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Simulacion Paralela CFD Ansys

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Configuring and Launching ANSYS CFX 16 - Distributed using

Platform MPI or Intel MPI

Table of Contents
BEFORE YOU PROCEED............................................................................................................................................................ 1
Configuring CFX to run across Multiple Computers (Distributed Memory) ........................................................................... 2
NOTE: CFX has to be installed on the same drive letter on all computers. ............................................................................ 2
Installing IBM Platform MPI or Installing INTEL MPI ............................................................................................................... 2
Installing INTEL MPI ............................................................................................................................................................ 7
Issue We Have Seen and Best Practices.................................................................................................................................. 7
Enabling CFX Parallel through Windows Firewall ................................................................................................................... 7
Submitting CFX Solve Jobs .................................................................................................................................................. 8
Troubleshooting ...................................................................................................................................................................... 9


ANSYS CFX runs using MPI (required for running on more than one computer) must be members of an Active
Directory domain and the same Active Directory domain. Trying to run CFX or any ANSYS solvers requiring MPI
on more than one computer and being in a “WORKGROUP” environment instead of a DOMAIN will not work
and is not supported by the MPI vendors or ANSYS. Active Directory is used by the MPIs for
username/password authentication for security purposes. Before you proceed check your system to make
sure you are a member of a Domain. Open up Control Panel > System, look for the term “Domain” with a
domain name. If you see the word “WORKGROUP” do not proceed and contact your IT folks about adding
your computer to Active Directory.

1. Go to Control Panel > System to check if your computer is a member of a WORKGROUP or DOMAIN

NOTE: The steps listed in this document are for running CFX across multiple computers ONLY not for running
on multiple processors on the same computer. Some of these steps require administrator privileges. Please
contact your Systems Administrator for assistance.

Configuring CFX to run across Multiple Computers

(Distributed Memory)
Install CFX on all computers that will be used for distributed computing. The default location will install CFX in
C:\Program Files\ANSYS Inc\v160\CFX.

NOTE: CFX has to be installed on the same drive letter on all computers.

Installing IBM Platform MPI or Installing INTEL

1. To install the MPI choose the setup.exe file from the ANSYS Installation.
2. Choose "Install MPI for ANSYS Parallel Processing"

Choose “Service Mode”

This is the default “Firewall” port that IBM Platform MPI will use. Please add this port to the Firewall Exceptions list if

Proceed through the installation

Restart your computer.

If you have already installed ANSYS CFX you can run the MPI installer manually, if necessary, by following the
steps below following the steps above once the installer has started.

Platform MPI (assuming the default installation location)

1. Open up Windows Explorer or File Explorer

2. Browse to C:\Program Files\ANSYS Inc\v160\commonfiles\MPI\Platform\\Windows (do not
choose the winx64 directory)
3. Run PlatformMPI- (right-click “Run as Administrator”)

Intel MPI (assuming the default installation location)

1. Open up Windows or File Explorer

2. Browse to C:\Program Files\ANSYS Inc\v160\commonfiles\MPI\Intel\4.1.3\Windows (do not choose
the winx64 directory)
3. Run w_mpi-rt_p_4.1.3.045.exe (right-click “Run as Administrator”)

Installing INTEL MPI

Intel MPI installation is required even when running local parallel. If you decide to use Intel MPI install it on
the local machine and all other machines you wish to run CFX on. Follow the prompts as suggested when
installing IBM Platform MPI.


If running on one machine you DO NOT need to install Platform MPI

Issue We Have Seen and Best Practices

1. Using an installation shared from a Windows XP machine you may see random issues in parallel
startup. This is due to Windows setting a very tight limit, 10, for network file connections, which is very
easy to exceed. Users are recommended to install ANSYS on a Windows server OS machine and share
from this machine.
2. MPIs are sensitive to network issues, different processor levels, memory speeds, operating systems,
etc. So the things to check are:
1. Are all computers on a DOMAIN? MPI’s require Active Directory Authentication.
2. Do all of the Workstations have the same processor type?
3. The same Memory Speed?
4. The same Operating System?
5. If you answered NO, to any of these questions, contact ANSYS Support for Best Practices and

Enabling CFX Parallel through Windows Firewall

To enable Parallel Processing through a Windows firewall:

1. Click on Start and select Control Panel.

2. On the Control Panel dialog, double-click Security Center.
3. Click Windows Firewall.
4. On the Windows Firewall dialog, click the Exceptions tab and then click Add Program.
5. Browse to the following programs:

For Platform MPI for Windows 64-bit
C:\Program Files\ANSYS Inc\v160\commonfiles\MPI\Platform\9.1\winx64\bin\mpirun.exe
C:\Program Files\ANSYS Inc\v160\commonfiles\MPI\Platform\9.1\winx64\bin\mpid.exe

Platform MPI uses Port 8636 so you will also need to add this port

Adding hosts to the hostinfo.ccl file

In order to use Distributed Parallel the file hostinfo.ccl must exist in the C:\Program Files\ANSYS
Inc\v160\CFX\config directory of the ANSYS CFX installation on the master node and be made readable by all users of
the software. This file is a database containing information about the available nodes and where ANSYS CFX has been
installed on each of them. The file is used by the ANSYS CFX-Solver when constructing a parallel run.

1. Browse to the C:\Program Files\ANSYS Inc\V160\CFX\config directory.

2. Open up the hostinfo.ccl file.

Example of the
hostinfo.ccl file

NOTE: There are several other statements you can add, if needed, to the hostinfo.ccl file. Please see ANSYS
Help> Installation and Licensing Documents > Configuring High Performance Computing for more information.

Submitting CFX Solve Jobs

1. Open up the CFX Launcher 16.0 then choose CFX Solve Manager 16.0
2. Choose File > Define Run or choose the Define Run icon
3. Browse to your CFX file
4. Under "Run Mode" choose "Platform MPI Distributed Parallel"
5. Choose the "Insert Host" icon to add your hosts. If you created the hostinfo.ccl file correctly, it will
already be populated with host names. If there are no hosts to add, STOP and go back to the previous
section "Adding Hosts to the hostinfo.ccl File".
6. Choose "Start Run".

What to send to ANSYS Support

1. A copy of the failed .out file

2. A screenshot of the CFX Command Window showing the error.

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