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Swatch: Waste Destruction / Decomposition System

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Waste Destruction / Decomposition System

(Sustainable Innovative concept in Mixed Solid Waste Decomposition)


Four Broad Categories Solid Waste

• Organic waste: kitchen waste, vegetables, flowers, leaves, fruits.

• Toxic waste: old medicines, paints, chemicals, bulbs, spray cans, fertilizer and pesticide
containers, batteries, shoe polish.
• Recyclable: paper, glass, metals, plastics.
• Soiled: hospital waste such as cloth soiled with blood and other body fluids.


Mixed solid waste (MSW) consists of household waste,

kitchen waste, vegetables, flowers, leaves, fruits, papers,
plastics, glass, metals, medicines, sanitation residue and waste
from streets. This garbage is generated mainly from residential
and commercial complexes.

With rising urbanization and change in lifestyle and food

habits, the amount of municipal solid waste has been
increasing rapidly and its composition changing. More than
25% of the municipal solid waste is not collected at all; 70% of
the Indian cities lack adequate capacity to transport it and there are no sanitary landfills to
dispose of the waste. The existing landfills are neither well equipped nor well managed and are
not lined properly to protect against contamination of soil and groundwater. 


Industrial and hospital waste is considered hazardous as they may

contain toxic substances. Certain types of household waste are
also hazardous. Hazardous wastes could be highly toxic to
humans, animals, and plants; are corrosive, highly inflammable, or
explosive; and react when exposed to certain things e.g. gases.
India generates around 7 million tons of hazardous wastes every
year, most of which is concentrated in four states: Andhra
Pradesh, Bihar, Uttar Pradesh, and Tamil Nadu.

Household waste that can be categorized as hazardous waste

include old batteries, shoe polish, paint tins, old medicines, and
medicine bottles.

In the industrial sector, the major generators of hazardous waste are the metal, chemical, paper,
pesticide, dye, refining, rubber industries.

Direct exposure to chemicals in hazardous waste such as mercury and cyanide can be fatal

Hospital waste is generated during the diagnosis, treatment, or
immunization of human beings or animals or in research activities
in these fields or in the production or testing of biological. It may
include wastes like sharps, soiled waste, disposables, anatomical
waste, cultures, discarded medicines, chemical wastes, etc. These
are in the form of disposable syringes, swabs, bandages, body
fluids, human excreta, etc. This waste is highly infectious and can
be a serious threat to human health if not managed in a scientific
and discriminate manner. It has been roughly estimated that out of
the 4 kg of waste generated in a hospital at least 1 kg would be infected.

Hospital waste contaminated by chemicals used in hospitals is considered hazardous. These

chemicals include formaldehyde and phenols, which are used as disinfectants, and mercury,
which is used in thermometers or equipment that measure blood pressure. Most hospitals in
India do not have proper disposal facilities for these hazardous wastes.

Surveys carried out by various agencies show that the health care establishments in India are not
giving due attention to their waste management. After the notification of the Bio-medical Waste
(Handling and Management) Rules, 1998, these establishments are slowly streamlining the
process of waste segregation, collection, treatment, and disposal. Many of the larger hospitals
have either installed the treatment facilities or are in the process of doing so.


• Unique and distinct garbage Decomposition/Destruction Equipment.

• Developed & promoted by IES, Bangalore under Japanese Patented Technology.
• Special air space filled with super-strong magnetic and hyperthermia (300-450C).
• Dispose of the Garbage in a scientific way without consuming power or fossil fuel
• Decompose any type of Organic waste.
• Ability to reduce the volume of disposed Garbage by a ratio of 1/200 to 1/300 times.
• Bi-Product is a small volume of normal Ash of about just 1% of the input waste which
can be taken to landfills (or) for improving Soil amendment and as a disinfectant.
• Speed of decomposition depends on moisture content of the waste.
• We strongly recommend to ensure the moisture level of MSW at less than 40% mark for
optimum performance of the system.

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• PATENTED TECHNOLOGY: SWATCH system is patented in India and Japan for

Technology, Design and Process.
• THD METHOD: Operates in low temperature Thermal Heat Decomposition (THD)
• CMA TECHNOLOGY. Functions on a Concentrated Magnetic Action (CMA)
• PROCESS AT PLASMA STATE. After initial start up fire, destruction starts slowly by
splitting the molecules into atoms These atoms further ionized as electron, proton and
neutron and this state is called as “Plasma State”
• SMALL FOOTPRINT. A small floor space depending on the system size sufficient to
accommodate Swatch system anywhere close to source.
• QUICK & FAST. Decomposition of waste takes place at a faster rate in 8 hours period
for single badge load.
• SELF POWERED, NO FUEL, NO BURNING. Doesn’t needs the combustion process,
neither electricity nor fossil fuel used for closed chamber Destruction/Decomposition.
• NO SEGRAEGATION. Mixed Solid Waste (MSW) containing mixer of both dry and
wet waste generated from households are suitable
• DECOMPOSITION AT SOURCE. De-Centralized and Scientific method
of Disposal which avoids Costly logistics to transport the waste to landfills.
• USER FRIENDLY simple operation and easy to load, MSW garbage bags can be loaded
2-3 times a day as such collected from households
• MOISTURE CONTENT of the MSW recommended less than 40% for optimum
decomposition .No liquids in food waste are acceptable which will harm the speed of
decomposition process
• NO POLLUTION, NO FLAMES, NO DIOXINS. Does not produce any flames, thus
generating dioxins and other poisonous gases are eliminated, even when plastics and
PVC are processed
• MASSIVE VOLUME REDUCTION. Reduces the output by 99% from the amount of the
input waste loaded.
• BY PRODUCT - Small volume of normal Ash of about just 1% of the input waste which
can be taken to landfills (or) for improving Soil amendment and as a disinfectant
• CAN'T DECOMPOSE inorganic substances such as glasses, metal, sand, soil, ceramics
• OPERATIONAL STANDARDS are compatible to the norms and standards set by the
Pollution Control Boards (PCB) of Karnataka, Andhra Pradesh, Assam
• ZIRCON rich refectory coating compound containing high percentage (63%) Zirconia
applied over inner walls of chamber to protect from corrosion and erosion.
• ECO FRIENDLY - A total ECO FRIENDLY and 100% Environment compliance

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SWATCH system is a revolutionary equipment is a self powered, Non-Combustion type which

uses the Thermal Heat De-composition (THD) method using Magnetic energy at low
temperature around 350 to 400 Deg C to decompose any Organic/Medical wastes without using
any Electricity or fuel , which has been developed and enhanced by using Japanese patented

IES adopts the unique patented Concentrated Magnetic Action (CMA) Technology from Japan
where the organic waste are disposed scientifically by the method of in-taking a little
atmospheric air through strong magnets without using any power/fuel to Destruct/Dispose the
waste by magnetic heat decomposition method.

Flue gas emitted from the heating chamber after the destruction by using this technology
complies as per CPCB guidelines of Waste Incineration specification limit.

On the other hand, the chamber temperature is regenerated to dry the input waste by which it will
increase the volume of waste destruction.


Plasma (is an ionized gas, in which some electrons are removed from atoms and molecules and
are free) is created by permanent magnets at high temperatures, 300–400°C. When a small
amount of oxygen is absorbed into the plasma, highly reactive, negatively charged oxygen ions
(Atoms and molecules that have lost electrons are positive ions (positively charged); electrons
that have been removed are negative ions (negatively charged) are formed. This oxygen
(negative ions) is highly oxidative, thus decomposing dioxins and other harmful compounds by

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A Small amount of oxygen Atomic oxygen bonds Dioxins are Decomposed

Is introduced into a plasma to dioxins
State gas


Closed chamber Destruction with plasma and ionization techniques at OXYGEN STARVED condition.
The decomposition temperature is around 350 – 450oC depends on the solid waste input. Do not require
electric, other power or fuel for organic substances for decomposition


Waste has to be feed into the chamber of equipment on uniform intervals. At the initial stage requires
start up fire by using camphor/Dry wood afterwards destruction starts slowly by splitting the molecules
into atoms. These atoms further ionized as electron, proton and neutron and this state is called as
“plasma state” and separated electron change to “accelerated electron” with strong energy.

On the other side a small amount of atmospheric air is allowed to pass through strong magnetic field into
Oxygen starved chamber. During this operation oxygen molecule split into elemental oxygen with
negative charge. This atomic oxygen is to oxidize perfectly organic surface and change organic matter to

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desperate organic oxide. Therefore reaction is induced by exothermic phenomenon, thermal condition
around 200oC is needed to accelerate reaction which can achieve by initial decomposition.

From 200oC (by initial firing) to 350~450oC in the equipment by plasma, ionization and thermal
vibration will achieve.

The decomposition of waste takes place on bed wise so that heat energy developed may not be
continuous. At the bottom of the destruction chamber a tubular type radiator which makes buried near
the lower layer of deposited ash and ash will be separated. The waste heat is recovered through a tubular
heat sink arranged near the upper layer of deposited ash of a hearth center section of said combustion
chamber and said hearth periphery and the entire structure will have good heat transfer potential. The
waste heat is recovered back and supply to the wet waste where the moisture content is reducing

The flue gas emission from the decomposition chamber is releasing with natural draft. The emission
may contain some toxic components like Dioxin and Furan, Heavy metals, Nitrogen Oxides etc.,.
The toxic components are destructed by using the external heating chamber with the heat of 850oC
followed by wet scrubber by which can reduce substantially from 850oC to 180oC. During this process
we can eliminate the reformation of Dioxin and Furan occurs and the clean gas is dispersing into

The non combustible waste and ash (inorganic) is collected separately and stored in well defined area for
the disposal into Secured landfill. The ash quantity generation should be in the ratio of 1/300.


It has been suggested that one of the causes of dioxins in an incinerator is the retention of oxygen due to
imperfect combustion and low processing temperature (300–350°C). Consequently, it became
mandatory to process waste at high temperatures, at 800°C or higher, which requires installation of a
secondary combustion system.

On the other hand, SWATCH Decomposition system processes waste at low temperatures; however, the
generation of dioxins is inhibited. Why…How?

The answer is because it hampers the bonding of two benzene rings with oxygen by minimizing the
supply of oxygen.

The system also inhibits the benzene rings themselves from being produced by utilizing the effect of
anions which are generated when the waste passes through the Special magnetic device and enters a

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Minimizes Oxygen Supply

Anions provide Electrons

The Cl- that has jumped out then bonds with ions such as Na- to form a stable compound. Further, it
effectively acts on NOX and SOX, inhibiting the generation of harmful chemicals.



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• Indusstrial Sector (All kind off Organic waaste)

• Goveernment Secttors like Muunicipalities , Corporationns etc
• Hosppitals , Healthh Centres , Nursing
N hom
• Aparttments , Villlas , Shoppinng Complexes , Residenntial Complexx
• Hotells , Restauraants , Stadium
ms , Sports centres
• Corporate Sectorrs, IT Compaanies
• Air ports
p , Railwaay Stations and
a Bus statiions
• Marriage halls, Public
P and Prrivate functioons and cereemonies

Priority Foccus Areas

• Indusstries
• Star Hotels
• Buildders
• Ayurrveda Health
h Centres


• SP 1000 - ~100kg//day (1 Cu. Mtr)

M Wastte Destructioon / Decomposition Systeem
• SP 2550 - ~250kg//day (2.5 Cuu. Mtr) Wastte Destructioon / Decomposition Systeem
• SP 5000 - ~500kg//day (3.5 Cuu. Mtr) Wastte Destructioon / Decomposition Systeem
• SP 10000 - ~1 Mt//day (5 Cu. Mtr) Wastee Destruction / Decompoosition Systeem

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The efficiency of the SP system depends on moisture content of the waste loaded into the machine

• If the average moisture level of the MSW is 20% and below, the performance of the system will
go upto 120% level

• If the average moisture level of the MSW is 60% and above, the performance of the system will
come down to 40% level

We strongly recommend to ensure the moisture level of MSW at less than 40% mark for optimum
performance of the system

STABILISATION PERIOD: Initially SWATCH system require min. 20-30 days time to reach
operational stability to obtain optimum output in performance


Item Unit Result

Indian Regulation
Carbon Monoxide (CO) mg/Nm3 88 >100
Carbon Dioxide (Co - 9% -
Oxygen (O2) - 10% -
Nitrogen Oxide (NOX) mg/Nm3 108 > 400
Sulphur Dioxide (SO2) mg/Nm3 35 >200
Dioxin ITEQ/Nm3 0.06 0.1
Particulate Matter 18 50

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