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T he entitlement programs—Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid—
are on an unsustainable course that could have devastating effects
on future generations. These programs have promised benefits to future

retirees without the financial means to pay for them. Collectively, these

Entitlements Alone Will Eclipse Historical Tax Levels by 2052

Spending on the three major entitlements, Medicare, Medicaid, and Social Security, will more than double in the next 40
years. Without major reforms, entitlement spending will consume all federal tax revenues by 2052.
Three Major Entitlements and Tax Revenues as a Percentage of GDP
2052: Entitlements 18.5% of GDP
Actual Tax Revenue

30-Year Average Tax

Revenue (18.4%)

10% Security

5% Medicare

1965 1975 1985 1995 2005 2015 2025 2035 2045 2055 2065 2075 2082
Source: Congressional Budget Office.

programs would need a $45 trillion cash infusion today to fully fund ben-
efits promised in the future, and every year program reform is delayed
that price tag increases by $1 trillion or $2 trillion.
The level of borrowing or taxing that would be required to pay for
these promises will devastate the economy over the long term. If fed-
eral income taxes were increased to fund entitlements, tax rates for the
lowest, middle, highest, and corporate brackets would all have to nearly

double by 2050. Alternatively, if new debt were issued to fund these pro- Notes
grams, the debt would grow to three times the size of the entire economy by
2080 (debt has averaged about one-third of the economy over the past few
Entitlement reform is more than just an economic issue. Americans
need to decide whether they want a future in which older Americans have
an automatic claim on one-fifth of the future income of their grandchildren,
who will be raising their own children and paying off their home mortgages
when the bills for entitlements come due.
Encouragingly, a significant percentage of the public and some Mem-
bers of Congress already recognize that these programs must be reformed.
Some of the key reforms lawmakers should implement include reforming
the budget process, modernizing the programs’ structures, and rethinking
an individual’s role in his own retirement savings.


1. Create budgets for entitlements and show long-term obligations

in Congress’s annual budget. Entitlements are classified as mandatory
spending programs, which gives them first call on federal resources and
allows them to grow on autopilot without annual review. Moreover, unlike
most other federal programs, Social Security and Medicare are not sub-
jected to regular reauthorization or review. Entitlements should be treated
more like discretionary programs. The programs should be taken off auto-
pilot and put on 30-year budgets, and those budgets should be reviewed
and debated by Congress every five years to ensure that targets are met.
Additionally, the full $45 trillion shortfall in entitlement programs should
be reported in Congress’s annual budget to hold Congress accountable for
these expenses. Currently, this figure is excluded. Including it would ensure
that major policy changes are affordable over the long term. For instance,
when Medicare Part D was added in 2004, Congress evaluated only the
five-year program cost of $409 billion, but the long-term, present-value
cost of that program was more than $8 trillion at the time and exceeds $9
trillion today.

2. Make retirement programs fair but affordable. Because all workers

contribute payroll taxes to fund Social Security and Medicare, everyone
over the age of 65 is eligible to collect benefits. Many retirees will spend
up to one-third of their lives in retirement. This means that a large portion
of promised benefits will subsidize upper- and middle-class retirees while
saddling young Americans with unsustainable levels of debt. Entitlement
programs ought to be targeted toward the neediest retirees. The retire-
ment age should be increased and indexed to longevity, and benefits ought
to be adjusted for income levels.

28 Issues 2010 • The Candidate’s Briefing Book

3. Strengthen personal responsibility. Automatic entitlement to gov- Notes
ernment-run Social Security and Medicare benefits has de-emphasized the
role of personal responsibility in retirement savings. Greater effort must
be made to encourage more personal savings for income and health care
needs. For instance, automatic enrollment in individual retirement accounts
for individuals without employer-sponsored retirement plans could increase
savings participation by as much as 95 percent.

Facts and Figures

n Under current law, the costs of Medicare, Medicaid, and Social Security
will rise substantially. If this spending were funded solely through federal
income tax increases, tax rates would more than double, even for the low-
est tax bracket.
n At present, the U.S. spends more than 8 percent of GDP on entitle-
ments, but by 2018 that figure will have grown to more than 13 percent of
GDP. By 2028, entitlement spending is projected to be 30 percent higher
than in 2018 and 60 percent higher than today.
n Unless Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid are reformed, policymak-
ers will eventually have to choose from among:
• Raising taxes by the current equivalent of $12,072 per household by
2050, and further thereafter;
• Eliminating every federal program except Social Security, Medicare,
and Medicaid; or
• Increasing the national debt to unprecedented levels that could cause
an economic collapse.

Social Security
n Beginning in 2016, the year in which Social Security begins to spend
more than it takes in, Social Security will require large and growing
amounts of general revenue money in order to pay all of its promised
n Any worker born after 1970 will reach full retirement age after the
Social Security trust fund is exhausted. Unless Congress acts soon, younger
workers can look forward to paying full Social Security taxes throughout
their careers but receiving 76 percent or less of the benefits that have
been promised to them. In addition, they will have to repay the trust fund,
an expense that will total almost $6 trillion by the time the trust fund is
exhausted in 2037.

domestic policy • Entitlements 29

Medicare Notes
n Medicare costs are projected to more than triple from today’s 2.7 percent
of GDP to 9.4 percent by 2050. In current terms, a cost increase of 6.7 per-
cent of GDP would equal $916 billion, or $7,930 per household annually.

n Federal Medicaid spending is projected to jump from 1.4 percent of GDP to
3.1 percent by 2050. Today, a 1.7 percent of GDP spending hike would equal
$232 billion, or $2,012 per household. Most of this spending growth will come
from senior citizens, whose long-term care costs are not covered by Medicare.

Additional Resources
Nicola Moore, “Trustees Reports Highlight Pressing Need to Reform Entitlement Programs,”
Heritage Foundation WebMemo No. 2458, May 27, 2009, at http://www.heritage.org/Research/

Nicola Moore, “Entitlements Darken Long-Term Outlook for Federal Budget,” Heritage Foundation
WebMemo No. 2510, June 29, 2009, at http://www.heritage.org/Research/Budget/wm2510.cfm

Douglas Holtz-Eakin and Gordon Gray, “Entitlement Reform Is Necessary for Long-Term Fiscal
Stability,” Heritage Foundation Backgrounder No. 2291, June 30, 2009, at http://www.heritage.org/

David C. John, “2009 Social Security Trustees Report Continues to Show the Urgency of Reform,”
Heritage Foundation WebMemo No. 2439, May 1, 2009, at http://www.heritage.org/Research/

Brian M. Riedl and Alison Acosta Fraser, “How to Reform Entitlement Spending: A Memo to
President-elect Obama,” Heritage Foundation Special Report No. 43, January 13, 2009, at

Heritage Experts

Brian M. Riedl Nicola Moore Stuart M. Butler, Alison Acosta David C. John
Ph.D. Fraser

30 Issues 2010 • The Candidate’s Briefing Book

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