FF68 Manual Check Deposit in Sap PDF
FF68 Manual Check Deposit in Sap PDF
FF68 Manual Check Deposit in Sap PDF
This function allows you to enter the checks you’ve received. After the input is complete, you can access the
additional functions to further process the entered checks. Additionally, you can enter several document numbers and
different invoice amounts for one incoming check / memo record. This is useful if a customer pays several invoices
with one check. The system highlights the account assignment field when you have entered several values in it.
2. Before entering checks you need to define what entry variant you’d like to use and how do you want to post
process the checks. Select from the menu pathSettings ®Specifications.
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record processing.
Processing type Use this field to control Example: 2
whether postings via batch
input are carried out online or
as a background job.
In the field Processing type you can also use key 4 – Further processing online, instead of 2 – Further
processing as batch input (generate batch). In such case, after posting of checks, the system will not create batch
input session, but will post the documents automatically. However, to complete the process you need to use the
transaction code FEBA (Postprocess) to check the results of this automatic posting and eventually complete the
5. Click <checkbox> Int. bank determin. . Instead of entering full bank account number,
you can now use short bank name, defined in the system (like CITI e.g.).
6. Click Enter Button. Now you need to enter other parameters before you begin to enter checks:
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You choose posting through the batch input session, so now to do the postings, you need to process the two
batch input sessions.
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If you select in your specifications Processing type 4 (on-line posting), the system will not create a batch
input session. You’ll need to process your checks using transaction FEBA – Postprocess:
When you enter the check data and save your statement, the system will display a report (log) presenting
which items have been cleared automatically and what is the number of items that still need to be cleared manually.
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This report shows postings separately for GL account and for sub-ledger (AR). In the column Errors you can see
how many transactions needs to be processed manually. In this example
20. Follow the menu path: Accounting ® Financial Accounting ® Banks ® Incomings ® Check Deposit ® FEBA -
22. Click Enter Button to confirm your entries. The system will display a list of check transactions that need
to be processed.
Note: The transactions (line items) marked with green ticks have been processed automatically –
system has found the relevant open items, based on reference document number and customer name and
cleared them automatically. The transactions marked with red ticks need to be processed manually.
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23. Double-click the required check statement, e.g. 021000089 40753699 USD.
25. To process this document, select from the menu path: Line items ®Post.
28. Select the required open item and click Save Button to post the document.
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29. The message bar displays “Document XXXXXXXXX was posted in company code 5200”
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Would you be able to fix that by any chance? I tried Chrome and Internet Explorer.
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