Q.P. Code: 786173
Q.P. Code: 786173
Q.P. Code: 786173
Code : 6173
1. What is GFR? Describe in detail the factors affecting it? Add a note on its
2. Name the hormones involved in menstrual cycle. Describe the changes in uterus
and ovary during different phases of menstrual cycle.
[LI 6173] FEBRUARY 2016 Sub. Code : 6173
1. Define Blood pressure. Write in detail short term and long term regulation of
Blood pressure. Add a note on Hypertension.
2. Explain the Physiological anatomy of Cerebellum and give details about the
Cerebellar function test.
[LK 6173] FEBRUARY 2017 Sub.Code : 6173
1. Describe structure of skeletal muscle and write the mechanism of skeletal muscle
[LL 6173] AUGUST 2017 Sub.Code : 6173
1. Define GFR. What are the factors regulating GFR? Add a note on Glomerular
Function Tests.
1. Rh Incompatibility.
2. Movements of small intestine.
3. Conduction system of heart.
4. Hypoxia.
5. Cystometrogram.
6. Pyramidal tract.
7. Spermatogenesis.
8. Clotting mechanism.