R.R.sheeja and Beena Lawrence
R.R.sheeja and Beena Lawrence
R.R.sheeja and Beena Lawrence
Keywords Nature has store house of remedies to cure all ailments of mankind. From the
ancient ages the plants have been used for medicinal uses and other useful proposes
Bioactive to humans. The present investigation was carried out to estimate the phytochemical
compounds, constituents present in Stevia rebaudiana Bertoni. The results showed the presence
Stevia of bioactive constituents of alkaloids, tannins, flavonoids, glycosides, saponins,
rebaudiana, quinone and triterpenes. Catechins, coumarins and xanthoproteins were not
alkaloids, detected. More research work is recommended on the plant leaves for isolation and
tannins. characterization of bioactive compounds.
Materials and Methods
Stevia rebaudiana Bertoni is a versatile herb
with incredible sweetness that is gaining Collection of plant materials:
very high popularity amongst all type of
sweetener users as most ideal substitute for Stevia rebaudiana plant were obtained from
sugar. It produces sweet steviol glycosides. Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala and was grown
It is a high demanding antidiabetic under protective conditions. The flora of
medicinal plant belonging to Asteraceae presidency of Madras (Gamble,1935) and
family. the Flora of Tamil Nadu Carnatic
(Matthew,1983) were used for identification
It is perennial and endemic, medicinal herb and authentication of the plants. The leaves
(Sivaram and Mugundan, 2003). It is also are collected and washed thoroughly in
called as honey plant due to its sweetness. running tap water and rinsed in distilled
Thus the present study is a preliminary water and dried under shade. After drying,
attempt to identify some of the the leaves were powdered using mixer
phytochemicals of the selected plant. grinder and then kept in well closed
Hopefully this will lead to new information container.
on this plant application and new
perspective on the potential use of Stevia.
Int.J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci (2015) 4(3): 344-347
Int.J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci (2015) 4(3): 344-347
Phytochemical Results*
Alkaloids +++
Flavonoids ++
Tannins +++
Glycosides +++
Catechin -
Coumarins -
Saponins +
Quinone -
Triterpenes ++
Xanthoproteins -
Int.J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci (2015) 4(3): 344-347
Table.2 Phytochemical constituents of Stevia rebaudiana leaf with ethyl acetate extract
Phytochemical Results*
Alkaloids ++
Flavonoids ++
Tannins +++
Glycosides +++
Catechin -
Coumarins -
Saponins -
Quinone +
Triterpenes ++
Xanthoproteins -
+++ Strongly present; ++ Present;
+ Weakly present; - Absent