TDS Renderoc HF Saudi Arabia
TDS Renderoc HF Saudi Arabia
TDS Renderoc HF Saudi Arabia
For large volume repairs to damaged reinforced concrete Fosroc offers a comprehensive range of high performance,
elements particularly where access is restricted and where high quality, and construction products. In addition, Fosroc
vibration of the placed material is difficult or impossible. offers a technical support packages to specifiers, end-users
and contractors as well as technical on-site assistance in
locations all over the world.
Design criteria
■ Dual-expansion system compensates for shrinkage in
plastic and hardened states. Renderoc HF can be applied in sections up to 125 mm
■ Can be pumped or poured into restricted locations.
deep. For larger sections, the addition of approved
aggregate may be required. This will depend on the specific
■ Highly fluid to allow for placement without vibration. configuration of the repair location. Consult the local Fosroc
Office for further information.
■ Pre-bagged to over-come site-batched variations.
■ Rapid strength gain to facilitate early reinstatement. Properties
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Renderoc HF
Young’s modulus 29 kN/mm pre-soaking and, if beneath a soffit, provision for air-venting
Freeze-thaw stability. Meets the requirements of BS 5075, provision must also be made for suitable access points for
Part 2, 1982. pour or pump the mixed micro-concrete into place.
Ultimate anchorage bond stress exceeds CP1 10, Part 1, Defective concrete surfaces must be cut back to a sound
1972, Table 22 requirements for 40 N mm concrete at 24 base. Smooth surfaces should be mechanically roughened
hours. Corroded reinforcing steel should be exposed around is full
circumference and cleaned to remove all loose scale and
Setting time – variation with temperature corrosion deposits. It is important to clean the steel to a
bright condition Grit-blasting is recommended.
Temperature ( C) Initial set (Hrs) Final set (Hrs)
5 9 11 Several hours prior to placing the prepared concrete
20 5½ 7½ substrates should be saturated with clean water.
35 3 4½ Immediately prior to placing any free water should be
removed. Alternatively, all prepared concrete substrates
Results obtained when tested in accordance with BS 4550 should be primed using Nitobond EP a slow-setting epoxy
Part 3, 1978 for flowable consistency. bonding aid.
Fresh wet density approximately 2100 kg/m depending on Note: For repair sections generally deeper than 125 mm if
actual consistency used. may be necessary to fill out the Renderoc HF with properly
graded 8 mm to 12 mm silt-free aggregate to minimize
Expansion characteristics: Positive expansion when temperature rise. Aggregate should be in a saturated
measured to ASTM C-827 overcomes plastic settlement in surface dry condition and should be tested to ASTM C-289-
the unset material Longer term expansion in the hardened 81, if doubt exists about the suitability of aggregate Fosroc’s
state is designed to comply with the requirements of CRD local office should be contacted. The quantity of aggregate
621-82A to compensate for drying shrinkage. may vary depending on the nature and configuration of the
repair location. Generally, for sections 125 mm to 250 mm
Time for expansion deep, where high fluidity is required, the following mix
design should be considered.
Start Finish
Plastic state: 15 minutes Initial set 25.0 kg Renderoc HF
Hardened state: Initial set 3 days 4.3 kg clean water
10.0 kg 8 mm to 12 mm approved aggregate
Note: Temperature above 20 C may slightly reduce these
times. For sections deeper than 250 mm, the mix design should be
modified. However, the quantity of aggregate should never
Pressure to restrain plastic expansion: Approximately 0.004 exceed one part aggregate to one part Renderoc HF (by dry
2 weight). Contact the local Fosroc office for further advice.
Actual yield per bag will depend on the consistency used. For further information about products, training videos or
publications, contact the local Fosroc office.
Important note:
Fosroc products are guaranteed against defective materials and manufacture and are sold subject to its standard Conditions
for the Supply of Goods and Services, copies of which may be obtained on request. Whilst Fosroc endeavours to ensure that
any advice, recommendation, specification of information it may give is accurate and correct, it cannot, because it has no direct
or continuous control over where or how its products are applied, accept any liability either directly or indirectly arising from the
use of its products, whether or not in accordance with any advice, specification, recommendation of information given by it.
Registered Office: Industrial Area, Phase 4, Road No. 414, Street No. 407