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Assosa University: College of Social Science and Humanities Department of Civic and Ethical Studies

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Research on Socio Impact of Early Marriage in Nedjo Town

Senior Essay Submitted in the Partial Fulfillment for the Requirement of Bachelors of Art
(BA) Degree in Civics and Ethical Studies

Prepared By:

Shakene Diriba ……………………SSR/2545/08

Advisor: Mr. Berihu. H

June, 2018

Assosa Ethiopia
First of all, I would to thanks to, God, next, I would like to forward my gratitude to diligent advisor
Mr.Berhinu.H for his continued support me by provide constrictive suggestion and guidance made
for the study. In addition I would like to thanks my brother Bedesa Diriba for his closely support
and encouragement varies (modify) stages of study appreciation. Also I would like to express my
warmest gratitude for my families who have been assisting me financial and morally for the
accomplishment of my study. Also gratefully thanks for all my respondents of the study and who
encourage special support and motivation for the accomplishment of this paper.

Early marriage is one of the major impacts of children that affect their health and socio economy
the major impacts of early marriages are varying in different countries. But. It is high in developing
countries like Ethiopia and there are various impacts for socio economic impacts of early marriage
in Nedjo town. The general objective of this study is to assess the socio economic impacts of early
marriage. In order to conduct this research the researcher used to both quantitative approaches and
data collection instruments

Through questionnaires and structured interview .in order to conduct the research the researcher
used simple random sampling and non- probability sampling techniques are employed by using
those technique the researcher select out of 47050 population a sample 75 respondants have been
selected randomly. In addition the intonation of my study area as socio democratic and, the major’s
impacts are poverty .termination education to higher mortality rate of Bothe mother and child. So
that the mechanism to reduce child marriage impacts are expanding primary school in that area,
giving awareness for the society and educating the society about the children right.

The literature. Stress that this harmful traditional practice negatively impacts the physical .and
mental development of girls, there number of surviving children, the vulnerability, and domestic

II | P a g e
FDRE--------------------------------------- Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia

FERWG------------------------------------- Forum on Early marriage and Right of Women and Girls

ILO---------------------------------- International Labor Organization

STD--------------------------------- Sexual Transmitted Disease

UNICFE ----------------------------- United Nation International Children’s Emergency Fund

UNFPA -----------------------------United Nation Population Fund.

VVF ---------------------------------- Vesicle Vaginal Fistula

III | P a g e
List of table
Table 1. Demographic Background of Respondents…………………………….13

Table 2. The respondent of marital status……………………………………….13

Table 3. Possible impacts of early marriage…………………………………….14

IV | P a g e
Table of Contents
Acknowledgement ..................................................................................................................................... I
Abstract ..................................................................................................................................................... II
Acronyms ................................................................................................................................................. III
List of table .............................................................................................................................................. IV
CHAPTER ONE ........................................................................................................................................... 1
1. INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................................................ 1
1.1. Background of the study ................................................................................................................ 1
1.2. Statement of the problem ............................................................................................................... 2
1.3. Research Question.......................................................................................................................... 3
1.4. Objective of the study .................................................................................................................... 3
1.5. Scope of the study .......................................................................................................................... 3
1.6. Significance of the study ................................................................................................................ 3
1.7. Organization of the study ............................................................................................................... 4
CHAPTER TWO .......................................................................................................................................... 5
2. REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE ............................................................................................ 5
2.1. Concepts of Early Marriage ........................................................................................................... 5
2.2. Socioeconomic Impacts Early Marriage ........................................................................................ 6
CHAPTER THREE .................................................................................................................................... 10
3. RESEARCH METHODOLOGY ........................................................................................................ 10
3.1. Description about the study area .................................................................................................. 10
3.2. Research Method.......................................................................................................................... 10
3.3. Research Design........................................................................................................................... 10
3.4. Data Sources ................................................................................................................................ 10
3.5. Data Collection Instrument .......................................................................................................... 11
3.6. Sample Size .................................................................................................................................. 11
3.7. Sampling Technique .................................................................................................................... 11
3.8. Data Analysis Technique ............................................................................................................. 12
3.9 Time and budget break down schedule ......................................................................................... 12
CHAPTER FOUR....................................................................................................................................... 14
4. DATA ANALYSIS AND INTERPRETATION ............................................................................ 14
4.1. Respondents and Demographic of Back ground .............................................................................. 14

4.2. Key Informant Interview.................................................................................................................. 17
4.2.1. Instability of marriage ............................................................................................................... 17
4.2.2. Social and Economic Impacts of Early Marriage ..................................................................... 17 Poverty ................................................................................................................................... 18
4.2.3. Educational Impacts of Early Marriage .................................................................................... 18
4.2.4. Possible Mechanism to Reduce Impacts of Early Marriage ..................................................... 19
4.3. Socio-economic impacts of the early marriages .............................................................................. 19
4.4. Actors that can be participate in reducing early marriages .............................................................. 20
CHAPTER FIVE ........................................................................................................................................ 21
5.1. CONCLUSION ............................................................................................................................ 21
5.2. Recommendation ............................................................................................................................. 22
Reference ................................................................................................................................................ 23
Appendix I .............................................................................................................................................. 24

VI | P a g e

1.1. Background of the study

Marriage is a social institution that units people in special from of mutual dependence for the
purpose of founding and maintaining a family. Many societies have norms that limit the age of
young girls inter marriage. But in some case the age limit does not take into consideration their
physiological readiness off childbearing. Early marriage is the marriage of children and
adolescents below the age of eighteen (18) by (population of council, 2004).

The internationally accepted definition of a child is anyone below age of 18 years. Hence, any
marriage where one of the parties is below of the age 18 years is considered a child marriage.
Although the low of individual countries allow marriage to take place at different age early
marriage is most common in sub-Sahara Africa and south Asia (Barkat and Majid, 2003).

The factor usually put forward as reason for early marriage of girl child are poverty, unwanted
pregnancy, parental pressure and developmental stage among others. More so it has negative trend
on girl –child which include emotional and mental distress,intolerance,school drop-out,vesico
vaginal fistula (V VF) disease early widowhood,frustration,and hatred for the man as observed by

Early marriages are a big threat to the human right and well-being of children. It denies the young
an opportunity to grow and empower theme. It challenges the basic rights of these children to
education, health protection, and development. The girls are forced into it a lot more in comparison
to their male counterparts and impacts girls with more intensity. Girls from poor households are
twice as to be married early than the girls from higher income groups. (Nile, 2013).

Ethiopia is a country with majority of people living in rural areas with bad communication and be
eradicated through education and exposure of tradition people to other cultures and their way of
life. National effects of challenges and eradicating harmful practices including early marriage
affecting girls and women in the traditional setting of Ethiopia requires broad community
involvement coordination among community based institution, including key decision making
Bodies such as regional council well as institution at grassroots level such as infrastructure and

high illiteracy practices die hard .but history show that they can coity association, council of elders
school clubs other local community organization (Guday Emirie ,2004) .

1.2. Statement of the problem

The parents living in poverty are often attempting to marry off their young girls to obtain bride
price in which they believe will relieve they from the economic hardship ,but in reality parents are
not familiar on the practice of young girls marriage and their impacts of their health and welfare
of young female .Furthermore some society does not have a sufficient knowledge on the impacts
of child marriage that is why they are forcing their young girls to enter into early marriage .In
reality ,child marriage subjects young girls to sexual activities at the lender age in which they are
not physically nature . Also young mothers face higher risk during pregnancies including
complications as heavy bleeding, fistula infection and anemia, which contribute to higher mortality
rate of both mother and child (children’s Dignity Forum, 2010).

Based violence is likely to result in physical, sexual, pshological harm or suffering of women
including threat of such acts coercion or arbitrary deprivation on elimination of violence against
women (UN. 1994) early marriage is asocial problem that related to poverty and violence men’s
control .over key resource, social isolation and love socio economic status and dependency of
women predispose married girls to violence and poverty (Heise, 1999).

Among developing countries like Ethiopia is one of the country where early marriage is exist on a
large scale. Above 44% of its population is under age 15 get to marriage (world fact book, 2005).In
addition to this in the Nedjo town there are several problem in related to early marriage. Many of
women in the study area inter in to early marriage in which they are not physical matured
.Furthermore some people does not have sufficient knowledge on the impacts of child marriage
that is why they are forcing there young girls to inter in to early marriage .In realiy, young mothers,
face higher risk during pregnancies including complications such as at heavy bleeding, fistula
infection, and anemia, which contribute to higher mortality rate of both mother and child.
Therefore this all above problem in the study area motivate inspire the researcher to study in this

Other researcher like Addisu (2008) in Addis Abeba study on the impacts of early marriage on
physical health, psychological and intellectual development and also the study done in Addis

Ababa by ILO(international labor organization )in (2005)showed that the impacts of early
marriage physical, educational psychological, and emotional. However, they did not adequately
study on the social and economic impacts of early marriage comparatively at local level .Hence
the researcher would been study to give a full insight or in view about the socio economic impacts
of early marriage at the local level. So the researcher would do to fill the gap the socio economic
impacts of the early marriage in Nedjo town.

1.3. Research Question

1. What are the social impacts of early marriage on the women?
2. What are the economic impacts of early marriage on the women?
3. What are possible solutions to overcome the impacts of the early marriage on the

1.4. Objective of the study

1.4.1. General objective

The general objective of the study would be investigating the socio economic impacts of early
marriage in Nedjo town.

1.4.2 Specific objective

1. To identify the social impacts of early marriage on the women
2. To identify he economic impacts of early marriage on the women
3. To identify possible solution to overcome the impacts of early marriage on the women

1.5. Scope of the study

This study would focuses on assessing the socio economic impacts of early marriage the case of
Nedjo town.

1.6. Significance of the study

The study would have several benefits after completed .it would provide awareness about the
impacts of early marriage on socio economic status of women. And also it provides clear
understanding on challenges of the early marriage. It would help other researchers as a secondary
source or reference to conduct further researches.

1.7. Organization of the study
The research paper would have five chapters .The first chapter would have ideal introduction part.
Second chapter would compose of review of related literature, the third chapter on the would have
include research methodology, the fourth chapters contains the interpretation of data and the fifth
chapters contains the conclusion and recommendation.

This chapter presents the reviewed literature from other scholar and researchers related to this
study of the impact, which contribute to early marriage among socioeconomic in rural area.

2.1. Concepts of Early Marriage

Early marriage is used to refer to both formal marriage and informal union in which girls lives
with partner as it married age below of 18 (UNICEF, 2005), forum on marriage and the right of
women and girls for UNFPA (2006) early marriage also known as child is defined as any marriage
carried out below the age of 18 years before the girls is physically, physiologically, read to shoulder
the responsibilities of marriage and childbearing.
Early marriage formation is traditional practices in which social and culturally institutionalized
while the practice is fed by gender inequality, poverty and social norms. It is also reproduction
social power imbalance such as increased economic vulnerability of women, lower education
attainment of girls, gender inequality at home and in the labor market and last but not least physical
and sexual violence against women. (Jensen and Thornton, 2003)
Many literatures related that to created earl marriage on women dues to the socioeconomic impacts
such as poverty, unemployment, underemployment, domestic violence and gender discrimination,
low education level, and join sex work women or prostitution, child marriage is a new widely
recognized as against the girl child or violation builder right, direct form of discrimination against
the girl child. (Save the children Denmark, 2002)
There are many several harmful effects that young women can get in early marriage who are not
physically, mentally emotionally psychologically ready for having a family as stated but lack of
education, early pregnancy, health problem like forced sexual relation, denial of freedom and
personal development and early divorce (separate) that violence and abandonment may the subject
to submission by kamala sarup (2007). The continuing economic hardship in many developing
countries is encouraging a rise in early and child marriage and even among population that do not
normally practice it. Moreover, ignoring other aspects they argue that early marriage is regarded
as family building strategy and economic plan where the resulting transaction is seen as important
financial and social survival means for the child and her family Jade and W.Cunningham.2011

2.2. Socioeconomic Impacts Early Marriage

2.2.1. Social Impacts of Early Marriage

Traditionally, the most developing countries of many girls forced to more the early marriage
suffering from prolong domestic violence and persistent attack such as abduction, rape, emotional
aggression, and gender bigotry (UNFPA, 2005). Moreover, apart from basic human rights
violation and injustices such as loss of freedom, inability to gain education and health related
problem young wives are denied to sense their childhood and forced to become adult mothers
before they reach adolescence (WHO, 2014).
According to Tabey in (1993) a research conducted on the socio economic impacts of early
marriage on women in Addis Ababa fistula hospital revealed that acquiring of obstetric fistula,
HIV/AIDS and infection diseases, social withdrawals migration and prostitution are of the major
social consequence due to the conclusion of early marriage. Termination of Education

One of the most predisposed social consequences of early marriage is the extermination of
education. Emphasizing this, UNICEF (2010) revealed that girl’s education is the most important
factor associated with child marriage almost in any country where this harmful tradition is
practiced. But a lack of education opportunity with limited employment prospects for better
educated girls is some of the factor associated to child marriage as well. Which means they stop
acquiring knowledge and skills that would carry them through life including as productive
members of their households and communities? They are also removed from the social network
and support structure that school provide; the earlier girl married the more likely. It is that the will
have a low level of schooling. (Field and Ambrus, 2008) Abduction
Traditionally, abduction is usually followed by early marriage in rural areas where a man abducts
a girl without her intention as many rural little girls far to fetch water, collect wood, buy goods
look after goats and son. But amazingly, men are not perceived as resistant could not even think
the risk of jet and being punished (MRGI, 2008)
Abduction is doe for social reasons because of fear of rejection /refusal by the girl’s family due to
status consideration in the social, economic, ethnic and religious factors; as it is done without any
previously set tacit of understanding between the wedding parties. Thus the immediate and long
term effects may perhaps be grievous south nation Bureau population statistics (SNBOPS, 2005).

According to Clark (2004) the state of exposure to domestic and sexual violence of girls who are
married early more likely to be abused sexually, physically and emotionally than women married
Migration is one of the risk social consequences for traditional community dwellers where the
practices of early marriage is culturally welcomed and seen as social criteria being practiced. It
also in sighted that the link between mobility and HIV infection particularly for urban to rural
migration as very high. (IOM, 2003). Migration is caused when either of the spouses married at
their early age are interested in the other person as they grow older and separated. Finally conflict
and migration becomes their fate mostly real for women. General, in most tradition becomes their
fate mostly women who marry at their earl age are more likely to run away from home and become
exposed to risk human Behaviors in cities including prostitution and crime because of unwanted
marriage condition (UN, 2005). Divorce
Divorce is a big social problem unpaid for concluding early marriage in most traditional societies
where by many girly run away from unhappy marriage and full of husband maneuver and violation
of women’s right, absences of freedom of existence and psychological crises. In Ethiopia child
marriage less than 10 years is common divorce. (ICRW, 2007). However, for most parents’ divorce
is health to practice to get a good match for a daughter outweighed the negative consequence. The
most recognized social consequence of the early marriage include an increased risk of divorce
physical, damage, to the girl’s reproductive organ, and migration. (Dagne, 1997) Prostitution
Prostitution is mainly come from the lower economic strata and environmental inconveniences
such as cultural operation to produce money in given society (Larsen, 1997) women will be
resorted to prostitution in their economic condition get worse due to several factors within the
social setting, thus one of those social setting is the practice of early marriage. The writer further
documented that in pastoral and border areas if a girl is entered into an un happy and less
affectionate marriage relation which effects in operation and domestic violation by husband she
can easily be exposed to migration and prostitution (Muller, 2005)

7|Page Health Problem
Early marriage can affect a girl’s physical, psychological emotional stress like forced sexual and
mental wellbeing in a number of ways some of which have been highlighted in previous section,
Girls who are married young experience higher rates of malnutrition, isolation and depression (Le
Foll, 2011, Nour, 2009) and maternal mortality and morbidity than girls who marry after 18 in part
due to IPV (intimate partner violence) (Campbell, 2002).
The health effects of early marriage extend beyond the girls herself in a number of ways infant
mortality among babies born to mothers under age 18 is 60% higher than among those born to
mothers over age 18. There are both immediate direct costs for health care and longer term
economic impacts and resulting costs in terms of lost productivity and earning potential (UNICEF

2.3.2. Economic and Demographic Impacts

Economic considerations are fundamental to the practice of the child marriage. In the case of poor
families it is not difficult to imagine why child marriage be viewed favorably, especially in areas
with few educational and economic opportunities open to girls (Jones etal, 2014).
Gender discrimination affects not only women but also the over growth of the economy. It makes
one’s half of the population not to refer according to their potential in social, economic and
political life (Trufat Bekele, 1999; 41). Being cognizant of the need for providing adequate
compensation to the socially sanctioned gender role difference in Ethiopia article 35; 3 of current
Ethiopia constitution state.
In recognition of the history of inequality and discrimination suffered by women Ethiopian,
women are entitled for model and take affirmative measures. The purpose of such measures shall
be to enable women to complete and participate on the basis of equally with men in political, social
life, and economic, and to gain public and private institution (FDRE, 1995). Many child and
women re early marriage every due to economic problem of livelihood, so this creates of conditions
for leaving school stop learning of children, in order to fulfill their livelihood, and become early
marriage (Arshad, 2012). Poverty
Poverty is one of the major impacts underpinning early marriage in all circumstances. Whatever
the reason behind, the underlying cause of early marriage in Ethiopia is part and parcel of

discrimination against girls and women from the time. They are born and throughout their life
cycles (FMRWG, 2000)
Poverty illiteracy intertwined with the socially constructed gender roles and behavior in the
community is the underling impacts of early marriage. While the immediate cause of early
marriage can be viewed from the perspective of economic and socio cultural factors on the reading
of review literature.


3.1. Description about the study area

Nedjo town is one of the west wollega zone, woreda in Ethiopia and one of main town among
western Oromia town. Nedjo town exist in Nedjo wereda. The year of establishment of this town
was in 1937 ago. Nedjo town is informed in 1997, which consisting of four kebele; 01, 02, 03, and
04. The economic activities in Nedjo town are depending on the wage, salary and other economic
activities. In this town there is some important social service like: hotel and restaurant, hospital,
school, water supply and electric power. So the research will conduct the study in Nedjo town
particularly this town. Therefore the study which provide information on vital demographic events
and socio economic activities are the respondents of the study

3.2. Research Method

The researcher used both qualitative and quantitative research method. The reason why the
researcher uses both methods are in order to get enough information from the respondents by using
questionnaires and key informants. And this approach to research is used when this integration
provides better understanding of the research problem than either o each alone using mixed
approach the strength of one approach can be treated to overcome the weakness of other approach.

3.3. Research Design

The research design chosen for this work is descriptive design, because it is important to describe
some social phenomena. According to Burns and Grove (2003) descriptive research design is
preferable to justify current practice and accurately description of some basic information about

3.4. Data Sources

In order to achieve the objective of the study, the researcher used both primary and secondary data
source. The primary data source will be collected from the study area by using questionnaire and
key information interview thorough gathering information from the participants which secret
through non probability sampling from the target population. Secondary data source will be
collected from document, book and other published and unpublished material.

10 | P a g e
3.5. Data Collection Instrument
In this study the relevant data gathered through key informant interview and questionnaire because,
the key informant interview is important to gather in depth information from individual who are
believe to be knowledgeable and can provide the information that supports or substantiates data
obtained through other data collection instruments. Key informant interviews are carried out in
Nedjo town, and Questionnaire uses as a data collection tools. Because, helps us to grasp people’s
situation, experience and attitude by using their own language and statement on the phenomena.
The questionnaire contains both open and closed ended structure because closed ended
questionnaire helps the researcher to collect the necessary fixed information from respondent. And
open ended questionnaire helps to the respondent not to limit their idea. The questionnaire is
prepared in English and then translated into local language.

3.6. Sample Size

The researcher will be used simple random sampling. The researcher will be selected 75
respondents from 47050 to population on the study area or according to Nedjo town
Administration office. The reason why researcher select 75 respondents, this respondent will be
big enough to support and to would give full information and to save time and money. By using
the formula (Yamane, 1967).
n = N1 +N (e2) n = 2275/1 + 2275(0.142) = 2275/1+2275(0.0196)
= 2275/45.5
n = 50
N = total population
n = sample size e = margin of error
l = designate the probability of the event occurring
The required sample size is 50

3.7. Sampling Technique

In this study, the researcher applied both random sampling and non-probability sampling
techniques has been employed. Particular used from non-probability sampling techniques,
purposive has been use for selecting key informative school teacher, women affair association.
The selections of these techniques are to connect more accurate and tangible information from the
target population who expected to have useful information about the issue. Because, purposive

11 | P a g e
sampling is the judgment of the researcher who can provide the best information to achieve the
goal of the study.

3.8. Data Analysis Technique

After I collect data by using key informant interview, questionnaire and observation, I will be
analyzed by qualitative and quantitative data analysis technique. The collection of data structured
interview and closed ended questionnaires are analyzes through qualitative in form of felling
values and attitudes. While quantitative data analysis by numerically through in the form of tables
and percentage.

3.9 Time and budget break down schedule

3.9.1. Time schedule

No. Activities Months
March Apr May June
1 Related literature review √
2 Data collection √
3 Data collection and analysis √
4 Preparing questionnaires √
5 First draft submission √
6 Reviving data analysis and √
7 Submission of final research √
8 Presentation √

3.9.2. Budget Breakdown

No Item Types of Quantity Unit price Total price

Pen 7 5*7 35
1 Stationary Paper 1 Darsen 1*160 160
materials Flash 4GB 1 1*200 200
CD 1 1*10 10
2 Print 50 in page 50*2 100
3 Transport Bajaj 5 times 5*10 50
4 Mobile 50
5 Internet 150 M.B 0.50*150 75

12 | P a g e
6 Other 800
7 Total 1480

13 | P a g e


In this research the researcher conducted to this basic results of the data particularly the analysis
of both qualitative and quantitative data concerning assess the socio economic impacts of early
marriage in the study area. In the quantities data the total respondents of 75 from the total
population of the Nedjo town which specifically 47050.

4.1. Respondents and Demographic of Back ground

Table 1, Demographic Background of respondent
Item Variable Number of respondent Percentage

sex Male 35 46.66

Female 40 53.34
Total 75 100
Age 20-30 20 26.66

31-41 40 53.34
41-50 15 20
Total 75 100
Sample survey (2018) questionnaire
First the above shows that respondents o male and female out of the total 75 respondents 35
(46.66%) and 40 (53.34%) respectively.
Second the above item shows respondents were 20 (26.66%) of the respondents were in the age
between 20-30 years, 40 (53.34%) of were 31-40 years and 15 (20%) of were between 41-50 years.
Table 2, the respondent of marital status
Item Variable Number of respondent Percentage

Marital status Married 40 53.34

Single 30 40
Divorced 5 0.66
Total 75 100
Sample survey (2018) questionnaire

14 | P a g e
The indicated marital status of respondents 40 (53.34) of were married, 30 (40) of were single and
5(0.66) of were divorced. Therefore, most of the respondents were married.
Table 3, possible impacts of early marriage
Possible impacts of early marriage Alternative Number of respondents Percentage
Do you think inadequate socialization cause of Yes 40 53.34
early marriage No 35 46.66
Total 75 100
Tick economic impacts to early marriage among Unemployment 25 33.34
13 years to 18 years Commercial sex 35 46.66
Economic hardship 15 20
Total 75 100
Do you think agree that there are side effects when Agree 45 60
one is marriage early Disagree 30 40
Total 75 100
Do you think negative attitude the use of Yes 75 100
contraceptive has led to early marriage No - -
Total 75 100
Do you think when you marry each other you have Yes 28 37.34
equal age? No 47 62.66
Total 75 100
The early married has health effects on girls child Strongly agree 48 64
Agree 25 33.34
Disagree 2 2.66
Total 75 100
What is cultural outlook of our society to words Good 30 40
impacts of early marriage? Bad 45 60
Total 75 100
Lack of awareness about the exploitation of the Yes 71 94.66
children in society No 4 5.34
Total 75 100
Not know about right and duties Yes 62 82.66
No 13 17.34
Total 75 100

15 | P a g e
Migration of children from rural to urban Yes 40 53.34
No 35 46.66
Total 75 100
Tick any of the social impacts which you think Peer pressure 28 37.34
contribute to early marriage among society Sexual immorality 30 40
Social power 17 22.66
Total 75 100
Source survey 2018 questionnaire
As show in the above table, the respondents appeared inadequate socialization cause of early
marriage is impacts of early marriage. The show that inadequate socialization 40 (53.34%) were
of the respondents and the social impacts which you think contribute the early marriage peer
pressure group 28 (37.34%), sexual immorality 30 (40%) and social power 17 (22.66%) of the
respondents from the total sample (source) argued. This show that the highest impacts of
contribution of the sexual immorality in the study area.
Economic impacts to early marriage: - unemployment 25 (33.34%) commercial sex 35 (46.66%)
and economic hardship 15(20%) of the respondents. This show that totally the highest impacts is
commercial sex. And agree that there are side effects when one is married early 45 (60%) of the
respondents. When the effects of early married is the most impacts of girls and women and
negative attitude the use of contraceptive has led to early marriage 75 (100%) of the respondents.
This show that the use of contraceptive has major impacts of early marriage. These are infant’s
mortality and mother death has given.
When you marry each other you have equal ages? Are not equal ages 47 (62.66%) of the
respondents this indicates are different ages of early marriage and different country. Outlook to
cultural of your society to words impacts of early marriage re-outlook of bad 45 (60%) of the
respondents this show that the cultural are more important of importance of early marriage.
Lack of awareness about the exploitation of the children in society 71 (94.66%) of the respondents
are the major impacts of early marriage. This show that lack of awareness about exploitation of
the women in society and parental conflict leads to the children have to be involved in work to
survive their basic need or life. And not know about children rights and duties 13 (17.34%) of the
respondents ensured that from individual possible consequence of the early marriage are highest
impacts. And migration of the children from rural to urban is the most impacts of early marriage

16 | P a g e
40 (53.34%) of the respondents from the total source argued that migration of children from the
rural to urban is major impacts of socio economic in the society.
General justification for the table 3 from finding possible impacts are by depending the data
obtained from the respondents, the researcher gives its own conclusion as follows in Nedjo town,
There are many children who are exposed to early marriage. The children vulnerable to various
impacts. There are many impacts of early marriage, these are poverty, early pregnancy, school
attrition, abortion, fistula, infant and maternal death, and separation of children from their parents
etc. the researcher obtained that girls are faced to different impacts due to the society not give care
for girls and women.

4.2. Key Informant Interview

The researcher tries to see the following points based on key informant about the social impacts of
early marriage such point issue.
1. Economic and social impacts of the study area
2. Educational impacts of early marriage in the study area
3. Possible mechanism to reduce the impacts of early marriage in the study area

4.2.1. Instability of marriage

Problem related to sexual, reproductive health and child delivery. So based the key informants
there are higher impacts of child marriage in the study area. This show that forced (coercion) sex
on the date of her wedding that expenses her to physical damage and verbal abuse. Being exposed
to severe pains due to early pregnancy and delivery as her reproductive organs are not matured
and severely affected in health and in life that has an influence on the overall development of the
mother and the child. Giving to many children and inability to feed them. Generally, as the key
informants stated that instability of marriage is the very common experience of the victims of early
marriage in the study area.

4.2.2. Social and Economic Impacts of Early Marriage

According to the key informants and study participants response the culture of firing or smoking
the whole night around their house consumes more wood this in turn made this task hard for early
married women to carry out this activity, in terms of security aspects, the respondents further stated
that girls are being attacked by another person especially if there is a disagreement between her
husband or her communities she became internationally victimized by the enemy as revenge.

17 | P a g e
The analysis made over the extreme inside and outside homework loads revealed that early
marriage impacted the lives of child wives in terms of physical, social, economic, areas of their
family and the community at large.
The key informants explain early arranged loveless marriage usually end early divorces, migration
to urban centers becoming prostitutes exposure to HIV/AIDS and poverty. In addition high
expenses related to the marriage which often end in early divorces, has economic implication for
the wedding sponsoring family as well as the community as whole. Young girls married to older
men have the chance of becoming a window at young age which often results in low social status
and inability to inherit poverty issues related to poverty is also another kids of impacts of early
marriage as the key informants explain women work in unsuitable place like getting married
without an resource, being exposed to object poverty, dissatisfaction in life, and poverty
dispossession upon divorce. In another ideas poor and illiterate mothers transmit poverty, and
illiteracy to their children and this has negative implication for economic and social life of their
communities. As observed from the key informants, response at all level have understood of the
negative physical and social consequence of early marriage.
According to the assessment made over the holistic presentation of data in this section economic
concerns that are desired by parents of early marriage women resulted in the poor living condition
and violation of the right (to produce property and enjoy with its. It was also explored that almost
all of their social and economic rights in the study area are affected. Poverty

Poverty is one major factors that affects social impacts of the Nedjo town with regard to early
marriages in all circumstances. Poverty can affect the early marriage of Nedjo town with regarding
to various problems. If early marriage is expands in Nedjo town there is a problem of:
Psychological affects, effectives of leaderships, dropout school with regard of educational factors,
reducing labor work production and health problems.

4.2.3. Educational Impacts of Early Marriage

As the key informants of Nedjo town women, youth and children affairs office stated that there
are various form of impacts of early marriage in level of education such as school dropout, lack of
employment and other opportunities in life, become subordinate and subjugated and land miserable
life. Dropping out from school as key informants expressed children in Nedjo town work for a

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long hours, once married young girls will no longer be able to stay in school to raise another
generation of illiterate children married girls lack of opportunity to acquire vital capabilities that
can be used to escape poverty related conditions.
In generally, lack of access to formal schooling and life skill training for girls and women have
negative repercussions in the economic as well as social life of their communities. So respondents
of key informants often raised dropping out of school as one of the consequence or impacts of
early marriage in the study area.

4.2.4. Possible Mechanism to Reduce Impacts of Early Marriage

To reduce of impacts of early marriage there are various mechanism that every people should
follow. Among the mechanism of child marriage some of them are stated below. According to say
the key informants:-
A. Giving awareness for the society
Many children are unprotected to child marriage because of the low awareness of the society, most
the people are not known impacts of early marriage. In earlier ages aced to different problem. To
solve these problem the government should give education and training for the society to give
increase communities awareness of children’s right. Demand government set the legal marriage
age above 18 years and enforce laws to protect children. So that educate families about sexual and
reproductive health.
B. Educating Society About the Child Right
As different provisions declared that children has various right. Even if the constitution of our
country declared that children has special rights, the people did not know it any they did not know
it and they did not consider omitting such a low lead to punishment. If the government gives
training about the right of the children the problem of will reduce as some key informants

4.3. Socio-economic impacts of the early marriages

As the key informants from Nedjo town women’s, young’s and children affairs office stated that
there are various form of impacts of early marriage in case of socio-economic factors such as
Terminations of educations, Migrations, Abductions, Prostitution, Divorced and etc. those all are
the factors that can be affect the Social- economic impacts with regard to early marriages in Nedjo

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4.4. Actors that can be participate in reducing early marriages
In this research context the researchers would have to declared the actors those have the
responsibility to reduce or prevent the early marriages while it have various problems in Nedjo
town as well as in case of global countries. This type’s impacts or socio-economic impacts of the
early marriages require the active participation of the Government, Individuals and all society of
the Nedjo town as well as the countries.

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This study revealed that early marriage is prevalent in the study area. Its incidence was higher for
females than males. Majority of respondent know that early marriage is harmful. However
knowledge alone has not prevented early marriage practice in the study areas. The community
keeps on marrying off their children early. Hence, much remains to be accomplished to bring
objective behavior changes the established legal literacy training against early marriage that allows
full community participation should be strengthened. Moreover a system of vital registration may
help to confirm the true age of marriage candidate’s social workers can take early marriage. They
can advocate against early marriage and mobilized the community against its practice.

Early marriage is recognized as a violation of human rights and critical social problem with
multifaceted consequence particularly for women and children. The practice is also recognized as
a barrier that inhibits young girls from attaining education that would otherwise have a lasting,
positive impacts on their life and wellbeing in view of facts and based on the finding of the study
in this regard, the study revealed that it is difficult to conclude the exact socioeconomic effects of
early marriage exactly as social and economy. However, socio impacts of early marriage in the
study area is explored. Extreme inside and outside homework loads, continuous school dropouts
and high potential of the risk of HIV/AIDS and STDS are also confirmed as social consequence
of early marriage. However, issue related to prostitution, fistula, divorce and migration and
investigated as the consequences of early marriage in Nedjo town district. Economically the
practice of early marriage is contributed to economic discomforts in the families of children wives.
Hence, excess numbers of children per family, unfair poverty inheritance (ownership) and passive
economic enrolment of early married children are explored as harmful economic effects in general
the current study has examined diversified contexts of early marriage in Nedjo town District, where
girls of the area have been suffering from early marriage and it can be conclude that economically
next to their cattle parents of Nedjo town district are extremely dependent upon their daughters as
survival options.

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5.2. Recommendation
Depend on the finding of study the researcher give the following recommendation:-
 Nedjo town society should be take responsibility to fight against a person who effects of
early marriage.
 The society and Nedjo town leader should work in correlation to reduce early marriage.
 Nedjo women’s, children, and young affairs office employees should be given awareness
the society about the difficult of children marriage.
 The Nedjo town institution should be publicize the laws and policies against the practice
of early marriage.
 The Nedjo town leader should be strengthen law enforcement mechanisms on early
 Schools should be proved effective in fighting against the practice.
 Teaching society about the effect of harmful rational practices like early marring.
 Improving living standard of the people under taken through skilling the society how to get
access to income.
 The study has the significance for full filament partial B.A degree in Civics and Ethical
Studies. It is also important for the other people who want to do their research on impact
of early marriage and other related topics.

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 Bala (2003), observed reason for the early marriage of girl child.

 Barkat, Maji (2005) adolescent reproductive health status, policies, programs and issue

 Campbell J.C (2002) health consequence intimate partner violence (IPV).

 Clark (2006) protecting young women from HIV/AIDS: - against child and women

adolescent marriage.

 Ezra, M (2003) factors associated with marriage and family formation process in south

Ethiopia: - Journal of comparative family studies pp.509 – 530

 Field.E and Ambrus (2008) early marriage, age of menarche and female schooling

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 Heise (1999) Gender based violence,

 Khanna.TR Verma and E. Weiss (2013) child marriage.

 Klasen S and pitters (2012) drivers of female labor force participation

 Nawaz, M, (2006) young girls who are married at the age

 Population council (2004), the experience of adolescence in rural Amara region; Ethiopia

 UNICEF (2002) early marriage child spouses, Florence Italy.

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 UNICEF (2010) progress for children

 UNFPA (2006) in ending child marriage, guide for global policy action international

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Appendix I
Assosa University
College of Social Science and Humanities
Department of Civics and Ethical Studies
Questionnaires: - The Socio Impact of Early Marriage in Nedjo Town.

Dear respondents

I am a graduate student in department of Civic and Ethical studies at Assosa University.

Contemporarily, I am talking a research on The Socio-Economic Impact of Early Marriage in case
of Nedjo Town. Your cooperation is highly appreciated please answer this survey questionnaires
formal honestly so as to enable obtaining valid data that this study under taking for writing a senior
essay for graduation hence your honesty response has relevant impact on the result of the study
and you are kindly requested to fill to consciously and briefly.


 No need to write four names

 For questions with multiple option sign () or (x) on four choice.

Part one

1) Demographic back ground of the respondents.

 Age below: 19-20 20-29 30-39 40-49

 Sex: Male Female

 Education status: A) 8-12

B) Certificate C) Diploma

D) Degree D) Others

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2) Marital status

A) Married C) Divorced

B) Unmarried D) Widowed

3) Religion: A) Orthodox C) Protestant

B) Muslim D) Catholic

1) Do you agree by the investigation of the socio economic impacts of early marriage in Nedjo town?

A) Yes B) No

2) If your answer for the question 1 is “YES” who is responsible for these investigation of the socio
economic impacts of early marriage in Nedjo town?

A) Government C) Society

B) Individuals D) All

3) What are the major impacts of the socio economic factors of early marriage in Nedjo town?

A) Socio-economic C) Education

B) Poverty D) Society attitude E) Others

4) If your answer of question number “3” is Socio- economic what socio-economic impacts of early
marriages in Nedjo town?

A) Termination of education C) Migration

B) Abduction D) Divorce

E) Prostitution
F) All

25 | P a g e
5) What are the most economic and demographic impacts of early marriage in Nedjo?

A) Poverty B) Health

B) Age D) All

6) In what level we emphasize the impacts of socio-economic in relative to early marriage?

A) National C) Local

B) Regional D) International E) Others

7) Who is more affect by this impacts of socio-economic in relative to early marriage in Nedjo town?

A) Women B) Men C) Both

8) In which period of time socio- economic impacts are high in Nedjo town?

A) Earliest B) Current C) Both

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1) Does poverty can affect the socio impact of Nedjo town with regarding to early

2) What is socio impacts relative to women in Nedjo town with the concept of early

3) How economic impacts can be occurred within early marriages in Nedjo town?

4) How we can solve the problem that can be raised in case of early marriage in Nedjo

5) Is there other factor that can influence the socio-economic impacts in Nedjo town rather
early marriages?
6) How we can prevent this early marriage in case of socio-economic impacts in Nedjo
7) Who are more responsible to protect this types of impacts with regard to early marriage
in Nedjo?
8) Do you think this research could be prefer to solve the problem of the early marriage
in case of Nedjo town?

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