(MBBS 0221) February 2021 Sub - Code:6053 M.B.B.S. Degree Examination First Year Paper I - Physiology
(MBBS 0221) February 2021 Sub - Code:6053 M.B.B.S. Degree Examination First Year Paper I - Physiology
(MBBS 0221) February 2021 Sub - Code:6053 M.B.B.S. Degree Examination First Year Paper I - Physiology
Code :6053
2. Describe the digestion and absorption of proteins in the digestive tract. Write a
note on malabsorption.
1. Classify the fluid compartments of body giving their normal values, mention two
methods to determine E.C.F. volume.
2. Transport across cell membrane.
3. Structure and functions of Neuromuscular junction.
4. Tissue macrophage system.
5. Non-excretory functions of kidney.
6. Cystometrogram and its significance.
7. Secretion of HCl in stomach and its regulation.
8. Regulations of blood calcium levels.
9. Spermatogenesis and seminal analysis.
10. Female contraceptive methods for birth control.
[MBBS 0521] MAY 2021 Sub.Code :6053
1. Describe the function and regulation of Insulin .Add a note on diabetes mellitus.
2. Explain the sliding filament hypothesis. Add a note on isometric and isotonic
muscle contractions.
1. Second messengers.
3. Haemophilia.
6. Renal Buffers.
8. Calcitriol.
1. Describe the digestion and absorption of fat in the digestive tract. Add a note on
2. Mention the various phases of menstrual cycle. Correlate the ovarian changes with
endometrial changes during the menstrual cycle.
[MBBS 0323] MARCH 2023 Sub. Code : 6053
(For the candidates admitted from the Academic Year 2019-2020)
1. A 45 year old male patient complaints of epigastric pain for the past 3 days.
History reveals taking on and off pain killers over the counter. What is your
diagnosis? Illustrate the microscopic anatomy of Gastric glands. Explain in
detail about the mechanism of Secretion of Hydrochloric Acid (HCl).
Add a note on Acid Peptic Disease.
2. Describe the major ovarian processes that occur during the periovulatory
period. Name three effects of estrogen on the reproductive tissue. List the
indicators of ovulation. Discuss about precocious puberty.