This quote can only be used for one (1) payment and is valid until 06/01/2023 10:25:21 EST
Generate a Quote
1 You have completed step one by generating a quote and you are on the way to sending your payment.
Log into your online bank account OR Go to your local bank branch
2 Use the below details to set up Take this page into your bank and they’ll do the rest.
your payment online. Important: you cannot pay by cash or cheque.
Bank Instructions
Please use ABA routing code and account number for local domestic transfers.
For all cross-border payments please use all account details provided below.
Note: Convera may use bank accounts held under Bank ABA
the names of other legal entities, such as “Custom Routing Code 021000018
House Financial (UK) Limited,” or “Western Union Account 8900690429
Business Solutions.”
SWIFT IRVTUS3N!/tracking
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Date: 03/01/2023 10:25:21 EST
Please ensure you follow the accompanying payment instructions carefully paying particular attention to the
currency to be sent and ensuring the Payment Reference is included in the payment.
Convera holds domestic, in-country bank accounts across the globe so wherever possible please ensure
payments are processed as local domestic deposits to avoid unnecessary International Transfer fees and
Thank you for your cooperation. If you have any questions relating to this transfer, contact Convera:
University Of Connecticut
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