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First Edition 1989

Second Edition 1990
Third Edition 1992
Fourth Edition 1995
Fifth Edition 1998
Fifth Edition 2000 version
Fifth Edition 2003 version
Sixth Edition 2005
Seventh Edition 2008
Eighth Edition 2012
Ninth Edition 2017

Effective date: 1st January 2017


Copyright @ 2017 by the Building and Construction Authority, Singapore. All rights
reserved. No part may be reproduced, in any form or by any means, without
permission in writing from the publisher.

While every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of the information
presented in this publication, neither the Authority nor its employees or agents can
accept responsibility for any loss or damage incurred in connection with the use of
the contents.

Effective date: 1st January 2017



1.0 INTRODUCTION................................................................................ 1

1.1 Objectives of CONQUAS

1.2 Scope of CONQUAS
1.3 Derivation of CONQUAS

2.0 CONQUAS......................................................................................... 3

2.1 Components to be assessed

2.2 The Weightages
2.3 CONQUAS Assessor
2.4 Sampling

3.0 THE ASSESSMENT........................................................................... 6

3.1 Assessment Approach

3.2 Structural Works Assessment
3.3 Architectural Works Assessment
3.4 M&E Works Assessment
3.5 Bonus Points
3.6 Major Defects
3.7 Score Moderation Framework
3.8 Computation of CONQUAS Score
3.9 Publication of CONQUAS Scores


Appendix 1 Quality Standards for Structural Works................................... 27

Appendix 2 Quality Standards for Architectural Works............................... 36
Appendix 3 Quality Standards for M&E Works........................................... 54
Appendix 4 Defects Grouping Guide for Assessment of Internal Finishes. 67
Appendix 5 Building Grouping Guide………………………………………… 68

Effective date: 1st January 2017



1.1 Objectives of CONQUAS

The Construction Quality Assessment System or CONQUAS was

developed by the Building and Construction Authority (BCA) in
conjunction with major public sector agencies and various leading
industry professional bodies, organizations and firms to measure the
quality level achieved in a completed project.

CONQUAS was designed with three objectives:

(a) To have a standard quality assessment system for construction


(b) To make quality assessment objective by:

- measuring constructed works against workmanship

standards and specification.

- using a sampling approach to suitably represent the

whole project.

(c) To enable quality assessment to be carried out systematically

within reasonable cost and time.

CONQUAS is an independent assessment. Unless specified in the

building contract, project engineers or architects should not use
CONQUAS to decide if the building or parts of the building project are

1.2 Scope of CONQUAS

CONQUAS sets out the standards for the various aspects of
construction work and awards points for works that meet the standards.
These points are then summed up to give a total quality score called the
CONQUAS Score for the building project.

CONQUAS covers most aspects of general building works. The

assessment consists of three components:

(1) Structural Works,

(2) Architectural Works and
(3) Mechanical & Electrical (M&E) Works.

Effective date: 1st January 2017 1


Each component is further divided into different items for assessment.

However, the assessment excludes works such as piling, heavy
foundation and sub-structure works which are heavily equipment-based,
buried or covered and usually called under separate contracts or sub-

The building is assessed primarily on workmanship standards

achieved through site inspection. The assessment is done throughout
the construction process for Structural and M&E Works and on the
completed building for Architectural Works.

Apart from site inspection, the assessment also includes tests on the
materials and the functional performance of selected services and
installations. These tests help to safeguard the interest of building
occupants in relation to safety, comfort and aesthetic defects which
surface only after sometime.

To further enhance the robustness of the CONQUAS score, scoring

under the 9th edition will now take into consideration major defects (e.g.
water seepages through wall/window, inter-floor leakages, functionally
deficient doors/windows etc.) detected during the internal finish
assessments. The scoring will factor in the severity of these major
defects. Adverse feedback from end-users on major defects that surface
during the defects liability period of a project will also be considered
when finalising the CONQUAS score.

1.3 Derivation of CONQUAS

The minimum standards were derived from discussions with the
major public sector agencies, developers, consultants and
contractors based on the general specifications used in their projects.

To match the expectations from the end users, feedback through

complaints, homeowners’ survey findings and defects listings were also
considered in refining the weightages and assessment standards.

In developing CONQUAS, studies and numerous trials were conducted

to fine-tune its new test techniques and assessment standards.
Moderation of the scoring system was carried out along with trials to
ensure accuracy, consistency and alignment with end users

Effective date: 1st January 2017 2



2.1 Components to be assessed

The CONQUAS assessment is divided into three main components -
Structural Works, Architectural Works and M&E Works.

(a) Structural Works

The structural integrity of the building is of paramount importance

as the costs of failure and repairs are very significant. The
assessment of Structural Works comprises:

(i) Non-destructive testing of the uniformity and the cover of

hardened concrete;

(ii) Laboratory testing of compressive strength of concrete and

tensile strength of steel reinforcement;

(iii) Steel welding test reports if structural steelwork cost is

more than 20% of the total structural cost.

The quality standards for Structural Works are given in Appendix


(b) Architectural Works

Architectural Works deal mainly with the finishes and

components. This is the part where the quality and standard of
workmanship are most visible. The assessment covers:

(i) Site inspection of internal finishes, roofs, external walls and

external works at the completion stage of the building.
Internal finishes include floors, internal walls, ceiling, doors,
windows and components (architectural works that are not
classified above).

(ii) Material & functional tests such as window water-tightness,

wet area water-tightness and adhesion of internal wall tiles.
There is also in-process assessment on installation of
waterproofing for internal wet areas.

The quality standards for Architectural Works are given in

Appendix 2.

Effective date: 1st January 2017 3


(c) Mechanical & Electrical (M&E) Works

The quality of M&E Works is important in view of its increasingly

high cost proportion and its impact on the performance of a
building. The assessment covers Electrical Works, Air-
conditioning & Mechanical Ventilation Works (ACMV), Fire
Protection Works, Sanitary & Plumbing Works and basic M&E
fittings. The stages of the assessment include:

(i) Site inspection of installed works before they are

concealed. Such items include ACMV ductworks,
concealed pipes, etc.

(ii) Site inspection of final installed works such as the Air-

Handling Unit (AHU), cooling tower, fire alarm control
panel, etc.

(iii) Performance tests on selected works such as Water

Pressure Test, Earthing Test, Dry Riser Test, etc.

The quality standards for M&E Works are given in Appendix 3.

2.2 The Weightages

In CONQUAS, the weightages for Structural, Architectural and M&E

works are allocated according to four categories of buildings as follows:


Commercial, Commercial,
Industrial, Industrial, CAT D
Components Institution, Public Public Landed
Institution, Private
Mixed Housing Housing Housing
Mixed Housing
Development (Sold Flats) (Rental Flats)
& others & others
10% 15% 10% 15% 20% 10%
75% 80% 85% 80% 75% 85%
M&E Works 15% 5% 5% 5% 5% 5%
100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%

Note : (i) In general, projects with central cooling system having cooling tower, chiller
system, etc. are classified under CAT A. Otherwise, it will be classified under
CAT B. Appendix 5 provides a guide with listing of buildings under the various
(ii) For Public Housing with a combination of Sold and Rental Flats, the project
will take the Category of the flat type where the number of units is more than
50% of the total units.

Effective date: 1st January 2017 4


The weightage system, which is aimed at making the CONQUAS score

objective in representing the quality of a building, is a compromise
between the cost proportions of the three components in the various
buildings and their aesthetic consideration.

The CONQUAS score of a building is the sum of points awarded to the

three components in each category of buildings.

2.3 CONQUAS Assessor

BCA assessors undergo a rigorous training programme. They are
required to attend BCA's in-house CONQUAS training and calibration
programme to ensure competency and consistency in the assessment.

2.4 Sampling
As it is impractical to assess all elements in a building, CONQUAS uses
a sampling system for the assessment. The sampling system, which is
based on the gross floor area of the building, will ensure that the
assessment adequately represents the entire building.

Effective date: 1st January 2017 5



3.1 Assessment Approach

In general, the Assessor should select the actual locations to be
assessed prior to each assessment. Selection of samples shall be based
on drawings and location plans. The samples shall be distributed as
uniformly as possible throughout the construction stages.

The scoring will be done on the works that are inspected for the first
time. Rectification and correction carried out after the assessment will
not be re-scored. The objective of this practice is to encourage
contractors "doing things right the first time".

When an assessed item does not comply with the corresponding

CONQUAS standards, it is considered failed and a "X" will be noted in
the assessment form. Likewise a " " is given for an item meeting the
standards. A "blank" will indicate that the item is not applicable. The
score is computed based on the number of " " over the total number of
items assessed.

3.2 Structural Works Assessment

The assessment for Structural Work will be carried out for every building
block as the construction proceeds. A sample in structural work can be a
beam, a column, a wall or a slab. The assessment of a reinforced
concrete and steel structure consists of the following items:

Reinforced Concrete Structure Weightage %

NDT - UPV test for concrete uniformity 35

NDT - Electro-Covermeter test for concrete cove 35
Concrete Quality 10
Steel Reinforcement Quality 10
Steel Welding Test* 10
Total 100

* Steel welding test is applicable if structural steelwork cost is more than 20% of the
total structural work cost.

For a reinforced concrete and steel structure, selection of samples for

assessment is based on the following guidelines:

Effective date: 1st January 2017 6


GFA per Min Max

Items Remarks
Sample Sample Sample
a)5 structure members
per set
b)Self-Testing by
1 NDT- UPV test for concrete 5,000 m2
2 20 contractor using an
uniformity sets sets accredited testing firm
c)Declaration by project
Structural Qualified
a)5 structure members
per set
b)Self-Testing by
NDT - Electro-Covermeter 2 20 contractor using an
2 5,000 m2
test for concrete cover sets sets accredited testing firm
c)Declaration by project
Structural Qualified
Declaration by project
Concrete Compressive
3 - 100% - Structural Qualified
Declaration by project
Steel Reinforcement Tensile
4 - 100% - Structural Qualified
Declaration by project
5 *Steel Welding Test Reports - 100% - Structural Qualified

a) The computed number of elements to be checked must be evenly distributed
throughout all the block(s) in the entire project. They should also as far as possible
cover the different types of structural elements.
b) *Applicable if structural steelwork cost is more than 20% of the total structural
work cost.

The conduct of the non-destructive tests, i.e. on concrete uniformity and

cover for steel reinforcement, is to assess the risk of carbonation and
steel corrosion which affect the durability of the concrete structures.
These tests are to be carried out by the contractor using an accredited
testing firm.

The assessment of the quality of concrete and steel reinforcement and

the non-destructive tests is based on compliance to the standards (see
Appendix 1a).
If Structural Works consists of structural steelwork which constitutes
more than 20% of the structural cost, the result of the steel welding test
report for all critical welding joints specified in the contract requirements
must comply with the acceptable criteria and submitted with the project
Structural QP’s endorsement (see Appendix 1b).

Effective date: 1st January 2017 7


3.3 Architectural Works Assessment

Assessment of Architectural works is carried out upon completion of the
building and before handing over of the project to the owner.

The assessment consists of the following items:

Architectural Elements Weightage %
Non-Housing Private & Public Housing
Internal Finishes 56
Floor 16 16
Internal Wall 16 10
Ceiling 6 10
Door 6 7
Window 6 7
Component 6 6
Roof 4 4 4
External Wall 12 12 12
External Work 6 6 6
Design, Material & Functional Tests 22
Field Window Water-Tightness Test
(WTT) (BCA Test) 9 9

*Field Window Water-Tightness Test

*Pre-requisite *Pre-requisite
(WTT) (Self-Testing)
Wet Area Water-Tightness Test
5 5
(BCA Test)
*Wet Area Water-Tightness Test
*Pre-requisite *Pre-requisite
Internal Wet Area Waterproofing
2 2
Pull-Off-Test for Internal Wall Tiles 4 4
External Facade
(Precast or System Formwork or 1 1
Cladding Facade)

Internal Wall Partition

1 1
(Drywall or Precast panel partition)
Total 100 100

a) Assessment for internal wet area waterproofing process will be waived and points
allocated automatically if the appointed contractor for such works is accredited under
the SCI (Singapore Concrete Institute) Accreditation Scheme for Waterproofing
Specialist Contractors.
b)*Project Qualified Person to declare the results of the self-testing carried out by the

Effective date: 1st January 2017 8


Weightages for internal finishes and M&E fittings assessment of Non-

Housing projects are allocated at the defect level based on the
guidelines set out below:

Element Element Weightage Defect Category Defect Weightage

Finishing 4.8
Alignment & Evenness 2.8
Floor 16 points Crack & Damages 4.8
Hollowness 2.0
Jointing 1.6
Finishing 4.0
Alignment & Evenness 1.9
Internal Wall 16 points Crack & Damages 7.2
Hollowness 1.6
Jointing 1.3
Finishing 1.2
Alignment & Evenness 1.2
Ceiling 6 points Crack & Damages 1.8
Roughness 1.5
Jointing 0.3
Joint & Gap 0.6
Alignment & Evenness 0.6
Door 6 points Material & Damages 1.5
Functionality 1.8
Accessories Defects 1.5
Joint & Gap 0.6
Alignment & Evenness 0.6
Window 6 points Material & Damages 1.5
Functionality 2.4
Accessories Defects 0.9
Joint & Gap 0.6
Alignment & Evenness 1.2
Component 6 points Material & Damages 2.4
Functionality 0.9
Accessories Defects 0.9
Joint & Gap *1.5
Alignment & Evenness *1.5
M&E Fitting *15 points Material & Damages *4.5
Functionality *6.0
Accessories Defects *1.5
*Illustration refers to CONQUAS Category B projects only. For projects in other categories, weightages at
defect level will be distributed in similar proportions

Effective date: 1st January 2017 9


Weightages for internal finishes and M&E fittings assessment of Private

and Public Housing projects are allocated at the defect level based on
the guidelines set out below:

Element Element Weightage Defect Category Defect Weightage

Finishing 4.8
Alignment & Evenness 2.8
Floor 16 points Crack & Damages 4.8
Hollowness 2.0
Jointing 1.6
Finishing 2.5
Alignment & Evenness 1.2
Internal Wall 10 points Crack & Damages 4.5
Hollowness 1.0
Jointing 0.8
Finishing 2.0
Alignment & Evenness 2.0
Ceiling 10 points Crack & Damages 3.0
Roughness 2.5
Jointing 0.5
Joint & Gap 0.7
Alignment & Evenness 0.7
Door 7 points Material & Damages 1.75
Functionality 2.1
Accessories Defects 1.75
Joint & Gap 0.7
Alignment & Evenness 0.7
Window 7 points Material & Damages 1.75
Functionality 2.8
Accessories Defects 1.05
Joint & Gap 0.6
Alignment & Evenness 1.2
Component 6 points Material & Damages 2.4
Functionality 0.9
Accessories Defects 0.9
Joint & Gap *1.5
Alignment & Evenness *1.5
M&E Fitting *15 points Material & Damages *4.5
Functionality *6.0
Accessories Defects *1.5

* Illustration refers to CONQUAS Category B projects only. For projects in other categories, weightages at
defect level will be distributed in similar proportions

Effective date: 1st January 2017 10


The assessment is based on the sampling guidelines as set out below:

GFA per Min Max

Items Remarks
Sample Sample Sample
For Non-Housing Project &
Mixed Development Project with
1 Internal Finishes 500 m2 50 150
Non-Residential GFA exceeding
For all Private Housing Project &
1a Internal Finishes 70 m2 90 800 Mixed Development Project with
Residential GFA exceeding 50%
1b Internal Finishes 70 m2 90 600 For Public Housing Project
2 External Wall - 100% - 100% of the blocks / units
3 External Work - 1 - 1 for each type of external work
Precast or System Formwork or
4 External Facade - - - Cladding Facade. Declaration by
project Qualified Person
Drywall or Precast panel
5 Internal Wall Partition - - - partition. Declaration by project
Qualified Person
Field Window Water- Conducted by BCA. A sample is
6a 1,000 m2 20 100
tightness Test (WTT) defined as 2m length of joint.
Field Window Water- Self-Testing with declaration by
6b - 25% -
tightness Test (WTT) project Qualified Person
Conducted by BCA:
Non-Housing Projects:
Wet Area Water-tightness • 20% of all bathrooms and/or
Test: toilets (by location)
(i) Non-Housing Projects 20 100 Housing projects
• 30% of all bathrooms and/or
(ii) Housing Projects 60 300 toilets (by location)

• all will be tested if less than

then minimum sample
• Self-Testing with declaration by
Wet Area Water-tightness
7b 100% project Qualified Person
• Including flat roof
Internal Wet Area In-process assessment based on
8 - - -
Waterproofing Process approved Method Statement
Pull-Off-Test for Internal 1 5
9 10,000 m2 5 tiles per set (by location)
Wall tiles set sets

Effective date: 1st January 2017 11


A location for internal finishes assessment is a functional space of a

building such as a room, hall, toilet, kitchen, yard, corridor or lobby.
Locations are further categorised into three types:

Principal locations are major functional places such as

halls and rooms.

Circulation locations include lift lobbies, corridors and


Service locations are utility areas such as toilets,

kitchens, balconies and yards.

The computed number of locations will be distributed according to

"Principal", "Circulation" and "Service" based on the percentages set out
in the four categories of buildings as below:

Commercial CAT C CAT D
Locations Industrial Public Landed
Housing Non-Housing
Institution Housing Properties
Principal 60% 40% 60% 40% 40%

Service 15% 40% 15% 40% 40%

Circulation 25% 20% 25% 20% 20%

Scoring of internal finishes is based on the defects groups as shown in

Appendix 4 'Defects Grouping Guide for Assessment of Internal

In general, any item which is not available in a project will not be

considered for scoring. For such case, the architectural score will be pro-
rated accordingly. However, any available item that is not offered for
assessment will be considered as failed and no points awarded.

An item under assessment will be considered failed if it does not meet

the standards. In addition, any item found to be defective functionally
such as evidence of water seepage in the window, wall, slab, ceiling or
roof, is considered to have failed the assessment. Likewise for a
particular defect that is found excessive in an item (say excessive cracks
on a wall).

For the assessment of roof, a minimum 50% of the total number of

buildings will be assessed. For the assessment of external walls, 100%
of the total number of buildings will be assessed. For a building, the
external wall will be divided into 4 walls for assessment.

Effective date: 1st January 2017 12


The External Works assessment consists of the following locations:

(a) Link-way / Shelter - 10m length section per sample and minimum 2 samples
(b) Apron & Drain - 10m length section per sample and minimum 2 samples
(c) Roadwork & Carpark - 10m length section per sample and minimum 1 sample
(d) Footpaths & Turfing - 10m length section per sample and minimum 2 samples
(e) Playground - 1 location
(f) Court - 1 location
(g) Fencing & Gate - 10m length section per sample and minimum 1 sample
(h) Swimming Pool - 10m length section per sample and minimum 1 sample
(i) Club House - 1 location
(j) Guard House - 1 location
(k) Electrical Substation - 1 location

Each item in the External Works will be assessed separately and all the
locations listed above must be assessed where applicable.

Under the material & functional tests, self-testing items like field window
water-tightness test for 25% of windows and 100% wet area water-
tightness test (including flat roof) are set as pre-requisites and based on
declaration by the project Qualified Person (QP).

Points for design/material choices such as external facade and internal

wall partition are awarded based on declaration by the project QP. The
computation are as follows:

Design/ Material

External Facade
(Precast or System Precast/System Formwork/Cladding area x 1 point
Formwork or Total area of facade
Cladding Facade)

Internal Wall
Partition (Drywall or Drywall/Precast Panel Partition area x Allocated point*
Precast Panel Total area of internal partition (Excluding wet areas)

*Allocated points are as follows:

Drywall: 1 point
Other lightweight partitions (with skim coat): 0.9 point
Other lightweight partitions (with plastering): 0.6 point

Effective date: 1st January 2017 13


3.4 M&E Works Assessment

The M&E Works assessment will be carried out upon completion of the

The assessment covers the following areas, with their weightages

allocated in accordance with the four categories of projects:


M&E Works Assessment
Electrical 15 15 10 10
ACMV 20 20 - 10
Fire Protection 10 10 10 -
Plumbing & Sanitary 15 15 20 -
Basic Fittings 15 15 60 80
Sub-total 75 75 100 100
Weightage 100% 100% 100% 100%
M&E Performance Test Assessment
*Pre- *Pre-
*Performance Testing - -
requisite requisite

a)"-" means that no assessment on that M&E elements is required.
b)* project QP to declare the results of the performance testing carried out by the

Effective date: 1st January 2017 14


Points allocated under each element of the M & E works assessed,

regardless of building category, will follow these guidelines:

Element Points Allocated

1. Main cables 1
2. Surface conduits 2
3. Cable tray, ladder & trunking 2
4. Distribution board 4
1. Air handling unit 2
2. Pump 1
3. Cooling tower 1
4. Chiller 1
5. Pipework 1
6. Split unit / Window air conditioner 3
7. Air-con comfort 2
8. Ductwork 4
9. Fire-rated duct 1
10. Dampers 2
11. Fire Dampers 1
12. Flexible ducts 3
13. Flexible connectors 1
Fire Protection
1. Wet / Dry riser 2
2. Sprinkler 2
3. Fire Alarm 1
4. Hosereel 2
Plumbing & Sanitary
1. Concealed pipes 2
2. Exposed pipes 5
3. Water tank 1
4. Pump 1

Performance Testing, covering Electrical, ACMV, Fire Protection and

Sanitary & Plumbing, are set as pre-requisites and based on by the
project QP. The declaration will be on the percentage of tests passing
the inspection for each type of test.

The assessment of Basic M&E Fittings will be carried out during the
Internal Finishes assessment.

Effective date: 1st January 2017 15


Like the Architectural Works, sampling of M&E works will be determined

based on the four categories of buildings as per the guidelines below:


1,000 m2 per 1,500 m2 per 3,500 m2 per 3,500 m2 per
sample sample sample sample
1. Main cables 1 1
2. Surface conduits 2+ 2+ 1+ 2+
3. Cable tray, ladder & trunking 2+ 2+ 1+ 2+
4. Distribution board 2+ 2+ 1
1. Air handling unit 1+
2. Pump 1
3. Cooling tower 1
4. Chiller 1
5. Pipework 1
6. Split unit / Window air conditioner 2+ 2+ 3+
7. Air-con comfort 1+ 1+ 2+
8. Ductwork 3+ 1
9. Fire-rated duct 1 1
10. Dampers 1+ 1
11. Fire Dampers 1 1
12. Flexible ducts 2
13. Flexible connectors 1
Fire Protection
1. Wet / Dry riser 1+ 1+ 1+
2. Sprinkler 1+ 1
3. Fire Alarm 1 1
4. Hosereel 1+ 1+ 1+
Plumbing & Sanitary
1. Concealed pipes 1+ 1+
2. Exposed pipes 4+ 4+ 4+
3. Water tank 1 1 1
4. Pump 1 1 1

Minimum Samples 35 25 10 10
Maximum Samples 70 50 20 20

Remarks : + means to be repeated for additional samples required

Note : Basic M&E Fittings - 500 m2 per sample with min 30 and max 150 samples

Effective date: 1st January 2017 16


3.5 Bonus Points

(a) Certified QM/CONQUAS Personnel

CONQUAS bonus point is awarded for projects that employ certified

personnel. This is to facilitate quality achievement and encourage
deployment of competent certified personnel on site.

Requirement Bonus Point

Certified CONQUAS Supervisor 0.15
Certified QM/CONQUAS Supervisor 0.3
• A supervisor can only be deployed on one project at any time
• Supervisor must be deployed for minimum 75% of project duration
• CONQUAS Manager
Certified 0.4
Certified QM/CONQUAS Manager 0.6
• A manager can be deployed for maximum of 2 projects at any time
• Manager must be deployed for minimum 75% of project duration

Maximum 1.0

1. Both employer and employee must declare the personnel was deployed for the
minimum duration as specified.
2. Where required, additional documents and records shall be furnished for verification.

Effective date: 1st January 2017 17


(b) Design/Material Choices

Bonus points are given to projects using better buildable designs which
facilitate higher quality achievement.

Requirement Bonus Point

Use of precast concrete elements supplied by
SCI Accredited Precasters (100% of precast
concrete elements)
Use of Prefabricated Bathroom Unit 1.5**
(at least 65% of toilets)

Use of Mass Engineered Timber (e.g. Cross

Laminated Timber, Glued Laminated Timber,
etc.) (at least 65% of coverage)
{A building is deemed to be constructed using
engineered timber if both the floor (including
roof) and wall are constructed using
engineered timber.}

Use of Prefabricated Prefinished Volumetric

Construction (PPVC)
(at least 65% of coverage)
{The PPVC system has to be accepted by the
Building Innovation Panel (BIP) and
accredited under the PPVC Manufacturer
Accreditation Scheme (MAS)}
Use of productive materials, which facilitate
higher quality achievement
(at least 65% of coverage) e.g. Max. 3.0**
i. Engineered wood/ Stone flooring – 1 point**
ii. Vinyl flooring – 1 point**
iii. Other productive material – 1 point**

* Bonus point is subject to weightage for Structural Works.

** Bonus point is subject to weightage for Architectural Works.

Effective date: 1st January 2017 18


(c) Quality Mark (QM) Projects

Bonus points are given to the project according to the quality rating
achieved under the QM tiered rating scheme.

Requirement Bonus Point*


* Bonus point is subject to weightage for Architectural Works.

3.6 Major Defects

Major defects are largely classified as defects that would generally not
be acceptable to end-users. Examples are as follows:
a) Any missing/ broken accessories for the architectural items assessed
b) Any cracked/ chipped/ broken window panes, shower screens,
mirrors and any glass items;
c) Any visually visible cracked tiles/ stones, timber doors & flooring,
ceiling boards and cracks on painted walls, etc.;
d) Functionally deficient doors, windows, wardrobes and cabinets, tap,
water closet, switches, etc.;
e) Fan coil unit leaking, water seepage through walls or windows, etc.;
f) Misaligned door frame – only for cases where verticality tolerance >
3mm per door frame height.

When a major defect is identified during the assessment by BCA, it is

considered failed and two "×" instead of one will be noted in the
assessment form.

Declaration by the project QP shall be required on the satisfactory

rectification of these major defects before the issue of the CONQUAS

Effective date: 1st January 2017 19


3.7 Score Moderation Framework

(a) Adverse Feedback

This is to allow for fine-tuning of score for any valid negative feedback,
received during a project‘s defect liability period e.g. major workmanship
issues that are surfaced or reported questionable/ unacceptable
practices, etc.

A Review Committee will evaluate and approve points to be deducted for

such cases:

Major Defects/ Issues Reported CONQUAS Point Deduction

1. Major Defects
a) Water seepage through walls and/
windows; Up to 4 points
b) Water seepage in the bathrooms/

2. Questionable/ Unacceptable practices,

e.g. cardboards found under timber Up to 5 points

3. Major defects/ Questionable/

Unacceptable practices with significant
social impact, e.g. cement bags/
Up to 10 points
newspaper found in door frames, national
iconic projects with leakages in roof/
façade, etc.

Effective date: 1st January 2017 20


(b) Restricted Samples Given for Assessment

To ensure that the sampling system adequately represent the quality of

the whole project, CONQUAS score will be adjusted based on the areas
provided for assessment, as follows:

Average *Areas Offered for Assessment Architectural Point Deduction

90~ 95% 2 points
75~ 90% 4 points
50 ~ 75% 6 points
Less than 50% 10 points
Note: *Based on number of units for residential projects and blocks/floors for other

A project may not be issued the CONQUAS score if less than 90% of the
required internal finish samples were assessed.

3.8 Computation of CONQUAS Score

Below is two examples of how a project’s CONQUAS score will be

Scenario 1:
Project Type - Commercial (CAT A)
Structural System - Reinforced Concrete system with 31%
precast concrete volume and steelworks at
75% to 25% cost ratio
Roofing System - Flat Roof
Nos of Toilet - 10 nos (100% Prefabricated Bathrooms
supplied by an Accredited Precaster)
External Wall - Cladding system
Internal Wall - Brick wall

Step 1: Computation of Structural Score

Structural Works Weightage Score

(Reinforced Concrete Structure) %
NDT - UPV for concrete uniformity 35 30.0
NDT - Electro-Covermeter test for concrete cover 35 31.5
Concrete Quality 10 10.0
Steel Reinforcement Quality 10 10.0
Steel Welding Test 10 10.0
Total 100 91.5
Accredited Precaster 2.0
Structural Score 93.5

Effective date: 1st January 2017 21


Step 2: Computation of Architectural Score

Architectural Works Weightage Score

Floors 16 9.3
Internal Walls 16 9.0
Ceilings 6 5.8
Doors 6 3.6
Windows 6 4.1
Components 6 4.6
Roof 4 2.5
External Walls 12 9.3
External Works 6 4.5
Field Window Water-tightness Test (WTT)
- BCA Testing 9 8.4
- Self-Testing Pre-requisite submitted
Wet Area Water-Tightness Test
- BCA Testing 5 5.0
- Self-Testing Pre-requisite submitted
Internal Wet Area Waterproofing Process 2 2.0
Pull-Out-Test for Internal Wall Tiles 4 3.2
Cladding Facade 1 1.0
Internal Wall Partition
1 0.0
(Drywall or Precast Panel Partition)
Sub-total 100 72.3
100% Prefabricated Bathroom 1.5
Architectural Score 100 73.8

Step 3: Computation of M&E Score

M&E Elements Cat A Score

M&E Works Assessment
Electrical 15% 12.2
ACMV 20% 18.4
Fire Protection 10% 8.8
Plumbing & Sanitary 15% 11.2
Basic Fittings 15% 12.8
Sub-total 75% 63.4
Pro-rated Total 100% 84.53
M&E Performance Test Pre-requisite Submitted
M&E Score: 100% 84.5

Effective date: 1st January 2017 22


Step 4: Computation of Bonus Points for Certified CONQUAS/QM


Certified Personnel Deployed Bonus Point

Certified CONQUAS Supervisor x1 0.15
Certified QM/CONQUAS Supervisor x1 0.30
Certified QM/CONQUAS Manager x1 0.60
(max awarded 1.0)

Step 5: Computation of Final CONQUAS Score

Area of Works/Component Actual (A) X (B)
Structural Works 93.5 10% 9.35
Architectural Works 73.8 75% 55.35
M&E Works 84.5 15% 12.68
Certified QM/CONQUAS - - 1.0
Total Score 100% 78.38
CONQUAS Score 78.4

Scenario 2:
Project Type - Private Housing (CAT B)
Structural System - Reinforced Concrete system with 25%
precast concrete volume and steelwork cost
ratio less than 20%
Roofing System - Flat Roof
Precast System - PPVC system (70% coverage) accepted by
BIP & accredited under the PPVC MAS and
supplied by a SCI Accredited Precaster
Toilets - 70% Prefabricated Bathrooms supplied by an
Accredited Precaster (including bathrooms
within PPVC modules)
External Wall - Precast system
Internal Wall - Drywall

Effective date: 1st January 2017 23


Step 1: Computation of Structural Score

Structural Works Weightage Score

(Reinforced Concrete Structure) %
NDT - UPV for concrete uniformity 35 30.0
NDT - Electro-Covermeter test for concrete cover 35 31.5
Concrete Quality 10 10.0
Steel Reinforcement Quality 10 10.0
Steel Welding Test 10 NA
Sub-total =(100-10) 90 81.5
Pro-rated Total 100 90.6
Accredited Precaster 2.0
Structural Score 92.6

Step 2: Computation of Architectural Score

Architectural Works Weightage Score

Floors 16 9.3
Internal Walls 16 9.0
Ceilings 6 5.8
Doors 6 3.6
Windows 6 4.1
Components 6 4.6
Roof 4 2.5
External Walls 12 9.3
External Works 6 4.5
Field Window Water-tightness Test (WTT)
- BCA Testing 9 8.4
- Self-Testing Pre-requisite submitted
Wet Area Water-Tightness Test
- BCA Testing 5 5.0
- Self-Testing Pre-requisite submitted
Internal Wet Area Waterproofing Process 2 2.0
Pull-Out-Test for Internal Wall Tiles 4 3.2
Precast Facade 1 1.0
Internal Wall Partition
1 1.0
(Drywall or Precast Panel Partition)
Total 100 73.3
70% Prefabricated Bathroom Unit 1.5
70% Coverage PPVC 3.0
Architectural Score 100 77.8

Effective date: 1st January 2017 24


Step 3: Computation of M&E Score

M&E Elements Cat B Score

M&E Works Assessment
Electrical 15% 12.2
ACMV 20% 18.4
Fire Protection 10% 8.8
Plumbing & Sanitary 15% 11.2
Basic Fittings 15% 12.8
Sub-total 75% 63.4
Pro-rated Total 100% 84.53
M&E Performance Test Pre-requisite submitted
M&E Score 100% 84.5

Step 4: Computation of Bonus Points for Certified CONQUAS/QM


Certified Personnel Deployed Bonus Point

Certified CONQUAS Supervisor x1 0.15
Certified QM/CONQUAS Supervisor x1 0.30
Certified QM/CONQUAS Manager x1 0.60
(max awarded 1.0)

Step 5: Computation of Final CONQUAS Score

(A) (B)
Area of Works/Component Actual CAT B (Private (A) X (B)
Score Housing)
Structural Works 92.6 10% 9.26
Architectural Works 77.8 85% 66.13
M&E Works 84.5 5% 4.23
Certified QM/CONQUAS - - 1.0
Total Score 100% 80.62
CONQUAS Score 80.6

Effective date: 1st January 2017 25


3.9 Publication of CONQUAS Scores

The overall CONQUAS scores of projects are published and accessible

for viewing on the IQuas (Information on Construction Quality) Portal at
BCA’s website. Projects scoring 95 CONQUAS points or higher will only
be shown as “CONQUAS ”. Higher CONQUAS scores generally reflect
better workmanship. However scores beyond 95 points are often
achieved at significant cost and effort disproportionate to the incremental
achievement in quality. The “CONQUAS ” rating facilitates setting
realistic quality benchmarks balanced with productivity and cost

Effective date: 1st January 2017 26

Appendix 1a


Part 1: Reinforced Concrete Structures

Item* Standards

1 Formwork

1a Formwork dimensions 1) Tolerance for cross-sectional dimensions of cast in-situ &

and openings for services precast elements: +10mm / -5mm

2) Tolerance for penetration / opening for services: +10mm for

size and ±25mm for location

3) Tolerance for length of precast members (major dimension

of unit):
• Up to 3m: ±6mm
• 3m to 4.5m: ±9mm
• 4.5m to 6m: ±12mm
• Additional deviation for every subsequent 6m: ±6mm

1b Alignment, plumb and 1) Tolerance for departure of any point from its position:
level 10mm

2) Tolerance for plumb: 3mm / m, maximum 20mm

3) Maximum deviation of mean level of staircase thread to

temporary bench mark: ±5mm

4) For cast in-situ elements, the deviation of level of any point

from the intended level: ±10mm

1c Condition of formwork, 1) Formwork must be free from defects

props & bracing
2) Before concreting, the interior must be free from debris

3) All formwork joints must not have gaps to prevent leakage

4) There must be adequate support, bracing and tie-back for

the formwork to prevent bulging or displacement of
structural elements

2 Reinforcement (cast in-

situ & Precast)

2a Main & Secondary rebars 1) According to structural drawings (numbers / sizes)

2) Spacing of bars not more than that specified

2b Anchorages & lap lengths 1) Required lap length not less than that specified

2c Cover provision 1) According to specifications with tolerance of +5mm

2d Links, stirrups and 1) According to structural drawings (numbers / sizes)

trimming bars

Effective date: 1st January 2017 27

Appendix 1a

Item* Standards

2) Spacing of links not more than specified

2e Rebar Condition 1) Rebars must be securely and properly tied in place

2) Rebars must be freed from concrete dropping, corrosion


3 Finished Concrete (cast

in-situ & Precast)

3a Dimension for elements / 1) Tolerance for cross-sectional dimension of cast in-situ and
opening for services precast elements: +10mm / -5mm

2) Tolerance for opening: +10 for size and ±25mm for location

3) Tolerance for length of precast members (major dimension

of unit):
• Up to 3m: ±6mm
• 3m to 4.5m: ±9mm
• 4.5m to 6m: ±12mm
• Additional deviation for every subsequent 6m: ±6mm

4) Straightness or bow (deviation from intended line) of

precast member:
• Up to 3m: 6mm
• 3m to 6m: 9mm
• 4.5m to 6m: 12mm
• Additional for every subsequent 6m: 6mm

5) Squareness of precast member – Difference between the

greatest and shortest dimensions should not exceed the
Length of shorter sides
• Up to and including 1.2m: 6mm
• Over 1.2m but less than 1.8m: 9mm
• 1.8m and over: 12mm

6) Twist of precast member – Any corner should not be more

than the deviation stated from the plane containing the
other 3 corners:
• Up to 600mm wide and 6m in length: 6mm
• Over 600mm wide and for any length: 12mm

7) Flatness: 6mm per 1.5m

3b Alignment, plumb and 1) Tolerance for departure of any point from its position:
level ±10mm

2) Tolerance for plumb: 3mm / 1m, maximum 20mm for floor

to floor height and 40mm for the entire building height

3) Maximum deviation of mean level: ±10mm

4) For cast in-situ elements, the maximum deviation of levels

within the element: 10mm

Effective date: 1st January 2017 28

Appendix 1a

Item* Standards

5) Camber at mid-span: according to specifications

3c Exposed surface 1) Should not have visual exposure of groups of coarse

aggregates resulting from grout leakage

2) Cold joint & formwork joint must be smooth

3) No bulging of structural elements

4) All formwork, nails, zinc strips, etc must be removed

5) No cracks or damages

4 Precast Specific

4a Lifting points/inserts 1) Tolerance for position: ±20mm from centre line location in

2) Lifting devices and inserts free from damages

4b Sleeve 1) Tolerance for position: ±6mm from centre line location in

system/connections drawings

2) Bar protrusion length according to requirements. No

bending, cranking or damages to bars

3) Bars free from concrete droppings or corrosion

4) Sleeves, grout holes, grout tubes not congested with debris

4c Interface/joint 1) Joint taper:

requirements • Over 3m length: 6mm
• Maximum for entire length: 9mm

2) Alignment of horizontal and vertical joint: ±6mm

3) Jog in alignment of matching edges: 6mm

4) Sitting of element: according to specifications

5) Installation of sealant and waterproofing: according to


4d Cast-in steel 1) Tolerance for position of cast-in steel items: ±6mm from
items/welded & bolted centre line location in drawings

2) Tolerance for position of openings for bolt connections:

±3mm from centre line location in drawings

3) Relevant requirements in CONQUAS steelwork standards

to be used where applicable

Effective date: 1st January 2017 29

Appendix 1a

Item* Standards

5 Structure Quality

5a Concrete Cube test 1) For every pour of concrete, test cubes results at 28 days
must satisfy the passing criteria as specified in the contract.
The summary of test reports (Form A) must be endorsed by
the project’s structural Qualified Person (QP)

5b Reinforcement (Rebar) 1) To pass the tensile strength test for all the reinforcement
bars used as according to the contract specifications. The
summary of test reports (Form A) must be endorsed by the
project’s structural QP

2) All the welded steel fabric used to comply with the contract

3) No non-conforming reinforcement detected through test

records has been installed in the structure

Effective date: 1st January 2017 30

Appendix 1a

Item* Standards

6 Non-destructive testing

6a Ultra Pulse Velocity test 1) To conduct NDT using ultrasonic pulse velocity (UPV) to
for Concrete Uniformity check the degree of uniformity of hardened concrete

2) 5 columns per set and 2 readings per column

3) Assessment is based on the difference between the 2 UPV

readings within a column shall not exceed 0.05 km/s

4) Method as per SS 78

6b Electro-Covermeter test 1) To check hardened concrete cover for reinforcement bars

for concrete cover after casting: minimum 25mm or higher as according to

2) 5 structural samples per set including:

a 3 for slab soffit @ 4 readings each

b 1 for column @ 2 readings each on both axis of the column

c 1 for beam @ 2 readings each on the soffit and one side of

the beam

3) For each reading within a structural sample, full point for

±5mm and half point for >±5mm to ±8mm. However, no
points will be awarded if any of the 4 readings within the
structural sample exceeds + 12mm)

4) Method as per SS 78

For the assessment of concrete cube test results, the percentage of points shall be awarded based
on the percentage of non-compliance as tabulated in the table below:

Percentage of Points awarded Percentage of non-compliance

100% 0 - 2.5%
75% 2.6 - 5.0%
50% 5.1 - 7.5%
25% 7.6 - 10%
0% > 10%

* An item is deemed to have failed if any one of the standards is not met.

Effective date: 1st January 2017 31

Appendix 1b


Part 2: Structural Steel Works

Item* Standards

1 Main member/Partial
assembled component

1a Physical dimensions 1) Cross sectional tolerance should not be less than the
structural steel specifications or approved plan

2) Tolerance for length of structural steel member: ±3mm

3) Tolerance for bolt hole size:

• ≤2mm for bolt diameter < 24mm
• ≤3mm for bolt diameter ≥ 24mm
Tolerance for bolt hole position: ±2mm

1b Type and condition 1) According to the structural steel specifications

2) Surface preparation shall meet the surface roughness


3) Material used must be traceable to its original mill


1c Welding 1) Weld size, length and profile shall meet the structural steel
specifications and drawings

2) Visual inspection shall meet the structural steel


3) All weld shall follow approved welding procedures

4) All welding must be done by qualified welders

1d Bolting 1) Bolts and washers, type, size and number shall be

according to the structural steel specifications

2) Drilled holes shall be free from burrs

3) The condition of bolted parts adjacent to the bolt heads,

nuts, flat washers, connection gussets and splice plates
shall be free from oil, paint, and loose mill scales or
otherwise specified by the structural steel specifications

4) Gap between adjacent parts shall not exceed 2mm

5) Bolts shall be tightened to specified torque or as specified

by the structural steel specifications

6) Threaded bolts protruding at least one thread length with


Effective date: 1st January 2017 32

Appendix 1b

Item* Standards

2 Metal decking

2a Type and condition 1) Correct type and thickness of metal decking used

2) All decking joints must not have gaps

3) All metal decking must be properly secured in place

4) Metal decking must be free from defects and visible


5) Before concreting, the decking must be free from grease,

oil, paint, and all other foreign materials

6) All accessories such as pour stop, end closures and cover

plates must be in place before concreting

2b Shear studs 1) Correct number and type of shear studs used

2) Spacing and position according to approved plan

3) Strength of shear stud welds not less than specified

4) All welds should show a full 360-degree weld fillet. All

welds free from visible damages

2c Lapping and deck 1) According to structural steel specifications or approved

openings plan

3 Erection tolerances

3a Column verticality 1) Tolerance for verticality: ±H/600 or 5mm, maximum

±25mm; where H is the floor to floor height in mm.

3b Column position 1) The position in plan of a steel column at the base shall not
deviate from the specified position by more than 10mm
along either of the principal setting out axes

3c Beam level 1) Maximum deviation of level at each end of the same beam:

2) The level of the top of the steelwork at any storey shall be

within ±10mm of the specified level

3d Beam position 1) Beams shall not deviate from their specified positions
relative to the column to which they are connected by more
than 5mm

Effective date: 1st January 2017 33

Appendix 1b

Item* Standards

4 Corrosion and fire


4a Thickness of coating 1) Average thickness of the coating or the protective layer

must not be less than specified

4b Condition 1) No visible damages

2) No spalling of coating or protective layer from structural

steel members

5 Welding test reports# 1) Reports for all critical welding joints from the specified
contract requirements must be submitted

2) Test reports must comply with the acceptable criteria and

must be endorsed by the project structural Qualified

# For test records, the following table would be used to determine the points awarded:

Points awarded Percentage of elements checked which does not comply

100% 0%
75% 0%<x≤5%
50% 5%<x≤10%
25% 10%<x≤15%
0 x>15%

* An item is deemed to have failed if any one of the standards is not met.

Effective date: 1st January 2017 34

Appendix 1c


Part 3: Pre-stressed Concrete

Item* Standards

1 Condition of tendons & 1) All pre-stressing strands and wires should comply with the
anchorages specified standards and requirements and be free from
loose rust, oil, tar, paint and any foreign objects

2) All tendon anchorage are to comply with the specified

standards and protected from corrosion

Thread parts to be greased wrapped and tapped holes

protected until use

2 Installation of sheathing 1) Sheathing properly secured and protected and free from
damage or puncture

2) Sheathing profile according to drawings throughout the

length with position tolerance: ±5mm

3) Splice to sheathing shall be mortar tight

4) Air vents or grout tubes provided according to the drawing

3 Stressing & Grouting 1) Tendon ducts clean and free from foreign objects and
process tendon free moving in the duct

2) Strands stressed to the final pressure / elongation within

the specific % accuracy of the stipulated value

3) All grouting operations of the tendons must be smooth and

achieved without need to flush out in the first grouting

4 Debonding 1) Open ends of debond tubes over the debond length of

strands sealed

2) Debond lengths according to the drawings

3) Debonding materials not punctured or damaged

* An item is deemed to have failed if any one of the standards is not met.

Effective date: 1st January 2017 35

Appendix 2


Part 1: Internal Finishes

Item* Standards

1 Floors

1a General Requirements 1) Finishing

• No stain marks
• Consistent colour tone
• Floor divider provided where required

2) Alignments & Evenness

• Evenness of surface (not more than 3mm per 1.2m)
• Falls in wet areas should be in right direction
• No ponding in falls for wet area
• For staircases, the variance in lengths of threads and
risers must not exceed 5 mm; nosing must be straight
• Skirting size and joint aligned with floor if of same

3) Crack & Damages

• No visible damage / defects

4) Hollowness / Delamination
• No hollow sound when tapped with a hard object
• No sign of delamination

5) Jointing
• Consistent skirting thickness
• No visible gap between wall & skirting

1b Screed finish 1) Surfaces should not be unduly rough or patchy

2) No visible trowel marks

3) Expansion joints should be provided at interval as stated by


1c Tiled finish 1) Consistent colour and neat pointing

2) No hollow sound when tapped with a hard object

3) Joints are aligned and consistent with skirting and wall tiles

4) Consistent joint size

5) Lippage between 2 tiles should not be more than 0.5 mm

6) Expansion joints should be provided at interval as stated by


Effective date: 1st January 2017 36

Appendix 2

Item* Standards

1d Timber floor 1) No warpage

2) Timber strips to rest firmly on joists or screed

3) No visible gaps in between timber strips

4) Edges of the floor to be properly sealed

1e Carpet 1) Stretched and even surface

2) Joint should not be visible

3) Proper anchoring at all edges

1f Raised Floor 1) No loose floor panels

2) No protrusion / potential of tripping over floor panels

3) No jolting or rocking panel

Effective date: 1st January 2017 37

Appendix 2

Item* Standards

2 Internal Walls

2a General 1) Finishing
• No stain marks
• Consistent colour tone
• No rough / patchy surface

2) Alignments & Evenness

• Evenness of surface (not more than 3mm per 1.2m)
• Verticality of wall (not more than 3mm per m)
• Walls meet at right angles (not more than 4mm over
• Edges (wall to wall) to appear straight and aligned

3) Crack & Damages

• No visible damage / defects

4) Hollowness / Delamination
• No hollow sound when tapped with a hard object
• No sign of delamination

5) Jointing
• Straightness of corners and joints

2b Plaster Finish 1) Surface evenness (not more than 3mm over 1.2m)

2) No hollow sound when tapped with a hard object.

3) Surfaces should not be unduly rough or patchy esp no

brush / trowel marks

2c Tiled Finish 1) Tile joints aligned and with consistent joint size

2) No hollow sound when tapped with a hard object

3) Consistent colour and neat pointing

4) Lippage between 2 tiles should not be more than 0.5mm

2d Cladding 1) Proper anchorage for panels

2) Joints aligned and with consistent joint size

3) Sealant material compatible with cladding

4) Consistent spacing and within allowable tolerance

2e Architectural Coating 1) Substrate - see plaster finish

2) Finished texture and colour to be uniform

Effective date: 1st January 2017 38

Appendix 2

Item* Standards

2f Painting 1) Substrate - see plaster finish

2) Surfaces are evenly painted

3) Good opacity, no patchiness resulted from touch up works

4) Free from peeling, blister and chalkiness

5) No discolouration and fading

2g Pre-cast concrete 1) Alignment with adjacent planks not more than 3mm

2) Plane tolerance (3mm / 1.2m)

2h Wall Paper 1) Stretched and even surface

2) Joint should not be visible

3) Proper anchoring at all edges

4) Edges should be neatly laid and finished

2i Glass Blocks 1) Pointing should be satisfactory

2) Joint should be even

3) Glass blocks should be properly aligned

2j Wood / Timber Panels 1) Timber panels to rest firmly on joist or screed

2) No visible gaps between panels

3) Edges should be properly aligned and sealed

4) No warpage

5) No cracks

2k Fair-Face Concrete 1) Consistent distribution of blowholes for the same sample/

surrounding area

2) All blowhole sizes to be equal or less than 8mm

3) Consistent tonality for the same sample/ surrounding area

4) No exposed aggregate

5) No cracks and damages

Effective date: 1st January 2017 39

Appendix 2

Item* Standards

3 Ceilings

3a General Requirements 1) Finishing

• No stain marks
• Consistent colour tone
• No patchy surface

2) Alignment & Evenness

• Overall surface should be smooth, even, not wavy
• Straightness of corners

3) Crack & Damages

• No visible damage e.g spalling, leaks, cracks, etc

4) Roughness
• No rough surface

5) Jointing
Consistent, aligned and neat

3b Skim Coats / Boarded 1) Not patchy, with no pin holes and with no trowel marks

2) Formwork joints are grounded smooth

3) Paintwork with good opacity and with no brush marks

4) Access door joints should be sharp and in consistent width

3c False ceiling / Grid 1) Alignment of rails should be visually straight


2) Surface should be overall level and even

3) Chipped surfaces or corners should not be seen

Effective date: 1st January 2017 40

Appendix 2

Item* Standards

4 Doors

4a General Requirements 1) Joints & Gap

• No visible gaps between door frame and wall
• Consistent & neat joints
• Consistent gap between door leaf and frame and not
more than 5mm
• No visible gaps within door leaf and door frame
• Consistent and no visible gaps for mitre joints

2) Alignment & Evenness

• Alignment/level with walls
• Door frame and leaf to flush
• Door and frame corners maintained at right angles
• No rattling sound when door is closed

3) Material & Damages

• No stain marks and any visible damage
• No sags, warps on door leaf
• Fire stop provided where necessary
• Door joints and nail holes filled up, properly sanded
down and with good paint finish (including on top and
bottom of door leaf and consistent in colour)
• Glazing clean and evenly sealed with gasket
• No sign of corrosion for metal frame
• Consistent colour tone

4) Functionality
• Ease in opening, closing and locking
• No squeaky sound during swinging the leaf

5) Accessories Defects
• Lock sets with good fit and no stains
• No sign of corrosion in ironmongery
• No missing or defective accessories

Note 1: Civil defence shelter door will be considered as

part of wall finishes

Note 2: Metal gate will be assessed as component

Effective date: 1st January 2017 41

Appendix 2

Item* Standards

5 Windows

5a General Requirements 1) Joints & Gap

• No visible gap between window frame and wall
• Consistent gap between window leaf and frame and
not more than 5mm (timber window only)
• No visible gaps within window leaf and frame
• No visible gaps between window leaf and frame
• Neat joint between window and wall internally and
• Consistent and no visible gaps at mitre joints

2) Alignment & Evenness

• Alignment / level with wall openings
• Window leaf and frame corners maintained at right

3) Material & Damages

• No stain marks and any visible damage / defects
• Louvre windows with glass panels of correct lengths
• Glazing clean, evenly sealed with putty or gasket for
aluminium windows

4) Functionality
• Ease in opening, closing and locking
• No sign of rainwater leakage
• No squeaky sound during swinging the leaf

5) Accessories Defects
• Lock sets with good fit and aligned
• No sign of corrosion
• No missing or defective accessories
• Countersunk screws levelled and flushed. No over-
tightened screws
• Stainless steel screws at hinges for swing window

Effective date: 1st January 2017 42

Appendix 2

Item* Standards

6 Components * Internal fixtures such as wardrobe, kitchen cabinet, vanity

top, mirror, bathtub, water closet, shower screen and basin

** External fixtures such signage, emergency lightings,

railings, unit number plates, lift fittings, letter box, lightings,
metal gate etc

6a General Requirements 1) Joints & Gap

• Consistent joint width & neat joint
• No visible gap
• Welding joints grounded or flushed

2) Alignment & Evenness

• Level and in alignment

3) Material & Damages

• No stain marks
• No visible damage / defects
• Consistent in colour tone

4) Functionality
• Functional, secured and safe

5) Accessories Defects
• No missing accessories
• No sign of corrosion
• No visible damages / defects

* An item is deemed to have failed if any one of the standards is not met

Effective date: 1st January 2017 43

Appendix 2


Part 2: Roof

Item* Standards

1 Construction

1a General Requirements 1) Stain / Painting

• No stain marks
• Good paint works

2) Rough / Uneven / Falls

• Look smooth and with no tool marks
• Even and level esp no potential in tripping
• Good falls in right direction

3) Crack / Chip / Damage

• No visible damages / defects

4) Joint / Sealant / Alignment

• Consistent joint width, neat & aligned

5) Chokage / Ponding
• No sign of chokage and ponding

6) Construction
• No sign of leaking
• Proper dressing for any protrusion
• Neat & secured installation of fixtures

1b Flat Roof 1) Ponding less than 3mm

2) Surface to level to avoid tripping

3) Proper dressing for any protrusion

4) Openings to be sealed to prevent pest invasion

5) Clean and no stain marks

1c Pitched Roof 1) No leaking

2) No rust or stains

3) Good painting to roof structural members

4) Roof tiles in alignment

5) Openings to be sealed to prevent pest invasion

Effective date: 1st January 2017 44

Appendix 2

Item* Standards

6) Consistent colour tone

7) Proper dressing for any protrusion

1d Waterproofing 1) Should be evenly installed, no sharp protrusion


2) Complete adhesion to base

3) Good laps at joints and proper vertical abutment details

4) No leaking and sign of damage to membrane/coating

5) Clean and no mortar stains

6) No paint defects

1e Gutters 1) No ponding and chokage

2) No cracks, chips and any other visible damages / defects

3) RWDP inlet should be lower than the surrounding gutter

invert level

4) Gutter and RWDP inlet to be covered to prevent chokage

where practical

5) Clean and no cement stains

* An item is deemed to have failed if any one of the standards is not met

Effective date: 1st January 2017 45

Appendix 2


Part 3: External Wall

Item* Standards

1 General Requirements 1) Evenness / Roughness

• Overall surface should be even, not wavey & not

2) Staining / Painting
• No visible stain marks
• Good paint works

3) Cracking / Damages
• No visible damage / defects

4) Jointing / Alignment
• External features visually in alignment
• Corners of wall maintained at right angles and straight
• Consistent joint width, neat & aligned

2 Plaster Finish 1) As above

3 Tiled Finish 1) Tile joints aligned and between 2-4mm wide unless

2) Plumb tolerance and evenness of surface (3mm / 1.2m)

4 Claddings / Curtain 1) Gaps around openings to be properly sealed


2) Joints of regular widths as specified

3) Plumb tolerance as specified

4) Evenness of surface, no dents or scratches

5) Sealant material compatible with cladding

5 Facing Brickwork 1) 10mm joint with pointing

2) Weepholes are provided as specified

3) No mortar droppings and other stains

4) No efflorescence

Effective date: 1st January 2017 46

Appendix 2

Item* Standards

6 Architectural Coating 1) Substrate - see plaster finish

2) Finished texture and colour to be uniform

3) No paint drips and other stains

7 Painting 1) Substrate - see plaster finish

2) Surfaces are evenly painted; no patchiness due to touch up


3) Good opacity, no discolouring and free from peeling

8 Fair-Faced Concrete 1) No exposed aggregate

2) Consistent tonality when viewed as a whole

* An item is deemed to have failed if any one of the standards is not met

Effective date: 1st January 2017 47

Appendix 2


Part 4: External Works

Item* Standards

1 General Requirements 1) No stain marks and visible damages / defects

(basis for assessment)
2) Finishes must be even, level , align & consistent

3) Consistent joints width and neat

4) Paintworks with good opacity, no patchiness and brush


5) Constructed according to Contract Specifications

6) Fixtures installed must be safe, secured and functional

7) Standards defined under Part 1: Internal Finishes, Part 2:

Roof and Part 3: External Wall shall apply for similar items

1a Link-Way / Shelter 1) Floor as per Internal Finishes - Floor

2) Column as per Internal Finishes - Wall

3) Ceiling as per Internal Finishes – Ceiling

4) Other Finishes as per Internal Finishes – Components

5) M&E Fitting as per M&E Works – Part 5 Basic M&E


1b Apron & Drain 1) Drain

• Free flowing and no ponding of water

2) Drain Cover
• level and do not jolt or rock
• Gaps between drain covers and side of drain between
5-10mm wide
• Drain grating properly painted

3) Apron 1
• Bitumen joints with neat edges and sufficient length
• No ponding

4) Apron 2 – as per Apron 1

5) Inspection Chamber
• Inspection chambers are level with surrounding without
depression and with tolerance of
• Covers to be level with frames

Effective date: 1st January 2017 48

Appendix 2

Item* Standards

1c Roadwork & Carpark 1) Side Drain as per 1b Apron & Drain

2) Road Surface
• No ponding
• Road painting according to drawings; dimensional
tolerance of 5mm
• Gaps between aeration slabs properly filled up with
• Aeration slabs stable and not broken

3) Kerbs – as per General Requirements

4) Road Sign
• Provided according to specifications
• Firm and secured at base – with footing if required
• Metal parts below ground are corrosion treated

5) Lightings – as per 1c Road Sign

1d Footpaths & Turfing 1) Footpath as per Internal Finishes - Floor

2) Turfing
• No depression or bald patches
• Turfing done evenly, no dead grass or weeds

3) Lightings as per 1c Road Sign

4) Fencing & Railing

• As per 1c Road Sign
• Wire fencing is PVC covered
• Footings provided for supports
• Vertical tolerance (4mm / 1.2m)

5) Other Fixtures
• as per Internal Finishes - Components

1e Playground 1) Floor as per Internal Finishes - Floor

2) Permanent Fixture1 as per Internal Finishes -


3) Permanent Fixture2 as per Internal Finishes -


4) Lightings as per 1c Road Sign

5) Signage as per Internal Finishes - Components

Effective date: 1st January 2017 49

Appendix 2

Item* Standards

1f Court 1) Floor 1 as per Internal Finishes - Floor

2) Floor 2 as per Internal Finishes - Floor

3) Signage as per Internal Finishes - Components

4) M&E Fitting as per M&E Works – Part 5 Basic M&E


5) Permanent Fixture as per Internal Finishes - Components

1g Fences & Gates 1) Fence Left as per 1d – item 4)

2) Gate as per Internal Finishes - Components

3) Fence Right as per 1d – item 4)

4) M&E Fitting as per M&E Works – Part 5 Basic M&E


5) Signage as per Internal Finishes - Components

1h Swimming Pool 1) Side Drain as per Internal Finishes - Floor

2) Foot Path 1 as per Internal Finishes - Floor

3) Floor Path 2 as per Internal Finishes - Floor

4) M&E Fitting as per M&E Works – Part 5 Basic M&E


5) Other Fixture as per Internal Finishes - Components

1i Club House 1) External Wall 1 as Part 3 External Wall

2) External Wall 2 as Part 3 External Wall

3) External Wall 3 as Part 3 External Wall

4) External Wall 4 as Part 3 External Wall

5) Apron & Drain as per 1b

Effective date: 1st January 2017 50

Appendix 2

Item* Standards

1j Guard House 1) External Wall 1 as Part 3 External Wall

2) External Wall 2 as Part 3 External Wall

3) Apron & Drain as per 1b

4) Gantry as per Internal Finishes - Components

5) Other Fixture as per Internal Finishes - Components

1k Electrical Substation 1) External Wall 1 as Part 3 External Wall

2) External Wall 2 as Part 3 External Wall

3) External Wall 3 as Part 3 External Wall

4) External Wall 4 as Part 3 External Wall

5) Apron & Drain as per 1b

* An item is deemed to have failed if any one of the standards is not met

Effective date: 1st January 2017 51

Appendix 2


Part 5: Material & Functional Tests

Item* Standards

1 Plastering 1) Use Pre-packed Plaster only.

2 Field Window Water- 1) No sign of leakage using BCA's Window Water-tightness

tightness Test Test method. Leakage is defined as “any appearance of
uncontrolled water, other than condensation, on the indoor
face of any part of the wall & window”.

2) BCA's Water-tightness Test parameters:

Water intensity: 300mm/hr

: 1 litre/min/m of joint
Wind Pressure: 240 Pa
Nozzle inclination: 90o to window
1 sample = 2m length of joint
Spray duration: 10 minutes

3 Wet Area Water- 1) No sign of leakage after ponding wet areas over a
tightness test (i.e. minimum period of 24 hrs.
Bathrooms, toilets &
flat roof)

2) Ponding with final finish in-place

4 Internal wet area 1) According to approved method statement, shop drawings

waterproofing process and related BCA’s Good Industry Practices guides

5 Pull-off test (POT)for 1) Minimum tensile strength of 0.15 N / mm2

internal wall tiles

For the assessment of the field window water-tightness test, the number of points shall be
awarded based on the percentage of non-compliance as tabulated in the table below :

Points Awarded for

Percentage of non-compliance
BCA Field Test (100%)

9 0%
(15-x)* 9/15 0% < x < 15%
0 ≥ 15%

Note: No points shall be given if test is not carried out.

“x” is the percentage of samples failed.

Effective date: 1st January 2017 52

Appendix 2

For the assessment of the wet area water-tightness test, the number of points shall be awarded
based on the percentage of non-compliance as tabulated in the table below :

Points Awarded for

Percentage of non-compliance
BCA Field Test (100%)

5 0%
(2-x)* 5/2 0% < x < 2%
0 ≥ 2%

Note: No points shall be given if test is not carried out.

“x” is the percentage of samples failed.

* An item is deemed to have failed if any one of the standards is not met.

Effective date: 1st January 2017 53

Appendix 3


Part 1: Electrical Works

Item* Standards

1 Embedded Conduits

Installation 1) Conduit ends properly protected

2) Correct type of conduit installed as per approved sample

3) Conduit boxes clean and open end plugged / temporarily


4) Coupling joints fastened

5) Bonding to earth provided for all metallic conduits

Secured Properly 6) Conduits properly secured

Bent Properly 7) Conduits properly bent without distortion and damage

No Visible Damage

2 Main Cables

Properly Supported 1) Cables adequately supported

Fire Stop 2) Fire stops properly installed

Spacing & Secure of Cable 3) Adequate spacing of cables

No Visible Damage

3 Surface Conduits

Installation 1) Conduit ends properly connected

2) Metallic conduits properly earthed

3) Correct type of conduit as per approved sample

4) Conduits properly bent without distortion and damage

Support 5) Support / brackets rigidly fitted

6) Screw used properly fastened

Fire Stop 7) Fire stops properly installed

Effective date: 1st January 2017 54

Appendix 3

Item* Standards
No Visible Damage 8) Conduits and accessories properly painted

4 Cable Tray, Ladder

And Trunking

Installation 1) Joints protected against corrosion

2) Correct type of material used as per approved sample

3) Metallic trunking properly earthed

Support 4) Support / brackets rigidly fitted

5) Screw used properly fastened

Fire Stop 6) Fire stops properly installed

No Visible Damage

5 Distribution Board

Circuit Diagram 1) Circuit diagram provided

2) Proper labelling for panel

Cable Termination /Earthing 3) Suitable cable termination provided

4) All live parts to be non-accessible

5) All exposed metal parts effectively earthed

No Visible Damage

* An item is deemed to have failed if any one of the standards is not met

Effective date: 1st January 2017 55

Appendix 3

Part 2: Quality Standards for ACMV Works

Item* Standards

1 Ductwork

Location & Installation 1) Location and ductwork installed according to approved shop

Paints 2) Exposed ductwork and hanger properly painted to approved

colour code

Support 3) Ductwork properly supported

No Visible Damage

2 Fire-Rated Ducts

Location & Installation 1) Location and ductwork installed according to approved shop

2) No hanging of other services

Access Panel 3) Fire-resistant sealed access panel provided to fire-rated

enclosure of equipment for maintenance

No Visible Damage

3 Flexible Ducts

Location & Installation 1) Location & installation as per approved shop drawings

Support 2) Duct properly supported

Sufficient Radius 3) Bending radius sufficiently wide to prevent tensioning and

restriction of the throat

No Visible Damage

4 Flexible Connectors

Location & Installation 1) Installed as per approved shop drawings

2) Provided at ductwork, between AHU/FCU/Fans and related


Length Limit 3) Within 50 – 250 mm length

No Visible Damage

Effective date: 1st January 2017 56

Appendix 3

Item* Standards
5 Dampers

Location & Installation 1) Location of dampers as per approved shop drawings

2) Dampers / splitter dampers can be adjusted freely between

the open and close position

Access Door 3) Access doors provided to all dampers

No Visible Damage

6 Fire Dampers

Location & Installation 1) Location of dampers as per approved shop drawings

2) Installed as per SS 553 and no gap around fire dampers

3) Dampers in open position and held in position by fusible link.

Access Door 4) Access doors provided to all dampers according to SS 553

No Visible Damage

7 Split Unit/Window Air


Installation 1) Units are levelled when placed on plinth

2) Drainage provided/units slightly tilted for condensation

3) Drain hose connected to the drain pipe

4) Cool air is not blocked by wall, beam, shelving or other built-

in furniture in the room

Seal Penetration 5) Proper sealant of wall or roof opening after pipes are fixed

No Leakage 6) No sign of leakage from pipes

No Visible Damage

Effective date: 1st January 2017 57

Appendix 3

Item* Standards

8 Air-Con Comfort

Temperature 1) Room temperature between 23oC - 25oC or according to


Air Flow 2) Room airflow rate not exceeding 0.25 m/s or according to

Relative Humidity 3) Room relative humidity not more than 60% or according to

9 Air Handling Unit

Location & Installation 1) Unit location & pipe layout installed as per approved shop

2) Inspection access door for fan, coil, motor and filter

3) All metal parts properly earthed

4) Smoke detector installed at the return air stream

5) Name plate installed with manufacturer's name, serial

number and model number

Support 6) Pipe / duct from AHU must be supported

No Visible Damage

10 Pump

Location & Installation 1) Location & pipe layout installed as per approved shop

2) Pump & motor assembly properly installed on inertia block &

spring isolator

3) Guard provided to exposed shafts, coupling & moving parts

4) Name plate installed with manufacturer's name, serial

number and model number

Electrical Termination 5) No bad electrical termination

No Visible Damage

Effective date: 1st January 2017 58

Appendix 3

Item* Standards

11 Cooling Tower

Self-Earthing System 1) Cooling tower completed with self-earthing system for

connection to building lightning protection system

Location & Installation 2) Name plate installed with manufacturer's name, serial
number and model number

3) Location & pipe layout installed as per approved shop


No Visible Damage 4) Cooling tower clear of all debris

12 Pipework
including Chilled water, Hot
water, Steam, Condenser
water, Condenser drain,
Cold Water make-up,
water treatment and
refrigerant 1) Pipe works installed as per approved shop drawing &

Paints & Support 2) Pipe work provided with drains at each low point and
automatic air vents with manual isolating valve at each high

Fire Stop 3) Fire stop for passage of pipes at opening for fire resistant
walls and floor

4) Properly painted and supported

No Visible Damage

13 Chiller

Location & Installation 1) Location & pipe layout installed as per approved shop

2) Chiller to be levelled when placed on plinth or vibration


3) Chiller fixed securely in position

4) Correct model, make & capacity

Pipe Support & Label 5) Pipes supported properly by hangers or brackets

6) Pipe connections follow specified flow direction

Effective date: 1st January 2017 59

Appendix 3

Item* Standards

No Leakage 7) No sign of leakage

No Visible Damage

* An item is deemed to have failed if any one of the standards is not met

Effective date: 1st January 2017 60

Appendix 3

Part 3: Quality Standards for Fire Protection Works

Item* Standards

1 Wet / Dry Riser

Landing Valve 1) Landing valve must be accessible

2) Landing valve strapped & padlocked

3) Labelling for riser door

4) Landing valve painted red for wet riser / yellow for dry riser

5) Automatic air release valve provided at highest point of rising


Pipe & Pipe Support 6) Riser pipes properly supported

7) Labelling & painting for riser pipe

8) Bonding to earth provided for rising main

Wall/Floor Penetration 9) Proper wall / floor penetration

No Visible Damage

2 Sprinkler

Location & Installation 1) Location, sprinkler and pipe layouts and sizes installed as
per approved shop drawings

2) Double layer sprinkler for false ceiling >800mm in depth

3) No obstruction and painting to sprinkler heads

4) Correct sprinkler heads used in correct locations

Pipe Support 5) Pipe work properly supported

Wall/Floor Penetration 6) Proper wall / floor penetration

No Visible Damage

Effective date: 1st January 2017 61

Appendix 3

Item* Standards

3 Fire Alarm

Location & Installation 1) Location of fire alarm panel, break glass & bell is correct

2) Location & spacing of detectors are correct

3) Fire alarm wiring in conduit (GI type)

Paints 4) Panel and conduit properly painted

Fire Alarm Zoning Diagram 5) Fire Alarm Zoning diagram provided near panels / sub-

No Visible Damage

4 Hosereel

Location & Installation 1) Location of hosereel as per approved shop drawings

2) Hosereel cabinet properly labelled

3) Hosereel pipe properly fixed with hangers & brackets

3) Hosereel operation instruction properly marked on hosereel

drum or door

Paints 4) Correct & proper painting for hosereel

No Visible Damage

* An item is deemed to have failed if any one of the standards is not met

Effective date: 1st January 2017 62

Appendix 3

Part 4: Quality Standards for Plumbing & Sanitary Works

Item* Standards

1 Concealed Pipes

Location & Installation 1) Pipes properly supported, bent without distortion, kink and

2) Pipe and fitting ends properly capped

3) Proper joints

4) Materials used are of approved types

Alignment 5) Vertically or horizontally aligned

No Visible Damage

2 Exposed Pipes

Location & Installation 1) Location of pipes installed and labelled as per approved
shop drawing

2) Pipes properly supported, bent without distortion, kink and


3) Joints are watertight

4) Pipe & fitting ends properly capped

5) No potable water pipes below non-potable water pipes

6) Materials used are of approved types

Alignment 7) Horizontally and vertically aligned and parallel to building


8) Inclined pipes laid to proper gradients

9) Plumb < 3mm per 1m height

Clearance 10) Do not cause obstruction / pose safety hazard at public area

11) Sufficient clearance between installed pipes / ceiling and

pipes / wall for accessibility

12) Service pipe duct accessible

No Visible Damage

Effective date: 1st January 2017 63

Appendix 3

Item* Standards
3 Water Tank

Location & Installation 1) Location, type & capacity as per approved shop drawing and

2) All openings properly covered and secured

3) Joints & pipe connections are watertight.

4) Not located below non-potable water pipes

5) Corrosion-resistant external cat ladders provided for large

water tank

Netting 6) Netting properly fitted for overflow / warning / vent pipes

Clearance 7) Accessible for maintenance. Minimum clearance of 600mm

all rounded the water tank

No Visible Damage 8) No visible damage

9) Clean & free from debris

4 Pump & Motor

Location & Installation 1) Location & type as per approved shop drawing

2) No noticeable vibration & noise from pump / motor

3) Test certificate for alignment of Pump & Motor from


Electrical Termination 4) No bad / loose electrical terminations

No Visible Damage

* An item is deemed to have failed if any one of the standards is not met

Effective date: 1st January 2017 64

Appendix 3

Part 5: Quality Standards for Basic M&E Fittings

Item* Standards

1 General Requirements 1) Joints & Gap

• No visible gap
• Consistent joint width & neat

2) Alignment & Evenness

• Aligned, leveled and straight

3) Material & Damages

• No visible damage / defects
• No stain marks
• Securely fixed
• Consistent colour tone

4) Functionality
• Functional and safe

5) Accessories Defects
• No missing accessories
• No visible damage / defects

2 Plumbing & Sanitary


2a Gully & Floor Trap 1) No damage or chokage

2) Must be securely fixed

3) Trap's top lower than the surrounding floor level

2b Pipes 1) Visually aligned horizontally, vertically and parallel to

building surface

2) Inclined pipes laid to proper gradients

3) No leakage at joints

4) Plumb < 10mm / storey height

5) Brackets firmly secured & adequately spaced

6) If painted, no drippings & with good opacity

2c Fittings 1) Firmly secured & joints properly sealed & pointed

2) No leakage at joints

Effective date: 1st January 2017 65

Appendix 3

Item* Standards

3) No chipping or cracks

4) No paint drops or mortar droppings

5) Fittings in working condition

6) Accessible for maintenance

7) Do not cause obstruction / pose as safety hazard (e.g.

sprinkler head to point inward).

8) No sediments / particles found in water collected at terminal

water fittings (remove aerator & showerhead).

9) All sensor covers properly sealed against water seepage

10) Materials used are of approved types

3 M&E Fittings e.g. power point, telephone point, air-con diffuser, fan coil
unit, lighting, smoke alarm, sprinkler heads, CCTV camera,

3a Installation 1) Fittings must be aligned and location as per approved


2) No stains

3) Neat patch-up for pointing / penetration

3b Safety 1) No exposed wiring within reach

3c Damages 1) No visible damage

* An item is deemed to have failed if any one of the standards is not met

Effective date: 1st January 2017 66

Appendix 4

Defects Grouping Guide for Assessment of Internal Finishes

Element Defects Grouping Defects Description

Floor Finishing Stains, Painting / Coating Defects, Tonality, Patchy & Roughness
Wall Alignment & Evenness Alignment, Unevenness, Squareness
Crack & Damages Crack, Chip, Dent, Scratches
Hollowness / Delamination
Jointing Joints, Pointing
Ceiling Finishing Stains, Painting / Coating Defects, Patchy
Alignment & Evenness
Crack & Damages Crack, Chip, Dent, Scratches
Jointing Joints, Pointing
Door Joints & Gap Joints, Gap etc too big, Inconsistent, Improper Seal
Window Alignment & Evenness
Component Material & Damages Crack, Chip, Dent, Scratches, Defects, Finishing, Tonality
Movement, Functionality, cannot be opened or closed properly,
M&E Fittings Functionality
Accessories Defects Missing items, Improper Fixing, Stains, Corrosion, Other damages

Effective date: 1st January 2017 67

Appendix 5


Commercial, Industrial, Private Housing, Public Housing Landed Housing
Institution & others Commercial, Institution,
Industrial & others

In General : All types In General : All types HDB Public Housing Bungalow

of building that has a of building without Semi-Detached

central cooling system central cooling system Terrace House

Cluster Housing

e.g. e.g.
Bank Condominium
Office Building Apartments
Shopping Complex School
Hotel Factory
Supermarket Warehouse
Hospital Mixed Development
University without Central Cooling
Regional Library
Conference Hall
Arts and Cultural Centre

Mixed Development
with Central Cooling

Note: The above is only meant to be a general guide in determining the Category of project. The
actual grouping might vary depending on the project details in the application. For instance, a
mixed development building project, i.e., one with commercial and residential components in
the development, where the residential GFA > 50% of the total GFA, is categorized as category
B (housing).

Effective date: 1st January 2017 68

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