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The Indian Electricity Grid Code

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Indian Electricity Grid Code (IEGC 2010)

Sl.no Description Page

1 Introduction & IEGC 2010 Clause Reference 4

2 Background 7
a. IEGC 2000
b. IEGC 2002
c. IEGC 2006
d. IEGC (Amendment) 2009
e. IEGC 2010

3 General 15
a. Objective of IEGC 2010
b. Scope of IEGC 2010
c. Structure of IEGC 2010
d. Compliance of oversight

4 Role of Various organizations & Linkages 18

c. RPC
d. CTU
e. CEA
g. STU

5 Planning Code for Inter-State Transmission 22

a. Inputs for Power System Planning
b. Finalisation Procedure
c. Planning Criteria

6 Connection Code 26
a. Scope & Nodal Agency for grid connectivity
b. Reactive Power Compensation requirement
c. Data & Communication requirements

7 Operating Code 28

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a. Operating Philosophy
b. System Security Aspects
d. Variation limit of Generation / Load
e. AVR / PSS
f. Operating Frequency Range
g. AUFR, df/dt and SPS
h. Operating Voltage Range
i. Special requirement for Wind / Solar generation
j. Demand Estimation
k. Demand Management
l. Periodic Reports
m. Operational Liaison
n. Outage Planning
o. Recovery Procedure
p. Event Information

8 Scheduling & Despatch Code 39

a. Demarcation of Responsibilities
b. Control Area
c. Limits on drawal / injection deviation
d. RLDC directions for system security on real-time
e. Declaration of Capacity
f. SEM data & UI Accounting
g. Hydro Scheduling
h. Scheduling Process
i. Revision of Schedule
j. Scheduling of Wind / Solar generation
k. Curtailment of Schedule
l. Schedule Accuracy
m. Reactive Power & Voltage Control

9 Commission’s power to overrule 48

10 Sample Questionnaire 49

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Indian Electricity Grid Code (IEGC 2010)


The Indian Electricity Grid Code (IEGC) is a Regulation made by the

Central Electricity Regulatory Commission (CERC) in exercise of powers of
Section 79 and 178 of the Electricity Act 2003.

The IEGC lays down the mandatory rules, standards, guidelines to

be followed various persons and participants in power system to plan,
develop, maintain and operate the power system.

Adhering, compliance and implementation of IEGC is NOT an optional

but mandatory. IEGC is a supplementary to various provisions of the
Electricity Act 2003, Regulations and Standards but NOT a complimentary

The role of IEGC is to ensure most secure, reliable, economic and

efficient power system in India while facilitating healthy competition in
generation and supply of electricity.

IEGC is a document needs to be well understood and implemented

with right interpretation. The attempt made in this study material is to
provide a ready reckonire to the participants in a simplified manner. For
implementation of IEGC, all the words, statements and clauses given in the
IEGC shall be considered without any addition / omission. The interpretation
of meaning of the IEGC clauses shall be made in line with the intended
meaning given by CERC through statement of reasons made available by

IEGC 2010 Clause reference

Sl.No Description IEGC Clause Ref

1 ATC / TTC 5.3 (h)

2 AUFR & df/dt 5.2 (n)

3 Automatic Demand Management 5.4 (d),


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4 AVR & PSS Tuning 5.2 (k)

5 Black Start Restoration / Recovery 5.2 (p), 5.8,


6 Congestion Handling 5.4 (h),

7 Contingency Procedure for Demand 5.4 (c),


8 Control area demarcation for 6.4

scheduling responsibilities

9 Compliance of RLDC / SLDC directions 5.1 (d), 5.3 (c), 5.4.2

and furnishing compliance report (e), (f), (g), 6.4.12,

10 Curtailment of Schedule 6.5.27, 6.5.28,

6.5.30, 6.5.31

11 Cyber Security 4.6.5

12 Data & Communication facilities 4.6.2, 5.2 (q),

13 Demand Forecast 5.3, 6.4.8

14 Demand Management 5.4, 6.4.7

15 Event Reporting 5.9

16 Frequency range for grid operation 5.2 (m)

17 Grid disturbance 6.5.17

18 Hydro Scheduling 6.4.24, 6.5.9, 6.5.10,

6.5.11, 6.5.12,
6.5.13, 6.5.14

19 Inter-regional link, Trans-national & 6.4.26, 6.4.27, 6.5.5

Collective Transactions scheduling

20 ISGS Declaration 6.4.16, 6.4.17,

6.4.18, 6.4.19,

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6.4.20, 6.5.3

21 Issuance of directions by RLDC for 6.4.12, 6.4.15

maintaining Grid Security

22 ISTS Planning Criteria 3.5

23 LTOA / MTOA / STOA 6.4.5 (iv)

24 Metering & SEM data processing 6.4.21, 6.4.22

25 Opening / Removal / Tripping of Tr 5.2 (b), (c), (d), (r),

Element / Event or Disturbance

26 Operating Procedure of National / 5.1 (e), (f) & (g)

Regional / State Grid

27 Outage planning Process 5.7.4, 6.4.13

28 Overdrawal Limit 6.4.7

29 Periodic Reports 5.5

30 Prolonged Outages 5.2 (e), 5.6.2 (b)

31 Protection & Relay Setting co- 5.2 (l)


32 Ramp up / down 6.4.16, 6.5.14, 6.5.15

33 Reactive Power Compensation 4.6.1

34 Recording Instruments 4.6.3

35 Restricted Governor Mode Operation 5.2 (f)


36 Revision of Schedule by RLDC 6.5.16, 6.5.18,

6.5.19, 6.5.20, 6.5.21

37 Solar / Wind generation 5.2 (u)

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38 System Protection Scheme (SPS) 3.5 (f), 5.2 (o)

39 Tap Changing of ICTs 6.6.4, 6.6.5

40 Unfair gaming or collusion 6.4.25

41 Unscheduled Interchange (UI) 6.4.6, 6.4.7, 6.4.10,


42 Wind / Solar Generation scheduling 6.5.23,


IEGC 2000

The draft of first ever IEGC was prepared by the Central Transmission
Utility (CTU), POWERGRID in March 1999 and was approved by CERC after a
public hearing in January 2000. The first IEGC came in to force with effect
from February 2000. The Chapter 8 of the IEGC 2000 provides for
constitution of the Review Panel under the chairmanship of Director
(Operation), Power Grid (CTU) to facilitate review of the provisions of IEGC in
the light of experience gained on its functioning.

IEGC 2002

Based on the recommendation of the Commission, the Review panel

reviewed the IEGC 2000 and recommended for revision of clause 1.5
“Reporting of Non-compliance”, other sections like 1.9, 2.2.2(2), 2.3.2(6),
4.8 (a) to (d), 4.9(c), 6.5(e), 6.7.4(e), 6.8(a), 6.9.1, 6.9.3, 6.9.4(b),
replacement of “Pool account” by “UI settlement system”, incorporation of
VAR charges, format for furnishing planning data by CTU and etc.,
Accordingly, CERC had approved for the amendment of IEGC with effect from
March 2002 vide order dated 22nd February 2002 on review petition 90 /

IEGC 2006

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The IEGC 2006 that came in to effect from 01st April 2006 was a
maiden IEGC due to the following reasons.

Some of the provisions in the IEGC dated 14.03.2002 required a

revision to get aligned with the provisions in the Electricity Act, 2003, which
had come into force from 10.06.2003.

An important provision under section 79(1) (h) in the new Act is that
CERC has “to specify Grid Code having regard to Grid Standards.” This
implies that the new IEGC has to be a CERC document, rather than a
document owned by CTU (and only approved by CERC). As per directive 4 of
CERC on 31.03.1999, the CTU had to, in consultation with all utilities,
prepare, implement, periodically review and revise and comply with the
IEGC. This position was substantially changed.

The IEGC 2003 had a chapter titled “Management of Indian Electricity

Grid Code”, which was relevant in the previous scenario. It provided for an
IEGC Review Panel, with Director (Operation), POWERGRID as its chairman
and convenor. Any change in IEGC, required agreement in the IEGC Review
Panel and approval by CERC. Now that the responsibility for specifying the
Grid code directly vested to CERC, and the Grid Code and its revisions were
to be issued adopting the procedure followed for CERC’s regulations, the
IEGC Review Panel was no longer necessary. The exercise of preparing the
new draft IEGC was also not being routed through the present IEGC Review
Panel, for the same reasons. The above chapter had been rewritten,
removing all references to the IEGC Review Panel.

As per Section 73(d) of the Act, the “Grid Standards for operation and
maintenance of transmission lines” are to be specified by Central Electricity
Authority (CEA). As and when Grid Standards are specified by CEA, if
required, the IEGC shall be amended.

As per section 28 (3) (c) of the Electricity Act, 2003, the Regional Load
Despatch Centres (RLDC) shall “keep accounts of quantity of electricity
transmitted through the regional grid”. Accordingly, the responsibility of
preparation of Regional Energy Accounts hitherto with the REB

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Secretariats, transferred to the respective RLDCs with effect from


The Regional Electricity Boards (REB) was replaced in the new Act by
Regional Power Committees (RPC). The Central Government vide its principal
resolution dated 25.05.2005 notified establishment of RPCs.

Reorganization of the State Electricity Boards (SEBs) envisaged in Part

XIII of the Electricity Act, 2003 would lead to formation of a large number of
independent entities (generating companies, transmission licensees and
distribution licensees) in each State, and consequently a very large number
of such intra-State entities in each region. All these entities would come
under the regulatory jurisdiction of the concerned State Electricity Regulatory
Commission (SERC), and the operational jurisdiction of the concerned State
Load Despatch Centre (SLDC). While they would also be connecting into and
be synchronized with the same A.C. interconnection, i.e., the regional grid,
their operation shall be governed by the State Electricity Grid Code specified
by the concerned SERC. Even the directions issued to them by the Regional
Load Despatch Centre (the apex body to ensure integrated operation of the
regional power system) have to be routed through the concerned SLDC, as
per section 29 (3) of the Act.

As a logical extension of the above approach and to ensure clear chain

of accountability, the following were proposed in IEGC 2006:

1. The RLDC shall interact and coordinate only with the SLDCs (and the
STUs if necessary) on all matters concerning a State, and with no
other intra-State entity.

2. The SLDCs shall be responsible for all related coordination with the
intra-State entities, and interacting on their behalf with the RLDC.

3. Each State as a whole shall be treated as an entity in the regional grid,

and as one entity for the purpose of allocations / shares in Inter-State
Generating Station (ISGS), for daily scheduling and despatch, for
accounting of unscheduled interchange (UI) and reactive energy.

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4. The bifurcation of the State’s total entitlement in ISGS availability for

the day, advising the intra-State entities about their respective
entitlements, and collecting their requisitions, compiling them into
State’s total requisition from ISGS, etc shall be carried out by the

5. The STU / SLDC shall be responsible for installation of special energy

meters on the interconnecting points of all intra-State entities who
need to have such meters, for organizing the periodic collection of
meter readings, preparation of intra-State energy accounts and issuing
the UI statements for all concerned entities (once a week).

The earlier IEGC was silent regarding the payment for reactive energy
exchanges directly between the States on State-owned transmission lines.
This aspect was covered in the revised IEGC under a new section (6.6.7).

The intra-State scheme for pricing of reactive energy exchanges

between the intra-State entities need careful deliberation upon by the
concerned SERC / STU, and duly covered in the State Electricity Grid Code.
The requirements of local reactive support may differ from State to State and
the approach may differ from that in this IEGC. For example, the inter-State
generating stations (ISGS) have to generate / absorb reactive power as per
instructions of RLDC, “without sacrificing on the active generation required at
that time”, and “no payment shall be made to the generating companies for
such VAr generation / absorption”. This is because (1) the ISGS are mostly
located away from load-centres, (2) they generally have a lower variable
cost, and (3) they are paid a capacity charge covering the cost of entire
installation, including their reactive power capability. The situation of intra-
State stations may differ in these respects, and a different approach to their
reactive energy output may be necessary.

When the first version of IEGC was drafted in 1999, inter-regional

exchanges were minimal. Many new inter-regional links have since been
commissioned and substantial amounts of energy exchanged between the
regional grids. A new chapter was added in the IEGC accordingly, to cover

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various aspects of scheduling, control and commercial issues of inter-regional


IEGC (Amendment) 2009

Revision in Indian Electricity Grid Code (IEGC) was proposed on

account of following reasons and thereby the IEGC (Amendment) Regulation
2009 was issued with effect from 01st April 2009:

1. National Load Despstch Centre (NLDC) has been constituted by

Ministry of Power notification dated 14.03.2006, under section 26 of
the Electricity Act, 2003. Its role has to be incorporated in IEGC.

2. The existing provisions of scheduling of ISGS in Terms and Conditions

of Tariff, 2004-09 have been done away with in new Tariff Regulations
for the period 2009-14. These provisions are to be included in IEGC.

3. The power exchanges have been set-up and the scheduling procedures
for collective transactions through power exchanges are to be included
in IEGC.

4. Central Electricity Authority (Technical Standards for Connectivity to

the Grid) Regulations, 2007 and Central Electricity Authority
(Installation and Operation of Meters) Regulations, 2006 have been
notified. Accordingly Changes are to be made in IEGC.

5. The Regulation on Revised UI mechanism is to be issued by

Commission. In accordance with these regulation changes are
necessary in IEGC.

6. In the present power sector scenario the role and responsibilities of

different agencies have been changed. Accordingly, changes in IEGC
are needed.

IEGC 2010

The CERC has made a comprehensive review of IEGC provisions in

view of various changes and developments in the recent past. The Central
Electricity Regulatory Commission (Indian Electricity Grid Code) Regulations,

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2010 came in to force with effect from 03rd May 2010. The major changes
proposed in the IEGC 2010 were as under:

1. The concept of control area: The concept of control area has been
defined in the new version of IEGC. Hitherto, generation was mostly
owned by the Central or State governments and there were very few
IPPs (Independent Power Producers). In the future there are a lot of
upcoming generators belonging to the private sector, having various
types of contracts, that is short term, medium term and long term.
They could also switch from one type of contract to the other. Some
IPPs have a contract for part of the generating capacity with the state
in which they are located and contract for a part with states outside
the host state. Further, an IPP may tie up contract for different
generating units, as they get commissioned in stages, with different
purchasers. Therefore, control area jurisdiction is becoming important.
The control area jurisdiction has been defined.

2. Integration of Renewable Sources into the Grid: In view of the

national policy of encouraging renewable sources of energy, it was felt
necessary that provisions regarding this be integrated into the IEGC,
taking into account the variable nature of sources such as wind and
solar energy. Therefore, an appropriate mechanism for dealing with
unscheduled inter-change (UI) due to these sources has been included
in the IEGC, keeping in view also other technical requirements related
to such integration. The UI impact on renewable is proposed to be
dealt with in a manner that solar and wind generators are not
financially burdened for the variations in generation, which cannot be
reasonably forecast. The Commission is committed to ensure that the
renewable energy generators should get the returns as specified in the
renewable energy regulations. The proposals in IEGC have been
formulated with this spirit, while at the same time addressing the load
management needs of the states where large quantities of wind/solar
based generation is expected to come up in future.

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3. Accountability of the States and distribution utilities: Since the

states and their distribution utilities form an integral part of the grid,
they have been mandated to become more accountable in carrying out
demand management so as to ensure grid security, by mandating
automatic demand management schemes.

4. Restricted free governor mode of operation: In view of CERC’s

order on petitions regarding free governor operation dated 20.8.2009
wherein restricted free governor operation was mandated instead of
free governor operation, in view of the shortage condition prevailing in
the country, the IEGC has also been modified accordingly.

5. Enabling provision for RLDCs to report violation: RLDCs have

been entrusted with higher responsibilities to bring to the notice of the
Commission various violations of the IEGC, affecting grid security,
through petitions.

6. Tightening of frequency band: In view of the anticipated additional

generating capacity coming up in the future and utilization of hourly
surplus power through the power exchanges, the shortages are
expected to reduce. Hence, the frequency band has been tightened
from 49.2-50.3 Hz to 49.5-50.2 Hz. for higher grid security. This
should lead to more efficient operation of the power system.

7. Inclusion of medium term transactions in IEGC: CERC had

notified the regulations on “Grant of Connectivity, Long Term Access
and Medium-Term Open Access in Interstate Transmission”. In view of
the same, changes have been made in the IEGC to also accommodate
medium term transactions.

8. Transfer of detailed provisions of UI from IEGC to the CERC

(unscheduled Interchange Charges and related matters)
Regulations, 2009: Since the detailed Regulations on UI had been
notified by the Commission, the detailed clauses from IEGC on UI have
been removed.

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9. Revision of schedule in case of forced outage: Provision for

revision of schedule in case of forced outage for those stations who
have a two part tariff based on capacity charge and energy charge for
long term contracts, has been incorporated.

10. Increase in reactive energy charge: The reactive energy

charge has been increased from 6 paise per kVArh to 10 paise per
kVArh, in order to induce all states to provide capacitors in their
system to prevent low voltage profile in certain parts of the grid, which
lead to grid security problems.

11. Provisions regarding scheduling and operations: These

provisions have been reviewed keeping in view the problem of large
overdrawals by many constituents and the present approach of
Commission for discouraging use of UI mechanism as trading route.

The Commission amended the clause (5) and (7) of the Annexure – I of the
IEGC 2010 on implementation of scheduling of Wind / Solar energy with
effect from 1st January 2011 to 1st January 2012 vide notification dated 14th
January 2011. Through such notifications, the Commission may amend the
IEGC time to time inline with the developments in the Indian Power Sector.

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This chapter explains about the Objective, Scope & Structure of IEGC and
the compliance oversight.

Objectives (Cl.1.2 of IEGC)

The IEGC brings together a single set of technical and commercial

rules, encompassing all the Utilities connected to/or using the inter-State
transmission system (ISTS) and provides the following:

 Documentation of principles and procedure that defines relationship of

various users

 Optimal Planning, Operation and Maintenance of National / Regional


 Facilitation for functioning of Power market and Ancillary services

 Facilitation of development of renewable energy sources

Scope (Cl.1.3 of IEGC)

 All Users, SLDCs, RLDCs, NLDC, CEA, CTU, STUs, licensees, RPCs and
Power Exchanges shall abide the IEGC

 Damodar Valley Corporation (DVC) will be treated similar to SEB

 The generating stations of the Bhakra Beas Management Board

(BBMB) and Sardar Sarovar Project (SSP) shall be treated as intra-
State generating stations

 Any neighboring country inter-connected with Indian (National) Grid

shall be treated as a separate control area.

Structure of IEGC (Cl.1.4 of IEGC)

Part Name of the Part Focus / Coverage


1 General Objectives, Scope & Structure of IEGC and

Non-compliance reporting procedure are

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2 Role of various Role & functions of NLDC, RLDC, RPC,

Organisations and their CTU, CEA, SLDC, & STU and their
linkages relationship are detailed.

3 Planning code for Inter- Planning & Co-ordination responsibilities

state Transmission (ISTS) for ISTS, intra-state transmission system,
Non-discriminatory Open Access by CTU &
STU and planning code specifying the
philosophy & procedures to be applied in
planning of National Grid, Regional Grids
and Inter Regional links

4 Connection Code Scope, Procedure for connection,

Connection agreement, Important
Technical requirements for connectivity
like reactive power compensation, data &
communication facilities, system recording
instruments, responsibilities for safety,
cyber security & International connections
to ISTS are briefed. The Connection code
applies to CTU,STU and all Users
connected to or seeking connection to the
ISTS, The Connection code does not apply

5 Operating Code Operating Philosophy,

System Security aspects like Prolonged
outages, RGMO, operating range of
frequency & voltage, system protection
including SPS & communication aspects
Demand Estimation & Management for
operational purpose including Grouping of
loads, Automatic disconnection of loads,
Periodic Reports & Operation Liason
Outage planning
Recovery Procedure

6 Scheduling & Despatch a) Demarcation of responsibilities between

Code various regional entities, SLDC, RLDC and
NLDC in scheduling and dispatch as per
control area
b) the procedure for scheduling and
dispatch of LTA / MTOA / STOA & Px
transactions and ISGS Hydro generation
including revision & curtailment procedure

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c) the reactive power and voltage control

d) Scheduling of Renewable Energy

7 Miscellaneous Provisions for revision of IEGC and issue

any order by CERC as deemed fit including
power to relax the provisions of IEGC.

Compliance of oversight (Cl.1.5 of IEGC)

 RLDC shall report to the Commission on persistent non-compliance of

RLDCs directions on secured grid operation.

 Member Secretary, RPC may also report to Commission any issues that
could not be sorted out in RPC forum

 RPC shall file monthly report on UI payment and installation of

capacitors details to Commission

 Commission may initiate action based on RLDC / RPC report or suo-


 Non-compliance of any provisions of IEGC by NLDC, RLDC, SLDC and

RPC can be reported to Commission by any other person

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Role of various organizations and their linkages

Role of National Load Despatch Centre (NLDC) (Cl.2.2 of IEGC)

 Monitoring & operation of National Grid

 Co-ordination for restoration of synchronous National grid

 Co-ordination for trans-national exchange of power

 Supervision over RLDCs

 Supervision & control over inter-regional links

 Scheduling & Despatch of electricity over inter-regional links

 Co-ordination with RLDCs for inter-regional energy accounting and

exchange of power

 NLDC shall be the nodal agency for collective transactions

 NLDC shall be the National level disaster management co-ordinator in

power system.

 Maintaining PDC fund and any other things as directed by CERC

Role of Regional Load Despatch Centre (RLDC) (Cl.2.3 of IEGC)

 Apex body of the respective region

 Optimum scheduling & dispatch within the region in accordance with

the contracts entered by the licensee or the generating companies
operating in the region

 Keeps account of energy transmitted through regional grid

 Supervision & control over Inter-state Transmission System (ISTS)

 Monitoring Grid operation and issue such direction for stable grid
operation enduring economic & efficient grid operation. All the
“Regional Entities” shall comply with such directions of RLDC.

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 RLDC shall issue Directions to STU, any licensee of the state & the
generating companies that are not connected to ISTS shall be issued
through SLDC and SLDC shall ensure that such directions are duly
complied with by the respective agency.

 Any dispute on the directions of RLDC, the matter shall be referred to

CERC. Pending decision of CERC, the directions of RLDC shall be
complied with.

 RLDC of the region where point of drawal of electricity is situated shall

be the nodal agency for the STOA transactions.

 RLDC shall be the nodal agency for restoration following a system


 Operation of regional UI pool account, regional reactive energy

account and Congestion Charge Account, provided that such functions
will be undertaken by any entity(ies) other than RLDCs if the
Commission so directs.

 Operation of ancillary services

Role of Regional Power Committee (RPC) (Cl.2.4 of IEGC)

 Undertake Operational Analysis in the region

 Co-ordinate with STU & CTU to facilitate planning of Intra & Inter state
transmission system

 Outage planning & co-ordination in the region

 System Protection studies for the region

 Certification of system availability factor for the purpose of payment of

transmission charges

 Preparation of Regional Energy Account, UI account, Reactive energy

account and congestion charge account based on the data given by

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Role of Central Transmission Utility (CTU) (Cl.2.5 of IEGC)

 Transmission of electricity through ISTS network

 Planning & co-ordination related to ISTS with all the agencies

 Provide non-discriminatory open access of ISTS to any licensee or

generating company or bulk customer as per the provisions of
Electricity Act 2003.

 CTU shall be the nodal agency for ISTS connectivity of LTA & MTOA

 CTU shall not engage in the business of trading / generating electricity

Role of Central Electricity Authority (CEA) (Cl.2.6 ofIEGC)

 To specify grid standards for O&M of transmission lines

 To specify conditions for installation of meters for supply &

transmission of electricity

 To specify the technical standards for construction of electrical plants,

electric lines and connectivity to the grid

 To specify the safety requirements for construction, operation and

maintenance of electrical plants and electric lines

 Notify National Electricity plan once in five years

 Prepare & publish National Electricity policy

Role of State Load Despatch Centre (SLDC) (Cl.2.7 of IEGC)

 Apex body for grid operation in the state

 Optimum scheduling & dispatch within the region in accordance with

the contracts entered by the licensee or the generating companies
operating in the state

 Keeps account of energy transmitted through state grid

 Supervision & control over Intra-state Transmission System

 Responsible for real time grid operation in the state

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 Complying the directions of RLDC and get execute such directions

through STU, licensees, generating companies of the state

 Issue concurrence or no-objection for STOA & collective transactions of

state utility or intra-state entity

Role of State Transmission Utility (STU) (Cl.2.8 of IEGC)

 Undertake transmission of electricity through intra-State transmission


 Co-ordination for planning & development of intra-state transmission


 To provide non-discriminatory Open Access to its transmission network

by licensees, generating companies and bulk customers of the state on
payment of transmission charges

 Operate the SLDC till the State Government notify any company or
authority or corporation for this purpose

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Planning Code for Inter-state Transmission

The Central Transmission Utility (CTU) shall discharge all functions of

planning and co-ordination relating to inter-State transmission system in
coordination with State Transmission Utility, Central Government, State
Governments, Generating Companies, Regional Power Committees, Central
Electricity Authority (CEA), licensees and any other person notified by the
Central Government in this behalf.

CTU shall also provide non-discriminatory open access of Inter-state

transmission system as per open access regulation.

The above functions for the intra-state transmission system

requirements shall be discharged by the respective State Transmission Utility

CEA is responsible for preparation of National Electricity plan and

National Electricity policy and also advice central government regarding
formulation of short term and prospective plans for the development of
electricity system facilitating reliable and affordable electricity for all

The Planning Code specifies the philosophy and procedures to be

applied in planning of National Grid, Regional Grids and Inter Regional links.

Input considered for power system planning by CTU

While planning schemes, the following shall be considered in addition

to the data of authenticated nature collected from and in consultation with
users by CTU:

i) Perspective plan formulated by CEA.

ii) Electric Power Survey of India published by the CEA

iii) Transmission Planning Criteria and guidelines issued by the


iv) Operational feedback from RPCs

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v) Operational feedback from NLDC/RLDC/SLDC

vi) Central Electricity Regulatory Commission ( Grant of

Connectivity, Long-term Access and Medium-term Open
Access in inter-state Transmission and related matters)
Regulations ,2009

vii) Renewable capacity addition plan issued by Ministry of New

and Renewable Energy Sources ( MNRES), Govt of India

Finalisation Procedure

The interstate transmission proposals including system strengthening

scheme and planning of capacitors, SVC & Flexible Alternating Current
Transmission System (FACTS) etc., identified on the basis of the planning
studies would be discussed, reviewed and finalized in the meetings of
Regional Standing Committees for Transmission Planning constituted by
CEA, in consultation with the Regional Entities, RPC, CEA, NLDC and the
RLDC and action may be taken by CTU on the basis of Power Purchase
Agreements (PPAs) signed with the beneficiaries. Where all PPAs are not
signed, CTU will approach CERC for necessary approval.

Based on Plans prepared by the CTU, State Transmission Utilities (STU) shall
have to plan their systems (intra-state) to further evacuate power from the
ISTS, system strengthening of state network and etc., to optimize the use of
integrated transmission network.

Planning Criteria

1. As a general rule, the ISTS shall be capable of withstanding and be

secured against the following contingency outages.

The below contingencies shall be considered assuming a pre-

contingency system depletion (Planned outage) of another 220 kV D/C
line or 400 kV S/C line in another corridor and not emanating from the
same substation.

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Indian Electricity Grid Code (IEGC 2010)

Without necessitating load Without necessitating load

shedding or rescheduling of shedding but could be with
generation during Steady State rescheduling of generation during
Operation steady state operation
- Outage of a 132 kV D/C line or, - Outage of a 400 kV S/C line with
TCSC, or
- Outage of a 220 kV D/C line or,
- Outage of a 400kV D/C line, or
- Outage of a 400 kV S/C line or,
- Outage of both pole of HVDC Bipole
- Outage of single Interconnecting
line or
Transformer, or
- Outage of both poles of HVDC back
- Outage of one pole of HVDC Bipole
to back Station or
line, or
- Outage of a 765kV S/C line with
- Outrage of one pole of HVDC back
series compensation.
to back Station or

- Outage of 765 kV S/C line

2. The ISTS shall be capable of withstanding the loss of most severe

single system infeed without loss of stability.

3. Any one of these events defined above shall not cause:

a. Loss of supply

b. Prolonged operation of the system frequency below and above

specified limits.

c. Unacceptable high or low voltage

d. System instability

e. Unacceptable overloading of ISTS elements.

4. In all substations (132 kV and above), at least two transformers shall

be provided.

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5. CTU shall carry out planning studies for Reactive Power

compensation of ISTS including reactive power compensation
requirement at the generator’s / bulk consumer’s switchyard and for
connectivity of new generator / bulk consumer to the ISTS

6. Suitable System Protection Schemes (SPS) may be planned by

NLDC / RLDC in consultation with CEA, CTU, RPC and the Regional
Entities, either for enhancing transfer capability or to take care of
contingencies beyond that indicated above

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Connection Code

CTU, STU and Users connected to, or seeking connection to ISTS shall
comply with Central Electricity Authority (Technical Standards for
connectivity to the Grid) Regulations, 2007 which specifies the
minimum technical and design criteria and Central Electricity Regulatory
Commission (Grant of Connectivity, Long-term Access and Medium term
Open Access in inter-state Transmission and related matters)

Scope & Nodal Agency for Grant of Connectivity

 The Connection code applies to CTU,STU and all Users connected to

or seeking connection to the ISTS,

 The Connection code does not apply to Generating Units,

transmission / distribution systems embedded in the intra-State
systems, and not connected to the ISTS.

 All entities shall abide by the CEA (Technical Standards for

connectivity to the Grid) Regulations,2007

 CTU is the nodal agency for grant of connectivity

Reactive Power Compensation

 The User / STU shall provide adequate reactive power

compensation in the LV system close to the load points

 The person already connected to the grid shall also provide

additional reactive compensation as per the quantum and time
frame decided by respective RPC in consultation with RLDC.

 The Users and STUs shall provide information to RPC and RLDC
regarding the installation and healthiness of the reactive
compensation equipment on regular basis. RPC shall regularly
monitor the status in this regard.

Data & Communication and System Recording Instruments,

Cyber Security etc.,

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 All Users, STU and CTU shall be responsible to provide reliable

and efficient speech and data communication system made
available to RLDC.

 Both analog data like flow, voltage, etc., and status data like
transformer tap position, status of switches etc., as required by the
RLDC shall be made available

 All Users, STUs and CTU shall provide all the requisite recording
instruments and shall always keep them in working condition

 All utilities shall have in place, a cyber security framework to

identify the critical cyber assets and protect them so as to support
reliable operation of the grid.

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Indian Electricity Grid Code (IEGC 2010)

Operating Code

Operating Philosophy (IEGC Cl.5.1)

The primary objective of integrated operation of the National / Regional grids
is to enhance the overall operational reliability and economy of the entire
electric power network spread over the geographical area of the
interconnected system. Participant utilities shall cooperate with each other
and adopt Good Utility Practice at all times for satisfactory and beneficial
operation of the National/Regional grid.

 NLDC shall

o Supervise National / inter-regional grid.

o Develop & maintain detailed operating procedure for National

Grid in consultation with RLDCs.

 RLDC shall

o Supervise Regional / inter-state grid.

o Develop & maintain detailed operating procedure for the

Regional grid in consultation with the regional entities.

 SLDC shall

o Supervise State / intra-state grid

o Develop & maintain detailed operating procedure for the

State grid in consultation with the concerned persons.

 All persons shall comply with the operating code of IEGC

 All licensees, generating company, generating station and any

other person connected with the operation power system shall
comply with the directions issued by the respective RLDC /

 The control rooms of the NLDC, RLDC, all SLDCs, power plants,
substation of 132 kV and above, and any other control centers

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of all regional entities shall be manned round the clock by

qualified and adequately trained personnel

System Security Aspects (IEGC Cl.5.2)

 No part of the grid shall be deliberately isolated from the rest of the
National/Regional grid, except

o Under an emergency, and conditions in which such isolation

would prevent a total grid collapse and/or would enable early
restoration of power supply,

o For safety of human life

o When serious damage to a costly equipment is imminent and

such isolation would prevent it,

o When such isolation is specifically instructed by RLDC.

 No important element of the National / Regional grid shall be

deliberately opened or removed from service at any time, except
when specifically instructed by RLDC or with specific and prior
clearance of RLDC. In case of opening/removal of any important
element of the grid under an emergency situation, the same shall
be communicated to RLDC at the earliest possible time after the

 Any tripping, whether manual or automatic, of any of the important

elements of Regional grid shall be precisely intimated by the
concerned SLDC/CTU/User to RLDC along with the reason to the
extent determined, within ten minutes of the event.

 RLDC shall monitor and report to RPC the details of prolonged

outage of elements that may likely to cause danger / sub-optimal
operation of regional grid. RPC shall give instructions to restore as
per finalized action plan.

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Restricted Governor Mode Operation (RGMO)

 All thermal generating units of 200 MW and above and all hydro
units of 10 MW and above (except those with up to three hours
pondage) shall have their governors in operation at all times in
accordance with the RGMO provisions w.e.f.01.08.2010

 Features of RGMO

o While grid frequency below 50.2Hz, for rise in frequency,

there shall No reduction in generation by the units.

o While grid frequency below 50.2Hz, for fall in frequency,

the units should increase its generation by 5% limited
to 105% of MCR

o Ripple filter of + / - 0.03Hz shall be provided to prevent

Governor hunting during load correction

o Governor droop setting shall be between 3% - 6%

 Gas, Wind, Solar & Hydro units up to 3hour pondage are exempted
from RGMO provision

 Any unit required to be operated without its Governor in operation

shall immediately communicate the reason for the same to RLDC

 No dead bands and / or time delays shall be deliberately introduced

except as specified in para 5.2(f) of IEGC.

 The recommended rate for changing the governor setting, i.e.,

supplementary control for increasing or decreasing the output
(generation level) for all generating units, irrespective of their type
and size, would be one (1.0) per cent per minute or as per
manufacturer’s limits. However, if frequency falls below 49.7Hz, all
partly loaded generating units shall pick up additional load at a
faster rate, according to their capability.

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Variation limit Generation / Load

 No User shall suddenly reduce his generating unit output by more

than one hundred (100) MW (20MW in case of NER) without prior
intimation to and consent of the RLDC, particularly when frequency
is falling or is below 49.5 Hz.

 No User / SEB shall cause a sudden variation in its load by more

than one hundred (100 MW) without prior intimation to and consent
of the RLDC.


 The Automatic Voltage Regulator (AVR) of the generator shall be in

service. The Power System Stabilizers (PSS) shall be tuned by the
respective generating owner as per the plan proposed by CTU /
RPC. The CTU / RPC shall be allowed to carryout checking where
ever it considered.

Operating Frequency Range

 The grid frequency always remains within the 49.5 –50.2 Hz band.

AUFR & df / dt and System Protection Schemes

 All SEBs, distribution licensees, CTU STUs and SLDCs shall ensure
that the above under-frequency and df/dt load shedding / islanding
schemes are always functional..

 SLDC shall furnish monthly report of UFR and df/dt relay operation
in their respective system to the respective RPC.

 RLDC shall inform RPC Secretariat about instances when the

desired load relief is not obtained through these relays in real time

 A monthly report on expected load relief vis-a-vis actual load relief

shall be sent to the RPC and the CERC.

 System Protection Schemes (SPS) to operate the transmission

system closer to its limit and protect against voltage collapse,

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cascade tripping etc., shall be finalized in the RPC forum and shall
be kept in service always. If any SPS is to be taken out of service,
permission of RLDC shall be obtained indicating reason and
duration of anticipated outage from service

 All the Users, STU/SLDC and CTU shall send information / data
including disturbance recorder / sequential event recorder output to
RLDC within one week for purpose of analysis of any grid

Permissible Voltage Range (kV rms)

Nominal Maximum Minimum

765 800 728

400 420 380

220 245 198

132 145 122

110 121 99

66 72 60

33 36 30

Special requirements for Solar / Wind generation

 Generally Solar / Wind power will be treated as must-run station

and SLDC / RLDC can instruct to back down MW or curtail VAR
drawl / injection in case of grid security / endanger to personal /
costly equipments

 During the wind generator start-up, the wind generator shall

ensure that the reactive power drawl (inrush currents incase of
induction generators) shall not affect the grid performance.

Demand Estimation (Cl.5.3 of IEGC)

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 SLDC is responsible for Demand estimation using historical data &

weather / wind energy forecast data w.e.f 01 st January 2011 using
appropriate mechanism / facility.

 Both Active & Reactive Power demand needs to be estimated

 It shall be done on daily / weekly / monthly / yearly basis

 SLDC shall carryout Operational planning studies based on their

Demand estimation

 Demand management measures like power cut, load shedding etc.,

shall be based on SLDC demand estimation

 Distribution licensees shall abide & execute demand management

measures as per SLDC’s direction

 Distribution licensees shall provide necessary data to SLDC

 SLDC shall furnish monthwise demand estimation details to RLDC &

RPC for better operation planning and estimation of ATC / TTC on
three month ahead basis.

 SLDC shall maintain Historical data base on demand estimation

Demand Management (cl.5.4 of IEGC)

 SLDC / SEB / Distribution Licensee / Bulk Consumer shall

o Initiate action to restrict drawal within its schedule when

system frequency falls below 49.7Hz

o Ensure NO overdrawal when system frequency is 49.5Hz or


 Each User / STU / SLDC shall develop and implement a contingency

procedure for demand disconnection and update / review the same
regularly. RLDC / SLDC shall monitor the same.

 The SLDC through respective State Electricity Boards / Distribution

Licensees shall also formulate and implement state-of-the-art
demand management schemes for automatic demand management

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like rotational load shedding, demand response (which may include

lower tariff for interruptible loads) etc. before 01.01.2011

 In order to maintain the frequency within the stipulated band and

maintaining the network security, the interruptible loads shall be
arranged in four groups of loads as given below without

o For scheduled power cuts/load shedding,

o Loads for unscheduled load shedding,

o Loads to be shed through under frequency relays / df/dt

relays and

o Loads to be shed under any System Protection Scheme

identified at the RPC level.

 RLDC shall issue directions to reduce overdrawal in standard

message formats developed by the RLDC for this purpose. SLDCs
shall comply with the directions and also reply immediately through
compliance report.

 The measures taken by the User’s, SLDC SEB/distribution licensee

or bulk consumer shall not be withdrawn as long as the frequency
remains at a level lower than the limits specified in para 5.2 of
IEGC or congestion continues, unless specifically permitted by the

Periodic Reports

 Weekly Report on performance of National Grid / Regional Grid

prepared by NLDC / RLDC respectively shall be available in its
website for 12 weeks

 The weekly reports shall contain the following:-

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o Frequency profile

o Voltage profile of important substations and sub-stations

o Major Generation and Transmission Outages

o Transmission Constraints

o Instances of persistent / significant non-compliance of IEGC.

o Instances of congestion in transmission system

o Instances of inordinate delays in restoration of transmission

elements and generating units

o Non-compliance of instructions of SLDC by SEB/distribution

licenses / bulk consumers, to curtail drawal resulting in non-
compliance of IEGC.

 NLDC shall send the monthly report to CERC, CEA, RPCs & RLDCs

 Daily power system report / Quarterly report prepared by the

RLDC shall also be available in its website

Operational Liaison

 The Operational liaison function is a mandatory built-in hierarchical

function of the NLDC, RLDC, SLDC and Users, to facilitate quick
transfer of information to operational staff. It will correlate the
required inputs for optimization of decision making and actions.
Any operation carried / executed by NLDC / RLDC / SLDC / Users /
CTU / STU that may have impact on other control area shall be
communicated to the respective agency, prior & after execution.

Outage Planning (Cl.5.7 of IEGC)

 Annual outage plan for the financial year prepared by RPC in

consultation with RLDC & NLDC by 31st January of each year. It is
reviewed quarterly & monthly. If any deviation required by CTU /

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STU / Users, the same shall be with the prior permission of RPC &

 All SEBs / STUs, transmission licensees, CTU, ISGS, IPPs, MPPs and
other generating stations shall provide RPC Secretariat their
proposed outage programmes in writing for the next financial
year by 30th November of each year. RPC shall issue the draft
outage plan by 31st December of each year. The outage plan
shall be finalized by 31st January of each year

 RLDC may conduct studies before clearance of the planned outage.

NLDC/RLDC are authorized to defer the planned outage in case of

o Grid disturbances

o System isolation

o Partial Black out in a state

o Any other event in the system that may have an adverse

impact on the system security by the proposed outage

 Each User, CTU and STU shall obtain the final approval from RLDC
prior to availing an outage.

Recovery Procedure (Cl.5.8 of IEGC)

 Detailed plans and procedures for restoration of the regional grid

under partial/total blackout shall be developed by RLDC in
consultation with NLDC, all Users, STU, SLDC, CTU and RPC

 Black Start Restoration Procedure developed by RLDC shall be

reviewed / updated annually.

 User / STU / CTU in consultation with RLDC shall develop the Black
Start Restoration Procedure for the respective system within the

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 Black Start Restoration Procedure developed by the User /

STU / CTU shall be reviewed / updated once in every
subsequent year.

 Mock trail for different sub-systems shall be carried out at least

once in six months

 Black start DG set shall be tested on every week and report

shall be sent on quarterly basis to RLDC

 List of generating stations with black start facility, inter-

State/interregional ties, synchronizing points and essential loads to
be restored on priority, shall be prepared and be available with

Event Information (Cl.5.9 of IEGC)

 RLDC / SLDC shall be responsible for reporting events to all Users /

SLDC / STU / CTU / NLDC / RLDC / RPC secretariat

 All Users / SLDC / STU / CTU shall be responsible for collection &
reporting of necessary data to RLDC / NLDC / RPC

 Reportable events are

o Violation of security standards.

o Grid indiscipline.

o Non-compliance of RLDC’s instructions.

o System islanding/system split

o Regional black out/partial system black out

o Protection failure on any element of ISTS, and on any item

on the “agreed list” of the intra-State systems.

o Power system instability

o Tripping of any element of the Regional grid.

o Sudden load rejection by any User

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 The report shall be in the format devised by LDC containing

o Time and date of event

o Location

o Plant and/or Equipment directly involved

o Description and cause of event

o Antecedent conditions of load and generation, including

frequency, voltage and the flows in the affected area at the
time of tripping including Weather Condition prior to the

o Duration of interruption and Demand and/or Generation (in

MW and MWh) interrupted

o All Relevant system data including copies of records of all

recording instruments including Disturbance Recorder, Event
Logger, DAS etc

o Sequence of trippings with time.

o Details of Relay Flags.

o Remedial measures.

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Scheduling and Despatch Code

Demarcation of responsibilities (cl.6.4 of IEGC)

 The national interconnected grid is divided into control areas

 The Load Despatch Centre of a control area is responsible for

coordinating the scheduling of a generating station, within the
control area, real-time monitoring of the station’s operation,
checking that there is no gaming (gaming is an intentional mis-
declaration of a parameter related to commercial mechanism in
vogue, in order to make an undue commercial gain) in its
availability declaration, or in any other way revision of availability
declaration and injection schedule, switching instructions, metering
and energy accounting, issuance of UI accounts within the control
area, collections/disbursement of UI payments, outage planning,

Control Area

 RLDC shall coordinate the scheduling of the following generating


o Central Generating Stations or generating stations

connected to ISTS only (excluding stations where full
Share is allocated to host state),

o Ultra-Mega power projects

o Generating station which is connected both to ISTS and

the State network and the State has a Share of 50% or

 SLDC shall coordinate the scheduling of the following generating


o Generating station which is connected only to the State

transmission network (excluding Central Generating
stations where more than one state have allocation)

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o Generating station which is connected both to ISTS and

the State network and the State has a Share of more
than 50%.

 In case commissioning of a plant is done in stages the decision

regarding scheduling and other functions performed by the system
operator of a control area would be taken on the basis of above
criteria depending on generating capacity put into commercial
operation at that point of time. Therefore it could happen that the
plant may be in one control area (i.e. SLDC) at one point of time
and another control area (i.e. RLDC) at another point of time. The
switch over of control area would be done expeditiously after the
change, w.e.f. the next billing period.

 NLDC shall be responsible for scheduling and despatch of electricity

over inter-regional links in accordance with the grid code
specified by Central Commission in coordination with Regional Load
Despatch Centers.

 SLDCs shall have the total responsibility for

o Scheduling / despatching their own generation (including

generation of their embedded licensees),

o Regulating the demand of its control area,

o Scheduling their drawal from the ISGS (within their share in

the respective plant’s expected capability),

o Permitting long term access, medium term and short term

open access transactions for embedded
generators/consumers, in accordance with the contracts

o Regulating the net drawal of their control area from the

regional grid in accordance with the respective regulations of
the CERC.

o The drawal schedule of each regional entity will be the

algebraic summation of scheduled drawal from ISGS and

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from contracts through a long–term access, medium–term

and short–term open access arrangements and Collective

Permissible Drawal / Injection deviation

 The regional entities shall regulate their generation and / or

consumers’ load so as to maintain their actual drawal from the
regional grid close to the above schedule. Deviation from the
drawal schedule, within the limit specified by the CERC in UI
Regulations as long as such deviations do not cause system
parameters to deteriorate beyond permissible limits and / or do not
lead to unacceptable line loading, However,such deviations from
net drawal schedule shall be priced through the Unscheduled
Interchange (UI) mechanism.

 No limit for overdrawal subject to network condition when system

frequency is above 49.7Hz

 Overdrawal permitted subject to network condition and as per UI

regulations when the system frequency is above 49.5Hz but below

 No overdrawal permitted when system frequency is 49.5Hz or

below and is to be ensured through automatic demand

 The ISGS would normally generate power according to the daily

schedules advised to them. The ISGS may also deviate from the
given schedules within the limits specified in the CERC UI
Regulations of CERC, depending on the plant and system

 No over injection of ISGS permitted When system frequency above

50.2Hz. ISGS may back down when system frequency above
50.2Hz and maximize the generation when frequency falls below
49.7Hz without waiting for the instruction of RLDC subject to the
network / plant condition.

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 In addition, deviations, from schedules causing congestion, shall

also be priced in accordance with the Congestion Charge
Regulations of CERC

Real-time System Security Measures

 RLDC may direct the SLDCs / ISGS / other regional entities to

increase / decrease their drawal / generation in case of
contingencies e.g. overloading of lines / transformers, abnormal
voltages, threat to system security. Such directions shall
immediately be acted upon.

 Incase of any contingencies or threat to system security,

curtailment / termination of STOA shall be done prior to LTOA /

Declaration of Capacity

 During fuel shortage condition, in case of thermal ISGS

stations, they may specify minimum MW, maximum MW, MWh
capability and declaration of fuel shortage. The generating stations
shall also declare the possible ramping up / ramping down in a
block. In case of a gas turbine generating station or a combined
cycle generating station, the generating station shall declare the
capacity for units and modules on APM gas, RLNG and liquid fuel
separately, and these shall be scheduled separately.

 The ISGS shall ensure that the declared capability during peak
hours is not less than that during other hours. However, exception
to this rule shall be allowed in case of tripping / re-synchronisation
of units as a result of forced outage of units.

 RLDC may ask the ISGS to explain the situation with necessary
backup data incase the capacity declaration was felt as deliberately
over / under declaration.

 The ISGS shall be required to demonstrate the declared capability

of its generating station as and when asked by the Regional Load

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Despatch Centre of the region in which the ISGS is situated. In the

event of the ISGS failing to demonstrate the declared capability,
the capacity charges due to the generator shall be reduced in
geometric progressively as a measure of penalty. Ie. 2 days
capacity charges for the first instance, 4 days capacity charges for
the second instance and so on.

Unscheduled Inter-change Accounting

 The CTU shall install special energy meters on all inter connections
between the regional entities and other identified points for
recording of actual net MWh interchanges and MVArh drawals.

 All concerned entities (in whose premises the special energy meters
are installed) shall take weekly meter readings and transmit
them to the RLDC by Tuesday noon. The SLDC must ensure
that the meter data from all installations within their control area
are transmitted to the RLDC within the above schedule.

 RLDC shall compute 15 minute-wise UI of all the regional entities

and send to RPC by Thursday noon. RPC shall prepare UI
account and issue. UI computation shall be available for 15days in
RLDC website for verification by all.

 NLDC shall be responsible for coordination with Regional Load

Despatch Centers for the energy accounting of inter-regional
exchange of power. NLDC shall also be responsible for coordination
for trans-national exchange of power.

Hydro (ISGS) scheduling

 Hydro generating stations are expected to respond to grid

frequency changes and inflow fluctuations. The hydro generating
stations shall be free to deviate from the given schedule without
causing grid constraint and a compensation for difference between
the actual net energy supply by the hydro generating station and
the scheduled energy (ex-bus) over day shall be made by the

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concerned Regional Load Despatch Centre in the day ahead

schedule for the 4th day (day plus 3).

Scheduling Process

 Maximum Ramp up / down for an ISGS / regional entity is 200MW

per hour. (50MW for NER) except Hydro that may ramp up / down
faster. While doing schedule, RLDC may consider ramping as per
system condition / machine permissibility

 Entitlement of each beneficiary regional entity = sum of (Block

wise declared capacity of ISGS X Share allocation of respective
Regional Entity)

 ISGS shall advise day ahead block wise declaration by 08:00hrs

 RLDC shall compute and communicate the total ISGS entitlement of

each Regional Entity by 10:00hrs

 SLDC shall communicate the total requirement from ISGS, LTOA /

MTOA / STOA by 15:00hrs based on daily forecast

 Scheduling of collective transactions co-ordinated by NLDC as per

the following sequence

o NLDC advise Px the details of ATC for Px the list of Interfaces

/ control areas / regional transmission systems

o Power Exchange(s) shall furnish the information of total

drawal and injection in each of the regions.

o NLDC shall check for congestion and revert back the details if
any to Px.

o Px shall communicate the tentative schedule of Collective

transactions to NLDC

o NLDC verify with the RLDC the ATC in line with Px schedule
and then confirms to Px & RLDCs for scheduling.

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 The individual transactions for State Utilities/intra-State Entities

shall be scheduled by the respective SLDCs. Power Exchange(s)
shall send the detailed break up of each point of injection and each
point of drawal within the State to respective SLDCs after receipt of
acceptance from NLDC. Power Exchange(s) shall ensure necessary
coordination with SLDCs for scheduling of the transactions.

 Including collective transactions, RLDC shall release the first day

ahead drawl / injection schedule by 18:00hrs

 SLDC / ISGS communicate the changes if any in their requirements

/ capacity declaration by 22:00hrs. Incorporating all such changes,
RLDC prepares the final day ahead injection / drawal schedule and
release for implementation.

 The hydro electric generation stations are expected to respond to

grid frequency changes and inflow fluctuations. They would,
therefore, be free to deviate from the given schedule as long as
they do not cause a grid constraint. As a result, the actual net
energy supply by a hydro generating station over a day may differ
from schedule energy (ex-bus) for that day. While the 15- minute
wise, deviations from schedule would be accounted for as
Unscheduled Interchange (UI), the net energy deviation for the
whole day, if any, shall be additionally accounted in the day ahead
schedule for the 4th day (day plus 3)

 Run-of-river power stations, renewable energy power plants

(except for biomass power plants and non-fossil fuel based
cogeneration plants whose tariff is determined by the CERC) shall
treated as must run stations. All shall be treated as ‘MUST RUN’
power plants and shall not be subjected to ‘merit order despatch’

Revision of Schedule

 RLDC shall suo-motu revise the injection / drawal schedule of

ISGS / regional entities incase of system constraint or for ensuring

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Indian Electricity Grid Code (IEGC 2010)

better operation, which shall be effective from 4 th time block

counting the block in which bottleneck of evacuation of power has
taken place. During the first three blocks, actual injection / drawal
is deemed as schedule.

 Based on request from ISGS / beneficiary regional entity RLDC

shall revise the injection / drawal schedule of ISGS / beneficiary
regional entity, which shall be effective from 6th time block.

 In case of forced outage of a unit for a Short Term bilateral

transaction, where a generator of capacity of 100 MW and above is
seller, the generator shall immediately intimate the same along
with the requisition for revision of schedule and estimated
time of restoration of the unit, to SLDC/RLDC as the case may
be. RLDC shall revise the schedules and shall become effective
from the 4th time block, counting the time block in which the
forced outage is declared to be the first one. The original schedule
shall become effective from the estimated time of restoration of the
unit. However the transmission charges as per original schedule
shall continue to be paid for two days.

 The schedule of thermal generating stations indicating fuel

shortage while intimating the Declared Capacity to the RLDC shall
be revised only in case of forced outage of generating unit.

 Incase of grid disturbance, actual injection / drawal shall be

deemed as schedule of ISGS / regional entities. Certification of
grid disturbance and its duration shall be done by the RLDC.

 To discourage frivolous revisions, an RLDC may, at its sole

discretion, refuse to accept schedule/capability changes of less than
two (2) percent of previous schedule/capability.

Scheduling of Wind / Solar Generation

 With effect from 1.1.2012 Scheduling of wind power generation

plants would have to be done for the purpose of UI where the sum

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Indian Electricity Grid Code (IEGC 2010)

of generation capacity of such plants connected at the connection

point to the transmission or distribution system is 10 MW and
above and connection point is 33 KV and above, and where PPA
was not yet been signed as on 03.05.2011

 Maximum of 8revisions per day for each 3hour time slot starting
from 00:00 hours during the day, which shall become effect from
6th time block, the first being the time block in which notice was

 The schedule of solar generation shall be given by the generator

based on availability of the generator, weather forecasting, solar
insolation, season and normal solar generation curve and shall be
vetted by the RLDC in which the generator is located and
incorporated in the inter-state schedule.

Curtailment of schedule

 When ever there is a system requirement for curtailment of power

flow in a corridor, RLDC may do so including for the transactions
that were already scheduled. While doing so, in the priority order of
STOA, Collective Transactions, MTOA, LTOA will be followed on
prorate basis.

 RLDCs would curtail a Transaction at the periphery of the Regional

Entities. SLDC(s) shall further incorporate the inter-se curtailment
of intra-State Entities to implement the curtailment

Correctness & resolution of Schedule

 The final implemented schedule prepared by RLDC is made

available open for 5 days for rectification of error if any, detected.

 The schedules shall have a resolution of 1MW for declared capacity

of ISGS and 0.01MW & 0.01MWh for other.

Reactive Power & Voltage Control

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Indian Electricity Grid Code (IEGC 2010)

 Regional entities (except generating stations) pays for VAr drawal

at voltage below 97% and for VAr injection at voltage above 103%

 Regional entities (except generating stations) get paid for VAr

injection at voltage below 97% and for VAr dfrawal at voltage
above 103%

 The charge for VArh shall be at the rate of 10 paise / kVArh w.e.f.
1.4.2010, with annual escalation of 0.5paise / kVArh thereafter.

 RLDC may direct beneficiary regional entity to curtail VAr drawal /


 RLDC may direct changing of ICT tap position at a reasonable


 ISGS shall inject / absorb Var within machine capability without

compromising MW generation. NO charges payable / receivable on
this account.

 The charge for VAr exchange through an interconnected line

between two regional entities may be mutually fixed between them,
if they feel so.

Commission’s power to overrule

Commission has the powers to review / relax / modify / over rule / amend
any provisions of IEGC and give such directions as deemed fit beyond the
provisions of IEGC

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Indian Electricity Grid Code (IEGC 2010)

Sample Questionnaire to understand IEGC 2010 provisions

1. Which is true?

a. IEGC is a Regulation

b. IEGC is a set of Rules, Guidelines and Procedures

c. IEGC is a document to facilitate Power market, Ancillary

Services and Renewable Energy development

d. All the above

2. IEGC regulation contains ____________ of parts excluding the

brief introduction.

3. For any violation of grid discipline or violation of IEGC, action will

be taken by CERC.

a. Only if RLDC reports to CERC

b. Only if RPC reports to CERC

c. Only if RLDC reports to CERC through


d. Based on the report by RLDC or RPC or suo-motu

4. Nodal agency for scheduling of Power Exchange and collective

Transactions is


b. Power Exchanges in India


d. RLDC of the region where point of drawal of electricity is


5. RLDC gives directions to STUs, licenses of the state and the

generating stations that are not connected to ISTS, through


b. Directly to the concerned agency

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c. RPC


6. Operation of UI pool account, Regional reactive charges account

and congestion charge account is being done by


b. RPC



7. Incase of any dispute on the directions of RLDC, the SLDC may

a. Have no option except to follow

b. May refer to CERC and follow the directions of RLDC till the
decision of CERC

c. May refer to CERC and wait for CERC decision without complying
the direction of RLDC

d. May refer to RPC for redress and wait for decision without

8. System Protection studies and relay co-ordination etc on regional

level is being done by


b. RPC



9. For LTA and MTOA grid connectivity to ISTS, the nodal agency for
processing and accord permission is



c. RPC

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Indian Electricity Grid Code (IEGC 2010)

d. CTU

10. CTU can decide to whom & whom not the ISTS connectivity
permission for LTA / MTOA to be given as per its discretion.

a. True

b. False

11. Technical Standards for Grid Connectivity, installation of meters,

O&M of transmission lines etc., are prepared by

a. CTU


c. CEA


12. The SLDC shall refer and follow the following for real time grid
operation in the State/


b. Grid Standards

c. State Grid Code

d. All the above

13. The appropriate government to notify the company or authority or

corporation to operate the SLDC is

a. Central Government

b. State Government

c. Central Government or State Government

d. Central Government and State Government

14. National Electricity plan and National Electricity policies are

formulated by

a. Ministry of Power

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Indian Electricity Grid Code (IEGC 2010)

b. Central Electricity Authority

c. Central Electricity Regulatory Commission

d. National Load Despatch Centre

15. Who is primarily responsible for Planning & co-ordination of Inter-

state Transmission System?

a. CTU

b. STU

c. Standing Committee

d. CEA

16. Who is primarily responsible for Planning & co-ordination of Intra-

state Transmission System?


b. STU

c. RPC

d. CTU

17. Without signing of all PPAs, Inter-state Transmission system for

evacuation of power could not be planned by CTU. The statement is
true or false?

a. True

b. False

18. Which are the statements given below are true?

a. The ISTS planning criteria assumes a pre-contingency

system depletion (Planned outage) of another 220 kV D/C line
or 400 kV S/C line in another corridor and not emanating from
the same substation.

b. The ISTS shall be capable of withstanding the loss of most

severe single system infeed without loss of stability.

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Indian Electricity Grid Code (IEGC 2010)

c. In all substations (132 kV and above), at least two

transformers shall be provided

d. All the above

19. Planning of System Protection Schemes (SPS) shall be done by


b. CTU / STU

c. CEA / RPC


20. Permissible contingencies considered for ISTS planning criteria are

a. Outage of 132kV D/C or 220kV D/C lines without requiring

either load shedding or rescheduling of generation

b. Outage of 400kV S/C with FACTS or 400kV D/C line without

requiring load shedding but with rescheduling of generation

c. Outage of one pole of HVDC bi-pole line or one pole of HVDC

B/B station without requiring either load shedding or
rescheduling of generation

d. Outage of both poles of HVDC bi-pole line or both poles of HVDC

B/B station without requiring load shedding but with
rescheduling of generation

e. Any one of the above

f. None of the above

21. Which of the following is false?

a. Central Electricity Authority (Technical Standards for

connectivity to the Grid) Regulations, 2007 specifies the
minimum technical and design criteria that have to be followed
by all entities

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Indian Electricity Grid Code (IEGC 2010)

b. The Connection code does not apply to Generating Units,

transmission / distribution systems embedded in the intra-
State systems, and not connected to the ISTS

c. Users seeking connection to ISTS shall comply with Central

Electricity Regulatory Commission (Grant of Connectivity, Long-
term Access and Medium term Open Access in inter-state
Transmission and related matters) Regulations,2009.

d. None of the above

e. All of the above

22. Which of the following are true?

a. While granting ISTS connectivity, CTU shall provide necessary

reactive power compensation equipments

b. STU and Users seeking ISTS connectivity, shall provide

necessary reactive power compensation equipments at LV side

c. Information on installation and healthiness of reactive

compensation equipments need not be regularly reported to
RPC / RLDC by the STU as voltage control is a local phenomena

d. RPC shall regularly monitor the status of installation and

healthiness of reactive compensation equipments in the region

23. Status of installation and healthiness of reactive compensation

equipments is regularly monitored by


b. RPC


d. CTU

24. Which of the following is true?

a. The User, STU & CTU are responsible to provide the data /
speech facility at their end only

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Indian Electricity Grid Code (IEGC 2010)

b. RLDC is responsible for co-ordinating with all the agencies and

get the data / speech facility up to RLDC end

c. The Users, STU and CTU shall be responsible to provide reliable

and efficient speech and data communication system made
available to RLDC

d. None of the above

25. Developing & maintaining of operating procedure is the

responsibility of

a. NLDC / RLDC / SLDC for the National / Regional / State grid


b. Central Transmission Utility (CTU)

c. Central Electricity Authority (CEA)

d. Central Electricity Regulatory Commission (CERC)

26. Deliberate isolation of part of the grid or tripping of any important


a. Should never be done

b. could be done only incase of emergency or safety of human life

or prevention of damage to costly equipment

27. Reasonable time for reporting of tripping of any regional grid

element along with preliminary information is

a. One hour

b. One day

c. Ten minutes

d. Half-an-hour

28. Prolonged outage of important elements are monitored by


b. RPC

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Indian Electricity Grid Code (IEGC 2010)

c. CTU


29. As per RGMO provision, the participation of generating unit is

restricted to

a. 5% of MCR

b. Any amount of margin available up to MCR

c. 5 MW

d. 3% - 6%

30. The significant feature of RGMO are

a. While grid frequency below 50.2Hz, for rise in frequency,

there shall No reduction in generation by the units.

b. While grid frequency below 50.2Hz, for fall in frequency, the

units should increase its generation by 5% limited to 105%
of MCR

c. Ripple filter of + / - 0.03Hz shall be provided to prevent

Governor hunting during load correction

d. All the above

31. Maximum permissible sudden reduction in generation or sudden

increase in load as per clause 5.2 (j) of IEGC is

a. 50MW

b. 100MW

c. 200MW

d. 500MW

32. As per IEGC 2010, the operating range of system frequency in

India is

a. 49Hz – 51Hz

b. 49.2Hz – 50.3Hz

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c. 49.5Hz – 50.2Hz

d. 49.7Hz – 50.1Hz

33. The quantum of AUFR & df/dt relief decided by, its effectiveness of
operation is monitored by and any ineffective operation reported to


b. RPC


d. CTU

34. Incase of any disturbance / event, all Users shall furnish

information / data including disturbance recorder / sequential event
recorder etc., to RLDC with in a period of

a. One day

b. One week

c. One month

d. Immediately

35. Which of the following is true?

Solar / Wind generation shall be

a. Treated as must run stations

b. Instructed to back down only on specific emergency conditions

specified in IEGC

c. Provided with Data Acquisition System for transfer information

to concerned SLDC / RLDC

d. All the above

36. SLDC shall be equipped with suitable demand forecast facility that
will consider historical data, weather forecast & wind energy
forecast with effect from

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Indian Electricity Grid Code (IEGC 2010)

a. 03.05.2010

b. 01.01.2011

c. 01.01.2012

d. None of the above

37. SLDC / SEB / Distribution Licensee / Bulk Consumer can over draw
when system frequency is 49.5Hz.

a. True

b. False

38. Contingency Procedure for demand disconnection, state-of the-art

demand management schemes for automatic demand management
and Grouping of loads are one and the same.

a. False

b. Ture

39. Sending compliance report by SLDC to RLDC on the directions

issued by RLDC is mandatory as per provisions of the IEGC clause

a. 5.4.2 (e)

b. 5.4.2 (g)

c. Both (a) & (b)

d. None of the above

40. The details on the instances of non-compliance of RLDC’s direction

and the instances of inordinate delays in restoration of transmission
elements and generating units are available in

a. Daily Power System Report of RLDC

b. Weekly Report of RLDC

c. Quarterly Report of RLDC

d. Monthly Report of NLDC

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Indian Electricity Grid Code (IEGC 2010)

41. Incase of planned outages finalized in the Annual outage plan of

RPC, the outage can be availed by each User / STU / CTU, only
with final approval from RLDC prior to availing the outage.

a. True

b. False

42. IEGC clause 5.8.2 (b) mandates review / updating of Regional

Black Start Restoration procedure developed by the RLDC

a. Annually

b. Every Subsequent year

c. As and when IEGC amended

d. As and when significant changes in Regional Network

43. IEGC clause 5.8.2 (b) mandates review / updating of State Black
Start Restoration procedure developed by the SLDC

a. Annually

b. Every Subsequent year

c. As and when IEGC / State Grid Code amended

d. As and when significant changes in State Network

44. Mock exercise on Black Start Restoration of every sub-system shall

be carried out

a. At least once in a year

b. At least once in every sis months

c. At least once in a month

d. At least once in a week

45. If a generating station is connected to both ISTS and State

Network, and the State has a share allocation of 50%, the
scheduling and monitoring of the station shall be under the preview

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Indian Electricity Grid Code (IEGC 2010)

a. Concerned RLDC

b. Concerned SLDC

c. RLDC and SLDC can mutually decide

d. Any or None of the above

46. A generating station that has connected to both ISTS and State
network may be in one control area (i.e. SLDC) at one point of time
and another control area (i.e. RLDC) at another point of time.

a. True

b. False

47. Over drawal by beneficiary regional entities / under injection by

ISGS is permitted subject to network condition at frequency

a. 49.5Hz

b. Below 49.5Hz

c. Above 49.7Hz only

d. Above 49.5Hz as per UI regulation

48. As per the provision of IEGC clause 6.4.16, during fuel shortage
condition, the ISGS thermal generating station need not declare the
15 minutes block wise declared capacity for the day ahead.

a. False

b. True

49. As per the provision of IEGC clause 6.4.17, the declared capacity of
the ISGS during peak hours shall always be Not less than during
the other hours.

a. False

b. True

50. In the event of failure to demonstrate the declared capability by the

ISGS, the penalty as per clause 6.4.19 shall be

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Indian Electricity Grid Code (IEGC 2010)

a. The capacity charges for the day of miss-declaration will be

made zero

b. The UI charges payable to the ISGS for the day of miss-

declaration shall be made Zero

c. The energy and capacity charges for the day of miss-declaration

will be made zero

d. Capacity charges of two days for the first instant of miss-

declaration, capacity charges of four days for the instance of
second miss-declaration and so on.

51. All regional entities shall send the SEM meter reading to RLDC

a. By Monday Noon

b. By Tuesday Noon

c. By Thursday Noon

d. By Friday Noon

52. In ISGS hydro scheduling, the energy deviation shall be additionally

accounted in the day ahead schedule for the 4th day (day plus 3) for

a. The net energy deviation for the whole day of day 1 with net
energy for the day 4

b. The energy deviation for each time block of day 1 with

corresponding time block of day 4

c. The deviations are accounted only in UI and not in the day

ahead schedule of 4th day

d. None of the above

53. The nodal agency for scheduling of collective transactions is

a. Power Exchange

b. Regional Load Despatch Centre

c. State Load Despatch Centre

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Indian Electricity Grid Code (IEGC 2010)

d. National Load Despatch Centre

54. RLDC can suo-motu revise the injection / drawal schedule with
effect from 4th time block incase of

a. Tripping of any ISGS unit

b. System constraint in evacuation of power or for better system


c. Grid Disturbance

d. None of the above

55. Certification of grid disturbance and its duration shall be done by

a. RPC




56. As per IEGC clause 6.5.21, the schedule of ISGS thermal station
shall be revised during current day incase the station declared fuel
shortage condition on day ahead basis only incase of

a. Synchronization of unit

b. Tripping of unit

c. Withdrawal of fuel shortage condition

d. None of the above

57. As per IEGC 2010

a. Wind & Solar generation also to be scheduled

b. Maximum 8 revisions only permissible for wind generation

c. RLDC may request Revision on Solar generation, if it felt the

values declared are unrealistic

d. All the above

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Indian Electricity Grid Code (IEGC 2010)

58. Incase of curtailment of scheduling, the order of curtailment to be

followed by RLDC / SLDC for prorate curtailment is

a. LTOA, MTOA, Collective Transactions, STOA

b. STOA, Collective Transactions, MTOA, LTOA



59. For the VAr injected / absorbed within the machine capability,

a. ISGS stations are paid / received VAr charges

b. No payment is made / received form ISGS stations

c. Only payment is made and no recoveries

d. Only recovery is made and no payments

60. Commission has the power to relax any provisions of IEGC and can
give such directions beyond the IEGC provisions

a. True

b. False

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Indian Electricity Grid Code (IEGC 2010)

Answers / Keys

1 D 19 A 37 B 55 B

2 7 20 E 38 A 56 B

3 D 21 D 39 C 57 D

4 C 22 B&D 40 B 58 B

5 A 23 B 41 A 59 B

6 C 24 C 42 A 60 A

7 B 25 A 43 B 61

8 B 26 B 44 B 62

9 D 27 C 45 A 63

10 B 28 A 46 A 64

11 C 29 A 47 D 65

12 D 30 D 48 B 66

13 B 31 B 49 A 67

14 C 32 C 50 D 68

15 A 33 B 51 B 69

16 B 34 B 52 A 70

17 B 35 D 53 D 71

18 D 36 B 54 B 72

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