Section 20C.10. Permitted uses: A Table showing or illustrating the allowable

or permitted uses per zone is in the following Zoning Compatibility Matrix.


Section 20C.11. General provisions. The uses enumerated in the

succeeding sections are not exhaustive nor all-inclusive. The Zoning Administrator
may, subject to the requirements of this Article, allow other uses not enumerated
hereunder provided that they are compatible with the uses expressly allowed.

Allowable of further uses shall be based on the intrinsic qualities of the land
and the socio-economic potential of the locality with due regard to the maintenance
of the essential qualities of the zone.

Section 20C.12. Design standards and guidelines. Certain specific uses

which may have significant impact on health, safety and environment but are not
classified as a special use or project of national significance may be permitted in
certain zones, provided that said projects conforms to Design and Locational
Standards and guidelines promulgated by the Human Settlements Regulatory

Section 20C.13. Use regulations in low density residential zone (r-1). An

R-1 District shall be used principally for housing/dwelling purposes so as to
maintain the peace and quiet of the area within the zone with a density of 20
dwelling units and below per hectare. The following are the allowable uses:

1. All types of dwelling units (one family detached, two family detached,
one family semi-detached, two family semi-detached, multi-family
dwellings and the like

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Province of Pangasinan



2. Customary accessory uses like: servants quarters; private garage; and


3. Home occupation or the practice of one’s profession for engaging an in-

house business such as dressmaking, tailoring, baking, running a sari-
sari store and the like, provided:

a) The number of person engaged in such business/industry shall

not exceed 5, inclusive of the owner;

b) There shall be no change in the outside appearance of the

building or premises;

c) No home occupation shall be conducted in any customary

accessory uses cited above;

d) No traffic shall be generated by such home occupation in greater

volume that would normally be expected in a residential
neighborhood and any need for parking generated by the
conduct of such home occupation shall be met off the street and
in a place either than in a required front yard.

e) No equipment or process shall be used in such home occupation

which creates noise, vibration, glare, fumes, odors, or electrical
interference in any radio or television receivers or causes
fluctuation in line voltage of the premises.

f) The use of the dwelling unit for the home occupation shall be
clearly incidental and subordinate to its use for residential
purpose by its occupants; and for the conduct of the home
occupation, not more than twenty-five percent (25%) of the floor
area of the dwelling unit shall be utilized.

4. Elementary schools and other basic educational institutions to directly

and primarily serve the residential zone

5. Chapels, churches and other places of worship intended to primarily

serve the residential zone

6. Clinic, puericulture centers, barangay health stations and other basic

health facilities, hospitals, with not more than ten (10) bed capacity,
provided that they intend to primarily serve the residential zone

Republic of the Philippines
Province of Pangasinan



7. Day care centers and nurseries

8. Commercial activities that shall primarily serve the residential zone

such as sari-sari stores, groceries and drugstores

9. Backyard gardens and raising of livestock and fowl provided that:

a) No undue noise shall be created.

b) No foul smell shall be emitted.

c) Sanitary regulations are strictly enforced with.

d) For livestock: maximum of two (2) heads in urban and ten (10)
heads in rural areas. And for fowl: a maximum of 100 birds in
urban and 500 birds in rural areas.

e) In case of residential subdivision, the provisions stipulated in

the contract shall prevail over that of the Zoning Ordinance.

10. Boarding houses

11. Parks and playgrounds

12. Barangay Tanod Station, Police Sub-station Outposts

13. Neighborhood assembly halls

Section 20C.14. Use regulations in medium density residential zone (r-2):

An R-2 District shall be for housing/dwelling purposes of medium density. The
following are the allowable uses:

1. All uses allowed in R-1 District

2. Multi-family dwelling with not more than five (5) families residing

3. Elementary Schools/High Schools

4. Apartments/Dormitories

5. Branch libraries and museums

6. Filling stations and Service stations

Republic of the Philippines
Province of Pangasinan



7. Small hospitals, clinics, nursing and convalescing homes

8. Home occupation as provided in R-1 District except that here, not more
than five (5) outside or hired helpers, assistants or employees may be employed

Section 20C.15. Use regulations in high density residential zone (r-3): An

R-3 Zone shall be for housing/dwelling purposes of high density. The following are
the allowable uses:

1. All uses allowed in R-1 and R-2 Zones

2. Residential Condominium

3. Multi-family dwellings

4. Hotels and motels

5. Pension houses and hometels

6. Apartments and Dormitories

7. High schools and Vocational schools

8. Hotel apartments or partels

9. Clinics, hospitals, nursing or convalescing homes with not more than

fifty (50) bed capacity

10. Parking lots and parking buildings

11. Club houses and lodges

Section 20C.16. Use regulations in commercial zone (c-1): Referred as the

Central Business District (CBD). A C-1 zone shall be principally for trade, business
and service activities. Within the zone, the following types of establishments shall be

1. Offices offering professional, personal and other types of services

2. Stores and shops like retail stores, groceries, bakeries, dry goods
stores, photo shops, general merchandize stores and the like

Republic of the Philippines
Province of Pangasinan



3. Food market and shops like public market, bakeries, groceries and the

4. Restaurants, carenderias, cooked food stands and other eateries

5. Recreational centers like theaters, billiard halls, bowling halls and the

6. Personal services shops like beauty parlor, barber shops, dress making
and tailoring shops

7. Storerooms and warehouse, but not only as may be necessary for the
effective conduct of commerce/business

8. Commercial housing like hotel, apartment, boarding houses,

dormitory, pension house, club house and motel

9. Banks and other financing institutions

10. Hardwares

11. Pharmacy, optical shops, medical, dental services

12. Office supplies and bookstores

13. Appliance stores

14. Flower shops

15. Watch and locksmith services

16. Commercial condominium (with residential units in upper floor)

17. Footwear shops

18. Embassy/Consulate

19. Library, museum

20. Filing station/service station

21. Clinic

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Province of Pangasinan



22. Vocational/technical school

23. Convention center and related facilities

24. Messengerial service

25. Security agency

26. Janitorial services

27. Radio and television station

28. Building garage

29. Commercial job printing

30. Typing and photo engraving services

31. Repair of optical instruments and equipments and cameras

32. Repair of clocks and watches

33. Transportation terminal/garage

34. Manufacture of insignia, badges and similar emblems except metal

35. Plant nurseries

36. Scientific, cultural and academic centers and research facilities except
nuclear, radioactive, chemical and biological welfare facilities

Section 20C.17. Use regulations in commercial (c-2) zone: A C-2 Zone shall
be for quasi-trade, business activities and service industries performing
complimentary/supplementary functions to principally Commercial Zone (CBD).
Within the C-2 Zone, the following uses are allowed:

1. All uses in C-1 may be allowed in C-2

2. Repair shops for house appliances, motor vehicles, accessory shops

and the like

3. Minor industries classified by the Housing and Land Uses Regulatory

Board as non-hazardous and non-pollutive

Republic of the Philippines
Province of Pangasinan



4. Funeral homes and embalming establishments

5. Cold storage and warehouse

6. Transportation terminal/garage with repair

7. Supermarkets, wet and dry markets

8. Short term special education like dancing schools, school for self-
defense, driving schools and speech clinics

9. Stockyards and slaughterhouses

10. Cottage industries

11. Lumber yards

12. Publishing

13. Medium scale junkshop

14. Machinery display shop/center

15. Gravel and sand

16. Manufacture of ice, ice blocks, cubes, tubes, crushed except dry ice

17. Manufacture of signs and advertising displays

18. Chicharon factory

19. Welding shops

20. Machine and service operations (repairing, rebuilding or custom


21. Repair of motorcycles

22. Lechon or whole pig roasting

23. Biscuit factory

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Province of Pangasinan



24. Doughnut and hopia factory

25. Other bakery products not elsewhere classified

26. Repacking of food products

27. Other commercial activities not elsewhere classified

Section 20-17A. Use regulations in commercial (c-3) zone: C-3 Zone referred
to as the RED COMMERCIAL DISTRICT. It shall be primarily for “Happy-nest”
activities which include:

1. Night club – (Day and Night)

2. Bars

3. Cocktail lounge

4. Sauna bath

5. Cabaret

Section 20C.18. Use regulations in institutional zone (gi): In GI Zone, the

following uses shall be allowed:

1. Government offices such as municipal hall, police/fire stations,

barangay centers, extension offices of national agencies, regional
offices and the like

2. Educational institutions such as elementary schools, nurseries and

kindergartens, high schools, vocational and collegiate schools

3. Health and medical institutions such as health centers and hospitals

4. Museums, libraries and auditoriums

5. Religious institutions like churches, chapels and convents

6. Institutions engaged in welfare and civic and/or charitable service

7. Institution engaged in research

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Province of Pangasinan



8. Security and protective services, including police, home defense and

military services.

9. Convention centers and related facilities

10. Embassies/Consulate

11. Student housing like: dormitories, boarding houses

Section 20C.19. Use regulations in special institutions (in-2) zone: In IN-2

Zones, the following uses shall be allowed:

1. Welfare homes, orphanages, boys and girls town, home for the aged
and the like

2. Rehabilitation and vocational training center for ex-convicts, drug

addicts, unwed mothers, physically, mentally and emotionally
handicapped, ex-sanitarian inmates and similar establishments

3. Military camps/reservations/bases and training grounds

4. Penitentiary and correctional institutions

Section 20C.20. Use regulations in light industrial zone (i-1): In I-

1 Zone shall be for non-pollutive/non-hazardous and non-pollutive/hazardous and
non-pollutive/extremely hazardous manufacturing/processing establishments.
Enumerated below are the allowable uses:

A. Non-pollutive/non-hazardous industries:

1. Drying fish

2. Biscuit factory – manufacture of biscuit, cookies, crackers and other

similar dried bakery products

3. Doughnut and hopia factory

4. Manufacture of macaroni, spaghetti, and vermicelli and other noodles

5. Other bakery products not elsewhere classified

6. Lifeboats factory

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Province of Pangasinan



7. Manufacture of miscellaneous products of leather and leather


8. Manufacture of shoes except rubber, plastic and wood

9. Manufacture of slippers and sandals except rubber and plastic

10. Manufacture of footwear parts except rubber and plastic

11. Printing, publishing and allied industries

12. Manufacture of luggages, handbags, wallets and small leather goods

13. Manufacture or assembly of electronic data processing machinery and


14. Manufacture or assembly of typewriters, cash registers, duplicating

and accounting machines

15. Renovation and repair of office machinery

16. Manufacture or assembly of miscellaneous office ,machines

17. Manufacture of rowboats, bancas, sailboats

18. Manufacture of animal drawn vehicles

19. Manufacture of children vehicles and baby carriages

20. Manufacture of laboratory and scientific instruments, ammeter,

barometer, chemical balance, etc.

21. Manufacture of measuring and controlling equipment, plumb, bulb,

rain gauge, taxi meter, thermostat, etc.

22. Manufacture or assembly of surgical, medical, dental equipment and

medical furniture

23. Quick freezing and cold packing of fish and other seafoods

24. Quick freezing and cold packing of fruits and vegestables

25. Popcorn/rice factory

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Province of Pangasinan



26. Manufacture of medical/surgical supplies: adhesive tapes, antiseptic

dressing, sanitary napkins, surgical gauge, etc.

27. Manufacture of orthopedic and prosthetic appliance

28. Manufacture of photographic equipment and accessories

29. Manufacture or assembly of optical instruments

30. Manufacture of eyeglasses and spectacles

31. Manufacture of optical lenses

32. Manufacture of pianos

33. Manufacture of watches and clocks

34. Manufacture of string instruments

35. Manufacture of wind and percussion instruments

36. Manufacture or assembly of electronic organs

37. Manufacture of miscellaneous musical instruments, n.e.c.

38. Manufacture of sporting gloves and mitts

39. Manufacture of gym and playground equipments

40. Manufacture of sporting tables

41. Manufacture of other sporting and athletic goods, n.e.c.

42. Manufacture of toys and dolls except rubber and mold plastic

43. Manufacture of pens, pencils and other office and artist materials

44. Manufacture of umbrella and canes

45. Manufacture of buttons except plastic

46. Manufacture of brooms, brushes and fans

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Province of Pangasinan



47. Manufacture of needles, pens fasteners and zippers

48. Manufacture of insignia, badges and similar emblems (except metal)

49. Manufacture of signs and advertising displays (except printed)

50. All customary support facilities and services to the area


1. Manufacture of house furnishing

2. Textile bag factories

3. Canvass bags and other canvass products factory

4. Jute bag factory

5. Manufacture of miscellaneous textile goods, embroideries and weaving


6. Manufacture of fiber batting, padding and upholstery filling except coir

7. Men’s and boys’ garment factory

8. Women’s and girls’ and ladies garment factory

9. Manufacture of hats, gloves, handkerchief, neckwear and related

clothing accessories

10. Manufacture of miscellaneous wearing apparel except footwear and

those n.e.c.

11. Manufacture of miscellaneous fabricated mill work and those n.e.c.

12. Manufacture of wooden and cane containers

13. Sawali, nipa and slpit cane factory

14. Manufacture of bamboo, rattan and other cane basket and wares

15. Manufacture of cork products

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Province of Pangasinan



16. Manufacture of wooden shoes, shoe lace and other similar products

17. Manufacture of wooden miscellaneous wood products and those n.e.c.

18. Manufacture of miscellaneous furniture and fixture except primarily of

metals and those n.e.c.

19. Manufacture of paper stationery, enveloped and related articles

20. Manufacture of dry ice

21. Repacking of industrial products e.g. paints, varnishes and other

related products

Section 20C.21. Use regulations in major industrial zone (i-2): An I-2

Zone shall be for pollutive/non-hazardous, pollutive/hazardous, highly
pollutive/non-hazardous manufacturing and processing establishments.
Enumerated below are the allowable uses:


1. Manufacture and canning of ham, bacon and native sausage

2. Poultry processing and canning

3. Corn mill

4. Chocolate and cocoa factory

5. Candy factory

6. Chewing gum factory

7. Other chocolate and confectionary products

8. Manufacture of flavoring extracts

9. Manufacture of food products n.e.c. (vinegar, vetsin)

10. Manufacture of flavoring extracts

Republic of the Philippines
Province of Pangasinan



11. Manufacture of fish meal

12. Oyster shell grading

13. Manufacture of medicinal and pharmaceutical preparations

14. Manufacture of statuary, art goods, cut stone and marble products

15. Manufacture of abrasive products

16. Manufacture of miscellaneous non-metallic mineral products n.e.c.

17. Manufacture of cutlery, except table flatwares

18. Manufacture of hand tools

19. Manufacture of general hardware

20. Manufacture of miscellaneous cutlery hand tools and general hardware


21. Manufacture of household metal furniture

22. Manufacture of office, store and restaurant metal furniture

23. Manufacture of metal blinds, screens and shades

24. Manufacture of miscellaneous furniture and fixture primarily of metal


25. Manufacture of fabricated structural iron and steel

26. Manufacture of architectural and ornamental metal works

27. Manufacture of boilers, tanks and other structural sheet metal works

28. Manufacture of other structural products n.e.c.

29. Manufacture of metal cans, boxes and containers

30. Manufacture of tamped coated and engraved metal products

31. Manufacture of fabricated wire and cable products

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Province of Pangasinan



32. Manufacture of heating, cooking and lighting equipments except


33. Sheet metal works generally manual operation

34. Manufacture or assembly of agricultural machinery and equipment

35. Native plow and harrow factory

36. Repair of agricultural machinery

37. Manufacture or assembly of cooking ranges

38. Manufacture or assembly of sewing machines

39. Manufacture or assembly of water pumps

40. Refrigeration industry

41. Manufacture and repair of electrical motor and generators

42. Manufacture or assembly of electrical equipment, radio and television,

tape recorders, stereo

43. Manufacture of electrical apparatus

44. Manufacture of electrical cables and wires

45. Manufacture or assembly of telephone and telegraphic equipment

46. Manufacture or assembly of radio and television transmitting, signaling

and detection equipment

47. Manufacture of industrial and commercial, electrical appliances

48. Manufacture of household cooking, heating and laundry appliances

49. Manufacture of electric lamp fixtures

50. Manufacture of other electrical appliances, n.e.c.


Republic of the Philippines
Province of Pangasinan



1. Flour mill

2. Cassava flour mill

3. Manufacture of coffee

4. Production of prepared feeds for animals

5. Curing and redrying tobacco leaves

6. Miscellaneous processing of tobacco leaves, n.e.c.

7. Weaving hemp textile

8. Jute spinning and weaving

9. Hosiery mill

10. Underwear and outwear knitting mills

11. Fabric knitting mills

12. Manufacture of mats and mattings

13. Manufacture of rags and carpets

14. Manufacture of linoleum and other surfaced coverings

15. Manufacture of artificial leather, oil cloth and other fabrics except

16. Manufacture of miscellaneous textile

17. Manufacture of doors, windows and sashes

18. Treating and preserving wood

19. Manufacture of charcoal

20. Manufacture of wood and cane blinds, screens and shades

21. Manufacture of container and boxes of paper and paper boards

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Province of Pangasinan



22. Manufacture of perfumes, cosmetics and other toilet preparations

23. Manufacture of waxes and polishing preparations

24. Manufacture of candles

25. Manufacture of inks

26. Tire retreating and rebuilding

27. Manufacture of rubber shoes and slippers

28. Manufacture of plastic footwear

29. Manufacture of plastic furniture

30. Manufacture of tables and kitchen articles

31. Manufacture of pottery, china and earthen ware, n.e.c.

32. Manufacture of clay bricks, clay tiles and hollow clay tiles

33. Manufacture of structural concrete products

34. Boat building and repairing

35. Ship repairing industry, dock yards, dry docks, shipways

36. Manufacture of wood furniture including upholstered

37. Manufacture of rattan furniture including upholstered

38. Manufacture of box beds and mattresses


1. Heat processing, curing, preserving except processing of ham, bacon

sausage and chicharon

2. Ice cream factory

3. Milk processing plants

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Province of Pangasinan



4. Butter and cheese processing plants

5. Other dairy products, n.e.c.

6. Manufacture of soft drinks and carbonated water

7. Manufacture of instant beverage and syrups

8. Manufacture of wines from juices of local fruits

9. Other non-alcoholic beverages

Section 20C.22. Use regulations in agricultural zone: The following uses

should be allowed in the agricultural zone:

1. Cultivation, raising and growing of staple crops and other diversified

plants and trees

2. Semi-culture, mushroom culture and other types of plant culture

3. Fish culture, fishing, goat raising, cattle fattening and other types of

4. Customary support facilities such as palay dryers, rice threshers,

storage barns and warehouses

5. Rice mills provided that pollution control measures are adopted

6. Farmers-dwelling units for tillers and farmers

7. Pastoral activities such as goat raising and cattle fattening

8. Backyard raising of livestock and fowl, provided that:

a. For livestock

b. For fowl - a maximum of 500 birds

9. Home occupation for the practice of one’s profession or engaging home

business such as dressmaking, tailoring, baking, running a sari-sari
store and the like, provided that:

Republic of the Philippines
Province of Pangasinan



a. Number of persons engaged in such business/industry shall not

exceed five (5), inclusive of the owner

b. There shall be no change in the outside appearance of the

building premises

c. No home occupation shall be conducted in any customary

accessory uses cited above

d. No traffic shall be generated by such home occupation in greater

volume than would normally be expected in a residential
neighborhood and any need for parking generated by the
conduct of such home occupation shall be met off the street in a
place other than the required front yard

e. No equipment or process shall be used in such occupations

which create noise, vibration, glare, fumes, odors and visual or
audible interference in any radio or television receiver or causes
fluctuation in line voltage of the premises

10. Agricultural schools, research and experimental stations

11. Fishery schools, research and experimental stations

12. Green houses

13. Elementary schools

14. Home industry classified as cottage industry, e.g. mat weaving, pottery
making, food preservation, etc. provided that:

a. Such home industry shall not occupy more than thirty percent
(30%) of floor area of the dwelling unit. There shall be no change
or alteration in the outside appearance of the dwelling unit and
shall not be a hazard or nuisance

b. Alloted capitalization shall not exceed more than one hundred

thousand (Php 100,000.00) during its entire operations

c. Such shall consider same provisions as enumerated in letter c, d

and e of Home Occupation, this section

Republic of the Philippines
Province of Pangasinan




AREA 1 - An area situated at Poblacion, bounded on the north by Quezon

Ave.; on the east by C. Garcia St.; on the west by G. Montemayor St.;
and on the south by a commercial area on a road connecting G.
Montemayor and C. Garcia St.

AREA 2 - An area situated at Poblacion, bounded on the north by a

residential area on L. Rivera Sr. St.; on the east by a commercial area
on F. Reinoso St.; on the west by C. Garcia St.; and on the south by
Quezon Ave.

AREA 3 - An area situated at Poblacion, bounded on the north by Gen.

Quintos St.; on the east by P. Reinoso; on the west by Braganza St.;
and on the south by Quezon Ave.

AREA 4 - An area situated at Poblacion, bounded on the north by

Dimasalang St.; on the east by G. Montemayor St.; and on the west
and south by a residential area.

AREA 5 - An area situated at Poblacion, bounded on the north by a park

on Quezon Ave.; on the east by a road connecting Quezon Ave. and V.
Montemayor St.; on the west by C. Garcia St.; and on the south by V.
Montemayor St.

AREA 6 - An area situated at Poblacion, bounded on the north by T.

Rapatalo St.; on the east by P. Reinoso St.; on the west by Braganza
St.; and on the south by a residential area as indicated in the urban
zoning map.

AREA 7 - An area situated at Poblacion, bounded on the north by a

residential area on T. Montemayor St.; on the east by P. Reinoso St.; on
the west by Braganza St.; and on the south by T. Rapatalo St.

AREA 8 - An area situated at Poblacion, bounded on the north and east by

an agricultural area; on the west by San Jose Drive road going to
Lucap; and on the south by T. Montemayor St. and a residential area
on T. Rapatalo St.

AREA 9 - An area situated at Poblacion, bounded on the north by a road;

on the east by an agricultural area; on the west by San Jose Drive
going to Lucap; and on the south by a residential area.

Republic of the Philippines
Province of Pangasinan



AREA 10 - An area situated at Poblacion, bounded on the north by a

triangular residential area; on the east by V. Ungson St.; on the west
by Imelda Drive; and on the south by Pandayann Road.

AREA 11 - An area situated at Poblacion, bounded on the north and east by

a residential and agricultural area; on the west by V. Ungson St.; and
on the south by Pandayan Road.

AREA 12 - An area situated at Poblacion, bounded on the north by Quezon

Ave.; on the east by a commercial area; on the west by the cemetery
road; and on the south by an agricultural area.

AREA 13 - A small area situated at Palamis, bounded on the north by a

commercial area on V. Montemayor St.; on the east by a residential
area on Vereciano St.; on the west by Marcos Ave.; and on the south by
a commercial area on road connecting Vereciano St. and Marcos Ave.

AREA 14 - A small area situated at Palamis, bounded on the north by a

commercial area; on the east by a residential area on Vereciano St.; on
the west by Marcos Ave.; and on the south by a commercial area on De
Guzman St.

AREA 15 - A small area situated at Palamis, bounded on the north by a

commercial area; on the east by a residential area on Vereciano St.; on
the west by Marcos Ave.; and on the south by a commercial area on De
Guzman St.

AREA 16 - An area situated at Palamis, bounded on the north and south by

two residential areas; on the east by a road going to C. Garcia St.; and
on the west by an agricultural area as indicated in the urban zoning



AREA 1 - An area situated at Poblacion, bounded on the north by San

Jose Drive; on the east by Carlos Garcia St.; on the west by Rabago St.;
and on the south by Gen. Quintos leading to Quezon Ave.

Republic of the Philippines
Province of Pangasinan



AREA 2 - An area situated at Poblacion, bounded on the north by P.

Reinoso St.; on the east by Carlos Garcia St.; on the west by a road
connecting to Rabago St.; and on the south by Gen. Quintos leading to
Quezon Ave.

AREA 3 - An area situated at Poblacion, bounded on the north by Carlos

Garcia St.; on the east by a road connecting F. Reinoso St. and M.
Sison St.; on the west by Gen. Quintos; and on the south by Quezon

AREA 4 - An area situated at Poblacion, bounded on the north by L.

Rivera Sr. St.; on the east by Carlos Garcia St.; on the west by San
Jose Drive; and on the south by Gen. Quintos.

AREA 5 - An area situated at Poblacion, bounded on the north by L.

Rivera Sr. St.; on the east by San Jose Drive; on the west by P. Reinoso
St.; and on the south by Rabago St.

AREA 6 - An area situated at Poblacion, bounded on the north by

Rapatalo St.; on the east by F. Reinoso St.; and on the west by Carlos
Garcia St.; and on the south by L. Rivera Sr. St.

AREA 7 - An area situated at Poblacion, bounded on the north by

Rapatalo St.; on the east by Carlos Garcia; on the west by San Jose
Drive; and on the south by L. Rivera Sr. St.

AREA 8 - An area situated at Poblacion, bounded on the north by

Rapatalo St.; on the east by San Jose Drive; on the west by P. Reinoso
St.; and on the south by L. Rivera Sr. St.

AREA 9 - An area situated at Poblacion, bounded on the north by T.

Montemayor St.; on the east by C. Garcia St.; on the west by San Jose
Drive; and on the south by Rapatalo St.

AREA 10 - An area situated at Poblacion, bounded on the north by T.

Montemayor St.; on the east by San Jose Drive; on the west by P.
Reinoso St.; and on the south by Rapatalo St.

AREA 11 - An area situated at Poblacion, bounded on the north by T.

Montemayor St.; on the east by P. Reinoso St.; on the west by
Braganza St.; and on the south by Rapatalo St.

Republic of the Philippines
Province of Pangasinan



AREA 12 - An area situated at Poblacion, bounded on the north by M.

Sison St.; on the east by Vereciano St.; on the west by F. Reinoso St.;
and on the south by Quezon Ave.

AREA 13 - An area situated at Poblacion, bounded on the north by Quezon

Ave. connecting to Imelda Drive; on the east by Pag-asa St.; on the
west by Vereciano St.; and on the south by V. Montemayor St.

AREA 14 - An area situated at Poblacion, bounded on the north by Quezon

Ave.; on the east by Vereciano St.; on the west by Marcos Ave.; and on
the south by V. Montemayor St.

AREA 15 - An area situated at Poblacion, bounded on the north by Quezon

Ave.; on the east by Marcos Ave.; on the west by Carlos Garcia St.; and
on the south by V. Montemayor St.

AREA 16 - An area situated at Poblacion, bounded on the north by Quezon

Ave.; on the east by Marcos Ave.; on the west by Carlos Garcia St.; and
on the south by V. Montemayor St.

AREA 17 - An area situated at Poblacion, bounded on the north by Quezon

Ave.; on the east by Carlos Garcia St.; on the west by G. Montemayor
St.; and on the south by Lecsab I.


AREA 1 - An area situated at Poblacion, bounded on the north by Rabago

St.; on the east by Braganza St.; on the west by a road heading to
Bani; and on the south by Quezon Ave.

AREA 2 - An area situated at Poblacion, bounded on the north by Quezon

Ave.; on the east by Braganza St.; on the west by Dampay Road; and
on the south by Dimasalang St.

AREA 3 - An area situated at Poblacion, bounded on the north by Lecsab

I; on the east by Carlos Garcia St.; on the west by G. Montemayor; and
on the south by Lecsab II.

AREA 4 - An area situated at Poblacion, bounded on the north by V.

Montemayor St.; on the east by Marcos Ave.; on the west by Zambales
Road; and on the south by De Guzman St.

Republic of the Philippines
Province of Pangasinan



AREA 5 - An area situated at Poblacion, bounded on the north by De

Guzman St.; on the east by Marcos Ave.; on the west by Zambales
Road; and on the south by Tolentino St.

AREA 6 - An area situated at Poblacion, bounded on the north by

Vereciano III; on the east by Vereciano I; on the west by Marcos Ave.;
and on the south by De Guzman St.

AREA 7 - An area situated at Poblacion, bounded on the north by

Vereciano II; on the east by Vereciano III; on the west by Marcos Ave.;
and on the south by Vereciano III.

AREA 8 - An area situated at Poblacion, bounded on the north by V.

Montemayor St.; on the east by Vereciano I; on the west by Marcos
Ave.; and on the south by Vereciano II.

AREA 9 - An area situated at Poblacion, bounded on the north by V.

Montemayor St.; on the east by Pag-asa St.; on the west by Vereciano I;
and on the south by Vereciano III.

AREA 10 - An area situated at Poblacion, bounded on the north by

Vereciano III; on the east by Pag-asa St.; on the west by Vereciano I;
and on the south by Vereciano II.

AREA 11 - An area situated at Poblacion, bounded on the north by Quezon

Ave.; on the east by Ccemetery Road; on the west by Pag-asa St.; and
on the south by De Guzman St.

AREA 12 - An area situated at Poblacion, bounded on the north by

Pandayan Road heading to Pocalpocal; on the east by Unson St.; on
the west by Imelda Drive; and on the south by Quezon Ave. heading to

AREA 13 - An area situated at Poblacion, bounded on the north by

Pandayan Road; on the east by a certain lot area; on the west by
Unson St.; and on the south by Quezon Ave.

AREA 14 - An area situated at Poblacion, bounded on the north by an

intersection road (Rapatalo St.; Imelda Drive and Unson St.); on the
east by Unson St.; on the west by Imelda Drive; and on the south by
Pandayan Road heading to Pocalpocal.

Republic of the Philippines
Province of Pangasinan



AREA 15 - An area situated at Poblacion, bounded on the north by

Rapatalo St.; on the east by Imelda Drive; on the west by F. Reinoso
St.; and on the south by Quezon Ave.

AREA 16 - An area situated at Poblacion, bounded on the north by

Rapatalo St.; on the east by Imelda Drive; on the west by M. Sison St.;
and on the south by Quezon Ave.

AREA 17 - An area situated at Poblacion, bounded on the north by

Rapatalo St.; on the east by P. Reinoso St.; on the west by Braganza
St.; and on the south by Rabago St.

AREA 18 - An area situated at Poblacion, bounded on the north by Rabago

St.; on the east by P. Reinoso St.; on the west by Braganza St.; and on
the south by Gen. Quintos.

AREA 19 - An area situated at Poblacion, bounded on the north by a

certain agricultural land area; on the east by Sandoy Road; on the west
by Embarcadero Bridge; and on the south by Quezon Ave. Ext.

AREA 20 - An area situated at Poblacion, bounded on the north by Quezon

Ave.; on the east by Quezon Ave.; on the west by Embarcadero Bridge;
and on the south by an agricultural land.

AREA 21 - An area situated at Brgy. San Vicente/Cabatuan, bounded on

the north and NE by an agricultural land; on the south by the national
road; and on the south and SW by an area of 38,400 sq. m., more or
less (30 meters depth).

AREA 22 - An area situated at Brgy. San Vicente/Cabatuan, bounded on

the north and NE by a national road; on the south and SW by an
agricultural land containing an area of 38,400 sq. m., more or less (30
meters depth).

AREA 23 - A rectangular area situated at Brgy. Poblacion and a portion of

Brgy. Magsaysay, bounded on the north by a residential land; on the
south by a residential land; on the west by an agricultural land; on the
east by a national road going to Lucap containing an area of 10,800 sq.
m., more or less (30 meters depth).

AREA 24 - A rectangular area situated at Poblacion, bounded on the north

by an institutional land; on the south by an agricultural land; on the
east by an agricultural land; on the west by a national road going to

Republic of the Philippines
Province of Pangasinan



Lucap containing an area of 10,800 sq. m., more or less (30 meters

AREA 25 - An area situated at Tanaytay, bounded on the north by a

residential land; on the east by Brgy. San Vicente; on the west by
Poblacion; and on the south by National Road.

AREA 26 - An area situated at Tanaytay, bounded on the north by National

Road; on the east by Brgy. San Vicente; on the west by Poblacion; and
on the south by an agricultural land.


AREA 1 - An area situated at San Vicente/Cabatuan, bounded on the

north by an agricultural land; on the east by a welcome arc (upon
entering Alaminos); on the west by Bogtong Bridge Darayasen; and on
the south by a national road.

AREA 2 - An area situated at San Vicente/Cabatuan, bounded on the

north by a national road; on the east by a welcome arc (upon entering
Alaminos); on the west by Bogtong Bridge Darayasen; and on the south
by an agricultural land.


AREA 1 - An area situated at Poblacion, bounded on the north by an

agricultural land; on the east by Imelda Drive heading to Bued; on the
west by Rapatalo St.; and on the south by an intersection between
Rapatalo St., Imelda Drive and Unson St.

AREA 2 - An area situated at Poblacion, bounded on the north by Imelda

Drive; on the east by an agricultural land; on the west by Unson St.;
and on the south by Pandayan Road leading to Pocal-pocal.

AREA 3 - An area situated at Poblacion, bounded on the north by

Dimasalang St.; on the east by Zambales Road; on the west by Dampay
Road; and on the south by an agricultural land.

AREA 4 - An area situated at Poblacion, bounded on the north by a

commercial lot; on the east by Quezon Ave.; on the west by an
agricultural land; and on the south by Dampay Road.

Republic of the Philippines
Province of Pangasinan



AREA 5 - An area situated at Poblacion, bounded on the north by an

agricultural land; on the east by Sandoy St.; on the west by an
agricultural land; and on the south by a commercial land area.

AREA 6 - An area situated at Poblacion, bounded on the north by an

agricultural land; on the east by an agricultural land; on the west by
Sandoy St. Ext.; and on the south by Sandoy St.

AREA 7 - An area situated at Poblacion, bounded on the north by an

agricultural land; on the east by Braganza St.; on the west by an
agricultural land; and on the south by Sandoy St.

AREA 8 - An area situated at Poblacion, bounded on the north by an

agricultural land; on the east by San Jose Drive heading to Lucap; on
the west by Braganza St.; and on the south by T. Montemayor St.

AREA 9 - An area situated at Poblacion, bounded on the north by an

institutional land area; on the east by an agricultural land; on the west
by Carlos Garcia St.; and on the south by Rapatalo St.

AREA 10 - An area situated at Poblacion, bounded on the north by an

agricultural land; on the east by Imelda Drive; on the west by Braganza
St.; and on the south by Rapatalo St.

AREA 11 - An area situated at Poblacion, bounded on the north by

Dimasalang St.; on the east by an institutional area on G. Montemayor
St.; on the west by Dampay Road; and on the south by an agricultural
area as indicated in the urban zoning map.

AREA 12 - An area situated at Poblacion and Tanaytay, bounded on the

north by Pandayan Road going to Pocalpocal; on the east by a road; on
the west by a road and on the south by a road intersections.

AREA 13 - An area situated at Tanaytay, bounded on the north by a road

going to Pocalpocal; on the east by an institutional area and an
agricultural area; on the west by a road; and on the south by a
commercial area on national highway going to Sual.


Republic of the Philippines
Province of Pangasinan



AREA 1 - An area situated at Poblacion, bounded on the north by Quezon

Ave.; on the east by a road connecting Quezon Ave. and V. Montemayor
St.; on the west by C. Garcia St.; and on the south by an institutional
area on V. Montemayor St.

AREA 2 - An area situated at Poblacion, bounded on the north by Gen.

Quintos St.; on the east by C. Garcia St.; on the west by San Jose
Drive; and on the south by Quezon Ave.

AREA 3 - An area situated at Poblacion, bounded on the north by Ge.

Quintos St.; on the east by San Jose Drive; on the west by a road
connecting Dimasalang St. and Quezon Ave; and on the south by
Dimasalang St.

AREA 4 - An area situated at Poblacion, bounded on the north by Quezon

Ave.; on the east by G. Montemayor St.; on the west by a road
connecting Dimasalang St. and Quezon Ave.; and on the south by
Dimasalang St.


AREA 1 - An irregular area situated at Poblacion and Palamis, bounded

on the north by the cemetery road; on the east, west and south by an
agricultural area.

AREA 2 - A rectangular area situated at Palamis, bounded on the north by

a residential area on Quezon Ave.; on the east by the cemetery road; on
the west by an agricultural area; and on the south by a residential area
on De Guzman St.


AREA 1 - A rectangular area situated at Brgy. Landoc and Pogo, bounded

on the north by the road going to San Jose; on the south by an
agricultural land; on the west by the national road; and on the east by
an agricultural land containing an area of 24,000 sq. m., more or less
(50 m. depth).

AREA 2 - A rectangular area situated at Brgy. Landoc and a portion of

San Roque, bounded on the north by a road going to Landoc; on the
south by the barangay road going to San Roque; on the west by an

Republic of the Philippines
Province of Pangasinan



agricultural land; and on the east by the national road, containing an

area of 24,000 sq. m., more or less (50 m. depth).

AREA 3 - A rectangular area situated at Bolaney, bounded on the north by

an agricultural land; on the south by the barangay road; on the west
by an agricultural land; and on the east by the national road,
containing an area of 2,500 sq. m., more or less (50 m. depth).

AREA 4 - A rectangular area situated at Bolaney, bounded on the north by

a barangay road; on the south by a barangay road; on the west by an
agricultural land; and on the east by the national road, containing an
area of 14,500 sq. m., more or less (50 m. depth).

AREA 5 - A rectangular area situated at Brgy. Tangcarang, bounded on

the north by a barangay road; on the south by a barangay road; on the
west by an agricultural land; and on the east by the national road,
containing an area of 15,900 sq. m., more or less (50 m. depth).

AREA 6 - A rectangular area situated at Brgy. Tangcarang, bounded on

the north by a barangay road; on the south by a residential land; on
the west by an agricultural land; and on the east by the national road,
containing an area of 5,000 sq. m., more or less (50 m. depth).

AREA 7 - A rectangular area situated at Brgy. Bolaney and a portion of

Brgy. Tangcarang, bounded on the north by a barangay road; on the
south by a barangay road going to Tangcarang; on the west by the
national road; and on the east by an agricultural land, containing an
area of 50,000 sq. m., more or less (50 m. depth).

AREA 8 - A rectangular area situated at Brgy. Amandiego, bounded on the

north by a residential land; on the south by an agricultural land; on
the west by a national road; and on the east by an agricultural land,
containing an area of 50,000 sq. m., more or less (50 m. deph).

AREA 9 - An area situated at the hilly portion of Pocal-pocal, San Vicente

and Sabangan with approximate area of 1,000 hectares.

AREA 10 - An area situated in Alos, bounded on the north by an

agricultural and residential land; on the west by an agricultural land;
on the south by Mabini; and on the east by national road.

Republic of the Philippines
Province of Pangasinan



AREA 11 - An area situated in Alos, bounded on the north by an

agricultural and residential land; on the east by an agricultural land;
on the south by Mabini; and on the west by national road.




R R R C- C- In- I I-1 I- /
-1 -2 -3 1 2 1 n- 2 RE
2 C.

1. Single-family dwelling,
two family dwelling

2. Multi-family dwellings,
accessoria or row-houses

3. Multi-storey apartments

4. Boarding Houses

5. Dormitories

6. Tenement Housing

7. Residential
(Town House Type, High
Rise Type)



L N R. S

Republic of the Philippines
Province of Pangasinan




-1 -2 -3 1 2 1 n- 2 RE
2 C.

1. Amusement Centers

2. Auto Sales, Display &


3. Auto repair, car rentals,

equipment rentals & sales

4. Auto repair shop

/TV supply

6. Antique & Curio shops

7. Automotive, marine
craft & aircraft retail shop
(accessories & spare parts)

8. Bakery and bakery good


9. Banks and related


10. Barber and beauty

parlor shops



Republic of the Philippines
Province of Pangasinan






R R R C- C- In- I I-1 I- /
-1 -2 -3 1 2 1 n- 2 RE
2 C.

11. Beer houses, night

clubs, bar, discoteque,
cocktail lounge

12. Billboard & sign shops

13. Blue printing & related

copying service shops

14. Bookstores, art

supplies & novelties

15. Building Offices

16. Cabinet & furniture

retail shops

17. Cleaning, laundry shop

18. Cooking gas dealer


19. Concrete products


20. Dance, music & voice


Republic of the Philippines
Province of Pangasinan



21. Dairy product,

candies, confectionaries &
other related store

22. Dry goods/textile shop

23. Employment services

24. Engraving & wood

lamination shop

25. Funeral parlor,

mortuaries and crematory
service & memorial chapel

26. Foodstore, carinderia,


27. Foodstand, take home

kiosk, fruit stand

28. Footwear shops

30. Gasoline service


31. Glassware &

metalware shops

32. Hotels, hometels



Republic of the Philippines
Province of Pangasinan






R R R C- C- In- I I-1 I- /
-1 -2 -3 1 2 1 n- 2 RE
2 C.

33. Hardware/auto supply


34. Household equipment

and appliances shops

35. Inns & pension houses

36. Jewelry shops

Republic of the Philippines
Province of Pangasinan



37. Legal open market


38. Liquor & wine store

39. Lumber yards

40. Hotels

41. Machinery equipment,

supply and related
wholesale trade

42. Major wet & dry


43. Medical, dental &


44. Mailing services

45. Meat, fish and poultry


46. Nursery for flowers

and plants

47. News syndicate


48. Office equipment

repair shops

49. Offices

50. Pharmacy & optical


51. Pet shops

52. Printing, blue printing

& publishing

Republic of the Philippines
Province of Pangasinan



53. Parking lots, garage


54. Photo supply and

dev’t. shops




Republic of the Philippines
Province of Pangasinan





R R R C- C- In- I I-1 I- /
-1 -2 -3 1 2 1 n- 2 RE
2 C.

55. Retail drugstore

56. Retail store, groceries

57. Restaurant, Drive-in

restaurants, canteen, ice
cream house

58. Reducing saloons,

health studios, massage
and sauna parlors

59. Sari-sari stores

60. Sporting goods supply

61. Shopping and

commercial centers

62. Shoe shine and repair

services, apparel repair
and related services

63. Supermarkets

64. Tailors and dress


65. Theaters,
moviehouses, auditorium
and amusement

66. Tire and vulcanizing


Republic of the Philippines
Province of Pangasinan



67. Watch and locksmith

services and other related

68. Wholesale Drugstore

69. Wholesale store and


70. Wholesale tobacco leaf


71. Motels

72. Pension house



Republic of the Philippines
Province of Pangasinan






L N R. S
R R R C- C- In- I I-1 I- /
-1 -2 -3 1 2 1 n- 2 RE
2 C.


1. Barangay Centers

2. Mun. Bldgs., Libraries,

Fire and Police Stations,
Government Offices

3. Police and Fire sub-

stations, Police Outposts


1. Barangay Centers &

Puericulture Centers, Day
Care Centers

Republic of the Philippines
Province of Pangasinan



2. Medical Clinic

3. General Hospital

4. Specialized Gen.

5. Tertiary Hospitals,
Therepeutic, Corrections
and Other Related Act


1. Nursery and

2. Elementary Schools

3. Elementary and High


4. College and University

5. Vocational and
Technical Schools,
Specialized Training

6. Museums, galleries,
libraries, auditoriums,
convention halls and
exhibition centers



Republic of the Philippines
Province of Pangasinan






L N R. S

Republic of the Philippines
Province of Pangasinan



R R R C- C- In- I I-1 I- /
-1 -2 -3 1 2 1 n- 2 RE
2 C.


1. Chapels

2. Churches, temples,

3. Convents, seminaries

4. Welfare & Charitable


5. Cemeteries, memorial



Republic of the Philippines
Province of Pangasinan






L N R. S
R R R C- C- In- I I-1 I- /
-1 -2 -3 1 2 1 n- 2 RE
2 C.


1. Neighborhood parks &

pocket parks, promenades,
playground & playlots

2. Plazas

3. Playfields & Athletic


4. Campsite and Resort

5. Clubhouse, golf links,

tennis, basketball and
volleyball courts

6. Botanical gardens, zoos

and other nature centers


1. Airport terminals &

other related support

2. Heliport terminals and

other related support

Republic of the Philippines
Province of Pangasinan



3. Railroad terminals and

other related facilities

4. Bus terminals & related


5. Ports and harbor


6. Power plant and related


7. Sewerage treatment
plants and related facilities

8. Water treatment plants

and related facilities

9. Waste disposal &

treatment plant

10. Telephone &

telegraphic exchanges and
related facilities



Republic of the Philippines
Province of Pangasinan





HAZARDOUS R R R C- C- In- I I-1 I- /
-1 -2 -3 1 2 1 n- 2 RE
2 C.

1. Bakery – baking of
bread, cake, pastries, pies
& similar permissible
bakery products

2. Doughnut and Hopia


3. Ice cream (apa) and

water factory

4. Manufacture of
macaroni, spaghetti and

Republic of the Philippines
Province of Pangasinan



vermicelli & other noodles

5. Baking of bibingka

6. Popcorn factory

7. Manufacture of ice,
iceblocks, cubes, tubes,
crushed except dry ice

8. Steamed native food

products (puto, siopao,

9. Quick freezing& cold

packing of fish and other
sea foods

10. Drying of fish

11. Custom tailoring shops

12. Custom dressmaking


13. Manufacture of
luggage, handbag, wallets
& small leather goods

14. Manufacture of
miscellaneous products of
leather & leather

15. Manufacture of shoes,

except rubber, plastic and

16. Manufacture of
slippers & sandals, except
rubber & plastic

17. Manufacture of
footwear part, except

Republic of the Philippines
Province of Pangasinan



rubber and plastic

18. Printing and

publishing of books and
pamphlets, printed cards
& stationery




Republic of the Philippines
Province of Pangasinan




HAZARDOUS R R R C- C- In- I I-1 I- /
-1 -2 -3 1 2 1 n- 2 RE
2 C.

19. Commercial and job


20. Electrotyping,
stereotyping & photo
engraving industry

21. Miscellaneous printing,

publishing and allied

22. Manufacture of office,

computing and accounting

23. Manufacture of
transport equipment

24. Manufacture of
agricultural machinery

25. Manufacture of
watches and clocks

26. Manufacture of
photographic & optical

27. Manufacture of jewelry

and related articles of
precious metals

28. Manufacture of
supporting & athletic
goods except firearms,
rubber & plastic prod.

Republic of the Philippines
Province of Pangasinan







HAZARDOUS R R R C- C- In- I I-1 I- /
-1 -2 -3 1 2 1 n- 2 RE
2 C.

1. Manufacture of made-
up textile goods

2. Manufacture of wearing
apparel except footwear

3. Manufacture of wooden
cane container and small
cane ware

4. Manufacture of paper &

paperboard articles not
elsewhere classified

5. Manufacture of dry ice

6. Manufacture of cork

7. Manufacture of wooden
shoes, shoe lace and
similar products

8. Manufacture of
miscellaneous wood
products not elsewhere

Republic of the Philippines
Province of Pangasinan



9. Manufacture of
furnitures & fixtures
except primarily of metals

10. Manufacture of radio,

TV & communication

11. Manufacture of prof.

and scientific & measuring
controlling equipments



Republic of the Philippines
Province of Pangasinan





HAZARDOUS R R R C- C- In- I I-1 I- /
-1 -2 -3 1 2 1 n- 2 RE
2 C.

1. Manufacture of cocoa,
chocolate & sugar

2. Manufacture of food

3. Manufacture of
prepared animal foods

Republic of the Philippines
Province of Pangasinan



4. Manufacture of
furniture & fixtures except
those primarily of metal

5. Manufacture of drugs &


6. Manufacture of
structural metal products

7. Manufacture of cutlery,
hand tools & general

8. Manufacture of pottery,
china & earthen ware

9. Manufacture of
electrical appliances &

10. Manufacture of
electrical apparatus &
supplies not elsewhere

11. Manufacture of
electrical industrial
machinery & apparatus

12. Manufacture of radio,

TV & communication

13. Manufacture of
motorcycle & bicycle

14. Manufacture of
agricultural machinery

15. Manufacture of
buttons except plastic

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Province of Pangasinan





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Province of Pangasinan





HAZARDOUS R R R C- C- In- I I-1 I- /
-1 -2 -3 1 2 1 n- 2 RE
2 C.

1. Tobacco Manufacture
(curing & redrying tobacco

2. Manufacture of carpets
& rugs

3. Manufacture of
structural clay products

4. Shipbuilding and repair

5. Manufacture of candles



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Province of Pangasinan





-1 -2 -3 1 2 1 n- 2 RE
2 C.

1. Slaughtering, preparing
& preserving meat

2. Manufacture of dairy

3. Canning & preserving of

fruits and vegetables

4. Softdrinks & carbonated

water industries



Section 20C.24. Use regulations in utilities and transportation zone

The allowable uses of this zone are the following:

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Province of Pangasinan



1. Bus terminals, bus stations and depots, garage and repair shops for
transit vehicles;

2. Railroad terminals and related facilities;

3. Power plants, electric substations and related facilities;

4. Airports and other related facilities;

5. Harbors, piers, roadsteads and the usual amenities thereto;

6. Loading/unloading areas, freight storage and handling areas;

7. Sewerage treatment plants and related facilities;

8. Waste disposal and treatment plants.

Section 20C.25. Use regulations in conservation zone:The conservation zone

shall be devoted to the enhancement of the environment and/or preservation of
aesthetic/scenic quality of a particular area. As such the following conditions shall
be complied with by all uses and buildings/structures allowed therein:

1. No structure or building shall obstruct the view or line of vision of an

observer/passerby/tourist standing or situated along a road or
thoroughfare, from such road or thoroughfare in the scenic area whose
beauty is sought to be preserved.

2. All conditions or developments must enhance the scenery and all

buildings or structure thereon shall blend with natural surroundings
in terms of architectural design and outside point.

3. Billboards shall be prohibited in the conservation/preservation zones.

4. Pollutive industries or activities shall not be allowed in such zones.

Section 20C.26. Use regulations in parks and open spaces zones: The zone
shall be mainly for parks and open spaces to provide ecological balance within the
community and at the same time provide inexpensive recreation plans for the
inhabitants. The following shall be the allowable uses:

1. Parks, gardens, playgrounds and athletic fields

2. Plazas

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3. Botanical gardens, zoos and other nature centers

4. Memorial parks and cemeteries

5. Resorts areas e.g. beaches including accessory uses

6. Sports club, golf course, ball courts, race tracks and similar uses

7. Open air or outdoor sports activities and support facilities, including

low rise studio, gym, amphitheaters and swimming pools

Section 20C.27. Use regulations in forest zone: The forest zones shall be
for forest activities which must be undertaken pursuant to the provisions of existing
laws and regulations and the requirements and supervision of the Bureau of Forest
Development (BFD) and the National Water Resource Council (NWRC) subject to the
following terms and conditions:

1. Reforestation shall be undertaken in all forest areas.

2. Uses allowed in general include botanical gardens, greenhouses,

nurseries of plants and tree seedlings, tree production for protection
and commercial purposes, tree farm orchards, fruit trees, timber, ipil-
ipil, forestry research and experimental stations.

3. Uses allowed in watershed area - Only conservational and compatible

forest activities such as gathering or minor forest products like rattan,
bamboo and other related products shall be allowed. No logging shall
be allowed except in areas which have been certified by the Bureau of
Forest Development as non-critical, in which case only selective logging
with sustained yield management shall be allowed. No settlements of
whatever nature shall be allowed therein. The rules and regulations
applicable to conservation zones shall be observed. Reforestation and
afforestation activities shall be undertaken at all times by person or
entities granted a permit/clearance under this section.

4. Uses allowed in commercial forest areas - subject to the requirements

of the BFD, the following activities may be undertaken in such areas:

a. Commercial logging, having floating and scaling of logs in the


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Province of Pangasinan



b. Cutting, milling, planning and curing of logs whatsoever thru

natural or mechanical processes.

c. Accessory residential and commercial facilities.

d. Gracing and pasture of animals.

In all cases, persons granted a permit under this section shall be required to
reforest or afforest the area of his operations unless the BFD certified that such area
is no longer needed for forest purposes, in which case, such area shall be devoted to
agricultural use, if practicable or for grazing purposes.

5. Programs and projects supervised by the BFD per Letter of Instruction

1260 such as Forest Ecosystem Management; Forest Occupancy
Management; Family Approach to Reforestation; Communal Tree
Farming; Industrial Tree Farming; Agro-Forest Farms; Range
Management; Forest Industries and Food Production Programs.

Section 20C.28. Use regulations in fishpond zone: Fishpond zones are

lands falling outside reservations classified as swamplands and marshlands. The
terrain and characteristics of said lands are suited for fishpond and related uses.
The following uses are allowed in the fishpond zones:

1. Fishponds, fish culture, fishing

2. Raising and culture of related aquatic products such as mussels,

oysters and the like

3. Farmer’s dwelling units provided that only Residential Single Detached

type shall be allowed.

4. Home occupations and/or cottage industries directly related to fish

and other aquatic products

5. Fishery schools, research and experimental stations

In all cases, activities within the zone shall be restricted to maintain the
fishpond character of the zone. Maintenance of the fishpond character of the zone
shall be exclusive responsibility of the owners and occupants. Moreover, strict
compliance to the provisions of the Water Code of the Philippines, specially on water
casement along banks of waterways shall be strictly observed.

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Province of Pangasinan



Section 20C.29. Nuisance and pollution: For all allowed in the Agricultural and
Fishpond Zones, effective measures against pollution of the air and all waterways
must be undertaken and the necessary safeguards must be instituted to prevent if
from becoming a nuisance.


Section 20C.30. Height regulations in low density residential zone (r-1): In R-

1 Zone, no building or structure for human occupancy whether public or private
shall exceed 9 meters in height.

Section 20C.31. Height regulations in medium density residential zone (r-2):

In R-2 Zone, no building or structure for human occupancy whether public or
private shall exceed 12 meters in height.

Section 20C.32. Height regulations in zones other than r-1 and r-2:
Height regulations of building in zones other than R-1 and R-2 shall be
subject to the provisions stipulated in the National Building Code.

Section 20C.33. Exemptions from height regulations in r-1 and r-2:

Exempted from the imposition of height regulations in residential zones are the
following: towers, church, steeples, water tanks and other utilities and such other
structures not covered by the height regulations of the National Building Code.

Section 20C.34. Area regulations: Area regulations in all zones shall conform
with the minimum requirements of the existing codes such as:

a. P.D. 957 - The “Subdivision and Condominium Buyer’s

Protective Law.”

b. B.P. 220 - “Promulgation of Different Levels of Standards and

Technical Requirements for Economic and
Socialized Housing Projects.”

c. P.D. 1096 - National Building Code

d. Other relevant guidelines promulgated by the National Agencies


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Province of Pangasinan



Section 20C.35. Road setback regulations: The following road setback

regulations shall be applied:



Residential 10 m. 10 m. 3 m.

Commercial 20 m. 20 m. 7 m.

Industrial 30 m. 25 m. 10 m.

Agricultural 20 m. 20 m. 7 m.

Institutional 20 m. 20 m. 10 m.

Parks and Recreation 10 m. 10 m. 3 m.

Forest 30 m. 25 m. 10 m.

Project of National Refer to specific guidelines


Section 20.36. Buffer regulations: A buffer of 3 meters shall be provided

along entire boundary length between two or more conflicting zones allocating 1.5
meters from each side of the district boundary. Such buffer strip should be open
and not encroached upon by any building or structure and should be a part of yard
or open space.

Section 20.37. Arcade regulations: Arcades shall be constructed

on sidewalks of streets on the Commercial Business Districts. The width of the
arcade and its height shall be uniform throughout the street provided, that in no
case, an arcade shall be less than 3.00 meters above the established sidewalk grade.

Section 20.38. Projections on street ten meters and below: No

balconies or other permanent projections shall be permitted, but this projections
shall not apply to awnings or movable media agues or eaves not wider than 30 cm..
All projections shall be at least three (3) meters above established sidewalk grade at

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Province of Pangasinan



the established street lines. Streets with no established sidewalk grade projections
shall be at least three (3) meters and twenty (20) cm. (3.20) above the established
street grade.

Section 20.39. Light and ventilation regulations: Light and

ventilation regulations in all zones shall conform with the minimum requirement of
the National Building Code.

Section 20.40. Parking spaces regulations: Parking spaces

regulation shall conform with minimum requirement of the National Building Code.


Section 20C.41. Supplementary district regulations: Unless otherwise

herein provided the following supplementary regulations shall be uniformly observed
in each district:

1. No building, structure or land shall be used, or occupied, and no

building or structure or part thereof shall hereafter be erected,
constructed or reconstructed, moved or structurally altered except in
conformity with the provisions of the National Building Code (P. D.
1096), and all the implementing rules and regulations issued therefore.

2. Specifically, in accordance with this Ordinance, no building or other

structure shall hereafter be erected or altered.

a) To exceed the prescribed height in the particular area.

b) To accommodate or house a greater number of families.

c) To occupy a greater percentage of lot area.

d) To have narrower or smaller yard requirement contrary to the

provisions of this Ordinance.

3. No part of a yard, off-street, parking space, loading space or other open

spaces required of any building, shall, for the purpose of complying
with this Ordinance, be included as part of the yard, open space, off-
street parking or loading space similarly required of any adjacent or
neighboring building.

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Province of Pangasinan



4. No yard or lot existing at the time of the passage of the Ordinance shall
be reduced in dimension or area below the minimum requirements set
forth herein.

Section 20C.42. Traffic generators: All traffic generating buildings and

structures allowed in any of the districts must provide for adequate parking spaces
for their employees, clients and visitors.

Section 20C.43. Advertising and business signs:Advertising and business signs

to be displayed or put for public view in any of the districts herein enumerated must
comply with existing rules and regulations or those which may later on be enacted
by the municipality.

Section 20C.44. Erection of more than one principal structure: In any

district where more than one structure may be permitted to be erected on a single
lot, the yard and other requirements of this Ordinance shall be met for each
structure as though it were erected on an individual lot.

Section 20C.45. Dwelling on rear lots: No building used or designated to be

used as residence shall be allowed in any rear lot unless such lots has a right-of-way
easement over a path of at least three meters directly to a street. In all other cases,
right-of-way provisions to rear lots shall be governed by rules and regulations of the
Human Settlements Regulatory Commission.

Section 20C.46. Structure to have access: Every building hereafter

erected or moved shall have access to a public street or an approved private street,
and all structures shall be located on lots to provide safe and convenient access for
servicing, fire protection and shall have required off-street parking.

Section 20C.47. Yard requirements along a district boundary line: Lots

abutting on district boundary lines shall conform to the yard areas, area along the
identified requirements of the more district bounded by the lines.

Section 20C.48. Dwelling group: When it is impracticable to apply the

requirements of this Ordinance to individual building units in a residential
compound consisting of two (2) or more buildings, a permit for the construction of
such compound may be issued on the following conditions:

1. That the buildings are to be used for residential purposes and such
accessory uses are permitted in the district where the compound is

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Province of Pangasinan



2. That the average lot are per family or dwelling unit in the compound,
exclusive of the area per family required in the district.

3. That within the tract on which the residential compound is to be

located, an open space for playground is equivalent to at least an
aggregate of five percent (5%) of the required lot area per family, but in
no case less than one hundred square meters, provided that where the
residential compound is intended for less than ten families.

4. That within the tract on which the residential compound is to be

erected, an adequate private garage or off-street parking areas,
depending on the needs of the residents and their visitors.


Section 20C.49. Performance standards: All the uses, development or

construction shall conform to the following standards:

1. Noise and vibrations

All noise and vibration-producing machinery shall be enclosed by a

building and shall be provided with effective noise absorbing materials,
noise silencers, and mufflers, an open yard of a distance of not less
than twenty (20) meters from the street or adjoining property line
property planted to dense trees as buffers. To minimize vibrations,
machinery should be mounted on shock-absorbing mounting, such as
cork set on reinforced concrete foundation set on files, as needed by
the machinery concerned to reduce all noise and vibration to a
reasonable minimum. Noise which is objectionable due to
intermittence, beat frequency on high pitch shall not be allowed unless
enclosed in sound-proof building as tested and approved by the
Municipal Official concerned.

2. Smoke

Any smoke emitted from any source for period aggregated seven (7)
minutes in any thirty minutes, particularly when starting a new fire
shall have a density not greater than No. 2 of the Ringlemen Chart.

3. Dust, dirt and fly ash from any activity

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The emission of dust/dirt, or fly ash from any sources of activity which
shall pollute the air and render it unclear, detrimental, unhealthful or
hazardous, or cause visibility to the impaired shall not be permitted. In
no case whatsoever shall dust, dirt or fly ash to be allowed to exceed
0.3 grams per cubic meter of fuel at temperature of 10 centigrade not
to create a haze with equivalent to or greater than No. 1 of the
Ringlemen Chart.

4. Odors and Gases

The emission of foul odors and gases harmful to public health, safety,
general welfare shall not be permitted. Building and activity emitting
foul odors, obnoxious gases shall be enclosed by air light building
provided with air conditioning system, filters, deodorizers and other air
cleansing equipment.

5. Glare and Heat

Glare and heat from any operation of activity shall not be allowed to be
radiated, seen or felt from any point beyond limits of the property.

6. Industrial Wastes

Industrial/Plant waste shall be disposed of only in a manner which will

not create any nuisance or danger to joining properties, waterways, or
to the community in general.

7. Sewerage Disposal

No sewerage dangerous to the public health, safety and general welfare

shall be discharged into any public sewerage system, natural water or
any drainage channel. All industrial waste and effluents from domestic
and municipal sources shall conform with the water receiving
standards set by NPCC rules and regulations.

Section 20C.50. Environmental impact assessment/statement: Major

industries constructions/development/activities certified by National Environmental
Protection Council as requiring an Environmental Impact Standard as well as other
activities as may be determined by the Housing and Land Use Regulatory Board
shall be submitted by the applicant.

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Province of Pangasinan



1. Detailed description of the proposed development or action,


2. Detailed description of the physical, biological, social environmental

within which the development/construction will occur.

3. Detailed description or existing plans will be affected by the proposed


4. Detailed description of other actions planned, or in the course of

realization, which will interest with the proposed action, so as to
increase or reduce the environmental impact.

5. Detailed description of probable direct and induced impact of the

proposed action on the physical, biological and social environment.

6. Comparison of impact of alternative actions.

7. Special emphasis on adverse effects, long term effects, resource

commitment, cost benefit analysis.

Section 20C.51. Pollution control: For effective pollution control, all

manufacturing industries must apply for locational clearance from the Housing and
Land Use Regultory Board or a Certificate of Zoning Compliance as provided for in
this Ordinance and certification of Anti-Pollution Compliance from the National
Pollution Control Commission.

Section 20C.52. Buffer strips/easement: In the utilization, exploitation,

development conservation and protection of water resource, the following setbacks
and/or easement along the entire length of the banks or rivers and streams, shores
of the seas and lakes shall be observed:

1. Three (3) meter setback for all urban uses.

2. Twenty (20) meter easement for all agricultural uses.

3. Forty (40) meter easement for all forest uses.

The above setback/easement shall be subject for public use such as for
recreation, navigation, floatage, fishing, salvage and other similar activities.

Section 20C.53. Cultivation/utilization of river beds and sand bars: No

river bed or sand bars shall be subject of cultivation or utilization except upon prior

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recommendation of the Minister of the Ministry of Public Works and Highways.

Provided that no Permission shall be granted if it shall increase the flood levels so as
to cause image to three areas.


Section 20C.54. Nature and concept of innovative techniques and designs:

Innovative techniques and designs in the employment utilization and application of
modern and unique architectural designs and non-conventional patterns and
strategies of development in a particular compact integrated area, for the purpose of
encouraging creativity, flexibility and economy in land uses. Conventional standards
and criteria are liberalized in an area where innovative techniques are employed.

Section 20C.55. Requirement and procedures for allowing of innovative

techniques or designs: Considering that conventional standards and criteria of
this ordinance may not apply for this concept, projects of this category are required
to secure locational clearance from the Housing and Land Use Regulatory Board and
comply with the requirements set forth by the Housing and Land Use Regulatory
Board. The Zoning Administrator shall on grounds of innovative development
techniques indorse any project application to the Housing and Land Use Regulatory
Board for proper action.


Section 20C.56. Nature and concept of special uses and projects of national
significance: Special uses and projects of national significance are uses of
structure and/or projects which are characterized as follows:

1. Having a significant impact on health, safety and the environment;

2. Generally, supportive of the uses in other zones and the structure

allowed therein but have significant physical and environmental effects
that would make the unregulated allowance of such undesirable;

3. Have significant or strategic economic, social or environmental

impact/significance on the area but are not numerous enough to
warrant their inclusion or incorporation into a specific zone, or such
incorporation is not desirable on account of the need for evaluation of
each particular application for the same class or uses to its merits.

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Province of Pangasinan



4. Area regulated in use and location by existing laws and regulations of

other government agencies.

Section 20C.57. Requirements and procedures for allowing special uses and
projects of national significance: Considering the nature of special uses and
projects of national significance, projects falling under this category are required to
secure locational clearance from the Housing and Land Use Regulatory Board and
comply with the requirements, standards, guidelines, rules and regulations of the
Housing and Land Use Regulatory Board. The Zoning Administrator shall on
grounds of certain application to the Housing and Land Use Regulatory Board for
proper action.

Section 20C.58. Projects classified as special and/or of national significance:

The following projects are classified as special use and/or of national siginifcance
requiring prior locational clearance from the Housing and Land Use Regulatory
Board, without prejudice to other existing rules and regulations:

1. Cemeteries/Memorial Parks - Location or other consideration

shall be subject to P. D. No. 856 (Sanitation Code) and the Rules and
Regulations on Cemeteries/Memorial Parks promulgated by the

2. Cockpit - Location of the cockpits shall be subject to Rules

and Regulations on Cockpit promulgated by the HLURB and the
Cockfighting Law, P.D. No. 449 as amended by P. D. No. 1802.

3. Commercial Centers

4. Cottage Industry - Location and other considerations shall be

subject to Rules and Regulations on Cottage Industry promulgated by
the HLURB. Cottage Industries classified as home industries allowed in
residential areas are not required to secure locational clearance.

5. Dumping Site/Incinerator Plant

6. Farmlot Subdivision

7. Residential Subdivision and/or Condominium Projects

8. Funeral Parlor/Memorial Chapel/Mortuaries

9. Industrial Estate/Subdivision

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10. Large Scale Junk Shop

11. Manufacture of Explosives

12. Mining and Quarrying

13. Nuclear, radioactive, chemical and biological research centers

14. Piggery/poultry (commercial scale)

a) Piggery with scale of 25 heads or more

b) Poultry with a scale of 10,000 heads or more

15. Ports/harbors

16. Power generating plant/station

17. Airports, private landing strip, heliports and helipads

18. Public market

19. Reclamation site

20. Resettlement Areas

21. Slaughterhouse

22. Tourist sites and facilities

23. Public warehouse


Section 20C.60. Existing non-conforming uses and buildings: The lawful

uses of any building, structure or land at the time of the adoption or amendment of
this Ordinance may be continued although such does not conform with the
provisions of this Ordinance, provided:

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Province of Pangasinan



1. That no such non-conforming use shall be enlarged or increased or

extended to occupy a greater area of land than that has already been
occupied by such use at the time of the adoption of this Ordinance, or
moved in whole or in part to any other portion of the lot or parcel of
land where such non-conforming use exists at the time of the adoption
of this Ordinance.

2. That no such non-conforming use which has ceased operation for more
than one (1) year or has been changed to a use permitted in the district
in which it is located be again revived as a non-conforming use exists
at the time of the adoption of this Ordinance.

3. That no such non-conforming structure or one or more of a group of

non-conforming structures related to one use and under one
ownership, which has been damaged by fire, flood, explosion,
earthquake, war, riot or other such force be reconstructed and used as
before provided that such reconstruction, is not more than fifty percent
(50%) of the replaced cost of the structure or structures.

4. That the total structural repair and alternation that may be made in a
non-conforming structure shall not, during its remaining lifetime, that
is, subsequent to the adoption of this Ordinance, exceed twenty five
percent (25%) of its assessed value.

5. That no such non-conforming building may be enlarged or extended in

any which increase its non-conformity but a structure or portion
thereof maybe attended to decrease its non-conformity.

6. That no such non-conforming use shall be changed to another non-

conforming use.

7. That no such non-conforming structure may be enlarged or altered in a

way which increases its non-conformity, but any structure or portion
thereof may be altered to decrease its non-conformity.

8. That such non-conforming portion of a structure be destroyed by any

means to an extent of more than fifty percent (50%) of its replacement
cost at the time of destruction, it shall not be constructed except in
conformity with the provisions of the Ordinance.

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Province of Pangasinan



9. Should such structure be moved for any reason to whatever distance,

it shall thereafter conform to the regulation of the district in which it
has been moved or relocated.

Section 20C.61. Certificate of non-conformance: A certificate of non-

conforming uses shall be applied for the owner or agent of the property involved
within six (6) months from the approval of this ordinance.

Failure to make such application within six (6) months shall be presumptive
evidence that the property had a non-conforming use at the time of the enactment of
Amendment of the Ordinance, and shall be considered in violation thereof.

Section 20C.62. Deviations: Non-conformity uses which are not existing at the
time of the adoption of the Ordinance may nonetheless be allowed under the terms
and conditions hereunder set forth either as variance, exception or temporary use.

A. VARIANCES:Variances may be allowed under the following conditions:

1. The property is unique and different from the other properties in the
adjacent locality and because of its uniqueness, the owner cannot
obtain a reasonable return of the property;

2. Conforming to the provisions of the Ordinance will cause undue

hardship on the part of the owners or occupant of the property;

3. The hardship is not self-created;

4. The proposed variance is of minimum deviation necessary to permit a

reasonable use of the property;

5. The variance will not alter the essential character of the district or zone
where the property for which the variance is sought is located, and will
not substantially or permanently injure the uses of other property in
the same district or zone;

6. The variance will not weaken the general purpose of the Ordinance and
will not adversely affect the public health, safety and welfare;

7. If what is sought is a variance from the Use Regulations of the zone,

the same shall be allowed if, in addition to the foregoing, there is clear
and definite showing from the nature, size, location of the land that it
could not have been practically for the purpose allowed in the zone, or
that it could reasonably be attributed to the owner/developer of the

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Province of Pangasinan



property that he had bought the property or retained it only for a

practical use or in expectation of such use which is sought to be
allowed as a variance.


Exception shall automatically be allowed as a matter of right in cases of uses

or structure which are expressly identified by this Ordinance as being exempted
from the application of the standards hereof, such as tower belfries, transmitters,
cupolas and the like, upon satisfactory proof that these do not pose a hazard to
public health, safety and welfare;

Exception, may in the discretion of the Board of Appeal or the Sangguniang

Bayan be allowed provided the following terms and conditions are complied with:

1. The exception will not adversely affect the public health, safety and
general welfare; as in keeping the general pattern of development in the
(county) community.

2. The land on which the exception is sought to be established is adjoined

or surrounded by existing non-conforming structure and other
incompatible uses, which would make compliance with the use
regulations of the zone district unsafe or result in the decrease or
property values, provided that this provisions shall be construed as an
authority to make number of non-conforming uses become the
predominant or major use in the area;

3. The exception will not alter the essential character and general purpose
of the one where the exception sought is located, and will be in general
harmony with the purpose of this Zoning Ordinance;

4. The exception will not adversely affect the appropriate use of any
property within the same zone, particularly those within one (1) km.
radius thereof;

5. The exception will not weaken the general purposes of regulation

established for the zone, nor give rise to unauthorized reclassification
of the zone. The proposed project shall support economic-based
activities; provide livelihood, vital community services and facilities
while at the same time posing no adverse effect on the


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Province of Pangasinan



The Zoning Administrator may allow in a particular area use other than those
expressly or impliedly allowed by the zone use regulations applicable to such area,
provided the following terms and conditions are complied with:

1. The use is temporary in nature, that is, the structure, equipment,

machinery, operations and personnel are capable of or amenable to
being terminated, transferred or relocated elsewhere within the
community after the expiration of the permit or when conditions have
become such that their transfer, relocation or termination is necessary
in order to promote the public health, safety or general welfare;

2. The area in which the proposed temporary use is sought to be located

is not yet built up, that is the designated use has not yet been built up,
that is the designated use has not yet been consumed or used up a
major portion of the zone, and there is sufficient available land that will
accommodate the needs or demands of the designated uses for the

3. There is no predictable pattern of growth or increase, in the designated

uses of the area, nor of any other particular development;

4. The proposed temporary use may be allowed to exist for a maximum of

five (5) years, which may be extended to another period of five (5) years
upon approval of the Sangguniang Bayan;

4.1 The project/use/activity cannot be expected to be profitable, or

recover its capital outlay within the five (5) years period.

4.2 The termination of the use at the end of such period would
result in severe dislocation of personnel even if the required
phase out program for the lay off personnel is carried out;

4.3 There is still no determinable pattern of the land use or the

temporary use has shown some potential of suitability and the
desirability in the area.

All application for temporary use permit shall be acted upon on case to case
basis. If at any time during the period that the temporary use has been in existence
and it appears that the trend of development definitely establishes a pattern of
growth in favor of such class and it is desirable to retain and even encourages such
class of uses, the Zoning Administrator may recommend to the Sangguniang Bayan
appropriate measures for the reclassification and rezoning of the area.

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Province of Pangasinan




Whenever a deviation in the form of variance or exception as to use, or

temporary use is to be allowed, the following additional shall be observed:

1. The deviant use or structure must not be a traffic generator and must
provide for adequate parking spaces in the area;

2. There shall be adequate measures to protect and enhance the

environmental quality of the area in which they are located.

The owner shall submit regular activity status reports to the Zoning
Administrator for the purpose of monitoring their impact on the area.

Section 20.63. Procedure for granting exception and variances: The

procedure for the granting of an exception and/or variance is as follows:

1. A written application for deviation is filed with the Zoning

Administrator, invoking the section of this Ordinance under which the
same is sought and stating the grounds thereof.

2. The Zoning Administrator shall make preliminary studies on the

application and fix the time and place for a hearing if found necessary
and he shall seek the recommendation of the Municipal Planning and
Development Office.

3. A written notice of the public hearing shall be served on the applicant

and the owners of the properties adjacent to the property which is the
subject of the application at least fifteen (15) days prior to the
scheduled public hearing, shall also be posted on the property for
which the exception is sought, at the Municipal Hall and in other
public place at least fifteen (15) days prior to the said public hearing.

4. At the public hearing, any party may appear in person, or by an agent

or attorney.

5. At the hearing, all interested parties shall be afforded the opportunity

to be heard based on the evidence and testimonies presented, the
Zoning Administrator shall decide on whether or not to grant the
deviation set forth in this Article.

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6. The Zoning Administrator shall render a decision within thirty (30)

days from the filing of the application, exclusive of the time spent for the preparation
of written affidavit of non-objection and the public hearing in case of any objection
to the granting of exception/variance.


Section 20C.64. Responsibility for administration and enforcement: This

Ordinance shall be administered and enforced by the Zoning Administrator who
shall be appointed or designated by the Mayor pursuant to Resolution No. 159-200,
dated 12th of July, 2000. The Sangguniang Bayan shall prescribe terms, conditions
and qualifications of the Zoning Administrator.

Section 20C.65. Powers and duties: The Zoning Administrator shall administer
and enforce the provisions of this Ordinance. Specifically, he shall have the following
powers and duties:

1. To issue certificate of Zoning Compliance and certificate of non-

conformance as herein provided, except for projects herein classified as
special use and/or national significance, in which case project
applications shall be endorsed to the Housing and Land Use
Regulatory Board for issuance of locational clearance.

2. To grant or deny, with conditions, application for the granting of

exceptions in accordance with the criteria prescribed in this

3. To grant or deny, with conditions, application for the granting of

variance in accordance with the criteria provided in this Ordinance.

4. To conduct compliance monitoring on development projects and

initiate and pursue appropriate action on violations to this Ordinance
subject the rules and regulations of the Housing and Land Use
Regulatory Board on development monitoring.

5. To serve notice requiring the removal of any use in violation of this

Ordinance upon the owner agent or tenant of the building or land or
upon the architect building, contractor or other persons who permit or
assist in any such violations.

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6. To call upon the Fiscal to initiate any necessary legal proceedings to

enforce the provisions of this Ordinance. The Fiscal is hereby
authorized to institute the appropriate action to this end.

7. To call upon the Chief of Police and authorized agents to assist in the
enforcement of this Ordinance.

8. To report to the Municipal Planning and Development Board and the

Sangguniang Bayan all deviations allowed so that the zoning map and
variance can be correspondingly updated and also to report on the
progress and problems encountered in the administration and
enforcement of this Ordinance, making the necessary
recommendations therefore.

9. Submit quarterly reports on the status of the land uses of the

municipality, including the number, nature and character of permits
granted or denied, non-conforming uses, variances, exceptions and
temporary uses, and conditions imposed thereon to the Municipal
Planning and Development Board for incorporation into their quarterly
HLURB Status Report to be submitted to the Housing and Land Use
Regulatory Board, and to submit copies of the same report together
with supporting documents thereto, to the said Board.

10. Take any other actions authorized by this Ordinance to ensure

compliance with or prevent violation of the prohibition.

11. Act on all complaints regarding violations to the Ordinance including

opposition to the applications for Certificate of Zoning Compliance,
deviations, temporary use permit, subject to rules and regulations of
the Housing and Land Use Regulatory Board.

12. Receive filing fees and fines pursuant to schedule of fees and fines
authorized by the Housing and Land Use Regulatory Board and remit
the same to, and consistent with the guidelines set by the said Board,
and pertinently accounting auditing rules and regulations.

Section 20C.66. Certificate of zoning compliance: In accordance with the

provisions of the National Building Code, a certificate of Zoning Compliance shall
first be obtained from the Zoning Administrator duly appointed by the Mayor. Such
certificate of Zoning Compliance shall certify, among others, that the building or
part thereof covered by the application for a building permit, as well as the proposed
use of such buildings, are in conformity with te HLURB-approved zoning ordinance

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and official zoning map. Said certificate shall first be obtained before a building
permit can be granted by the Building Officials.

Section 20C.67. Expiration of Certificate of Zoning compliance: If a project

granted a certificate of zoning compliance is not implemented within one year from
the date of issue, said certificate shall be deemed automatically revoked.

Section 20C.68. Appeals: Any person aggrieved by the decision of the Zoning
Administrator concerning the interpretation, administration or enforcement of this
Ordinance may appeal to the Zoning Board of Appeals. Such appeal shall be taken
not exceeding thirty (30) days from the receipt of the notice of the decision of action
taken by the Zoning Administrator by filing with the said administrator and with the
Board a notice of appeal specifying the grounds.

The Zoning Administrator shall transmit to the Board all payers constituting
the record upon which the action appealed from was taken. The Board of Appeal
shall fix the date, time and place for the hearing of the said appeal, give due notice
to the parties and decide the same not exceeding sixty (60) days from the filing of
notice of appeal.

SECTION 20C.69. The zoning board appeals: Appeals from decisions of the Zoning
Administrator shall be forwarded to the Zoning Board of Appeals of the following
members composed of:

1. The Municipal Mayor as Chairman

2. One representative from the Sangguniang Bayan
3. The Municipal Legal Officer
4. The Municipal Assessor
5. The Municipal Planning and Development Officer
6. The Municipal Engineer
7. One representative from the private sector

In case the Zoning Administrator holds any of the positions above stated, he
cannot become a member of the Zoning Board of Appeals. In the event of non-
availability of any of the Officials enumerated above, the Sangguniang Bayan shall
elect the ,members to fill up the total number set forth above.

Section 20C.70. Powers of the zoning board of appeals: Decision of the

Board of Appeals shall be final unless said decisions is appealed within thirty (30)
days from its promulgation, to the Housing and Land Use Regulatory Board.

Section 20C.71. Creation of municipal zoning review committee: The Zoning

Ordinance shall be reviewed every year or sooner when the need arises, by a

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Province of Pangasinan



committee to known as the Municipal Zoning Review Committee. The Committee

shall be headed by the Zoning Administrator, with a representative each from the
Sangguniang Bayan, the private sector, the Housing and Land Use Regulatory
Board, and the Municipal Planning and Development Coordinator of the Municipal
Planning and Development Office. The members shall be appointed b the Mayor.

Section 20C.72. Functions of the municipal zoning review committee: The

Municipal Zoning Review Committee shall have the following powers and functions:

1. Review of the zoning ordinance for the following purposes:

1.1 Determine what amendments or revisions are necessary in the

zoning ordinance because of changes that might have been
introduced in the town plan.

1.2 Determine what changed would have to be introduced in the

town plan in the light of permits given and exceptions and
variances granted together with introductions of special use
and/or projects of national significance within the municipality.

1.3 Identify what provisions of the Ordinance have been difficult to

enforce or are unworkable.

1.4 Determine the merits of petitions for rezoning.

2. Recommended to the Sangguniang Bayan necessary legislative

amendments and to the Municipal Planning and Development Office
the needed changes in the plan as a result of the review committee.

3. Provide information to the Housing and Land Use Regulatory Board

that would be useful in the formulation of standards, guidelines, rules
and regulations on zoning and land use regulations.

Section 20C.73. Amendment: The Sangguniang Bayan may amend, alter

or repeal this by an affirmative vote or at least three fourths (3/4) vote of all
members of the Sangguniang Bayan. Said amendments shall however, take effect,
after concurrence of the Sangguniang Panlalawigan.

Section 20C.74. Rezoning: Any individual/group of people may apply for

rezoning of the zoned areas by submitting petition, subject to evaluating and
appropriate action by the Zoning Administrator and the Local Review Committee to
be finally approved by the HLURB.

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Rezoning of the zoned areas may also take place based on the review
conducted by the Local Review Committee to be finally approved by the HLURB.

Approved rezoning of any areas shall form part of the amendment to the
Zoning Ordinance subject to the public hearing and shall be reflected corresponding
in the Official Zoning Maps.

Section 20C.75. Violations and penalties: Any person who violates any
provision of this Ordinance shall upon conviction, be punished by a fine of not less
than Fifty Pesos (Php 50.00) but not more than One Thousand Pesos (Php 1,000.00)
or by imprisonment of not less than one (1) month but not exceeding six (6) months
or both at the discretion of the court. In case of violation by a corporation,
partnership or association, the penalty shall be imposed upon the erring officer

Section 20C.76. Separability clause: Should any section or provisions of

this Ordinance be declared by the courts to be unconstitutional or invalid, such
decision shall not affect the validity of the Ordinance as a whole or any part thereof
other than the part so declared to be unconstitutional or invalid.

Article D



Section 20D.01. Use regulation in Commercial 3 – Area 1, Area 2 and Section 7-A in
commercial (C-3) zone are hereby amended to read as follows:

Commercial 3
Area 1 – An area situated at San Vicente/Cabatuan, bounded on the north by
an Agricultural Land; on the East by a Welcome Arc (upon entering
Alaminos); on the West by Bogtong Bridge Darayasen; and on the South by
an Agricultural Road.

Area 2 – An area situated at San Vicente/Cabatuan, bounded on the North by

a National Road; on the East by a Welcome Arc (upon entering Alaminos); on
the West by Bogtong Bridge Darayasen; and on the South by an Agricultural

Section 7-A – Use regulations in Commercial (C-3) Zone: C

Commercial 3

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Area 1 – An area situated at Barangay Amandiego bounded on the North: NE

– 1-2 by lot 1001-C; 16306; on the East: NW – 5-1 by National Road; on the
South: SE 2-4 by Alaminos River; on the West: SW – 4-5 by lot 1001 – A; lot

Section 7-A – Use Regulations in Commercial (C-3) Zone: C-3 Zone referred to
as the Recreational District. It shall be primary for “Recreation & Relaxation”
activities which include:

1. Night Club – (Day and Night)

2. Bars
3. Videoke and the like
4. Cocktail lounge
5. Sauna Bath and the like

Article E

Location For vendors of Bamboo Craft/ Furnitures and Ornamental

Plants/ Fruit Bearing Tree Seedlings”

Section 20E.01. –Administrative Provision. All vendors of bamboo craft /

furnitures presently occupying space infront of St. Joseph Cathedral Parish;
and those ornamental plants /fruit-bearing tree seedlings vendors doing
business alongside C.P. Garcia, besides Municipal Hall building west portion,
in coordination with the office of the Municipal Mayor , shall allocate their
business establishment /s at the designated area alongside of cemetery road.

All other similar vendors engaged in bamboo craft/ furniture vending

including vendors of ornamental plants / fruit- bearing tree seedlings,
located other than those mentioned in the preceding paragraph, shall
likewise transfer at the designated venue alongside of cemetery road , in
coordination with the office of the mayor.

Section 20E.02. Penalty. Any vendor who will be found violating this
ordinance shall suffer a fine and/ or punishment as indicated herein below.

First offense - fine of P 100.00 per day

Second offense - fine of P 200.00 per day

Third offense – fine of P 350.00 per day ; and /or

imprisonment of three (3) days depending upon the discretion of court.

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Province of Pangasinan



Article F

Conversion of certain Agricultural lands in the City of Alaminos

Section 20F.01. Authority. The Sangguniang Bayan hereby allows the

conversion of certain parcels of land from agricultural uses, which specific
parcels of land is more described below:

1. Cert. of title No. 13588, Cad Lot No. 5688-A , Tax. Dec. No. 27832,
with boundaries at: NW – Lot 3688- A; NE & SE – Barangay road; SW – Lot
10509; involving an area of 2000 sq. m.

2. Cert. of Title No. 13589, Cad. Lot No. 3688- part Tax Dec. No.
27833, with boundaries at: NW- National Road and Barangay Road; NE –
Barangay Road SE- Lot 3688= B; SW – Lot 10509, involving an area of 20522
sq. m.

Section 20F.02. Retroactivity. This ordinance shall have a retroactive effect.



Article A
Comprehensive and Continuing Urban Development and Housing Program

Section 21A.01. Title. "This Article shall be known as the "Urban Development and
Housing Ordinance of the City of Alaminos, Pangasinan".

Section 21A.02. Declaration of State Policy and Program Objectives.

It shall be the policy of the State to the State to undertake, in cooperation with the
private sector a comprehensive and continuing Urban Development and Housing
Program, hereinafter referred to as the Ordinance which shall:

a. Uplift the conditions of the underprivileged and homeless citizens in

urban areas and in resettlement areas by making available to them
decent housing at affordable cost, basic services, and employment
b. Provide for the rational use and development of urban land in order to
bring about the following:

1. Equitable utilization of residential lands in urban and

urbanizable areas with particular attention to the needs and

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Province of Pangasinan



requirements of the underprivileged and homeless citizens and not

merely on the basis of market forces;
2. Optimization of the use and productivity of land and urban
3. Development of urban areas conducive to commercial and
industrial activities which can generate more economic opportunities
for the people;
4. Reduction in urban dysfunctions, particularly those that
adversely affect public health, safety and ecology; and
5. Access to land and housing by the underprivileged and homeless
a. Adopt workable policies to regulate and direct urban growth and
expansion towards a dispersed urban net and more balanced urban-
rural interdependence;
b. Provide for an equitable land tenure system that shall guarantee
security of tenure to Program beneficiaries but shall respect the
rights of small property owners and ensure the payment of just
c. Encourage more effective people's participation in the urban
development process; and
d. Improve the capability of local government units in undertaking
urban development and housing programs and projects.

Section 21A.03. Definition of Terms - For purposes of this Ordinance

a. Affordable cost refers to the most reasonable price of land and shelter
based on the needs and financial capability of Program beneficiaries and
appropriate financing schemes;
b. "Areas for priority development" refers to those areas declared as such
under existing statutes and pertinent executive issuances.
c. "Blighted lands” refers to the areas where the structures are dilapidated,
obsolete and unsanitary, tending to depreciate the value of the land and
prevent normal development and use of the area.
d. "Consultation" refers to the constitutionally mandated process whereby
the public, on their own or through people's organizations, is provided an
opportunity to be heard and to participate in the decision-making process
on matters involving the protection and promotion of its legitimate
collective interests, which shall include appropriate documentation and
feedback mechanisms;
e. "Idle lands" refers to non-agricultural lands in urban and urbanizable
areas on which no improvements, as herein defined, have been made by
the owner, as certified by the city, municipal or provincial assessor;
f. “Improvements” refers to all types of buildings and residential units,
walls, fences, structures or constructions of all kinds of a fixed character
or which are adhered to the soil but shall not include trees, plants and
growing fruits, and other fixtures that are mere super impositions on the
land, and the value of improvements shall not be less that fifty percent
(50%) of the assessed value of the property;

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g. "Joint venture" refers to the commitment or agreement by two (2) or more

persons to carry out a specific or single business enterprise for their
mutual benefit, for which purpose they combine their funds, land
resources, facilities and services;
h. "Land assembly or consolidation" refers to the acquisition of lots of
varying ownership through purchase or expropriation for the purpose of
planned and rational development and socialized housing programs
without individual property boundary restrictions;
i. "Land banking" refers to the acquisition_ of land at values based on
existing use in advance of actual need to promote planned development
and socialized housing programs;
j. “Land swapping" refers to the process of land acquisition by exchanging
land for another piece of land of equal value, or for shares of stock in a
government or quasi-government corporations whose book value is of
equal value to the land being exchanged, for the purpose of planned and
rational development and provision for socialized housing where land
values are determined based on land classification, market value and
assessed value taken from existing tax declarations: Provided, That more
valuable lands owned by private persons maybe exchanged with less
valuable lands to carry out the objectives of this Ordinance;
k. “Land use plan" refers to the rational approach of allocating available
land resources as equitably as possible among competing user groups
and for different functions consistent with the development plan of the
area and the Program under this Ordinance;
l. “On-site development" refers to the process of upgrading and
rehabilitation of blighted and slum urban areas with a view of minimizing
displacements of dwellers in said areas, and with provisions for basic
services as provided for in Section 21 hereof;
m. “Professional squatters" refers to individuals or groups who occupy lands
without the express consent of the landowner and who have sufficient
income for legitimate housing. The term shall also apply to persons who
have been previously awarded home lots or housing units by the
Government but who sold, leased or transferred the same to settle
illegally in the same place or in another urban area, and non-bona fide
occupants and intruders of lands reserved for socialized housing period.
The term shall not apply to individuals or groups who simply rent land
and housing from professional squatters or squatting syndicates:
n. "Resettlement areas" refers to areas identified by the appropriate national
agency or by the local government unit with respect to areas within its
jurisdiction, which shall be used for the relocation of the underprivileged
and homeless citizens;
o. “Security of tenure" refers to the degree of protection afforded to qualified
Program beneficiaries against infringement or unjust, unreasonable and
arbitrary eviction or disposition, by virtue of the right of ownership, lease
agreement, usufruct and other contractual arrangements;
p. "Slum Improvement and Resettlement Program or SIR" refers to the
program of the National Housing Authority of upgrading and improving
blighted squatter areas outside of Metro Manila pursuant to existing
statutes and pertinent executive issuances;

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q. “Small property owners" refers to those whose only real property consists
of residential land not exceeding three hundred square meters (300 sq.
m.) in highly urbanized cities and eight hundred square meters (800 sq.
m.) in other urban areas;
r. "Socialized housing" refers to housing programs and projects covering
houses and lots or home lots only undertaken by the Government or the
private sector for the underprivileged and homeless citizens which shall
include sites and services development, long-term financing, liberalized
terms on interest payments, and such other benefits in accordance with
the provisions of this Ordinance;
s. "Squatting syndicates" refers to groups of persons engaged in the
business of squatter housing for profit or gain;
t. “Underprivileged and homeless citizens" refers to the beneficiaries of this
Ordinance and to individuals or families residing in urban and
urbanizable areas whose income or combined household income falls
within the poverty threshold as defined by the National Economic and
Development Authority and
who do not own housing facilities. This shall include those who live in
makeshift dwelling units and do not enjoy security of tenure;
u. “Unregistered or abandoned lands” refers to lands in urban and
urbanizable areas which are not registered with the Register of Deeds, or
with the city of municipal assessor's office concerned, or which are
uninhabited by the owner and have not been developed of devoted for any
useful purpose, or appears unutilized for a period of three (3) consecutive
years immediately prior to the issuance and receipt of publication of
notice of acquisition by the Government as provided under this
Ordinance. It does not included land which has been abandoned by
reason of force majeure of any other fortuitous event: Provided, That prior
to such event, such land was previously used for some useful or economic
v. “Urban areas” refers to all cities regardless of their population density and
to municipalities with a population density of at least five hundred (500)
persons per square kilometer;
w. “Urbanizable areas" refers to sites and lands which, considering present
characteristics and prevailing conditions, display marked and great
potential of becoming urban areas within the period of five (5) years; and
x. “Zonal Improvement Program of ZIP" refers to the program of the National
Housing Authority of upgrading and improving blighted squatter areas
within the cities and municipalities of Metro Manila pursuant to existing
statutes and pertinent executive issuances.


Section 21A.04. Coverage. - The Program shall cover all lands in urban and
urbanizable areas, including existing areas for priority development, zonal
improvement sites, slum improvement and resettlement sites, and in other areas that
may be identified by the local government units as suitable for socialized housing.

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Province of Pangasinan



Section 21A.05. Exemptions. - The following lands shall be exempt from the
coverage of this Ordinance:

a. Those included in the coverage of Republic Act No. 6657, otherwise

known as the Comprehensive Agrarian Reform Law;
b. Those actually used for national defense and security of the State;
c. Those used, reserved or otherwise set aside for government offices,
facilities and other installations, whether owned by the National
Government, its agencies and instrumentalities, including government--
owned or controlled corporations, or by the local government units:
Provided, however, That the lands herein mentioned, or portions thereof,
which have not been used for the purpose for which they have been
reserved or set aside for the past ten (10) years from the effectivity of this
Ordinance, shall be covered by this Ordinance;
d. Those used or set aside for parks, reserves for flora and fauna, forests
and watersheds, and other areas necessary to maintain ecological balance
or environmental protection, as determined and certified to by the proper
government agency, and
e. Those actually and primarily used for religious, charitable, or educational
purposes, cultural and historical sites, hospitals and health centers, and
cemeteries or memorial parks.

The exemptions herein provided shall not apply when the use or purpose of the
abovementioned lands has ceased to exist.


Section 21A.06. Framework for Rational Development- There shall be a National

Urban Development and Housing Framework to be formulated by the Housing and
Land Use Regulatory Board under the direction of the Housing and Urban
Development Coordinating Council in coordination with all local government units
and other concerned public and private sectors within one (1) year from the effectivity
of this Ordinance:

The Framework shall refer to the comprehensive plan for urban and urbanizable
areas aimed at achieving the objectives of the Program. In the formulation of the
Framework, a review and Rationalization of existing town and land use plans,
housing programs, and all other projects and activities of government agencies and
the private sector which may substantially affect urban land use patterns,
transportation and public utilities, infrastructure, environment and population
movements shall be undertaken with the concurrence of the local government units


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Province of Pangasinan



Section 21A.07. Inventory of Lands - Within one (1) year from the effectivity of this
Ordinance, all city and municipal governments shall conduct an inventory of all lands
and improvements thereon within their respective localities. The inventory shall
include the following:

a. Residential lands;
b. Government-owned lands, whether owned by the National Government or
any of its subdivision, instrumentalities, or agencies, including
government-owned or controlled corporations and their subsidiaries;
c. Unregistered or abandoned and idle lands; and
d. Other lands.

In conducting the inventory, the local government units concerned, in coordination

with the Housing and Land Use Regulatory Board and with the assistance of the
appropriate government agencies, shall indicate the type of land use and the degree
of land utilization, and other data or information necessary to carry out the purposes
of this Ordinance.

For planning purposes, the Housing and Urban Development Coordinating Council
shall be furnished by each local government unit a copy of its inventory which shall
be updated every three (3) years.

Section 21A.08. Identification of Sites for Socialized Housing - After the inventory,
the local government units, in coordination with the National Housing Authority, the
Housing and Land Use Regulatory Board, the National Mapping Resource Information
Authority, and the Land Management Bureau, shall identify lands for socialized
housing and resettlement areas for the immediate and future needs of the
underprivileged and homeless in the urban areas, taking into consideration the
degree of availability of basic services and facilities, their accessibility and proximity
to job sites and other economic opportunities, and the actual number of registered

Government-owned lands under paragraph (b) of the preceding section which have
not been used for the purpose for which they have been reserved or act aside for the
past ten (10) years from the effectivity of this Ordinance and identified as suitable for
socialized housing, shall immediately be transferred to the National Housing
Authority subject to the approval of the President of the Philippines or by the local
government unit concerned, as the case may be, for proper disposition in accordance
with this Ordinance.

Section 21A.09. Priorities in the Acquisition of Land - Lands for socialized housing
shall be acquired in the following order:

a. Those owned by the Government or any of its subdivision,

instrumentalities, or agencies, including government-owned or controlled
corporations and their subsidiaries;
b. Alienable lands of the public domain;
c. Unregistered or abandoned and idle lands;

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Province of Pangasinan



d. Those within the declared Areas for Priority Development, Zonal

Improvement Program sites, and Slum Improvement and Resettlement
Program sites which have not yet been acquired;
e. Bagong Lipunan Improvement or Sites and Services or BLISS sites which
have not yet been acquired; and
f. Privately owned lands.

Where on-site development is found more practicable and advantageous to the

beneficiaries, the priorities mentioned in this section shall not apply. The local
government units shall give budgetary priority to on-site development of government

Section 21A.10. Modes of Land Acquisition - The modes of acquiring lands for the
purposes of this Ordinance shall include, among others, community mortgage, land
swapping, land assembly or consolidation, land banking donation to the Government,
joint-venture agreement, negotiated purchase and expropriation: Provided, however,
That expropriation shall be resorted to only when other modes of acquisition have
been exhausted. Provided, further, that where expropriations is resorted to, parcels of
land owned by small property owners shall be exempted for purpose of this
Ordinance: Provided, finally, That abandoned property, as herein defined, shall be
reverted and escheated to the State in a proceeding analogous to the procedures laid
down in Rule 91 of the Rules of Court.

For the purpose of socialized housing, government-owned and foreclosed properties

shall be acquired by the local government units, or by the National Housing Authority
primarily through negotiated purchase: Provided, that qualified beneficiaries who are
actual occupants of the land shall be given the right of the first refusal.

Section 21A.11. Expropriations of Idle Lands - All idle lands in urban and
urbanizable areas, as defined and identified in accordance with this Ordinance, shall
be expropriated and shall form part of the public domain. These lands shall be
disposed of or utilized by the Government for such purposes that conform with their
land use plans. Expropriation proceedings shall be instituted if, after the lapse of one
(1) year following receipt of notice of acquisition, the owner fails to introduce
improvements as defined in Section 3(f) hereof, except in the case of force majeure
and other fortuitous events. Exempted from this provision, however, are residential
lands owned by small property or those the ownership of which is subject of a
pending litigation.

Section 21A.11. Disposition of Lands for Socialized Housing - The National

Housing Authority, with respect to lands belonging to the National Government, and
the local government units with respect to other lands within their respective
localities, shall coordinate with each other to formulate and make available various
alternative schemes for the disposition of lands to the beneficiaries of the Program.
These schemes shall not be limited to those involving transfer of ownership in fee
simple but shall include lease, with option to purchase, usufruct or such other
variations as the local government units or the National Housing Authority may deem
most expedient in carrying out the purpose of this Ordinance.

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Province of Pangasinan



Consistent with this provision, a scheme for public rental housing may be adopted.

Section 21A.12. Valuation of Lands for Socialized Housing - Equitable land

valuation guideline for socialized housing shall be set by the Department of Finance
on the basis of the market value reflected in the zonal valuation, or in its absence, on
the latest real property tax declaration.

For sites already occupied by qualified Program beneficiaries, the Department of

Finance shall factor into the valuation the blighted status of the land as certified by
the local government unit or the National Housing Authority.

Section 21A.13. Limitations on the Disposition of Lands For Socialized Housing -

No land for socialized housing, including improvement or rights thereon, shall be
sold, alienated, conveyed or encumbered or leased by any beneficiary of this Program
except to qualified Program beneficiaries as determined by the government agency

Should the beneficiary unlawfully sell, transfer, or otherwise dispose of his lot or any
right thereon, the transaction shall be null and void. He shall also lose his right to
the land, forfeit the total amortization paid thereon, and shall be barred from the
benefits under this Ordinance for a period of ten (10) years from the date of violation.

In the event the beneficiary unlawfully transfer before dies full ownership of the land
is vested on him, transfer to his heirs shall take place only upon their assumption of
his outstanding obligations. In case of failure by the heirs to assume such
obligations, the land shall revert to the Government for disposition in accordance
with this Ordinance.


SECTION 21A.14. Policy - Socialized housing, as defined in Section 3 hereon, shall

be the primary strategy in providing shelter for the underprivileged and homeless.
However, if the tenurial arrangement in a particular socialized housing program is in
the nature of leasehold or usufruct, the same shall be transitory and the
beneficiaries must be encouraged to become independent from the Program within a
given period of time, to be determined by the implementing agency concerned.

Section 21A.15. Eligibility Criteria for Socialized Housing Program Beneficiaries

- To qualify for the socialized housing program. a beneficiary:

a. Must be a Filipino;
b. Must be an underprivileged and homeless citizen, as defined in Section 3
of this Ordinance;
c. Must not own any real property whether in the urban or rural areas; and
d. Must not be a professional squatter or a member of squatting syndicates.

Section 21A.16. Registration of Socialized Housing Beneficiaries - The Housing

and Urban Development Coordinating Council, in coordination with the local

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government units, shall design a system for the registration of qualified Program
beneficiaries in accordance with the Framework. The local government units, within
one (1) year from the effectivity of this Ordinance, shall identify and register all
beneficiaries their respective localities.

Section 21A.17. Balanced Housing Development- The Program shall include a

system to be specified in the Framework plan whereby developers of proposed
subdivision projects shall be required to develop an area for socialized housing
equivalent to at least twenty percent (20%) of the total subdivision area or total
subdivision project cost, at the option of the developer, within the same city or
municipality, whenever feasible, and in accordance with the standards set by the
Housing and Land Use Regulatory Board and other existing laws. The balanced
housing development as herein required may also be complied with by the
developers concerned in any of the following manner:

a. Development of new settlement;

b. Slum upgrading or renewal of areas for priority development either
zonal improvement programs or slum improvement and resettlement
c. Joint-venture projects with either the local government units or any of the
housing agencies; or
d. Participation in the community mortgage program.

Section 21A.18. Incentive for the National Housing Authority - The National
Housing Authority, being the primary government agency in charge of providing
housing for the underprivileged and homeless, shall be exempted from the payment
of all fees and charges of any kind, whether local or national, such as income and
real taxes. All documents or contracts executed by and in favor of the National
Housing Authority shall also be exempt from the payment of documentary stamp tax
and registration fees, including fees required for the issuance of transfer certificates
of titles.

Section 21A.19. Incentives for Private Sector Participating in Socialized

Housing - To encourage greater private sector participation in socialized housing
and further reduce the cost of housing units for the benefit of the underprivileged
and homeless, the following incentives shall be extended to the private sector:

a. Reduction and simplification of qualification and accreditation

requirements for participating private developers;
b. Creation of one-stop offices in the different regions of the country for the
processing, approval and issuances of clearances, permits and licenses:
Provided, That clearances, permits and licenses shall be issued within
ninety (90) days from the date of submission of all requirements by the
participating private developers.
c. Simplification of financing procedures; and
d. Exemption from the payment of the following:

1. Project-related income taxes;

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2. Capital gains tax on raw lands used for the project;

3. Value-added tax for the project contractor concerned;
4. Transfer tax for both raw and completed projects; and
5. Donor's tax for lands certified by the local government units to have
been donated for socialized housing purposes.

Provided, That upon application for exemption, a lien on the title of the land shall be
annotated by the Register of Deeds: Provided, further, That the socialized housing
development plan has already been approved by the appropriate government
agencies concerned: Provided, finally, That all the savings acquired by virtue of this
provision shall accrue in favor of the beneficiaries subject to the implementing
guidelines to be issued by the Housing and Urban Development Coordinating

Appropriate implementing guidelines shall be prepared by the Department of

finance, in consultation with the Housing and Urban Development Coordinating
Council, for the proper implementation of the tax exemption mentioned in this
section within one (1) year after approval of this Ordinance.

Property owners who voluntarily provide resettlement sites to illegal occupants of

their lands shall be entitled to a tax credit equivalent to the actual non-recoverable
expenses incurred in the resettlement, subject to the implementing guidelines jointly
issued by the Housing and Urban Development Coordinating Council and the
Department of Finance.

Section 21A.20. Basic Services. - Socialized housing or resettlement areas shall be

provided by the local government unit or the National housing Authority in
cooperation with the private developers and concerned agencies with the following
basic services and facilities.

a. Potable· water;
b. Power and electricity and an adequate power distribution system;
c. Sewerage facilities and an efficient and adequate power distribution
system; and
d. Access to primary roads and transportation facilities.

The provision of other basic services and facilities such as health, education,
communications, security, recreation, relief and welfare shall be planned and shall
be given priority for implementation by the local government unit and concerned
agencies in cooperation with the private sector and the beneficiaries themselves.

The local government unit, in coordination with the concerned national agencies,
shall ensure that these basic services are provided at the most cost-efficient rates,
and shall set a mechanism to coordinate operationally the thrusts, objectives and
activities of other government agencies concerned with providing basic services to
housing projects.

Section 21A.21. Livelihood Component - To the extent feasible, socialized housing

and resettlement projects shall be located near areas where employment

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opportunities are accessible. The government agencies dealing with the development
of livelihood programs and grant of livelihood loans shall give priority to the
beneficiaries of the Program.

Section 21A.22. Participation of Beneficiaries. - The local government units, in

coordination with the Presidential Commission for the Urban Poor and concerned
government agencies, shall afford Program beneficiaries or their duly designated
representatives an opportunity to be heard and to participate in the decision-making
process over matters involving the protection and promotion their legitimate
collective interests which shall include appropriate documentation and feedback
mechanisms. They shall assist the Government in preventing the incursions of
professional squatters and members of squatting syndicates into their communities.

In instances when the affected beneficiaries have failed to organize themselves or

form an alliance within a reasonable period prior to the implementation of the
program or projects affecting them, consultation between the implementing agency
and the affected beneficiaries shall be conducted with the assistance of the affected
beneficiaries shall be conducted with the assistance of the Presidential Commission
for the Urban Poor and the concerned non-government organization.

Section 21A.23. Consultation with Private Sector. - Opportunities for adequate

consultation shall be accorded to the private sector involved in socialized housing
project pursuant to this Ordinance.



Section 21A.24. Benefits. -In addition to the benefits provided under existing laws
and other related issuances to occupants of areas for priority development, zonal
improvement program sites, such occupants shall be entitled to priority in all
government projects initiated pursuant to this Ordinance. They shall also be entitled
to the following support services:

a. Land surveys and titling at minimal cost;

b. Liberalized terms on credit facilities and housing loans and one hundred
percent (100%) deductions from every homebuyer's gross income tax of all
interest payments made on documented loans incurred for the
construction or purchase of the homebuyer's house;
c. Exemption from the payment of documentary stamp tax, registration fees,
and other fees for the issuance of transfer certificate of titles;
d. Basic services as provided for in Section 21 of this Ordinance; and
e. Such other benefits that may arise from the implementation of this


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Section 21A.25. Action against Professional Squatters and Squatting

Syndicates. - The local government units, in cooperation with the Philippine
National Police, the Presidential Commission for the Urban Poor (PCUP), and the
PCUP-accredited urban poor organizations in the area, shall adopt measures to
identify and effectively curtail the nefarious and illegal activities of professional
squatters and squatting syndicates, as herein defined.

Any person or group identified as such shall be summarily evicted and their
dwellings or structures demolished, and shall be disqualified to avail of the benefits
of the program. A public official who tolerates or abets the commission of the
abovementioned acts shall be dealt with in accordance with existing laws.

For purposes of this Ordinance, professional squatters or members of squatting

syndicates shall be imposed the penalty of six (6) years imprisonment or a fine of not
less than Sixty thousand pesos (P 60,000) but not more than One hundred
thousand pesos (P100,000), or both, at the discretion of the court.

Section 21A.26. Eviction and Demolition. - Eviction or demolition as a practice

shall be discouraged. Eviction or demolition, however, may be allowed under the
following situations:

a. When persons or entities occupy danger areas such as esteros, railroad

tracks, garbage dumps, riverbanks, shorelines, waterways, and other
public places such as sidewalks, roads, parks, and playgrounds;
b. When government infrastructure projects with available funding are about
to be implemented; or
c. When there is a court order for eviction and demolition.

In the execution of eviction or demolition orders involving underprivileged and

homeless citizens, the following shall be mandatory;

1. Notice upon the affected persons or entities at least thirty (30) days prior
to the date of eviction or demolition;
2. Adequate consultations on the matter of resettlement with the duly
designated representatives of the families to be resettled and the affected
communities in the areas where they are to be relocated;
3. Presence of Local government officials or their representatives during
eviction or demolitions;
4. Proper identification of all persons taking part in the demolition;
5. Execution of eviction or demolition only during regular office hours from
Mondays to Fridays and during good weather, unless the affected families
consent otherwise;
6. No use of heavy equipment for demolition except for structures that are
permanent and other of concrete materials;
7. Proper uniforms for members of the Philippine National Police who shall
occupy the first line of law enforcement and observe proper disturbance
control procedures; and
8. Adequate relocation, whether temporary or permanent; provided, however,

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That in cases of eviction and demolition pursuant to a court order

involving underprivileged and homeless citizens, relocation shall be
undertaken by the local government unit concerned and the National
Housing Authority with the assistance of other government agencies
within forty-five (45) days from service of notice of final judgement by the
court, after which period the said order shall be executed: provided,
further, That should relocation not be possible within the said period,
financial assistance in the amount equivalent to the prevailing minimum
daily wage multiplied by sixty (60) days shall be extended to the affected
families by the local government unit concerned.

The department of the Interior and Local Government and the Housing and Urban
Development Coordinating Council shall jointly promulgate the necessary rules and
regulations to carry out the above provision.

Section 21A.27. Resettlement. - Within two (2) years from the effectivity of this
Ordinance, the Local government units, in coordination with the National Housing
Authority, shall implement the relocation and resettlement of persons living in
danger areas such as esteros, railroad tracks, garbage dumps, riverbanks,
shorelines, waterways, and in other public places such as sidewalks, roads, parks,
and playgrounds. The local government unit, in coordination with the National
Housing Authority, shall provide relocation or resettlement sites with basic services
and facilities and access to employment and livelihood opportunities sufficient to
meet the basic needs of the affected families.

Section 21A.28. Prohibition against New Illegal Structures. - It shall be unlawful

for any person to construct any structure in areas mentioned in the preceding

After the effectivity of this Ordinance, the barangay, municipal or city government
units shall prevent the construction of any kind of illegal dwelling units or
structures within their respective localities. The head of any local government unit
concerned who allows, abets or otherwise tolerates the construction of any structure
in violation of this section shall be liable to administrative sanction under existing
laws and to penal sanctions provided for in this Ordinance.


Section 21A.29. Definition. - The Community Mortgage Program (CMP) is a

mortgage financing program of the National Home Mortgage Finance Corporation
which assists legally organized associations of underprivileged and homeless citizens
to purchase and develop a tract of land under the concept of community ownership.
The primary objective of the program is to assist residents of blighted or depressed
areas to own the lots they occupy, or where they choose to relocate to, and

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eventually improve their neighborhood and homes to the extent of their affordability.

Section 21A.30. Incentives. - To encourage its wider implementation, participants

in the CMP shall be granted with the following privileges or incentives:

a. Government-owned or controlled corporations and local government units,

may dispose of their idle lands suitable for socialized housing under the
CMP through negotiated sale at prices based on acquisition cost plus
financial carrying costs.
b. Properties sold under the CMP shall be exempted from the capital gains
tax; and
c. Beneficiaries under the CMP shall not be evicted nor dispossessed of their
lands or improvements unless they have incurred arrearages in payments
of amortization for three (3) months.

Section 21A.31. Organization of Beneficiaries. - Beneficiaries of the Program shall

be responsible for their organization into associations to manage their subdivisions
or places of residence, to secure housing loans under existing Community Mortgage
Program and such other projects beneficial to them. Subject to such rules and
regulations to be promulgated by the National Home Mortgage Finance Corporation,
associations organized pursuant to this Ordinance may collectively acquire and own
lands covered by this Program. Where the beneficiaries fail to form an association by
and among themselves, the National Home Mortgage Finance Corporation shall
initiate the organization of the same in coordination with the Presidential
Commission for the Urban Poor and the local government units concerned. No
person who is not a bona fide resident of the area shall be a member or officer of
such association.


SECTION 21A.32. Promotion of Indigenous Housing Materials and Technologies.

- The local government units, in cooperation with the National Housing Authority,
Technology and Livelihood Resource Center, and other concerned agencies, shall
promote the production and use of indigenous, alternative, and low-cost
construction materials and technologies for socialized housing.

SECTION 21A.33. Transport System. - The local government units, in coordination

with the Departments of Transportation and Communications, Budget and
Management, Trade and Industry, Finance, and Public Works and Highways, the
Home Insurance Guaranty Corporation, and other concerned government agencies,
shall device a set of mechanisms including incentives to the private sector so that a
viable transport system shall evolve and develop in the urban areas. It shall also

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formulate standards designed to attain these objectives:

a. Smooth flow of traffic;

b. Safety and convenience of travel;
c. Minimum use of land space;
d. Minimum damage to the physical environment; and
e. Adequate and efficient transport service to the people and goods at
minimum cost.

Section 21A.34. Ecological Balance. - The local government units shall coordinate
with the Department of Environment and Natural Resources in taking measures
that will plan and regulate urban activities for the conservation and protection of
vital, unique and sensitive ecosystems, scenic landscapes, cultural sites and other
similar resource areas.

To make the implementation of this function more effective, the active participation
of the citizenry in environmental rehabilitation and in decision-making process shall
be promoted and encouraged. The local government units shall recommend to the
Environmental and Management Bureau the immediate closure or factories, mines
and transport companies which are found to be causing massive pollution.

Section 21A.35. Population Movements. - The local government units shall set up
an effective mechanism, together with the appropriate agencies like the Population
Commission, the National Economic and Development Authority and the National
Statistics Office, to monitor trends in the movements of population from rural to
urban, from urban to urban, and urban to rural areas. They shall identify measures
by which such movements can be influenced to achieve balance between urban
capabilities and population, to direct appropriate segments of the population into
areas where they can have access to opportunities to improve their lives and to
contribute to national growth and recommend proposed legislation to Sanggunian, if

The population Commission, the National Economic and Development Authority,

and the National Statistics Office shall likewise provide advanced planning
information to national and local government planners on population projections
and the consequent levels of
services needed in particular urban and urbanizable areas. This service will include
early-warning systems on expected dysfunctions in a particular urban area due to
population increases, decreases, or age structure changes.

Section 21A.36. Urban-rural Interdependence. -To minimize rural to urban

migration and pursue urban decentralization, the local government units shall
coordinate with the National Economic and Development Authority and other
government agencies in the formulation of national development programs that will
stimulate economic growth and promote socio-economic development in the

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Section 21A.37. Socialized Housing Tax. - Consistent with the constitutional

principle that the ownership and enjoyment of property bear a social function and to
raise funds for the Program, all local government units are hereby authorized to
impose an additional one-half percent (0.5%) tax on the assessed value of all lands
in urban areas in excess of Fifty thousand pesos (P 50,000).


Section 21A.38. Moratorium on Eviction and Demolition. - There shall be a

moratorium on the eviction of all program beneficiaries and on the demolition of
their houses or dwelling units for a period of three (3) years from the effectivity of
this Ordinance. Provided, that the moratorium shall not apply to those persons who
have constructed their structures after the effectivity of this Ordinance and for cases
enumerated in Section 28 hereof.


Section 21A.39. Penalty Clause. - Any person who violates any provision of this
ordinance shall be imposed the penalty of not more than one (1) year of
imprisonment or a fine of not less than Five thousand pesos (P5,000), at the
discretion of the court. Provided, that, if the offender is a corporation, partnership,
association or other juridical entity, the penalty shall be imposed on the officer or
officers of said corporation, partnership, association or juridical entity who caused
the violation.

Section 21A.40. Appropriations. - The amount necessary to carry out the purposes
of this ordinance shall be included in the annual budget of implementing agencies in
the General Appropriations Ordinance of the year following its enactment into law
and every year thereafter.

Section 21A.41. Separability Clause. - If for any reasons, any provision of this
ordinance is declared invalid or unconstitutional, the remaining provisions not
affected thereby shall continue to be in full force and effect.

Article B

Regulations to govern section 18 of ordinance no. 2009-02

otherwise known as the Urban Development and Housing

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Section 21B.01. Definition of Terms. For the purpose of this Regulations, the
terms or words used herein shall, unless the context indicates otherwise, mean or
be understood as follows:

(a) “Board” shall refer to the Housing and Land Use Regulatory Board
(b) “Condominium Project” as defined under PD957
(c) “Condominium” as defined under PD 4726
(d) “Developer” as defined under PD 957
(e) “Project Area” shall mean:
e.1 for subdivision projects without housing component, the gross
developed land area

e.2 for subdivision projects without housing component:

e.2.1 gross developed land area and

e.2.2 aggregate floor area of all housing units

e.3 for condominium projects, the gross floor area of residential units.

(f) “Project Cost” refers to cost of the project based on the following:
f.1 current market value of the raw land plus estimated land development
cost plus estimated housing project cost or

f.2 HIGC preliminary appraisal for projects requiring HIGC guarantee or

HIGC appraisal.

(g) “Socialized Housing”. In addition to the definition in the Housing Ordinance,

it shall refer to projects intended for the underprivileged and homeless
wherein the housing package selling price is within the lowest interest rate
under the Unified Home Lending Program (UHLP) or any equivalent housing
program of the Government, the private sector or non-government
(h) “Subdivision Project” as defined in PD 957
(i) “Main Subdivision Project” shall refer to the proposed residential subdivision
or residential condominium project which shall be the basis for computing
the 20% requirement for socialized housing.
(j) “New Settlement” shall mean any new, large-scale development, consisting of
one or several subdivision projects planned to provide housing, work places
and related facilities within a more or less self-contained environment.

Section 21B.02. Scope of Application. These Rules and Regulations shall apply to
residential subdivision and residential condominium projects and/or proposed

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expansion of existing residential subdivisions and residential condominium filed

after the date of effectivity of these implementing rules and regulations.

Proposed main residential subdivision condominium projects with a density of one

hundred (100) units per hectare are deemed to have optimized the use and
productivity of land and urban resources and shall be considered as having fully
complied with the 20% requirement for socialized housing.

Proposed main subdivision projects falling under the category of socialized housing
as herein defined shall be considered as having fully complied with the requirements
of Sec. 18 and are thus exempted for socialized housing.

Residential Subdivision and Residential Condominium Projects with four (4) units or
less shall be exempted from the twenty percent (20%) requirement for socialized

SECTION 21B.03. Mode of Compliance.

(a) For main subdivision projects which are limited to the sale of lots only;
(1) Land equivalent to twenty percent (20%) of the total area of the main
subdivision projects shall be developed for socialized housing; or
(2) a socialized housing project equivalent to twenty percent (20%) of the
main subdivision total project cost.
(b) For main subdivision projects which consist of the sale of house and lot
(1) Land equivalent to twenty percent (20%) of the total area of the main
subdivision project shall be developed and housing units equivalent to
twenty percent (20%) of the aggregate floor area of all housing units of
the main subdivision project shall be constructed; or
(2) A socialized housing project equivalent to twenty percent (20%) of the
main subdivision total project cost.

The Board shall formulate a conversion ratio to translate housing area

to land area or vice versa using as basis the cost of producing one
square meter of floor area against the cost of raw land.

(c) For residential condominium project equivalent to 20% of the total

condominium project cost.

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(d) The socialized housing project equivalent to twenty percent (20%) of total
subdivision project cost may also be complied with in any of the following
manner feasible in the municipality or city:
(1) New Settlement. Development of an entire new settlement or a portion
thereof as certified by the appropriate national agency or by the local
government unit concerned.
(2) Slum Upgrading (APDs, ZIPs, SIRs). Development, upgrading and
improvement of a slum or blighted area to be certified by the National
Housing Authority or the local government unit concerned.
(3) Community Mortgage Program (CMP). The developer shall finance the
acquisition, development and subdivision of an identified CMP project
duly accredited by NHMFC.
(4) Joint-Venture Projects. The Developer may enter into a joint project or
agreement with the concerned local government unit or any of the
housing agencies to develop a socialized housing project. His
participation shall be equivalent to 20% of project area or 20% of the
cost of the main subdivision project.

The developer shall abide by the implementing guidelines on joint-

venture programs of the local government units concerned or any of
the housing agencies who shall in turn certify the developer’s
compliance to the 20% requirement.

(e) Developers in metropolitan areas may undertake a large socialized housing

project in advance in order to build up a credit balance against which future
main subdivision projects can draw their 20% requirement.

Section 21B.03. Project Location and Zoning Compliance. Location of projects for
socialized housing shall be within the zones designated in the land use plan or in
the zoning map.

In the absence of a land use plan/zoning ordinance, the concerned local government
unit in coordination with the Board shall grant locational clearance for socialized
housing projects in accordance with existing rules and regulations.

Where a contiguous area equivalent to the required twenty percent (20%) is not
available, development of separate sites within the same city or municipality,
whenever feasible, may be allowed provided that the aggregate total sums up to at
least twenty percent (20%) of the main subdivision project’s total area.

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The socialized housing project may be allowed in any adjacent city or municipality
provided the developer shall comply with BP 220 requirements.

In metropolitan areas, location of socialized housing projects may be allowed within

the provinces contiguous to the physical configuration of the metropolitan area.

Section 21B.04. Development Standards. Design and development standards for

socialized housing projects shall be in accordance with BP 220 rules and

Section 21B.05. Permits and Licenses.

(a) Development Permit. The developer shall secure simultaneously development

permits for the main project and the socialized housing project except when
the socialized housing project is developed in advance. Provided that during
the first year of implementation of these rules, application for the socialized
housing project may be filled within one (1) year from the date of effectivity of
these rules. Thereafter, applications for both projects shall be filed
simultaneously. Procedures for the issuance of development permits shall be
in accordance with the rules and regulations implementing the Subdivision
and Condominium Buyers Protective Decree (PD 957) and Batas Pambansa
Blg. 220 (BP 220).
(b) Registration and License to Sell. The developer shall likewise register and
secure simultaneously from the Board License to Sell for each project in
accordance with the rules and regulations implementing PD 957 and BP 220
except when the socialized housing project has been developed in advance.
(c) In the foregoing application, the Board shall require that the main subdivision
project and socialized housing project shall bear the name of the same project
developer in case the developer directly undertakes the same. The socialized
housing project may bear the name of the subsidiary or another developer to
whom the main subdivision project developer passes on the development of
the socialized housing project provided that the liability remains with the
main subdivision project developer.

Provided further, that at the time of the application for development of the
socialized housing project a joint venture agreement with a subsidiary or
another developer shall be submitted stating that the said socialized housing
project shall be credited to a future housing project. The Board shall issue a
certificate of credit for the main subdivision project upon completion of the
equivalent socialized housing project.

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(d) Performance Bond. On top of the regular bond for the main project, the Board
shall require a bond sufficient to guarantee completion of the socialized
housing project. Such bond may be required at the time of application for the
license to sell of the main project.

Section 21B.06. Time of Completion. Socialized housing projects shall be

completed within one (1) year from the date of issuance of the license to sell for the
subdivision or condominium project or as approved by the Board and in accordance
with the rules and regulations implementing PD 957 and BP 220.

Section 21B.07. Incentives. Developers of socialized housing shall immediately

qualify for the incentives cited in Sec. 20 of Ordinance No. 2009-02.

Section 21B.08. Authority for the issuance of Supplemental Directive Memoranda.

The Chief Executive Officer of the Board shall issue supplemental directive or
memoranda implementing or interpreting these rules and regulations without prejudice
of the provisions of Section 24 of Ordinance No. 2009-02.

Section 21B.09. Penalty Clause. Any violation of the provisions of this rules shall
be fined the amount of P200.00 or an imprisonment of 2 months and/or both fine
and imprisonment at the discretion of the court.

Section 21B.10. Separability Clause. The provisions of these rules are hereby
declared separable, and in the event of any such provisions are declared null
and void, the validity of all other provisions shall not be affected thereby.

Article C



Section 21C.01. Authority. His Honor, Mayor Eduardo F. Fontelera, is hereby authorized to
negotiate for the acquisition through purchase of a parcel of land with an area of 669

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sq.m. located at Barangay Baleyadaan, City of Alaminos owned by the Razote family
for use of the Baleyadaan Elementary School and for the City Government.

Section 21C.02. Appropriation. The amount of One Hundred Thousand and Five Hundred Pesos
(100, 500.00), or so much thereof as may be necessary, is hereby appropriated out of any
available funds in the City Treasury for the purpose of acquiring the said property.

Article D

Donation of City Government Lot to Brgy. Polo

Section 21D.01. Authority. Former City Mayor Eduardo F. Fontelera, during his
term, was conferred authority via Ordinance to donate the parcel of land
owned by the City Government per sketch/special plan of lot 5202-A, CAD,
325–D Alaminos CAD containing an area of 1,160 sq.m. to Barangay Polo
through the Polo Barangay Council.

Section 21D.02. Implementation. The City Mayor, jointly, with the City Legal
Officer, City Engineer, City Planning and Development Officer and the City
Assessors, in coordination with the Barangay Council of Polo, shall be
responsible in the preparation, implementation and approval of all the
documents/necessary papers related to the donation.

Section 21D.03. Titling. The Barangay council of polo shall borne/shoulder all
expenses incurred in the preparation of all necessary documents relative to
the donation and the titling of the same.

Article E

Donation of City Government lot to Brgy. Cayucay

Section 21E.01. Authority. Former Eduardo F. Fontelera, was given authority

during his term of office to donate the parcel of land owned by the City government
per consolidation. Subdivision Plan of lots 7355 and 7357 CAD-325-D, Alaminos
CAD containing an area of 20,910 sq. m. to the Department of Education

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(High School Department and Elementary School Department); to Brgy. Cayucay

through the Cayucay Brgy. Council and an area shall be retained by the City

1.1The area to be donated to the Cayucay High School Department shall be

4,018 sq. m., more or less.
1.2The area to be donated to the Cayucay Elementary School Department
shall be 12,232 sq. m., more or less.
1.3The area to be donated to Brgy. Cayucay through the Cayucay Brgy.
Council shall be 2,660 sq. m., more or less.
1.4A 2,000 sq. m. more or less shall be retained by the City Government.

Section 21E.02. Implementation. The City Mayor, jointly with the City Legal Officer,
City Engineer, City Planning and Development Officer, and the City Assessor in
coordination with the representation of the Department of Education and Brgy.
Council of Cayucay shall be responsible in the preparation, implementation and
approval of all the documents/necessary papers relative to the donation.

Section 21E.03. Expenses. The Barangay Council of Cayucay shall

borne/shoulder all expenses incurred in the preparation of all necessary
documents relative to the donation.

Article F

Acquisition of Real Property for Public Service/Use

Section 21F.01. Former City MAYOR EDUARDO F. FONTELERA, was authorized

to negotiate for the purchase of a parcel of land owned by MR. ANDRES
TUGADE, consisting of 41,412 SQUARE METERS situated at Barangay

Section 21F.02. Purpose. The aforementioned parcel of land as acquired shall be

used as a garbage dumpsite/sanitary landfill of the city of Alaminos.

Section 21F.03. Appropriation. The amount of P2,236,248.00, or so much thereof

as may be necessary, is hereby appropriated out of the General Fund or funds
of the City of Alaminos, not otherwise appropriated for other purposes, for the
purchase of the same.

Republic of the Philippines
Province of Pangasinan



Section 21F.04. Negotiation. The Honorable City Mayor or his duly authorized
representative together with the Budget Office, the City Treasurer, General
Services Office, Legal Office, City Planning and Development Office shall
negotiate with the land owner the mode of payment.

Article G

Acquisition of Real Property for Sports and commercial Centers

Section 21G.01. Authority. Former City Mayor Eduardo F. Fontelera, was

granted authority to negotiate for the purchase or acquisition by any legal
means of a not less than eight (8) hectares of land.

Section 21G.02. Purpose. The aforementioned parcel/s of land so acquired

shall be the sites of new commercial center, government center, transport
center, sports center and the like where comprehensive development program
could be effected.

Section 21G.03. Appropriation. The amount of FIFTEEN MILLION PESOS

(Php 15,000,000.00) or so much thereof, as may be necessary, is hereby
appropriated out of the general fund or funds of the City of Alaminos, not
otherwise appropriated for other purposes for the purchase of the same.

Article H

Regulations in the award of Fishery Lot to qualified Fisherfolk

Section 21H.01. Duties. It shall be the duty of the Pre-Qualification, Bids and
Awards Committee:

1. To see to it that the application is accompanied by sketch or plan of the

fishery lot being applied.
2. Application is accompanied by a certification/indorsement of the Barangay
Captain and BFARMC Chairman.
3. Applicant has paid the application fee of P50,000.00
4. Application is accompanied by SEC, CDA, or DOLE Certificate of Registration
for Juridical person (Cooperative, Corporation, Partnership)
5. Applicant has paid the cash bond/deposit equivalent to one (1) year rental
(for fisherpens/fishcages).

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Province of Pangasinan



6. Applicant has deposited the amount of P300.00 (for small baklad-less than 9
feet) and P500.00 (for big baklad 9 feet and above).

Section 21H.02. Sanction. Non-compliance of any of the provisions of the preceding

section shall be a ground for withholding / or the disapproval of the application.

Article I

Extent of City waters of Alaminos

Section 21I.01. Extent. it is hereby declared that the juridical and/or City waters
of Alaminos, Pangasinan is 15 kilometers from shoreline seaward.

Section 21I.02. Definition. As used in this article:

Juridical and/or City waters of Alaminos, Pangasinan is hereby defined to: “include
not only streams, lakes and tidal waters included within the City, not being subject
of private ownership and not comprised with national parks, public forest, timber
lands, forest reserves or fishery reserves, but also marine waters included between
two lines drawn perpendicularly to the general coastline from points where the
boundary line of the City touches the sea at low tide and a third line parallel with
the general coastline and fifteen (15) kilometers from its seaward. Where two (2)
municipalities are situated on the opposite shores that there is less than fifteen (15)
kilometers of marine waters between them, the third line shall be equally distant
from opposite shores of the respective municipalities.


Article A

Regulation on the monthly rate of stalls at Plaza Agapito

Braganza and Plaza Enrique Braganza by fixing it at Five
Thousand Pesos (php 5,000.00) per month and limiting the
increase to only Five percent (5%) per annum for each stall for
the succeeding years of lease.”

Section 22A.01. General Policies -

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Province of Pangasinan



a) It is hereby fixed that the amount of Five Thousand Pesos (Php

5,000.00) is the minimum amount of rent per stall in all stalls
owned by the city government at the Plaza Agapito Braganza and
Plaza Enrique Braganza;
b) That a Five Percent (5%) increase in the rent of each stall per
annum is hereby provided;
c) In case of default in the monthly rent, a two percent (2%) surcharge
will be imposed;
In case of default or non-payment of rental for two consecutive months, the
two-months deposit by the lessee in favor of the city government will be
automatically forfeited;

Article B

Collection of filing and other fees”

Section 22B.01. Declaration of policies and principles. The Implementing

Rules and Regulations as provided in Administrative Order No. 1, series of
2012 issued by the Office of the Civil Registrar General is hereby adopted in
the City of Alaminos, Pangasinan;

Section 22B.02. Filing fees and other fees. The prescribed amount of filing
fee (Php 3,000.00) and other fees and related provisions as provided under
Rule 10, “Authority to collect filing and other fees,” of Administrative No. 1,
series of 2012 is hereby ratified. All fees collected shall accrue to the Local
Registry Office (LCRO) trust fund;

Article C
Setting the Deadline of payment of Real Property and Business Taxes
when payment falls on Saturday/Sunday or Holiday

Section 22C.01 - Policy -When the deadline of payments of Real Property

Taxes and Business Taxes , falls on weekends (Saturday, Sunday) or

Republic of the Philippines
Province of Pangasinan



Holidays, the deadline is hereby automatically set on the next working day
without penalty.

Article D

Amendments of Sections 2 and 15 of Ordinance No. 2002-21

Entitled “An Ordinance Adopting Book II- Local Taxation And
Fiscal Matter; Title Two-Real Property Taxation; Chapter 6,-
Collection of Real Property Tax; Sections 246 to 257 Of R.A. 7160
Otherwise known as the Local Government Code Of 1991.

Section 22D.01. Amendments. The Amendments are as follows:

1. Section 246 Of R.A. 7160, Provides As Follows:


The Real Property Tax For Any Years Shall Accrue On The First Day Of
January And From That Date It Shall Constitute A Lien On The Property Which
Shall Be Superior To Any Other Lien, Mortgage, Or Encumbrance Of Any Kind
Whatsoever, And Shall Be Extinguished Only Upon The Payment Of The Delinquent

2. Sections 247 Of R.A.7160, Provides As Follows


The Collection Of Real Property Tax With Interest Thereon And Related
Expenses, And The Enforcement Of The Remedies Provided For In This Title Or Any
Applicable Laws, Shall Be The Responsibility Of The City Or Municipal Treasurer

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Province of Pangasinan



The City Or Municipal Treasurer May Deputize The Barangay Treasurer To

Collect All Taxes On Real Property Located In The Barangay: Provided, That The
Barangay Treasurer Is Properly Bonded For The Purpose: Provided, Further, That
The Premium On The Bond Shall Be Paid By The City Or Municipal Government

3. Section 248 Of R.A. 7160 Provides As Follows



The Provincial, City Or Municipal Assessor Shall Prepare And Submit To The
Treasurer Of The Local Government Unit, On Or Before The Thirty-First (31 st) Day Of
December Each Year, An Assessment Roll Containing A List Of All Persons Whose
Real Properties Have Been Newly Assessed Or Reassessed And The Values Of Such
Real Properties.

4. Section 249 Of R.A. 7160 Provides As Follows:


The City Or Municipal Treasurer Shall On Or Before The Thirty-First (31 st)
Day Of January Each Year, In The Case Of The Basic Real Property Tax And
Additional Tax For The

Special Education Fund (SEF) Or On Any Other Date To Be Prescribed By The

Sanggunian Concerned In The Case Of Any Other Tax Levied Under This Title, Post
The Notice Of The Dates When The Tax May Be Paid Without Interest At A
Conspicuous And Publicly Accessible Place At The City Or Municipal Hall. Said
Notice Shall Likewise Be Published In A Newspaper Of General Circulation In The
Locality Once A Week For Two (2) Consecutive Weeks.

Republic of the Philippines
Province of Pangasinan



5. Section 250 Of R.A 7160 Provides As Follows:


Payment Of The Real Property Or The Person Having Legal Interest Therein
May Pay The Basic Real Property Tax And Additional Tax For Special Education
Fund (SEF) Due Thereon Without Interest In Four (4) Equal Installments; The First
Installment To Be Due And Payable On Or Before March Thirty-First (31 st); The
Second Installment, On Or Before June Thirty (30); The Third Installment, On Or
Before September Thirty (30); And The Last Installment On Or Before December
Thirty First (31st), Except The Special Levy The Payment Of Which Shall Be Governed
By Ordinance Of The Sanggunian Concerned.

The Date For The Payment Of Any Other Tax Imposed Under This Title
Without Interest Shall Be Prescribed By The Sanggunian Concerned.

Payment Of Real Property Taxes Shall First Be Applied To Prior Years

Delinquencies, Interest, And Penalties, If Any, And Only After Said Delinquencies
Are Settled May Tax Payments Be Credited For The Current Period.

6. Section. 251 Of R.A. 7160 Provides As Follows:


If The Basic Real Property Tax And The Additional Tax Accruing To The
Special Education Fund (SEF) Are Paid In Advance In Accordance With The
Prescribed Schedule Of Payment As Provided Under Section 250, The Sanggunian
Concerned May Grant A Discount Not Exceeding Twenty Percent (20%) Of The
Annual Tax Due.

7. Section 252 Of R.A. 7160 Provides As Follows:


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Province of Pangasinan



(A) No Protest Shall Be Entertained Unless The Taxpayer First Pays The Tax. There
Shall Be Annotated On The Tax Receipts The Word “Paid Under Protest”. The
Protest In Writing Must Be Filed Within Thirty (30) Days From Payment Of The
Tax To The Provincial, City Treasurer Or Municipal Treasurer, In The Case Of A
Municipality Within Metropolitan Manila Area, Who Shall Decide The Protest
Within Sixty (60) Days From Receipt.

(B) The Tax Or Portion Thereof Paid Under Protest Shall Be Held In Trust By The
Treasurer Concerned.

(C) In The Event That The Protest Is Finally Decided In Favor Of The Taxpayer, The
Amount Or Portion Of The Tax Protested Shall Be Refunded To The Protestant,
Or Applied As Tax Credit Against His Existing Future Tax Liability.

(D) In The Event That The Protest Is Denied Or Upon The Lapse Of The Sixty Day
Period Prescribed In Subparagraph (A), The Taxpayer May Avail Of The
Remedies As Provided For In Chapter 3, Title II, Book II Of This Code.

8. Section 253 Of R.A. 7160 Provides As Follows:


When An Assessment Of Basic Real Property Tax , Or Any Levied Tax Under
This Title, Is Found To Be Illegal Or Erroneous And The Tax Is Accordingly Reduced
Or Adjusted The Tax Payers May File A Written Claim For Refund Or Credit For
Taxes And Interest With The City Treasurer Within Two(2) Years From The Date The
Taxpayers Is Entitled To Such Reduction Or Adjustment.

The City Treasurer Shall Decide The Claim For Tax Refund Or Credit Within
Sixty (60) Days From Receipt Thereof .In Case The Claim For Tax Refund Or Credits
Denied The Taxpayers May Avail Of The Remedies As Provided In This Chapter 3,
Title II Of R.A No. 7160 Otherwise Known As The Local Government Code Of 1991.

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Province of Pangasinan



9. Section 254 Of R.A. 7160 Provides As Follows:



(A) When The Real Property Tax Or Any Other Tax Imposed Under This Title
Becomes, Delinquent. The City Treasurer Shall Immediately Cause A Notice Of
Delinquency To Be Posted At The Main Entrance Of The City Hall And In
Publicly Accessible And Conspicuous Place In Each Barangay Of The Local
Government Concerned. The Notice Of Delinquency Shall Be Published Once A
Week For Two (2) Consecutive Weeks, In A Newspaper Of General Circulation
Of The City.

(B) Such Notice Shall Specify The Date Upon Which The Tax Became Delinquent
And Shall State The Personal Property May Be Detrained To Effect Payment. It
Shall Likewise State That Any Time Before The Distraint Of Personal Property,
Payment Of Tax With Surcharge ,Interest And Penalties May Be Made In
Accordance With The Next Following Section ,And Unless The Tax, Surcharge
And Penalties Are Paid Before The Expiration Of The Year Before The Expiration
Of The Year For Which The Tax Is Due Except When The Notice Of Assessment
Or Special Levy Is Contested Administratively Or Judicially Pursuant To The
Provisions Of Chapter 3,Title II, Book II Of R.A No. 7160, The Delinquent Real
Property Will Be Sold At Public Auction And The Title Of The Property Will Be
Vested In The Purchaser ,Subject ,However To The Right Of The Delinquent
Owner Of The Property Or Any Person Having Legal Interest Therein To Redeem
Property Within One (1) Year From The Date Of Sale.

10. Section 255 Of R.A. 7160 Provides As Follows:


In Case Of Failure To Pay The Basic Real Property Tax Or Any Tax Levied
Under This Title Upon The Expiration Of The Periods As Provided In Section 250,
Or When Due, As The Case

Republic of the Philippines
Province of Pangasinan



May Be, Shall Subject To Taxpayers To The Payment Of Interest At The Rate Of Two
Percent(2%) Per Month On The Unpaid Amount Or A Fraction Thereof, Until The
Delinquent Tax Shall Have Been Fully Paid: Provide, However, That In No Case Shall
The Total Interest On The Unpaid Tax Or The Portion Thereof Exceed Thirty-Six (36)

11. Section 256 Of R.A. 7160 Provides As Follows:


TAX. -

For The Collection Of The Basic Real Property Tax And Any Other Tax Levied
Under This Title, The Local Government Unit Concerned May Avail Of The Remedies
By Administrative Thru Levy On Real Property Or By Judicial Action.

12. Section 257 Of R.A. 7160 Provides As Follows:


The Basic Real Property Tax And Any Other Tax Levied Under This Title
Constitute A Lien On The Property Subject To Tax, Superior To All Liens, Charge Or
Encumbrances In Favor Of Any Person Irrespective Of The Owner Or Possessor
Thereof, Enforceable By Administrative Or Judicial Action, And May Only Be
Extinguished Upon Payment Of The Tax And The Related Interest And Expenses.

13. Section 258 Of R.A. 7160 Provides As Follows:


Republic of the Philippines
Province of Pangasinan



After The Expiration Of The Time Required To Pay The Basic Real Property
Tax Or Any Other Tax Levied Under This Title Real Property Subject To Such Tax
May Be Levied Upon Through The Issuance A Warrant On ,Or Before
Simultaneously With, The Institutions Of The Civil Action For The Collection Of The
Delinquent Tax .The City Treasure When Issuing Warrant Of Levy Shall Prepare A
Duly Authenticated Certificate Showing The Name Of The Delinquent Owner Of
Property Or Person Having Legal Interest Therein, The Description Of The Property
The Amount Of The Tax Due And The Interest Thereon. The Warrant Shall Operate
With The Force Of Legal Execution Throughout The City. The Warrant Shall Be
Mailed To Or Served Upon The Delinquent Owner Of The Real Property Or Person
Having Interest Therein, Or In Case He Is Out Of The Country Or Cannot Be
Located To The Administrator Or Occupant Of The Property .At The Same Time,
Written Notice Of The Levy With The Attached Warrant Shall Be Mailed To Or Served
Upon The City Assessor And The Registrar Of The Deeds Of The City Where The
Property Is Located, Who Shall Annotate The Levy On The Tax Declaration And
Certificate Of Title Of The Property, Respectively.

The Levying Officer Shall Submit A Report On The Levy To The Sanggunian
Concerned Within Ten (10) Days After The Receipt Of The Warrant By The Owner Of
The Property Or Person Having The Legal Interest Therein.

14. Section 259 Of R.A. 7160 Provides As Follows:



Without Prejudice To Criminal Prosecution Under The Revised Penal Code And
Other Applicable Laws, Any City Treasurer Or His Deputy Who Fails To Issue Or
Execute The Warrant Of Levy Within One (1) Year From The Time The Tax Becomes
Delinquent Or Within Thirty (30) Days From The Date Of The Issuance Thereof, Or
Who Is Found Guilty Abusing The Exercise Thereof In An Administrative Or Judicial
Proceeding Shall Be Dismissed From The Service.

15. Section 260 Of R.A. 7160 Provides As Follows:

Republic of the Philippines
Province of Pangasinan




Within Thirty (30) Days After Service Of The Warrant Of Levy, The City
Treasurer Shall Proceed To Publicly Advertise For Sale Or Auction The Property Or A
Usable Portion Thereof As May Be Necessary To Satisfy The Tax Delinquencies And
Expenses Of Sale .The Advertisement Shall Be Effected By Posting Notice At The
Main Entrance Of The City Hall And In Publicly Accessible And Conspicuous Place
In The Barangay Where The Real Property Is Located And Publication Once A Week
For Two(2) Weeks In A Newspaper Of General Circulation Of The City Where The
Property Is Located. The Advertisement Shall Specify The Amount Of The
Delinquent Tax The Interest Due Thereon And Expenses Of The Sale, The Date And
Place Of The Sale, The Name Of The Owner Of The Real Property Or Person Having
Legal Interest Therein, And A Description Of The Property To Be Sold .At Any Time
Before The Date Fixed For The Sale, The Owner Of The Real Property Or Person
Having The Legal Interest Therein May Stay Proceedings By Paying The Delinquent
Tax, Interest Due Thereon, And The Expenses Thereon, And The Expense Of Sale.
The Sale Shall Be Held Either At The Main Entrance Of The City Hall Or On The
Property To Be Sold Or Any Other Place Specified In The Notice Of The Sale.

Within Thirty (30) Days After The Sale The City Treasurer Or His Deputy Shall
Make A Report Of The Sale To The Sanggunian Concerned And Which And Which
Shall Form Part Of His Records. The City Treasurer Shall Likewise Prepare And
Deliver To The Purchaser, A Certificate Of Sale Which Shall Contain The Name Of
The Purchaser A Description Of The Property Sold, The Amount Of The Delinquent
Tax, The Interest Due Thereon, The Expenses Of Sale, And A Brief Description Of
The Proceedings: Provided However, That, Proceeds Of The Sale In The Excess Of
The Delinquent Tax, The Interest Due Thereon, And The Expenses For Sale Shall Be
Remitted To The Owner Of The Real Property Or Person Having The Interest Therein.

The City Treasurer May, By Ordinance Duly Approved Advance In Amount

Sufficient To Defrays The Costs Of Collection Thru The Remedies Provided For In
This Chapter Including The Expenses Of Advertisement And Sale.

16. Section 261 Of R.A. 7160 Provides As Follows:


Republic of the Philippines
Province of Pangasinan



Within One (1) Year From The Date Of The Sale, The Owner Of The
Delinquent Real Property Person Having The Legal Interest Therein, Or His
Representative, Shall Have The Right To Redeem The Property Upon Payment To The
City Treasurer Of The Amount Of The Delinquent Tax Including The Interest
Thereon, And The Expenses Of Sale From The Date Of Delinquency To The Date Of
Sale Plus Interest Of Not More Than Two (2%) Percent Per Month On The

Purchase Price From The Date Of Sale To The Date Of Redemption. Such Payment
Shall Invalidate The Certificate Of Sale Issued To The Purchaser And The Owner Of
The Delinquent Real Property Or Person Having Legal Interest Therein Shall Be
Entitled To A Certificate Of Redemption Which Shall Be Issued By The City
Treasurer Or His Deputy.

From The Date Of Sale Until The Expiration Of The Period Of The
Redemption, The Delinquent Real Property Shall Remain In The Possession Of The
Owner Or Person Having Legal Interest Therein Who Shall Be Entitled To The
Income And Other Fruits Thereof.

The City Treasurer Or His Deputy Upon The Receipt From The Purchase Of
Certificate Of Sale, Shall Forthwith Return To The Latter The Entire Amount Paid By
Him Plus Interest Of Two (2%) Percent Per Month. Thereafter The Property Shall Be
Free From The Lien Of Such Delinquent Tax, Interest, Due Thereon And Expenses
Of Sale.

17. Section 262 Of R.A. 7160 Provides As Follows:


In Case Of The Owner Or Person Having Legal Interest Therein Fails To

Redeem The Delinquent Property As Provided Herein, The City Treasurer Shall
Execute A Deed Conveying To The Purchaser Said Property, Free From Lien Of The
Delinquent Tax , Interest Due Thereon And Expenses Of Sale. The Deed Shall Briefly
State The Proceedings Upon Which The Validity Of The Sale Rests.

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Province of Pangasinan



18. Section 263 Of R.A. 7160 Provides As Follows:



In Case There Is No Bidder Of The Real Property Advertised For Sale As

Provided Herein, Or If The Highest Bid Is For An Amount Insufficient To Pay The
Real Property Tax And The Related Interest And Cost Of Sale, The City Treasurer
Conducting The Sale Shall Purchase The Property In Behalf Of The City Government
Concerned To Satisfy The Claim In Within Two (2) Days Thereafter Shall Make A
Report Of His Proceeding Which Shall Be Reflected Upon The Record Of His Office. It
Shall Be The Duty Of Registrar Of The Deeds Concerned Upon Registration With His
Office Of Any Such Declaration Of Forfeiture To Transfer The Title Of The Forfeited
Property To The Local Government Unit Concerned Without The Necessity Of An
Order From A Competent Court.

Within One (1) Year From The Date Of Such Forfeiture The Tax Payer Or Any
Of His Representative, May Redeem The Property By Paying To The City Treasurer
The Full Amount Of Real Property Tax In The Related Interest And The Cost Of Sale.
If The Property Is Not Redeemed As Provided Herein, The Ownership Thereof Shall
Be Fully Vested To The Local Government Unit Concerned.

19. Section 264 Of R.A. 7160 Provides As Follows:



The Sanggunian May By, Ordinance Duly Approved, And Upon Notice Of Not Less
Than Twenty (20) Days Sell, And Dispose Of The Real Property Acquired
Under The Preceding

Section At Public Auction. The Proceed Of The Sale Shall Accrue To The General
Fund Of The Local Government Unit Concerned.

20. Section 265 Of R.A. 7160 Provides As Follows:

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Province of Pangasinan




Levy Maybe Repeated If Necessary Until The Full Amount Due, Including
Expenses, Is Collected.

21. Section 266 Of R.A. 7160 Provides As Follows:



The City Government Unit May Enforce The Collection Of Basic Real Property
Tax Or Any Other Tax Levied Under This Title By Civil Action In Any Court Of
Competent Jurisdiction. The Civil Action Shall Be Filed By The City Treasurer
Within The Period Prescribed In This Section 270 Of This Code.

22. Section 267 Of R.A. 7160 Provides As Follows:


No Court Shall Entertain Any Action Assailing The Validity Of Any Sale At
Public Auction Of Real Property Of Rights Therein In Under This Title Until The
Taxpayer Have Been Deposited With The Court With The Amount Which The Real
Property Was Sold, Together With The Interest With Two (2%) Percent Per Month
From The Date Of Sale From To The Time Of The Institution Of The Action. The
Amount So Deposited Shall Be Paid To The Purchaser At The Auction Sale If The
Deed Is Declared Invalid But It Shall Be Returned To The Depositors If The Action Is

Neither Shall Any Court Declare A Sale At Public Auction Invalid By Reason
Of Irregularities Or Informalities In The Proceedings Unless The Substantive Rights
Of The Delinquent Owner Of The Real Property Or Person Having The Legal Interest
Therein Have Been Impaired.

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Province of Pangasinan



23. Section 268 Of R.A. 7160 Provides As Follows:



In Any Action Involving The Ownership Or Possession Of, Or Succession To,

Real Property, The Court May Motu Propio Or Upon Representation Of The City
Treasurer Or His Deputy, Awards Such Ownership, Possession Or Succession To
Any Party To The Action Upon Payment To The Court Of The Taxes With Interest
Due On The Property And All Other Cost That May Have Accrued, Subject To The
Final Outcome Of The Action.

24. Section 269 Of R.A. 7160 Provides As Follows:



The City Treasurer Or His Deputies Shall Prepare A Certified List Of All Real
Property Tax Delinquencies Which Remained Uncollected Or Unpaid For At Least
One (1) Year In His Jurisdiction, And The Statement Of The Reason Or Reasons For
Such Non Collection Or Non Payment, And Shall Submit The Same To
Sanggunian Concerned On Or Before December

Thirty-First (31st) Of The Year Immediately Succeeding The Year In Which The
Delinquencies Were Incurred, With A Request For Assistance In The Enforcement Of
The Remedies For Collection Provided Herein.

25. Section 270 Of R.A. 7160 Provides As Follows:



The Basic Real Property Tax And Any Other Tax Levied Under This Title Shall
Be Collected Within Five (5) Years From The Date They Become Due. No Action For
The Collection Of The Tax Whether Administrative Or Judicial, Shall Be Instituted

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Province of Pangasinan



After The Expiration Of Such Period. In Case Of Fraud Or Intent To Evade Payment
Of The Tax Such Action May Be Instituted For The Collection Of The Same Within
(10) Years From The Discovery Of Such Fraud Or Intent To Evade Payment.

The Period Of Prescription Within Which To Collect Shall Be Suspended For

The Time During Which:

1.) The City Treasurer Is Legally Prevented From Collecting The Taxes;

2.) The Owner Of The Property Or The Person Having The Legal Interest Therein
Request For Reinvestigations And Execute A Waiver In Writing Before The
Expiration Of The Period Within Which To Collect And;

3.) The Owner Of The Property Having The Legal Interest Therein Is Out Of The
Country Or Otherwise Cannot Be Located.

26. SECTION 271 Of R.A. 7160 Provides As Follows:


The Proceeds Of The Basic Real Property Tax, Including Interest Thereon, And
Proceed From The Use, Lease Or Disposition, Sale Or Redemption Of The Property
Acquired At Public Auction In Accordance With The Provisions Of This Title Shall Be
Distributed As Follows.

(A) In The Case Of Provinces:

(1) Province- Thirty-Five Percent (35%) Shall Accrue To The General Fund;

(2) Municipality- Forty Percent (40%) To The General Fund Of The Municipality
Where The Property Is Located; And

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Province of Pangasinan



(3) Barangay- Twenty- Five (25%) Shall Accrue To The Barangay Where The
Property Is Located.

(B) In The Case Of Cities:

(1) Seventy Percent (70%) Shall Accrue To The General Fund Of The City.

(2) Thirty Percent (30%) Shall Be Distributed Among The Competent Barangays
Of The City Where The Property Is Located In The Following Manner:

(I) Fifty Percent (50%) Shall Accrue To The Barangay Where The Property
Is Located;

(Ii) Fifty Percent (50%) Shall Accrue Equally To All Competent Barangays
Of The City; And

1. Municipality- Thirty Five Percent (35%) Shall Accrue To The General

Fund Of The Municipality Where The Property Is Located;
2. Barangays- Thirty Percent (30%) Shall Be Distributed Among The
Competent Barangay Of The Municipality Where The Property Is
Located In The Following Manner:

(I) Fifty Percent (50%) Shall Accrue To The Barangay Where The
Property Is Located;

(Ii) Fifty Percent (50%) Shall Accrue Equally To All Competent

Barangays Of The Municipality;

(C) The Share Of Each Barangay Shall Be Released, Without The Need Of Any
Further Action; Directly To The Barangay Treasurer On A Quarterly Basis
Within Five (5) Adays After The End Of Each Quarter And Shall Not Be The
Subject To Any Lien Or Holdback For Whatever Purpose.

27. Section 272 Of R.A. 7160 Provides As Follows:



Republic of the Philippines
Province of Pangasinan



The Proceeds From The Additional One Percent (1%) On Real Property
Accruing To Special Education Fund (SEF) Shall Be Automatically Released To The
Local School Boards; Provided: That, In Case The Proceeds Shall Be Divided Equally
Between The Province, The Proceeds Shall Be Divided Equally Between The
Provincial And Municipal School Boards; Provided, However, That The Proceeds
Shall Be Allocated For The Operation And Maintenance Of Public Schools,
Construction And Repair Of School Building, Facilities, And Equipment, Educational
Research, Purchase Of Books And Periodicals Sports Developments As Determined
And Approved By The School Board.

28. Section 273 Of R.A. 7160 Provides As Follows:


The Proceeds Of The Additional Real Property Tax On Idle Lands Shall Accrue
To The General Fund Of The City Where The Land Is Located.

29. Section 274 Of R.A. 7160 Provides As Follows:


The Proceeds Of The Special Levy On Lands By Public Works, Projects And
Other Improvements Shall Accrue To The Fund Of The Local Government Unit
Which Financed Such Public Works, Projects Or Other Improvements.

30. Section 275 Of R.A. 7160 Provides As Follows:

SECTION 275. General Assessment Revisions Expenses Incident


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Province of Pangasinan



All Expenses To A General Revision Of The Real Property Assessment And

Shall Be Apportioned Between The City And The Barangay On The Basis Of The
Taxable Area Therein.

31. Section 276 Of R.A 7160 Provides As Follows:

SECTION 276. Condonation or Reduction Of Real Property Tax And

Interest. -

In Case Of A General Failure Of Crops Or Substantial Decrease In The Price Of

Agricultural Or Agribased Products, Or Calamity In Any Province, City, Or
Municipality, The Sanggunian Concerned, By Ordinance Passed Prior To The First
(1st) Day Of January Of Any Year Upon Recommendation Of The Local Disaster
Coordinating Council, May Condone Or Reduce, Wholly Or Partially, The Taxes And
Interest Thereon For The Succeeding Year Or Years In The City Or Municipality
Affected By The Calamity.

32. Section 277 Of R.A. 7160 Provides As Follows:

SECTION 277.Condonation Or Reduction Of Tax By The President Of

The Philippines.

The President Of The Philippines May, When Public Interest So Requires,

Condone Or Reduce The Real Property Tax And Interest For Any Years In Any
Province Or City Or A Municipality Within The Metropolitan Manila Area.

33. Section 276 Of R.A. 7160 Provides As Follows:

SECTION 278. Duty Of Registrar Of Deeds And Notaries Public To Assist

The City Assessor.

It Shall Be The Duty Of The Registrar Of Deeds And Notaries To Furnish The
City Assessor With Copies Of All Contracts, Selling Transferring Or Otherwise

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Province of Pangasinan



Conveying, Leasing , Or Mortgaging Real Property Receive By , Or Acknowledgeable

Before Them.

34. Section 279 Of R.A. 7160 Provides As Follows:

SECTION 279. Insurance Companies To Furnish Information -

Insurance Companies Are Hereby Required To Furnish The City Assessor

Copied Of Any Contract Or Policy Insurance On Building Structures, And
Improvements Insured By Them Or Such Other Documents Which May Be
Necessary For The Proper Assessment Thereof.

35. Section 280 Of R.A. 7160 Provides As Follows:

SECTION 280. Fees In Court Actions. -

All Court Actions, Criminal Or Civil, Instituted At The Instance Of The

Provincial, City Or Municipality Treasurer Or Assessor Under The Provisions Of This
Code Shall Be Exempt From The Payment Of Court And Sheriff’s Fees.

36. Section 281 Of R.A. 7160 Provides As Follows:

SECTION 281. Fees In Registration Of Papers Or Documents On Sale Of

Delinquent Real Property To Province, City Or Municipality. -

All Certificate, Documents, And Papers Covering The Sale Of Delinquent

Property To The Province, City Or Municipality, If Registered In The Registry Of
Property, Shall Be Exempt From The Documentary Stamp Tax And Registration

37. Section 282 Of R.A. 7160 Provides As Follows:

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Province of Pangasinan



SECTION 282. Real Property Assessment Notices Or Owner’s Copies Of

Tax Declarations To Be Exempt From Postal Charges Or Fees. -

All Real Property Assessment Notice’s Or Owners Copies Of Tax Declaration

Sent Through The Mails By The Assessor Shall Be Exempt From The Payment Of
Postal Charges Or Fees.

38. Section 283 Of R.A. 7160 Provides As Follows:

SECTION 283. Sale And Forfeiture Before Effectivity Of Code. -

Tax Delinquencies Incurred, And Sales And Forfeitures Of Delinquent Real

Property Affected, Before The Effectivity Of This Code Shall Be Governed By The
Provisions Of Applicable Laws Then In Force.

Section 22D.02. Deletion. Section 15 Of Ordinance No. 2002-21 Is Hereby Deleted.

Section 22D.03. Miscellaneous Provisions -

3.1. Registration Fee Of Prospective Bidders During The Auction Sale In The
Amount Of Two Thousand Five Hundred Pesos (2, 500.00) Is Non- Refundable.

3.2 The Initial Selling Price Of The Property To Be Auctioned Shall Include
The Following:

A. Amount Of Delinquent Taxes

B. Share Of The Taxpayer From The Publication Expenses

3.3. In Case The Owner Of The Property Pays The Real Property Tax Due
Before The Actual Bidding, He Shall Pay The Following:

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A. Amount Of Delinquent Taxes

B. Share From The Publication Expenses (Divided Equally By And Among All
Delinquent Real Properties Subject For Auction)

3.4. In Case The Owner Redeem The Sold Property At Public Auction Within
One (1) Year, He Shall Pay The Following:

A. Purchased Price Of The Auctioned Property

B. Plus 2% Interest/Month Of The Purchased Price From The Time Of

Auction To The Time Of Redemption

Section 22D.04. Creation Of Committee. That The City Mayor Is Hereby

Empowered To Create A Committee Who Shall Be Responsible In Formulating Rules
And Regulation Pertaining To The Sale Of Delinquent Real Property Through Public

Article E

Service Fee on Off-line method of encoding request for

Civil Registry Documents and submission thereof to an
On-line Serbilis outlet of the National Statistics Office

Section 22E.01. Imposition of Fee. It is hereby imposed the amount of

P100.00 for every request of civil registry document as Service Fee for an off-
line method of encoding request for civil registry documents and submission
thereof to an on-line Serbilis Outlet of the National Statistics Office (NSO).

Section 22E.02. Separability Clause. In the event that any provision of this
Ordinance shall be declared unconstitutional or invalid, other provisions
thereof, which are not affected thereby, shall remain to be in force and effect.

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Province of Pangasinan



Article F

Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Service Fee

Section 22F.01. Definition of Terms – When used in this Article:

a. Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Service Fee is the

amount of money that shall be collected by the City Government of
Alaminos for the purpose of establishing a fund to sustain the
implementation of its Modernization Program and Amended
Alaminos City College Scholarship Assistance Program.
b. Transactions are services offered or delivered by the City
Government of Alaminos to the general public that requires
payment to obtain such services. This includes payments of taxes,
clearances, permits, certifications and others. The ICT Service Fee is
applied in the following manner:

1. When the general public is paying his/her real property tax;

2. When the general public is paying his/her Community Tax
3. In case a particular service requires one or more requirements
such as renewal of business permit, the ICT Service Fee shall
only be imposed once;
4. When the general public so desires, maximum number of
services that can be availed of at one time is nine (9) which
corresponds to the maximum number of lines that can be written
in Accountable Form No. 51.

c. Accountable Form No. 51 is a form of Official Receipt printed by the

National Printing Office used by City Treasurer for the collection of
fees other than the Real Property Tax and Community Tax
d. Amended Alaminos City College Scholarship Assistance Program is
a program being implemented by the City thru Ordinance No. 2006-
06 that provides financial assistance to poor but deserving high-
school graduates of the City of Alaminos to pursue Bachelor’s
Degree Program in any school of their choice;

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Province of Pangasinan



Section 22F.02. Schedule of Fee – There shall be collected Information and

Communication Technology (ICT) Service Fee amounting to TWENTY
PESOS (P20.00) per transaction is hereby imposed to the general
public who wish to avail services offered or delivered by the City
Government of Alaminos.

Section 22F.03. Purpose – Out of the P20.00 that shall be collected, fifty
percent (50%) shall be utilized to fund the City’s Modernization
Program while the remaining amount will be used as an additional
fund for the City’s Expanded Scholarship Program;

Section 22F.04. Manner of Collection – The ICT Service Fee shall be collected by
the City Treasurer to the general public upon payment of the services needed from
the City. The ICT Service fee shall be reflected in the Official Receipt that shall be
issued, and in Community Tax Certificate as well;

Article G

Tricycle Fare Rates

Section 22G.01. Amendment. The specific provision of Ordinance No. 2005-

01 which is the subject for amendment reads as follows:

1. For the first 1.5 kilometers distance regular passengers will have to
pay a fare of P7.50.
2. An additional fare of P2.00 for every succeeding 1 kilometer distance
or fraction thereof.
3. Twenty percent (20%) discount will be given as privilege for
passengers belonging to the group of Senior Citizens, Students, and
Disabled Persons.

This schedule of rates shall be posted inside the sidecar for an

immediate view of passengers.

The amendments on the immediate preceding provision which shall

serve as the new tricycle fare rates 2008 shall read as follows:



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Province of Pangasinan





1.5 7.50 6.00

2.5 9.50 7.60

3.5 11.50 9.20

4.5 13.50 10.80

5.5 15.50 12.40

6.5 17.50 14.00

7.5 19.50 15.60

8.5 21.50 17.20

9.5 23.50 18.80

10.5 25.50 20.40

11.5 27.50 22.00

12.5 29.50 23.60

13.5 31.50 25.20

14.5 33.50 26.80

15.5 35.50 28.40

This schedule of new rate shall be posted inside the sidecar for an
immediate view of passengers.

Article H

Tax Discount for advance payment

Section 22H.01. Title. This Article is known as “TAX INCENTIVE ORDINANCE”.

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Province of Pangasinan



Section 22H.02. Tax discount – a fifteen (15%) per cent discount shall be granted
to all taxpayer/s who pay their real property tax including the SEF in full
within the First Quarter and a Twenty (20%) per cent discount if all the
aforecited taxes are paid before January 1 of each year.

Section 22H.03. Condition of the grant. The above mentioned discount shall only
be granted to properties without any delinquency at the time of payment.

Article I

Laboratory tests Fees and Charges conducted by the City Health Officer
in complete blood count, sperm analysis, platelet count, hemoglobin
count, gram stain, urinalysis, fecalysis.

Section 22I.01. Charging fees for services - There is hereby imposed a

laboratory fees and charges on services rendered by the City Health Office
Laboratory per laboratory test, as follows:


1. Complete Blood Count - P75.00

2. Sperm Analysis - P120.00
3. Platelet Count - P100.00
4. Hemoglobin Count - P50.00
5. Gram Stain - P50.00
6. Fecalysis - P35.00
7. Urinalysis - P35.00

Section 22I.02. Authority to collect- The City Treasurer is hereby

authorized to collect the fees and charges corresponding to the services
rendered by the City Health Office Laboratory as indicated in Section 1.

Section 22I.03. Presentment of receipt- Any person who wishes to avail of

the laboratory test shall first pay the corresponding test and fees to the City
Treasurer and present the receipt to the City Health Officer before the
conduct of the said laboratory test. Provided, however, that certified indigents
by the Barangay Captain and the City Social Welfare Officer are exempted
from the fees imposed in this ordinance should they avail of the laboratory

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Province of Pangasinan



Section 22I.04. Implementation- The City Mayor shall issue rules and
regulations as he deem it necessary for the smooth and effective
implementation of this ordinance.

Article J

Adoption of Book II – Local Taxation and Fiscal Matter; Title Two – Real
Property Taxation; Chapter 6 collection of Real Property Tax; Sections 246 to
257 of R.A 7160 – Local Government Code of 1991.”

Section 22J.01. Scope of coverage – For purposes of this Article, the adoption shall
cover Sections 246 to 257 of Book II, Title Two, and Chapter 6 of RA 7160.

Section 22J.02. Date of accrual of tax – the real property tax for any year shall
accrue on the first day of January and paid on or before the last day of March
without penalty interest and from that date it shall constitute a lien on the property
which shall be superior to any other lien, mortgage, or encumbrance or any kind
whatsoever, and shall be extinguished only upon payment of the delinquent tax.

Section 22J.03. Collection of tax – The collection of the real property tax with
interest thereon and related expenses and the enforcement of the remedies provided
for in this title (real property taxation) or any applicable laws, shall be the
responsibility of the City Treasurer concerned.

The City Treasurer may deputize the Barangay treasurer to collect all taxes on real
property located in the Barangay: Provided, that the Barangay treasurer is properly
bonded for the purpose; Provided, further that the premium on the bond shall be
paid by the city government concerned.

Section 22J.04. City Assessor to furnish city treasurer with assessment roll –
The City Assessor shall prepare and submit to the City Treasurer, on or before the
thirty-first (31st) day of December each year, an assessment roll containing a list of
all persons whose real properties have been newly assessed or reassessed and the
values of such properties.

Section 22J.05. Notice of time for collection of tax – The City Treasurer shall, on
or before the thirty first (31st) day of January each year, in the case of the basic real
property tax and the additional tax for the Special Education Fund (SEF) or on any
other date to be prescribed by the Sangguniang Panlungsod in the case of any other
tax levied under this ordinance, post the notice of the dates when the tax may be
paid without interest at a conspicuous and publicly accessible place at the city hall.
Said notice shall likewise be published in a newspaper of general circulation in the
locality once a week for two (2) consecutive weeks.

Section 22J.06. Payment of real property taxes in installment – The owner of the
real property or the person having legal interest may pay the basic real property tax

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and the additional tax for Special Education Fund due thereon without interest in
four (4) equal installments: the first installment to be due and payable or before
March thirty-first (31st), the second installment, on or before June thirty (30); and
the third installment on or before September thirty (30) and the last installment on
or before December thirty-first (31st), except the special levy, the payment or which
shall be governed by an ordinance of the Sangguniang Panlungsod.

The date for the payment of any other tax to be imposed under this Title (Real
Property Tax) without interest shall be provided by the Sangguniang Panlungsod.

Payments of real property taxes shall first be applied to prior year’s delinquencies,
interests, and penalties if any, and only after said delinquencies are settled may tax
payments be credited for the current period.

Section 22J.07. Tax discount for advanced prompt payment – If the basic real
property tax and the additional tax accruing to the Special Education Fund (SEF)
are paid in advance in accordance with the prescribed schedule of payment as
provided under Section 7, the discount shall be ten percent (10%) of the annual tax

Section 22J.08. Payment under protest

a) No protest shall be entertained unless the taxpayer first pays the tax. There
shall be annotated on the tax receipts the words “paid under protest”. The
protest in writing must be filed within thirty (30) days from payment of the
tax to the city treasurer who shall decide the protest within sixty (60) days
from receipt.
b) The tax or a portion thereof paid under protest shall be held in trust by the
treasurer concerned.
c) In the event that the protest is finally decided in favor of the taxpayer, the
amount or portion of the tax protested shall be refunded to the protestant, or
applied as tax credit against his existing or future tax liability.
d) In the event that the protest is denied or upon the lapse of the sixty (60) day
period prescribed in subparagraph (a), the taxpayer may avail of the remedies
as provided for in Chapter 3, Title II, Book II of RA 7160.

Section 22J.09. Repayment of excessive collections – When an assessment of

basic real property tax, or any other tax levied under this Title, is found to be illegal
or erroneous and the tax is accordingly reduced or adjusted, the taxpayer may file a
written claim for refund or credit for taxes and interests with the city treasurer
within two (2) years from the date the taxpayer is entitled to such reduction or

The City Treasurer shall decide the claim for tax refund or credit within sixty (60)
days from receipt thereof. In case the claim for tax refund or credit is denied, the

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Province of Pangasinan



taxpayer may avail of the remedies as provided in Chapter 3, Title II, Book II of RA

Section 22J.10. Notice of delinquency in the payment of the real property tax

a) When the real property tax or any other tax imposed under this Title becomes
delinquent, the city treasurer shall immediately cause a notice of the
delinquency to be posted at the main entrance of the provincial Capitol, or
city or municipal hall and in a publicly accessible and conspicuous place in
each Barangay of the local government unit concerned. The notice of
delinquency shall also be published once a week for two (2) consecutive
weeks, in a newspaper of general circulation in the city.
b) Such notice shall specify the date upon which the tax became delinquent and
shall state that personal property may be distrained to effect payment. It shall
likewise state that at any time before the distraint of personal property,
payment of the tax with surcharges, interests and penalties may be made in
accordance with the next following section, and unless the tax, surcharges
and penalties are paid before the expiration of the year for which the tax is
due except when the notice of assessment or special levy is contested
administratively or judicially pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 3, Title II,
Book II of RA 7160, the delinquent property will be sold at public auction,
and the title to the property will be vested in the purchases, subject, however,
to the right of the delinquent owner of the property or any person having legal
interest therein to redeem the property within one (1) year from the date of

Section 22J.11. Interests on unpaid real property tax – In case of failure to pay
the basic real property tax or any other tax levied under this title from January 1 to
March 31 and upon the expiration of the periods as provided in Section 7, or when
due, as the case may be, shall subject the taxpayer to the payment of interest at the
rate of two percent (25) per month on the unpaid amount or a fraction thereof, until
the delinquent tax shall have been fully paid: Provided, however, that in no case
shall the total interest on the unpaid tax or portion thereof exceed thirty six (36)

Section 22J.12. Remedies for the collection of real property tax – Fir the
collection of the basic real property tax and any other tax levied under this Title, the
local government unit concerned may avail of the remedies by administrative action
thru levy on real property or by judicial action.

Section 22J.13. Local government lien – The basic real property tax and any other
tax levied under this title constitutes a lien on the property subject to tax, superior
to all liens, charges or encumbrances in favor of any person, irrespective of the
owner or possessor thereof, enforceable by administrative or judicial action, and

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Province of Pangasinan



may only be extinguished upon payment of the tax and the related interests and

Section 22J.14. Supplement. All other sections in the Title II– Real Property Tax of
Republic Act No. 7160 – The Local Government Code of 1991 which are not
expressly adopted in this ordinance shall be suppletorily applicable in the levy and
collection of real property tax in the city.

Article K

Rate of Bid Forms for Projects

Section 22K.01. Rate. The current rate of bid forms for projects in the
City of Alaminos shall be as follows:

0.00 - 500.000.00 250.00
500,001.00 - 1,000,000.00 500.00
1,000,001.00 - 5,000,000.00 1,000.00
5,000,001.00 - 10,000,000.0 2,000.00
10,000,001.00 0 3,000.00
- 20,000,000.0 4,000.00
20,000,001.00 0 5,000.00
- 30,000,000.0 6,000.00
30,000,001.00 0 7,000.00
- 40,000,000.0
40,000,001.00 0
- 50,000,000.0
50,000,001.00 0
- Up

Section 22K.02. Application. For purposes of this ordinance, the rates shall
apply to all projects for bidding and implementation in the City of

Section 22K.03. Proceeds. The proceeds of the tax/fee herein prescribed shall
accrue entirely to the General Fund of the city.

Article L

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Province of Pangasinan



“Adoption of Article 3, Section 151; Chapter 4, Section 232; and Chapter 5,

Section 235 act 7160, known as Local Government Code of 1991, on the Levy
and Collection of Real Property Tax.”

Section 22L.01. Levy. The City of Alaminos hereby levy an annual Ad Valorem Tax
on real property such as Land, Buildings, Machinery and other improvements not
hereinafter exempted.

Section 22L.02. Rates of levy – The rate of basic real property tax shall be fixed at
one percent (1%) of the assessed value of the real property.

Section 22L.03. Exemptions from real property tax – The following are exempted
from payment of the real property tax:

a. Real property owned by the Republic of the Philippines or any of its political
subdivisions except, when the beneficial use thereof has been granted for
consideration or otherwise, to a taxable person;
b. Charitable institutions, churches, personages or convents appurtenant
thereto, mosques, non-profitable or religious cemeteries and all lands,
buildings and improvements actually, directly and exclusively used for
religious, charitable or education purposes;
c. All machineries and equipment that are actually, directly and exclusively
used by local water districts and government-owned or controlled
corporations engaged in the supply and distribution of water and/or
generation and transmission of electric power;
d. All real property owned by duly registered cooperatives as provided for under
RA 6938; and
e. Machinery and equipment used for pollution control and environmental

Except as provided herein any exemption from payment of real property tax
previously granted to, or presently enjoyed by, all persons whether natural or
juridical, including all government-owned or controlled corporations are hereby
withdrawn upon the effectivity of this ordinance.

Section 22L.04. Additional levy on Real Property for the Special Education
Fund (SEF). The City of Alaminos, Pangasinan hereby levy and collect an annual tax
of one percent (1%) on the assessed value of real property, which shall be in addition
to the basic real property tax. The proceeds thereof shall exclusively accrue to the
Special Education Fund (SEF) of the City.

Section 22L.05. Distribution of Proceeds – the proceeds of the basic real property
tax including interest thereon and proceed from the use, lease or disposition, sale or
redemption of property acquired at a public auction, in accordance with the
provisions of this title by the City shall be distributed as follows:

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Province of Pangasinan



a) City – Seventy percent (70%) shall accrue to the general fund of the City; and
b) Barangays – thirty percent (30%) shall be distributed among the componed
barangays of the City where the property in the following manner:

(i) Fifty percent (50%) shall accrue to the barangay where the
property located.
(ii) Fifty percent (50%) shall accrue to all component barangays of
the City.

Article M

Ratifying the Fees provided in Rule 18 of Administrative Order No. 1

series of 2001 entitled “ Rules and Regulations Governing the Implementation
of Republic Act. 9048.

Section 22M.01. Ratification Made. Section 2 – Rule 18 of Administrative Order

No. 1 series of 2001 is hereby ratified:

“ Rule 18. Authority to collect filing and other fees. The

City/Municipality Civil Registrar or the District/ Civil Registrar is hereby authorized
to collect from every petitioner a filing fee in the amount of 1,000 pesos ( P
1,000.00 ) for the correction clerical or topographical error, and three thousand
pesos (P3,000.00 ) for change of first name and nickname. An indigent petitioner as
defined under Rule 2.7 shall be exempted from the payment of said fee.

In the case of a petition filed with the CG, a filing fee of fifty U.S.dollars ($50.00) or
its equivalent value in local currency for the correction of clerical and topographical
error, and one hundred fifty U.S. dollars ($150.00) or its equivalent value in local
currency for the change of first name, shall be collected.

In the case of a migrant petitioner for correction of clerical or topographical error,

there shall be a service fee of five hundred (P500.00) to be collected by the PRCR. In
case the petition is for change of name, the service fee is one thousand pesos
(P1,000.00).The service fee shall accrue to the City or municipal government of the
PRCR. The PRCR shall also collect the filing fee from the migrant petitioner, which
shall be in the form of postal money order or other form of payment which shall be
payable to and transmitted to the PRCR together with the petition and supporting

When the petitioner files petition for correction of clerical or topographical error,
simultaneously with petition for change of first name , and the same document is
involved , the petitioner shall pay only the amount corresponding to the fee for the
petition for change of first name”.

Republic of the Philippines
Province of Pangasinan



Article N

Amendment of Chapter IV – Service Fees; Article B- Local Registry Fees ; and

letters a, b, c, d and e of Section 4B-01 – Imposition of fees of the Local
Revenue Code of 1993 of this city.

Section 22N.01. Amendments. The amendments are as follows:

1. Section 2 – Chapter IV- Service Fee; Article B- Local Registry Fees; Section
4B-01 Imposition of Fees; Letter A- Marriage Fees is hereby amended as

From To

Application for Marriage License - Php 50.00 Php 100.00

Marriage License/Miscellaneous Php 12.00 Php 52.00

Solemnization fee Php 50.00 Php 100.00

2. Section 3 – Chapter IV- Service Fees; Article B- Local Registry Fees;

Section 4B.01

-Imposition of Fees : Letter B- Birth Fees is hereby amended as follows:


Certified true copy Php 50.00 Php 20.00

Certified Xerox copy Php 35.00 Php 20.00


Certified true copy Php 75.00 Php 35.00

Certified Xerox copy Php 75.00 Php 35.00

3. Chapter IV – Service Fees ; Article B-Local Registry fees Section 4B-01-

Imposition of Fees ; Letter C- Death Fees is hereby amended as follows:


Certified true copy Php 50.00 Php 20.00

Certified Xerox copy Php 35.00 Php 20.00


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Certified true copy Php 75.00 Php 35.00

Certified Xerox copy Php 75.00 Php 35.00

4. Chapter IV- Service Fees ; Article B- Local Registry fees; Section 4B-01-
Imposition of Fees; Letter D- Certification Fees is hereby amended as follows:


a) Birth Certificate ABROAD LOCAL

1. Available Php 50.00 Php 20.00

2. Not Available Php 35.00 Php 20.00

3. Destroyed Php 35.00 Php 20.00


1. Available Php 75.00 Php 35.00

2. Not Available Php 35.00 Php 35.00

3. Destroyed Php 35.00 Php 35.00

b) Death Certificate


1. Available Php 50.00 Php 20.00

2. Not Available Php 35.00 Php 20.00

3. Destroyed Php 35.00 Php 20.00


1. Available Php 75.00 Php 35.00

2. Not Available Php 35.00 Php 35.00

3. Destroyed Php 35.00 Php 35.00

c) Marriage Certificate


1. Available Php 50.00 Php 20.00

2. Not Available Php 35.00 Php 20.00

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3. Destroyed Php 35.00 Php 20.00

4. Certified true copyPhp 50.00 Php 20.00

5. Certified Xerox copyPhp 35.00 Php 20.00


1. Available Php 75.00 Php 35.00

2. Not Available Php 35.00 Php 35.00

3. Destroyed Php 35.00 Php 35.00

4. Certified true copyPhp 75.00 Php 35.00

5. Certified Xerox copyPhp 75.00 Php 35.00

5. Chapter IV- Service Fees ; Article B- Local Registry fees; Section 4B-01-
Imposition of Fees; Letter E- Other Local Registry Fees is hereby amended as follows:


1. Registration of Court Order Decree Php 50.00 Php


2. Registration of Legal Instrument Php 50.00 Php


3. Certification Fee Php 20.00 Php 50.00

4. Mayor’s Affidavit Fee Php 25.00 Php


Article O

Solicitation Permit Fee

Section 22O.01. Imposition.- A fee is hereby imposed to applicant/s of a

fund campaign drive confined within the City and sponsored by any existing
and recognized association /group/ organization or group other than any of

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Province of Pangasinan



the Local Government Unit intended for a certain noble project in the

Section 22O.02. Fees. – Schedule of the fund campaign drive and the
corresponding fee schedule to be collected from the applicant:

Target Amount: Duration: Fee to be


1. Below Php 10,000.00 30 days Php 50.00

2. Php 10,000.00 toPhp 25,000.0045 days Php 100.00

3. Php 25,001.00 t(o Php 40,000.00 60 days Php


4. Php 40,001.00 and above 90 days Php 200.00

Section 22O.03. Financial statement. – All permit grantees should have to

prepare and submit financial statement of income and/ or gross receipts and
expenditures not later than one (1) month after the fund raising campaign ,
including the statement of expenditures on the intended project , together
with the black and white picture of the project accomplishment, to the Office
of the Mayor, the Local – Government Operations Officer, Sangguniang
Bayan, the mother unit of the permitee which is the recommending authority
in the acquisition of a permit, as the case may be.

Section 22O.04. Penalty. – Any association, organization, or group (officials)

found violating this ordinance shall be fined of an amount of not more than
Php 1,000.00 but not less than Php 700.00; or suffer of an imprisonment of
not more than 7days but not less than 3 days, or both, such fine and
imprisonment at the discretion of the court.

Article P

Financial Incentive to Barangay Treasurers

Section 22P.01. Grant. – The Barangay Treasurers are hereby granted the
amount of P200.00 each per month as financial assistance/incentive effective
March, 1994 and thereafter.

Section 22P.02. Authority – The Honorable Mayor is hereby authorized to

appropriate the needed amount for;

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Section 22P.03. When Incentive Denied. – It is the spirit of this ordinance

not to give the incentive for the month of his/her failure to submit the
required performance/accomplishment reports.

Article Q

Tax discount for advance payment made by Taxpayers whose Real

Properties are situated in the City

Section 22Q.01. Grant. – Tax discount for advance payment of real properties
tax is hereby granted to persons owning real properties in the Municipality of
Alaminos, Pangasinan.

Section 22Q.02. Schedule. – The following is the schedule for tax discount:

1. 2 years and above but not to exceed 5

years…………………………..10% discount

2. 5 years and above but not to exceed 10

years…………………………15% discount

3. 10 years advance and

above…………………………………………………….20% discount

Article R

Twenty- Percent discount (20%) for the first- Fifty Taxpayers of Mayor’s
Permit Fees as incentive for prompt payment”

Section 22R.01. Discount.- There is hereby a need for an aggressive

information drive to concerned businessmen to avail themselves of the twenty

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Province of Pangasinan



percent discount (20%) in the payment of Mayor’s Permit fee for the first fifty
(50) early payers who pay within the month of January.

Section 22R.02. Coverage. – The ordinance covers all businesses operating

within the Municipality of Alaminos, Pangasinan.

Section 22R.03. Dissemination. – That the information drive be undertaken

by the Municipal Information Officer in coordination with the Treasurer’s

Section 22R.04. Implementation – The successful implementation of this

ordinance be under the direct supervision of the Municipal Treasurer’s

Article S

Fee For Every Business Establishments/Enterprises

Section 22S .01. Imposition. – There shall be collected for every business
establishment/enterprise listed below the amount indicated opposite each, to wit:

1. Rice Mills – P200.00 / year

2. Water pumps :
a) 1-5 hectares irrigable land P25.00/cropping – P20.00
b) 6-15 hectares irrigable land P75.00/cropping – P150.00
c) 16-25 hectares irrigable land P150.00/cropping – P300.00
d) 26-25 hectares irrigable land P250.00/cropping – P500.00
e) 36 above hectares irrigable land P350.00/cropping – P700.00
3. Palay Threshers :
a) For resident owner – P100.00 annually
b) For non-resident owner – P150.00 annually or P10.00/day operation
4. Power Tillers:
a) Gasoline powered – P50.00 / year (private)
- P100.00 / year (business)
b) Diesel powered – P100.00 / year (private)
- P200.00 / year (business)
5. Tricycle – P20.00 annually
6. Sari-sari store:
a) P500.00 – P1,500.0 capital – P10.00 / annum
b) P1,501.00 – P2,500.00 capital – P15.00 / annum
c) P2,501.00 – above

Section 22S .02. Service Charge. – There shall be collected corresponding service
charges of fees for the following:

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Province of Pangasinan



1. Branding of large cattle – P10.00 / head

2. Barangay Clearance – P10.00 / issue
3. Drying of Palay in Multi-Purpose pavement
a) for skin dry only – P00.25 / sack
b) for ready to mill – P00.50 / sack

Section 22S .03. Where and whom payment shall be made.– The fee / charges
prescribed shall be paid first to the Barangay Treasurer or duly authorized collection
agent before the operation of said business establishment / enterprises. Provided,
however, that in the drying of palay, branding of large cattle, and issuance of
barangay clearance payment shall be made after the services have been rendered;

Section 22S.04. Penalty. – Any person/s or juridical body found violating any of the
provisions of this ordinance shall, after conviction by a court of competent
jurisdiction, suffer a fine of not more than P500.00 or imprisonment of 30 days, or
both, depending upon the discretion of the court.

Article T

Revenue Code

Section 22T.01. Scope – This code shall govern the levy, assessment and collection
of taxes, fees, charges and other imposition within the jurisdiction of the
Municipality of Alaminos, Province of Pangasinan.

Section 22T.02. Fundamental Principles – The following fundamental principles

shall govern the exercise of the taxing and other revenue-raising powers of local
government units:

a) Taxation shall be uniform in each local government unit; the uniformity

required is only within the territorial jurisdiction of a municipality;
b) Taxes, fees, charges and other imposition shall;

1) Be equitable and based as far as practicable on the taxpayer’s ability to

2) Be levied and collected only for public purposes;
3) Not be unjust, excessive, oppressive, or confiscatory;
4) Not be contrary to law, public policy, national economic policy, or
restraint of trade;
c) The collection of local taxes, fees, charges and other impositions, shall in
no case be let to any private person;
d) The revenue collected pursuant to the provisions of this code shall inure
solely to the benefit of, and be subject to disposition by, the local
government unit levying the tax, fee, charge or other imposition unless
otherwise specifically provided herein;

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Province of Pangasinan



e) Each Local Government Unit shall, as far as practicable, evolve a

progressive system of taxation.

Section 22T.03. Definition of Terms. When used in this Article:

a) Agricultural Product – includes the yield of the soil, such as corn, rice,
wheat, rye, hay, coconuts, sugarcane, tobacco, root crops, vegetables,
fruits, flowers, and their by-products; ordinary salt; all kinds of fish;
poultry; and livestock and animal products, whether in their original form
or not.

The phrase “whether in the their original form or not” refers to the
transformation of said products by the farmer, fisherman, producer or owner
through the application of processes to preserve or otherwise to prepare said
products for the market such as freezing, drying, salting, smoking, or stripping for
purposes of preserving or otherwise preparing said products for the market.

To be considered an agricultural products whether in its original form or

not, its transformation must have been undertaken by the farmer, fisherman,
producer or owner.

Agricultural products as defined include those that have undergone not

only simple but even sophisticated processes employing advance technological
means in packaging like dressed chicken, or ground coffee in plastic bags or
styropor or other packaging materials intended to process and prepared the
products for the market.

The term “by-products” shall mean those materials which in the

cultivation or processing of an article remain over, and which are still of value and
marketable, like copra cake from copra or molasses from sugarcane;

b) Amusement – is a pleasurable diversion and entertainment. It is

synonymous to relaxation, avocation, pastime, or fun;
c) Amusement Places – include theatres, cinemas, concert halls, circuses
and other places of amusement where one seeks admission to entertain
oneself by seeing or viewing the show or performance;
d) Business – means trade or commercial activity regularly engaged in as a
means of livelihood or with a view to profit;
e) Banks and other Financial institutions – include non-bank financial
intermediaries, lending investors, finance and investments companies,
pawnshops, money shops, insurance companies, stock markets, stock
brokers and dealers in securities and foreign exchange, as defined under
applicable law, or rules and regulations thereunder;
f) Capital Investment – is the capital which a person employs in any
undertaking, or which he contributes to the capital of a partnership,

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Province of Pangasinan



corporation, or any other juridical entity or association in a particular

taxing jurisdiction;
g) Charges – refers to pecuniary liability, as rents or fees against persons or
h) Contractor – includes persons, natural or juridical, not subject to
professional tax under Art. 228 of RA 7160, whose activity consists
essentially of the sale of all kinds of services for a fee, regardless of
whether or not the performance of the service calls for the exercise or use
of the physical or mental faculties of such contractor or his employees.

As used in this Section, the term CONTRACTOR shall include general

engineering, general building and specially contractors as defined under applicable
laws; filling demolitions and salvage works contractors; proprietors, operators of
mine drilling apparatus, proprietors or operators of dockyards, persons engages in
the installation of water system, and gas or electrical light, heat, or power;
proprietors or operators of smelting plants, engraving, plating, and plastic
lamination establishments; proprietors or operators of establishments of repairing,
repainting, upholstering, washing or greasing of vehicles, heavy equipments,
vulcanizing, recapping and battery charging; proprietors or operator of furniture
shops and establishments for planning or surfacing and recutting of lumber, and
sawmills under contract to saw or cut logs belonging to others, proprietor or
operators of dry-cleaning or dyeing establishments, steam laundries, and laundries
using washing machines, proprietors or owners of shops for the repair of any kind of
mechanical and electrical devices, instruments, apparatus or furnitures and shop
repairing by machine or any mechanical contravince; proprietors or operators of
tailor shops, millers and hatters, beauty parlors, barbershops, massage clinics,
sauna, Turkish and Swedish baths, slandering and body building saloons and
similar establishments; photographic studios; funerals parlors; proprietor or
operators of hotels, motels, and lodging houses; proprietors or operators of arrastre
and stevedoring, warehousing, or forwarding establishments, mater plumbers,
smiths, and house or sign painters; printers, bookbinders, lithographers; publishers
except those engaged in the publication or printing of any newspaper, magazine,
review or bulletin which appears at regular intervals with fixed prices for
subscription and sale and which is not devoted principally to the publication of
advertisements; business agents, private detective or watchman agencies,
commercial and immigration brokers, and cinematographic film owners, lessors and

i) Corporation – includes, partnerships, no matter how created or

organized, joint-stock companies, joint accounts (cuentas or
participacion), associations or insurance companies but does not include
general professional partnerships and joint venture or consortium formed
for the purpose of undertaking construction projects or engaging in
petroleum, coal, geothermal, and other energy operations or consortium

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agreement under a service contract with the government. General

professional partnerships are partnerships formed by persons for the sole
purpose of exercising their common profession, no part of the income of
which is derived from engaging in any trade or business.

The term resident foreign when applied to a corporation not otherwise

organized under the laws of the Philippines but engaged in trade or business within
the Philippines;

j) Countryside and Barangay Business Enterprises – refers to any

business entity, association, or cooperative registered under the provisions
of RA 6810, otherwise known as Magna Carta for Countryside and
Barangay Business Enterprises (Kalakalan 20);
k) Dealer – means one whose business is to buy and sell merchandise, goods
and chattel as merchant. He stands immediately between the producer or
manufacturer and the consumer and depends for his profit not upon the
labor he bestows upon his commodities but upon the skills and foresight
with which he watches the market;
l) Fee – means a charge fixed by law or ordinance for the regulation or
inspection of a business or activity. It shall also include charges fixed by
law or agency for services of a public officer in the discharge of his official
m) Franchise – is a right or privilege, affected with public interest which is
conferred upon private persons or corporations, under such terms and
conditions as the government and its political subdivisions may impose in
the interest of public welfare, security, and safety;
n) Gross Sales or Receipt – include the total amount of money or its
equivalent representing the contract price, compensation or service fee,
including the amount charged or materials supplied with the services and
deposits or advance payments actually or constructively received during
the taxable quarter for the services performed or to be performed for
another person excluding discounts if determinable at the time of sales,
sales return, excise tax, and value added tax (VAT);
o) Manufacturer – includes every person who, by physical or chemical
process, alters the exterior texture or form or inner substance of any raw
material or manufactures or partially manufactures product in such
manner as to prepare it for special use or uses to which it could not have
been put in its original condition, or who by any such process, alters the
quality of any such raw material or manufactures or partially
manufactures products so as to reduce it to marketable shapes or prepare
it for any of the use of industry, or who by any such process, combines
any such raw material or manufactured or partially manufactures
products with other materials or products of the same or of different kinds
and in such manner that the finished products of such process or

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Province of Pangasinan



manufacture can be put to a special use or uses to which such raw

material or manufactures or partially manufactured in their original
condition could not have been put, and in addition, alters such raw
material or manufactures or partially manufactured products, or
combines the same to produce such finished products for the purpose of
their sale or distribution to others and not for his own use or
p) Marginal Farmer or Fisherman – refers to individual engaged in
subsistence farming or fishing which shall be limited to the sale, barter or
exchange of agricultural or marine products produces by himself and his
immediate family, and whose annual net income from such farming or
fishing does not exceed Fifty Thousand Pesos (P50,000.00) or the poverty
line established by NEDA for the particular region or locality, whichever is
q) Motor Vehicle – means any vehicle propelled by any power other than
muscular power using the public roads, but excluding road rollers, trolley
cars, street sweepers, sprinklers, lawn mowers, bulldozers, graders,
forklifts, amphibian trucks, and cranes if not used in public roads, vehicle
which run only on rails or tracks, and tractors, trailers, and traction
engine of all kinds used exclusively for agricultural purposes;
r) Municipal Waters – include not only streams, lakes, and tidal waters
within the municipality, not being the subject of private ownership and
not comprised within the national parks, public forest, timber lands, forest
reserves or fishery reserves, but also marine water included between two
lines drawn perpendicularly to the general coastline from points where the
boundary lines of the municipality or city touch the sea at low tide and a
third line parallel with the general coastline and fifteen (15) kilometres
from it. Where two (2) municipalities are so situated on the opposite
shores that there is less than fifteen (15) kilometres of marine waters
between them, the third line shall be equally distant from opposite shores
of the respective municipalities;
s) Operator – includes the owner, manager, administrator, or any other
person who operates or is responsible for the operation of a business
establishment or undertaking;
t) Peddler – means any person who, either for himself or on commission,
travels from place to place and sells his goods or offers to sell and deliver
the same. Whether a peddler is a wholesale peddler or retail peddler of a
particular commodity shall be determined from the definition of wholesale
dealer or retail dealer as provided in this Code;
u) Persons – mean every natural or juridical being susceptible of rights and
obligations or of being the subject of legal relations;
v) Residents – refer to natural persons who have their habitual residence in
the province, city or municipality where they exercise their civil rights and
fulfil their civil obligations, and to juridical persons for which the law or

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Province of Pangasinan



any other provisions creating or recognizing them fixes their residence in a

particular province, city or municipality. In the absence of such law,
juridical persons are residents of the province, city or municipality where
they have their legal residence or principal place of business or where they
can conduct their principal business or occupation;
w) Retail – means a sale where the purchaser buys the commodity for his
own consumption, irrespective of the quantity of the commodity sold;
x) Vessel – included every type of boat, craft, or other artificial contrivance
used, or capable of being used, as a means of transportation on water;
y) Wharfage – means a fee assessed against the cargo of a vessel engaged in
foreign or domestic trade based on quantity, weight, or measure received
and/or discharged by vessel; and
z) Wholesale- means a sale where the purchaser buys or imports the
commodities for resale to persons other than the end used regardless of
the quantity of the transaction.
aa) Rental – means a value of the consideration, whether in money or
otherwise, given for the enjoyment of use of a thing.
bb) Revenue – includes taxes, fees, and charges that a state or its political
subdivision collects and receives into the treasury for public purpose;
cc) Services – means the duties, work, or functions performed or discharged
by a government officer, or by a private persons contracted by the
government as the case may be.
dd) Tax – means an enforced contribution, usually monetary in form, levied
by the law-making body on persons and property subject to its jurisdiction
for the precise purpose of supporting government needs.
ee) Advertising Agency – includes all persons who are engaged in the
business of advertising for others by means of billboards, posters,
placards, notices, signs, directories, pamphlets, leaflets, handbills, electric
or neon lights, airplanes, balloons, or other media, whether in pictorial or
reading form.
ff) Agricultural Products – includes the yield of the soil as corn, rice, wheat,
rye, hay, coconuts, sugar cane, rootcrops, vegetables, fruits, flowers, ect,
and their by-products; ordinary salt; all kinds of fish, poultry, and
livestock and animal products, whether in their original form or when
preserved in a more convenient and marketable form through the simple
process of freezing, salting, drying, smoking and stripping.
gg) Bars – includes places where intoxicating and fermented liquor or malt
are sold, disposed, or given away for compensation even without foods,
where the services of hostesses and/or waitresses are employed and where
customers are entertained by occasional dancing music not rendered by
regular dance orchestra or musical hired for the purpose, otherwise the
place shall be classified as a dance parlor or night club.
hh)Beergarden/Cocktail Lounge – includes places where intoxicating and
fermented liquors or malt are sold, disposed of or given away for
compensation even without foods. No hospitality girls, hostesses or

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Province of Pangasinan



waitresses shall be employed in this establishments and no dancing is

ii) Brewer – includes all persons who manufacture fermented liquors or any
description for sale or delivery to others, but not include manufacturers of
tuba, basi, tapuy or similar domestic fermented liquors whose daily
production does not exceed two hundred liters.
jj) Cabaret/Dance Hall – includes any place or establishment where dancing
is permitted to the public in consideration of any admission, entrance or
any other fee paid on, before or after the dancing, and where professional
hostesses or dancers are employed.
kk) Carinderia – refers to any place where foods already cooked are served at
a price.
ll) Circus – includes every building, tent or area where feast or
horsemanship, acrobatic performance, or similar acts are exhibited.
mm) Cockpit – includes any place, compound, building or portion thereof,
where cockpits or cockfights are held, whether or not money bets are
made on the results of such cockfights.
nn)Coliseum – includes an amphitheatre, enclosed, covered or otherwise or
other place where professional or non-professional athletic competitions
including boxing exhibitions are held.
oo) Disco Pub – is a similar business establishment like beer garden and
cocktail lounge except that customers are allowed to dance with their own
partner. The phrase “own partner” shall however be construed to mean
that a customer brings with his/her a partner. No hostesses/hospitality
girls/or waitresses shall be employed in this establishment.
pp) Hospitality Girls or Hostesses – are those employed in day club, night
clubs and bar that entertain customers of these establishments.
qq) Commercial Brokers – includes all persons other than importers,
manufacturers, producers, or bonafide employees who for compensation
or profit, sell or bring about sales or purchases of merchandise of other
persons; being proposed buyers and sellers together; or negotiate freight
or to other business for owners of vessels or other means of
transportation, or for the skippers, consigners of freight carried by vessels
or other means of transportation. The term includes commission
rr) Compounders – comprises every person, who, without rectifying,
purifying, or refining distilled spirits, shall be mixing such spirits, wine or
other liquor with any materials except water, manufacture any
intoxicating beverage whatever.
ss) Dancing School – includes any establishment where ballroom dancing is
taught and permitted to the public in consideration of an enrolment,
admission, membership or any other fees.
tt) Dealer – means one whose business is to buy and sell merchandise, goods
and chattels as a merchant. He stands immediately between the producer
or manufacturer and the customer and depends for his profits not upon

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Province of Pangasinan



the labor he bestows upon his commodities but upon the skill and
foresight with which he watches the market.
uu) Distiller of Spirits – comprises all who distill spirituous liquors by
original and continues distillation from mash, weet, wash, sap or syrup
through continuous closed vessels and pipe until the manufacture thereof
is complete.
vv) Golf Link – includes any place, compound or any portion thereof, where
for a fee or compensation, customers are allowed to play gold or simulated
golf games or practice golf.
ww) Gross Output – means that actual market value of the manufactured
products without any deduction for manufacturing, producing, milling,
refining, transporting, handling, marketing or any other expenses except
when the manufacturer or producer under term O I F in which case the
actual cost of ocean freight and insurance shall be deducted.
xx) Gross Receipt – includes all monies and properties received in
consideration of services rendered or article sold, exchanged or loaded,
without any deduction of the whole amount of the receipt of the business
before the cost of production is deducted thereof.
yy) Hotel/Cottages – means any house or building or portion thereof in which
any person or persons may be regularly harboured or receive as transient
or guest. A hotel shall be considered as living quarters and shall have the
privilege to accept any number or guest and to serve food to the guest
zz) Importer – means any person who brings article, goods, wares or
merchandise of any kind or class into the Philippines from abroad for
unloading therein, or which after such entry are consumed herein or
incorporated into the general mass of property in the Philippines. In case
of the free articles, brought or imported into the Philippines by person,
entities, or agencies exempt from tax which are subsequently sold,
transferred or exchange in the Philippines to non-exempt private person or
entities the purchaser or recipient shall be considered the importer
aaa) Jukebox – means a musical instrument mechanically devised for the
purpose of furnishing music for compensation.
bbb) Lending Investors – include all persons who make a practice of
lending money for themselves or to other at interest.
ccc) Lodging Houses – includes any house or building, or portion thereof,
in which any person or persons may be in regularly harboured or received
as transients for compensation. Taverns or inns shall be considered as
lodging houses.
ddd) Magazine and/or Newspaper Stand – means an outdoors hall
counter where newspapers, periodicals, or any other reading materials are
sold and may include as items for sale are cigars, cigarettes, and

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Province of Pangasinan



sweepstake tickets only and other commodity provided, a separate permit

fee is paid for the retail cigars and cigarettes as provided in this Code.
eee) Manufacturers of Cigars or Cigarettes – includes those whose
business is to make or manufacture cigarettes or both for sale or who
employ others to make or manufacture cigar or cigarettes for sale, but the
term does not include artisans or apprentices employed to make cigars or
cigarettes from materials supplied by the employer, the latter being
lawfully engaged in the manufacture of cigar and cigarettes.
fff) Manufacturer of Tobacco – includes every person whose business is to
manufacture tobacco or snuff, or who employs others to manufacture
tobacco or snuff, whether such manufacture be by cutting, pressing,
grinding, or rubbing, any raw or leaf of tobacco, or manufactures or
partially manufactured tobacco and snuff, or putting up for consumption
scraps, refuse or stems of tobacco resulting from any waste by sifting,
twisting, screening or by any other process.
ggg) Money Shop – is an extension service unit or banking institution
usually operating in public markets with authority to accept money for
deposit and extend short-term loans for specified purposes.
hhh) Night or Day Club – includes places frequented at night or day, as the
case may be, where foods, wines and drinks are served and music is
furnished by the operator and the patrons are allowed to dance with their
own partners or with hostesses furnished by the management.
iii) Pawnbrokers – includes every person engaged in granting loans on
deposits or pledges of personal property on the condition of returning the
same at stipulated prices; displaying at his place of business their gift or
yellow balls or exhibiting s sign or money to loan on personal property or
deposit or pledge.
jjj) Privately Owned Operated Public Market – means those established by
private funds and operated by private persons, natural person or juridical
under government permit.
kkk) Producer – mean essentially the same as “manufacturer” except that it
is more commonly used to denote a person who raises agricultural crops
and puts them in a condition for the market.
lll) Real Estate Broker – includes any person other that a real estate
salesman as herein after defined, who for another, and for a compensation
or in the expectation or promise of receiving compensation:
1) Sells or offers for sale, buys or offers to buy, lists or solicits
for prospective purchasers, or negotiate the purchase, sale or
exchange or real estate or interest therein;
2) Or negotiate loans or real estate;
3) Or leases or offers to lease or negotiate the sale, purchase or
exchange of a lease or rents of places for rent or collects rent
from real estate or improvement thereon;
4) Or shall be employed by or on behalf of the owner of owners
of lots or other parcels.

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Province of Pangasinan



mmm) Real Estate Dealer – includes any person engaged in the business of
buying, selling, exchanging, or renting properties as principal and
holding himself as a full or part-time in real estate or as an owner of
rental property or properties rented or offered to rent for an aggregate
amount of one thousand pesos or more a year. Any person shall be
considered as engaged in business as a real estate dealer by the mere
fact that he is the owner or sub-lessor or property rented or offered to
rent for an aggregate amount of one thousand pesos a year. An owner
of sugar lands subject to tax under Commonwealth Act No. 567 shall
not be considered as a real estate dealer under this definition.

Nnn) Rectifier – Comprises every person who rectifies, purifies, or refines

distilled spirits or wines by any process other than by original and
continuous distillation from mash, weet, wash, sap, syrup, through
continuous closed vessels and pipes until the manufacture thereof is
complete. Every whole or retail liquor dealer who has in his possession
any still or mash tub, or who keeps any other apparatus for the
purpose of distilling spirits, or in any manner refining distilled spirits,
shall also be regarded an a rectified and as being engaged in the
business of rectifying.

Ooo) Refrigeration – means the storage or keeping of articles at a

temperature not to exceed 40 degree Fahrenheit above zero degrees in
a refrigerating case.

Ppp) Restaurant – refers to any place which provides foods to the public
and accepts orders from them at a price. This term includes caterer.

Qqq) Retailer – means person or entities that resell goods or merchandise at

a profit, the goods being unaltered when resold. As a general rule
retailer sells the goods to consumers and end users.

Rrr) Retailer in Fermented Liquor – includes every person, except retail

dealers in tuba, basi and tapuy who for himself or in commission sells
or offers for sale at any one time and not for resale.

Sss) Retail Dealer in Liquor – includes every person, except a retail wine
dealer, who for himself or commission sells r offer for sale wine or
distilled spirits (other than denatured alcohol) in quantities of five liters
or less at any one time and not for resale.

Ttt) Retail Tobacco Dealer – comprehend every person, who for himself or
commission sells or offers for sale not more than two hundred cigars,
not more than eight hundred cigarettes or not more than five kilos of
manufactured tobacco at any one time and not for resale.

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Province of Pangasinan



Uuu) Retail Wine Dealer – includes every person, who for himself or on
commission, sells or offers for sale only domestic distilled spirits in
quantities of five liters or less at any one time and not for resale.

Vvv) Rice Thresher – it is machine that separate the ripened grains from
the rice penicle or straw.

www) Skating Rink – includes any private place or compound where for a
fee or compensation, the customers are allowed to skate in or around
the place.

xxx) Shopping Centers – means a building, establishment, or a place or

part thereof, leased to several persons but not less than ten (10)
persons to be used principally by them separately for selling assorted,
non-perishable and dry goods, merchandise or articles, including
refrigerated foods.

yyy) Soda Fountain – includes all places where refreshment and/or drinks
are served, provided that in such places, there is a counter stand with
chairs and where customers are not permitted to congregate and loiter
within the premises, such as in bars and salons or in restaurant and
public eating places.

zzz) Stockbroker – includes all persons whose business is for themselves

as such broker or for other broker, to negotiate purchases or sales of
stock bonds, exchange bullion, coined money, bank notes, promissory
notes, or other securities, but does not include underwriters for one or
more investment companies as defined in the Investment Company
Act. Dealer in securities includes all persons who for their account are
engaged in the sale of stock, bond, exchange bullion, coined money,
bank notes, promissory notes, or other securities.

aab) Theater or Cinema Houses – Includes any place, building, edifice, or

enclosure where motion pictures are exhibited and/or presentation of
plays or other shows including performances, stage shows, musical or
dramatic shows, concerts or gymnastic or acrobatic feast are held.

aac) Warehouse – includes every building or warehouse, or portion thereof

where goods, wares, merchandise, articles, or other personal property
are received and stored.

aad) Wholesale – means a sale where the purchaser buys the commodities
for resale, regardless of the quantity of the transaction.

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Province of Pangasinan



aae) Wholesaler – means a person or entity that sell goods or merchandise

at a profit, the goods being unaltered when resold. As a general rule,
wholesaler deals only with a person who buy for resale.

aaf) Wholesale n Fermented Liquors – means anyone, who for himself or

on commission, sells or offers for sale fermented liquors in larger
quantities than five (5) liters at any one time, sells or offers for resale
such fermented liquors ( excluding tuba, basi, tapuy and similar
fermented liquors) for the purpose of resale regardless of the quantity.

aag) Wholesale Dealer of Distilled Spirits and Wine – comprehends

every person, who for himself or on commission, sells or offers for sale
wine or distilled spirits in larger quantities than five (5) liters at any
time or who sells of offers the same for sale for the purpose of resale
irrespective of quantity.

aah) Wholesale Tobacco Dealer – comprehends every person, who for

himself or on commission, sells or offers for sale cigars, cigarettes or
manufactured tobacco in larger quantities than two hundred cigars,
eight hundred cigarettes or five kilos of manufactured tobacco at any
one time or who sells or offers the same for the purpose of resale
regardless of quantity.

Section 22T.04. Words and Phrases not herein expressly defined – Words
and phrases embodied in this Code not herein specifically defined shall
have the same definition as found in R.A. 7160 otherwise known as the
New Local Government Code of 1991.

Section 22T.05. Rules of Construction – in constructing the provisions o

this Code, the following rules of construction shall be observed unless
inconsistent with the manifest of the provisions when they would lead
to absurd or highly improbable results.

a) General Rule – All words and phrases shall be construed and

understood according to the common and approved usage of the
language but technical words and phrases and such other words in
this Code which have acquired a peculiar or appropriate meaning,
shall be construed and understood according to such technical,
peculiar or appropriate meaning.
b) Gender and Number – every word in this Code importing the
masculine gender shall extend to both make and female. Every
word importing the singular number shall apply to several persons
or thing and every word importing the plural number shall extend
and apply to one person or thing.

Republic of the Philippines
Province of Pangasinan



c) Computation of Time – The time within which an act is to be done

as provided in this Code or in any rule or regulation issued
pursuant to the provisions hereof, when expressed in days shall be
computed by excluding the first day and including the last day,
except the same shall be excluded from the computation, and the
next business day shall be considered the last day.
d) References – All reference to Chapter, Articles, Section are to the
Chapter, Articles, Section in this Code, under otherwise specified.
e) Conflicting provisions of Chapters – If the provisions of different
chapters conflict with or contravene each other, the provisions of
each chapter shall prevail as to all specified matters and questions
f) Conflicting provisions of Sections – If the provisions of different
section in the same chapter conflict with each other, the provisions
of the section which is last in point of sequence shall prevail.


Section 22T.06. Imposition of Tax – There is hereby imposed on the

following persons who establish, operate, conduct or maintain their respective
business within the municipality. The tax is payable for every district establishment
and one line of business or activity does not become exempt by being conducted
with some other business or activity for which the tax has been paid.

(a) On manufacturers, assemblers, re-packers, processors, brewers, distillers,

rectifiers, and compounders of liquor, distilled spirits and wines or
manufacturers of any article of commerce of whatever kind or nature, in
accordance with the following schedule:

Gross Sales/Receipts for the Amount of Tax Per Annum

Preceding Calendar Year

Less than P10,000.00 P 165.00

P10,000.00 or more but

Less than P 15,000.00 220.00

P15,000.00 or more but

Less than P 20,000.00 302.00

P 20,000.00 or more but

Less than P 30,000.00 440.00

P30,000.00 or more but

Less than P 40,000.00 660.00

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Province of Pangasinan



P 40,000.00 or more but

Less than P 50,000.00 825.00

P 50,000.00 or more but

Less than P 75,000.00 1,320.00

P 75,000.00 or more but

Less than P 100,000.00 1,650.00

P 100,000.00 or more but

Less that P 150,000.00 2,200.00

P 150,000.00 or more but

Less that P 200,000.00 2,750.00
P 200,000.00 or more but
Less than P 300,000.00 3,850.00

P 300,000.00 or more but

Less than P 500,000.00 5,500.00

P 500,000.00 or more but

Less than P 750,000.00 8,000.00

P 750,000.00 or more but

Less than P 1,000,000.00 10,000.00

P 1,000,000.00 or more but

Less than P 2,000,000.00 13,750.00

P 2,000,000.00 or more but

Less than 3, 000,000.00 16,600.00

P 3,000,000.00 or more but

Less that P 4,000,000.00 19,800.00

P 4,000,000.00 or more but

Less than P 5,000,000.00 23,100.00

P 5,000,000.00 or more but

Less than P 6,500,000.00 24,375.00

P 6,500,000.00 or more but at a rate of the following schedule:

1993 - 20% of 1% of Gross Receipts/Sales

1994 - 26% of 1% of Gross Receipts/Sales

1995 - 32% of 1% of Gross Receipts/Sales

Republic of the Philippines
Province of Pangasinan



1996 - 37% of 1% of Gross Receipts/Sales

The preceding rate shall apply only to amount of domestic sales of

manufacturers, assemblers, processors, brewers, distillers, rectifiers, and
compounders of liquors, distilled spirits and wines or manufacturers of any article of
commerce or whatever kind or nature other than these enumerated under
paragraph (c) of this rule.

(b) On wholesalers, distributors, or dealers in any article of commerce of

whatever kind of nature including restaurant, carenderia, cafeteria,
refreshment parlors, soda fountain, including gulaman stand, and
popocorn stand in accordance with the following schedules:

Gross Sales/Receipts for the Calendar Year

Preceding Amount of Tax Per Annum

Less than P 1,000.00 P 18.00

P 1,000.00 or more but less

Than P 2,000.00 33.00

P 2,000.00 or more but less

Than P 3,000.00 50.00

P 3,000.00 or more but less

Than P4,000.00 72.00

P4,000.00 or more but less

Than P5,000.00 100.00

P5,000.00 or more but less

Than P6,000.00 121.00

P6,000.00 or more but less

Than 7,000.00 143.00

P7,000.00 or more but less

Than P8,000.00 165.00

P8,000.00 or more but less

Than P10,000.00 187..00

P10,000.00 or more but less

Than P15,000.00 220.00

P15,000.00 ore more but less

Than P20,000.00 275.00

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Province of Pangasinan



P20,000.00 or more but less

Than P30,000.00 330.00

P30,000.00 or more but less

Than P40,000.00 440.00

P40,000.00 or more but less

Than P50,000.00 660.00

P50,000.00 or more but less

Than P75,000.00 990.00

P75,000.00 or more but less

Than P100,000.00 1,320.00

P100,000.00 or more but less

Than P150,000.00 1,870.00

P150,000.00 or more but less

Than P200,000.00 2,420.00

P200,000.00 or more but less

Than P300,000.00 3,300.00

P300,000.00 or more but less

Than P500,000.00 4,440.00

P500,000.00 or more but less

Than P750,000.00 6,600.00

P750,000.00 or more but less

Than P1,000,000.00 8,800.00

P1,000,000.00 or more but less

Than P2,000,000.00 10,000.00

P2,000,000.00 or more but less

Than at a rate not exceeding fifty
Percent (50%) of one percent

The business enumerated in paragraph (a) above shall no longer be subject to

the tax on wholesalers, distributors or dealers herein provided for.

(c) On exporters and on manufacturers, producers, wholesalers, distributors,

dealers or retailers of essential commodities enumerated herein at a rate
not exceeding one-half percent (1/2%) of the rates prescribed under sub-
section (a), (b), and (c) of this Article:

Republic of the Philippines
Province of Pangasinan



(1) Rice and Corn:

(2) Wheat or cassava flour, meat dairy products, locally manufactured,
processed or preserved foods, sugar, salt and other agricultural,
marine and fresh water products whether in their original state or not;
(3) Cooking oil and cooking gas;
(4) Laundry soap, detergent, and medicines;
(5) Agricultural implements, equipment and post-harvest facilities,
fertilizers, pesticides, insecticides, herbicides and other farm inputs;
(6) Poultry feeds and other animal feeds;
(7) School supplies; and
(8) Cement

For purposes of this provisions, the term exporters shall refer to those who
are principally engaged in the business or exporting goods and merchandise,
as we as both sold domestically and abroad. The amount of export sales
shall be excluded from the total sales and shall be subject to the rates not
exceeding one half (1/2) of the rates prescribed under paragraph (a), (b), and
(d) of this Article.

(d) On retailers:
Gross Sales/Receipts for Rate of Tax
The preceding year Per Annum

P400,000.00 or less 2%
More than P400,000.00 1%

The rate of two percent (2%) per annum shall be imposed on sales exceeding
Four Hundred Thousand Pesos (P400,000.00) while the rate of one percent (1%) per
annum shall be imposed on sales in excess of the first Four Hundred Thousand
(P400,000.00) pesos.

However, barangay shall have the exclusive power to levy taxes, as provided
in Article 141 of RA 7160, on gross sales or receipts of the preceding calendar year
of Fifty Thousand Pesos (P50,000.00) or less, in the case of cities, and Thirty
Thousand Pesos (P30,000.00) or less, in the case of municipalities.

(e) On contractors and other independent contractors, in accordance with the

following schedule:

Gross Sales/Receipts for Amount of Tax

The Preceeding Calendar Year Per Annum

Less than P5,000.00 27.50

P5,000.00 or more but less

Than P10,000.00 61.60

Republic of the Philippines
Province of Pangasinan



P10,000.00 or more but less

Than P15,000.00 104.50

P15,000.-00 or more but less

Than P20,000.00 165.00

P20,000.00 or more but less

Than P30,000.00 275.00

P30,000.00 or more but less

Than P40,000.00 385.00

P40,000.00 or more but less

Than P 50,000.00 550.00

P50,000.00 or more but less

Than P75,000.00 880.00

P75,000.00 or more but less

Than P100,000.00 1,320.00

P100,000.00 or more but less

Than P150,000.00 1,980.00

P150,000.00 or more but less

Than P 200,000.00 2,640.00

P200,000.00 or more but less

Than P250,000.00 3,630.00

P250,000.00 or more but less

Than P300,000.00 4,620.00

P300,000.00 or more but less

Than P400,000.00 6,160.00

P400,000.00 or more but less

Than P 500,000.00 8,250.00

P500,000.00 or more but less

Than P 750,000.00 9,250.00

P750,000.00 or more but less

Than P1,000,000.00 10,250.00

P1,000.00 or more but less

Than P2,000,000.00 11,500.00

P2,000,000.00 or more at a rate not exceeding fifty

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Province of Pangasinan



Percent (50%) of one percent (1%)

(f) On banks and other financial institutions, at a rate not exceeding fifty
percent (50%) of one percent (1%) on the gross receipts of the preceding
calendar year derived from interest, commissions and discounts from
lending activities, income from financial leasing, dividends, rentals on
property and profit from exchange or sale of property, insurance premium.
All other income and receipts of banks and financial institutions not
otherwise enumerated above shall be excluded from the computation of
this tax.
(g) On peddler’s engaged in the sale of any merchandise or article of
commerce, at a rate not exceeding Fifty Pesos (P50.00) per peddler

Delivery trucks, vans, or motor vehicles used by manufacturers, producers,

wholesalers, dealers or retailers enumerated and taxable by the province
under Section 141 of RA 7160 shall be exempt from the peddler’s tax herein

(f) The Sangguniang Bayan may also impose a tax on any business not
otherwise specified in the preceding paragraphs, provided that on any
business, subject to the excise, value added or percentage tax under National
Internal Revenue Code, as amended, the rate of tax shall not exceed two
percent (2%) of gross sales or receipts of the preceding calendar year, and
provided further that in line with existing national policy, any business
engaged in the production, manufacture, refining, distribution or sale of oil,
gasoline and other petroleum products shall not be subject to any local tax.

(i) On privately owned public market with gross receipts from preceding
quarter in the amount of:

Gross Sales/Receipts for the Amount of

Preceding Quarter Per Quarter

Less than P5,000.00 125.00

P5,000.00 or more but less

Than P10,000.00 250.00

P10,000.00 or more but less

Than P20,000.00 500.00

P20,000.00 or more but less

Than P30,000.00 750.00

P30,000.00 or more but less

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Province of Pangasinan



Than P 40,000.00 1,000.00

P 40,000.00 or more but less

Than P50,000.00 1,250.00

P 50,000.00 or more but less

Than P60,000.00 1,500.00

P60,000.00 or more but less

Than P70,000.00 1,750.00

P70,000.00 or more but less

Than P80,000.00 2,000.00

P80,000.00 or more but less

Than P90,000.00 2,250.00

P90,000.00 or more but less

Than P100,000.00 2,500.00

For every P1,000 in excess of P100,000.00 50.00

In case of newly started privately owned public market, the tax for the quarter
in which the business starts shall be based on the gross sales/receipts of the
preceding quarter.

(h) On boarding houses with accommodations for:

Less than 10 boarders 100.00

10 to 19 boarders 200.00
20 to 34 boarders 300.00
40 to 50 boarders 400.00
50 or more 500.00
(i) Real Estate Dealer
(1) Subdivision Operator per sq. m. P 0.50

The tax shall be computed on the basis of the total Land area of the
remaining lots in the name of the subdivision owner/operator.

(2) Lessor of Real Estate/Property including Commercial Buildings,

Apartments, Residential Buildings)

Gross Receipts for the Amount of

Preceding Calendar Year Per Annum

Less than P 1,000.00 Exempt

P1,000.00 or more but less

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Province of Pangasinan



Than P 4,000.00 P275.00

P4,000.00 or more but less

Than P10,000.00 P385.00

P10,000.00 or more but less

Than P20,000.00 P550.00

P20,000.00 or more but less

Than P 30,000.00 P880.00

P30,000.00 or more but less

Than P50,000.00 P1,320.00

For every P 1,000.00 in excess of P50,000.00 for Real Property used

other than residential purposes P

For every P5,000.00 in excess of P50,000.00 for Real Property used for
residential purposes P 5.00

In the case of newly started business of Lessor of Real Property/Estate

the tax shall be
P 50.00

(j) On private cemeteries and Funeral Parks

Less than 2 hectares P 750.00

2 hectares to 5 hectares P1,000.00

More than 5 hectares P2,000.00

(k) On amusement places wherein the customers thereof participate without

taking bets or wagers including but not limited to the following:

Amount of Tax
Per Annum

Swimming Pool and other similar places P600.00

Skating Rink 1,000.00

Billiard or Poll Hall

For the first table 150.00

For additional table 75.00

Bowling Alleys

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Province of Pangasinan



Automatic per land 500.00

Non-automatic per land 200.00

Circus, Carnival or the like

For day, for the first ten days 500.00

Per day thereafter 50.00

Boxing Stadium 500.00

Boxing contest per night 200.00

Race Track 5,000.00

Day and night club and the like, theatres and cinema houses falls under
Section 2A.01 letter (c) of Article II of this Code.

(l) On amusement devices

Each jukebox machine or apparatus

For visual entertainment (video machine) P 200.00

Each jukebox machine P 200.00

Each apparatus for weighing persons P 50.00

(m) On private detective or security agency P 500.00
(n) On gulf links P 5,000.00
(o) On operation of Rice Thresher engaged in the business falls under letter
(c) of Section 2A.01 of this Rule.
(p) On the Business of Dealers in Fermented liquors, distilled spirits and or

Wholesale Dealers in Foreign Liquor P 1,000.00

Wholesale Dealers in Domestic Liquor


Retail Dealers in Foreign Liquors 400.00

Retail Dealers in Domestic Liquors 250.00

Retail Dealers in Vino Liquors 150.00

Retail Dealers in Fermented Liquor 150.00

Wholesalers in Fermented Liquors 350.00

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Province of Pangasinan



Retail Dealers in Tuba, Basi and/or Tapuy 150.00

Beer 150.00
(q) On Tobacco Dealers

Retail Leaf Tobacco Dealers P 150.00

Wholesale Leaf Tobacco Dealers 200.00

Retail Tobacco Dealers 100.00

Wholesale Tobacco Dealers 300.00


Section 22T.07. Payment of Business Taxes – (a) The taxes imposed under
Section 2A.01 of this Ordinance shall be payable for every separate or distinct
establishment or place where business subject to the tax is conducted and one line
of business does not become exempt by being conducted with some business for
which such tax has been paid. The tax on a business must be paid by the person
conducting the same.

The conduct or operation of two or more related businesses provided for

under Section 2A.01 of this Ordinance by any one person, natural or juridical, shall
required the issuance of a separate permit or license to each business.

(b) In cases where a person conducts or operates two (2) or more of the
businesses mentioned in Section 2A.01 of this Ordinance which are subject to the
same rate of imposition, the tax shall be computed on the combined total gross sales
or receipts of the said two (2) or more related businesses.

(c) In cases where a person conducts or operated two (2) or more businesses
mentioned in Section 2A.01 of this Ordinance which are subject to different rated of
imposition the taxable gross sales or receipts of such business shall be reported
independently and tax thereon shall be computed on the basis of the pertinent


Section 22T.08. Situs of the Tax. – (a) For purposes of collection of the
business tax, the following definition of terms and guidelines shall be strictly

Republic of the Philippines
Province of Pangasinan



(1) Principal Office – the head or main office of the business appearing in the
pertinent documents submitted to the Securities and Exchange
Commission or the Department of Trade and Industry, or other
appropriate agencies, as the case may be.

The city or municipality specifically mentioned in the article of incorporation

or official registration papers as being the official address or said principal office
shall be considered as the situs thereof.

In case there is a transfer or relocation of the principal office to another city

or municipality, it shall be the duty of the owner, operator, or manager of the
business to give due notice of such transfer or relocation to the local chief executives
of the cities or municipalities concerned within fifteen (15) days after such transfer
or relocation is affected.

(2) Branch or Sales Office – a fixed place in a locality which conducts

operations of the business as an extension of the principal office.
However, offices used only as display areas of the products may be
received thereat, are not branch or sales offices as herein contemplated. A
warehouse which accepts orders and/or issued sales invoices independent
of a branch with sales office shall be considered as a sales office.
(3) Warehouse – a building utilized for the storage of products for sale and
from which goods or merchandise are withdrawn for delivery to customers
or dealers, or by persons acting in behalf of the business. A warehouse
that does not accept orders and/or issue sales invoices are
aforementioned, shall not be considered a branch or sales office.
(4) Plantation – a tract of agricultural land planted to trees or seedlings
whether fruit bearing or not, uniformly spaced or seeded by broadcast
method or normally arranged to allow highest production. For purpose of
this Article, inland fishing ground shall be considered as plantation.
(5) Experimental Plants – agricultural lands utilized by a business or
corporation to conducts studies, tests, researches or experiments involving
agricultural, agri-business, marine or aquatic livestock, poultry, dairy and
other similar products for the purpose of improving the quality and
quantity of goods and products.

However, on-site sales or commercial quantity made experimental farms shall

be similarly imposed the corresponding tax under paragraph (b) Section
2A.01 of this Ordinance.

(b) Sales Allocation – (1) All sales made in a locality where these is a branch
or sales office or warehouse shall be recorded in said branch or sales office or
warehouse and the tax shall be payable to the City or municipality where the
same is located.

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Province of Pangasinan



(2) In case where there is no such branch, sales office or warehouse in the
locality where the sale is made, the sale shall be recorded in the principal
office along with the sale made by said principal office is located.

(3) In cases where there is a factory, project office, plant or plantation in

pursuit of business, thirty percent (30%) of all sales recorded in the principal
office shall be taxable by the city or municipality where the principal office is
located and seventy percent (70%) of all sales recorded in the principal office
shall be taxable by the city or municipality where the factory, project office,
plant or plantation is located. LGU’s where only experimental farms are
located shall not be entitled to the sale allocation herein provided for.

(4) In case of a plantation located in a locality other than that where the
factory is located, said seventy percent (70%) sales allocation shall be divided
as follows:

(i) Sixty percent (60%) to the city or municipality where the factory is
located; and

(ii) Forty percent (40%) to the city or municipality where the

plantation is located.

(6) In cases where there are two (2) or more factories, project offices, plants or
plantations located in different localities, the seventy percent (70%) sales
allocation shall be prorated among the localities where such factories,
project offices, plants and plantations are located in proportion to their
respective volumes of production during the period for which the tax is
due. In the case of project offices of services and other independent
contractors, the term production shall refer to the costs of projects
actually undertaken during the tax period.
(7) The foregoing sales allocation under par. (3) hereof shall be applied
irrespective of whether or not sales are made in the locality where the
factory, project office, plant and plantation is located. In case of sales
made by the factory, project office, plant or plantation, the sale shall be
covered by paragraph (1) or (2) above.
(8) In cases of manufactures or producers which engage the services of an
independent contractor to produce or manufacture some of their products,
the rules on situs of taxation provided in this article as clarified in the
paragraphs above shall apply except that the factory or plant and
warehouse of the contractor utilized for the production or storage of the
manufacturers products shall be considered as the factory or plant and
warehouse of the manufacturer.

(c) Port of Loading – the city or municipality where the port of loading is
located shall not levy and collect the tax imposable under Article A,

Republic of the Philippines
Province of Pangasinan



Chapter II of this Ordinance unless the exporter maintain in said city or

municipality its principal office, a branch, sales office, warehouse, factory,
plant or plantation in which case the foregoing rule on the matter shall
apply accordingly.

(d) Sales made by route trucks, vans or vehicles

(1) For route sales made in a locality where a manufacturers, producer,

wholesaler, retailer or dealer has a branch or sales office or
warehouse, the sales are recorded in the branch, sales office or
warehouse and the tax due thereon paid to the LGU where such
branch, sales office or warehouse is located.
(2) For route sales made in a locality where a manufacturer, producer,
wholesaler, retailer, or dealer has no branch, sales office or
warehouse, the sales are recorded in the branch, sales office or
warehouse from where the route trucks withdraw their products for
sale, and the tax due on such sales is paid to the LGU where such
branch, sales office or warehouse is located.

(N. B. Based on the foregoing, LGU’s where route trucks deliver

merchandise cannot impose any tax on said trucks except the annual fixed
tax authorized to be imposed by the province under Section 141 of RA 7160
on every delivery truck or van or any vehicle used by manufacturer,
producers wholesalers, dealers or retailers in the delivery of distribution of
distilled spirits, fermented liquors, soft drinks, cigars and cigarettes, and
other products as may be determined by the Sangguniang Panlalawigan, and
by the city, pursuant to Section 132 of RA No. 7160.

In addition to this annual fixed tax, cities may also collect from
manufacturers, producers, wholesalers, retailers and dealers using route
trucks, a mayor’s permit fee which shall be imposed in a local tax ordinance
pursuant to Section 147 in relation to Section 132 of R. A. No. 7160.


Section 22T.09. Retirement of Business. – (a) Any person natural or

juridical, subject to the tax on business under Article A. Chapter II, of this
Ordinance shall, upon termination of the business, submit or sworn
statement of the gross sales or receipts of the calendar year.

For the purpose hereof, termination shall mean that business

operations stopped completely. Any change in ownership, management
and/or name of the business shall not constitute termination as herein
contemplated. Unless stated otherwise, assumption of the business by any

Republic of the Philippines
Province of Pangasinan



new owner or manager or re-registration of the same business under a new

name will only considered by the LGU concerned for record purpose in the
course of the renewal of the permit or license to operate the business.

The Municipal Treasurer shall see to it that the payment of taxes of a

business is not avoided by simulating the termination or retirement thereof.
For this purpose, the following procedural guidelines shall be strictly followed.

(1) The Municipality Treasurer shall assign every application for the
termination or retirement of business to an inspector in his office
who shall go to address of the business on record to verify if it is
really not operating. If the inspector finds that the business is
simply placed under a new name, manager and/or new owner, the
Municipal Treasurer shall recommend to the Municipal Mayor the
disapproval of the application of the termination or retirement of
said business;
(2) Accordingly, the business continues to become liable for the
payment of all taxes, fees, and charges imposed thereon under
existing local tax ordinance; and
(3) In addition, in the case of the owner to whom the business was
transferred by sale or other form of conveyance, said new owner
shall be liable to pay the tax or fee for the transfer of the business
to him (if there is an existing tax ordinance prescribing such
transfer tax).

(b) In the case it is found that the retirement or termination of the

business is legitimate, and the tax due there from be less than the tax
due for the current year based on the gross sales or receipts, the
difference in the amount of the tax shall be paid before the business is
considered officially retired or terminated.

(c) The permit issued to a business retiring or terminating its

operation shall be surrendered to the local treasurer who shall
forthwith cancel the same and record such cancellation in his books.


Section 22T.10. Fees and Charges. The municipality may impose

and collect such reasonable fees and charges on business and occupation
and except as reserved to the Province under Art. 229 of the New Local
Government Code of 1991, on the practice of any profession or calling before
any person may engage in such business or occupation, or practice such
profession or calling provided that such fees or charges shall be only

Republic of the Philippines
Province of Pangasinan



commensurate to the cost of issuing the license or permit and the expenses
incurred in the conduct of the necessary inspection or surveillance.

No such fee or charge shall be based on the capital investment or gross

sales or receipts of the person or business liable thereof.

Section 22T.11. Imposition of Fees. There shall be collected the

amount of an occupation tax from the following:

OCCUPATION Amount of Fee

1. Mechanic P 100.00
2. Underwriter 150.00
3. Plumber 100.00
4. Electrician 100.00
5. Entertainer 100.00
6. Photographer 100.00
7. Mason/master Carpenter 100.00
8. Others 100.00

Section 22T.12. Time of Payment. The occupational tax shall be

payable on or before the 20th day of January. Every person should pay this
tax before commencing his business or services.

Section22T.13. Penalty. There shall be impose a surcharge of 25% of

the tax and a penalty of 2% per month of the unpaid tax but in no case
exceeds 36 months.


The community Tax – Cities or municipalities may levy or community

tax in lieu of former residence tax levied and collected under Section 38 of PD
No. 231, as amended. Accordingly, all cities and municipalities shall enact
for the purpose, a local tax ordinance to take effect as of January 1, 1992.

For purposes of enactment of a local tax ordinance levying a

community tax, the conduct of public hearing provided for under Article 276
of RA 7160 shall be dispensed with.

Section 22T.14. Levy on Imposition of Tax – The levy or imposition of

a community tax by a city or municipality shall be governed by the following
rules and procedural guidelines:

(a) Individual liable to the payment of the Community Tax.

(1) Every inhabitant of the Philippines eighteen years of age or over
who has been regularly employed on a wage or salary basis for

Republic of the Philippines
Province of Pangasinan



at least thirty days (30) consecutive working days during any

calendar year;
(2) An individual who is engaged in business or occupation;
(3) An individual who owns real property with an aggregate
assessed value of One thousand pesos (P1,000.00) or more;
(4) An individual who is required by law to file an income tax

Section 22T.15. Rate of Tax – (1) The rate of annual community tax
that may be levied and collected from said individual shall be five pesos
(P5.00) plus and annual additional tax of One pesos (P1.00) for every One
thousand pesos (P1,000.00) of income regardless of whatever from business
exercise of profession, or from property but which in no case shall exceed Five
Thousand Pesos (P5,000.00).

(3) In case of husband and wife, each of them shall be liable to pay the
basic annual tax of Five Pesos (P5.00) by additional tax imposable
on the husband and wife shall be one peso (P1.00) for every One
Thousand Pesos (P1,000.00) of income from the total property
owned by them and/or the total gross receipts of earnings derived
by them.
(4) Every corporation, no matter how created or organized, whether
domestic or resident foreign, engaged in or doing business in the
Philippines shall pay an annual community tax of Five Hundred
Pesos (P500.00) and an annual additional tax, which in no case
shall exceed Ten Thousand (P10,000.00) pesos in accordance with
the ff. Schedule:

(a) For every Five Thousand Pesos (P5,000.00) worth of Real

Property in the Philippines owned by the juridical entity during
the preceding year, based on the assessed value use for the
payment of the real property tax under existing laws – two pesos
(b) For every Five Thousand Pesos (P5,000.00) of gross receipts or
earnings derived from the business in the Philippines during the
preceding year – two pesos (P2.00).

The dividends received by a corporation from another

corporation shall for the purpose of the additional tax, be
considered as part of the gross receipts or earnings of said

Section 22T.16. Exemptions – The following are exempt from the

payment of the Community Tax:

Republic of the Philippines
Province of Pangasinan



1. Diplomatic and consular representative; and

2. Transient visitors when their stay in the Philippines does not exceed
three (3) months.

Section 22T.17. Place of Payment

1. The community tax shall be paid in the city or municipality where

the residence of the individual is located, or in the city or
municipality where the principal office of the juridical entity is
2. It shall be unlawful for any city or municipal treasurer to collect the
community tax outside the territorial jurisdiction of the city or
3. In case of branch, sales office or warehouse where sales are made
and recorded, the corresponding community tax shall be paid to
LGU where such branch, sales office or warehouse is located.
4. Any person, natural or juridical who pays the annual community
tax to a city or municipality other than the city or municipality
where his residence or principal office in the case of juridical
persons, located shall remain liable to pay the tax to the city or
municipality concerned.

Section 22T.18. Time for Payment

1. The community tax shall accrue on the first (1 st) day of January of
each year and shall be paid not later than the last day of February
of each year.
2. If a person reaches the age of eighteen (18) years or otherwise loses
the benefit to exemption on or before the last day of June, he shall
be liable for the community tax on the day he reaches such age or
upon the day the exemption ends. However, if a person reaches
the age of eighteen (18) years or loses the benefit of exemption on or
before the last day of March, he shall have twenty days (20) to pay
the community tax without becoming delinquent.
3. Persons who come to reside in the Philippines or reach the age of
eighteen (18) years on or after the first (1 st) day of July of any year,
or who cease to belong to an exempt class on or after the same
date, shall not be subject to the community tax for that year.
4. Corporations established and organized on or before the last day of
June shall be liable for the community tax for that year. But
Corporation established and organized on or before the last day of
March shall have twenty (20) days within which to pay the
community tax without becoming delinquent. Corporations

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Province of Pangasinan



established and organized on or after the first day of July shall not
be subject to the community tax for that year.

Section 22T.19. Penalties for late payment – If the tax is not paid
within the time prescribed above there shall be added to the unpaid amount
on interest of twenty-four percent (24%) per annum from the due date until it
is paid.

Section 22T.20. Collection of the Community Tax by the Barangay

Treasurer. The tax ordinance levying the community tax shall authorize the
Municipal Treasurer to collect the community tax in their respective
jurisdiction. Said deputization, shall be limited to the community tax payable
by individual taxpayers and shall extend only to the barangay treasurers who
are properly bonded in accordance with existing laws.

Section 22T.21. Allocation of Proceeds of the Community Tax. – The

proceeds of the community tax in their community, actually and directly
collected by the municipal treasurer shall accrue entirely to the general fund
of the Municipality. However, proceeds of the community tax collected
through the barangay treasurers shall be apportioned as follows:

a. Fifty percent (50%) shall accrue to the general fund of the

municipality; and
b. Fifty percent (50%) shall accrue to the barangay where the tax is


Section 22T.22. Tax Period and Manner of Payment – Unless

otherwise provided herein, the tax period of all local taxes, fees, and charges
shall be the calendar year. However, such taxes, fees and charges may be
paid in quarterly instalments as may be provided for in the local tax

Section 22T.23. Accrual of Tax – Unless otherwise provided herein, all

local taxes, fees and charges shall accrue on the first day of January of each
year as regards tax subjects then liable therefor, but an entirely new tax, fee
or charges, shall accrue on the first day of the next quarter following the
effectivity of the ordinance imposing such new levies of rates.

Section 22T.24. Time of Payment – Unless specifically provided

herein, all local taxes, fees, and charges due and accruing to the LGUs shall
be paid within the first twenty days of January or of each subsequent quarter,
as the case may be. The Sangguniang Bayan concerned may, for a justifiable

Republic of the Philippines
Province of Pangasinan



reason or cause, extend the time for payment of such taxes, fees or charges
without surcharges or penalties, but only a period not exceeding six months.

Section 22T.25. Surcharges and Penalties on Unpaid Taxes, Fees, or

Charges – The Sanggunian may impose a surcharge not exceeding twenty-five
percent (25%) of the amount of taxes, fees or charges not paid on time and an
interest at the rate not exceeding two (2%) percent per month of the unpaid
taxes, fees or charges including surcharges, until such amount is fully paid
but in no case shall the total interest on the unpaid amount or portion thereof
exceed thirty six (36) months.

Section 22T.26. Interest on Other Unpaid Revenue – Where the

amount of any other revenue due an LGU, except voluntary contributions or
donations, is not paid on the date fixed in the ordinance, or in the contract,
expressed or implied, or upon the accurate of the event which has given rise
to its collections, there shall be collected as part of that amount an interest
thereon at the rate not exceeding two (2%) percent per month from the date it
is due until it is paid, but in no case shall the total interest on the unpaid
amount or a portion thereof exceed thirty six (36) months.

Section 22T.27. Collection of Local Revenue by Treasurer. – All

taxes, fees, and charges authorized under this Article to be imposed by LGUs
may only be collected by the provincial city, municipal, or barangay treasurer
of their duly authorized deputies.


Common Revenue – Raising Powers – Under this Rule, provinces,

cities, municipalities and barangays.

(a) May impose and collect fees and services or used charges for any
service by it in the amount reasonably commensurate to such
service, provided, however, that no service shall be of the persons or
business liable thereof.
(b) Shall have the power to collect charges for services rendered in
connection with the operation of public utilities owned, operated
and maintained by them at the rates to be fixed by the Local

LGU’s may prescribed the terms and conditions, through an

appropriate ordinance enacted by their Local Sangguniang, for the use of any
public road pier, or wharf, watery, of ferry or telecommunication system,
founded and constructed by them, and fix reasonable toll fees and service
charges for the use thereof; provided that the following persons shall be
exempted from the payment of said toll fees and charges.

Republic of the Philippines
Province of Pangasinan



(1) Officers and enlisted men of the Armed Forces of the Philippines
and members of the Philippine National Police on mission;
(2) Post Office Personnel delivering mails;
(3) Persons who are physically handicapped;
(4) Disabled citizens who are sixty five (65) years or older;
(5) The collection of such fees may be discounted by the Local
Sangguniang concerned when public safety and welfare so requires.


Mayor’s Permit Fees

Section 22T.28. Mayor’s Permit – There shall be collected an annual

fee for the issuance of a Mayor’s Permit to operate a business, pursue an
occupation or calling, or undertake an activity within the Municipality of
Alaminos, Pangasinan, as follows:

(1) On businesses subject to the tax imposed in Article A, Chapter II of

this Code.
(2) Tobacco Dealers;
Retail leaf tobacco dealer/retail tobacco dealer
Wholesale tobacco dealer
Wholesale leaf tobacco dealer
(3) Dealers in fermented liquors, distilled spirits and/or wines:
Retail dealer in domestic/fermented liquors
Retail dealer in tuba, basi and/or tapuy and vino liquor
Wholesale dealer in fermented liquor
Wholesale dealer in domestic liquor
Wholesale dealer in foreign liquor
(4) Amusement places:
Night and day club
Night club or day club
Cocktail lounge or bar: Cabaret or dance hall
Theatre balcony and orchestra
Itinerant operators, per day
With orchestra only (seating capacity: below 500)
With balcony and orchestra seating capacity of less than 500
Seating capacity from 500-999
Seating capacity of 1,000.00 and over
With lodge, balcony and orchestra
Air conditioned theatre or cinematography
Boxing stadium; skating rink
Bath house and/or swimming pool, resort or other similar places
Money Shop
(5) Other businesses:
Boarding House

Republic of the Philippines
Province of Pangasinan



Lodging House

Private cemetery and memorial park

Rice and Corn Mill

“kiskisan type”
“cono type”
Baby “cono”

Fish ponds or fish breeding ground

Subdivision Operator

Private detective or Security Agency

(6) All other business establishments or undertaking subject to the
business tax imposed in Article A, Chapter II of this Code not
specifically enumerated above
(7) Ice cream stand, barbecue stand, halo-halo and gulaman stand,
and popcorn stand.

Those subject to the business tax imposed in Article A, of Chapter II, of

this Code shall pay a Mayor’s Permit fee based on the amount of the tax paid
in the previous year.

Amount of Tax Paid Mayor’s Permit

In Previous Year

Less than P30.00 25.00

Over 30.00 but not

Exceeding 50.00 37.50

Over 51.00 but not

Exceeding 100.00 52.50

Over 100.00 but not

Exceeding 200.00 75.00

Over 200.00 but not

Exceeding 300.00 112.00

Over 300.00 but not

Exceeding 500.00 150.00

Over 500.00 but not

Exceeding 700.00 200.00

Over 700.00 but not

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Province of Pangasinan



Exceeding 900.00 220.00

Over 900.00 but not

Exceeding 1,000.00 250.00

For every P50.00 in excess of P 1,000.00


On new started business shall pay a permit fee on the amount of capital

Less than P 5,000.00 15.00

P5,000.00 or more but less

Than P10,000.00 22.50

P 10,001.00 or more but less

Than P 20,000.00 30.00

P 20,001.00 or more but less

Than P40,000.00 40.00

P40,001.00 or more but less

Than P60,000.00 60.00

P60,001.00 or more but less

Than P100,000.00 80.00

P100,001.00 or more but less

Than P200,000.00 100.00

P200,001.00 or more but less

Than P500,000.00 120.00

For every P1,000.00 in excess of P500,000.00 10.00

(8) For each duplicate or permit issued 20.00

a) Lodging house 25.00

b) Boarding House 25.00
c) Dealer in fermented, distilled spirits
And/or wines 25.00
d) Amusement places:
Day and Night Club, race tracks or cockpit 25.00
Day or night club, dance hall or cocktail lounge
e) Bank and investment company or
Insurance company 50.00

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Province of Pangasinan



f) Circus, manageric parade or any other

Parade hold in the municipality 25.00

The fees on parade shall not be collected for civic and military parade
or religious procession. However, the necessary Mayor’s permit shall still be
secured before the same are undertaken.

The permit fee is payable for every distinct or separate establishment

or place where the business or trade is conducted.

One line of business of trade does not become exempt by being

conducted with some other business of trade for which the permit has been
obtained and the corresponding fee paid for.

Section 22T.29. Time and Manner of Payment – The fee for the
issuance of a Mayor’s permit shall be paid to the Municipal Treasurer upon
application before any business or undertaking can be lawfully begun or
pursued and within the first twenty (20) days of January of each year in case
of renewal thereof.

Section 22T.30. Surcharge for Late Payment – in case of failure to

pay the permit fee or renew the permit within the prescribed period, the fee
shall be increased by a surcharge of twenty-five (25%) percent of the original
amount due, such surcharge to be paid at the same time in the same manner
as the fee.

Section 22T.31. Administrative Provisions.

(a) Supervision and control over establishment and places – The

Municipal Mayor shall supervise and regulate all establishments
and places subject to the payment of the permit fee. He shall
prescribe rules and regulations as to the mode or manner on which
they shall be conducted in so far as may be necessary to maintain
peaceful, healthful, and sanitary conditions in the municipality.
(b) Applications for Mayor’s Permit: False Statements. – An application
for Mayor’s permit shall be filed with the Office of the Municipal
Mayor. The form for the purpose shall be issued by the same office
and shall set forth the requisite information including the name
and residence of the applicant, the description of business or
undertaking that is to be conducted and such other data or
information as may be required.

Any false statement deliberately made by the applicant shall constitute

a sufficient ground for denying or revoking the permit issued by the Mayor,
and the applicant for licensee may be prosecuted in accordance with the
penalties provided in this Article.

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Province of Pangasinan



A Mayor’s Permit shall be refused to any person

(1) Who previously violated any ordinance or regulation governing

permits granted;
(2) Whose business establishment or undertaking does not conform
with zoning regulations, and safety, health and other requirements
of the municipality;
(3) Who has an unsettled tax obligation, debt or other liability to the
government; and
(4) Who is disqualified under any provision of law or ordinance to
establish, or operate the business applied for.
(c) Issuance of Permit: Contents of Permit – Upon approval of the
application of a Mayor’s Permit, two copies of the application duly
signed by the Municipal Mayor shall be returned to the applicant.
One copy shall be presented to the Municipal Treasurer as basis for
the collection of the Mayor’s Permit fee and the corresponding
business tax.

The Mayor’s permit shall be issued by the Municipal Mayor upon

presentation of the receipts for the payment of the Mayor’s permit and the
official receipt issued by the Municipal Treasurer for the payment of the
business tax.

Every permit issued by the Mayor shall show the name and residence
of the applicant, his nationality and marital status; nature of the
organization, that is whether the business is a sole proprietorship, etc;
location of the business; date of issue and expiration of the permit; and other
information as may be necessary.

The municipality shall upon presentation of satisfactory proof that the

original permit has been lost, stolen or destroyed, issue a duplicate of the
permit upon the payment of the corresponding fee.

(d) Posting of Permit – Every permitee shall keep his permit

conspicuously posted at all times in his place of business or office
or if he has no place of business or office, he shall keep the permit
in his person..The permit shall be immediately produces upon
demand by the Municipal Mayor, the Municipal Treasurer or any
one of their duly authorized representatives.
(e) Duration of Permit – The Mayor’s permit shall be granted for a
period of not more than one (1) year and shall expire on the thirty-
first of December following the date of issuance unless revoked or
surrendered earlier. Every permit shall cease to be in force upon

Republic of the Philippines
Province of Pangasinan



revocation or surrender thereof. It shall have a continuing validity

only upon renewal thereof and payment of the corresponding fee.
(f) Revocation of Permit – When a person doing business under the
provisions of this Code violates any provision of this Article, refuses
to pay an indebtedness or liability to the municipality or abuses his
privilege to do business to the injury of the public moral or peace;
or when a place where such business is established is being
conducted in a disorderly or unlawful manner, is a nuisance, or is
permitted to be used as a resort for disorderly characters, criminals
or women of ill-repute, the Municipal Mayor may, after
investigation, revoke the Mayor’s permit. Such revocation shall
operate to forfeit all sums which may have been paid in respect of
said privilege, in addition to the fines and imprisonment that maybe
imposed by the court for violation of any provision of this ordinance
governing the establishment and maintenance of business and to
prohibit the exercise thereof by the persons whose privilege is
revoked, until restored by the Sangguniang Bayan.

Section 22T.32. Rules and Regulations on Certain Establishments. –

(a) On cafes, cafeterias, ice cream and other refreshment parlors,

restaurants, soda fountain bars, carinderia or food caterers. – No
owner of said establishments shall employ any cook, or food
dispenser without a food handler’s certificate from the Municipal
Health Officer, renewable monthly.

Establishments selling cooked and readily edible foods shall have them
adequately covered and protected from dust, flies and other insects, and shall
follow strictly the rules and regulations on sanitation promulgated by the
Municipal Health Officer and existing laws or ordinances.

(b) Sauna bath, Massage Parlor and/or Health Clinic –

1. It shall operated only under the existing ordinance regulating
the same between 6:00 am to 12:00 midnight each day.
2. The owner or operator of all sauna bath, massage parlor and/or
health clinic shall see to it that they operated strictly for health
improvement of their customers. It shall be their duty to
maintain a high degree of decency and orderliness in their
3. Special private massage compartment of VIP rooms with doors is
prohibited, only curtains is allowed. Violations of this particular
provision shall be sufficient ground for the summary closure of
the establishment and revocation of its permit.
4. Partition between cubicles should be made of light materials
with one foot clearance towards the ceiling and shall have no

Republic of the Philippines
Province of Pangasinan



door but shall have an entrance with sliding translucent curtain

of light color material.
(c) Shopping Centers and Private Markets:
1. Operators or owners of shopping centers and private markets
shall submit a sworn statement containing a true and complete
report of their operation, together with copies of all lease
contract and such other information as the municipal Treasurer
may require.
2. Edifices of buiding for a shopping center shall be erected at least
five (5) meters back from any highway, street, road or sidewalk,
and no sale of any commodities shall be allowed on sidewalks,
aisle or open space outside the building. No stalls or space in
any shopping center shall be leased to aliens; if the lease is a
juridical person, the capital investment of aliens shall not be
more than 30% of the total investment.
(d) Billiard of Pool Hall and Pooling Places:
1. It shall be opened to the public during the hours from 8:00 am
to 12:00 midnight daily
2. It shall be unlawful for the owner or operator of any billiard or
pool hall or pooling places to:
a. Admit boys and girls less that 18 years of age to participate
in any manner in games therein;
b. Allow the use of all wooden billiard pins larger than four
centimetres at the center of billiard tables;
c. Allow bettors of money or anything of value by persons.
(e) Dance Hall, Cabarets, Dancing School, Night Clubs, Day Clubs,
Cocktail Lounge and Beer Gardens. –
1. They shall be establish in accordance with the zonification
ordinance of Alaminos, Pangasinan and shall conform to the
distance requirements mentioned in RA 979 as amended by RA
1224. The building pertaining to these business shall be
properly ventilated, well lighted and maintained under sanitary
condition at all times.
2. All night clubs, day clubs, dance halls (bars and restaurants
included), cocktail lounges and beer gardens in Alaminos,
Pangasinan, shall not be open earlier than 5:00 am each day
including Sundays and Holidays. A day club shall operated up
to 5:00 in the afternoon and night club up to 12:00 midnight,
however, in no case shall any store or any of these
establishment – cocktail lounge, beer gardens and the like – sell
and serve hard liquor, wine or distilled spirits like San Miguel
Gin, Tanduay Rhum, etc. Beyond 6:00 pm (hard liquor as used
in this Code shall mean any wine of whatever concoction such
as whiskey, brandy, gin, rhum, or the like having alcoholic
content at 35% of its volume).

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Province of Pangasinan



Beer maybe sold and served at anytime of the day and up to 12:00
midnight. However, night clubs, cocktail lounges, dance halls, bars and beer
gardens engaged in the sale and dispensing of beer shall employ bouncers or
security guards as the case maybe to maintain peace and order thereat.

If any of these establishments is licensed to operate a regular

restaurant, cafe or refreshment parlor, it may remain open before and after
said hours, to serve only meals or refreshments, without serving hard liquors
or permitting dancing to take place therein.

Dancing schools shall not open earlier than 8:00 am and close not
later than 9:00 pm of the same day.

(4) Minors below eighteen (18) years of age, person carrying deadly
weapons of any description, except government officials performing
public functions, and intoxicated persons shall not be permitted or
allowed to remain in any night club, or dance hall either as
customer or as an employee, or under any other capacity. However,
persons under eighteen (18) years of age may be admitted in such
establishment when they are accompanied by their parents or
(5) Dance Hall or dancing schools shall be established within a radius
of one hundred (100) meters from any public or private schools
(building), churches, hospitals or athletic stadium, provided, that
when a public hospital or public or private school, church or
athletic stadium is to be established within a radius of one hundred
(100) meters from any dance hall or dancing school already in
operation, the Municipal Mayor shall serve notice to the operator of
such dancing school or dance hall giving him reasonable time
within which to close or transfer under the provisions of existing
ordinance, and law.
(f) Cockpits:
(1) There shall not be issued a permit on cockpits without proper
certificates of the Municipal Engineer certifying to the suitability
of the building; and the Municipal Health Officer certifying to
the sanitary conditions of said building.
(2) Cockfighting shall take place only in licensed cockpits and only
on Sundays; on legal holidays, except Rizal Day, Fourth of July,
Maundy Thursday and Good Friday; and for a period of not
exceeding three days during the celebration of the local fiesta.
(3) Minor below eighteen (18) years of age are prohibited to
participate in any manner therein.
(g) Funeral Parlor:
(1) Application for a permit to operate a funeral parlor shall be
approved only upon recommendation of the Municipal Health

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Province of Pangasinan



Officer who shall have the responsibility of seeing to it that all

law, rules and regulations pertinent to such business, trade,
calling was duly complied with. He shall recommend with
concurrence of the Municipal Engineer, the location of such
funeral parlor; Provided, that any such establishment may be
permitted and operated along any national road or streets within
the Municipality if allowable under the zonification ordinance of
Alaminos, Pangasinan as amended.
(2) Any building to house such kind of establishment shall be
constructed such that the parlor where corpse are deposited and
the coffins on display shall not be seen or in public view from
(3) A one-day private road or alley of not less than five (5) meter in
width with corresponding entrance and exit should be
constructed within the site of each establishment or parlor for
the parking of cars or cortage.
(4) For the purpose of this Section, and undertaking establishment
or funeral parlor shall include any building or structure with or
without morgue for depositing corpses, pending interment
thereof for embalming dead human bodies, or for the purposed
of practicing the art of undertaking or embalming.
(h) Golf Course:
(1) No golf course shall be opened to the public and no golf games
shall be permitted therein except during the hours from 5:00 am
to 1:00 pm the following day.
(2) No golf course shall be established within one hundred (100)
meters from any public school or hospital, and if establish in a
residential district, the permit may be revoked upon the
complaint from a majority of the neighbourhood residing within
the radius of one hundred (100) meters from the course.
(i) Disco Pad:
1. No disco pad shall be established within one hundred (100)
meters from any public buildings, private and/or private school,
churches, hospitals or athletic stadium. However, any disco pad
already in operation, the Municipal Mayor shall serve notice to
the operator of such disco pad giving him/her reasonable time
within which to close or transfer under the provision of existing
laws and ordinances.
2. Beers maybe sold and served anytime in conformity with the
provisions of the ordinance regulating the selling and dispensing
of beers as well as liquors.
(j) Hotel, Tavern or Common Inn:
1. No hotel, tavern or common inn owner, manager or keeper shall
entertain or accept person, without first indicating his or her

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Province of Pangasinan



residence certificates and his or her circumstances in the

registry book of guest.
2. No minor less than 18 years of age shall be accepted therein
unless accompanied by their parents or guardians.
3. Every owner, manager or keeper of any hotels, taverns or
common inn shall keep intact and carefully preserve a well
bound register of guest, lodgers, or transients which shall at all
times be open for inspection upon demand of the municipal
(k) Pawnbroker:
1. Every pawnbroker to whom a license is issued shall have his
name, or firm or corporate name, with the words, “License
Pawnbroker” to be printed in large and legible character which
shall be placed at the outside door of his shop or place of
2. Any pawnbroker shall keep a book or books in the form
prescribed by the Municipal Mayor, in which shall be entered in
ink, at the time for each loan or pledge, and accurate and
description, in English or National Language, of every article; or
pawning or pledging the name and residence of each person
pawning or pledging such article or thing together with a
particular description of such person, including his or her
nationality, sex and general appearance. The pawnbroker or
any other person shall not altered, erase any entry in such book.
Every person pawning any article or thing shall sign and give his
address to said pawnbroker and such name and address shall
be made part of the record herefore required, provided, that a
person unable to write shall make his thumbmark.
3. Every pawnbroker shall at the time of loan or pledge deliver one
person pawning or pledging any article, or thing or memoranda
or note signed by him containing the substance of the record
required to be kept in the pawnbroker’s book, except the
description of the person pawning or pledging and no
compensation of any kind of whatever shall be received by any
pawnbroker for any such memorandum or note.
4. No pawnbroker shall sell or otherwise dispose of any article or
thing taken or received by him by way of pawn or pledge within
a period of less than three (3) months from the expiration of the
period for which such article or thing was not taken or received.
If a sale is to be made it shall be done at public auction in his
place of business ad only after a notice of sale has been
published for three (3) consecutive days in three newspaper of
general circulation in the Municipality, one in English and the

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Province of Pangasinan



other in Tagalog, during the week preceding the date of such

auction or sale.
(l) Dealer on vegetables, fruits, native cakes and the like:
Before a permit is issued to any dealer who sells native cakes,
vegetables, fruits, peanuts, balut or other homemade merienda,
that does not easily deteriorate, personally carried by him, said
dealer shall first secure a police clearance from the station
commander of the Alaminos PNP, and Health Certificate from the
Municipal Health Officer.
(1) Restaurant, Day and Night Clubs, Bar, Cocktail Lounge:
a. Restaurants, Day and Night Clubs, Bars, and Cocktail
Lounge operators, owners shall not engage the services of a
waitress or hostesses respectively who have no health or
medical certificate duly issued by the Rural Health Physician
of the Municipality where such waitress or hostess shall
b. Restaurants shall open 6:00 am and close 9:00 pm;
c. All operators of the above-mentioned establishments shall
furnish the office of the Mayor and Chief of Police a list of
their regular waitress or hostesses with pictures, 2 x 2 in
size, indicating the name of the establishment where
employed waitresses and hostesses work and the name of
the latter thereof;
d. All restaurants shall be properly ventilated ad well lighted
especially during night time and the sound of their music
must be confine loud enough to be heard only inside the
e. Restaurant, Bar, Cocktail Lounge, day and night club owner
or operator shall required their uniform and identification
card during their hour of duty; they shall not allow minors
inside their establishment nor engaged the services of the
same except the immediate members of their family;
f. Operators, Owners or Managers shall not allow their
waitresses, hostesses-hospitality girls to standby outside the
establishment where they work; waitresses, hospitality girls
are prohibited to go out with their customers during their
hour of duty;
g. It shall be unlawful for operators, owners to accept bar fine
during business hours;
h. Doors of Day and Night clubs, disco pubs, beer garden, bars,
cocktail lounge shall be closed at all times to avoid the public
from observing or seeing what is happening inside said

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Province of Pangasinan



i. Restaurant owners-operators shall not allow dancing inside

their business establishment; they shall not allow their
waitresses to sit with their customer;
j. No indecent show;
(m) Buildings, accessories, warehouse and bodegas for rent:
For the safety of the public in general and the lease in particular, all
proprietors, owners, administrators or sub-lessors of building, accessories,
warehouse and bodegas, as well as houses offered for rent, shall comply with
all building, electrical, fire preventive facilities and sanitary measures
required by each municipal department concerned before letting such
Section 3A.06 Penalty – Any violation of the provisions of this article
shall be punished by a fine of not exceeding One thousand pesos (P 1,000.00)
or imprisonment of not less than six (6) months or both at the discretion of
the Court.



Section 22T.33. Definitions. When used in this Article.

(a) Bet -Taker or Promoter – refers to a person who alone or with

another initiate a cockfight and/or calls and take care of bets from
owners of both gamecocks and those other bettors before he orders
commencement of the cockfight thereafter distributes won bets to
the winners after deducting a certain commission.
(b) Gaffers (Taga-tari) refers to a person knowledgeable in the art of
arming fighting cocks with gaffs on one or both legs.
(c) Referee (Sentenciador) – refers to a person who watches and
oversees of arming the proper gaffing of fighting cocks; determine
the physical condition of gamecocks while cockfighting is in
progress, the injuries sustained by the cocks and their capability to
continue fighting, and decides and makes known its decision either
by word or gesture the result of the cockfighting by announcing the
winner or deciding a tie.

Section 22T.34. Imposition of Fee. There shall be collected an

annual fee from the following:

1. Operator, general manager, promoter, host of such other terms

applied to persons promoting or hosting a cockfight.

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Province of Pangasinan



2. Pit Manager
3. Referee (Sentenciador) 175.00
4. Cashier 175.00
5. Pet Manager 175.00
6. Bet taker (Kristo)
7. Gaffer (mananari)

Special Permit Fee:

1. International Derby
2. Special cockfights (pintakasi in cockpits) located in
Provinces and municipalities 600.00

Fee promoters of each derby:

1. Other cities-municipalities
a. 2-cock derby 400.00
b. 3-cock derby 600.00
c. 4-cock derby 800.00
d. 5-cock derby 1,000.00

Section 22T.35. Administrative Provisions – Only licensed referees

and bet takers shall officiate in cockfights held in the municipality of
Alaminos, Pangasinan. No operator or owner of a cockpit shall allow gaffer,
referee, bet taker or promoter inside the cockpit who has not secured and
paid the Mayor’s permit fee herein required.

Section 22T.36. Penalty – Any violation of the provision of this article

shall be punished by a fine of not less than One thousand Pesos (P 1,000.00)
but not exceeding two thousand pesos (P2,000.00) or imprisonment of not
less than four months but not exceeding six months or both at the discretion
of the court.

Section 22T.37. Applicability Clause – The provisions of P. D. 449,

otherwise known as the Cockfighting Law of 1974, shall apply to all matters
regarding the operation of cockpits and the holding of cockfights in the City of
Alaminos, Pangasinan.


Section 22T.38. Imposition of Fee – There shall be collected a

registration fee of Fifteen pesos only (P15.00) per annum for each annual

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Province of Pangasinan



drawn cart or sledge used in the Municipality of Alaminos, Pangasinan which

shall be registered with the office of the Municipal Treasurer.

Section 22T.39. Time and Manner of Payment – The fee imposed

herein shall be due and payable within the first twenty (20) days of January
of every year. For each chart or sledge newly acquired after the first twenty
(20) days of January, the permit shall be paid without penalty within the first
twenty (20) days of the quarter following the date of purchase.

Section 22T.40. Administrative Provisions . – The Municipal

Treasurer shall keep a register of all carts or sledges which shall set forth,
among other, the name and address of the owner.

Section 22T.41. Penalty – Any violation of the provisions of this Article

shall be punished by a fine of not less than five hundred (P500.00) but not
exceeding one thousand pesos (P1,000.00) or imprisonment of not less than
four months but not exceeding six months or both, at the discretion of the


Section 22T.42. Imposition of Fee. – There shall be collected a permit

fee of fifteen pesos (P15.00) per annum for each calesa or caretela used in the
Municipality of Pangasinan which shall be registered with the Office of the
municipal Treasurer.

Section 22T.43. Time and Manner of Payment. – The fee imposed

herein shall be due and payable upon application for Mayor’s Permit within
the first twenty (20) days of January of each year. For newly acquired
calesas, or caretelas, the fee shall be payable within twenty (20) days after

Section 22T.44. Administrative Provisions. – A metal plate shall be

provided by the Municipal Treasurer for every registered caretela or calesa.

The Municipal Treasurer shall keep a register of all calesas or caretelas

which shall contain among others, the name and address of the owner.


Section 22T.45. Imposition of Fee. – There shall be collected from the

owner of the bicycle or pedalled tricycle operated within the municipality, a
permit fee of ten pesos (P10.00) and twenty pesos (P20.00) respectively.

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Province of Pangasinan



Section 22T.46. Time of Payment. – The imposed herein shall be due

on the first day of January and payable to the municipal treasurer within the
first twenty (20) days of January of every year. For bicycle or pedalled tricycle
acquired after the first twenty (20) days of January the permit fee shall be
paid without the penalty within the first twenty (20) days of the quarter
following the date of purchase.

Section 22T.47. Administrative Provisions. – A metal plate shall be

provided by the owner of the bicycle or pedalled tricycle granted a permit.

The Municipal Treasurer shall keep a register of all bicycles and

pedalled tricycles containing information such as the make and brand of the
bicycle or tricycle, the name and address of the owner and the number of the
permit plate.


Section 22T.48. Definition. – When used in this Article:

a) Astray Animal – means an animal which is set loose unretained,

and not under the complete control of its owner, or the charge or in
possession thereof, found roaming at-large in public or private
b) Public Place – includes national, provincial, municipal , or
barangay streets, parks, plazas and such other places open to the
c) Private Place – includes privately-owned streets or yards, rice fields
or farmlands, ot lots owned by an individual other than the owner
of the animal.
d) Large cattle – includes horses, mules, assess, carabao, cows, and
other domestic member of the bovine family.

Section 22T.49. Imposition of Fee. – There shall be imposed the

following fees for each day or fraction thereof on each head of astray animal
found running or roaming at large or fettered in public or private places:

Amount of Fee

a) Large Cattle P 15.00

b) Pigs, goat, sheep, dog and
All other animals 10.00

Section 22T.50. Time of Payment. – The impounding fee shall be paid

to the Municipal Treasurer prior to the release of the impound animal.

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Province of Pangasinan



Section 22T.51. Administrative Provisions. – For purposes of this

Article, the Station Commander of the Philippine National Police (PNP) of his
deputies are hereby authorized to apprehend and impound astray animals in
the municipal corral or a place duly designated for such purpose. He shall
also cause the posting of notice of the impounded astray animal in the
Municipal Hall and inform the Municipal Mayor accordingly.

Impounded animals not claimed within (5) days after the date of
impounding shall be sold at public auction. The proceed of the sale shall be
applied to notify the cost of impounding, advertisement and conduct of sale.
The residue over the cost shall accrue to the General Fund of the

In case of impounded animal, if not disposed off within one hundred

twenty days (120) from the date of the notice of the Public Auction, the same
shall be considered sold to the Municipal Government for the amount
equivalent to the fee due.

Section 22T.52. Special Provisions. – Owners whose animals are

caught astray and incurring damages to plants and properties shall pay the
following fines:

For first offense 50.00

For second offense 100.00

For third and each subsequent offense 150.00



Section 22T.53. Imposition of Fee. – There shall be collected a

Mayor’s Permit Fee of One hundred fifty pesos (P150.00) per day on every
circus or menagerie parade and other parades using banners, floats or
musical instruments carried on in the municipality.

Section 22T.54. Time and Manner of Payment. –The fee imposed

herein shall be due and payable at least five (5) days before the scheduled
date, of the circus or parade and on such activity shall be held without first
paying the fee.

Section 22T.55. Exemption. – Civic and military parades as well as

religious processions shall not be required to pay the permit fee imposed in
this article.

Republic of the Philippines
Province of Pangasinan



Section 22T.56. Administrative Provisions. – The Station Commander

of the Philippine National Police shall promulgate the necessary rules and
regulations to maintain an orderly and peaceful conduct of the activities
mentioned in this Article. He shall also define the boundary within which
such activities may be lawfully conducted.


Section 22T.57. Definition of Terms. – The purpose of this Article

“Large Cattle” includes a two-year old horse, mule, ass, carabao, cow or other
domesticated members of the bovine family.

Section 22T.58. Imposition of Fee. – There be collected by the

Municipal Treasurer the following fees:

(a) For Certificate of Ownership P 20.00

(b) For Certificate of Transfer 20.00
(c) For registration of Private brand 20.00

The transfer fee shall be collected only once if a large cattle is

transferred more than once a day.

Section 22T.59. Time and Manner of Payment. – The registration fee

shall be paid to the Municipal Treasurer upon registration or transfer of
ownership of the large cattle.

Section 22T.60. Administrative Provisions.

(a) The owner of a large cattle is hereby required to register said cattle
with the Municipal Treasurer.
(b) All brander and counter branded animals presented to the
Municipal Treasurer shall be registered in a book showing among
others, the name and residence of the owner, and the class, color,
sex, brands and other identification marks of the cattle.
(c) The transfer of the large cattle, regardless of its age, shall be
entered in the registry book setting forth, among others, the names
and the residence of the owners and the purchaser; the
consideration or purchase price of the animal for sale or transfer,
class, sex, brands and other identifying marks of the animals; and a
reference by number to the original certificate of ownership with the
name of the municipality issued it. No entries or transfer shall be
made or certificate of transfer shall be issued by the Municipal
Treasurer except upon the presentation of the original certificate of

Republic of the Philippines
Province of Pangasinan



ownership and certificate of transfer and such other documents

that who title to the owner.

Section 22T.61. Penalty. – Any violation of the provision of this Article

shall be punished by a fine of not less than Five hundred pesos (P500.00) but
not exceeding One thousand pesos (P1,000.00) or imprisonment of not less
than four months but not exceeding six months or both at the discretion of
the Court.


Section 22T.62. Imposition of Fee. – There shall be imposed the

following fees on every person who shall make or cause to be made any
excavation or public or private streets within the Municipality of Alaminos,

(a) For crossing streets with concrete pavement:

Amount of Fee
1. For crossing concrete pavement
(minimum area 2.00 x 6.00 m, 12 q. Meters)

2. For crossing across base of streets with concrete

Pavement per linear meter (boring method)
(b) For crossing streets with asphalt pavement
(c) For crossing the streets with gravel
Macadam pavement 250.00/m3
(d) For crossing existing curbs and gutters
Resulting in the damage

Section 22T.63. Time and Manner of Payment. – The fee imposed

herein shall be paid to the Municipal Treasurer by every person who shall
make any excavation or cause any excavation to be made upon application for
Mayor’s Permit, but in all cases prior to the excavation.

Section 22T.64. Administrative Provisions

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Province of Pangasinan



(a) No person shall undertake or cause to undertake any digging or

excavation of any part or portion of the municipal streets of
Alaminos, Pangasinan unless a permit shall have been first secure
from the Office of the Municipal Mayor.
(b) Municipal Engineer/Municipal Building Official shall supervise the
digging and excavation and shall determined the necessary width or
the streets to be dug or excavated.
(c) In order to protect the public from any danger, appropriate signs
must be placed in the area where work is being done.



Section 22T.65. Imposition of Fees. – The following are imposed for

the sealing and licensing of weights and measures:

Amount of Fee

(a) For sealing linear metric measures 20.00

Not over one meter 20.00

Measure over one meter 20.00

(b) For sealing metric measures of capacity

Not over ten liters 25.00

Over ten liters 25.00

(c) For sealing metric instruments of weights:

With capacity of not more than 30 kg. 20.00

With capacity of more than 30 kg.

But not more than 300 kg. 30.00

With capacity of more than 300 kg.

But not more than 3,000 kg. 40.00

With capacity of more than 3,000 kg. 50.00

(d) For sealing apothecary balances of precision:

Over 3,000 kg. 400.00

Over 300 to 3,000 kg. 300.00

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Province of Pangasinan



Over 30 to 300 kg. 200.00

30 kg. Or less 100.00

(e) For sealing scale or balance with complete

Set of weights:

For each scale or balances or other balances

With complete set of weights for use therewith free

For each extra weight

For each and every re-testing and re-sealing

Of weights and measures instruments including
Gasoline pumps outside the office upon request
Of the owner or operator, an additional service
Charge of P 20.00 for each instrument shall be

(f) The fee for tag & plate issued to every tested
Weight and measures 15.00
And a service fee of 10.00

Section 22T.66. Payment of Fees and Surcharges. – The fees herein

imposed shall be paid and collected by the Municipal Treasurer upon the
sealing or licensing of the weights or measures instruments and renewable on
or before the anniversary date thereof. The official receipt evidencing
payment shall serve as a license to use such instrument for one year from the
date of sealing unless such instrument become defective before the expiration
period. Failure to have the instrument re-tested and the corresponding fee
paid there for within the prescribed period shall subject the owner or user to
a surcharge of Five hundred (500%) per centum of the prescribed fees which
shall no, longer be subject to interest.

Section 22T.67. Exemptions.

(a) All instruments for weights and measures used in government work
of or maintained for public use by any instrumentality of the
government shall be tested and sealed free.
(b) Dealers of weights and measures instruments intended for sale.

Section 22T.68. Administrative Provision. –

(a) The Municipal Treasurer is hereby required to keep full sets of

secondary standards which shall be compared with the
fundamental standards in the Department of Science and
Technology annually.

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Province of Pangasinan



(b) The Municipal Treasurer or his deputies shall conduct periodic

physical inspection and test weights and measures instruments
within the locality.
(c) Instrument of weights and measures found to be defective and such
defect is beyond repair shall be confiscated in favour of the
government and shall be destroyed by the Municipal Treasurer in
the presence of the Provincial Auditor of his representative.

Section 22T.69. Fraudulent Practices Relative to Weights and

measures and Corresponding Penalties.

(a) Fraudulent practices relative to weights and measures. Any

person, other than the official sealer of weights and measures:

1. Who places an official tag or seal upon any instrument of

weights or measures or attaches it thereto; or
2. Who fraudulently imitates any mark, stamp or brand, tag or
other characteristics sign used to indicate that weight and
measures have been officially sealed; or
3. Who later in any way the certificate given by the sealer as an
acknowledgement that the weights and measures mentioned
therein have been duly sealed; or
4. Who makes or knowingly sells or uses any false or counterfeit
stamps, tag, certificate, or license, or any dye for printing or
making stamp, tag, certificates, or licensing which is an
imitation of, or purports to be a lawful stamp, tag, certificate or
license of the kind required by the provisions of this Article; or
5. Who alter the written or printed figures or letters on any stamp,
tag, certificate of license used or issued; or
6. Who has in his possession on any such false, counterfeit,
restored or altered stamps, tag, certificate, or license for the
purpose of using or reusing the same in payment of fees or
charges imposed in this Article; or
7. Who procures the commission of any offense by another; shall
for each of the offense above, be fined by not less than One
thousand (P1,000.00) pesos nor more than Five thousand pesos
(P5,000.00) or imprisoned for not less than one (1) month nor
more than six (6) years, or both at the discretion of the court.
(b) Unlawful possession or use of instrument not sealed before using
and not sealed within twelve (12) months from last sealing:

Any person making a practice of buying or selling goods

by weights and/or measures, or of furnishing services the value
of which is estimated by weight or measures, who has in his
possession, without permit, any unsealed scale, balance, weight

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Province of Pangasinan



or measure, and any person who uses in any purchase or sale

or in estimating the value of any service furnished, any
instrument of weight or measure that has not been officially
sealed, or if previously sealed, the license therefor has expired
and has not been renewed in due time, shall be punished by a
fine of not exceeding Five thousand (P5,000.00) pesos or by
imprisonment of not more than six (6) months, or both, at the
discretion of the court.

If, however, such scales, balance, weights or measures,

has been officially sealed at some previous time and the seal and
tag officially affixed thereto remain intact and in the same
position and condition in which they were placed by the official
sealer, and the instrument is found not to have been altered or
rendered inaccurate but still to be sufficiently accurate to
warrant its being sealed without repairs or alterations, such
instrument shall, if presented for sealing promptly on demand of
any authorized sealer or inspector of weights and measures, be
sealed, and the owner, possessor or user of the same shall be
subject to no penalty except a surcharge equal to five (5) times
the regular fee fixed by law for the sealing of an instrument of its
class, this surcharge to be collected and accounted for by the
Municipal Treasurer in the same manner as the regular fees for
sealing such instruments.
(c) Alteration of the fraudulent use of instrument of weights and
1. Any person, with fraudulent intent, alters any scale or balance,
weight or measure after it is officially sealed or who knowingly
uses any false scale or balance, weight or measure, whether
sealed or not shall be punished by a fine of not less than one
thousand (P1,000.00) pesos nor more than Five thousand
(P5,000.00) pesos or by imprisonment of not less than one (1)
month nor more than six (6) months, or both, at the discretion
of the Court.
2. Any person who fraudulently gives short weight or measure in
the making of a sale, or who fraudulently takes excessive weight
or measure in the making of a purchase, or who assuming to
determine truly the weight or measure of any article bought or
sold by weight or measure, fraudulently misrepresents the
weight or measures thereof shall be punished by a fine of not
less than One (P1,000.00) pesos nor more than Five thousand
(P5,000.00) pesos or by imprisonment of not less than one (1)
month nor more than six (6) months, or both.

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Province of Pangasinan



Section 22T.70. Administrative Penalties. – The Municipal

Treasurer may compromise the following acts or omission not constituting

(a) Any person making a practice of buying or selling by weight and

measure using unsealed and/or unregistered instrument:

1. When correct 100.00

2. When incorrect but within tolerable
Allowance of defect or short measure
(b) Failure to produce weight and measure tag or license or
certificate upon demand but the instrument is duly registered:

1. When correct 100.00

2. When incorrect but within tolerable allowance
Of defect or short measure
(c) Any person found violating any of the above two (2) provisions
for the second time shall be fined twice the above penalty.


Section 22T.71. Definition. – For the purpose of this Article

“Livestock” referred to the different species or group of domesticated animals
and members of their family.

Section 22T.72. Imposition of Fees. – There shall be collected

transport fee for every:

1. Large Cattle
2. Other animals 10.00

Section 22T.73. Time of Payment. – The fee shall be paid to the

municipal Treasurer of his/her duly authorized representative before the
above mentioned livestock are transferred to other municipalities.

Section 22T.74. Administrative Provisions. – All large cattle being

transported from Alaminos, to other municipalities shall be checked by the
Municipal Treasurer or his/her duly documented. The Municipal Treasurer
shall also keep a registry of book showing the names and resident of the
owner of the person transporting the class, color, age, sex, brand and other
identifying marks of the large cattle.

Republic of the Philippines
Province of Pangasinan



Section 22T.75. Penalty. – Any violation of the provisions of this

Article shall be punished by a fine of not less than five hundred (P500.00)
pesos but not exceeding One thousand (P1, 000.00) pesos or imprisonment of
not less than four (4) months but not exceeding six (6) months, or both at the
discretion of the court.



Section 22T.76. Imposition of Fees. – There shall be imposed a

Mayor’s permit fee for all thames, jeepneys, motorcycles, push carts,
motorboats for tourist and fishing boats, operating in Alaminos, Pangasinan
and providing penalties for violation thereof.

Amount of Fee

1. Thames 50.00/year
2. Jeepneys 45.00/year
3. Motorcycle 25.00/year
4. Push carts 20.00/year
5. Fishing boats 55.00/year
6. Motorboats for Tourist
a. Small 200.00/year
b. Medium 250.00/year
c. Big 275.00/year
d. Extra Big 300.00

Section 22T.77. Penalty. – Any operator and/or driver of the vehicle

named, herein mentioned found violating this Article shall be punished by a
fine and imprisonment at the discretion of the court.

Any ordinance or parts thereof in conflict with this Article shall be

deemed modified, amended or repealed.


Section 22T.78. Imposition of Fees. – The Municipal Government of

Alaminos, Pangasinan through the Municipal Treasurer’s Office will collect
the following fees for Tricycle-for-Hire operating business within the
Municipality and be issued the corresponding documents to wit:

Amount of Fee

1. Legalization Fee 150.00/year

2. MTOP (Mayor’s Permit) 37.50/year
3. Franchising Fee 40.00/year
4. Legal Research Fee 10.00/year

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Province of Pangasinan



5. Certification Fee 10.00/year

Section 22T.79. Time and Manner of Payment. – The fee imposed

herein shall be due on the first day of January, the permit fee shall be paid
within the first twenty days (20) of January following its acquisition.

Section 22T.80. Surcharge for Late Payment. – Failure to pay the fee
prescribed in this Article within the time required shall subject the taxpayers
to a surcharge of twenty five (25%) percent of the original amount of fee due,
such surcharge to be paid at the time and in the same manner as the fee due.

Section 22T.81. Administrative Provisions.

a) Every owner/operator must provide his tricycle with a sticker to be

secured from the Municipal Treasurer’s Office.
b) The Municipal Treasurer shall keep a registry of all tricycle within
which shall include the following information:
1. Make and brand of the Motorcycle
2. Name and address of the owner/operator and driver
3. Number of the sticker

Section 22T.82. Penalty. Any violation of this provisions of this

Article shall be punished by a fine of not less than five hundred pesos
(P500.00) but not exceeding one thousand pesos (P1,000.00) or imprisonment
of not exceeding six months, or both at the discretion of the Court.


Section 22T.83. Imposition of Fees. – There shall be collected a

permit fee of Two hundred pesos (P200.00) per film from any person who
shall go on location filming within the territorial jurisdiction of the
Municipality of Alaminos.

Section 22T.84. Time of Payment. – The fee imposed herein shall be

paid to the Municipal Treasurer upon application for the Mayor’s permit
before location filming is commenced.

Section 22T.85. Surcharge of late payment. – Failure to pay the tax

prescribed in this Article within the time required shall subject the taxpayer
to a surcharge of twenty five (25%) percent of the original amount of tax due,
such surcharge to be paid at the same time and in the same manner as the
tax due.

Section 22T.86. Penalty. – Any violation of the provisions of this

Article shall be punished by a fine of not less than Five hundred pesos

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Province of Pangasinan



(P500.00) but not exceeding One thousand (P1,000.00) or imprisonment of

not less than four months but not exceeding six months, or both at the
discretion of the Court.



Section 22T.87. Imposition of Fee. – There shall be collected an

annual permit fee at the following rates for each agricultural machinery,
renting out said equipment in the Municipality of Alaminos, Pangasinan.

Amount of Fee

1. Tractor 150.00
2. Bulldozers 300.00
3. Forklifters 100.00
4. Graders 100.00
5. Other Agricultural Machinery or heavy
Equipment not enumerated 120.00

Section 22T.88. Time and Manner of Payment. – The fee imposed

herein shall be payable prior to the rental of the equipment upon application
for a permit.

Section 22T.89. Administrative Provisions. – The Municipal

Treasurer shall keep a registry of all heavy equipment and agricultural
machinery which shall make a brand of the heavy equipment and agricultural
machinery, name and address of the owner.

Section 22T.90. Penalty – Any violation of the provisions of this Article

shall be punished by a fine of not less than five hundred (P500.00) pesos but
not exceeding One thousand pesos (P1,000.00) or imprisonment of not less
than four months but not exceeding six months or both at the discretion of
the Court.


Section 22T.91. Imposition of Fee. – Unless otherwise, provided, fees

imposed under this Article shall be paid to the Municipal Treasurer annually,
renewable on the anniversary date thereof.

a) A motorshop owner or operator shall get a permit from the Mayor

and to the Municipal Treasurer, for each car, jeep, truck or motor

Republic of the Philippines
Province of Pangasinan



vehicle as to the body and paints, or conversion from one make to


Amount of Fee
1. Car 50.00
2. Jeep 50.00
3. Truck 50.00
4. Other Motor Vehicle 50.00

Section 22T.92. Time of Payment. – The owner of the motor vehicle

shop before getting a permit from the mayor shall first pay to the Municipal

Section 22T.93. Administrative Provisions. – For the

implementation of the preceding section under this Article, the owner or
operator herein shall be held liable personally or criminally as the case, or
foreclose of his shop as business circumstance may warrant.

Section 22T.94. Penalty. – Violation of the provisions of this

Ordinance shall be punished by a fine of not less than Five hundred (P
500.00) pesos but not exceeding One thousand (P1,000.00) pesos or
imprisonment of not less than four months but not exceeding six months, or
both at the discretion of the Court.


Section 22T.95. Definitions. – Wharfage fee means a fee access

against the cargo or vessel engaged in foreign or domestic trade based on the
quantity, weight or measure received and/or discharges by such vessel.

Section 22T.96. Imposition of Fee. – There shall be collected a

wharfage fee for motorboat load or cargo unloaded at the Municipal Wharf at
Lucap, Alaminos, Pangasinan.

1. Motorboat P 5.00

Section 22T.97. Time of Payment. – The fee herein imposed shall be

paid to the Municipal Treasurer or his duly authorized representative upon
unloading at the Municipal Wharf.

Section 22T.98. Penalty. – Violation of the provision of this Ordinance

shall be punished by a fine of Two hundred (P200.00) pesos but not exceeding
four hundred (P400.00) pesos or imprisonment of not less than six months or
both, such fine and imprisonment at the discretion of the Court.

Republic of the Philippines
Province of Pangasinan




Section 22T.99. Title. – This Article shall be known as the Municipal

Building Code of Alaminos, Pangasinan and shall hereinafter referred to as
the “Code”.

Section 22T.100. Declaration of Policy. – It is hereby declared to be

the policy of the Municipal Government to safeguard life, health, property and
public welfare, consistent with the principles of sound environmental
management and control; and to this end, make it the purpose of this Code to
provide for all buildings and structures, a framework or minimum standards
and requirements to regulate and control their location, site, design, quality
or materials, construction, use, occupancy and maintenance.

Section 22T.101. Scope and Application.

(a) The provision of this Code shall apply to the design, location, siting,
construction, alteration, repair, conversion, use, occupancy,
maintenance, moving, demolition of, and addition to public and
private buildings and structures, except traditional indigenous
family dwellings as defined herein.
(b) Building and/or structures constructed in 1993 and before the
approval of this Code shall be exempted. Alterations, additions,
conversions or repairs be made therein, his Code shall apply.

Section 22T.102. General Building Requirements.

(a) All buildings or structures as well as accessory facilities thereto

shall conform in all respects to the principles of safe construction
and must be suited to the purpose for which they are designed.
(b) Buildings or structures intended to be used for the manufacture
and/or production of any kind or article or product shall observe
adequate environmental safeguards.
(c) Buildings or structures and all parts thereof as well as all facilities
found therein shall be maintained in safe, sanitary and good
working condition.

Section 22T.103. Site Requirements.

The land or site upon which will be constructed any building or

structure, or any ancillary or auxiliary facility thereto, shall be sanitary,
hygienic or safe. In the case of sites or buildings intended for use as human
habitation or abode, the same shall be at a sanitary, hygienic or safe

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Province of Pangasinan




Section 22T.104. Responsibility for Administration and


The administration and enforcement of the provisions of this Code

including the imposition of penalties for administrative thereof is hereby
vested in the City Mayor.

Section 22T.105. Technical Staff

The Mayor is hereby authorized to constitute and provide the Office a

professional staff composed of highly qualified architects, engineers and
technicians who possess diversified and professional experience in the field of
building design and construction.

Section 22T.106. General Powers and Functions of the Mayor

under this Code.

For purposes of carrying out the provisions of this Code, the Mayor
shall exercise the following general powers and functions:

1) Formulate policies, plans, standards and guidelines on building

design, construction, use, occupancy and maintenance, in
accordance with this Code.
2) Issue and promulgate rules and regulations to implement the
provisions of this Code and ensure compliance with policies, plans,
standards and guidelines formulated under paragraph 1 of this
3) Evaluate, review, approve and/or take final action on changes
and/or amendments to existing referral codes as well as on the
incorporation of other referral codes which are not yet expressly
made part of this Code
4) Prescribed and recommend the amount of fees and other charges
that the Building Official shall collect in connection with the
performance of regulatory functions.

Section 22T.107. Professional and Technical Assistance.

The Mayor with the assistance of his technical staff shall provide such
professional, technical, scientific and other services including testing
laboratories and facilities as may be required to carry out the provisions of
this Code; provided that the mayor may secure such services as he may deem

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Province of Pangasinan



necessary from other agencies of the National Government and may make
arrangement for the compensation of such services. He may also engage and
compensate within appropriations available therefor, the services of such
other number of consultants, experts and advisers on full or part-time basis,
as may be necessary, coming from the government or private businesses,
entities or associations to carry out the provisions of this Code.

Section 22T.108. Building Officials

Except as otherwise provided herein, the Building Official shall be

responsible for carrying out the provisions of this Code in the field as well as
the enforcement of orders and decisions made pursuant thereto.

Due to the exigencies of the service, the Mayor may designate

incumbent Municipal Engineers to act as Building Official.

The designation made by the Mayor under this Section shall continue
until regular positions of Building Official are provided or unless sooner
terminated for causes provided by law or ordinance.

Section 22T.109. Qualifications of Building Officials

No person shall be appointed as a Building Official unless he possesses

the following qualifications:

1. A Filipino citizen and of good moral character.

2. A duly registered architect or civil engineer.
3. A member of good standing of a duly accredited organization of his
profession for not less than two years.
4. Has at least five years of diversified and professional experience in
building design and construction.

Section 22T.110. Duties of a Building Officials

In his respective territorial jurisdiction, the Building Official shall be

primarily responsible for the enforcement of the provisions of this Code as
well as of the implementing rules and regulations issued therefor. He is the
official charged with the duties of issuing building permits.

In the performance of his duties, a Building Official may enter any

building or its premises at all reasonable times to inspect and determine
compliance with the requirements of this Code, and the terms and conditions
provided for in the building permit as issued.

When any building work is found to be contrary to the provisions of

this Code, the Building Official may order the work stopped and prescribe the
terms and/or conditions when the work will be allowed to resume. Likewise,

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Province of Pangasinan



the Building Official or structure or portions thereof found to occupied or

used contrary to the provisions of this Code.

Section 22T.111. Fees

Every Building Official shall keep a permanent record and accurate

account of all fees and other charges authorized by the Mayor to be collected
and received under this Code.

Subject to this budgetary, accounting and auditing rules and

regulations, the Building Official is hereby authorized to retain not more than
twenty percent (20%) of his collection for the operating expenses of his office.

The remaining eighty percent (80%) shall be deposited with the

Municipal Treasurer and shall accrue to the General Fund of the municipality

Section 22T.112. Exemption

Public buildings and traditional indigenous family dwellings shall be

exempt from payment of building permit fees.

As used in this Code, the term “traditional indigenous family dwelling”

means a dwelling intended for the use and occupancy by the family of the
owner only and constructed of native materials such as bamboo, nipa, logs,
or lumber, the total cost of which does not exceed fifteen thousand pesos.

Section 22T.113. Use of Income from Fees.

Any provisions of law to the contrary notwithstanding, the Mayor is

hereby authorized to prescribe the procedures for the use of all net income
realized by the office of the Building official from the collection of fees and
charges not exceeding twenty percent thereof in accordance with Section 208.

Such income may used to cover necessary operating expenses

including the purchase of equipment, supplies and materials, travelling
expenses, obligation expenses and sheriff’s fees subject to existing budgetary
and auditing rules and regulations.

Section 22T.114. Implementing Rules and Regulations

In the implementation of the provisions of this Code, the

Mayor/Sangguniang Bayan shall formulate necessary rules and regulations
and adopt design and construction standards and criteria for building and
other structures. Such standards rules and regulations shall take effect after
their publication once a week for three consecutive weeks in a newspaper of
general circulation.

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Province of Pangasinan



NSC of the Philippines

Section 22T.115. Administrative Fines

For the violation of any of the provisions of this Code or any of the
rules or regulations issued thereunder, fines not exceeding ten thousand
pesos is hereby required .

Section 22T.116. Penal Provisions

It shall be unlawful for any person, firm or corporation, to erect,

construct, enlarge, alter, repair, move, improve, remove, convert, demolish,
equip, use, occupy, or maintain any building or structure or cause the same
to be done contrary to or in violation of any provision of this Code.

Any person, firm or corporation who shall violate any of the provisions
of this Code and/or commit any act hereby declared to be unlawful upon
conviction, be punished by a fine of not more than twenty thousand pesos or
by imprisonment of not more than two years or by both such fine and
imprisonment: Provided, that in the case of a corporation firm, partnership or
association, the penalty shall be imposed upon its officials responsible for
such violation and in the case the guilty party is an alien, he shall
immediately be deported after payment of the fine and/or service of his

Section 22T.117. Dangerous and Ruinous Buildings or Structures

Dangerous buildings are those which are herein declared as such or

are structurally unsafe or not provided with safe agrees, or which constitute a
fire hazard, or are otherwise dangerous to human life, or which in relation to
existing use, constitute a hazard to safely or health or public welfare because
of inadequate maintenance, dilapidation, obsolescence, or abandonment; or
which otherwise contribute to the pollution of the site of the community to an
intolerable degree.


Section 22T.118. Building Permits

No person, firm or corporation, including any agency or

instrumentality of the government shall erect, construct, alter, repair, move,
convert or demolish any building or structure or cause the same to be done
without first obtaining a building permit therefore from the Building Official –
City Engineer.

Section 22T.119. Application for Permits

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Province of Pangasinan



In order to obtain a building permit, the applicant shall file an

application therefor in writing and on the prescribed form with the office of
the Building Official. Every application shall provide at least the following

(1) A description of the work to be covered by the permit applied for;

(2) Description and ownership of the lot on which the proposed work to
be done as evidenced by TCT and/or copy of the contract of lease
over the lot if applicant is not the registered owner;
(3) The use or occupancy for which the proposed work is intended;
(4) Estimated cost of the proposed work.

To be submitted together with such application are at least five sets of

corresponding plans and specifications prepared, signed and sealed by a duly
licensed architect or civil engineer in case of architectural and structural
plans, by a registered mechanical engineer in case of mechanical plans, by a
registered electrical engineer in case of electrical plans and by a licensed
sanitary engineer or master plumber in case of plumbing or sanitary
installation plans except in those cases exempted or not required by the
Building official under this Code.

Section 22T.120. Processing of Building Permits

The processing of building permits shall be under the over-all

administrative control and supervision of the Building Official and his
technical staff of qualified professionals.

In processing an application for a building permit, the Building Official

shall see to it that the applicant satisfies and conforms with approved
standard requirements on zoning and land use, lines and grades structural
design, sanitary and sewerage, environmental health, electrical and
mechanical safety as well as with other rules and regulations promulgated in
accordance with the provisions of this Code.

Section 22T.121. Issuance of Building Permits

When satisfied that the work described in an application for building

permit and the plans and specifications submitted therewith, conform to the
requirements of this Code and other pertinent rules and regulations, the
Building Official shall, within fifteen days from payment of the required fees
by the applicant, issue the building permit applied for.

The Building Official may issue a permit for the construction of only a
part or portion of a building or structure whenever the plans and
specifications submitted together with the application do not cover the entire
building or structure.

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Province of Pangasinan



Approved plans and specifications shall not be changed, modified or

altered without the approval of the Building Official and the work shall be
done strictly in accordance thereto.

Section 22T.122. Validity of Building Permits

The issuance of a building permit shall not be construed as an

approval or authorization to the permitee to disregard or violate any of the
provisions of this Code.

Whenever the issuance of a permit is based on approved plans and

specifications which are subsequently found defective, the Building Official is
not precluded from requiring permitee to effect the necessary corrections in
said plans and specifications or from preventing or ordering the stoppage of
any or all building operations being carried on there under which are in
violation of this Code.

A building permit issued under the provisions of this Code shall expire
and become null and void if the building of work authorized therein is not
commenced within a period of one year from the date of such permit, or if the
building or work so authorized is suspended or abandoned at any time after it
has been commenced, for a period of 120 days.

Section 22T.123. Non-Issuance, Suspension or Revocation of

Building Permits

The Building Official may order or cause the non-issuance, suspension

or revocation of building permits on any or all of the following reasons or

(a) Errors found in the plans and specifications;

(b) Incorrect or inaccurate data or information supplied;
(c) Non-compliance with the provisions of this Code or of any rule
or regulation.

Notice of non-issuance, suspension or revocation of building permits

shall always be made in writing, stating the reason or grounds therefor.

Section 22T.124. Appeal

Within fifteen (15) days from the date of receipt of advice of the non-
issuance, suspension or revocation of permits, the applicant/permitee may
file an appeal with the Mayor who shall render his decision within fifteen days
from date of receipt of notice of appeal. The decision of the Mayor shall be
final subject only to review by the Office of the President.

Section 22T.125. Inspection and Supervision of Work

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Province of Pangasinan



The owner of the building who is issued or granted a building permit

under this Code shall engage the services of a duly licensed architect or civil
engineer to undertake the full time inspection and supervision of the
construction work.

Such architect or civil engineer may or may not be the same architect
or civil engineer who is responsible for the design of the building.

It is understood however that in either case, the designing architect or

civil engineer is not precluded from conducting inspection of the construction
work to check and determine compliance with the plans and specifications of
the building as submitted.

There shall be kept at the jobsite at all times, a logbook wherein the
actual progress of construction including tests conducted, weather conditions
and other pertinent data are to be recorded.

Upon completion of the construction, the said licensed architect or civil

engineer shall submit the logbook, duly signed and sealed to the Building
Official. He shall also prepare and submit a Certificate of Completion of the
project stating that the construction of building conform to the provisions of
this Code as well as with the approved plans and specifications.

Section 22T.126. Certificate of Occupancy

No Building or structure shall be used or occupied and no change in

the existing use or occupancy classification of a building or structure or
portion thereof shall be made until the Building Official has issued a
Certificate of Occupancy therefore as provided in this Code.

A certificate of occupancy shall be issued by the Building Official

within thirty (30) days if after the final inspection and submittal of a
Certificate of Completion referred to in the preceding section, it is found that
the building or structure complies with the provisions of this Code.

The Certificate of Occupancy shall be posted or displayed in a

conspicuous place on the premises and shall not be removed except upon
order of the Building Official.

The non-issuance, suspension and renovation of Certificate of

Occupancy and the procedure for appeal there from shall be governed in so
far as applicable, by the provisions of Section 306 and 307 of this Code.


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Province of Pangasinan



Section 22T.127. Types of Construction

For purposes of this Code, all building proposed for construction shall
be classified or identified according to the following types.

(1) Type I – Type I building shall be of wood construction. The

structural elements may be any of the materials permitted by this
(2) Type II – Type II buildings shall be of wood construction with
protective fire-resistant materials and one hour fire resistive
throughout: Except that permanent non-bearing partitions may use
fire-retardant treated wood within the framing assembly.
(3) Type III – Type III building shall be of masonry and wood
construction. Structural elements may be any of the materials
permitted by this Code: provided, that the building shall be one-
hour fire resistive throughout. Exterior walls shall be of
incombustible fire-resistive construction.
(4) Type IV – Type IV building shall be of steel, iron, concrete, or
masonry construction. Walls, ceiling, and permanent partitions
shall be of incombustible fire-resistive construction: Except, that
permanent non-bearing partitions of one-hour fire-resistive
construction may use fire-retardant treated wood within the
framing assembly.
(5) Type V – Type V buildings shall be fire-resistive. The structural
elements shall be of steel, iron, concrete, or masonry construction.
Walls, ceilings, and permanent partitions shall be of incombustible
fire-resistive construction.

Section 22T.128. Changes in Types

No change shall be made in the type of construction of any building

which would place the building in a different sub-type or type of construction
unless such building is made to comply with the requirements for such sub-
type of construction: Except, when the changes is approved by the Building
Official upon showing that the new or proposed construction is less
hazardous, based on life and fire risk, than the existing construction.

Section 22T.129. Requirements on Type of Construction

Subject to the provisions of this Chapter, the Mayor with the

assistance of Building Official shall prescribed standards for each type of
construction, and promulgate rules and regulations therefor, relating to
structural framework, exterior walls and openings, interior walls and
enclosures, floors, exits and stairs construction, and roofs.

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Province of Pangasinan




Section 22T.130. Fire Zones Defined

Fire zones are areas within which only certain types of buildings are
permitted to be constructed based on their use or occupancy, type of
construction, and resistance to fire.

Section 22T.131. Buildings located in more than One Fire Zone

A building or structure which is located partly in one fire zone and

partly in another shall be considered to be in the more highly restrictive fire
zone, when more than one-third of its total floor area is located in such zone.

Section 22T.132. Moved Building

Any building or structure moved within or into any fire zone shall be
made to comply with all the requirements for buildings in that fire zone.

Section 22T.133. Temporary Buildings

Temporary buildings such as reviewing stands and other

miscellaneous structures conforming to the requirements of this Code, and
sheds, canopies and fences used for the protection of the public around and
in conjunction with construction work, may be erected in the fire zones by
special permit from the Building Official for a limited period of time, and such
buildings or structures shall be completely removed upon the expiration of
the time limit stated in such permits.

Section 22T.134. Center Lines of Streets

For the purpose of this Chapter, the center line of an adjoining street
or alley may be considered an adjacent property line. Distances shall be
measured at right angles to the street or alley.

Section 22T.135. Restrictions on Existing Buildings

Existing buildings or structures in fire zones that do not comply with

the requirements for a new building erected therein shall not hereafter be
enlarged, altered, remodelled, repaired or moved except as follows:

(a) Such building is entirely demolished;

(b) Such building is to be moved outside the limits of the more highly
restrictive Fire Zone where the building meets the minimum
(c) Changes, alteration and repairs may be made provided that in any
12-months period, the value of the work does not exceed twenty
percent of the value of the existing building, and provided that,

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Province of Pangasinan



such changes do not add additional combustible materials, and do

not, in the opinion of the Building Official, increase the fire hazard;
(d) Additions thereto are separated from the existing building by fire
walls, as set forth in Sub-section 604 (b);
(e) Damage from fire or earthquake, typhoons or any fortuitous event
may be repaired, using the same kind of materials of which the
building or structure was originally constructed, provided that, the
cost of such repair shall not exceed twenty percent of the
replacement cost of the building or structure.

Section 22T.136. Designation of Fire Zone

The Sangguniang Bayan shall promulgate specific restrictions for each

type of Fire Zone. Municipality shall be divided into such Fire Zones in
accordance with local, physical, and spatial framework plans submitted by
municipal planning and/or development bodies.


Section 22T.137. Electrical Regulations

All electrical system, equipment and installation mentioned in this

Code shall conform to the provisions of the Philippines Electrical Code, as
adopted by the Board of Electrical Engineering pursuant to Republic Act No.
184 otherwise known as the Electrical Engineering Law.

Section 22T.138. Mechanical Regulations

All mechanical systems, equipment and installation mentioned in this

Code shall conform to the provisions of the Philippine Mechanical Engineering
Code, as adopted by the Board of Mechanical Engineering pursuant to
Commonwealth Act No. 294 as amended, otherwise known as the Mechanical
Engineering Law.


Section 22T.139. Existing Building and Structure

All building or structures constructed under Ran6541 or existing

municipal building codes or ordinances, if legally done in accordance
therewith, shall be respected subject to such limitations established in this

However, alterations, additions, conversions and/or repairs to be made

in such buildings or structures shall be subject to the provisions of this code.

Section 22T.140. Interim Rules and Regulations

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Province of Pangasinan



Interim rules and regulations on building promulgated by the

Sangguniang Bayan before the adoption of this Code pursuant to existing
laws or decrees shall continue to have binding force and effect, when not in
conflict with the provisions of this Code.

Section 22T.141. Separability Clause

If any provision of this Code or the application thereof is to any person

or circumstance declared unconstitutional or invalid for any reason, the same
shall not affect the validity of the other provisions.

Section 22T.142. Repealing Clause

All laws, decrees, provisions of charters, executive orders, ordinances,

rules and regulations or parts thereof contrary to or inconsistent with the
provisions of this Code are hereby repealed, amended, or modified

Section 22T.143. Effectivity

This Code shall take effect upon its promulgation.











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Province of Pangasinan















Functions, Duties and Responsibilities of a District/City/

Municipal Building Official

Republic of the Philippines
Province of Pangasinan



1. The Municipal Building Official, who shall be appointed by and under the
direct supervision of the Municipal Mayor, shall be primarily responsible
for the enforcement of the provisions of the Municipal Building Code of
Alaminos, Pangasinan as well as the Implementing Rules and Regulations
issued therefor.
2. He shall have overall administrative control and/or supervision over all
work pertinent to buildings within his area of responsibility and shall have
direct charge of processing of all building permit application on the basis
of land-use and architectural, structural and geodetic (line and grade),
sanitary and plumbing, electrical, mechanical and fire as well as other
standard requirements, rules and regulations promulgated in accordance
with the Code.
3. He shall submit an annual situation report to the Secretary of the
Department of Public Works and Highways or his authorized
representative on the status of all existing, on-going, and proposed public
as well as private building activities within his area and shall undertake
an annual inspection of all buildings and keep an up-to-date records of
their status in relation to: conformity of use as per zoning regulations an
approved permit, architectural or urban design presentability, structural
stability and fire protection.
4. He shall review and evaluate the design, plans and programs with the
corresponding specifications, estimates and other necessary building
documents of all building projects under his charge.
5. He shall inspect the construction, repair, addition, renovation and/or
demolition of all buildings in accordance with the National Building Code
and approved Land-Use or Master Development Plan of the city or
municipality and shall have the right to enter into any building, building
site, or its surrounding premises and into any new or unoccupied building
or building complex. The owner of said building or building complex and
building site shall be duly informed of the findings and recommendations
by the Building Official with a reasonable period of time.
6. He shall avail of the assistance and services of the various law-enforcing
agencies, if and when deemed necessary, for the effective performance of
his duties.
7. He shall see to it that the technical staff charged with the various aspects
of administrative control and/or supervision of buildings are qualified
professionals who are duly registered architects, engineers, master
electrician, master plumbers. Etc., with a minimum of three (3) years
experience in their respective professions or field of specialization.
8. He shall coordinate with the other government officials and officer-in-
charge of various aspects of planning and development such as the
governor, the city/municipal mayors, the district/city/municipal
engineers, the planning and/or development officers and others.
9. He shall keep a permanent records and accurate account of all fees and
other charges fixed and authorized to be collected and received under Rule
10.Subject to existing budgetary, accounting and auditing rules and
regulations, the building official shall be authorized to retain not more
than twenty percent (20%) of his collection. All income derived from such

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Province of Pangasinan



fees and charges shall not be disposed except in the manner to be

determined hereinafter by the Secretary. He shall cause the remaining
eighty percent (80%) to be deposited with the respective city or municipal
treasurer. TCT, tax declaration with current tax receipt, deed of sale,
lease contract to purchase, as the case may be, of the lot
and/or house. In the case of indigenous family dwellings and houses of
mixed materials having an area not exceeding forty (40)
square meters:

a. A simple sketch, signed by the owner or his authorized

representative, showing the floor plans and elevations of the
house, indicating thereon the dimensions in meters and
materials used. For elevations photographs may suffice n
place of a sketch.
b. Site plan showing the building in relations to the lot
indicating thereon the location and dimensions of courts and
yards as well as the firewalls, if any
c. Vicinity map showing the street, street intersection and/or
recognizable landmarks.
d. A sketch of the plumbing and electrical system indicating the
number and location of outlets, switches and main circuit
breaker. In case of single-detached or duplex family

dwellings/living units for the exclusive use of
owner/applicant and his family, above forty (40) square
meters in area:

a. As built plans (Location and Site Plan, Architectural,

Electrical, and Sanitary/Plumbing Plans) signed by a duly
licensed Architect or Civil Engineer in case of architectural
and structural plans, by a duly licensed Professional
Electrical Engineer in case of electrical plans, by a duly
licensed Sanitary Engineer in case of sanitary or plumbing
installations of more than 20 units or Master Plumber in
case of sanitary or plumbing installation of more than 20
units or Master Plumber for Sanitary installation not
exceeding 20 units that the sanitary facilities are in order
and by a Professional Electrical Engineer that the electrical
installation are safe and in accordance with the basic
requirements of the NBC.
b. A certificate from a duly licensed Civil Engineer or Architect
that the structure is safe, and the fire safety provisions are in

Republic of the Philippines
Province of Pangasinan


PANLUNGSOD In case of Category II and III Buildings/Structures

(commercial, industrial and institutional buildings including
multi-family living units such as accessories, apartments,
dormitories, hotels and the like):
a. TCT, tax declaration with current tax receipts, deed of
sale, lease contract or contract to purchase as the case
may be, of the lot and/or building/structure.
b. As built plans (Location and Site Plan, Architectural,
Structural, Electrical, Mechanical and Sanitary Plumbing
Plans) signed and sealed by a duly licensed Architect or
Civil Engineer in case of architectural/structural plans,
by a duly licensed Professional Electrical Engineer in case
of electrical plans, by a duly licensed Professional
Mechanical Engineer in case of mechanical plans, by a
duly licensed Sanitary Engineer in case of sanitary or
plumbing installation of more than 20 units of Master
Plumber in case of sanitary or plumbing installations, not
exceeding 20 units.
c. Certification from a duly licensed architect and/or civil
engineer, electrical engineer, mechanical engineer and
sanitary or master plumber that the building/structure is
architecturally and structurally sound, and that the
electrical, mechanical (if any) and sanitary/plumbing
installations are in order (Refer to prescribed- forms
d. Fire Safety Inspection Certificate issued by the CLFS.
3.1.2. Buildings or houses belonging to Category I (single detached
residential and duplex) for the exclusive use of that
owner/applicant shall be exempted from payment of fees,
provided that the application therefor is filed within two (2)
years from the effectivity of this Rule. Failure of house
owners to avail of the two (2) years grace period above set
forth shall be ground for the imposition of a fine of P1.00 per
square meter of floor area. For buildings/structures
belonging to Categories II and III, the fine shall be above.




All buildings under Categories II and III shall be required to secure

certificate of occupancy.

Republic of the Philippines
Province of Pangasinan



The following procedures shall be follows:

1. The owner/applicant shall submit to the Building Official MPW

Form No. 77-005-B, duly accomplished under oath together with
the following attachments:

1.1TCT or Real Property Tax Declaration or Deed of Absolute Sale

and Tax Receipt for the current year if the lot is owned by the
applicant/owner of the building.
1.2Contract of Lease or written consent of the owner/administrator
or contract to purchase or certificate of award (in case of
government lot) if the applicant is not the owner of the lot.
1.3As-built plans (location and site plan, Architectural, Structural,
Electrical, Mechanical and Sanitary/Plumbing Plans), signed
and sealed by a duly licensed Architect or Civil Engineer in case
of architectural and structural plans, by a duly licensed
Professional Electrical Engineer in case of electrical plans, by a
Professional Mechanical Engineer in case of mechanical plans,
by a duly licensed Sanitary Engineer in case of plumbing
installation or more than 20 units or Master Plumber in case of
sanitary or plumbing installation not exceeding 20 units.

NOTE: If the building/structure is found to be non-conforming

with the approved zoning map, the pertinent provisions of the
zoning ordinance of the locality shall be applied.

1.4Certifications from a duly licensed Civil Engineer, Electrical

Engineer, Mechanical Engineer, Sanitary Engineer or Master
Plumber, that the building/structure is structurally safe and the
electrical-mechanical and sanitary installation are in order.
1.5Fire Safety Inspection Certificate issued by the Chief of Local
Fire Service, INP.
1.6NPCC Certificate in the case of Industrial Buildings.

2. The Building Official may inspect the building to confirm the

contents of the documents. If the Building Officials is satisfied that
all requirements have been complied with, he shall issue the
Certificate of Occupancy.
3. At the instance of the owner or with his written consent or
authorization of each case, buildings under Categories II and III
constructed prior to the promulgation of P. D. 1096 in all other
Cities and municipalities without building ordinances or
requirements for Certificate of Occupancy, may be issued a
Certificate of Occupancy by the Building Official following the same
procedures enumerated above and after payment of the
corresponding fees therefor.
4. Building under Category I in all Cities and Municipalities whether
or not with an existing building ordinances prior to P. D. 1096, may
be issued Certificates of Occupancy by the Building Official at the

Republic of the Philippines
Province of Pangasinan



instance of the owner or upon his written request or authorization

provided that the same procedures ( 1 to 2) above are followed and
after payment of the corresponding fees therefor.



Pursuant to Section 203 of the National Building Code (P. D. 1096) the
Building Official is hereby authorized to collect fees and charges for service
rendered in connection with the processing and issuance of the following
building permits and the performance of other regulatory functions:


1. Zoning and Land Use Verification

2. Establishment of Line and Grade
3. Excavation and Ground Preparation Permit
4. Building Permits, for the construction, erection, addition,
alteration, renovation, conversion, repair, moving or
demolition of residential, commercial, industrial,
institutional, recreational, agricultural, ancillary, temporary
and other buildings/structures.


Residential - Single detached dwellings and duplexes for use of

owner, “on-campus” dormitories, rectories, convents and
monasteries, residential condominiums owned by
occupants, army barracks, etc.

Commercial - Single detached dwellings and duplexes for lease,

boarding houses, apartments, accessories, hotels and
inns, “off-campus” dormitories, transportation terminals
and stations, night clubs and dance halls, restaurants,
markets and shopping centers, theatres, sports stadia,
grandstands, gasoline service stations, parking garage,
funeral parlors, etc.

Industrial - Factories, plants, mills, arsenals, breweries, processing

plants, gas generating plants, shipyards, aircraft hangars,

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Province of Pangasinan



slipways, dry docks and piers, lumber mills, warehouse,

storage tanks, grain and cement silos, etc.

Institutional - Educational institutions, libraries, museums,

clubhouses, hospitals, sanitaria, asylums, homes for the
aged, jails, police and fire stations, places of worship, etc.

Recreational - Cinemas, billiard halls, disco pads, amusement houses,


Agricultural - Barns, poultry houses, hatcheries, piggeries, stables,

greenhouses, granaries, etc.

Ancillary - Garages, carports, tanks, towers, smokestacks and

chimneys, vaults, swimming pools, pelota courts,
aviaries, aquariums, zoo structures, fire walls and fences
over 1.80 meters in height, etc.

Temporary - Field Offices laborers quarters, canopies and railings,

protective fencing, etc.

Others - Cemeteries structure such as mausoleums, tombs,

multi-level nitches, etc.

5. Demolition Permit
6. Moving Permit
7. Sanitary/Plumbing Permit, for the installation, alteration or
repair of sanitary, plumbing, water supply and drainage
8. Electrical Permit, for the installation, alteration or repair of
any electrical system.
9. Temporary Service Connection Permit
10.Pole/attachment Location Plan Permit
11.Mechanical Permit, for the installation, alteration or repair of
elevators, lifts, escalators, dumbwaiters, conveyors, boilers,
pumps, fans and blowers, pressure vessels, furnaces, steam
or pneumatically activated machinery or heat producing
apparatus, air conditioning or refrigerating equipment or
plant, including piping or duct work and appurtenances
thereto, gas and fuel supply system, etc.
12.Fencing Permit, for construction of fences up to 1.80 meters
in height and made of materials other than those mentioned
in Section 14.1 of this Rule
13.Sidewalk Construction Permit
14.Temporary Sidewalk Enclosure and Occupancy Permit
15.Scaffolding Permit, for the erection of scaffolding on public

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Province of Pangasinan



16.Certificate of Use or Occupancy, for full or partial, permanent

or temporary use or occupancy and any change of use or
17.Annual Inspection of buildings/structures and their
sanitary/plumbing, electrical and mechanical installations,
machinery and equipment..
18.Sign Permit, for the erection, installation, repair, alteration or
removal of signs, as enumerated in Rule V.
19.Communications/Electronics Permit


2.1Type of Occupancy or Use of Building
2.2Cost of Construction
2.3Floor Area

Cost of Construction is the cost per square meter of floor area of

building, based on group classification, as shown in Section 4 of this Rule.



Occupancy groups are classified into five categories,


3.1CATEGORY I – Residential – This shall comprise

Group A and partly Group B. buildings.
3.2CATEGORY II – Commercial and Industrial – This
shall comprise partly Groups B, C, E, F, G, H, and
I buildings.
3.3CATEGORY III – Social Educational and
Institutional – This shall comprise partly groups C,
D, E, and H buildings.
3.4CATEGORY IV – Agricultural – This shall comprise
partly Group J buildings.
3.5CATEGORY V – Ancillary – This shall comprise
partly Group J buildings.


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Province of Pangasinan






I A a. Indigenous Family dwelling

Residential buildings for b. Single-detached
dwelling units
The exclusive use of the c. Duplexes
Owner or non-leasing d. School or company
staff housing units
Occupants e. Church rectories


A a. Multiple dwelling units or

high rise residential
condominiums or tenement
houses which are directly
owned by/sold to the

b.School and camp dormitories

(on campus)

c.Convents and monasteries.

d.Army Barracks.


a. All sides fronting or abutting-streets, esteros, rivers and creeks:

1. First 10
meters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
2. Every meter or fraction thereof in excess of 10 m.. . . . . . . . . . . P

b. All other sides:

Every meter or fraction thereof. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

. . P 0.25


5.1The Building Permit Fee includes the excavation fee for

foundation. However, while the application is still being
processed, the Building Official may allow excavation for

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Province of Pangasinan



foundation and basement, for which the following fees shall

be charged:

a. Excavation for foundation per cu.m.

excavation. . . . . . . . . . . . .. . P 2.00
b. Excavation for basement, per cu.m. of
excavation . . . . . . . . . . . . .P 2.00

NOTE: The fee paid therefor shall be deducted from the total
building permit fees.

5.2Construction/addition/renovation/alteration of buildings
under CATEGORY I shall be assessed according to the
following rates:


Fee sq. m.

a. Original complete construction up to 20 sq. m. Exempted

b. Additional/renovation/alteration up to 20 sq. m. P 1.00
c. Above 20 sq. m. Up to 50 sq. m. P 1.00
d. Above 50 sq. m. Up to 100 sq. m. P 2.00
e. Above 100 sq. m. Up to 150 sq. m. P 2.00
f. Above 150 sq. m. P 3.50

 Regardless of floor area of original construction.

NOTE: For CATEGORY I buildings the area and the rate corresponding to
the proper area bracket are multiplied directly.

Sample Computation:

Floor area = 75 sq. m.

Therefore area bracket is (d)
Fee = P2.00/sq. m.
Building Permit Fee: 75 x 2.00 = P 150.00

5.3 Construction/addition/renovation/alteration of buildings under CATEGORY II

shall be assessed according to the following rates:


In sq. m. Fee/sq. m.

a. Up to 5,000 P 7.20
b. Above 5,000 up to 6,000 P 6.60
c. Above 6,000 up to 7,000 P 6.30
d. Above 7,000 up to 8,000 P 6.00

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e. Above 8,000 up to 9,000 P 5.70

f. Above 9,000 up to 10,000 P 5.50
g. Above 10,000 up to 15,000 P 4.80
h. Above 15,000 up to 20,000 P 4.20
i. Above 20,000 up to 30,000 P 3.60
j. Above 30,000 P 3.00

NOTE: Computation of the building permit fee for CATEGORY II buildings

is cumulative. The total area is split up into sub-areas corresponding to
the area brackets indicated in the table above. Each sub-area and the fee
corresponding to its area bracket are multiplied together. The building
permit fee is the sum of the individual products as shown in the following

Computation for Building Permit Fee:

First 5,000 sq. m. at 6.00 P 30,000.00

Next 1,000 sq. m at 5.50 P 5,500.00

Next 1,000 sq. m. at 5.25 P 5,250.00

Next 1,000 sq. m. at 5.00 P 5,000.00

Next 1,000 sq. m. at 4.75 P 4,750.00

Next 1,000 sq. m. at 4.60 P 4,600.00

Next 5,000 sq. m. at 4.00 P 20,000.00

Next 5,000 sq. m. at 3.50 P 17,500.00

Next 10,000 sq. m. at 3.00 P 30,000.00

Last 2,000 sq. m. at 2.50 P 5,000.00

Total Building Permit Fee . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . P


5.4 Construction/addition/renovation/alteration of buildings under

CATEGORY III shall be assessed according to the following rates:


____________________________________________________________FEE/sq. m.

a. Up to 5,000 sq. m. P 6.00

b. Above 5,000 sq. m. up to 6,000 sq. m. P 5.50

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Province of Pangasinan



c. Above 6,000 sq. m. up to 7,000 sq. m. P 5.00

d. Above 7,000 sq. m. up to 8,000 sq. m. P 4.75
e. Above 8,000 sq. m. up to 9,000 sq. m. P 4.50
f. Above 9,000 sq. m. up to 10,000 sq. m. P 4.00
g. Above 10,000 sq. m. up to 15,000 sq. m. P 3.75
h. Above 15,000 sq. m. up to 20,000 sq. m. P 3.50
i. Above 20,000 sq. m. up to 30,000 sq. m. P 3.00
j. Above 30,000 sq. m. P 2.50

NOTE: Computation of the building permit fee for CATEGORY III buildings
follows the example of CATEGORY II, above.

5.5. Construction/addition/renovation/alteration of buildings/structures

under CAYEGORY IV for agricultural purposes (includes greenhouses, granaries,
barns, poultry houses, piggeries, hatcheries, stables, cowsheds and other structures
for the storage of agricultural products and the like) shall be assessed according to
the following rates:


___________________________________________________________Fee/sq. m.

a. Up to 20 sq. m. Exempted
b. Above 20 sq. m. up to 500 sq. m. P 0.80
c. Above 500 sq. m. up to 1,000 sq. m. P 0.60
d. Above 1,000 sq. m. up to 5,000 sq. m. P 0.50
e. Above 5,000 sq. m. up to 10,000 sq. m. P 0.30
f. Above 10,000 sq. m. P 0.10

NOTE: Computation of the building permit fee for CATEGORY IV buildings

follows the example of CATEGORY II, above.

5.6 Construction/addition/renovation/alteration of buildings/structures

under CATEGORY V shall be assessed in accordance with the following:

a. Building belongings to Division I of Group J occupancies, such as private

garages and carports (Excluding sheds and agricultural building grouped
under CATEGORY IV ) shall be charged 50% of the rate of the principal
building of which they are accessories.

b. All parts of buildings which are open on two or more sides, such as
balconies, terraces, lanais, and the like, shall be charged 50% of the rate of
the principal building of which they are a part.

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Province of Pangasinan



c. Aviaries, aquariums, zoo structures and the like shall be charged in

accordance with the rates for agricultural structures provided under Section
5.5 above.

d. Fees for other ancillary structures included under Division 2 of Group J

Occupancies are provided for elsewhere in this Rule, under proper

5.7 Footings or foundation of buildings/structures permitted under the Code.

Per sq. m. of fraction thereof of footing or foundation encroachment .. P 200.00

5.8 Building with a height of more than eight (8) meters shall be charged an
additional fee of twenty centavos (.20) per cubic meter above eight (8.00) meters.

The height shall be measured from the ground level up to the bottom of the
roof slab or the top line of girt, whichever applies.

5.9 Alteration/renovation/improvement on vertical dimensions of

buildings/structures, such as facades, exterior and interior walls, shall be
based/assessed in accordance with the following rates:

Concrete Bricks of
C.H.B and the like Others

a. All other cities and municipalities,

Per sq. m. of vertical area P 2.00 P

5.10 Alteration/renovation/improvement on horizontal dimensions of

buildings/structures, such as floorings, ceilings and roofing shall be assessed in
accordance with the following percentages of the fees prescribed under Section 5.2
to 5.5 of this Rule, whichever CATEGORY applies.

a. Concrete, bricks or tiles and the like 50%

b. Others 30%

5.11 Repairs on Buildings/Structures:

5.11.1 Categories I, II, III:

a. Repairs costing up to P 5,000.00 Exempted

b. Repairs costing more than P 5,000.00 shall be charged 1% of the

estimated cost of repair.

5.11.2 Category IV:

a. repairs costing up to P 1,000.00 Exempted

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Province of Pangasinan



b. Repairs costing more than P 1,000.00 shall be charged 1% of the

estimated cost of repair.

5.11.3 Category V:

a. Repairs costing up to P 2,000.00 Exempted

b. Repairs costing more than P 2,000.00 shall be charged 1% of the

estimated cost of repair.

5.12 Raising of Buildings/Structures

Assessment of fees for raising of any building/structure shall be based on the

new usable floor area generated.

The fees to be charged shall be as prescribed under Section 5.2 to 5.5 of this
Rule, whichever Category applies.

5.13 Demolition/Moving of Buildings/Structures:

a. Demolition fee, per sq. m. of area involved P 2.00

b. Moving Fee, per sq. m. of area of building/structure to be moved P


* If a building/structure, for which s Moving Permit has been issued, is

already covered by a building permit and certificate of occupancy, a new building
permit shall not be required therefor at its new site.

NOTE: Before the issuance of a Moving Permit:

1. If the building/structure to be moved will pass over any

highway/street/road, a clearance shall first be obtained by the owner from
the proper highways/traffic authority.
2. Should any utility line be affected, the utility company concerned shall be
notified by the owner and clearance secured from them.

a. Pursuant to Section 503 of the Code, any building moved within or any
fire zone shall be made to comply with all the requirements for
buildings in that fire zone.

5.14 Construction of Slipways: (See Note following Section 5.17)

Per lineal meter or fraction thereof slipway . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..P


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Province of Pangasinan



NOTE: This fee includes the cradle. However the winch motor shall be charged

5.15 Construction of Dry Docks: (See Note following Section 5.17)

Per cubic meter or fraction thereof P 20.00

NOTE: The pumps and motors shall be charged separately.

5.16 Construction of wharves, docks, and piers: (See Note following Section

a. Wood per sq. m. or fraction thereof P 2.00

b. Reinforced concrete, per sq. m. or fraction thereof P 4.00

5.17 Construction of Pier Sheds/Warehouses/Camarines:

See Schedule of Fees under Section 5.3 of this Rule. (Category II


 Before the issuance of the building permit, clearance shall first be

obtained by the owner from the proper authority, such as the
Philippine Ports Authority, Philippine Coast Guard, Bureau of Public
Works, etc.


6. 1 Bank and Records Vaults:

Per cu. m. or fraction thereof P 30.00
6.2 Swimming Pools:

a. Residential, per cu. m. of fraction thereof P 5.00

b. Commercials, per cu. m. or fraction thereof P
c. Social institutional, per cu. m. or fraction thereof P 10.00

NOTE: Swimming pools improvised from local indigenous materials such as rocks,
stones and/or small boulders and with plain cement flooring shall be charged 50%
of the above rates. Ancillary structures to swimming pools, such as shower rooms,
locker rooms and the like shall be charged 50% of the rates corresponding to the
Category of swimming pool, as provided for under Section 5.2 to 5.4 of this Rule.

6.3 Construction of firewalls separate from the building:

Per sq. m. or fraction thereof P 2.00
Provided, that the minimum fee shall be P 40.00

6.4 Construction/erection of towers:

Including Radio and TV towers, water tank supporting structures and the like

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Province of Pangasinan



a. Residential Exempted

b. Commercial/Industrial Self-supporting Trilon

1. Up to 10 meters in height 2,000.00 200.00
2. By every meter or fraction
Thereof in excess of 10 m. 100.00 10.00

c. Institutional
1. Up to 10 meters in height 1,500.00 100.00
2. Every meter or fraction
Thereof in excess of 10 m. 100.00 10.00

NOTE: Towers with platforms or floors shall be charged an additional fee in

accordance with Sections 5.3 and 5.4 of this Rule.

6.5 Commercial/Industrial Storage Silos:

a. Up to 10 meters in height 2,000.00

b. Every meter or fraction thereof in excess of 10 m. 100.00

NOTE: Silos with platforms or floors shall be charged an additional fee in

accordance with Section 5.3 and 5.4 of this Rule.

6.6 Construction of Smokestacks and Chimneys for Commercial/Industrial


a. Up to 10 meters in height, measured from the base 200.00
b. Every meter or fraction thereof in excess of 10 m. 10.00

6.6.2 Chimneys:

a. Up to 10 meters in height, measured from the base

b. Every meter or fraction thereof in excess of 10 m. 1.00

6.7 Construction of Commercial/Industrial Fixed Ovens:

Per sq. m. or fraction thereof of interior floor areas 40.00

6.8 Construction of Industrial Kiln/Furnace:

Per cu. m. or fraction thereof of volume 10.00

 Furnaces connected with boilers are exempt from this fee. The fee for
the boiler includes the fee for the furnace.

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Province of Pangasinan



6.9 Construction on reinforced concrete or steel tanks for Category I


a. Up to 2 cu. m. Exempted
b. Every cu. m. or fraction thereof in excess of 2 cu. m. P 10.00

6.10 Construction of Reinforced concrete tanks for commercial/industrial


a. Up to 10 cu. m. P 400.00
b. Every cu. m. or fraction thereof in excess of 10 cu. m. P 20.00

6.11 Construction of Waste Treatment Tanks: (including Sedimentation and

Chemical Treatment Tanks)

Per cu. m. of volume P 2.00

6.12 Construction of Steel Tanks for Commercial/Industrial Use:

6.12.1 Above Ground:

a. Up to 10 cu. m. P 400.00
b. Every cu. m. or fraction thereof in excess of 10 cu. m. up to 100 cu. m. P
c. Every cu. m. or fraction thereof in excess of 100 cu. m. up to 1,000 cu. m.
P 16.00
d. Every cu. m. or fraction thereof in excess of 1,000 cu. m. up to 5,000 cu.
m. P 12.00
e. Every cu. m. or fraction thereof in excess of 5,000 cu. m. up to 10,000 cu.
m. P 8.00
f. Every cu. m. or fraction thereof in excess of 10,000 cu. m. up to 20,000
cu. m. P 6.00
g. Every cu. m. or fraction thereof in excess of 20,000 cu. m. P

6.12.2 Underground:
a. Up to 20 cu. m. P 600.00
b. Every cu. m. or fraction thereof in excess of 20 cu. m. P 20.00

6.13 Pull-outs and Reinstallation of Commercial/Industrial Steel Tanks:

6.13.1 Underground:

Per cu. m. or fraction thereof of excavation P 2.00

6.13.2 Caddle or trestle mounted horizontal tanks:

Per cu. m. or fraction thereof of volume of tank P


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Province of Pangasinan



6.13.3 Reinstallation of vertical storage tanks shall be considered as

new construction.

Corresponding fees shall be charged in accordance with Section 6.12.1


6.14 Booths, Kiosks, Platforms, Stages and the like:

6.14.1 Construction of permanent type booths, kiosks, platforms,

stages and the like:

Per sq. m. or fraction thereof of floor area P 8.00

6.14.2 Construction of temporary type booths, kiosks, platforms,

stages, field offices, laborer’s quarters and the like:

Per sq. m. or fraction thereof of floor area P 4.00

6.14.3 Inspection of knock-down type temporary booths, platforms,

stages and the like

Per Unit P 20.00

7. Construction of Tombs and Canopies, Mausoleums and Niches in Cemeteries and

Memorial Parks:


7.1 Plain tombs, canotaphs or monuments without backdrop wall,

Canopy, or roofing Exempted

7.2 Canopied tombs, whether partially or totally roofed over,

Per sq. m. of covered area. P 2.00

7.3 Semi-enclosed mausoleums, whether canopied or not, per

Sq. m. of built-up area P 3.00

7.4 Totally enclosed mausoleums, per sq. m. of floor area P 6.00

7.5 Multi-level interment niches, per sq. m. of floor area, per level P 2.00

8. Sanitary/Plumbing Permit Fees:

8.1 Installation Fees:

a. One unit, composed of one water closet, two floor drains, one
lavatory, two faucets and one shower head P 20.00

b. Every fixture in excess of one unit:

1. Each water closet P 6.00

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Province of Pangasinan



2. Each floor drain P 2.00

3. Each sink P 2.00
4. Each lavatory P 6.00
5. Each faucet P 1.50
6. Each shower head P 1.50
7. Each slop sink P 6.00
8. Each urinal P 3.00
9. Each bath tub P 6.00
10.Each grease trap P 6.00
11.Each garage trap P 6.00
12.Each bidette P 3.00
13.Each dental cuspidor P 3.00
14.Each gas-fired water heater P 3.00
15.Each drinking fountain P 1.50
16.Each bar or soda fountain sink P 3.00
17.Each laboratory sink P 3.00
18.Each laundry sink P 3.00
19.Each fixed-type sterilizer P 1.50
20.Each water meter P 1.50

8.2 Construction of septic vault:

a. Category I (Residential) Exempted

b. All other categories:

1. Up to 5 cu. m. of digestion chamber P 20.00

2. Every cu. m. or fraction thereof in excess of 5 cu. m. P


9. Electrical Permit Fees:

9.1 Lighting and Power System:

a. Each switch, lighting and/or convenience outlet P

b. Each remote control master switch P 20.00
c. Each special purpose outlet of 20 amperes capacity or more P 2.00
d. Each time switch P 2.00

9.2 Appliances for commercial/industrial use:

a. Each range or heater:

1. Up to 1 KW P 2.00
2. Every KW or fraction thereof in excess of 1 KW P 1.00
b. Each refrigerator or freezer P 4.00
c. Each washing machine or dryer P 4.00
d. Each commercially used hair curling apparatus or hair dryer P

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Province of Pangasinan



e. Each fixed-type electric fan P 2.00

f. Each electric typewriter, cash register or adding machine P 2.00

9.3 Electrical equipment or apparatus for commercial/industrial use:

a. Each electric bell, annunciator system P 4.00

b. Each fire alarm unit P 2.00
c. Each arc (light) lamp P 10.00
d. Each flasher, beacon light P 4.00
e. Each x-ray equipment P 20.00
f. Each battery charging rectifier P 10.00
g. Each electric welder:

1. Up to 1 KVA/KW P 4.00
2. Every KVA/KW or fraction thereof in excess of 1 KVA/KW P
h. Each neon sign transformer P 2.00
i. Each neon sign unit P 2.00
j. Each telephone switchboard:
(PBX, PABX, TELEX machine, etc.) P 10.00
k. Each trunkline P 4.00
l. Each telephone apparatus P 2.00
m. Each intercom master P 2.00
n. Each slave P 1.00

9.4 Motion Picture Projectors for commercial use:

a. 16 mm, per unit P 60.00

b. 35 mm, per unit P 80.00
c. 70 mm, and above, per unit P 140.00

9.5 TV Cameras for commercial/industrial use:

Per unit P 40.00

9.6 Motors and Controlling Apparatus:

Per Unit:

a. Up to ¼ HP P 4.00
b. Up to ¼ HP up to 1 HP P 6.00
c. Above 1 HP up to 5 HP P 8.00
d. Above 5 HP up to 10 HP P 12.00
e. Above 10 HP up to 20 HP P 20.00
f. Every HP in excess of 20 HP P 1.00

9.7 Generators (AC or DC):

Per Unit:

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Province of Pangasinan



a. Up to 1 KW P 4.00
b. Above 1 KW up to 5 KW P 8.00
c. Above 5 KW up to 10 KW P 10.00
d. Above 10 KW up to 20 KW P 20.00
e. Every KW or fraction thereof in excess of 20 KW P

9.8 Transformer and Sub-Station Equipment:

a. Each transformer up to 1 KVA P 2.00

b. Every KVA or fraction thereof in excess of 1 KVA up to
2,000 KVA, (based on nameplate rating) P 1.00
c. Each transformer above 2,000 KVA P 2,000.00
d. Each safety switch or circuit breaker up to 50
Amperes and not exceeding 600 volts P 2.00
e. Each safety switch, air circuit breaker, oil circuit
Breaker or vacuum circuit breaker, other than motor
Controlling apparatus, above 50 amperes up to 100
Amperes, and not exceeding 600 volts P 4.00
f. Every 50 amperes or fraction thereof in excess of
100 amperes P 1.00
g. Every 10,000 amperes or fraction thereof of inter-
Rupting capacity of every air circuit breaker, oil
Circuit breaker or vacuum circuit breaker operating above
600 volts P 4.00

NOTE: Machinery, equipment and installations of utility companies used in the

generation, transmission and distribution of power shall not be subject to Permit
and Inspection fees.

9.9 Each temporary lighting or convenience outlet for celebrations, ferias or

construction purposes P 0.80

9.10 Other electrical apparatus or appliances not otherwise provided for in

this Section:

1. Every KW or fraction thereof P 4.00

9.11 Temporary Current Connection:

a. Temporary Current Connection Permit shall be issued for testing

purposes only in commercial and/or industrial establishments.

Regular fees shall be charged and collected in accordance with the fees
prescribed in this Section.

b. If no final approval is issued within 60 days, a new wiring permit

shall be secured and all corresponding permit fees shall be paid.

Republic of the Philippines
Province of Pangasinan



Pole/attachment Location Plan Permit:

a. Approved Pole Location Plan permit, per pole:

1. Metro Manila P 20.00
2. All other cities and municipalities P 10.00
b. Approved Attachment Location Plan Permit, per attachment:
1. Metro Manila P 20.00
2. All other cities and municipalities P 10.00

Miscellaneous Fees:

Each union separation, alteration, reconnection or relocation of electric


a. Residential P 10.00
b. Commercial/industrial P 40.00
c. Institutional P 20.00

Issuance of Wiring Permit:

a. Residential P 8.00
b. Commercial/Industrial P 30.00
c. Institutional P 7.00

Mechanical Permit Fees:

Refrigeration, Air Conditioning and Mechanical Ventilation:

a. Refrigeration (cold storage), per ton or fraction thereof P 40.00

NOTE: Household refrigerators, freezers, fans, etc. Used in single-detached,

duplex or multiple family dwellings are exempted from permit fees.

b. Ice plants, per ton or fraction thereof P 60.00

c. Package and Centralized Air conditioning system
1. Up to 100 tons, per ton P 80.00
2. Every ton or fraction thereof above 100 tons P 40.00
d. Window type air conditioners, per unit P 60.00

NOTE: Window type air conditioners used in single-detached, duplex or

multiple family dwellings are exempted from permit fees.

e. Mechanical ventilation, per HP or fraction thereof of

Blower or fan, or metric equivalent P 20.00

NOTE: In a series of AC/REF systems located in one establishment, the

total installed tons of refrigeration shall be used as the basis of computation

Republic of the Philippines
Province of Pangasinan



for purposes of installation/inspection fees, and shall not be considered


For Evaluation Purposes:

1. For Ice Making:

3.5 HP per ton, for compressors up to 50 tons capacity.
3.25 HP per ton, for compressors above 50 tons up to 200 tons capacity.
3.10 HP per ton, compressors above 200 tons capacity

2. For Air Conditioning:

1.25 HP per ton, for compressors of 1.2 tons up to 5 tons capacity.

1.10 HP per ton, for compressors above 5 tons up to 50 tons capacity.

1.00 HP per ton, for compressors above 50 tons capacity.

3. For Commercial/Industrial Refrigeration without Ice Making:

1.5 HP per ton, for compressors of 1 ton up to 5 tons capacity.

1.4 HP per ton, for compressors above 5 tons up to 50 tons capacity

1.3 HP per ton, for compressors above 50 tons capacity.

Escalators and Moving Walks:

a. Up to lineal meters, per lineal meter or fraction thereof P 20.00

b. Every lineal meter or fraction thereof in excess of 50 lineal meters P

Elevators, per unit:

a. Up to 1,000 kg. Capacity P 4,000.00

b. Above 1,000 kg. Capacity P 5,000.00
c. Freight elevators P 5,000.00
d. Motor driven dumbwaiters P 400.00
e. Construction elevators for materials P 1,000.00
f. Car elevators P 5,000.00

Boilers, per unit:

a. Up to 10 HP P 400.00
b. Above 10 HP up to 30 HP P 600.00
c. Above 30 HP up to 50 HP P 800.00
d. Above 50 HP up to 70 HP P 1,000.00
e. Above 70 HP up to 90 HP P 1,200.00
f. Above 90 HP up to 100 HP P 1,400.00
g. Every HP above 100 HP P 4.00

Republic of the Philippines
Province of Pangasinan



NOTE: Boiler rating shall be computed on the basis of one (1) sq. m. of
heating surface for one (1) boiler HP.

Pressurized Water heaters, per unit P 200.00

NOTE: Pressurized water heaters used in single detached, duplex or multiple

family dwellings are exempted from permit fees.

Water, pump and sewage pumps for buildings/structures used for

commercial/industrial purposes, per unit:

Per HP or fraction thereof P 40.00

Automatic fire extinguisher, per sprinkler head P 2.00

Stationary/standby Generating Sets, per unit:

a. Up to 10 HP P 300.00
b. Above 10 HP up to 30 HP P 400.00
c. Above 30 HP up to 50 HP P 500.00
d. Above 50 HP up to 70 HP P 600.00
e. Above 70 HP up to 90 HP P 700.00
f. Above 90 HP up to 100 HP P 800.00
g. Every HP above 100 HP P 2.00

Compressed Air, Vacuum, Institutional and/or Industrial Gases, per outlet

P 10.00

Other Internal Combustion, Engines, including cranes, forklifts, loaders,

pumps, mixers, compressors and the like, not registered with the LTC:

a. Up to 10 HP P 200.00
b. Above 10 HP up to 30 HP P 260.00
c. Above 30 HP up to 50 HP P 320.00
d. Above 50 HP up to 70 HP P 380.00
e. Above 70 HP up to 90 HP P 440.00
f. Every HP or fraction thereof above 90 HP P 2.00

Pressure Vessels:

Per cu. m. or fraction thereof P 40.00

Other machinery/equipment for commercial/industrial use not elsewhere

specified, per HP or fraction thereof P

Pneumatic tubes, conveyors, monorails for materials handling, per lineal

meter P 10.00

Republic of the Philippines
Province of Pangasinan



Fencing Permit Fees:

Fences made of indigenous materials and/or barbed wire, chicken wire, hog
wire - Exempted

Fences up to 1.80 meters in height, made of materials other than those

mentioned above, per lineal meter or fraction thereof P

Fences in excess of 1.80 meters in height, made of materials other than those
mentioned, per lineal meter or fraction thereof P

Construction of Side Walks:

a. Up to 20 sq. m. P 20.00
b. Every sq. m. or fraction thereof in excess of 20 sq. m. P 1.00

Paved areas intended for commercial/industrial/social/institutional use, such as

parking areas, gasoline station premises, skating rinks, pelota courts, tennis and
basketball courts and the like:

Per sq. m. or fraction thereof of paved area P 1.00

Use of streets and sidewalks:

Use of sidewalk:

a. Up to 20 sq. m. of sidewalk, per calendar month P

b. Every sq. m. or fraction thereof in excess of 20 sq. m.
Per calendar month P 10.00

Erection of scaffoldings occupying Public Areas:

a. Up to 10 lineal meters of frontage, per calendar month P

b. Every lineal meter or fraction thereof of frontage in excess
Of 10 lineal meters, per calendar (year) month P 10.00

Certificate of Use Occupancy:

Category I

a. Buildings made of traditional indigenous materials Exempted

b. Buildings costing more than P 15,000 up to P 50,000.00 P
c. Buildings costing more than P50,000 up to P100,000 P 50.00

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Province of Pangasinan



d. Building costing more than P 100,000 up to P 150,000 P

e. Buildings costing more than P 150,000 up to 250,000 P
f. Buildings costing more than P 250,000 up to 500,000 P
g. Buildings costing more than 500,000 P 400.00

a. Buildings costing up to P50,000 P 50.00
b. Buildings costing more than 50,000 up to 100,000 P 100.00
c. Buildings costing more than 100,000 up to 250,000 P 200.00
d. Buildings costing more than 250,000 up to 500,000 P 400.00
e. Buildings costing more than 500,000 P 800.00

a. Buildings costing up to P 50,000 P 30.00
b. Buildings costing more than 50,000 up to 150,000 P 75.00
c. Buildings costing more than 150,000 up to 250,000 P 150.00
d. Buildings costing more than 250,000 up to 500,000 P 300.00
e. Buildings costing more than 500,000 P 600.00

a. Buildings with Floor area up to 20 sq. m
b. Buildings with floor area above 20 sq. m. up to 500 sq. m. P 10.00
c. Buildings with floor area above 500 sq. m. up to 1,000 sq. m. P
d. Buildings with floor area above 1,000 sq. m. up to 5,000 sq. m. P
e. Buildings with floor area above 5,000 sq. m. up to 10,000 sq. m. P
f. Buildings with floor area above 10,000 sq. m. P 100.00

a. Garages, carports, balconies, terraces, lanais and the like:
- Same rates as to Category IV
b. Aviaries, aquariums, zoo structures and the like:
- Same rates as for Category IV

Ancillary Structures:

Bank and Records Vaults, per cu. m. of interior volume P


Swimming Pools, per unit

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Province of Pangasinan



a. Residential P 2.00
b. Commercial/Industrial P 30.00
c. Social/Institutional P 20.00

Swimming pool shower rooms/locker rooms: per unit:

a. Residential P 5.00
b. Commercial/Industrial P 15.00
c. Social/Institutional P 10.00

Towers, Per unit:

Self-supporting Trilon

a. Residential Exempted Exempted

b. Commercial/Industrial P 40.00 P
c. Social/Institutional P 20.00 P 10.00

Commercial/Industrial Storage Silos: per unit: P 40.00

Smokestacks, per unit P 20.00

Chimneys, per unit P 10.00

Commercial/Industrial Fixed Ovens, per unit P 10.00

Industrial Kiln/Furnace, per unit P 20.00

Reinforced Concrete Tanks, per unit:

a. Residential:
1. Up to 2 cu. m. Exempted
2. Above 2 cu. m. P 10.00
b. Commercial/industrial P 40.00
c. Social/Institutional P 20.00

Steel Tanks, per unit:

a. Residential:
1. Up to 2 cu. m. Exempted
2. Above 2 cu. m. P 10.00
b. Commercial/Industrial:
1. Above ground P 40.00
2. Underground P 30.00
c. Social/Institutional P 20.00

Booths, Kiosks, Platforms, Stages and the like P 10.00

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Province of Pangasinan



Changes in Use/Occupancy:

All other cities and municipalities:

50% above rate.

Certificate of Occupancy for Building/Structures completed prior to Effectivity of the


1. Indigenous family dwellings and houses of mixed materials having an area

not exceeding 40 sq. m. for which applications are filed within 2 years period
specified in Annex “A-3” of Rule II – Exempted
2. Indigenous family dwellings and houses of mixed materials having an area
not exceeding 40 sq. m. for which applications are filed after 2-year period
P 15.00
3. Buildings with areas above 40 sq. m. up to 100 sq. m. P
4. Buildings with area above 100 sq. m. up to 200 sq. m. P
5. Buildings with area above 200 sq. m. up to 300 sq. m. P
6. Buildings with area above 300 sq. m. up to 500 sq. m. P
7. Buildings with area above 500 sq. m. P 200.00


1. Buildings with area up to 5,000 sq. m. P 25.00

2. Buildings with area above 5,000 sq. m. up to 10,000 sq. m. P 50.00
3. Buildings with area above 10,000 sq. m. up to 20,000 sq. m. P
4. Buildings with area above 20,000 sq. m. up to 30,000 sq. m. P
5. Buildings with area above 30,000 sq. m. P


1. Buildings with area up to 5,000 sq. m. P 15.00

2. Buildings with area above 5,000 sq. m. up to 10,000 sq. m. P 40.00
3. Buildings with area above 10,000 sq. m up to 20,000 sq. m. P 75.00
4. Buildings with area above 20,000 sq. m. up to 30,000 sq. m. P
5. Buildings with area above 30,000 sq. m. P

Republic of the Philippines
Province of Pangasinan



Annual Inspection Fees:

Annual Buildings Inspection Fees shall be collected by the Building Official at

the following rates:


a. Single detached dwelling units and duplexes Exempted

b. If the owner requests building inspection the fee for each of the services
enumerated below is P
1. Land Use Conformity
2. Architectural presentability
3. Structural Stability
4. Sanitary and Health requirements
5. Fire resistive requirements


Commercial (Excluding amusement houses and gymnasia), industrial, social

and institutional buildings with assessed value of:

a. Up to P1 million P 100.00
b. Above P1 millions up to 5 million P 200.00
c. Above P5 million up to 10 million P 400.00
d. Above 10 million up to 50 million P 600.00
e. Above 50 million up to 100 million P 800.00
f. Above 100 million P 1,000.00

Amusement Houses, Gymnasia and the like:

a. First class cinematographs or theatres P 1,000.00

b. Second class cinematographs or theatres P 600.00
c. Third class cinematographs or theatres P 400.00
d. Grandstands/Bleachers P 1,000.00
e. Gymnasia and the like P 600.00

Gymnasia, grandstands, bleachers, concert halls, little theatres and the like, that
are integral parts of a school, college or university complex shall be charged in
accordance with the rates of Category II & III above.

Sanitary/Plumbing Inspection Fees

a. Every inspection trip during construction P 4.00

b. Annual inspection of sanitary/plumbing system P

Electrical Inspection Fees:

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Province of Pangasinan



a. Every inspection trip during construction P 4.00

b. Annual Inspection fees are the same as corresponding Installation Fees

Annual Mechanical Inspection Fees:

Refrigeration and Ice Plant: per ton:

a. Up to 100 tons capacity P 20.00

b. Above 100 tons up to 150 tons P 16.00
c. Above 150 tons up to 300 tons P 12.00
d. Above 300 tons up to 500 tons P 8.00
e. Every ton or fraction thereof above 500 tons P 4.00

NOTE: Household refrigerators, freezers, fans, etc. Used in single-detached

duplex or multiple family dwellings are exempted from annual inspection.

a. Window type air conditioners, per unit P 30.00

NOTE:Window type air conditioners used in single-detached, duplex or multiple

family dwellings are exempted from annual inspection.

b. Package or centralized air conditioning systems:

1. First 100 tons, per ton P 20.00
2. Above 100 tons up to 150 tons, per ton P 16.00
3. Above 150 tons up to 300 tons, per ton P 12.00
4. Above 300 tons up to 500 tons, per ton P 8.00
5. Every ton or fraction thereof above 500 tons P 6.00

Mechanical Ventilation: per unit:

a. Up to 1 HP P 10.00
b. Above 1 HP up to 5 HP P 20.00
c. Above 5 HP up to 10 HP P 40.00
d. Above 10 HP up to 20 HP P 80.00
e. Above 20 HP P 120.00

Escalators and Moving Walks, per unit P 100.00

Elevators: per unit:

a. Passenger elevators:
1. First 5 landings P 400.00
2. Each landing above the 5th landing P 20.00
b. Freight elevators P 300.00
c. Motor driven dumbwaiters P 40.00
d. Construction elevators for materials P 300.00

NOTE:Additional floor stops/landing shall be inspected and charged in accordance

with above rates.

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Province of Pangasinan




a. Up to 10 HP P 300.00
b. Above 10 HP up to 30 HP P 400.00
c. Above 30 HP up to 50 HP P 500.00
d. Above 50 HP up to 70 HP P 600.00
e. Above 70 HP up to 90 HP P 700.00
f. Above 90 HP up to 100 HP P 80.00
g. Every HP in excess of 100 HP P 4.00

NOTE: Boiler rating shall be computed on the basis of one (1) sq. m. of heating
surface for one (1) boiler HP.

Pressurized water heaters, per unit P 100.00

NOTE:Pressurized water heaters used in single-detached or duplex family dwellings

are exempt from inspection.

Automatic fire extinguishers, per sprinkler head P


Water, sump and sewage pumps for buildings/structures for commercial/industrial

purposes, per unit:

a. Up to 1 HP P 10.00
b. Above 1 HP up to 3 HP P 30.00
c. Above 3 HP up to 5 HP P 60.00
d. Above 5 HP up to 10 HP P 80.00
e. Above 10 HP up t 20 HP P 100.00
f. Above 20 HP up to 30 HP P 120.00
g. Above 30 HP up to 40 HP P 140.00
h. Above 40 HP up to 50 HP P 160.00
i. Above 50 HP up to 60 HP P 180.00
j. Above 60 HP up to 70 HP P 200.00
k. Above 70 HP up to 80 HP P 220.00
l. Above 80 HP up to 90 HP P 240.00
m. Every HP or fraction thereof above 90 HP P 2.00

NOTE: Water, sump and sewage pumps used in single-detached or duplex

family dwellings are exempt from inspection.

Standby Generating Sets: per unit:

a. Up to 10 HP P 40.00
b. Above 10 HP up to 30 HP P 80.00
c. Above 30 HP up to 50 HP P 120.00
d. Above 50 HP up to 70 HP P 160.00

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Province of Pangasinan



e. Above 70 HP up to 90 HP P 200.00
f. Above 90 HP up to 100 HP P 240.00
g. Every HP or fraction thereof above 100 HP P 2.00

Other Internal Combustion Engines, including Cranes, Forklifts, loaders, pumps,

mixers, compressors and the like, per unit:

a. Up to 10 HP P 80.00
b. Above 10 HP up to 30 HP P 140.00
c. Above 30 HP up to 50 HP P 200.00
d. Above 50 HP up to 70 HP P 260.00
e. Above 70 HP up to 90 HP P 320.00
f. Above 90 HP up to 100 HP P 380.00
g. Every HP or fraction thereof above 100 HP P 2.00

Other machinery and/or equipment for commercial/industrial use not elsewhere

specified, per unit:

a. Up to ½ HP P 6.00
b. Above ½ HP up to 1 HP P 20.00
c. Above 1 HP up to 3 HP P 20.00
d. Above 3 HP up to 5 HP P 60.00
e. Above 5 HP up to 10 HP P 80.00
f. Above 10 HP up to 20 HP P 100.00
g. Above 20 HP up to 30 HP P 120.00
h. Above 30 HP up to 40 HP P 160.00
i. Above 40 HP up to 50 HP P 200.00
j. Above 50 HP up to 60 HP P 240.00
k. Above 60 HP up to 70 HP P 280.00
l. Above 70 HP up to 80 HP P 320.00
m. Above 80 HP up to 90 HP P 360.00
n. Above 90 HP up to 100 HP P 400.00
o. Every HP or fraction thereof above 100 HP P 2.00

Pressure Vessels, per cubic meter or fraction thereof P 30.00

Pneumatic tubes, Conveyors, Monorails for materials handling, per lineal meter or
fraction thereof. P 2.00

Testing/Calibration of pressure gauge, per unit P


Gas Meters:

Each Gas Meter tested, proved and sealed:

a. Up to 10 lights P 12.00
b. Above 10 lights up to 50 lights P 16.00
c. Above 50 lights up to 100 lights P 24.00

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Province of Pangasinan



d. Above 100 lights P 40.00

Every inspection of mechanical rides used in amusement centers of fairs, such as

ferris wheels, merry-go-rounds, roller coasters and the like, per unit
P 20.00

Sign Permit:

Erection of supports of any (kind) signboard, marquee and the like:

a. Up to 4 sq. m. of signboard area P 100.00

b. Every sq. m. or fraction thereof in excess of 4 sq. m. P

Installation Permit Fees:

Per sq. m. of display surface or fraction thereof:

a. Neon P 30.00
b. Illuminated P 20.00
c. Others P 12.00
d. Painted-on P 8.00

NOTE:Signs not exceeding 0.20 sq. m. of display surface, and/or temporary signs
for charitable, religious and civic purposes are not required to obtain a

Annual Renewal Fees:

Per sq. m. of display surface or fraction thereof:

a. Neon signs P 30.00

Provided, that the minimum fee shall be P 120.00
b. Illuminated signs P 15.00
Provided, that the minimum fee shall be P 60.00
c. Others P 8.00
Provided, that the minimum fee shall be P 40.00
d. Painted-signs P 20.00
Provided, that the minimum fee shall be P 20.00


Certified true copy of building permit P 4.00

Certified true copy of Certificate of Use/Occupancy P 4.00

Issuance of Certificate of Damage P 4.00

Certified true copy of Certificate of Damage P 4.00

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Province of Pangasinan



Certified true copy of Electrical Certificate P 4.00

Issuance of Certificate of Gas Meter Installation P


Certified true copy of Certificate of Operation P 4.00

Payment o Fees:

All fees mentioned in this Rule shall be paid to the Municipal Treasurer before
the issuance of the building permit.


1. A surcharge of 100% shall be imposed and collected from any person who
shall construct, install, repair, alter or cause any change in the use or
occupancy of any building or parts thereof or appurtenances thereto
without any permit.
2. All inspection fees shall be paid within 30 days from the prescribed date,
otherwise a surcharge of 25% shall be imposed.
3. Administrative fines, penalties and/or surcharges for various violation of
the Code are prescribed under Sections ___________________________.



Pursuant to the provisions of Sections ___________ of the National

Building Code ( PD 1096), this Rule is promulgated to define the procedure
for the proper reporting and recording of collections and disbursements of the
funds of the General Fund Special Account 151, of the Office of the Minister,
MPW, and for the guidance and compliance of all concerned.

1. Duties of the Building Official

1.1Every Building Official shall keep a permanent record and accurate

account of all fees and other charges fixed and authorized to be
collected by him under Rule ______.
1.2The Official Receipt shall show the breakdown of the total collections
indicating the share of the local government concerned (80%) and the
share of the National Government (20%).

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Province of Pangasinan



1.3If the collection will be made by a designated National Collecting

Officer, and if payment of the permit shall be made by check each for
the 20% and 80% shares be prepared to facilitate the distribution of
1.4Subject to existing budgetary, accounting and auditing rules and
regulations, he shall remit to the Bureau of Treasury, the twenty
percent (20%) of his collection. The remaining eighty (80%) shall be
deposited with the city or municipal treasurer and shall accrue to the
general fund of the city or municipality concerned and who shall
acknowledge his share by issuing his official receipt accordingly.
1.5Every Building Official shall keep a separate record from the Central
Office of all fund allocations and Advices of CDC, received by him out
of budgeted amounts released by the Ministry of Budget.
1.6He shall render the required reports under Section ________ hereof.

2. Disposition of Collections

2.1Every last working day of the week or oftener pursuant to Part-2-a of

the Department of Finance Order No. 20-73 and COA General Circular
130 dated 14 June 1973, the Building Official thru his collecting officer
or cashier shall deposit the eight percent (80%) share of collections to
the city or municipal treasurer concerned.

He shall remit the twenty percent (20%) of the collections to the

Bureau of the Treasury thru any authorized government depository
bank branch nearest the locality to the credit of the Ministry of Public
Works, Office of the Minister with Code No. B1289 and Special Account
No. 151.

2.2. Distribution of validated remittance advices (ref. COA Circular

No. 78-78)

2.2.1. For remittance of 20% collections of the building permit fees

directly with the National Treasury:

Original – To be retained by the National Cash Division Bureau of

the Treasury for submission to the National Cash
Accounting Division, Bureau of the National Treasury.

Duplicate – To be retained by the National Cash Division for its file

Triplicate – To be retained by the National Cash Division for

submission to provincial treasurer fiscal examiner
assigned in Metro Manila.

Quadruplicate – To be returned to the National Collecting Officer for

submission to the MPW Chief Accountant with his
monthly report of collections.

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Province of Pangasinan



Quintuplicate – to be retained by the National Cash Division for

submission to the MPW auditor of the National Collecting
Officer concerned thru the Treasury Vault Auditor.

Sixtuplicate – to be returned to the National Collecting Officer for

his file.

2.2 Reponsibilities

2.3.1 National Collecting Officers

Since the distribution of copies of the validated

remittance advices for the Agency/Field Auditor of the
National Collecting Officers shall be undertaken by the
National/Treasury/Bank branch thru its Treasury Vault
Auditor/Bank Auditor all national collecting officers shall
indicate on the face of the remittance advice, the name
and office address of their respective agency/field
auditors to facilitate matters.

2.3.2. Treasury Vault/Bank Auditor

Upon receipt of the validated remittance advices, the

Treasury vault auditor/bank auditor shall confirm and
transmit said remittance advices every end of the week to
the corresponding agency/field auditors of the National
Collecting officers concerned. In cases where there are no
bank auditors assigned n a particular locality,
confirmation shall be undertaken by the officer
designated by the head of the bank branch.

3. Reporting of Collections of Building Permit Fees and Other Charges

(Ref: COA General Circular No. 78-78)

3.1 Pending decentralization of the accounting service the

reports of field offices (districts and regions) shall be prepared in
five copies, distributed as follows after verification by the
field/local auditor in accordance with GAO General Circular No.
133 dated 1 September 1975.

Original - To the Central Office Auditor (thru the Central

Office Accountant for recording)

Duplicate (with – to the regional or field/local auditor for final

custody. Duplicate official receipts and validated
quintuplicate remittance advices)

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Province of Pangasinan



Triplicate (with – To the Central Office Accountant for posting to

the validated quadruplicate corresponding
subsidiary ledgers.) remittances advices)

Quadruplicate – To be retained by the field collecting officer.

(With triplicate official receipts and validated

Quintuplicate – Regional/district office accounting file

3.1.1 The field collecting officer shall certify all the copies of the report
and submit the first three (3) copies to his field auditor within
three (3) days after the end of the month for audit. The field
auditor shall verify the report, cross-check the remittances
indicated therein against the quintuplicate copies of remittance
advices he receives/received from the bank auditor of the
national collecting officer concerned indicate his certification
thereon and finally submits the original and triplicate copies
thereof to the MPW Chief Accountant within five (5) days from
date of receipt from the field collecting officer.
3.2 Crediting of Accounts of National Collecting Officers

In the monthly report of collections, specifically at the back

thereof, is a statement of account current showing the
accountability of the national collecting officer. The MPW Chief
Accountant shall cross-check the validated quadruplicate
remittance advices attached to the duplicate copy of the monthly
report of collections against the remittances made by the
National Collecting Officer with the National Treasury or any of
its authorized depository bank as appearing in the statement of
account-current. After the cross-checking, and in the absence
of any discrepancy, the MPW Chief Accountant shall credit the
account of the national collecting officer even without the
monthly abstract of remittances from the National Treasury in
case of Central Accounting Offices.

4. Safeguards

4.1Upon receipt of the monthly abstract of remittances from the

National Treasury, the remittances appearing therein shall be
counter checked by the MPW Chief Accountant against the
credits already given the collecting officers concerned and any
discrepancies discovered in the process shall be verified and
adjusted immediately.
4.2In case of retirement or resignation by the collecting officers,
their clearances shall be held in abeyance until their
remittances have been fully cleared by the National Treasury.

5. Centralized Accounting System

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Province of Pangasinan



5.1A centralized accounting system shall be maintained in the

Office of the Minister, MPW. The Officer of the Minister shall set
up and maintain a separate set of books of accounts to be used
solely for transactions pertaining to the implementation of the
provisions of the National Building Code and its implementing
rules and regulations.
5.2Upon receipt of the advice of allotment and the corresponding
Cash Disbursement Ceiling, the Office of the Minister shall in
turn allocate the same together with the sub-advice of cash
disbursement ceiling to the Building Officials, copy furnished
the Public Works Regional Director and at the same time
obligates the allotment for the amount of expenditures.
5.3The procedures for deputation as deputized Disbursing Officer
or Deputized Countersigning Officer are prescribed in Treasury
Memorandum Circular No. 3-78 dated June 1978 and
supplemented by TMC No. 1-79 dated 20 February 1979.
5.4In the requisition and distribution of blank Treasury Checking
Account for Agency (TCAA) checks of the Philippine National
Bank (PNB), Philippine Veterans Bank (PVB) and/or Land Bank
of the Philippines (LBP), the revised regulations contained in
Treasury Memorandum Circular No. 4-78 dated 16 June 1978
shall be followed.
5.5All the deputized disbursing officer (building officials and/or
cashier) shall render the following reports:

5.5.1 Report of checks issued and cancelled together with

duplicate copies of checks issued required under
paragraph III-B-5, Dept. Memo Circular No. 11-73 dated
9 May 1973 of the Department of Finance for submission
to Treasury Provincial Fiscal Examiner in the region (4.3
of TMC 4-78).
5.5.2 Report of checks issued by the deputized disbursing
officers G. F. No. 108-A required by the B. C. No. 235 and
235-A, as amended and Treasury Memo Circular No. 3-
74, for entry in the journal of checks issued by deputized
disbursing officer (JCIDDO, G.F. No. 108) by Chief
Accountant, MPW. For particulars, refer to BC No. 147 &
5.6If the deputized disbursing officer shall maintain a petty cash
advance out of the allocation from building permit fees, he shall
after the fifteenth and end of each month prepare the report of
disbursement in four copies distributed as follows; (Ref: COA GC

Original - to the field auditor for verification and

certifications and submission to the MPW Auditor
(Thru the MPW Chief Accountant for recording).

Republic of the Philippines
Province of Pangasinan



Duplicate - ( with – to the field local auditors (for final

custody) original paid payrolls and vouchers)

Triplicate - to the MPW Chief Accountant (for posting to the

corresponding subsidiary ledgers).

Quadruplicate - to be retained by the field disbursing


The report shall be certified by the field disbursing officer who

shall submit it to the field auditory concerned within three (3) days
after the fifteenth and end of the month, for audit. The Field auditory
concerned shall verify that report and invariably indicate his
certification thereon; after which he shall submit the same to the MPW
Chief Accountant within five days after receipt thereof from the
disbursing officer.

5.7The Ministry Chief Accountant shall adjust obligations quarterly

to actual liquidations as required.
5.8Deputized disbursing officers shall keep record to control cash
ceiling and allocation separate from other funds in his custody.
5.9Deputized disbursing offices shall prepare other statements or
reports that may be required from time to time by the proper
authorities such as status of cash disbursement ceiling at the
end of the year.
5.10 The Building Official shall render a monthly report of
accountability for treasury checks provided him by the Treasury
Provincial Fiscal Examiner in the province (Section 3.4 of TMC
No. 4-78) using form No. 16-A covering the balance of checks
issued during the month and the balance at the end of the
month. Copies of said report shall be distributed as follows:

Original - to the Treasury Provincial Fiscal Examiner (Cash

Operations Service)

Duplicate - to the Head of the Office (Accounting Division,


Triplicate - to the Auditor, MPW

Quadruplicate - Field Auditor

Quintuplicate - File of Disbursing officer (Ref: Primer on


5.11 The deputized disbursing officer authorized to requisition

blank TCAA checks shall prepare and submit requisition and
issue voucher form No. 45 (A), and the Invoice and Receipt of

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Accountable Forms, Form N. 33 (A) which shall be distributed as


Original -Treasury Provincial Fiscal

Duplicate - Cash Operations Service, BTR

Triplicate - COA Auditor of the DDO’s Agency

Quadruplicate - Accounting Unit DDO

Quintuplicate - Deputized Disbursing Officer file

Sixtuplicate - Office of the Provincial/City Auditor concerned.

A BTR identification card (Exhibit IV) shall be accomplished in

two copies by the deputized disbursing officer;

One copy -Treasury Provincial Fiscal Examiner

One copy - Authorized DDO

6. Turnover of Accountability

6.1In case of change, transfer, resignation or retirement from the

service of the Building Official, an inventory of all money and
property accountabilities shall be taken jointly by the outgoing
and incoming Building Official and a receipt passed on the basis
of such inventory. Such inventory shall be certified as accurate
by the said officers, witnessed by the auditor thereat, and
approved by the Minister, MPW (Sec. 645, Revised
Administrative Code).
6.2The preceding procedure shall also apply to a deputized
disbursing officer other than the Building Official with respect to
money and property accountability in his custody.
6.3Application for clearance of the building official and other
deputized disbursing officers shall be coursed to the Office of the
Minister, MPW, to check their unpaid obligations with this Office
(Dept. Memo Circular No 2 dated 28 January 1974).

7. Other Provisions

This Rule IV is promulgated to define the procedure for the proper

reporting and recording of collections and disbursements of the funds of the
General Fund Special Account 151, of the Office of the Minister, MPW,
pursuant to PD 1096 otherwise known as the National Building Code.

Any circular that may subsequently be issued by the proper

authorities revoking or amending provisions or certain portions of circular/s

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incorporated in the above rules and regulations shall automatically revoke

or amend such corresponding portions that are inconsistent therewith.

The provisions or portions of circulars, as amended shall

automatically prevail without need of further revisions of this Rule IV –
Rules and Regulations of the National Building Code.


The following rules and regulations shall govern the design, content,
construction location, installation and maintenance of outdoor billboards,
advertising and display signs, streamers, posters and the like.

Definition – For purposes of this Rule, the following definitions shall apply:

ADVERTISING SIGN – A sign that directs attentions to a business,

profession, commodity, service or entertainment conducted, sold or offered at
a place other than where the business, profession, etc., is located. An off-
premise sign.

ARCADE – Any portion of a building above the first floor projecting over the
sidewalk beyond the first story wall used as protection for pedestrians.

BILLBOARD – A panel for posting bills or posters.

BUSINESS SIGN - An accessory sign that directs attention to a professional

business, commodity, service or entertainment conducted, sold or offered in
the same place where the business is located/ An identification or non-
premise sign.

BUILDING LINE – The line formed by the intersection of the outer surface of
the enclosing wall of the building and the surface of the ground.

DISPLAY SIGN – Any material, device or structure that is arranged, intended,

designed, or used as an advertisement, announcement or directory that
includes a sign, sign screen, billboard or advertising device of any kind.

DISPLAY STAND – Any movable structure, table, showcase, cabinet and the
like where goods or periodicals are displayed.

DISPLAY SURFACE – The entire area enclosed by the extreme limits or

perimeter of a sign.

DISPLAY WINDOW – That portion of a building abutting the sidewalk open to

public view protected by grilled screens or transparent materials for the
display of goods.

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ELECTRICAL SIGN – Any sign which has characters, letters, figures, designs,
faces, backgrounds or outline illuminated by incandescent or fluorescent
lamps or luminous tubes as part of the sign proper. These light sources
being either external or internal.

GROUND SIGN – A sign resting on the ground.

POSTER – A fabricated flat surface upon which a message is either posted or


PROJECTING SIGN – A sign fastened to, suspended from or supported on a

building or structure the display surface of which is perpendicular from the
wall surface or is at an angle therefrom.

ROOF SIGN – A sign installed on roofs, roof decks or eaves.

SIGN - Any letter, word, numeral, pictorial presentation, illustration,

decoration, emblem, device, symbol or trademark, flag, banner, or pennant,
or any other figure of similar character that is:

- Attached to, painted on or in any manner represented on a building

or structure.
- Used to announce, direct attention to or advertise, and visible to the

SIGN STAND - Any movable structure on which a sign is mounted or


STRUCTURE – That which is built or constructed, an edifice or building of

any kind, or any piece of work artificially built-up or composed of parts joined
together in some definite manner.

TEMPORARY SIGN – A sign of cloth or other light and/or combustible

material, with or without frame installed for a limited period of time.

WALL SIGN – A sign painted on, attached or fastened to the surface of the
wall or part of a building or structure the display surface of which is parallel
to the wall surface.

IMPRINT – A plague or sticker or lettering to be painted on either the top or

the bottom of the poster or sign as a means of identifying the company to
whom the structure belongs and the permit issued therefor.
2.General Provisions:

2.1 Signs shall adhere to the Code of Ethics for Advertising and
promotion and to the rules and regulations of the appropriate agency
in charge of the conduct of the business.

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2.2Signs shall promote and uphold the public good especially in

historical monuments and shrines natural scenic areas, parks,
parkways and their immediate approaches. Immediate
approaches shall mean a distance not exceeding 50.00 meters
from the periphery of said areas.
2.3Signs shall display or convey only messages or visuals that
conform to public decency and good taste.
2.4Signs shall follow standards of design, construction and
maintenance in the interest of public safety, convenience, good
viewing and to promote proper urban design or community
2.5Sign structures may be constructed only in areas where zoning
regulations permit them and in accordance with the accepted
standards of design construction and maintenance.
2.6Signs and sign structures shall be constructed in accordance
with the provisions of Section 2003 of the National Building
Code Plan of signs structures exceeding 3.00 meters in height
from the ground shall be signed and sealed by a duly registered
Architect of Civil Engineer.
2.7Signs and sign structures built within highly restrictive fire
zones shall be of incombustible materials. No combustible
materials other than approved plastics shall be used in
construction of electrical signs.
2.8Signs and sign structures equipped with electrical devices shall
have an electrical wiring plan conforming with the provisions of
the Philippine Electrical Code duly signed by a Professional
Electrical Engineer; Provided, that for installations not exceeding
600 volts and 4 kilowatts, a sketch and bill of materials signed
and sealed by an electrical engineer or Master Electrician shall
be sufficient.
2.9Signs shall be placed in such a manner that no part of its
surface will interfere in any way with the free use of a doorway,
a fire escape, standpipe or other required means of exit and fire-
protective devices.

2.10 Signs shall be erected in such a manner as not to confuse

or obstruct the view or interpretation of any public sign, traffic
signal or device, nor obstruct the sight, distract the attention of
motorists, reflect blinding light or cause glare to oncoming
2.11 Signs which are written in Chinese or any foreign
language shall have a corresponding, translation in English or
in the local dialect.
2.12 The bottom line of all signboards adjacent to each other
shall follow a common base line as determined by the Building
2.13 The installation of all kinds of signs shall be such that a
harmonious and aesthetic relationship of all units therein is

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3.Specific Provisions:

3.1 Advertising Signs

Outdoor advertising signs shall be permitted only in commercial or

industrial zones as designated in the Official Zoning Map.

3.2 Business Signs

- Business signs shall have a minimum width of 1.20 meters and a
length not exceeding the frontage of the lot.

- Business signs installed, displayed or erected in the same building

shall preferably be identical size and flush against the building
- In highly built-up urban areas, business signs may be allowed
within the immediate approaches as defined in Section 222.

3.3 Roof Signs

- The design and construction of roof signs shall conform to the

provisions of Section 2030 of the National Building Code. However,
no signs shall be erected, attached to, installed or fastened on roof
tops of buildings of wooden structures.

- Adequate provisions for grounding metallic parts of roof signs

exposed to lightning shall be provided.

3.4 Ground Signs

Ground Signs shall be subject to the following conditions:

- Ground signs shall not exceed 6.00 meters in height above the
street crown except neon signs which shall be constructed in
conformity with accepted engineering standards.

- Ground signs shall be located within the property line and under no
circumstances shall they occupy the street or sidewalks.

- Public or government signs erected or installed within the area of

the sidewalk shall be so designed and located that they do not
obstruct the easy passage of pedestrians nor distract the attention
of motorists.

- Self-supporting outdoor signs along highways shall be located

10.00 meters away from the property lines abutting the road right-

3.5 Projecting Signs

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The erection of projecting signs shall be subject to the

following conditions:

- On non-arcaded streets or where arcades are proposed, signs shall

not extend more than 1.20 meters from the wall line or building
line. On arcaded streets, the signs shall not project more than 1.00
meter from the wall line over the street. For buildings abutting on
streets or alleys without sidewalks or provisions therefor, the rules
for arcaded streets shall apply on projecting signs.

- A clearance of not less than 3.00 meters shall be provided below the
lowest part of such signs projecting over sidewalks on buildings
without arcades and a clearance of not less than 5.00 meters shall
be provided below the lowest part of such signs projecting over
arcaded streets.

- The erection of electric neon signboards or other advertisements of

similar nature projecting over roadways or public streets, shall be
allowed, provided that:

 Clear distance between the signboards erected on one

building is not less than 4.00 meters.

 Signboards on multi-storey buildings shall be erected on

the same vertical line and shall not overlap each other.

 Tops of signboards shall not extend over the topmost part

of the parapet or the bottom line of the eave of the building.

 Horizontal projections of signboards shall follow rules


 In case of two adjacent buildings, adjacent signboards shall

be placed at a distance of not less than 2.00 meters from
the common boundary line.

 Signboards shall not obstruct any window or emergency

exit, nor be closer than 1.00 meter to electric and telephone
posts and wires.

 Vertical clearances shall follow rule above.

3.6 Wall Signs

The construction of wall signs shall be subject to the following


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- Display signs placed against the exterior surface of buildings

shall not extend more than 300 millimeters from the wall with
its lowest portion not less than 3.00 meters above the
- All signs painted or pasted on the exterior surface of
buildings or structures may be considered either as a
business or advertising signs.
- Signs shall not extend beyond the top and/or sides of any
face of the exterior perimeter walls of the building. Signs
when made of combustible materials shall not exceed 4.00
sq.m. in area. Those made of incombustible materials may be
allowed to cover the entire surface of blank walls only and
shall not be allowed to cover or obstruct openings.
- Sign stands or display stands shall not be placed on the side
walk pavement.
- Signs shall not be attached to, painted on, installed or
displayed on posts or columns of arcades.
- Display windows or walls signs within 3.00 meters above the
sidewalk shall be flush or recessed.

3.7 Temporary Signs

- All temporary signs, bills, posters and the like may e installed
or posted only in areas or structures allowed by pertinent
provisions of this Code.
- Streamers strung over or across any public thoroughfare shall
have the necessary permit therefor from the Building Official.
The lowest point of the bottom edge of streamer shall have a
minimum clearance of 4.30 meters above the pavement.

4. Administrative Provisions:

4.1 Applications

Any person desiring to display, erect, or maintain any

sign shall file an application therefor with the Office of the
Building Official in a standard form stating among others, the
location of the premises wherein said sign is to be displayed,
erected or maintained, accompanied with the pertinent drawing
and/or sketches. The application shall also include the location
and the site plans, written consent of the owner of the premises
and such other pertinent data as may be required by the
Building Official.

4.2Permit for erection or installation

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No sign of any kind shall be erected, installed or

constructed unless a permit therefor is obtained from the
Building Official.


A permit shall not be required for any sign not exceeding

0.20 sq.m. of display surface nor for temporary signs for
charitable, religious, and civic purposes duly authorized.
This exemption shall not release the owner from
responsibility for its design, construction, installation,
maintenance and removal.

4.4. Removal/Alterations

A sign with permit which erected before the adoption of

this Rule but not conforming thereto shall be given a grace
period to conform dating from the receipt of notice as follows:

a. Neon
signs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
b. All
others . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
6 months

After the expiration of the grace period such non-

conforming signs shall be removed.

4.5Existing Signs

- Existing signs without permit but conforming to the

provisions of this Rule shall be allowed to remain provided
the owner obtains a validating permit within 30 days from
receipt of notice from the Building Official.
- Existing signs without permit and non-conforming to the
provisions of this Rule shall be altered to conform to this
Rule. The owner shall secure the necessary permit not later
than 60 days from receipt of notice from the Building Official.
In case of failure (of the owner) to secure permit within the
grace period the sign shall be removed by the owner. For
failure of the owner to remove the sign, the Building Official
shall cause the removal of the sign at the expense of the


Sign shall be maintained in a safe presentable condition.

Should a sign become, the in opinion of the Building Official,

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Province of Pangasinan



unsafe or an eyesore, the permittee shall, upon notice from

the Building Official, immediately restore the sign to a safe
and satisfactory condition.

For non-compliance with the notice, the Building Official

shall restore the sign at the expense of the permittee.


Signs shall bear the imprint of the permittee.

5. Design:

5.1General – Signs and signs structures shall be designed and

constructed to resist wind and seismic forces as specified in
this Rule. All bracing systems shall be designed and
constructed to transfer lateral forces to the foundations. For
signs on buildings, the dead and lateral loads shall be
transmitted through the structural frame of the building to
the ground in such manner as not to overstress any of the
elements thereof.

The overturning moment produced from lateral forces

shall in no case exceed two-thirds of the dead-load resisting
moment. Uplift due to overturning shall be adequately
resisted by proper anchorage to the ground or to he
structural frame of the building. The weight of earth
superimposed over footings may be used in determining the
dead-load resistant moment. Such earth shall be carefully
placed and thoroughly compacted.

5.2Wind Loads – Signs and signs structures shall be designed

and constructed to resist wind forces as specified in Chapter
2 of the National Structural Code for Buildings (NSCB).
5.3Seismic Loads – Signs and sign structures shall be designed
and constructed to resist seismic forces as specified in
Chapter 2 of the NSCB.
5.4Combined Loads – Wind and seismic loads need not be
combined in the design of signs and sign structures, only
that loading producing the larger stresses need be used.

Vertical design loads, except roof live loads, shall be

assumed to be acting simultaneously with the wind or
seismic loads.

5.5Allowable Stresses – The design of wood, concrete, or steel,

members shall conform to the requirements of Chapters 3, 4
and 5 of the NSCB. Loads, both vertical and horizontal,

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exerted on the soil shall not produce stresses exceeding

those specified in Chapter 7 of the NSCB.

The working stresses of wire rope and its fastenings shall

not exceed 25 percent of the ultimate strength of the rope or

Working stresses for wind or seismic loads combined with

dead loads may be increased as specified in Chapter 2 of the

6. Construction:

6.1General – The supports of all signs or sign structures shall

be placed in or upon private property and shall be securely
built, constructed, and erected in conformance with the
requirements of this Rule.
6.2Materials – Materials of construction for signs and sign
structures shall be of the quality and grade as specified for
buildings in this Rule.

In all signs and sign structures, the materials and details

of construction shall, in the absence of specified requirements,
conform with the following:

- Structural steel shall be of such quality as to conform with

ASTM A 36. Secondary members in contact with or directly
supporting the display surface by be formed of light gauge steel,
provided such members are designed in accordance with the
specifications of the design of light gauge steel as specified in ASTM
A 242 and in addition, shall be galvanized. Secondary members,
when formed integrally with the display surface, shall be not less
than No. 24 gauge in thickness of the secondary members shall be
No. 12 gauge. The minimum thickness of hot-rolled steel members
furnishing structural support for signs shall be 6.35 mm. Except
that if galvanized, such members shall be not less than 3.18 mm.
Thick. Steel pipes shall be of such quality as to conform with
ASTM A 36. Steel members may be corrected with one galvanized
bolt provided that connection is adequate to transfer the stresses in
the members.
- Anchors and supports, when of wood and embedded in the soil,
or within 150 mm of soil, shall all be of heartwood of a durable
species or shall be pressure-treated with an approved preservative.

7. Anchorage:

7.1Members supporting unbraced signs shall be so proportioned

that the bearing loads imposed on the soil in either direction,

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horizontal or vertical, shall not exceed the safe values.

Braced ground signs shall be anchored to resist the specified
wind or seismic load acting in any direction. Anchors and
supports shall be designed for safe bearing loads on the soil
and for an effective resistance to pull out amounting to a
force 25 percent greater than the required assistance for
7.2Portable ground signs supported by frames or posts rigidly
attached to the base shall be so proportioned that the weight
and size of the base will be adequate to resist the wind
7.3Signs attached to masonry, concrete, or steel shall be safely
and securely fastened thereto by means of metal anchors,
bolts, or approved expansion screws of sufficient size and
anchorage to support safely the load applied.
7.4No wooden blocks or plugs or anchors with wood used in
connection with screws or nails shall be considered proper
anchorage, except in the cse of signs attached to wood


Pursuant to Section 1004 of the National Building Code (PD 1096),

arcades shall be constructed on sidewalks of streets whenever required by
existing building and zoning regulations. Subject to existing laws and
regulations, the local planning authority shall determined which streets shall
have an open sidewalk or an arcade sidewalk, or a combination of both, and
the width and height thereof, according to the following:

1. Width of Sidewalks and Arcades

1.1Sidewalks shall be of uniform width throughout the entire length of the

street. The width of a sidewalk shall not be less than 1/6 of the road
- The sidewalk pavement shall have a non-slip surface and slope
down from the building line towards the curb line at not more than
one in fifty (1/50) and shall level off with the curb.
- Sidewalks of 2.00 meters or more in width shall include on its outer
side a planting strip of not less than 800 millimeters in width,
separating the curb from the sidewalk pavement.
1.2All arcades shall be of uniform width throughout the entire length of
the street within the block or from one street corner to another.
- Arcades shall be cantilevered from the building line over the
sidewalk, and the horizontal clearance between the curb line and
the outermost face of any part of the arcade shall not be less than
500 millimeters.
- Combined open and arcaded sidewalks shall be provided with a
planting strip of not less than 800 millimeters in width as a

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separating strip between the arcaded portion and the open portion
of the sidewalk.

2. Vertical Clearance of Arcades

2.1The vertical clearance of arcades shall be uniform throughout the

entire length of the streets within the block or from one street corner to
2.2The minimum vertical clearance of arcades shall be 3 meters and the
maximum shall be 6 meters.

3. Grade of Sidewalks

3.1Sidewalks shall, as much as possible, be level and of uniform grade

throughout the entire length of the street.
3.2Whenever the slope of the street does not exceed one in twelve (1/12)
the sidewalk grade shall follow the level or slope of the street.
3.3Whenever the slope of the street is one in ten (1/10) the sidewalk shall
be maintained level for every 20 to 40 meters of run. Sidewalks of
different level shall be joined by means of a ramp having any
convenient slope not exceeding one in six (1/6).
3.4When the grade of two connecting sidewalks are between + one in ten
(+ 1/10) and + one in eight (+ 1/8), the two sidewalks shall be joined
by means of a ramp having any convenient slope not exceeding one in
ten (1/10).

4. Driveways, Entrances and Exits

4.1Driveways Across Sidewalks

- To maximize the use of the sidewalk area, the surface of the

sidewalk and the driveway shall as much as possible, be at the
same plane. The entry ramp of the driveway connecting the
roadway surface to the sidewalk surface shall have a slope ranging
from one in three (1/3) to one in four (1/4).
- Whenever the height of the curb is more than 200 millimeters,
driveway may be constructed across the entire width of the
sidewalk, provided that the driveway shall be joined to the sidewalk
by means of a ramp of rough finish having a slope of not more than
one in eight (1/8). The driveway and the ramp shall be made of the
same materials as that of the sidewalk.
- Driveways underneath arcades may be allowed only underneath
cantilevered arcades within the road right-of-way or underneath
colonnaded arcades on private properties outside the road right-of-
4.2Entrance or exits of buildings abutting sidewalks shall be made of
either ramps or steps.

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- Entrance or exit ramps shall have a slope not exceeding one in ten
- Entrance or exit steps shall have treads of not less than 300
millimeters. The minimum number of steps shall be two (2) with
risers not exceeding 100 millimeters.
- NO portion of either entrance or exit ramps or steps shall intrude
into the sidewalk pavement.

5. Obstruction on Sidewalks

Under no circumstances shall obstruction of any kind be allowed on

sidewalks, whether open or arcaded.


1. General Building Requirement

1.1All buildings or structures as well as accessory facilities thereto shall

conform in all respects to the principles of safe construction and must
be suited to the purpose for which they are designed.
1.2Buildings or structures intended to be used for the manufacture
and/or production of any kind of article or product shall observe
adequate environmental safeguards.
1.3Buildings or structures and all parts thereof as well as all facilities
found therein shall be maintained in safe, sanitary, and good looking

2. Site Requirements

The land or site upon which will be constructed any building or structure,
or any ancillary or auxiliary facility thereto, shall be sanitary, hygienic and
safe. In the case of sites of buildings intended for use as human
habitation or abode, the same shall be at a safe distance, as determined
by competent authorities, from streams or bodies of water and/or sources
of air considered to be polluted; from a volcano site and/or any other
building considered to be a potential source of fire or explosion.

3. Dangerous Buildings or Structures

Any building or structure which has any or all of the conditions or

defects hereinafter described shall be deemed to be a dangerous building
or structure provided that such conditions or defects exist to the extent
that life, health, property or safety of the public or its occupants are

3.1Structural Hazards

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- Whenever any building or structure or portion thereof has been

damaged by fire, earthquake, wind, flood or by any other cause to
such an extent that the structural strength or stability thereof is
materially less than it was before the catastrophe and is less than
the minimum requirements of the National Structural Code for
Buildings for new buildings of similar structure, purpose or
- Whenever any portion or member or appurtenance thereof is likely
to fall, or to become detached or dislodged or to collapse and
thereby injure persons or damage property.
- Whenever any portion of a building or structure, or any member,
appurtenance or ornamentation on the exterior thereof is not of
sufficient strength or stability, or is not anchored, attached or
fastened in place so as to be capable of resisting a wind pressure of
one-half of that specified in the National Structural Code for
Buildings for such type of buildings.
- Whenever any portion thereof has been wrecked, warped, buckled
or settled to such an extent that walls or other structural portions
have materially less resistance to winds or earthquakes than is
required in the case of similar new construction.
- Whenever the building or structure, or any portion thereof, because
of (1) dilapidation, deterioration or decay; (2) faulty construction; (3)
the removal, movement or instability of any portion of the ground
necessary for the purpose of supporting such building; (4) the
deterioration, decay or inadequacy of its foundation; or (5) any
other cause, is likely to partially or totally collapse.
- Whenever the exterior walls or other vertical structural member list,
lean or buckle to such an extent that a plumb line passing through
the center of gravity does not fall inside the middle one third of the
- Whenever the building or structure, exclusive of the foundation,
shows 33 percent or more damage or deterioration of its supporting
members, or 50 percent damage or deterioration of its non-
supporting members, enclosing or outside walls or coverings.
- Whenever the building or structure has been so damaged by fire,
wind, earthquake or flood, or has become so dilapidated or
deteriorated as to become (1) an attractive nuisance to children; (2)
a harbour for vagrants, criminals or immoral persons; or an to (3)
enable persons to resort thereto for the purpose of committing
unlawful or immoral acts.
- Whenever any building or structure which, whether or not erected
in accordance with all applicable laws or ordinance, has in any
non-supporting part, member or portion, less than 50 percent or in
any supporting part, member or portion less than 66 percent of the
(1) strength; (2) fire resisting qualities or characteristics; or (3)
weather resisting qualities or characteristics required by law in the
case of a newly constructed building of like area, height and
occupancy in the same location.

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- Whenever any portion of a building or structure remains on a site

after the demolition of the building or structure or whenever any
building or structure or portion thereof is abandoned for a period in
excess of twelve (12) months so as to constitute such building or
portion thereof an attractive nuisance or hazard to the public.

3.2 Fire Hazards

- Any building or portion thereof, device, apparatus, equipment,

combustible materials, or vegetation which may cause fire or
explosion, or provide a ready fuel or augment the spread and
intensity of fire or explosion arising from any cause.
- All buildings or portions thereof not provided with the required fire
resistive or fire-protective construction or fire-extinguishing
systems or equipment.
- Whenever any door, aisle, passageway, stairway, or other means of
exit is not of sufficient width or size, or is not so arranged as to
provide safe and adequate means of exit in case of fire or panic.
- Whenever any building or structure, because of obsolescence,
dilapidated condition, deterioration, damage inadequate exits, lack
of sufficient fire-resistive construction, faulty electrical wiring, gas
connections or heating apparatus, or other cause, is determined by
the Building official to be a fire hazard.

3.3 Hazardous Electrical Wiring

- All wiring systems or installation which do not conform to the rules

and regulation embodied in the Philippine Electrical Code.
- Inadequately maintained or improperly used electrical wiring,
outlets, devices and/or equipment.

3.4 Hazardous Mechanical Installation

- Mechanical systems or installation which do not conform to the

rules and regulations embodied in the Mechanical Engineering
Code of the Philippines.
- Inadequately maintained or improperly used mechanical outlets,
devices and/or equipment.
- Lack of or improper operation of required ventilating equipment or

3.5 Inadequate Sanitation and Health Facilities

- All sanitary and plumbing systems or installation which do not

conform to the rules and regulations embodied in the Code on
Sanitation and the National Plumbing Code of the Philippines.
- Inadequately maintained or improperly used sanitary and plumbing

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- Infestation of insects, vermin, or rodents and lack of adequate

control of the same.
- Lack of adequate garbage and rubbish storage and removal or
disposal facilities.
- Source of pollution.

3.6 Improper Occupancy and Architectural Eyesore

- All buildings or portions thereof used or occupied for purposes

other than their intended uses.
- Inadequate parking space, as required.
- Insufficient amount of natural light and ventilation due to
inadequate open spaces such as courts, yards and setbacks, as
- Inadequate sizes of rooms and space dimensions and window
- Dilapidated, blighted and other unpresentable buildings or
structures against generally accepted aesthetic standards.

3.7 Improper Location

- All buildings or structures or portions thereof which do not conform

to the approved land use and zoning plan.
- Buildings located in highly volcanic, earthquake or flood prone
areas or sites considered to be extremely dangerous.

3.8 Illegal Construction

A building or structure shall be deemed to be an illegal

construction when it is constructed, existing or is maintained in
violation of any specific requirement or prohibition applicable to such
building or structure as provided in the Municipal Building Code; the
building rules and regulations or in any law or ordinance of the city or
municipality relating to the condition and location of the structure and
building therein.

4. Abatement of Dangerous Buildings

Pursuant to Section 215 of the NBC, when a building or structure is

found or declared by the Building official to be nuisance is dangerous or
ruinous, the Building Official shall order its repair, vacation or demolition
depending upon the degree of danger to life, health, safety and/or well-
being of the general public and its occupants.

5. Procedure for Demolition of Buildings

The following steps shall be observed in the abatement/demolition of

buildings under this Rule:

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5.1There must be a finding or declaration by the Building Official that the

building or structure is a nuisance, ruinous or dangerous.
5.2Written notice or advice shall be served upon the owner and
occupant/s of such finding or declaration, giving him at least fifteen
(15) days within which to vacate or cause to be vacated, repair,
renovate, demolish and remove as the case may be, the nuisance,
ruinous or dangerous building or structure or any part or portion
5.3Within the fifteen-day period, the owner may, if he so desires, appeal to
the Secretary the finding or declaration of the Building Official and ask
that a re-inspection or re-investigation of the building or structure be
5.4If the appeal is meritorious the Mayor may designate a competent
representative/s other than the Building Official to undertake the re-
inspection or re-investigation of the building. The representative/s so
designated shall make or complete his/their report within a period of
thirty days from the date of termination of re-inspection or re-
5.5If after re-inspection, the finding is the same as the original one, the
Mayor thru the Building Official shall notify the owner, giving his not
more than fifteen days from receipt of notice with affirmed finding to
vacate or cause to be vacated and make the necessary repair,
renovation, demolition and removal of the subject building or parts
thereof, as the case may be.

- If the Building Official has determined that the building or

structure must be repaired or renovated the order to be issued shall
require that all necessary permits therefor be secured and the work
physically commenced within 15 days from the date of receipt of the
Order and completed within such reasonable time as may be
determined by the Building Official.
- If the Building official has determined that the building or structure
must be demolish, the order shall required that the building be
vacated within 15 days from the date of receipts of the Order; that
all required permits be secured therefor within the same 15 days
from the date of the Order, and that the demolition be completed
within such reasonable time as may be determined by the Building

5.6The decision of the Mayor on the appeal shall be final.

5.7Upon failure of the owner to comply with the order of the building
official or the Mayor, in case of appeal, to repair, renovate, demolish
and removed the building or any part thereof after fifteen days from the
date of receipt of the Order, the Building official shall cause the
building or structure to be repaired, renovated, demolished and
removed, partly or wholly, as the case may be, with all expenses
therefor chargeable to the owner.
5.8The building as repaired or in the case of demolition, the building
materials gathered after the demolition of the building shall be held by

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the Office of the Building Official until full reimbursement of the cost of
repair, renovation, demolition and removal is made by the owner
which, in no case, shall extend beyond thirty (30) days from the date
of the completion of the repair, renovation, demolition and removal.
After such period, said building materials of the building thus repaired,
renovated or removed shall be sold at public auction to satisfy the
claim of the Office of the Building official. Any amount in excess of the
claim of the government realized from the sale of the building and/or
building materials shall be delivered to the owner.

6. Other Remedies

The procedures, actions and remedies provided herein are without

prejudice to further action that may be taken by the Building Official
against the owner/oocupants of buildings or structures found or declared
to be nuisance/s, dangerous, and/or ruinous under the provisions of
Article 482 and 694 to 707 of the Civil Code of the Philippines.


Pursuant to the authority vested in the Secretary of Public Works,

under the provisions of Sections 211 and 212 of the National Building Code of
the Philippines (PD 1096), the following rules and regulations are hereby
promulgated to govern the conduct of cases involving the implementation of
the Code as well the enforcement of orders, rules and regulations issued in
relation thereto and the imposition of administrative penalties for violation

1. Definitions – For purposes of this Rule, the following definitions shall


MINISTRY – The Ministry of Public Works,

MINISTER – The head of the Ministry of Public Works.

STAFF- The Building Research and Development Staff (BRDS) organized

by and under the Ministry of Public Works, to undertake, by itself or thru
appropriate agencies concerned, continuing research and development of
building systems in order to develop suitable guidelines and standards,
rules and regulations for the effective implementation of the provisions of
the National Building Code, and to provide professional and technical
assistance to the Secretary, in the management and supervision of the
activities of the Building Officials in the implementation of the Code,
including all its referral Codes.

EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR – The head of the Building Research and

Development Staff.

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Province of Pangasinan



CODE – The Municipal Building Code of Alaminos, Pangasinan –

Ordinance No. ___

RULES – The rules and regulations issued and to be issued by the

Sangguniang Bayan to implement and enforce the provisions of the Code.
This includes this Rule.

PERSON – Any individual, partnership, corporation, association and

public or private organization of any character.

PERMIT OFFICE – The Office of the Building Official which under the
Code is the one single office to handle the processing of applications for,
and the issuance of, all kinds of permits pertaining to buildings, both
public and private, and all other appurtenances thereto.

APPLICATION – The application for a building permit.

PERMIT – As used in this and other Rules shall mean the principal
(building) permit and all the ancillary or accessory permits pertaining to a
building and its appurtenances, such as mechanical and electrical
permits, sanitary/plumbing permits, and permit to construct a fence,
sidewalks, towers, signboards, etc.

2. Administrative Sanctions: The Code provides the following

administrative sanctions to insure observance and compliance with
all its provisions:

2.1Non-issuance, suspension, revocation and/or invalidation of permits.

2.2Non-issuance, suspension or revocation of certificate of occupancy.
2.3Issuance of Work Stoppage order.
2.4Issuance of Order for Discontinuance of Use or Occupancy of
2.5Abatement and/or demolition of dangerous building or structures.
2.6Imposition of administrative fines.
2.7Imposition of surcharge/penalty.

3. Grounds for the Non-issuance, Suspension, Revocation and/or

Invalidation of Permits: The Building official may order or direct the non-
issuance, suspension, revocation and/or invalidation of a permit based on
any one or all of the following grounds:

3.1Errors found in the plans and specifications.

3.2Incorrect or inaccurate data or information found in the application.
3.3Non-compliance with terms and conditions of permits.
3.4Failure to commence the work within a period of one year from the
date of issuance of permit.
3.5Suspension of abandonment of the work so authorized in the permit at
anytime after it has been commenced for a period of 120 days or more.

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3.6Unauthorized change, modification or alteration in the approved plans

and specifications and/or in the type of construction.
3.7Failure to engage the services of a duly licensed architect or civil
engineer to undertake the full time inspection and supervision of the
construction work and/or failure of the licensed architect or civil
engineer hired to keep at all times at the jobsite a logbook (of the
progress of construction).

4. Ground for Non-issuance or Revocation of Certificate of Occupancy:

The Building Official may direct the non-issuance or revocation of

certificate of occupancy based on any or all of the following grounds:

4.1Unauthorized change, modification or alteration in the approved plans

specifications and/or in the type of construction.
4.2Failure to engage the services of a duly licensed architect or civil
engineer to undertake the full time inspection and supervision of the
construction work and/or failure of the licensed architect or civil
engineer hired to keep at all times at the jobsite a logbook (of the
progress of construction).
4.3Failure of the licensed Architect or Civil Engineer who undertook the
full time inspection and supervision work to submit the logbook,
Certificate of Completion, as built plans, Specifications, Building
Inspection Sheet and Fire Safety Inspection Certificate duly signed and
sealed, to the Building Official upon completion of the construction.

5. Issuance of Work Stoppage Order: The Building Official shall conduct

regular inspection of buildings or structure and their premises within his
area of jurisdiction. He may direct or order the stoppage of work based on
any or all of the following grounds:

5.1Non-compliance with terms and conditions of permits.

5.2Unauthorized change, modification or alteration in the approved plans
and specifications and/or in the type of construction.
5.3Failure to engage the services of a duly licensed architect or civil
engineer to undertake the full time inspection and supervision of the
construction and/or failure of the licensed Architect or Civil Engineer
hired to keep at all times at the jobsite a logbook (of the progress of
5.4Erecting, constructing, altering, moving, converting, or demolishing a
building or structure without a building permit.
5.5Making any alteration, addition, conversion or repair in any building or
structure or appurtenances thereto, constructed or installed before the
adoption of the Code, whether public or private, without a permit.
5.6Unauthorized change, modification or alteration during construction
from the duly approved plans and specifications on which the building
permit is based.

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6. Issuance of Order for Discontinuance of Use or Occupancy – The

Building Official shall conduct regular inspection of buildings or
structures and their premises within his area of jurisdiction. He may
direct or order the discontinuance of use or occupancy of buildings or
structures based on any or all of the following grounds:

6.1Dangerous or ruinous building specified under Section 3 of Rule VII of

the Implementing Rules and Regulations.
6.2Use or occupancy of a building without a Certificate of Occupancy even
if constructed under a valid building permit.
6.3Change in the existing use or occupancy classification of a building or
structure or portion thereof without the corresponding Certificate of
Change of Occupancy.

7. Non-Conforming Use or Occupancy:

The use or occupancy of any building or structure legally authorized

under RA 6541 or any existing city of municipality’s building code prior to
the adoption of the National Building Code (PD 1096) may be continued
although such use or occupancy does not conform to the approved land
use and/or zoning ordinance.

However, no such non-conforming use or occupancy shall be enlarged

or increased or extended to occupy a greater area of land than that already
occupied by such building or structure. Neither shall such non-
conforming use or occupancy be moved in whole or in part, to any other
portion of the lot or parcel of land where such non-conforming use or
occupancy exists.

A building/structure whose non-conforming use or occupancy has

ceased for more than (1) year, or has been changed to a used permitted in
the District/City/Municipality in which it is located, shall not be revived
as a non-conforming use.

A non-conforming building or structure, or a group of non-conforming

buildings or structures related to ne use and under one ownership, which
have been damaged or destroyed by typhoons, fires, earthquakes, or other
calamities may be reconstructed and used as before provided that such
reconstruction is done within twelve (12) months from the date of such
damage, and provided, further, that the cost of the reconstruction is not
more than twenty percent (20%) of the original construction cost of the
buildings or structures.

The structural repair and/or alteration of a non-conforming

building/structure may be allowed once subsequent to or after the
effectivity of the Code and of this Rule provided the total cost therefore
shall not exceed twenty percent (20%) of its fair market value, and
provided further that such repair/alteration shall be in accordance with
the requirement of the Code.

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Province of Pangasinan



8. Abatement/Demolition of Dangerous or Ruinous Buildings and


When any building or structure is found or declared to be nuisance,

dangerous or ruinous, the Building Official shall order its repair, vacation
or demolition depending upon the degree of danger to life, health, safety
and/or well-being of the general public and its occupants. The condition
or defect that would render any building or structure dangerous or
ruinous as well as the procedures for abatement and/or demolition of
dangerous buildings or structures are those provided under the Rule VII of
the Implementing Rules and Regulations.

9. Imposition of Administrative Fines:

The Mayor or his duly authorized representative may prescribe and

impose fees not exceeding ten thousand pesos in the following cases,
subject to the terms and procedure as hereunder provided:

9.1Erecting, constructing, altering, repairing, moving, converting, or

demolishing a building or structure without a building permit.
9.2Making any alteration, addition, conversion, or repair in any building
or structure or appurtenances thereto, constructed or installed before
the adoption of the Code, whether public or private, without a permit.
9.3Unauthorized change, modification or alteration during the
construction in the duly approved plans and specifications on which
the building permit is based.
9.4Non-compliance with work stoppage order and/or orders to effect
necessary correction in plans and specifications found defective.
9.5Non-compliance with order to demolish buildings declared to be
nuisance, ruinous or dangerous.
9.6Use or occupancy of a building without a Certificate of Occupancy even
if constructed under a valid building permit.
9.7Change in the existing use or occupancy classification of a building or
structure or portion thereof without the corresponding Certificate of
Change of Occupancy.
9.8Failure to post or display the certificate of occupancy in a conspicuous
place on the premises of the building.
9.9Change in the type of construction of any building without approval of
the Building Official.

10. Determination of Amount of Fines:

In the determination of the amount of fines to be imposed for violation

under the preceding Section, the Mayor or his duly authorized
representative shall take into consideration the following.

10.1 Light Violation

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- Failure to Post Certificate of Occupancy

10.2 Less Gave Violations

- Non-compliance with work stoppage order for

alteration/addition/conversion/repair without permit.
- Use or occupancy without Certificate of Occupancy.
- Change in existing use or occupancy without certificate of change of

10.3 Grave Violations

- Unauthorized changes during construction.
- Unauthorized change in type of construction from more fire-
resistive to less fire-resistive.
- Non-compliance with order to abate or demolish.
- Non-compliance with work stoppage order for construction without

Fines in Pesos Light Violations Less Grave Violations

Grave Violation

Category I

Minimum 50.00 250.00

Medium 50.00 500.00
Maximum 50.00 1,000.00

Category II & III

Minimum 100.00 1,000.00

Medium 100.00 2,500.00
Maximum 100.00 5,000.00

NOTE: The minimum fines shall be imposed for failure to comply with the
terms of the 1st notice.

The medium fines shall be imposed for failure to comply with the terms
of the 2nd notice.

The maximum fines shall be imposed for failure to comply with the
terms of the 3rd and final notice.

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Province of Pangasinan



11.Surcharge/Penalty: Without prejudice to the provisions of the preceding

sections, the Building official is hereby authorized to impose a penalty or
surcharge in the following cases in such amount and in the manner as
hereunder fixed and determined:

11.1 For constructing, installing, repairing, altering or causing any

change in the use or occupancy of any building or part thereof or
appurtenances thereto without any permit, there shall be imposed a
surcharge of 100% of the building permit fee: Provided, that when the
work in the building or structure is started during the pendency of the
final action or pending approval by the Building Official of the
application for building permit, the amount of the surcharge shall be
according to the following:

a. Excavation for foundations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

. 10%
b. Construction of foundation (including pile driving
And laying of reinforcing
bars) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25%
c. Construction of superstructure up to 2 meters
Above established
grade) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50%
d. Construction of superstructure above 2 meters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Provided further, that when the work on the building or

structure is started with due notice and advice to the Building Official
and after the lapse of thirty (30) days from the date of filing and
acceptance of the application for building permit, no surcharge or
penalty shall be imposed.

11.2 For failure to pay inspection fee within thirty (30) days from the
prescribed date, surcharge of 25% of the inspection fee shall be

12. Authority to Enforce Administrative Sanctions:

Except as otherwise provided in these Rules, the Building Official is

hereby designated as the duly authorized representative of the Mayor who
is empowered to carry out and enforce the above-mentioned administrative

13. Initiation of Action:

The Building official, motu proprio, or upon complaint, and after the
notice and/or hearing, initiates action towards the non-issuance,
suspension, revocation or invalidation of a building permit or a certificate
of occupancy, issuances of a work stoppage order or an order for the
discontinuance of the use or occupancy of a building or portion thereof,

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declaration of a building or structure as ruinous or dangerous and/or the

imposition of appropriate fines.

14.Notice and Answer: In case of a protest against a pending application or a

complaint alleging violation of any of the terms and conditions of a
building permit or certificate of occupancy, or of any provisions of this
Code or of the Implementing Rules and Regulations, the Building Official
shall immediately notify the respondent in writing and require him to
submit a written explanation or answer within a period of not less than
five (5) days from the receipt of notice.
15.Action on the Protest/Complaint: If the answer or explanation of the
respondent (applicant/permittee/owner of building) is found satisfactory,
the Building Official shall dismiss the protest or complaint. If found not
satisfactory, he shall personally conduct a formal investigation of the
complaint, or designate an investigator to do the same.
16.The investigator proper: In any contested case or investigation, all
parties shall be entitled to notice and hearing. The notice shall be served
at least five days before the date of the hearing and shall state the date,
time, and place of the hearing. The parties shall also be given opportunity
to present evidence and argument on all issues.
17. Subpoena: In any investigation, the Building Official shall have the power
to require the attendance of witnesses as well as the production of
documentary evidence and other pertinent data.
18.Rules of Evidence: In any investigation

18.1 The Building Official may admit and give probative value to
evidence as commonly accepted by reasonably prudent men in the
conduct of their affairs.
18.2 Documentary evidence may be received in the form of copies or
excerpts, if the original is not readily available. Upon request, the
parties shall be given opportunity to compare the copies with the
original. If the original is in the official custody of a public officer, a
certified true copy thereof may be accepted.
18.3 Every party shall have the right to cross-examine the witness
and to submit rebuttal evidence.
18.4 The investigator may take notice of judicially cognizable facts
and of generally cognizable technical or scientific facts within his or the
witnesses’ specialized or professional knowledge.

19.Inspection Team: Whenever the Building Official suspects that a building

or structure poses imminent danger or risk to life, limb or property and
the public welfare, he shall immediately send an inspection team to
conduct a detailed inspection of the building or structure. The team shall
submit a report within ten (10) days.
20.Closure of Building: Based on the findings and recommendations of the
inspection team, in accordance with any or all of the conditions
enumerated under Section 3 of Rule VII of the Implementing Rules and
Regulations, the Building Official may direct or order the closure of the

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21.Lifting of Order or Closure: The Building Official shall order the lifting of
the closure only after the defects or deficiencies of the subject building or
structure have been fully corrected.
22.Decision – Form and Service Thereof: Every decision, order or notice of
non-issuance, suspension or revocation of a building permit/certificate of
occupancy shall be in writing, and shall state specifically the reason/s or
ground/s therefore. The Building Official shall decide each case within
fifteen (15) days following the termination of the investigation. The parties
concerned shall be notified of the decision in writing by courier or by
registered mail.
23.Finality of Order/Decision: The order or decision of the Building Official
shall become final and executor fifteen (15) days after receipt of a copy
thereof by the party adversely affected unless within that period, an
administrative appeal has been perfected. In which case, the fifteen (15)
day period shall be suspended accordingly. If a motion for reconsideration
is denied, the movant shall have the right to perfect his appeal during the
remainder of the period for appeal, reckoned from the date of receipt of the
resolution of denial. If the order or decision is reversed on
reconsideration, the aggrieved party, if there is any, shall have fifteen (15)
days from receipt of the resolution within which to perfect his appeal.
24.Appeal: Within fifteen (15) days from the date of receipt of notice or advice
of the non-issuance, suspension or revocation of permit and/or certificate
of occupancy or any order or decision of the building official, the
applicant/permittee or any adversely affected party may file an appeal
directly with the Minister or through the nearest Public Works Regional
Director. The Minister shall render his decision within fifteen (15) days
from the date of receipt of notice of appeal. For this purpose, the minister
may secure the technical assistance of the Executive Director and his staff
and/or may call upon any officer in the Ministry to initially act on the
25.Finality of Decision of Mayor: The order or decision of the mayor in any
case brought to him on appeal shall be final and shall become executor
fifteen (15) days after the receipt by the parties concerned of a copy
26.Police Assistance in the Execution of Order/Decision: For the
enforcement and execution of any of his orders or decisions, the Mayor of
his duly authorized representative may secure the assistance of the local
police or any peace officer in the locality or area where the building or
structure is located, in accordance with the Memo of Agreement dated
August 1, 1978 between the Ministry of National Defense and Ministry of
Public Works, Transportation and Communications.
27.Disposition of Fines: All fines and other surcharges collected by the
Building Official under this Rule shall be treated in the same manner as
the building fees and charges authorized by the Mayor to be collected and
received under Section 208 of the Code.
28.Other Remedies and Supplementary Effect of other Laws: The rights,
actions, remedies and procedures provided in this Rule shall be without
prejudice to further action that the Mayor and/or the Building Official
may take under the provisions of Articles 482 and 694 to 707 of the Civil

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Province of Pangasinan



Code of the Philippines. Furthermore, all other rights of action and

remedies that may be available under existing laws shall, if applicable
have a supplementary effect thereto.


Pursuant to Sections 102 and 203 of the National Building Code (PD
1096), for the protection of buyers or lessees of lots in cemeteries and
memorial parks as well as the owners/operators of cemeteries or memorial
parks, the following rules shall govern the establishment of cemeteries and
memorial parks.

1. Definition – For purposes of this Rule, the following definition shall apply:

CEMETERY – Public or private land used for the burial of the dead and
other uses dedicated for cemetery purposes, to include landscaped
grounds, driveways, walks, columbarium, crematories, mortuaries
mausoleum, niches, graveyards and public comfort rooms.

MEMORIAL PARK – A private-owned cemetery with well kept landscaped

lawns and wide roadways and foorpaths separating the areas assigned for
ground interments, tombs, mausoleum and columbarium; with or without
a mortuary chapel; and provided with systematic supervision and

CINERARIUM – A niche in a tomb or columbarium to accommodate an

urn containing the ashes of a cremated body.

CINERARY REMAINS – The ashes resulting from cremation of a dead


CENOTAPH – An empty tomb or monument erected to the dead.

COLUMBARIUM – a sepulchre with niches for cinerary remains.

GRAVEYARD – A cemetery or portion of a cemetery reserved for ground

interments or burials.

HEADSTONE – The stone or marker at the head of a a grave, usually in

standing position.

LOT – A unit area in a cemetery used either for ground interment or for
the erection of a mausoleum or tomb.

MARKER – A cross, stake, tablet, made of wood, stone or concrete to mark

a grave.

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Province of Pangasinan



MAUSOLEUM – A large stately tomb to accommodate one or more

interments, usually with provisions for an ossuary or a cinerarium.

MEMORIAL – A monument, marker, tablet, headstone, tombstone, private

mausoleum or tomb for family or individual use.

MONUMENT – A tombstone, or memorial of concrete, granite, marble or

other durable stone extending above the surface of the ground, usually
with decorative urns or symbolic statuary.

NICHE – Interment space for cinerary remains.

OSSUARY – The interment space for bones of the dead.

SEPULCHRE – A burial place solidly built of stone or concrete.

TABLET – A small flat slab of marble or similar material containing an

inscription, usually laid flat on the ground.

TOMB – An above ground sepulchre without roof or canopy.

TOMBSTONE – A stone with inscription marking a place of burial.

VAULT – The interment receptacle for coffins, of reinforced concrete,

covered and sealed, whether sunk into the ground or to rest on the

2. Location of Cemeteries:

2.1Cemeteries shall be located in accordance with the approved land use

plan of the city/municipality concerned. Prior clearance shall be
obtained from the Ministry of Health, the National Water Resources
Council and the National Pollution Control Commission.
2.2As much as possible shall be situated at the peripheries of
communities, away from centers of population or municipal
poblaciones, at least one (1) kilometre away from main thoroughfares.

2.2.1 Whenever possible, two or more municipalities sharing common

boundaries between them should have a common cemetery
situated at a central site accessible from any of the

2.3A buffer strip 25 meters wide inward from and along the property line
of the cemetery shall be provided and planted to trees. No burial is
allowed within the buffer strip.
2.4No cemetery shall be located less than 50 meters from any source of
water supply, wells, fresh water rivers, streams, creeks, lakes, or
lagoons. Neither shall wells be dug at any point less than 50 meters
from existing cemeteries.

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Province of Pangasinan



2.5Cemeteries shall be located only on ground where the water table is not
higher than 4.25 meters below the ground surface. Where this is not
possible, the cemetery shall be situated not less than 300 meters
downhill, and not less than 1,000 meters uphill from any surface well
or source of potable water supply, neither shall they be located within
the watershed of a potable water supply system.

3. Layout and Landscaping:

3.1The cemetery shall be totally enclosed by a perimeter fence of strong

materials, and all gates provided with a strong door and lock.
Perimeter walls shall not exceed 3.00 meters in height.

Where a cemetery is enclosed by a solid reinforced concrete wall at

least 2 meters high, but not exceeding 3.00 meters, it is allowed to
construct tombs, vaults, mausoleums or other types of sepulchres for
the dead up to the walls. Otherwise a clearance of 5 meters shall be
maintained between the perimeter fence and the nearest interment

3.2Where the cemetery lot abuts a busy thoroughfare, there shall be a

setback of sufficient distance to provide enough parking space to admit
all funeral traffic for five (5) simultaneous funerals without spillage to
the thoroughfare.
3.3Roads Inside Cemeteries:

3.3.1 For local cemeteries, there shall be a main road of 2 meters

minimum width from the main gate straight to the rear of the
cemetery for pedestrian traffic. Cross roads of 1 meter
minimum width shall be laid out to divide the cemetery into
3.3.2 For memorial parks, roadways shall be at least 8 meters wide,
laid out in such a manner that the farthest interment site shall
at least be within 60 meters walking distance from any roadway
as the shape of the park lot allows. However, in no case shall
the farthest interment site be more than 90 meters from any
roadway. Pathways not less than one meter wide shall be
provided through park sections on both sides of roadways, for
the safety and convenience of pedestrians. In the case of park
sections where the farthest interment lot is less than thirty (30)
meters from the nearest roadway, not pathway shall be required.
There shall be a minimum setback or easement of one meter
from the edge of the roadway to the nearest lot line.
3.4The cemetery area shall be well graded with a view to provide efficient
drainage for the area.
3.5Adequate space shall be provided for tree planting.
3.6A chapel with a floor area of at least 50 sq.m. (5m x 10m) shall be
constructed at a convenient location within the cemetery where funeral

Republic of the Philippines
Province of Pangasinan



ceremonies may be held and incidentally serve as haven for funeral

participants against sun and rain.

4. Interments, Burials and Entombments:

4.1For ground interments, there shall be a minimum depth of excavation

of 1.5 meters from ground level to base of excavation. However, if
concrete vaults are used, the minimum depth of excavation from base
of vault to ground level shall be 1.00 meter.

Ground interment shall be allowed only in designated graveyard areas

of the cemetery and may be provided with suitable markers,
headstones or memorials.

4.2Vaults for tombs and mausoleums for above-ground interments shall

be of solid reinforced concrete. Concrete hollow blocks or any unit
masonry construction of ceramics, adobe or the like shall not be
allowed for the construction of above-ground vaults; tombs or
mausoleums. Mausoleums may be provided with ossuary along the
interior walls.
4.3Multi-level interment niches shall only be of solid reinforced concrete
construction, of not less than 150 millimeters thickness in which case
they may be allowed to abut walls of the cemetery, provided the walls
are of solid reinforced concrete construction. Concrete hollow blocks,
or any unit masonry construction of ceramics, adobe or the like shall
not be allowed.
4.4Before construction is started on any mausoleum, canopy over a tomb,
or multi-level niches, a building permit shall be secured therefore from
the Office of the Building Official.
4.5Horizontal divisions of columbria shall be of reinforced concrete of at
least 50 millimeters thickness. Vertical divisions may be of concrete
hollow blocks of at least 100 millemeters thickness, in which case,
cement mortar shall be applied evenly to present a non-porous surface.
Minimum dimensions of individual cineraria shall be 300mm by
300mm by 460mm. Cinerary remains shall be placed inside tightly
sealed urns.



Pursuant to Section 1101 to 1108 of the National Building Code (PD

1096), the following rules and regulations shall provide minimum standards
of safety and protection for construction and/or demolition of
buildings/structures. The provisions of this Rule shall apply to all work in
connection with the construction, alteration, repair, renovation, removal and
demolition of buildings/structures.

1. General

Republic of the Philippines
Province of Pangasinan



1.1The construction, erection, alteration and removal of scaffolds and the

application, installation and setting of safeguards and equipment
devices shall be done by skilled workmen under the supervision of a
person qualified by experience or training for such work.
1.2A safeguard, device or piece of equipment when is unsafe shall be
reported to the superintendent or foreman, who shall take immediate
steps to remedy such condition or remove such safeguard, device or
1.3Scaffolds, ladders, stairs, fuel gas tank and other devices or equipment
falling within the scope of this Rule shall be maintained in a good, safe
and usable condition as long as in use.
1.4No scaffolds, ladders, railings or other devices or equipment or any
part thereof required by this Rule shall be removed, altered or weekend
when required by the work unless so ordered by the superintendent or
foreman in-charge.
1.5Scaffolds, temporary floors, ramps, stairway landings, stair treads, and
all other walkway surfaces shall be kept free from protruding nails and
splinters. The shall be kept free from unnecessary obstructions so that
the workers may move about safety.
1.6Protruding nails and tie wire ends shall be removed, hammered in or
bent in a safe condition.
1.7Electric Line, moving ropes and cable gears, or similar hazards with
which a worker might come in contact shall be encased or protected.
1.8No person, firm or corporation, either personally or through an
employee or agent of another, shall operate or move any machinery,
equipment, material, scaffolds, or materials in process of assembly
closer than 5.00 meters to any energized high voltage overhead
electrical facilities except with the approval of the electrical inspector.
1.9All workmen on any demolition job shall be furnished with and be
required to wear industrial safety helmets.
1.10 Construction sheds and tool boxes shall be so located as to
protect workers from dangerous falling walls and other falling objects.
1.11 The building official may permit the use of alternative methods
and/or devices depending on local conditions provided that the
minimum standard of safety sought to be achieved under this Rule is
not jeopardise.



Section 22T.144. Imposition of Fees – There shall be collected the

following fees from every person requesting for copies of official records and
documents from the office of the City Government of Alaminos, Pangasinan.

Republic of the Philippines
Province of Pangasinan



Amount of Fee

1. For every 100 words of fraction thereof,

Typewritten (not including the certificate
And notation) P 15.00

2. Where copy to be furnished is in printed

Form in whole or in part, for each page
(double this fee if there are two pages
In a sheet)

3. For each certificate of correctness (with a

Seal of Office) written in the copy or attached

4. For certifying the official act of Municipal Judge

Or other judicial certificate with seal.

5. For certified copies of any paper record, decrees

Judgement or entry of which any person is
Entitle to demand and received a copy (in connection
With judicial proceedings for each 100 words.

6. Xerox copy or any other copy produced by

Copying machine per page

7. Photo copy, per page 15.00

Copies of records or other documents required by the court at the

request of litigants shall be charged in accordance with the above schedule.

Section 22T.145. Exemptions – There shall be imposed herein in

this Article shall not be collected for copies furnished to other office or
branches of the government official business except for copies required by the
Court at the litigants, in which some charged, shall be made in accordance
with the schedule in Section 4A.01.

Section 22T.146. Time of Payment – The fee shall be paid to the

Municipal Treasurer at the time of request, written or otherwise for the
issuance of the copy of any Municipal record or documents is made.


Republic of the Philippines
Province of Pangasinan



Section 22T.147. Imposition Of Fees – There shall be collected the

following fees from service rendered by the Local Civil Registrar of the City of
Alaminos, Pangasinan.




1. Application for Marriage License P 50.00

2. Marriage License Fee 10.00
3. Marriage Solemnation Fee 50.00
4. Marriage Contract Registration Fee 50.00
5. Delayed Registration of Marriage Contract (penalty) 30.00


1. Birth Registration Fee 20.00

2. Delayed Registration of Birth 35.00
3. Certified True Copy of Birth 20.00


1. Death Registration Fee 20.00

2. Delayed Registration of Death 35.00
3. Certified True Copy of Death 20.00


a) Birth Certificate LOCAL


a.1 Available 20.00 50.00

a. 2 Destroyed 20.00
a.3 Not available 20.00 35.00

b) Death Certificate

b.1 Available 20.00 50.00

b.2 Destroyed 20.00
b.3 Not available 20.00 35.00

c) Marriage Certificate

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Province of Pangasinan



c.1 Available 20.00 50.00

c.2 Destroyed 20.00
c.3 Not available 20.00 35.00



1. Registration of Legitimation 50.00

2. Registration of Adoption 50.00
3. Registration of Annulment of Marriage 50.00
4. Registration of Legal Separation 50.00
5. Registration of Naturalization 50.00
6. Registration of Change of Name 50.00
7. Registration of Guardianship 50.00
8. Registration of Repatration of Voluntary
Renunciation of Citizenship 50.00
9. Registration of Foreign Decree of Adoption 50.00
10.Registration of Affidavit of Oath and Allegiance
Of the Wife and Children of Citizenship 50.00
11.Registration of Court Decision and Order to
Correct/change entries in book registers
12.Registration of Voluntary Emancipation of Minors 50.00
13.Delayed Registration of Marriage Contract 50.00
14.Entrance of Cadaver from other Municipality 50.00
15.Burial Permit Fee 10.00
16.Exhumation of Cadaver Fee 50.00
17.Disenterment or removal of Cadaver 50.00
18.Registration of Judicial Declaration of Pre-emptive
Death of an Absentee Spouse 50.00
19.Registration of Reappearance of the Absent Spouse 50.00
20.Registration of Paternity and Filiation by
Artificial Insemination 50.00
21.Certification of Civil Status 50.00
22.Other Certification 50.00
23.Service Charge of Affidavit subscribed by the
Municipal Mayor within the Municipality 50.00
24.Registration of Foundling 50.00\

Section 22T.148. Exemption – The above fee shall not be collected in the
following causes:

a. Issuance of certified copies of documents for official use at the request

of a competent court or other government agency.
b. Issuance of birth certificate of children for admission to the primary
grades in a public school.
c. Burial Permit of a pauper, per recommendation of the City Mayor.

Republic of the Philippines
Province of Pangasinan



Section 22T.149. Time of Payment – The fee shall be paid to the

Municipal Treasurer before the registration of a document or issuance of the
license or certified copy of a Legal Registry or document.

Section 22T.150. Administrative Provisions – A marriage license shall

not be issued unless a Certification is issued by the Family Planning
Coordinating Council at the applicants, and they have undergone lectures on
family planning.

Section 22T.151. Penalty – Any violation of the provisions of this article

shall be punished by fine of not less than five hundred pesos (P500.00) but
not exceeding One Thousand pesos (P1,000.00) or imprisonment of not less
than four months but not exceeding six months, or both at the discretion of
the Court.


Section 22T.152. Imposition of fees – There shall be collected a

Service Fee for each Police Clearance Certificate issued, as follows:


a) For employment, scholarship, study grants

And other purpose not herein under specified

b) For firearms permit application


c) For change of Name 50.00

d) For passport or visa application


e) For application for Filipino Citizenship


f) For commission in the Army, Airforce or Navy


g) For other Purposes


Republic of the Philippines
Province of Pangasinan



Section 22T.153. Time of Payment – The service fees imposed in this

Article shall be paid on the City Treasurer upon application for the Police
Clearance Certificate.

Section 22T.154. Penalty – Any violation of the provisions of this

Article shall be punished by a fine of not less than Five Hundred pesos
(P500.00) but not exceeding One Thousand pesos (P 1,000.00) or
imprisonment of not less than four months but not exceeding six months or
both, at the discretion of the Court.


Section 22T.155. Imposition of Fee – The following shall be collected

for Mayor’s Clearance Certified issued by the Office of the Mayor of Alaminos,

Amount of Fee

1) For employment, scholarship or study grant

2) For firearms application for permit 50.00
3) For change of name 50.00
4) For passport or visa application 50.00
5) For application for Filipino citizenship 150.00
6) For commission on the navy, airforce, army
7) For other purposes 30.00

Section 22T.156. Time of Payment – The service fee herein required

shall be paid to the City Treasurer/or his/her duly authorized representative
(Revenue Collector) before the issuance of the Mayor’s Clearance to a person
applying for the same.

Section 22T.157. Penalty – Any violation of the provisions of this

Article shall be punished by a fine of not less that Five Hundred pesos (P
500.00) but not exceeding One thousand pesos (P 1,000.00) or imprisonment
of not less than four months but not exceeding six months, or both at the
discretion of the Court.


Republic of the Philippines
Province of Pangasinan



Section 22T.158. Imposition of Fees – There shall be collected fee

from those applying for a license to a marriage contract in the City of
Alaminos, Pangasinan as required by law or ordinance.


1. Application for marriage license 15.00

Section 22T.159. Time of Payment – The fee imposed in this Article

shall be paid to the City Treasurer upon application for license to contract

Section 22T.160. Administrative Provisions - The City Treasurer

shall see to it no Marriage License shall be issued unless a Family Planning
Certificate is issued by the Population Commission (POPCOM) or Rural Health
Unit Officer that the application have undergone lecture on Family Planning.

Section 22T.161. Penalty – Any violation of the provisions of this

Article shall be punished by a fine of not less than Five Hundred pesos
(P500.00) but not exceeding One thousand pesos (P1,000.00) or
imprisonment of not less than four months but not exceeding six month or
both, at the discretion of the Court.


Section 22T.162. Imposition of Fee – There shall be collected fee

from any person who is given a Physical Examination by the City Health
Officer or his duly authorized representative.


Physical Examination 20.00

A fee of twenty pesos shall be collected for cash additional copy or

subsequent issuance of a copy of the initial medical certificate issued by the
City Health Officer.

Section 22T.163. Time of Payment – The fee shall be paid to the

City Treasurer before the Physical Examination is made and the Medical
Certification is issued.

Section 22T.164. Administrative Provisions

a) Individual engaged in an occupation or working is establishments

the nature which occupation or business is in connection with the
preparation of food or foodstuff, whether cooked or in form, are
hereby required to undergo physical examination once every six

Republic of the Philippines
Province of Pangasinan



b) Owners, managers, or operator of the establishment shall see to it

that their employees who are required to undergo physical and
medical examination have been the necessary medical certificate.
c) The City Health Officer shall keep a record of physical and other
health examination conducted, and the copies of medical certificate
issued indicating the name of the applicant, the date and purpose
for which the examination was made.

Section 22T.165. Penalty – Any violation of the provision of this

Article shall be punished by a fine of not less than five hundred pesos
(P500.00) but not exceeding One thousand pesos (P1,000.00) or
imprisonment of not less than four months but not exceeding six months or
both at the discretion of the Court.


Section 22T.166. Imposition of Fees

a) Sanitary Inspection – All business, industrial, commercial or

agricultural establishment, including houses, accessories and
building for rent, shall secure Sanitary Inspection Certificate for the
purpose of supervision and enforcement of existing Rules and
Sanitation governing the safety fees to be paid by the operator or in
case of a corporation, the general manager or person responsible for
its management:


1) Manufacturing, industry, shops,

Laboratories, private markets, shopping
Centers, talipapa, canneries

2) Amusement places such as theatres, coliseum

Sauna bath, race tracks, cockpit, establishment, etc.

3) Importers, and wholesalers


4) Public eating places, such as restaurant,

Refreshment parlors, carinderias, etc.

Republic of the Philippines
Province of Pangasinan



5) Apartment, houses for rent, accessories

Boarding house and other similar business

Section 22T.167. Time of Payment of Surcharge – The annual

sanitary inspection fee shall be paid within twenty days (20) after the
inspection has been conducted by the Health Officer or his representatives.
Failure to pay the required fee on time shall subject the operator or owner to
a surcharge of twenty percent (20%) per annum.

Section 22T.168. Administrative Provisions – The Sanitary

Inspection Certificate shall be served before a house, accessories, or building
is rented out or an establishment operators who caters to the public or before
any person who pursues his occupation or calling as the case may be. The
Health Officer or his authorized representative shall conduct an annual
inspection of all houses, accessories or buildings for rent and all
establishment (commercial or industrial) or Agricultural business) within the
jurisdiction of this city, in order to determine their adequacy of ventilation
proprietor and general sanitary condition of the same. The sanitary
inspection certificate shall be issue to the owner or by the Health Officer or
his authorized representative after such inspection is conducted.


Section 22T.169. Imposition of Fee – All business, trades, occupation

and other establishment shall pay quarter, the garbage fees to the City
Treasurer in accordance with the following schedule:

a) The following shall pay the garbage fee on fixed rates per annum:


1) Banking institutions, insurance company

2) Commercial Building (for professional office only)
3) Poultry and Piggery
4) Establishment for rental and/or wholesale
Supermarket 75.00
5) Department stores

Republic of the Philippines
Province of Pangasinan



Dealer of Lumber with timber yards

Drug store (retail or wholesale)
Grocery 75.00
6) Bus Terminals 75.00
Retail store such as flowershop, spare parts and
The like 75.00
Sari-sari store 50.00
7) Eating establishment:
1st class restaurant
2nd class restaurant
Refreshment parlors 75.00
Soda fountain 75.00
Carinderia and/or cafeteria
Ice cream and other parlors
Caterer 75.00
Beer garden 75.00
8) On amusement places:
Bar or cocktail lounge 75.00
Billiard Halls 75.00
Pool Hall 75.00
Bowling Alley 75.00
Cabaret or dance hall 75.00
Cockpit 75.00
Dancing school or vocation schools
Fun houses
Operator of circus, carnival and the like
Night club
1 class theatre 75.00
2nd class theatre
3rd class theatre 75.00
4th class theatre 75.00
Other amusement places

Republic of the Philippines
Province of Pangasinan



Section 22T.170. Exemption – For the purpose of this Article

residential houses, government establishment are exempt from the imposition
of the fees fixed thereof.

Section 22T.171. Time of Payment – The fixed garbage fees

prescribed under this section shall be paid upon renewal of business license
for the year.

Section 22T.172. Surcharge for Late Payment

a) Any person who fails to pay the above fees on time shall be subject
to a surcharge of twenty percent (20%).
b) Any person who shall pursue his trade, occupation calling or
activity when apprehend shall be subject to twenty five (25%)
percent surcharge and any person who fails to apply for the
collection of his garbage when apprehend shall also be subject to
twenty five (25%) percent surcharge.
c) In addition to the above penalty, the Municipal Mayor may close the
establishment and revoked the Mayor’s Permit for violation of this

Section 22T.173. Administrative Provisions – All owners or operators

of business establishment, amusement places, private market and/or
shopping centers, banking institution, commercial building, clinics, hospitals,
telegraphic office, educational institutions and operators of garage of public
utilities including terminal shall file an application for the collection of refuse
or garbage to the Office of the Municipal Treasurer. Each application shall
contain the name of the applicant, location of the business trade or
occupation and the kind of business.

Section 22T.174. PENALTY – Any violation of the provisions of this

Article shall be punished by a fine of not less than five hundred pesos
(P500.00) but not exceeding One thousand pesos (P1,000.00) or
imprisonment of not less than four months but not exceeding six months, or
both at the discretion of the Court.


Section 22T.175. IMPOSITION OF FEES – There shall be collected the

amount of twenty pesos (P20.00) for every annotation and cancellation of
mortgages and other papers undertaken by the Municipal Assessor’s Office.

Section 22T.176. TIME OF PAYMENT – The fee herein imposed shall

be paid to the Municipal Treasurer’s Office before any mortgage or other
papers is cancelled or annotated by the Assessor’s Office.


Republic of the Philippines
Province of Pangasinan




Section 22T.178. Definition of Terms. – When used in this Article. –

Public Market – refers to any place, building or structure of any kind,

designated as such by the Sangguniang Bayan.

Market Premises – refer to any open space in the market compound;

part of the market lot consisting of bare ground, not covered by market
buildings, usually occupied by transient vendors specially during market

Market Section – refers to a subdivision of the market, housing one

class or group of allied goods, commodities or merchandise.

Section 22T.179. Market Section – For purposes of this article, the

public market of Alaminos, Pangasinan shall be divided as follows:

(1) Fish Section - Fresh fish, clams, oysters, lobsters, shrimps,

seaweeds, and other sea foods or marine product.
(2) Meat Section - Fresh meat from cow, carabao, horse, goat,
sheep, swine anf fowls.
(3) Dry Goods Section - All kinds of textiles, ready-made
dresses and apparels, toiletries, novelties, shoe laces, kitchen
wares, handbags, bags, school and office supplies.
(4) Grocery and Sari-Sari store Section – All kinds of cakes, butter,
cheese, confectionaries, candies, canned or bottled foods,
beverages, soft drinks, flour, rice, oatmeal, ham, bacon, sugar,
nuts, sauce, onions, garlic, potatoes, eggs, toilet articles, sausages,
corn, mongo, starch, smoked fish, dried fish, salt, soap and other
household food products, including firewood and charcoal.
(5) Vegetable and Fruit Section - all kinds of vegetables, fruits
and root crops.
(6) Eateries and cooked section - all kinds of cooked food, including
refreshment and cakes.
(7) Poultry products section - chickens, ducks, birds,
duckling or piglets.

The numbering, designation, classification or other form of identifying

market section shall be the responsibility of the Municipal Treasurer.

Section 22T.180. Imposition of Fees - There shall be collected the

following market fees.

Market Section Rent per

sq. m.

1. Carideria P 1.65/ sq. m

Republic of the Philippines
Province of Pangasinan



2. Concession (inside) 4.05 /sq.

3. Concession (front) 4.05/ sq.
4. Dry goods 1.55/sq. m.
5. Fruits and Vegetables 1.65/sq. m.
6. Glassware & footware 1.65/sq. m.
7. Grocery 1.82/sq. m.
8. Ice storage 1.65/sq.
9. Meat and Fish 4.15/sq. m.
10.Mezzanine 1.10/sq.
11.Poultry and Farm Products 1.65/sq.
12.Rice 1.65/sq. m.
13.Salted fish 1.65/ sq.
14.Sari-sari 1.65/sq. m.
15.Open Space 3.00/sq.
16.F. Reinoso St. 5.00/sq. m.
17.Vereciano St. 5.00/sq. m.
18.Vereciano, F. Reinoso & Modesto Sison Sts.
5.00/sq. m.
19.F. Reinoso St. To Palali 5.00/sq. m.
20.Stalls along C. Garcia St. Beside the St. Joseph Cathedral
1.50/sq. m.
21.Fee for occupancy of market premises, per square meter or fraction,
per day.

Section 22T.181. Market Entrance Fee – In lieu of the regular market

fees based on the space occupied, there is hereby imposed a market entrance
fee on all transient vendors of any commodity or merchandise being brought
in Alaminos Public Market for sale at the following rates.

Dealers in mangoes, per kaing (ripe) -P 10.00

Dealers in mangoes, per kaing (green) - 10.00

Dealers in coconut, per hundred - 10.00

Dealers in coconut, per truck - 100.00

Dealers in eggs, per hundred - 10.00

Dealers in peanut, per sack (unhusked) - 10.00

Republic of the Philippines
Province of Pangasinan



Dealers in peanuts, per sack (husked) - 10.00

Dealers in eggplants, per hundred/k - 10.00

Dealers in fresh fish, per kilo - .50/kilo

Dealers in fresh fish, per canastro -

Dealers in dried fish per kilo - .50/kilo

Dealers in dried fish, per baston -

Dealers in chicken, per head - 1.00/kilo

Dealers in camote, per sack - 5.00

Dealers in camote, petroleum can - 5.00

Other transient vendors - 10.00

In case the vendor from whom an entrance fee was collected occupies
any table, cubicle, other space with area in excess of what he paid for, he
shall be required to pay the correct amount of fee due thereon less what he
may have already paid as entrance fee.

Duly licensed suppliers or distributors of goods, commodities or

general merchandise of permanent occupants of market stall, booths, tiendas
or other space, as well as the same occupant when they bring in goods,
commodities or merchandise to replenish or augment their stock, shall not be
considered as transient vendors required to pay the market entrance fees
herein authorized and the appropriate surcharge.

Section 22T.182. Time and Manner of Payment – The rental fees

imposed under this Article shall be paid to the Municipal Treasurer or his
duly authorized representative within the first twenty (20) days of each
month. The rental due from a new lessee shall be paid before the occupancy
of the market stall.

The fee for occupancy of market premises shall be paid weekly in

advance before any commodity or merchandise is sold within the market

Market entrance fee shall be paid daily in advance for which purpose
cash ticket shall be issued.

Section 22T.183. Surcharge for Late on Non-Payment of Fees.

Republic of the Philippines
Province of Pangasinan



a) The lessee of a space, stall, tienda or booth fails to pay the monthly
rental fee shall pay a surcharge of twenty-five percent (25%) of the
total rent due. Failure to pay the rental fee for three consecutive
months shall cause automatic cancellation of the contract of lease
of space or stall. The space or stall shall then be declared vacant
and subject to adjudication to any interested applicant.
b) Any person occupying or using open space in the market premises
without having paid the fee imposed in this Article shall pay thrice
the regular rate for the space so occupied.
c) Any person occupying more space than what is duly leased to him
shall pay twice the regular rate for such extra space.

Section 22T.184. Issuance of official Receipts and Cash Tickets –

The Municipal Treasurer or his duly authorized representative shall issue a
receipt as evidence of payment of rentals of fixed spaces, stalls, booths or
tiendas and shall issue cash tickets for the market entrance fee which shall
be torn in half, one half of which shall be given to the vendor and the other
half retained by the market collector who shall deliver the same to the
Municipal Treasurer to counter-check it against the record of cash tickets
issued by him for that day.

Section 22T.185. Vacancy of Stall/Booth; and adjudication to


a) Administrative Provisions – Vacant or newly constructed

stalls/booths shall be adjudicated to qualified applicants in the
following manner:

1) Notice of vacancy of vacant or newly constructed stalls or booths

shall be made for a period of not less than ten (10) days
immediately preceding the date fixed for the award to qualified
applicants to appraise the public of the fact that such stalls or
booths are unoccupied and available for lease. Such notice
shall be posted conspicuously on the unoccupied stall or booth
and the bulletin board of the market. This notice of vacancy
shall be written on cardboard,thick paper, or any other suitable
materials and shall be in the following forms:


Notice is hereby given that the stall/booth No. ___________________

Building or Pavilion No. __________ of the _____________________ market is
vacant (or will be vacated on ______________________, 199____. Any person,
twenty one (21) years of age or more and is not legally incapacitated, desiring
the lease this stall/booth, shall file an application therefor on the prescribed

Republic of the Philippines
Province of Pangasinan



form (copies may be obtained from the office of the Municipal Treasurer
during office hours and before 12:00 o’clock noon of _____________________
19_____. In case there are more than one applicant, the award of the lease of
the vacant stall shall be determined thru drawing of lots to be conducted on
___________________ 19______ at 12:00 o’clock noon at the Office of the
Municipal Treasurer by the Market Committee. This stall is found in the
______________________ Section and is intended for the sale of

Municipal Treasurer

2) The application shall be under oath. It shall be submitted to the

Office of the Municipal Treasurer by the applicant either in
person or through his or her attorney.
3) It shall be the duty of the Municipal Treasurer to keep a register
book showing the names and addresses of all applicants for a
stall, the number and description of the stall applied for, and
the date and hour of the receipt by the Treasurer of each
application. It shall also be the duty of the Treasurer to
acknowledge the application setting forth therein the time and
date of receipt thereof.




The Municipal Mayor

Municipality of Alaminos
Province of Pangasinan

S I R:

I hereby apply under the following contract for the lease of Stall
No. _____ of the market. I am _____ years of age, a citizen of the
__________________________, and residing at

Republic of the Philippines
Province of Pangasinan



Should the above mentioned stall be leased to me accordance

with the market rules and regulations. I promise to hold the same
under the following conditions:

1. That while I am occupying leasing this stall (or stalls), I shall,

at all times, have my picture and that of my helper or those
of my helpers conveniently framed and hang conspicuously
in the stall.
2. I have keep the stall (or stalls) at all times in good sanitary
conditions and comply strictly with all sanitary and market
rules and regulations now existing or which may hereafter be
3. I shall pay the corresponding rents for the stall (or stalls) in
the manner prescribed by existing ordinance.
4. The business to be conducted in the stall (or stalls) shall
belong exclusively to me.
5. In case I engage helpers, I shall nevertheless personally
conduct promptly notify the market authorities of my
absence, giving my reason therefore.
6. I shall not sell or transfer my privilege to the stall (or stalls)
or otherwise permit another to conduct business therein.
7. Any violation on my part or on the part of my helpers of the
foregoing conditions shall be sufficient cause for the Market
authorities to cancel this contract.

Very respectfully


I, _________________________ do hereby state that I am the person

who signed the foregoing application, that I have read the same; and
that the contents thereof are true and to the best of my own


Republic of the Philippines
Province of Pangasinan



TAN: _______________

SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN to before me in the Municipality of

Alaminos, 19____. Applicant-affiant exhibiting to me his/her residence
certificate No. ________________issued ________________________, 19 __________,

(Official Title)

(4). Applicants who are Filipino citizens shall have preference in

the lease of public market stalls. If on the last day set for filing
application, there is not application from the Filipino citizen, the
posting of the notice of vacancy prescribed above and shall be
repeated for another ten days period. If after the expiration of
that period there is still no Filipino applicant, the stall affected
may be leased to any alien applicant who filed his application
first. If there are several alien applicants, the adjudication of
the stall shall be made thru drawing of the lots to be conducted
by the Market Committee.

In case there is only Filipino applicant, the stall applied for shall be
adjudicated to him. If there are several Filipino applicants for the same stall,
adjudication of the stall shall be made thru drawing of lots to be conducted
by the Market Committee on the date and hour specified in the notice, the
result of lots shall be reported immediately by the Market Committee to the
Municipal Treasurer concern for appropriate action.

(5). The successful applicant, the stalled (applied) furnish the

Municipal Treasurer two (2) copies of his/her picture immediately
after the award of the lease. It shall be the duty of the Treasurer to
affix one (10 copy of the picture to the applicants and the other
copy to the record card kept for that purpose.
(6). Appeals – Any applicant who is not satisfied with adjudication
made by the Municipal Treasurer or the Market Committee of the
stall applied for may file an appeal with the Secretary of Finance
through the Municipal Mayor who may submit such appeal either
his comment and recommendation as may desire to make on the
matter the decision of the Secretary of Finance in such cases shall
be final.

(a) Vacancy of stall before the expiration of the Lease. If for any
reason a stall holder or lease discontinue or is required to
discontinue his business before his lease contract expires, such

Republic of the Philippines
Province of Pangasinan



stall shall be considered vacant and is occupancy thereafter

shall be disposed of in the manner therein prescribed.
(b) Partnership with stall holder. A market stall who enters into
business partnership with any party, after he acquires to lease
such stall have no authority to transfer to his partner or
partners the right to occupy the stall. In case of death or any
legal disability of such stall holder to continue in his business,
the surviving partners may be authorized to continue occupying
the stall for a period not exceeding sixty (60) days within which
to wind up the business of the partnership.

If the surviving partner is qualified to occupy a stall under the

provision thereof, and the spouse, parent, son, daughter or
relative within the third degree by consanguinity or affinity of
the deceased is not applying for the stall, he shall be given the
preference to continue occupying the stall concerned if he or she
applies for it.

(c) Lease to personally administer his stall. Any person who has
been awarded the right to lease a market stall in accordance
with the provisions hereof, shall occupy, administer and be
present personally at his tall or stalls. He may employ helpers
who must be citizen of the Philippines, including but not limited
to his spouse, parents, and children who are actually living with
him and who are not disqualified under the provisions hereof.
The person to be employed as helpers shall, under the
circumstances, be the persons with whom the stall holder has
nay commercial relation or transaction.
(d) Dummies, sublease of stalls. In any case where the person
registered to be the holder of a stall or lease of a stall in the
public market is found to be not who is actually occupying said
stall, the lease of such stall be cancelled, if upon investigation
such stallholder shall be found to have sub-leased his stall to
another person or to have connived with such person so that the
latter may, for any reason, be able to occupy the said stall.

Section 22T.186. Responsibility for Market Administration. The

Municipal Treasurer shall exercise direct and immediate supervision and
control over the Municipal Public Market and personnel thereof, including
those whose duties concern the maintenance and up keeping of market
premises, in accordance with existing ordinances with and other pertinent
rules and regulations.

Republic of the Philippines
Province of Pangasinan



Section 22T.187. Creation of Market Committee – There is hereby

created a permanent Market Committee composed of the Municipal Treasurer
as Chairman, a representative each of the Mayor, the Sangguniang Bayan,
and the market vendors to be appointed by the Secretary of Finance as
members. The committee shall conduct the drawing of lots and opening of
bids in connection with adjudication of vacant or newly constructed stalls in
the municipal market and to certify to the Municipal Treasurer of the results

Section 22T.188. Rules and Regulations:

(a) The peddling or sale outside the public market site or premises of
foodstuff, which easily deteriorates like fish and meat, is hereby
(b) No person shall utilize the public market or any part thereof for
residential purposes.
(c) It shall be unlawful for any person to peddle, hawk, sell or offer for
sale, or expose for sale, any article in the passageway (pasillo used
by purchaser in the market premises.
(d) It shall be unlawful for any person to resist, obstruct, annoy or
impede any market employee or personnel in the performance of his
duties; nor shall parents allow their children to play around their
stalls or in the market premises.
(e) It shall be unlawful for any person to drink, serve or dispense liquor
or any intoxicating drinks within the premises of the public market
at any time of the day.
(f) No merchandise or article shall be sold, offered for sale or exposed
for sale in the public market unless the same was legally acquired
by the vendor or stall holder and that taxes of any kind due thereon
has been paid.
(g) It shall be unlawful for any lease to remove, construct, electrical
wiring, or water connection without prior permit from the
administrator and approved by the Municipal Treasurer.
(h) The Municipality of Alaminos, shall not be responsible to the
occupants of stalls for any loss or damage caused by fire, theft,
robbery, “force majeure” or any other cause. All articles or
merchandise left in the public market during closure time shall be
at the risk of the stall holder or vendor thereof.
(i) All articles abandoned in any public market building in violation of
this Article or any Resolution or Rules on the management of the
market, shall be deemed a nuisance. It shall be the duty of the
Market Administrator or his subordinates to take custody thereof.
In case the articles not claimed within Twenty four (24) hours

Republic of the Philippines
Province of Pangasinan



thereafter, they shall be returned to their original owners upon

payment of actual expenses incurred in their safe-keeping, unless
they have so deteriorated as to constitute a menace to public
health, in which case they shall be disposed of in the manner
directed by the Treasurer, who may also, in his discretion, cause
the criminal prosecution of the guilty party, or merely warn his
against future violation. In case where the articles have not been
determined are not claimed within the time herein fixed, said
articles shall be sold at public auction, and the proceeds thereof
shall be disposed in accordance with law.

Section 22T.189. Applicability Clause – Existing laws, ordinances,

rules and regulations pertaining to the public market and its premises are
hereby adopted as part of this Article.

Section 22T.190. Penalty – Any violation of the provisions of this

Article shall be punished by a fine of no less than five hundred pesos
(P500.00) but not exceeding one thousand pesos (P1,000.00) or imprisonment
of not less than four (4) months but not exceeding six months, or both at the
discretion of the Court.


Section 22T.191. Definitions. When used in this Article.

Municipal Waters – includes only streams, lakes and tidal waters included
within the Municipality of Alaminos, not being the subject of private ownership and
not comprise within national parks, public forest, timber lands, forest reserves or
fishery reserves, but also marine water included between two lines perpendicularly
to the general coastline from points where the boundary lines of the Municipality
touch the low and third parallel with general coastline and distant from it three
nautical miles.

Vessel – includes every boats, craft or other artificial contrivances used, or

capable of being used as means of transportation on water.

Section 22T.192. Grant of Fishery Rights by Public Auction.

Exclusive fishery rights to erect fish corrals, operate fishpond or oyster

bids or take or catch “Bangus Fry” or kawag-kawag or fry or other species of
fish for propagation shall be awarded to the highest bidder in public auction
to be conducted by a committee, herein after designation.

Republic of the Philippines
Province of Pangasinan



(a) Public Auction Committee – There is hereby created a committee

to conduct the public auction to be constituted as follows:

1. The Mayor or his duly authorized representative.

2. One member designated by the Sangguniang Bayan
3. The Municipal Treasurer.
(b) Conduct of Public Auction – The committee shall advertise for
sealed bids for the leasing of zone or zones of municipal waters, to
be designated by the Sangguniang Bayan, in public auction for two
consecutive weeks in the bulletin board of the Municipal Hall. If no
bids are received within two weeks, such notices shall be posted for
another two weeks. If after two notices for the grant of exclusive
fishery rights through public auction, there are no interested
bidder, the committee shall grant the right within definite area of
Municipal Waters to any interested individual upon payment of the
license fees fixed in Section 5B.06 hereof. The notice advertising the
call for bids shall be filed with the Municipal Treasurer. An
application to participate in the public bidding shall be submitted
sealed to the Municipal Mayor in form prescribed therefore. Upon
submitting a sealed bid, a person shall accompany such bid with a
deposit of Two hundred pesos (P200.00) which amount shall be
deducted from the first rental by the person should the bid be
awarded to him.

At the time and place designated in the notice, the committee

sitting enbanc shall open all the bids and awards the lease to
qualified bidder offering the highest bid. The lease shall be
executed within ten (10)days after award was made by the
committee and should the successful bidder refuse to accept or fail
or neglected to execute the lease within such time, his deposit shall
be forfeited to the municipal government. In such case another
bidding shall be held in the manner herein before prescribed.

Section 22T.193. Time of Payment of Lease Rental. The annual

rental for the lease shall be paid in advance. For the initial year of the lease,
the rental shall be paid at the time all the necessary documents grating the
lease are executed, and the subsequent instalments within the first Twenty
(20) days after the anniversary date of the grant of such lease. The deposit
made by the successful bidder accompanying the sealed bid shall be applied
against the rental due from him.

In accordance with PD 704, Section 29 (a) the Sangguniang Bayan is

required also to set aside not more than One-Fifth (1/5) of the area

Republic of the Philippines
Province of Pangasinan



earmarked for the gathering of fry, as may be designated by the Bureau of

Fisheries as government “Bangus” fry reservation.

Section 22T.194. Classification of Fishing Lots in the City Waters

of Alaminos, Pangasinan – The following are the fishing lots of the Municipal
Waters of Alaminos, Pangasinan (Ordinance No. 10 Series of 1950):

a) Lot No. 1 – All the area covered by an imaginary straight line from
the mouth of the Bued River extending to the sea and going
eastward up to Taytay Bagues, this Municipality.
b) Lot No. 2 – All area covering from the boundary of Lot No. 1 going
westward and up to an imaginary line from the mouth of
Baleyadaan Stream extending to the sea.
c) Lot No. 3 – All the area covering from the boundary of Lot No. 2
going westward and up to imaginary straight line from the mouth of
Tagoong River extending to the sea.
d) Lot No. 4 – All the area covering from the boundary of Lot No. 3
going westward limited until the boundary of Alaminos and Bani,
Pangasinan, or up to an imaginary straight line drawn from the
mouth of Collat River extending to the sea.
e) Lot No. 5 – All the area covering from the Embarcadero Bridge way
down the stream of the Alaminos Rivera and its tributaries
excluding that covered by lot No. 6 herein and ending at the mouth
of Tagoong River which is covered by lot No. 3 herein.
f) Lot No. 6 – All the area covering from the Nansanga-an stream
down to Collat of the Alaminos River and be subject to lease in the
manner provided herein in the minimum amount of P 5.00
g) Lot No. 7 – All the area covering from the boundary line of Alaminos
and Bani of the Garrita River going up stream up to the bridge at
Brgy. Tawin-tawin, Alaminos, Pangasinan, and be subject to lease
in the amount of P 15.00 annually.

Section 22T.195. Imposition of Fees. There shall be collected the

following license fee for the grant of exclusive fishery rights to erect fish
corrals, operate fishponds or oyster, ussel or aquatic beds, or take or catch
“bangus” fry or “kawag-kawag” or fry of other species of fish for propagation,
if there are no interested bidders in the public auction.

1. Operation of fishponds or oyster culture beds, per hectare - P

2. Catching “bangus” fry or “Kawag-kawag” less than 1,000 sq. m.- P
 1,000 sq. m. or more but less than 2,000 sq. m. P

Republic of the Philippines
Province of Pangasinan



 2,000 sq. m. or more but less than 4,000 sq. m. P1,000.00

 4,000 sq. m. or more but less than 6,000 sq. m. P2,200.00
 6,000 sq. m. or more but less than 8,000 sq. m.
 8,000 sq. m. or over P4,000.00
3. Fish corrals or fishpens in inland fresh waters:

With an area of less than 500 sq. m. - P

With an area of 500 sq. m or more but less than 1,000 sq. m. -P
With an area of 1,000 sq. m. or more but less than 5,000 sq. m.
- P300.00
With an area of 5,000 sq. m. or more but less than 10,000 sq. m.
- P 500.00
With an area of 10,000 sq. m. or more - P

Section 22T.196. Privilege of Residents to take fish in Municipal

Waters – Any person who is not a grantee of license or privilege to engage in
commercial fishing is hereby allowed to fish for domestic use, in every
municipal water, for as long as no communal fishery therein is not yet
established; Provided, that, such fishing shall not take place within two
hundred meters from a fish corral licensed by the Municipality; and Provided,
further, that no fish caught under this privilege shall be sold.

Furthermore, no rental fee, charge, or any other imposition whatsoever

shall be collected from marginal fishermen.

Section 22T.197. Time and Manner of Payment.

(a) The rental fee for the lease of fishery rights granted by public
auction shall be paid in advance, either in cash or in instalments,
the first instalment to be paid t the Municipal Treasurer at the time
all the necessary documents granting the lease are duly approved
and the subsequent instalments on or before the twentieth day of
the anniversary date of the grant of such lease.
(b) The license fee for the grant of exclusive fishery rights in municipal
waters for at least the corresponding current quarter shall be paid
in advance to the municipal upon the awarding of such rights and
within the first twenty (20) days of every subsequent quarter.
Provided, that no refund shall be made to an individual who has
paid for a period longer than the current quarter if he decides to
discontinue such fishery rights.

Republic of the Philippines
Province of Pangasinan



(c) The license fees for the privilege to catch fish from municipal water
with nets, traps and other fishing gears and the operation of a
fishing vessel shall be paid upon application of a license and within
the first twenty (20) days of January of every year for subsequent
renewal thereof.

Section 22P.198. Surcharge – in case of failure to pay the rental for

the lease or license fees prescribed in Section 5B.02 and 5B.05, respectively,
within the time allowed for payment, a surcharge of ten percent (10%) shall
be collected on the original amount due.

Section 22T.199. Administrative Provisions.

(a) A license of other localities shall not fish within the municipal
waters of the Municipality of Alaminos without first securing the
necessary permit from the Municipal Mayor and paying the
corresponding fee to the Municipal Treasurer.
(b) No fish net without eyelet of the opening of which is at least one-
fourth (1/4) inch shall be used in the municipal waters of Alaminos.
(c) Failure to pay the rental or license fees for fishery rights for two (2)
consecutive years shall cause automatic cancellation of said fishing

Section 22T.200. Applicability of Pertinent Provisions of Laws.

- All existing laws, rules and regulations governing municipal waters

and municipal fisheries are hereby adopted as part of this Article.

(Reference may be made to Provincial Circular No. 77-77 dated April 5,

1977, of the Department of Finance, on the subject: Revised Model
Fishery Ordinance.)


Section 22T.201. Imposition of Fees – There shall be collected the

following fees:

Amount of Fee

(a) Permit to slaughter, per head:

Large Cattle P 10.00

Hogs, goat, sheep and others P

(b) Slaughter Fee per Head:

Republic of the Philippines
Province of Pangasinan



(1) For public consumption

Large cattle P
Hogs P 5.00
Goat, sheep and others P 5.00

(2) For home consumption

Large cattle P
Hogs P 5.00
Goats, sheep and others P

(c) Corral Fee, per head, per day or fraction thereof:

Large cattle P 4.00

Hogs P 2.00
Goats, sheep and others P 2.00

Section 22T.202. Exemption – The corresponding fee shall not be

collected on animals condemned by the Municipal Health Office and/or Meat

Section 22T.203. Time and Manner of Payment –

(a) Permit Fee- The fee shall be paid to the Municipal Treasurer or his
duly authorized representative upon application of a permit to
slaughter with the Municipal Health Officer or the Market
(b) Slaughter Fee – The fee shall be paid to the Municipal Treasurer or
his authorized representative before bringing the animal to the
slaughterhouse or before the slaughtering of the animal, if it takes
place elsewhere outside the public slaughterhouse.
(c) Corral Fee – The fee shall be paid to the Municipal Treasurer or his
duly authorized representative before the animal is kept in the
municipal corral or any place designated as such. If the animal is
kept in the municipal corral beyond the price paid for, the fees,
dues on the unpaid period shall first be paid before the same
animal is released from the corral.

Section 22T.204. Administrative Provisions – Before any animal is

slaughtered for public consumption, a permit therefore shall be assured from
the Municipal Health Officer or his duly authorized representative, through
the Municipal Treasurer.

Republic of the Philippines
Province of Pangasinan



The slaughter of any kind of animal for sale or for consumption of the
public shall be done only in the municipal slaughterhouse designated as such
by the Sangguniang Bayan. The slaughter of animals intended for home
consumption may be done elsewhere except large cattle which shall be
slaughtered only in the public slaughterhouses: Provided, that the animals
slaughtered for home consumption shall not be sold or offered for sale

Before issuing the permit for the slaughter of large cattle, the
Municipal Treasurer or his duly authorized representative shall require for
branded cattle the production of the certificate of ownership if the owner is
the applicant, or the original certificate of ownership and the certificate of
transfer showing the title in the name of the person applying for the permit if
his not the original owner. If the applicant is not the original owner, and
there is no certificate of transfer made in his favour, one such certificate shall
be issued and the corresponding fee collected therefore. For unbranded cattle
that have not yet reached the age of branding, the Municipal Treasurer shall
require such evidence as will be satisfactory to him regarding the ownership
of the animal for which permit to slaughter has been requested. For
unbranded cattle of the required age, the necessary owners and transfer
certificate shall be issued and the corresponding fees collected therefore
before the slaughter permit is granted.


Section 22T.205. Definitions – When used in this Code –

(a) Livestock Market – Refers to a place, building or structure of any kind

designated by the Municipal Council and intended or assigned for the
selling and buying of livestock transaction. It includes the whole plot of
ground as delineated by technical division surveys, building and other
documents on file in the Office of the Municipal Treasurer.
(b) Livestock – Refers to cattle, pigs, goats, sheep, dogs, and other documents
on file in the Office of the Municipal Treasurer.
(c) Large Cattle – Refers to cows, horses and carabao including their
respective young one.

Section 22T.206. Imposition of Fees – There shall be collected from the

vendors the following:

Amount of Fee

(1) Large cattle P 10.00

(2) Hogs, goats, dogs, sheep and others P 5.00

Republic of the Philippines
Province of Pangasinan



Section 22T.207. Time of Payment – The fee herein imposed shall be paid to
the Municipal Treasurer or his duly authorized representative before transactions
are commended.

Section 22T.208. Administrative Provisions – The Municipal Treasurer or

his/her duly authorized representative shall see to it that the animal shall not be
sold outside the livestock market.

Section 22T.209. Penalty – Any violation of the provisions of this Article shall
be punished by a fine of not less than five hundred pesos but not exceeding six
months, or both at the discretion of the Court.


Section 22T.210. Imposition of Fees – There shall be collected fees from the
use of Municipal owned parking areas in accordance with the following schedule:

Amount of Fee

(1) Passenger Buses P 40.00/day

(2) Cargo Truck (6 wheeler) P 40.00/day
(3) Cargo Truck (10 wheeler) P 50.00/day
(4) Mini Buses P 30.00/day
(5) Jeepney plying outside Alaminos P 15.00/day
(6) Jeepney plying within Alaminos P 10.00/day
(7) Cars P 10.00/day
(8) Tricycles P150.00/day
(9) Trailer trucks P 75.00/day
(10) Other vehicles except calesa P 10.00/day

Section 22T.211. Exemption – Parking fee shall not be collected from the

1. Official vehicles of the United States Armed Forces or other employees of

the United States in the Philippines.
2. Official vehicles of the Armed Forces of the Philippines.
3. Official vehicle of the Philippine National Police.
4. Official vehicles of the National, Provincial, Municipal or barangay officials
and employees.
5. Any one travelling on feet or mounted by animal, alone or accompanying
6. Vehicles travelling who is engaged primarily in the delivery of mail.

Section 22T.212. Time and Payment of Fee – The fee herein imposed shall
be paid to the Municipal Treasurer or his duly authorized representative upon
parking thereon.

Republic of the Philippines
Province of Pangasinan



Section 22T.213. Administrative Provisions.

(1) No motor vehicle shall be allowed to park in any other place of the
municipality except in the parking space designated for the purpose.
(2) The parking space shall be open from six o’clock in the morning and shall
close at ten o’clock in the evening.
(3) The Station Commander of the Philippine National Police shall see to the
compliance of this provisions.

Section 22T.214. Penalty – Any violation of this provisions of this article

shall be punished by a fine of not less than Five hundred pesos (P 500.00) but
not exceeding one thousand pesos (P 1,000.00) or imprisonment of not less
than four months but not exceeding six months or both, at the discretion of
the Court.


Section 22T.215. Imposition of Fees – The Municipal Treasurer shall collect

rentals of grounds within the cemetery compound in accordance with the rates
herein fixed as follows:

Amount of Fee

1. Price of lot 1m x 2m lease for ten years (10)

For the accrual perpetually rented to private parties P 300.00
2. Rent of tomb 1.2m x 2.3m for a period of ten (10)
Years renewable for another ten years (with contract) P 3,500.00

Section 22T.216. Time of Payment of Rental Fees – For each burial lot or
niche shall be paid in advance to the Municipal Treasurer prior to the interment in
the case of original rental for the first five years and on the anniversary date as
regard subsequent rentals for the lease that are renewed. No payment of rentals on
the five years and anniversary period shall subject the grave or niche under the
existing rules and laws.

Section 22T.217. Surcharge for late payment – Failure to pay the tax
prescribed in this Article within the time required shall subject the taxpayer to a
surcharge of twenty five (25%) percent of the original amount of tax due such
surcharge to be paid at the same time and in the same manner as the tax due/

Section 22T.218. Interest of Late Payments – In addition to the surcharge

imposed, herein, there shall be imposed an interest of fourteen (14%) percent per
annum upon the unpaid amount from the tax due until the tax is fully paid.

Republic of the Philippines
Province of Pangasinan



Section 22T.219. Administrative Provisions –

(a) Place of Burial – Except in such cases may be allowed existing provisions
of laws, it shall be unlawful for any person to bury or enter or cause to be
buries or entered either temporarily or permanently dead body or human
remain in any place other than what is provided for under the law and
(b) Death Certificate for Burial – A dead body or human remain shall not be
buried without a certificate of death duly issued by the attending
Physician or Municipal Health Officer or if no Medical Officer is available,
the Municipal Mayor, Municipal Secretary or one of the Municipal
(c) Permit to Construct – Any construction of whatever kind or nature in the
public cemetery, whether for temporary of perpetual use, shall only be
allowed after the approval of a permit issued by the Municipal Mayor,
upon the recommendation of the Municipal Health Officer.
(d) Renewal of Lease – In case the Lease intends to renew the lease after its
termination, he must inform the Municipal Mayor within thirty (30) days
before the expiry date of the lease, and shall pay the corresponding rental
fee thereof.

It shall be the duly of the Municipal Treasure to prepare and submit to the
Municipal Mayor a list of the Lease that are to expire five days prior to the
expiration date. The Municipal Treasurer shall send a reminder for the
expiration of his lease two weeks before the expiration of the lease.
(e) Register – The Municipal Treasurer shall keep a register on accounts of
the Cemetery, together of each additional information as may be required
by the Sangguniang Bayan.


Section 22T.220. Imposition of Fees – Any person natural or juridical, that

shall keep at his place of business or elsewhere in the Municipality of Alaminos, any
flammable, explosive or highly combustible material, shall first secure a permit with
the office of the Municipal Mayor through the Chief of Fire Department. The permit
shall only be granted after inspection of the place and upon payment of the
corresponding fees enumerated hereunder:

a) Sari-sari store, hardware, gasoline station and other business

establishment of the same nature, per annum - P 30.00
b) Factory or warehouse per annum - P 30.00

Republic of the Philippines
Province of Pangasinan



c) Cooking appliance manufactured or distributed in Alaminos for

commercial or domestic use, prior to their disposal to the public per
cooking appliance -P 30.00
d) Construction of building plans proposed to determined safety
requirements –P30.00

In case of fire, partnership or association, the manager, administrator or the

person who has charge of the management if administrator of the business shall be
held liable for the violation thereof, and the Municipal License or permit granted to
such firm, partnership, corporation or association shall be revoked.

In case of a condemned installation, if the owner of the building or user fails

to repair or remove the condemned install the electrical wire, poles or fitting and
other appliances and apparatus within ten (10) days after notice, the Municipal
Electrician shall immediately disconnect the electric services.

Any owner of a house or building, or contractor who violates the provisions of

this Ordinance shall be punished by a fine of twenty pesos (P20.00) for each day of
use of the installation, in addition to the aforementioned penalty.

Section 22T.221. Time of Payment – The fees imposed in this Article shall
be paid to the Municipal Treasurer upon application with the Office of the Mayor
before it is renewed.

Section 22T.222. Administrative Provisions –

(a) The Chief of the Fire Department shall have supervision over the location
and manner of storing flammable, explosive or highly combustible
materials in accordance with the promulgated rules and regulations on
fire prevention and protection. If in his judgement the locations and
manner of storing such materials constitute a fire hazard, it shall be
stored elsewhere or removed within twenty four (24) hours.
(b) No permit shall be issued for the storage of gun powder, dynamite,
explosive, blasting supplies or ingredients thereof, unless a permit thereof
has been secured from the Chief of the Philippine National Police.

Section 22T.223. Applicability Clause – All other matters relation to fire

inspection and issuance of permit thereof shall be governed by pertinent
existing laws, ordinances, rules and regulations.


Republic of the Philippines
Province of Pangasinan



Section 22T.224. Definition – Public toilet facilities are those public toilets
that are being used in the Public Market and at the back of the Plaza Reinoso.

Section 22T.225. Imposition of Fees – There shall be collected for every

users of the Public Toilets are the following:

Amount of Fee

1. For individual excretion

a. With toilet paper P 3.00
b. Without toilet paper P 2.50
2. For bathing P 5.00
3. For urination
a. With toilet paper P 1.00
b. Without toilet paper P .50
4. Toilet paper P .50
5. Washing face and hands P 1.50

Section 22T.226. Penalty – Anybody who fails to comply and upon

conviction shall be punished for a fine of not less than two hundred (P200.00) pesos
or suffer an imprisonment of not less than five days or both, such fine and
imprisonment at the discretion of the Court.



Section 22T.227. Fee on Facilities and Utilities. There shall be collected a

fee from any person, corporation, association, whether natural or juridical on the
use of the Municipal facilities and utilities, to wit:

1. ABC Building - P 400.00/day

2. Covered Auditorium (Leopoldo Sison) - P 400.00/day
3. Plazas - a. Benedicto Reinoso - P 300.00/day
b.Marcelo Ochave - P 300.00/day
c. Children’s Playground - P 250.00/day

4. Fire Truck/Garbage Truck - P 300.00/day

5. Municipal Motorboat - P 250.00/trip

Section 22T.228. Damages. Any damage incurred during the rent/lease

period on said facilities/utilities shall be shouldered by the lessor.


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Province of Pangasinan





Section 22T.229. Additional Fee. There is hereby added an amount of P

0.50 for every admission ticket issued to patron of Cinema establishments and to
Amusement establishments collecting entrance fee.

Section 22T.230. Coordination. The Offices of DSWD, Treasurer, Planning

and Budget are hereby directed to coordinate with each other and make the
necessary representation with Cinema and Amusement establishments
owners/operators for the smooth realization of the spirit of this Article.

Section 22T.231. Accrual. The amount realized in the implementation of this

Article shall accrue to the operation and maintenance of Day Care and Health
Centers of the Municipality of Alaminos, Pangasinan.



Section 22T.232. Ante-Mortem Inspection Fee – For the inspection of

livestock/poultry prior to slaughter/dressing to determine presence of
disease/abnormal condition:

Amount of Fee

Large cattle P 5.00

Carabao/Buffaloes P 5.00
Horses P 5.00
Swine P 3.00
Goats/sheep/deer P 1.50
Poultry .15

Section 22T.233. Post-Mortem Fee – For the inspection of the carcass and
the edible offals of animal/poultry slaughtered/dressed to detect the presence of
lesions and abnormalities.

Per kilogram of meat and poultry P .25

Section 22T.234. Accreditation Fees of Slaughterhouse, Poultry Dressing

Plant, meat cold storages, Meat and Meat Delivery Van – For the issuance of
Certificate of Accreditation to public and/or private slaughterhouse, poultry dressing
plants, meat processing plants, meat cold storage and meat conveyance after having
been evaluated and classified for purposes of standardization.

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Province of Pangasinan



“AA” Slaughterhouse/Poultry Dressing Plants/ P 1,000.00/year

Meat Processing Plant

“AA” Slaughterhouse/Poultry Dressing Plant/ P 500.00/year

Meat Processing Plant

“B” Slaughterhouse/Poultry Dressing Plant/

Meat Processing plant P 250.00/year
Meat Cold Storage P 250.00/year
Meat Delivery Van P 50.00/year

Section 22T.235. Meat import and Export Clearance and Inspection Fees.
For the issuance of veterinary Quarantine Clearance (VQC) for imported meat and
meat products to certify that the exporting countries are free from contagious animal
diseases. Issuance of Official Meat Inspection Certificate (OMIC) for meat and meat
products intended for export certifying that the meat going out of the
municipality/country is inspected and safe for human food.

Issuance of VQC P 100.00/VQC

Extension of Validity of VQC P 75.00/VQC

Issuance of Official Meat Inspection Certificate P 70.00/OMIC

Inspection fees for meat and meat products whether fresh, frozen or airtight
containers, imported or for export.

1. Choice Meat Cuts (Beef, Pork)/kg.

(a) Import P 0.50

2. Manufacturing Grade meat cuts, Beef, pork) per kg.

(a) Import P 0.25

3. Poultry (Chicken, Turkey, Duck, Goose, Pigeon, etc) per kg. P 0.50

4. Edible Offals (liver, tongue, heart, spleen, tail, etc.) per kg. P 0.25

5. Other Meat and Meat Products (Mutton, Venison,

Chevon, Kangaroo, etc. ) per kg.
(a) Import P 0.50

6. Meat and Meat Products in airtight containers, per ton

Or less
(a) Import P 10.00
(b) Export P 5.00

7. Prepared Meat Products including Chicken Soup Packs

Beef noodle packs, pork and mushroom soup packs,

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Province of Pangasinan



Birds nest soup packs, per ton or less

(a) Import P 10.00

(b) Export P 5.00

8. Natural Casings (hog, sheep, etc.) per cask

(a) Import P 10.00
(b) Export P 5.00

Section 22T.236. Laboratory Fees for the Examination of meat and meat
products – For the proper identification and diagnosis of disease condition of meat
and meat products submitted for laboratory examination.

I. Pathological Examination
A. Neocropsy
 Up to 8 weeks old P 15.00/head
 Over 7 weeks old P 20.00/head

Boar/Soar P 35.00/head
Goat/Sheep P 30.00/head
 Up to 2 months old P 35.00/head
 Over 2 months old P 35.00/head
B. Hispathological Examination

 Per case with maximum 10 slides P100.00

 Over 10 slides/case P 120.00
 Sectioning one/slides P 25.00
 Special staining P 25.00

C. Clinical Pathology

 RBC/WBC count sample P 25.00

 Differential count P 25.00
 Urinalysis P 25.00

II. Parasitology Examination

Fecal Examination

1. Direct smear P 25.00

2. Concentration/Floatation P 25.00
3. Larval sectioning P 25.00

Blood Examination

1. Routine Examination P 25.00

2. Special staining P 20.00
3. Skin Scraping P 20.00

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III. Microbiological Examination

1. Water Analysis

 Standard Plate Count P 60.00

 Colliform Count P 75.00

2. Bacterial Identification/Isolation

 Salmonell P 300.00
 Staphylococcus P 220.00
 L. Coli P 250.00
 Clostridium/Sporeformers P 120.00
 Streptococcus P 120.00

3. Canned Products

 Sterility test P 240.00

 Aerobic bacteria isolation P 120.00
 External/internal condition of Can P 25.00

4. Residue Test:

1. Antibiotics (Analytical Method)

a. Penicillin P 1, 122.00
b. Streptomycin P 1, 122.00
c. Tetracycline P 1, 122.00
d. Suffadimidine P 1, 122.00

2. Anti-Microbial P 150.00
3. Hormone P 1, 122.00
4. Pesticide P 1, 122.00
5. Aflatoxin P 150.00
6. Toxicity Test P 80.00

IV. Chemical Examination

1. Approximate Analysis

 Crude Protein P 275.00

 Crude Fate P 275.00
 Ash P 110.00
 Moisture P 100.00

2. Additives

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 Nitrite/Nitrites P 100.00
 Starch P 100.00
 Salt/M. S. G. P 100.00

3. Meat Differentiation

 Carotene test (beef and carabeef) P 30.00

 Immune Diffusion P 250.00

V. Organoleptic Examination

 Physical Characteristic P 20.00

 Acidity/Alkalinity test P 15.00

Section 22T.237. Fees for the Issuance of License to Meat Handlers – For
the service in training, advisory and other relevant packages of technological
training rendered to meat processors, dealers, vendors, butchers, dressers and
cutters pursuant to Animal Industry Administrative Order No. 9, dated October 28,
1978, the following fees shall be collected for:

 Meat Shop Operator P 100.00/year

 Meat Processor P 100.00/year
 Meat Dealer P 50.00/year
 Vendor P 50.00/year
 Butcher P 50.00/year
 Dresser P 50.00/year
 Cutter P 50.00/year

Section 22T.237. Any person/association/corporation found violating any

provision of this Ordinance shall be fined not less than P 2,000.00 but not more
than P 5,000.00 or an imprisonment of not more than fifteen (15) days or both fine
and imprisonment at the discretion of the Court.


Section 22T.238. Scope – This Rule shall govern the administration,

appraisal, assessment, levy and collection of real property tax.

Section 22T.239. Fundamental Principals – The following fundamental

principles shall be strictly observed, and complied with in the appraisal and
assessment of real property for taxation purposes, and in the levy and collection of
real property taxes:

(a) Real property shall be appraised at its current and fair market value;
(b) Real property shall be classified for assessment purposes on the basis of
its actual use;

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Province of Pangasinan



(c) Real property shall be assessed on the basis of a uniform classification

within each LGU;
(d) The appraisal, assessment, levy and collection of real property tax shall
not be let to any private person; and
(e) The appraisal and assessment of real property shall be equitable.

Section 22T.240. Definition of Terms – When used in this Article, the term:

(a) Acquisition Cost - for newly acquired machinery not yet depreciated and
appraised within the year of its purchase, refers to the actual cost of the
machinery to its present owner plus the cost of transportation, handling,
and installation at the present site;
(b) Actual Use - refers to the purpose for which the property is principally or
predominantly utilized by the person in possession thereof;
(c) Ad Valorem Tax – is a levy on real property determined on the basis of a
fixed proportion of the value of the property;
(d) Agricultural Land – is land devoted principally to the planting of trees,
raising of crops, livestock and poultry, dairying, salt making, inland
fishing and similar aquaculture activities and is not classified as mineral,
timber, residential, commercial or industrial land;
(e) Appraisal – is the act or process of determining the value of property as of
a specific date for a specific purpose;
(f) Assessment – is the act or process of determining the value of a property,
or proportion thereof subject to tax, including the discovery, listing,
classification, and appraisal of properties;
(g) Assessment Level – is the percentage applied to the fair market value to
determine the taxable value of the property;
(h) Assessed Value – is the fair market value of the real property multiplied by
the assessment level. It is synonymous to taxable value;
(i) Commercial Land – is land devoted principally for the object of profit and
is not classified as agricultural, industrial, mineral, timber, or residential
(j) Depreciated Value – is the value remaining after deducting depreciation
from the acquisition cost;
(k) Economic Life – is the estimated period over which it is anticipated that a
machinery or equipment may be profitably utilized;
(l) Fair Market Value –is the price at which a property may be sold by a seller
who is not compelled to sell and bought by a buyer who is not compelled
to buy:
(m) Improvement – is a valuable addition made to a property or an
amelioration in its condition, which is intended to enhance its value,
beauty or utility or to adopt it for new or further purposes, amounting to
more than a more repair or replacement of parts involving capital
expenditures and labor and normally requiring a building permit;

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(n) Industrial Land – is land devoted principally to industrial activity as

capital investment and is not classified as agricultural, commercial,
timber, mineral, or residential land;
(o) Machinery – embraces machine, equipment, mechanical contrivances,
instruments, appliances or apparatus, which may or may not be attached,
permanently or temporarily to the real property.

Physical facilities for production, installations and appurtenant service

facilities, those which are mobile, self-powered, or self propelled and those not
permanently attached to the real property shall be classified as real property
provided that:

1. They actually, directly and exclusively used to meet the need of the
particular industry, business, or activity, and
2. By their very nature and purpose are designed for, or necessary to
manufacturing, mining, logging, commercial, industrial, or agricultural

Machinery which are of general purpose use including but not limited to office
equipment, typewriters, telephone equipment, breakable or easily damaged
containers (glass or cartons), micro computers, fax, telex machine, cash dispensers,
furnitures and fixtures, freezers, refrigerators, display cases or racks, fruit juice or
beverage automatic dispensing machines which are not directly and exclusively used
to meet the needs of a particular industry, business or activity shall not be
considered within the definition of machinery under this Rule.

Residential machinery shall include machine, equipment, appliances or

apparaturs permanently attached to residential land and improvements or those
immovable by destination.

(p) Mineral Lands – are ands in which minerals, metallic or non-metallic, exist
in sufficient quantity or grade to justify the necessary expenditures to
extract and utilize such materials;
(q) Reassessment – is the assigning of new assessed values to property,
particularly real estate, as the result of a general, partial, or individual
reappraisal of the property;
(r) Remaining Economic life – is the period of time expressed in years from
the date of appraisal to the date whom the machinery becomes valueless;
(s) Remaining Value – is the value corresponding to the remaining useful life
of the machinery;
(t) Replacement or Reproduction Cost – is the cost that would be incurred on
the basic of current prices, in acquiring an equally desirable property, or
the cost of reproducing a new replica of the property, on the basis of
current prices with the same or closely similar materials; and
(u) Residential Land – is land principally devoted to habitation.

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Province of Pangasinan



Section 22T.241. Administration of Real Property Tax – The provinces and

cities, including municipalities within the MMA, shall be primarily responsible for
the proper, efficient and effective administration of the real property tax subject to
the rules and regulations governing the classification, appraisal and assessment of
real property issued by the DOF.

Accordingly, DOF and provincial government shall exercise the authority to

review and examine on continuing basis property, assessment, and real property tax
records to ensure the proper implementation of this Rule and determine compliance
with existing laws and regulations.

Section V- Appraisal of the Real Property – Within sixty (60) days from the
effectivity of these Rules, DOF shall promulgate rules and regulations and such
procedural guidelines as may be necessary for the proper classification, appraisal,
and assessment of real property in accordance with the provisions of the Code and
these Rules.

Section 22T.242. Declaration of Real Property by the owner or

Administrator –

(a) All persons, natural or juridical, or their duly authorized representative,

owning or administering real property, including the improvements
thereon, within a city or municipality, shall prepare or cause to be
prepared, and file with the provincial, city or municipal assessor, a sworn
statement declaring the true value of their property or properties, whether
previously declared or undeclared, taxable or exempt, which shall be the
current and fair market value of the property as determined by the
(b) Such declaration shall contain a description of the property sufficient in
detail to enable the assessor or his deputy to identify the same for
assessment purposes;
(c) All property owners or administrators of their duly authorized
representatives shall file the sworn declaration of real property values once
every three (3) years during the period from January 1 to June 30 of the
year commencing with calendar year 1992.
(d) The DOF shall described the standard form to be known as the sworn
declaration of property values for use of all local assessor’s offices, as well
as the procedures to be observed in the filing and safekeeping thereof.

The Sangguniang Panlungsod and Sangguniang Bayan may enact their

respective ordinances providing for the imposition of penalties or pecuniary fines on
property owners or administrators who fails to comply with this Article.

Section 22T.243. Duty of Persons Acquiring Real Property or Making

Improvement Thereon All persons, natural or juridical, or their duly authorized

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Province of Pangasinan



representatives, who acquire at any time a parcel or parcels of land in any

municipality or city, shall file with the provincial, city or municipal assessor of the
locality where the property is located, a sworn statement declaring the true value of
subject property within sixty (60) days after the acquisition of such property as
evidenced by a duly notarized or final deed of conveyance executed between the
contracting parties bearing proof of registration from the registrar of deeds
concerned. The sixty (60) day period shall commence on the date of execution of the
deed of conveyance.

(a) In the case of houses, building or other improvements acquired or newly

constructed which will require building permit, property owners or their
authorized representatives shall likewise file a sworn declaration of the
true value of the subject house, building or other improvement within
sixty (60) days after:

1. The date of a duly notarized final deed of sale, contract, or other deed
of conveyance covering the subject property executed between the
contracting parties;
2. The date of completion or occupancy of the newly constructed building,
house or improvement whichever comes earlier; and
3. The date of completion or occupancy or any expansion, renovation or
additional structures or improvements made upon any existing
building, house or other real property, whichever comes earlier.
(b) In the case of machinery, the sixty (60) days period for filing the required
sworn declaration of property values shall commence on the date of
installation thereof as determined by the city or municipal assessor and,
for this purpose, said local assessor may secure certification of the
building official or engineer or other appropriate stationed in the city,
municipality or province concerned.
(c) The Sangguniang Panlalawigan, Sangguniang Panlungsod, and
Sangguniang Bayan shall enact their respective local ordinances providing
for the imposition of penalties or pecuniary fines on property owners or
administrators who fail to comply with this article in order to ensure the
effective implementation of the foregoing provisions.

Section 22T.244. Declaration of Real Property by the Assessor –

(a) The provisions of this section shall apply only to real property previously
undeclared for taxation purposes.
(b) In the case of real property discovered whose owner or owners are
unknown, the provincial, city or municipal assessor shall likewise declare
the same in the name of unknown owner, copy furnished the provincial
assessor, until such time that person, natural or juridical, comes forth an
files the sworn declaration of property values required either Section VI of
VII of this rule, as the case may be.

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Province of Pangasinan



(c) No oath shall be required of any declaration made by the provincial, city or
municipal assessor.

Section 22T.245. Proof of Exemption of Real Property from Taxation –

Every person by or for whom real property is declared, who shall claim tax
exemption for such property under the Code shall file with the provincial, city or
municipal assessor within thirty (30) days from the date of the declaration of real
property sufficient documentary evidence in support of such claim including
corporate charters, titles of ownership, articles of incorporation, by laws, contracts,
affidavits, certifications and mortgage deeds, and similar documents concerning the
property, its ownership, amount, nature, and value.

Section 22T.246. Amendment of Schedule of Fair Market Values –

(a) The Provincial, city or municipal assessor may recommend to the

sanggunian concerned amendments to correct errors in valuation in the
schedule of fair market values. The sanggunian concerned shall, by
ordinance, act upon the recommendation within nine (90) days from
receipt thereof.
(b) The provincial, city or municipal assessor may recommend to the
sanggunian concerned amendments to the prevailing schedule of fair
market values of the locality to correct errors arising from, or involving,
omissions in the subject schedule of any kind or type of real property, or
any city district or barangay, or any road or street and/or classification of
sub-classification of real property.

Section 22T.247. Classes of Real property for Assessment Purposes – Real

property shall be classified as residential, agricultural, commercial, industrial,
mineral, timberland or special. The city or municipality within MMA shall, through
their respective sanggunian, have the power to classify lands as such in accordance
with their zoning ordinances provided that for purposes of assessment, real property
shall be classified on the basis of actual use regardless of where located as provided
for under Section XIII of this Rule.

Section 22T.248. Special classes of Real Property – all lands, buildings and
other improvements thereon actually, directly and exclusively used for hospitals,
cultural, or scientific purposes, and those owned and used by local water districts,
and government owned or controlled corporations rendering essential public services
in the supply and distribution of water and generation and transmission of electric
power shall be classified as special.

Section 22T.249. Actual use of the Real Property as Basis for Assessment
– Real property shall be classified, valued and assessed on the basis of its actual use
regardless of where located, whoever owns it, and whoever uses it.

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Province of Pangasinan



Section 22T.250. General Revision of Assessments and Property

Classification .

(a) The provincial, city or municipal assessor shall undertake a general

provision of real property assessment within two (2) years after the
effectivity of the Code and every three (3) years thereafter.

Section 22P.251. Date of Effectivity of Assessment or Reassessment – All

assessments or re-assessments made after the first (1 st) day of January of any year
shall take effect on the first (1st) of the January of the succeeding year: Provided,
however, that the reassessment of real property due to its partial or total
destruction, or to a major change in its actual use, or to any great and sudden
inflation or deflation of real property values, or to the gross illegality of the
assessment when made or to any other abnormal cause, shall be made within ninety
(90) days from the date any such cause or causes incurred, and shall take effect at
the beginning of the quarter next following the reassessment.

Section 22T.252. Assessment of Property Subject to Back Taxes – Real

property declared for the first time shall be assessed for the taxes for the period
during which it would have been liable but in no case for more than ten (10) years
prior to the date of initial assessment: Provided, however, that such taxes shall be
computed on the basis of the applicable schedules of values i force during the
corresponding period.

If such taxes are paid on or before the end of the quarter following the date,
the notice of assessment was received by the owner of his representative, no interest
for delinquency shall be imposed thereon; otherwise such taxes shall be subject to
an interest at the rate of two (2%) percent per month or a fraction thereof from the
date of the receipt of the assessment until such taxes are fully paid.


Section 22T.253. Power to levy other Taxes, Fees or other Charges –

LGU’s may exercise the power to levy taxes, fees or charges on any base or subject
not otherwise specifically enumerated herein or taxed under the provisions of the
NLRC, as amended, or other applicable laws: Provided, that the taxes, fees or
charges shall not be unjust, excessive, oppressive, confiscatory or contrary to
declared national policy: Provided, further, that the Ordinance levying such taxes,
fees or charges shall not be enacted without any prior public hearing conducted for
the purpose.

Section 22T.254. Procedure for approval of local tax ordinances and

revenue measures – The procedure for approval of local tax ordinances and revenue
measures shall be in accordance with the provisions of this Rule: Provided, that

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Province of Pangasinan



public hearings shall be conducted for the purpose prior to the enactment thereof:
Provided, further, that any question on the constitutionality or legality of tax
ordinances or revenue measures may be raised on appeal within thirty (30) days
from the effectivity thereof to the Secretary of Justice who shall render a decision
within sixty (60) days from the date receipt of the appeal: Provided, however, that
such appeal shall not have the effect of suspension on the effectivity of the
ordinance and accrual and payment of the tax, fee, or charge levied therein:
Provided, finally, that within thirty (30) days after such receipt of the decision or the
lapse of the sixty (60) days period without the Secretary of Justice acting upon the
appeal, the aggrieved party may file appropriate proceedings with a court of
competent jurisdiction.

Section 22T.255. Publication of Tax Ordinances and Revenue Measures –

(a) Within ten (10) days after approval, certified true copies of all provincial,
city and municipal tax ordinance or revenue measures shall be published
in full for three (3) consecutive days in a newspaper of local circulation:
Provided, however, that in province, cities and municipalities where there
are no newspaper of local circulation, the same may be posted in at least
two (2) conspicuous and publicly accessible places.

If the tax ordinance or revenue measure contains penal provisions as

authorized under Article 280 of this Rule, the gist of such tax ordinance or revenue
measure shall be published in a newspaper of general circulation within the
province where the local Sanggunian concerned belongs. IN the absence of any
newspaper of general circulation within the province, posting of such ordinance or
measure shall be made accessible in conspicuous public places in all municipalities
and cities of the province to which the Sangguniang enacting the Ordinance or
revenue measure belongs.

In case the effectivity of any tax ordinance or revenue measure falls on any
date other than the beginning of the quarter, the same shall be considered as falling
at the beginning of the next ensuing quarter and the taxes, fees, or charges due
shall begin to accrue therefrom.

(b) The conduct of public hearing shall be governed by the following


(1) Within ten (10) days from filling of any proposed tax ordinance or
revenue measure, the same shall first be published for three (3)
consecutive days in a newspaper of local circulation or shall be posted
simultaneously in at least four (4) conspicuous public places within the
territorial jurisdiction of LGU concerned.
(2) In addition to the foregoing requirement on publication or posting, the
Sanggunian concerned shall cause the sending of written notices of the

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Province of Pangasinan



proposed ordinance, enclosing a copy thereof, to the interested or

affected parties operating or doing business within the territorial
jurisdiction of the LGU concerned.
(3) The notice or notices shall specify the date or dates and venue of the
public hearing or hearings. The initial public hearing shall be held not
earlier than ten (10) days from the sending out of the notices, or the
last day of publication, or date posting thereof, whichever is later.
(4) At the public hearing or hearings, all affected or interested parties shall
be accorded an opportunity to appear and present or express their
views, comments and recommendations, and such public hearing or
hearings shall continue until all issues have been presented and fully
deliberated upon/or a consensus is obtained, whether for or against
the enactment of the proposed tax ordinance or revenue measure.
(5) The Secretary of the Sanggunian concerned shall prepare the minutes
of such public and shall attach to the minutes the position papers,
memoranda, and the like submitted by those who participated.
(6) No tax ordinance or revenue measure shall be enacted or approved in
the absence of a public hearing duly deducted in the manner herein

Section 22T.256. Furnishing of Copies of Tax Ordinance and Revenue

Measure – Copies of all provincial, city and municipal and barangay tax ordinance
and revenue measures shall be furnished the respective local treasurers for public

Section 22T.257. Existing Tax Ordinances or Revenue Measures –

(a) All existing Tax ordinances or revenue measures of provinces, cities and
municipalities and barangays imposing taxes, fees or charges shall
continue to be in force and effect after the effectivity of the Code, except
those imposing levies on tax bases or tax subjects which are no longer
within the taxing and revenue raising powers of the LGU concerned and
where the rates levied in the tax ordinance are higher than the taxes, fees,
or charges prescribed in this Rule in which case, the lower rates shall be
(b) In case of failure of the sanggunian to amend or revoke tax ordinances or
revenue measures inconsistent with, or in violation of the provisions of the
Code and on this Rule, the same shall be deemed rescinded upon the
effectivity of the Code and its implementing rules and regulation.

Section 22T.258. Penalties for Violation of Tax Ordinances – The

Sanggunian of an LGU is authorized to prescribe fines or other penalties for violation
of tax ordinances but in no case shall such fines be less than One thousand pesos (P
1,000.00) nor more than Five thousand pesos (P5,000.00) nor shall imprisonment be
less than one (1) month more than six (6) months, such fine or other penalties, or

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Province of Pangasinan



both shall be imposed at the discretion of the court. The Sanguniang barangay may
prescribe a fine of not less than One hundred (P100.00) pesos nor more than One
thousand pesos (P1,000.00).

Section 22T.259. Authority to Adjust Rates of Taxes – LGU’s shall have the
authority to adjust the tax rates as provided herein not often than once every five (5)
years, but in no case shall such adjustment exceed ten percent (10%) of the rates
fixed under this Rule.



Section 22T.260. Imposition of fees – The collecting of municipal taxes,

fees, charges, surcharges, interest and penalties accruing to the Municipality of
Alaminos, Pangasinan shall be the responsibility of the Municipal Treasurer or his
duly deputies and in no case shall be delegated to any other person.

Unless otherwise, specifically provided in this Code, or under existing laws or

decrees, the Municipal Treasurer is authorized, subject to the approval of the
Municipal Mayor, to promulgate rules and regulations for the proper efficient
administration and collection of taxes, fees and charges herein imposed.

Section 22T.261. Issuance of receipts – It shall be the duty of the Municipal

Treasurer of his authorized representative to issue the necessary receipt to the
person paying the tax, fee or charge, indicating therein the date name of the person
paying and the account for which it is paid.

The acknowledged of payment of local taxes, fees an charges, it shall be the

duty of the Municipal Treasurer or his deputies to indicate on the official receipts for
the purpose of the number of the corresponding Local Tax Ordinance.

Section 22T.262. Records of Taxpayers – It shall be the duly of the

Municipal Treasurer to keep records alphabetically arranged and open to public
inspection of the names of all person paying municipal taxes, fees and charges as far
as practicable. He shall established and keep current the appropriate tax roll each
kind of tax, fee or charges in this Code.

Section 22T.263. Examination of Books of Accounts – For effective

enforcement and collection of the taxes, fees and charges provided in this Code. The
Municipal Treasurer shall secure written authority from the Provincial Treasurer to
examine the books of accounts and other pertinent records of any person doing
business within the jurisdiction limits of the municipality of Alaminos, Pangasinan
to verify, eases and collect the true and current amount due from the taxpayer

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Province of Pangasinan



concerned, such examination shall be made during regular business hours, not
often than once every year for each business establishment. Any examination
conducted pursuant to the provisions of the Section shall be certified by the
examining officials and such certificate shall be made of record in the books of
accounts of the taxpayer concerned.

Section 22T.264. Accounting of collection – Unless otherwise provided in

this Section and other existing laws and ordinance all money collected by virtue of
this Code shall be accounted for in accordance with the provisions of existing laws,
rules and regulations and credited to the General Fund of this Municipality.

Section 22T.265. Accrual to the general funds of fines, cost of forfeitures

– Unless otherwise provided by law, ordinance, fines, cost, forfeitures and other
liabilities imposed by the Municipal Court or the violation of any City Ordinance,
shall accrue to the General Fund of the Municipality.


Section 22T.266. Extend of Municipal Government, Lieu – Taxes and other

revenues provided in this Code to the Municipality of Alaminos, shall constitute in
lien in it favour enforceable by the proper legal action superior to all liens or charges
in favour of private parties not only upon any property which may be the subject to
the charge but also upon all property used in the exercise of the occupation,
business or privilege with respect to which the change is impose and upon all
property rights therein.

Section 22T.267. Application for Civil Remedies – Unless otherwise

specifically provided in applicable laws and in no far as their nature permit, the
remedies herein maybe availed for the collection of delinquent taxes and other
imposition provided in this Code. The Civil remedies available shall be destraint of
personal property and by legal action. Either of this remedies or simultaneously
may be pursued at the discretion of the Treasurer or Mayor, (proper authority).

Section 22T.268. Destraint of Personal Property

a. Seizure – Upon failure of the person owing any local tax other
imposition to pay the same at the time required. The Municipal
Treasurer or his deputy may upon written notice, seize or confiscate
any personal property belonging to that person or any person of any
personal property subject to the lieu, insufficient to satisfy the tax in
question together with any increment thereto to delinquency and the
expense to the seizure. In this case the Municipal Treasurer or his
deputy shall issue duly authenticated certificate based upon the
records of his office showing the fees delinquency and the amount of
the tax and the penalty due. This serves as the sufficient warrant for

Republic of the Philippines
Province of Pangasinan



the destraint personal property aforecited subject to the taxpayer rights

claim exemption under the provisions of Section 69 of the Presidential
Decree No. 464 otherwise known as the Real Property Tax Code. The
Public Auction in the manner herein provided for.
b. Accounting for Destraint Goods – The Officer executing the destraint
shall make a cause to be made on account of the goods or effect
destrained, a copy of which signed by himself shall be left or effect to
were taken, or the dwelling of place of business of that person and with
someone of suitable and discretion to which it shall be added, a
statement of the sum demanded and a note of the time and a place of
c. Publication – The Officer executing the destrained shall forthwith case
botification to be exhibited in not less than two places, specifying the
time and place of sale and the Article destrained. This time the sale
shall not be less than twenty (20) days after the notice to the owner or
processor of the property as above specified and the publication of
posting the notice. One place for the posting of the notice shall be at
the Office of the Municipal Mayor.
d. Release of the Destrained property upon payment prior to sale. If any
time prior to the consumption of the sale, all charges are paid to the
Officer conducting sale the goods or effects destrained shall be restored
to the conducting sale, the goods or effect destrained shall be restored
to the Owner.
e. Procedure of Sale – At the time and place fixed in the notice, the Officer
shall sell the goods of effect to destrained at the time of public auction
to the highest bidder for cash. Within five (5) days after the sale the
Municipal Treasurer shall make a report of the proceeding in within to
the Municipal Mayor. Should the property destrained or not disposed
within One hundred and twenty days (120) from the date of destraint,
the same shall be considered as sold to the Municipality for the
amount of the assessment made thereon by the committee on
appraisal and the extent of the same amount, the tax delinquencies
shall be cancelled.
f. Disposition of the Proceeds – The proceeds of the sale shall be applied
to satisfy the tax, together with the increment thereto incident to
delinquency and the expense of the destrained and sale. Any residue
over the above what is required to pay the entire claim shall be
returned to the owner of the property sold. The expenses changeable
upon the seizure and preservation of the property pending the sale,
and no charges shall be imposed for the services of the Local Officers
or his deputies. Where the proceeds of the sale are sufficient to satisfy
the claims, other property may, in like manner, be destrained until the
full amount due including all expenses are collected.

Republic of the Philippines
Province of Pangasinan




Section 22T.269. Penalty – Any violation of the provisions of this Code not
herein otherwise covered by a specific penalty, or the rule and regulations
promulgated under authority of this Code, shall be punished by a fine of not
exceeding One thousand pesos (P 1,000.00) or imprisonment of six months or both
at the discretion of the Court.

Payment of a fine or services of improvement as herein provided shall not

relieve from the payment of the delinquent tax, fee or charges imposed under this

If the violation is committed by any juridical entity, the President, General

Manager or any other person entrusted with administration thereof at the time of
the commission of the violation shall be held responsible or liable thereto.


Section 22T.270. Separability Clause – If, for any reason, any provisions,
sections, or part of this Code is declared not valid by a Court of competent
jurisdiction or revoked by the Minister of Finance, such judgement shall not effect
or impair the remaining provisions, sections or parts which shall continue to be
enforced and effect.


Article A

Establishing of Technical Education Skills

Development Authority (TESDA)

Section 23A.01. Definition of Terms: As used in this Article:


training center, it is
the venue where the TVET Programs will be formally conducted to the
trainees in the City of Alaminos. As an Assessment Center, it is a

Republic of the Philippines
Province of Pangasinan



venue where TESDA can conduct Competency Assessment among the

trainees for a specific TVET Program.

 NON-GOVERNMENT AGENCY- refers to any non-profit organization

that pursues a specific interest for the common good and that operates
independently from the government.

 NON-GOVERNMENT ORGANIZATION- refers to any unit or branch of

the government authorized by law to execute a specific function.

 OUT-OF-SCHOOL YOUTH- refers to the young part of population or

those who are in the period between childhood and adulthood aged 7
to 25 who are not enrolled in school, who are drop-outs from their
school, who are college undergraduates and who are not employed.

 PRIVATE SECTOR- refers to private companies, corporations and any

organizations that operate for profit and that is not under the direct
control of the government.


(TESDA)- is the government agency that is mandated to handle and
administer technical education and skills development in which, in
executing the said functions, the direction, programs, policies and
standards towards quality technical education and skills development
will be provided and enacted.


PROGRAMS- are programs established for the need to provide
equitable access and provision of Technical Education and Skills
Development Programs that can be administered by TESDA schools,
training centers, enterprised-based training through apprenticeship
and community-based training in convergence with the Local
Government Unit. These programs are duly regulated by TESDA.

 TRAINEE- A selected student for a TVET Program who shall be trained

by its Trainer upon enrollement at the TESDA- Hundred islands
Training and Assessment Center

 TRAINER- A regular employee of the City Government of Alaminos who

possesses the qualification of an accredited trainer by TESDA, i.e.
holders of National Certificate Level III. He/She shall be the Trainer for
a specific TVET Program registered by the City Government to be
offered at the TESDA- Hundred Islands Training and Assessment

Section 23A.02. Authority. The City Government of Alaminos hereby authorizes the
establishment of the Technical Education and Skills Development Authority
(TESDA)-Hundred Islands Training and Assessment Center, which will be initially
lodged at the City Motorpool, San Jose Drive, Poblacion, Alaminos City, Pangasinan.

Republic of the Philippines
Province of Pangasinan



Section 23A.03. Purpose. Primarily, the purpose of this Ordinance is to establish

an institution that will contribute to Human Resource Development by providing
relevant, accessible, efficient and quality education in the form of short courses or
Technical Vocational Education Training (TVET) Programs to Alaminians, such as
but not limited to the out-of-school youth who cannot afford to pursue degree
courses or who are inclined to skills training, thereby equipping them with skills
that will land them to employment either locally or abroad.

Section 23A.04. Administrative Provisions.

a. As a public institution,the City Government of Alaminos, in the exercise of its

corporate power and other applicable laws, hereby administer and govern the affairs
of the TESDA – Hundred Islands Training and Assessment Center. There shall be a
Board of Directors which shall be composed of the following: the Local Chief
Executive as the Chairperson and the members of the Sangguniang Panlungsod as
the members of the Board.The efficient Human Resources will serve as workforce
and all other available resources owned by it needed to carry out the purpose of this

b. To promote and produce a better and higher quality of skilled workers but in a
less expensive way, the TESDA-Hundred Islands Training and Assessment Center
may enter into a joint venture and such other cooperative arrangements with
TESDA, other National Government Agencies (NGAs), Non-Government
Organizations (NGOs) and the Private Sectors.

c. Subject to existing laws, the Local Chief Executive shall designate a Training
Center Administrator along with other positions for the Non-Teaching Staff who
shall be responsible for the operation of the TESDA-Hundred Islands Training and
Assessment Center. The Training Center Administrator shall also designate, appoint
or hire, as the case may be, Trainers who must be duly certified by TESDA to teach,
and other personnel. Other positions for the Non-Teaching Staff include the
following: Registrar, Guidance Counselor or Blue Desk Officer, Clerk, Cashier,
Librarian, Medical Officer and Nurse. The designation of the City Government’s
regular employees to these positions shall be in accordance with the standards set

d. Initially, TVET Programs are hereby offered in the TESDA – Hundred Islands
Training and Assessment Center, which may include; Carpentry, Masonry, Shielded
Metal Arc Welding, Heavy Equipment Operation, Slaughtering Procedures and other
TVET Programs as needed in the future to be determined by the Board of Directors.

e. For the Budget Year 2011, the City Government of Alaminos has allocated Ten
Million Pesos(PhP 10,000,000.00) for City Colleges and State University Scholarship
Program wherein ,Three
Million Pesos(PhP 3,000,000.00)is earmarked for short courses and this will be used
to carry out the purpose of this Ordinance for its initial implementation. The said
funds shall be used for providing scholarship to trainees from the City of Alaminos

Republic of the Philippines
Province of Pangasinan



and resources needed in the implementation of the TVET Program to its


Section 23A.05.Separability clause. If any section or provision of this Ordinance is

held invalid, all the other provisions not affected thereby shall remain valid.

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Province of Pangasinan



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Province of Pangasinan



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Province of Pangasinan



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Province of Pangasinan



Republic of the Philippines
Province of Pangasinan




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