The Indian Electricity Grid Code
The Indian Electricity Grid Code
The Indian Electricity Grid Code
CONTENTS Description Page
2 Background 7
a. IEGC 2000
b. IEGC 2002
c. IEGC 2006
d. IEGC (Amendment) 2009
e. IEGC 2010
3 General 15
a. Objective of IEGC 2010
b. Scope of IEGC 2010
c. Structure of IEGC 2010
d. Compliance of oversight
6 Connection Code 26
a. Scope & Nodal Agency for grid connectivity
b. Reactive Power Compensation requirement
c. Data & Communication requirements
7 Operating Code 28
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a. Operating Philosophy
b. System Security Aspects
d. Variation limit of Generation / Load
e. AVR / PSS
f. Operating Frequency Range
g. AUFR, df/dt and SPS
h. Operating Voltage Range
i. Special requirement for Wind / Solar generation
j. Demand Estimation
k. Demand Management
l. Periodic Reports
m. Operational Liaison
n. Outage Planning
o. Recovery Procedure
p. Event Information
10 Sample Questionnaire 49
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Indian Electricity Grid Code (IEGC 2010)
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Indian Electricity Grid Code (IEGC 2010)
6.4.20, 6.5.3
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IEGC 2000
The draft of first ever IEGC was prepared by the Central Transmission
Utility (CTU), POWERGRID in March 1999 and was approved by CERC after a
public hearing in January 2000. The first IEGC came in to force with effect
from February 2000. The Chapter 8 of the IEGC 2000 provides for
constitution of the Review Panel under the chairmanship of Director
(Operation), Power Grid (CTU) to facilitate review of the provisions of IEGC in
the light of experience gained on its functioning.
IEGC 2002
IEGC 2006
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The IEGC 2006 that came in to effect from 01st April 2006 was a
maiden IEGC due to the following reasons.
An important provision under section 79(1) (h) in the new Act is that
CERC has “to specify Grid Code having regard to Grid Standards.” This
implies that the new IEGC has to be a CERC document, rather than a
document owned by CTU (and only approved by CERC). As per directive 4 of
CERC on 31.03.1999, the CTU had to, in consultation with all utilities,
prepare, implement, periodically review and revise and comply with the
IEGC. This position was substantially changed.
As per Section 73(d) of the Act, the “Grid Standards for operation and
maintenance of transmission lines” are to be specified by Central Electricity
Authority (CEA). As and when Grid Standards are specified by CEA, if
required, the IEGC shall be amended.
As per section 28 (3) (c) of the Electricity Act, 2003, the Regional Load
Despatch Centres (RLDC) shall “keep accounts of quantity of electricity
transmitted through the regional grid”. Accordingly, the responsibility of
preparation of Regional Energy Accounts hitherto with the REB
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The Regional Electricity Boards (REB) was replaced in the new Act by
Regional Power Committees (RPC). The Central Government vide its principal
resolution dated 25.05.2005 notified establishment of RPCs.
1. The RLDC shall interact and coordinate only with the SLDCs (and the
STUs if necessary) on all matters concerning a State, and with no
other intra-State entity.
2. The SLDCs shall be responsible for all related coordination with the
intra-State entities, and interacting on their behalf with the RLDC.
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The earlier IEGC was silent regarding the payment for reactive energy
exchanges directly between the States on State-owned transmission lines.
This aspect was covered in the revised IEGC under a new section (6.6.7).
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3. The power exchanges have been set-up and the scheduling procedures
for collective transactions through power exchanges are to be included
in IEGC.
IEGC 2010
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2010 came in to force with effect from 03rd May 2010. The major changes
proposed in the IEGC 2010 were as under:
1. The concept of control area: The concept of control area has been
defined in the new version of IEGC. Hitherto, generation was mostly
owned by the Central or State governments and there were very few
IPPs (Independent Power Producers). In the future there are a lot of
upcoming generators belonging to the private sector, having various
types of contracts, that is short term, medium term and long term.
They could also switch from one type of contract to the other. Some
IPPs have a contract for part of the generating capacity with the state
in which they are located and contract for a part with states outside
the host state. Further, an IPP may tie up contract for different
generating units, as they get commissioned in stages, with different
purchasers. Therefore, control area jurisdiction is becoming important.
The control area jurisdiction has been defined.
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Indian Electricity Grid Code (IEGC 2010)
The Commission amended the clause (5) and (7) of the Annexure – I of the
IEGC 2010 on implementation of scheduling of Wind / Solar energy with
effect from 1st January 2011 to 1st January 2012 vide notification dated 14th
January 2011. Through such notifications, the Commission may amend the
IEGC time to time inline with the developments in the Indian Power Sector.
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This chapter explains about the Objective, Scope & Structure of IEGC and
the compliance oversight.
All Users, SLDCs, RLDCs, NLDC, CEA, CTU, STUs, licensees, RPCs and
Power Exchanges shall abide the IEGC
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Member Secretary, RPC may also report to Commission any issues that
could not be sorted out in RPC forum
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Monitoring Grid operation and issue such direction for stable grid
operation enduring economic & efficient grid operation. All the
“Regional Entities” shall comply with such directions of RLDC.
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RLDC shall issue Directions to STU, any licensee of the state & the
generating companies that are not connected to ISTS shall be issued
through SLDC and SLDC shall ensure that such directions are duly
complied with by the respective agency.
Co-ordinate with STU & CTU to facilitate planning of Intra & Inter state
transmission system
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CTU shall be the nodal agency for ISTS connectivity of LTA & MTOA
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Operate the SLDC till the State Government notify any company or
authority or corporation for this purpose
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Finalisation Procedure
Based on Plans prepared by the CTU, State Transmission Utilities (STU) shall
have to plan their systems (intra-state) to further evacuate power from the
ISTS, system strengthening of state network and etc., to optimize the use of
integrated transmission network.
Planning Criteria
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a. Loss of supply
d. System instability
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Indian Electricity Grid Code (IEGC 2010)
Connection Code
CTU, STU and Users connected to, or seeking connection to ISTS shall
comply with Central Electricity Authority (Technical Standards for
connectivity to the Grid) Regulations, 2007 which specifies the
minimum technical and design criteria and Central Electricity Regulatory
Commission (Grant of Connectivity, Long-term Access and Medium term
Open Access in inter-state Transmission and related matters)
The Users and STUs shall provide information to RPC and RLDC
regarding the installation and healthiness of the reactive
compensation equipment on regular basis. RPC shall regularly
monitor the status in this regard.
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Both analog data like flow, voltage, etc., and status data like
transformer tap position, status of switches etc., as required by the
RLDC shall be made available
All Users, STUs and CTU shall provide all the requisite recording
instruments and shall always keep them in working condition
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Operating Code
NLDC shall
RLDC shall
SLDC shall
The control rooms of the NLDC, RLDC, all SLDCs, power plants,
substation of 132 kV and above, and any other control centers
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No part of the grid shall be deliberately isolated from the rest of the
National/Regional grid, except
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All thermal generating units of 200 MW and above and all hydro
units of 10 MW and above (except those with up to three hours
pondage) shall have their governors in operation at all times in
accordance with the RGMO provisions w.e.f.01.08.2010
Features of RGMO
Gas, Wind, Solar & Hydro units up to 3hour pondage are exempted
from RGMO provision
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The grid frequency always remains within the 49.5 –50.2 Hz band.
All SEBs, distribution licensees, CTU STUs and SLDCs shall ensure
that the above under-frequency and df/dt load shedding / islanding
schemes are always functional..
SLDC shall furnish monthly report of UFR and df/dt relay operation
in their respective system to the respective RPC.
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cascade tripping etc., shall be finalized in the RPC forum and shall
be kept in service always. If any SPS is to be taken out of service,
permission of RLDC shall be obtained indicating reason and
duration of anticipated outage from service
All the Users, STU/SLDC and CTU shall send information / data
including disturbance recorder / sequential event recorder output to
RLDC within one week for purpose of analysis of any grid
110 121 99
66 72 60
33 36 30
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Periodic Reports
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o Frequency profile
o Transmission Constraints
NLDC shall send the monthly report to CERC, CEA, RPCs & RLDCs
Operational Liaison
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STU / Users, the same shall be with the prior permission of RPC &
All SEBs / STUs, transmission licensees, CTU, ISGS, IPPs, MPPs and
other generating stations shall provide RPC Secretariat their
proposed outage programmes in writing for the next financial
year by 30th November of each year. RPC shall issue the draft
outage plan by 31st December of each year. The outage plan
shall be finalized by 31st January of each year
o Grid disturbances
o System isolation
Each User, CTU and STU shall obtain the final approval from RLDC
prior to availing an outage.
User / STU / CTU in consultation with RLDC shall develop the Black
Start Restoration Procedure for the respective system within the
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All Users / SLDC / STU / CTU shall be responsible for collection &
reporting of necessary data to RLDC / NLDC / RPC
o Grid indiscipline.
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o Location
o Remedial measures.
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Control Area
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Indian Electricity Grid Code (IEGC 2010)
Declaration of Capacity
The ISGS shall ensure that the declared capability during peak
hours is not less than that during other hours. However, exception
to this rule shall be allowed in case of tripping / re-synchronisation
of units as a result of forced outage of units.
RLDC may ask the ISGS to explain the situation with necessary
backup data incase the capacity declaration was felt as deliberately
over / under declaration.
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The CTU shall install special energy meters on all inter connections
between the regional entities and other identified points for
recording of actual net MWh interchanges and MVArh drawals.
All concerned entities (in whose premises the special energy meters
are installed) shall take weekly meter readings and transmit
them to the RLDC by Tuesday noon. The SLDC must ensure
that the meter data from all installations within their control area
are transmitted to the RLDC within the above schedule.
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Indian Electricity Grid Code (IEGC 2010)
Scheduling Process
o NLDC shall check for congestion and revert back the details if
any to Px.
o NLDC verify with the RLDC the ATC in line with Px schedule
and then confirms to Px & RLDCs for scheduling.
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Revision of Schedule
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Maximum of 8revisions per day for each 3hour time slot starting
from 00:00 hours during the day, which shall become effect from
6th time block, the first being the time block in which notice was
Curtailment of schedule
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The charge for VArh shall be at the rate of 10 paise / kVArh w.e.f.
1.4.2010, with annual escalation of 0.5paise / kVArh thereafter.
Commission has the powers to review / relax / modify / over rule / amend
any provisions of IEGC and give such directions as deemed fit beyond the
provisions of IEGC
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Indian Electricity Grid Code (IEGC 2010)
1. Which is true?
a. IEGC is a Regulation
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c. RPC
b. RPC
b. May refer to CERC and follow the directions of RLDC till the
decision of CERC
c. May refer to CERC and wait for CERC decision without complying
the direction of RLDC
d. May refer to RPC for redress and wait for decision without
b. RPC
9. For LTA and MTOA grid connectivity to ISTS, the nodal agency for
processing and accord permission is
c. RPC
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d. CTU
10. CTU can decide to whom & whom not the ISTS connectivity
permission for LTA / MTOA to be given as per its discretion.
a. True
b. False
a. CTU
c. CEA
12. The SLDC shall refer and follow the following for real time grid
operation in the State/
b. Grid Standards
a. Central Government
b. State Government
a. Ministry of Power
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a. CTU
b. STU
c. Standing Committee
d. CEA
b. STU
c. RPC
d. CTU
a. True
b. False
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b. CTU / STU
c. CEA / RPC
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b. RPC
d. CTU
a. The User, STU & CTU are responsible to provide the data /
speech facility at their end only
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a. One hour
b. One day
c. Ten minutes
d. Half-an-hour
b. RPC
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c. CTU
a. 5% of MCR
c. 5 MW
d. 3% - 6%
a. 50MW
b. 100MW
c. 200MW
d. 500MW
a. 49Hz – 51Hz
b. 49.2Hz – 50.3Hz
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c. 49.5Hz – 50.2Hz
d. 49.7Hz – 50.1Hz
33. The quantum of AUFR & df/dt relief decided by, its effectiveness of
operation is monitored by and any ineffective operation reported to
b. RPC
d. CTU
a. One day
b. One week
c. One month
d. Immediately
36. SLDC shall be equipped with suitable demand forecast facility that
will consider historical data, weather forecast & wind energy
forecast with effect from
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a. 03.05.2010
b. 01.01.2011
c. 01.01.2012
37. SLDC / SEB / Distribution Licensee / Bulk Consumer can over draw
when system frequency is 49.5Hz.
a. True
b. False
a. False
b. Ture
a. 5.4.2 (e)
b. 5.4.2 (g)
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a. True
b. False
a. Annually
43. IEGC clause 5.8.2 (b) mandates review / updating of State Black
Start Restoration procedure developed by the SLDC
a. Annually
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a. Concerned RLDC
b. Concerned SLDC
46. A generating station that has connected to both ISTS and State
network may be in one control area (i.e. SLDC) at one point of time
and another control area (i.e. RLDC) at another point of time.
a. True
b. False
a. 49.5Hz
b. Below 49.5Hz
48. As per the provision of IEGC clause 6.4.16, during fuel shortage
condition, the ISGS thermal generating station need not declare the
15 minutes block wise declared capacity for the day ahead.
a. False
b. True
49. As per the provision of IEGC clause 6.4.17, the declared capacity of
the ISGS during peak hours shall always be Not less than during
the other hours.
a. False
b. True
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51. All regional entities shall send the SEM meter reading to RLDC
a. By Monday Noon
b. By Tuesday Noon
c. By Thursday Noon
d. By Friday Noon
a. The net energy deviation for the whole day of day 1 with net
energy for the day 4
a. Power Exchange
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54. RLDC can suo-motu revise the injection / drawal schedule with
effect from 4th time block incase of
c. Grid Disturbance
a. RPC
56. As per IEGC clause 6.5.21, the schedule of ISGS thermal station
shall be revised during current day incase the station declared fuel
shortage condition on day ahead basis only incase of
a. Synchronization of unit
b. Tripping of unit
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59. For the VAr injected / absorbed within the machine capability,
60. Commission has the power to relax any provisions of IEGC and can
give such directions beyond the IEGC provisions
a. True
b. False
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Answers / Keys
1 D 19 A 37 B 55 B
2 7 20 E 38 A 56 B
3 D 21 D 39 C 57 D
4 C 22 B&D 40 B 58 B
5 A 23 B 41 A 59 B
6 C 24 C 42 A 60 A
7 B 25 A 43 B 61
8 B 26 B 44 B 62
9 D 27 C 45 A 63
10 B 28 A 46 A 64
11 C 29 A 47 D 65
12 D 30 D 48 B 66
13 B 31 B 49 A 67
14 C 32 C 50 D 68
15 A 33 B 51 B 69
16 B 34 B 52 A 70
17 B 35 D 53 D 71
18 D 36 B 54 B 72
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